Dr Dimitrina PETROVA [email protected]

Appendix 2

Dimitrina Petrova, Curriculum Vitae PUBLICATIONS, INTERVIEWS, ETC

 “In Madagascar, Reforming Nationality Law Advances Social and Economic Rights”, Open Democracy, 7 December 2015, available at: https://opendemocracy.net/openglobalrights/dimitrina-petrova/in-madagascar-reforming- nationality-law-advances-social-and-econo.

 “Visa to Europe: the Convertible Currency of in ”, Oxford Human Rights Hub, OxHRH Blog, 30 October 2015, available at: http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/visa-to-europe-the- convertible-currency-of-human-rights-in-ukraine/.

 “Nationality Laws – a New Battleground for Women’s Equality”, Open Democracy, 29 April 2015, available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/openglobalrights/dimitrina- petrova/nationality-laws-%E2%80%93-new-battleground-for-women%E2%80%99s-equality.

 “Does Affirmative Action Create Unfair Advantage?,” Oxford Human Rights Hub, OxHRH Blog, 18 June 2014, available at: http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/?p=11589.

 “Evolving Strasbourg Jurisprudence on Domestic Violence: Recognising Institutional Sexism”, available at: Oxford Human Rights Hub, 20 June 2013, http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/?p=2041.

 Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, International Service for Human Rights, February 2013, available at: http://www.ishr.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1445#BillBarker.

 “Affirmative Action versus Equality in Malaysia”, Oxford Human Rights Hub, available at: http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/?p=682.

 “The Use of Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law in Advancing LGBT Rights”, in Lennox, C. and Waites, M. (eds), Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change, London: School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013.

 “Intolerance against Migrants in the OSCE Area”, Introductory speech at the OSCE Review Conference Session on Intolerance against Migrants, Warsaw, 8 October 2010, available at www.equalrightstrust.org.

 “Should We Be Praying for Better Health?”, Practical Patient Care, Issue 5 (2010), available at http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/c45c84ab#/c45c84ab/34.

 “Diverse Cultural Identities: the Challenges of Integrating Cultural Rights in Policies and Practices”, UN OHCHR, available at: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/issues/cultural_rights/docs/paper8_DimitrinaPetrova.doc.


 “‘Smoke and Mirrors’: The Durban Review Conference and Human Rights Politics at the United Nations”, Human Rights Law Review 10:1 (2010).

 “From Guantanamo to Where?”, The Guardian, 19 December 2009, available at http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/libertycentral/2009/dec/19/guantanamo- america.

 “Religion and Health Policies in the UK and the European Union Member States”, Discrimination Law Association Briefings, Vol. 38, November 2009.

 Religion and Healthcare in the European Union: Policy Issues and Trends, Published by Alliance Publishing Trust, London 2009 (with J. Clifford). Also available at http://ec.europa.eu/ewsi/UDRW/images/items/docl_9832_997843631.pdf.

 “Which Country Is Theirs Anyway?”, The Guardian, 25 January 2009, available at http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/jan/25/guantanamo-refugees.

 “The Declaration of Principles of Equality: A Contribution to International Human Rights”. Commentary, in Declaration of Principles on Equality, Published by the Equal Rights Trust, London 2008.

 “Implementing Anti-Discrimination Law and the Human Rights Movement”, Helsinki Monitor, Vol. 17, No. 1/2006.

 “Nachova and the Syncretic Stage in Interpreting Discrimination in Strasbourg Jurisprudence”. Roma Rights, No. 1 (2006); ENARgy, February 2006, available at http://www.enar- eu.org/en/info/ENARgy_15_EN.pdf.

 “Social and Economic Dimensions of Universal Rights”, in Human Rights with Modesty: The Problem of Universalism, Ed. by Andras Sajo, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004.

 "Dissent and Opposition in (1944-1989)", in Dissent and Opposition in Communist Eastern Europe: Origins of Civil Society and Democratic Transition, Ed. by Detlef Pollack and Jan Wielgohs, Ashgate, 2004.

 “Statistics to Promote Equality”, Paper presented at the European Conference on Data to Promote Equality”, organised by the (Helsinki, December 2004), https://eventsi.congreszon.fi/ei/cm.esp?id=161&pageid=_1EN0PQPHX.

 "From Segregated to Integrated Education of the Roma in Europe", in Separate and Unequal: Combating Discrimination against Roma in Education, Source Book, Ed. by Edwin Rekosh and Maxine Sleeper, Budapest: Public Interest Law Initiative, 2004.

