THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EDUCATIONAL. THE PEESS. The anti-Mongolian excitement seems to be on the and there are those who Published the increase, every day (Sundays excepted) by believe Horse Shoeing, Otis Place School, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 25. that we ought to give up, at the de- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. ELRRIDGR by N. YOUNG & CO.. Practical Horae mand of the hoodlum statesmen of the GERM, JR., Shoera* 70 Pearl St. Price $1*50 per set B O STON• Pacific At 103 Exchange St., Portland. Bona-fide of We do not read anonymous etters and communi- slope, the advantageous commercial Slaughter cations. Tbe name and address of the writer are in relations we Booksellers and Stationers. 4 SCHOOL of the character for sustain with and turn Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To highest yonng China, ** ladies. The course of for the all cases not for mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- at HOYT a- FOGG, No. 91 Middle Street, study prepares indispensable, necessarily publication over the trade to merchants. Bat Law, Harvard Examinations tor Women. European vance. but as a guaranty of faith. Attorney A home is good oar merchants do not pleasant under careful supervision take that view of the ST. We com- 49 1-2 EXCHANGE Book Binders. provided for hoarding cannot undertake to return or preserve nov29 dtf pupils. matter. THE MAINE STATE PRESS WJI. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Printers’ Terms including all school instruction and board, munications that are not nsed. at Exchange, No. II1 Exchange (St. $500 per year. Address the Principal, Is published every Thursday Morning $2.50 a The Darwinians are delighted with a story year, It paid in advance at $2.00 a year. SMALL & SHACHFOKD, No. 35 Plan MRS. CLARA BARNES MARTIN FROM (Street. Every regular attach* of tbe Press is furnished that comes from Galena, Illinois. The story Dr. Chas. A. EARLY MORN TILL DEWY EVE References—Rev. F. H. Hedge, D. D., Mr. Henry Advertising: One inch of the W. with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. is that in an Indian Hates of space, Ring and Bnilders. Longfellow, Prof. Oliver Wendell Holmes, mound there man; skullB length of column, constitutes a “square.” has removed to Carpenters novl d&weowly* Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel have first week: 75 cents per been found, some of them like $150 per square, daiiy WHITNEY A Pearl will confer a us shaped continu- MEANS, Street, .»■ managers favor upon by demanding week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; the that of the Our ! poftite Park. credentials of our chimpanzee. Figured pottery, Great Sale every person to 50 cents. Red in and claiming represent ng every other day after first week, NO. 606 CONGRESS ST., Instruction English Class- Halt insertions, or 75 one Figure ournal. copper bodkins and beads were also less, cents; pearl square,three __ $1.00: 50 cents per week after. Near Street. Plumbers. ical Studies week, High Continues to draw vast crowds of anxious buyers. found in the tomb. It seem Special one third additional. dim would that the Notices, dec* JAMES DILLER, No. 91 Federal Stree to head of “Amusements” and “Auction given private pupils by the subscriber. Paganism in the link Under Breathes there a man with soul so dead Holidays. missing belonged to the society of deco- ales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions Who to liimselt hath never said. The customs we observe the Christ, rative art. r less, $1.50. MATT ADAMS, Seal Estate Agents. during Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State “For a Christmas present to E1SK, I’ll go JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange J. W. mas holidays are, many of of immemo- PRESS” lias a circulation in COLCORD, them, A child has been born In (which large every part for And purchase a handsome suit ot clothes.” Street. Mexico whose of the S nte), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, Constable Portland, rial antiquity. Even the great truth ef reve- II there are that can be found. head is so that his brains can and 50 nts per square for each insertion. AVD any 143 Pearl Street. transparent be subsequent lation which Christmas commem- Address all communications to A question to them we would propound. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, Jan24 dtf especially seen. The Cumberland plainly unfortunate boy appears PORiLAND PUBLISHING CO. Coroner for County, waste time and tire feet J. A, DERRUli & orates was shadowed forth in Why your your CO., 139 Middle St. dimly the and live lor from street to healthy may years. How lucky 31 1-3 EXCHANGE STREET. In travelling about street. J. A. MERRILL. A. KEITH, world-wide of a miraculous birth and a LUDWIG myth lor most of us When all kinds of clothing are sold so low TRIEST, that our heads are so thick the ENTERTAINMENTS. a saviour who should rescue men from the Service of precepts of all kinds specialty. Con- At the One Price Store of FISK & CO. Accountant and Public. god curious observer cannot look into fidential advice and services rendered in the Notary PROFESSOR OP LANGUAGES, through given, «EO. C. evils which beset them. The most marked detection and arrest of criminals. Business attended CODMAN,-Office No. 184 Mid- the place where the brains to be. S le Graduate of the Highest University of Germany. ought ~GRAND CHRISTMAS BALL to at all hours. The Prices We Name Will Street, Portland. nov36 Cm* feature of the time, the giving of gifts to chil- dtf Testify German, French, Latin and Greek. jan8 which we do in ol the The Conse committee on and at Lancaster Hall, on Far hotter than any extended remarks can, to the unequalled bargains to be obtained at this trul Teachers. dren, memory offerings weights German and French Classes.! measures will a bill the metric December G. n. PAINE, Teacher of Piano-Forte brought to the Babe of Bethlehem by the report making Taesday Evening, 25th, 1877, REMARKABLE ANNUAL CLOTHING SALE. Mu.ic .and Harmony, 337 Middle Street. UNITED STATES HOTEL. wise men from the East, is a characteristic of system obligatory In all governmental tran- given by Cumberland H. F. Com. sept27 d3m* nol4 d3m Engine the of alt in all the sactions. lmny NO. ?I. Firemen will appear in uniform. feast-days peoples, ages, Music by Cole’s Quadrille Band. Tickets, admitting Roman Saturnalian feast being perhaps the Francis Murphy will soon a Gent and Ladies, $1.del7d4t TELE begin course most conspicuous example. It has ever been of temperance lectures In Washington. He CHRISTMAS* BALL STEPHEN held fitting that the mourners for the depart- is bound to fetch that Democratic House. — — BERRY, AT Union Lubricator ing should bring gifts to the prophets of the men’s Plaid Sack Suits reduced to $5.50. Brown’s Hall, Cumberland Mills, and coming year, that tbe old should render this (qomL ffitordei, Other dealers ask $5 00 tor the coat alone. HANUFACTIIBINU COMPANY. Our New York Letter. TIIESDAV EVENING, DEC. 25lh. god, Job sign of tribute to tbe new. Music by Manchester's Band. No. 37 Plum Street. ONLY SIX SUITS REMAIN. Tbe thoroughly tested Lubricator, for Steam and In our observance of the birth-day of the Managers—C. W. Brown, J. A. Warren and Wm. Street Cars, Paper, Bolling, Cotton and Woolen Mills, The Arraigameal of the Felice Cemmie- Bolton. Small Check, English Walking Coat Suits only $6.00. Sugar Refineries, Gas Works, Brick Yards, Dredging Goods S Christian religion we still cling to many of the Admission to the Hall 25 cents. BION and for all with •ioun-Ai Arbitrary Perfermaace—The $1.00; Gallery, BRADBURY, Impossible to tell them from a much more expensive suit. Machines, Machinery heavy bearings. Holiday superstitions of the old A thou- The managers reserve the right to restrict the sale Also tor Carriages, Wagons, Carts, etc. paganism. Bark Handsome Cassimere Suits for $8.00. Drays, Eafercemeat of the License Law-The of tickets. dec!8dlw» Counsellor at Law, sand years of Christianity have not been able Sold everywhere for $12.00. This Faiea Club HAS REMOVED TO Lubricator combines econo- to drive from the affection and remembrance League Beceplien—Freel- 810 will give a wide choice from many Handsome Cassimere Suits. my, .durability, and perfect of deat Bayes and the New England Ma- NO. 31 EXCHANGE STREET, In Stripes, Checks and Plaids a reduction of 30 per cent, has been the Northern nations of whose blood we de Dances. made on these suits. lubrication are and ly Fraternity Merchants’ Bank Building. whose laws and customs we inherit, without or & au31 eod&Trtf friction, gnmming running. The absence Co., the rile3 of the mighty Odin and the gods of ALL OUR FINE DRESS SUITS Tukesbury Nkw York, Deo. 24,1877. the Asa faith whom our forefathers wor- The occurrence which has A. W. are now at asked for business suits. coldest weather has no on this WILL OPEN ON occasioned the BRADBURY, selling prices usually eflect Lubricator. shiped with fear and in the forests It has been conceded by those that have thorough- trembling most excitement daring the past week, has tested this that it is to lubri- of or Attorney at Law. ly article, superior any Germany by the ice-bound fiords of been the of the Police Commis- cator offered to the and that it is a of arraignment public, saving >i u CITY 30 to 50 per cent. W Ail nncfl Tin 1 9 Scandinavia. Christmas itself is tbe great sioners before the to show cause W ^ vv« Mayor why HALL, NO. 34 EXCHANGE STREET. The manufactures three diflerent Company grades, Yule festival of tbe pagan the time they should not be removed from office. designed severally for Steam and Horse Cars. Ma- Saxons, He Bank {Merchants’ Building.) chinery, Trucks, Drays, Carriages, . Onr statute book is fall of laws that are try, vol. 208, p. 91. ORGANS STAND, monetization of silver, the “poor man’s All tbe right, title and iuterest which said Daniel within the next 10 days as we intend to slaughter an Schumacher Bros. by common consent utterly inoperative. Once had, at his decease, in and to a lot of land in Deer- immense quantity of breakfast-table,’ and the re-imposition of the decl8 dt23 in a while the police authorities make a dem- ing. next to Elias Hersey’s lot. and tbe same de- Celebrated Makers; Various Styles; Lowest income tax. Speaking of tbe Administration scribed in a deed from said Daniel Winslow to Alfred Prices. Lvkens Goal. onstration upon the gaming houses or brothels, B. Winslow, dated July 23, A. D. 1875, recorded in Talley he said tbe Cabinet would be reogauized, and but never follow it up to do said vol. they long enough Registry, 414, p. 480; aDd in and to tbe G .A. 3ST ID Unsurpassed for purity and free burning that the President will have to de- dwelling house and lot where said Daniel lived at his qualities. Try it and be convinced of its predicted any good. Bat In this case they had Dr. and Piano Stools — AND — >" decease, being the same described in a mortgage Covers, superiority over any Red Ash Coal in the market. cide by February to which of the two great Crosby’s society after them. That was an im- from Daniel Winslow ct als. to Eben dat- Also in stock Johns, <>>ilbcrton, Thomas, McIntosh, he “If he the Demo- it was ed May 4th. A. D. 1842, recorded in said Registry, Lehigh, Nhamohiu aud Cumberland parties will go. joins pelling force that risky to resist. To and see and Ottomans. Christmas Don’t fail to call them. vol 178, p. 331. Tree Ornaments Coala. These are Special Coals aud deserving the cratic thero will be a have their obvious of dtf party great breaking up negleoted duty arresting decl3 A. B. WINSLOW, Full Stock, New Styles, Prices Reduced. attention ot purchasers who want a reliable article. Administrator of goods and estate ef Daniel Wins- _-Ax- Fpr sale in quantities to suit at low of parties. If the President decides to join offenders when they were pointed out to them low. decl0d3w prices by would have been a misdemeanor PRICES That Will the Republicans the party will be as powerful punishable PLEASE EVERYONE. with dismissal from office and loss of Samuel Thurston, as it ever has been.” oharaoter Our candles are all warranted to be made of the HENRY L. PAINE, They really had no alternative bat to execute HOLIDAY IflBSIC BOOKS. purest material, and we invite the public to EMPIRE PORTABLE FORGE 8 Free street Portland. sample their If are Block, our The South Carolina assert function. they immolated to os. goods before purchasing elsewhere. Call at 267 Commercial St., B. & M. B. R. Wharf. Republicans ap- — To of AND — Rent. Part Store on Free St. Large Mrs. I. P. Johnson with that. the pease the anger of that great power that rales Show Window and Good Basement. ot Orders by mail attended and satisfac- great positiveness Hamburg Enquire promptly to, in the name of Alcohol, will have the The World of Song. §>« | nov20dtf SAMUEL THURSTON. tion assured. no28dlm Has just received Mew and Low massacre was deliberately planned by the they Free St. Block. Pricetl Fnnrv Gnoil« tor the llnli- sympathy and respect of all the well meaning Bonnd Volume of Songs of the HAND John R. Green’s Democratic leaders with the purpose of Magnificent 5g f BLOWERS. and in the most popular and musical character. HILL’S MANUAL days. Ties, Caps Millinery at people city. ~ to down Chamberlain’s with 33 CJ* ^Successor Allen Don’s All breaking popularity Awarded Silver Medal and Diploma and Candy Manuft’y, reduced rates. Trimmed Hats The President and his wife had a magnifioent Brooze Medal al N. E. THE LYDIE — Off — and Bonnets for half Kid the Democrats. It was seen that a serious Fair, ISJr. price. at the Union Club on wanted in town. 566 reception League the Tlio Sunshine of Song. Agents every Send 3 cent stamp Street. best Fine asssult on £g for Illustrated Congress Gloves, qualify. colored Republicans would force of the 21st. Catalogue and Price List. dec 18 Social aud Business Forms and Gu de to Feathers and all flic night There.were folly fifteen hun- bound volume ot the most re- o Ribbons; Governor Chamberlain to come to their res- Magnificent g- Correct Writ ug. dred ladies and gentlemen present All cent and popular songs. cj^ novelties of the season. A fine par- GEO. H. SHIAH STEAM LIBRARY in one anu mat me Bitter men aroused BOILER. volum DO]!, Every family assortment of Linen Handker- cue, reeling ties and shades of opinion were should represented, _?g A have it. iDdisDeusable to every one would alienate from him all Democratic GENERAL wno chiefs box or dozen. sup- including unappeasable Gems of the Dance. AGEN’l' EOR MAINE, Inilrst cost and subsequent expense It proposes to make tlie most ot me. No young by Democrats, irrepressi- cannot be excelled. This Boiler is person can aftord to be without it. An investment port. It was a devilish scheme and carried ble Radicals and Hayes men. ot the paying kind. One of the wonders ot too age Splendid Bound Volumes of the mostbril- Stronger, Less Liable to Accident and Mrs. I. out in the lull of its tne president was Office 93 St. how so much intelligence necessary to the every day P. Johnson, spirit invention. Saturday evening tbe guest bant Piano Music, by Strauss and others. p Exchange More Economical than other g» sep26 d&w3m any knoim aftairs of lite can be put into so small a space nd so of the New whose annual — No. 7 England Sooiety din- o For attractive torm. Tell a person ever so muca about Clapp’s Block, Congress Street , Headquarters The Chicago reporters made a dead-set at ner is It has received the highest recommendation from this work but on examination one will exclaim as declO dlw always tbe finest social entertainment of in The Cluster of Gems. Steam Engineers every large city of this did the Queen of Sheba, when she beheld the Senator Davis on his return home, but he the He a I| wbeie it has been year. spoke only seotenee, but he re- mm country introduced wisdom and prosperity ot Solomon; “Tbo half was of poum refused to commit himself on of the mained till Mr. Splendid bound volume the finest piano t*Si m\m, not told me.” Sold only by subscription. Address any midnight Evarts who is one of It can be examined nt No. 17 Union t. pieces of Medium Difficulty. lr >n Fonudcrs and H. G. GAItCELON, No. 266 Middle which now the attention of the ex-Presidents of of every description for Cadies and Gents Street, Portland, SWEETSER & MERRILL’S topics engage the Society, delivered the a E2. Any information in regard to its cost will be cheer- at Maine. era lowest prices. the He and it was a furnished the agent lor this Send for Circular. no23dtf public. conveyed the principal speech, good one of "" MHKEL fully by city, Impression, for 5 Ciiristmas Selections, $4 per 100. PLATERS. .Skates repaired aud also that he should act coarse, as his speeches always are. He was Send anl6dtf XV. IE. PENNELL sharpened: .NEW however, continue to Skates to let at Notice. STORE, -WINTKK HINGING BOOKS. Llcen9edby tbo United Nickel Co., of New York, independently of both parties—in fact, followed by Rev. James Freeman Clarke, doz Two first either member of tho Arm of “BROWN fit TI1F SALUTATI0N,$1 25or $12 AUBURN, MAINE. 398 Street. should Presidents Elliot of Hjrvard and Porter of cIai-® Church IF HOIIUDOIV,1' or Congress imitate Dundreary’s bird and go into ZION ULMER & Professor Marsh, Story, the KNCORF 75 cts., or $7 50 doz. Music Books. EST'All Orders will have Prompt Attenti.n, HEHR'S, a corner of the Senate Chamber and flock Yale, artist, the CUOIB IN- Three ot the jan6 eod&wly STu&Tb BROWN Ac HODSDON, tiroceis, opposite City Hall, is now the GREAT inimitable Gen. Horace JOHNSON'S CHORUS 96 all himself. wit, Porter, Gov. Fair- Sl ROOriON BOOK, $1 25-$12 doz. beEt possible exchange Street EnPORIUM for bailies’ Fancy Goods, by class no2t dtf corner of PORTLAND & PARRIS STS., banks, of Vermont and Mr. F. R. Coudert, SCHOOL. _ PERKINS’SINGING [Singing about lO or 14 year* ago, or any relatives ol Dress and Cloak Trimmings. Hosiery, or $6 75 doz. | Books. Pleasure President of1 the French Society in New York. _75 cts., Wagons. said firm will write to P. O. BOX 220, Newton, Gloves Ac. Ton can save money by pur- A flurry has been caused among the Any book mailed for retail price. Mass., they will loarn something to their advantage from them, tbeir Gov. Chamberlain was present, and would post-f.ee December 24, 1877. d3t* chasing for, although publishers by the announcement that' the OLIVER HIXSON & CO., Boston. “ZEPHYRUS”~AND “RAY,” goods are new and fresh, they sell at the have been called upon if time had permitted. no24 January number of the Galaxy Is its last. eodly&w are uow to to Randolph very lowest He has a fine face and an ready resorts in tl Boynton. prices. remarkably convey parties any engaging icinity at reasonable rates. to oc24 dly The good will and subscription list of the Apply Horses Wintered. manner. One of the ceremonies of the even- JOHN KAY, have been magazine bought by H. O. Hough- was the introduction near the FiRE m No. Commercial Wbarf or 219 Brackett street EIGHT PAGES ing close of the ini dtt ton & Co., and it will henceforth be com. IpmlLM sent free to any ns will winter Horses on Ilay for $1.50 per week, Maine entertainment by the retiring President of his subscribers are General nddreMH re- Reduction made on colts. Grain extra. Bank, fflHE Agents forfurnisbing upon I Sayings bined with the Atlantic Monthly. The successor in office. Tbe latest of A and m Sbutes of reeipieot this putting Improved Fire and rdeclleodlyceipt mamp. C. D. SMALL, HO. IDS MIDDLE ST. Alarm. Also every variery ot Call watJj: Galaxy was established in 1866, and has coveted honor is a native of Portland and no Burglar Bells.