Ben Effrey Excavation 2011

Data Structure Report

By Tessa Poller

Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

Table of Contents

Summary Introduction Location and Background Aims Methodology

Results Trench 1 3 Rampart 2 Rampart 1 Topsoil

Discussion Ramparts




Appendices i) Contexts ii) Small Finds iii) Drawings iv) Samples v) Photos

List of Figures Figure 1 Locat ion Map of in SERF area Figure 2 Hillshade model based on topographic survey of fort with location of trench Figure 3 View of Ben Effrey from lower slopes in the north west Figure 4 Aerial view of Ben Effrey from the north Figure 5 Views of BenEffrey Figure 6 Processed gradiometry results of the geophysical survey Figure 7 East facing section of ramparts and Figure 8 Plan of trench showing ramparts Figure 9 Plan view of showing stones at edge of trench; section view of palisade trench in Rampart 3 Figure 10 Plan view of dark ashy patch 1023 in ditch Figure 1 1 West facing section of ditch showing dark ashy concentration 1023 in centre of fill Figure 1 2 Massive boulders in south face of Rampart 2 (1010); slumped b oulder and compacted stones on face (1046) Figure 1 3 Line of stones 1045 between edges of Rampart 1, with core material 1016 in centre Figure 1 4 Vitrified fuel ash/ bog iron SF 7033 in core of Rampart 1 Figure 1 5 Views of Rampart 1 Figure 1 6 Rough stone surface north of Rampart 1 (1027)

- 1 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

Summary Excavations at Ben Effrey hillfort took place between the 1st and 20th of August, 2011 as part of the Strathearn Environs and Royal Forteviot (SERF) project. A 30m by 2m wide trench was excavated over the remains of the ramparts on the south-east side the hillfort. The results of the excavation revealed the varied character of each of the three ramparts that define the south face of the fort. The outer rampart was built with earth quarried from an associated ditch and supported by a timber fence. The middle rampart had massive boulders at its foundation. While the innermost rampart showed signs of timber being interspersed between tightly knitted stones in its southern face. The different constructions may suggest more than on phase of building and perhaps indicates that each rampart had a distinct role.

Introduction SERF has established a programme of investigating a number of hillforts surrounding the village of Forteviot. The primary aim of this programme is to obtain a relative chronological sequence of the hillforts within this landscape. On the northern slopes of the Ochils there is a notable concentration of sites classified as forts, of which we know very little. The results from the SERF programme so far have highlighted the value of systematic excavations in providing an overview of when these sites were constructed and how the were built. The fieldwork at Ben Effrey was the fifth season of work conducted through this programme.

Figure 1: Location Map of Hillforts in SERF area: blue circles other forts excavated by SERF 2007- 2011, red circle Ben Effrey.

Location and Background

Ben Effrey is part of the Ochil Volcanic Formation, which generally consist of andesite and basalt lavas. This hill, like other areas around Craig Rossie, is also characterised by exposed rhyodacite. The superficial geology is mainly glacial tills and deposits of erratics situated in locally derived purple clay.

- 2 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

During excavation the vegetation on the summit was predominantly short grass used as pasture for grazing sheep with heather and bilberry encroaching on the eastern and northern slopes. Ben Effrey is situated 350m above sea level, on the northern fringes of the Ochils. It has two summits with the hillfort located on the broader northern summit. Any views to or from the fort would have been obscured by the other summit to the southwest. Nonetheless, the easiest approach to hillfort on Ben Effrey is from a ridge to the southwest. The slopes in the other directions are much steeper with the western side defined by exposed bedrock and scree at its upper part, leading down to Pairney Burn.

The character of the fort is much like Christison (1900) described over 100 years ago. The hillfort is defined by three parallel ramparts. From the stony western precipice, which is not enclosed, the ramparts curve clearly around the contours of the southern edge of the summit. Here large stones visibly protrude from the grass marking out the innermost and middle ramparts. Further east the slope steepens again. The ramparts are still visible but peter out towards the north east corner. Here the upper two ramparts seem to merge into less distinct terrace edges. However, on the north side of the hill the low remains of the innermost rampart can just be identified. The outermost rampart, a notable grass covered bank with slight ditch on the south side, becomes less clearly defined as it curves around to the east, here it no longer traces the base of the slope and becomes impossible to distinguish from rubble that has tumbled from higher upslope.

Figure 2: Hillshade model based on topographic survey of fort with location of trench superimposed

There is a break in the ramparts, defining a stone lined entrance, in the southeast. The stones lining the entrance appear to ride over the edge of the middle rampart. On the east side of the entrance the middle rampart widens, forming a small D-shaped area before it narrows again. Also to the east of the entrance a small circular platform appears to be cut into or abuts the outermost rampart.

- 3 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

The interior of the fort, which measures roughly 60m by 35m, is undulating, but is fairly flat at its southern end. Although there are potential locations for structures such as roundhouses, no clear examples can be identified. Towards the north end the interior is more exposed and may have been less suitable for settlement. There is a modern walker’s cairn at this point. No previous archaeological investigations at Ben Effrey have been recorded.

During the excavation a topographic survey was undertaken which recorded in more detail the topographic character of the fort (see Figure 2). Readings were surveyed approximately every 2m with a Leica 407 Total Station.

Figure 3: View of Ben Effrey from lower slopes in the north west

Figure 4: Aerial view of Ben Effrey from the north showing ridge to south east; sheep tracks mark the easiest route from the south

- 4 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

Figure 5: Views of BenEffrey (top to bottom); from hillock to the south – showing Craig Rossie to the north and east of Ben Effrey; close up of ramparts from south; stone-lined entrance way to southeast.

Pre-excavation Geophysical Survey (Figure 6) A gradiometric survey was undertaken by the author prior to excavation (Poller 2011). The results of this survey revealed strong magnetic responses of the ramparts on the south side of the hill, where they are more visible on the ground, with little magnetic indications of these features on the north or east sides. Each of the ramparts produced different responses: the innermost rampart (A) was the most continuous and had a strong positive magnetic signal with a halo of negative magnetism. The magnetic response of the middle rampart (B) was more discontinuous, characterised in several places, particularly to the east of the entrance, by strong dipolar readings. The magnetic response of the outer rampart is more subtle, with only one area (C) defined by a strong magnetic anomaly. At this point, a short segment of the ditch, running parallel to the inner rampart, was detected as a band of slightly negative response (E). Traces of a counterscarp (D) were also noted.

Within the interior there was a general subtle magnetic response with few distinct anomalies. However, a possible site of human activity was identified as a rough circular area of variable magnetism located just inside the inner rampart (F). Outside the ramparts, on the south side of the hill, several isolated anomalies were detected and may be the location of igneous stones lying close to the surface.

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Figure 6: Processed gradiometry results of thef geophysical survey at Ben Effrey

Aims The main purpose of the SERF excavation at Ben Effrey was to obtain a better understanding of the hillfort and to retrieve datable evidence of the main visible architectural elements.

The long trench excavated across the ramparts was designed to sample of the defences of the site. The following research questions informed the excavation: o What is the nature and date of the ramparts? o How do the ramparts relate to one another? o How were the ramparts constructed? Are there evidence of reuse and/or recutting of the defences? o When did the fort fall out of use? Is there evidence of intentional demolition of the defences? o What are the conditions of archaeological deposits of the ramparts and ditches? How does the preservation compare to other areas on the site?

Methodology The methodology employed at Ben Effrey was conducted in accordance with the Institute for Field Archaeologists Standard and Guidance for archaeological excavations (revised 2008). One long trench, measuring 30m by 2m, was excavated across the visible remains of the ramparts on the southeast side of the fort (Trench 1) (see Figure 2).

The trench was deturfed and excavated by hand. According to standard practice, each context was fully recorded by photograph, drawing and written description. Artefact locations were recorded three-dimensionally using a total station. Soil samples were taken of each stratigraphically secure context in order to retrieve dating evidence as well as palaeobotanical remains. At the end of the excavation the trench was back-filled by hand and returned to the state it was prior to excavation.

