ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 04/07 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 201 - Februar 2007 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Mal ganz ehrlich: wann haben Sie sich zum letzten Mal so richtig gegruselt? Doch nicht wohl während der Faschingszeit, die mitunter ganz schön erschreckende Kostümchen hervorzaubert. Vielleicht schon eher beim letzten Steuerbescheid. Aber Spaß beiseite. Wir meinen das mit dem Gruseln natürlich im Hinblick auf ihren Filmkonsum. Weder HANNIBAL RISING noch SAW III (oder sind wir schon bei Teil 4?) konnten uns zumindest auch nur ansatzweise in einen solchen Schockzustand versetzen, wie das im ver- gangenen Jahr die beiden Shooting Stars Xavier Palud und David Moreau mit ihrem kleinen Meisterwerk ILS bravourös be- werkstelligt haben. Diese französische Independent-Produktion hat sich uns so- gleich in unseren virtuellen Filmspeicher gebrannt und gleichzeitig ein paar weniger geglückte Versuche bluttriefender Horror- kost aus unserem Gedächtnis gelöscht. ILS ist ein Paradebeispiel für perfekten Psychohorror, hat er doch in seiner wahn- sinnig knappen Spielzeit von nur 77 Minu- ten bei weitem mehr zu bieten als überlan- ges Mainstreamkino. Die beiden Franzosen haben es auf den Punkt gebracht: In der Kürze liegt die Würze! Die Geschichte eines Paares, das im fernen Rumänien ein entspanntes Wochenende im einsam gele- genen Waldhäuschen verbringen möchte und des nachts von unheimlichen Vorgän- gen geängstigt wird, basiert auf einer wah- ren Begebenheit, was diesen Psychothriller erst richtig gruselig macht. Dazu die her- vorragende CinemasScope-Fotografie und Nichts für Angsthasen: der französische Schocker ILS auf DVD ein erstklassiges Sounddesign, das sämtli- che Register zieht, um den Zuschauer in 2007 über die Ladentische wandern. Aller- also dieses Editorial mit Rücksicht auf Panik zu versetzen. Mit all diesen Zutaten dings deuten die bisherigen Angaben des unseren Schlafbedarf bereits an dieser haben Moreau und Palud auf dem letztjäh- Vermarkters Ascot Elite auf ein falsches Stelle beenden. Bis zum nächsten Mal! rigen Fantasy Filmfest gepunktet und sich Bildformat hin (1:1.85 statt 1:2.35). Zu zu einem der heimlichen Favoriten gemau- hoffen bleibt, dass man sich bis dorthin Ihr LASER HOTLINE Team sert. Warum wir Ihnen das alles erzählen? noch auf das richtige Bildformat besinnt. Ganz einfach: Es gibt endlich eine DVD Wie auch immer - wir konnten der Verlok- des Films. Denn wie so oft bei richtig gu- kung der französischen DVD natürlich ten Filmen hat sich wieder einmal kein nicht widerstehen und haben uns das edle Filmverleih gefunden, der dieses Werk Stück gleich gegönnt. Mit dem Fazit: Wir auswerten wollte. Und so freuen wir uns, bereuen nichts! dass ILS seit einer Woche als französische DVD verfügbar ist. In bester Ausstattung, It’s Oscar’s Night tonight! versteht sich: Dolby Digital und DTS Die guten alten Oscars (oder vornehm aus- Sound jeweils als 5.1 Mix, ein anamorphes gedrückt: Academy Awards) stehen wieder Bild im korrekten 1:2.35 Seitenverhältnis, einmal in Reih’ und Glied und warten auf optionale englische Untertitel sowie ihre neuen Besitzer. Die größte Show, die Bonusmaterial. Für EUR 35,90 können Sie Hollywood zu bieten hat, wird wieder live diese DVD über uns beziehen und damit in alle Teile der Erde übertragen. Das Ihr Heimkino in eine wahre Hölle verwan- möchten wir natürlich nicht missen und deln. Wer keine Untertitel mag und auch werden uns wie in den Jahren zuvor bereits des Französischen nicht mächtig ist, der zu einer unchristlichen Zeit aus unseren muss sich leider noch bis in den Mai hin- Betten quälen. Und damit das auch wirk- ein gedulden. Denn die deutsche Kauf- lich klappt, werden wir unsere film- version von ILS mit dem nicht allzu deut- gequälten Häupter schon etwas früher als Schlafraubend: die schen Titel THEM wird erst am 25. Mai normal in die Federn legen. Lassen Sie uns Academy Award Show

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007

Episches Actionabenteuer mit sozialpolitisch Journalistin Maddy Bower (Jennifer Connelly Hounsou mit ergreifend einen einfachen Mann, engagiertem Herzschlag, das Leonardo fungiert als Love Interest und Sprachrohr gegen der selbstlos alles für die Rettung seiner Familie DiCaprio als „Konflikt-Diamanten“ Gier und öffentliche Apathie). Sie wiederum einsetzt. Mit dem in London angesiedelten schmuggelnden Söldner während der erhofft sich von Archer die nötigen Beweise für Epilog endet das etwas überlange Actionepos Bürgerkriegsunruhen in Sierra Leone aufweist. die Überführung der ausländischen mit Mut zur Wahrheit verhalten optimistisch. Hintermänner. Gleichzeitig haben Archers Insgesamt stellt sich die Thematik jedoch wie Für Regisseur Ed Zwick ist der - in diesem Fall früherer Colonel und der psychopathische in „Hotel Ruanda“ aufwühlend brisant dar, womit vom „K-Pax“-Skripter Charles Leavitt verfasste Rebellenführer Captain Poison ebenfalls die die Filmemacher hoffen, das Mainstream- - Stoff um eine gefallene Heldenfigur auf der Spur des Steins aufgenommen, mit dem sie Publikum wachzurütteln - und blendend zu Suche nach seelischer Erlösung und alle ihren Abgang aus Afrika finanzieren wollen. unterhalten. Zumindest letzteres ist gelungen. moralischer Erneuerung mittlerweile Programm. Wie Denzel Washington in „Glory“ Auf dem schwarzen Kontinent mit malerischen ara. und Tom Cruise in „Last Samurai“ mimt Aufnahmen gedreht, kreiert Zwick in seiner „Departed: Unter Feinden“-Star DiCaprio eine üblichen Gratwanderung zwischen Passion und Quelle: Blickpunkt:Film kontroverse und komplexe Figur, die in Pathos einen emotionsgeladenen Konfliktfilm außergewöhnliche (martialische) Umstände voll virtuos inszenierter Actionsequenzen. Dabei BLOOD DIAMOND verwickelt wird und dadurch eine neue greift er nicht nur effektiv persönliche Lebensrichtung einschlägt. Schicksale auf, sondern versucht auch Einblick NTSC - Regionalcode 1 in die Zusammenhänge zu gewähren. Präzise Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) oder Der opportunistische Söldner Danny Archer recherchiert, werden die Grausamkeiten der Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) schmuggelt anno 1999 für internationale selbsterklärten „Freiheitskämpfer“ und deren Dolby Digital 5.1 Diamantenkartelle illegale Steine aus Sierra Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten skizziert. Leone, die er von (volks)mörderischen Einer dieser mit Gewalt, Gehirnwäsche und Rebellenführern erworben hat. Als Archer Drogen erzeugten Kampfroboter ist Vandys Normalpreis Einzel-DVD: EUR 45,90 kurzzeitig im Gefängnis landet, erfährt er, dass kleiner Sohn Dia. Die Szenen der mit AK47 Pre-Order Einzel-DVD: EUR 39,90 der ebenfalls inhaftierte Fischer Solomon Vandy ausgerüsteten jungen Killer, die mechanisch (Djimon Hounsou glänzt wie schon in „Amistad“ ganze Dörfer massakrieren und anschließend oder „Die vier Federn“ als nobler Afrikaner) feuchtfröhlich ihre Siege feiern, verstören tief Normalpreis Doppel-DVD: EUR 56,90 während seiner Zwangsarbeit unter den mit ihrer fesselnden Authentizität. Die Romanze Pre-Order Doppel-DVD: EUR 49,90 Rebellen einen hundertkarätigen pinken zwischen dem famos agierenden DiCaprio und Diamanten gefunden und versteckt hat. Im der etwas unterbeschäftigten Connelly wird (Pre-Order gültig bis 14.03.2007) Austausch für das Juwel verspricht Archer allerdings mehr vom emotionalen Score denn Vandy, seine verschleppte Familie von der Chemie zwischen den beiden Voraussichtlich erhältlich wiederzufinden. Dafür benötigt der Söldner vorangetrieben. Während DiCaprios Archer auf ab 20. März 2007 seinerseits die Hilfe der idealistischen seinen eigenen Vorteil bedacht ist, verkörpert

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Lady Oscar - Die Rose von Ver- Eureka Seven, Vol. 01 sailles, Volume 1 - Episode 01-05 Animation Kokyô Shihen Eureka Seven Dir. Tomoki Kyôda (Einzel-DVD) Audiokommentar, Interview Berusaiyu No Bara Astraea Testament: Good Witch Zeichentrick/Action 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Dir. Osamu Dezaki, Tadao Nagahama of the West - Vol. 1 (2 DVDs) 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Jap) 130min. Bildergalerie Nishi No Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament AL!VE (beez Entertainment) 09.03.2007 Zeichentrick/Drama 1979 FF DD 2.0 (D) Booklet, Sammelkarten 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020981 110min. Zeichentrick/Abenteuer FF DD 2.0 (D) DD KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 ( Jap) 210min. He Is My Master - Vol. 01 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020854 Virtual (Anime Video) 23.04.2007 Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020843 Dir. Shoji Saeki Die letzten Glühwürmchen Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) (Deluxe Edition) Astraea Testament: Good Witch DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. Hotaru No Haka of the West - Vol. 2 (2 DVDs) Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 26.03.2007 Dir. Isao Takahata Nishi No Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020848 Making of, Interview, Storyboard-Video, Bildergalerie, Booklet, Sammelkarten Booklet Zeichentrick/Abenteuer FF DD 2.0 (D) DD He Is My Master - Vol. 01 (+ Zeichentrick/Drama 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 85min. 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 180min. Sammelschuber) Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 25.06.2007 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 23.04.2007 Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020833 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020988 Dir. Shoji Saeki Schürze, Sammelkarte, Booklet Mila Superstar - Vol. 2, Episode Augsburger Puppenkiste - Der Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Löwe ist los & Kommt ein Löwe DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. 31-55 (6 DVDs) geflogen (2 DVDs) Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 26.03.2007 Atakku No. 1 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020847 Dir. Fumio Kurokawa, Eiji Okabe Dir. Harald Schäfer Unveröffentlichte Bonusepisode, Bildergalerie, Autoren- Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1965-1966 FF DD info, Booklet 1.0 (D) 240min. He Is My Master - Vol. 02 Zeichentrick/Drama 1969-1971 FF DD 1.0 Lighthouse 15.08.2007 Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama (D) 660min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020901 Dir. Shoji Saeki KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 Sammelkarte 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020857 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Katze Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. Origin - Spirits of the Past (2 mit Hut & Neues von der Katze Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 28.05.2007 mit Hut (2 DVDs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020835 DVDs) Dir. Sepp Strubel Gin-Iro No Kami No Agito Die Museumsratten 6", Musikvideos, Teaser, Trailer He Is My Master - Vol. 03 Dir. Keiichi Sugiyama Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1982-1983 FF DD Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 2006 1.0 (D) 230min. Dir. Shoji Saeki Universum Film (ufa animé) 21.05.2007 Lighthouse 29.03.2007 Sammelkarte 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020943 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020902 Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. Princess Princess - Vol. 01, Epi- Augsburger Puppenkiste - Urmel Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 30.07.2007 soden 01-06 (2 DVDs) aus dem Eis (Gold Edition, 4 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020831 Purinsesu Purinsesu Zeichentrick/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD DVDs + 2 Audio-CDs) He Is My Master - Vol. 04 Dir. Harald Schäfer 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 180min. Booklet Kore Ga Watashi No Goshujin-Sama Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 23.04.2007 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) Dir. Shoji Saeki 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020844 115min. Sammelkarte Zeichentrick/Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) Lighthouse 22.03.2007 Princess Princess - Vol. 02, Epi- DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020907 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 24.09.2007 soden 07-12 (2 DVDs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020829 Purinsesu Purinsesu Basilisk, Vol. 02 Zeichentrick/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD Basilisk: Kôga Ninpô Chô He-Man and the Masters of the 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 180min. Interview mit Cast & Crew Teil 2 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 25.06.2007 Zeichentrick 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Universe (3 DVDs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020834 DTS (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 90min. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe AL!VE (OVA Films) 09.03.2007 Originalversion Trailer 1 & 2, Fun Trivia Facts, Video Rumiko Takahashi Anthologie - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020979 Featurette, Synchronisations Storyboard-Vergleich, Sing- a-long, DVD-Rom Feature Script, Dokumentationen, Vol. 01-04 (4 DVDs) Musik-Video, 50 detaillierte Profile verschiedener Kreatu- Black Jack - Trauma ren Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou Black Jack Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 FF DD 5.1 (D) Dir. Rumiko Takahashi Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie DTS (D) 240min. Zeichentrick 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Zeichentrick/Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 380min. (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 110min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020852 Red Planet 16.03.2007 AL!VE (OVA) 09.03.2007 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020969 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020980 Das Königreich der Katzen (Ein- zel-DVD) Das Schloss des Cagliostro Black Lagoon - Vol. 01 Neko No Ongaeshi (Collector’s Box) Burakku Raguun Dir. Hiroyuki Morita Rupan Sansei: Kariosutoro No Shiro Dir. Sunao Katabuchi Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD Dir. Hayao Miyazaki Goodie, Booklet 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (jap) 72min. 60-seitiges Booklet, Storyboard-Video, 2 Trailer Zeichentrick/Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Universum Film (ufa animé) 10.04.2007 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1979 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 120min. 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020846 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 23.04.2007 100min. tba BestellNr.: 20020987

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Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 26.03.2007 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (Jap) 95min. Afterlife (OmU) tba BestellNr.: 20020990 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 23.04.2007 Wandâfuru Raifu tba BestellNr.: 20020989 Arata, Erika Oda, Susumu Terajima, Speedgrapher Vol. 5 Takashi Naito, Kyoko Kagawa, Kei Tani, Speed Grapher Taketoshi Naito, Yusuke Iseya, Sadao Abe, Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Kazuko Shirakawa, Hisako Hara, Sayaka Hintergrundbericht Film Yoshino, Kotaro Shiga, Natsuo Ishido, Toru Action/Science Fiction 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD , Akio Yokoyama, Tomomi Hiraiwa, 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 120min. Yasuhiro Kasamatsu - Dir. Hirokazu Kore- AL!VE (OVA) 09.03.2007 eda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020982 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos Drama 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Jap) Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 01 119min. (2 DVDs) Astro (Starlight Film) 30.03.2007 Cat’s Eye 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020898 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 (D) 360min. Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 26.03.2007 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020849 Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 02 (2 DVDs) Cat’s Eye Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 (D) 360min. Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 28.05.2007 3 Zimmer, Küche, Tod 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020836 Erika Kollmann-Till, Günter Gräfenberg, Julia Gschnitzer, Nik Neureiter, Daniela Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 03 Pürstl, Frank Roeder, Gerhard Kasal - Dir. (2 DVDs) Bastian Zach, Matthias Bauer Cat’s Eye Trailer, Making of, Outtakes, Storyboards, Bildergalerie Thriller/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 95min. (D) 360min. Alien vs. Predator (Blu-ray) starmedia 25.04.2007 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 23.07.2007 AVP: Alien Vs. Predator 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020959 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020832 Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Lance Henriksen, Ewen Bremner, Colin Salmon, Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 04 Tommy Flanagan, Joseph Rye, Agathe de la (2 DVDs) Boulaye, Carsten Norgaard, Sam Troughton, Petr Jakl, Pavel Bezdek, Kieran Cat’s Eye Bew, Carsten Voigt, Jan Pavel Filipensky, Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 Adrian Bouchet, Tom Woodruff jr. - Dir. Paul (D) 360min. W.S. Anderson Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 24.09.2007 Audiokommentare, Trailer, „Unrated“-Fassung des Films 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020830 Science Fiction/Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 05 101min. (2 DVDs) Fox 23.04.2007 Cat’s Eye 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020915 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 (D) 360min. Arang (k.J.) Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 26.11.2007 Arang 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020828 Choo So-yeong, Jeong Won-jung, Kim Ok- bin, Lee Dong-wook, Lee Jong-su, Song Ein Supertrio - Cat’s Eye, Vol. 06 Yun-ah - Dir. Ahn Sang-hoon (2 DVDs) Audiokommentar Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Cat’s Eye (Korea) 93min. Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 Splendid 25.05.2007 (D) 360min. tba BestellNr.: 20020984 Anime Virtual (Anime Video) 28.01.2008 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020827 Are You Scared? (k.J.) Der tapfere kleine Toaster Are You Scared? Carlee Avers, Alethea Kutscher, Brad The Brave Little Toaster Ashten, Kariem Markbury, Brent Fidler - Dir. Dir. Jerry Rees 999 - Final Destination Death Andy Hurst Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) 999-9999 Originaltrailer DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Sririta Jensen, Julachak Jakrapong, Paula Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Concorde (Concolino) 07.03.2007 Taylor, Thepparit Raiwin, Norajan (E) 76min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020892 Sangigern, Titinun Keatanakon - Dir. Peter e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.04.2007 Manus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020884 XXXHolic / Tsubasa Chronicle Originaltrailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie (Fanbuch Edition) Horror 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Die Asche meiner Mutter (Book Gekijôban Xxxholic Manatsu No Yoru No (Thai) 103min. Edition) e-m-s GmbH (Anolis) 15.03.2007 Yume / Tsubasa Chronicle Angela’s Ashes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020862 Dir. Tsutomu Mizushima, Kôichi Mashimo Emily Watson, Robert Carlyle, Joe Breen, Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Ciaran Owens, Michael Legge, Ronnie

