Sara Shepard | 464 pages | 01 Mar 2012 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780062125910 | English | New York, NY, United States Pretty Dirty Secrets - Wikipedia

She and Vince are already deeply in love. But she counters with the photographs of Kate kissing a paedophile in a Christmas outfit, which is apparently roughly equivalent in shame value. Then she signs Dinah up to the water-selling cult and lumps her with the cost of crates, presumably using the bank account details she stole from Dinah in a deleted scene. Then Lucas suddenly turns up, having come home from holiday early because Brooke the man-stealer has managed to give herself 3rd-degree-burns from sunbathing and was thus unable to seduce him. There are 2 problems with this: 1. Even if the information were good, how does A possess it? Is she reading the book along with me? Illogicality swept aside, we move on to:. Yes, seriously. Simultaneously, Paedophile Santa has been fired for being a Paedophile, which seems fair. No mention of the police being informed of him preying on young girls, however. The only solution is for Emily to go undercover as Santa and find out the truth! Serves them right for They are obviously trouble. Blue Hair also turns out of course to have known Ali, because see above. As we can all predict, Emily gradually infiltrates the elves but finds herself bonding with them. Nothing happens for the majority of the story except everyone talks about Ali. There is much talk about over-commercialisation and the true meaning of the season, which seems massively hypocritical of Shepard and has no place in the PLL series. Eventually the Elves are caught at one of their pranks, but Emily saves the day by blackmailing the officer in charge of the case, the aforementioned suspiciously wealthy cop. It turns out that he has been moonlighting as a stripper, which everyone takes for granted is both a source of much shame to him and a secret from his wife. Then everyone lives happily ever after and their friendship is never mentioned again. Her omniscience remains unexplained. Poor baby. Sound fair enough. Aria and Hallbjorn bond over their shared love of the environment and sustainable lifestyles honestly. He also keeps dodging into alleyways whenever a police car drives past, but Aria is too busy fancying him to worry about that. Eventually he gets bored of waiting for her to ask, and explains that he is wanted by the Icelandic police for having led a protest against the destruction of a puffin sanctuary. Even Aria thinks this sounds a bit weird, but Hallbjorn points out that Iceland is crazy and foreign and not even America, and thus a place where anything could happen. Luckily Aria has the perfect solution: if she marries Hallbjorn he can stay in America forever! Such generosity! He has no problem however with an underage girl forging a marriage license, and so the wedding goes ahead in traditional tacky casino style. In grand romantic tradition, Hallbjorn suggests they spend their wedding night trespassing and breaking and entering in other to free 2 wild panthers into Atlantic City, but luckily Aria is able to momentarily halt the plan by pointing out how incredibly stupid and insanely irresponsible it is. She heads back to the hotel to have one of the irrelevant Ali dreams usually experienced by Hanna, in order to try and pretend this book has any actual link with the main PLL series. This gives Hallbjorn all the time he needs to free the panthers after all, thus creating dangerous mayhem. He also takes the opportunity to abandon his new wife without a word, which seems a bad plan since he needs the marriage for legal reasons. Which is convenient. After all the pointless, illegal shenanigans life goes on as normal and everyone lives happily ever after. Except for Hallbjorn. And the panthers. And anyone the panthers attacked. How depressing. Interlude 3 A reminds us that she hates Aria. And also, Spencer. Which subtly leads us to:. Instead of immediately assessing Colin as a cheat and an arse, Spencer decides she has somehow mishandled the situation and goes home to wallow in self-doubt. However a pep talk from newly friendly Melissa, who even Spencer thinks is behaving suspiciously, encourages her to try and seduce him away from his girlfriend via a lot of flouncing about and parading the fact that she has tits, all as advised in Cosmo. Why she should be so desperate to lure Colin, an arrogant womaniser, away from his girlfriend, or why I should care if she does, are not explained. We do in passing hear a little about the Panther Situation. Nobody seems that bothered though. It was probably a fat woman in high- street clothes, so… We also hear about Mrs. It turns out that Melissa is actually tricking Spencer No way! So two awful people go on a date, and I am somehow supposed to feel sorry for Spencer? The man you have known about 2 days, but still… The obvious next move is to pimp yourself out to a yr-old in return for a pretend jellyfish to throw on your sister. But agreeing to do a bungee jump when Melissa refuses despite Colin staring her down like a psychopath for having the temerity to disobey him does the trick. However after less than an hour of telling Colin how gorgeous he is Spencer finds that her charming misogynist is 33 and has a wife and child. It succeeds without poisoning him, which is nice. Then they agree that maybe they could try and kill each other less often. The end. Interlude 4 A continues to waffle on about things she has no business knowing about, and assures us repeatedly how super-evil she is. Biggest Overreaction to a Canine Christmas Novelty. So basically the usual brands, boy-smells and bitching. Everybods acts stupidly and nobody learns. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Rewind to junior year in Rosewood, Pennsylvania, to a winter break no one has ever heard about. Fat snowflakes fall onto manicured lawns, quilted stockings hang over marble fireplaces, and everyone is at peace, especially Hanna, Emily, Aria, and Spencer. Rule number one of being an effective stalker: Get to know your prey. So I watch these liars day and night, keeping an eye on the trouble they get into, the messes they make, and the secrets they keep. What happens on holiday break stays on holiday break - right? But guess what. I saw. Get A Copy. Hardcover , First Edition , pages. More Details Original Title. 4. Rosewood, Pennsylvania United States. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Pretty Little Secrets , please sign up. Since this one 4. Chule You can read it either before or after Ruthless. As long as you have read Unbelievable 4 you can read it at any time, no matter where you're in the …more You can read it either before or after Ruthless. As long as you have read Unbelievable 4 you can read it at any time, no matter where you're in the story. See all 7 questions about Pretty Little Secrets…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Feb 26, Ahmad Sharabiani rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult , mystery , 21th-century. The novel is divided into a series of four short stories, with each one focusing on the exploits of a specific girl. Spencer: Spencer and her family go to Nana Hastings mansion in Florida, and Spencer falls in love with a tennis player named Colin at the country club. Melissa seems to be helping Spencer win Colin's heart, but Colin ends up taking an interest in Melissa. During the trip, Spencer and her mother also run into Mrs. DiLaurentis several times, and Spencer is confused by her mother's strange behavior around Mrs DiLaurentis. Spencer also decides to fight for Colin. After Colin dumps Melissa to go out with her, Spencer and Melissa discover that Colin's actually 33 years old and also has a wife and child. Spencer and Melissa decide to team up to get revenge on Colin by putting crushed Viagra in his Aminospa vitamin water right before his important tennis game. In the end, they all have a fun vacation, but Spencer worries that someone has been following her. Melissa and Spencer seem to briefly make up in this, hence the sisters' wary friendship in Wicked. Emily: Emily is asked to go undercover as Santa Claus at the new mall, in order to catch 4 girls who work as elves there, who are suspected of vandalizing Christmas decorations around town, including Emily's mom's baby Jesus ceramic figure. The 4 girls, who call themselves the "Merry Elves", take a liking to Emily, and it's revealed that one of the girls, Cassie, was close with Alison. Emily accompanies the girls on their biggest prank yet, but Emily's mom uses her phone to track her, and the Merry Elves get caught. Eventually, the elves forgive Emily after she bails them out of jail. In the end, everyone realizes the true meaning of Christmas, but Emily can't shake off the weird feeling that someone is following her. It is revealed that A is blonde she will later be revealed as Alison as Emily sees a blonde figure run off. Hanna: Hanna joins a boot camp after thinking she gained too much weight at a holiday party. She develops feelings for the instructor, Vince. She also develops a rival, Dinah, another girl who also likes Vince. After competing for Vince's affection, she and Dinah become friends after catching Kate making out with the mall's new Santa prior to Emily , something which Hanna also photographs. After agreeing to stop chasing Vince, she celebrates by going out for drinks with Dinah, where Dinah admits she knew Alison. Hanna goes home drunk, causing her to oversleep. As she arrives at boot camp, she discovers Vince and Dinah kissing, revealing that Dinah only pretended to be friends with Hanna to have Hanna let down her guard. Hanna flees the scene, devastated, and is confronted by Kate, who, after receiving a tip-off, followed Hanna around, taking unflattering photos of her at boot camp, which she threatens to put on Facebook. Hanna counterattacks by showing Kate the pictures of her and Santa, causing Kate to back off. Some of what Dinah said may be true such as she knew Alison. But it is likely she made most of it up to get Hanna's trust. Aria: Aria goes with her father and Mike to Bear Claw Resort, but leaves to go back home after finding out that Byron invited Meredith along as well. Upon arriving at home, Aria's surprised to see Halbjorn, an old boyfriend of hers from Iceland. Halbjorn tells her that he's running from the Icelandic police who're