* Cleaned and Hotel Annunciators, &c., at lowest rates. Warranted.Jfor $1.00 ccL22d3m Corninb* Me. Moil Desk. COLLINS & “ “ occupied a high in magazine literature. doubt well known to a great many of your Maine. 1.00 1st la a place declO BUXTON, Portland,1 Mainsprings January legal holiday money departed dtf “ “ lop Case in this Bank on or before 2d will be readers. It is Mr. Daniel Fuller a No. 88 Exchango spr gs ,75 3*3. 330, 3100, 3300. AS January Appleton, Office] Street, dfel entitled to six mouths in the “reform” Governor of Clocks —ALEX. FROTHING HAM & CO., interest, Julynext. Drew, Florida, son of Gen. who was known to 11 U1‘ STAIRS. A first-class, netv, roll lop desk Double Windows for and Jewelry of all kinds repaired flU? SAMUEL, Pres’t. Appleton, Sale. at low Brokers, No. 12 Wall St., New York, make desirable KOLEE, is in the timber is lor sale at a rtry pricer. A. G. Ass’c Xreas. de21td charged; with complicity former as a steadfast and consistent offered bargain, consisting of a dozen doable windows for investments in stocks, which frequently pay from ROGERS, generation Apply at the ASETsale, part with ventilators. Price reasonable. five to twenty times the amount invested. Stocks frauds on the government. Of course he abolitionist at a time when men of that faith Robinson. at and carried as as desi red on a ol WHOLE NEWHPAFEKS or XV ap Oxnard & PRESS OFFICE, Applv Opsite Preble House. 482 St bought long deposit an invention of in but in Congress a says that the charge is were few number, grand principle gept29 d3m 0C129 dtf nolSdtf 28 EXCHANGE STKEET. au28 dtf three per cent. Explanatory circulars and weekly Purpose., 50c huadred or; hrec reports sent free. del2d2taw4w5Q Kinguudred for $1,00, at this Office. Radical malice. and wise in forethought. It is just praise of TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 25. Grand Duke Nicholas will join the army op- Illinois Central...,,.. 731 foremast, topmast, and jibboom. Had been 70 milea erating against Sophia. The Czarowitcb is ex- Pittsburg R. 77} west of Lundy. SPECIAL NOTICES. MISCELLANEOUS. & MISCELLANEOUS. BY TELEGRAPH. pected to command that destined to advance Chicago Northwestern... 34 jj Sch Armida Hall, from Portland for Havana, be- Jhicagc } Cay, Bahamas, ba9 the son to say (hat he is of his sire. probably Sew Jersey Central. 12 jeen and the materials sold at worthy the Pass. stripped auction. through Trojan Rock island..,...100} Sch T from tor He came to New York io his youth, has pios- Mercy Trundy, Crowley, Navassa MAINE. Bucharest, Dec. 24.—Tdere is to news St. Paul. 35f Wilmington, NC, put into Key West 24th inst with * ♦ St. Paui pered exceedingly and is an eminently popular from the front. ft is impossible to tiud out preferred. 72g loss of sails. Gold and Velvet Fort Wayne. Sch for and useful citizen, entirely worthy in all re- aoytbiog concerning tbe condition of the Turk- 92} Fame, Thurlow, Boothbay. parted ebatn 0V)»LR¥ HotTfy Chicago & Alton. 77} ind went ashore at 20th. She ish prisoners on tbeir way from Plevna or the Newburyport night spects to receive the distinction of being unani- Fire in Charlotte. Chicago & Alton preferred.101 was hauled off without damage. Buss an roops caught ou the march by tbe & Mississippi. 8§ mously designated as the head of the organiza- Eastpout, Deo. 24.—Alfred Damon of Char- snow storm Gold weather and driving suow Delaware & Lackawanna. 50{ DOMESTIC PORTS. Cor. Middle & Exchange Sts. FRAMES, PASS-PAT011TS, &C., tion which New in the a Atlantic & Pacific England lotte lost his tvro all the has produced terrible effect upon a Telegraph. 19} — — represents house, barns, provis- transport NEW ORLEANS-Ar up 17th, ship John Clark, OFFER FOR SALE F3K American metropolis. Yarmouth. ions and clothing b; lire yesterday. Lose train which halted near Catroceni, a suburb of The following were the closing quotations of Pacific Ross, Havre; sch Clara Fletcher,Soper, Barbadoea. Bucharest, to await the cessation of the storm. Railroad securities: Cld 22a, ship Prussia, McLoon, Liverpool; barque Cincinnati $2000; insurance just run ont. Hartford Erie 1st..... 11 C News and Other Items. Oo Sunday the wagons and horses were entire- Boston, & P Mernman, Young, Havre ; §ch Amos Walker, Municipal Bonds, Supposed Incendiary. ly buried in the suow. Working parties have Guaranteed. 14 Poland, New York. A recent experiment with Prof. Bell’s tele- Central Pacific Sid tm the Pass Lewiston, Deo. 24.—A sheriff’s jury has in- been extricaiiog the train. Forty horses and bonds.107$ 2tst, barque Halcyon. Cleveland Union Pacific... 1«.»7} KEYS, FLA—Ar sch Annie P phone across the strai(a4of Dover, from France men were found 18tb, Chase vestigated the circumstances attending the fire twenty-nine dead. The men Land Grants...«..103jj Poole, Cieufuegos. Municipal Bonds, CARD. to was a success. had sought shelter in the wagons and were KEY WEST—Ar England in Driscoll’s 21st and Sinking Funds. 94} 24th, sch Mercy T Trundy, Crow- building, street, find, frozen within a half mile of _Jw The surviving children of the late Andrew Catroceni. This for Wilmington, with loss of sails. Columbus "There is probable cause to believe that the transport train had camped ou a level pla'n FERNANDINA—Ar I7tb, sch Annie P Chase, Bonds. Johnson are erecting an 88000 monument over Providence Print Clothe Market. Municipal fire was caused C. Cook.” Cook and was buried by the driving snow which Poole, Cienfuegos. tlec7 gndtt by Joseph Ar 2lst, sch Geo the graves of their parents. up around the horses and wagons. Providence, R. I., Dec. 24.—The Printing cloths Walker, Smith, Nuevitas. Raring concluded arrangements with in a tenement over the store and piled Cld 18tb, lived has It is tbe Russian market Is dull and prices unchanged. seb Ernest T Lee, Blatchlord, for Cedar Confederate bonds to the amount of 8*00,000 expected headquarters will Keys, Fla. DIAMONDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS been arrested. be transferred from other to take or _ shortly to ‘25 parties possession my were sold in London Bogat Selvi, FERNANDINA—Ar sch from recently at public auction miles southeast of the f. 20tb, Winner, Nash, at half the original coat, consisting of rmer place. The Grand Chicago Cattle Market. Barbadoes. for er less a a 83.40, than dollar par 8100,000, of Duke Nicholas has telegranbed from to ST Would call special attention to store after New Year’s, I therefore in- MARINE NEWS. Bogat Chicago, Dec. 24.—Cattle—receipts 1000 head; MARYS, GA—Cld 10th, sch L A Edwards, Mil- Diamond Earring*, Lockrn, Minds, Pins, course Prince Milan of Servia’s ler. New Y®rk being purchased as curiosities. congratulating him shipments 1500 head; choice Cattle are scarce; sales Finger ftiings. Crosses, in Nolitairea tine display of goods just upon the suecessful of the Steers at 3 65 4 65. WILMINGTON, NC-Cld 22d, sch Ilallle C Bunk- aud Clusters. form my friends and the public in gen- There was a on one of the opening campaign @ quite panic ferry tbe Servians. 3200 er, Williams, Jeremie. received for Launched at Bath. by Hogs—receipts 12,000 head; shipments head; NOTE A FEW OF OUR PRICES: boats io East ltiver the other over the ap- light and mixed at 4 00 @ 4 10; RICHMOND, VA—Sid 21.t, sch L & D Fisk, Bak- eral that 1 will sell this short day Erzerocm, Dec. 24 —The snow has packing eliipping Boston. daring Dec. 24.—Launched D. O. ceased, at 4 15 @ 4 25. er, 1 7 "White coat proach of what appeared to be another Bath, today by the weather is grades Locket, Stones, $75, $160 HOLIDAY TRADE. ferry now tine and will facilitate the 800 000 BALTIMORE—Ar 2'2d, barque Sarah A Staples, 1 Cluster 7 175 Blaisdell a fine bark of 714 not Sheep—receipts head; shipments head; Ring, 9o, time all the goods in my store, at still boat, but which was soon found to be a tons, yet named, operations of tbe Russians. sales at 3 25 @ 4 50. Nickerson, London; sch Maggie A Fisk, Matthews, 1 1 “ 90 mirage. Boston. King, 45, % The Finest Collection of A idea of owned by the builder and for sale. Turkish telegraph communication is threat- 1 Solitairt King, 25, «• 50 very imperfect religion prevails PHILADELPHIA—Ar 22df schs lower prices. I Invite the public lo im- Disabled Nchooner Picked ened. It is believed the siege of this will Lucy D, Handy, even among Parisians. For Cp. place Domeatte Marheir. Kennebec; Cayenne, Greonlow, Bancor, And a great number ot Gold and Siver Watches intelligent instance, soon as the Russian are begin, forces over- Cld 2d, schs C W tor for Ladies and Gentlemen at low this to the Paris Ganlois Washington, Deo. 24.—The signal observer Nkw York. December 24—Evening.—Colton— Holt, Delay, Galveston; Olive correspondingly prove opportunity secure the War- describes Moudy and Sankey whelming and Russian infantry is Crosby, and HOLD AND VELVET HOODS at Kitty Hawk reports that Baker’s wrecking advancing The Cotton is the are Hutchinson, Laguayra Porto Cabello. prices. as into the of Erzeroam. Exchange closed; quotations the fouuders of a “new which en- steamer about five miles northeast of plain WILMINGTON, DEL—Ar 22d, sch Nellie Doe, religion picked np nominally unchanged. Flour—receipts 28,811 bbis; Trask. Providence. TO RE FOUND IN Till! CITY. gains. a certain in this station at 11 30 th‘s a schooner St. Dec. 24.—Prince Gortscha- the market is a shade the improvement S. SCHEYVEB. joys vogue the United States.” morning Petersburg, firmer, being NEW YORK—Ar schs L T koff has assumed the direction of the clip fly on low grades; shipping extra is in fair de- 22J, Whitmore. Whit- with jurymast, a mast standing and people on Ministry more, Georgetown DC; M&E PLEASE CALlT~AND EXAMINE. Respectfully, Complete statistics show that during the mand, checked somewhat by the of desirable Henderson, Hender- 490 Portland, hoaru. She is now on her way to Norfolk. of Foreign Affairs. Gen. Ignatieff is appoint- scarcity son, A J OoDgress° Street, storm of lines; Bales No2 is Quoted at 3 Boston; Williams, Mureti, do; Gentilo, de21 sudlw November 12th in the English channel ed a member of tbe Council of tbe 12,600 bbls; 00 Sliaw, Fall River; empire. @ 4 25; Western and State at 4 85 5 Mary Susan, Snow, Providence; 23 vessels Superfine @ 15; Geo E Prescott. New T. foundered, 48 went ashore, 34 were Dec. 24.—The Political extra Western and State at 5 45 @ 5 65; choice Wes- Gnptiil, London. 478 CONGRESS STREET LOREASTEIX, Vienna, Correspun- Ar 23d, barque Sami E . dez states tern and State at 5 70 6 00; White Wheat Spring, Bacon, Bio Janeiro HOUSE. seriously damaged, 55 lost their auchors, 200 that the insurgents in Crete have @ Western via Key West. OI*I*. FEEBLE extra at 6 05 @ 6 75; Fancy White Wheat Western dec22 No. 4 men and valued at convoked tbe National Assembly to establish a Cld 22d, ship Casilda, codtjanl Deering Block, perished, cargoes 81,200,000 extra at 6 80 @ 8 25; good extra Ohio at 5 45 @ 7 Pike, London; brig Sarah E APOLLINARIS government. 50; Kennedy, were lost. provincial choice extra St Louis at 5 50 @ 8 25; Patent Minneso- Spaulding, Seville; schs Acara, Chandler, The Strike at Kingston. Ja; Adam Aux OR TL Crispin Lynn. Constantinople, Dec. 24.—The Servians ta extra good to prime at 7 40 @ 8 25; choice to dou- Bowlby, Mullen, Cayes; JP AND. Mr. a well Sarah Potter, Wm U NATCHAL decl7 eod'Jff Sutton, known professional base Dec. 24.—Labor troubles are increas- have to Yatre and ble extra at 8 30 @ 9 00; Southern flour Wall, Trinidad; G Mowrey, Linn, attempted carry by assault, unchanged Eaton, St John, NB; Sarah Eaton, Brunswick. ball was a sales 800 bbls. flour is dull at 3 75 :5 Dix, C. BEAN. player, converted at revival here. of S. J. Hollis’s shoe bare been repnlsod with immense loss. Rye @4 for Passed E, meeting ing Co-operatives They Hell Superfine State. Cornmeal is through Gate 22d, schs Robt B Smith, in factory, on Market struck to-day. The were pursued by the to about steady; Yellow at from New York for F Philadelphia not long ago. He arose to ad- street, garrison Yarbor, 2 65 95; Brandywine at 3 20 5 00. Rockland; P Simpson, do for Offers at Wholesale Prices. canse of the strike was a reduction of five miles @2 @ Wheat- M W Mineral Water. proposed distant, market Providence; Drew, Mahotiey, Port Johnson for dress the meeting, and said: “1 have made the receipts 148,636 bush; shade stronger, with L T wages, and strikers were authorized in tbeir A portion of the British fleet in Besika Bay a active sales Portland; Whitmore, Whitmore, Philadelphia first base and fairly export demand; 129,000 bush, for Boston. WOOL BLANKETS, by the help of the Lord will make action by the Crispin board of arbitration. The is to to the Gulf of Volo. on 134 for The Queen ol Table Waters. expected proceed including 73,000 spot; No 2 Chicago; Sid fm Hart in this number 1 for hard No 1 Island 22d, barque Julia, Higgins, for a home run.” strikers city now over 300. Alexandria, Dec. 24 —Half the 38} Milwaukee; 130 for New York Bremen. HIGHLY EFFERVESCENT Egyptian No 3 Winter 1 45 for New destined to re-enforce the Turkish Red; York No 2 Winter NEW HAYEN—Ar Met Fanny Davenport was really hnrt very badly contingent Red; 148 for New York No 1 Amber 21st, sch Venus, Clark, Pem- DR. LEWIS A. SAYRE. “A bever- Quilts, Fancy Towels, left here this it is rumored for instore; 155 ^ delightful that fall on the Detroit Her nose was army morning White State; 1 32} @ 1 for No 2 seller for age.” by stage. NEW YORK. 32} Spring, NEW LONDON—Sid sch E STARCHENE. Crete. The troops were mostly blacks. 1 45 for No 2 Winter 20th, George Prescott, DR. WILLIAM A. “Far su- Table a January; Red seller January; Now HAMMOND. Covers. broken, piece of bone has been taken out, 1 46 for do Gnptiil, York. to Napkins; New York, Dec. 24.—A cable special says February. Bye is quiet. Barley dull ORIENT, LI—Sid perior Vichy, Seltzer, or any other.” PERFUMED STARCH ENAMEL. and she will be and 19rb, brig Annie D Torrey, Bray DR. ALFRED L. LOOMIS* Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes, disfigured for life. She has re- that Gbourko’s campaign has resulted thus far unchanged. Barley Mali is quiet. Corn- for Pensacola. “Most grate- The Excise Commissioner. receipts 162,262 bush; new dull and in buyors tavor; ful and refreshing.” 2-button Kid Gloves, La- turned to New York and will not resume missing in the Ioes of 500 men. PROVIDENCE—Ar 22d, schs Nathl Dow, 1 dles* and Gents* Fur- FOR acting only old firm; sales 18,000 bush on spot; 50c for unmer- Holmes, DR. K.OODKN DOREMUS. “Absolutely HOT OR COLD STAHC New Deo. 21.—No have The Turks are So George & Albert. do. for some as her face is still swol" Youk, tidings yet deserting because of the in- chantable; 55} @ 55c nominal for New York No Amboy; Bryant, pure and wholesome; superior to all lor daily time, terrih'y 3; oki s'a, sen J_,aura tor Pen- been heard of the alleged defaulting excise creasing cold which cause them, clad as 59J@ for steamer 65c for New York Briugman, iliompsou, use; tree from all the objections urged against The best Linen Polish in the world is and one closed. poorly 60}c Mixed; 64}@ sacola. len, eye commissioner Owen Murphy, and detectives are cold and in No 2 in store; 66c nominal for do Croton and artificially aerated waters.” they are, wanting provisions, terri- 65}@ afloat; 60}c Slk ecb R New York. The Duke of Manchester, who is now official- still for him. ble for steamer 54c for White 60c 23d, Leach, Pendleton, PROF. WANKLYN. London, Eng. “Im- searching suffering. Yellow; Southernf; — Ar STARCHENE. lor VINEYARD-HAVEN 21st, scbs E&GW only with its own announced The Express says that late this afeernooa in- fever is tbe Turks Yellow Southern; 64c for two years old Mixed in pregnated gas.” If ly as selected to succeed Earl Duf- Typhus raging among at Hinds. Hill, Newcastle, Del, for Calais; M J Laugh- DR. E. R. PEASLEE. “Useful and you want yonr linen to look like new, ufc a store; 54 @ 56c lor ungraded new Western Mixed at very formation was received at the police headquar- ton, Hallowell, New York for Pembroke. ferin as Governor General of is 54 store; 6000 bush No 2 December at Oats—re- agreeable.” Canada, ters that two men, one of whom corresponded Ad Alexandria the 65}c. BOSTON—Ar 23d, scbs Nettie and despatch says royal yacht ceipts 21,994 bush; shade firmer; sales 4000 bush; 35 Walker, Ingalls, DR. AUSTIN FLINT.,, ‘Healthful, and well STARCHENE. years old and has served in the British army in with Commissioner and Dakolish are Geo Gillman, Randall, Machias. —1for and description Murpbv,sail- transports about leaving for @40c lor Mixed Western and lor Dyspepsia cases of acute disease. To save neo steamer .State; 36@42}c Ar 22d, scbs Montezuma, Runnells. &C«> «ScC„ labor, and in Parliament and was at one time aide- ed in the Hindoo which left Jersey with and ar- White New York Cherryfield; DK. FORDYUE DARKER. “By far the Constantinople, infantry, cavalry do, including No 2 at 39c; New Lane, City at 7 o’clock yesterday for Ham- York No 2 White at Metropolis, Vinalbaven; Empire, Kyau, Bel- most agreeable, alone or mixed with wine, de-camp to the Governor of Afri- morning tillery, 39}@39}c; New York No 1 fast; Nabart, Camden. Sraaonnblp. 