PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey pitched roof front extension; addition of veranda at front and remodelling works and modernisation to existing house. Construction of a new garden studio building in the back garden.

APPLICANT: Backlist Ltd


WARD MEMBERS: Cllr J Russell



1.1 Sea Campion is a detached split level three bedroomed property with a basement and integral garage. It is constructed of small tiles and stone facing. It sits on the north side of Swyre Road in a linear group of various style dwellings, on the outskirts of West Bexington.

1.2 The dwelling sits at the front of a long rectangular plot oriented on a SW-NE axis, which has a back garden measuring some 50m in length by 16m wide. The rear garden is mainly lawn, with a variety of individual tree planting and hedge boundary. The rear garden boundary has a dilapidated wall and some mature tree planting which marks the boundary with another property, Plum Cottage - part of the Wayside holiday cottages.

1.3 The garden is screened in the wider landscape by a variety of mature hedge plants and trees in surrounding gardens and fields.

1.4 The site is outside the defined development boundary. It is not within a conservation area or subject to any TPOs. It is sited within the wider AONB and Heritage Coast.

1.5 The applicant submitted a bat emergence survey report and a Biodiversity mitigation plan during the course of the application.


2.1 The proposal is to modernise the existing building – with a new pitched roof and extension to the front which would provide an enlarged sitting room on the ground floor and an addition bedroom and shower on the lower ground floor. In addition a veranda/terrace would be provided on the front elevation. The proposed materials are stone, render and timber cladding with and light grey aluminium windows. The new roof would be a standing seam roof to replace the existing tiles.

2.2 The proposed studio/garden outbuilding at the rear is an amended design, which reduces the scale of the originally submitted proposal. The outbuilding would be single storey 8m by 4.5 m, with a veranda extending the overall footprint to 8m x 7.5m. The maximum ridge height of the building would be 4.5m. The walls would be timber clad and the roof is indicated to be slate, tiles or felt.

2.3 The outbuilding would be set towards the rear of the rear garden in an area screened from the wider landscape by bushes and trees. The outbuilding would be screened by the main dwelling from the road and seafront ‘street’ scene.


3.1 None.


4.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2018)

Part 12: Achieving Well-Designed Places

Part 15: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment

Part 4: Decision-making

Paragraph 38 - Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision- makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.

4.2 Adopted and Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (2015) As far as this application is concerned the following policies are considered to be relevant.

 INT1. Presumption In Favour Of Sustainable Development

 ENV1. Landscape, Seascape And Sites Of Geological Interest

 ENV2. Wildlife And Habitats  ENV10. The Landscape And Townscape Setting

 ENV11. The Pattern Of Streets And Spaces

 ENV12. The Design And Positioning Of Buildings

 ENV16. Amenity

 SUS2. Distribution Of Development

 HOUS6 - Residential Development Outside of DDB


5.1 Bexington Coast Landscape Character Appraisal (2009)

5.2 Dorset AONB Management Plan (2014-2019)


 Article 6 - Right to a fair trial  Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life and home.  The first protocol of Article 1 Protection of property.

This Recommendation is based on adopted Development Plan policies, the application of which does not prejudice the Human Rights of the applicant or any third party.


7.1 As set out in the Equalities Act 2010, all public bodies, in discharging their functions must have “due regard” to this duty. There are 3 main aims:-

 Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics  Taking steps to meet the needs of people with certain protected characteristics where these are different from the needs of other people  Encouraging people with certain protected characteristics to participate in public life or in other activities where participation is disproportionately low.

7.2 Whilst there is no absolute requirement to fully remove any disadvantage the Duty is to have “regard to” and remove OR minimise disadvantage and in considering the merits of this planning application the planning authority has taken into consideration the requirements of the PSED.


8.1 and Swyre Council objected due to concerns about the future use of the outbuilding and the size of the outbuilding.