after him because he protested against the demolition of a puffin sanctuary. Unfortunately, his travel visa only lasts for a week. Aria proposes the idea of marrying him, and the two head off to Atlantic City to elope. At the hotel, they attend a magic show involving two panthers, which greatly angers Halbjorn, who cares a lot about the environment. After getting married the following day, which requires Aria to forge her mother's signature and lie about her age, they go to the place where the panthers are kept. After convincing Halbjorn not to release the panthers, they go back to the hotel. The next morning, Aria wakes up to find Halbjorn gone and his clothes missing as well. On the lobby's TV, Aria sees that Halbjorn ended up releasing the panthers anyway. Aria goes to the courthouse and confesses to lying about her age and forging her mother's signature, making the marriage null and void. Upon returning to Rosewood, she is joined by Mike and Byron, who know nothing about her marriage. As they watch TV, it shows that Halbjorn has been caught, and it also reveals that he's done these sorts of things in the past, including trying to blow up a demolition office. Aria's satisfied with breaking up with him, but is paranoid about someone following her. In Wicked, it's briefly stated that Aria and Meredith did converse about the baby. The book ends with a sign-off from the new "A," as always who says that the Liars' lives are going to get a lot worse. All of which comes true Apr 12, Tylah Marie rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , books-i-own , series , 2-star. It was predicable a lot of the time. It honestly felt like I was reading fanfiction. I don't have a problem with fanfiction. I actually love reading it but you don't usually expect such a popular series to feel like fanfiction.. It was a little immature if I'm honest. Hanna was whiny and bitchy. She body shamed a lot and put people in boxes of who was beautiful and who was not. I can imagine a lot of young girls read this series and I could only think about how wrong that was. There was a bit in Emily's story where it said something a long the lines of "the smell of beer assaulted me. Aria and Spencer's story was predicable and immature. Like I've already said. Overall, it was entertaining. This series always is. I just don't feel like there was much development and it felt like Sara Shepard wanted to fill in time and so this story came about. Jul 30, Elisa rated it it was ok Shelves: mean-girls , completed-series , read Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Pretty Little Secrets is not exciting at all. It should really have been published after Unbelievable not after Ruthless. Hanna's story: So unbelievably pointless and stupid. She just flirted with a guy that went for somebody else. How is that in any way scandalous? Emily's story: Boring but a little bit more interesting than Hanna's. It's so stupid how Emily's just sent off to spy on some girls that are stealing stuff. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surpris Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surprising as she gets married but held my interest. Spencer's story: Bland and couldn't believe that Melissa and Spencer are that immature over a guy. But their revenge was really funny. Overall, this book fails to hold my interest and I couldn't wait to finish each story and get it over with. View all 5 comments. Jun 05, Courtney rated it liked it Shelves: young-adult. I took a very long break from the PLL series. However, I started this when a friend loaned it to me. I haven't read past the book 'Wicked', but this book sucked me in. Hanna's story, as always, was witty, fun, fast paced, and depressing. Why must every single new character be as much as a bitch as all the other ones? Sometimes I wish one of the PLL would just met someone friendly and nice. But then again, if any of the girls were happy, it wouldn't be PLL at all. Sara Shepard seems to like to torment her characters, which I suppose, is why people like the series so much. I skipped Emily's story, actually. I never found her character all that interesting. Though I have heard from other PLL readers that she does become a favorite in later books. Aria's story was as depressing as Hanna's. She's happy, and then she finds out everything that was the source of her joy was a lie. I didn't see the twist coming, and my heart hurt for her. Spencer is, well, Spencer. Self righteous and never in the wrong. Though I don't hate her as much as I just sounded I did, with a family like that I think I would have run away by now. View all 4 comments. Sep 23, Geraldine O'Hagan rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. An intro reminds us that these events are taking place between books 4 and 5, which at least reduces the amount of previou Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. Conclusion: Hanna learned nothing. I learned nothing. Why did this happen? If you are, we may need to part company at this point. I think we should see other people. Were those reindeer antlers? Hanna scooped him up and stared at the two plush stalks on his head. Each was tipped with a tiny jingle bell. He looked so sexy and earnest while talking about carbon emissions, and Aria found herself wanting to prove just how green she was, too. No one is that awful. Everybods acts stupidly and nobody learns Ok, first of all I love the PLL books and the show. So far Iv'e read the first 8 and decided I would go for pretty little secrets instead of twisted. This is as I thought, or hoped that there would be some intense and shocking secrets come to light. Also as its from A's point of view and takes place between Unbelievable and Wicked. I won't go into too much detail about the stories as most reviewers have done this. Each girl has her separate story and no connection to each other apart from the odd call to ask for a lift or to go and watch a movie. Hanna has issues with popularity, self esteem, bingeing etc. Emily showed some strength in her character by also doing things outside her comfort zone and nothing like what she has done in any other book, like blackmailing an officer. This made her character more likeable to me as there wasn't much whining but more doing from her. It also did not centre around a love interest as in the other books. Arias story was just stupid for want of a better word. I expect Aria to be more sensible even though she is kooky. And Spencer, well, her, Melissa and a boy, again. I was disappointed that the book does not lend anything to the other books in the series. I was a little put off with A in this story. How can A be in Atlantic City and everywhere else at the same time is beyond me. In this book there are no texts or threats from A and A does nothing apart from step on a few twigs and giggle whilst spying on them, unless thats just all the girls being paranoid and hearing the same thing. It reads as a stand-alone story. It seems like it was written for no real reason , an add on with no particular juice to give to its avid readers. Unless Shepard is planning on adding all this into another future PLL book in the series, which may well get confusing, I would say avoid this as it may cloud your judgement over the other books, which are great by the way. Aug 15, Sydney Chapters rated it liked it Shelves: books-i-own. If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I am rereading this series so that I can continue with the newer books so this book helped refreshed my mind a little I tend to get the tv show and the books mixed up. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the characters. I greatly missed the interactions between the girls too, so I didn't like how they didn't talk to one another. I honestly really enjoyed this book. I really liked the story being told from the different perspectives. I think this is my favorite one in the series so far tbhhh. Apr 22, Rosie M. I wish she just finished the series already. I mean, the first four books--A's revealed, her killer is revealed, alrighty then let's go on with our lives. Another four books! Sure, I guess we could use some more closure I guess. So then, the next A is revealed, throw in a new crazy twist and character, etc. It has to be. But no, it's not. I feel like she's just doing it for the money now. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars act I wish she just finished the series already. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars actually used to be good and entertaining. This book just downright sucked. There's no "A", or much drama, or basically anything. That's all, nothing more nothing less. It's just how they spent their holidays and how this new "A" that we all know of now is plotting her new evil plan. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I read it after Unbelievable, which is when the story is set. But it's not. It's basically just "their life and how they've moved on. They keep bringing up seeing a glimpse of blonde hair, not believing it, telling themselves Ali is gone, and doing little Christmas activities. Because I totally care about that. No, Sara Shepard, I really don't. What happened to the book series I love that was just mystery and scandalous things that go on in Rosewood? The newer books she's making can't bring that, either. It's sad to say it but I really think I might just give up on this series. I don't like the show, either. This book series had a god two-year run but let's face it: She's running out of ideas. Cliff Hanger: Nope. Rating: 2. Worst Part: Pointless stories. Overall Feels Felt: Bored; Shut up! Conclusion Continuing the Series: yes Recommending: nooooooooooooo Misc. Big mistake. This was crap. Comparing this to Fan-Fic. It's just ugh. Hanna's story was gag worthy. Hanna please stop throwing yourself at every man! Aria's story was wayyyyy too far fetched. Marring in Atlantic City. Aria please calm your tits. Emily's story was a bit exciting but demeaning. Her mom saying shit about girl's with short hair are lesbians. Emily please get the stick out of your ass. Spencer's story was the worse, i think. Fighting over yet another man with her sister. Spencer please kill your sister already. Melissa please act your damn age. Apr 17, Ashley rated it did not like it Shelves: Another stupid filler book about the same four stupid girls. What else is new? View 2 comments. Dec 25, Chelsea rated it did not like it