MARS AND � BEYOND � 09 / PURDUE’S 24TH ASTRONAUT 29 / DEFYING GRAVITY 34 / 3-D PRINTER CREATES ROCKET ENGINES AEROGRAM PRODUCTION AND MEDIA is an annual publication for the alumni and friends of Marti LaChance / Managing Editor, Writer School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Kristin Malavenda / AAE Writer, Communications Coordinator Purdue News Service / Contributing Writers Unless otherwise noted, articles in Aerogram may be reprinted Cheryl Glotzbach / Senior Graphic Designer without permission. Appropriate credit is appreciated. Charles Jischke, Mark Simons, John Underwood / Contributing Photographers Dan Howell, Rex Marrs, Paula McKinney / Copy Editors ROOKIE RACER Graduate student Nicoletta Fala (above, right) was the pilot on the first AAE- sponsored Air Race Classic team in June 2017. Fala, a native of Nicosia, Cyprus, is a PhD student studying aerospace systems and general aviation safety under Professor Karen Marais. Fala earned her bachelor ’s and master ’s degrees from Purdue AAE in 2014. Fala and her co -pilot, Chloé de Perre (left), a chemist in the Department of Agronomy and native of France, finished 22nd in the 41st annual Air Race Classic. Fala won the Rookie Racer Award. More than 100 women in 52 planes participated in this year ’s race, a 2,652- mile, all -female airplane race across the United States. The race took off from Frederick, Maryland, on June 20 and ended in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on June 23. The race is the oldest of its kind in the country, tracing its roots back to the 1929 Women’ s Air Derby, where Amelia Earhart and other female pilots raced from Santa Monica, California, to Cleveland, Ohio. The winner is determined by which team beats its handicap speed by the largest margin over the course of the race. Fala and de Perre are both members of Purdue Pilots Inc., a student- run flying club open to anyone in the Purdue community. The Piper Warrior II aircraft they flew during the race is owned by the club.


CONTACT INFORMATION School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Purdue University PurdueAeroAstro Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering 701 W. Stadium Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47907- 2045 Purdue is an equal access/equal opportunity university Phone: 765 -494 -5117 / Email: [email protected] Produced by Purdue Marketing and Media ENGS-17-8635 AEROGRAM FALL 2017




Destination: Deep Space Atlas V Launch Smart Power Named Headship Ratified for Shih Suborbital Rocket Faculty Awards > > > > > > 04 16 ON THE COVER NASA’s Orion spacecraft will carry astronauts to destinations beyond Earth orbit to Mars, support the crew during travel and provide safe re - entry to Earth. FLIGHT PATHS CAPSULES STUDENT NEWS ALUMNI NEWS PHOTO: LOCKHEED MARTIN, ARTIST COMPOSITE Hyperloop Team Advances 3-D Printed Rockets Defying Gravity NASA Distinguished Service Medal Student Awards Alumni Awards > > > > > > 25 34 GRAM AERO


30,000 FOOTMESSAGE FROM VIEW THE HEAD > > > > > > > > >

Award. AAE alumna Amy Hess won the the won Hess Amy alumna AAE Award. Engineer Aerospace Outstanding our with alumni accomplished highly nine 2017, honored April we In pride. of great GREETINGS with an MS and 32 with a PhD. aPhD. with 32 and MS an with 124 a BS, —167 with students 323 graduated 2016-17, In AAE students! passionate and growing with incredibly outstanding keeps enrollment our Also, classroom. the outside and within activities exciting contributions. outstanding and service of dedicated years many their for grateful extremely We are retired. Filmer Dave and Andrisani Dominick professors careers, successful and long after Also, students. our to provide we that education of quality the in enhancements continued possible makes headship endowed this from funding The Vournas. Anastasia and Uhrig Bill from gift agenerous to thanks named, my headship have to honored was school our And Innovation. Defense and Security of Global Institute of Purdue’s director inaugural the as appointed was DeLaurentis honoraryan doctorate. Professor Dan Also, awarded being Chen Wayne Professor and Sciences and of Arts Academy American the and of Engineering Academy National the to elected being Howell Kathleen Professor include These awards. numerous with year. 2016-17 the academic from stories and news share to excited are we Aerogram, this In University! at Purdue Astronautics and Our alumni continue to be a source asource be to continue alumni Our in involved been have students Our recognized again once were faculty Our from the School of Aeronautics of Aeronautics School the from

Hail Purdue! Purdue! Hail Aerogram! year’s next in them share can we that so lives your in happening things exciting the Tom I-P. Shih Tom I-P. Shih on campus. Also, please let us know about about know us let please Also, on campus. ever you’re if visit and by stop Please year. past the throughout support your for you We thank stories. other and these about excellence! the continue us help to $3.1 million than more raising of Giving, Day 2017 the Purdue in overall third placed AAE that report to happy We are support. your without possible laboratories. propulsion foremost nation’s one of the as place facility’s the securing complete, now is grant, Endowment Lilly million of a$40 part as possible made Laboratories, J. Zucrow Maurice of the expansion The components. engine jet next-generation test and develop design, to is Rolls-Royce with partnership million $33 of the goal The District. Aerospace new the University’s in facility first the of opening the celebrated Purdue March, In MIT. and Michigan with Dynamics of Combustion Modeling Multi-Fidelity in of Excellence Center AFOSR an awarded recently was Anderson Bill Professor engagement. and research education, in candidates! astronaut newest NASA’s as announced individuals 12 the among is O’Hara, Loral alumna, Another alum. engineering an upon bestow can college honor our highest the Award, Alumni Engineering Distinguished In this Aerogram, you will learn more more learn will you Aerogram, this In be wouldn’t of this all course, Of developments exciting also were There

03 | FALL 2017 04 | AEROGRAM

GIANT> > > > > > > > RESEARCHLEAPS ADVANCES MARS SPACE � DEEP � DESTINATION: to space exploration space to on the nation’s engine an path ASTRONAUTICS, AND AERONAUTICS Purdue’s School of

AND � BEYOND � funding for NASA. NASA. for funding in $19.5 billion authorizing abill signing mandate, the renewed Trump Donald President year, of this March In subject. the on Congress before testified and committee report the co-chaired Daniels, Mitch president, own Purdue’s Mars. with starting worlds, other on humans putting of goal the by justified be can of spaceflight danger and expense the that argued document The Exploration." Space Human of Program aU.S. for Approaches and Rationales Exploration: to “Pathways the called report key a released Medicine and Engineering of Science, Academies National the mind, in notion Sagan’s with 2014, perhaps In or extinct.” spacefaring either become civilizations “All succinctly: it Artist concept of the SLS Block 1configuration. Block SLS the of concept Artist it fly and Orion take to going we’re mission, first of exploration. 18 months and travel of 18 months about years: three approximately last to mission the expects NASA Earth. to entry re­ safe provide and journey the during crew the sustain of four, acrew transport will craft reusable The space. deep into spacecraft Orion manned the launch will date, to rocket heavy-lift Mars. to flight swiftest the for align orbits planetary when 2033, is year target The objective. immediate NASA’s is Mars to humans Getting NASA’s Mars for plan “PALEIN BLUE DOT," HIS BOOK, An unmanned test is planned for 2019. “For the 2019. the for “For planned is test unmanned An powerful most its System, Launch Space NASA’s

Carl Sagan puts puts Sagan Carl


the 2020s. 2020s. the for slated is Construction missions. space deep for ground astaging as envisions NASA station a space Gateway, Space Deep the is phase next The planned. as work system, re-entry the including systems, the that verify will mission test The 2022. in occur planets. and sun of the attractions gravitational of the advantage taking by system solar the through travel to spacecraft enables that amethod superhighway,” “interplanetary an create to Laboratory Propulsion Jet NASA’s with worked has Astronautics, and of Aeronautics Professor Distinguished Lo Hsu the Howell, adds. Dumbacher with,” up coming in instrumental was Howell Kathleen Professor AAE that —orbits before used relies. NASA on which industry space private the in advances to —and at NASA development mission to attuned remains Dumbacher at Purdue, faculty on the Now Operations. and Development Systems Ground and Orion, System, Launch Space the encompasses which development, systems Directorate.Mission He on focused exploration Operations and Exploration of Human NASA’s administrator associate deputy as served alum Astronautics. and Aeronautics of School the in of practice professor Purdue Dumbacher, Dan says Uncrewed,” moon. the around Orion’s first crewed test mission likely will will likely mission test crewed first Orion’s been never have that orbits exercise will “We AAE 2014, this Until know. would Dumbacher


05 | FALL 2017 06 | AEROGRAM guidance, software, propulsion, mechanical systems, systems, mechanical propulsion, software, guidance, avionics, systems, control thermal in positions hold alumni These Honeywell. and Martin Lockheed at NASA, work their through program Orion the in involved directly are who graduates 60 than more at NASA. They include: include: They at NASA. managers program top as work grads AAE numerous — missions Orion for acandidate be will who ’09) (MSAAE O’Hara Loral candidate astronaut selected recently —plus alums Purdue are who astronauts 23 to addition In industry. space burgeoning the in and NASA in ubiquitous are alums Purdue tide, black and agold Like exploration. space on deep influence pervasive Purdue’s is impressive more arguably but of astronauts, cradle the be may Purdue Purdue’s influence bistatic radar, signals of opportunity radar,bistatic signals of opportunity and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor GARRISON JAMES retrieval and quantification information systems, low tasking, sensor observability control, astrodynamics, guidance, and satellite navigation characterization, objects), space object and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor Assistant FRUEH CAROLIN of Practice Engineering Professor DUMBACHER DAN and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor ALINA ALEXEENKO IN SPACE EXPLORATION EXPERTS AAE n n n n EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE:

In addition to high-ranking personnel, Purdue has has Purdue personnel, high-ranking to addition In design. systems complex for engineer senior McGowan, Rivas Anna-Maria program. Vehicle Exploration Crew Multi-Purpose Orion the for engineer chief White, Kramer Julie Houston. in Center Space Johnson of the director deputy Geyer, Mark operations. and exploration human for administrator associate Gerstenmaier, Bill

Earth remote sensing, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), systems satellite navigation global sensing, remote Earth earth and near (satellites, debris awareness Space situational management Systems NASA engineering, project and micropropulsion aerothermodynamics High-altitude


Martin in 82 different locations worldwide. worldwide. locations different 82 in Martin at Lockheed working alumni 781 Purdue are There Orion. for contractor prime the is which Martin, Lockheed with partnership amajor has also Purdue fields. other and handling ground module, crew permanent base on Mars differs from that of ashort- that from differs on Mars base permanent a for design The architecture. of each risks and costs the weighs and goals at prospective looks lab AAC The tools. design architecture mission designing and scenarios, technical assessing architectures, trajectories. cycler on designing Aldrin Buzz astronaut former with closely work Longuski) under (who studied Saikia and Longuski exploration. human-to-Mars studying lab top world’s the be may AAC the design, architecture human-Mars to-end end­ in expertise With Saikia. Sarag and Longuski James professors by run group research Concepts before.” solved no one has that problems technical the solves that trust brain of the part is “Purdue says. Dumbacher space," in background research and of reputation terms in world the in unique are “We position. interesting an in sits Purdue ahead, move projects complex NASA’s As trust brain Purdue The mission operations and project management management and project mission operations and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor Associate DAVID SPENCER design end architecture human exploration to end engineering, systems Visiting Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics SAIKIA SARAG of technology environmental impacts systems, and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor Associate MARAIS KAREN entry and re and Astronautics of Aeronautics Professor LONGUSKI JAMES optimization Astronautics and Aeronautics of Professor Distinguished Lo Hsu KATHLEEN HOWELL EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: EXPERTISE: Currently, Longuski and Saikia are studying studying are Saikia and Longuski Currently, Astrodynamics Advanced the is example One -

Planetary mission design, smallPlanetary engineering, satellites, system spacecraft landing, and descent, entry, design, mission Conceptual and risk analysis, financialSafety modeling of engineering decay orbit control, mechanics, orbit dynamics, Spacecraft trajectory control, dynamics, spacecraft mechanics, Orbit

- -

funding from JPL to continue this research. research. this continue to JPL from funding follow-up received recently team The exploration.” space in savings cost big to equates which mass, and of time amount atremendous save can “we says, Saikia that,” do can we “If approach. spacecraft’s the slow to way alow-energy mechanism, braking a as work can atmosphere upper aplanet’s along spacecraft ahigh-speed skimming that idea the “aerocapture,” called aconcept studying are Saikia architectures for such a journey. ajourney. such for architectures on mission technologies of advanced impact the study to team AAC the with contracted has NASA or Neptune. Uranus to mission unmanned an send to plans NASA 2030s, or early 2020s late the In Purdue at research Deep space says. Saikia year,” this later team human-to-Mars NASA the with working be will we study, on this “Based industry. space the and NASA from individuals influential by attended was that on campus asymposium with 2017 April in culminated project The Station. Pole South Amundsen-Scott the to akin planet red the on humans 50 for base aresearch designed which Mars, to Journey Human the called study yearlong costs. and components mission about decisions key make to NASA enable will analyses Saikia’s and Longuski’s expedition. term moons. Jupiter’s of another Io, from sulfur volcanic with bombarded are they where surface, frozen the reaching and ocean liquid Europa’s from up bubbling salts chloride of impression Artist’s Aerocapture. With his students, Saikia recently completed a completed recently Saikia students, his With In particular, Longuski and