 Shadow Report 2003 on Racism in Europe, commissioned by the European Network Against Racism, 2004, http://www.enar-eu.org/en/national/eu_en.pdf.

 "The Roma: Between a Myth and the Future", Social Research, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Spring 2003).


 “Informal Obstacles to Accessing Human Rights”, International Council on Human Rights Policy, http://www.ichrp.org/projects/.

 “Strengthening the Rule of Law in Building Democratic Societies: Human Rights in the Administration of Justice”, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, November 2002, www.unhchr.ch/democracy/D-Petrova.pdf.

 Preface, in Ethnic Monitoring and Data Protection: The European Context. CPS Books, Budapest: Central European University Press-INDOK, 2001.

 "Racial Discrimination and the Rights of Minority Cultures", in Discrimination and Human Rights, Ed. by Sandra Fredman, Oxford University Press, 2001.

 Forward, in Pursuing the Public Interest: A Handbook for Legal Professionals and Activists, Columbia University School of Law, 2001.

 "The Denial of Racism", Roma Rights, No. 4/2000. Reprinted in Roma Rights: Race, Justice, and Strategies for Equality, Ed. by Claude Cahn, The International Debate Education Association, 2002.

 "The Kosovo War and the Human Rights Community", East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 8, Number 3 (1999).

 "Roma of Europe: Speaking about Rights", Canadian Human Rights Foundation Newsletter, Vol. XIV No 2 (1999).

 "Dialogue with the Police?", Roma Rights, Winter 1998.

 "For Equal Participation of Roma in Public Life in Bulgaria", Special edition, Roma Rights in Focus, Sofia 1998.

 Violations of the Rights of the Gypsies in Bulgaria. Sofia: Human Rights Project, 1994.

 "Murder to Intimidate", Obektiv, Sofia 1994.

 "The Farewell Dance: Women in the Bulgarian Transition", in Mary Wollstonecraft and 200 Years of Feminism, Ed. by E. J. Yeo, London: Rivers Oram Press, 1997.

 "’Get Out, You Stinking Gypsy’: Dawn police raids, random beatings, mob violence, and other staples of Romani life”, Transitions, Vol. 4, No. 4, September 1997.

 "Political and Legal Limitations to the Development of Public Interest Law in Post-Communist Societies", The Parker School Journal of East European Law (Columbia University), 1996/Vol. 3, No. 4-5.

 "Human Rights and Regional Security in Southeast Europe", Human Rights and Civil Society. Newsletter of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Vienna), Vol. 2, No.2, 1996.


 "On Post-Communist Obstacles to the Effective Protection of Basic Rights", East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 5, No. 4, Fall 1996. (Russian translation in the Russian language version of the same journal.)

 "The Development of Public Interest Law in Post-Communist States", Helsinki Monitor, Vol. 7. 1996, No. 4.

 "Monitoring Minority Rights", in Handbook for Helsinki Committees, International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Vienna 1995.  "Women’s Human Rights", in Women on the Move: NGO Consultation, United Nations Non- governmental Liaison Service, Geneva 1995.

 "The Radical Nationalist Movement and Human Rights Monitoring in Bulgaria", Human Rights and Civil Society. Newsletter of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Vienna), No. 5/6, 1994/95.

 "Human Rights Project", Transatlantic Perspectives (Wash., D. C.), No. 30, Autumn 1994. (With Theodore Zang)

 "What Can Women Do To Change the Totalitarian Cultural Context?", Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 17, No.2/3, March-June 1994.

 "State Security Files and Disqualification", in Dealing with the Past: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa, Ed. by Alex Boraine et al. Cape Town: IDASA, 1994.

 "Religious Rights in Bulgaria", Human Rights and Civil Society, Newsletter of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Vienna), April 1994.

 "Human Rights Project: Legal Defense of Roma in Bulgaria", Human Rights and Civil Society, Newsletter of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (Vienna), April 1994.

 Nature as a Value Category and Value Rationality as Domination. Odense: Odense University Press, 1993.

 "The Winding Road to Emancipation in Bulgaria", in Gender Politics and Post-Communism: Reflections from Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Ed. by Nanette Funk and Magda Mueller, Routledge, 1993.

 "Bulgaria: Two Years of Permanent Revolution", in East Central Europe: Paradoxes and Perspectives, Ed. by Jody Jensen and Ferenc Miszlivetz, Savaria University Press, Szombathely, 1993; 2nd edition 1995.