Alongside the excavations, a topographic survey of the hillfort was conducted, providing a more detailed picture of the visible features of the fort (see Figure 2), and enabling the results of the excavation to be situated in a wider survey of the hillfort defences.

- 6 -

Figure 7

Figure 8

Results The excavation results are presented below. The contexts will be described chronologically, from the outer and southernmost rampart to the innermost. The interpretations presented here are provisional prior to the results of post-excavation analysis and radiocarbon dating.

Trench 1 Subsoil The natural subsoil was composed of glacial deposits which varied in character throughout the trench. In between the ramparts there were patches of reddish brown gravelly sand (1028 & 1014). In most other areas the subsoil consisted of mottled purplish and yellowish or reddish clay layers with frequent fragments of shattered bedrock (1040, 1043 & 1044). Under Rampart 1 and in the north end of the trench the possible remains of old ground surfaces (1035 & 1038 and 1031 respectively) were identified above the subsoil.

Ditch Cut and Counterscarp The outermost rampart (Rampart 3) was composed of earthen dumps, which was quarried from a ditch immediately to the south. The ditch cut [1020] measured up to 3m wide and 0.8m in depth. To the south of the ditch were the remains of a low and broad counterscarp measuring about 2m wide and 0.3m high and composed of a reddish brown silt containing occasional subangular stones (1002). The southern edge of this counterscarp was not clearly defined within the trench.

Rampart 3 The dumps of earthen material, forming Rampart 3, were initially supported by a palisade. About 3m north of the ditch, cut into the remains of an old ground surface (1035 & 1038), was a U- shaped palisade trench [1036]. This palisade trench measured 0.5m in width and 0.4m in depth and was aligned parallel to the large ditch. The primary fill contained a pinkish sandy silt (1037) with frequent subangular stones (0.1-0.15m in dimension) set along the edge and in the base of the trench. These stones were likely used as packing to support timbers now long decayed.

Figure 9: Plan view of palisade showing stones at edge of trench (left); section view of palisade trench in Rampart 3

Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

The lowest earthen deposit of Rampart 3 was a thin layer (about 0.1m in depth) of medium pinkish clayey sand (1034). Above this, the core of the rampart was composed of a medium orangey brown clayey sand up to 0.4m in depth (1030). Capping this was a reddish brown silty sand with a moderate amount (30%) of small angular stones (measuring 0.10m-0.02m dimensions) (1004) which had later partially slumped into the ditch.

Appearing to have been dumped against the north side of the palisade of rampart 3 was a homogeneous deposit of reddish brown silty sand up to 0.5m in depth (1005). Set within this material and defining the northern edge of Rampart 3 was a line of subangular stone (1006). These stones were aligned E-W and varied in size from 0.20-0.70m in maximum dimensions.

Ditch Fills Filling a small nook under a protruding outcrop of bedrock in the base of the ditch [1020] was a patch of pinkish sand (1025). Above this, filling the base of the ditch, was a 0.3m thick layer of redeposited natural with frequent small (0.02m-0.05m) rounded and subangular stones (1026). Slumping into the ditch, on the south side and covering part of the bedrock, was a layer of orangey reddish brown clayey silt (1024). Sloping into the ditch on the north side was a deposit of clayey silt with more frequent subangular stones (1021). Above this, on the east side of the trench, was a roughly circular concentration of dark ashy sandy silt with flecks of charcoal (1023). This dark ashy material also permeated through the voids of the stones in the layer below (1021). A much lighter ashy context with fewer flecks of charcoal (1022) appeared to expand from this dark concentration across the width of the ditch. Although recorded as a separate context, it is likely 1022 and 1023 are from a related event. Above this the uppermost fill of the ditch was a homogeneous layer of medium orangey brown sandy silt (1003). Figure 10: Plan view of dark ashy patch 1023 in ditch

Figure 11: West facing section of ditch showing dark ashy concentration 1023 in centre of fill.

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Rampart 2 Roughly 5m north of Rampart 3 was the second rampart (Rampart 2). Measuring 3.2m wide at its base and up to 0.9m in height, Rampart 2 was defined by large boulder foundations on the north and south sides. The north facing (1010) consisted of massive subangular boulders measuring up to 0.9m by 0.5m. At least two courses survived. The north face of the rampart (1012) was very similar in character, consisting of subangular boulders up to 0.7m in dimension, with the largest boulders near the base. A dump of redeposited natural (1042) was used to support the lowest course of the north stone facing and filled the core of the rampart up to 0.3 m in depth. Above this layer, within the rampart was a deposit of reddish brown clayey silt with yellow sandy silt patches, perhaps the remains of turf (1011). Some of the soil matrix supporting the south face of the rampart on the west side had slumped downslope as the boulders collapsed (1010). On the east side, above the massive boulders was a layer of compacted stones (1046). Above this material was a layer of substantial tumble and collapse from the rampart, comprising dark orangey brown clay silt with subangular stones (1009 & 1008). Hillwash and more slumped material from the rampart (1007) had filled the space between Ramparts 2 and 3 over time.

Figure 12: Massive boulders in south face of Rampart 2 (1010); slumped boulder and compacted stones on face (1046)

Rampart 1 Rampart 1 was situated 3m north of Rampart 2. The southern face of this rampart was constructed of large subangular stones carefully knitted together with smaller stones and earth (1015). This substantial facing was set into the slope and measured 2m wide, surviving up to 0.8m in height. Within the matrix of these stones were pockets of charred material, perhaps the remains of burnt timbers (1033); however, no clear post-holes or timber slots could be identified. From the south face of the rampart on the east side of the trench, a bank of stones (1045) met the outer edge of the rampart characterised by a line of stones at north end (1017). The inner bank of stones may have been part of the original rampart construction and was laid on a layer of compacted pink clay (1039). The north end of the rampart was defined by a single line of

- 11 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011 subangular stones (1017). Within the arc of stone there was a thick (up to 0.4m) deposit of orange brown sandy silt, distinctly lacking in large stones (1016). Within this layer, near the base was a substantial piece of vitrified fuel ash or bog iron (SF 7033), which when removed was overlying a small patch of charcoal rich material (1029) and a small area of compacted clay (1032). All of this above patches of loose material 1041 and stony clayey silt 1031, the possible remains of relict B horizon, transition to subsoil 1044.

Figure 13: Line of stones 1045 between edges of Rampart 1, with core material 1016 in centre

Figure 14: Vitrified fuel ash/bog iron SF 7033 in core of Rampart 1

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Figure 15: Views of Rampart 1 (clockwise from top left) West facing section of back edge of rampart 1017 & bank 1045; west facing section of bank 1045; east facing section of front face of Rampart 1 with dark matrix 1033; Plan view of clay 1039 under stones 1045.

In the area between Ramparts 1 and 2, above the mixed gravelly deposit 1014, was a friable reddish brown sandy silt (1013) containing occasional pockets of yellow sandy silt. This deposit was likely material eroded from the upper areas of the hillfort washed downslope over time.

Area to North of Rampart 1 Abutting the north face of Rampart 1, overlying the possible old ground surface 1031, was an uneven layer of cobbles, forming a rough surface (1027). Above this was a deposit of reddish brown clayey silt (1018) and in the northwest corner was a patch of more sandy material (1019).

Figure 16: Rough stone surface north of Rampart 1 (1027)

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Topsoil Covering the whole trench, except where some large stones in the ramparts protrude, was a layer of reddish brown silt topsoil on average 0.2m in depth (1001).

