Caecilia V60n08 1933
'lj. .35 .60 .80 .40 .60 .25 ... ~ . Tpe .Bruce PublishIng Cp., 524-544 ~. M.ilwaukeeSt;;,KliIw~~ke~, W~. Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Professor of Gregorian Chant St. Mary of the Lake Seminary Mundelein, tllinois Manager WM. ARTHUR REILLY Chairman Boston School Committee Con~ributors LUDWIG BONVIN S.J. Buffalo, N. Y. GREGORY HUGLE, O.S.B. Conception Abbey Conception, Mo. JUSTIN FIELD, O.P. Diocesan Director of Church Music Alexandria, Onto SR. M. CHERUBIM O.S.F. Milwaukee, Wise. SR. M. GISELA, S.S.N.D. Milwaukee, Wisc. Founded A.D. 1874 by JOHN SINGENBERGER REMY ZADRA, D.D. Published by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Jamestown, N. Y. M. MAURO-COTTONE Entered as second class matter. Oct. 20, 1931, at the post office at Boston, New York City Mass., under the act of March 3. 1879. Published monthly, except in July. Terms: Subscription price $2.00 per year. Canada and foreign countries PAUL C. TONNER Collegeville, Ind. $3.00 Payable in advance. Single copies 30 cents. Vol. 60 AUGUST 1933 No.8 irbiratinu TO 'THE VERY REVEREND GR.EGORY HUGLE O.S.B. Prior of Conception Abbey, Missouri. Contributor to the Church Music journals of America and many foreign countries, during the pa'stfifty years. Authority on Gregorian Chant. Humble and Beloved Priest. This issue is Respectfully Dedicated. 226 The Caecilia EDITORIAL Two years ago we began the policy of ded BIOGRAPHY icating the summer issue of CAECILIA to DOM GREGORY HU·GLE O.S.B. some living ...J\merican Catholic Church Mu sician of note, whose deeds and contributions Dom Gregory Hiigle was born in Lellwanr had won wide recognition in church music gen, in the archduchy of Baden, Germany, circles throughout this country and foreign September la, 1866.
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