 "Permanent Revolution in Bulgaria", Peace Review - The International Quarterly for World Peace, Winter 1992.

 "Bulgaria Between the Red and the Blue", New Politics (N. Y.), Vol. IV, No. 1, Summer 1992 (with Krassimir Kanev)


 "Political Pluralism in Bulgaria", New Politics (N.Y.), Vol. III, No. 3, Summer 1991; reprinted in East European Reporter, Spring/Summer 1991; reprinted in Praxis International, January 1992.

 "Balkan Utopias", Catalyst (London), November 1990-January 1991.

 "The Utopian Counterpoint in the Critical Theory of Society", in Critics and Critical Theory in Eastern Europe, University Press Rotterdam (The Hague), 1990.

 "Ecoglasnost", Uncaptive Minds (New York), April 1990.

 "The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria", East European Reporter (London), Vol. 3, No. 4, Spring 1989 (under the pseudonym Radoslav Radenkov).

Publications in Other Languages [titles translated]

 “Good Practices in Implementing Equality Law in the UK”, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, 2009, http://www.bghelsinki.org/index.php?module=resources&lg=bg&id=0&cat_id=19  "The Anti-discrimination Law Will Have a Public Education Role", Interview to Kapital weekly, Sofia, 29 November - 5 December 2003.  "On School Segregation of the Roma", Andral, Sofia, No. 15 (2001).  "Can a Moral War Be Waged Immorally?", Obektiv, September 1999.  "I object", Obektiv, Special issue on the Kosovo war, May 1999; also in the English language issue of the same magazine.  "Human rights, a constant variable in the equations: A view on Kosovo", Otvoreno obshtestvo, no. 266, 22 April 1999.  "For Equal Participation of Roma in Public Life in Bulgaria", Fokus, No. 10, 1998.  "Déja Vue: on Radical Nationalism and Human Rights Monitoring", Obektiv, No. 1-2, 1995.  Violations of the Rights of the Gypsies in Bulgaria, Sofia: Human Rights Project, 1994.  "Murder to Intimidate", Obektiv, No.1/1994.  Utopia and Value Rationality. Dissertation defended in November 1993 for a Ph.D degree in social science, 288 p. (Sofia 1993)  "The Concepts of Ideology and Utopia in Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge", Yearbook of the St. Kliment Okhridski University of Sofia, Department of Philosophy, Book Philosophy, Vol. 80/81, 1987/88, Sofia, 1992.  "Against the Death Penalty", Kultura, June 19, 1992.  "The Event as Document (Analysis of the Fourth National Conference of UDF)", Reporter 7, No. 15/1992.  "Turkish Kurdistan: Journey through the Voices", Peak, No. 10, 1992.  "UDF, the Constitution and the Election", Peak, No. 5, 1992. English translation in: The Bulgarian Watcher, No. 25, Feb. 20-26, 1992.  "The Blue Elite (I)”, Peak, No. 3, 1992; English translation in: The Bulgarian Watcher, No. 23, Feb. 6-12, 1992.  "The Blue Elite (II)", Peak, No. 4, 1992; English translation in: The Bulgarian Watcher, No. 24, Feb. 13-19, 1992.  "The Evolution of the Bulgarian Socialist Party", Peak, No. 2, 1992.  "Socialism and the Concept of Utopia", Kritika i Humanizam, No. 2, 1991.  "The Death Penalty Is Revenge", Trud, December 13, 1991.


 "The Right Ballot? Election Forecasts", Kultura, October 11, 1991.  "My Opinium Separatum on the Constitution", Nachalo, No. 21, 9-16 July, 1991.  "500,000 Families Can Save Democracy", Peak, 25/1991.  "Here Come the Brave New Partisans of the Real UDF: Open Letter to the Members of ECOGLASNOST", Kultura, June 21 (No. 25) 1991.  "Reason and Tolerance", Prava i Svobodi, 15-21 April, 1991.  "Against Ethnic Discrimination", Peak, 4/1991.  "Quotas for Women in the Male-Dominated Professions", Nie Zhenite, Jan. 24, 1991.  "Why Did I Vote Against?", Reporter 7, November 18, 1990.  "Who Hides in Baba Yaga's House?”, Debati, September 3, 1990.  "The Election Platform of the Union of Democratic Forces", Briag, 2 August 1990.  "The Cultural and Historical Limits of Utopia", Nachalo, No. 18, 31 July 1990.  "No To Fear: My Political Platform", Burgas Dnes, 1 July 1990.  "Farewell to the Nomenclature?", Ecoglasnost, April 1990.  Policy Statement of the Social Movement "ECOGLASNOST", March 1989, published in various brochures and newspapers of the time.  "Anti-Utopianism and the Self-Identified Utopians", Filosofska Misal, No. 4, 1988.  "Marx, Proudhon and the Opposition of Utopian and Scientific Socialism", Sotziologicheski Problemi, No.4, 1988.  "On the Nature of Self-consciousness", Filosofska Misal, No. 11, 1983.  "The Defeatism of Reason: Theodor Adorno", Filosofska Misal, No. 10, 1983.  "The Constitution of Relations in Husserl's Phenomenology", Filosofska Misal, No. 4, 1982.