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Masterson, Pauline McLynn, Liam Carney, (D) 86min. Meister aller Klassen Eanna MacLiam - Dir. Sir Alan Parker KSM 12.04.2007 Bildergalerie, Filmografie, Trailer Drama 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020850 Action/Eastern 135min. (E) DD 5.1 (F) 140min. Elfra 16.02.2007 Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Die blonde Venus 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020911 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020924 Blonde Venus Marlene Dietrich, Herbert Marshall, Cary Grant, Dickie Moore, Gene Morgan, Rita La Roy, Robert Emmett O’Connor, Sidney Toler, Morgan Wallace - Dir. Josef von Sternberg Drama 1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 90min. Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.04.2007 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020999 Branded to Kill (OmU) Koroshi No Rakuin Joe Shishido - Dir. Seijun Suzuki Interviews, Bildergalerie, Kinotrailer, Poster, Postkarten Thriller 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (Jap) Rapid Eye Movies 30.03.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020886 Bridget Jones - Schokolade zum Frühstück (Samt Edition) Bridget Jones’s Diary Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent, Embeth Davidtz, Shirley Henderson, Sally Phillips, James Callis, Honor Blackman, Celia Imrie - Dir. Sharon Maguire Beneath Still Waters (k.J.) Komödie 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Countdown - Mission Terror Beneath Still Waters (E) 93min. Lichnyy Nomer Michael McKell, Raquel Merono, Charlotte Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Aleksei Makarov, Louise Lombard, Salt, Patrick Gordon, Diana Penalver, José 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020925 Vyacheslav Razbegayev, Yegor Pozenko, María Pou - Dir. Brian Yuzna Yuri Tsurilo, Viktor Verzhbitsky - Dir. Making of, Interviews, Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Broken - Keiner kann dich retten Yevgeni Lavrentyev Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (k.J.) Originaltrailer, Making of, Interviews, Featurette, TV- (E) 96min. Spots Broken e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.03.2007 Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Nadja Brand Mason, Eric Colvin, Abbey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020863 DD 5.1 (Russ) 106min. Stirling, Olivia Hill - Dir. Adam Mason, Si- e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 29.03.2007 Benny’s Video mon Boyes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020859 Originaltrailer Arno Frisch, Angela Winkler, Ulrich Mühe, Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Crying Fist (Special Edition, 2 Ingrid Stassner - Dir. Michael Haneke DD 2.0 (E) 76min. Interview MIG Filmgroup 05.04.2007 DVDs) Drama 1991-1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020949 Jumeogi Unda 101min. Choi Min-sik, Ryu Seung-beom, Im Weon- AL!VE (Pierrot Le Fou) 02.03.2007 Cargo heui, Chun Ho-jin, Oh Dal-su, Byeon Heui- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020893 Cargo bong, Gi Ju-bong, Na Mun-hee, Kim Su- Daniel Brühl, Peter Mullan, Luis Tosar, hyeon - Dir. Ryoo Seung-wan Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Extra Box- Samuli Edelmann, Gary Lewis, Nikki szenen Amuka-Bird, Christopher Fairbank, Carlos Action/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Blanco, Pere Eugeni Font, Gonzalo Cunill - DD 5.1 (Korea) 116min. Dir. Clive Gordon Splendid 27.04.2007 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020837 Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Cup of My Blood (Metallschuber) Legend Films 18.06.2007 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020958 (k.J.) Cup Of My Blood Chamatkar - Der Himmel führt Daniel Patrick Sullivan, Janina Gavankar, uns zusammen... Allie Smith, Roger Anderson, Lance Mulvaney, Circus Szalewski - Dir. Lance Chamatkar Catania Shahrukh Khan, Naseeruddin Shah, Urmila Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer Matondkar, Shammi Kapoor, Tinnu Anand, Horror/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Arun Bakshi - Dir. Rajiv Mehra DD 5.1 (E) 103min. Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Splendid (I-On New Media) 27.04.2007 Drama 1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020840 Blaue Bohnen für ein Halleluja 150min. KSM (NewKSM) 10.05.2007 Little Rita Nel West Dark Summer (FSK 18) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020921 Rita Pavone, Terence Hill, Lucio Dalla - Dir. Do You Wanna Know A Secret? Ferdinando Baldi Jackie Chan Collection (2 DVDs) Joey Lawrence, Chad Allen, Dorie Barton, Western/Komödie 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Elsie Escobar, Tom Jay Jones, Leonora Der Meister mit den gebrochenen Händen /

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Diler - Indian Jones Eva & Adam - Fyra Födelsedagar Och Ett Anji Fiasko Chiranjeevi, Tinnu Anand, Namrata Ellen Fjaestad, Carl-Robert Holmer-Karell, Shirodkar, Nagendra Babu, Bhupinder Ulrika Bergman, Pablo Martinez, Tove Singh, M.S. Narayana - Dir. Kodi Edfeldt, Rosanna Munther, Anders Habe- Ramakrishna nicht, Anki Larsson, Douglas Johansson, Dokumentation, Biografie Erik Johansson, Alvin Nystrom, Maria af Abenteuer/Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Malmborg, Carina M. Johansson, Per Holm- (D) 110min. berg, Ny Edfeldt, Carl Wachtmeister, Stefan MIG Filmgroup 05.04.2007 Sundström - Dir. Catti Edfeldt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020950 Drama 2001 FF DD 2.0 (D) 86min. Lighthouse 29.03.2007 Django - Ein Dollar für den Tod 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020903 Dollar For The Dead Emilio Estevez, William Forsythe, Joaquim De Almeida, Jonathan Banks, Howie Long, Ed Lauter, Lance Kinsey, Jordi Mollà - Dir. Gene Quintano Western 1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Scelfo - Dir. Thomas Bradford 95min. Thriller/Horror 2001 FF DD 5.1 (D) MIG Filmgroup 05.04.2007 91min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020951 Evolution Entertainment 30.06.2003 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020991 Don Q, Sohn des Zorro Don Q Son Of Zorro Departed - Unter Feinden (Blu- Douglas Fairbanks sen. - Dir. Donald Crisp ray) Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografie, Qualitätsvergleich Abenteuer 1925 FF 111min. The Departed starmedia 04.04.2007 Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020965 Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Ray Winstone, Vera Farmiga, Anthony Das dritte Auge (k.J.) Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Corrigan, Il Terzo Occhio Badgett Dale, David O’Hara, Mark Rolston, Franco Nero, Gioia Pascal, Erika Blanc, Robert Wahlberg, Kristen Hocking - Dir. Olga Solbelli, Marina Morgan - Dir. Mino Martin Scorsese Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, US-Kinotrailer Guerrini Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Thriller 1966 FF DD 1.0 (D) 77min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) 152min. KSM 15.03.2007 Warner 13.04.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020970 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020997 Eastern Collection (2 DVDs) Evil Aliens (Einzel-DVD) (k.J.) Kampf der Giganten / Das Todesschwert Departed - Unter Feinden (HD Evil Aliens DVD) der Ninja / Shaolin - Eine Faust die tötet Bildergalerien Chris Adamson, Emily Booth, Sam Butler, The Departed Action/Eastern 250min. Jennifer Evans, Jamie Honeybourne, Nick Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Elfra 16.02.2007 Smithers, Jodie Shaw, Norman Lovett - Dir. Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020908 Jake West Ray Winstone, Vera Farmiga, Anthony Deutscher Trailer, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Corrigan, English Babu Desi Mem - Der Horror/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Badgett Dale, David O’Hara, Mark Rolston, Junge aus England und das indi- Robert Wahlberg, Kristen Hocking - Dir. e-m-s GmbH (Anolis) 01.03.2007 Martin Scorsese sche Mädchen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020874 Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, US-Kinotrailer English Babu Desi Mem Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 5.1 Shahrukh Khan, Sonali Bendre, Rajeshwari, (D) DDP 5.1 (E) 152min. Saeed Jaffrey, Kiran Kumar, Baba Warner 13.04.2007 Brahmbhatt - Dir. Praveen Nischol 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020998 Filmographien, Bildergalerie Komödie/Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Departed - Unter Feinden (Hindi) 163min. (Limited Edition im Steelbook, 2 KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020851 DVDs) The Departed Eragon - Das Vermächtnis der Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Drachenreiter (Blu-ray) Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Eragon Ray Winstone, Vera Farmiga, Anthony Ed Speleers, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Guillory, Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Corrigan, Robert Carlyle, John Malkovich, Garrett Badgett Dale, David O’Hara, Mark Rolston, Hedlund, Alun Armstrong, Christopher Robert Wahlberg, Kristen Hocking - Dir. Egan, Gary Lewis, Djimon Hounsou, Rachel Martin Scorsese Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen, US-Kinotrailer, Weisz - Dir. Stefen Fangmeier Englisches Original Drehbuch Fantasy 2006 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Fox 19.04.2007 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 145min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020883 Warner 13.04.2007 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020996 Eva und Adam - Vier Geburtstage Evil Aliens (Special Edition, 2 und ein Fiasko DVDs im Steelbook) (k.J.)

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Evil Aliens Luis Merino Chris Adamson, Emily Booth, Sam Butler, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jennifer Evans, Jamie Honeybourne, Nick Horror 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Smithers, Jodie Shaw, Norman Lovett - Dir. (It) 93min. Jake West e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.03.2007 Audiokommentare, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020864 Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette, Kurzfilm Der Halunke (FSK 18) Horror/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Docteur Popaul DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Laura Antonelli, Dani- e-m-s GmbH (Anolis) 01.03.2007 el Ivernel, Mia Farrow, Daniel Lecourtois - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020875 Dir. Claude Chabrol Der Favorit der Zarin Action/Komödie 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 97min. Le Secret Du Chevalier D’Éon KSM 15.03.2007 Andrée Debar, Gabriele Ferzetti, Isa tba BestellNr.: 20020973 Miranda, Bernard Blier, Dany Robin - Dir. Jacqueline Audry Michael Haneke Trilogie Filmografien, Bildergalerie Hood Of Horror Abenteuer/Komödie 1959 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Der siebente Kontinent / Benny’s Video / 71 Snoop Dogg, Ernie Hudson, Danny Trejo, (D) 90min. Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls Pooch Hall, Anson Mount, Daniella Alonso, KSM 15.03.2007 Dir. Michael Haneke Lin Shaye, Brande Roderick, Richard Gant - tba BestellNr.: 20020971 Interviews, Entfallene Szenen Dir. Stacy Title Drama 1989-1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Horror/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) AL!VE (Pierrot Le Fou) 02.03.2007 The Fear of Speed (FSK 18) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 84min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020894 The Fear Of Speed Sunfilm 23.03.2007 Mike Lee, Mike Horner, Tawny Roberts - Dir. Herzen in Aufruhr (Samt Edition) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020934 Jeff Centauri Jude Bildergalerie Horror Collection (3 DVDs) Christopher Eccleston, Kate Winslet, Liam Action/Komödie 2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) Windigo / White Zombies / Terror House Cunningham, Rachel Griffiths, June 90min. Horror 228min. Whitfield, Ross Colvin Turnbull, James Elfra 16.02.2007 Elfra 16.02.2007 Daley, Berwick Kaler, Sean McKenzie, Ri- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020909 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020910 chard Albrecht, Caitlin Bossley, Emma Tur- Fight Club - Members Only ner, Lorraine Hilton, James Nesbitt - Dir. Fight Club: Members Only Michael Winterbottom Sunil Shetty, Sohail Khan, Zayed Khan, Drama 1995 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Dino Morea, Ritesh Deshmukh, Aashish (E) 122min. Chowdhry, Ashmit Patel, Rahul Dev, Yash Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Tonk, Diya Mirza, Amrita Arora, Neha 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020926 Dhupia - Dir. Vikram Chopra Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos, Direkte Songanwahl, Eine Hexe in der Familie Trailer En Häxa I Familjen Action/Komödie 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Karin Bogaeus, Rebecca Scheja, Margreth 2.0 (Hindi) 140min. Weivers, Fredrik Unger, Tintin Anderzon, KSM (NewKSM) 15.03.2007 Johan Rheborg, Annika Hallin, Anna Lind- tba BestellNr.: 20020972 holm, Hasse Jonsson, Marten Hedman - Dir. Harald Hamrell Die Freibeuterin Kinderfilm 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) 79min. The Spoilers Lighthouse 29.03.2007 Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott, John 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020904 Wayne, Margaret Lindsay - Dir. Ray Enright Abenteuer 1942 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Der Hexentöter von Blackmoor (2 Der Hund von Baskerville DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 84min. DVDs) (FSK 18) The Hound Of The Baskervilles Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.04.2007 Il Trono Di Fuoco Richard Roxburgh, Ian Hart, Richard E. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20021000 Christopher Lee, Maria Schell, Leo Genn - Grant, Matt Day, John Nettles, Geraldine Dir. Jess Franco James, Neve McIntosh, Ron Cook, Liza Trailer, Pressehefte, Bildergalerien, Behind the Scenes, Tarbuck, Paul Kynman, Daniel Webb, Ri- Filmografien, Interview, Szenenvergleich, Alte deutsche chard Hawley, Jim Norton, Casper Zafer - Fassung (75) Dir. David Attwood Horror 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Abenteuer/Horror 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 75 / 109min. (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Astro (Starlight Film) 30.03.2007 KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020900 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020853 Das hohe Lied Im Dunkeln The Songs Of Songs Alexander Hörbe, Barbara Philipp, Chri- Marlene Dietrich, Brian Aherne, Lionel stoph Maria Herbst, Antje Westermann - Atwill, Alison Skipworth - Dir. Rouben Dir. Johannes Grebert Mamoulian Interview, Audiokommentar, Trailer Drama 1933 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Drama 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) 70min. 86min. Kurt Media (KurtsFilme) 19.04.2007 Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.04.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020994 Das Geheimnis von Schloss 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20021001 Monte Christo (FSK 18) Die Jönsson Bande und der Snoop Dogg’s Hood of Horror Cornflakes-Raub Ivanna (k.J.) Erna Schürer, Giancarlo Fantini - Dir. José Lilla Jönssonligan Och Cornflakeskuppen

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Kalle Eriksson, Jonathan Flumeé, Fredrik Glimskär, Jonna Sohlmer, Anders Öström, Mats Wennberg, Peter Rangmar, Cecilia Nilsson, Freja Berglund, Isak Ekblom, Jerry Williams, Mona Seilitz, Laila Westersund, Olof Thunberg, Marta Oldenburg, Loa Falkman, Lena T. Hansson, Micke Dubois, Lars Kronér, Claes Mansson, Claire Wikholm, Per Holmberg - Dir. Christjan Wegner Kinderfilm 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Lighthouse 29.03.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020905 Die Kammer (Book Edition) The Chamber Chris O’Donnell, Gene Hackman, Faye Dunaway, Robert Prosky, Raymond J. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020845 Barry, Bo Jackson, Lela Rochon, David Marshall Grant, Richard Bradford, Millie Last Days Perkins - Dir. James Foley Last Days Thriller/Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Michael Pitt, Lukas Haas, Asia Argento, DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 108min. Scott Green Jr., Nicole Vicius, Ricky Jay, Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Ryan Orion, Harmony Korine, Kim Gordon - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020927 Dir. Gus van Sant Drama/Musikfilm 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Karate Superman 2.0 (E) 92min. Sheng Long Huo Hu Xiao Ying Xiong AL!VE (Pierrot Le Fou) 11.05.2007 Leung Siu-lung, Sammo Hung - Dir. Ng tba BestellNr.: 20020992 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020865 See-yuen Eastern/Action 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Liebe braucht keine Ferien (HD Der Lockvogel 94min. DVD) L’ Appât MIG Filmgroup 05.04.2007 The Holiday Marie Gillain, Olivier Sitruk, Bruno Putzulu, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020952 Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Richard Berry, Philippe Duclos, Marie Ra- Jude Law, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, vel, Clotilde Courau, Jean-Louis Richard - Der Kavalier vom schwarzen Rufus Sewell, Emma Pritchard, Miffy Dir. Bertrand Tavernier Schwert Englefield - Dir. Nancy Meyers Thriller 1995 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) Il Cavaliere Dalla Spada Nera Komödie 2006 127min. 113min. Steve Barclay, Marina Berti, Otello Toso, Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Concorde (Concorde Classic Selection) Fulvia Franco, Nerio Bernardi, Eva Vanicek, tba BestellNr.: 20020986 07.03.2007 Luigi Tosi, Carlo Tamberlani, Enzo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020891 Fiermonte, Piero Palermini, Pietro Pastore - Liebe braucht keine Ferien Dir. Luigi Capuano, Ladislao Kish (Soundtrack Edition) Thriller 1956 FF DD 1.0 (D) 83min. The Holiday KSM 15.03.2007 Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, tba BestellNr.: 20020974 Jude Law, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, Rufus Sewell, Emma Pritchard, Miffy Shahrukh Khan 3er Box Englefield - Dir. Nancy Meyers Guddu - Eine Liebe mit Hindernissen / Der komplette Soundtrack/Score ist in dieser Version Zamaana Deewana - Die Liebenden / Der enthalten. Komponiert von Hans Zimmer Junge aus England und das indische Mäd- Komödie 2006 127min. chen Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Shahrukh Khan 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020928 Bildergalerie, Filmografien, Infos zu Shahrukh Khan und Bollywood LiebesLeben - Episoden 01-13 (2 Musikfilm 1995-1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DVDs) DD 2.0 (Hindi) 505min. Bettina Lamprecht, Kai Lentrodt, Julia KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 Stinshoff, Michael Lott, Florian David Fitz, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020858 Daniela Preuß, Doreen Dietel, Cecilia Kunz The King Maker - Dir. Tobi Baumann Hinter den Kulissen, Outtakes, Interviews, Bildergalerien, The King Maker Filmografien, Episodenguide Gary Stretch, John Rhys-Davies, Nate Komödie 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) 312min. Harrison, Dom Hetrakul, Nirut Sirichanya, KSM (Starlight Film) 12.04.2007 Cindy Burbridge - Dir. Lek Kitaparaporn 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020855 Abenteuer/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. Lisa und der Teufel (The Films of MIG Filmgroup 10.05.2007 Mario Bava) tba BestellNr.: 20020922 La Casa Dell’Esorcismo Elke Sommer, Telly Savalas - Dir. Mario Lovewrecked - Liebe über Bord Lassies neue Freunde (4 DVDs) Bava Lassie Originaltrailer, Entfallene Szenen, Bio- und Filmografien, Lovewrecked Dir. William Beaudine, William Beaudine jr. Booklet Amanda Bynes, Chris Carmack, Jamie-Lynn Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1954-1974 FF DD 1.0 Horror 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 DiScala, Jonathan Bennett, Alfonso Ribeiro, (D) 400min. (E) DD 1.0 (It) 92min. Fred Willard, James Lance Bass, Kathy Black Hill Pictures 13.04.2007 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.03.2007 Griffin, Joey Kern - Dir. Randal Kleiser

