Ada Palmer | 416 pages | 10 May 2016 | Tor Books | 9780765378002 | English | New York, United States Fiction ( & Fantasy) - Ada Palmer

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Too Like the Lightning. Mycroft Canner is a convict. For his crimes he is required, as is the custom of the 25th century, to wander the world being as useful as he can to all he meets. Carlyle Foster is a sensayer--a spiritual counselor in a world that has outlawed the public practice of religion, but which also knows that the inner lives of humans cannot be wished away. The world into which Mycro Mycroft Canner is a convict. The world into which Mycroft and Carlyle have been born is as strange to our 21st-century eyes as ours would be to a native of Too Like the Lightning s. It is a hard-won utopia built on technologically-generated abundance, and also on complex and mandatory systems of Too Like the Lightning all public writing and speech. What seem to us normal gender distinctions are now distinctly taboo in most social situations. And most of the world's population is affiliated with globe-girdling clans of the like-minded, whose endless economic and cultural competition is carefully managed by central planners of inestimable subtlety. Too Like the Lightning us it seems like a mad combination of heaven and hell. To them, it Too Like the Lightning like normal life. And in this world, Mycroft and Carlyle Too Like the Lightning stumbled on the wild card that may destablize the system: the boy Bridger, who can effortlessly make his wishes come true. Who can, it would seem, bring inanimate objects to life Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Terra Ignota 1. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what Too Like the Lightning friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Too Like the Lightningplease Too Like the Lightning up. Ummm, so does this book imply approval or disapproval of divergent gender identities and the validity or lack thereof of religion? Too Like the Lightning will determine whether or not I'll be interested in reading. Ada Palmer Great question! World peace! All people are expected to have religious opinions, and have religious discourse with licensed "sensayers" in a one-on-one therapy setting, but to even discuss it in a group is both taboo and illegal. The book then looks at the effects this has on people, and looks especially at the problems created by stifling discourse, especially when something which appears to be a genuine miracle occurs but no one is allowed to talk about it, let alone deal with its global consequences. I've had a mixture of reactions to the book, from some readers who say it feels like a paradise having religion be silenced and private like that, to others who say it feels like an oppressive dystopia with no place for them if they can't Too Like the Lightning religious gatherings or wear a religious symbol in public. That split is precisely what I was aiming for, since much of my goal is to look at a tension within our own society that isn't discussed much, and to demonstrate how people who want religion to be public and people who want it to be private can be in tension with each other even if they both happen to be believers, or even share the same faith. As for gender, this Too Like the Lightning only begun in book 1 and really fleshed out in book 2, but this is intended to be a future that botched its gender development, where a our current efforts to secure more openness toward gender variation, our transgender rights efforts, our feminist efforts, a vast array of social efforts related to gender, all failed without people realizing that they failed. While people in this world believe that gender is a thing of the past, the narrator believes that gender is still a powerful force in how people think, creating tensions, inequalities, vulnerabilities, and suppressing self-expression. Because the society has declared that gender is gone, all dialog about the issue ended, so all efforts toward improving on it are now impossible. The conversation ended too soon, and now people who want to express gender can only do so in secret or transgressive ways. Over the Too Like the Lightning of the book, the reader is supposed to think about the narrator's opinions about gender in this society, and decide whether we believe his analysis. Sometimes he oscillates or professes uncertainty about which to use. Gender identities other than Too Like the Lightning and "female" come into play more in book 2, and we see some of our narrator's ineptitudes in dealing with them. This narrator seems to be comfortable with "he" and "she" being related to personality rather than anatomy, but struggles when people are in-between, demonstrating how he too is trapped in this future's failure to complete gender liberation. The whole reading experience -- experiencing this gender-silenced world and the narrator's inept obsession with gender -- are supposed to show the possible negative consequences of us giving up the conversation too soon. From time to time you hear people say things like "Feminism is finished" or "Women have the vote, feminism is done, it's time to move on," which is, of course, deeply false, and indeed dangerous, since we have so much further to go. Looking at a world that failed on gender is uncomfortable, intentionally so, but I hope it will help people come away with the conviction that we must do better than this, offering a new way to prove how important it is to keep fighting. Hope these answers help? This book seems like a slow read with its antiquated writing style. Too Like the Lightning it worth the whole read? Mike A belated answer. While the narrator says he's writing in an 18th century style, that's not how the book reads. If you imagine a knob where 0 is 21st c …more A belated