Conference Papers

 "Discrimination in Employment and Occupation", Conference on Roma Employment, organised by the Open Society Institute and the World Bank, Budapest, May 2004.  "The Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities – a Catalyst for Action at Domestic Level: the NGO Perspective", Conference: "Filling the Frame: 5th Anniversary of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National minorities", , Strasbourg, October 2003.  "Legal Avenues for Advancing the Rights of Persons Belonging to National, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities", Background paper commissioned by UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Regional Seminar "Implementing the Durban Programme of Action: An Exchange of Ideas on How to Move Forward", Prague, September 2003.  “Informal Obstacles to Accessing Human Rights”, Conference “Access to Human Rights”, International Council on Human Rights Policy, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 2003.  “Strengthening the Rule of Law in Building Democratic Societies: Human Rights in the Administration of Justice”, Seminar “The Interdependence between Democracy and Human Rights”, organised by UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, Geneva, November 2002.  “Minorities without a Territory: Sinti and Roma”, Conference “Protection of Minorities – A Model for Crisis Prevention?”, Federal College for Security Studies, Bonn, October 2002.  "Social and Economic Dimensions of Universal Rights", 10th Annual Conference on "The Individual vs. the State", Universalism in Law: Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Central European University, Budapest, June 2002.  "The Role of Race Statistics in Anti-Discrimination Litigation and Policy", OSCE Seminar on the situation of Roma in Europe, Bucharest, September 2001.


 Contribution to: "Die bedrohte Lage der Roma heute im Vergleich zur Verfolgnung im Nationalsozialismus", Seminar von Romano Centro mit dem Bruno Kreisky Furum fur internationalen Dialod, Vienna, April 2001.  "The ERRC Legal Strategy to Challenge Racial Segregation and Discrimination in Czech Schools", Panel organised by the European Centre for Minority Issues, Prague, January 2000.  "Challenges to Human Rights in the 21 Century: Identifying Objectives to 2010 of the Human Rights Movement in the OSCE Area", Conference organised by the International Helsinki Federation, Bellagio, Italy, January 1999.  "The Human Rights Situation of the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe", UNDP Regional Conference “Human Rights for Human Development”, Yalta, Ukraine, September 1998.  "The Role of Foreign Lawyers in Establishing the Rule of Law in Eastern Europe", Symposium “Constitutional Refolution in the Post-Communist World: the Rule of Law”, organised by the American University, Washington D. C., September 1996.  "Political and Legal Limitations of Public Interest Law in Eastern Europe", International symposium “Public Interest Law in Eastern Europe and ”, organised by the Ford Foundation, Oxford, UK, July 1996.  "The Neo-Nazi Groups in Bulgaria and Monitoring Human Rights", International Forum “Fascism in Totalitarian and Post-totalitarian Society”, Moscow, January 1995.  "The Functions of the State in Its Relation to the Religious Communities", Conference “Religious Tolerance in the Light of Human Rights”, Sofia, January 1995.  "The Media during Election Campaigns in Non-Consolidated Democracies", Conference “Freedom of Expression in the Post-Communist Countries”, Tirana, November 1994.  "Women and Labour in Post-Communist Bulgaria", Conference “From Dictatorship to Democracy: Women in Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe”, Barcelona, Spain, September 1993.  "Human Rights and Gender in East European Politics", Ninth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Vassar College, USA, June 1993.  "The Reception of Feminist Ideas in Eastern Europe: A Historical Survey", Conference “Mary Wollstonecraft: 200 Years of Feminism”, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, December 1992.  "The Short Career of : Their Decline and Prospects", Seminar “Eastern Europe between the Past and the West”, organised by the New School for Social Research (N.Y.), Sofia, May 1992.  "The Human Rights Situation in Bulgaria in 1991", Symposium “Strategies for the Strengthening of Human Rights in Emerging Democracies in Europe”, Vienna, February 1992.  "Pluralism in Bulgarian Politics", Conference “Post-Communist Futures for Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union”, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, April 1991.  "Perestroika Ideology in Eastern Europe", Conference “Utopia, Imagination and Reality”, Haifa, Israel, January 1990.  "The Truth Content of Value Propositions and Their Historical Preconditions", VIII World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, UK, August 1988.  "Les nouveaux mouvements sociaux et les utopies anciennes", Colloque canadien-bulgare de philosophie, Varna, Bulgaria, August 1987.