Shelves: 1-star. This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. Hannah's Story: Stupid. I read all 16 main books, but this is the one where I really started thinking about how stupid Hannah is, and man oh man is she an idiot. There is not one smart decision made by Hannah during any of her story. Frankly, her decision making skills insult the human race. Emily's Story: Laughable. Her story was the least annoying of the four, but it was still pretty bad. I ha This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. I had a hard time not laughing at the concept: The Merry Elves, a group of Christmas pranksters trying to show the rich people the true meaning of Christmas, decide to steal a baby Jesus, so the owner of the Jesus statue makes her daughter dress up as Santa to infiltrate The Merry Elves and get the baby Jesus statue back. I'm pretty sure they even say, "We call ourselves The Merry Elves. Aria's Story: Incredibly Offensive. Even if I hadn't found this story totally offensive, I would have hated it. Aria lets this random guy she met in Iceland live with her, and after he confesses that he's a wanted criminal, Aria decides the best solution is to marry him. That just annoyed me in general. Sara, please research the organizations before you start dropping their names. Neither of those are any good at all. Oh, and that's not all: as an animal rights activist myself, I hate that animal rights activists are always portrayed in the media as psycho's ready to endanger people's lives for animals. That is very false. Most are people who just want to help those who don't have a voice. Just because a few of them are stupid doesn't mean they all are. Aria's "husband" is an animal rights activist. Instead of being someone who cares about animals and wants to help them, Sara writes him in as not only a nut job, but a stupid nut job. You can be radical and insane and not be stupid. If Halbjord really cared about animals, he would have contacted a sanctuary not the ASPCA to let them know about these panthers being ill-treated, not letting them go into a popular city where the cops would obviously get involved, traumatizing, injuring, and possibly killing them in the process of apprehending them. Rule number one of being an effective stalker: Get to know your prey. So I watch these liars day and night, keeping an eye on the trouble they get into, the messes they make, and the secrets they keep. Hanna's desperate for a very personal session with her gym trainer. Emily is number one on Santa's naughty list. Aria's old flame from Iceland is about to land her in hot water. And Spencer's resorting to some backhanded tactics to get what she wants. What happens on holiday break stays on holiday break - right? But guess what. I saw. Pretty Little Liars (book series) - Wikipedia

Emily: Emily is asked to go undercover as Santa Claus at the new mall, in order to catch 4 girls who work as elves there, who are suspected of vandalizing Christmas decorations around town, including Emily's mom's baby Jesus ceramic figure. The 4 girls, who call themselves the "Merry Elves", take a liking to Emily, and it's revealed that one of the girls, Cassie, was close with Alison. Emily accompanies the girls on their biggest prank yet, but Emily's mom uses her phone to track her, and the Merry Elves get caught. Eventually, the elves forgive Emily after she bails them out of jail. In the end, everyone realizes the true meaning of Christmas, but Emily can't shake off the weird feeling that someone is following her. It is revealed that A is blonde she will later be revealed as Alison as Emily sees a blonde figure run off. Hanna: Hanna joins a boot camp after thinking she gained too much weight at a holiday party. She develops feelings for the instructor, Vince. She also develops a rival, Dinah, another girl who also likes Vince. After competing for Vince's affection, she and Dinah become friends after catching Kate making out with the mall's new Santa prior to Emily , something which Hanna also photographs. After agreeing to stop chasing Vince, she celebrates by going out for drinks with Dinah, where Dinah admits she knew Alison. Hanna goes home drunk, causing her to oversleep. As she arrives at boot camp, she discovers Vince and Dinah kissing, revealing that Dinah only pretended to be friends with Hanna to have Hanna let down her guard. Hanna flees the scene, devastated, and is confronted by Kate, who, after receiving a tip-off, followed Hanna around, taking unflattering photos of her at boot camp, which she threatens to put on Facebook. Hanna counterattacks by showing Kate the pictures of her and Santa, causing Kate to back off. Some of what Dinah said may be true such as she knew Alison. But it is likely she made most of it up to get Hanna's trust. Aria: Aria goes with her father and Mike to Bear Claw Resort, but leaves to go back home after finding out that Byron invited Meredith along as well. Upon arriving at home, Aria's surprised to see Halbjorn, an old boyfriend of hers from Iceland. Halbjorn tells her that he's running from the Icelandic police who're after him because he protested against the demolition of a puffin sanctuary. Unfortunately, his travel visa only lasts for a week. Aria proposes the idea of marrying him, and the two head off to Atlantic City to elope. At the hotel, they attend a magic show involving two panthers, which greatly angers Halbjorn, who cares a lot about the environment. After getting married the following day, which requires Aria to forge her mother's signature and lie about her age, they go to the place where the panthers are kept. After convincing Halbjorn not to release the panthers, they go back to the hotel. The next morning, Aria wakes up to find Halbjorn gone and his clothes missing as well. On the lobby's TV, Aria sees that Halbjorn ended up releasing the panthers anyway. Aria goes to the courthouse and confesses to lying about her age and forging her mother's signature, making the marriage null and void. Upon returning to Rosewood, she is joined by Mike and Byron, who know nothing about her marriage. As they watch TV, it shows that Halbjorn has been caught, and it also reveals that he's done these sorts of things in the past, including trying to blow up a demolition office. Aria's satisfied with breaking up with him, but is paranoid about someone following her. In Wicked, it's briefly stated that Aria and Meredith did converse about the baby. The book ends with a sign-off from the new "A," as always who says that the Liars' lives are going to get a lot worse. All of which comes true Apr 12, Tylah Marie rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , books-i-own , series , 2-star. It was predicable a lot of the time. It honestly felt like I was reading fanfiction. I don't have a problem with fanfiction. I actually love reading it but you don't usually expect such a popular series to feel like fanfiction.. It was a little immature if I'm honest. Hanna was whiny and bitchy. She body shamed a lot and put people in boxes of who was beautiful and who was not. I can imagine a lot of young girls read this series and I could only think about how wrong that was. There was a bit in Emily's story where it said something a long the lines of "the smell of beer assaulted me. Aria and Spencer's story was predicable and immature. Like I've already said. Overall, it was entertaining. This series always is. I just don't feel like there was much development and it felt like Sara Shepard wanted to fill in time and so this story came about. Jul 30, Elisa rated it it was ok Shelves: mean-girls , completed-series , read Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Pretty Little Secrets is not exciting at all. It should really have been published after Unbelievable not after Ruthless. Hanna's story: So unbelievably pointless and stupid. She just flirted with a guy that went for somebody else. How is that in any way scandalous? Emily's story: Boring but a little bit more interesting than Hanna's. It's so stupid how Emily's just sent off to spy on some girls that are stealing stuff. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surpris Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surprising as she gets married but held my interest. Spencer's story: Bland and couldn't believe that Melissa and Spencer are that immature over a guy. But their revenge was really funny. Overall, this book fails to hold my interest and I couldn't wait to finish each story and get it over with. View all 5 comments. Jun 05, Courtney rated it liked it Shelves: young-adult. I took a very long break from the PLL series. However, I started this when a friend loaned it to me. I haven't read past the book 'Wicked', but this book sucked me in. Hanna's story, as always, was witty, fun, fast paced, and depressing. Why must every single new character be as much as a bitch as all the other ones? Sometimes I wish one of the PLL would just met someone friendly and nice. But then again, if any of the girls were happy, it wouldn't be PLL at all. Sara Shepard seems to like to torment her characters, which I suppose, is why people like the series so much. I skipped Emily's story, actually. I never found her character all that interesting. Though I have heard from other PLL readers that she does become a favorite in later books. Aria's story was as depressing as Hanna's. She's happy, and then she finds out everything that was the source of her joy was a lie. I didn't see the twist coming, and my heart hurt for her. Spencer is, well, Spencer. Self righteous and never in the wrong. Though I don't hate her as much as I just sounded I did, with a family like that I think I would have run away by now. View all 4 comments. Sep 23, Geraldine O'Hagan rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. An intro reminds us that these events are taking place between books 4 and 5, which at least reduces the amount of previou Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. Conclusion: Hanna learned nothing. I learned nothing. Why did this happen? If you are, we may need to part company at this point. I think we should see other people. Were those reindeer antlers? Hanna scooped him up and stared at the two plush stalks on his head. Each was tipped with a tiny jingle bell. He looked so sexy and earnest while talking about carbon emissions, and Aria found herself wanting to prove just how green she was, too. No one is that