APP 03

Application Number: 17/03385/REM

Approval of reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 150 dwellings, including associated works. All matters reserved except access, pursuant to outline permission 16/02106/OUT.

AT Land Off Road,

FOR Bloor Homes Ltd

Target: 22 March 2018

Ward: North and Hanslope Parish: Hanslope

Report Author/Case Officer: Elizabeth Verdegem Contact Details: [email protected]

Team Leader: Sarah Hine, Development Management Manager – West Team Contact Details: [email protected]


1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultee responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access system www.milton- All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation.

1.2 This application is being considered by the Development Control Committee because 36 public objections have been received regarding the application.

The Site 1.3 The application site is currently an arable field, broadly square, and with an area of approximately 10.2 hectares. The site is bounded to the north-east by the rear gardens of Western Drive and the rear of Hanslope Primary School’s playing field. To the south-east is Castlethorpe Road and the rear gardens of Castlethorpe Road and Cuckoo Hill Rise. The south-west boundary is partly bounded by the Cuckoo Hill Farm commercial buildings, agriculture tracks and otherwise by open countryside, and there is also open countryside directly to the north-west of the site boundary. The site falls outside the established settlement boundary of Hanslope village and includes a number of Public Rights of Way.

The Proposal 1.4 This application seeks reserved matters consent for 150 dwellings in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. Access was agreed at the outline application stage, and access is from Castlethorpe Road, near to the existing agricultural access. For the avoidance of doubt, reference to the outline permission in this report refers to permission reference 16/02106/OUT dated 14 December 2017.

1.5 The application for the 150 residential dwellings includes estate roads, open space, landscaping and associated works including a pump station and attenuation pond and a LEAP (Local Equipped Area for Play). As agreed through the outline application and legal agreement, the application includes the provision of a new car park for the doctor’s surgery, a school drop-off loop and land for the school playing field extension. Access to the doctor’s surgery car park is from Castlethorpe Road, while access to the school-drop-off loop is through the estate roads.

1.6 Owing to the land handover to the school and the layout of the site, a number of Public Rights of Way will need to be diverted around the school extension site and through the estate roads. These diversions are the subject of a separate permitting procedure which is running alongside the Reserved Matters application.

1.7 The application includes a mix of housing types from 2 to 5 bed houses and 1 bed flats. As agreed through the legal agreement 33% of the housing is affordable, which equates to 42 dwellings to be affordable rent and 8 dwellings in shared ownership.

1.8 Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report. Amended plans were received for this application, changing the distances between the proposed and existing dwellings on Cuckoo Hill Rise in the south corner, amending the parking layout, and amending the landscaping plan.

2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application)

National Policy 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Paragraphs 11-16: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Paragraph 17: Core planning principles Section 4: Promoting sustainable transport Section 6: Housing Section 7: Design Section 8: Promoting healthy communities Section 10: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding Section 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Paragraphs 186 &187: Decision-taking Paragraphs 196 & 197: Determining applications Paragraphs 203-206: Planning conditions and obligations

The Development Plan 2.2 Core Strategy (2013) Policy CSA: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Policy CS1: Development Strategy Policy CS9: Strategy for the Rural Area Policy CS10: Housing Policy CS11: A Well Connected Milton Keynes Policy CS12: Developing Successful Neighbourhoods Policy CS13: Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places Policy CS18: Healthier and Safer Communities Policy CS19: The Historic and Natural Environment Policy CS21: Delivering Infrastructure

2.3 Saved Policies of the Local Plan 2001-2011 (2005) Policy D1: Impact of Development Proposals on Locality Policy D2A: Urban Design Policy D2: Design of Buildings Policy D4: Sustainable Construction Policy HE1: Protection of Archaeological Sites Policy T1: Transport User Hierarchy Policy T2: Access for those with Impaired Mobility Policy T3: Pedestrians and Cyclists Policy T10: Traffic Policy T15: Parking Provision Policy T17: Traffic Calming Policy NE1: Nature Conservation Sites Policy NE2: Protected Species Policy NE3: Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement Policy NE4: Conserving and Enhancing Landscape Character Policy H2-H5: Affordable Housing Policy H8: Housing Density Policy H9: Housing Mix Policy L3: Standards of Open Space Provision & Appendix L3 Policy PO4: Planning Obligations

2.4 Supplementary Planning Documents Parking Standards SPD (2016) Sustainable Construction SPD (2007) New Residential Development Design Guide SPD (2012) Affordable Housing SPD (2013)

2.5 Additional Documents Hanslope has an approved neighbourhood plan area put forward by the Parish Council, which includes the application site. However, there is no neighbourhood plan for this area at present.

3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision)

3.1 In light of the granting of outline permission, the principle of developing this site for up to 150 houses has been established and is therefore acceptable subject to the assessment of other material planning considerations.

3.2 The main issues in the assessment of this proposal are:

i. The Principle of Development ii. Housing Mix, Type and Density iii. Street Character, Design and Layout iv. Residential Amenity v. Landscaping and Boundary Treatments vi. Parking vii. Highways Layout viii. School Drop-Off and Expansion Area ix. Other Issues, including those considered at the Outline Phase

4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee)

4.1 This application is recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined a section 6.0 of this report.

5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation)

The Principle of Development 5.1 The site is permitted for up to 150 homes via the outline permission (reference: 16/02106/OUT) and it therefore raises no ‘in principle’ issues for consideration.

Housing Mix, Type and Density 5.2 The principle of up to 150 dwellings on this site has been agreed at the outline stage and therefore there are no concerns with the arrangement in terms of number and density of the layout. In any case, the broad area within the application site used for housing, and the estate roads (not including the open space buffers, school areas and surgery car park) is approximately 5.2 hectares and 150 dwellings therefore gives a density of 28.8 dwellings per hectare. This is broadly in accordance with the density level sought by policy H8 – Housing Density in the Local Plan, which seeks a net density of 30 dwellings per hectare in this location, and the proposal is therefore considered complaint with policy H8 of the Local Plan.