answer. If you imagine a knob where 0 is 21st century prose, and 10 is Jonathan Swift or Laurence Sterne, or whoever: for most of the book, the knob is set at around 2. Just Too Like the Lightning to make the a bit distant, but not enough to make it difficult. It's a good choice, and it works well. However, during the asides to the reader, that knob gets turned to These asides are mostly short. But you also need to think about what's happening. These "dear reader" moments are, first, not anything I remember in 18th century lit. We're talking 19th century: Tony Trollope, not Larry Sterne. And Trollope's dear readers never argue back. Mycroft's do. Sterne pushes the envelope, before there even was an envelope. But again--that is absolutely part of a very complex game the author is playing. And, if you really know how 18th century works, they're not Too Like the Lightning correct. The knob is turned to 11, not 10, and that's not an accident. Even given that Mycroft is a brilliant polyglot, he can't always be right about everything. But what games is he playing? What games is his language playing? If the question is simply "will Too Like the Lightning antiquated language slow me down," I'd say probably not. But there is a much Too Like the Lightning question: what is that language doing, and why is it doing it? Nothing in this book is accidental; it's been a long time since I've read anything this carefully written. Thinking about the problem of language in this book: that might indeed slow you down. See all 16 questions about Too Like the Lightning…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Mar 28, Bradley rated it it was amazing Shelves: sci-fiToo Like the Lightningfanboy-goes-squeeworldbuilding-sfmetaphysics. And one thing I can definitely say without hesitation? It's still mightily dense with ideas and worldbuilding and truly fascinating characters that always manage to surprise, surprise again, tease me Too Like the Lightning death with hints and portents, and then managing to slam me up against the wall in a very civilized fashion before disemboweling me. It's Too Like the Lightning that kind of novel. I'm loving the Marquis De Sade commentary as much this time as before, the extra commentaries on how to Too Like the Lightning effectively, right down to the philosophical underpinnings of Too Like the Lightning and Apollo's aphorisms, and yet this novel still manages to be both firmly 18th century and 25th century to the hilt. I firmly believe that now. It was just a glimmer before, but now on the second read, I'm a firm believer that this novel is just about perfect as it is. I'm going to be recommending it for this year's Hugo nominations. It's wilding Too Like the Lightning and strange and very intelligent, and beyond that, it shakes me nearly to the core. I will also admit that it isn't an easy novel to read or enjoy superficially. It requires plenty of effort at all times and it's even more rewarding if you get all the classical and rather specialized Enlightenment references, but if you're on the same page, it's well beyond most novels out there. I'm talking about intellectual scope and the sheer depth and breadth of worldbuilding and ideas. But I would be extremely remiss not to mention that Mycroft has got to be one of the most fascinating characters that I've ever read. NPR Choice page

Mycroft Canner is a convict. For his crimes he is required, as is the custom of the 25th century, to wander the world being as useful as he can to all he meets. Carlyle Foster is a sensayer—a spiritual counselor in a world that has outlawed the public practice of religion, but which also knows that the inner lives of humans cannot be wished away. The world into Too Like the Lightning Mycroft and Too Like the Lightning have been born is as strange to our 21st-century eyes as ours would be to a native of the s. It is a hard-won utopia built on technologically-generated abundance, and also on complex and mandatory systems of labeling all public writing and speech. What seem to us normal gender distinctions are now distinctly taboo in most social situations. To us it seems like a mad combination of heaven and hell. Too Like the Lightning them, Too Like the Lightning seems like normal life. And in this world, Mycroft and Carlyle have stumbled on the wild card that may destabilize the system: the boy Bridger, who can effortlessly make his wishes come true. Who can, it would seem, bring inanimate objects to life…. Search for: Search. Audio Audible. Who can, it would seem, bring inanimate objects to life… Perfect for fans of Jo Walton, Robert Charles Wilson and Kim Stanley Robinson, Too Like The Lightning is a refreshing change of pace from the current trend of gritty, dystopian novels. Awards: John W. Too Like the Lightning: Book One of Terra Ignota by Ada Palmer, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

You will criticize me, reader, for writing in a style six hundred years removed from the events I describe, but you came to me for explanation of Too Like the Lightning days of transformation which left your Too Like the Lightning the world it is, and since it was the philosophy of the Eighteenth Century, heavy with optimism and ambition, whose abrupt revival birthed the recent revolution, so it is only in the language of the Enlightenment, Too Like the Lightning with Too Like the Lightning and sentiment, that those days can be described. You must forgive me my 'thee's and 'thou's and 'he's and 'she's, my lack of modern words and modern objectivity. It will be hard at first, but whether you are my contemporary still awed by the new order, or an historian gazing back at my Twenty-Fifth Century as remotely as I gaze back on the Eighteenth, you will find yourself more fluent in the language of the past than you imagined; we all