Deep Space Exploration, an influential nonprofit nonprofit influential an Exploration, Space Deep for Coalition the with partnered recently AAE Purdue exploration, space deep commercial of field the in presence astronger To establish practice of AAE’s community the best in the world,” Saikia says. says. Saikia world,” the in best the one of be will that facility atire-testing designing are we project, of the “As part or Enceladus. Europa of surface icy rough, on the operate will that design tire innovative with arover develop to a contract won recently team AAC the space, deep for plan says. Saikia discovery,” ahuge be will it of Earth, that from different be locations. at multiple surfaces of the exploration the enable —will Fahrenheit 352 degrees —minus worlds ocean cold very and distant one to of these rover A on Europa. lander astatic includes that project a Jupiter, to orbiter an send will NASA 2022-23, In oceans. global are interiors their that indicate observations satellite and ice, water are surfaces moons’ The respectively. Saturn, and of Jupiter moons are which Enceladus, and Europa life, harbor to likely most system solar our in bodies planetary Ocean worlds. An integral component of NASA’s long-term of long-term NASA’s component integral An can of life genesis the that prove can we “If

NASA also is eager to study the the study to eager is also NASA


07 | FALL 2017 08 | AEROGRAM they chose to start with Purdue.” Purdue.” with start to chose they that significant is “It says. Dumbacher Exploration,” Space Deep for Coalition the with project pilot sciences. planetary in as well —as engineering astronautical and aero- and mechanical, civil, in faculty includes effort That Mars. and moon on the settlements long-term safe, build to ways researching is team Habitats Extraterrestrial Resilient Purdue’s For example, travel. space deep to pertinent fields in expertise —with University the over all from —and AAE within from answers. for Purdue to looking are companies Space). These in (Made space in manufacturing and construction and Industries) Space (Deep mining asteroid (Astrobotics), payloads robotic like things in specialize that startups space and Martin Lockheed and as such companies travel. space deep commercial by presented problems tough solve to brainpower academic the with team —afaculty of practice community aformal assembling is school the coalition, 60-plus-member this with league In group. industry undocking. after Station Space International Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) (CYGNSS) System Satellite Navigation Global Cyclone The observatories. micro-satellite with winds hurricane forecasting by measuring ocean-surface improve to mission aNASA-funded behind concept underlying the invented Garrison James Professor research, satellite groundbreaking In Crossley. William and DeLaurentis Daniel professors AAE by development under currently materials invented newly with structures lightweight as such areas in industry space the offer to much have Purdue at researchers applications, propulsion and space Multidisciplinary work. Multidisciplinary “The community-of-practice initiative is a is initiative community-of-practice “The colleagues comprises of practice community The aerospace traditional includes coalition The As well as obvious obvious as well As


n Saikia says. “We have to do ambitious work.” work.” ambitious do to have “We says. Saikia stature,” his maintain to legacy, Armstrong’s Neil to up live to need we that people tell “I generation. next the educate help to partners industry with work and of practice community Purdue’s join to prepared are beginning.” very at the “We’re yet. stage that reached not has economy space The industry. airline the for incentives early provided contracts airmail like things in investment Government 1920s. of the industry airline commercial budding says. Dumbacher awhole,” as enterprise exploration space of the sustainability long-term the to key absolute the is successful be them helping think “I space. in opportunities economic for looking are others and Origin Blue SpaceX, as such companies Entrepreneurial funding. worth is exploration space that taxpayers American convinces that linchpin the be may economy space sustainable A healthy, economy space The n n n expected later this year. Other vital areas include: include: areas vital Other year. this later expected are data first the 2016, and December in launched

maintain and protect human bodies in space. space. in bodies human protect and maintain to ways —discovering research Biomedical and discovering ways to mitigate it. it. mitigate to ways discovering and debris orbital —tracking research Near-space periods. long for space in living while cope emotionally and mentally can humans ways —researching research Psychological economy. space the seeding for policies public —examining research economic ag and Business For their part, professors Saikia and Longuski Longuski and Saikia professors part, For their the to economy space budding the He equates

FLYING HIGH direct the course course the direct to helped also problem.” a technical solving to advice to seeking opportunities job from everything for beneficial hugely been has network This graduate. aPurdue of as apart I became the community is skill technical single any than valuable more perhaps “But says. she aresearcher,” as acareer begin to which success. her to blocks building the creating for community University the to connections and degree Astronautics Weber. Ellen Mary Voss and Janice following so, do to woman third the only is but astronauts, NASA become to alumni Purdue of 23 heritage rich a joins O’Hara astronauts. newest one of its as ’09) (MSAAE O’Hara Loral alum Purdue selected has NASA Purdue’s influence influence Purdue’s from foundation me astrong gave AAE “Purdue and Aeronautics Purdue her credits O’Hara

Purdue’s 24th astronaut O’Hara becomesLoral loved it.” I discovered “I says. she work,” test and assembly design, hands-on of lot a doing time my first was “It Labs. at Zucrow work her and Integration, Technology and Engineering for Professor Distinguished Engineering Raisbeck the Heister, Stephen with class propulsion rocket her particularly career, of her language and how to spacewalk, fly a T-38 jet, and and a fly jet, T-38 spacewalk, to how and language Russian the learn she’ll which in program training In August, O’Hara began a rigorous two-year two-year arigorous began O’Hara August, In operate robotics and space systems. But the the But systems. space and robotics operate rigor excites her. excites rigor missions were shorter and the teams were were teams the and shorter were missions because one field just in experts up send could

larger,” she says. “But with the International International the with “But says. she larger,” Space Station and longer missions, you have have you missions, longer and Station Space “ to be very broad in your expertise.” expertise.” your in broad very be to In the past, with the they they shuttle space the with past, the In extreme environments on Mars or the or the on Mars environments extreme moon. But for all the work she has done has she work the all for But moon. to get to this point, the skies still take take still skies the point, this to get to Ultimately, O’Hara wants to research research to wants O’Hara Ultimately, her breath away. breath her think, ‘Holy cow, I might be walking walking be cow, Imight ‘Holy think, “Every time I look at the moon, I moon, at the Ilook time “Every around up there someday — that’s —that’s someday there up around actually a real possibility,’ ” possibility,’ areal actually O’Hara says.


Poggie, an associate professor of aeronautics and astronautics, studies fluid mechanics in the supersonic and hypersonic (greater than five times the speed of sound) regimes. In particular, he studies separation unsteadiness and laminar-turbulent transition. “Separation” is an undesirable recirculating flow over an aircraft, and “transition” is a difficult-to-predict change from orderly laminar flow to chaotic turbulent flow. The common themes in the two areas are undesirable drag, heating and mechanical loads. Poggie looks for ways to predict and control these phenomena, and he analyzes devices that can be used to control flow. “It’s a lot faster to try out different ideas for flow control on the computer than it is in the wind tunnel, and it’s a lot cheaper, especially in the high-speed regime,” he explains. “Running a hypersonic wind tunnel costs millions of dollars, and it’s something we can prototype

GRAM on the computer in just a few hours.” AERO


Researchers from the School of AAE were selected by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Laboratory to participate in the multi -university Center of Excellence in Multi - Fidelity Modeling of Combustion Dynamics. “Combustion instability is one of the most complex problems that can be encountered during the development of chemical propulsion systems,” says Professor William Anderson, who serves as the principal investigator at Purdue. “It is especially difficult A close - up of the separated flow over a ramp at Mach 2.25 shows the in rocket engines because complex turbulent flow near the bottom wall and unsteady shocks energy addition rates farther away. From work carried out by Kevin Porter (MS ’17) under are so extreme, on the Poggie ’s DoE INCITE Award. order of a terawatt per cubic meter, and because the rocket combustor environment is so inaccessible to detailed But not on just any computer. High-performance measurement.” computing is essential to Poggie’s research, due to the way Enabled by advances fluid flow must be broken up into grid cells to be modeled. in high -fidelity WILLIAM ANDERSON computational fluid Using a larger number of smaller cells creates more accurate dynamics, adaptive reduced models and data - models that can capture turbulence on a smaller scale; but, it driven modeling, the center will develop and requires a supercomputer’s parallel processing capabilities demonstrate mathematically derived reduced to perform the calculations efficiently. Poggie’s group carries order models and physically inspired reduced out direct numerical simulations with billions of cells on fidelity models to efficiently and accurately predict many thousands of processors, using computers such as combustion dynamics. The - led center is Argonne National Laboratory’s Mira and the Air Force funded for $4.2 million for six years, including a Research Laboratory’s Thunder. For code development and two - year renewal option. The award includes the testing, his group runs smaller jobs on Purdue Community Massachussetts Institute of Technology as well as Cluster Program machines, such as Halstead. Purdue. Along with Bill Anderson, investigators at Formerly with the Air Force Purdue include Charles Merkle, the Reilly Professor of Engineering, and Swanand Sardeshmukh, PhD, Research Laboratory, Poggie served as researcher. “With support from NASA, AFRL, and a technical team leader and program AFOSR, we have been using concurrent simulation manager, focusing on technology and experimentation to improve our understanding to enable flight at extremely high of combustion dynamics for the past decade,” speed — supersonic and hypersonic Anderson says. “This center brings together experts aircraft. in combustion instability and advanced multi - physics and multi -scale modeling to take the next Poggie’s work is supported by big step toward a truly predictive capability.” computer hours through Purdue University, a Department of Energy JONATHAN POGGIE INCITE Award and a Department of Defense Frontier Project. He also is supported through research grants from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Office of Naval Research. FALL 2017 2017 FALL

| 11 SMARTSMART Two AAE research projects funded through POWER U.S. Navy partnership � P Of sixWE Purdue projects funded through aR Ion Batteries under Dynamic Loading and at partnership with the U.S. Navy, two AAE High Temperatures Using Nanomechanical research teams have received grants of Raman Spectroscopy. It is led by Vikas Tomar, $450,000 each. professor of aeronautics and astronautics; The U.S. Navy Enterprise Partnership Vilas G. Pol, professor of chemical engineering; Teaming with Universities for National and Tom Adams, scientist at the Naval Surface Excellence (NEPTUNE) was launched by Warfare Center, Crane Division. Purdue and the Navy in 2014 to help the The second project is Low-Cost Catalyst for military branch reach its goal to convert Portable Hydrogen Generation and On-Demand half of its energy consumption to alternative Power, led by Timothée Pourpoint, professor of sources, including biofuels, by 2020. aeronautics and astronautics. “These interdisciplinary projects came Purdue President Mitch Daniels and Navy from a diverse lineup of nearly 30 submitted Secretary Ray Mabus announced an agreement proposals in energy storage, renewable in 2014 to develop research efforts aimed at energy technologies, high energy and pulsed addressing the goal by the Navy and Marine power, smart grid, flexible electronics, energy Corps to generate at least 50 percent of their efficiency and systems engineering,” says energy from alternative sources. In addition, Maureen McCann, director of the Purdue Purdue and the Navy have partnered on more Energy Center in Discovery Park, who chairs than 600 research projects valued at $80 million the proposal selection committee. “The depth in the past decade. of the campus projects was impressive, and In September 2015, Purdue Energy Center the deep engagement this process is creating faculty received grants totaling $3 million between Purdue and the U.S. Navy is something from the Office of Naval Research for the pilot we continue to build on.” McCann is also a phase of the NEPTUNE program, focused on professor of biological sciences. developing a power and energy course and The first newly funded project is In-Situ establishing a research facility for testing Examination of Thermal Runaway in Lithium aviation fuels from biomass. Purdue was chosen to be a lead university in the NEPTUNE pilot because of its strengths in basic science and engineering research and its commitment to providing educational opportunities to current, former and future members of the military through the Purdue Military Research Initiative. Integration of Navy officers, veterans and ROTC students into cutting-edge research


| 12 manner that integrates technical, social and and social technical, integrates that manner a in threats address then and understand important. equally be will science social and —behavioral engineering or science bench from be will discoveries and security. defense national in university preeminent the Purdue make could and campus, across efforts research defense and security will centralize institute new The projects. research defense-related advanced for million $50 than received more Purdue year, fiscal community. and defense security nation’s the to solutions systems integrated deliver to simulations and analytics, data big sciences, nanotechnology, and behavioral social instrumentation, advanced as such areas research to institutes and centers Park. Discovery in institute the opening was University the 1that Dec. announced Daniels Mitch and Defense Innovation. President Global Security for Institute new of the director the is Initiatives, Defense for Fellow President’s and astronautics and of aeronautics professor Purdue DeLaurentis, Dan INNOVATION DEFENSE SECURITYGLOBAL Professor DeLaurentis selected � new Purdue director as institute of Professor “We must develop teams that can can that teams develop must “We all not that says DeLaurentis 2016 the In research other Purdue’s with works institute The