5.3 Of the 100 market dwellings proposed, there is a mixture of 2 to 5 bed dwellings, with the majority being 3 and 4 bed dwellings. The legal agreement stipulates that 33% of the housing is affordable, which equates to 42 dwellings to be affordable rent, which includes a mix of 1 to 4 bed dwellings and 8 dwellings in shared ownership, split between 2 and 3 bed dwellings. In addition, provisions in the legal agreement require that a 10% proportion of

these affordable houses (which equates to 5 dwellings) be reserved for a period of six months for people with a “Strong Local Connection” to Hanslope. This is defined as people who themselves, their parents or children have lived in Hanslope for five years or more, or have been employed in Hanslope for five years or more.

5.4 The development also proposes a mix of detached, semi-detached, terrace, flats and bungalow dwelling types to serve the needs of the housing market and is therefore considered to meet the requirements of Policy H9 Housing Mix and CS10 Housing which seek that development of this size should incorporate a range of house sizes and types, and affordable housing provision in accordance with the Affordable Housing SPD.

Street Character, Design and Layout 5.5 Saved policies D1, D2 and D2A of the Local Plan and CS13 of the Core Strategy require the decision maker to have particular regard to the design and visual impact of new development and to the context within which it is placed. The design and layout of new developments should be based on the principles of the New Residential Design Guide SPD.

5.6 The proposal concentrates the built-up area into a wedge within the application site, by locating the housing adjacent to the existing dwellings off Castlethorpe Road and Cuckoo Hill Rise, up the rear of the garden of Western Drive. This retains a public open space area around the doctor’s surgery car park and to the western side of the application site, creating a public open space area between the proposed houses and the open countryside. From an aerial perspective the built-up area appears to fill in the area between Cuckoo Hill Rise and Western Drive, which on the ground prevents the built-up area from encroaching excessively into the countryside and softens the visual impact of the proposal when seen in conjunction with the proposed landscaping.

5.7 The MKC Urban Design officer considers that the layout relates well to the surrounding environment, and that the separation distances will result in no unacceptable visual intrusion, loss of privacy, or loss of sunlight. The applicant has based the proposal on a thorough site appraisal and produced an appropriate density for the housing, retained key views of St James’ Church and routes through the development including routes in order to divert rights of way. Additionally, elements such as the 10 metre buffer to the frontage of Castlethorpe Road have been adhered to, in order to ensure continuity of the built form.

5.8 Concern has been raised that the development will result in loss of views across the open countryside. While it must be noted that outline permission has been granted for residential development in this area, and therefore some visual impact is inevitable as a result of the development, the layout has been thoughtfully considered to lessen the impact on the countryside by featuring a landscaped area to the north-west as a buffer between the development and open countryside. This area will continue to feature footpaths and Public Rights of Way, allowing public recreational use, with

views across the countryside and back towards St James’ Church.

5.9 It is considered therefore that the development is in scale with the adjacent buildings in the immediate vicinity in terms of height and massing, and the proposed housing types include some single-storey dwellings adjacent to the open space to balance the scale between the built form and the open countryside.

5.10 The MKC Urban Design Officer comments highlights some requested amendments to the use of materials, such as reducing the use of buff brick as redbrick and stone are more prevalent within the Hanslope, and more muted colours along the edge of the open space. The mix of building form and variety in the layouts is supported, as is the allowance for visual interest through the use of detailing. The suggestion for a materials sample board prior to construction is therefore considered appropriate and will be secured by condition.

5.11 Overall, the proposal is therefore considered to be a well thought out design and layout, which is appropriate for the area and will result in a high quality development for the village of Hanslope. The proposal is therefore in accordance with Local Plan policies D1, D2A and D2, Core Strategy policy CS13 and the New Residential Design Guide SPD in proposing a design that relates well to its surroundings, is of an appropriate scale, includes variety in the built form and quality public realm and street frontage.

Residential Amenity 5.12 Points (iii) and (iv) of Policy D1 Impact of Development Proposals on Locality state that development will be refused where developments would be unacceptably harmful by way of an unacceptable visual intrusion, loss of privacy, sunlight and daylight and that permission will be refused for developments which are unacceptable by reason of noise, smell, light or other emissions to air, water, or land. The core planning principles in the National Planning Policy Framework Also state that planning decisions should seek to secure a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings. In addition, the New Residential Design Guide SPD provides guidance on separation distances between proposed dwellings to ensure high standard of amenity.

5.13 The main concern regarding amenity has been raised by residents of Cuckoo Hill Rise with concerns over the distance between their homes and the proposed dwelling in the southern corner of the site. Specifically the distance between the rear of nos. 8 to 12 Cuckoo Hill Rise and the rear of plots 23 and 24 and the side elevation of plot 25. In response to the concerns, the applicant provided a revised layout which includes a 5.5 to 7.5 metre landscape buffer between the built up area of the proposal and the boundary of the existing dwellings.

5.14 The New Residential Design Guide suggests that separation distances for new dwellings should be 22 metres at first floor level for rear to rear elevations. It also states where infill development is proposed the distances

must be 22 metres from rear to rear elevation, and 13.7 metres from rear to side elevation, at a minimum.

5.15 The revised layout with the landscape buffer means that there is now a separation distance of 23.9 metres between the rear of plots 23-24 and no. 8 Cuckoo Hill Rise and a separation distance of 19.9 metres between the side elevation of plot 25 and the rear of no. 10.

5.16 All other surrounding existing dwellings have longer gardens to the rear. The proposal is therefore considered to be in accordance with the requirement of the New Residential Design Guide SPD and there are no concerns regarding residential amenity or loss of privacy between existing and proposed dwellings.

Landscaping and Boundary Treatments 5.17 The landscaping proposal for this scheme includes areas of public open space to the north-west and east of the main area of housing, as well as landscaping the public areas within the housing area and a landscape buffer to the boundary with Castlethorpe Road and between the proposed houses and rear gardens off Cuckoo Hill Rise. Attenuation ponds for drainage are included, as well as landscaping around the school-drop-off and surgery car park.

5.18 The submission includes details of the Landscaping Scheme, Boundary Treatments, Planting Details and Play Area Proposals. These have been assessed by the MKC Landscape Architect who considers that further amendments are necessary on the detail of the planting and boundary treatments proposed. Further detail is required but the plan is broadly supported. Conditions were attached to the outline application for details of the landscaping scheme and the Landscape Architect has requested that these are carried forward on to the Reserved Matters application, to ensure consistency between the Landscape Plan and the Landscape Management Plan, and to ensure that an appropriate scheme is provided.