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Trailer Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.03.2007 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020866 Das Mädchen im Schaufenster (FSK 18) La Ragazza In Vetrina Lino Ventura, Magali Noël, Marina Vlady, Bernard Fresson, Peter Faber - Dir. Luciano Emmer Drama 1961 FF DD 1.0 (D) 82min. KSM 15.03.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020975 Marocco Audiokommentare, Trailer Morocco Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich, Adolphe DD 5.1 (E) DTS (E) 128min. Menjou, Juliette Compton, Ullrich Haupt, Fox 23.04.2007 Francis McDonald, Albert Conti, Eve 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020914 Southern, Paul Porcasi - Dir. Josef von Sternberg Mission: Impossible - Die ultima- Drama 1930 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) tive Mission-Collection (4 Discs) 88min. Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.04.2007 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20021002 Mission: Impossible I-III Tom Cruise Zhang Ziyi, Yu Rongguang, Park Jung-hak, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Kinotrailer, TV-Spots, Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfos, Outtakes, Musikvideo, Park Yong-woo, Lee Du-il, Yu Hae-jin, Jung Alternative Titelsequenz, Easter Egg, Making of, Entfalle- Suk-yong, Han Yeong-mok - Dir. Kim Sung- ne Szenen Su Thriller/Action 1996-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Historienfilm/Action 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 344min. (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 155min. Paramount 22.03.2007 e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 01.03.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020887 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020876 Mission: Impossible III (Collector’s Edition, 2 DVDs) (Blu-ray) Mission: Impossible III Tom Cruise, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ving Rhames, Billy Crudup, Michelle Monaghan, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Keri Russell, Laurence Fishburne, Simon Pegg, Maggie Q, Michael Berry Jr., Carla Gallo, José Zúñiga, Rose Rollins - Dir. Jeffrey Abrams Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bilder- Marschier oder stirb galerie, Kinotrailer, TV-Spots March Or Die Action/Abenteuer 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Gene Hackman, Terence Hill, Catherine (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 121min. Deneuve, Max von Sydow, Sir Ian Holm, Paramount 22.03.2007 Rufus - Dir. Dick Richards tba BestellNr.: 20020888 Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Abenteuer/Action 1977 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD Mr. and Mrs. Iyer 1.0 (E) 106min. Mr. And Mrs. Iyer KSM (NewKSM) 12.04.2007 Rahul Bose, Bhisham Sahani, Surekha 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020856 Sikri, Anjan Dutt, Esha Chauhan - Dir. Aparna Sen Meatball Machine (k.J.) Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Mîtobôru Mashîn Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Issei Takahashi, Aoba Kawai, Toru Tezuka, (Hindi) 118min. Ayano Yamamoto, Shôichirô Masumoto - KSM (NewKSM) 10.05.2007 Dir. Yudai Yamaguchi, Jun’ichi Yamamoto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020923 Horror/Action 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 89min. Monster Shark (FSK 18) Musa - Der Krieger (Special Editi- Ascot Elite (AFN) 19.04.2007 Shark Rosso Nell’Oceano on, 2 DVDs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020995 Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, William Musa Berger, Gianni Garko, Dagmar Lassander, Ahn Sung-kee, Jung Woo-Sung, Ju Jin-mo, Men of Honor Blu-ray) Iris Peynado - Dir. Zhang Ziyi, Yu Rongguang, Park Jung-hak, Men Of Honor Horror 1984 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 90min. Park Yong-woo, Lee Du-il, Yu Hae-jin, Jung Robert De Niro, Cuba Gooding jr., Charlize starmedia 25.04.2007 Suk-yong, Han Yeong-mok - Dir. Kim Sung- Theron, Aunjanue Ellis, Hal Holbrook, David 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020960 Su Keith, Michael Rapaport, Powers Boothe, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Soundtrack, Joshua Leonard, David Conrad, Glynn Musa - Der Krieger (Einzel-DVD) Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Turman, Holt McCallany, Lonette McKee, Musa Historienfilm/Action 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Carl Lumbly - Dir. George Tillman jr. Ahn Sung-kee, Jung Woo-Sung, Ju Jin-mo, (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 155min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 01.03.2007 West, Ann Beach - Dir. Roger Michell Dennis Hopper, Gina Gershon, Jordan Frie- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020877 Komödie 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 da, Dominique Swain, David Murray, Jim (E) DD 5.1 (F) 119min. Carter, William Armstrong - Dir. Jevon Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 O’Neill 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020929 Originaltrailer, Bio- und Filmografien Thriller/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Once Upon a Time in High School DD 5.1 (E) 101min. Maljukgeori Janhoksa e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 29.03.2007 Gweon Sang-wu, Lee Jeong-jin, Han Ga-in, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020881 Lee Jeong-hyeok, Park Hyojun, Kim In- gweon, Seo Dong-weon - Dir. Yu Ha Originaltrailer, Making of Drama/Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 96min. e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.04.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020885 Oster-Box 1 (3 DVDs) Der Knochenjäger / Vertrauter Feind / Mut zur Wahrheit (Blu-ray) S.W.A.T. - Die Spezialeinheit Thriller/Action 1997-2003 333min. Courage Under Fire Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan, Lou Dia- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020868 mond Phillips, Michael Moriarty, Matt Damon, Bronson Pinchot, Seth Gilliam, Oster-Box 2 (4 DVDs) Regina Taylor, Zeljko Ivanek, Scott Glenn, Welcome to the Jungle / xXx - Triple X / Tim Guinee, Tim Ransom, Sean Astin, Men in Black II Armand Darrius, Mark Adair-Rios, Ned Pehla Nasha - Eine Liebe kommt Action/Komödie 2002-2003 303min. Vaughn - Dir. Edward Zwick (2 DVDs) Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Audiokommentare, Trailer Pehla Nasha 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020869 Drama 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Deepak Tijori, Raveena Tandon, Pooja DD 5.1 (E) DTS (E) 116min. Oster-Box 3 (3 DVDs) Bhatt, Paresh Rawal, Jalal Agha, Jayant Fox 23.04.2007 Kripalani - Dir. Ashutosh Gowariker 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020916 Die Tiefe / Panic Room / Das Netz Shahrukh-Khan-Konzert, Bollywood-Musikclips, Shahrukh- Thriller 1995-2002 336min. Khan-Filmausschnitte, Biografie Nachts im Museum Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Thriller/Drama 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Night At The Museum 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020870 DD 2.0 (Hindi) 148min. Ben Stiller, Carla Gugino, Robin Williams, Flashpoint (Great Movies) 19.04.2007 Dick van Dyke, Mickey Rooney, Bill Cobbs, Oster-Box 4 (3 DVDs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020933 Jake Cherry, Ricky Gervais, Kim Raver, Super süß und super sexy / 30 über Nacht / Patrick Gallagher, Rami Malek, Manhattan Love Story Pizza Colonia Pierfrancesco Favino, Steve Coogan - Dir. Komödie 2002-2004 282min. Mario Adorf, Ilaria Occhini, Riccardo Shawn Levy Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Cucciolla, Eberhard Feik, Willy Millowitsch, Komödie 2006 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020871 Ulrike Bliefert - Dir. Klaus Emmerich Fox 03.05.2007 Komödie 1991 DD 2.0 (D) 89min. tba BestellNr.: 20020944 Oster-Box 5 (3 DVDs) starmedia 04.04.2007 Spanglish / Big Daddy / Besser geht’s nicht 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020966 Necronomicon (Special Edition, 4 Komödie 1997-2004 348min. DVDs) (k.J.) Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Polski Crash 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020872 Klaus J. Behrendt, Jürgen Vogel, Clotilde Darkness Beyond / Armee des Jenseits / Courau, Miroslav Baka, Susanne Shunned House - Haus der Toten Oster-Box 6 (3 DVDs) Wilhelmina, Heinrich Schafmeister - Dir. Michael Segal, Emanuele Cerman, Roberta Astrid Lindgrens Pippi Langstrumpf / Die Kaspar Heidelbach Marrelli - Dir. Ivan Zuccon Interview, Trailer, Teaser, Kurzfilme wunderbare Welt des Dr. Seuss - Katzen- Thriller 1994 DD 2.0 (D) 95min. Horror 2000-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD spaß / Stuart Little 2 starmedia 04.04.2007 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (It) DD 2.0 (D) 250min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1997-2005 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020967 epiX Media 10.05.2007 221min. tba BestellNr.: 20020993 Sony Pictures 06.03.2007 Psychic Killer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020873 Psychic Killer Ninja Collection (3 DVDs) Paul Burke, Jim Hutton, Julie Adams - Dir. Ninja Kids / Ninja Blood Fighters / Ninja Ray Danton Samurai Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie Horror/Thriller 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Action/Eastern 264min. DD 1.0 (E) 86min. Elfra 16.02.2007 cmv-Laservision 20.04.2007 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020912 tba BestellNr.: 20020932 Notting Hill (Samt Edition) Der Rächer bin ich - Gentleman Notting Hill Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Hugh Joe (FSK 18) Bonneville, Emma Chambers, James Gentleman Jo... Uccidi Dreyfus, Rhys Ifans, Tim McInnerny, Gina Anthony Steffen, Eduardo Fajardo, Silvia McKee, Richard McCabe, Mischa Barton, Solar, Mariano Vidal Molina, Benito Dylan Moran, Roger Frost, Julian Rhind- Stefanelli, Ángel Lombarte - Dir. Giorgio Tutt, Lorelei King, John Shrapnel, Clarke Stegani Peters, Arturo Venegas, Henry Goodman, Western 1969 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Melissa Wilson, Emma Bernard, Samuel Out of Season (k.J.) 93min. Out Of Season KSM 15.03.2007

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chael Fitz, Tao Li Ma, David Lütgenhorst, tba BestellNr.: 20020976 Shinobi - Heart under Blade Laura Maire, Olivia Pascal, August (Limited Special Edition im Schmölzer, Peter Raab, Martin Falk, Fabian Oscar Wien, Ursula Buschhorn, Veronika Starmetal-Pak) von Quast, Gerd Fitz, Kerstin Landsmann, Shinobi Gerhard Gschwind, Anouk Scherer, Alexan- Yukie Nakama, Jô Odagiri, Tomoka der Held, Doris Kunstmann, Marcus Kurotani, Erika Sawajiri, Kippei Shiina, Grüsser - Dir. Christoph Klünker, Stefan Takeshi Masu, Mitsuki Koga, Tak Klisch, Thomas Kronthaler, Bettina Braun, Sakaguchi, Hoka Kinoshita, Minoru Terada, Wilhelm Engelhardt Yutaka Matsushige, Riri - Dir. Ten Kriminalfilm 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) Shimoyama Featurettes, Storyboard-Vergleich, Making of, Trailer, TV- 225min. Spots edel (Aviator) 16.03.2007 Action/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020956 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 98min. Splendid (I-On New Media) 27.04.2007 Die Rückkehr der stärksten Gla- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020839 diatoren der Welt Il Ritorno Del Gladiatore Più Forte Del Mondo Abenteuer 1971 DD 1.0 (D) starmedia 25.04.2007 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020961 Die Schlacht der Gladiatoren Coriolano - Eroe Senza Patria Gordon Scott, Alberto Lupo, Pierre Cressoy - Dir. Giorgio Ferroni Slideshow Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1964 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) 90min. starmedia 25.04.2007 Der Richter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020962 Dommeren Peter Gantzler - Dir. Gert Fredholm Slaughterhouse of the Rising Sun Originaltrailer Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (k.J.) (Dän) 86min. Slaughterhouse Of The Rising Sun e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 29.03.2007 Cheryl Dent, Vin Crease, Michele Morrow, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020860 Heather Justine Thomas, Ryan Rogoff, J. Scott Shonka - Dir. Vin Crease Die Rosenheim-Cops (3. Staffel, Horror/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Folgen 01-04) 78min. Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 19.04.2007 Joseph Hannesschläger, Markus Böker, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020947 Karin Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Thomas Stielner, Gerd Lohmeyer, Horst Kummeth, Simon Licht, Helmut Zierl, Vero- nika Faber, Martin Semmelrogge, Gundi Ellert, Martin Halm, Michael Habeck, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Dieter Landuris, Marcus Mittermeier, Maximilian Krückl, Mi- Severance - Ein blutiger Betriebs- chael Fitz, Tao Li Ma, David Lütgenhorst, ausflug (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) Laura Maire, Olivia Pascal, August (k.J.) Schmölzer, Peter Raab, Martin Falk, Fabian Severance Oscar Wien, Ursula Buschhorn, Veronika Danny Dyer, Laura Harris, Tim McInnerny, von Quast, Gerd Fitz, Kerstin Landsmann, Toby Stephens, Claudie Blakley, Andy Gerhard Gschwind, Anouk Scherer, Alexan- Nyman, Babou Ceesay, David Gilliam - Dir. der Held, Doris Kunstmann, Marcus Christopher Smith Grüsser - Dir. Christoph Klünker, Stefan Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Klisch, Thomas Kronthaler, Bettina Braun, Scenes, Audiokommentar, Easter Egg, Alternatives Ende, Wilhelm Engelhardt Storyboard Kriminalfilm 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) Horror/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX 225min. (D) DD 5.1 EX (E) 92min. Small Town Massacre edel (Aviator) 16.03.2007 Splendid 27.04.2007 Strange Behavior 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020955 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020838 Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher, Daniel Shor, Fiona Lewis, Arthur Dignam, Dey Die Rosenheim-Cops (3. Staffel, Shanghai Express Young, Marc McClure - Dir. Michael Folgen 05-08) Shanghai Express Laughlin Marlene Dietrich, Clive Brook, Anna May Filmografien Joseph Hannesschläger, Markus Böker, Wong, Warner Oland, Eugene Pallette - Dir. Horror/Thriller 1981 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Karin Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Josef von Sternberg 98min. Thomas Stielner, Gerd Lohmeyer, Horst Kriminalfilm 1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 starmedia 04.04.2007 Kummeth, Simon Licht, Helmut Zierl, Vero- (E) 78min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020968 nika Faber, Martin Semmelrogge, Gundi Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.04.2007 Ellert, Martin Halm, Michael Habeck, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20021003 Snakes in a Box - 2 x Schlangen- Cosma Shiva Hagen, Dieter Landuris, horror pur (2 DVDs) Marcus Mittermeier, Maximilian Krückl, Mi-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Die schwarze Mamba (Venom) / Mamba Rickman, Rodrigo Santoro, Brian Bovell, Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Susan George, Marcus Brigstocke, Elizabeth Margoni, Lu- (D) 15min. Gregg Henry, Trudie Styler cia Moniz, Edward Hardwicke, Alan Barnes, e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 15.03.2007 Engl. Originaltrailer Martin Freeman, Joanna Page, Richard 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020867 Horror 1981-1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD Hawley, Billy Bob Thornton, Ann Reid, 1.0 (E) 171min. Adam Godley, Frances de la Tour, Michael EuroVideo (Anolis) 19.04.2007 Fitzgerald, Ciaran O’Driscoll, Laura Rees, 28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020948 Rowan Atkinson, J.J. Feild, Helder Costa, Carla Vasconcelos - Dir. Richard Curtis State of Violence Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Holli-Dei (E) 130min. Choi Min-su, Dong Hyun, Jang Se-jin, Lee Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Sung-jae, Lee Eol, Lee Bong-gyu - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020931 Yang Yun-ho Audiokommentar Action/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 117min. Splendid 25.05.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020985 Sterne des Südens - Saison 1, Folge 01-14 (4 DVDs) Das Tribunal (Blu-ray) Natascha Bonnermann, Mark Keller, Judith Hart’s War Kernke - Dir. Berengar Pfahl Bonusfolge Bruce Willis, Colin Farrell, Terrence Dashon Komödie 1992 FF DD 1.0 (D) 676min. Howard, Cole Hauser, Marcel Iures, Linus EuroVideo 05.04.2007 Roache, Vicellous Reon Shannon, Maury 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020954 Sterling, Sam Jaeger, Scott Michael Campbell, Rory Cochrane, Sebastian Stirb oder töte (FSK 18) Tillinger, Rick Ravanello, Adrian Grenier, Killer Calibro 32 Michael Weston, Jonathan Brandis, Joe Peter Lee Lawrence, Agnes Spaak, Lucy Spano, Sam Worthington, Brad Hunt, Scay - Dir. Al Bradley Der Todesbus Rúaidhrí Conroy - Dir. Gregory Hoblit Filmografien, Bildergalerie Hannes Jaenicke, Stefan Jürgens, Doris Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Western 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Kunstmann, Maria Bachmann, Pierre Britz, (D) DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 87min. Gunter Schoß, Luis Lamprecht, Peter 124min. KSM 15.03.2007 Rühring, Johanna Christine Gehlen, August Fox (MGM/UA) 23.04.2007 tba BestellNr.: 20020977 Schmölzer, Johanna Klante, Thomas Ar- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020897 nold, Franziska Brekenfelder, Julia Heine- Stolz und Vorurteil (Samt Edition) mann, Chris Hohenester - Dir. Richard Hu- Die unschlagbaren Andersens Pride And Prejudice ber Sunes Familie Keira Knightley, Matthew MacFadyen, Action/Thriller 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) Per Damgård Hansen, Claus Bue, Vibeke Claudie Blakely, Brenda Blethyn, Dame Judi 104min. Hastrup - Dir. Hans Kristensen Dench, Rupert Friend, Tom Hollander, Jena edel 02.03.2007 Komödie 1997 FF DD 2.0 (D) 81min. Malone, Carey Mulligan, Rosamund Pike, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020957 Donald Sutherland, Talulah Riley, Simon Lighthouse 29.03.2007 Woods, Peter Wight, Penelope Wilton, Der Tolpatsch mit dem sechsten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020906 Kelly Reilly - Dir. Joe Wright Sinn Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Verliebt in Berlin - Box 22, Folge La Course A L’Echalote (E) 122min. 421-440 (3 DVDs) Pierre Richard, Jane Birkin, Michel Aumont Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.04.2007 Tim Sander, Oliver Bokern, Julia Malik, - Dir. Claude Zidi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020930 Thorsten Feller, Matthias Gall, Volker He- Komödie 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) rold, Alexandra Seefisch, Ulrike Mai, Wil- 96min. Strange Saga of Hiroshi the helm Manske, Olivia Pascal, Hubertus Reg- KSM 15.03.2007 out, Lara-Isabelle Rentinck, Gabrielle Freeloading Sex Machine (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20020978 Himo No Hiroshi Scharnitzky, Anja Thiemann, Susanne Szell, Rinako Hirasawa, Mutsuo Yoshioka, Takeshi Daniel Rösner, Bärbel Schleker, Matthias Ito, Yûya Matsuura, Kazuhiro Sano, Minami Dietrich, Alexander Sternberg - Dir. Klaus Aiyama - Dir. Yûji Tajiri Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Laurenz Interview, Kinotrailer Schlüter, Michaela Zschiechow, Cornelia Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried (Jap) 65min. Bonengel Rapid Eye Movies 18.04.2007 Drama/Komödie 2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) tba BestellNr.: 20020964 500min. Polyband 27.04.2007 Tatsächlich ... Liebe (Samt Editi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020841 on) Love Actually War Collection (3 DVDs) Hugh Grant, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Andrew Lin- Die 5. Offensive / Einer kam durch / Unter- coln, Kris Marshall, Keira Knightley, Laura nehmen Wüstenfüchse Linney, Liam Neeson, Thomas Sangster, Kriegsfilm 278min. Colin Firth, Daniel Fredenburgh, Nina Die Treppe Elfra 16.02.2007 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020913 Sosanya, Frank Moorey, Jill Freud, Martine Jörg Germann, Martin Ihm, Gerry Jansen - McCutcheon, Abdul Salis, Bill Nighy, Gregor Dir. Dennis Knickel Wassup Rockers Fisher, Emma Thompson, Lulu Popplewell, Making of, Outtakes, Interview, Multi-Angle Szene,, William Wadham, Heike Makatsch, Alan Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien Wassup Rockers

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Sean McCann, Shirley Douglas, Jackie starmedia 25.04.2007 Richardson - Dir. Kiefer Sutherland 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020963 Drama 1999 106min. Splendid 27.04.2007 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020842 Special Interest World Trade Center (2 DVDs) (Blu-ray) World Trade Center American Chopper - Die Serie, Nicolas Cage, Michael Pena, Maggie Vol. 4 (4 DVDs) Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Stephen Dorff, Jay American Chopper: The Series Hernandez, Michael Shannon, Brad Henke, Humor 2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Peter McRobbie, Frank Whaley, Wass M. Polyband 27.04.2007 Stevens - Dir. Oliver Stone 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020882 Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Inter- views, Featurettes Cuba Feliz (OmU) Drama 2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 Cuba Feliz (F) 124min. Miguel Del Morales - Dir. Karim Dridi Paramount 22.03.2007 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Hintergrundinfos tba BestellNr.: 20020890 Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Sp) 93min. World Trade Center (2 DVDs) (HD Astro (Starlight Film) 30.03.2007 DVD) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020899 World Trade Center Nicolas Cage, Michael Pena, Maggie Die Didi-Show - Die komplette Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Stephen Dorff, Jay Serie (2 DVDs) Hernandez, Michael Shannon, Brad Henke, Dieter Hallervorden, Rotraut Schindler, Peter McRobbie, Frank Whaley, Wass M. Eberhard Prüter - Dir. Dieter Hallervorden Stevens - Dir. Oliver Stone Humor 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) Jonathan Velasquez, Francisco Pedrasa, Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Inter- Turbine Medien 16.03.2007 Milton Velasquez, Yunior Usualdo views, Featurettes Drama 2006 DDP 5.1 (D) DDP 5.1 (E) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020861 Panameno, Eduardo Velasquez, Luis Rojas- DDP 5.1 (F) 124min. Salgado, Carlos Velasco - Dir. Larry Clark Playboy’s 45th Anniversary - Originaltrailer Paramount 22.03.2007 Komödie/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) tba BestellNr.: 20020889 Playmate Jaime Bergman DD 5.1 (E) 107min. Playboy Video Centerfold: 45th Anniversary e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 01.03.2007 Zorro, der Mann mit den zwei Ge- Playmate Jaime Bergman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020878 sichtern Jaime Bergman Il Segno Di Zorro Playmate Bonus: Tiffany Taylor Erotik 1998 FF DD 2.0 (E) 60min. Woman Wanted Sean Flynn, Folco Lulli, Danielle de Metz - IMV 05.04.2007 Woman Wanted Dir. Mario Caiano 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20020953 Holly Hunter, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael Abenteuer 1962 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) Moriarty, Carrie Preston, Allegra Fulton, 90min.