8eo«iblr. Sub- Cape Colony, and Bremen. The authorities in Bremen White at No 2 at Dailey, useful in Catarrhs of Stomach or Bladder and OooJn STARCHENE. burg A St. Petersburg special 42c; Chicago 39} @ 40c; White SALEM—Ar 21st. scbs Sea stantial, Suitable ca. says': Western at 36 Pigeon, Seavey, Calais; in Gout have been and should the Mixed State at tor ■a-v telegraphed to, per- A grand ovation welcomed the and @39|c; 34}@37}c; Eliza B Coffin, Cole, do lor New York; iMcvuut me iron irom sncmng, use Emperor, White State at @ 40c; New York No 3 at 38 Lucy Lee, DR. J. MARION SIMS. “Not only a luxury, Dalton, Ga., has a sensation in the form of a son prove to be Murphy measures will be taken his bore every evidence of 37} @ Ingalls, Mac bias for do; Abbott, reception geuuine 38}c; do No 3 White at 39c. Coffee is Wesley Johnson, but a necessity. to procure bis extradition tbrongh the state de- reverence and nominally Ellsworth for do; Lizzie M Stewart, Kimball, Ban- STARCHENE. female blacksmith, who has recently set up a homage. Upon his arrival at the To be had of all Wine gor for Boston; Mary Lymburner, French, Wiscasset Merchants, Grocers, Drug- partment. railway station a tremendous ovation @7J for lair to good for 1000 and Mineral Water the PRESENTS shop in that town; and Vauceburg, Kentucky, began. refining; 7|c prime; tor New York ; Kate Clark’s gists Dealers throughout U0LI01V fine Laundry finish, use Wm. Muire, arrested charged The of the Conservatoire a hhds at Newman, Newman, Saturday pupils sang hymn Centrifugal 81 @ 85c ;refined is steady and in Island tor Nettie United States, and wholesale of announces that a woman of that lair Philadelphia; Cusbing, Robinson, — — youog place with being concerned in the uttering of of welcome and his with a demand at 91 @ for stanua rd for IT Quiocy, presented Majesty 9$c A; 9| gran- and W Freeman, Gilchrist, Thomaston for NYork; STARCHENE. has built a half 111., forged was admitted to bail crown of was ulated^! for powdered; 9J for crushed. Molasses receutly mile of macadamized boDds, today laurel which accepted in a few Veto, Thorndike, do for do; Guerrilla, from FREDK DE BARI & CO., in —Foreign nominal; New Orleans dull at 30 @ 50c. Sparrow, Perfumed Starch all the rook and $10,000. happily chosen words of thanks, amid the roar Orland. Starchene, Enamel, which (is road, doing grading, hauling Bice is quiet and Petroleum is 41 A 43 WARREN STREET by the is an The Police Commissioners. of and wild of bells. unchanged. Sid 23d, scLs Helen J Hoi way. T S Mc- 549 Congress Street, kept Grocers, article of genuine value. artillery clanging The crude at refined at It00 bbls of Keystone, It has been stone breaking without any fa addition nominal; 7Jc; 13Jc; Lellan, and the arrivals of the 21st. augl7eodeowIysn NEW lORK, used family, and been help, Emperor drove to Kazan Cathedra). Tiers of united at 1 in.our pronounced It was reported on that quoted 721- Tallow is steady at 71. very as an in secure to which she can the with anthority today GLOUCESTER-Ar 22d, schs W R Page. Hilliard, ! PORTLAND. superior ingredient starch to pound piano great would send to cr.mson seats, erected in the open space of the Naval Stores—Bosiu is at stiffness and a Mayor Ely the Board of "Alder steaily 1721 @1771- and Charlotte Augusta, Holmes, for New proper beautilul polish. Once tested, taste and cathedral were filled with citizens. Turpentine steady at 33c for Eastport It will be vigor, discretion. men the name of Henry E. Howland (Rep.) for prominent Spirits. Pork—spot York; Henry, Beal, Calais for do; WT Emerson, always used. all on steady and iairly active; futures dull and un- From tho “Boston Tn F'runf'ft P.m^nmnnil n pi m inalo naimr Irrtsanr police commissioner in of Joel Many people slept night the marble floor Dorr, Bangor tor do. Home Journal,” July 7, 1877. place Berhardt, changed: 650 bbls, part at 13 25; seller December at of Lewiston Please call early and often, and that he of the cathedral. HPORTSMOUTH—Ar 21st, schs We caution the about the time wonld dismiss the charges against 12 60 Did and 13 00 seller Jaunarv 12 65 Nahailt, Dallev, public imitations of the fixed far their execution until the mo- Peasant women asked; bid; Camden for City dectl eod3vr as and princesses bend Boston; Golden Eagle, Addi- Starchene, unscrupulous persons are endeav- the police board. The Board met at 2 o’clock together 13 10 asked; seller February at 12 70 bid and 13 00 Hinckley, ment arrives. as a before the the cathedral son tor do; Susan Franees, Smith, Lamoine for do; oring to introduce a spurious article on the market. Indeed, prisoner condemn- and adopted a resolution ou the motion of Mr. shrine; blazes with asked. Beef is quiet and Cat Meals— MUNICIPAL steady. Fiank Maria, Ellsworth for do; War Each of our bottles will be labelled with our Trade splendor and the altars are aglow with Western hams at Alley, Eagle, ed usually appeals as a matter of course to the Parray that they will not confirm any person light; quiet; pickled 91; middles firm at Fiisbe, Wiscasset for Mark. Do not take other. diamonds vast as the cathedral there seems 61 for Western do at do; Sultana, Eastman, Harps- any Cour da Cassation as police commissioner until toe charges against ; is, long dear; city 6g; long and well tor Gloucester. against his sentence, he mnst no niche in short clear tor at I.ard is For Sale tbe three commissioners are finally disposed of. which even another waxen taper January 6}. about steadv; FIVE Per Cent WATER LOAN BONDS. by all Apothecaries and Grocers be uncertain to the last whether the sentence could be 350 tes prime steam at 8 8 15; 1250 tes seller The mayor has decided to do ia the burned. Accompanied by gladsome 12J @ VORE1GN PORTS. nothing December at 8 15; 500 do January at 817*; 400 do Ask for Starchene and take nc other. will be carried out. The order for the execu- matter of the commissioners for several cheers, which drown for a time the sobs in Sid fm Nov days. seller first half of January at 8 25; 1000 do February Sydney NSW, 3, barque Helena, Snow, Few cities in New England stands as well finan- undertone of mothers bereft of sons, wives for tion is only sent to the prison the be- Secretary Sherman. at 8 271. W hiskey is a shade firmer at 1 10. Shan&hae. cially as Lewiston, ana these bonds are commended evening for sisters for Sid fm Calcutta Nov Price 25 Cents Per Bottle. mourning husbands, wailing Freights to Liverpool—the market is and 25, ship Lucille, Talbot, for as a very choice for 1877, fore it is to take the criminal is not in Secretary Sherman arrived here this after- quiet San security especially adapted effect, brothers lost on the battle-field, the doors are firm; Wheat per steam at 81 @ 9d. Francisco. TEUSr purposes. formed till the next noon and remains till Friday. It is reported in solemn Ar at Genao 19th inst, Adelaide J. H. BOSWORTH & morning, and the sentence flung open majesty. The Emperor Milwaukee, Dec. 24.—Flour is and firm. barque Norris, CO., bis visit is for consultation io regard to quiet Tukey, New York. FOR SALE 15V In making for Christ* is a placing enters. The noise is only hushed as Wheat is firm; Nol Milwaukee at hard your purchases carried out at very early hour. partially 114; 1131; Sid fm Cagliari about 15th schs Louisa A the 1 per cent, loan in the market. the Czar walks with solemn soft No 2 No 3 do 1 Inst, Orr, mas use clear and cool under- G. tread to the altar. 1101; 044. Corn nominally at Orr, Portland. judgment F. DOWNES, State Agent, During the past few weeks the managers of The Street for No 2. Oats No 2 the vast cathedral as 451c quiet; at — useful Bo not Barclay Explosion. Suddenly becomes silent 24|e. Bye quiet; Sid fm Naples inst, barque Ibis, Sawyer, lor SWAN A standing. Buy presents. the exhibition a No 2 at 56c. is No 2 at BARRETT, 914 Federal Street, Portland Maine* permanent at Philadelphia have The watch and some of the of en- sepulchre. The Czar advances to the altar Barley neglected; Spring Tybee, Ga. waste a single dime if yon can save it. clothing 61c. Provisions quiet and MessPork at 400 MIDDLE STREET, sneodtf been hard to the concern from gineer were found in and kisses the image of the Ou unchanged; Ar at Liverpool 21st from jj2 We have in onr store a For sale in Portland Sullivan & 94 laboring keep Hertzberger the rains of Holy Virgin. 1170. Lard—prime steam kettle at 81. Dressed inst, ship Orient, Alien, (Fitzgerald) by Osgood, his return to the floor of the cathedral 7j; 1 New York. Portland Win. 319 S. N. into the hands of the sheriff. A the Broadway street fire today. the Hogs 4 50. great many bargains suitable for gifts St.; Weeks, Congress St.; falling major- crowd breaks all Cld at London 22d inst, ship Charles H Southard, Goding, 22 St. Lawrence A. L 588 Con Movement to restraint. It envelops him. Receipts—10,000 this flour, 62,000 bush wheat. that we are satisfied will meet the ex- St.; Millett, of the creditors havd now to Impeach Mayor Ely. Jackson, United States ; Red lor HEALTH ALL I St.; J. Hudson & 671 G. IT. ity agreed accept The people fall down and kiss his garments. Shipments—13,000 bbls flour, busfi wheat. Cross, Howland, Co., Congress St.; The 64,000 bee, Ga. JFOR pectations of all. Such as Ladles’ Hand cor. India Evening News says that several mem- is Ty Cressord. CoDgress aud Sts.: Boody A Pratt, stock in the exhibition in payment of their So great the pressure that it is a time Hundreds in this and are re- bers of the Board of Aldermen of different long Cleveland, December 21.—Petroleum market is Sid fm Londonderry 21st inst, barque Mary I Bak- city vicinity to-day Knit and Woven Jackets 45 aud 75 7 Myrtle St.; G. W. Parker. 39 Free St.; A. Bennett, po- before his can reach his tsr. Snrnnl. Ralfinnnro been restored to health cents, the creditors are allowed a majesty carriage. unchanged. ! joicing, having through the 43 Pino St.; A. Lament, cor. and Atlantic claims, provided rep- litical faith assert todav that Mayor Ely will skillful of $100 to $5.50. A'ew Style Shawls, the Congress The Emperor drove to the Winter palace Dec. Ar at Demarara 19th inst, sell Theresa A Keene, treatment Sts. Deering—Van B. Morrill’s Corner. resentation in the board of management. In be impeached before The charges Memphis, 21.—Cotton quiet; Middling up- a beauty for $2.25. A Bray, Thursday. amid the wildest cheering of the vast crowd lands at 1040. New York. Kellogg, big eod6m will be based on his honor’s endeavor to mould drive In Embioidered Linen oct8_ this event the centennial board of finance, along the entire route. All day long multi- DR. II. R. THAYER, Sets for 20c. the action and coarse of the grand inry; his OHABLESTON.tDec. 24,-Cotton is quiet; Middling [Latest Embroided which holds a claim of the ex- tudes cheered before the and soldiers uplands at byJEuropean steamers.l Linen Collars 5c. Down they $180,000 against neglect to pnt the commissioners of accounts to palace, 10! @ 103c. Mechanics’ Hall h nrrahed at the barracks, and the glowed Old at Liverpool 8th inst, Santa Rosa, Gaal, for Building. go, Ladies’ Scarlet Wool Vests for $1-50 ANOTHER hibition building, agrees to take $25,000 for work on the books of the excise board and bis city Savannah, Dec, 24.—Cotton quiet; Middling [in- with torches until long after midnight. lands at Philadelphia. and $1.75. Gent’s Scarlet and White All of the confirmed rnmors in 10!c. Ar at Danl from We would say to the sick and suffering, 3fter you their claim. Under this the exhi- disregard strongly Holyhead 10th, Barnes, Garter, tiaii. I. S.aaS arrangement Cable specials say that the Czar will return linim AvhnnctAil llnf aP rnmAdiA.. .1.1 1,Ann Wool Shirts Mottoes 1 to 5c. the pnblic press from that Wilmington, Dee. 24.—Cotton nominal; Middling Liverpool .or Bombay. $1.50. bition will still be maintained for a at private indinidnals, to the war In about a month. It is stated that cd and on the of de- time, there was in the excise uplands at 101c. Ar at Bristol 11th lust, R B Gove, Hodgman, from by- ‘’many physicians,” verge Cardboard all colors. Silk Chenille 10 something wrong de- be declared he will come, and be relieved of and least. marsh through to Constan- Dec. New York. spair, your sufferings ye cents Cuff Cuff partment. Motion to Ely will Augusta, 24.—Cotton unchanged; Middling shall yard. Pins, Battons, impeach Mayor tinople as the Germans did to Paris. Cardiff—Put back 8th, Emma, Buckman, with rejoice. The Doctor’s success during the time The of the Baldwin locomotive works be voted for by at least one-third of the Demo- he has been in midst is a sure of his Shawl Pins; Pocket Books, new styles, agent Turkey is preparing to concede the free pas- damage. your guarantee crats in tbe board and all the mem- Crlaens, Dec. 24.—Cotton and skill. 10 cts. Gloves aud all kinds of Philadelphia, recently sent to to Republican sage of the but meets with 53? quiet easy; Ar at Queenstown 10th inst, Bonny Doon, Cole, up. Hosiery. Europe Dardanelles, oppo- Middling uplands All diseases to the female are bers. sition from lo}c. from Liverpool for Matanzas. peculiar organization of Fancy Goods CHEAP at make about the — — inquiries order lately received England. Norfolk, Dec. Mid- Seville—In the river 5tb from treated, without localizing, and cured secundem na- OF The Czarowitch has crossed the Uom. 24.—Cotton—nothing doing; inst, Nicola, Hooper, turam. to build 10 first class freight-engines for use in METEOBOEOUIGAE. dling uplands at 10}c. New York. the CHROMIC DISEASES Russia, telegraphs company to go ahead INDICATIONS FOB TUB NEXT TWENTY-FOUR SPOKEN. in all forms treated with success and particular at- and have them completed during February and HOURS. tUBA, European Markets. Nov 25, lat 32 Ion 35 Phineaa N, W, ship Pendleton, tention paid to diseases of the ear and eye, throat Three hundred London, Dec. 24—12.30 P. M.—American securi- Nichols, from Cardiff Oct 20 for Galle. FITZGERALD’S, March. are and engines required, •War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal t Insurgents Surrendering. ties—United States lungs. NECKWEAR, bonds, 4|s, 1033; 67s, 3054; 10-40’s, but most of them will be built in > Patients visited at their homes and treated when Europe. Officer, Washington, D.C., Havana, Deo. 24 -An official 107£; news’s, 1052. Erie 8§: preferred 22. Illinois desired. telegram 26S middle Street. — AUD — About all the Dec. 25, (1 A. M.)) from Sonati Central 72}. railway equipments of the em- saysG8 insurgents surrendered yes- 13}. SPECIAL NOTICES. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Bermuda.Now York.. Porto sell the or at the An effort of Kimball to pay off the debt of charge of forgery with a view to extradition. Rico.... Jan 3 by barrel, bushel, gallon quart, Accounts •( Banka, In.titnlion. and In- Quebec 5 lowest market rates. Scudder’s church in of .Portland....Liverpool.Jan dividual, solicited. Brooklyn, $64,000 yes- Lulroehomnlolll Pnrfl.n^ 1 inamnnl IaIi 1 <> Also constantly on hand New York, Blue Point it. n. resulted in Clearing Dense Traonaciions. ivunuiiu, GANDTRUNK RAILWAY. w* iiuk ur fliiwncu ui laics terday, raising only $28,000 and a Failure. Dominion...Portland... .Liverpool.... Jan 19 and Providence River Oysters, for sale iu any of the Dec. 24. agreed upon. rapid depletion audience from 1,800 to Portland, desired quantity. All orders by mail promptly Bu*ine»« discounted. 100 N. Dec. 24.—The Dale Man- filled. paper in about two hours. Patterson, J., The Clearing House of the Portland Banks report no!6dsntf Careful attention to tbe collection of ufacturing Co. is going into Lia- minatare Almanac...... December 35. given A revolutionist rode into the in liquidation. the transaction of business as follows to day: note*,drafts,or coupons for banks or others; and market place bilities to all Sun No. 99 St, $300,000 $400,000; secured but rises...7.35 2.45 PM the or d Matamoras and for Gross 59 j High jvatei. MBBLOHANTS Exchange endtf pnrehane, sale exchange of (Join Sunday night, proclaimed Exchanges...$159,495 Sun sets.4.27 I Moon PM octl6 State* Bond*. no $20,000. rises,.,10.54 Lerdo; but as one to _ Net Balances. 47,865 76 attempted join him, he Promptness and fidelity guaranteed to all budnese was arrested. He was recognized as a despe- received by mail. rado who shot the chief of TAKE NOTICE! police some years Daily Domestic Receipts. Correspondence invited. ago, and is a notorious robber. FOREIGN. MAlUHN-E news. Nicely Engraved Hank Checks, neatly ASA P. POTTER, President. By water conveyance—1000 bush corn meal to G bound iOO in a book, for sale at the low SAMUEL PH1DL1PS. CAsniER. W True & Co. of book. _ price 91*60 per JOSIAH Asst. PORT Q,BENNETT, Cashier. The Border Baida. OF PORTAND. Tickets will be issued from the MW&F3ni Foreign Experts. BAILEY & 20tli to the 25th (Iec4_ Washington. Dec. 24.—The follow! mr was I NOYES. December at Lew- MATANZAS. Schr M A Hand—4827 shooks and received at tha war this afternoon: Dec. EXCHANGE ST.. PORTLAND For the month of iston and Portland stations, valid Department The Turco-Iiussian War. heads 90 drums and 106 kits 1000 Monday, 34. 24,175 hoops, fish, oe26snd2m tor return up to January 5,1878. Chicago, Dec. 24.—Gen. E. D. Townsend, pairs heading, 100 empty casks, and 220 bbla of ARRIVED. Skates! Skates I Washington:—The following telegram for potatoes. Steamship Franconia, Bragg, New York—passen- Gen. Ord is forwarded for the information for HAVANA. Brig Motley-6,353 shooks and heads, gers and mdse to Henry Fox. JUST RECEIVED To stations between Coalicooke the General of the Army. (Signed.) 12,590 hoops, 18 drums fish, 50 kits mackere 1. Steamer City of Portland, Pike, Boston for East- December. and SLEDS 1 SLEDS and St Montreal, Inclusive, $6 00 ! P. H. Sheridan, Lieut-Gen.” port John, NB. A Large Assortment ot of the Czir at St. Pet- Sch A B Higgins, Higgins, Lamoine—dry fish for And between Kichinoud and Lient Ward, who was sent to the Eio Grande Reception Roston Stock market. a market. Standard Freuch and English Owing to the backward season I am Point Levi, .... $7.00 to find the trail of horses stolen and driven into Sch Freedom, Alley, Clocks. ISales at the Broker’s Board, Dec. 24.] Jonesport, (ar 20th) Perfumes and Toilet Soups, to offer inducements to Mexico on the 15th inst., has come is. The Sch Empire, Iiyan, Belfast for Boston. prepared special just ersburg. 