awful. Everybods acts stupidly and nobody learns Ok, first of all I love the PLL books and the show. So far Iv'e read the first 8 and decided I would go for pretty little secrets instead of twisted. This is as I thought, or hoped that there would be some intense and shocking secrets come to light. Also as its from A's point of view and takes place between Unbelievable and Wicked. I won't go into too much detail about the stories as most reviewers have done this. Each girl has her separate story and no connection to each other apart from the odd call to ask for a lift or to go and watch a movie. Hanna has issues with popularity, self esteem, bingeing etc. Emily showed some strength in her character by also doing things outside her comfort zone and nothing like what she has done in any other book, like blackmailing an officer. This made her character more likeable to me as there wasn't much whining but more doing from her. It also did not centre around a love interest as in the other books. Arias story was just stupid for want of a better word. I expect Aria to be more sensible even though she is kooky. And Spencer, well, her, Melissa and a boy, again. I was disappointed that the book does not lend anything to the other books in the series. I was a little put off with A in this story. How can A be in Atlantic City and everywhere else at the same time is beyond me. In this book there are no texts or threats from A and A does nothing apart from step on a few twigs and giggle whilst spying on them, unless thats just all the girls being paranoid and hearing the same thing. It reads as a stand-alone story. It seems like it was written for no real reason , an add on with no particular juice to give to its avid readers. Unless Shepard is planning on adding all this into another future PLL book in the series, which may well get confusing, I would say avoid this as it may cloud your judgement over the other books, which are great by the way. Aug 15, Sydney Chapters rated it liked it Shelves: books-i-own. If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I am rereading this series so that I can continue with the newer books so this book helped refreshed my mind a little I tend to get the tv show and the books mixed up. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the characters. I greatly missed the interactions between the girls too, so I didn't like how they didn't talk to one another. I honestly really enjoyed this book. I really liked the story being told from the different perspectives. I think this is my favorite one in the series so far tbhhh. Apr 22, Rosie M. I wish she just finished the series already. I mean, the first four books--A's revealed, her killer is revealed, alrighty then let's go on with our lives. Another four books! Sure, I guess we could use some more closure I guess. So then, the next A is revealed, throw in a new crazy twist and character, etc. It has to be. But no, it's not. I feel like she's just doing it for the money now. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars act I wish she just finished the series already. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars actually used to be good and entertaining. This book just downright sucked. There's no "A", or much drama, or basically anything. That's all, nothing more nothing less. It's just how they spent their holidays and how this new "A" that we all know of now is plotting her new evil plan. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I read it after Unbelievable, which is when the story is set. But it's not. It's basically just "their life and how they've moved on. They keep bringing up seeing a glimpse of blonde hair, not believing it, telling themselves Ali is gone, and doing little Christmas activities. Because I totally care about that. No, Sara Shepard, I really don't. What happened to the book series I love that was just mystery and scandalous things that go on in Rosewood? The newer books she's making can't bring that, either. It's sad to say it but I really think I might just give up on this series. I don't like the show, either. This book series had a god two-year run but let's face it: She's running out of ideas. Cliff Hanger: Nope. Rating: 2. Worst Part: Pointless stories. Overall Feels Felt: Bored; Shut up! Conclusion Continuing the Series: yes Recommending: nooooooooooooo Misc. Big mistake. This was crap. Comparing this to Fan-Fic. It's just ugh. Hanna's story was gag worthy. Hanna please stop throwing yourself at every man! Aria's story was wayyyyy too far fetched. Marring in Atlantic City. Aria please calm your tits. Emily's story was a bit exciting but demeaning. Her mom saying shit about girl's with short hair are lesbians. Emily please get the stick out of your ass. Spencer's story was the worse, i think. Fighting over yet another man with her sister. Spencer please kill your sister already. Melissa please act your damn age. Apr 17, Ashley rated it did not like it Shelves: Another stupid filler book about the same four stupid girls. What else is new? View 2 comments. Dec 25, Chelsea rated it did not like it Shelves: 1-star. This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. Hannah's Story: Stupid. I read all 16 main books, but this is the one where I really started thinking about how stupid Hannah is, and man oh man is she an idiot. There is not one smart decision made by Hannah during any of her story. Frankly, her decision making skills insult the human race. Emily's Story: Laughable. Her story was the least annoying of the four, but it was still pretty bad. I ha This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. I had a hard time not laughing at the concept: The Merry Elves, a group of Christmas pranksters trying to show the rich people the true meaning of Christmas, decide to steal a baby Jesus, so the owner of the Jesus statue makes her daughter dress up as Santa to infiltrate The Merry Elves and get the baby Jesus statue back. I'm pretty sure they even say, "We call ourselves The Merry Elves. Aria's Story: Incredibly Offensive. Even if I hadn't found this story totally offensive, I would have hated it. Aria lets this random guy she met in Iceland live with her, and after he confesses that he's a wanted criminal, Aria decides the best solution is to marry him. That just annoyed me in general. Sara, please research the organizations before you start dropping their names. Neither of those are any good at all. Oh, and that's not all: as an animal rights activist myself, I hate that animal rights activists are always portrayed in the media as psycho's ready to endanger people's lives for animals. That is very false. Most are people who just want to help those who don't have a voice. Just because a few of them are stupid doesn't mean they all are. Aria's "husband" is an animal rights activist. Instead of being someone who cares about animals and wants to help them, Sara writes him in as not only a nut job, but a stupid nut job. You can be radical and insane and not be stupid. If Halbjord really cared about animals, he would have contacted a sanctuary not the ASPCA to let them know about these panthers being ill-treated, not letting them go into a popular city where the cops would obviously get involved, traumatizing, injuring, and possibly killing them in the process of apprehending them. I refuse to believe there is anyone that dumb. Spencer's Story: Boring. Spencer's story was completely pointless. Nothing happened worth mentioning. All that happened was Spencer flirted with an old guy and competed with Melissa. So to sum it up: bleh. Jun 14, Maud rated it liked it Shelves: novella. Hanna's story - 5 stars Hanna is one of the girls that I can kinda identify with all girls have elements that I see in myself and I therefore really like to read her POV. I liked her story and how she was dealing with things. She seems to have lost the most in the first four books and I'm curious to see what will happen next to her. Emily's story - 4. I also really Hanna's story - 5 stars Hanna is one of the girls that I can kinda identify with all girls have elements that I see in myself and I therefore really like to read her POV. I also really love how it connected with Hanna's part even though they do not meet. The elves were also pretty cool and I totally get their point. I was also pleasantly surprised by Emily's family. Aria's story - 3 stars This is probably my least favourite one. I like Aria and her family but I did not like the romance in this one, it felt a bit over the top. I know that PLL books are always a bit over the top but this one was just a bit too much I also felt like that with book 4. Spencer's story - 3 stars It was fun but not much different from what happened in the first four books. She and Melissa will like the same guy, hurt each other only to find out that the guy is a dick The ending gave me some hope though, I hope that they are able to work things out in the next couple of books. Like Spencer said, together they are unbeatable. Jun 10, M. This short story collection was an easy read and shows the reader life after A, but while the new A is just getting started. It has a holiday vibe, but I still thought it was a lot of fun. It did not add a lot to the stories so it was meant to be like what they did on winter break, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Feb 29, Paula Phillips rated it it was amazing. OMG , I have to admit that this series is one of my all-time favourites and I am loving every bit of it , when I read that their was to be a new book - I couldn't wait , though at first I was a tad disappointed as the title was originally called Ali's Little Secrets and I thought it might have been more a prequel to the whole Pretty Little Liars saga but I soon got over that. Pretty Little Secrets is in fact, in a way a collection of four short stories and has been slotted as an in-betweener nov OMG , I have to admit that this series is one of my all- time favourites and I am loving every bit of it , when I read that their was to be a new book - I couldn't wait , though at first I was a tad disappointed as the title was originally called Ali's Little Secrets and I thought it might have been more a prequel to the whole Pretty Little Liars saga but I soon got over that. Pretty Little Secrets is in fact, in a way a collection of four short stories and has been slotted as an in-betweener novel which authors like Janet Evanovich has done