THE HOLIDAY - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1 Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Vorzugspreis im März: EUR 39,90 Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 13. März 2007 - Auch als Blu-ray Disc lieferbar

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

unpredictable weapon called the Goldion Hammer may be a 12-year-old orphan boy who dreams of becoming his the only solution for victory. village’s number-one ninja. Unfortunately, Naruto is Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1988 125min. endowed with an evil spirit that entered his body at birth Animation and that he must learn to tame before he can fulfill his Media Blasters 27.03.2007 ninja destiny. This 11th volume continues Naruto’s action- Animated Soviet Propaganda 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063802 packed exploits with four more episodes. Action/Adventure 2002 FF S 100min. Childrens, Animated 360min. Viz Media, LLC. 24.04.2007 Kino on Video 20.03.2007 Initial D - Complete Season 1 Box 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063887 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063748 Set This box set contains the entire first season of INITIAL D, the anime series that explores the exciting world of drift One Piece - Vol. 8: Belle of the Ant’s Life racing. When average tofu delivery boy Takumi lets his A charmingly animated film in the tradition of ANTZ, supreme drifting skills be seen, his entire life changes for Brawl ANT’S LIFE offers a bug’s-eye view of the backyard world the better. But with new rewards also come new Action and hijinx abound in the goofy anime series ONE through the fun-filled adventures of an ant named Thang, challenges, like the constant battles up against the PIECE, which follows the seafaring adventures of a who spends her time building anthills, gathering seeds, world’s best racers. The adventures begin with this first pintsized young man with dreams of becoming the and befriending caterpillars. season of episodes. mightiest pirate around. This eighth volume continues the Childrens, Animated 2006 45min. Action/Adventure 2003 series with five more episodes. Allumination Film Works LLC 20.02.2007 FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.02.2007 Action/Adventure 1999 FF S 110min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063894 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063798 Viz Media, LLC. 24.04.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063883 Blame! - Ver.0.11: Salvaged Disc InuYasha - Vol. 52: The Last by Cibo Shard of the Jewel Pokémon Movie 9: Pokémon Ran- Intended as a companion piece to the popular Kagome is a 15-year-old schoolgirl who falls into a secret ger and the Temple of the Sea series, BLAME! was created by international comics artist well that transports her back 500 years to a feudal Japan Childrens, Animated 2006 FF S 100min. Tsutomu Nihei. Made up of six short, five minute filled with demons, goblins, and magic. When she episodes, BLAME! is a fast-paced visual and aural discovers that she is the reincarnation of a powerful Viz Media, LLC. 03.04.2007 spectacle. Thousands of years in the future, all that is left priestess and keeper of a magical jewel known as the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063888 of the civilization of mankind are machines that continue Shikon, Kagome teams with the half-demon InuYasha to to unthinkingly build massive cities where few survivors travel the world collecting Shikon shards and, invariably, live. In this alienating mechanical world, the remainders of face a barrage of evil and demonic creatures. Created by Pup Named Scooby-Doo - Volume mankind evade the dangerous silicon creatures and Rumiko Takahashi (RANMA 1/2, URUSEI YATSURA), 6 attempt to survive with the information on the ancient data INUYASHA continues with episodes 154-156. disc discovered by heroic Cibo. Although it may be difficult Action/Adventure 2000-2004 FF S 75min. The adventures of Scooby-Doo and his friends have to comprehend without prior knowledge of the manga provided fun and excitement for millions of people across series, BLAME! is still a stunning visual Animé. Viz Media, LLC. 03.04.2007 the globe. Getting into their trusty van, the pals love to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063885 solve crimes and give their faithful canine friend a Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 37min. „Scooby snack“ as a reward. A PUP NAMED SCOOBY- Media Blasters 20.02.2007 DOO takes a look at the younger years of the crime- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063851 InuYasha - Vol. 53: Malevolent solving team, with Scooby and Co. reimagined as young kids with a knack for solving complex mysteries. This Machinations releases constitutes a sixth volume of episodes from the Car’s Life Kagome is a 15-year-old schoolgirl who falls into a secret show. Sparky is a young car, but he can’t wait to be an adult. well that transports her back 500 years to a feudal Japan Television, Childrens, Animated FF M Breaking the rules and failing to meet curfew, Sparky filled with demons, goblins, and magic. When she 93min. surprises everyone when he announces he’s going to race discovers that she is the reincarnation of a powerful in the Badlands. Will the delinquent car be able to get his priestess and keeper of a magical jewel known as the Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 act together or will he make a fool of himself and his Shikon, Kagome teams with the half-demon InuYasha to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063783 family? travel the world collecting Shikon shards and, invariably, Childrens, Animated FF 40min. face a barrage of evil and demonic creatures. Created by Rumiko Takahashi (RANMA 1/2, URUSEI YATSURA), Robin Hood Allumination Film Works LLC 20.02.2007 INUYASHA continues with episodes 157-159. The story of the world’s most famous noble thief and his 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063893 Action/Adventure 2000-2004 FF S 75min. band of trusted companions, including Friar Tuck and Viz Media, LLC. 24.04.2007 Maid Marion. Robin Hood travels through the English 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063886 countryside robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. Case Closed - Vol. 3.1: Behind Childrens, Animated 50min. the Façade Genius Productions, Inc. 20.02.2007 Still a high school student, teenage supersleuth Jimmy It’s a Family Affair - V.02 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063847 Kudo is already one of the most respected detectives IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR is a sexually explicit anime series around, and his crime-solving skills often come in handy about a young man who finds himself irresistibly drawn to with the local police force. But when Jimmy’s detective his voluptuous stepsisters and sets out to realize his Saiyuki Reload Gunlock - Vol. 7 work intrudes upon the illegal activities of a sinister crime erotic fantasies. This second volume continues the syndicate, its members poison the teen with a drug that hardcore anime series with another half-hour episode. Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 FF DD 2.0 shrinks him to the size of a seven-year-old child! Adopting Dramas Geneon Entertainment 24.04.2007 the alias Conan (in honor of the famed Sherlock Holmes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063764 author), the pintsized Jimmy continues to solve baffling JapanAnime 27.02.2007 cases—as well as search for an antidote to his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063800 condition—with the help of a pair of bumbling police Solty Rei - Vol. 2 detectives, a kindly scientist neighbor, and a closeknit Like Mother Like Daughter Who says life is easy for a bounty hunter? For Roy group of friends. This volume continues the crime-solving Revant, who lives in a city on the edge of extinction anime series CASE CLOSED with six more episodes. When visits his adopted son’s home, he’s in for thanks to an event called the Blast Fall, work is never Dramas 2000 FF 150min. quite a surprise. His son’s family is sex-crazed, and their complete. With Resembles (people with prosthetic limbs) Navarre Corporation 03.04.2007 desires consume their days. Gonzo wants to do whatever roaming the streets, it is hard to tell who is for real and he can to help, even if that means bedding his son’s sexy who’s a fake. When a young female Resemble named 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063899 wife and daughter. But Gonzo may not be enough for Solty emerges from the skies, she promises to bring Roy these sex-starved women—they may have to turn to each both peace and pain. The anime series SOLTY REI Foxy Nudes other. continues to chronicle Roy and Solty’s sci-fi adventures Dramas 2006 60min. with this second collection of episodes. In an attempt to raise the ratings for her television series, a sexy newswoman forces a kidnapper to have sex with Media Blasters 24.04.2007 Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 his hostage. But as things heat up, even Etsuko wants in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063852 105min. on the action herself. Navarre Corporation 06.03.2007 Dramas 2006 60min. Medical Humiliation 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063833 Media Blasters 13.03.2007 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063801 60min. Sonic the Hedgehog - The Media Blasters 13.03.2007 GaoGaiGar: King of Braves - Vol Complete Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063756 Television, Childrens, Animated 570min. 4: Hammer of Heroes Sony Music Distribution 27.03.2007 This mecha anime returns with episodes 16-20 of the Naruto - Vol. 11: The Ultimate Japanese series. GaoGaiGar is under attack by the Four 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063881 Machine Kings, but Hell and Heaven—GGG’s best Battle: Cha! defense—may be just as deadly as its enemy. Mamoru Based on a popular manga and video game, the Cartoon Spa of Love - Volume Two does his best to save the machine, but a new and Network anime series NARUTO follows the adventures of

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SPA OF LOVE is a sexually explicit anime series about a actor played by Morgan Freeman—in 10 ITEMS OR LESS. Meixell - Dir. John Schmidt resort spa that becomes a brothel when a new employee The answer lies amid the cheap cereal packets and A high-school kid unwittingly discovers the secret to turns all the female workers into his sex slaves. This decomposing vegetables of a dilapidated grocery store on changing the past in ALWAYS WILL. But as his popularity second volume continues the hardcore anime series with the outskirts of Los Angeles, a location Freeman travels to rises in school, he faces a difficult decision when he another half-hour episode. so he can research a potential comeback role. Once there realizes he can change his mom’s fortunes as well. Dramas 30min. he encounters Scarlet (Paz Vega), a Spanish cashier who, terminally bored with her life and job, takes out all her Dramas 2006 FF 95min. JapanAnime 20.02.2007 grievances on the unsuspecting customers in her 10- MTI Home Video 20.03.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063746 Items-or-Less line. At the end of Scarlet’s shift, Freeman’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063863 character finds himself stranded in this desolate outpost, so he approaches her and the two strike up a deal—she Trinity Blood - Vol. 5 will give him a ride home, but only after he has shadowed Ambushed The supernatural, futuristic, and mythological converge in her while she finishes her errands for the day. Courtney B. Vance, Jeremy Lelliott, David the engaging, action-packed anime series TRINITY Dramas 2006 DD 5.1 98min. Keith, Virginia Madsen, Robert Patrick - Dir. BLOOD. Set in an apocalyptic future where vampires and First Look Home Entertainment 24.04.2007 humans are engaged in a constant battle between good Ernest R. Dickerson and evil, the anime centers around a priest, Peter Abel 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063898 Nightroad, who deals with the unholy bloodsuckers in a Action/Adventure 1998 rather unorthodox fashion. This fifth volume continues the Warner Home Video 05.06.2007 dark and imaginative series with four more episodes. 3 Needles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063902 Dramas 2005 Ltbx DD 5.1 100min. Ian Roberts, Gary Farmer, Sook-Yin Lee, Navarre Corporation 13.03.2007 Shawn Ashmore, Lucy Liu, Stockard American Me / Empire 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063834 Channing, Olympia Dukakis, Chloë Sevigny, Denise Richards, Peter Sarsgaard, Edward Sandra Oh - Dir. Thom Fitzgerald James Olmos, William Forsythe - Dir. Ed- Trinity Blood - Vol. 5 (Limited Canadian writer-director Thom Fitzgerald’s sweeping 3 NEEDLES journeys across several continents to show just ward James Olmos, Frank Reyes Edition) how widespread HIV/AIDS has become in our modern This pair of gangster films features stellar performances The supernatural, futuristic, and mythological converge in world. Three distinct stories are loosely linked by the from Edward James Olmos and John Leguizamo. the engaging, action-packed anime series TRINITY narration of Olympia Dukakis, whose character appears in Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 226min. BLOOD. Set in an apocalyptic future where vampires and the film’s final sequence. In the first, Lucy Liu is a Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007 humans are engaged in a constant battle between good pregnant Chinese woman who makes her living as a blood and evil, the anime centers around a priest, Peter Abel smuggler. Things turn sour when several donors begin to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063912 Nightroad, who deals with the unholy bloodsuckers in a get sick and die. The second story, set in Montreal, rather unorthodox fashion. This fifth volume continues the follows a porn actor (Shawn Ashmore) who fakes his American Psycho (Blu-ray) dark and imaginative series with four more episodes. blood tests in order to keep working in the industry. But when his scheme is exposed, he is shamed and Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Jared Leto, Dramas 2005 100min. humiliated. His heartbroken mother (Stockard Channing) Navarre Corporation 13.03.2007 takes out an insurance policy and embarks on a darkly Reese Witherspoon, Samantha Mathis, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063835 comic mission to contract the HIV virus as well. South Chloë Sevigny, Joshua Lucas, Guinevere Africa is the setting for the final tale, where three nuns Turner, Matt Ross, William Sage - Dir. Mary (Chloe Sevigny, Sandra Oh, and Dukakis) have arrived to Harron Ugly Duckling - Tales of Mystery help out in the community. But in order to get a local A cunning indictment of the materialism of the 1980s, No one at the farm is safe with ghosts and ghouls on the plantation owner to assist one of her patients, Sevigny’s character must make the most shameful sacrifice of all. AMERICAN PSYCHO is Mary Harron’s (I SHOT ANDY loose. Watch as the Ugly Duckling and his friend Nico WARHOL) and Guinevere Turner’s (GO FISH) deft save the day in UGLY DUCKLING IN THE TALES OF Dramas 2006 Ltbx 127min. interpretation of the dark and violent Brett Easton Ellis MYSTERY. Wolfe Video 03.04.2007 novel of the same name. Christian Bale (VELVET GOLD- Childrens 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063949 MINE) plays Patrick Bateman, the personification of the Liberation Entertainment 13.03.2007 „me“ culture of Ronald Reagan’s 1980s. Imprisoned in an 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063755 inane corporate existence fueled by status symbols, small 4400 - The Complete Third talk, and gossip, Bateman begins a bloody reign of terror on nearly all that cross his path. The film’s gray and navy Ugly Duckling in the Enchanted Season mise-en-scene is filled with chilly, vacant streets, hard- Joel Gretsch, Jacqueline McKenzie, edged skyscrapers and cold interiors flecked with the Forest Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, Laura Allen, latest technological gadgets and designer flourishes. Mary The Ugly Duckling and his porcine friend encounter all Harron’s camera glides through these spaces with the sorts of creepy creatures in this animated adventure. Patrick Flueger, Chad Faust, Conchita undisturbed detachment of a shark. Bale is a razor sharp Campbell, Kaj-Erik Eriksen, Samantha Bateman whose cool, predatory grace is only matched by Childrens the equally indifferent corporate world in which he lives. Liberation Entertainment 13.03.2007 Ferris Even during its most hideous scene, when a naked, chain- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063754 Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 saw-toting Bateman goes on a screaming rampage, AME- 560min. RICAN PSYCHO manages to project a cold indifference Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2007 that has terrifying und Zatch Bell! - Vol. 9: The Joining Dramas 2000 102min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063920 of the Three Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007 Because of his brilliance and straight-A report card, junior 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063850 high school student Kiyo is frequently harassed by the After the Silence mean kids at school. With the intention of helping, Kiyo’s JoBeth Williams, Kellie Martin Another Pair of Aces archaeologist father gives his son the birthday present of Dramas 94min. a small boy-creature named Zatch Bell, who quickly Willie Nelson, Rip Torn, Joan Severance, MPI Home Video 24.04.2007 attempts to fix Kiyo’s life by attracting new friends. But Kris Kristofferson, Dan Kamin, Ken Farmer where does Zatch Bell’s power come from, and what will 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063859 be the consequences of his actions? Kiyo continues to - Dir. Bill Bixby find out in this ninth volume of the wildly action-packed When a Texas ranger is accused of murder, two anime series ZATCH BELL. Airwolf: Season Three detectives set out to clear his name. Childrens, Animated 2003 FF S 88min. Ernest Borgnine, Jean Bruce Scott, Jan- Westerns 1991 FF DD 2.0 93min. Viz Media, LLC. 10.04.2007 Michael Vincent Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063884 Television, Action/Adventure 1985 FF DD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063749 2.0 1056min. Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007 Another Sky 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063915 Catherine Lacey, Lee Montague, Victoria Film Grayson - Dir. Gavin Lambert Alien Invasion Arizona Foreign Films 1954 FF 86min. 10 Items or Less Avery Clyde, Sam McConkey, Dan Facets Video 27.02.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063832 Morgan Freeman, Paz Vega, Jonah Hill, Southworth - Dir. Dustin Rikert Bobby Cannavale, Leonardo Nam, Kumar Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx DD 5.1 Pallana, Jim Parsons, Emiliano Torres - Dir. 87min. Apocalypse Brad Silberling Lions Gate Home Entertainment 17.04.2007 Ian McCulloch, Charles Napier, Buster Where does a down-on-his-luck movie star go for 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063752 Crabbe, Claude Rains, Fred Williamson, inspiration when his career has sputtered to a four-year Christopher Lee halt? This is the question director/writer Brad Silberling (LEMONY SNICKET’S A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE Always Will Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF EVENTS) poses for his central character—an unnamed Andrew Baglini, Mark Schroeder, Noelle Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063716 Liberation Entertainment 03.04.2007 Sylwester Checinski 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063909 In this Polish caper film starring Jan Nowicki, an experienced gambler past his prime forms an unlikely Are We There Yet? alliance with a young hustler. In Polish, with subtitles. Philip Bolden, Aleisha Allen, Ice Cube, Nia Baian the Assassin - Collection: Dramas 1983 Long, Jay Mohr, Tracy Morgan - Dir. Brian Volumes 1-4 Facets Video 20.02.2007 Levant Action/Adventure 351min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063736 Ice Cube stars in this highly entertaining family comedy as Nick Persons, a thirtysomething player with a new Lincoln Media Blasters 24.04.2007 Navigator, who checks out every fine lady that passes by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063910 Big Train: Season One and Two the window of the sports collectibles store where he works Comedies with pal Marty (Jay Mohr). Decked out in all the latest bling, Nick confidently approaches his latest attraction, Baseball Double Feature Warner Home Video 29.05.2007 Suzanne, only to learn that she is a recent divorcee with Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle, William Bendix 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063895 two kids. Little does he know, Suzanne’s children are no ordinary kids. Lindsey and Kevin (Aleisha Allen and Philip - Dir. Walter Doniger, Lloyd Bacon Bolden) go to extremes to keep their mom single. Putting Comedies 1950 Bird on a Wire / The Cowboy Way his dislike for children on the back burner, Nick decides to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Goldie Hawn, Mel Gibson, Kiefer pursue Suzanne anyway. He soon realizes though, that the only way to a single mother’s heart is through her 03.04.2007 Sutherland, Dylan McDermott, Woody children. So when Suzanne needs a babysitter to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063711 Harrelson - Dir. Gregg Champion, John transport her kids from Portland to Vancouver, Nick jumps Badham at the chance. Getting way more than he bargained for, Beastly Butchers This pair of action comedies brings out the big guns with Nick must survive 24 hours with two kids bent on names such as Mel Gibson, Goldie Hawn, Kiefer destroying him, not to mention missed flights, missed Horror/Suspense FF Sutherland, and Woody Harrelson. trains, run-ins with wildlife and crazed truckers, and severe car trouble. Nick challenges himself to surviv Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Comedies 1990-1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Comedies 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 189min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063730 217min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007 20.03.2007 Best of Flip Wilson Show 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063914 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063826 Flip Wilson Television, Comedies 2007 FF 375min. Black Christmas (Unrated) Arthur and the Invisibles WEA 27.02.2007 Michelle Trachtenberg, Mary Elizabeth (Widescreen) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063924 Winstead, Oliver Hudson, Kristen Cloke, Andrea Martin, Katie Cassidy - Dir. Glen Anthony Anderson, Chazz Palminteri - Dir. Best of the Best 2 Morgan Luc Besson Though it was only a mild success upon its release in Director Luc Besson (THE FIFTH ELEMENT) tries his Eric Roberts, Chris Penn, Phillip Rhee, 1974, the original BLACK CHRISTMAS (directed by Bob hand at a children’s film with ARTHUR AND THE Wayne Newton, Meg Foster, Ralf Moeller - Clark, who would go on to direct A CHRISTMAS STORY in INVISIBLES. Based on a book, this adventure follows 1984) has become a cult favorite among horror buffs Arthur (Freddie Highmore) as he journeys in his own Dir. Robert Radler Two former members of the U.S. national karate team join since the dawn of the home-video era. An early example backyard to save his home from greedy land developers. of the „body count“ genre, the film also predates WHEN A When his grandfather disappears, Freddie follows a series forces to avenge the death of their friend, who was brutally slain in competition at an underground Las Vegas STRANGER CALLS (1979) in its use of a killer making of clues that lead him to the land of the Minimoys (aka threatening phone calls that originate within his potential the Invisibles). Arthur’s entrance into their realm takes the fighting club. An initial confrontation between the revenge- minded pair and the murderer leaves the evildoer with a victims’ own house. In this remake, writer/director Glen film from live-action to computer animation, changing Morgan takes the basics of Roy Moore’s screenplay for Arthur from a 10-year-old boy into one of the Minimoys. horrible facial scar, and he vows to bury the two interlopers. After he makes a few attempts to gun the duo the original to create an elaborate and almost comically The elf-like people he encounters are so tiny that insects disturbing back story for Billy, the killer who previously dwarf them. Their warrior princess (voiced by Madonna) is down, they finally settle the score in a bloody grudge match at the club. remained a mystery. A handful of sorority girls remain at ready to ascend the throne of the tiny kingdom. But first the house after the school shuts down for Christmas she and Arthur must join forces to outwit the evil Action/Adventure 1993 101min. break. An ominous snowstorm blows in, isolating them. At Malthazar (voiced by David Bowie), who is intent on 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment the same time, a killer—who in this version escapes from destroying the kindhearted race. 20.02.2007 a mental institution to return to his former family home— Childrens, Animated 2007 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063900 breaks into the attic and begins making terrifying phone Weinstein Company/Genius 10.04.2007 calls to the girls (led by Kate Cassidy, Michelle Trachten- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063930 berg, and Lacey Chabert) before killing them off one by Beyond Reality - Season 1 Horror/Suspense 2006 Weinstein Company/Genius 03.04.2007 Attack of the Gryphon Shari Belafonte-Harper, Carl Marotte Television, Dramas 600min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063929 Horror/Suspense 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063719 Black Spring Break 2: The Sequel Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Some viewers may argue that BLACK SPRING BREAK 2 03.04.2007 is even more out there and hilarious than its predecessor. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063712 Big Fish (Blu-ray) No matter which camp the viewer may be in though, there Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy is no doubt that this sequel seamlessly continues with the Crudup, Jessica Lange, Helena Bonham- winning formula of the first one—sexy women, hilarious Aurora Borealis mishaps, beach parties, and a hopping urban soundtrack Carter, Alison Lohman, Robert Guillaume, Joshua Jackson, Donald Sutherland, Louise featuring artists like Too Short and Nate Dogg. Marion Cotillard, Steve Buscemi, Matthew Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2001 Fletcher, Juliette Lewis, Steven Pasquale, McGrory, Danny DeVito, Loudon Wainwright 83min. Zack Ward, Timm Sharp - Dir. James Burke TV star Joshua Jackson (DAWSON’S CREEK) comes into - Dir. Tim Burton Trinity Home Entertainment 20.02.2007 his own in this well-crafted indie. He plays Duncan, the In Tim Burton’s family film BIG FISH, a wonderful 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063831 angry loser of his rundown Minneapolis neighborhood, storyteller named Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), who whose inability to keep a job stems from losing his father lives in a small town in Alabama, recounts tall tales of his 10 years before. He makes ends meet by loaning his wild worldly adventures. These are shown in flashback Black Tie Nights - The Series apartment out to his philandering brother (Steven with Ewan McGregor playing the young Bloom. Wonderful Tiffany Bolton, Amy Lindsay, Glen Meadows Pasquale) for trysts with his many mistresses. Duncan’s special effects and vibrant colors that pop off the screen hockey buddies keep him propped up, but the poor guy is make this Burton film a much sunnier experience than his - Dir. Julie Davis, Victor Dubanai, Martin rudderless. His grandparents (Donald Sutherland and macabre gems EDWARD SCISSORHANDS and Sieracki Louise Fletcher) hook him up with their nurse, a wayward BEETLEJUICE. Yet his signature quirky artistry is Television, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit free spirit named Kate (Juliette Lewis). As the romance unmistakable, and the movie benefits from crisp between them blossoms, the grandfather’s health production values and a loveable, bizarre cast of 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 379min. deteriorates and he begins contemplating suicide; then characters. Maverick Entertainment 17.04.2007 Kate gets an offer to move out to California, and Duncan Dramas 2003 Ltbx 16x9 125min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063919 faces some tough decisions. Directed by James Burke, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment this all plays out in a series of tightly blocked, gritty, low- 20.03.2007 key scenes which nail the depressing mundanity of a Blood Diamond (2 DVD Special Minnesota winter and let the tight-knit ensemble of actors 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063821 strike a fine balance between dour realism and date movie Edition) whimsy. The Brent Boyd script succinctly encompasses a Big Shar Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, wealth of geriatric an Stephen Collins, Jimi Mistry, Ato Essandoh, Dramas 2006 Ltbx S 91min. Jan Nowicki, Andrzej Piekutowski - Dir. Michael Sheen, Basil Wallace, Djimon