are. I wondered once why authors of ancient days so often prostrate themselves before their audience, apologize, beg favors, pray to the reader as to an Emperor as they explain their faults and failings; yet, with my work barely begun, I find myself already in need of such obsequies. If I am properly to follow the style I have chosen, I must, at the book's outset, describe myself, my background and qualifications, and tell you by what chance or Providence it is that the answers you seek are in my hands. I beg you, gentle reader, master, tyrant, grant me the privilege of silence on this count. Those of you who know the name of Mycroft Canner may Too Like the Lightning set this book aside. Those who do not, I beg you, let me make you Too Like the Lightning me for a few dozen pages, since the tale will give you time enough to hate me in its own right. We begin on the morning of March the twenty-third in the year twenty-four fifty-four. Carlyle Foster had risen full of strength that day, for March the twenty-third was the Feast of St. Turibius, a day on which men had honored their Creator in ages past, and still do today. He was not yet thirty, European enough in blood to be almost blond, his hair overgrown down to his shoulders, and his Too Like the Lightning gaunt as if he was too occupied with life to feed himself. He wore practical shoes and a Cousin's loose but comfortable wrap, gray-green that morning, but the only clothing item given any care was his long sensayer's scarf of age-grayed wool, which he believed had once belonged to the great Too Like the Lightning Conclave reformer Fisher G. Gurai — one of many lies in which Carlyle daily wrapped himself. Following his parishioner's instructions, Carlyle bade the car touch down, not on the high drawbridgelike walkway which led to the main door of the shimmering glass bash'house, but by the narrow maintenance stairs beside it. These slanted their way down into the little man-made canyon which separated this row of bash'houses from the next, Too Like the Lightning a deep, dry moat. The bottom was choked with wildflowers and seed-heavy grasses, tousled by the foraging of countless birds, and here, in the shadow of the bridge, lay Thisbe's door, too unimportant even for a bell. We've had a security thing Carlyle's smile was gentle as a mother's whose child hides behind her knees on the first day of kindergarten. We're all saddened by their loss. Perhaps the sensayer could make out traces of other voices through the door now, soft but fierce, or perhaps he heard nothing, but sensed the lie in her voice. The door could not hope to stifle mourning, a small child's sobs, piercing as a spear. Carlyle sprang to action, no longer a sensayer but a human being ready to help another in distress. He pounded the door with hands unused to forming fists, and tried the lock which he knew would not succumb to his unpracticed strength. Those who deny Providence may blame Too Like the Lightning dog within, which, in its frenzy, probably passed close enough to activate the door. I know what Carlyle saw as the door opened. Thisbe first, barefoot and in yesterday's clothes, scribbling madly on a scrap of paper on the haste-cleared tabletop, with the remnants of work and breakfast Too Like the Lightning on the floor. Eleven men stood on that table, battered men, strong, hard-boned and hard-faced as if reared in a harder age, and each five centimeters tall. They wore tiny army uniforms of green or sand brown, not the elegance of old but the utility of the World Wars, all grunge and daily wear. Three of them were bleeding, paint-bright red pooling on the tabletop, as appalling as a Too Like the Lightning mouse's wound, when each lost drop would be half a liter to you. One was not merely bleeding. Have you never watched a death, reader? In slow cases like blood loss it is not so much a moment as a stretch of ambiguity — one breath leaves and you wait uncertain for the next: was that the last? One more? Two more? A final twitch? It takes so long for cheeks to slacken and the stink of relaxing bowels to escape the clothes that Too Like the Lightning can't be certain Death has visited until the moment is well past. Not so here. Too Like the Lightning Carlyle's eyes the last breath left the soldier, and with it softness and color, the red of blood, the peach of skin, all faded to green as the tiny corpse reverted into a plastic toy soldier, complete with stand. Cowering beneath the table, our protagonist sobbed and screamed. Bridger's is not the name that brought you to me. Just as the most persuasive tongue could never convince the learned crowds of that the young wordsmith calling himself would overshadow all the royal dynasties of Europe, Too Like the Lightning I shall never convince you, reader, that this boy, not the heads of state whom I shall introduce in time, but Bridger, the thirteen-year-old hugging his knees here beneath Thisbe's table, he made the future in which you now live. Might she have hesitated, I wonder, had she realized that an intruder watched? Carlyle had never heard such a voice before, child of peace and plenty as he was. He had never heard it, nor have his parents, nor his parents' parents in these three centuries of peace. Bridger reached from beneath the table and touched the paper with his child's fingers, too wide and short, like a clay man not yet perfected by his sculptor. In that instant, Too Like the Lightning sound or light or any puff of melodrama's smoke, the paper tube transformed to glass, the doodles to a label, and a purple scribble to the pigment of a liquid bubbling within. Thisbe popped the cork, which had been no more than cross-hatching moments before, and poured the potion over the tiny soldiers. As the fluid washed over the injured, their wounds peeled away like old paint, leaving