Discussion Compared to the other multivallate forts previously excavated by SERF, such as Law of Dumbuils and Jackschairs, the hillfort at Ben Effrey is situated at a much higher elevation. This high location afforded extensive views westwards across the Earn valley. The gradual slopes south of Ben Effrey would have been the best approach to the fort and therefore it is not surprising to find the entrance on this side. Also it is on the southern side that the ramparts are best preserved. Interesting, the visibility of these ramparts from a distance would have been blocked by the neighbouring summit. The visibility from and to a hillfort, as well as visibility of the ramparts, has been suggested to have been an important consideration and a distinguishing factor between sites (see Hamilton & Manley 2001). The visual impact of the ramparts at Ben Effrey would only be for those nearly upon the fort, a situation similar to that found at the Law of Dumbuils, but quite different to Knock and Jackschairs (see Poller 2010 & 2008). This distinction may have been significant for those constructing and using the forts.

Ramparts The three ramparts defining the fort at Ben Effrey curve around the hill, running parallel with one another. They appear to respect each other. Like other multivallate forts it is uncertain whether these ramparts are a result of a single design or several phases of construction. Although the excavations did not reveal stratigraphic relationships between the ramparts, from inspection of the entrance where the stones lining this passage appear override the middle rampart may be an indication that Rampart 2 was earlier than the others.

The excavations did show that each rampart was constructed differently. The core of middle rampart, Rampart 2, was defined by massive boulders supported by redeposited natural, surviving to a height of 2m. Traces of possible turf was also discovered within the core of the rampart. On the south face, on the west side of the trench excavated, there are perhaps the remains of another facing or buttressing, composed of smaller compacted stones (1046). These could be part of an original construction or later reuse of collapsed material to reenforce this rampart.

The innermost rampart was also a rubble bank. Some massive boulders were used, but here smaller stones were also employed to knit together the construction. Although rough in appearance the bank was very carefully built, which at times proved difficult to excavate a slot through. In amongst the few gaps in the stones towards the base of the rampart the matrix was darker and in some areas contained charcoal flecks. This soil may reflect a now decayed timber element to the construction of this bank; however, no horizontal beam slots were identified, nor were there clear post-holes. In the section excavated, the core of this rampart was composed of two halves. There appeared to be a circular area defined by an edge of stones. It is still uncertain whether this area is part of the original rampart construction or evidence of robbing of the core material at a later date. Within the centre the upper fill (1016) was very homogeneous. Towards the base of this context was a large deposit of heated bog iron/vitrified fuel ash. Although there was some charcoal flecks under one end of this object, it was certain that it was not burnt in situ . This material appeared to have been brought to the hill and, at some point, dumped purposefully within the rampart.

The outermost rampart, Rampart 1, was an earth dump construction. A palisade trench was identified under the northern end of the rampart. This palisade would have held timbers which were used to help support and delimit the back of the rampart. The material for this rampart was

- 14 - Ben Effrey Excavations 2011 excavated from a U-shaped ditch immediately in front of the rampart. There was no evidence of a berm or construction supporting the front of Rampart 1. The slope of the earthen bank would have merged into the edge of the ditch. The uppermost surface of the rampart (1004) contained small stones, as noted on the earthen ramparts at Law of Dumbuils, and would have been used to stabilise the surface of the rampart. This rampart, as well as the slight depression of the accompanying ditch, is visible running along the south side of the hill. However, on east side of the entrance way the natural slope quickly steepens and it may not have been necessary or practical to continue this rampart construction method around the hill. Here only a low bank indicates some form of rampart continues on this alignment, but quickly gets lost along the slope to the northeast.

General similarities in the overall construction of the ramparts at Ben Effrey can be found with some of the other lower lying forts. One particular similarity with Law of Dumbuils that can be drawn out was the incorporation of the natural topography into the design of the defences: using the natural bedrock and slope to create terraces for the ramparts.

During the excavation only a small area just inside the innermost rampart provided a glimpse of the interior of the fort. The remains of a rough stone surface lay directly above the subsoil suggests that although there is some potential for the preservation of areas of activity within the interior, this may only be in the form of very shallow deposits or rock cut features.

Conclusions The excavations at Ben Effrey were successful in recording the different character of each of the three ramparts of this hillfort. Diverse materials and techniques were employed in the construction of these ramparts and perhaps suggest different phases or functions of each of these features. Datable evidence was retrieved in only a few contexts, but post-excavation analysis will aim to provide further information concerning the chronology and development of this site. As SERF continues its programme of hillfort investigation some general comparisons enabling a more detailed picture of the relationships between these monuments can begin to be drawn.

Acknowledgements The author would like to thank David Mitchell for giving us permission to carry out this work on their land. I would particularly like to thank Cathy MacIver who was a truly stellar support throughout the excavation. All the hard work, which included climbing the hill on most days, was done by a great group of students from Glasgow University. The project was sponsored by Historic Scotland (Archaeology Funding Programme) and the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen. The research of SERF is benefited by partnerships with the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland ( ) and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust ( ).

References Christison, D. 1900 ‘The Forts, ‘Camps’ and other fieldworks of Perth, Forfar and Kincardine’ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland vol 34, 43-120.

Hamilton, S. & Manley, J. 2001 ‘Hillforts, monumentality and place: a chronological and topographic review of first millennium BC hillforts of south-east England’ European Journal of Archaeology , Vol 4(1), 7-42.

Poller, T. 2010 ‘Law of Dumbuils Excavations 2010’ Data Structure Report. Unpublished

Poller, T. 2008 ‘Dun Knock Hillfort Excavations 2008’ Data Structure Report. Unpublished

- 15 - Appendices

i) Contexts Context No. Description Interpretation Medium compaction, clayey silt, medium reddish brown with small sub 1001 rounded pebbles, distinct boundaries. Topsoil Friable, sandy silt, medium reddish brown with stone inclusions approx 1002 0.05-0.20m in size. Diffuse boundaries. Counterscarp for ditch below rampart 3 Friable sandy silt, medium orangey brown with frequent sub angular stones (0.20 by 0.10m max). Frequent pebbles (0.05-0.08m) and occasional 1003 charcoal flecks. Distinct boundaries. Upper fill of ditch 1020 Friable silty sand, medium reddish brown with 30% small angular stones Upper material of rampart 3, partially slumped into upper 1004 (0.10m). Distinct boundaries. fill of ditch Friable silty sand, medium reddish brown with small angular stones 0.02- Deposit on north side of rampart 3 onto which a line of 1005 0.05m. Unclear boundaries to 1007, diffuse to the N. stone, defining the edge of the rampart (1006) was placed. Linear alignment of large angular stones (measuring 0.1-0.7m by 0.2m in height) within a medium reddish brown friable silty sand matrix. Diffuse 1006 boundaries. Line of large stones defining the north edge of rampart 3. Friable silty sand, medium reddish brown, with small angular stones (0.02- 1007 0.10m). Distinct boundaries. Hill wash. 1008 Angular stones (0.20-0.80m) within matrix 1009 Collapsed stone from rampart 2 - see 1009 Friable clayey silt, medium reddish brown with stones 1008. Diffuse to 1001 1009 and 1042. Collapsed matrix from rampart 2 - see 1008 Large sub angular stones (50-90 cm) and sub angular small stones (5-30cm) towards edges of rampart within a friable clay silt, dark orangey brown 1010 matrix. Distinct boundaries. Large stones defining front edge of rampart.