2 Boston & Maine Railroad..94} JOSEPH HICKSON, tireat reduction in Skatea, Skat* %»tian* Mexican troops got to the river on the ULEAICEP. F. T. Mealier customers for the next 30 Patrons General morning & Co., Apothecaries, days. Manager. Mlcdn, Clocks. New Styles in Clocks a of the 20tb. Lieut. Ward showed the Mexican Montreal, Dec. 14, 1877. decl8eod4t Brig Motley, Plummer, Havana—Nutter, Kimball oclB Cor, Preble and Congress Sis. smlCm can rely upon finding a FELL STOCK, Wholesale and Retail. lieutenant the trail, and at liis invitation cross- New York Stock and moncT market* & Co. ed men Sch Mottie A Havana—A L all the and LATEST his and joined the Mexican troops. New York, Dec. 24—Evening—Money at 6 @ Hand, Hand, Hobson, trT'Of superior ENCSL1M IKiuuuuf ncl- embracing NEWEST and Geo S Hunt & Co. They followed the trail together all day, goiog A Servian Assault with 7 per cent, on call. Sterling Exchange is quiet and u re nnil justly celebrated for Elasticity, of WOOLENS !for Men’s Wear. I am Repulsed Gold all sales at Sch MinnieC Taylor, Taylor, Liverpool, N3, to load 94 about twenty-five miles. As it had rained unchanged. dull; 102}. Carrying Durability and eTenness of Poiut. InJ all Exchange rates at cent with loans flat. for West Indies—Kyan & Kelsey. to make the same to order at as Street, heavily the trail was hard to and anoth- 5@2 per exceptional Numbers, prepared follow, Customs $215,000. disbursements Sch Ocean Romp, French, Machias and Cutler— er hard rain in found it receipts Treasury low as first-class work can be setting they impossible Great Slaughter. $11,000 for interest and $55,800 tor bonds. Nath’l Blake. prices to follow it further The trail was left about Exports ot domestic products for the week were Sch Harriet Newell, Benson, Tremont and Blue- "the SPENCERIAN I produced. C. three miles from the town and six tor the hill—NathT Blake. [""" DAY, & CO margin only $6,467,126, against $5,160,305 corresponding JR., eou3w or eight miles below where it crossed the river. week in 1876. Ward says there was Government secuities jl, @ § per cent, lower. Rail- BOOTHBAY, Dec 18—Sid, sch N J Miller, Lewis, IS TEEL perfect good feeling — pumf fSTT PENSJ That husbaml of wauls to him a bonds firmer and well maintained. Boston. Tf'ynmBiMagaigsmMommdi^iaB—aaoaa—i^ yours you buy among the Mexican soldiers and our road prices men, and Operations about to at Er- Dec sch MAVERICK OIL CO., Begin The Stock Exchange unexpectedly closed at one 19—Ar, Australia. Wheeler, Boston. C. M. of those nice Toilet lor a that the lieutenant offered to with pair Slippers Christmas go him auy- o’clock this the committee Doc 21— sch Duuton, from **Varieties suited to every style of wri- alternoon, governing Ar, Mary Elizabeth, Chesley, R1FIN R3 AND SHIPPERS OF where he thought the horses could be found. For sale ihe trade A Present at LEAVITT Ac zcronm. having decided to close up business from that hour Portland. ting. by generally, DAVIS’, 437 Congress (Signed.) Ord, Brig. Gen. till Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock. The market Hiuuple Card, containing one each of die fifteen Street, Farrington Block. de20dtr was very strong and the bulls had comnlete control FROM MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE.! Numbers, by mail, on receipt ot TAILOR, J5 Cents. Centennial 1OO0 up to the closing hour. Ar at New York 24th, barque Annie Reed, Crowell, A Dishonest Postmaster. The transact ioas at the Stock Exchange today Singapore. 49,800 Bhares. & CO. 2611-2 middle St. St. Locis, Dec. the postmaster aggregated Below, barque Mary C Hale, Higgins, from Mar- IVISON, BLAKEMAX, TAILOR OIL! 25.—Buxton, London, Dec. 24.—The Times’ Viennia cor- seilles. decll eodtf SAFETY at Morrisonville, Christian Co., ill., has been The following were the closing quotations of Gov- STANDARD respondent says that the Roumanians will not ernment securities: Ar in Hampton Roads 23d inst, ship S F Hersey, and 140 Grand St., New Vork. MAVERICK arrested for detaining and mail mat- destroying accompany the Russians across the Balkans. United States 6s, 1881 reg. ..106} Small, Liverpool. my23 eutfW ter from St. Louis, and Dei atur. Ar Chicago They will garrison Plevna, Nicipolis and Rah- United States 6s, 1881, coup.109} at New Orleans 23d, ship Sami Skolfield, irom Gloves! Gloves! Gloves! Burnins Oils Z Buxton is a merchant at Morrisonville as Liverpool. ova and co-operate with the Servians against United States 6-20's, 1865, new.105} well as postmaster. He is said to be well United States new 4}s. 104} Cld at Pensacola 23d, sch Henrietta. Cardenas. nvus ENTS. off, Widdin. Ar The bent in the World for Gentlemen’s Maverick Pore Napthas. Gas Oils and the drafts were drawn United States new at Demarara 3d inst, sch Pride of the East, TJ?I destroyed on him The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce 4}s, coup.103| Wear Are The the in here and today United States 4 per cents, coup.103} Lord, New York. BATH MUNICIPAL 5s Oils delivered by car-load, bulk or ia bar- by parties elsewhere, and sent to the to The Oyster season is and m New agreed memorialize the government to con- United States 1867. reg.105} Ar at Bristol 23d, brig Helen O Pbinney, Sylvester, approaching wo ato rels, at any l»int England. Morrisonville Bank for collection. He con- --. prepared to furnish in tinue its neutralitv in the present war. Only United States 1867, coupon.lOSl Boston. PORTLAND 6s CITY MADE GLOVES Oysters any quautity by the fessed to destroying two letters Ar at Mass. containing two members of the chamber were to United States, 1868, coup ..110} Liverpool 22d, ship Belie O’Brien, O’Brien, PORTLAND AID R. R. 6s Gallon, Bushel or Barrell at nffiooc BboadSt,, Boston, opposed — — & of the United States new 5’e Norfolk. OP Uilil/Cui 125 27 Commercial Sr., Portland, Mr drafts._ the adoption resolution. reg.105} Lowest Prices. 11 United States new 5s, coup...105} Std 22d, ship Raphael, Sherman, Bombay. WALDOBOKO ... 6s aov ewlJm Vienna Corresondent of the times says com- The Black Hills. United States 10-40’s, reg.107 Ar at London 23d iDSt, barque Nellie Brett, from Dealers will find it lor their advantage to order of us manders ot Russians advance corps received or- New York. DAMARISCOTTA 6s Please send for low D. Dec. United States 10-40s, coup.107} prices. Dkadwood, T„ 24.—Companies E, t ders to remain on the defensive till reinforced Ourrencv 6’s. ..,,,120 JASHES FKEE7IAN' NOTICE. and H of the Eleventh iu COLEMBES, OHIO, 6s Fisk, Clark & lutauiry, command troops from the of Plevna. It Ship Intrepid, 1090 Ions, built at Bath in 1863, and Not i tuion Wharf. >¥\HE of Union Wbait are by neighborhood The were the of Flagg proprietors Corporation of following closing quotations Major Charles G. Bartlett, arrived at Crook is said 25,000 men with 70 cannon lately passed now at New York, has been sold on German account CLEVELAND 6s col2wtf 2 Doors from Commercial Street. A herebv notified that their annual meeting will be last from for $30,000. The Best Kid holden at of ou said on City evening Cheyenne agency via tialatz. A part of these crossed the Danube by Morris' & Essex .75} FREEHOLD MORTGAGE 7s Gloves, the office the Clerk, wharf, the Fort Prerre route. TUESDAY the first day of January, 1878, at J P. M., tbe Ibrail bridge, while it is thought these re- Western Union Telegraph Go,ex-dv .. 77 The Best Bartlett MEMORANDA. MAINE CENTRAL 7s Dogskin Gloves, to act ou the following articles, viz: Maj. reports though often hearing of inforcements will joiu Geu. Zimmerman and Pacific Mail...... 21} THAT YOUNGMANi Poole, from which ar- a President. Indians along the road, he saw none. His operate against the eastern side of tbe New York Central & Hudson R R...105} Ship Reaper, Philadelphia, FOR SAI.E BY The Best Gloves. First—To chose Erie. rived at Liverpool 8fh inst, reports Driving The latest and best hit. Ask your book or news- Second—To choose a Clerk and other officers lor command crossed an Indian trail at Cheyenne Quadrillateral against while a 8} extremely primarily Silistria, Erie heavy gales from N to N 8, and S to SE, between 27th dealer for him. Only 50 ceuw a copy. dellii3w the river crossing that led northwest, and express- division of grenadiers and division of reserve prelerred.-.....23 The Best Gloves. ensuing year. Michigan Central. 57 and 29ih November, and shitted cargo, bat it was af- &lUoulton Coaching Third—To act on any other business that may es tbe that the Indians who committed belore Plevna will to terward Woodbury opinion formerly go Biela and Panama. .124 righted by the crew. AT RETAIL. EVERYWHERE. The Crews Job Printing Office is pre come before them. the in this depredations vicinity haye gone to join the 12th army corps for the Biege of Rust- Union Pacific Stock,... 64f Brig Emma, ot Portland, Irom ^Cardiff ior Havana, Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts. pared to do; every descriptionofi dlercan- A. K. SHURTLEFF, C’erk. Little Missouri or with back to Cardiff 8th 1 Tongue river. [ chuk. Lake Shore..,...... G0| coal, put iust with loss of oc30 enlf ilc Printing nl Low Prices. Portland, Dec. 15, U77. decl5-28631 Brief Jotting*. The Christmas Tree at Preble Chapel.— STATE NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALES! THE PRESS. To-day being a Legal Holiday no Pa- The exercises at Preble Chapel yesterday even- per will be Issued from this Office To- ing were interesting and appropriate. The ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 25. morrow. school is nnusnally large and in good condition LARGE SALE A few days since a boy named Hotrigan of Merry Christmas to all. —and the array ol expectant and happy faces — OF Lewiston, 13 yeais old. committed a brutal as- Christmas 1877. Santa is be sure and till it. PRESS Clans stocking up; was a pleasant sight to see. The Chapel was sault on a little girl 5 years of At last ac- TUB age. Turkish and Persian Rugs and Table The Allan mail steamer Circassian, from tastefally trimmed with evergreen, and was counts he had eluded arrest, May be obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fes* China Vases and Senden Bros., Marquis, Brunei & Co., Andrews Liverpool, arrived at Halifax Monday morning. farther decorated by two very elegant panels, KENNEBEO COUNTY. Covers, Bronzes, Wentworth. N. B. Kendrick, and Chisholm Moses, At the shipyard in Deering a bark of 700 tons the handiwork of Mr. E. A. Jordan, and the House of James Pottle in Manchester was HALL DAVIS and other curious ancient articles Just opened for run of the "L oh all trains that out city, Bros., is S. burned last The barn was exhibition. At Biddeford, of Phillsbury. in process of construction for J. Winslow expression of his kindly feeling toward the Thursday evening. saved. Insurance ENOCH INVITES ATTENTION TO HIS FINK AND WELL- Sale Friday, Dec. 21st, of forty Turkish and At of L. Hodgdon and H. B. Kendrick. $1800. - Saco, and others for Captain Pettengill. school to which he has so and LORD, Persian all sizes and color*. faithfully lung SELECTED STOCK OF rugs, At Waterville, of J. S. Carter. YORK COUNTY. o from Hali- Sale one hundred Piano, Table, At Bath, of J.O. Shaw. The Allan mail steamer Peruvian, given musical instruction. The singing of the Saturday,Dec. 22d, French * A few as Mr. Frank Libby and wife of Stool and Cushion Covers, embroidered with gold At Lewiston, of Bros., and Stevens & Co. fox, arrived out Sunday p. m. Another seven children did credit to his in the days day good and silk. teaching, were returning from Andrew Ba- 130 of this line. Limington Exchange St., Sale Dec. of pairs days’ passage promptness and spirit with which the songs ker’s to their borne, their infant daughter was Monday, 24th, seventy-five Chinese and Japanese China Vases, new designs, CITY AND Mr. Rundlct two more dandelion blos- were the old stifled too closely. VICINITY-^ picked rendered, notably English carol, by being wrapped Is the day to buy FUR of all OFFERS FOR Holiday Hoods, and two hundred Japanese Bronzes, all kind*; also soms in and is to a two hundred the Park yesterday, have “God rest you, merry gentlemen.” The tree PENOBSCOT COUNTY. kinds for Christinas Presents we EMBRACING other curions articles. Sales commence at 10 A. M. and 2 P.* M. NEW ADVERTISEMENT!* TO-BAI mess of greens for dinner to-day. was gaily adorned, the gifts, about 175 in num- The Newport News has suspended. have In stock. We will sell at Hammond street, The ladies of Arcana Lodge will present the ber, were contained in large baskets, aud dis- Store of Moore Brothers on Extra Low Prices. Standard, Miscellaneous, MORGAN & DAVENPORT. Auctioneers, was broken into Friday night and sev- of at Hal!, Wednes- tributed a and efficient Bangor, Christmas AND dec£0 ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. operetta “Pepita” Congress by lively corps of assis- eral dollars stolen from the money drawer. 18 Exchange Direct. d6t and Thursday evenings. tants. friends of M. L. A. Course—Children's Entertainment. day Many Preble Chapel were LN GENERAL. —AND— Juvenile F. O. BAILEY * W. Brown, who fell from the topsail thus their in Books, CO. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. George present, evidencing interest this The Kennebec Journal says there will proba- died Sun- To-Day—Merry. yard of the W. 8. Davis Saturday, worthy institution. Rev. Mr. Buck and Mr. bly be more lumber cut the present than the Fur Seal ILLUSTRATED GIFT BOOKS Auctioneers and Commission Morehants, Returned—Mrs. Dr. Welch. unusual oc day nightjat theJHospital. Coroner Gould was James H.|Baker made brief remarks. Rev. past year, and nnless something Sets, laleeroeaae 3T Maine Eclectic Medical Society. FINE 30 and Exchange m. tue low will prevail the next year. STATIONERY, BIBLES, The Holders of all Classes ot Bonds. called, but deemed an inquest unnecessary. Mr. Phelan, Mr. Jordan and the curs, prices The Superintendent There have been a large number of failures F. Notice is hereby given. of will bear Holidays, O. BAILXT. «. W. Din. and shippers freight received A Card of Thanks. Passengers appropriate gifts—to the latter was during the year among lumbermen, affecting and of IMT. SEAL A Full Acsoriment of Piiotogranli Antogjapb Organ for Sale Cheap. in mind that the steamer Lewiston leaves for given a well-filled Christmas stocking, made some of the largest corporations. The most SETS, Alims, Regular Mis of Furniture end Qenetal Merchan- Notice-Albert Coffin. have effected a settlement, anil dise Saturday, At II o’olook a. m. Machiasport Thursday, instead of Friday as valuable as a memorial, by small cards affixed them, however, Writing DosIls, every commencing Citizens* Relief. are business again, their creditors having Consignmente eolleited.oeldtf to it doing Lost—Mittens. formerly. bearing the names of all the teachers and generally manifested a liberal disposition. The FOOT PORTMONNAIES, Christmas services in New Jerusalem Church of bad BRACKETS, pupils connected with the school. It was in failures generally have not been because Astrachan Gold Pens, Pencils &c. or fraud, but on ac- Sets, &c., Sale The Rales of at 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching from Luke 11—7: every way an enjoyable occasion, one of the management, extravagance Important Postage. 11 count of continued depression in business, and These goods will be sold at Because there was no place for them in tbe anniversaries ever pleasantest celebrated by the failures of large purchasers. RESTS, Inn.” Special music for the morning. Preble Chapel. EASELS, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Postal cards, one cent each, go without further GITS’ ML MONTREAL The regular weekly assembly for the benefit CAPS, thereby affording a rare for List of Patents bearing date of Deo. 11, Blacking Boxes, Dining Chairs, <&c, opportunity buyers. charge to all parts of the United States and Canadas to-morrow of the I. S. U. S. will take place The Steam Dredge Charles Fobes.— for Call anil See for youriselrea. with an additional one-cent stamp they go to all parts 1877, issued to residents of Maine reported night. A pleasant party may be expected. COSTLY FURS of Europe. On the 25th of March, 1874, the steam tug Vir. the Portland Press by Chas. E. Foster, Patent IMT. SE1L MONTREAL The last one of the course will be given New off CAPS, HALL. L. DAVIS. All letters, to all parts of the United States and giuia Ehrman took in tow Annapolis the solicitor, Washington, D. O. Year’s night. a A AT AUCTION. Canada, three cents per half-ounce. Italian ship Agnese, with hawser about 300 W. S. Marsh, New Gloucester, rein holders. large lot of all other styles, MM FURNITURE 53EXCHANGESTREET of two auctioneers Local, or “drop” letters, that is, for the city or The novel sight selling feet The was to be towed to Balti- G. W. double acting foroe very LOW PRICES. de!8_ dis9t long. ship Hooper, Greene, of all from the same counter was seen at Wa- descriptions. town where deposited, 2 cents if delivered by car- goods more, and the captain of the tug determined to pump. FUR TOP SPRING WRIST shall sell ton THURSDAY riers, and 1 cent where there is no carrier system. terhouse’s on Middle street last evening. the lOITTENS and a Please call. Don’t mind the nice Furniture in the commencing go up by Craighill channel. Iu passing GLOVES, good THE BEST PLACE WE Dec. 27, at 10 a. in., at our sal,.rooms semi tri and window that can be bought lower than you can pur- Newspapers, daily, weekly, weekly Messrs. Bailey and Alien each tried to talk the the ran into steam Cbas. Long life and insured by taking present. 30 Exchange St., and continue until sold, at 10 a. m, issued and sent to sub- through, ship dredge Jiappiness chase second hand at other weeklies, regularly regular places. to buy a useful ami 2J p. m., a large and valuable stock of Furs, 2 other down. Dr. S. D. Howe’s Arabian Tonic Blood Puri- BUFFALO ROBES $6 to $8. scribers, cents per pound, payable at the office of Fobes, which sunk in ten or fifteen minntes af- consisting of American Sable, Seal, Black and newspapers and magazines published fier. It will make strong, Brown Astracuan lesspublication, terward. The dredge belonged to Curtis, Fobes you healthy, vigor, sets, Sacques, Capes, Tippets, frequently than once a week, 3 cents per pound. The Fraternity Entertainment.