Park, said that the United United the that said Park, Discovery of Purdue’s director executive and scientist chief security.” greater to pathways develop we when holistically confronted be must issues “These he says. factors,” policy States has gained a gained has States Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, Rubia, la de Díaz Tomás adversaries every day.” every adversaries our out-innovate and out-discover out-invent, must we future, the “In he says. fast,” closing is gap the intelligence; or artificial weapons, or hypersonic cryptography, computing, and advancing, whether it is quantum quantum is it whether advancing, and technological technological and around the world are innovating innovating are world the around advantage, advantage,

technology ‘offsets.’ Countries ‘offsets.’technology Countries or “offset,” in each of the past past of the each in or “offset,”

superiority via so-called major conflicts. Nuclear Nuclear conflicts. major rely on decades of military of military on decades rely

weapons, stealth stealth weapons,

technologies, global global technologies,

says. says. positioning and

continuous offset, he offset, continuous all are accuracy “We can no longer no longer can “We

development, or or development, examples of ways the the of ways examples a state of continuous continuous of state a U.S. has stayed ahead ahead stayed has U.S. the U.S. should be in in be should U.S. the now, ahead stay to But adversaries. of its DAN D DAN e LAURENTIS

13 | FALL 2017 ADVANCES H C STRENGTH R E S E A R A E S E R IN S T R U C T U R E New engineering consortium partnering with Indiana industry �

AAE was selected in January to be part of a new In a real-life case study, Purdue faculty consortium of Purdue Engineering faculty and have been working with Knauf Insulation in facilities with expertise in simulation-based Shelbyville, Indiana, a manufacturer of glass fiber engineering of materials and structures, which insulation materials. During the introduction of > GIANT LEAPS GIANT LEAPS GIANT LEAPS is now offering partnerships with Indiana-based a new insulation material into the marketplace, manufacturers. Knauf engineers worked with Purdue faculty Michael Sangid, assistant professor of to better understand and fine-tune the material AAE, is a key member of the group. Research microstructure. Purdue researchers simulated the in his Advanced Computational Materials material microstructure and its deformation and and Experimental Evaluation lab combines failure response in the computer, and determined knowledge of materials science, solid mechanics, how forces are distributed internally to the and advanced manufacturing to solve complex material. Based on the collaboration with Purdue problems in materials behavior and processing. faculty, Knauf Insulation implemented several The Indiana Consortium for Simulation- new techniques into their processes. Based Engineering of Materials and Structures Consortium members’ technical expertise and (ICSEMS) formed in January 2017. It also computational infrastructure can be useful in includes members of Purdue’s School of many industries, including automotive, aerospace, Mechanical Engineering and Lyles School of civil infrastructure, biomedical, materials, Civil Engineering. defense and consumer products. “It’s designed to be a mutually beneficial The consortium also offers training for the partnership,” says Thomas Siegmund, professor engineering workforce as well as a platform for of mechanical engineering. “Manufacturers running open-source simulation software. can benefit from our expertise in computational “We’re looking forward to what Indiana modeling, and Purdue students and faculty can manufacturers can accomplish when they team up benefit from conducting that research in real- with our simulation-based engineers,” Siegmund world environments.” says. Simulation-based engineering refers to the ICSEMS is a part of the Indiana Next Generation computer modeling of materials, specifically Manufacturing Competitiveness Center, which in stress and deformation analysis, fatigue and aims to sustain manufacturing growth and fracture, shape optimization, and material leadership in the state of Indiana. selection.

In an example of how simulation - based engineering can assist manufacturers, Purdue demonstrated to Knauf Insulation how mechanical loads are transmitted in porous glass fiber GRAM materials. PHOTOS: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AERO

| 14 how the flight is progressing. is progressing. flight the how about news with signal adigital and power electrical supplies that cable aUSB via computer rocket's the to connects and one pound weighs says. Collicott happen,” to reaction glowing the for solutions chemical the in oxygen dissolved enough have will we if about aquestion to goes rocket the or fast high how from experiment, of the aspects all in second-graders of the interest intense the with demonstrations. and visits classroom through interacting including project, the with have helped the second-graders students engineering aerospace year. this later rocket suborbital Origin on aBlue launch will Experiment Glow Zero-Gravity the says astronautics, and of aeronautics environment. azero-gravity in glow can Firefly Say’s the whether testing experiment an perfect School Elementary at Cumberland students helped have students AAE Purdue years, two For than more SUBORBITAL PROJECT ROCKET � second-gradersProject to help taps � with year.this later rocket suborbital Origin aBlue on tolaunch isexpected experiment Glow Zero-Gravity The The automated experiment experiment automated The surprised pleasantly was “I 25 as many as says Collicott professor PhD, Collicott, Steven PHOTO: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PHOTO: COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

location in Texas. Texas. in location 19, 2017,on June aprivate from launched that of arocket payload the in carried was situations zero-gravity in movement of liquid physics the design. rocket suborbital its perfected and tested it as company private the with work to Origin Blue by asked scientists three one of He was launches. rocket Origin ahead.” years the in schools all to available is opportunity launch exact “This he says. outreach,” STEM in way the lead to seeking landing. and descent through continue will recording experiment The occur. to reaction the causing other, the into chemicals firefly one of the syringe. of a plunger the pushes that device a as well as recorder and camera video on ahigh-definition turns controller the begins, weightlessness When rocket. the from signals An experiment by Collicott testing testing Collicott by experiment An Blue the to no stranger is Collicott are we that stress to want “I injects syringe the says Collicott to listens A microcomputer

of space,” Dumbacher says. says. space,”of Dumbacher frontier the on work and live humans help sciences and biomedical engineering can health human the how and Earth, on apply can results these how research, exploration space from results the about to learn event. the coordinated AAE, in practice engineering of professor Dumbacher, Dan products. biological and technologies influencing development of bioprocess research is bioengineering fundamental how examined Ladisch’sspace. lecture in science food and sequencing DNA frontier. next the in as to applications as well Earth on applied be can discoveries space how discussed They Engineering. Biomedical of Professor Distinguished Ladisch, Michael and NASA, for operations and exploration human for administrator associate by Gerstenmaier, presentations featured It Center’s Hall. Fowler Stewart 27, Oct. on place took Go” 2016,Boldly in ’77). (BSAAE Gerstenmaier Bill alumnus AAE Purdue event featuring speaking a of focus the were biotechnology and exploration and the fields of biology space between connections Blossoming � BIOTECHNOLOGY AND SPACE EXPLORATION � CONNECTING engineering practice in AAE of professor Dumbacher, Dan and NASA; human exploration and operations for for administrator associate Gerstenmaier, Bill Engineering; Biomedical of Professor FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM “This was a wonderful opportunity opportunity awonderful was “This on his talk focused Gerstenmaier to We What Space: Know and “Biotech

Michael Ladisch, Distinguished Distinguished Ladisch, Michael

15 | FALL 2017 16 | AEROGRAM HIGHHIGH VELOCITYVELOCITY HIGH> > > > > > > VELOCITY> > > > > > FACULTY NEWS ATLAS V � PURDUE WINS LAUNCH SLOT ON � up to 1,200 kilometers in fewer than 25 years. years. 25 than fewer in kilometers 1,200 to up of altitudes orbit from satellites kilogram-class 150 deorbit to used be can that device bolt-on opportunities.” educational and research astronautics our for forward step abig is spacecraft functional afully “Launching project. on the investigator principal and astronautics and of aeronautics professor associate Spencer, David says orbit,” in operated and launched be will that satellite operations. mission and testing integration, design, including cycle, life project flight the throughout students involve will project ADE The entrepreneurs. space and scientists of rocket generation next the develop and educate motivate, to experience hands-on encourages CubeCorp, dubbed program, rideshare innovative new company’s The slot. launch CubeSat afree receive to provider service launch the by selected mission. Vrocket Atlas future on a experiment their send to (ULA) Alliance Launch United from opportunity the won have (ADE) Experiment Deorbit Aerodynamic on the working researchers Purdue sciences, is the principal investigator for the the for investigator principal is the sciences, planetary and atmospheric, earth, of professor Minton, David Mars.” of Moons to the “Chariot named concept, mission the team developing missions. satellite small planetary for study funded concept to conduct a program, (PSDS3) Studies SmallSat Deep Science Planetary its under by NASA, selected been has Purdue PROFESSOR DAVID SPENCER PART OF NASA-SELECTED TEAM FOR CUBESAT STUDY DAVID TEAM PROFESSOR SPENCER OF NASA-SELECTED PART Purdue’s ADE is a small-scale prototype of a prototype asmall-scale is ADE Purdue’s Purdue-developed first the “ADE represents proposals student one of four was Purdue’s

Professor David Spencer is part of the Purdue Purdue the of is part Spencer David Professor

satellites to deorbit more rapidly after the end end the after rapidly more deorbit to satellites allow will atmosphere the through passes it as orientation drag amaximum into itself align to system of this capability “The attitude. amaximum-drag to trim passively and stable aerodynamically be to designed is device drag of the geometry The booms. 1-meter-long with dragsail athin-membrane deploy will cm) and OneWeb are actively pursuing the the pursuing actively OneWeband are system. of the stability aerodynamic the assess to used be will set data acquired The atmosphere. Earth’s of the reaches upper the through pass each during data rate angular and acceleration collect will ADE 11 days. about in deorbit should system the deployed, is dragsail the once on simulations, Based 35,756 km. to 185 km from ranging altitudes orbit with orbit transfer ageosynchronous into vehicle says. Spencer missions,” useful of their satellites. small and of CubeSats deorbit the accelerate to device drag deployable stable aerodynamically passive, of aprototype performance the characterize and qualification flight provide to are in The Woodlands, Texas, on March 20 24. Texas, 20 Woodlands, March on The in Conference Society Planetary and Lunar 48th at the recognized were PSDS3 awardees The $3.6 million. were formed. they how understand to help Deimos, and Phobos of composition material surface and imagery resolution high to produce skirt drag deployable a with CubeSat unit a12 uses mission study. The The ADE 1U CubeSat (10 x10 x10 cm cm 1U ADE CubeSat The Ten studies were chosen; awards totaled Ten awards totaled chosen; were studies “Companies and organizations like SpaceX SpaceX like organizations and “Companies launch the from deployed be will ADE mission ADE the of objectives specific The


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deployment of thousands of small satellites into this regime for global internet service,” Spencer says. “A successful ADE mission will demonstrate the viability of the drag device, with commercial application relevant to the deorbit of large constellations of satellites.” The research group is targeting a launch date in the second quarter of 2018. “ULA is passionate about educating and developing future leaders in the space industry,” says Tory Bruno, ULA CEO and president. “We’ve established a very low-cost approach to CubeSat design and launch to accommodate our commitment to STEM and innovative commercial CubeSat entrepreneurs.” Alina Alexeenko, professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Purdue, is co-principal investigator. Alexandra Long, a PhD candidate from , is the cognizant engineer for the drag device. Garry Qualls at NASA Langley Research Center has generously offered the use of the LarkWorks MakerSpace facility for prototyping the deployment mechanisms and mechatronic systems. Les Johnson at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is serving as an advisor to the project. Johnson is currently the PI for the Near Earth Asteroid Scout solar sail.


| 17 1818 | AEROGRAM HIGH VELOCITY TOM VICE VICE TOM HIGH VELOCITYFACULTY NEWS HIGH> > > > > > > VELOCITY> > > > > > will enable us to continually enhance the the enhance continually to us enable will forward. move school our help to wanting for and Anastasia Vournas f Vournas Anastasia and Uhrig Bill to thanks my deepest express to want of A School the for do could it what about excited and headship Board of Trustees: provider of manned and unmanned systems, space space systems, unmanned and manned of provider Systems apremier Grumman’s sector, Aerospace Northrop of president and president vice corporate Autonomous Systems.” Trusted Advanced of Cognitive “Future titled was talk 2016. 6, Sept. on His Lecture Royce Memorial Henry and to have Tomhonored 2016 the give Vice Rolls Charles was Astronautics and Aeronautics of School The MEMORIAL Charles Rolls R and Henry opportunities. of unique a host offering in year each of students hundreds affect T initiatives. research and educational innovative in engage to school the e Shih’s to granted funding The Vournas. Anastasia ’82) and (BSAAE U J. William alumnus from gift a generous by possible made was which Astronautics, and V Anastasia and Uhrig William the J. as 2016, Dec. 16, on ratified a Aeronautics of School the for headship anamed approved has of Trustees Board University Purdue The FOR SHIH NAMED Trustees of Board ratifies “The funding from this endowed headship headship endowed this from funding “The “I am extremely honored by this endowed endowed this by honored extremely am “I the with vision following the shared Shih Vice recently retired from his position as the as the his position from retired recently Vice