5.19 In this instance it is considered appropriate to apply landscape conditions to the reserved matters approval, and to supersede the conditions attached to the outline permission, in order to ensure consistency between the various landscape conditions, planning layout on which the scheme will be based and requirements of the overall landscaping scheme.

5.20 With these conditions in place it is considered that the proposal will comply with Policy D2A Urban Design Aspects of New Development and CS12 Developing Successful Neighbourhoods , in providing an appropriate detailed landscape scheme and ongoing management plan for the development, and high quality public open space and private amenity space. The addition of conditions will also ensure that the play area conforms to the standards set out in Local Plan Policy L3 Standards of Provision and Appendix L3: Standards for leisure and recreation facilities

Parking 5.21 Parking requirements are based on Policy T15 Parking Provision and the Parking Standards SPD. The application site is within zone 4, being a rural area and it therefore likely that most people will travel by car, the parking standards requires, for example that two and three bedroom homes provide two allocated, on-plot parking spaces and 4 plus bed homes provide three allocated on-plot parking spaces. There is a requirement for an additional 0.5 unallocated space if any of the allocated spaces are provided in tandem (two in-line on a driveway) and additional requirements for unallocated visitor parking.

5.22 The MKC Highways Officer has assessed various iterations of the parking layout and requested improvements through the allocation process, including providing more spaces, and ensuring all allocated spaces are placed on-plot (within the ownership of the householder, not on the adopted highway). The final parking strategy provides a broadly acceptable scheme which the Highways Officer has indicated can be accepted and therefore has no objection to the granting of permission.

5.23 The number of houses and mix of house sizes requires 359 allocated, on-plot spaces. The final parking strategy provides 370 spaces, with an over provision on 12 plots. This is largely as a result of 4 spaces being provided where only 3 are required. In addition it is confirmed that the dimensions of the on-plot parking conform to the requirements of the Parking Standards and New Residential Design Guide SPDs, but that due to many of the driveways being side by side between plots, the permitted development rights for the erection of fences or other boundary treatments will need to be removed between car spaces in different ownerships.

5.24 The use of tandem parking in 94 places requires that 47 additional unallocated spaces are provided. 46 spaces are provided, therefore leaving a shortfall of one unallocated space. There is also a shortfall of 10 unallocated visitor spaces across the site. However, the Highways Officer concludes that the overprovision of 12 allocated spaces could be considered to mitigate the shortfall of unallocated parking, and in addition, the school-drop-off area has the potential to provide additional visitor parking at weekends and overnight when the concentration of visitor parking is usually highest. It is considered that the spaces at the doctor’s surgery car park could also potentially be used to address this shortfall.

5.25 Cycle parking spaces have been provided in on-plot garages or in purpose made cycle stores in rear gardens and meet the standards required in the Parking Standards SPD.

5.26 On balance, it is considered that the parking provision for the site is acceptable. The applicant has significantly improved the parking plan from the original submission to provide parking has been provided broadly within the requirements of the Parking Standards for allocated and unallocated parking and addressed the shortfall in spaces where necessary. The Highways Officer has requested conditions for the details of the cycle

storage, to secure the parking as permanently ancillary to the dwellings and remove permitted development rights for the erection of boundaries between parking plots. With these conditions in place it is considered that the proposal is fully compliant with Policy T15 and the Parking Standards SPD.

Highways Layout 5.27 The applicant has responded to the requests of the MKC Highways Officer to amend the radius of some turns in the highway layout, and therefore considers the road layout acceptable. Local Plan Policy T17 Traffic Calming requires that development proposals include traffic calming measures, and aims to design-in a speed of 20mph on residential roads, and the Highways Officer indicates that further measures are necessary in order to achieve the desired speeds. Full engineering details for the roads and footpaths and surface water drainage of the highway will be required by condition, to include details of the traffic calming methods proposed. For discussion on use of the estate road to connect to the school drop-off, see below paragraphs.

5.28 As part of the revised plans the applicant provided tracking diagrams for the largest vehicle in the Council’s waste fleet and shows that the road layout is acceptable. Additionally, the distances between houses and the bin collection points are acceptable walking distances for residents, and the distance for waste operatives between collection points and waste vehicles are also acceptable. Conditions for the full details of the bin storage areas will be secured by condition, and with this in place, it is considered that the refuse and waste strategy will be acceptable.

5.29 It is therefore considered that the proposal is compliant with policy D1 (vi) D2A (iv) in providing a development with legibility and ease of movement across the site, and transport policies T1, T2, T3 and T17 in providing well designed, safe and convenient highway links for all users of the public highway.

School Drop-Off and Expansion Area 5.30 As part of the legal agreement and outline application, an area for the provision of a school drop-off was included.

5.31 The indicative layout from the outline application included a separate access road for the school drop-off, along the northern edge of the housing boundary through the doctor’s surgery car park. However, during discussions with the applicant and consultees it has been determined that a separate access road would not be appropriate for a number of reasons. A separate access just for the school drop-off could cause more safety/highways issues as it would be difficult to achieve a desired 20mph speed limit along a broadly straight separate access road without excessive design features to achieve this. It would be more likely to achieving a designed–in speed of 20mph along the estate road utilising already proposed traffic calming measures. Additionally, from a landscaping and layout perspective, a separate access road, would not be a preferable solution for an area which could be otherwise grassland and which has been designed to provide separation and openness between

the proposed houses and existing houses off Western Drive and maintain the open view across the area to St James Church.

5.32 The location of the drop-off was broadly established at the outline stage and is located adjacent to the school expansion area, in order to facilitate a new entrance to the school in this location. It is up to the school how they wish to operate this drop-off circle and regulate entrance to the school from this location, and the applicant has agreed to fence the expansion area to the school’s safeguarding specification, and along with the diversion of the PRoWs, in order to deliver an area to assimilate into the school grounds.