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Hounsou, Kasigo Kuypers, Arnold Vosloo, Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore, Sharon Comedies 1941 91min. Marius Weyers - Dir. Edward Zwick Stone, Elijah Wood, Harry Belafonte, Nick Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 Set in Sierra Leone, BLOOD DIAMOND explores the role Cannon, Emilio Estevez, Laurence 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063788 of diamond trading in the African civil war of the late 1990s. Narrowly escaping death when his village is Fishburne, Heather Graham, Helen Hunt, invaded by R.U.F. militia, farmer Solomon Vandy (Djimon Ashton Kutcher, Shia LaBeouf, William H. The Bridge on the River Kwai Hounsou) is enslaved at a diamond mine and has his Macy - Dir. Emilio Estevez William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack family taken from him. When he discovers an unusually An ambitious labor of love from writer/director/star Emilio large stone he buries it, knowing it may be his only tool in Estevez, BOBBY attempts to distill the hope, anger, and Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa, James Do- retrieving his family. While Vandy is imprisoned, white confusion that gripped the U.S. in the late 1960s. With the nald, Geoffrey Horne, Andre Morell, Peter African diamond smuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo civil rights movement still reeling from the murder of Williams, Percy Herbert, Harold Goodwin, Dicaprio) overhears an angry R.U.F. leader shouting at Martin Luther King, Jr. and the country embroiled in the the farmer over the diamond and gets Vandy out of jail, confusion of Vietnam, Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Ann Sears, K. Katsumoto, Henry Okawa - subsequently bribing him by saying that he will help find campaign preached a message of peace and tolerance. In Dir. David Lean Vandy’s family in return for half of the diamond’s worth. a style similar to the sprawling works of Robert Altman or One of the all-time great war films, THE BRIDGE ON THE Bonded by a common goal, the two men clash over Paul Thomas Anderson, Estevez uses the June 4th, 1969, RIVER KWAI is yet another classic from the marvelous drastically different values, but manage to stick together assassination of Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los David Lean (LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, DR. ZHIVAGO). in pursuit of the prize. Also playing a part is fearless Angeles as the means to take a snapshot of the problems The film is an outstanding, psychologically complex American journalist Maddie Bowen (Jennifer Connolly), facing the country as the 1960’s came to an end. adaptation of Pierre Boulle’s 1952 novel, a classic story of whose flirtations with Archer and with a dangerous topic Dramas 2006 FF English POWs in Burma forced to build a bridge to aid the land her in the middle of the bloody action. As the three war effort of their Japanese captors. British and American embark on a dangerous journey filled with close calls, Weinstein Company/Genius 10.04.2007 intelligence officers conspire to blow up the structure, but unlikely bonds 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063926 Col. Nicholson (a fabulous Alec Guinness), the Dramas 2006 commander who supervised the bridge’s construction, has Warner Home Video 20.03.2007 Bobby (Widescreen) acquired a sense of pride in his creation and tries to foil 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063946 their plans. Although credited to screenwriter Carl Anthony Hopkins, Demi Moore, Sharon Foreman, the script was actually written by blacklisted Stone, Elijah Wood, Harry Belafonte, Nick writer Michael Wilson. The film garnered seven Academy Blood Diamond (Full Screen) Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor (Guinness). Cannon, Emilio Estevez, Laurence The climax is one of the great finales in film history. Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Fishburne, Heather Graham, Helen Hunt, Dramas 1957 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 162min. Stephen Collins, Jimi Mistry, Ato Essandoh, Ashton Kutcher, Shia LaBeouf, William H. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Michael Sheen, Basil Wallace, Djimon Macy - Dir. Emilio Estevez 20.03.2007 Hounsou, Kasigo Kuypers, Arnold Vosloo, An ambitious labor of love from writer/director/star Emilio 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063824 Marius Weyers - Dir. Edward Zwick Estevez, BOBBY attempts to distill the hope, anger, and Set in Sierra Leone, BLOOD DIAMOND explores the role confusion that gripped the U.S. in the late 1960s. With the of diamond trading in the African civil war of the late civil rights movement still reeling from the murder of Brigitte and Brigitte and Up and 1990s. Narrowly escaping death when his village is Martin Luther King, Jr. and the country embroiled in the Down: The Films of Luc Moullet invaded by R.U.F. militia, farmer Solomon Vandy (Djimon confusion of Vietnam, Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Hounsou) is enslaved at a diamond mine and has his campaign preached a message of peace and tolerance. In This collection of absurdist comedy by French New Wave family taken from him. When he discovers an unusually a style similar to the sprawling works of Robert Altman or director Luc Moullet feature cameos by famous French large stone he buries it, knowing it may be his only tool in Paul Thomas Anderson, Estevez uses the June 4th, 1969, directors, as well as some hilarious, if occasionally retrieving his family. While Vandy is imprisoned, white assassination of Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los impenetrable, scenes. In French, with subtitles. African diamond smuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo Angeles as the means to take a snapshot of the problems Comedies Dicaprio) overhears an angry R.U.F. leader shouting at facing the country as the 1960’s came to an end. Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 20.02.2007 Dramas 2006 Ltbx the farmer over the diamond and gets Vandy out of jail, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063735 subsequently bribing him by saying that he will help find Weinstein Company/Genius 10.04.2007 Vandy’s family in return for half of the diamond’s worth. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063927 Bonded by a common goal, the two men clash over Brute Force drastically different values, but manage to stick together in pursuit of the prize. Also playing a part is fearless Bottom Feeder Hume Cronyn, Charles Bickford, Yvonne De American journalist Maddie Bowen (Jennifer Connolly), Carlo, Ann Blyth, Ella Raines, Anita Colby, Tom Sizemore, Martin Roach, Joe Dinicol, whose flirtations with Archer and with a dangerous topic Burt Lancaster - Dir. Jules Dassin land her in the middle of the bloody action. As the three Wendy Anderson - Dir. Randy Daudlin embark on a dangerous journey filled with close calls, Joe Collins, an inmate of Westgate prison, schemes with unlikely bonds Action/Adventure 2006 a group of convicts to breakout. He’s intent on reaching Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007 his love, who does not know he’s in prison but will not Dramas 2006 FF DD 5.1 138min. have a lifesaving operation until he’s at her side. The Warner Home Video 20.03.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063901 escape plan goes awry when Capt. Munsey, the prison 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063933 guard and Joe’s enemy, gets a tip-off and greets them in a Bounty Hunters - The First machine-gun shoot out. Dramas 1947 FF M 98min. Blood Diamond (Widescreen) Season Criterion Collection 17.04.2007 Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Television, Action/Adventure FF 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063743 Stephen Collins, Jimi Mistry, Ato Essandoh, Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Michael Sheen, Basil Wallace, Djimon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063720 Burnt Rubber Hounsou, Kasigo Kuypers, Arnold Vosloo, David Hasselhoff, Mickey Rooney, Virginia Marius Weyers - Dir. Edward Zwick Bowser Makes a Movie Vale, Ralph Byrd, Jack Mulhall, Arch Hall, Set in Sierra Leone, BLOOD DIAMOND explores the role After flinging himself into the adult film industry in a of diamond trading in the African civil war of the late desperate attempt to make some money, Bowser upsets Richard Arlen, Terry Moore, Jack Nicholson 1990s. Narrowly escaping death when his village is his parents by attempting to remortgage their house. Action/Adventure FF invaded by R.U.F. militia, farmer Solomon Vandy (Djimon Bowser soon finds himself in further trouble when he Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Hounsou) is enslaved at a diamond mine and has his becomes embroiled in mob activities in this kooky comedy. family taken from him. When he discovers an unusually 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063717 large stone he buries it, knowing it may be his only tool in Comedies FF 90min. retrieving his family. While Vandy is imprisoned, white Ariztical Entertainment 13.02.2007 African diamond smuggler Danny Archer (Leonardo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063816 Caffeine Dicaprio) overhears an angry R.U.F. leader shouting at Jack Cosgrove, Mena Suvari, Marsha the farmer over the diamond and gets Vandy out of jail, Thomason, Katherine Heigl, Andrew Lee subsequently bribing him by saying that he will help find The Bride Came C.O.D. Potts, Mike Vogel, Breckin Meyer Vandy’s family in return for half of the diamond’s worth. Bette Davis, James Cagney, Stuart Erwin, Bonded by a common goal, the two men clash over Comedies 2007 FF DD 5.1 88min. Eugene Pallette, Jack Carson, George Tobi- drastically different values, but manage to stick together First Look Home Entertainment 24.04.2007 in pursuit of the prize. Also playing a part is fearless as, Harry Davenport, William Frawley, Ed- American journalist Maddie Bowen (Jennifer Connolly), 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063897 whose flirtations with Archer and with a dangerous topic ward Brophy, Chick Chandler - Dir. William land her in the middle of the bloody action. As the three Keighley embark on a dangerous journey filled with close calls, Heiress Joan Winfield is about to elope and has hired James Cagney: Signature unlikely bonds Steve Collins to fly her and her intended to Las Vegas for Collection Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 138min. the nuptials. Joan’s father however, strenuously objects to Pat O’Brien, George Brent, Jeffrey Lynn, Warner Home Video 20.03.2007 the wedding, and offers Steve some much-needed cash to thwart the plans. Steve agrees and takes only Joan up in Ann Sheridan, George Reeves, Virginia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063934 the plane. They land in a desert near California — with Joan’s fiance, father and even some reporters in hot Mayo, Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Gene pursuit. In the meantime, the long trip and the small Nelson, Alan Hale, Roland Winters, James Bobby (Full Screen) confines of the plane begin to get the better of Joan and Cagney, Bette Davis, Stuart Erwin, Eugene Steve.

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Pallette, Jack Carson, George Tobias, Harry Richard Arlen, James Best, Audie Murphy, Davenport, William Frawley, Dennis Charlotte’s Web (Full Screen) Dana Andrews, Brian Donlevy, Lloyd Morgan, Brenda Marshall, Alan Hale - Dir. Dakota Fanning, Gary Basaraba, Siobhan Bridges, Fred MacMurray, Jack Oakie, Jean William Keighley, Roy Del Ruth, Michael Fallon Hogan - Dir. Gary Winick Parker, Lloyd Nolan, Edward Ellis - Dir. Curtiz Gary Winick (THIRTEEN GOING ON 30) had a lot to live King Vidor, Jacques Tourneur, Ray Enright, Five James Cagney films are gathered for this release. up to in remaking a beloved children’s movie, itself based Raoul Walsh The collection includes THE BRIDE CAME C.O.D., on the classic novel by E. B. White, but this 2006 live- CAPTAINS OF THE CLOUDS, THE FIGHTING 69TH, action version more than fulfills its promise. With droll Westerns 1936 FF DD 2.0 354min. TORRD ZONE, and THE WEST POINT STORY. Please ’50s-inspired art direction, low-key and earnest Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007 see individual titles for synopsis information. performances, and the cutest ensemble cast of farm 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063916 Comedies 1940 animals since BABE, Winick maintains the deeply moral Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 (though not moralistic) themes of the original novel and also injects some mild humor and scenes of peril and Classic Western Round-Up: 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063811 adventure. Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2006 FF Volume 2 The Caine Mutiny 96min. Glenn Ford, Randolph Scott, Walter Brennan, Robert Cummings, James Best, Van Johnson, Humphrey Bogart, José Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2007 Audie Murphy, Julie Adams, Chill Wills, Ferrer, May Wynn, Fred MacMurray, Robert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063921 Edward Norris - Dir. James P. Hogan, Budd Francis, Tom Tully, E.G. Marshall, Arthur Boetticher Franz, Lee Marvin, Warner Anderson - Dir. Charlotte’s Web (Widescreen) Westerns 1938 FF DD 2.0 352min. Edward Dmytryk Dakota Fanning, Gary Basaraba, Siobhan Universal Studios Home Video 08.05.2007 Based on Herman Wouk’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel of Fallon Hogan - Dir. Gary Winick 1951.The Caine is a battle-scarred Navy vessel under the Gary Winick (THIRTEEN GOING ON 30) had a lot to live 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063917 command of Captain Queeg, who rules with an iron fist. up to in remaking a beloved children’s movie, itself based But Queeg is a man who suffers from an acute case of on the classic novel by E. B. White, but this 2006 live- Clatterford: Season 1 insecurity and stress, which causes serious mental action version more than fulfills its promise. With droll problems and faulty leadership that his underlings are ’50s-inspired art direction, low-key and earnest Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Joanna beginning to notice. The situation comes to a head during performances, and the cutest ensemble cast of farm Lumley, Sue Johnston, Pauline McLynn a fierce storm, in which Lt. Steve Maryk relieves Queeg of animals since BABE, Winick maintains the deeply moral his duties against Queeg’s will in order to save the ship (though not moralistic) themes of the original novel and Comedies 2006 180min. and the men. Undaunted, Queeg charges Maryk with also injects some mild humor and scenes of peril and Warner Home Video 08.05.2007 mutiny. Thus begins a dramatic court martial, which adventure. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063896 strongly affects Queeg’s state of mind and his future. Childrens, Animated/Live-Action 2006 Ltbx Dramas 1954 123min. 96min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Closer: The Complete Second Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2007 20.03.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063923 Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063823 J.K. Simmons, Jon Tenney, Kyra Sedgwick, Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie / Robert Gossett, G.W. Bailey, Anthony John Campo de Sangre Denison Argentine Army Captain Jorge Ronzatti appears to have Born in East L.A. Television, Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 the perfect family. But behind closed doors, Jorge Daniel Stern, Paul Rodriguez, Cheech Ma- struggles to get along with his wife (who wants to have a 694min. baby, but physically cannot), and breaks his vows by rin, Tommy Chong - Dir. Cheech Marin Warner Home Video 29.05.2007 wooing his sexy receptionist. Based on a true story, These two classic comedies from the minds of Cheech & 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063932 CAMPO DE SANGRE follows Jorge’s extramarital affair as Chong feature the pair’s trademark sense of humor. it leads the way to a shocking murder and heated court Comedies 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 180min. battle. Universal Studios Home Video 22.05.2007 Cocaina Mortal Foreign Films, Spanish 2001 FF 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063913 A story about the desperate lengths a father will go to in Allumination Film Works LLC 20.02.2007 his daughter’s name, the Spanish thriller MALDITA 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063891 COCAINA is designed to keep viewers on the edge Cheyenne Autumn of their seats. Determined to get even with the person Richard Widmark, Carroll Baker, Karl who caused his daughter’s drug overdose, Victor Trejos Captains of the Clouds embarks on an action-packed attempt to trap her killers. Malden, Sal Mineo, Ricardo Montalban, Dramas 2001 FF 87min. James Cagney, Dennis Morgan, Alan Hale, James Stewart, Edward G. Robinson, Dolo- Allumination Film Works LLC 20.02.2007 George Tobias, Reginald Gardiner, Brenda res Del Rio, Gilbert Roland, Arthur Kennedy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063892 Marshall, Reginald Denny, Paul Cavanagh, - Dir. John Ford Clem Bevans, J. M. Kerrigan, Charles Cheyenne Indians flee their squalid Oklahoma reservation Halton, Charles Smith - Dir. Michael Curtiz and return to their traditional homeland along the Coleccion Pedro Infante: In the early days of North American involvement in the Yellowstone River in Wyoming. A U.S. cavalry officer gets Angelitos Negros Second World War, a small group of Canadian freight the call to return the tribe to the reservations but begins pilots hear the call to arms. to question his mission after seeing the starvation and Dramas 2006 FF M 95min. Action/Adventure 1942 FF M 113min. sickness endured by the Cheyenne. Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Westerns 1964 Ltbx DD 5.1 156min. Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063945 Warner Home Video 20.02.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063789 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063947 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Asi era Casino Royale (Blu-ray) Chiche Bombon Pedro Infante Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright, Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 83min. Andrea Galeante, Frederico Canepa, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Giancarlo Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Enrique Liporace - Dir. Fernando Musa Giannini, Ivana Milicevic, Simon Abkarian, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063938 Dramas Isaach de Bankolé, Claudio Santamaria, Laguna Films 20.02.2007 Jesper Christensen - Dir. Martin Campbell Coleccion Pedro Infante: Cuando After a great deal of discussion—on the part of fans and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063908 producers alike—over Daniel Craig’s (THE MOTHER, IIoran los Valientes MUNICH) suitability for the role of James Bond, he more Cinderella Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 100min. than proves himself in this explosive revamping of the franchise. Under the direction of Martin Campbell (THE Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 MASK OF ZORRO) and with Paul Haggis (CRASH) 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063939 helping with the re-writes, this addition to the Bond canon manages to hold true to the essence of the stories—the Tartan Video 10.04.2007 villainous villains, the fabulous sets, the beautiful women, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063925 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Dicen the fast-paced action—while updating the formula with Que soy Mujeriego subtlety and humanity. Dramas 2006 144min. Classic Western Round-Up: Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 105min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Volume 1 Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 13.03.2007 Rock Hudson, Julie Adams, Mary Castle, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063942 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063825 Dennis Weaver, Lee Van Cleef, Tony Curtis,