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o into dreams make and discover grow, learn, to place dynamic and exciting amost Astronautics a of Aeronautics School Purdue’s make to course a chart to sector private the and government p our with and Purdue within colleges and departments across environment ac create to working We are reality. into dreams make to is job our v engineers, of aerospace generation next the nurture to to understand. yearnings deepest our fulfill to universe of the mysteries i human and spirit human of the strength the show to reality into t dreams creating to linked be to success student want We levels. graduate and undergraduate the a problem-solving and thinking critical depth, on rigor, students our to provide we q the in excellence and Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Head Vournas Anastasia and Uhrig Tom William J. the Shih, fields. The 2016 lecture was the eighth in the series. series. 2016The in the eighth was the fields. lecture these in careers considering are who students inspire to industries aerospace and aviation the from speakers to campus brings series The AAE. Royce Purdue and by Rolls is presented Series Lecture Memorial Purdue AAE. Purdue for Council Advisory Steering the on sits currently He nation’s to the security. critical technologies advanced and systems missile systems, yce yce Begun in 2002, the Charles Rolls and Henry Royce Henry and Rolls Charles 2002, in the Begun

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PROFESSORS ANDRISANI, FILMER � RETIRE FROM PURDUE AAE Professor Dominick Andrisani retired after 37 years of service to Purdue AAE. Andrisani had two major areas ALUMNUS DAVID SPENCER of research: precision location of ground targets from airborne platforms and air traffic management. He was joins AAE faculty honored twice with the Elmer F. Bruhn Outstanding Teacher Award, in 2007 and 2013, and he received the W.A. Professor David Spencer joined the AAE faculty in fall Gustafson Outstanding Teacher Award in 2007. 2016 after six years as a professor of practice at Georgia Professor David Filmer retired after 15 years with Purdue Tech. Before that, Spencer spent 17 years at NASA’s Jet AAE. His technical interests included satellite design and Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, where ground station design for acquisition of satellite data. he was the deputy project manager for the Phoenix Filmer served on the biological sciences faculty at Purdue Mars Lander, mission manager for the Deep Impact and for 40 years. Mars Odyssey projects, and mission designer for Mars Pathfinder and TOPEX/Poseidon. Spencer is an alumnus of the Purdue AAE program, earning BS and MS degrees in 1989 and 1991, respectively. He says the lure of working at his alma mater is only one reason he decided to join the PROFESSOR CHEN RECEIVES Purdue AAE faculty. “Purdue has a very strong program HONORARY DOCTORATE and is extremely well-known in space AAE Professor Weinong “Wayne” DAVID SPENCER mission design,” he says. “The strong Chen has received an honorary ties between AAE and Purdue’s Department of Earth, doctorate in technology by Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences is key, as well. I look Tampere University of Technology forward to partnering with them on projects.” in Finland. Spencer’s research interests include small-satellite The title of honorary doctor applications, the orbital mechanics involved in the is the highest recognition that relative motion of one spacecraft with respect to another, a university can award. The and what he calls aeroassist technologies. conferment ceremony took place on May 20, 2017. Awardees “Aeroassist means using the atmosphere of a planet received a doctoral hat as a symbol to help shape the orbit,” Spencer says. “There are several of academic freedom and a written different categories of that, including entry, descent and WEINONG CHEN conferment certificate. landing, aerocapture and aerobraking.” The university invited 10 individuals from Finland and Spencer earned a PhD from Georgia Tech in 2015. abroad to accept honorary doctorates in recognition of He is an associate fellow in the American Institute of excellence in fields represented at the university and other Aeronautics and Astronautics and is the author and co­ exceptional scientific, artistic or social merits. author of technical publications in the fields of mission Chen's honorary doctorate came “in recognition of design, flight operations and system engineering. Spencer significant contributions to the research of the behavior of has earned numerous awards and honors, including high deformation rates in materials as well as longstanding the Purdue School of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ collaboration in research and technological development in the field of materials science.” 2017 FALL

Outstanding Aerospace Engineer Award in 2004. | 19 Faculty Faculty WILLIAM WILLIAM 20 AEROGRAM | Outstanding

Mentor Mentor


Award Award

HIGH VELOCITY HIGH> > > > > > > VELOCITY> > > > > > FACULTY NEWS pragmatic, unbiased approach approach unbiased pragmatic, His futile. too plan no and too petty opinion no trivial, too question no banal, is too subject no patience: and his humility for particularly students, graduate of mentorship exemplary for Professor recognizes award “This read, part, Crossley winner. as the chose organization, student graduate AAE's Assist, Aero from students, and graduate by AAE nominated were members Eleven faculty Astronautics. and Aeronautics of School the in students graduate by Award, as on voted Mentor 2017 the of Faculty Outstanding Crossley is recipient William the Johnathan Goodsell. Professor Research Assistant Wenbin Yu; Professor AAE and chemical engineering; AAE materials engineering and AAE, in joint appointment a has who Engineering, of Professor Distinguished Bray L. John the Pipes, Byron community. Purdue’s of research contributions and accomplishments the Awards dinner, celebrating Research in Excellence the for 2016November in gathered staff 150 than and More faculty Purdue AAE FACULTY HONORED WITH SEED FOR SUCCESS AWARD The nomination for Crossley, for in nomination The Honorees included R. R. Honorees included R. BYRON PIPES

William Crossley William



of Engineering. Hall 27 Armstrong April at Neil on agathering Award during Mentor Faculty Outstanding as an advisor.” to have him honored We feel they cannot. when especially their ideas, and themselves, in worth and substance true discover the students helps for Success Award. Award. Success for Seed the recognized with $1 were more or million of award an garnering co-investigators and Innovation. Manufacturing Composites Advanced for Institute the with work their for Alejandro Strachan, Professor Materials Engineering Sterkenburg Purdue and Ronald Professor Polytechnic with Purdue along award, a 2016 Success for Seed

Crossley received the 2017 the Crossley received Principal investigatorsPrincipal received three The JOHNATHAN GOODSELL


five year terms this fall. fall. this year terms five their beginning are Scholars Faculty University named newly The research. their to support receive funding They provost. by the approved and dean, to the a recommendation that makes Engineering of College the in professors named and distinguished of by a committee reviewed areas, academic by their nominated are UAS. of swarm as a such systems, vehicle and multiple (UAS), control systems traffic air aircraft unmanned spacecraft, as aircraft, such systems aerospace critical safety to applications its and components, and logical physical interacting with system (networked) is acomplex which Physical System, Cyber the of control and modeling on focuses HS Lab FD&C/ the in The research Laboratory. Systems Control/Hybrid and Dynamics Flight the of is head and 2004 since Astronautics and Aeronautics of School scholarship. their of recognition in named are and years five more than no for rank that in been professors and full professors who have associate are tenured thisof honor 1998. in at Purdue created Recipients was program Scholar University Faculty Scholar. Faculty The aUniversity named been has Hwang Inseok Professor University Faculty Scholars Scholars Faculty University the in aprofessor been has Hwang - - INSEOK HWANG � Scholar Faculty � University -


researchers. honors for outstanding young NSF prestigious most the one of is award CAREER The Foundation. Science National the from award Career Development Early Faculty a2017 won has Astronautics, and Aeronautics of Professor Assistant F. Elmer the Sangid, Michael Bruhn Aeronautics and Astronautics to and Astronautics Aeronautics of Purdue’s in School members faculty ateamof or individual to an annually is presented honor Award. The Research in Excellence Astronautics Aeronautics and of 2017 the of recipient C.T. Sun School Tomar Vikas the was Professor Development Award � MICHAEL SANGID MICHAEL NSF Early Career VIKAS TOMAR C.T. Sun Award �

elected an Associate Fellow of the the of Fellow Associate an elected and Engineering journal. Tomar was Science Materials Elsevier inaugural the from interface mechanics Award for Young the and Researcher Society; from the Minerals, Metals and Materials research materials Award for Mention Early Career Faculty Fellow-Honorable the Engineers; Mechanical of Society American the from and fatigue fracture in Excellence Award for Career Early Orr Research; the Scientific of Office Force Air the from thermomechanics interface temperature high for award Young Investigator the include These awards. of by anumber recognized (NRS). Tomar’s been work has Spectroscopy Raman Nanomechanical called technique patented analytical Purdue anew of development the through testing in material paradigm to a new led has research His group. Materials and Structures science and engineering. in contributions high-quality recognize to failures. resistant are more therefore and stresses residual beneficial or either minimal offer that components tailored fabricate and alloys the of predictions accurate lifetime more develop Ultimately, will research the materials. polycrystalline in scales length stresses across residual of their predict faithfully and stresses residual account for to framework a computational of development to the lead will research The performance. on effects have tremendous can and materials all in present are stresses, as residual known these materials, of processing the during introduced Stresses sectors. other and energy, transportation, defense span which applications, of breadth the in and material usage raw tons of both of terms in society modern of ceramics and alloys as metals, such Materials materials. on polycrystalline stresses residual studying aproject on Engineers in 2016.Engineers Mechanical of Society American the 2015Astronautics in of aFellow and and Aeronautics of Institute American Tomar is AAE’s of amember role the explain will results The investigator is principal Sangid CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE NEXT ON CONTINUED

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Grant is a Purdue alumnus (BSAAE ’05). He joined the AAE faculty in 2012 after earning an MSAAE and PhD in AAE from Georgia Institute of Technology. Three additional faculty members were also nominated for the W.A. Gustafson Award for Outstanding Teaching: Karen Marais, Tyler Tallman and James Longuski. The purpose of the Exceptional MICHAEL GRANT Early Career Teaching Award is to honor assistant professors with two or more years of service who have established an early record of exceptional teaching. W.A. Gustafson Award for � Nominees are judged based on instructional effectiveness, course Outstanding Teaching • � instruction improvement and innovation, contact with students Nominee for Purdue � outside the classroom, service as a research mentor for undergraduate Exceptional Early Career students outside of normal classroom � activity, and participation in college/ Teaching Award school or university committees related to undergraduate education. Assistant Professor Michael Grant “Purdue established the Exceptional is the winner of the prestigious Early Career Teaching Award in 2014 to 2016 W.A. Gustafson Award recognize assistant professors who are for Outstanding Teaching, and he outstanding undergraduate teachers,” has been selected as the College of says Kathleen Howell, associate Engineering’s nominee for Purdue’s dean for engineering and Exceptional Early Career Teaching the Hsu Lo Distinguished Award. Professor of Aeronautics and The recipient of the Gustafson Astronautics. “These faculty award is selected by the juniors and demonstrate superior ability seniors of the AAE student body. It in communicating material is made possible by the interest and to students and stimulate their generosity of friends and alumni of desire to learn. Outstanding teachers the school. also recognize that their teaching “Though AAE is at a world - class responsibility to students does not stop research university, excellence in at the classroom door. I cannot think of teaching has always gone hand --in anyone who exemplifies this philosophy hand with excellence in research,” better than Mike Grant.” says Tom Shih, the J. William Uhrig Grant’s nomination was presented and Anastasia Vournas Head of to the University selection committee Aeronautics and Astronautics. “With on Feb. 27, 2017, and he was recognized so many outstanding educators in as the recipient of the College of AAE, it is quite a feat for Professor Engineering’s Exceptional Early Career Grant to be chosen for this award.” Teaching Award at the college’s Faculty Awards of Excellence Banquet on April 7.