5.33 The Highways Engineer has assessed the school drop-off and has no concerns regarding its use for private cars. The drop-off tracking also indicates that it would be suitable for use by the school bus used by the school to transport children from Castlethorpe. However, the estate road does not meet these tracking requirements. Comments from the school indicate that they would prefer a separate access road to the drop-off to facilitate use by the school bus, and the school are aware that the drop-off should be used for parents only, and the school bus will need to continue to use Western Drive to drop-off children as it does at present. In discussion with the school, the applicant has amended the landscaping layout and amount of parking to future-proof the drop-off for the school to rearrange their parking and drop-off strategy in the future. This means that additional parking places have been included in the layout, and would allow, for example, the school to use the drop-off as a staff car park if the school chose to redesign their main entrance for use as a drop-off. This type of rearrangement would have to be the subject of separate applications or works in the future and is therefore not for consideration here beyond the current future-proofed layout provided by the applicant.

5.34 Given the balance that needs to be struck between providing the school drop- off as negotiated as part of the S106/outline permission, fulfilling the current and future-proofed requirements for the school, maintaining a reasonable balance in the number of parking places so as not to encourage journeys by car (thereby promoting sustainable transport choices), and the impact on the landscape layout, it is considered that the applicant has provided an appropriate solution. The drop-off will serve its intended purpose as a parent drop-off area, and has been considered for the school’s future needs and potential rearrangements in response to expansion in the future. Further negotiations with the school may be necessary to ensure that this area meets Highway Officer’s requirements and the operational needs to the school, therefore a condition for the final detail of the layout, markings, signage and number of spaces to be provided now, with space allocated in the future, will be secured by condition. This aspect of the proposal is therefore considered to be in accordance with Policy D1 (vi) ensuring adequate access and vehicle movement within the site and D2A (vi) in providing an adaptable space to respond to changing conditions.

Other Issues, including those considered at the Outline Phase 5.35 The following sections of the report cover issues that have been covered at the outline phase, and are discussed briefly below for completeness and clarity.

Public Rights of Way 5.36 The site is subject to a number of PRoW which criss-cross the site, through housing layout and across the area to be given to the school expansion area. The applicant has engaged with the Council’s Rights of Way Officers to begin the process for diverting these Rights of Way and the consultation for the diversions currently being carried out. Provided that the diversion orders are agreed this is a separate process to the planning system and there are no concerns from a planning perspective, as the proposed layout maintains a route through the housing estate which is proposed for these diversion. Temporary diversion may also be required during the construction period and, again these are subject to a process separate from the planning system.

Community Safety 5.37 The applicant has indicated in their Design and Access Statement that the proposal includes windows out onto public spaces from habitable rooms, and homes facing out on to the estate roads and towards the open countryside, creating active frontages which promote the idea of natural surveillance. In addition, condition 19 of the outline permission requires that all dwellings achieve Secure by Design accreditation from . The application is therefore compliant with Policy D2 Design of Buildings, in respect of point (vi) in the interests of prevention of crime and surveillance of the public realm, and CS18 Healthier and Safer Communities in terms of designing out opportunities for crime in new developments, by virtue of the conditions attached to the outline permission.

Sustainability 5.38 Sustainability measures are required by Local Plan Policy D4 Sustainable Construction that development over 5 dwellings provide sustainability measures as part of the design of buildings. Financial contributions towards a carbon offset fund have been secured as part of the S106 legal agreement. In addition condition 20 of the outline permission and requires a Sustainability Statement to be submitted as part of the Reserved Matters, providing detail in accordance with the Sustainable Construction SPD. In order to ensure compliance with Policy D4 in addition to the contribution to the carbon offset fund, this condition will be carried forward and included within permission for this application, requiring a Sustainability Statement to address the requirements of Policy D4, including energy efficiency in design, renewable energy production and reduction and recycling of construction waste.

Archaeology/Heritage 5.39 The MKC Archaeology Officer has no comments to make on the Reserved Matters application given that a condition has been applied to the outline permission which requires a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) to be submitted prior to the commencement of the development. Preliminary testing is ongoing and the approval of details reserved by condition 10 will

deal with the archaeological investigations necessary. The application is therefore compliant with Policy HE1 Protection of Archaeological Sites, and CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment in these respects by virtue of the conditions attached to the outline permission.

Flood Risk and Drainage 5.40 The MKC Flood and Water Management Officer has no objections to the application as the detailed design, management and maintenance plan for surface water drainage is required as a pre-commencement condition, under condition 11 of the outline permission. This has been submitted for approval and therefore the application is considered compliant with policies D1 Impact of Development Proposals on Locality (ii) and D4 Sustainable Construction (v) in respect of drainage and flood risk by virtue of the conditions attached to the outline permission.

Ecology and Biodiversity 5.41 At the outline stage comments were received from the Countryside Officer requesting updates of the Ecology Reports and Protected Species Surveys as part of the Reserved Matters application. These were not supplied as part of this application, and therefore conditions for updated surveys will be required by condition, to ensure that the proposal is compliant with policies NE2 Protected Species and NE3 Biodiversity Enhancement, as well as NPPF paragraphs 109 and 117 to ensure that the potential impacts on protected species are mitigated and that there is no net loss in biodiversity.

Construction 5.42 Construction Management is controlled by condition 9 of the outline permission requiring submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan. An application has been received to approve the details of this condition and Hanslope Parish Council has been notified of the submission of this document, as requested.

Conclusion 5.43 It is considered the applicants have produced a high quality well-thought out scheme which complies with relevant national, local and neighbourhood plan policies, subject to the conditions outlined at section 6.0 of this report.

6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable)

1. Approved Plans

Outline Permission 2. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect or vary the conditions imposed on outline planning permission ref. 16/02106/OUT dated 14th December 2017, which shall continue in full force, unless they are expressly varied or superseded by any conditions imposed herein.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt

Expiration Date 3. The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of two years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To prevent the accumulation of planning permissions; to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the suitability of the development in the light of altered circumstances; and to comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Floor Levels 4. No development shall take place until details of the proposed finished floor levels of all buildings and the finished ground levels of the site, in relation to existing site levels of surrounding property, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved levels.

Reason: To ensure that construction is carried out at suitable levels having regard to drainage, access, the appearance of the development and the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Sample Panel 5. No development shall take place above slab level until a sample panel of the external materials to be used in the construction of the development has been erected on site and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in full accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not detract from the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Ecology Survey and Mitigation Scheme 6. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, updated ecology surveys, including protected species and bat surveys, and a corresponding mitigation scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The mitigation scheme shall provide appropriate measures of mitigation for the protection of protected species found on site including, but not limited to, timings of works, habitat details, monitoring and any further survey work required.