Ben Effrey Excavations 2011

Friable clayey silt ,med reddish brown with yellow sandy silt patches. Very few inclusions (<5%), stone tumble of irregular stones from 1012? Patches of yellow sandy silt more prevalent in the west. Patches of grey circular deposits with irregular edges. Flint debitage flake across deposit, charcoal 1011 flecks. Earth and turf core of rampart 2. Line of sub angular boulders (0.30-0.20-0.15m to 0.50-0.40-0.20m) >90% largest stone - boulder - 0.75x0.75x0.4m within friable sandy silt, medium 1012 reddish brown with Back (N end) of rampart 2, supporting earthen core (1011) Mixed deposit of friable sandy silt, reddish brown with occ. small sub angular stones and occ. pockets of yellow sandy material near the surface 1013 (relating to stones?) Clear boundary to 1014. Hillwash from upslope, collapse from rampart 1. Friable gravelly sandy silt dark reddish brown with small angular stones. Looks like shattered bedrock in places. Reddish patch in W end. One large stone (over 0.60-0.70m), patch of grey material from charcoal in SE section 1014 of deposit. Transition to natural deposit at foot of rampart 1. Frequent large stones, sub angular (0.20-0.50m) within friable dark orangey 1015 brown clay silt. Boundaries distinct. Stone face of rampart 1 Friable sandy silt, med orange brown with occ. subangular stones. Distinct 1016 boundaries. Core of rampart 1 1017 Line of subangular stone large (up to 0.4 m). Indistinct boundary. Northern stone defined edge of rampart 1. Medium clayey silt, med reddish brown with angular stone max 0.05m. 1018 Rare charcoal flakes, rare quartz pebbles. Distinct boundaries. Hillwash. Medium sandy silt, med reddish brown with angular stones (max 0.05m), 1019 rare charcoal flecks and distinct boundaries. Sandier patches within 1018 Curvilinear. U shaped cut, gradually sloping on the S side but slightly more 1020 sloping on the N. Alignment roughly E-W. Cut of ditch below earthen rampart 1.

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Friable clayey silt , medium orange brown with large frequent sub angular 1021 stones (0.08-0.15m). Occ. angular stones (0.02-0.05m). Distinct in section. Upper fill of ditch. Collapse from rampart 3 Friable sandy silt, mid greyish brown with small sub rounded stones (0.02- Grey ashy mid fill of ditch, perhaps less concentrated 1022 0.05cm). Occ flecks of charcoal. Distinct boundaries. version of 1023. Friable sandy silt, dark blackish brown with occ. small rounded pebbles and Mid fill of ditch. Perhaps hearth dump in ditch related to 1023 occ. flecks of charcoal. Distinct boundaries. ashy spread 1022. Friable sandy silt, medium reddish brown with frequent small rounded Loose redeposited natural in ditch. Less stony and looser 1024 pebbles (0.02-0.05m). Distinct boundaries. than 1026. Friable silty sand, light greyish yellow with infrequent small rounded Basal fill of ditch, directly underneath large stone in E 1025 pebbles (0.02-0.03m). Distinct boundaries. facing section. Medium compaction clayey silt, medium orangey brown with small 1026 subangular stones (0.05-0.08m). Distinct boundaries. Redeposited natural in base of ditch Frequent rounded and subangular stones (max 0.30m) within matrix firm clayey silt, medium reddish brown with stones (max 0.30m). Stones fairly Possible stone surface, uneven but a clear spread, abutting 1027 evenly spread one stone thick across context Diffuse onto shattered stone. 1017 (rampart 1) Loose gravelly sandy silt, rusty orange brown with small and medium sub 1028 angular/angular stone. Natural or transition from OGS to natural Friable silty clay, dark ashy grey with flecks of charcoal and infrequent small Distinct area of flecked charcoal material within core of 1029 stones 0.03-0.05m. Distinct boundaries. rampart 1, under south end of VFA Friable silty sand, medium orange brown with small angular stones (0.02- 1030 0.10m). Distinct boundaries. Spread of material at base of core of rampart 3 Medium clayey silt, dark reddish brown with frequent subangular stones, Stony clay layer in N end of trench. Possible remains of 1031 (0.20-0.10m). Distinct boundaries relict B horizon, transition to subsoil

Hard silty clay, medium orange brown with frequent small pieces of orange 1032 stone and small sub rounded stones (0.02-0.05m). Distinct boundaries. Patch of compacted clay layer in core of rampart 1.

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Friable sandy silt, dark blackish brown with frequent darker patches of charcoal (only small flecks). Infrequent sub rounded pebbles, frequent large Charcoal rich layer in matrix of rampart 1 stones (1015 & 1033 rampart stones as 1015. Distinct boundaries. 1045), near base. Medium clayey sand, medium pinkish brown with small angular stones Earthen core of rampart 3 redeposited material, slightly 1034 ranging in size (0.02-0.05m). Distinct boundaries different in colour from the material of context 1030 Friable clayey sand, medium orangey brown with patches of pinkish sandy 1035 silt and flecks of charcoal OGS/ a relict soil horizon on south side of palisade 1036 Linear cut, U shaped and steep sided, E-W alignment. Cut for palisade (R3) Loose sandy silt, pinkish medium brown with subangular stones (0.10- 0.15m) along edge of feature darker patch of charcoal material at base on E 1037 side. Stone packing used to support timbers and fill of palisade. Medium silty sand, mottled pinkish dark brown with yellowish medium 1038 brown. On edge of cut feature 1036. OGS/ a relict soil horizon on north side of palisade Friable silty clay, dark yellowish grey with small stones (0.02-0.05m). Layer of compacted clay under 1033, and confined to area 1039 Distinct boundaries. under arc of stones 1045 (south end). 1040 Same as 1044 Natural in south end of trench Friable clayey silt, dark yellowish brown with frequent stones (0.03-0.10m). 1041 Distinct boundaries. Patches of loose soil in core of rampart 1 under 1016 Loose silty sand, grey mottled with yellow and orange brown with frequent shattered stone, various size, Some large boulders. Boundaries diffuse on 1042 top, more yellow brown subsoil. Shattered redeposited natural and stone in rampart 2 1043 natural under 1042 (rampart 2), same as 1044 natural under 1042 (rampart 2) Firm clayey silt, mottled dark blackish brown and reddish brown, with frequent subangular stones - shattered bedrock (0.02-0.10m), tightly 1044 packed. Distinct boundaries. Natural underlying N end of trench

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Arc of subangular stones (0.2-0.4m) joining front of rampart 1 (1015) to the edge of stones defining the back (1017) within friable dark orangey brown 1045 clay silt Stone core of rampart 1 connecting facing 1015 & 1017

Angular and subangular stone, average 0.2m in dimension, tightly 1046 compacted, 10% matrix reddish brown silt. On west side of trench. Compacted facing? Or collapse of Rampart 2.

ii) Small Finds Find Context No of Recorded No. No. Pieces Material Description Easting Northing Height By Date 7030 1011 1 flint small flint scraper 998.859 1019.094 1001.75 TIP 05/08/2011 7031 1015 1 slag nodule of vitrified fuel ash 998.698 1022.714 1002.008 TIP 09/08/2011 7033 1016 many slag nodules of vitrified fuel ash 998.008 1025.413 1002.542 CMA 13/08/2011 7034 1017 1 flint small flake 998.666 1026.589 1002.591 AAI 16/08/2011

iii) Drawings Drawing Drawn No. Area Description Scale Type By Date 001 TR.1 Pre-excavation Plan of trench part 1 1:50 Plan AAI 05/08/2011 AAI and 002 TR.1 Pre-excavation Plan of trench part 2 1:50 Plan DMA 05/08/2011 003 TR.1 Pre-excavation Plan of trench part 3 1:50 Plan DMA 05/08/2011 004 TR.1 Composite Pre-excavation plan of trench 1 1:50 Plan CMA 10/08/2011 005 TR.1 Mid ex plan of 1014 between R1 and R2 1:20 Plan CMA 12/08/2011 006 TR.1 Mid ex plan of 1027 behind R1 1:20 Plan TDA 12/08/2011 007 TR.1 Mid ex plan of 1010 and 1009 R2 1:20 Plan AAI 12/08/2011 008 TR.1 W facing section of ditch 1020 1:20 Section TIP 15/08/2011