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Coleccion Pedro Infante: El inherited the emotional unavailability of her stoic father action film, INFERNAL AFFAIRS, which saw a policeman (Scott Wilson, IN COLD BLOOD), a frustrated guitar going undercover as a mob member and a mob member Seminarista player whose boozing and womanizing destroyed his infiltrating the police force. Scorsese transfers the action marriage to Lucy’s mother. But when Lucy meets new- to Boston, positioning Leonardo Di Caprio as undercover Dramas 2006 85min. guy-in-town and all-around good catch Cal (Jeffrey cop William Costigan and Matt Damon as undercover Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Donovan), who cares enough to get to know Lucy outside mobster Colin Sullivan. While Costigan and Sullivan get 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063940 of the bar and the bedroom, she discovers that after into plenty of nail-biting situations that almost reveal their nearly 20 years, a habit can be hard to break, and true identities, Scorsese gradually unravels his strong intimacy without alcohol can be a scary thing. supporting cast, including Jack Nicholson as Sullivan’s Coleccion Pedro Infante: La Dramas 2006 97min. mob boss, Frank Costello; Ray Winstone as Costello’s meat-headed muscle; Mark Wahlberg as a hot-headed Mujer Que Yo Perdi Weinstein Company/Genius 20.03.2007 police sergeant; and Vera Farmiga as a love interest for Dramas 2006 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063928 both Damon and Di Caprio’s characters. Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Dramas 2006 Ltbx 151min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063941 Cowboy Junction Warner Home Video 13.02.2007 James Bobby, Elyse Mirto, Gregory Christi- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063784 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Las an - Dir. Gregory Christian Islas Marias Dramas FF 98min. Disappeared Pacific Media Entertainment 27.02.2007 Dramas 120min. Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 82min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063815 First Look Home Entertainment 29.05.2007 Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063737 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063944 Creepshow 3 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Horror/Suspense Doctor Finlay 3 - Days of Grace Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 Nosotros los Pobres Set 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063903 Television, Dramas 364min. Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 115min. BFS Entertainment & Multimedia Limited Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Death of a President 27.02.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063936 Hend Ayoub, Brian Boland, Robert 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063817 Mangiardi, Jay Patterson, James Urbaniak, Coleccion Pedro Infante: Pepe el Neko Parham, Seena Jon, Christian Stolte, Doomed Toro Tony Dale, George W. Bush, Becky Ann Drew Russel, Kara Schaaf, Ward Roberts, Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 108min. Baker, Michael Reilly Burke - Dir. Gabriel Sarah Diaz, Steven Cryen Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Range Television, Horror/Suspense 2007 FF DD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063937 British director Gabriel Range (THE DAY BRITAIN STOPPED) imagines the aftereffects of the assassination 5.1 76min. of George W. Bush in this fictional documentary Maverick Entertainment 03.04.2007 Coleccion Pedro Infante: Sobre („mockumentary“ seems too playful a word for this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063868 relentlessly taut film) set in 2008. Range uses real news las Olas footage, staged scenes (shot on high-res video but Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 128min. cleverly doctored to resemble grainy satellite news Dracula images and security-camera tapes), and phony talking- Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 head interviews to create a compelling and believable Marc Warren, Sophia Myles, David Suchet 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063943 thriller for the CNN generation. He even adds some Horror/Suspense 2007 90min. whodunit elements, along with philosophical musings WGBH Boston Video 06.03.2007 about post-9/11 civil liberties, the psychological effects of Coleccion Pedro Infante: Ustedes war, and the multilayered impact that such a murder 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063845 Los Ricos would have on the world. Dramas 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 90min. Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 115min. Clint Eastwood: Western Icon Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.04.2007 Warner Home Video 10.04.2007 Collection 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063753 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063935 Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom, Geoffrey Lewis, Robert Duvall, Paul Koslo, Dick Van Colour Me Kubrick The Departed (Blu-ray) Patten, Joaquin Martinez - Dir. John Stur- Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack John Malkovich - Dir. Brian Cook ges, Clint Eastwood, Don Siegel John Malkovich delivers a charming performance as Alan Nicholson, Martin Sheen, Mark Wahlberg, Academy Award winner Clint Eastwood stars in these Conway, a man who cons people into believing he’s the Ray Winstone, Alec Baldwin, Vera Farmiga three essential westerns: HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER, JOE famed director Stanley Kubrick. Despite lacking KIDD, and TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA. Please see - Dir. Martin Scorsese individual titles for synopsis information. knowledge about the director’s work, Conway manages to Director Martin Scorsese returns to his trademark style succeed as imposter for nearly the entire last decade of with the violent, bruised, and bloody feature THE Westerns 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 307min. the actual man’s life. DEPARTED. Scorsese filched the basic storyline from Wai Universal Studios Home Video 01.05.2007 Comedies 2007 86min. Keung Lau and Siu Fai Mak’s masterful 2002 Hong Kong 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063911 Magnolia Home Entertainment 27.03.2007 action film, INFERNAL AFFAIRS, which saw a policeman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063853 going undercover as a mob member and a mob member infiltrating the police force. Scorsese transfers the action ER: The Complete Seasons 1-7 to Boston, positioning Leonardo Di Caprio as undercover George Clooney, Anthony Edwards, Juli- Columbo: Myster Movie cop William Costigan and Matt Damon as undercover mobster Colin Sullivan. While Costigan and Sullivan get anna Margulies, Eriq La Salle, Alex Kings- Collection 1989 into plenty of nail-biting situations that almost reveal their ton, Gloria Reuben, Kellie Martin, Noah true identities, Scorsese gradually unravels his strong Peter Falk supporting cast, including Jack Nicholson as Sullivan’s Wyle Television, Dramas 1989 FF DD 2.0 mob boss, Frank Costello; Ray Winstone as Costello’s One of the highest rated TV drama shows of its time, ER 467min. meat-headed muscle; Mark Wahlberg as a hot-headed gave audiences a hospital drama unlike any ever police sergeant; and Vera Farmiga as a love interest for produced. With adult themes and concerns, the show has Universal Studios Home Video 24.04.2007 both Damon and Di Caprio’s characters. been praised for being provocative as well as highly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063918 entertaining. This release includes the first five seasons, Dramas 2006 151min. introducing characters played by George Clooney, Warner Home Video 13.02.2007 Anthony Edwards, Sherry Stringfield, Eriq La Salle, Noah Come Early Morning 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063785 Wyle, and Julianna Marguiles that would become among Pat Corley, Stacy Keach, Wally Welch, the most beloved in television history. Television, Dramas Ashley Judd, Jeffrey Donovan, Diane Ladd, The Departed (HD DVD) Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 Tim Blake Nelson, Scott Wilson, Laura Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack 470,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063810 Prepon, Ray McKinnon - Dir. Joey Lauren Nicholson, Martin Sheen, Mark Wahlberg, Adams Ray Winstone, Alec Baldwin, Vera Farmiga ER: The Complete Seventh For her directorial debut, Joey Lauren Adams (CHASING - Dir. Martin Scorsese AMY) offers this humble, small-town character study of Season Lucy (Ashley Judd), a 30-something Arkansas woman Director Martin Scorsese returns to his trademark style who, though a contractor by day, hits the bars—and often with the violent, bruised, and bloody feature THE Laura Innes, Alex Kingston, Anthony Ed- the bedrooms of strange men—after dark. Though DEPARTED. Scorsese filched the basic storyline from Wai wards, Goran Visnjic, Maura Tierney, Mi- hardworking and well-liked in the community, she’s Keung Lau and Siu Fai Mak’s masterful 2002 Hong Kong

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) chael Michele, Noah Wyle, Eriq La Salle, Young, Kimberly Russell - Dir. David The Guns of Navarone Paul McCrane Fincher Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Dramas Ltbx S For the follow-up to his dark crime thriller SEVEN, director David Fincher decided to remain in a film noir vein. The Stanley Baker, Anthony Quayle, Gia Scala - Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 result is THE GAME, a fast-paced cinematic roller-coaster Dir. J. Lee Thompson 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063809 ride that stars Michael Douglas as Nicholas Van Orton, a A specialized commando team is organized in 1943, joyless San Francisco investment banker who receives an during WWII, to sabotage and put out of commission the unusual birthday present from his estranged younger Axis firepower on the mountainous Greek island of Face Value brother, Conrad (Sean Penn). The gift enrolls Nicholas in Navarone in the Aegean Sea. Dale Midkiff, Cheryl Pollack CRS (Consumer Recreation Services), a company that Action/Adventure 1961 Ltbx 16x9 M designs elaborate real-life games for each specific Dramas 91min. participant. As the game begins, the reluctant Nicholas 157min. MPI Home Video 24.04.2007 becomes the victim of a series of pranks that quickly turn Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063858 malicious and dangerous. Stripped of his finances and 20.03.2007 convinced that he can trust no one, Nicholas realizes that this game may be an attempt to steal his fortune and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063822 Family Rescue leave him for dead. In a George C. Scott, Ally Sheedy, Rachael Thriller 1997 Hate Leigh Cook Universal 17.04.2007 Vincent Cassel, Hubert Kounde, Said Dramas 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063803 Taghmaoui - Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz MPI Home Video 24.04.2007 Shot in cinema verité style, this film follows a day in the Richard Gere Collection - Triple life of three aimless, violence-prone, ethnically-diverse 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063857 young men who hail from the same decaying housing Feature project in Paris. Fighting 69th Richard Gere, Julia Roberts, Debra Winger, Foreign Films, French 1995 Ltbx 16x9 James Cagney, George Brent, Jeffrey Lynn, Edward Norton, Louis Gossett 97min. Frank McHugh, Dennis Morgan, Alan Hale, This triple feature presents a trio of Hollywood Criterion Collection 17.04.2007 blockbusters starring perennial leading man Richard Gere: 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063799 William Lundigan, Dick Foran, Guinn the military romance AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN Williams, Henry O’Neill, John Litel, Pat (1982), the courtroom drama PRIMAL FEAR (1996), and O’Brien - Dir. William Keighley the romantic comedy RUNAWAY BRIDE (1999). See Alfred Hitchcock: Collector’s Edi- A made-for-Cagney part as a cocky Brooklyn kid who likes individual titles for plot details. tion nothing better than a fight. He gets all he can handle as a Dramas member of „The Fighting 69th,“ the celebrated Irish- Paramount Home Entertainment 01.05.2007 Horror/Suspense American unit that goes „over there“ and into the trenches St. Clair Entertainment Group 13.02.2007 of World War I. His bravado melts as the Kaiser’s guns 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063765 rain death onto the Allied positions. A fine blend of fighting 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063879 action, humor and real emotion. Avoid colorized version. Gifted - Season One Action/Adventure 1940 FF M 90min. Witness the God-given talents of the contestants on Alfred Hitchcock: The Ultimate Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 GIFTED, an AMERICAN IDOL style show from Christian Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063812 network TBN. Hosted by Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, this series begins with 16,000 contestants and Horror/Suspense narrows the field to eight finalists, with one emerging as St. Clair Entertainment Group 13.02.2007 Fixed Bayonets! ’51 victor. These eight performers sing songs by the biggest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063878 Richard Baseheart, Gene Evans, Michael names in Christian music, from DC Talk to Stacie Orrico. Television, Religious O’Shea, Richard Hylton, Craig Hill, Skip EMI Video 20.02.2007 Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Homeier, Henry Kulky, Paul Richards, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063797 Doucette - Dir. Samuel Fuller (Blu-ray) Dramas 1951 FF M 92min. Alan Rickman, Sam Rockwell, Mos Def, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment The Great American Snuff Film Zooey Deschanel, Martin Freeman, Bill Writer-director Sean Tretta’s indie horror flick THE GREAT Nighy, Warwick Davis, Anna Chancellor, 24.04.2007 AMERICAN SNUFF FILM is a grindhouse gorefest 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063836 trafficking in that most notorious of urban legends, the John Malkovich - Dir. Garth Jennings snuff film. The harrowing mockumentary dramatizes the Douglas Adams’s long-awaited film version of THE events leading up to a reel of Super 8 snuff footage found HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, based on his The Game (HD DVD) in the home of an arrested serial killer/rapist, depicting five-book series, is a funny, wacky, highly creative ride Michael Douglas, Elizabeth Dennehy, Caro- the sadistic torture of two kidnapped girls and culminating through a bizarre universe. Martin Freeman (Tim from with their supposedly „real“ murders in the film’s final THE OFFICE) stars as Arthur Dent, a British everyman line Barclay, Florentine Mocan, John Aprea, minutes. suddenly thrust into intergalactic intrigue when the earth Harrison Young, Tommy Flanagan Trio, is destroyed by the Vogons to make room for an Horror/Suspense 2003 interspatial highway. Arthur travels the skyways with good John Cassini, Kathryn Jean Harris, Christo- Brain Damage Films 06.03.2007 friend Ford Prefect (Mos Def), an alien writer for an pher Cory, Yuji Okumoto, Owen Masterson, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063813 electronic encyclopedia called THE HITCHHIKER’S Rachel Schadt, Mark Junior Boone, Joy Ann GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. Things get downright Ryan, Jack Kehoe, Christopher John Fields, dangerous—and absolutely hysterical—when Arthur and Andy Griffith Show - The Ford thumb a ride with the president of the universe, two- Linda Manz, Victor Ferrerira, Duffy Gaver, headed Zaphod Beeblebrox (a wild and crazy Sam Robert J. Stephenson, Sean Maloney, Complete Series Rockwell); earthling Tricia McMillan (Zooey Deschanel), Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Ron Howard, Jim whom Arthur once had a thing for back in England; and a Faustina Alcantar, Heriberto Norzagary, perpetually depressed robot named Marvin (voiced by John Hammil, Tracie May, Rachel Stein- Nabors, Frances Bavier, George Lindsey Alan Rickman, played by Warwick Davis). With much of berg, George Maguire, Sara Davallon, Trish Originating as a spinoff of MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY, the galaxy after them, the motley crew makes its way THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW premiered in 1960 and toward a super-computer that just might be able to Sommerville, Jason Kristopher, Soh quickly charmed its way into the hearts of audiences with provide them with the ultimate question; they already Froehlich, Charles Brankira, Tammy one of the most beloved television fathers of all time. Set know the answer. in the fictitious environs of Mayberry, North Carolina, the Koehlev, Alex Lynwood, Michael Lynwood, series chronicled daily life in the peaceful Southern Comedies 2005 109min. Stephen Cowee, Daniel Schorr, Marc hamlet through the gently humorous eyes of town sheriff Buena Vista Home Entertainment Siegler, Pete Davidian, Bill Flannery, Harris Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith). A widower raising his young 20.02.2007 son Opie (a pre-HAPPY DAYS Ron Howard) with the help Savides, Joe Frank, Jamie Midgley, Hideo of his live-in spinster aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), Andy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063818 Kimura, Tom Crowl, Jay Gordon, Curtis capably navigated single parenthood with the same Vanterpool, Gerry Becker, Spike Jonze, goodhearted wisdom that he brought to his law The Holiday enforcement duties—that is, when he wasn’t being Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger, James hampered by the fidgety, bug-eyed antics of his bungling Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Edward Burns, Rebhorn, Anna Katerina, Peter Donat, deputy sheriff Barney Fife (Don Knotts). A wholesome Jack Black, Kate Winslet, Eli Wallach, Carroll Baker, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Charles throwback to a simpler time, this collection presents the Rufus Sewell, Shannyn Sossamon, John Martinet, Scott Hunter McGuire, Jarion series in its entirety for a total of eight seasons. Television, Comedies 1960-1968 Krasinski - Dir. Nancy Meyers Monroe, Aaron Thomas Luchich, Victor 6395min. The Brits and the Yanks join forces in this romantic Talmadge, Andre Brazen, Carlos Hey, Ed- Christmas comedy set in England and L.A. Kate Winslet is Paramount Home Entertainment 29.05.2007 ward Campbell, Sean Lanthier, Esan Pena, a British journalist caught in a cycle of unrequited love 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063922 with her coworker, Jasper (Rufus Sewell). Jasper does his James Brooks, Terence Ford, Anni Long, best to lead her on, and when he announces his Bob Scott, Keena Turner, Jeffery Michael engagement to another woman in the office, Winslet is