The approved Scheme shall be implemented in full in accordance within the timescales approved.

Reason: To preserve habitats and protect species and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy NE2 and NE3 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Landscaping Scheme 7. No development shall take place above slab level until a Detailed Landscaping Scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

These details shall include existing trees and/or hedgerows to be retained and/or removed accurately shown with root protection areas; existing and proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; visibility splays; areas of hard surfacing materials; proximity between street lights and tree planting; pedestrian access and circulation areas; play equipment, bins etc.; proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (e.g. drainage, power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc.); planting plans at a minimum scale of 1:200 with schedules of plants noting species, plant supply sizes and proposed densities; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, plant and grass establishment); and the implementation programme.

Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and implementation programme. If within a period of two years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, that tree or shrub, or any tree and shrub planted in replacement for it, is removed, uprooted or destroyed, dies, becomes severely damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the next planting season with trees and shrubs of equivalent size, species and quantity.

Reason: To protect significant trees and hedgerows, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Boundary Treatments 8. No development shall take place above slab level until details of the proposed boundary treatments have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include a boundary treatment plan (at a minimum scale of 1:500) detailing the position of all proposed boundary treatment and annotated or accompanied by a schedule specifying the type, height, composition, appearance and installation method of boundary treatment throughout the site.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of each dwelling to which the boundary treatment relates, and shall thereafter be retained in that form.

For the avoidance of doubt, this condition supersedes condition 18 of the outline permission 16/02106/OUT.

Reason: To provide adequate privacy, to protect the external character and appearance of the area and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013.

Play Area Scheme 9. Notwithstanding the approved details, no development shall take place above slab level until full details for the provision of equipped play area(s) in compliance with the Milton Keynes Local Plan have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Details shall include:

 details of the type and location of play/recreation equipment, seating and litter bins to be situated within the play area(s);  details of the surface treatment, including the location and type of safety surfaces to be installed;  details of fences to be erected in/around the play area(s);  details of the timing/phasing of these works; and  details of the long-term management and maintenance arrangements of the play area(s).

All the works required for the equipped play area included in the scheme shall be completed in accordance with the timeframe detailed in the scheme and thereafter that area shall not be used for any purpose other than as a play area.

For the avoidance of doubt, this condition supersedes condition 17 of the outline permission 16/02106/OUT.

Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate play facilities within the site at an appropriate time and to guarantee their long term future in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy L3 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Landscape Ecological Management Plan 10. No development shall take place above slab level until a Landscape Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include:

 long term design objectives,  details of the timeframe to which the LEMP will relate,  management responsibilities,  schedule of landscape maintenance with details of the arrangements for its implementation for all landscaped open space and public amenity areas,  additional habitat areas,  additional biodiversity features such as swallow cups, bird and bat boxes, bricks or cavities into appropriate buildings,  details of the lighting scheme.

The landscape management plan shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved details and any features maintained on site in perpetuity.

For the avoidance of doubt, this condition supersedes condition 21 of the outline permission 16/02106/OUT.

Reason: To protect significant trees and hedgerows, safeguarding the character of the area and preserving habitat and to minimise the effect of development on the area in accordance with Policies CS13 and CS19 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Buffer Zone 11. The 10 metre buffer zone between Castlethorpe Road and the first built form/structure shall be maintained free of buildings/structures in perpetuity. For the avoidance of doubt, roads, parking spaces and landscaping are acceptable in the buffer zone.

Reason: To preserve the character and appearance of the local area in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

School drop-off and expansion land layout 12. Notwithstanding the approved plans, prior to the construction of the school- drop-off area and school expansion land, the final detailed design for the school-drop off area and school expansion land, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The detailed design shall include:

 detailed layout to include spaces to be provided and areas where spaces could be provided in the future;  materials;

 signage;  hard surface markings;  detail of the landscaping around the drop-off, ensuring consistency with the other relevant landscaping conditions; and  details of the boundary fencing and gates to school safeguarding specifications.

The drop-off scheme shall be implemented in full prior to the first use of the drop-off by the school, and the boundary treatment to the expansion land completed prior to the handover of the land to the school.

Reason: To ensure that the drop-off area works for the school and is adaptable to future circumstances in accordance Saved Policy D1 (vi) and D2A of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Highway Details 13. Prior to the commencement of the development, details of the estate roads and footways shall be submitted to, and be approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling shall be occupied until the estate roads and footways which provide access to it from the existing highway have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved details. The estate road and footways shall be retained on site thereafter.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development in accordance with Saved Policy D1 and T10 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Surface Water on the Highway 14. Prior to the commencement of the development, details of the disposal of surface water from the highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling shall be occupied until the works for the disposal of surface water from the estate roads and footways which provide access to said dwelling have been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To minimise danger and inconvenience to highway users Saved Policy D1 and T10 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Vehicle Parking 15. Prior to the occupation of each dwelling the associated vehicle parking area for that dwelling, as shown on the approved drawings, shall be constructed, surfaced and permanently marked out. The vehicle parking areas so provided shall be maintained as permanently ancillary to the development and shall be used for no other purpose thereafter.

Reason: To ensure adequate parking provision at all times so that the development does not prejudice the free flow of traffic or safety on the neighbouring highway in accordance with Saved Policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 and the Parking Standards SPD.

Cycle Storage 16. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, details of the proposed bicycle parking shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

The bicycle parking for each dwelling shall be provided prior to the occupation of that dwelling in accordance with the approved details and be retained on site thereafter

Reason: To ensure that adequate parking facilities are provided to serve the development in accordance with Saved Policy T15 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 and the Parking Standards SPD.

Bin Storage Details 17. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, details of on plot bin storage for the storage of household refuge and recyclables shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, Local Planning Authority.