| AND HONORS 22 CONTINUED 2017 was a big year for Howell. In addition to her election to the NAE, Howell was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honorary societies. Founded in 1780, the AAAS is an independent research center that conducts multidisciplinary studies of complex and emerging problems. Howell joins 11 Purdue colleagues as KATHLEEN HOWELL members of the AAAS. “Receiving one of these honors in your area is unbelievable,” Howell says. National Academy of � “Having both — and at almost the same time — is almost miraculous. I Engineering • American � look forward to representing Purdue in these organizations.” Academy of Arts and “Dr. Howell’s work on spacecraft trajectories and interplanetary travel Sciences • Bruhn Award � is a testament to the strides Purdue is making toward the future every day,” Kathleen C. Howell, the Hsu Lo University President Mitch Daniels says. Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics “She exemplifies the brilliant minds and Astronautics and associate dean hard at work to make Purdue a greater TIMOTHÉE POURPOINT for engineering, has been elected to university and the world a better the prestigious National Academy place.” of Engineering. Howell is among 84 In addition to these prestigious � new members and 22 new foreign national honors, Howell has been AIAA Associate Fellow members of the academy. selected to receive the School of “It’s a big honor for me to be Aeronautics and Astronautics’ Elmer F. AAE Associate Professor Timothée elected to the NAE,” Howell says. “It’s Bruhn Award for 2017. Pourpoint has been selected as an particularly notable to be elected by The Bruhn award is presented Associate Fellow of the American Institute your colleagues. I’m grateful to other annually to an outstanding teacher of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). NAE members at Purdue that I now in the School of Aeronautics and Pourpoint was inducted with other new have the honor of joining.” Astronautics and is made possible by associate fellows from around the world Election to the NAE is among the generosity of friends and alumni at a ceremony on Jan. 9, 2017, during the the highest professional honors for of the school. The winner is selected AIAA SciTech Forum in Grapevine, Texas. an engineer. Academy membership by the AAE undergraduate student AIAA is the world’s largest technical honors those who have made body. Howell previously won the award society dedicated to the global outstanding contributions to in 1984, 1987, 1990, 1995, 2002, 2005 aerospace profession, with more than engineering research, practice or and 2010. 35,000 individual members worldwide education. Howell has taught aeronautics and and nearly 100 corporate members. AIAA Howell was elected to the NAE astronautics at Purdue since 1982. She brings together industry, academia, and “for contributions in dynamical is an expert on spacecraft navigation government to advance engineering and systems theory and invariant manifolds and orbital mechanics and the motion science in aviation, space and defense. culminating in optimal interplanetary of man -made objects in space. Howell Pourpoint’s research interests relate to trajectories and the Interplanetary has designed novel trajectories propulsion, combustion and energy Superhighway.” for spacecraft that have enabled storage. “We are extremely proud of some space missions, and she was According to the AIAA, associate Professor Howell for her significant largely responsible for the design of fellows are “individuals of distinction contributions that led to this the intricate series of Cassini spacecraft who have made notable and valuable recognition,” says Tom Shih, the maneuvers that contributed to the contributions to the arts, sciences, J. William Uhrig and Anastasia success of the ongoing exploration or technology of aeronautics Vournas Head of Aeronautics and of Saturn and its moons. She has or astronautics.” Astronautics. “Since being elected to developed techniques that help To be selected as an associate the National Academy of Engineering reduce the cost in fuel and design time fellow, an individual must be an is one of the highest distinctions for planetary missions with spaceships AIAA senior member with at least 12 an engineer can receive, Professor in orbits near points in the solar system years’ professional experience and be Howell’s accomplishments bring where satellites can be safely placed. recommended by a minimum of three honor not just to her, but also to AAE, current associate fellows. Only 2 percent our college and our great University.” of the AIAA’s 35,000-plus members are FALL 2017 2017 FALL

elected as associate fellows each year. | 23 24 | AEROGRAM HIGHHIGH VELOCITYVELOCITY >HIGH > > > > > > VELOCITY> > > > > > F A C U LT Y N E W S survey and i and survey decadal the in recommendations” priority w charged is for a New Era.” Era.” aNew for Research Sciences Physical and Life Exploration, “ report, survey 2011 N the in outlined priorities and goals strategies, N review to acommittee co-chairing is practice, of engineering professor Dumbacher, Dan A NEW ERA OFA NEW ERA of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Medicine. and Engineering, of Sciences, Academies National of the committee standing a is group The Space. in Sciences Physical and on Biological Committee the to appointed been has Collicott Steven Professor AAE SPACE SCIENCES IN PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL appointedCollicott on Committee to � report survey NRC decadal reviewing committee Dumbacher co-chairs SPACE DAN DUMBACHER STEVEN COLLICOTT COLLICOTT STEVEN Reporting to the Space Studies Board, the the Board, Studies Space the to Reporting

ASA’s pr

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Medicine. The committee committee The Medicine. and Engineering, of Sciences, N the for committee ad hoc at NASA” Physical Sciences Research of I Assessment “Midterm the Decadal Decadal programs in these fields. fields. these in programs integrating and planning in government federal the assist to and sciences, medical, and physical biological, the in research space in progress scientific support to aims CBPSS EXPLORATION

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public press briefing about the report. report. the about briefing press public there and says, of 2017,end Dumbacher exploration.” e so assessment and planning the in involved visibly P activity, Academies National this “With says. Dumbacher traveler,” space ahealthy assuring to essential lunar habitat). acis­ as (such orbit Earth beyond and platforms) 2 through Station Space International (on orbit the Earth low analogs, Earth as such successful, be to place t should research where environment the c The space. deep into exploration of human expansion the enable to NASA for critical are that priorities academic year.academic the with 2017-18 starting effective were promotions 21. April TrusteesBoard of at ameeting The Wenbin Yu University Purdue by the were approved professor. The promotions of James Garrison L. and to full promoted have been Two members faculty FULLTO PROFESSOR 2 FACULTY PROMOTED JAMES L. GARRISON

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AAE students win ORBITAL ATK S.P.A.C.E. AWARDS �

Two teams of students from AAE 25100: Introduction to Aerospace Design have been selected as winners of the Orbital ATK S.P.A.C.E. Awards. The goal of the spacecraft teams was to examine the potential use of a as a cost- effective way of conducting a precursor mission for future human exploration, as well as more extensive robotic missions. PICTURED FROM LEFT / Professor Michael Grant, PICTURED FROM LEFT / Stephen Kubicki, Tyler Brady Walter, Jacob Nunez -Kearny, Vincent Cassi and Schmidt, Michael Dai, Subhiksha Raman, Ernesto Requirements for the project Ethan Plaehn Ramirez, Amy Comeau, Alexander Stevens and included: Dave McGrath of Orbital ATK 1. �Selecting a SmallSat concept and the basic science mission, with SPRING 2017 CLASS FALL 2016 CLASS an emphasis on using simple and proven technologies for Student teams in the Spring 2017 class were Teams in the Fall 2016 class were tasked with cost, reliability and scalability tasked with designing an undenied supply designing an aircraft capable of delivering consideration. delivery system (USDS) that is capable of 20 - foot containers — to be used for supplies delivering a 2,000 -kilogram payload anywhere at living quarters, hospitals, etc. — in combat 2. Designing a new , on Earth with notable populations. zones. specifying the number of stages and type(s) of fuel. The USDS had to consist of three parts: Requirements for the project included: 3. Performing trade studies for 1. An aircraft that takes off from a U.S. Air 1. The container must be external to the a SmallSat precursor mission Force base and travels to the launch point aircraft. at the architecture level, (and later returns to a landing site). including vehicle architectures, 2. The aircraft must be a fixed- wing airplane. 2. A rocket that is dropped from this aircraft launch vehicles, science 3. The design of the aircraft must use an and carries the supplies to orbit. instruments, selection of existing engine. a target asteroid, orbital 3. An orbital maneuvering system that is 4. It must be possible to drop the container mechanics, spacecraft and other capable of changing the orbit of the during flight. mission system -level trades. supplies and deorbiting the supplies for delivery on the ground. 5. The aircraft must be able to land and take off on rough surfaces. Assistant Professor Michael Grant, who taught the course, presented the certificates to the Orbital ATK chose the winning team for each students during the spring 2017 meeting of project. Dave McGrath, Orbital ATK’s director AAE’s Industrial Advisory Council. of systems engineering and IAC member, presented certificates to the students during the fall 2016 meeting of AAE’s Industrial Advisory Council. FALL 2017 2017 FALL

| 25 Super Speed Purdue Hyperloop in 2017 summer competition after strong winter showing in Hawthorne, California Purdue Awards Purdue Awards overall. performance team’s the with happy he is conditions, race full under pod its test to Purdue for weekend competition the during time worked. systems braking their that and tube the in fit could pods their prove to had teams track, test on the arun for cleared be to order in that says student, AAE and manager project Hyperloop Purdue Brookes, Richard competition. the for built SpaceX track three-quarter-mile the on tested be to requirements stringent the met pods whose teams seven one of only was —but January in pods their test to California to traveled team. the advised Paniagua Guillermo Professor engineering mechanical year, 2016-17 For the academic process. design the in team the advise helped also Sullivan John Professor team. the advising and class the teaching Alexeenko Alina Professor with 2015, fall in class design tube. vacuum anear- through vehicle apod-like in or cargo passengers propel would that transportation speed of high- amode as Hyperloop proposed Musk Elon founder and CEO Company California. Hawthorne, in headquarters at its SpaceX by hosted competition Hyperloop first 2016 at the in showing a solid of 2017. made team summer The the in competition second for a in preparation pod its refining semester spring the spent team Hyperloop Purdue The # CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN “As with any big project, you’re rushing to get get to rushing you’re project, big any “As with Brookes says even though there wasn’t enough enough wasn’t there though even says Brookes that one of 27 teams was team Purdue The a as began project Hyperloop Purdue The




on a single criterion: maximum speed. speed. maximum criterion: on asingle based determined be will II Competition Hyperloop of winners The SpaceX. by hosted again once 2017 competition, summer the for improvements make to it used and track test on the run pod’s competition.” the in pod composites fully only the were we and work, composites excellent does Purdue work. composites of our quality the about people SpaceX of alot and Musk from compliments got “We says. Brookes design,” sleek the complimented Musk. Elon with interacting was weekend of the parts best one of the says to.” it wanted we as just functioning was pod on the Everything nicely. really together came everything competition, of the start at the just Then, work. to everything get to trying wire the to down right were “We says. done,” Brookes things a few headquarters in Hawthorne, California. its at SpaceX by hosted competition Hyperloop the track at test the inside Engineering. of Hall Armstrong Neil the of ABOVE / ABOVE The team analyzed the data gathered from the the from gathered data the analyzed team The and pod at our over, looked came “He Brookes work, pod their seeing to addition In

The Purdue Hyperloop team poses with its pod in the Kurz Atrium Atrium Kurz the in pod its with poses team Hyperloop Purdue The



Purdue Hyperloop pod pod Hyperloop Purdue

27 | FALL 2017 28 | AEROGRAM FLIGHTFLIGHT PATHSPATHS winners Emily Zimovan, Geoffrey Andrews, and Julia and Crowley Andrews, Farenga Geoffrey Emily Zimovan, winners PICTURED FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM PICTURED FLIGHT> > > > > > > > > >PATHS > > STUDENT NEWS student contributions to the broader broader the to contributions student and skills communication performance, Three AAE students win specifically near rectilinear halo orbits, for orbits, halo rectilinear near specifically moon, the near on orbits focuses research Her PhD. her pursue to plans Howell, Kathleen of Professor student amaster’s Zimovan, EMILY About industry. aerospace the in leaders and innovators foremost of the some with connect to opportunity the had they where Awards, Laureates Week’s at Aviation March in honored were recipients The community. academic on exceptional based was selection Final candidates. of field international an from chosen were Zimovan Emily and Farenga Crowley Julia Andrew, 2017. Geoffrey for award Twenties” “20 prestigious Week’s of Aviation recipients are students AAE Three TWENTIES AWARDS �

AAE students and 20 Twenties and Award students AAE


important.” important.” is far thus doing been I’ve work the that and field right the in I’m that me confidence gives “It says. she cool!” really is field the in students top the reach higher.” named one of the 20 Twenties is an honor. an is Twenties 20 one of the named being says Zimovan habitat. manned a future the other amazing winners is an inspiration to to inspiration an is winners amazing other the with included “Being says. she worthwhile,” been have efforts outreach and extracurricular Twenties. 20 one of the named be to honored is she says She engines. rocket in oxygen and dodecane pressure and temperature of supercritical stability on combustion focuses Anderson. Her research Professor William with program the PhD of year first her in is Farenga FARENGA CROWLEY JULIA About reminder ahumbling is way this in recognized be “To he says. research,” and coursework on focusing vision of tunnel acase develop to Twenties. 20 one of the as chosen be to surprised genuinely he was says Andrews vehicles. launch for engines rocket of combined-cycle modeling on focuses research computationalAnderson. His William of Professor student aPhD is Andrews GEOFFREY About aerospace community.” broader of the amember be to means it of what “To be recognized among my peers as one of as my peers among recognized be “To “The award means to me that my academic, my academic, me to that means award “The easy it’s that Ifind student, “As agraduate


CHARLES GOGGIN WINS CHARLES pr NExT Micro-g program. NExT) (Micro-g Teams Design M NASA’s i design hardware spaceflight its test to NASA by selected was students undergraduate of AAE A team Y T I equipment NASA test inUndergrads Micro-g NExT program AV R G DEFYING to the s the to instrument or an astronaut an “A tether to way says. t to astronauts the attracting force gravitational weaker much asteroid. of an surface t to astronaut an anchor to atool for proposal original its submitted class, Experiment Flight Z 41800: AAE Collicott’s Steven Professor e a space addresses that or device atool test and build design, M c CLAIN GOGGIN GOGGIN CLAIN “Being smaller than planets, asteroids have have asteroids planets, than smaller “Being

urface is needed. This is the team’s goal.” goal.” team’s the is This needed. is urface

ovides undergrads an opportunity to to opportunity an undergrads ovides xploration problem. The team, students in in students team, The problem. xploration icro-g Neutral Buoyancy Experiment Experiment Buoyancy Neutral icro-g

he surface of the asteroid,” Collicott Collicott asteroid,” of the he surface Students have now built and and built now have Students tested their design, under the the under design, their tested alumni astronaut. In May, the May, the In astronaut. alumni P and professor visiting Wolf, of David advisement student team worked with NASA NASA with worked team student promise of degree attainment. attainment. degree of promise and ability character, intellectual of basis the on selected are fellows at Purdue. Chappelle graduate research to pursue alumni Purdue encourages that award prestigious and highly competitive is a Fellowship Chappelle The 2017-18the year. academic for Chappelle Fellowship C. aCharles of is arecipient Goggin 2017AAE McClain graduate astronauts and e and astronauts