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) crushed. Meanwhile, across the pond, Cameron Diaz is a 572min. Machine high-strung movie-trailer editor who has just ended her relationship with Ethan (Edward Burns) after he accuses Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Michael Madsen, Neal McDonough, James her of being emotionally unavailable. And, oh yes, he has 27.03.2007 Russo sort of been sleeping with his receptionist. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063827 Michael Madsen (KILL BILL) and James Russo (MY OWN Comedies 2006 PRIVATE IDAHO) claim starring roles in MACHINE, a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Killer Drag Queens on Dope crime-riddled thriller about life on the seedier side of Los 20.03.2007 Angeles. Alexis Arquette, Omar Alexis Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063793 This campy comedy stars Alexis Arquette (THE SURREAL MTI Home Video 06.03.2007 LIFE) as Ginger, one half of a pair of assassins. With the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063864 I Deal in Danger help of a fellow drag queen named Coco (Omar Alexis), Ginger kills for money and pleasure. These ladies are Christine Carere, Horst Frank, Werner Pe- often as high as their miniskirts’ hemlines, lending a trippy Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman - ters, Robert Goulet - Dir. Walter Grauman feel to this film influenced by the exploitation cinema of Dramas 1966 M 90min. the 1970s. Volume 1 Comedies 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Louise Lasser, Martin Mull, Dabney Laguna Films 20.02.2007 24.04.2007 Coleman, Mary Kay Place, Doris Roberts, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063848 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063837 Graham Jarvis, Sparky Marcus, Marian Mercer, Norman Alden - Dir. Norman Lear Identity (Blu-ray) The King Maker Television, Comedies 1976-1977 FF M Gary Stretch, John Rhys-Davies 563min. Leila Kenzle, Bret Loehr, John Cusack, Ray Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 88min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Liotta, Amanda Peet, John Hawkes, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 27.03.2007 Rebecca De Mornay, Alfred Molina, John C. 03.04.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063820 McGinley, Clea DuVall, Jake Busey, William 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063794 Lee Scott, Pruitt Taylor Vince - Dir. James Mangold Monarch of the Glen: The IDENTITY, directed by James Mangold, is a thriller set at Lawrence of Arabia Complete Series 6 an isolated motel in rural Nevada during an unrelenting Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony rainstorm. With all roads washed out and all forms of Richard Briers, Susan Hampshire, Lloyd communication dead, a group of people become stranded Quinn, Jack Hawkins, Omar Sharif, José Owen at the motel along with the shifty manager (John Hawkes). Ferrer, Claude Rains, Anthony Quayle, Ar- Combining romantic drama, lush photography, an Among the stranded are Ed (John Cusack), a former cop thur Kennedy, I.S. Johar, Hugh Miller, Henry attractive cast, and a biting wit, MONARCH OF THE GLEN turned limo driver; Caroline (Rebecca De Mornay), a self- has become one of the most beloved British television absorbed actress; Paris (Amanda Peet), a prostitute Oscar, Michel Ray, Norman Rossington, series. This collection includes every episode from the attempting to escape her profession; Rhodes (Ray Liotta), John Ruddock, Fernando Sancho, Donald sixth series of the show, and finds Archie’s (Richard a cop transporting a prisoner (Jake Busey); Lou (William Wolfit, Gamil Ratib - Dir. David Lean Briers) brother trying to suppress his feelings for Archie’s Lee Scott) and Ginny (Clea DuVall), bickering newlyweds; This classic film was based on the real-life exploits of wife while performing his newly assumed duties as master and George (John McGinley) and Alice (Leila Kenzle), a legendary British scholar and soldier T.E. Lawrence. of Glenbogle. married couple travelling with their young son. Soon the Stationed in Cairo in 1916, Lawrence languished in the Television, Dramas waterlogged lodgers start dying in mysterious—and bru- mapmaking department of British Intelligence until he was Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 tal—ways, and the increasingly dwindling number of asked to find and gather information on Prince Feisal, survivors must discover the killer to prevent their own leader of the Arab Allied forces in World War I. His desert 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063710 demises. journey inspired his first military success when he led a Horror/Suspense 2003 90min. small contingent of Arabs against the Turkish stronghold Nadia Sony Pictures Home Entertainment of Aqaba. Lawrence’s military career flourished as he Jonathan Banks, Talia Balsam, Carrie 03.04.2007 attempted to forge a new, united Arab nation out of squabbling tribes. Snodgress - Dir. Alan Cooke 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063795 Action/Adventure 1962 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 A loosely-based dramatization of the life of Nadia 226min. Comaneci, the young Romanian gymnast who took the Incredible Journey of Mary Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 1976 Montreal Olympics by storm. Dramas 1984 90min. 20.03.2007 Bryant MPI Home Video 24.04.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063828 Romola Garai, Jack Davenport, Alex 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063856 O’Loughlin, Sam Neill This biopic is based on the life of Mary Bryant, an Lifeblood Naked You Die escaped convict who undertook an epic and perilous Writer-director Stephen J. Niles fashions a modern-day journey as she fled from Australia in an attempt to return vampire tale with his low-budget frightfest LIFEBLOOD. Horror/Suspense 98min. to her native England in 1788. Romola Garai (VANITY Set in contemporary New York City, the film follows three Dark Sky Films 24.04.2007 FAIR) and Jack Davenport (PIRATES OF THE disparate storylines—a man searching for his wife’s killer, CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN’S CHEST) are among the cast two sisters dying from a rare disease, and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063861 members. resurrection of a coven of vampires—as they come Dramas 2005 FF 185min. together in a terrifying climax of bloodletting horror. The Natural MTI Home Video 27.03.2007 Horror/Suspense 2006 Robert Redford, Robert Duvall, Glenn 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063865 Brain Damage Films 03.04.2007 Close, Kim Basinger, Barbara Hershey - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063814 Dir. Barry Levinson Ironside - Season 1 This allegorical tale of success and failure in America tells Raymond Burr Lost Steps the story of a natural born baseball player who should Television, Dramas 1967 1380min. The corrupt Argentine governments of the 1970s and ’80s have been a star but gets a last chance to shine. Randy were responsible for stealing babies from their parents Newman’s memorable score complements an excellent Sony Music Distribution 24.04.2007 and giving them new parents. This drama from Argentina directorial effort by Barry Levinson. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063882 follows the story of a young woman who may have been a Dramas 1984 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 144min. victim of that crime and the man who says he is her Sony Pictures Home Entertainment grandfather. 03.04.2007 Jane Eyre Dramas 2001 Ltbx 16x9 104min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063713 Toby Stephens, Francesca Annis, Ruth TLA Releasing 27.03.2007 Wilson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063804 Dramas 2007 240min. The Natural (Bu-ray) WGBH Boston Video 20.02.2007 Love Wrecked Robert Redford, Robert Duvall, Glenn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063844 Close, Kim Basinger, Barbara Hershey - Amanda Bynes, Chris Carmack, Fred Dir. Barry Levinson Willard, Lance Bass, Kathy Griffin, Alfonso The Jeffersons - The Complete This allegorical tale of success and failure in America tells Ribeiro - Dir. Randal Kleiser the story of a natural born baseball player who should Sixth Season Comedies 2005 86min. have been a star but gets a last chance to shine. Randy Newman’s memorable score complements an excellent Sherman Helmsley, Isabel Sanford, Marla Weinstein Company/Genius 13.03.2007 directorial effort by Barry Levinson. Gibbs, Roxie Roker, Franklin Cover, Paul 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063805 Dramas 1984 144min. Benedict, Ned Wertimer, Mike Evans Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Television, Comedies 1979-1980 FF M

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03.04.2007 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit J-Horror reigns in this anthology of short films from Ja- pan. Genre gurus Kihara Hirokatsu and Nakayama Ichiro 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063714 Pacific Media Entertainment 20.02.2007 present these true stories about ghosts and spirits that 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063873 invade the world of the living. Night of the Comet Horror/Suspense 2006 100min. Robert Beltran, Catherine Mary Stewart, Rancid Media Blasters 13.03.2007 Kelli Maroney, Sharon Farrell - Dir. Thom Matthew Settle, Fay Masterson, Currie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063757 Eberhardt Graham - Dir. Jack Ersgard When a comet hits Earth, nearly everyone is outside to Action/Adventure 2005 DD 2.0 102min. Tell It With Puppets witness the spectacle and celebrate its arrival. Unfortunately, the comet possesses deadly rays that turn Lions Gate Home Entertainment 17.04.2007 Childrens 2006 90min. all the onlookers to dust. However, teenager Regina and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063751 Cheezy Flicks 20.02.2007 her Valley Girl sister Samantha survive, having been 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063866 indoors when the comet struck. But the world has become a dangerous place, populated by monstrous zombies, Requiem created by the comet’s rays. The girls try to escape the Based on a true story, REQUIEM revolves around a Toe Tags creatures and find safety. They seek refuge at a radio female university student who seeks solace in the words The Creekside Apartments have a way of attracting Valley station, having been lured there by a (taped) radio of a priest after suffering an epileptic fit; she also still Creek’s most beautiful and wealthy citizens. But suddenly, transmission. There they meet Hector, another survivor. bears the scars of a punishingly strict upbringing. the building comes under new management, and the price Meanwhile, scientists from an underground compound find Unfortunately, the priest believes she is possessed by the of monthly rent is one’s life. they’ve been affected by the comet, and need the blood of devil, leading to further pain and suffering for a woman healthy humans to create a vaccine. They kidnap who is already delicately balanced on the precipice of Horror/Suspense 2002 Samantha to use her for their cure, forcing Regina and insanity. Brain Damage Films 06.03.2007 Hector to set out and save her — for the sisters are Foreign Films, German 2006 Ltbx 89min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063791 Earth’s only hope for re-populating the planet... Genius Productions, Inc. 06.03.2007 Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1984 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063745 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Tonight We Raid Calais 06.03.2007 Annabella, John Sutton, Lee J. Cobb, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063740 Ricco the Machine Beulah Bondi, Blanche Yurka, Howard Da Chris Mitchum, Barbara Bouchet Silva, Marcel Dalio - Dir. John Brahm No One Could Protect Her Horror/Suspense 94min. Dramas 1943 M 70min. Dark Sky Films 24.04.2007 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Joanna Kerns, Anthony John Denison, Pe- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063862 24.04.2007 ter MacNeill 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063839 Dramas 1996 Trinity Home Entertainment 13.02.2007 Rival 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063830 Linden Ashby, Heather Tom, Tracy Nelson, Torrid Zone Barbara Niven - Dir. Douglas Jackson James Cagney, Ann Sheridan, Pat O’Brien Overlord Television, Horror/Suspense 2006 FF DD Dramas FF M 88min. 2.0 93min. Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 Nicholas Ball, Brian Stirner, Davyd Harries, Lions Gate Home Entertainment 17.04.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063790 Julie Neesam - Dir. Stuart Cooper Shot in 1975, OVERLORD is a little-seen drama about a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063750 soldier going off to fight in World War II. Director Stuart Tragic Ceremony Cooper utilizes real footage from the battle itself to add a Sailor of the King strong dose of realism to the movie. Camille Keaton Dramas 1975 Ltbx 16x9 M 84min. Jeffrey Hunter, Michael Rennie, Peter Van Horror/Suspense 87min. Criterion Collection 17.04.2007 Eyck, Wendy Hiller, Bernard Lee, Victor Dark Sky Films 24.04.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063742 Maddern, Patrick Barr, Robin Bailey - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063860 Roy Boulting The Pickle Action/Adventure 1953 M 83min. Ultimate TV Westerns - 150 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Danny Aiello, Dyan Cannon, Shelley Win- Episodes 24.04.2007 ters, Ally Sheedy, Griffin Dunne, Isabella Television, Westerns FF 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063838 Rossellini, Little Richard, Jerry Stiller - Dir. Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Paul Mazursky 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063721 After a string of box office bombs, a noted movie director Saint Monica with primal doubts about his talent accepts a job directing Brigitte Bako, Conrad Coates, Kelly Fiddick, Vicious Vixens a teenage sci-fi film about a flying pickle. In the hours Genevieve Buechner, Clare Coulter, leading up to the film’s premiere he seeks support and Horror/Suspense FF solace from the people in his life whom he has neglected Maurizio Terrazzano - Dir. Terrance Odette through the years. A young girl’s desire to be an angel teaches her life Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Comedies 1993 Ltbx 16x9 S 103min. lessons in SAINT MONICA. When Monica loses her part 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063729 as an angel in a parade, she takes matters into her own Sony Pictures Home Entertainment small hands by stealing the most important part of the 27.03.2007 angel costume: the wings. When she loses them, her War at Home: The Complete First 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063829 search takes her to a homeless woman who has spiritual Season aspirations of her own. Dramas 2002 85min. Television, Dramas 474min. Pony Trouble Allumination Film Works LLC 13.03.2007 Warner Home Video 15.05.2007 Horror/Suspense 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063709 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063787 Brain Damage Films 06.03.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063792 Sinister Souls Warriors of Heaven and Earth Horror/Suspense FF (Blu-ray) Pride Bestsellers - Moments with Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Jiang Wen, Wang Xueqi, Vicki Zhao, Johan / Where the Boys Are / 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063728 Harrison Liu, Kiichi Nakai, Hasi Bagen, He You’re Gorgeous Tao, Wang Deshun, Yang Haiquan, The PRIDE BESTSELLERS presents three programs of Stinger Yeerjiang Mahepushen, Zhou Yun - Dir. He gay erotica that celebrate the beauty of the European Michelle Meadows, Christopher Persson, Ping male. MOMENTS WITH JOHAN showcases the charms of He Ping, the director of the cult classic SWORDSMAN IN Czech porn star Johan Paulik with a collection of clips Casey Clark, Richard Froelich DOUBLE FLAG TOWN and the better-known RED from his best films, including BOY OH BOY, BOY Horror/Suspense 2007 FF DD 5.1 97min. FIRECRACKER, GREEN FIRECRACKER, enters the big WONDER, and THE CHAIN REACTION. WHERE THE Maverick Entertainment 10.04.2007 time with WARRIORS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, an epic BOYS ARE finds director Mike Esser travelling to battle between two heroic figures fighting for themselves Portugal’s Algarve Coast to film hot young Brits enjoying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063867 and for their countries. When Li (Jiang Wen) refuses to the sun and sensuality. And YOU’RE GORGEOUS kill innocent women and children, he becomes a rogue captures 15 Eastern European hotties—including Dano Tales of Terror from Tokyo - Vol. soldier without a land. Master swordsman Lai Xi (Nakai Sulik, Stefan Andersen, and Kristian Jensen—spending a Kiichi) is ordered to assassinate him if wants to get back little bit of time by themselves. 3, Part 2 to to his home in Japan and see his mother before she

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Bezaubernde Kinderbuchverfilmung über ein Hauptfigur Wilbur ist zu klein, um sich an der mit kunstvoll in ihre Netze eingesponnenen kleines Ferkel, das lieber getätschelt als mütterlichen Zapfstation gegenüber seinen Botschaften die Farm und Wilbur berühmt geräuchert werden will. Geschwistern durchzusetzen. Was ihm damit macht, rettet sie das Schwein endgültig vor dem droht, zeigt ein Schnitt in die Küche der Räucherturm, in dem das Leben seiner Wer Vorbehalte gegenüber diesem Film hegt, Farmerfamilie Arable, wo sich gebratener Artgenossen üblicherweise endet. „If you build weil putzige Kotelettlieferanten bereits im Frühstücksspeck auf den Tellern türmt. Ein it they will come“, ist sozusagen das Motto dieser Babe-Universum hinreichend für Rührung und solches Ende will Arables Tochter Fern (Dakota Farm der Träume, auf der kindgerecht vom Wert Spinnen in eher ungewohnter Rolle als Best Fanning) natürlich verhindern, nimmt Wilbur der Freundschaft und vom Kreislauf des Lebens Buddy für Verstimmung sorgen, kann sich nicht gerade artgerecht als ständigen Begleiter erzählt wird. Die Mischung aus Tierdressur und entspannt im Kino zurücklehnen. an, bis ihr Vater das Tier in den Stall seines digitalen Animationen verblüfft „Schweinchen Wilbur und seine Freunde“ Bruders verbannt. Dort lebt man, wie Wilbur generationsüberschreitend, der Humor hat entpuppt sich als liebevoll realisierte auf Anhieb erkennt, nebeneinander, nicht zielgruppenkonform in wohl dosierter Ergänzung zum kleinen Genre der pastoralen miteinander, findet das Schweinchen nur in der Situationskomik seinen Schwerpunkt, streift Farmidylle - und der gefürchtete Achtbeiner kleinen Spinne Charlotte eine Verbündete. aber auch Wortwitz (Kühe sind „Hüftsteaks mit als weiser Netzdesigner, der Phobien Damit die Realität in diesem Märchen nicht Blähungen“). Einen heimlichen Helden hat vielleicht nicht beseitigen, zumindest aber völlig ausgegrenzt wird, zeigt Charlotte, wie dieses Märchen auch. Er heißt Templeton, ist mildern kann. Nach der Zeichentrickversion sie eine Fliege mundgerecht verpackt, was eine Ratte, deren beschränkte Motivlage, sich „Zuckermanns Farm“ in den Siebzigern ist einen alten Gaul geschockt von den Hufen holt. den Bauch vollzuschlagen und zwischen dies der erste Realfilm nach der Vorlage des Ungeachtet dieses verstörenden Zuckerwatte und Pommes das Paradies zu 1952 veröffentlichten Klassikers von E.B. Fressverhaltens entwickelt der Film behutsam finden, jedes Kinderherz erobern wird. kob. White, der sich auch als Schöpfer von „Stuart die Freundschaft zwischen den beiden Little“ in Kinderzimmern und Hollywoodland Außenseitern, die schließlich auch auf die Quelle: Blickpunkt:Film beliebt gemacht hat. anderen Stallbewohner abfärbt. Als die Spinne

CHARLOTTE’S WEB (Schweinchen Wilbur und seine Freunde) NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9 anamorph) oder Full Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Dolby Digital 5.1 Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 28.03.2007) Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 03. April 2007

LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) dies. But first they must join together to help a caravan For decades, Russ Taff has been an integral part of 20.02.2007 with precious cargo make its way safely across the Christian music. THE BEST OF RUSS TAFF celebrates his desert—with a beautiful woman, Wen Zhu (SHAOLIN career beginning with his time with the Imperials to his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063931 SOCCER’s Zhao Wei), caught in between them. The contemporary work as a solo artist. With Bill Gaither as gorgeous cinematography is by Zhao Fei, who shot such the host, this program features live performance and Cosi Fan Tutte Asian epics as RAISE THE RED LANTERN as well as behind-the-scenes insight into the singer. such Woody Allen films as SWEET AND LOWDOWN and Religious This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg SMALL TIME CROOKS. The lush look of the film is Festival, and sees Ana Maria Martinez, Sophie Koch, and echoed by A.R. Rahman’s marvelous score and EMI Video 20.02.2007 Shawn Matey performing Mozart’s COSI FAN TUTTE. outstanding costuming and set design. Ping masterfully 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063731 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 recreates seventh-century China as horses and camels Universal Music & Video Distribution lead the protagonists down the famous 13.02.2007 Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin 2004 Ltbx Block Star DVD Magazine - LA 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063779 16x9 DD 5.1 120min. Platinum Edition Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006 03.04.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution DeLarrocha / Romero / Dutoit - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063715 13.02.2007 Nights In the Arden of Spain 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063767 Charles Dutoit West Point Story Musical & Performing Arts, Classical James Cagney, Virginia Mayo, Doris Day, Broadway Dance Center: Lyrical Universal Music & Video Distribution Gordon MacRae, Gene Nelson, Alan Hale, Jazz 13.02.2007 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063776 Roland Winters - Dir. Roy Del Ruth Musical & Performing Arts, Dance A Broadway dancer would never enroll in West Point, unless he happens to be Elwin Bixby. Instruction 2007 FF 45min. BayView Entertainment 03.04.2007 Don Giovanni Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1950 This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg FF M 107min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063948 Festival, and sees an impressive cast performing Mozart’s Warner Home Video 24.04.2007 DON GIOVANNI. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063786 Tim Buckley - My Fleeting House Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution Young Guns (Blu-ray) FF DD 5.1 105min. 13.02.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063778 Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Dia- Music Video Distributors 24.04.2007 mond Phillips, Charlie Sheen, Dermot 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063759 Mulroney, Casey Siemaszko, Jack Palance, Gomez - Five Men in A Hut Terence Stamp, Terry O’Quinn - Dir. Chri- Cage / Cunningham Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music stopher Cain John Cage, Merce Cunningham - Dir. Eliot EMI Video 20.02.2007 Propelled by a rock ‘n’ roll soundtrack and populated by a Caplan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063796 handful of hot young Hollywood actors, „Young Guns“ is a Filmmaker Elliot Caplan captures the brilliant, one-of-a- Western for the MTV generation. Set in 1870s New kind, decades-long partnership between choreographer Buddy Greco - The Man and the Mexico, it follows the career of six juvenile delinquents Merce Cunningham and composer John Cage. Both men, hired to defend the ranch of a British cattle baron. When individually, revolutionized their own arts. Together, they Music the rancher is killed by town officials, the boys rebel produced dance pieces which, in their use of against the powers-that-be by transforming themselves groundbreaking artists and pioneering approach to aural Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music into a band of outlaws led by none other than Billy the and visual forms, were unprecedented since the days of 156min. Kid. Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007 Westerns 1988 Musical & Performing Arts, Dance 1995 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063907 Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.02.2007 95min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063849 Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007 Hilary Hahn - Hilary Hahn Portrait 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063905 This musical portrait of Hilary Hahn features the Grammy- winning violinist performing with a wide range of Canadian Brass - Inside Brass internationally acclaimed orchestras and musicians. Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Music Canadian Brass The work of Canadian Brass has seen them perform to Universal Music & Video Distribution thousands of schools, providing invaluable musical tuition 13.02.2007 Ainsley / Erdmann / Fischer / as they travel. This three-part program presents some 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063806 Frenkel - Zaide: Adama tuition and tips for making it in the business, and is a fun, easy-to-follow guide to playing in a band. John Mark Ainsley Musical & Performing Arts, Music Idomeno This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg Instruction 2005 This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg Festival, and sees a glittering cast performing Mozart’s Festival, and sees an impressive cast performing Mozart’s ZAIDE: ADAMA. Universal Music & Video Distribution IDOMENEO. Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 13.02.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Universal Music & Video Distribution 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063782 Universal Music & Video Distribution 13.02.2007 13.02.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063773 Canadian Brass - Three Nights 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063808 with Canadian Brass Beatles - Archival Treasures: Canadian Brass Jacques Loussier Trio - Loussier 1964-1971 The chamber music ensemble Canadian Brass has Trio Plays Bach achieved great popularity in their more than thirty-year Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music career, creating easy-listening melodies out of a fusion of Originally recorded in Munich in 1989, this release 1964-1971 Ltbx 40min. classical music and jazz. This video captures the group as features the famed Jacques Loussier Jazz Trio playing a K.C. Sales 27.02.2007 they play three concerts, giving viewers a sense of true selection of works by the Baroque master. Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063904 range. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2003 Universal Music & Video Distribution Universal Music & Video Distribution 13.02.2007 Berchtold / Karg / Kiener / 13.02.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063807 Wallnig - Apollo Et Hyacint 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063781 Conducted here by Josef Wallnig, this opera was Mehta / Vienna Philharmonic Or- composed when Mozart was 11 years old. Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Chick Corea - Live In Barcelona chestra - New Year’s Concert Universal Music & Video Distribution Chick Corea Maestro Zubin Mehta leads the Vienna Philharmonic This live concert recording highlights one of the best- Orchestra in an evening of Strauss for their 2007 New 13.02.2007 loved jazz pianists of all time. Year’s celebration. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063774 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 FF Universal Music & Video Distribution Best of Russ Taff Universal Music & Video Distribution 13.02.2007