The bin storage for each dwelling shall be provided prior to the occupation of that dwelling in accordance with the approved details and be retained on site thereafter.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory facilities and to prevent harm to the amenities of the area in accordance with Saved Policy D1 and D2 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Permitted Development Rights – Boundary Treatments 18. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re- enacting that Order) no fences, gates or walls shall be erected within the curtilage of the dwellings hereby permitted, other than those shown on the approved plans or approved by conditions herein, without the specific grant of planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To prevent harm being caused to the amenity of the area and on the amenity of adjoining residential occupiers in accordance with Policy CS13 of the Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 and Saved Policy D1 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011, and to ensure adequate dimensions are achieved on side-by-side parking spaces in accordance with the Parking Standards SPD.

Sustainability Statement 19. No development shall take place above slab level until a Sustainability Statement for that phase or part of the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.

The Statement shall include details required by Policy D4 of the Local Plan and Sustainable Construction Guide SPD, or any subsequent document or policy which supersedes it.

The approved details shall be implemented for each dwelling prior to the occupation of that dwelling.

Reason: To ensure that the development uses resources sustainably and complies with Policy D4 of the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011.

Appendix to 17/03385/REM

A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case)

A1.1 16/03291/EIASCR - Environmental screening opinion request for application 16/02106/OUT, Castlethorpe Road, Hanslope. Permitted 15.12.2016

16/02106/OUT - Outline application (all matters reserved except access) for residential development of up to 150 dwellings, estate road, open space and associated works. Permitted 14.12.2017

18/00607/DISCON - Details submitted pursuant to discharge conditions 6 (access), 9 (CEMP), 11 (surface water drainage) attached to planning permission 16/02106/OUT. Awaiting decision


(Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)

A2.1 None

A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site)

Comments Officer Response

A3.1 MKC Urban Design Noted. No objection. Considers there to be a strong rationale behind the layout, and the applicant’s standard housing types have been altered to represent identified characteristics of the local area. Requests some amendments to design/materials including reduced use of buff brick, muted colours adjacent to the open countryside and removal of Tudor style boarding as it is not characteristic of the village. Request conditions for a sample material board.

Comments on amended plans: No additional comments to make.

MKC Landscape Architect Noted. Appropriate conditions have been included at section Provided a list of amendments required for the plans, 6.0 of this report. including details of the planting, paths, boundary treatments and play area, and requested that conditions applied to the outline permission for level details, Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, Play Area and boundary treatments are carried forward to the reserved matters approval, as well as the addition of landscaping scheme for the development.

Comments on amended plans: Provided further detail on the amendments required to

individual plans and repeated that conditions applied to the outline permission for level details, Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, Play Area and boundary treatments need to be carried forward to the reserved matters approval, as well as the addition of landscaping scheme for the development.

MKC Highways Officer Confirms no in principle objections to residential Noted. development on the site, but considers the shortfall of parking unacceptable, including the requirement for additional spaces where tandem parking is proposed and cycle parking not being shown for individual dwellings. Concern also raised regarding the distances between dwellings and some refuse collection points, and a planning layout that does not show dimensions for parking spaces. Generally accepting of the road layout, with concerns regarding the central square and lack of traffic calming features, an some areas where pedestrian links do not continue to other hard surfaces. Further comments raised concern with the three in-line tandem parking arrangement and additional parking required for the tandem parking not being shown.

Comments on amended plans: Considers the amended plans to be an improvement on the layout but concerns raised regarding the unallocated shortfall, and allocated spaces being shown off-plot in areas of highway. Highlights that the tracking diagram shows that the school-drop would be suitable for the school bus, but that the estate road is not suitable. Cycle parking shown is considered acceptable. Highlighted the dimensions of on-

plot shared spaces would require the removal of permitted development rights for boundary treatments between plots. Required an amendment to road layout for the radius of one of the turns and inclusion of further traffic calming features to achieve 20mph speeds. Requested new tracking diagram for the refuse vehicle used in MK.

Comments on further amendments: No objection to planning permission being granted following further revisions. Considers the parking strategy to be a large improvements, with a small shortfall of unallocated spaces, and an overprovision of allocated spaces overall, but a shortage on three plots. These allocated spaces are now all shown off the highway to be adopted. There is a shortage of 11 unallocated spaces, but the overprovision of allocated spaces could address this shortfall, and the school drop-off has potential to provide spaces for visitor use at the weekend when not used by the school. Reiterates need for permitted development rights removal for erecting boundaries between plots. Increased radius of turn acceptable, refuse vehicle tracking show layout and distances to bin collection points now acceptable.

Requests conditions for detailed road layout, bin storage details, permitted development rights removal for erection of fencing between parking spaces, details of disposal of surface water from the highway, details of the cycle stores, and securing the car parking as permanently ancillary to the development on site.

MKC Countryside Officer No comments received. Noted.

MKC Trees Officer No comments received. Noted.

MKC Drainage Officer No comments to make. Noted.

MKC Archaeology Officer Site has been subject to geophysical survey and trial Noted. trenching and identified significant buried archaeological remains that may be impacted in varying degrees by the landscaping scheme. Expecting submission to approve details reserved by archaeology condition.

Comments on amended plans: No additional comments to make.

MKC Footpath Officer No comments received. Noted.

Hanslope Parish Council Noted. Junction is This is a requirement of the S106 agreed Object to the conversion of the roundabout at Long Street at outline therefore not for consideration here. PC consulted Road/Gold Street to a T-junction. Requested that the estate on CEMP. Appropriate conditions have been included at road to the drop-off point be tracked for the use of the section 6.0 of this report. school bus, and that street lighting used in the development keeps light pollution to a minimum. Questioned the implementation of the raised road table at the junction to Castlethorpe Road. Requested that the parish council be consulted on the Construction Management Plan, that the footpath on the north-eastern boundary be maintained during the construction period, and that adequate protection is afforded the existing trees to be preserved on site.

No comments received on amended plans.

Castlethorpe Parish Council Noted. This is a requirement of the S106 agreed at outline Object on the basis that the conversion of the roundabout therefore not for consideration here. by the Watts arms to a T-junction would cause severe traffic disruption and that a single entrance to Castlethorpe Road is insufficient to serve 150 households.

No comments received on amended plans.

Ward – Newport Pagnell and Hanslope – Cllr Geary Noted. No comments received.

Ward – Newport Pagnell and Hanslope – Cllr Green Noted. No comments received.

Ward – Newport Pagnell and Hanslope – Cllr Patey-Smith Noted. No comments received.

Ramblers Association Noted. No comments received.

Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment Consultation Noted. Accessibility within specific buildings dealt with by Group building regulations. Detailed roads/footpaths dimensions “The application as presented gives no information of secured by condition accessibility both with regard to housing design nor for movement around the estate. There is no access statement included.”

Hanslope Primary School Noted. Appropriate conditions have been included at section Comments received on amended plans: 6.0 of this report. Considers that a separate access road to the school-drop- off would be a better option to allow for the coach to use the drop-off. Welcomes the provision of the grasscrete spaces within the drop-off with space for additional spaces, and that the school expansion area will be fenced to safeguarding requirements. States that the new houses on Long Street Road [unrelated planning application] should provide a pedestrian route to the school through Williams Close or around the houses of Williams Close in to the school expansion area.

Local Residents The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application:

54 Western Road MK12 5BD 26 Harvester Close Greenleys MK12 6LE 1 Harvard Close Giffard Park MK14 5PZ Stafford House, Market Square Hanslope MK17 7LI 15 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BL 23 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BL 25 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BL Hanslope Primary School Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BL 2 Green End Lane Hanslope MK19 7BN 4 Green End Lane Hanslope MK19 7BN 69 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BP 71 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BP 1 Bullington End Hanslope MK19 7BQ 16 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BS

2 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BS 2 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BS 6 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BS 56 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BT 76 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BT 94 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7BT 30 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BW 30A Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BW 32 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BW 48 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BW 6A Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7BW 61 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 63 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 63 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 65 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 67 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 69 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 71 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BY 16 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ 42 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ 64A Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ 68 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ 76 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ Appletree Cottage 56 Hartwell Road Hanslope MK19 7BZ 4 Rhymer Close Hanslope MK19 7DA 5 Rhymer Close Hanslope MK19 7DA Old Orchard House 4 Higham Cross Road Hanslope MK19 7DB Glebe House 7 Glebe Lane Hanslope MK19 7DD Glebe House 7 Glebe Lane Hanslope MK19 7DD

Glebe Farm Forest Road Hanslope MK19 7DE The Old Pumphouse Forest Road Hanslope MK19 7DE 4 South Street Castlethorpe MK19 7EL 35 Bullington End Road Castlethorpe MK19 7ER 5 Hanslope Road Hanslope MK19 7HD 10 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 11 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 12 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 14 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 16 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 18 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 18 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 20 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 21 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 21B Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 22 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 24 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 26 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 35 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 4 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 43 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 6 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 7 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 7 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 8 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ 9 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ Baden Lodge Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ Car Park At Rear 12 To 18 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ Honey Cottage, Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7HQ

Part Unit 3 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 10A Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 10B Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 10C Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 11 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 14 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 15 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 16 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 17 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 18 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 19 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 20 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 21 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 22 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 23 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 24 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 25 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 26 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 27 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 28 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 29 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 30 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 4 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 5 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 6 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 7 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Unit 9 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ Units 8 And 12 Cuckoo Hill Farm Hanslope MK19 7HQ 1 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 10 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 10 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT

11 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 12 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 14 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 16 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 18 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 2 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 3 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 4 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 5 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 6 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 7 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 8 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 9 Cuckoo Hill Rise Hanslope MK19 7HT 1 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 10 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 11 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 12 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 13 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 15 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 17 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 2 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 3 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 4 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 5 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 6 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 7 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 8 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 9 Burrow Ash Close Hanslope MK19 7HU 3 Harkness Court Hanslope MK19 7HY 4 Harkness Court Hanslope MK19 7HY 6 Harkness Court Hanslope MK19 7HY 7 Harkness Court Hanslope MK19 7HY

12 Kitelee Close Hanslope MK19 7JT 15 Kitelee Close Hanslope MK19 7JT 27 Kitelee Close Hanslope MK19 7JT 5 Kitelee Close Hanslope MK19 7JT 1 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 11 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 15 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 17 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 19 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 21 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 23 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 25 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 27 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 29 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 3 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 31 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 31 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 33 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 5 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 7 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 9 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LA 35 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 37 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 37 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 39 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 47 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 55 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 57 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 61 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 71 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LB 10 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 12 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD

30 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 32 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 36 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 48 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 6 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 8 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 8 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LD 54 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 62 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 66 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 70 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 74 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 76 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 76 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 90 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 92 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 96 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 96 Western Drive Hanslope MK19 7LE 11 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 12 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 14 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 16 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 19 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 2 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 21 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 23 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 24 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 28 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 3 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 31 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 4 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 46 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF

5 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 52 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 53 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 6 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 7 St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF Autumn Cottage 1B St James Close Hanslope MK19 7LF 2 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7LG 3 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7LG 5 Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7LG 5A Castlethorpe Road Hanslope MK19 7LG 1 Church End Hanslope MK19 7LP 14 High Street Hanslope MK19 7LQ 2A High Street Hanslope MK19 7LQ 4 High Street Hanslope MK19 7LQ 59 High Street Hanslope MK19 7LQ 2 The Green Hanslope MK19 7LS 3 The Green Hanslope MK19 7LS Candleford The Green Hanslope MK19 7LS 11A Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LU 27 Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LU 31 Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LU 39 Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LU The Forge Cottage 20 Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LW 4 Caucutts Yard Gold Street Hanslope MK19 7LY 2A Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7LZ 1 Newport Road Hanslope MK19 7NA 47 Newport Road Hanslope MK19 7ND 2 Bastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NE 3 Watts Close Hanslope MK19 7NG 4 Watts Close Hanslope MK19 7NG

5 Watts Close Hanslope MK19 7NG 4 Stocking Green Close Hanslope MK19 7NH 11 Mauduit Road Hanslope MK19 7NJ 16 Mauduit Road Hanslope MK19 7NJ 17 Mauduit Road Hanslope MK19 7NJ 6 Mauduit Road Hanslope MK19 7NJ 4 Warwick Road Hanslope MK19 7NL 7 Warwick Road Hanslope MK19 7NL 32 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NN 40 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NN 44 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NN 48 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NN 1 Aldene Drive Hanslope MK19 7NP 15 Aldene Drive Hanslope MK19 7NP 3 Aldene Road Hanslope MK19 7NP 13 High Street Hanslope MK19 7NQ 6 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NQ 65 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NT 67 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NT 76 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NU 78 Eastfield Drive Hanslope MK19 7NU 10 Winemar Close Hanslope MK19 7NW 16 Winemar Close Hanslope MK19 7NW 3 Winemar Close Hanslope MK19 7NW 11 Keswick Road Hanslope MK19 7NX 25 Keswick Road Hanslope MK19 7NX 4 Keswick Road Hanslope MK19 7NX 13 Nevill Close Hanslope MK19 7NY 19 Nevill Close Hanslope MK19 7NY 21 Nevill Close Hanslope MK19 7NY 10 Weavers End Hanslope MK19 7PA 12 Weavers End Hanslope MK19 7PA