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FELLOWSHIP Professional NBL divers will test the tool w tool the test will divers NBL Professional hardware. spaceflight test and spacewalks for train Lab, a massive swimming pool in which a which in pool swimming amassive Lab, N in design their test to projects from A from projects zero-gravity for proposals undergraduate successful T program. NExT NASA of the years three all for proposals facility. NBL of the Room Conductor Test the from them directs team student contract with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. a under Return Sample Mars for proximity operations automated on research his undergraduate completed just has He Flight Projects Laboratory. Space the in Spencer David Professor with working at Purdue MSAAE myon life.” impact have ahuge who such had AAE in Purdue and staff faculty students, hardworking and talented incredibly other the “Especially he says. years,” four last over the me Goggin earned his BSAAE in May and will pursue his pursue his will May in and his BSAAE earned Goggin have who supported those of all grateful to forever am “I fellowship. the to receive is honor it an says Goggin The Purdue AAE 41800 class has produced winning winning produced has class 41800 AAE Purdue The

his win also continues a long series of series along continues also win his

AE 41800 that began in fall 1996. 1996. fall in began that 41800 AE

ASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Buoyancy ASA’s Neutral

stronauts stronauts hile the the hile

and Nikhil Gupta Gupta Nikhil and Bugelholl Katie Bugelholl, Sarah (team leader), Cody Myers McInnes, Cameron FROM LEFT / 29 | FALL 2017 30 | AEROGRAM FLIGHTFLIGHT PATHSPATHS FLIGHT> > > > > > > > > >PATHS > > STUDENT NEWS Council, and the winners were chosen by IAC IAC by chosen were winners the and Council, Advisory Industrial of AAE’s meeting fall the research. thesis their • • advisors: as served who professors and winners categories, the are Here members. on posters presented students MS 100-plus of AAE’s aportion and research, dissertation on their talks 2017 in presented graduate to planned who students PhD All research. latest school’s the showcased symposium 27, on Sept. 2016. The Symposium Research Graduate annual third its held AAE SYMPOSIUM � RESEARCH � holds GRADUATE AAE David Stechmann and Lalit Harshad Sells, Brandon Aye-Addo, Nyansafo • • • • • Tom Shih, Jacob Haderlie, Haderlie, /Tom Jacob Shih, LEFT FROM ABOVE,

Aye-Addo (Nicole Key). Key). (Nicole Aye-Addo Tricoche). Xavier and Howell (Kathleen Schlei Wayne presentation: oral Astrodynamics Jay Gore). and Wang (Haifeng Lalit Harshad presentation: oral Aerodynamics Stechmann (Stephen Heister). (Stephen Heister). Stechmann David presentation: oral Propulsion Crossley). (William Haderlie Jacob presentation: oral control and Dynamics Afternoon poster session: Nyansafo Nyansafo session: poster Afternoon Crossley). William and DeLaurentis (Daniel Sells Brandon session: poster Morning Sangid). (Michael Rovinelli Andrea presentation: oral Structures The event was held in conjunction with with conjunction in held was event The

with the Future Space Leaders Conference. Conference. Leaders Space Future the with Conference,” co-located Fellowship Owens “Brooke annual the attends also fellow Each industry. the in elsewhere working mentor asecond plus institution, host internship at their mentor on-site —an fellow each for mentors two provides program the ATK. Orbital for worked Bosque Pineda while LLC, Technology and Space Group Tauri The aerospace. or aviation to related career a full-time pursue to intend they as long as field, any in degree undergraduate an seeking women to open are program the through offered fellowships The cancer. with battle a long after of 35 age 2016 at the in died who pilot, accomplished and pioneer industry a space (1980-2016), Owens Brooke of Dawn legacy professor. assistant visiting AAE Saikia, Sarag by program the for recommended across the country. Both students were were students Both country. the across from selected women 30 of approximately two were Bosque Pineda Paula Ana and Comeau Amy Program. Fellowship Owens Brooke the under internships summer paid received undergrads AAE Two INTERNSHIPS PAID FELLOWSHIP, OWENS BROOKE win Students Bosque and Amy Comeau Comeau Amy and Bosque BELOW, FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM BELOW, Along with a paid summer internship, internship, summer apaid with Along for working summer the spent Comeau honor to the established was program The

Anna Paula Pineda

and by aerospace companies. companies. aerospace by and JAXA and ESA NASA, as such agencies space international by supported is SGAC The Space. of Outer Uses Peaceful on the Committee Nations United the with status observer apermanent with organization anonprofit is SGAC The challenges. space biggest today’s for solutions outline to countries 30 over from delegates 130 than more attracts congress The academia. and industry government, from professionals young and students university top include Participants Congress. Astronautical International the with conjunction in held (SGAC) Council Advisory Generation Space the (Australia). of Adelaide University 21-23 at the Sept. held was which 2017, SGC organizing in professionals young and students international of ateam he led manager, congress As Anderson. William of Professor guidance the under Laboratories J. Zucrow Maurice at Purdue’s systems 2017 MANAGER CONGRESS CONGRESS GENERATION appointed PhD student AAE ARNAU PONS PONS ARNAU The SGC is the annual meeting of meeting annual the is SGC The


aerospace propulsion propulsion aerospace instabilities in combustion researching is Pons 2017. (SGC) Congress Generation Space the congress manager of as served Pons Arnau student PhD AAE

or doctoral degree. master’s aresearch-based to leads that study graduate for period fellowship afive-year within support of financial years three provides GRFP Program. Fellowship Research Graduate Foundation Science 2017 of the National honorees the among are Westphal Eric and Farenga Crowley Julia students graduate AAE NSF, FELLOWSHIPS NASA students win AAE McClain and Monique serves as as aserves professional collaborator. research who center, at aNASA usually researcher, engaged community- and relevant atechnically with matched is student Each future. economic and exploration nation’s the for technologies space of innovative creation the in potential significant show who students program. of the duration the throughout professionally grow will she how and progresses research propulsion. rocket to related research groundbreaking potentially pursue to of Son. students both are They Fellowship. Research Technology Space aNASA captured each also says. Westphal fellowships,” one of these by provided opportunities and funding the with community scientific the to contributing and Fellowship. Research Technology Space NASA a garnered Westphal fellowship, NSF the to addition In professor. courtesy AAE and engineering mechanical Farenga says. Crowley subject,” worthwhile and important an as recognized was engines rocket in fuels supercritical and of transcritical stability combustion the into head. associate and professor AAE FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM The NASA fellowships are given to graduate graduate to given are fellowships NASA The her how see to excited is she says McClain freedom the him give will fellowship the says Baier McClain Monique and Baier Michael students AAE career my academic furthering to forward look “I of professor Son, of Steven astudent is Westphal research for my proposal that gratified feel “I Anderson, of William astudent is Farenga Crowley

Julia Crowley Farenga, Eric Westphal, Baier Michael

31 | FALL 2017 32 | AEROGRAM FLIGHT PATHSPATHS FLIGHT> > > > > > > > > >PATHS > > STUDENT NEWS five. five. thetop in finish to States United the from one only the was team The overall. third placed which Itinere, Team up made Chapter and the Mars Society. Society. Mars the and industry aerospace the NASA, representing judges of seven agroup before convention Society Mars annual at the person in finalists presented their design proposals proposals design their presented finalists The round. final the in participate to selected were countries seven from universities 20 than more representing 10 teams those, Of mission. flyby Mars atwo-person for plan adetailed create to world the around from students engineering invited competition Mars Gemini the 2015, in Washington, D.C. Washington, in Convention Society Mars International 2016 at the September in held was contest the of round final The Competition. Design Mars Gemini International the in place third won students AAE of Purdue A group � Competition Design Mars at International Gemini � THIRDTAKES PLACE SOCIETY PURDUE’S MARS Robert Potter. Not pictured: Arnau Pons. Pons. Arnau pictured: Not Potter. Robert and Shibata Eiji Vezhavendan, Surya Schweitzer, Eric Michael Weiss, Diego Maaninee Martinez, Gupta, Alek Gardner, /Alek Smith, Glynn LEFT FROM ABOVE,

Students from the Mars Society Purdue Purdue Society Mars the from Students Nineteen teams entered the competition. August in Society Mars the by Initiated

Professor Haifeng Wang. Wang. Haifeng Professor of astudent is Han others. mentor to willingness and organizations professional in participation publications, through research in leadership and excellence demonstrated have who students to goes which Research, Outstanding for Award Collicott. Steven Professor • • teaching assistants: exemplary were who students recognizes honor The of Engineering. College the from Awards Teaching in Excellence Magoon 2017 received students graduate AAE Five research service, outstanding for MAGOON AWARDS AND HONORS WIN GRADUATE STUDENTS and/or the University. Alberts is a student of astudent is Alberts University. the and/or college the school, their community, student graduate the to service outstanding provided have who students graduate engineering to presented is scholarship The Scholarship. Service 2017 the Outstanding received • • • and Professor Wayne Chen Chen Wayne Professor and Han Tsutsui, Chao Waterloo Das, Ashwati Biswas, Sayan BELOW, FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM BELOW,

Ashwati Das (Advisor Kathleen Howell) Howell) Kathleen (Advisor Das Ashwati Qiao) Li (Advisor Biswas Sayan Waterloo Tsutsui (Advisor Wayne Chen) Chen) Wayne (Advisor Waterloo Tsutsui DeLaurentis) Daniel and Crossley William (Advisors Sells Brandon Alexeenko) Alina (Advisor Fowee Katherine Chao Han is the 2017 recipient of the of the 2017 the recipient is Han Chao Graduate student Samantha Alberts Alberts Samantha student Graduate

Brandon Sells, Katherine Fowee,

achievements. achievements. s and abilities academic superior recognize and competitive highly are They consistent g consistent her for Qiao, Li Professor my advisor, to Fellowship,” Dissertation Bilsland prestigious Qiao. Li of Professor astudent He is Award. Fellowship Dissertation studies.” of my graduate on completion focus and my research advance t my confidence boosts award “This obtained fellowships for 2017-18. for fellowships obtained have Jain Shourya and Nandiganahalli Suraj Jayaprakash candidates PhD 2017 FELLOWSHIPS � PhD students receive � AAE candidates b candidates a are fellowships says. Jain Shourya Jain Shourya Nandiganahalli, Suraj Jayaprakash FROM TOP / TOP FROM “I feel honored to have received the the received have to honored feel “I Bilsland of the recipient the is Jain

“I w “I

uidance and inspiration.” B inspiration.” and uidance

y Purdue’s College of E College y Purdue’s ant to give a special thank-you thank-you aspecial give to ant

warded to outstanding PhD PhD outstanding to warded and resilient control for for control resilient and of self-aware design on the research PhD networked cyber cyber networked Nandiganahalli says. Nandiganahalli important,” is systems is a recognition that my that arecognition is assistance, the fellowship generous AAE. and Engineering of College the Hwang, from support the for grateful is he says Nandiganahalli o student a He is Fellowship. Donnan M. Edna and W. Hugh the received

“In addition to the the to addition “In Nandiganahalli

f Inseok Hwang. Hwang. f Inseok financial financial

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and Exposition in July in Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia. Atlanta, in July in Exposition and Forum Energy and Propulsion AIAA the are on the right path,” Srikanth says. says. Srikanth path,” right on the are you that confidence you gives it as student, agraduate as especially work, your for in this achievement. achievement. this in Alberts and him guided who everyone and says. Alberts missions,” space deep and long-duration for propellants cryogenic of storage efficient more for allow will propellant. of rocket rates condensation and evaporation measuring for work design experiment and CFD initial on the focused paper The recognition. the Heister. Stephen Professor with paper on the advisor as served who Collicott, Steven of Professor students are Both co-author. the was Srikanth Praveen Propellants.” Cryogenic Spaceflight Long-Duration of Modeling for Coefficients Accommodation Measuring for Design “Experiment titled paper technical on the Committee. Technical Systems Power Aerospace Institute's the by awarded was which Astronautics, and of Aeronautics Institute American the from Award Paper Student aBest won students graduate AAE Two PAPER STUDENT AWARDBEST Graduate students win FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM A certificate of merit was presented at presented was of merit A certificate “It is an amazing feeling to be recognized recognized be to feeling amazing an is “It Srikanth says he is grateful to Collicott Collicott to grateful he is says Srikanth “Accurate measurement of these rates receive to honored is she says Alberts author lead the was Alberts Samantha