and proved to be popular. The Pretty Little Secrets is split into four stories , each one telling the Winter secrets of the characters. First up is Hanna, Lucas is away on holiday with the gorgeous family friend Brooke and Hanna is bored so she hits the gym and meets the hunky and good-looking instructor Vince. Vince talks Hanna into joining the Winter Boot-camp and Hanna wanting to dig her claws into him , goes along but it seems Hanna has competition in the form of a girl named Dinah. Can Hanna win over the affections of Vince even if it means getting her Pretty little liar hands dirty once again? We also see some blackmailing going on between Hanna and her step-sister Kate and we discover that Hanna and Ashley Marin are in fact Jewish. Next up on the Pretty Little Liars list is Emily. Somebody is messing with the Christmas decorations at her mum's church, community groups and the neighbourhood and they have their eyes on the elves at the local mall as the suspects. The old Santa has been fired for lewd behaviour - for more take reference to the creepy Santa in Hanna's story. Emily with much reluctance from her mum has been hired as the replacement elf and been sent in to spy. Can Emily find herself a part of the group and get them to spill their secrets? When a prank goes wrong and her friends are arrested , can Emily spring them with a little blackmail heading the officer's way as Emily has photos of him in a compromising position and he could lose his job, credibility if they were ever to get out. Third , which was the most surprising and interesting story and I can admit I was shocked and would never have guessed it. Aria's family is celebrating the Winter Solstice, when a retreat visit goes bad , Aria finds herself back home alone in Rosewood. However, not for long as she recieves a visit from her ex-boyfriend in Iceland Halljborn. Will her parents find out about this little adventure and what will Aria's reaction be when she discovers the real reason Halljborn fled Iceland? Last but not least , Spencer's tale. It seems that a common thread has developed between Spencer and Melissa , they both like the same type of guys and they have a habit of sharing them between the two of them. On a family holiday, Spencer meets Colin at the local Tennis Club and falls head over heels with him but it seems that Colin has another admirer that Spencer doesn't know about - Melissa and when he chooses Melissa over Spencer - it's a War of the Sisters once again but what will happen when the sisters realise they have been duped and that Colin is in fact married , will the two be able to stay friendly to exact revenge on Colin? May 20, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: judge-me. Pretty Little Liars - among so many other YA series that I unabashedly read - have become one of those series that I automatically purchase every time a new installment comes out - usually the day it's released. It took me quite a while to buy Pretty Little Secrets , though, because it seemed like a really awkward add-on to the series: the tenth book was recently released, but this novel takes place between the fourth and fifth ones and revolves around the "scandalous" I use that term loosely e Pretty Little Liars - among so many other YA series that I unabashedly read - have become one of those series that I automatically purchase every time a new installment comes out - usually the day it's released. It took me quite a while to buy Pretty Little Secrets , though, because it seemed like a really awkward add-on to the series: the tenth book was recently released, but this novel takes place between the fourth and fifth ones and revolves around the "scandalous" I use that term loosely events of the four main characters' winter breaks. Really, the one thing this quite long novel accomplished was proving that, without the identity of A or Ali's murderer to figure out, these girls don't have much going on in their lives. Hanna flirts with a guy for pages, Emily tries to befriend the "troublemakers" in her town, Aria By Sara Shepard standards, that's pretty dull, especially when these subplots because the everyday lives of these girls are usually overshadowed by the A and murder plots in the main series would typically only fill or so pages of a regular PLL book, not the pages of this volume. Aria's story was probably the most interesting of the four, if only because something actually interesting happens and was different than the other three, which basically consisted of really mundane events. If you haven't read this yet and were debating whether or not you should, I would suggest skipping it. No new revelations or anything of the sort surface, and really, it's not as fun as the regular books. The thing I love about PLL is that Sara Shepard always invents new and interesting story lines to wrap her characters in, but this one fell flat. If anything, it confused me because now I can't remember what happened in the tenth book because my memory of this series has been consumed by the very mundane adventures of their winter break. View all 3 comments. This book is a Pretty Little Liars holiday special. It's set between the 4th and 5th book, during Christmas break from school. If you've read the series you know that that is the point right after the first A got taken down. The A in this book is the new A from books just starting out and picking up dirt on the Liars. This book is very different from the rest of the series. The girls are dealing with the backlash of the first A and aren't being stalked yet, so there was much less mystery. The This book is a Pretty Little Liars holiday special. There are four separate sections, one for each girl, so you read ALL of Emily's story in one chunck, then Aria, and so on. It doesn't switch POV every chapter like the rest of the series, which gave it less of the cliffhanger feeling. All of the drama in these stories comes from the girls' peers or families What I didn't like about this book is that the stories don't belong in the series. Friends were made that are never mentioned again. One relationship happened that would have left a HUGE emotional scar, I don't care how good you are at keeping secrets, this would have been brought up at some point. And BIG secrets happen that A would have exposed. But in books none of these things are ever mentioned. I get it, this was written after, but I think a good author would have dropped hints, or built on something that we would see again. I don't know, maybe the author is working these in to the third part of the series books - I haven't read those yet. Pretty Little Secrets isn't as good as the main series, but if you are a fan of the series and characters I think its a good book to pick up. I'm so gutted I've finished the whole series even the in between books : they have been a joy to read and going to miss the characters! However I'm glad to finally have this series finished with. Hopefully Sara shepards other series are just as good. Loved the way this book had 4 separate stories for each of the characters really enjoyed them. This novel is worth 5 stars. It took me way too long to read this book It was kinda boring and useless I should have read it in December instead of July haha. Aug 28, Stephanie rated it really liked it Shelves: own. I liked this book but didn't love it. It wasn't as good as the rest of the books, which is why I gave it 4 Lily Pads. I still enjoyed it though, I love this series :. Jan 28, paigeee [ a bookish brat ] rated it liked it. Some things seemed far fetched to me. Jan 15, Olivia rated it really liked it Shelves: books-read-in Pretty Little Secrets tells the stories of the four girls during their Christmas break. This book is supposed to take place between Unbelievable and Wicked. Judging by the summary, I thought that this book was going to be told from A. Meaning we would actually get inside Alison's head. However, that was not the case. Anybody can read this book, as long as they have finished the first four books in the series. This book was a nice addition to the series. I adore the Pretty Little Liars series. It is one of my biggest guilty pleasures, so I was excited to read this. I didn't expect this book to be so huge! It was over pages! But then I understood why; each girl has a different story that is roughly around pages a piece. I actually liked the format that Sara Shepard set this book as. I liked reading the individual stories, they were fun quick reads. Here is my breakdown rating of the four stories: Hanna - If anybody has read my previous reviews on any of the PLL's books, you know that Hanna is my favorite character. So of course, I loved her story. I finished it in one setting. I wouldn't say that it was a major storyline, but it was just nice to read a short story about my favorite character. One of the biggest reasons why I liked this was because we get too see more of Hanna and Lucas as a couple. Yes, Lucas wasn't in the story that much but I still liked seeing it. According to Variety, King asked Hale to re-read the script. After reading for both roles throughout the audition process, Hale agreed that she was a better fit for the role of Aria. The rest of the cast were all in their late teens or early 20s when they auditioned for "PLL," but Pieterse was gunning for Hanna at just 12 years old. King said in the same Variety interview that it would have been too challenging to cast Pieterse in that role. But because they liked her, they gave her Alison, who wasn't on screen as much in the early seasons. But Kylie was fighting with her mom at the time and didn't want to discuss work, so the part never panned out. Fans of both shows might notice similar aspects of the Warner Bros. It's basically a shell now, it's the 'Pretty Little Liars' backlot," he said. Hanna and Caleb, played by Tyler Blackburn, were a fan-favorite relationship, and apparently, it was one of Benson's favorites, too. In fact, when Caleb and Hanna broke up for a period of time on the show, Benson told Entertainment Tonight that she was really upset. Like literally, I cried," she said. There's no other guy for Hanna. Bellisario is now married to "Suits" actor Patrick J. Adams, but while they were broken up earlier in their relationship, Adams told PopSugar that he secured a brief role on "Pretty Little Liars" in an attempt to win her back. I had everyone on the phone, calling, saying, 'We're going to get this part, we're going to get this part,'" Adams said. He ended up playing one of Ezra's college friends on season one, episode five. Because of this, the cast and crew had to keep her in the dark about the true identity of "A" — which was at the center of the show's series-long mystery. I've tried like listening at doors. I've tried, like, bribing the executive producers and writers. Because they know I would sit here with you, Seth, and it would like accidentally come out. Bellisario's character was at the center of the big "A" reveal during the show's series finale. In order to keep the identity a secret, Bellisario told Entertainment Weekly in that she hid the answer in plain sight during interviews leading up to the series finale. I told the truth and hid in plain sight," she said. Viewers later learned that Bellisario was mostly telling the truth — we find out on the series finale that Spencer's long-lost twin sister, Alex Drake, was the mastermind behind "A. Before either of them were cast on "Pretty Little Liars," Hale and Benson met on the internet and became fast friends as teens. I was We had mutual friends in common, I didn't like randomly find her. She continued to say that Kendall Schmidt, from 's "Big Time Rush," was the "linking factor" in their early friendship, and that the pair's first in-person hangout was at Disneyland. Insider logo The word "Insider". Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Martha Sorren. Snapchat icon A ghost. Sara Shepard, the author of the book series that inspired the show, made two cameos on "Pretty Little Liars. Surprising behind-the-scenes secrets about 'Pretty Little Liars' - Insider

Spencer : Spencer and her family go to Nana Hastings' mansion in Florida, and Spencer falls in love with a tennis player named Colin at the country club. Melissa seems to be helping Spencer win Colin's heart, but Colin ends up taking an interest in Melissa. During the trip, Spencer and her mother also run into Mrs DiLaurentis several times, and Spencer is confused by her mother's strange behavior around Mrs DiLaurentis. Spencer also decides to fight for Colin. After Colin dumps Melissa to go out with her, Spencer discovers he actually has a wife and child, and he is 33 years old. Spencer and Melissa decide to team up to get revenge on Colin by putting crushed Viagra in his Aminospa vitamin water right before his important tennis game. In the end, they all have a fun vacation, but Spencer worries that someone has been following her. Emily : Emily is asked to go undercover as Santa Claus at the new mall, in order to catch 4 girls who work as elves there, who are suspected of vandalizing Christmas decorations around town, including Emily's mom's baby Jesus ceramic figure. The 4 girls, who call themselves the "Merry Elves", take a liking to Emily, and it is revealed that one of the girls, Cassie , was close with Alison. Emily accompanies the girls on their biggest prank yet, but Emily's mom uses her phone to track her, and the Merry Elves get caught. Eventually, the elves forgive Emily after she bails them out of jail. In the end, everyone realizes the true meaning of Christmas, but Emily can't shake off the weird feeling that someone is following her. Hanna : Hanna joins a boot camp after thinking she gained too much weight at a holiday party. She develops feelings for the instructor, Vince. She also develops a rival, Dinah Morrissey, another girl who also likes Vince. After competing for Vince's affection, she and Dinah become friends after catching Kate making out with the mall's new Santa prior to Emily , something which Hanna photographs. After agreeing to stop chasing Vince, she celebrates by going out for drinks with Dinah, where Dinah admits she knew Alison. Hanna goes home drunk, causing her to oversleep. As she arrives at boot camp, she sees Vince and Dinah kissing, revealing that Dinah only pretended to be friends with Hanna to have Hanna let down her guard. Hanna flees the scene, devastated, and is confronted by Kate, who, after receiving a tip-off, followed Hanna around, taking unflattering photos of her at boot camp, which she threatens to put on Facebook. Hanna counterattacks by showing Kate the pictures of her and Santa, causing Kate to back off. Hanna also improves her relationship with her father , who gives Hanna her grandmother's Cartier locket for Christmas. Hanna has a happy Christmas, despite the fact that she thinks someone other than Kate has been watching her every move. Aria : Aria goes with her father and Mike to Bear Claw Resort, but leaves to go back home after finding out that Byron invited Meredith along as well. Upon arriving at home, she is surprised by her boyfriend from Iceland, Hallbjorn. Hallbjorn tells her that he's running from the Icelandic police who are after him because he protested against the demolition of a puffin sanctuary. Unfortunately, his travel visa only lasts for a week. One of the calls received by the blocked ID was from New York. The hooded figure pauses the video when someone wearing a red coat is shown walking. Then "A" deletes all the footage from the computer. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 10, ABC Family. August 28, Retrieved September 9, Pretty Little Liars franchise. Book series. Pretty Dirty Secrets. Marlene King Indonesian series The Perfectionists. Hidden categories: Pages using infobox television with nonstandard dates. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Starring : Jennifer Cain as Voicemail Message. Starring : Aeriel Miranda as Shana Fring.

Pretty Little Secrets | Pretty Little Liars Wiki | Fandom Simultaneously, Paedophile Santa has been fired for being a Paedophile, which seems fair. No mention of the police being informed of him preying on young girls, however. The only solution is for Emily to go undercover as Santa and find out the truth! Serves them right for They are obviously trouble. Blue Hair also turns out of course to have known Ali, because see above. As we can all predict, Emily gradually infiltrates the elves but finds herself bonding with them. Nothing happens for the majority of the story except everyone talks about Ali. There is much talk about over-commercialisation and the true meaning of the season, which seems massively hypocritical of Shepard and has no place in the PLL series. Eventually the Elves are caught at one of their pranks, but Emily saves the day by blackmailing the officer in charge of the case, the aforementioned suspiciously wealthy cop. It turns out that he has been moonlighting as a stripper, which everyone takes for granted is both a source of much shame to him and a secret from his wife. Then everyone lives happily ever after and their friendship is never mentioned again. Her omniscience remains unexplained. Poor baby. Sound fair enough. Aria and Hallbjorn bond over their shared love of the environment and sustainable lifestyles honestly. He also keeps dodging into alleyways whenever a police car drives past, but Aria is too busy fancying him to worry about that. Eventually he gets bored of waiting for her to ask, and explains that he is wanted by the Icelandic police for having led a protest against the destruction of a puffin sanctuary. Even Aria thinks this sounds a bit weird, but Hallbjorn points out that Iceland is crazy and foreign and not even America, and thus a place where anything could happen. Luckily Aria has the perfect solution: if she marries Hallbjorn he can stay in America forever! Such generosity! He has no problem however with an underage girl forging a marriage license, and so the wedding goes ahead in traditional tacky casino style. In grand romantic tradition, Hallbjorn suggests they spend their wedding night trespassing and breaking and entering in other to free 2 wild panthers into Atlantic City, but luckily Aria is able to momentarily halt the plan by pointing out how incredibly stupid and insanely irresponsible it is. She heads back to the hotel to have one of the irrelevant Ali dreams usually experienced by Hanna, in order to try and pretend this book has any actual link with the main PLL series. This gives Hallbjorn all the time he needs to free the panthers after all, thus creating dangerous mayhem. He also takes the opportunity to abandon his new wife without a word, which seems a bad plan since he needs the marriage for legal reasons. Which is convenient. After all the pointless, illegal shenanigans life goes on as normal and everyone lives happily ever after. Except for Hallbjorn. And the panthers. And anyone the panthers attacked. How depressing. Interlude 3 A reminds us that she hates Aria. And also, Spencer. Which subtly leads us to:. Instead of immediately assessing Colin as a cheat and an arse, Spencer decides she has somehow mishandled the situation and goes home to wallow in self-doubt. However a pep talk from newly friendly Melissa, who even Spencer thinks is behaving suspiciously, encourages her to try and seduce him away from his girlfriend via a lot of flouncing about and parading the fact that she has tits, all as advised in Cosmo. Why she should be so desperate to lure Colin, an arrogant womaniser, away from his girlfriend, or why I should care if she does, are not explained. We do in passing hear a little about the Panther Situation. Nobody seems that bothered though. It was probably a fat woman in high-street clothes, so… We also hear about Mrs. It turns out that Melissa is actually tricking Spencer No way! So two awful people go on a date, and I am somehow supposed to feel sorry for Spencer? The man you have known about 2 days, but still… The obvious next move is to pimp yourself out to a yr-old in return for a pretend jellyfish to throw on your sister. But agreeing to do a bungee jump when Melissa refuses despite Colin staring her down like a psychopath for having the temerity to disobey him does the trick. However after less than an hour of telling Colin how gorgeous he is Spencer finds that her charming misogynist is 33 and has a wife and child. It succeeds without poisoning him, which is nice. Then they agree that maybe they could try and kill each other less often. The end. Interlude 4 A continues to waffle on about things she has no business knowing about, and assures us repeatedly how super-evil she is. Biggest Overreaction to a Canine Christmas Novelty. So basically the usual brands, boy-smells and bitching. Everybods acts stupidly and nobody learns. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Rewind to junior year in Rosewood, Pennsylvania, to a winter break no one has ever heard about. Fat snowflakes fall onto manicured lawns, quilted stockings hang over marble fireplaces, and everyone is at peace, especially Hanna, Emily, Aria, and Spencer. Rule number one of being an effective stalker: Get to know your prey. So I watch these liars day and night, keeping an eye on the trouble they get into, the messes they make, and the secrets they keep. What happens on holiday break stays on holiday break - right? But guess what. I saw. Get A Copy. Hardcover , First Edition , pages. More Details Original Title. Pretty Little Liars 4. Rosewood, Pennsylvania United States. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Pretty Little Secrets , please sign up. Since this one 4. Chule You can read it either before or after Ruthless. As long as you have read Unbelievable 4 you can read it at any time, no matter where you're in the …more You can read it either before or after Ruthless. As long as you have read Unbelievable 4 you can read it at any time, no matter where you're in the story. See all 7 questions about Pretty Little Secrets…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Feb 26, Ahmad Sharabiani rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult , mystery , 21th-century. The novel is divided into a series of four short stories, with each one focusing on the exploits of a specific girl. Spencer: Spencer and her family go to Nana Hastings mansion in Florida, and Spencer falls in love with a tennis player named Colin at the country club. Melissa seems to be helping Spencer win Colin's heart, but Colin ends up taking an interest in Melissa. During the trip, Spencer and her mother also run into Mrs. DiLaurentis several times, and Spencer is confused by her mother's strange behavior around Mrs DiLaurentis. Spencer also decides to fight for Colin. After Colin dumps Melissa to go out with her, Spencer and Melissa discover that Colin's actually 33 years old and also has a wife and child. Spencer and Melissa decide to team up to get revenge on Colin by putting crushed Viagra in his Aminospa vitamin water right before his important tennis game. In the end, they all have a fun vacation, but Spencer worries that someone has been following her. Melissa and Spencer seem to briefly make up in this, hence the sisters' wary friendship in Wicked. Emily: Emily is asked to go undercover as Santa Claus at the new mall, in order to catch 4 girls who work as elves there, who are suspected of vandalizing Christmas decorations around town, including Emily's mom's baby Jesus ceramic figure. The 4 girls, who call themselves the "Merry Elves", take a liking to Emily, and it's revealed that one of the girls, Cassie, was close with Alison. Emily accompanies the girls on their biggest prank yet, but Emily's mom uses her phone to track her, and the Merry Elves get caught. Eventually, the elves forgive Emily after she bails them out of jail. In the end, everyone realizes the true meaning of Christmas, but Emily can't shake off the weird feeling that someone is following her. It is revealed that A is blonde she will later be revealed as Alison as Emily sees a blonde figure run off. Hanna: Hanna joins a boot camp after thinking she gained too much weight at a holiday party. She develops feelings for the instructor, Vince. She also develops a rival, Dinah, another girl who also likes Vince. After competing for Vince's affection, she and Dinah become friends after catching Kate making out with the mall's new Santa prior to Emily , something which Hanna also photographs. After agreeing to stop chasing Vince, she celebrates by going out for drinks with Dinah, where Dinah admits she knew Alison. Hanna goes home drunk, causing her to oversleep. As she arrives at boot camp, she discovers Vince and Dinah kissing, revealing that Dinah only pretended to be friends with Hanna to have Hanna let down her guard. Hanna flees the scene, devastated, and is confronted by Kate, who, after receiving a tip-off, followed Hanna around, taking unflattering photos of her at boot camp, which she threatens to put on Facebook. Hanna counterattacks by showing Kate the pictures of her and Santa, causing Kate to back off. Some of what Dinah said may be true such as she knew Alison. But it is likely she made most of it up to get Hanna's trust. Aria: Aria goes with her father and Mike to Bear Claw Resort, but leaves to go back home after finding out that Byron invited Meredith along as well. Upon arriving at home, Aria's surprised to see Halbjorn, an old boyfriend of hers from Iceland. Halbjorn tells her that he's running from the Icelandic police who're after him because he protested against the demolition of a puffin sanctuary. Unfortunately, his travel visa only lasts for a week. Aria proposes the idea of marrying him, and the two head off to Atlantic City to elope. At the hotel, they attend a magic show involving two panthers, which greatly angers Halbjorn, who cares a lot about the environment. After getting married the following day, which requires Aria to forge her mother's signature and lie about her age, they go to the place where the panthers are kept. After convincing Halbjorn not to release the panthers, they go back to the hotel. The next morning, Aria wakes up to find Halbjorn gone and his clothes missing as well. On the lobby's TV, Aria sees that Halbjorn ended up releasing the panthers anyway. Aria goes to the courthouse and confesses to lying about her age and forging her mother's signature, making the marriage null and void. Upon returning to Rosewood, she is joined by Mike and Byron, who know nothing about her marriage. As they watch TV, it shows that Halbjorn has been caught, and it also reveals that he's done these sorts of things in the past, including trying to blow up a demolition office. Aria's satisfied with breaking up with him, but is paranoid about someone following her. In Wicked, it's briefly stated that Aria and Meredith did converse about the baby. The book ends with a sign-off from the new "A," as always who says that the Liars' lives are going to get a lot worse. All of which comes true Apr 12, Tylah Marie rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , books-i-own , series , 2-star. It was predicable a lot of the time. It honestly felt like I was reading fanfiction. I don't have a problem with fanfiction. I actually love reading it but you don't usually expect such a popular series to feel like fanfiction.. It was a little immature if I'm honest. Hanna was whiny and bitchy. She body shamed a lot and put people in boxes of who was beautiful and who was not. I can imagine a lot of young girls read this series and I could only think about how wrong that was. There was a bit in Emily's story where it said something a long the lines of "the smell of beer assaulted me. Aria and Spencer's story was predicable and immature. Like I've already said. Overall, it was entertaining. This series always is. I just don't feel like there was much development and it felt like Sara Shepard wanted to fill in time and so this story came about. Jul 30, Elisa rated it it was ok Shelves: mean-girls , completed-series , read Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Pretty Little Secrets is not exciting at all. It should really have been published after Unbelievable not after Ruthless. Hanna's story: So unbelievably pointless and stupid. She just flirted with a guy that went for somebody else. How is that in any way scandalous? Emily's story: Boring but a little bit more interesting than Hanna's. It's so stupid how Emily's just sent off to spy on some girls that are stealing stuff. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surpris Sara Shepard has run out of ideas. Aria's story: More far-fetched and surprising as she gets married but held my interest. Spencer's story: Bland and couldn't believe that Melissa and Spencer are that immature over a guy. But their revenge was really funny. Overall, this book fails to hold my interest and I couldn't wait to finish each story and get it over with. View all 5 comments. Jun 05, Courtney rated it liked it Shelves: young-adult. I took a very long break from the PLL series. However, I started this when a friend loaned it to me. I haven't read past the book 'Wicked', but this book sucked me in. Hanna's story, as always, was witty, fun, fast paced, and depressing. Why must every single new character be as much as a bitch as all the other ones? Sometimes I wish one of the PLL would just met someone friendly and nice. But then again, if any of the girls were happy, it wouldn't be PLL at all. Sara Shepard seems to like to torment her characters, which I suppose, is why people like the series so much. I skipped Emily's story, actually. I never found her character all that interesting. Though I have heard from other PLL readers that she does become a favorite in later books. Aria's story was as depressing as Hanna's. She's happy, and then she finds out everything that was the source of her joy was a lie. I didn't see the twist coming, and my heart hurt for her. Spencer is, well, Spencer. Self righteous and never in the wrong. Though I don't hate her as much as I just sounded I did, with a family like that I think I would have run away by now. View all 4 comments. Sep 23, Geraldine O'Hagan rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. An intro reminds us that these events are taking place between books 4 and 5, which at least reduces the amount of previou Terrible news…I found another Pretty Little Liars book. Conclusion: Hanna learned nothing. I learned nothing. Why did this happen? If you are, we may need to part company at this point. I think we should see other people. Were those reindeer antlers? Hanna scooped him up and stared at the two plush stalks on his head. Each was tipped with a tiny jingle bell. He looked so sexy and earnest while talking about carbon emissions, and Aria found herself wanting to prove just how green she was, too. No one is that awful. Everybods acts stupidly and nobody learns Ok, first of all I love the PLL books and the show. So far Iv'e read the first 8 and decided I would go for pretty little secrets instead of twisted. This is as I thought, or hoped that there would be some intense and shocking secrets come to light. Also as its from A's point of view and takes place between Unbelievable and