6 Weavers End Hanslope MK19 7PA 4 Manor Close Hanslope MK19 7PE 73 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 75 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 77 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 79 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 81 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 83 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 93 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PG 1 Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7PJ Orchard House 1B Long Street Road Hanslope MK19 7PJ 100 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PQ 102 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PQ 96 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PQ 98 Williams Close Hanslope MK19 7PQ 'Pencae' 1 Green End Lane Hanslope MK19 7RN The Lodge, Glebe Farm, Forest Road Hanslope MK197DE 9 Beckinsale Grove Crownhill MK8 0DU 36 Forest Road Hartwell NN7 2HE

Third party representations have been received from 36 representatives outlining the following objections:

Concern with the safety and tracking of the school bus Noted - it has been agreed that the school bus is not using the estate road; concern over safety of school appropriate for the estate road; children travelling to school;

Concern that school cannot operate school drop-off as Noted – boundary treatments plan to show school expansion there is no entrance to the school at this point; area fences with gates to allow access to the school at this


Concern over large vehicles using the estate road; concern Noted – there are no outstanding highway concerns with the amount of traffic using the estate road; regarding highway layout;

Concern that there is only one entrance to the site off Noted - Outline permission agreed in principle for the Castlethorpe Road; concern that this is not the appropriate development, including access; location for the development, including impact of traffic and highways;

Concern that there will be a lack of car parking and Noted – proposal is in accordance with Parking Standards residents will park in the street SPD for on-plot parking

Concern on lack of access to public open space and rights Noted – rights of way under consultation for diversion, routes of way, and maintenance by Parish Council through estate retained. Land handover and maintenance agreed under S106.

Concern over impact on Highway works agreed through the S106, all further works are outside the scope of the planning application.

Concern that bus service is inadequate Outside the scope of this planning application

Little provision of visitor parking/deliveries Appropriate number of visitor parking spaces provided with a small shortfall

Concern that outline permission was granted when Noted - outline permission agreed in principle for the proposal is outside the village boundary; Considers that the development for 150 homes. development should be for less than 150 houses;

Considers there to be an oversupply of land to meet Noted - Council does not currently have a 5 year housing housing need in Milton Keynes; Considers land should be land supply retained for agriculture

Concern with the amenity and overshadowing of residents Noted – amenity and separation distances covered in the of Cuckoo Hill Rise and Castlethorpe Road; report

Considers layout too dense and out of keeping with Noted – density covered in the report character of the area; Concern that the western area of the site is too compressed;

Concern that the new properties on the western side of the Noted – residential use of the site agreed at the outline site are close to the Cuckoo Hill industrial units; stage, existing properties are with a similar distance to the Cuckoo Hill Farm as the proposed units

Concern that the lack of front gardens is out of keeping Noted – no concerns from Urban Design regarding the with the adjacent dwellings and will contribute to lack of quality of the layout privacy

Concern about lack of privacy between proposed dwellings Noted – no concerns from Urban Design regarding the layout, proposal conforms to standards in New Residential Design Guide SPD

Concern regarding use of brick colour Noted – sample panel required on site prior to construction

Concern that no accessibility statement has been included Accessibility within specific buildings dealt with by building regulations. Detailed roads/footpaths dimensions secured by condition

Concern over the size of some of the houses as too small; Noted – housing proposed is a mix of type and tenure Concern that not enough 1 or 2 bed houses are proposed

Concern that the doctor’s surgery and current car park is at S106 contributions secured at outline stage for financial capacity contribution, school expansion land, school drop-off and surgery car park.

Query that application does not detail how school and Timeframe for contributions secured though S106 at doctor’s surgery will be expanded to cope with the intervals during construction development; Concern that S106 funding contributions will be received in time to cope with increased number

Query regarding detail of access to doctor’s surgery car Noted – conditions included for details of highways works park

Concern regarding the change in junction between This is a requirement of the S106 agreed at outline therefore Castlethorpe Road and Gold Street not for consideration here.

Concern regarding utilities and infrastructure provision Applicant has a duty to provide appropriate provision and connections to support the development and not detrimentally impact the existing residents

Queries regarding Community Infrastructure Levy CIL not in place in MK, contributions secured through S106.

Concern that boundary treatments are not clear between Noted – condition included for boundary treatments, layout new properties and Castlethorpe Road; Considers a addressed in the report; landscape buffer should be in place to the rear of Castlethorpe Road; Requests that the hedgerow remain along Castlethorpe Road; Requests that the hedgerow is removed long Castlethorpe Road;

Concern that the layout will affect bat colonies; Noted – ecology conditions included for surveys and mitigation

Considers that impact on the locality has not been fully Outline permission granted for principle of the development; address; Concern over loss of view across the countryside impacts covered in the report

Concern that the attenuation pond will dry up and not be fit Noted – drainage scheme under condition of outline for purpose permission

Concern that the landscaping around the attenuation pond Noted – landscaping scheme required by condition is too dense and will cause a safety issue

Concern over the protection of the oak tree Noted - Tree Protection Plan and CEMP secured on outline permission.

Query over proposed planting and maintenance Noted - Landscape and LEMP conditions proposed

Considers the playground to need more equipment an Noted - Play Area scheme condition proposed areas for children to ride bikes etc./

Considers a 5 year working programme unacceptable Amount of time taken to complete the development cannot be controlled through the planning process

Suggestion of limited working hours Standard working hours secured through outline permission, limited hours would extend the construction programme

Construction vehicles should be parked on site; Concern of Secured through CEMP condition on outline who to contact in the event of construction traffic problems

Queried lack of solar panels, and considers every home Noted – sustainability statement required by condition should have solar panels included