Uganda Conflict Analysis
UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme Uganda Conflict Analysis Anna Knutzen and Alan Smith October 2012 Pillar of Peace, Gulu Photographed by Bryan Lupton Commissioned by the Dutch Embassy to commemorate their educational projects in Northern Uganda the monument was created by David Kigozi and is supposed to depict a departure from taking up arms and turning to education instead. Though this report was sponsored by the Netherlands funded UNICEF Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme, the views in this analysis do not necessarily reflect the views of UNICEF or the Government of the Netherlands. The authors would like to extend a special thank you to all of the stakeholders interviewed for this conflict analysis, without whom the research would have been impossible. Government counterparts were equally invaluable in facilitating the research process and providing input both at the district and national levels. A special thank you is extended to Chief Administrative Officers and District Education Officers in Moroto, Gulu, Arua, and Mbarara, as well as counterparts from the Ministry of Education and Sports. Some additional UNICEF staff supported the research for this conflict analysis. This includes (alphabetically): Esther Akwii, Gerry P. Dyer, Jane Florence-Adong, Emmanuel Kamuli, Rosaria Kunda, Dorothy Nakibuuka, Deirdre Naughton, Hajara Ndayidde, Margo O’Sullivan, Sammy Poro, Rosemary Rugamba-Rwanyange, Paul Semakula, and Edward Wamala. Page | 1 Acronyms AMISOM—African Union Mission in Somalia CAR—Central African
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