EDITING Periodicals and Reports: Editor-in-chief

 From 2008: The Equal Rights Review, a biannual publication of The Equal Rights Trust, paper and online versions; online versions available at www.equalrightstrust.org


 1996-2006: Roma Rights, a quarterly published by the European Roma Rights Centre, paper and online versions; online versions available at www.errc.org

 From 2008: The Equal Rights Trust Country Reports and thematic reports (see www.equalrightstrust.org).

 My Children’s Future: Ending Gender Discrimination in Nationality Laws (2015)  In the Crosscurrents: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Ukraine (2015)  Economic and Social Rights in the Courtroom: A Litigator’s Guide to Using Equality and Non-discrimination Strategies to Advance Economic and Social Rights (2014)  Equal Only in Name: The Human Rights of Stateless Rohingya in Malaysia (2014)  Equal Only in Name: The Human Rights of Stateless Rohingya in Thailand (2014)  In Search of Confluence: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Sudan (2014)  Half an Hour to Spring: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Belarus (2013)  Washing the Tigers: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Malaysia (2012)  Guidelines to Protect Stateless Persons from Arbitrary Detention (2012)  In the Spirit of Harambee: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Kenya (2011)  Unravelling Anomaly: Detention, Discrimination and the Protection Needs of Stateless Persons (2010)  From Mariel Cubans to Guantanamo Detainees: Stateless Persons Detained under U.S. Authority (2010)  Trapped in a Cycle of Flight: Stateless Rohingya in Malaysia (2010)

 1996-2006: ERRC Country report series. Human rights reports of book length. Twelve books in 1996 - 2006, for a listing, please see www.errc.org\publications

 1999-2007: ERRC thematic reports, see www.errc.org\publications

Authored Editorials in The Equal Rights Review (peer reviewed journal)

 From Prohibiting Discrimination to Transformative Equality in Employment – Vol. 15 (2015)  Religion and Equality – Vol. 14 (2015)  Transformative Shift to Equality? – Vol. 13 (2014)  The Pyramid Question – Vol. 12 (2014)  Age Discrimination – Vol. 11 (2013)  Equal Rights to Marry and Found a Family – Vol. 10 (2013)  Equal Rights Irrespective of Disability – Vol. 9 (2012)  Equality in Education – Vol. 8 (2012)  Detained but Equal – Vol. 7 (2011)  A Right to Health Equality: What Does This Mean, Exactly? – Vol. 6 (2011)  The Integrated Approach to Equality in Kenya – Vol. 5 (2010)  The Sexual Orientation Frontier – Vol. 4 (2009)  Equal Rights for the Stateless – Vol. 3 (2009)  Vote for Equality! – Vol. 2 (2008)  A Right to Equality Integral to Universal Human Rights – Vol. 1 (2008)


Authored editorials in Roma Rights

 Update: Roma in Kosovo – No.3-4/2005  In Defense of Desegregation – No. 3-4/2002  Rights and Policies - No. 2-3/2001  Displaced Childhoods - No. 3/2000.  Romani Women - No. 1/2000  Competing Romani Identities – No. 3/99  The Roma of Kosovo – No. 2/99  The Other Refugees – No. 1/99  Roma Rights Litigation - Autumn 1998  Agrammatos - Summer 1998  Spotlight on Civilian Violence - Spring 1998  Dialogue with the Police? - Winter 1998  On Representation - Autumn 1997  Waking Up the Children - Summer 1997  Editorial - Spring 1997

ABOUT_(most recent only)______

 The Lost Treasure of Revolutions, 23 August 2013, : http://www.johnfeffer.com/the- lost-treasure-of-revolutions/  Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action + 20, http://www.ishr.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1445#Dmitrina Petrova  International Human Rights Law and National Equality Legislation: Mappaing the Gaps, http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/?p=1065  Comfort in Times of Change – Interview in Roma Rights, May 2007, ww.errc.org/cikk.php?cikk=2763