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009 TR.1 E facing section of ditch 1020 1:20 Section VTU 16/08/2011 010 TR.1 mid ex plan of possible structure under R1 1:20 Plan CMA 16/08/2011 011 TR.1 E facing section of counterscarp 1002 1:20 Section DMA 16/08/2011 012 TR.1 plan of ditch 1020 1:20 Plan VTU 16/08/2011 plan of linear feature 1036 and deposit 013 TR.1 1038 1:20 Plan LMC 18/08/2011 LMC AND 014 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 3 1:20 Section VTU 18/08/2011 015 TR.1 N end of trench 1:20 Plan CMA 18/08/2011 east facing section of area between 016 TR.1 rampart 3 and 2 1:10 Section TDA 18/08/2011 017 TR.1 plan view of palisade trench post ex 1:20 Plan LMC 18/08/2011 018 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 2 1:10 Section TDA 19/08/2011 DMA 019 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 2 1:10 Section and JM 19/08/2011 AAI and 020 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 2 1:10 Section CMA 19/08/2011 AAI and 021 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 2 1:10 Section CMA 19/08/2011 LMC and 022 TR.1 east facing section of rampart 2 1:10 Section CMA 20/08/2011 023 TR.1 re do of drawing no 14 1:10 Section TIP 22/08/2011

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iv) Samples No. & Percent of Sample Context Size of Vol. excavated Taken No. Area No. Bag (L) context (%) Description of Material Reason for sample by Date darker material in 1013 001 1 1013 1L 5 50 (yellow brown silt) botanics & C14 dating CMA 11/08/2011 002 1 1029 1L 7 60 ashy charcoal layer in R1 botanics & C14 dating TIP 14/08/2011 botanics, VFA & C14 003 1 1016 1L 16 60 silt matrix in between R1 dating CMA 14/08/2011 004 1 1015 1L 2 50 patch of ash in R1 botanics & C14 dating TIP 14/08/2011 005 1 1003 1L 8 5 upper fill of ditch 1020 botanics & C14 dating TIP 15/08/2011 006 1 1022 1L 8 5 mid fill of ditch 1020 botanics & C14 dating TIP 15/08/2011 007 1 1023 1L 15 10 black patch of ditch 1020 botanics & C14 dating TIP 15/08/2011 redeposited natural, lower fil 008 1 1026 1L 8 5 of ditch 1020 botanics & C14 dating TIP 15/08/2011 009 1 1011 1L 20 earth core of R2 botanics & C14 dating AGO 15/08/2011 silty stony material just S of 010 1 1005 1L 10 10 1006 botanics & C14 dating VTU 15/08/2011 core material of R2 with 011 1 1010 1L 6 20 charcoal flecks botanics & C14 dating TDA 17/08/2011 012 1 1015 1L 6 10 charcoal rich matrix of R1 botanics & C14 dating CMA 17/08/2011 charcoal rich matrix patches in 013 1 1033 1L 2 2 1015 botanics & C14 dating AAI 17/08/2011 014 1 1016 1L 4 3 burnt charcoal area under slag botanics & C14 dating CMA 17/08/2011 015 1 1034 1L 15 10 pinkish silt near base R3 botanics & C14 dating TIP 17/08/2011 016 1 1038 1L 8 5 OGS on N side of palisade botanics & C14 dating TIP 18/08/2011 017 1 1037 1L 6 15 fill of palisade botanics & C14 dating TIP 18/08/2011

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018 1 1037 1L 4 90 lower dark patch palisade botanics & C14 dating TIP 18/08/2011 019 1 1035 1L 1 OGS on S side of palisade botanics & C14 dating TIP 19/08/2011

v) Digital Photos Field & Store Taken Taken Frame No. Area Subject Description From By Date 001 TR. 1 General View Trench opening day 1 TIP 02/08/2011 002 TR. 1 General View Trench opening day 1 TIP 02/08/2011 003 TR. 1 General View Trench opening day 1 TIP 02/08/2011 004 TR. 1 General View Trench opening day 1 TIP 02/08/2011 005 TR. 1 General View Trench opening day 1 TIP 02/08/2011 006 TR. 1 Deturfing Day 2 TIP 03/08/2011 007 TR. 1 Deturfing Day 2 TIP 03/08/2011 008 TR. 1 1017, 1018 North end of trench deturfed N VTU 03/08/2011 009 TR. 1 1017, 1018 North end of trench deturfed N VTU 03/08/2011 010 TR. 1 1017, 1018, 1019 North end of trench deturfed NW CMA 03/08/2011 011 TR. 1 1017, 1018, 1019 North end of trench deturfed NW CMA 03/08/2011 012 TR. 1 1016, 1017, 1045 Rampart 1, stones in semi circle at top of trench W CMA 03/08/2011 013 TR. 1 1016, 1017, 1045 Rampart 1, stones in semi circle at top of trench W CMA 03/08/2011 014 TR. 1 1015, 1013 South stone face of rampart 1 S CMA 03/08/2011 015 TR. 1 1015, 1013 South stone face of rampart 1 S CMA 03/08/2011 016 TR. 1 1012, 1011 Back (northern) stone edge of rampart 2 E CMA 03/08/2011 017 TR. 1 1012, 1011 Back (northern) stone edge of rampart 2 E CMA 03/08/2011 018 TR. 1 1008/1009, 1010 Front (southern) stone facing and hillwash rampart 2 S CMA 03/08/2011 019 TR. 1 1008/1009, 1010 Front (southern) stone facing and hillwash rampart 2 S CMA 03/08/2011 020 TR. 1 1008/1009, 1010 Front (southern) stone facing and hillwash rampart 2 S CMA 03/08/2011

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021 TR. 1 1002, 1003, 1004 Front (southern) face of rampart 1 and south end of trench S CMA 03/08/2011 022 TR. 1 1002, 1003, 1004 Front (southern) face of rampart 1 and south end of trench S CMA 03/08/2011 023 TR. 1 1004 Close up of (southern) face rampart 2 S CMA 03/08/2011 024 TR. 1 1004 Close up of (southern) face rampart 2 S CMA 03/08/2011 025 TR. 1 group shot end of day 2 - on rampart 1 S CMA 03/08/2011 026 TR. 1 group shot end of day 2 - on rampart 1 S TIP 03/08/2011 027 TR. 1 group shot end of day 2 - on rampart 1 S TIP 03/08/2011 028 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 029 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 030 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 031 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 032 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 033 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 034 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 035 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 036 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 037 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 038 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 039 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 040 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 041 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 042 Landscape panorama from cairn north of trench N TDA 05/08/2011 Pre excavation view of stony spread south of ditch and upper fill of 043 TR. 1 1002, 1003 ditch N DMA 05/08/2011 Pre excavation view of stony spread south of ditch and upper fill of 044 TR. 1 1002, 1003 ditch N DMA 05/08/2011

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Working shot of N end of the trench and some rubble (1027) 045 TR. 1 1018, 1027 appearing on the E side S AAI 06/08/2011 Working shot of N end of the trench and some rubble (1027) 046 TR. 1 1018, 1027 appearing on the E side N AAI 06/08/2011 047 TR. 1 1018 Adriana and Leaf digging at the north end of the trench NW TIP 06/08/2011 048 TR. 1 1018 Adriana and Leaf digging at the north end of the trench NW TIP 06/08/2011 049 TR. 1 1018 Adriana and Leaf digging at the north end of the trench N TIP 06/08/2011 050 TR. 1 1018, 1017 Leaf digging north of rampart 1 SW TIP 06/08/2011 051 TR. 1 1010, 1011 Daniel planning rampart 2 NE TIP 06/08/2011 052 TR. 1 1010, 1011 Daniel planning rampart 2 NE TIP 06/08/2011 053 TR. 1 1020 Cathy digging the ditch N TIP 06/08/2011 054 TR. 1 1003, 1020 Cathy digging the ditch SW TIP 06/08/2011 055 TR. 1 view of excavation from hillock S TIP 06/08/2011 056 TR. 1 view of excavation from hillock S TIP 06/08/2011 057 TR. 1 view of excavation from hillock S TIP 06/08/2011 058 TR. 1 wide view with Shiehallion in the background S TIP 06/08/2011 working shot of ditch showing grey material in charcoal at base, large 059 TR. 1 1022, 1023, 1021 stone collapse at N end edge S TIP 06/08/2011 working shot of ditch showing grey material in charcoal at base, large 060 TR. 1 1022, 1023, 1021 stone collapse at N end edge N TIP 06/08/2011 1003 in rubble and 061 TR. 1 large stone 1021 E facing section - working shot, excavating ditch W TIP 06/08/2011 062 TR. 1 1023 circular patch of charcoal in ditch fill - close up W TIP 09/08/2011 063 TR. 1 1023 circular patch of charcoal in ditch fill - close up N TIP 09/08/2011 064 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 065 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011

