READ, Norman, 58, Jesmond-avenue, -lane, j Xo. of Matter—3 of 1921. Manningham, and 460, Thornton-road, Girling- Trustee's Name, Address and Description.—West, ton, both in the of . TAILOR. Leslie Arthur, I2A, Marlborough-place, Brighton, Court^-BRADFORD. Official Receiver. No. of Matter—8 of 1921. Date of Release—Aug. 8, 1921. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Dur- rance, Walter, 12, Duke-street, Bradford, Official KENWARD, Rowland, Whitehouse, Budletts, Uck- Receiver. field, Sussex. JOURNEYMAN COACH- Date of Release—Aug. 29, 1921. PAINTER, Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). No. of .Matter—5 of 1921. 3RAWLING, Arthur, residing in apartments at 29, Trustee's Name, Address and Description—West, Queen" s-terrace, Morecambe, in the county of Leslie Arthur, 12k, Maxlborough-plaoe, Brighton, Lancaster, and carrying on business at 2, Barker- end-road, and 86A, Kershaw-street, , Official Receiver. both in the . BURLER and Date of Release—Aug. 8, 1921. MENDER, ELLIOTT, Ernest Nelson, residing and carrying on Court—BRADFORD. business at 30, Upper Arcade, St. James, Bristol. No. of Matter—13 of 1920. FURNITURE DEALER. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Dur- Court—BRISTOL. rance, Walter, 12, Duke-street, Bradford, Official No. of Matter—20 of 1920. Receiver. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Easton, Data, of Release—Aug. 15, 1921. . Thomas, 26, Baldwin-street, Bristol, Official Receiver. THORNTON, Phoebe (Spinster), 63, Manor-row, Date of Release—Aug. 29, 1921. Low Moor, and lately carrying on business at 99, St. Enoch's-road, , both in the city jfiFFERIES, Walter Flook, 84, Two Mile-hill. St. of Bradford. RETAIL MILLINER. George, Bristol. GROCER. CourWBRADFORD. Cour^-BRISTOL. No. of Matter—9 of 1921. No. of Matter—1 of 1921. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Dur- Trustee's Name, Address and Description'—Easton, rance, Walter, 12, Duke-street, Bradford, Official Thomas, 26, Baldwin-street, Bristol, Official Receiver. Receiver. Date of Release—Aug. 17, 1921. Date of Release—Aug. 5, 1921.

WESTMORELAND, Norman (trading as the PERRIN, Joe, trading as J. PERRIN & SON, 72, NORTHCOTE PRINTING COMPANY), 11, West-street, St. Philins, Bristol. CONFEC- Bateson-street, Greengates, and 374, Otley-road, TIONER, TOBACCONIST and AUTOMATIC both in the city of Bradford. PRINTER. MACHINE PROPRIETOR. Court—BRADFORD. Court—BRISTOL. No. of Matter—6 of 1921. No. of Matter—11 of 1920. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Dur- Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Easton, rance, Walter, 12, Duke-street, Bradford, Official Thomas, 26, Baldwin-street, Bristol, Official Receiver. Receiver. Date of Release—Aug. 17, 1921. Date of Release—Aug. 15, 1921. WARNER, Samuel, formerly of The Old Talbot Inn, ROSENTHAL, Arnold William (described in the Re- Hilton, in the county of Derby, now c/o Mr. ceiving Order as Arnold Rosenthal), 42, Rusthall- Job Warner, The "Square, Mickleover, near mansions, Turnham Green, in the county of Derby. Formerly INNKEEPER and BLACK- Middlesex, and lately residing at 12, Bedford- SMITH, now of no occupation. road, Bedford Park, in the said county. COM- Court—BURTON-ON-TRENT. PANY DIRECTOR, No. of Matter—6 of 1920. Courtr-BRENTFORD. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Hum- No. of Matter—12'of 1919. phreys, Edward Wynne, 4, Castle-place, Notting- Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Gourlay, ham, Official Receiver. Thomas, 14, Bedford-row, London, W.C. 1, Offi- Date of Release—Aug. 15, 1921. cial Receiver. Date of Release—Aug 29, 1921. WILLIAMS, William Charles, Wesley House, John- street, Carmarthen. HOSIER. ROME, James William, 125, Moorland-road, Weston- Court—CARMARTHEN. super-Mare, carrying on business at the Caffi No. of Matter—4 of 1920. Royal, 72, High-street, Weston-snper-Mare. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Thomas, . CAFE PROPRIETOR. Herbert Watkins, 4, Queen-street, Carmarthen, Court—BRIDGWATER. Official Receiver. No. of Matter—8 of 1920. Date of Release—Aug. 5, 1921. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Eimett, James Paddon, 18, Nicholas-street, Bristol, Ac- PRATT, Albert William, Orchards, Sarre-road, West countant, etc. Hampstead, London, carrying on business at The Date of Release—July 27, 1921. Brick Works, Rayleigh, Essex. Couri^-CHELMSFORD.- BRAND, George Clifford, lately residing and carry- No. of Matter—12 of 1919. ing on business at 99, Richmond-street, Brighton, Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Part- Sussex. BAKER and CONFECTIONER. ridge, Albert Henry, 3, Warwick-court, Gray's Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). Inn, London, W.C. 1. No. of Matter—67 of 1920. Date of Release—July 20, 1921. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—West, Leslie Arthur, 12A, Marlborougb-place, Brighton, BATLEY, Benjamin, 2, Staincliffe Hall-road, Stain- Official Receiver. cliffe, Batley, in the county of York, lately re- Date of Release—Aug. 8, 1921. siding at 7, Kilpin-hill, Heckmondwike, and carrying on business at 7, Kilpin-hill, Heckmond- BUNNEY, George Frederick? residing at 8, Middle- wike aforesaid. MOTOR DRIVER, formerly road, and carrying on business at 1, South-road, NEWSAGENT. both in Preston, Brighton. 'CiAJATER. Court—DEWS-BURY. Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). No. of Matter—11 of 1920. No. of Matter—46 of 1920. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Trustee's Name, Address and Description—West, Durrance, Walter, 12, Duke-street, Bradford, Leslie Arthur, 12A, Marlborough-place, Brighton, Official Receiver. Official Receiver. Date of Release—Aug. 17, 1921. Date of Release—Aug. 8, 1921. HALEY, Thompson, residing at Hollin Bank, Heck- JOHNSON, Fred. KtmckTmndred-row, Midhurst, mondwike, and carrying on business at William Sussex. BOOTCVTAKER. • Royd Mills, Heckmondwike, both in the county Couri>-BR.IGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). of York. RAG MERCHANT.