8.2 DCC Highways have no objection.

8.3 DCP Technical Services made no objection or comment.

8.4 The DCP Trees Officer made no objection.


9.1 The originally submitted l proposal had one letter of support and one letter of objection, which objected to the future use of the outbuilding and impact of the outbuilding on the cottages to the rear. No further representation were received following submission of the amended plans.

9.2 All representations can be viewed on


 Principle of development  Impact upon visual amenity, Dorset AONB and wider landscape  Impact upon neighbouring amenity


Principle of Development

11.1 Local Plan Policy and the National Planning Policy Framework supports the presumption in favour of Sustainable Development. Policy SUS2 relates specifically the distribution of development, and although this site is outside the DDB alterations and extensions to existing buildings are supported in principle.

11.2 With regard to Policy HOUS6, which relates to residential development outside the DDB, the proposal would add one small bedroom to the existing property which would fall within the 40% guidance figure and is not considered to change the character of the dwelling. The studio/outbuilding is considered to be of appropriate scale to be subordinate to the main dwelling.

Impact upon Visual Amenity, Dorset AONB and wider landscape.

11.3 The extension at the front of the dwelling would retain the bungalow appearance of the dwelling in the street scene. In particular, there is no overall increase in roof height and the overall footprint and amount of built form would not increase. The proposed materials are considered acceptable, subject to submission and agreement of details, given that there is a mix of architectural styles and materials in the street scene.

11.4 The scale of the footprint of the outbuilding would be appropriate and commensurate with the size of the rear garden. The ridge height of the dual pitch roof would be 4.5m high which is an acceptable height for a garden outbuilding (permitted development height for a dual pitch outbuilding situated within 10m of a dwelling being 4m).

11.5 The proposed materials for the outbuilding are timber cladding and slate, tile or felt roof. Again subject to condition these are considered to be acceptable and would be sympathetic with the main dwelling and the surroundings.

11.6 The outbuilding would be screened by the residential built form to the south from the road and seafront scene.

11.7 Overall, it is considered that the proposals would cause no significant harm to visual amenity and would preserve the quality of the wider landscape and Dorset AONB.

Impact upon Neighbouring Amenity

11.8 The extension to the main dwelling would not cause harm to neighbouring amenity. The veranda would not allow any greater views into neighbouring properties.

11.9 The outbuilding would be set well away from the roadside neighbouring dwellings (over 40m) and it is considered that the proposed outbuilding would not be significantly harmful to the cottages at the rear. The nearest ‘Plum Cottage’ building would be situated 20m to the north east and would not allow any greater views onto this property or cause harm from massing, overshadowing or loss of daylight.

11.10 It should be noted that with regard to the use of the outbuilding - the applicant proposes the use as a single storey domestic/garden amenity or studio room for a use incidental to the enjoyment of the main dwelling.

11.11 As such, it is considered that the outbuilding would cause no significant impact on neighbouring amenity.


 The proposed works comply with the policies of the adopted Local Plan and the relevant sections of the National Planning Policy Framework as already listed.

 The proposed works would not harm visual amenity or the quality of the wider landscape and Dorset AONB.

 The proposed works would not cause any significant to harm neighbouring amenity.


Approve subject to the following conditions:

1) The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: This condition is required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)

2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans:

Proposed Ground Floor Plan - Drawing Number 07 REV A received on 25/01/2018 Proposed Basement and Roof Plan - Drawing Number 08 REV A received on 25/01/2018 Proposed Elevations (1) - Drawing Number 09 received on 25/01/2018 Proposed Elevations (2) - Drawing Number 10 received on 25/01/2018 Proposed Sections - Drawing Number 11 received on 25/01/2018 Location Plan - Drawing Number 18-070-01 received on 25/06/2018 Garden Studio Elevations - Drawing Number 18-070-03 received on 14/06/2018 Garden Studio Floor Plan - Drawing Number 18-070-02 received on 14/06/2018

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

3) No development shall be commenced beyond damp proof level until details and samples of all external facing materials for the walls and roofs shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the development shall proceed in strict accordance with such materials as have been agreed.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development.