Journal of the Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science

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Journal of the Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science Bottom fish assemblages at the shelf and continental slope off East Greenland Jørgensen, Ole; Hvingel, Carsten; Møller, Peter Rask Published in: Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science Publication date: 2015 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Document license: Unspecified Citation for published version (APA): Jørgensen, O., Hvingel, C., & Møller, P. R. (2015). Bottom fish assemblages at the shelf and continental slope off East Greenland. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 47, 37-55. Download date: 24. sep.. 2021 Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science Volume 47 2015 Printed and Distributed in December 2015 Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization 2 Morris Drive, Suite 100, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada B3B 1K8 Tel.: (+1 902) 468–5590 • Fax: (+1 902) 468–5538 Email: [email protected] • Website: • iii Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science Scientific publications by ICNAF and NAFO have been in existence since ICNAF began in 1949 with the ICNAF Special Publication series dealing with proceedings of scientific symposia. TheICNAF Research Bulletin was started in 1964 to provide a means of publishing results of scientific research relevant to ICNAF. TheICNAF Research Bulletin was terminated in September 1979 after the issue of Number 14. The first volume of the NAFO Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science was published in December 1980, after NAFO came into force replacing ICNAF in 1979. The Northwest Atlantic fisheries have a rich history, and a great deal of research has been sponsored and encouraged by NAFO and its predecessor ICNAF. NAFO has been a leader amongst international organizations in the application of science to fishery management and in the regulation of fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction. In accordance with its mandate to disseminate information on fisheries research to the scientific community, the Scientific Council of NAFO publishes the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, which contains peer-reviewed primary papers, and NAFO Scientific Council Studies, which contains unrefereed papers of topical interest and importance to the Scientific Council. Lists of these and other NAFO publications are given on the back of this issue. Editorial Policy The Journal provides an international forum for the primary publication of original research papers, with emphasis on environmental, biological, economic and social science aspects of fisheries and their interactions with marine habitats and ecosystems. While the Journal is intended to be regional in scope, papers of general applicability, and method- ological and review papers, irrespective of region, are considered. Space is available for notes and letters to the editor to facilitate scientific discussion of published papers. Both practical and theoretical papers are eligible. All papers are peer-reviewed to determine their suitability for primary publication. Associate Editors arrange for the peer-reviews and ensure that the papers accepted for publication meet the high standards required for the Journal. Manuscripts approved for publication are accepted with the understanding that they are not copyrighted, published or submitted elsewhere except in abstract form. There are no page charges. Editorial Board General Editor: Neil Campbell, NAFO Secretariat, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Associate Editors: Biological Oceanography K. F. Drinkwater, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway Economics T. Bjørndal, CEMARE, University of Portsmouth, England Social Science D. Wilson, The Institute for Fisheries Management, Hirtshals, Denmark Vertebrate Fisheries Biology M. J. Morgan, Science Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Johnʼs, Newfoundland, Canada D. W. Kulka, Science Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Johnʼs, Newfoundland, Canada L. Hendrickson, National Marine Fisheries Service, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA Publications Manager: Alexis Pacey, NAFO Secretariat, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada iv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v Foreword The Scientific Council of NAFO publishes the Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science, containing peer- reviewed primary literature detailing original research of relevance to fisheries science and management in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Articles are published electronically under a Creative Commons (Canada) 2.5 license, and are freely available at NAFO Scientific Council has resolved to produce annual bound print volumes and these represent a compilation of the web based articles published throughout the year. Additionally, the journal supports the use of digital object identifiers (doi) for electronic media and encourages others to support this initiative. As always, this volume of the journal covers a range of topics representing ongoing research in the northwest Atlantic, including fishers behavior, planktonic distribution and various aspects of fisheries ecology. In my final comments as General Editor of the journal, I would like to extend my thanks to all the authors who submitted works during 2015, to the Associate Editors and reviewers who make production of the journal possible, and to Alexis Pacey, publications manager at the NAFO Secretariat for her support and assistance over the past five years. December 2015 Neil Campbell General Editor, Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science vii Contents Information, Editorial Policy and Editorial Board ..............................................................................................iii NAFO Convention Area Map ............................................................................................................................. iv Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................. v The Value of Captains’ Behavioral Choices in the Success of the Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Fishery on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast: a Model Evaluation ............................................................................. 1 Gastric evacuation rates in male Clearnose Skate (Leucoraja eglanteria) in the laboratory ............................ 29 Bottom Fish Assemblages at the Shelf and Continental Slope off East Greenland ........................................... 37 Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) demographics in the Gulf of Maine from 1998 to 2012 ........................... 57 The biology of Benthosema glaciale and Ceratoscopelus maderensis (Myctophidae) in the Slope Sea off Nova Scotia, Canada .......................................................................................................................................... 75 Scientific Publications of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization ......................................................... 91 Information for Preparing Manuscripts for NAFO Scientific Publications ....................................................... 95 J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., Vol. 47: 1–27 Publication (Upload) date: 31 Mar 2015 The Value of Captains’ Behavioral Choices in the Success of the Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Fishery on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Coast: a Model Evaluation Eric N. Powell1, John M. Klinck2, Daphne M. Munroe3, Eileen E. Hofmann2, Paula Moreno1, Roger Mann4 1Gulf Coast Research Laboratory University of Southern Mississippi 703 E. Beach Dr., Ocean Springs, MS 39564 2Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 4111 Monarch Way, 3rd Floor, Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia 23529 3Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory Rutgers University 6959 Miller Ave., Port Norris, New Jersey
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