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063769 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1980 Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 Sony Music Distribution 27.03.2007 FF Mitridate Re Di Ponto: Mozart 22 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063880 Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063724 Festival, and sees Richard Croft, Netta Or, and Miah Rasmus - Live Letters Perrson performing Mozart’s MITRIDATE RE DI PONTO. Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Rock band the Rasmus are captured live in concert on Brazilian Fantasies LIVE LETTERS. Performing in Switzerland in August 2004, A parade of female models from Brazil are featured on Universal Music & Video Distribution the band plays songs such as „Still Standing,“ „Time to this title from Peach DVD. 13.02.2007 Burn,“ and „In my Life.“ Seven music videos are also Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063780 included. Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006 Peach DVD 20.02.2007 Universal Music & Video Distribution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063869 Mozartballs 20.02.2007 An Austrian astronaut, a Swiss high-school teacher, an Civil Strife & Commotion Box Set American composer, and two women who believe they 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063768 are, respectively, Mozart and Mozart’s lover are the Learn all about three of the most turbulent and dramatic subjects of this fascinating documentary on the late periods in British history: the Peasants’ Revolt in 1381, composer. the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 to blow up Parliament and the King, and the Jacobite Rebellions of the late 1600s Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 and early 1700s. Each tells a fascinating story that Universal Music & Video Distribution Special Interest changed the course of history. Featuring historical 13.02.2007 reenactments and expert analysis. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063777 2007 Rose Bowl Game Education/General Interest, World History/ The 93rd Rose Bowl game featured the USC Trojans Culture 2000 150min. Murray / Hamre / Smith / Wagner / locked in combat with the Michigan Wolverines. Kultur Films Inc. 24.04.2007 Sports/Recreation, Football 2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063906 Hofstetter / CZ - Abend- Genius Productions, Inc. 23.02.2007 empfindungen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063733 Scott Cole Presents Best Abs on Featuring the voice of Marianne Hamre, this release brings together several powerful selections from works by Earth Mozart. After Hours 2 For 1 Pack Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 FF Universal Music & Video Distribution Red Dragon 20.02.2007 Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 13.02.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063761 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063727 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063772 Aftershock: Beyond the Civil War Scott Cole Presents Tai Chi Trai- Nacoski / Fribo / Bobro / Paton / Education/General Interest, War/Civil War ning 2007 90min. Ticciati - Il Sogno Di Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007 This production of Mozart’s „dramatic serenade,“ IL FF SOGNO DI SCIPIONE (SCIPIO’S DREAM), was staged by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063890 Michael Sturminger. Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063726 Universal Music & Video Distribution Angie’s Fantasies 13.02.2007 Angie Savage, Devon Lee, Tyler Faith Diamonds of War: Africa’s Blood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063771 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Peach DVD 19.02.2007 Diamond 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063871 Released to coincide with the big-budget Leonardo Di Norma Caprio vehicle BLOOD DIAMOND, this documentary, Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 produced by the National Geographic channel, examines Barbarians II the diamond trade of Sierra Leone. DIAMONDS OF WAR Universal Music & Video Distribution illustrates how violence and even war have broken out in 13.02.2007 Education/General Interest, World History/ the region as a result of its diamonds. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063775 Culture 2007 1800min. Education/General Interest, World History/ New Video Group, Inc. 24.04.2007 Culture Ovenden / Mijanovic / Kleiter - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063889 Warner Home Video 20.03.2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063741 Betulia Liberatasa Best of One Step Beyond This production was staged as part of the 2006 Salzburg Festival, and sees Jeremy Ovenden, Marijana Mijanovic, Television, Education/General Interest, Documentaries of Louis Malle and Julia Kleiter performing Mozart’s BETULIA Strange Phenomena 1350min. Dramas 818min. LIBERATASA. Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Criterion Collection 24.04.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063718 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063744 Universal Music & Video Distribution 13.02.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063770 Brand New Butt Plus Pilates Fabulous 60s Host Janis Saffell leads Pilates students through a Education/General Interest, American workout created specifically to target the butt muscles. In History/Culture 600min. Plastilina Mosh - Tasty addition to firming up the buns, the exercises here also MPI Home Video 24.04.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music address neighboring areas like the thighs. Using the dumbbell and the Pilates Flat Band, Saffell adds some 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063854 EMI Video 20.02.2007 intensity to the moves, and really works the arms. Though 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063732 anyone can benefit from this program, it was designed with a woman’s body in mind. Global Warming - What’s Up with Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2005 the Weather Police - Greatest Video Hits FF Education/General Interest, Environmental Police Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 WGBH Boston Video 20.03.2007 Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063723 DD 5.1 67min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063841 KOCH Entertainment Distribution Brand New Butt Plus Sculpt 27.02.2007 Hidden Epidemic - Heart Disease Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063758 FF in America Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 Education/General Interest, Health/Diet John Prine - Live on Soundstage 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063725 2007 116min. 1980 WGBH Boston Video 20.03.2007 John Prine Brand New Butt Plus Step 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063843

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Jari Love Karlie Montana, Anita Dark, Lux Kassidy reveal the moon’s secrets. This NOVA documentary explores this satellite of Saturn in impressive detail with Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF footage of the surface. With its similarity to ancient Earth, Razor Digital Entertainment 20.02.2007 Peach DVD 26.02.2007 Titan may hold the key to how life began on the third rock 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063874 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063872 from the sun. Education/General Interest, Science/ Technology 2006 56min. Lost King of the Maya Paper Dolls The documentary PAPER DOLLS reveals a subculture WGBH Boston Video 20.02.2007 Education/General Interest, World History/ unknown to many. The film follows five illegal Filipino 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063842 Culture 112min. immigrants living in Tel Aviv, Israel. Cross-dressers, these WGBH Boston Video 20.03.2007 men have fled unwelcoming families and found Savage Earth Box Set 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063846 acceptance from the elderly people they spend their days caring for. Education/General Interest 1998 240min. Dramas 2006 Ltbx 80min. First Look Home Entertainment 24.04.2007 Moscow Elegy Strand Releasing 13.03.2007 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063855 Masterly Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky is the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063766 subject of this lovingly made and thought-provoking documentary. Alexander Sokurov, a filmmaker belonging School of Their Own to the Tarkovsky lineage, directed this portrait for Lenin- Peach Girls - 2 for 1 Naughty From 1996 to 2006, the South Asian country of Nepal was grad State Documentary Productions, and includes Pack host to a bloody civil war that resulted in over 10,000 footage from Tarkovsky’s films, commentary on the re- Nepalese dead. Even amidst the fierce fighting, an experi- pressive nature of the Soviet regime, and footage of Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 mental school in the remote countryside continued its Tarkovsky’s funeral. Red Dragon 20.02.2007 mission of educating poor, lower-caste, and mostly female Education/General Interest, Biography 1987 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063760 children despite the interference of both the monarchist FF 90min. government and opposition Maoist rebels. Utilizing Facets Video 20.02.2007 stunning location footage and interviews, director Debra Peach Girls 2-for-1 Bikini Pack Kaufman, in her impassioned documentary, A SCHOOL 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063734 OF THEIR OWN, chronicles the school’s heroic efforts to Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 stay afloat despite nearly impossible circumstances. Naughty in Lace Red Dragon 20.02.2007 Education/General Interest, World History/ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063763 Culture 2007 Lux Kassidy, Alexa Rae, Amber Lee, Choices, Inc. 20.02.2007 Valentina Vaughn Get an eyeful of the juicy ladies of Peach as they model Peach Girls 2-for-1 Lingerie Pack 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063819 sexy and skimpy lingerie. From satin corsets to sheer Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 bras, NAUGHTY IN LACE leaves nothing to the Secrets of Winning in Vegas imagination with appearances from Alexa Rea, Lux Red Dragon 20.02.2007 Kassidy, Amber Lee, and Valentina Vaughn. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063762 Sports/Recreation, Games/Gambling 2006 Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2007 FF Peach DVD 12.02.2007 Keli Roberts: A.S.A.P. Digital 1 Stop, Inc. 20.02.2007 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063870 Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063722 Razor Digital Entertainment 20.02.2007 Nova - Mystery of the Senses: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063876 UFC 64: Unstoppable Box Set Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min. Inspired by the book „A Natural History of the Senses“ by Keli Roberts: Flexibility for the First Look Home Entertainment 22.05.2007 Diane Ackerman, this NOVA series is a blend of science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063738 and imagery, literature and folklore, history and personal Inflexible adventure. One tape is devoted to each of the five Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness senses- hearing, smell, taste, touch, and vision. UFC 65: Bad Intentions Presented with the usual NOVA combination of visual Razor Digital Entertainment 20.02.2007 aplomb and well-researched information. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063875 Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min. Education/General Interest, Science/ First Look Home Entertainment 22.05.2007 Technology 1995 276min. Saturn’s Titan - Voyage to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063739 WGBH Boston Video 20.02.2007 Mystery Moon Ultimate Imax Collection 10 Pack 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063840 What hides beneath the clouds of Titan? When the best scientific minds in Europe and America collaborated, they Education/General Interest Objects of Her Desire created a probe to make the billion-mile trek to finally Razor Digital Entertainment 20.02.2007 163,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40063877

ARTHUR AND THE INVISIBLES NTSC - Regionalcode 1 Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9) - Dolby Digital 5.1 Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 02.04.2007) Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 10. Aoril 2007

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Joshikousei: Box (PCM) Film 13.04.2007 Animation Animation 27.06.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Halls Of Montezuma 441,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038721 (1951) 50038671 Film 06.04.2007 Bakegyamon Vol. 10 The Comancheros 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 09.05.2007 One Piece: 8th Season (1961) 50038724 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vol. 4 Film 06.04.2007 50038666 Animation 11.04.2007 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: Hello, Dolly! (1969 / DD) 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038736 Film 06.04.2007 Bikkuriman Vol. 7 50038672 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 21.04.2007 Death And The Maiden 50038725 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Teito (1991) (1994) 50038713 Animation 21.04.2007 Film 24.03.2007 Human Trafficking 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: (2005) Bikkuriman Vol. 8 50038717 50038691 Film 06.04.2007 Animation 21.04.2007 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Devil Wears Prada 50038696 50038714 (2006 / DD 5.1) Film Film 18.04.2007 The Hustler (1961) Bikkuriman Vol. 9 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 06.04.2007 Animation 21.04.2007 50038737 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie 2 (2001 / 50038740 50038715 The Devil Wears Prada: DD 5.1) It’s All Gone Pete Tong Black Jack Vol. 21 Film 12.04.2007 United Arrows Box 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 18.04.2007 (2004 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1) (PCM) 50038687 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 25.04.2007 Animation 04.04.2007 50038738 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: American Pie 5: The 50038675 50038667 Naked Mile (2006 / DD Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974) The L.A. Riot Detective Conan Part 15 5.1) Spectacular (2005) Film 12.04.2007 Film 13.04.2007 Vol. 4 Film 23.03.2007 63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 23.03.2007 66,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038688 50038722 70,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038741 50038679 Django (1966) American Pie: Band Die Marquise Von O Camp (2005 / DD 5.1 + Film 24.03.2007 Fist Of The Blue Sky 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: (1976) Animation 12.04.2007 DTS 5.1) 50038693 Film 24.03.2007 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 12.04.2007 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038680 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Dr. Mabuse, Der Spieler 50038692 50038689 Ghost Hunt Vol. 4 (PCM) (1922) Film 24.03.2007 Mash (1970) Animation 25.04.2007 American Wedding (2003 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 13.04.2007 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: / DD 5.1) 50038694 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038668 Film 12.04.2007 50038726 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: Happy Lucky Fantastic Voyage (1966 / 50038690 DD) Matando Cabos (2004) Bikkuriman Vol. 2 Film 25.04.2007 Film 06.04.2007 Animation 21.04.2007 Amores Perros (2000 / 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038676 DD 5.1) 50038723 50038716 Film 23.02.2007 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: The French Connection Nemesis Game (2003) Major: 3rd Series Vol. 1 50038718 Film 06.04.2007 Animation 18.04.2007 (1971 / DD 5.1) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: L’Amour L’Apres-Midi Film 13.04.2007 50038698 50038669 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: (1972) 50038739 North To Alaska (1960 / Makoto-Chan (1980) Film 24.03.2007 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ghostboat (2006) DD) Animation 24.03.2007 Film 06.04.2007 50038697 Film 06.04.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038681 50038727 Beyond The Valley Of 50038695 Murder Princess Vol. 3 The Dolls (1970) Perceval Le Gallois (PCM) Film 13.04.2007 Peter Greenaway Shorts 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Vol. 1 (1978) Animation 30.05.2007 Film 24.03.2007 50038719 Film 24.03.2007 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038670 50038699 Butch Cassidy & The 50038700 Ohayo Spank (1982) Sundance Kid (1969) Race With The Devil Film 13.04.2007 The Halfway House Animation 24.03.2007 (1975) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: (2004) Film 13.04.2007 50038682 50038720 Film 06.04.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038728 Okusama Wa Che! (1969) 50038701

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Rocky Anthology 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038765 Film 06.04.2007 50038673 Kool & The Gang: 40th 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: Anniversary Of The Sunset Live 2006 DVD 50038729 Camel: Total Pressure: Funk Legend Music 21.03.2007 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: Live In Concert 1984 Music 04.04.2007 50038755 Rocky II (1979 / DD 5.1 + Music 25.03.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: DTS 5.1) 50038677 Ticciati & Karntner SO: Film 06.04.2007 50038768 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ongaku No Chikara: Mozart: Il Sogno Di 50038730 Carpenters: Live At The Yoshino Kinji No Fukki Scipione BBC O Negau Kinkyuu Co Music 25.04.2007 Rocky III (1982 / DD 5.1 Music 25.04.2007 105,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 25.04.2007 72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038766 + DTS 5.1) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038758 Film 06.04.2007 50038770 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: Tucker: Brand New DVD 50038731 Elvis Costello / Allen Luciano Pavarotti: 30th Music 25.04.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Toussaint: Hot As A Anniversary: 1991 Rocky IV (1985 / DD 5.1 Pistol, Keen As A Blade 50038760 + DTS 5.1) Modena & Barcelona (DD 5.1) Music 20.02.2007 Film 06.04.2007 Music 25.04.2007 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038746 50038732 50038759 Special Rocky V (1990 / DD 5.1 + R.E.M.: Parallel Damn Yankees: Uprising Music 11.04.2007 Interest DTS 5.1) (DD 5.1) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 06.04.2007 Music 11.04.2007 50038702 Kabuki: Bo Shibari / 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038733 50038684 R.E.M.: This Film Is On Toshima / Tomoyakko Music 11.04.2007 Special Interest 23.03.2007 Rolling 60s & 70s Deli: Brand New DVD 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: Collection Music 25.04.2007 50038703 50038704 Film 13.04.2007 72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 239,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038674 Cliff Richard: World Kabuki: Date No Juyaku 50038734 Tour 2003 (DD 5.1 + DTS Special Interest 23.03.2007 Dokken: Unchain The 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: The Seven Year Itch 5.1) 50038705 Night Music 11.04.2007 (1955 / DD) Music 11.04.2007 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kabuki: Igagoe Dochu Film 06.04.2007 57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038683 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038686 Sugoroku - Numazu 50038742 Ringo Shiina X Neko Special Interest 23.03.2007 The Family Values Tour 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: Sink The Bismarck! Saito: Heisei Fuuzoku: 50038706 2006 Daiginjo (1960) Music 11.04.2007 Music 25.04.2007 Kabuki: Ishikiri Kajiwara Film 06.04.2007 63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 63,90 EUR BestellNr.: Special Interest 23.03.2007 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038767 50038757 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038735 Greenmachine: This Is 50038707 There’s No Business Andrea Rost: Mozart The End 061008 Arias Kabuki: Kinkakuji Like Show Business Music 23.03.2007 Music 25.04.2007 Special Interest 23.03.2007 Film 06.04.2007 57,90 EUR BestellNr.: 43,90 EUR BestellNr.: 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038745 50038678 50038708 50038743 Hofstetter & Camerata Roxy Music: The Thrill Kabuki: Tokaiya / Wing And A Prayer Salzburg: Mozart: La Daimotsu No Ura (1944) Of It All Finta Semplice Music 25.04.2007 Special Interest 23.03.2007 Film 06.04.2007 Music 25.04.2007 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 105,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038764 50038709 50038744 50038762 Scamp: Oto Yakuza DVD Moments Choisis Des Hofstetter & Camerata Music 20.04.2007 Histoire (2004) Salzburg: Mozart: Lo 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: Special Interest 24.03.2007 Music Sposo Deluso / L’Oca 50038756 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038685 Del Cairo Squall’s Party Crew DVD Music 25.04.2007 1st & Hope Music 04.04.2007 151,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 04.04.2007 43,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038763 63,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038771 50038761 TV Program Johnny, Louis & Char: Sting: The Journey And Bjork: Trace Of Bjork: Real Rock The Labyrinth Airwolf: Season 2 Box Music 04.04.2007 Artiste Legend Music 25.04.2007 TV Program 12.04.2007 191,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 25.04.2007 72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038769

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 04/07 (Nr. 201) Februar 2007 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

50038710 (2000) TV Program 22.03.2007 TV Program 23.02.2007 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Battle Fever J Vol. 3 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50038712 TV Program 21.04.2007 50038750 Unsere Öffnungszeiten: 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: Point Pleasant: Box 50038747 Maigret Et La TV Program 06.04.2007 Ladenverkauf: 191,90 EUR BestellNr.: Gougou Sentai Croqueuse De Diamants 50038752 Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr Boukenger Vol. 9 (2001) TV Program 23.02.2007 Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr TV Program 21.04.2007 Stargate Atlantis: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: Season 1 Box (DD 5.1) 50038751 Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr 50038748 TV Program 06.04.2007 Maigret Et La Fenetre 307,90 EUR BestellNr.: Telefonische Bestellannahme: Kamen Rider Kabuto 50038753 Ouverte (2001) Vol. 9 Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr TV Program 22.03.2007 TV Program 21.04.2007 Yuugen Jikkou Sisters Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: Shushutorian Vol. 1 Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr 50038711 50038749 TV Program 21.04.2007 Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr Mon Ami Maigret (2001) 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr Maigret Chez Les Riches 50038754 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- und Feiertags (Baden-Württem- berg) bleibt unser Verkauf BOBBY - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) oder Full geschlossen. Frame 1:1.33 (4x3) - Dolby Digital 5.1 - Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 04.04.2007) - Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 10. Aoril 2007 Vom 15.03.2007 - 21.03.2007 bleibt unser Geschäft geschlossen

Newsletter 04 / 07 (Nr. 201) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assisstenz: Beate Hannemann © (2007) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis so- wie alle anfallenden Import- kosten inkl. unserer Vermitt- lungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34