'>*.*. Ja- ' Democrats in Hou Pick Raybiirii to ...E Ir

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'>*.*. Ja- ' Democrats in Hou Pick Raybiirii to ...E Ir •s :^r • r'- - t > j'm4 * A m ai« IMIf CTwihtI—- TIm W M llM t --*'3 n r MW MaMli wt Dtmmktt, iM t •! 0 . A 'KVwiHWr '■ I Manehester -4 CUy of VSuago Charm VOL. LXVL, N a 78 m MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDA^, JANUARY 2.1947 (VOURTBBN PAGES) ...PRICE T.. IU | | H I_ New Violence MaV Coasting. Down Capitol Steps Democrats in Hou "Strike Pick Raybiirii to Truce Plea Loses V" Unremltdiiif Warfare to M outetG ets e ir Lca< Aeiiieve Goal of Free Palestine Promised.by Bid to Start Texan *Drafled’ Irgnn 2Soai Leumi; Re­ (ces Move cus Attended by' ply to Baldwin Appeal P ^ c e T a ik s O f 187 Who 'To Halt OfwratioiM - - .‘i Serve in New R< (r Him Seat an^ Dominated Jenualem, Jan. 2.—^F)— Colonial Mini- The threat o t new violet Leaves Saif^n gress; Labor hunr over the Holy Land to­ >r Hanoi; Rebellion ^ tidn inSpotlif|d( day aa Irgun Zvai Leumi, re­ Of Opening ef ~ jecting an American con- lelled in Cambodia Commiu^ Fovor$ At - ! Sleet, Cold gresamah^ plea ta r a truce, le m p t^ Prevent .Sen-' BoUHlnl promlaed' unremitting **war- Paris, Jah. 3—(P)—Dispatches m Indo-Cfalna said today that ator/'TtUiing Oath; Ac-\ H it Nation WasKlngtsa, Jan. fare** to achieve its goal of .(W.;,'-V -'.i; a free Palestine. iCh Ooionial Minister Msrlui 1“I* .1 ended of Law Breach \ The last sroapeetprospect of :outct, inveetlgatlng trouble with • ever orffuiiilnff th#^ Srw OMSMWMe to Dtota |- .f • SV •('>*.*.: \ • ja- ' it-Nam nationsUsts in that . , New Frigid Blasts In Heuse diMolvBff loiUy.'^f Irgun'a action ooincldtd a*lth BalletinI ' ttaa vrrdlct ot a Military court country, was going north where he Dakotas and Montana Rsybsm of Texas* condemning a memiwr of the Jew- had an invitation to peace talKs. - ■ Wanhinffton, Jan. ’’drafted" ss Demeerstl Iflii imderground organiaation to The French Press agency re­ s.-or ' .■ ...V—* . '■■***»• il»i« ' The Republican Steering •Send Temperatures to death for participating in an Ij- leader aad all caadldstcs^ ported that Moutetjhad left Saigon A W\ conmittee recommended to­ 20 Below at Minot spfKMed Charles armed attacK on a poUoo atatloii in US south by plsne for Hanoi, day that Senator Theodore in which two poUoa offlem wara capita] of Indo-Chlna and of the ladlans for the Killed laat April 18. G. Bilbo (Dn Mias.), be Viet-Nam republic. Ho Chi Mlnh,' The tote Staifford'White, who designed the Rhode Island atotohotuM In Providence, probably didn't By The Associated Preia Icadcrahip withdrew, s n ia proimiM of continued atrife president of the republic, was laid barred at the door of the Sen­ was contained in a' note trans­ foresee the approach it as a coasting bill. These youthful enthusUsts slid down the steps enthuatoa- Heavy snow, freesing rain and to have invited Moutet, over t^ tlcally after a cold spellto frose slush into a coating of ice on the granite. (AP wirephoto). ate when he attempts to taKe ■lest and a new cold wave astead- Waahinfton, Jan. 2.- mitted to newqwpam i>7 Irgun . leaders in reply to a maasaga from underground Viet-Nam radio, to the oath fona new term to­ Honae Democrats meet with him and discusa ways ed over much of Uie country to­ U. 8. Rro. Joseph ClarK Baldwin morrow. Chairman TSft (R.. day. Sam Rayburn of Taxas- (I t . N. T .). wluch sraa published to end Sghting between Viet- Ohio), aald tho committee’s as their floor leader for last Saturday in the raestlne Nameae and French troops. Ho Favors Court The new frigid btoste moved In­ Post Baldwin, administrative was believed in hiding hear IfanoL Strategic Bombing rcctHumendatioM would bh to the DaKotas and Montana from 80th Congress whisK chairman of ythe Political Action Na PredIctieBa Vaatared laid before the full Republi­ the northwest sending temperw venes at noon tomgmnr. „ Committee., for Palestine, asKed French circles would not venture Actions First can memberahip of tho Sen­ turea to 20 below at M ln ^ N. D. bum waa elected at a^ esc Irgun to “halt operations in the any predictions as to whether ate at a meeting .this gfter- The cold wave waa axpected to Holy Land until 1 have acquainted Moutet would receive Ho. Authoii- Success Revealed move eastward snd forecasts wars attended by most of the the American govenunsnt and Ues termed his Sight rUdey be­ Thomas Believes Con- noon. for temperaturss of from 18 to M Democrats wh<> will serve people with your light and the cause o f bad weather and possible London, Jan. 8—(F)—Strategic | calls “ten and a half months of the below In Minnesota tonight the new Republican- Sght of Jewry at larn.