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066 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 067 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 068 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 069 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 070 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 071 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 072 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 073 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 074 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 075 n/a Group shot with umbrella SW TIP 10/08/2011 Working shot of excavation of 1013 area between R1 and R2, compact 086 TR. 1 1012, 1013, 1014 stony surface S TIP 11/08/2011 Working shot of excavation of 1013 area between R1 and R2, compact 087 TR. 1 1012, 1013, 1014 stony surface S TIP 11/08/2011 1012, 1013, 1014, Working shot of excavation of 1013 area between R1 and R2, compact 088 TR. 1 1015 stony surface S TIP 11/08/2011 1012, 1013, 1014, Working shot of excavation of 1013 area between R1 and R2, compact 089 TR. 1 1015 stony surface E TIP 11/08/2011 1012, 1013, 1014, Working shot of excavation of 1013 area between R1 and R2, compact 090 TR. 1 1015 stony surface N TIP 11/08/2011 1012, 1014, 1015, 091 TR. 1 1044 Plan view of 1014 between R1 and R2 S CMA 12/08/2011 1012, 1014, 1015, 092 TR. 1 1044 Plan view of 1014 between R1 and R2 S CMA 12/08/2011 1012, 1014, 1015, 093 TR. 1 1044 Plan view of 1014 between R1 and R2 N CMA 12/08/2011

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1012, 1014, 1015, 094 TR. 1 1044 Plan view of 1014 between R1 and R2 N CMA 12/08/2011 095 TR. 1 1027 Plan view of stone surface 1027 to the north of R1 S TDA 12/08/2011 096 TR. 1 1027 Plan view of stone surface 1027 to the north of R1 S TDA 12/08/2011 097 TR. 1 1027 Plan view of stone surface 1027 to the north of R1 N TDA 12/08/2011 098 TR. 1 1027 Plan view of stone surface 1027 to the north of R1 N TDA 12/08/2011 099 TR. 1 working shot -excavations CMA 12/08/2011 working shot - Vlad and Adriana digging 1007 in between rampart 2 & 100 TR. 1 3 CMA 12/08/2011 101 TR. 1 working shot - Tom in north end of trench CMA 12/08/2011 102 TR. 1 working shot - excavation in south end of trench CMA 12/08/2011 103 TR. 1 working shot - Tessa digging the ditch CMA 12/08/2011 104 TR. 1 1003, 1020-1026 E facing section of ditch 1020 E CMA 12/08/2011 105 TR. 1 1003, 1020-1026 E facing section of ditch 1020 E CMA 12/08/2011 106 TR. 1 1020, 1003 E facing section of ditch 1020 E CMA 12/08/2011 1003, 1020- 1024, 107 TR. 1 1026 W facing section of ditch 1020 W CMA 12/08/2011 1003, 1020- 1024, 108 TR. 1 1026 W facing section of ditch 1020 W CMA 12/08/2011 1003, 1020- 1024, 109 TR. 1 1026 W facing section of ditch 1020 W CMA 12/08/2011 110 TR. 1 1003, 1020 W facing section of ditch in context W CMA 12/08/2011 111 TR. 1 1020 Plan view of ditch cut 1020 S CMA 12/08/2011 112 TR. 1 1020 Plan view of ditch cut 1020 CMA 12/08/2011 113 TR. 1 1020 Plan view of ditch cut 1020 N CMA 12/08/2011 114 TR. 1 1020 Plan view of ditch cut 1020 N CMA 12/08/2011

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115 TR. 1 1008/1009 Collapse of rubble face of R2 - mid excavation S CMA 12/08/2011 116 TR. 1 1008/1009 Collapse of rubble face of R2 - mid excavation S CMA 12/08/2011 117 TR. 1 1007, 1008/1009 E facing section of tumble of rubble facing of R2 E CMA 12/08/2011 118 TR. 1 1007, 1008/1009 E facing section of tumble on rubble core of R2 E CMA 12/08/2011 119 TR. 1 1007, 1008/1009 rubble collapse of south face of R2 S TIP 14/08/2011 120 TR. 1 1007, 1008/1009 rubble collapse of south face of R2 N TIP 14/08/2011 121 TR. 1 1033 charcoal patches near base of stone facing of rampart 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 Section of stone facing 1015 & charcoal patches near base of stone 122 TR. 1 1015, 1033 facing of rampart 1 W TIP 14/08/2011 123 TR. 1 1016 Mid excavation of 1016 with VFA just appearing N TIP 14/08/2011 124 TR. 1 1016 wider working shot of mid excavation of 1016 with VFA just appearing W TIP 14/08/2011 general shot of north end of trench - mid excavation (1027 stones 125 TR. 1 1027, 1031 excavated on right side exposing 1031) N TIP 14/08/2011 general shot of north end of trench - mid excavation (1027 stones 126 TR. 1 1027, 1031 excavated on right side exposing 1031) N TIP 14/08/2011 127 TR. 1 1012 General shot of back stone bank of rampart 2 E TIP 14/08/2011 128 TR. 1 1008/1009, 1010 General shot of front (south) face of rampart 2 SE TIP 14/08/2011 1008/1009, 1010, 129 TR. 1 1006 General shot of front (south) face of rampart 2 from rampart 1 SE TIP 14/08/2011 130 TR. 1 1004 General shot of south face of rampart 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 131 TR. 1 1035, 1030, 1004 Mid excavation of rampart 1 (1004) S TIP 14/08/2011 132 TR. 1 General shot mid excavation trench 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 133 TR. 1 General shot mid excavation trench 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 134 TR. 1 General shot mid excavation trench 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 135 TR. 1 General shot mid excavation trench 1 S TIP 14/08/2011 136 TR. 1 General shot mid excavation trench 1 SE TIP 14/08/2011

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1035, 1030, 1004, Working shot of excavation of ditch 1020 and excavation of rampart 1 137 TR. 1 1020 1004 SW TIP 14/08/2011 138 TR. 1 1020 ditch 1020 S TIP 14/08/2011 139 TR. 1 1020 ditch 1020 and south end of trench N TIP 14/08/2011 140 TR. 1 Lorraine Survey at Ben Effrey N TIP 14/08/2011 141 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S CMA 14/08/2011 142 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S CMA 14/08/2011 143 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S CMA 14/08/2011 144 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S CMA 14/08/2011 145 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S TIP 14/08/2011 146 TR. 1 Lorraine & Jeremy Survey at Ben Effrey S TIP 14/08/2011 Working shot of VFA in 1016 at edge of inner face of 1015 stones and 147 TR. 1 1016, 1015, SF 7033 compacted E CMA 15/08/2011 Working shot of VFA in 1016 at edge of inner face of 1015 stones and 148 TR. 1 1016, 1015, SF 7033 compacted E CMA 15/08/2011 Working shot of VFA in 1016 at edge of inner face of 1015 stones and 149 TR. 1 1016, 1015, SF 7033 compacted N CMA 15/08/2011 Working shot of VFA in 1016 at edge of inner face of 1015 stones and 150 TR. 1 1016, 1015, SF 7033 compacted N CMA 15/08/2011 151 TR. 1 Cathy, Leaf, SF 7033 Cathy and Leaf digging the VFA SE TIP 15/08/2011 152 TR. 1 Cathy, Leaf, SF 7033 Cathy and Leaf digging the VFA SE TIP 15/08/2011 153 TR. 1 Cathy, Leaf, SF 7033 Cathy and Leaf digging the VFA SE TIP 15/08/2011 154 TR. 1 1029 Burnt residue under VFA SF 7033 (small patches) E CMA 15/08/2011 155 TR. 1 1029 Burnt residue under VFA SF 7033 (small patches) E CMA 15/08/2011 156 TR. 1 1029 Burnt residue under VFA SF 7033 (small patches), rampart 1 N CMA 15/08/2011 157 TR. 1 1029 Burnt residue under VFA SF 7033 (small patches), rampart 1 S CMA 15/08/2011