—How 33. Silk Seal Skin Children’s Transient & who ous, vitalize and purify your blood. LORD, Muffs, Circulars, Caps, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, books Co., were under contract with Colonel I Furs, Buffalo Robes &c. Every article warranted and 1 cent lor each two ounces or fraction far it is a man’s duty to attend entertainments handbills, Craighill of the U. S. Engineer Corps. The Sold by all druggists. dec25d2tw the ChristmasJPresent perfect. Ladles are Invited to attend tbe sale. thereof. All other miscellaneous matter, including hatter, and receptions of this sort we do not profess to Merry, 130 Exchange Street. Nothing will please the Ladies more than a unsealed circulars, book manuscripts, proof-sheets, dredge was in the position assigned it by tbe novl2 dtf anil be able to deoide. It will in a See Great in Cabinet Organ in an- F. BAILEI & photographs, <£c., ami also seeds, cuttings, bulbs [ depend great of the work. The Bargain O. CO., AUCTIONEERS. nos four in government superintendent 237 de24 d3t roots, and merchandise exceeding pounds degree upon the character aud temperament of other column. Middle Street, weight, 1 cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. owners of the dredge, three days after the ac. CASE OF SCISSORS the man and npon the opportunity ha has of Hill’s unlaundried shirt for has not an The following are the postal rates with Europe: cideut, filed a libel against both the tug and 81 de25 of the or a fine going to such entertainments. He who sets Sign Gold Hal. dtf The rates for letters are ior the half-ounce or frac- the for collision. The U. S. District Court eqnal. ocl8-tf out with ship fon thereof, and those for; newspapers for lour the opinion that all such enjoyments for Maryland dismissed the libel as against the Examine Merry, the hatter’s, advertisement, ounces or fraction thereof:— are nuisances aud that all the people who at- tug, and decreed against the ship for the entire delfi dt26 To Great Britain and Ireland, letters Scent; tend are bores, has very erroneous conceptions What will please a Gent more that a good newspapers 2 cents; France, letters5cents, news- loss, which was fixed at $240 84. The libel- of the amenities of social life. There are a Hill’s furnishing store is opposite the foot of papers 2 cents; Spain, letters 5 cents, newspapers 2 lants appealed from that part of the decree ex- PAPYVT YfMTTK'E' cents; all paits of Germany, including Austria, few cynics who sit alone in their tubs and sati- Free street ocl8-tf letters 5 cents, newspapers 2 cents; Denmark, onerating the tug, and tbe owners of the ship _ rize anything that has around it the glamour or a good letters 5 cents, newspapers 2 cents: Switzerland appealed generally. The circuit judge reversed Look with care about the town,” and see PROBATE NOTICES. M. A. Bosworth 1 BAR GAIN S letters 5 cents, newspapers 2 cents; letters B of fashion. sneer at the dance because Italy, They it can’t me a box of SLIPPERY 2 Russia, letters 5 the decree and adjudged the tug and ship to you procure n A Z O R. cents, newspapers cents; cents, the and Wo would cur cus- among many pleasant intelligent peo- all respectfully inform friends, — — newspapers 2 cents; Norway, letters 5 cents, news each with interest from ELM LOZENGES for To persons interested in either of the m pay $12,042 October 27, cough. romers and strangers, that our large store is com. What will please a father more than a good 2 Sweden, letters 6 cents, newspapres ple who it are to be fouud a few idiotic estates papers cents; support For sale all hereinafter named. with new suitable tor the Holi- and letters 5 1874, and half the costs, except seizure and by Druggists. pletely packed goods 2cents; Turkey, European Asiatic, young men aud imbecile girls. But the fact is day Trade. 2 letters 5 Caswell & cents, newspapers cents; Egypt, cents, custody fees of the Agnese. Appeals were Co., a Court of Probate held at Portland, within newspapers 2 cents. that au evening’s entertainment, attended by taken srom this decision all the parties. Corner Washington and Winter streets, Bos" AT and for the County of Cumberland, on the OUR MILLINER? CARVING KNIFE AND For the ruannln r\f infnllirrnnna an/1 onltnru nffurc a trorir by ROOMS, Goods Asiatic limit for Third of FORK, countries, hajf-onnce in the of our Tuesday December, year Lord, and the cannot better than to The case came up in tbe Court uf the ton. and boys you please Holiday four Supreme eighteen hundred the letters, and the ounces for newspapers, still fair to him who is not broken down seventy-seven, following them a pleasure matters been for the action there- Corner Congress and Exchange Streets, give the rates are United States last week for argument. having presented holding good, in health, worn with society or weary of the upon hereinalter indicated, it is hereby Ordered, To via to of That contain the largest stock to be found in any retail Jack Knife or a Pair of Skates. Australia, letters, San Francisco (except world. Yon will find certaiu The Most Wonderful Discovery notice thereof be given to all persons inter- New South Wales) 5 cents.via 15 always people a of this order to store in Maine. Hundred of Hats, Thousands of Southampton cents, Perham Juvenile Temple.—This live ested, by causing copy be published We have Ihe Slock and L»we«l via Brindisi 19 via San Francisco there who will reward ju- three Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments, and everything to Largest cents, rewspapers, your search—people weeks successively in the Maine State Press Prices. 2 4 Brindisi 6 venile will a Ihe 19 th Century. complete a perfect Stock. DEANE cents.via private enter and Eastern at Millinery BROS’. cents.via Southampton cents, who have accumulated have organization give Argus, papers printed Portland afore- Keady-triu.med China, via San Francisco 10 via South- experience—that work constantly on hand. letters, cents, tainment to their parents at Congress Hall said, that they may appear at a Probate Court, to be ampton 15cents,via Brindisi 19cents, newspapers, stored their souls with thoughts and senti- held? at said Portland on the Third Tuesday of and 8 the this when the hearts of the little ones 2,4 cents, by respective routes; British ments worth The the sol- evening, S. D. HOWE’S January next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, Our 51 St. Italian 10 4 uttering. traveller, DR. Fancy Goods Department, Exchange India, mail, letters, cents, newspapers i and be heard and it see cause. will be made glad by a beautiful Christmas thereon, object they ULMER & letters, via San Francisoo 5 cents, via the the the statesman, cents; Japan, dier, merchant, lawyer, EDGAR E. minor child and heir of Jo- HEHR, 10 via Brindisi 31 tree profusely loaded with for the LEWIS, England, cents, cents, newspapers, the who has reached the summit of presents seph B. Lewi's, lato of Harrison, deceased. Petition 160 via San Francisco 2 via 4 journalist Exchange St., 96 EXCHANGE STREET. MARBLE TOP TABLES cents, Southampton cents, children, kindly provided friends of the that Austin former be or- Via Brindisi 8 cents. his are all to be found at these ex- by Eagerly, Guardian, may declO dlw BOQUET profession, Arabian Milk Cure. dered to settle an Account of his Is filled with a and stock Temple. This will be one of the most interest- guardiahship.and to largo well selected of tensive tete-a-tetes. Do not dispise them. Min- charge himself with the sum of $1476.22, presented Useful and Fancy Articles and a Full Stock of Lace For $150. gatherings which the will Goods of Kid and this banian kaleidoscope. Some of ing holidays bring FOR CONSUMPTION by George A. Emery, Guardian. every description, Lin-'d Gloves, gle among Embroidered and Box together. _ FREDERICK L. KNIGHT, minor child and heir Lace, Linen, Handkerchiefs, PORTLAND the hits of will be found and value- Embroidered NOW 1$ THE TIE TO BUY POST OFFICE. glass poor of late of Otisfieid deceased. Ac- Sets, Collars and Cutis, Jewelry, FANCY WOBK BASKETS of the THROAT Henry Knieht, less but tbe whole it is And all diaeaeea count for Hosiery and Lagging, at about one half the regular enough, takiog together Serious fiUrtGS. presented allowance, by George W. Bick- Office Hour*. Accident.—Yesterday morning CHEST and Guardian, prices. For $9.00 and a of and of are nell, upwards. picture society, pictures society Smith Chase, a man 65 years of age, who re- From a m 8.30 WILLIAM H. late of New Gloucester 8.00 to p m, Sundays excepted. worth because reveal The only Medicine of the kind in the World, MORGAN, Silver Ware. they manners, sides near Sundays open for Carriers and General Delivery studying, the corner of High and Commercial deceased. First account presented for allowance, by from 9 to 10 a m. beneath if we look we A Substitute for Cod JLiver Oil. Milton T. Administrator. Foot Rest which, deep enough, streets, started to go aboard the bark Devon- Holt, Call and See for Yourselves Portland, Me., Oct. 8, 1877. BENJAMIN late of shall discern the heart. These reflections are at the Grand Trunk and Cures Catarrh, Croup. Asthma, CHADBOURNE. Standisb. For 99.00 and shire, lying wharf, Cough9, Colds, Dip- deceased Account presented for Hen- 1 shall offer entire stock of upwards, Arrival and Departure of mails* theria, Pneumonia, Lnngs and allowance, by my call forth by noticing that the Fraternity fell between the wharf and on Bronchitis, Bleeding ry M. Administrator non vessel, striking Also Chadbourne, de bonis with Consumption. the Will anuexed. choice goods suitable for Holiday Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.26 dance at the City Hall this evening gives an the fender, breaking four ribs and badly NICE RATTAN ROCKERS a. 2.45 and 9.0C injur- M. and and 11.15 m. Close at 8.15 m, and DANIEL A. Presents at Bdttom p. excellent to close this H. SMALL, late of Gorham, deceased. Wedding m. opportunity up joyous his head and neck. He was taken to the S. A. HOWE’S Bosworth, p. ing Will and petition for the probate m. thereof, presented Prices. These are For 94. and upwards, Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.20 p day’s festivities in a pleasant and agreeable City Hospital and Dr. Brooks called to attend by Richard Willis, the Executor therein named. goods Intermediate or Way Mails via Boston and Maine CONGRESS & EXCHANGE ST. manner. Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier, DANIEL & minor decl9 all fresh, embracing all Bailway. Arrive at 12.20 and 8.20 p m. Close at 8.15 him. He cannot recover. CONANT, JR., AL., children dtf EASY AND RECEPTION and heirs of a m and 2.45 m. Solomon Conant, late of Westbrook, the Novelties and New p Which DIFFERS from ad other preparations hi its deceased. Patterns, Great Soutnern and Western. Arrive at 12.20 and The Merry Christmas.—The national Accounts presented for allowance, by CHAIRS, PATENT ROCK- IMMEDIATE ACTION upon the William L. and are of own Plate. 11.15 m. Close at 8.15 a 2.45 and 9.00 p m* Personal. Pennell, Guardian. my Goods p m, Christmas has arrived and will no and routes holiday SARAH late of deceased. not as ERS, PEDESTALS, Bangor, Mattawamkeag, connecting Rev. Dr. Torsey, the accomplished president LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BLUOD. LAMB, Westbrook, A CARD. proving represented will be Arrive at 3.15 m. Close at 11.30 a. m. doubt be observed. Tbe absence of Second and Final Account for p. generally of presented allowance, aDd routes. Arrive at 9.00 a the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female William H. cheerfully replated FREE OF dcC. Augusta connecting snow will tbe usual amount of the cures Pim- by Neal, Administrator. *C., m. and 3.15 m. Close at 11.30 a m and 5.00 m. prevent sleigh- Purely vegetable, purifies Blood, p. p College at Kent’s Hill,is to leave for Florida in ples, Pin Worms, Old Scrofulous Diseases, CHARLES H. ADAMS, late of Portland, deceased* CHARGE. Ho not fail to call and Morning Northwestern by G. T. R. Arrive at 8.35 ing, but tbe skating at tbe Basin is excellent Sores, GBr'Call and we a. before y.u purchase. a few weeks to Female Complaints, Diabetes, Boils, Tumors. Can- Account presented for allowance, by G. Adams am. Close at 7.15 a m. spend the winter. His health is Mary On the 17th at December we examine before and will attract the attention of a great many. cers. and FILLS THE VEINS WITH PURE, Administratrix. purchasing. Lewiston and Auburn. Arrive at 2.15 and 9.00 still in cold weath- precarious,but byJgoingSouth RICH BLOOD. For Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality JOSHUA S. late of shall at our a. m., and 3.15 p m. Close at 6.30 and 11.30 a. m. Yesterday was a great preparation day and the CLARK, Portland, deceased. open NEW STORE, er,he is enabled to pack into every an im- (caused by indiscretion or otherwise), and Petition for allowance out of Personal Deane Bros. and 5.00 pm. streets were crowded with the year Estate, pre- under Preble a flue line ot buyers of holi- sented Jerusha s. Clark, widow of said House, Rochester, N. H., and intermediate offices. Arrive mense amount of valuable service to one of the by deceasel# at 1.20 p. in. Close at 7.00 a m and 2.00 p m. day gifts all day and late into the evening. “Broken Down Constitutions,” DANIEL J. lato of Portland, deceased. MEN’S FANCY FURNISHINGS lor first in KNIGHT, North Conway and other offices on the P. & O. R. literary institutions New England. Second Account presented lor Franci* All tbe outward bound trains were heavily to allowance, by the all the B. Arrive at 11.30 a m and 5.00 p m. Close at 10.00 in either sex, “I challenge the 19th century” A. Smith, Trustee. Holidays, embracing a m and 2.15 m. loaded and each and was loaded its 11 build, yon right square p every person produce equal. NATHAN New York Holiday Novelties in Castine, Deer S. W. Mt. Larceny.—Last evening a tramp a up. Every bottle is worth its weight in gold. Also CLEAVES, Judge. Isle, Sedgwick, Harbor, with bundles. The poultry cams in free- spied A true copy of the Order. Machias. Machiasnort, Fast Ma- quite original Fine Neck Wear, Silk Handker- Desert, Joneepert, buffalo robe hanging in front of E. N. Perry’s Attest: HORAHE .T. HR ADRURV R*o»r and Bar via each steam- ly and was of the best Jq uality. {Turkeys sold DR. S. D. HOWE’S thias, Millbridge Harbor, w3w52 chiefs, New York Silk 27 Market er. Arrive at 6 a. m. Close at 9 m. store on Middle and short of cash Suspenders, Square, p. at from 12 to 15 cents, chickens 10 to 12 cents, street, being Eastport, via each steamer. Arrive at 6.00 a m. resolved Handkerchief Boxes, Silk Um- 11 14 to make himself a Christmas present. Close at 5.C0 p m. geese to cents and dncks 15 to 18. Arabian Coaled’* Liver VP ONE FLIGHT. The proprietor of the store called it Pills, brellas, Ac, We shall still con- Foreign Mails per Allan Line close every Fri- The custom house, postoffice, city and county larceny, B1UOR & MAMS day at 1 p. m. and when the fellow took the robe Free from calomel, cures Billiousness, Dyspepsia, PORTLAND, tinue our store on Middle Old Table Ware Reflnished and offices and offices will be closed to- he called Street, Foreign Mails, via New York, day previonBto Bali- newspaper Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Chills, as officers Warren and Alvin STEAHBOAT CO. Replated good as new at a great ng ot steamers. Close at 8.15 a. m. services will be held Sterling who arrest- Costiveness -^es auick action to the Liver where may he found a splendid December day. Religions at the Fevers, 1811 in Price. Express, Augusta, liangor and the East. Arrive ed the thief and and the and weak- Saving 8, recovered the regulates Bo we.s. pain assortment ot in our at 2.15 am. Close at 9.00 p m. churches mentioned in the issue of property. wdbout everything decsd3«r yesterday. ness, and a preventive of a malarial disesases. For the Penobscot and Machias. Skowhegan intermediate offices and the north. In order to give all an opportunity to attend line, and wc assure tlie public Arrive at 3.15 p m. Close at 11.30 a m. M. L. A, Course.—The last of the Children's No old tne tmristaias the FAIili ANO WISTJje ARRANGEMENT. that all who rusty shop-worn Skowhegan also closes at 9.00 p m. trees, Fraternity dance at UOJMS U UUPmV.ES fayor us witli a call Canada and intermediate via G. T* B. Ar- Hall entertainments in the M. L. A. course will be in offices, City to-night will not begin until 9 o’, ONE will find the finest display ot FINE FURNITURE! goods stock. My Boots at m. m. WEEK, rive 2.30 p. Close at 1.00 p given Saturday afternoon by the Wallack Con- should use all three of the above medicines. TBIpIpEK Nova Scotia and Prince Edward’s Island. Close clock. A large and brilliant party will no FURNISHINGS ever shown in and are cert Shoes all new and at 11.30 a. m. aud 9 n. m. Combination. The followiug is the talent The doubt be present to finish the day’s festivities. Price of Milk Core and Tonic each $1 irwriss Steamer LEWISTON, Maine at prices to defy conpetition of the company: Prof. Wallack, harmonica; -.yWlflffliCapt. Chas. Deering, will leave fresh. Owing to the mild Stanley’s Museum on Temple street will fur- per bottle. Railroad Whart, foot of State Mr. Sidney Burt, humorist; Miss Eila T. John- nish a pleasing .exhibition of living animals £rnSSZaBSS3mstreet, every Thursday even- weather I shall sell for the Stated flliss Lilian Pills 25 cents per Box, ing) a* IO for Meetings. for the children. son, soprano; Utiamller, violinist; o’clock, Rockland,Camden, Belfast, TUB MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK Miss Sold by all Druggists. Searsport, Bucksport, Castino. Deer Isle, Sedgwick, next thirty days for little The Warwicks will at Marsh’s Lacy Chandler, accompanist. South-West and Bar Harbors, (Mt. Desert,) Mill- cm GOVERNMENT. appear Fanny W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., Portland, bridge, Jonesport and Machiasport. — — or no in The of the Council take afternoon and General OF profit, order to regular meetings City Theatre, evening. Agent*. Returning, will leave Machiasport every Mon- HILL the first Monday evening of each month. Real Estate Transfers.—The 4.30 CO., place following at The members of Cumberland Engine Com- DIt, S. Hi HOWE, Proprietor* day morning o'clock, touching reduce my winter stock. The School Committee meet the fourth are the real estate transfers recorded in 1 •!>! ■ Mu as above, (except and Monday will a ball at this Bucksport Searsport,) arriving of each month. pany give Lancaster Hall. The in Portland same with 241 Middle & 483 St. 104 n_ nx_a an f_ evening county yesterday; au29 cowW&SGm night, usually connecting St., Congress members of the company will appear ia uni- Pullman train and early morning trains for Boston decl3eodtf USEFUL twi vuugicss oircci, oigu Naples—John G. Cannel to John S. and the West. MASONIC. form and a delightful time ia expected. Cannel, THE AMOUNT OF TESTIMONY in fa- 65 acres for $2500. Passengers and Freight forwarded to Bangor with- of the Gold Boot, first At Masonic Hall, No. 88 Street. out additional via & R. — AND — Exchange Gray— Shad rack to Charles Pen- vor of Dr. Schenck’s Pulmonic as a cute for expense Bucksport Bangor That Terrible noon an Humphrey T. Syrup, YORK RITES. Bull.