Wicked. I won't go into too much detail about the stories as most reviewers have done this. Each girl has her separate story and no connection to each other apart from the odd call to ask for a lift or to go and watch a movie. Hanna has issues with popularity, self esteem, bingeing etc. Emily showed some strength in her character by also doing things outside her comfort zone and nothing like what she has done in any other book, like blackmailing an officer. This made her character more likeable to me as there wasn't much whining but more doing from her. It also did not centre around a love interest as in the other books. Arias story was just stupid for want of a better word. I expect Aria to be more sensible even though she is kooky. And Spencer, well, her, Melissa and a boy, again. I was disappointed that the book does not lend anything to the other books in the series. I was a little put off with A in this story. How can A be in Atlantic City and everywhere else at the same time is beyond me. In this book there are no texts or threats from A and A does nothing apart from step on a few twigs and giggle whilst spying on them, unless thats just all the girls being paranoid and hearing the same thing. It reads as a stand-alone story. It seems like it was written for no real reason , an add on with no particular juice to give to its avid readers. Unless Shepard is planning on adding all this into another future PLL book in the series, which may well get confusing, I would say avoid this as it may cloud your judgement over the other books, which are great by the way. Aug 15, Sydney Chapters rated it liked it Shelves: books-i-own. If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I am rereading this series so that I can continue with the newer books so this book helped refreshed my mind a little I tend to get the tv show and the books mixed up. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the If you are reading this series back-to-back, I wouldn't recommend reading this book because it doesn't really add anything to the story. I enjoyed all the girls POVs Spencer's was the best but I didn't find myself enjoying this book as much as the others in the series because there was no A well there was but not known to the characters. I greatly missed the interactions between the girls too, so I didn't like how they didn't talk to one another. I honestly really enjoyed this book. I really liked the story being told from the different perspectives. I think this is my favorite one in the series so far tbhhh. Apr 22, Rosie M. I wish she just finished the series already. I mean, the first four books--A's revealed, her killer is revealed, alrighty then let's go on with our lives. Another four books! Sure, I guess we could use some more closure I guess. So then, the next A is revealed, throw in a new crazy twist and character, etc. It has to be. But no, it's not. I feel like she's just doing it for the money now. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars act I wish she just finished the series already. And it makes me kind of sad because Pretty Little Liars actually used to be good and entertaining. This book just downright sucked. There's no "A", or much drama, or basically anything. That's all, nothing more nothing less. It's just how they spent their holidays and how this new "A" that we all know of now is plotting her new evil plan. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I read it after Unbelievable, which is when the story is set. But it's not. It's basically just "their life and how they've moved on. They keep bringing up seeing a glimpse of blonde hair, not believing it, telling themselves Ali is gone, and doing little Christmas activities. Because I totally care about that. No, Sara Shepard, I really don't. What happened to the book series I love that was just mystery and scandalous things that go on in Rosewood? The newer books she's making can't bring that, either. It's sad to say it but I really think I might just give up on this series. I don't like the show, either. This book series had a god two-year run but let's face it: She's running out of ideas. Cliff Hanger: Nope. Rating: 2. Worst Part: Pointless stories. Overall Feels Felt: Bored; Shut up! Conclusion Continuing the Series: yes Recommending: nooooooooooooo Misc. Big mistake. This was crap. Comparing this to Fan-Fic. It's just ugh. Hanna's story was gag worthy. Hanna please stop throwing yourself at every man! Aria's story was wayyyyy too far fetched. Marring in Atlantic City. Aria please calm your tits. Emily's story was a bit exciting but demeaning. Her mom saying shit about girl's with short hair are lesbians. Emily please get the stick out of your ass. Spencer's story was the worse, i think. Fighting over yet another man with her sister. Spencer please kill your sister already. Melissa please act your damn age. Apr 17, Ashley rated it did not like it Shelves: Another stupid filler book about the same four stupid girls. What else is new? View 2 comments. Dec 25, Chelsea rated it did not like it Shelves: 1-star. This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. Hannah's Story: Stupid. I read all 16 main books, but this is the one where I really started thinking about how stupid Hannah is, and man oh man is she an idiot. There is not one smart decision made by Hannah during any of her story. Frankly, her decision making skills insult the human race. Emily's Story: Laughable. Her story was the least annoying of the four, but it was still pretty bad. I ha This book was one of the most boring, laughable, stupid, and incredibly offensive books I've ever read. I had a hard time not laughing at the concept: The Merry Elves, a group of Christmas pranksters trying to show the rich people the true meaning of Christmas, decide to steal a baby Jesus, so the owner of the Jesus statue makes her daughter dress up as Santa to infiltrate The Merry Elves and get the baby Jesus statue back. I'm pretty sure they even say, "We call ourselves The Merry Elves. Aria's Story: Incredibly Offensive. Even if I hadn't found this story totally offensive, I would have hated it. Aria lets this random guy she met in Iceland live with her, and after he confesses that he's a wanted criminal, Aria decides the best solution is to marry him. That just annoyed me in general. Sara, please research the organizations before you start dropping their names. Neither of those are any good at all. Oh, and that's not all: as an animal rights activist myself, I hate that animal rights activists are always portrayed in the media as psycho's ready to endanger people's lives for animals. That is very false. Most are people who just want to help those who don't have a voice. Just because a few of them are stupid doesn't mean they all are. Aria's "husband" is an animal rights activist. Instead of being someone who cares about animals and wants to help them, Sara writes him in as not only a nut job, but a stupid nut job. You can be radical and insane and not be stupid. If Halbjord really cared about animals, he would have contacted a sanctuary not the ASPCA to let them know about these panthers being ill-treated, not letting them go into a popular city where the cops would obviously get involved, traumatizing, injuring, and possibly killing them in the process of apprehending them. I refuse to believe there is anyone that dumb. Spencer's Story: Boring. Spencer's story was completely pointless. Nothing happened worth mentioning. All that happened was Spencer flirted with an old guy and competed with Melissa. So to sum it up: bleh. Jun 14, Maud rated it liked it Shelves: novella. Hanna's story - 5 stars Hanna is one of the girls that I can kinda identify with all girls have elements that I see in myself and I therefore really like to read her POV. I liked her story and how she was dealing with things. I had everyone on the phone, calling, saying, 'We're going to get this part, we're going to get this part,'" Adams said. He ended up playing one of Ezra's college friends on season one, episode five. Because of this, the cast and crew had to keep her in the dark about the true identity of "A" — which was at the center of the show's series-long mystery. I've tried like listening at doors. I've tried, like, bribing the executive producers and writers. Because they know I would sit here with you, Seth, and it would like accidentally come out. Bellisario's character was at the center of the big "A" reveal during the show's series finale. In order to keep the identity a secret, Bellisario told Entertainment Weekly in that she hid the answer in plain sight during interviews leading up to the series finale. I told the truth and hid in plain sight," she said. Viewers later learned that Bellisario was mostly telling the truth — we find out on the series finale that Spencer's long-lost twin sister, Alex Drake, was the mastermind behind "A. Before either of them were cast on "Pretty Little Liars," Hale and Benson met on the internet and became fast friends as teens. I was We had mutual friends in common, I didn't like randomly find her. She continued to say that Kendall Schmidt, from Nickelodeon's "Big Time Rush," was the "linking factor" in their early friendship, and that the pair's first in-person hangout was at Disneyland. Insider logo The word "Insider". Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Martha Sorren. Snapchat icon A ghost. Sara Shepard, the author of the book series that inspired the show, made two cameos on "Pretty Little Liars. The show's creator, I. Marlene King, also made a cameo. Shepard came up with the idea for the series after speaking with people who have survived kidnappings. Ashley Benson helped select the show's theme song. Lucy Hale hated her motion in the opening credits. Sasha Pieterse didn't like her character's signature yellow shirt. Keegan Allen didn't play Toby on the pilot episode. Hale originally wanted to play Hanna. Pieterse was only 12 years old when she auditioned for the show, and she also wanted the role of Hanna. Kylie Jenner was supposedly almost on the show. Benson cried when she found out Hanna was going to break up with Caleb. Bellisario's now-husband went on the show to win her back when they were early in their relationship. Hale wasn't allowed to know who "A" was. Meanwhile, Bellisario knowingly spoiled the ending in many interviews — but people didn't believe her. musicologie-annuario-svizzero-di-musi-540.pdf