EVOLUTION Mapping the ancestry of

Structures in the inner ear can help determine the evolutionary relationship between extinct and living primates.


the middle and upper period, homi- Related research article Urciuoli A, noids expanded throughout Europe, and Zanolli C, Beaudet A, Dumoncel J, Asia, and diversified into at least 12 different Santos F, Moya-SolaS, Alba DM. 2020. The which have now become extinct evolution of the vestibular apparatus in (Begun et al., 2012). from this time led and . eLife 9:e51261. DOI: 10. to the identification of a particularly intriguing 7554/eLife.51261 species called bambolii (Moya`- Sola` et al., 2004; Moya`-Sola` et al., 2009). O. bambolii fossils date back about 8 million and come from sites in Sardinia and Tus- cany (Rook et al., 2011). The varied features hen the term ‘primates’ was origi- within these fossils have made it difficult to nally coined by Carl Linneus back in determine the evolutionary history of O. bambo- W 1758, it was to classify all species of lii and its relationship to living hominoid species monkeys, humans and apes into one group (Harrison and Rook, 1997; Ko¨hler and Moya`- based on their anatomical similarities. At that Sola`, 1997). As a result, there is an ongoing time, the observed similarities were simply a debate about whether or not O. bambolii should curiosity and did not imply any special relation- be included in the family ship between these species. Later, when Charles (Begun et al., 2012; Nengo et al., 2017). The Darwin published ‘On the Origin of Species’ in key to solving this question is to establish how 1859, it became clear that species with compara- closely related O. bambolii are to the Hominidae ble anatomies are often evolutionarily linked. family compared to (Figure 1). And when Thomas Huxley published ’Evidence Now, in eLife, David Alba (Institut Catala` de as to Man’s Place in ’ in 1863, he grouped Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont of the Universi- humans, gibbons, , and chim- tat Auto`noma de Barcelona) and colleagues – panzees into a superfamily named the Hominoi- including Alessandro Urciuoli (Barcelona) as first dea. Since then, understanding the evolutionary author, and researchers in France and South relationships within this superfamily has been a Africa – report how studying the shape of semi- fundamental part of research on circular canals in the ears of non-extinct primates evolution. Copyright Martı´nez and Conde- can provide a better understanding of how the Valverde. This article is distributed Extant members of this family, also known as hominoid family evolved over time under the terms of the Creative hominoids, can be arranged into two families: (Urciuoli et al., 2020). In recent years, these Commons Attribution License, which the Hylobatidae family, which includes gibbons; permits unrestricted use and canals (which form part of the bony exterior of and the Hominidae family, which includes orang- redistribution provided that the the inner ear) have been used to determine the original author and source are utans, gorillas, and humans (Fig- degree of similarity between members of the credited. ure 1). About 16 to 7 million years ago, during

Martı´nez and Conde-Valverde. eLife 2020;9:e55429. DOI: 1 of 3 Insight Evolution Mapping the ancestry of primates

Figure 1. The evolutionary relationship between O. bambolii and the Hominidae family. Non-extinct members of the Hominoidea superfamily are split into two families: the Hominidae family, which includes orangutans (Pongo), gorillas (), chimpanzees () and humans (); and the Hylobatidae family, which includes various gibbons (Hylotbates, Nomascus, Symphalangus and Hoolok). However, it is not clear if the extinct species Oreopithecus bambolii split from this branch of the tree of life after the Hylobatidae family split, in which case O. bambolii could be part of Hominidae family (A), or if it split before the Hylobatidae family split (B). Uriciuoli et al. found that O. bambolii is not part of the Hominidae family (that is, scenario B).

Hominidae family (Ponce de Leo´n et al., 2018; Competing interests: The authors declare that no Quam et al., 2016; Beaudet et al., 2019). competing interests exist. The team reconstructed the three-dimen- Published 03 March 2020 sional shape of of 27 species of living primates and two extinct species, References including the O. bambolii. This revealed that Beaudet A, Clarke RJ, Bruxelles L, Carlson KJ, Crompton R, de Beer F, Dhaene J, Heaton JL, Jakata structures in the inner ear can be used to study K, Jashashvili T, Kuman K, McClymont J, Pickering TR, the evolutionary relationships between living Stratford D. 2019. The bony labyrinth of StW 573 and extinct hominoid species. ("Little Foot"): Implications for early hominin evolution Urciuoli et al. found that although the semicir- and paleobiology. Journal of 127: cular canals of O. bambolii had similar character- 67–80. DOI: 002, PMID: 30777359 istics to hominoids, this anatomical region had Begun DR, Nargolwalla MC, Kordos L. 2012. European more features in common with two other pri- Miocene hominids and the origin of the African mate families known as the cercopithecoids and and human clade. Evolutionary : Issues, platyrrhines. This suggests that O. bambolii are News, and Reviews 21:10–23. DOI: evolutionarily further away from orangutans, 1002/evan.20329, PMID: 22307721 Harrison T, Rook L. 1997. Enigmatic anthropoid or gorillas, chimpanzees and humans than gibbons, misunderstood ape? The phylogenetic status of and therefore cannot be considered a true mem- Oreopithecus bambolii reconsidered. In: Begun DR, ber of the Hominidae family (Figure 1B). Ward CV, Rose MD (Eds). Function, Phylogeny, and The next step will be to study the semicircular Fossils. Advances in . Boston, MA: canals of other extinct hominoid species, and Springer. DOI: 0075-3 repeat the experiment using other anatomical Ko¨ hler M, Moya`-Sola`S. 1997. Ape-like or - regions in the inner ear, such as the cochlea. like? The positional behavior of Oreopithecus bambolii reconsidered. PNAS 94:11747–11750. DOI: https://, PMID: 9326682 Ignacio Martı´nez is in the Ca´tedra de Otoacu´ stica Moya` -Sola` S, Ko¨ hler M, Alba DM, Casanovas-Vilar I, Evolutiva y Paleoantropologı´a, HM Hospitales - Galindo J. 2004. catalaunicus, a new Universidad de Alcala´, Madrid, Middle Miocene great ape from Spain. Science 306: [email protected] 1339–1344. DOI: 1103094, PMID: 15550663 Mercedes Conde-Valverde is in the Ca´tedra de Moya` -Sola` S, Alba DM, Alme´cija S, Casanovas-Vilar I, Ko¨ hler M, De Esteban-Trivigno S, Robles JM, Galindo Otoacu´ stica Evolutiva y Paleoantropologı´a, HM J, Fortuny J. 2009. A unique Middle Miocene Hospitales - Universidad de Alcala´, Madrid, Spain European hominoid and the origins of the great ape

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