Samantha Alberts, Praveen Srikanth Praveen Srikanth Alberts, Samantha

33 | FALL 2017 34 | AEROGRAM CAPSULESCAPSULES CAPSULES> > > > > > > > ALUMNI NEWS machinists in addition to welders, quality quality welders, to addition in machinists produce. to months four to three take could engines same be assembled.” to of components aseries or as unit one complete as printed be can May. “Engines in Astronautics manufacturing additive other as well as printers 3-D use to plans ties Purdue with A startup TO CREATE ROCKET ENGINES � 3-D PRINTERS PURDUE GRADSTARTUPTOUSE from Purdue’s School of Aeronautics and and of Aeronautics School Purdue’s from engineering aerospace in degree master’s his received who Finch, Alexander co-founder Tri-D says of weeks,” acouple to days two maybe takes of thrust pounds 5,000 to 2,500 with rocket aliquid produce to techniques engines. rocket small create to printer 3-D a using by satellites of small market emerging the into tap to wants students, graduate Purdue methods. traditional than produce to expensive less and faster being in promise show that engines rocket future make to processes Second-generation prototype Ignus 3D-printed rocket engine from Tri-D Dynamics Dynamics Tri-D from engine rocket 3D-printed Ignus prototype Second-generation “Typically, you would need up to two two to up need would you “Typically, the methods, production traditional Using “Utilizing hybrid additive manufacturing manufacturing additive hybrid “Utilizing by co-founded astartup LLC, Dynamics Tri-D

world.” world.” the in schools engineering aerospace best of the one is “Purdue says. company,” Finch successful a build to chances our improving of aim specific aerospace companies. high-profile several and NASA with internships completed and organizations aerospace-related from accolades multiple achieved already have They Diego. San of California, University at the students undergraduate were they while printer a3-D from engine arocket test and print design, rockets. smaller by launched size, and mass of low of satellites breed anew or “SmallSats,” satellites, small launching governments and companies to technology people.” one or two need only will you ideally printers, 3-D “With engineering. aerospace in degree master’s aPurdue received who Atyam, Deepak co-founder says engine,” the of complexity on the depending more possibly and personnel testing personnel, assurance “We chose to come to Purdue with the the with Purdue to come to chose “We to team student college first the led duo The their market to plan Atyam and Finch


Purdue AAE alumnus Bob Truitt (BSAAE ’62) and his wife, Patti (MAHSSE ’63), have made the initial commitment to Pave the Way, a new philanthropic component to Purdue University’s Back a Boiler income share agreement initiative. Beginning with fall 2017, students who Tri-D Dynamics LLC co-founders Deepak Atyam (left) and Alexander Finch work with components and a diagram of one of their engines. They want to produce tomorrow’s rocket engines using 3-D take part in Back a Boiler — designed to offer printers. PURDUE RESEARCH FOUNDATION PHOTO: OREN DARLING students and their families an alternative financing option — also may apply for support from the Pave the Way program. Until recently, SmallSats have Valley Boilermaker Innovation “Our hope is that we can not only help students finance their education, but also help been launched as secondary Group,” Finch says. “They serve as a teach the importance of charitable giving, payloads on larger launch vehicles. sort of a proxy board of advisors for including the joy and importance of giving back But several companies around the us.” to Purdue,” Bob Truitt says. world are developing new launch SV BIG is a group of Silicon Back a Boiler participants receive education vehicles for smallsats. Valley Purdue alumni dedicated funding in exchange for an agreed-upon Tri-D Dynamics’ plan is for the to assisting new ventures in the percentage of their post-graduation income launch vehicles to employ clusters Purdue community. Purdue Foundry over a set number of months. In addition to signing a Back a Boiler contract, Pave the Way of their engines positioned on the suggests that relevant startups pitch participants are asked to make a voluntary vehicle to lift the payload. The their ideas to SV BIG, which then pledge. After graduation, students fulfill their more engines used, the larger the decides what startups to assist. Back a Boiler commitment and are encouraged payload capacity. “We didn’t see anything like to donate to Purdue through charitable giving, Tri-D Dynamics officials want SV BIG as undergrads in California,” creating an evergreen Pave the Way fund to to be able to scale up production Finch says. “To have a dedicated benefit future students. of engines to allow more launches alumni group of entrepreneurs in “It’s what we like to call a virtuous cycle,” says Amy Noah, vice president for development over shorter time frames. Silicon Valley dedicated to helping at the Purdue Research Foundation. “We’re “Our goal is to see these rockets companies from that university is a grateful to Bob and Patti for establishing an launching once or twice a week. wonderful asset.” ongoing legacy of philanthropy, and we’re And that’s a minimum of 10 to 20 Tri-D Dynamics’ founders are hopeful that our generous alumni and friends engines per week when you get to working on proving the viability of will be interested in supporting future that scale,” Atyam says. “Nobody their idea and looking for investors generations of Boilermakers through right now can stamp out engines at as well as funding from the U.S. this new way of giving to Purdue.” that rate.” government. The duo went through Purdue “We hope to gain a large market Foundry’s LaunchBox program share of the rocket engine production during the fall 2016 semester industry. Most others produce them and continued working with through conventional methods or the accelerator in the spring outsource them to machine shops,” with entrepreneur-in-residence Atyam says. “We want to be the one- Mike Shepard. Purdue Foundry stop shop to be able to create rocket is an entrepreneurship and engines on a large or small scale.” commercialization accelerator. For more information about Tri-D “The Foundry also led us to Dynamics, visit become involved with Silicon

FROM LEFT / Purdue President Mitch Daniels with Patti and Bob Truitt Carl Vinson (CVN 70). Carl Vinson Vinson 70). (CVN Carl Vinson Carl MIKE MOSES Pilot Lt. Ashley (Ruic) Faires, and and Faires, (Ruic) Ashley Lt. Pilot Commander Lt. Cmdr. Tara Refo, Tara Cmdr. Refo, Lt. Commander PHOTO: U.S. NAVY, JAMES R. EVANS, MASS MASS EVANS, R. JAMES NAVY, U.S. PHOTO: female-crewed combat mission female-crewed Squadron (VAW) 125, pose for a for (VAW) 125, pose Squadron photo before flying the first all- first the flying before photo Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS USS carrier aircraft Nimitz-class COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST 2ND CLASS Brandy Jackson, all assigned to in an E-2C Hawkeye aboard the the aboard E-2C an in Hawkeye Williams (left), Radar Operator Operator Radar (left), Williams Carrier Airborne Early Warning Early Airborne Carrier and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 (CVW) Wing Air Carrier and Mission Commander Lt. Cmdr. are deployed to the U.S. 5th U.S. the to deployed are / LEFT FROM ABOVE, Lt. j.g. Ashley Ellison, Plane Plane Ellison, Ashley j.g. Lt. Fleet area of responsibility. responsibility. of area Fleet Air Control Officer Lt. Nydia Nydia Lt. Officer Control Air CAPSULES


with our great vehicles and our fantastic team, I know Iknow team, fantastic our and vehicles great our with Galactic, At to space. Virgin many astronauts NASA sending safely in to a part play my in career fortunate very been “I’ve said, Moses event, at the Speaking Mexico. New Las Cruces, in Spaceflight Commercial 2016, and Personal for Symposium International at the manager.integration launch shuttle the and controller,director flight as aflight serving NASA, for worked he to that, Prior 2011 in company operations. of president as vice the joined Moses Galactic. Virgin of president new (MSAAE ’95) is Moses Mike the alumnus AAE Purdue � GALACTIC VIRGIN PRESIDENT OF Mike Moses promoted to Navy. U.S. the for aircraft E-2C of an mission combat all-female first the piloted Faires fleet, the with deployment second her During fleet. E-2C/D Navy’s the throughout instruction quality assuring with tasked is and aircraft Hawkeye Advanced E-2D the and Hawkeye E-2C carrier-based the in pilot instructor an as serves She Navy. States United the in field. chosen or her his in advancement rapid significant achieved has who younger or 35 age of Engineering College of Purdue’s agraduate to given is which Award, Alumnus Alumni Association’s Young Engineering Engineering 2016 Purdue of the winner the is ’06) (BSAAE Faires (Ruic) Ashley alumna AAE FAIRESASHLEY WINS YOUNG ENGINEERING ALUMNUS AWARD � made the announcement Oct. 13, Oct. announcement the made Galactic Virgin Faires is currently a lieutenant commander commander alieutenant currently is Faires

commendations and awards. NASA as other as well Medal, Leadership Outstanding NASA the of recipient time 2016. Moses is atwo also in Science of College the Award Alumni from Science 2011 in Astronautics and Distinguished the and Aeronautics of School the Award from Engineer Aerospace Outstanding the received He Purdue from physics in degree abachelor’s earned WhiteKnightTwo. SpaceShipTwo vehicle carrier launch air its and into space.” people of thousands of hundreds tens but just not to chance send the get we’ll 9, 2016. Sept. at Purdue.” started everything like Ifeel of my career. rest the shape helped and engineer an as me grow helped really that and test and build design, the doing in involved got Ireally “Then says. she class,” Experiment Flight Zero-gravity Collicott’s Professor in was Award. Alumnus Engineering Young EAA the for her nominated 418, AAE teaches who Collicott, Steven Professor class. Experiment” Flight 418 “Zero-gravity AAE in participated and program ROTC Navy the in was Indianapolis, in In addition to his AAE degree from Purdue, Moses Moses Purdue, from degree to his AAE addition In reusable the include vehicles Galactic’s Virgin Faires received the award at a ceremony on at aceremony award the received Faires I until student average an such like felt “I Rolls-Royce with interned Faires Purdue, At -

Distinguished Alumni AwardDistinguished to Amy Hess. AAE her into tapped Hess Louisville, and City Kansas in agent since. ever FBI the for worked has She agent. a special became and fields, engineering and science the from people for looking was which FBI, the from call a answered she 1989, in BSAAE her earning after Instead, space. to on apath Hess put have easily —could of Astronauts” “Cradle old. years 11 was she when parents her with D.C., trip a Washington, during headquarters FBI toured she when stronger grew latter the for inspiration The agent.” FBI an or astronaut an be “to been always had Indiana, Jeffersonville, in up growing girl ayoung as even acareer, for hopes high Hess’ Amy (right) presents the College of Engineering Engineering of College the presents (right) ABOVE ABOVE FIGHTING CYBERTERRORISM TO HOMELAND SECURITY AND SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS BRANCH, TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR THE OF SPECIAL AGENT TO EXECUTIVE INVESTIGATION, FEDERAL BUREAU OF ROLES THE WITHIN KEY FOR HER SERVICE IN VARIOUS During a decade as a special aspecial as adecade During —the at Purdue years Her

/ Former Dean Leah Jamieson Jamieson Leah Dean / Former



COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING OF COLLEGE AMY HESSAMY � 2017 � ALUMNA ENGINEERING � DISTINGUISHED and Technology Branch and, not not and, Branch Technology and Science the led Hess FBI, the for directors assistant executive six America. in street on any laptop room aliving into directly world of the side other the from perpetrators put can that of cybercrimes challenges the addressed has She technology. DNA up ramping for plans about and phones cell on debate encryption the about Congress before testified has and issues cyberterrorism and security of homeland forefront at the been has also She 1995. in bombing City Oklahoma the including cases, criminal biggest nation’s had.” otherwise not have Imight that opportunities for considered me be to helped it convinced I’m credibility. instant brings Purdue from a degree that Ifound Additionally, solutions. with up come and problems through think me critically to taught “It says. she applicable,” very been has education Purdue “My training. In her former role as one of as role former her In of the on some worked has Hess

they might not find elsewhere.” elsewhere.” find not might they country, to service as such mission, and of purpose asense provide can we “But says. she salaries,” private-sector with compete to government the for hard “It’s track. career traditional the off seemingly options consider to — alike engineers and technophiles — students encourages always she and occasions, on afew Purdue to returned She’s —literally. moon the for career accomplished her trade wouldn’t Hess FBI, the with century engineers.” and scientists like thinking by problem the deconstruct you makes it because helpful That’s of view. point acontrary taking by hypothesis the discredit to tries then and hypothesis a with up comes “Someone says. she think,” people way the is branch our about value Ireally things the of “One crime. fighting to approach ascientific encourages surprisingly, BSAAE ’89 ’89 BSAAE INVESTIGATION OF BUREAU FEDERAL OFFICE, FIELD (KENTUCKY) LOUISVILLE SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, After more than a quarter of a aquarter than more After