—Yesterday nell et al.. 53 acres for $1000. door east of First Parish Consumption, far exceeds all that can be to For further particulars inquire of FURS 1 FURS ! Blue Lodge—Ancient first Wednes- attempt was made to get the furious bull that Stinson brought Land-Mark, Woodbury to Samnel S. lot GEO. L. Gen. Ticket second third Latham, DAY, Agent, Church, day; Portland, Wednesday; Atlantic, made such a raid on on board the of land with buildings for $1700. support the pretensions of any other medicine. See Railroad Sunday Wharf. Those in Want of Nice Fur3 will do well to call at Wednesday. E. Assistant | Chapters—GreenleafR. A. first Mt. steamer. There was a very large crowd on the Dr, Schenck’s Almanac, which can be had of any CUSHING, Manger. C., Monday; Portland, Nov. 1877.nov!9dtf Ornamental Goods Vernon, R. A. third 18, C., Monday. wharf to witness the operation and they had Collision.—Two teams belonging out of Druggist, free of charge, containing the certificates ot Council—Portland C. R. & S. Masters, second town on J.Brown. the effect to again terrify him. He had start- collided Middle street last as Monday. evening many persons of the highest respectability, who have Ever Displayed in tills City, Irving ed the to the shed and was the drivers were their and p:.rry’s, up slip one with M'G. Palmer. Commanderieb of K. T.—Portland, fourth Mon leading snp- racing horses, been restored to health, after being pronounced in- Formerly day; St. Albans, second was RETURNED. aul6dtt Thursday. posed to be safe from further harm when he carriage badly smashed and a man, whose Cor. Middle and Temple Grand Bodies—Grand first in curable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Street, Lodge, Tuesday suddenly turned upou the drovers and name was not was CAN BE FOUND AT first in jumping learned, slightly May; Grand Chapter, Tuesday evening May; braised. Schenck’s has from the as Pulmonic Syrup atone cured many, where they will find better goods Grand Council, Wednesday 3 p. m.; Grand Com- slip escaped before. He passed up They hauled off the disabled vehicle, hat re- as these re cure is mandery, Wednesday evening. India street and through Congress street to the fused to give any particulars about the accident- evidences will show; bats often tor the price tliau can be found in Masonic Relief Wednes- Association—Fourth vacant lot below the promoted the of two other remedies MRS. in month. Observatory, where he by employment DRTwELGH, day every this market. Seal and Otter Mulls Portland School of Masonic Instruction— stopped, evidently being much fatigued from Nominations by the which Dr. Schenck provides for the purpose. These YOU CAY GET Governor.—The and Ladies’ New Hats Second and fourth Tuesday of each month. his run of the before. Marshal Boas, Style k day additional remedies are Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic CHIROPODIST, Bridges Governor has made the following nominations: Co’s, ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITES, was sent foi and at once ordered him shot. Justice of Peace and and Mandrake Pills. By the timely use of these and Caps, Seal and Otter Caps Lodge—Yales Grand of first Quorum, (State)— Lodge Perfection, Mr. J, K. Carleton took an Evans rifle and Abner Skowhegan. At 2281*2 Middle Street, Over Friday. Coburn, medicines, according to directions Dr. Schenck cer- lor Geuts, latest styles received HOLIDAY Justices of Peace and standing beside a house below the open space Quorum—John A. Mer- Palmer’s Shoe Store. Council—Portland Council P. ol J. second Fri- rill, L. H. tifies that most any case of Consumption may be 28 FREE STREET. shot him. It Auburn, Hutchinson, Lewiston, this week. Seal, Otter and Beaver day. required seven shots to kill him. 1' rank D. declD dt Hale, Auburn, Frederick O. Wafson, cured. Every moment of delay makes your cure Chapter—Dunlap Chapter Rose Croix de H. Mr. McDonald, the who was Alfred All difficulties ef the feet Gloves lor Ladies and Geuts. Silk quartermaster, Auburn, Cushman, Sherman, J. I Lis- more and all on the skillfully Friday. difficult, depends judicious treated for a short time. aec25dlwteodtf was a little better comb, Portland, S. L. injured, yesterday and there Carleton, Portland, Sam- choice of a Schenck’s Mandrake Pills are an new Consistory—Maine Consistory, S, P. R. S., fourth uel F. remedy, Umbrellas, style handles, jast PRESENTS was some of his Small, Temple, G. I. Peavey, Water- Friday in March, June, September and December. prospect recovery He has agreeable and safe cure for caused by ville, N. M. Pike, p Consumption the lor a W. W. Damariscotta, Benjamin CITIZENS’ RELIEF. thing present. employed Thomas, Jr., as counsel to Giles, Bootbbay, A. G. biliousness, and also for sallow complexion and declO (1! w3dp Holiday tor persona of all ages at I. O. O. F. Wakefield, Bangor, ascertain who is responsible for his injuries. Moses Page, Gardiner, W. H. Y. coated tongue. There is no better remedy for a dis- At Odd Fellows' JohnsoD, ANNUAL Hall, Farrington Block, Congress Eddington, L. H. ordered stomach and all MEETING, Street. The woman injured was not so well yester- Whittier, Guilford, Jere- the evils resulting there- miah M. Johnson, N. B. Walker from. Kendall & Relief Association—Third Tuesday in the and it was feared that she would Addison, Dr, Schenck is professionally at his principal Annual of the Citizens* Mutual Wliitney, Novelties. day not re- J. L. Meeting Re- month. Biddeford, Milliken, Saco, R. 8. Gould,’ comer and Geo. F. office, Sixth Arch lief of will be held in cover. Biddeford, James Biddeford. Streets, Philadelphia, THE Society, Portland, Recep- Nelson’s, on Slade, tion Hall Dec. 1877, at Lodges—Maine, Monday evenings; Ancieny every Monday, where all letters for advice must be Friday Evening, 28tb, MARKET Am now prepared to offer some of the latest Nov- on The second of the ball the Trial Justices—Charles H. New Glou- o’clock. The Directors will meet at Haruiou’s HALL, Brothers, on Thursday evenings; Ligonia, Friday escape delayed Cobb, addressed. Store eUivS, both useful and tor the NO. 363 MIDDLE No. cester, A W. E. L. ornamental, Holiday STREET, evenings; Beacon, on Tuesday evenings; Unity, steamer until the tide to fall and the re- Clark, Waldoboro, East- (Mechanics* Budding.) Thursday Evening next, at trade. A choice assortment of and began James D. Schenck’s Medicines are for sale all o’clock. Per S, on Wednesday evening; Ivy, D. ofit., second man, Sweden, Lamson, Freedom. by Druggists. 71 order, MARKET SQUARE, no5 Old aland Mweetaer * Merrill. (33m ui cucxj xxxuxiixx. mainder of the cattle oould not be until de25dtdM. N. louriu oaiuiuu.y loaded Notaries Public—A. P. Carrier, Sedgewick, decl eodlm&wsn RICH, Sec’y. Encampment—Macbigonne, first and third Wed- midnight. The Bteamer will sail this moraiDg T. W. Weeks, Bath. offer for the Holiday trade second and fourth Wednes- LACE GOODS nesday; Eastern Star, some time. Dedimus Justice—Alfred Cushman, Sher- ! day; Portland, first and third Friday; Falmouth, man. for Sale Organ Cheap. of No. It, first and third Tuesdays. A LINE PRIME ID CLIPPER consisting Freight fob LARGE Benefit association—Board of Directors meet Europe.—Notwithstanding The Constitutional Amendments. NEW Ten Stop Cabinet Organ, contains three SLEDS, first evening of each month. Association there are now ocean lots of case in Monday five steamers here to take — OP — A reeds; handsomely ornamented Hdkfs., Ti- xneetsfirst of Black and French walnut. Will be a BASKETS, BIRD CAGES Barbs, Ties, Monday evening January, April, July from the Grand A sold at great and October. freight Trunk, there is an im- PROCLAMATION. bargain, at Domestic Sewing Machine Toilet Agency, — — Sets, mense of it that will not be moved for 440 CoDgress Street. AND dies, Guipure pile some BY THE GOVERNOR. 1877. TEMPLAIiS OF HONOR. STAPLE CARLTON & CHANDLER. Barbs Scarfs. December, time. Tbe are wharves all blocked up, and dec25 and;5 Eo. 100 Street. dlw C A. <3- E TRIMMINGS. At Templars' hall, Exchange there are several trains not Whereas, by “Resolves providing for certain yet unloaied. The In other departments may be found a full line of all I have a tew Council—Maine, fiist and third Monday In each amendments to the Constitution of the Stato of is hereby given, that the subscriber has Bird Seeds all hinds large cargo which the Ontario is to take out of constantly on the month. Maine,” approvedlEebruary 9, 1877, the legislature NOTICEbeen dulv appointed and taken upon himself hand. makes bat a Bmall hole iu the lot. There the trust of Administrator ot the estate of HEAVY OVERCOATINGS Temple—Forest City, No. 1, every Wednesday are by the concurrent vote of two-thirds of both houses, FANCY GOODS evening. some 500 cars filled with JOHN STAPLES, late of North Yarmouth, Extra clear Canary 20 cents per quart (1$ lbs.). NOVELTIES left and to close them oat at grain ia bulk which proposed certain amendments to the Constitution of propose in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and given will need go into the elevator, to say of the State of to wit: Corn lor of the season, to which your inspection is respecfulJy Patriotic Order Sons of America—Camps No nothing Maine, bonds as thelaw direets. Ail persons having demands Premium Popping Christ- the SUITABLE FOR invited. REDUCED RATES FOR and 4 convenes over-the Eastern Express Office, grain in bage. There is a large quantity of Electors. upon the estate ot said deceased are required to mas Trees. CASH, 4 Plum street. No. 3 on Wednesday evening; No. Kn npraon C,Tl0ll votn of omr olnnlinn In 4 1,:- et.lA exhibit the and all indebted to said and Gentlemen in want an will boxed meats, pork and lard amone the lot. same; persons of Overcoat do well on fiist and third Saturdajs of each month; No 1 on estate are called upon to make payment to Solo Agents for tlie PATENT REVERSI- to call and examine before elsewhere. unless he has paid a tax wintbia two purchasing Tuesday evening, at Arcana Hall; No. 2 at School Something like 100 car loads of white piue poll years pre- JOHN STAPLES, JR., Administrator. BLE PLASH' STAND. detSdtJal House, Turner’s Island, Cape Elizabeth, Friday ceding the election in which he to North Yarmouth, Dec. 18,1877. w3w52 E S. Morrill deals are stored on the large open platform on proposes] vote, A. 8. Evening. said tax has been FERYALD, Galt wharf. This lumber comes provided legally assessed upon* Clifts, from Green Holiday Bosworth Post G. A. R.—Meeting every Friday him. Morcliant in Mechanics* Hall, corner of and Wisconsin. It is 467 TallOr, evening Congress Bay, brought to Sarnia, Ont., Municipal Indebtedness. CAN BE FOUND AT 1 (MB THINKS. Congress Street. Casco streets. in and is del 9 tf 237 MIDDLE ST. vessels, there taken on the Grand No city or town shall hereafter create debt or Jfl Portland Temperance Reform Club—Head- any decl8d2w Trank aud M. J. Haines, Principal, Assistants and Slippers. and streets. brought here. It is to be liability, which or in tho with Pupils quarters corner of Congress Temple shipped singly, aggregate of Park St. Grammar also to Miss and Business Tues- TO School; Open day evening. meeting to different European ports as an experiment. previousjdebts or liabilities, shall exceen five per Rosa E. True, Principal, Assistants and of NOTICE 2 Kid Gloves and at o’clock. L. A. Pupils Slippers tor Men, milieus, day evenings 7* Gould & Park St. School for If it is a success there promises to be large centum of the last regular valuation of said city or Co.’s, Primary their very generous lor Women. Lacc Collars and Young Men’s Christain Association-Op- ship- I Christmas Presents. I hope to perform duties as Slippers We are a fall lino of Misses* and Bibs, ments made later in town; provided, however, that the adoption of this my gelling Ladies*, posite Preble | House. Congress Street, |open day the season. There are now 503 CONGRESS Janitor, to their entire satisfaction. Slippers tor Boys. Children’s Worsted Gaiters and article shall not be STREET, Scarfs, and evening. Union Gospel MeetiDg every Saturday in all cars construed as applying to any dec22 dtf dec25dlt ASA Janitor. lor Girl«. 1100 of different kinds of freight HUFF, Slippers Silk Handkerchiels and evening. fund received in trust by said city or town, nor to Slippers lor Children. mufflers, waiting for steamer to take it away. It really The Goat and Kid Button Boots Portland Typographical Union, No. 75- loan for the of Holders of all Classes of Bonds Ill tui: • Sleeve Buttons and Cuff any purpose; tv VI Ut'l — Pins, renewing existing 91I|P|PC<9 AND — Second Saturday of each month. looks as though tho laboring classes were to of the Lamoille loans, or for war, or to temporary loans to be paid Valley, Montpelier and St. Johns- Slippers ol all kinds (or every Nice Winter Hosiery, Portland Fraternity—No. 4} Free St. Block have considerable this bury & Essex County R. R. Co., forming the employment season from out of money raised by taxation the in LADIES’ WARM Every evening. during year Vermont Division of the Portland & Ogdensburg body. SLIPPERS Shawl and Scarf Pins, these steamers. which are made. Candy, Candy! R. are and they invited to send their names and Ladies’ misses’ While AT GKEATJLY REDUCER PRICE*. Portland Society of Natural Hist y— R., address, Slip Glove the with the amount and class ot bonds in which Japanese Boxes, At their library room, City Hall, on the first and And, whereas, legal voters of the State of j they pers and White Boots. Also a fall line ot Gents' Resolutions of Respect.—At a of All the Eat and Pro- are interested, to LOUIS 120 third Monday evenings oi each month. meeting Maine, at the annual election of State and People It, FITZGERALD, Travelling Bags. the County Broadway, New York, that fall information as to FALL AND WINTER BOOTS Sovereigns of Haydn Association, held last the holden on ill. G. Industry—DirigoCouncil,No. evening, officers, the 10th day of September last nounce it the condition of this road aud of tho several classes PALMER. of desirable and Make n3eful and for meets at Arcana at 7 au3l styles quality. very acceptable gifts Mieses every Friday evening, Hall, following preamble and resolutions were within the several towns and ot securities may be sent them. dec25d3t dtf o’clock. adopt- past, cities, plantations, and can be found in great variety at ed: in their ballots Mercantile Library gave upon the said amendments a s THE ! Davistto Oartland Assc&iation—Farrington Mr. BEST Notice. Block. Second Monday in each month. Frank Noyes, since February 11. 1872, the provided by tha Resolves aforesaid, and lists of the Delivery Treasurer ot 3XTOTIOE. NO. 310 MIDDLE of books 2 to and evening. tbe Haydn Assoeialfon, died on the 17th votes said persons are hereby cautioned against STREET, daily. 9, day of upon amendments were made by the al- ALL SORTS OF & December, at his residence in this city. His fel- ALLtrusting or harboring my wife, Elizabeth In order to make it more com* de21 Under Falmouth Hotel. lwis Owen,Moore Bailey’s Pay son Literary Society—Meetings every low assessors and clerks of the* sev- clecl8 cltf members, desirous of tbeir sincere re- dermen, selectmen, Coffin; also two of my minor as I shall pay Brown’s cor. Brown testifying children, tort able lor customers and Monday evening, Block, .and spect for his aud their eral towns and and no debts of their from this date. display at o’clock. memory appreciation of his cities, plantations/ returned to contracting Congress streets, 7$ valuable services to tho ALBERT COFFIN. our goods to better advantage, we Association adopt the the office of Secretary of State, counted by the Gov- IN AGAIN. JUST TIIE THING Portland Institute and Public Library- following resolutions: Cape Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1877. dec25dlw* have removed several depart- TRADER Building. Open and free to all from 10 to ernor and Council, and ascertained to be as follows, Id City ments to Tbis is to inform — Resolved, That in tho death of our Treasurer, our wholesale room in my friends and the public that I FOK 1 and 7 to 9. Mr. Frank to wit: Maine Eclectic Medical Noyes, the association has been deprived FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Society. the basement. have purchased tbo stock of Skillin & Newoll, and Independent Order of Good Templars— ot an efficient officer and a devoted and valuable On the proposed amendment in relation to Elec- Semi-Annual Meeting ot the Maine Eclectic taken the *iore 5I J6 Federal Wt., recently occu- 420* member With the inducements which we Arcana, Monday, Congress Hall, Congress whose example and influence have always five Warranted Pure and Fresh THEMedical Society will be held at tde Johnson pied by them, and shall continue to carry on the Williams* been tors, Twenty thousand, hundred and thirty votes Every Day shall offer on our Bt.; Mission, Wednesday, Block, Congress exerted for tbe best interests ot the Association, House, Gardiner, on the second of (lolioay Goods, Frame, Picture, Nintionery and Fancy and two hundred Wednesday at Sons ot and tbe loss of whose for, Twenty-five thousand, and — — on Good Business. Picture Fames made to street* Mystic, Thursday, Temperance genial presence, hearty aid AT January, tbe 9th, 1878, at 10 a. in. Per order stock both doors merit a CHRISTMAS. and Hall. encouragement will be long severely felt and forty-two votes against. On the proposed amend- dec25a2w* KiCfPD MACE, M, D., Secretary. thorough examination. order, I have on band numerous articles suited to Hall. mourned us. the Trade which I Portland Temperance Union—Congress by ment in relation to Holiday shall be pleased to show meet- Municipal Indebtedness, Thirty- those who favor me with a call. Business meetings Thursday evenings; public Resolved, That our sincere Lost. may You can get a Nice Picture in a 8x10 frame for sympathy be extended nine thousand, three hundred votes and Five ings Sunday evenings, at1' o’clock. to his and tbe for, C. 0, at daughter other members of his family, HUDSON’S, the Catholic cathedral and $1.00, Juvenile No. 24. and that a of these resolutions thousand, eight hundred and oighty-two votes Congress 7 MOORE & BAILEY. Templars—Perham Temple, copy be forwarded to a of fur OWEN,decl8 S. 11. Coles at at 7 and bo BETWEENSt, Monday morning, pair Lady’s spring dtf worthy. CougrcEs Huh, eyery Wednesday evening them; entered upon the records of the against. wrist Will dec 18 d3w PHOTOGRAPH o’clock. in No. 13 Market mittens. the tinder please leave tbem at BROWN’S Temperance concerts first Sunday every Association. Square, this ROOMS) month. Now, therefore, I, Selden Connor. Governor of the office or 187 Cumberland St. de25dtf 276 middle Street CHAS. II. O 1? K N Big Hogs.