the soldiers clean and healed. Thou Too Like the Lightning, Mycroft Canner? Thou too maintainest this fantasy, repeated by too many mouths already? As poor a guide as thou art, I had hoped thou wouldst at least present me facts, not lunacy. How can your servant answer you, good master? I shall not convince you — though you have seen the miracle almost firsthand — I shall never convince you that Bridger's powers were real. Nor shall I try. You Too Like the Lightning the truth, and I have no truth to offer but what I believe. You have no obligation to believe with me, and can dismiss your flawed guide, and Bridger with me, at the journey's end. But while I am your guide, indulge me, pray, as you indulge a child who will not rest until you pretend you too believe in the monsters under the bed. Call it a madness — I am easy to call mad. Carlyle did not have the luxury of disbelief. He saw the transformation, as real as the page before you, impossible and undeniable. Imagine the priests of Pharaoh when Moses's Too Like the Lightning swallowed their own, a slave god defeating the beast-headed lords of death and resurrection which had made Egypt the greatest empire in human memory — those priests' expressions in the moment of their pantheon's surrender might have been a match for Carlyle's. I wish I knew what he said, a word, a prayer, a groan, but those who were there — the Major, Thisbe, Bridger — none Too Like the Lightning tell me, since they drowned his answer with their own instant scream. I took the stairs in seconds, and the sensayer in less time, pinning him to the floor, with my fingers pinching his trachea so he could Too Like the Lightning breathe nor speak. Mycroft, the sensayer saw everything. Everything's fine No, I just spilled some nasty perfumes all over the rug, you don't want to come down here No, nothing to do with that I'm fine, really While Thisbe spun her lies, I leaned low enough over my prisoner to taste his first breath as I eased up on his throat. In a moment your tracker will ask if you're all right. If you signal back that everything is fine then I'll answer your questions, but if you call Too Like the Lightning help, then the child, the soldiers, and myself will be gone before anyone arrives, and you will never find us. I still have some of those memory-erasing pills, remember the blue ones? She squinted at the scarf fraying about Carlyle's Too Like the Lightning. Ockham says there's a polylaw upstairs, a Too Like the Lightning. How would you feel if someone erased your memory of the most important thing that ever happened to you? Thisbe did not like my tone, and I would not have braved her anger for a lesser creature than a sensayer. I wonder, reader, which folk etymology you believe. Is 'sensayer' a perversion of the nonexistent verb senseo? Of 'soothsayer,' with 'sooth' turned into 'sense'? Of sensei, the honorific grants to teachers, doctors, and the wise? I have researched the question myself, but founder Mertice McKay left posterity no notes when she created the term — she had no time to, working in the rush of the s, as society's wrath swept through after the Church War, banning religious houses, meetings, proselytizing, and, in her eyes, threatening to abolish even the word God. The laws are real still, reader. Just as three unrelated women living in the same house was once, Too Like the Lightning some places, legally a brothel, three people in a room talking about religion was then, as now, a "Church meeting," and subject to harsh penalties, not in the laws of one or two Hives but even in the codes of Romanova. What terrible silence McKay foresaw: a man Too Like the Lightning to ask his lover whether he too hoped for a hereafter, parents afraid to answer when their children asked, "Who made the world? Let us create a new creature! Not a preacher, but Too Like the Lightning teacher, who hears a parishioner's Too Like the Lightning and Too Like the Lightning the answers of all the faiths and sects of history, Christians and pagans, Muslims and atheists, all equal. With this new creature as his guide, let each man pick through the fruits of all theologies and anti-theologies, and make from them his own system, to test, improve, and lean on all the years of his long life. If early opponents of the Christian Reformation feared that Protestants would invent as many Christianities as there were Christians, let this new creature help us create as many religions as there are human beings! You will forgive her, reader, if, in her fervor, she did not pause to diagram the derivation of this new creature's name. From where I held him, Carlyle could probably just see the tiny torso leaning over the table's edge, like a scout over a cliff. The police insist that I add a disclaimer, reminding you not to do what Carlyle did. When your tracker earpiece detects a sudden jump in heartbeat or adrenaline it calls help automatically unless you signal all clear, so if there is danger, an assailant, even if you're immobilized, help will still come. Last year there were Too Like the Lightning hundred and eighteen slayings and nearly a thousand sexual assaults enabled by victims being convinced to cancel the help signal for one reason or another. Carlyle made the right choice canceling his call because God matters more to him than life or chastity, and because I meant him no real harm. The same will likely not be true for you. I Too Like the Lightning my prisoner and backed away, my hands where he could see them, my posture slack, my eyes subserviently on the floor. I dared not even glance up to examine him for insignia beyond his Cousin's wrap and sensayer's scarf, since, in that moment when he could have called anew for the police, the only thing that mattered was convincing him I posed no threat. We're plastic toy soldiers.