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158 TR. 1 experimental archaeology attacking the fort CMA 16/08/2011 159 TR. 1 experimental archaeology attacking the fort CMA 16/08/2011 160 TR. 1 experimental archaeology attacking the fort CMA 16/08/2011 161 TR. 1 experimental archaeology attacking the fort CMA 16/08/2011 162 TR. 1 experimental archaeology attacking the fort CMA 16/08/2011 163 TR. 1 1032 Compacted clay deposit under 1016 in core of rampart 1 N CMA 16/08/2011 164 TR. 1 1032 Compacted clay deposit under 1016 in core of rampart 1 N CMA 16/08/2011 165 TR. 1 Working shot- Adriana planning area between rampart 1 and 2 SE TIP 16/08/2011 166 TR. 1 Working shot- Adriana planning area between rampart 1 and 2 SE TIP 16/08/2011 167 TR. 1 1030, 1005, 1006 Mid excavation of rampart 3 W VTU 16/08/2011 168 TR. 1 1030, 1005, 1006 Mid excavation of rampart 3 N VTU 16/08/2011 169 TR. 1 1030, 1005, 1006 Mid excavation of rampart 3 N VTU 16/08/2011 Post -excavation of 1002 counterscarp in south end of trench (half of 170 TR. 1 1040, 1002 trench) S DMA 16/08/2011 Post -excavation of 1002 counterscarp in south end of trench (half of 171 TR. 1 1040, 1002 trench) N DMA 16/08/2011 172 TR. 1 1002, 1001 east facing section of south end of trench, counterscarp (1) E DMA 16/08/2011 173 TR. 1 1002, 1001 east facing section of south end of trench, counterscarp (2) E DMA 16/08/2011 174 TR. 1 1002, 1001 east facing section of south end of trench, counterscarp (3) E DMA 16/08/2011 175 TR. 1 1002, 1001 east facing section of south end of trench, counterscarp (4) E DMA 16/08/2011 176 TR. 1 Working shot - people in ditch 16/08/2011 177 TR. 1 Working shot - people in ditch 16/08/2011 180 TR. 1 1031 working shot of removal of 1017 - stone north facing of rampart 1 16/08/2011 181 TR. 1 1031 working shot of removal of 1017 - stone north facing of rampart 1 16/08/2011 182 TR. 1 1031 working shot of removal of 1017 - stone north facing of rampart 1 16/08/2011

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1031, 1032, 1015, 190 TR. 1 1045 Post-excavation of 1016 & 1017 - Rampart 1 N CMA 17/08/2011 1031, 1032, 1015, 191 TR. 1 1045 Post-excavation of 1016 & 1017 - Rampart 1 N CMA 17/08/2011 1031, 1032, 1015, 192 TR. 1 1045 Post-excavation of 1016 & 1017 - Rampart 1 W CMA 17/08/2011 1031, 1032, 1015, 193 TR. 1 1045 Post-excavation of 1016 & 1017 - Rampart 1 W CMA 17/08/2011 Inner edge of southern stone facing and arc of stones 1045 - rampart 194 TR. 1 1015, 1045 1 E CMA 17/08/2011 Inner edge of southern stone facing and arc of stones 1045 - rampart 195 TR. 1 1015, 1045 1 E CMA 17/08/2011 196 TR. 1 1033 charcoal rich patches in 1015, rampart 1 E CMA 17/08/2011 197 TR. 1 1033 charcoal rich patches in 1015, rampart 1 N CMA 17/08/2011 198 TR. 1 1031 stones under burnt material/under slag 1016 S CMA 17/08/2011 199 TR. 1 1031 stones under burnt material/under slag 1016 S CMA 17/08/2011 200 TR. 1 1033 charcoal rich patches in 1015, rampart 1 W CMA 17/08/2011 201 TR. 1 1033 charcoal rich patches in 1015, rampart 1 W CMA 17/08/2011 202 TR. 1 1035, 1036, 1037 Excavation of rampart 3- top of OGS 1035 and palisade S VTU 17/08/2011 203 TR. 1 1035, 1036, 1037 Excavation of rampart 3- top of OGS 1035 and palisade S VTU 17/08/2011 204 TR. 1 1036, 1037 Pre-excavation view of palisade trench under rampart 3 17/08/2011 205 TR. 1 1036, 1037 Pre-excavation view of palisade trench under rampart 3 17/08/2011 206 TR. 1 1036, 1037 Pre-excavation view of palisade trench under rampart 3 17/08/2011 207 TR. 1 1036, 1037 Pre-excavation view of palisade trench under rampart 3 17/08/2011 209 TR. 1 1004, 1030, 1034 E-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011 210 TR. 1 1004, 1030, 1034 E-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011 211 TR. 1 1004, 1030, 1034 E-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011

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1004, 1030, 1034, 212 TR. 1 1005 E-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011 213 TR. 1 1004, 1030, 1034 W-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011 215 TR. 1 1004, 1030, 1034 W-facing section of rampart 3 17/08/2011 216 TR. 1 1015, 1033, 1045 West facing section of 1033 and 1015 - rampart 1 W CMA 17/08/2011 217 TR. 1 1015, 1033, 1045 west facing section of 1033 and 1015 W CMA 17/08/2011 218 TR. 1 1039 Plan view of clay 1039 under 1015 and 1045 rampart 1 E CMA 17/08/2011 219 TR. 1 1039 Plan view of clay 1039 under 1015 and 1045 rampart 1 E CMA 17/08/2011 220 TR. 1 1039 Plan view of clay 1039 under 1015 and 1045 rampart 1 N CMA 18/08/2011 221 TR. 1 1039 Plan view of clay 1039 under 1015 and 1045 rampart 1 N CMA 18/08/2011 222 TR. 1 Sunset view of excavation at Ben Effrey CMA 18/08/2011 223 TR. 1 Sunset view of excavation at Ben Effrey CMA 18/08/2011 224 TR. 1 Sunset view of excavation at Ben Effrey CMA 18/08/2011 225 TR. 1 Sunset view of excavation at Ben Effrey CMA 18/08/2011 226 TR. 1 1039 Plan view of clay 1039 under 1015 and 1045 rampart 1 E CMA 18/08/2011 227 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 E CMA 18/08/2011 228 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 E CMA 18/08/2011 229 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 N CMA 18/08/2011 230 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 N CMA 18/08/2011 231 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 W CMA 18/08/2011 232 TR. 1 1031 N end of trench 1031 W CMA 18/08/2011 233 TR. 1 Working shot - Tom S CMA 18/08/2011 234 TR. 1 Working shot - Cathy planning S CMA 18/08/2011 235 TR. 1 Working shot - Tessa digging palisade LMC 18/08/2011 236 TR. 1 1036, 1037 Mid excavation of palisade slot - showing line of stones on N side S TIP 18/08/2011 237 TR. 1 1010 and 1042 section of rampart 2 E facing E TDA 18/08/2011