—Messrs. State of Maine, by virtue of the said Resolves, pro- FROST, decl Army and NAVY Union—Come George Blanchard & PORTLAND. dim S|Portlandand Krown amendments to the of 8tre«5ts. First Tuesday in each Brother of Cumberland Centre, killed the 19th viding for|certaiu Constitution del2 d2w Bank and Sate Locksmith, FRENCH & GERMAN LAUNDRY. mouth** the State of NEW KID Chester white hoar Maine, approved February 9.18T7, do GLOVES, Cusbnoc, farrowed April 4, At Machine Shot), 56 Market our clothes in the and so need issue this, my Proclamation, declaring that the Silk Umbrellas. Street, dry open air, 1878 1876, which'.measured 6 feet in in Printers’ WE mure water and fresh air than the other 1878 Superior length, 3| amendment In NEW Exchange Building, DIARIES aforesaid In- Court. relation to Municipal Neck Tics and Pins, CORSETS, laundries id the We have established a laundry height, girted 6 feet and 7G5 also city. DECEMBER CIVIL TERM, 1877, weighed lbs.; debtedness, received a in Ha. for .ale one Air ilium Mize out of town, and will bo to commence Bym'onds J.. PRE- having majority of votes Collars and SAFE, prepared at Wholesale Call Chester white sow Cuffs, NEW work on Dec. 10th. All left at W. Retailing price. early while the SIDING. Lady Walters, farrowed its favor, is adopted, and that it will take effect and PANNIERS, Combination Cock, Best bargain in (he Monciay, orders A Pain ot Nice Kid Cloves. D. Jones’, S'JO Conaress Casco, or assortment is large. Monday.—William Deering vs. March 26,1876, which 620 lbs. Total become a of and lor the Street, opposite Henry Goff. weighed part the Constitution of the State of oftte^best qualities the best assortment to he city, money. dec22dlw 6 Bradford Street, will receive prompt attention. Action on a note for $242. on Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, tound. promissory Defence weight 1,385 lbs. Maine, the first day of January in tho year of our dec7d3m FRAU VON HAGEN & CO. 482 the Preble siatute ot limitations. Decision for the Congress St„ Opp. plaintiff for Lord one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-eight. Travelling Bags, New Fichues, New Ties, amount of the note. Pabish Meeting—Tbe annual The Line of meeting of In testimony whereof, I have caused the Linen New New Finest and must Complete Sign of the Gold Pen. Seal of Handkerchiefs, Bibs, Ruchings, Vinton tor plaintiff. Casco streetfparish was held last evening, and the State to be hereunto affixed, at New New Boots & Shoes oc3 d3m Anderson for defendant. i Augusta, this 20th day of in the Nice Suit of Underwear. Jacobs, Handkerchiefs, the were elected: December, following officers L s. S year, or our Lord one very and Sian or D.* vs. Daniel W. Eaton, et als, thousand, eight IN GHEAT nt neatly promptly repaired. the Gold TOILET SLIPPERS Watson, Jr., hundred and and Make useful and lor VARIETY, Moderator—L. J. Jones. I-—-' seventy-seven, of the very acceptable gilts gentle- J. BROWS. at in can be found Action on a poor debtor’s six months bond. De- Clsrk of the Boot._au4dtt_IKVINQ the city FOR DANCING. and Treasurer—R. Hearing. independence United States of men and can be found in every variety at America the one hundred and fence— performance ot one of the conditions ot the Collector—Peter L. Watts. Becond. Greene &, Chandler’. Three (fnnirille Band.. bOnd. Decision reserved. The SELDEN CONNOR. THAT YOUNG Wyer Co.’s, Pronapler. — Chandler, Klchard.aa * meeting adjourned to on9 week from By the Governor: MAN! Wahh. for Blethen lor defendant. & Between Preble House and U. S. Hstel. The latest and best hit. Ask ISO CONGRESS L Fogg plaintiff. next Owen,Moore Bailey's yoor book or news- STREET, • 27 market Thursday. S. J. Chadbourne, Secretary of State. dtf no22 deodtt dealers for him. 50 Headquarter., Iqaare decl8 ; Only cents a copy, delld3w de22dlw Opp. Preble llen.e. oc26 d?™ POETRY. between the muscles and tendons, and mak- ing the former feel flabby to the touch; with _MEDICAL. _WA3TTS. REAL ESTATE. EXCURSIONS. STEAMERS. RAILROADS. a large head, narrow chest, and small lung [For the Press.] capacity, pale|mucous membrane and weak with a abdo- WANTED, si Notice. Christmas. pulse; considerrbly developed ana Our “chatterbox REDUCED RATES. BOSTON Grand Trnnk R. ** Baby’, magazine,’’ with over FARMS for sale on Oak Hill, Scarboro’, STEAMERs7~ R. Co. of Canada. men, large limbs, a thick skin, covered with 300 the Illustrations; most popular children’s MILKcontaining 130 acres, a large two-storv house, long coarse hair, with CatarrH bonk ever published, A very beautiful Steel En- large Darn and corn wood and WINTER ARRANGEMENT, tirfflTiintfli 0n and a,ter MONDAY. Oct. 8, 1877, large lymphatic glauds, barn, house, carriage trains will run as little nervous graving, entitled Ought and Carry.One,” size 18x24 twelve cows, two horses, tools Good SO PORTLAND to follows: 0 Prince of Peace 1 sheathed was the Roman excitability and slow movement, farming &c. sword, as a Send tor circular and mils route be NEW YORK via 7.00 a. m. toi Auburn and Lewiston. are of the given premium. terms "to may had if desired. For further par- And shut once more the of War’s dread fane. evidently lymphatic temperament. Of Ten Years’ Duration. ticulars 8 a m for gates The Dis- enquire of WALTER H. SMALL, on the Gorham, (Mixed.) their Now, here are three well defined classes that Henry Fleetwood. 309 Washington St., 12.35 p. oi tor Auburn and Lewiston. What time the shepherds watched fleecy train de24 Boston. premises. de24d2w* be met with and d3t 1.80 p. m. for Islend Pond, Quebec and Montreal. On Judah’s echoed back the word— may every day, nearly every charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul hills, that Portland & Worcester 5.301>, m. lor Auburn, Lewiston and South Paris. horse can be referred to one or the other; on flr8t classReal Estate & Norwich Lines. To you is born a Saviour, Christ, the Lord, ■WAS-AiwMOTVTTV40lean ARRIVALS. but horses combine two Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Et JL Security, in Portland, or vi- o’er starlit vale and very many evidently Rents 1 While shone around height LOST AND FOUND. cinity. collected, taxes paid, &c. on Com- TO NEW YOFfKtf* 1 8.30 a. m. from Lewi* ton and Anburu. of the one be missmn. was not born of temperaments, though may Apply to F. G. Dealer in ancl RETURN L» 9.30 a. m. trom Gorham A glory that sure night! Gone. Cured Real PATTERSON, ijpA (Mixed). somewhat more apparent than the other. Wholly Entirely by Estate. 3791 Congress Street. nolSdtf 2.20 p. m. Irom and West. Mon of will shall freely own thy sway; Line Montreal, Quebec good Most thoroughbred horses are of the saguind Lost. Only tunning through cars between Portland 2.50 p. m. from Lewision and Auburn. though a sharper sword on earth be sent, and Long Island Sound Steamers, and avoiding the 6.00 m. from For, nervous temperament, but the tendency of SANFORD’S between Morrill’s Coiner rnd Con- p. Lewiston, Auburn and South Paris stout hearts and make the RADICAL CURE. annoying Carriage transfer through Boston. Leave To pierce proud relent, too modern breeders gress a small WALLET a small For On and after Dec. 24tb the steamers John Brooks many is, unfortunately Messrs.Weeks & Potter: Gentlemen—I feel SOMEWHERESt., containing Sal© ! Portland & Rochester Depot, Portland, at 2 30 P. M. conflict of troth’s compelled sum of The finder will be well or further run as fol- Faith’s King prepares the way, to out a of the nervous. to acknowledge to 3rou the great benefit Sanford’s money. rewarded by State Roomt on Steamers secured in advance at Forest City will, until notice, bring preponderance Portland. The new and .Fasseneev Offices bark t the angelic ehoir on service Radical Cure has been to me. For ten I have leaving tbe same at 13 SILVER ST., thoroughly built 28 Exchange St., and at the lows: Leave And, bent, With common horses we very often see the years 8 Depot. been afflicted with this loathsome and espe- Dec. 12, 1877. de24d3t* house Ellsworth St. J. W Resumes its theme: list what disease, Very pleas- PETERS, J. 1LLUNT, 74 mortals, they say,— and, the cially in the winter time has it been most severe. The Gen. FRANKLIN WHARF, Portland, EXCHANGE ST., sanguine-lymphatic, occasionally, has been thick and antly situated; in the healthiest Ticket Agent. Supt. discharge bloody, a foul — — Glory to God 1 Bis light is man’s new day i temperaments. emitting ot sept28 dtf AMb nervous-lymphatic odor so bad that my presence in a room with others Lost. part the city. The best bargain every OTonday. Wednesday, and Friday, nt 18,7 E’ °* is of was offensive to them. One week The sanguine temperament the type very after commenc- (lie ICth one GOLD BOWED in the market this season. 7 p.m. and INDIA WHARF, BOSTON, ing the use of Sanford’s Radical Cure I Inst., pair UEFOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST. endurance and the was not SPECTACLES. Tbe finder will be rewarded every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, The strength, perseverance; troubled with it at all. My senses of taste and smell, ON Apply on the premises. Natlritj. which tcere by them at HOUSE NO. 118 SPRING at 5 p, m. nervous, of intelligence, willingness and en- wholly gone, have now fully returned, und leaving J.K. AVERILL. my general health is much improved. STREET. dec20dlw this line are reminded that se Tickets sold at Reduced Rates ergy ; the of slowness Yours, Passengers by they l lymphatic, dullness, dtf rest and avoid the ex, MELBOURNE H. _ cnre a comfortable night’s and weakness. A proper balance of the san- FORD, T. Canada, Dcir.lt, Chicago, lUilwaa* BT ALFRED H. DOMMETT. Short-Hand Writer. pense and Inconvenience of arriving in Boston late and nervous is seen in House for 4 iuriuuali. Ml. I.ouim. Onabi, guine temperaments Grand Rapids, Mien., Nov. 3,1876. BOARD. Sale, at night the best of the Arab and |EyTickets and State Booms tor sale at D. H. Maginuw, Ml. Paul, Mall l.abr C'ilv, specimens English Western part of a New House LATER. city, containing YOUNG’S, 266 Middle Street. Denver. Man Vraaciaco, “It was the calm and silent thoroughbreds, and their descendants; and IN all the modern improvements. at this night! Gentlemen: The of Sanford’s Inquire Through Tickets to New York via the variots and all points In the hundred are for the package Cubs arrived office. au2dtf Seyen years and fifty-three these animals alike remarkable here to-night all right. I don’t know what I should have Sound Lines, for sale at very low rates. Had Rome been New Northwest. West anil Southwest. growing up to-night, perfection of their forms, their intelligence, done if it had not been for this remedy. I have tried Boarding House. New York&Return Freight taken as usual. And and now was queen of land and sea. Nasal Douches everything else, and although I have de30-76dtf J. B. COYLE, jr.. Gen’l Agt. and the length of time duriug which they been able to the offensive THE GRAND TRUNK I nave not — In Ho sound was heard of clashing wars; stop discharge, The undersigned taken the and cen- VIA — RAILWAY 1. splendid can exertion. been able to recover my senses of taste and smell until I having large COPARTNERSHIP. condition. Is well with Peace brooded o’er the hushed sustain excessive muscular tra 11 y located house as equipped ttrut-chuw rolling domain; tried Sanford’s Cure. You can refer one boarding (formerly kept a and is the best and Mars as I have here those who any you No C is stock, making connections and nulcic- Apollo, Pallas, Jove, Bnt, already .said, choose to me, and I will inform them In hotel) Hampshire Street, prepared to accom- Maine time of Held cheerfully modate BOSTON & MAINE Steamship Company wt any route from Portland to the West undisturbed their ancient reiga are not contented with who seem to detail as to the benefit the remedy has been to me. regular or transient hoarders on liberal DISSOLUTION. In the this, terms. C4TPULLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM solemn T. T. COOMBS. — — midnight think train- MELBOURNE H. FORD. OB AND SLEEPING are Centuries the only object in breeding and Yours, de22 Copartnership heretofore existing under the Semi-Weekly Line to New York. CARS attached to the trains ago. dim firm name Portland ing horses is to produce an animal in which Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 15,1876. THE of Trickey & O’Brion, is this day leaving at 1.50 p. m. dissolved mutual Baggage checked from Portland to “’Twas in the calm and silent night! is carried to the and by consent. The business of the EASTERN RAILROAD Eleanora & Franconia Detroit and speed greatest extent, late firm will he carried on E. Steamers Chicago, and not to Custom examina- The senator of haughty Rome To Let with Board. by C. O’Brion, who iB subject House endurance left correspondingly in the back- authorized to collect and pav all bills of the late firm. Will until further notice, leave Franklin Wharf tion. Impatient urged his chariot’s flight, of nie&xooms on first also 1 The result of this is well known; SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE floor, single room EDWARD H. TRICKEY, Portland, every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 The Company are not responsible tor to From lonely revel rolling home. ground. SUITsuitable for a and table For Twelve baggage not arrests the in gentleman, board fum- EDWARD C. O’BRION. Dollars, P. M. and leave Pier 38 East River. New York any amount exceeding *50 In value (and that Triumphal arches swell the animals have the nervous de- only promptly corroding discharges at rates. _ person- gleaming, produced It restores to sound jjhed._All reasonable MRS. N. P. Dec. 1877. every MONDAY aud THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. al) unless notice Is and tor at the rate ol His breast with thoughts of boundless mus- Catarrh, but, by sympathetic action, 74 Portland, 7, dec7d3w given, paid sway; velopment carried to excess, while the health all the of the head that have become THAYER, Spring St., corner of Oak St. Including Transfers across Bos- These steamers are fitted with fine accomo one for What recked the Roman what befell organs up passenger every *500 additional value. are and reduced in thickness affected by it, and exhibit any of the following affec- dec!8 v3__ through stable-door, which, though body Pains in the of the Senses oi Tickets and State Rooms can be obtained at 22 Across his He for Temples, Boss path. passed; nanght with great swiftness for a certain distance, is Boarders Wanted. AUBUBN* A whole Night’s rest and Exchange street. decl6tf Portland & Rochester Told him what was on within. Taste and Smell, Elongation of the Uvula, going R.B. going from the want of volume in muscles and avoid How keen the stars! his only thought; unable, Inflammation of the Tonsils, Putrid Sore FEW good men can find pleasant rooms with Elm Home, Uouri. 8t. W. w. die A. SToum* coming, contusing The air how calm and and tain! and the of the organs of circulation A board, at 30 BROWN ST. Proprietor!*. NOVEMBER 1897. cole, incapacity Throat, Tickling or Hacking Cough, Bron- mnOI night changes. &TOWINGTOM LINE 13, In tbe solemn midnight and respiration, to continue this speed for and of the Ul<» Centuries chitis, Bleeding Bungs. AUGUSTA. Staterooms on steamers and chairs in Parlor cars ago. any considerable time. And there is the FOR NEW YORK. T***in» will rui ai follows Each package contains Dr: Sanford’s Improved In- secured in advance at Boston Eastern R. YjoMii.Mo:--oini Augusta House* State St., Whit fad & Maine or AHEAD OF ALL VTIlEttl. “O indifference! Low and further drawback, in over-developing the ner- haling Tube, with full and carefully prepared directions R. Offices Commercial Street. strange high for use in all cases. Price, SJ. For saleby all wholesale TO LET. Proprietor. Leave Pori land at 7.30 a. a.. Drowsed o’er common vous that the and wil- A. P. Pres’t E. R. R. joys and.cares; temperament, energy and retail druggists and dealers throughout the United ROCKWELL. """-and O.VO p. m. Toe earth was but knew J. T. P URBER, General B. «& M. K. R, This Is the Only Inside Route still, not why; lingness thus obtained are out of all propor- States and Canadas. WEEKS & POTTER, General BATH. Sup’t. *.30 A. m. Accommodation for Worcester. Ar- The world was unawares. Agents and Wholesale Druggists, Boston, Mass. Jy dtr Avoiding Point Judith. rives at listening tion to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, &c., To Let. Bath Hotel* U. in. Plummer* Propvieiar Rochester at 9.55 a. m., (connecting with How calm a moment may precede Eastern and Boston & Maine which must bear the Steamboat Railroads.) At One that shall thrill the world forever! strain; consequently, A furnished Express trains leave Boston from Bos- Nashua 11.47 a. m., Lowell 12.15 pleasant, Chamber, BOLSTER’S p, To that still moment none would heed: when such animals are to a full test of HILLS. tIftTPT.fi ton & Providence K. R. Depot daily, except Sunday, Boston 1.15 put 903 OXFORD ST., near Chestnut. p.m., Ayer J auction 12.4« p, Man’s doom was no more to at 5.30 p. m., connecting at Stonington with the en- linked, sever, their powers, their usefulness is often over, de21 dtf m., Fitchburg 1.25 p.m.. and \l orcou. * _ new and Steamer , In the solemn midnight tirely superb every at 2.10 p. m., with trains South and as never recover form the con- and with the connecting Centuries ago. they sprains, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ele- West. cussions on the Seven Rooms to be Let. gant and steamer Tues- and breakdowns produced BOSTON. UNITED STATES HOTEL, popular Stonington every il.30 P. 31. Mteamboui Express to Smith’s and in New York through “It Is the calm and solemn night! occasion. It may be proper to add, however, Apothecary Store, corner Portland Parker Honse. School Ii.H.0. Parker A day, Thursday Saturday, arriving New London without change. Con- and Green streets. in aarance oi an outer line*, A thousand bells ring oat and throw OVER Gas and Sebago water. Ap- ■ivrays »ag- nects at Rochester for Dover and (areal that many breeders are resolutely resisting to W. H. Co., Proprietors. PORTLAND. ME. checked Their joyous peals abroad, and smite ply JERRIS, Real Estate Agent- de20Iw* gage through. Falls, at Epping for Manchester and this the evil effects of which have St. James Hotel—J. It. Crocker, Tickets at of Boston & Maine and The darkness, charmed and holy now! practice, VOLTAIC Propri, procured depots Concord at Nashua tor Lowell and WASTER etor. The best Located Honse for Business Men Eastern Railroads and at Rollins # 22 Ex- The night that erst no name had worn, been pointed out again and again; and it is To tet. Adams’, Boston, at Ayer Junction for Fitch- To it a happy name is given; to be that will still more at- A N Electro-Galvanic Battery, combined with a highly Trenton! Honse, Tremont St.