37 | FALL 2017 38 | AEROGRAM CAPSULESCAPSULES CAPSULES> > > > > > > > ALUMNI NEWS efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, vehicles, space air or of safety and efficiency, performance, the improving to respect with America, in or astronautics aeronautics in achievement greatest “… the for Association Aeronautic National the by annually presented is Trophy Collier The Origin. at Blue assurance of mission chief Ashby, Jeff with along Trophy, J. Collier 2016 Robert the for competition at the team Shepard New Origin Blue the represented ’09) AAE PhD and ’05 MSAAE ’03, (BSAAE Yen Matsutomi alumna AAE memberBlue team Origin selected COLLIER for TROPHY � States.” United the and NASA by satellites for System Positioning Global of the use enhanced the enabling in service public “distinguished for recognized was Bauer inadequate. be would NASA by of recognition forms other that extraordinary so deemed be must NASA mission. the to progress substantial representing acontribution making for employee government a not was who anyone to awards honor NASA highest the is This Medal. Service Public Distinguished NASA the received has ’80) MSAAE ’79, (BSAAE Bauer Frank alumnus AAE PUBLIC SERVICE MEDAL � DISTINGUISHED NASA alum awardedAAE The individual’s achievement or contribution or contribution achievement individual’s The

deputy administrator. administrator. deputy acting NASA Roe, Lesa and Bauer; Frank administrator; Albaugh, chairman of the National Aeronautic Association Association Aeronautic of National the chairman Albaugh, program g program engine different across development for responsibility with Origin, at Blue group development and design injector of the lead S Shepard. New powers that engine BE-3 revolutionary the for injector the developing for responsible was she where engineer, development devices combustion vertical landings on Earth.” on Earth.” landings vertical powered performed of which all engine, and booster single ofa flights test successful five through vehicle spaceflight human Shepard New the with reusability booster rocket demonstrating “... successfully for award year.” preceding the during use actual by demonstrated thoroughly been has of which value the FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2008. 2008. in Astronautics and Aeronautics of School Purdue’s from Award Engineer Aerospace Outstanding the He received NASA. from Award Snoopy Silver the and Medal Leadership Outstanding the Medal, Service community.” navigation world the in does it or reputation capabilities GPS the have not would U.S. the work, Mr. Bauer’s “without NASA, to According years. five last the in meetings international five at U.S. the and NASA He represented policy. and (GPS) technology System Positioning Global in NASA support to continued but career, 30-year Matsutomi joined in 2010 a in Origin Blue joined Matsutomi the won team Shepard New Origin’s Blue Bauer previously received the Exceptional Exceptional the received previously Bauer a 2011 after in NASA from retired Bauer

roups. roups. Robert Lightfoot, NASA acting acting NASA Lightfoot, Robert Jeff Ashby and Yen Matsutomi with Jim Jim with and Matsutomi Ashby Yen Jeff


he is currently currently he is

s a

Aerospace Engineers! Aerospace Engineers! 2017 Outstanding Congratulations to our Astronautics. and Aeronautics of School of Purdue’s alumni 8,500 than more of the 2 percent over just represent OAEs 180 The degree. engineering aerospace an of value the reflect that endeavors other or service governmental academia, industry, in excellence demonstrated have must recipients 21, 2017. April place took banquet award The Engineer.” designation Aerospace “Outstanding the with of AAE graduates honor nine school. the and Purdue to brings success their that recognition the for them thanks and Astronautics and of Aeronautics School the from graduates of contributions professional the recognizes Award Engineer Aerospace Outstanding University Purdue The AWARDS AEROSPACE ENGINEER OUTSTANDING 2017 � Criteria for the award state that that state award the for Criteria to pleased 2017, was In school the

BSAAE 1996 BSAAE Corp. Transformation and Innovation of Director PARSONS K. KEVIN 1990 BSAAE NASA Multi Orion Chief Engineer WHITE KRAMER JULIE 2004 2001 •MSAAE BSAAE SpaceX Director Falcon 9Product Engineering Vehicle of Director Senior EDWARDS M. JONATHAN COLLINS G. EMMANUEL 1987 1988BSAAE •MSAAE Corp. Martin Lockheed Defense Missile and President, Air Vice CAHILL S. TIM Suari Puig Jordi and White Kramer Julie Sleppy, A. Mark Roski, A. Richard Cahill, S. Tim Probert, Todd C. PICTURED FROM LEFT / LEFT FROM PICTURED PhD AAE 1987 AAE PhD Florida State University College of Engineering Florida A&M University Systems, Intelligent for Center Director, Mechanical and Professor Seely H. John Control, and Robotics Control, and Robotics Engineering Dept. Chair

- - Purpose Crew Exploration Vehicle Crew Exploration Purpose

Tom I P. Shih, Jonathan M. Edwards, Emmanuel G. Collins, Kevin K. Parsons, Parsons, K. Kevin Collins, G. Emmanuel P. Edwards, M. Jonathan Shih, Tom I -

MSAAE 1989MSAAE Co.Raytheon Services and Information, Intelligence, and Support Mission President, Vice PROBERT C. TODD BSAAE 1985BSAAE Boeing Co. Technical Fellow SLEPPY A. MARK 1971BSAE Cleveland Clinic Florida of Neurosurgery Chief ROSKI A. RICHARD 1993 1990 1988 AAE • PhD •MSAAE BSAAE Obispo Luis San Poly Cal Professor of Aerospace Engineering PUIG-SUARI JORDI Modernization Modernization

- 39 | FALL 2017 40 | AEROGRAM CAPSULES CAPSULES> > > > > > > > ALUMNI NEWS � Memoriam In 1940s 1940s (BSAE ’59) 15, June 2017 Byrne A. David 4, 2016(BSAE ’58) August Bridwell Porter G. (BSAE ’50) 2017 28, May Wallace P. Blankenship Jr. 8,2016 November (BSAE ’51, ’52) MSAAE Charles G. Allen (BSAE ’49) 25, 2017 March 1950s Voelz K. Joseph (MSAE ’47) 10, 2017 April Jr. Vanderbilt Dr. C. Vern (BSAE ’49) 21, 2017 January J. Stefan Albert (BSAE ’49) 18, 2017 January Rupkey H. Robert (BSAE ’47) 18, 2017 April Rodgers H. David 2016 28, (BSAE ’46) October M. Keith Marshall (BSAE ’49) 1, 2017 April LeFevre L. Ralph 10, 2017(BSAE ’46) February F. Paul Keller 3,(BSAE ’48) 2017 January III T. Curdts William (BSAE ’49) 11, August 2016 George E. Buecheler (BSAE ’49) 1, 2016 October Beckert A. Richard (BSAE ’49) 9, 2016 October Jr. Adamson C. Dr. Thomas Engineer Award from Purdue AAE in 1999. in AAE Purdue from Award Engineer Aerospace Outstanding the 1990 and in Engineering of College Alumni Engineering awardPurdue Distinguished s from the received Hua Force. U.S. Air the from Cross Flying aDistinguished him earned and 2 pilots U among legendary is that landing 1959, In there. emergency an made Hua industry aircraft an establishing in Taiwan 1970to in participate to returning before Aircraft Lockheed and Cessna for work to on went Hua Purdue. attending Taiwan in before pilot a military as worked and Academy Force Air Chinese the from graduated


of the IDF fighter jet.”He fighter IDF the of “Father Taiwan the in as ’ (Mike) (MSAE Hua Hsichun 2017 24, January Hsichun (Mike) Hua 65, PhD AE ’68) was known 65, ’68) AE known PhD was (BSAE ’58) April 2, 2017(BSAE ’58) April William T. Kowal 6, 2016(BSAE ’51) October F.Floyd Jr. Koogler 1,(BSAE ’50) 2016 November Jr. Kietzman Robert H. 2016 28, (BSAE ’57) November Edmund H. Johnstone Jr. 12, 2016(BSAE ’57) December Jr. Johnston Edwin 13, 2016(BSAE ’50) October Raymond A. Jankowski 27,(BSAE ’57) December 2016 Hinchman R. John 19,(BSAE ’52) April 2017 D.Marshall Henshaw Jr. 23, 2016(BSAE ’53) December Jr. J. Haykin David 17,(BSAE ’50) June 2017 B. Hagen Rex 21,(BSAE ’56) March 2017 Geib G. Richard (BSAE ’51) 23, 2016 November French A. William 7,January 2017 (BSAE ’51, ’53) MSAE Fortini Anthony 11,(BSAE ’57) November 2016 P. Dennes Forsmo (BSAE ’53) 20, 2017 March Evard H. Flinn (BSAE ’51) 15, March 2017 Felix Dale L. 2, 2017 (BSAE ’50) February Evans R. Warren (BSAE ’51) 16, 2016 December Richard L. Cunningham ’

John W. VanderHoven 18, 2017April Award in 2014. in Award Engineer Aerospace Outstanding AAE Purdue the received He Telescope. Space Hubble the build helped he where Elmer, Perkin joined 1968, Petty In Union. Soviet and States United the between power of balance peaceful the maintain helped that systems satellite reconnaissance pioneered he where Electric, General at work to 1960, went In Navy. he the in flown had he planes fighter of types same the on worked he where Vought, Chance at career his start to on went then Purdue, attended he service, military his After apilot. became June 4, 2017June ’65,(BSAE ’64, MSAE ’69) AE PhD Hardin Dr. C. Jay 18,(BSAE ’66) June 2017 J. Carter David 9, 2016(BSAE ’67) October Stellios A. Avramidis (BSAE ’61) 16, 2016 November Ralph E. Alden 1960s (BSAE ’54) August 18, ’54)(BSAE 2016 August Maurice F. Winkler Jr. 1,(BSAE ’51) 2017 February L.Robert Whitlock (BSAE ’51) 15, 2017 January F. Wernet Robert ’53)(BSAE 11, August 2016 (BSAE ’53, ’56) MSAE Thorpe M. Louis (BSAE ’52) 20, May 2017 Smith W. Douglas (BSAE ’51) 11, January 2017 James E. Plemel 12,(BSAE ’55) 2016 December Brien J. O Daniel 11,(BSAE ’50) October 2016 Paul G. McClanahan (MSAE ’57) 31, May 2017 Matthews A. Frank 29,(BSAE ’50) March 2017 Langley A. John 2016 22, (BSAE ’54) December John P. Krisciunas ’

joined the Navy, where he he where Navy, the joined 18 at and Indiana, southern in farm asmall on up grew ’53) (BSAE Petty Eugene Paul 10, 2016 October Petty E. Paul (BSAE ’69) 7, June 2017 Angelo A. Stambolos (BSAE ’61) 18, May 2017 Simo Andrew M. (BSAE ’69) 15, March 2017 Shaw L. Robert 23, 2016(BSAE ’62) September Franklin D. Roberts (BSAE ’61) 4, 2016 November James E. Nolan 14, 2017(MSAE ’66) February W. Hyer Michael 23, 2016 ’67)(BSAE December Stephen D. Hollingsworth (BSAAE ’73) October 23, 2016 ’73) October (BSAAE Stephen K. Workman 24, 2016 ’71)(BSAE October James M. McKinstray 10,(BSAE ’71) 2017 January Link A. Richard 1970s (BSAAE ’06) January 14, 2017 January ’06) (BSAAE Yu Tan Zhen Lionel 16, 2016 ’08) September (BSAAE Markee K. Laura 2000s 10, 2017 January ’86) (BSAAE Capt. Pamela J. Wolosz ’82) 12, May (BSAAE 2017 S.Douglas Whitehead 1980s -

PURDUE SPACE DAY The 21st annual Purdue Space Day featured VIP guest Jerry Ross (BSME ’70, MSME ’72), who started the day with a talk to the hundreds of children in attendance. Purdue student volunteers (pictured at right with Jerry Ross) then led participants through hands-on STEM activities (stomp rockets, shown above) with a space theme. With support from AAE, the Indiana Space Grant Consortium, corporate partners and individual donations, Purdue Space Day seeks to inspire the next generation of space explorers through STEM outreach in the local community. Purdue Space Day 2017 is Oct. 21 with VIP guest astronaut Mark Polansky (BSAAE, MSAAE ’78). PHOTOS: PURDUE SPACE DAY Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Purdue University SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS Permit No. 221 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING NEIL ARMSTRONG HALL OF ENGINEERING 701 W. STADIUM AVE. WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47907-2045


EACH GIFT the Purdue School of Aeronautics and Astronautics receives enhances the LEFT / Graduate student Nicoletta Fala, educational experience we are able to provide our students. WE STRIVE TO OFFER pilot on the first AAE- sponsored Air Race Classic team. FUNDING for our student organizations, graduate student research and our design - build -test classes. Through the INVOLVEMENT AND GENEROSITY of alumni and CENTER / The Purdue Hyperloop team poses with its high -speed pod. friends like you, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics continues to maintain its high standard of academic preeminence. PRIVATE SUPPORT plays an integral role in our ability RIGHT / Students Kate Fowee and Alexandra Dukes attended the to serve our students, faculty and the greater community. Each gift is an affirmation of 55th Robert H. Goddard Memorial our mission of education, research and outreach. WE THANK YOU for helping to grant Symposium in Greenbelt, Maryland, opportunities for future generations of aerospace engineers! thanks to a grant from AAE.

CONTACT US: Rita Baines Nicole Morris Senior Director of Development Manager of Development Operations 765 - 494 -9124 and Donor Relations 765 -494-2149 PurdueAeroAstro