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238 TR. 1 1010 and 1042 section of rampart 2 E facing E TDA 18/08/2011 239 TR. 1 1037 patch of charcoal in base 1037 S TIP 18/08/2011 240 TR. 1 1037 patch of charcoal in base 1037 close up S TIP 18/08/2011 241 TR. 1 1010, 1042 E-facing section of rampart 2 E TDA 18/08/2011 242 TR. 1 1010, 1042 E-facing section of rampart 2 E TDA 18/08/2011 243 TR. 1 1008, 1028 E-facing section of rampart 2 E TDA 18/08/2011 244 TR. 1 1044 bedrock under rampart 2 S TDA 18/08/2011 245 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view N LMC 18/08/2011 246 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view N LMC 18/08/2011 247 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view S LMC 18/08/2011 248 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view section (east facing) E LMC 18/08/2011 249 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view section (west facing) W LMC 18/08/2011 250 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade plan view section (west facing) W LMC 18/08/2011 251 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade in context S TIP 18/08/2011 252 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade in context S TIP 18/08/2011 253 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade in context N TIP 18/08/2011 254 TR. 1 1036 post ex of palisade in context N TIP 18/08/2011 255 TR. 1 1044 post ex of N end of trench S CMA 18/08/2011 256 TR. 1 1044 post ex of N end of trench S CMA 18/08/2011 1273 TR. 1 1015 Excavation of rampart 1 S TIP 13/08/2011 1274 TR. 1 1015 Excavation of rampart 1 S TIP 13/08/2011 1046, 1010, 1009, 1275 TR. 1 1008 South face of Rampart 2 mid excavation S TIP 13/08/2011 1046, 1010, 1009, 1276 TR. 1 1008 South face of Rampart 2 mid excavation S TIP 13/08/2011 1277 TR. 1 1046, 1009, 1008 South face of Rampart 2 mid excavation N TIP 13/08/2011

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1278 TR. 1 1046, 1009, 1008 South face of Rampart 2 mid excavation N TIP 13/08/2011 1046, 1010, 1009, 1279 TR. 1 1008 E facing section of Rampart 2 E TIP 13/08/2011 1280 TR. 1 1016 Rampart 1 mid excavation S CMA 13/08/2011 1281 TR. 1 1015, 1033 South face of Rampart 1 mid excavation S CMA 13/08/2011 1282 TR. 1 1015, 1033 South face of Rampart 1 mid excavation W CMA 13/08/2011 1283 TR. 1 1015, 1033 East facing section of south face of Rampart 1 mid excavation E CMA 13/08/2011 1284 TR. 1 1015, 1033 East facing section of south face of Rampart 1 mid excavation E CMA 13/08/2011 1285 TR. 1 1016, SF 7033 Rampart 1 mid excavation, vitrified fuel ash N CMA 13/08/2011 1286 TR. 1 1016, SF 7033 Rampart 1 mid excavation, vitrified fuel ash S CMA 13/08/2011 4203 TR. 1 1005, 1006 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4204 TR. 1 1005, 1037 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4205 TR. 1 1005, 1037 W facing section rampart 3 and palisade W TIP 19/08/2011 4206 TR. 1 1037, 1036, 1005 palisade W TIP 19/08/2011 4207 TR. 1 1030, 1004, 1034 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4208 TR. 1 1030, 1004, 1034 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4209 TR. 1 1030, 1004, 1034 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4210 TR. 1 1004 W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4212 TR. 1 Team looking at the view from Ben Effrey S TIP 19/08/2011 4213 TR. 1 Team looking at the view from Ben Effrey S TIP 19/08/2011 4214 TR. 1 1005, 1037 micromorph in palisade W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 1005, 1037, 1004, 4215 TR. 1 1030 micromorph in palisade W facing section rampart 3 W TIP 19/08/2011 4216 TR. 1 1044 Post-excavation rampart 1 N TIP 19/08/2011 4217 TR. 1 1044 Post-excavation rampart 1 N TIP 19/08/2011 4218 TR. 1 1042, 1011 E facing section post excavation rampart 2 E TIP 19/08/2011

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4219 TR. 1 1043 Post-excavation rampart 2 N CMA 19/08/2011 4220 TR. 1 1010, 1042 E facing section front of rampart 2 E CMA 19/08/2011 4221 TR. 1 1010, 1042 Facing of rampart 2 - post excavation S DMA 19/08/2011 4222 TR. 1 1010, 1042 Facing of rampart 2 - post excavation S DMA 19/08/2011 4223 TR. 1 1010, 1042 Facing of rampart 2 - post excavation S DMA 19/08/2011 4224 TR. 1 1013, 1043 E facing section north of rampart 2 S DMA 19/08/2011 4225 TR. 1 1013, 1043 E facing section north of rampart 2 S TIP 19/08/2011 4226 TR. 1 bedrock Bedrock north of rampart 2 under 1013 TIP 19/08/2011 4227 TR. 1 bedrock Bedrock north of rampart 2 under 1013 W TIP 19/08/2011 4228 TR. 1 bedrock Bedrock north of rampart 2 under 1013 S TIP 19/08/2011 4229 TR. 1 1001, 1013, 1014 E facing section between rampart 1 and 2 TIP 19/08/2011 4230 TR. 1 bedrock Bedrock under rampart 1 S TIP 19/08/2011 4231 TR. 1 1015, 1033 E facing section rampart 1 E TIP 19/08/2011 4232 TR. 1 1015, 1033 E facing section rampart 1 E TIP 19/08/2011 4233 TR. 1 1015, natural plan view post-excavation rampart 1 S TIP 19/08/2011 4234 TR. 1 1016, 1031 E facing section N end of trench E TIP 19/08/2011 1016, 1018, 1027, 4235 TR. 1 1031 E facing section N end of trench E TIP 19/08/2011 4236 TR. 1 1018, 1027, 1031 E facing section N end of trench E TIP 19/08/2011 4237 TR. 1 1018, 1027, 1031 E facing section N end of trench E TIP 19/08/2011 1018, 1019, 1027, 4238 TR. 1 1031 E facing section N end of trench E TIP 19/08/2011 4239 TR. 1 1017, 1045 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 19/08/2011 4240 TR. 1 1045, 1033, 1039 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 19/08/2011 4241 TR. 1 1015, 1033 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 19/08/2011 4242 TR. 1 Rampart 3 excavation S TIP 19/08/2011

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4243 TR. 1 video clip - trench TIP 20/08/2011 4244 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4245 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4246 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4247 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4248 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4249 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4250 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4251 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4252 TR. 1 video clip - landscape setting TIP 20/08/2011 4253 TR. 1 Vlad TIP 20/08/2011 4254 TR. 1 1017, 1045 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 20/08/2011 4255 TR. 1 1045, 1033, 1039 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 20/08/2011 4256 TR. 1 1045, 1033, 1039 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 20/08/2011 4257 TR. 1 1045, 1015, 1033 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 20/08/2011 4258 TR. 1 1015, 1033 W facing section rampart 1 W TIP 20/08/2011 4259 TR. 1 View from summit S TIP 20/08/2011 4260 TR. 1 Last day survey - Cathy & Lorraine S TIP 20/08/2011 4261 TR. 1 Last day survey - Cathy & Lorraine S TIP 20/08/2011 4262 TR. 1 Last day survey - Cathy & Lorraine S TIP 20/08/2011 4263 TR. 1 View of Craig from Ben Effrey S TIP 20/08/2011 4264 TR. 1 View of Craig Rossie and trackway S TIP 20/08/2011 4265 TR. 1 View of circular enclosure S TIP 20/08/2011 4266 TR. 1 Nose north of Ben Effrey panorama SE TIP 20/08/2011 4267 TR. 1 Nose north of Ben Effrey panorama S TIP 20/08/2011 4268 TR. 1 Nose north of Ben Effrey panorama SW TIP 20/08/2011

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4269 TR. 1 View of Ben Ogle from Ben Effrey SE TIP 20/08/2011 4270 TR. 1 View of Ben Ogle from Ben Effrey SE TIP 20/08/2011 4271 TR. 1 Last day survey - Lorraine TIP 20/08/2011 4272 TR. 1 Last day survey - Lorraine TIP 20/08/2011 4273 TR. 1 Backfill team - Ben Effrey TIP 20/08/2011 4274 TR. 1 Backfill team - Ben Effrey TIP 20/08/2011 4275 TR. 1 Vlad and back-filled trench TIP 20/08/2011 4276 TR. 1 View of Ben Effrey - trench backfilled TIP 20/08/2011 4277 TR. 1 View of Ben Effrey - trench backfilled TIP 20/08/2011

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