APP 03 Application Number: 17/03385/REM Approval of reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 150 dwellings, including associated works. All matters reserved except access, pursuant to outline permission 16/02106/OUT. AT Land Off Castlethorpe Road, Hanslope FOR Bloor Homes Ltd Target: 22 March 2018 Ward: Newport Pagnell North and Hanslope Parish: Hanslope Report Author/Case Officer: Elizabeth Verdegem Contact Details: [email protected] Team Leader: Sarah Hine, Development Management Manager – West Team Contact Details: [email protected] 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultee responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access system www.milton- keynes.gov.uk/publicaccess. All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation. 1.2 This application is being considered by the Development Control Committee because 36 public objections have been received regarding the application. The Site 1.3 The application site is currently an arable field, broadly square, and with an area of approximately 10.2 hectares. The site is bounded to the north-east by the rear gardens of Western Drive and the rear of Hanslope Primary School’s playing field. To the south-east is Castlethorpe Road and the rear gardens of Castlethorpe Road and Cuckoo Hill Rise. The south-west boundary is partly bounded by the Cuckoo Hill Farm commercial buildings, agriculture tracks and otherwise by open countryside, and there is also open countryside directly to the north-west of the site boundary. The site falls outside the established settlement boundary of Hanslope village and includes a number of Public Rights of Way. The Proposal 1.4 This application seeks reserved matters consent for 150 dwellings in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. Access was agreed at the outline application stage, and access is from Castlethorpe Road, near to the existing agricultural access. For the avoidance of doubt, reference to the outline permission in this report refers to permission reference 16/02106/OUT dated 14 December 2017. 1.5 The application for the 150 residential dwellings includes estate roads, open space, landscaping and associated works including a pump station and attenuation pond and a LEAP (Local Equipped Area for Play). As agreed through the outline application and legal agreement, the application includes the provision of a new car park for the doctor’s surgery, a school drop-off loop and land for the school playing field extension. Access to the doctor’s surgery car park is from Castlethorpe Road, while access to the school-drop-off loop is through the estate roads. 1.6 Owing to the land handover to the school and the layout of the site, a number of Public Rights of Way will need to be diverted around the school extension site and through the estate roads. These diversions are the subject of a separate permitting procedure which is running alongside the Reserved Matters application. 1.7 The application includes a mix of housing types from 2 to 5 bed houses and 1 bed flats. As agreed through the legal agreement 33% of the housing is affordable, which equates to 42 dwellings to be affordable rent and 8 dwellings in shared ownership. 1.8 Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report. Amended plans were received for this application, changing the distances between the proposed and existing dwellings on Cuckoo Hill Rise in the south corner, amending the parking layout, and amending the landscaping plan. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) National Policy 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2012) Paragraphs 11-16: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Paragraph 17: Core planning principles Section 4: Promoting sustainable transport Section 6: Housing Section 7: Design Section 8: Promoting healthy communities Section 10: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding Section 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Paragraphs 186 &187: Decision-taking Paragraphs 196 & 197: Determining applications Paragraphs 203-206: Planning conditions and obligations The Development Plan 2.2 Core Strategy (2013) Policy CSA: Presumption in favour of sustainable development Policy CS1: Milton Keynes Development Strategy Policy CS9: Strategy for the Rural Area Policy CS10: Housing Policy CS11: A Well Connected Milton Keynes Policy CS12: Developing Successful Neighbourhoods Policy CS13: Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places Policy CS18: Healthier and Safer Communities Policy CS19: The Historic and Natural Environment Policy CS21: Delivering Infrastructure 2.3 Saved Policies of the Local Plan 2001-2011 (2005) Policy D1: Impact of Development Proposals on Locality Policy D2A: Urban Design Policy D2: Design of Buildings Policy D4: Sustainable Construction Policy HE1: Protection of Archaeological Sites Policy T1: Transport User Hierarchy Policy T2: Access for those with Impaired Mobility Policy T3: Pedestrians and Cyclists Policy T10: Traffic Policy T15: Parking Provision Policy T17: Traffic Calming Policy NE1: Nature Conservation Sites Policy NE2: Protected Species Policy NE3: Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement Policy NE4: Conserving and Enhancing Landscape Character Policy H2-H5: Affordable Housing Policy H8: Housing Density Policy H9: Housing Mix Policy L3: Standards of Open Space Provision & Appendix L3 Policy PO4: Planning Obligations 2.4 Supplementary Planning Documents Parking Standards SPD (2016) Sustainable Construction SPD (2007) New Residential Development Design Guide SPD (2012) Affordable Housing SPD (2013) 2.5 Additional Documents Hanslope has an approved neighbourhood plan area put forward by the Parish Council, which includes the application site. However, there is no neighbourhood plan for this area at present. 3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 In light of the granting of outline permission, the principle of developing this site for up to 150 houses has been established and is therefore acceptable subject to the assessment of other material planning considerations. 3.2 The main issues in the assessment of this proposal are: i. The Principle of Development ii. Housing Mix, Type and Density iii. Street Character, Design and Layout iv. Residential Amenity v. Landscaping and Boundary Treatments vi. Parking vii. Highways Layout viii. School Drop-Off and Expansion Area ix. Other Issues, including those considered at the Outline Phase 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 This application is recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined a section 6.0 of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation) The Principle of Development 5.1 The site is permitted for up to 150 homes via the outline permission (reference: 16/02106/OUT) and it therefore raises no ‘in principle’ issues for consideration. Housing Mix, Type and Density 5.2 The principle of up to 150 dwellings on this site has been agreed at the outline stage and therefore there are no concerns with the arrangement in terms of number and density of the layout. In any case, the broad area within the application site used for housing, and the estate roads (not including the open space buffers, school areas and surgery car park) is approximately 5.2 hectares and 150 dwellings therefore gives a density of 28.8 dwellings per hectare. This is broadly in accordance with the density level sought by policy H8 – Housing Density in the Local Plan, which seeks a net density of 30 dwellings per hectare in this location, and the proposal is therefore considered complaint with policy H8 of the Local Plan. 5.3 Of the 100 market dwellings proposed, there is a mixture of 2 to 5 bed dwellings, with the majority being 3 and 4 bed dwellings. The legal agreement stipulates that 33% of the housing is affordable, which equates to 42 dwellings to be affordable rent, which includes a mix of 1 to 4 bed dwellings and 8 dwellings in shared ownership, split between 2 and 3 bed dwellings. In addition, provisions in the legal agreement require that a 10% proportion of these affordable houses (which equates to 5 dwellings) be reserved for a period of six months for people with a “Strong Local Connection” to Hanslope. This is defined as people who themselves, their parents or children have lived in Hanslope for five years or more, or have been employed in Hanslope for five years or more. 5.4 The development also proposes a mix of detached, semi-detached, terrace, flats and bungalow dwelling types to serve the needs of the housing market and is therefore considered to meet the requirements of Policy H9 Housing Mix and CS10 Housing which seek that development of this size should incorporate a range of house sizes and types, and affordable housing provision in accordance with the Affordable Housing SPD. Street Character, Design and Layout 5.5 Saved policies D1, D2 and D2A of the Local Plan and CS13 of the Core Strategy require the decision maker to have particular regard to the design and visual impact of new development and to the context within which it is placed. The design and layout of new developments should be based on the principles of the New Residential Design Guide SPD. 5.6 The proposal concentrates the built-up area into a wedge within the application site, by locating the housing adjacent to the existing dwellings off Castlethorpe Road and Cuckoo Hill Rise, up the rear of the garden of Western Drive.
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