“ Namcee entrenched in Hanoi’s out­ gress Should Delay bombing by British and Anwrican rooet heavy and concentrated air Wsahington, Jan. — Power U ses DtorapteS Congreea, Vala Vaaabaaaa v, Irgun thanKed Baldwin for his sKirts. News of fhs trip was d^ planes successfully paved the s’ay war In history"—from Nov. 18, Senator Theodore G. Bilbo Snow fell In many parts of ran- ^ “help In the campaign to free Labor Act Changes tral wtet Texas and OKlahoma. A party leader said taa.YilB.;i toyed for security reasons, and for the invasion of Normandy d:^ 1948, to Sept. 30, 1944. (D., Miss.), accus(>d by an Palestine,” but decuwed that the agency did not give the exact spite “ overlapping and complies- Policy HiMMiglily JiwUflad Freesing rains chtlleA parte of waa unanimous. , “nothing must stop our aght” Washington, Jan. 8—(F>—Sen­ investigSting committee of Texas, ArKsnasa and spread WHh leadership difflcultiae tlmea o f his departure and espect- Uona” in the over-all epnunand, ac­ "Events thoroughly juaUfted ojir tusUy solved all around, iaber i PaitHtsa Onto Sesa fhwM s ed landing. ^ ator Elbert Thomas (D-Uteh), co­ cording to a hitherto'secret report atrsteglc bombing p^cy and your misuaing hia office and breaK­ through portions ef Illinoia, In­ dians and loorer Michigan. Powar tototlon held the epotlight (Dispatehes m m London yes­ Mhotet had just returned to Sai­ author cf tbe tow on which por- by the tote Air CSUef MArehall Sir insistence upon sn sd^uate Bre- ing the law, today faced a Re­ eve of tbe first itepabUoai terday reported inersaaing indica­ gon after a tour of Laos in wwtem Trafford Leigh-Mallory. The Brit­ paratory period of air operations and communication llnea in many tol-to-portal pay suits are based, publican move to atrip him at cities were disrupted by tbe toe iMted oongrcaelonal eeaSoB tions there that oMdal British Indo-China and Cambodia in the ish Air Ministry pnblUhed the re­ for operation *Neptune,'’* Lelgh- years. opinion was Inclining to the view southwest. He reported the two said today Oongreaa should Keep port tonight ii) this official London Malloiy told Elsenhower. once o f hia senatorshf storms. that the only feasiMs way to settle The eleet snd freesing rains JMin MeUernmeK of protectorates loyal to France but bsiids off the Issue until the courts Oaaette. Neptune was the ooda name for Chpirman Robert A. Taft off setts nominated Rayburn, the Palestine proMem was to par­ at tbe same Ume disclosed that a Submitted to General Eisenhow­ the cross-channel assault the Ssnate Repuulican Policy made travel on bighorays haaard- tition the Holy Land into’ sepaimte have bad their say. oua, but Federal forecasters said served aa apeaker when I rebellion had been quelled In west er in November. 1944, shortly be­ 'T he air had, by day of the oommlttM dlscioaed Uut a ma­ crate controlled the House, Jewish Arab statea. em (tombodto. But aevvrai Republican senators fore the air chief matshal’s' death assault completely* dtoorgantoed jority o f hia group favors sn at- the new cold wava, moping eai cniesa advices quoted an ot- expressed the opinion that the now ward from Moatana and th# Db- minority leader. Thrss WeeKs Ta QueU Bavolt in 6 plane crash, tba 80,000-word tbe enemy's deniw and oomplax temi^ to "stop Blibo at tha door * Rayburn canw SOal British source as saying that Tba French Press agency lo G. O. P.-controiled Oongreas will dtecribes what Leigb-Msl- networK of rail Mnas of communl- M tomorrow's opening. aesf)on - Kolas, would briim clear sKlea the government would Mve "full GtAtnrnrm M dim Th**w«rtti«MI HM!kl«*, The FS' a-speenlr tn WHbh hal ported ryeatosiday that -Frendr lling accept and serious consideration^ to such troops had taKen three wealm to Allied Expeditionary Air Force, (Ooatlaa^ ea Pag* Two) ■ of offlca. ciflo coast snd Ftorlds were the a partition proposal should the now seeK more than 88,000,000,- A rmort signed by a bi-partisan only phrte of the country wliich fWinal KlecMea Delayad matter be broaiand'by Arabs or put down that rabelUoQ, Involving But his fonnal eleotUm w (' 8.000 to 8.000 aelf-atyled O sm b ^ 000 froM employees. majoriCT of tha Smato w ar In­ eacapM the Inclement weather. Jews at tbe London conference on To Propoeo Aaseadmeat vestigating committee declared the Saow BlanKets Nqw Eagtoad toyed while the Oemocratle Palestine, which is scheduled to toh “tosaraKs," or "free nien,” ewerenoe got rid of other^ Srmed from Slam, trained by Viet- On the House side, repreeenta- evidence of its investigation All New England eras under resunM Jan. 21. British experts tive Hoffman (R-Mich) said be Panama Defense “clearly indioatea that Senator blanKet of snow from one lnch> neee. on Palestine were said to have Nameae and numbering some fugi­ Some diitlculty was ene tive .Japanese soldiers in their will propose amendment ot the Bilbo improperly used his high of- along tha southernmost coasts to advised the government that the fair labor standards act to define Sca as United states senator for 20 tnchra in far northern araas.
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