Alexander Ghedi Weheliye Dept. African American Studies 1711 N. Marshfield Ave #2 1860 Campus Dr., Crowe 5-121 Chicago, IL 60626 Northwestern University (773) 494-1835 Evanston, IL 60208-2240
[email protected] [email protected] Positions Held 2019 Instructor School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University. 2014- Professor of African American Studies and English. Northwestern University. 2013-16 Director of Graduate Studies and Vice Chair. Department of African American Studies, Northwestern University. 2009-12 Director: Program in Critical Theory, Northwestern University. 2007-8 Director of Graduate Studies and Vice Chair. Department of African American Studies, Northwestern University. 2006-14 Associate Professor of African American Studies and English, Northwestern University. 2000-6 Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies, Northwestern University. 1999-2000 Assistant Professor of English, The State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY. 1993-99 Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick. 1994-96 English Teacher, Upward Bound Summer Program, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick. Education 1999 Ph.D. Department of English, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 1995 MA, with special concentration on African American Literature and Culture, Department of English, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 1992 BA, American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute for American Studies, Free University Berlin, Germany Awards and Fellowships 2014 Faculty Honor Roll by the Allied Student Government at Northwestern University 2007 Northwestern University Faculty Research Grant 2006-7 Faculty affiliate: The Alice Berline Kaplan Center for the Humanities Northwestern University 2006 Winner of the Modern Language Association’s William Sanders Scarborough Prize for an outstanding scholarly study of black American literature or culture for Phonographies.