—Chapin, change St.,andW. D. Little.# Co.’s,494 Exchange St. burg and the West via Hoosac Tunnel hoped they pay Ajl Medicated NICE on HEATED "by STEAM. For in that stable lay, new-born, Plaster, forming the grandest curative TENEMENT York street, between Gurney Jc Co. Proprietors. L. W. FILKINS, D. S. BABCOCK, Line, at Worceeter with Boston & tention to it, aud thus increase the agent in the world of medicine, and utterly Brackett and Clark streets. one in Oen. New Albany — The peacetui Prince of earth and greatly surpassing A Also, Es- Passenger Ag’.t, York. President, Railroad tor New York, at Putnam with heaven, all other Plasters heretofore in use. sex Lane. Terms hereafter will be but In the solemn and usefulness of the animals They accomplish Apply to JOHN SWEETSIR, $2.00 per day. ocl 73 dtf Boston midnight agreeableness more in one week than fhe old Plasters in a MB. & Philadelphia Express Lino” for whole dcl5dtf No. 5 Neal BRUNSWICK, Centuries ago. do not cuke. street. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- produced. year. They palliate, they They P. &' K. W. H. WOLCOTT A CO., Proprietors Dining Rooms, Field, ington, at New Loudon with Norwich CAUSE OF TEMPERAMENTS. Proprietor. anglO deodtf INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Relieve Affections of the Chest. Store to L,et. Line Steamers, due at Pier No, 40, North Relieve Affections of the River New at 6.00 a. m. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Temperaments, like other conformations Lungs. OTORE No 556 Congress street, next west of Oak CORNISH. Calais, Mt. IV. Verb, the best Eastport, John, IS., Annap- 6.2*1 P. 31. Local for €»orham. and are of course but Relieve Affections of the Heart. lo street, is tor rent. Good location for the stove '‘Unquestionably sustained work IVindMor au«i Halifax. N. diseases, inherited; they Cornish House, ill. B. of olis, M., Trains leave Rochester 7.00. ll.no a. m. Relieve Affections of the Liver. business. to WM. H. Real Estate Baris, Proprietor the kind in tbe World.” E. are at the same time influenced Apply JERRIS, Charlottetown, P. V. iu Portland remarkably Believe Affections of the Spleen. Agent. decl3dtf. arriving at 9.35 a. m., and 1.10 p. m. care and food. It has DAMARISCOTTA MILLS. Leave Gorham 6,00 at by surroundings, long Relieve Affections of the Kidneys FALL a.m., arriving Portland t>.M —In the English of New South ARRANGEMENT. a. m. colony been noticed that horses raised in localities Relieve Affections of the Spine. Snmosct House, Trask Bros. Proprietors Harper’s Magazine. House To Let. Close connections made at Westbrook Junction Wales, there are about 25.000.000 shp.pn. where the soil holds a amount of Relieve Affections of the Nerves. large water, No. ILLUSTRATED. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. with through trains of Me. Central and at Relieve Affections of the Muscles Honse, 16J High Street, near Danfcrth. DANVILLE JUNCTION. HR, The cost of is estimated at $5.00 whether from an impervious subsoil, torm THEThis house has and and has Portland (Grand Trunk Junction) with through shearing per Relieve Affections of the Joints. Sebago gas, just On and after on water courses, lakes or been Clark’s Dining Hall, Grand Trunk Rail- Notices of the Press. Monday, Sept. trains of Grand Trunk R. R. 100 head. This would amonnt to an annual bordering marshes, Relieve Affections of the Bones. thoroughly repaired. 17th the of JONAS W. way Depot, M. W. Clark, Proprielor SteamersCity Portland j. m. LTTNT, Supt. or from any other cause, were uniformly of a Relieve Affections of the Sinews. CLARK, S. H. and New Bruns- defdtf_ outlay of $1,250,000, alone, for shearing. sept27eodtf 558 Congress Street. The Veteran Magazine, which long ago outgrew its Capt. Pike, lmyphatic temperament, and subjected to original title of the Mew has not wick, Capt. E. B. Winchester, No matter what may be the extent of your DEXTER. Monthly Magazine, Australia about 12 cent, of the certain forms of disease to the tem- Buffering, in the least abated tbe it won at tbe out- will leave Railroad foot produces per peculiar try one of these Plasters. Relief is a popularity Wharf, instantaneous, fact Merchants’Exchange Hotel, Dexter, Me.— of State and at 6.00 It has also been noticed that supported by hundreds of testimonials in our GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE. set, but Las added to it in many ways, and has kept St., every Monday Thursday, world’s wool her perament. possession. W. G. Morrill, Proprietor. lor and sheep aggregating 92,000,000 Bear in mind that the most important discoveries in f.tirly abreast of the times, thanks to the enterprise P. M., Eastport 8t. John. Maine wherever the air contains a amount of Central now third the divisions of the large pharmacy date back less than ten years, and that com- of its publishers and the tact and wisdom ot its edit- Returning will leave St. John and Eastport on the among great binations of Hotel and to moisture, whether caused by the gums and essences of plants and shrubs are Stores Rent. ors. For whatever is best and most readable in tbe same days. proximity herein united with to ELLSWORTH. for the of wool. Electricity form a curative Plas- ot and Connections made at for 8t. globe production of bodies of or the conformation The located Hotel as the literature travel, discovery, fiction, tbe aver- Eastport Robbinston, large water, ter. in soothing, healing, and strengthening properties centrally known City Hotel.—N. H. Higgins & Sons, Preps Andrews and Calais. as far to all other age reader of looke to of the country, the same is pro- superior Plasters heretofore In use I Adams House, on Temple Street, in this to-day Harper's Magazine, temperament as as did the reader of a Connections made at St. John for RAILROAD. as the of a Digby, —Substance rich in albumeu and mucilage scientific physician is to the horse-leech, city, is oftered for lease. It contains more just expectantly quarter Annapo- duced in the animals. And, again, where EANTPORT. there is the same admirable lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S., Shediao. Am- [ than forty rooms, together with thiee stores. century ago; variety of are denominated and furnish animals are fed on raised on Is contents and the same freshness and herst, Pictou, Summerside, P. E, albuminoids, forage rich, 3?ricc, 25 Cents. __]To a responsible party low rates will be Passatnaquoddy House,—A, Pike Co., suggestiveness Charlottetown, MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1877. in its editorial now as I., Fredericktown, N. B., and all stations on the In- The are moist which watery, given. Its convenient location for business men must Proprietors. departments then.—Boston nitrogen. hydro-carbons contained lands, is, consequently, Journal. tercolonial coarse make it very desirable as a first class Railway. Passenger Trains leave Portland for Bow. in structure and innutritious, when Be careful to call for COLLINS* PLASTER Lodging House, received on in rich in and The VOLTAIC as meals could be had at the HALLOWELL. I5P*Freight day of sailing until 4 plants starch, sugar gum. lest some worthless imitation. Sold restaurant now estab- gor, Dexter, Belfast nnd Wntervillt .t they receive very little concentrated food, you get by all 1 o’clock p. m. first are called Wholesale and Retail Druggists throughout the United lished on the first floor, Apply to WM. H. JERRIS, Hali-o. Honse. Hallowell, H. Q. Blake. 12.40 and 11.45 p. m. flesh formers, and the latter as beans or the For Circulars, with maps of routes, State oats, barley, corn, digestive States and Canadas, and WEEKS & Pro* Real Estate Agent. Proprietor. TERMS: Tickets, For at 12.40 and 11.45 m. by PQTTER, Rooms aDd any further information at the Mkowhegan 12.33, p. fat,formers. animals more of organs become the prietors, Boston, Mass. Portland, Dec. 10, 1877. delldtf Postage free to all Subscribers In tbe apply For Augusta, Hallowell. Bnidiue. aud Young require greatly distented, tborax, Company’s Office, No. 4 Milk Ocean In- HIRAM. United States. St., (opposite Brunswick at 7.00 a. and the mature ones more of the which contains the heart, great arteries and surance or of m., 12.40,5.20 11.45 p. first, latter. Co.,) m. become diminished, Boarding House to be JLef, Bit. Cutler House,—Hiram Hasten, Pro Harper’s Magazine, one year.$4.00. mh21dtf A. R. STUBBS. Agent, R. R. Wharf. The flesh are clov- lungs, correspondingly prietor For Boekiand and all stations on Knox & Lin- principal formers, wheat, is second aud third stories over Jewett Bros. $4.00 includes prepayment of U, S. the the frame work of the body large and postage by coln R. R., and for Lewiston via Brunswick at store, corner of Middle and India streets—ten er, beans, oats, linseed-cake, oil-cake, etc. the skin the muscles THE LEWISTON publishers. 7.00 a. m. and 12.40 p. m. coarse, thick, flabby, rooms. to WM. H. Real Estate to Harper’s Weekly, FOE THE Apply JERRIS, Subscriptions Magazine, ISLANDS. For Bath at 7.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5J0fc. m. The fat formers, are starch or oil. covered with a of cellular tis- DeWitt House, Quinby fit and to one address one corn, large quantity Agent.degdtf March,^Pro- Bazar, for year, $10.00; or, For Farmington, Monmouth, sue are prietor. two of to one address for one Winthrop, and fat, the anima's weak, slow and Harper’s Periodicals, Beadlirld, West Wnterville and Water- Store to postage free. STEAMER tourist. dull—in short the lymphatic temperament is Let year, $7.00; vnlle via Lewiston at 12.35 p. m. —Fowls drink water but they LIMERICK. An Extra Covu of either the Weekly freely, the certain result. Januaay 1st, the desirable store No. 88 Magazine, ""willleavethe East Side of Custom House Wharf Limerick House,—D. S. Fogg, Proprietor or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Club of know ju3t how much they need, and when the horses are AFTERCommercial St., Thomas Block, now occupied every day tor Jones* and Trefethen’s For Lewiston and Auburn. On other hand, when raised VlV T, n ■RrinriVQ Mr. f*n Tnmiira five subscribers at $4.00 each, paid for by one Landings, A and at 8 10.45 a. m. 4,45 have access to the sweet on well drained where the atmos- Family Medicine. remittance; or, Six Copies one year, without extra Hog Island, 45, 1.45, p. m., Passenger Trains leave at 12.35 p. m. and 5.15 they fluid, clean, upland, decSdlm F, J. ROLLINS, 22 Exchange St. LINCOLN VILLE. returning after each trip. copy, tor $20.00, p. m. The train leaving at 11.45 p. m, alBo has a and imbibe no more than is phere is dry, the forage fine and nutritious, A Trip every fresh, they good EFFECTUALLY and PERMANENTLY cur Beach Honse, Lincolnrille, T. E. Phillips, Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. Mailing; pleasant afternoon* car attached, connecting at Cumberland when are fed oa we find at 3.00 m. for them. It to they liberally oats, Headache, Nervousness, Canker, Dyspepsia, Flat- To Let. Proprietor. The volumes of the Magazine commence with tbe p. SasseDgerunction with a Mixed Train for Lewiston, Au- is, therefore, unnecessary a smaller and Pains in the Water Numbers for dune and of each and digestive organs occupying space, ulency Stomach, Brash, a good neighborhood, a nice and very conven- December year. When FARE, 35 CENTS. burn, Winthrop Walcrville. The 11.45 mix doube too and at the Diarrhoea, LITTLETON, N H. no time is it will be that oc2 m. tram is the your thin, sloppy, the thorax correspondingly large, the mus- Dysentery, Costiveness, Constipation, IN ient rent of six rooms, to a family without small specified, understood tbe dlwtM,W,S p. Night Express Train with Pull- Biliousness, Jaundice, Worms, Piles, Rheumatism, children. at No. 6 Horton Thayers Hotel, H. L. Thayer, Proprietor subscriber wishes to begiu with the current Number. man Sleeping Car attached, which makes close con- morning Hare the meal well scald- cles well developed, firm, their outlines un- Skin of the Inquire Place, leading feeding. Diseases,Diseases Liver,Kidney and Blad- from Dow St. nov22dtt A Complete Set Harper’s Magazine, now com- nection at Bangor for all stations on the Bangor marked cellular tissue or the skin is der ed, and feed the mixture to the stock stiff by fat, Complaints,Female Disease8,prevents Indigestion MACHIAS. prising 55 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be BO ST O 1ST & Piscataquis, and E. & N, A. Railway, and lor Iron to the is to the hair the animal is full of ex- gives Blood, adapted the sent by express, freight at of for — AND lloolton, Woodstock, St. Ml. thin, fine, peculiarly Hotel.—E. E* expense purchaser, Ani'rcws, anp dry, comparatively. This feed should, and cure ot Fever and Ague, Bilious, Good Bent. Eastern Stoddard* Prop. 25 volume. tut. John and Halifax. pression. of energy and power, he has the $2 per Single volumes, by mail, post- Stephen, Sreventionemittent and Intermittent Fever, and Restores rent on Port- $3 00. Cloth for 53 Passenger Trains arrive in Portland as generally, be composed of com and rye meal, to The cheap MudJot street, paid, cases, binding, cents, by PHILADELPHIA sanguine temperament perfection. Health to the Debilitated. Prepared by DESIRABLE,land. Sehago and other modern improvements IHILL BRIDGE. mail, postpaid. follows: —The morning trains from Augusta, Gar- vegetables—say one-third each- A little Arabian horse, produced for centuries under Call or address, I. L. ELDER, Atlantte Honse, Geo. A* Hopkins, Pro- A Compiete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Vol- Steamship Line. diner, Bath, Brunswick and Lewiston at 8.35 and these has a remarkable of nov!4dtf Attorney at 119J St. umes of Harper’s Magazine has been published, 8.40 a. m. The day trains from pepper occasionally la this dough, and al- conditions, power THOMAS G. GERRISH’ Mass, Law, Exchange prietor* Bangor, Dexter, reproducing this temperament in its offspring. Lowell, rendering available tor reference the vast and varied Leave each port every WedVy & Sat’d’y Belfast, Skowhegan, Farmington, K. Ht L. R. R., ways Balt, will improve the mess. BVf Sold by Druggists and Dealers tnlledicin To Let. NOR11IDGK WOCK. wealth of information which constitutes this pei iod- and all intermediate stations at 2.55 and 3.00 p. m, So is this as compared with ical a The afternoon train from great power, my!4 d&wly Dantortk House, D.Danforth* Proprietor perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, No Augusta, Bath, K, Hi L. that of horses raised under less favorable con- Tenement of 8 rooms to let in Cloth, $3 00; Halt Calf, $5 25. Sent postage prepaid. Wharfage, R. R. at 6.22 p. m, The night Pullman Expresf —The Moqui Indians, dwelling upon the ditions, that some of its admirers have Free Street. C. A. WESTON. Subscriptions received for Harper’s Periodicals From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 p.m tiain at 1.50 a. m. styled O O JEL 3XT S NORTH STRATFORD N. H. Pine Street I PAYSON the Z noltt45 Free Street. onlv. AfFrom Wharf, Phila- TUCKER, Sup't. table lands of the it universal breed, that is, the breed that at, a. m. Dec. higher Colorado, deposit Willard House, C* 8* Bailey & Co* P Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement H j JTfckrwtt delphia, 10 Portland, 3, 1877. Julldtf is able to itself under all condi- »K. B. O. CARLTON, No. 16 prietora. 1 aUkvyinsurance one half the rate ot ! the seeds of Indian corn twelve or fourteen reproduce _To Lot. __ tions. Modern experience, has Market Mqnnre, wHl—trait alt sailing vessels. Maine Central however, diseases of the feet: Corns, Bunions, in- bouse and stable No. 257 Oxford St. House PEAK’S ISLAND. Railroad. inches below the surface. Thus sown the this is too that even the F for the West the Penn. R. and South shown that going far; or bad &c., so that the contaius 9 rooms with and Sehago. Stable Pictorial Hiatory of the reight by R., attention of of at growing nails, THE gas Union House—W. T. Jones* Proprietor. ‘_‘A Complete bv connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. shippers freight Portland while if treated to raised for a few on wet boot can be worn im- room for three horses. at the or at Times.”—“The and most Is called to the new of plant thrives, according Arabian, generations Apply premises, beat, cheapest PASSAGE TEN THE arrangement freight Remember 0Cii7dtf 75 PORTLAND STREET. successful DOLLARS. trains on Maine Central r. in and Eu- soils, in a damp atmosphere, and fid on less mediately. Dr. Family Puper iu the Union.” R. R., to take effect APR the plan usual the United States Carleton’s Corn Annihila- PARIS DILL. For Freight or Passage apply to 2d, 1877. concentrated food, become coarse and flabby B'rnLrhl 1a. ■ » -_a _■_ s. rope it might never appear above the ,tor is a sure cure for Chil- To Let. Hubbard Hotel, H. Hubbard, Proprietor E. B, SAMPSON, Agent ground. thick skinaed and that it loses and Belfast long haired; blains; for sale by him jn23-lyO l.ona Wharf, Bwm received at freight house before 5.30 are that the in on street Harper’s Weekly. The reasons of this practice its energy and intelligence, becomes dull, and all Druggists. Farrington Block, Congress PHILLIPS. P. M., will be forwarded same day, and will be ready ROOMSnow occupied by Dr. Tasker. Possession given ILLUSTRATED,! for at destination country is without rain and almost without and is a animal. Examination free. People can be treated at their early delivery rext morning weak, lymphatic January 1. Inquire ot JOHN C. PROCTER, Barden House, Samuel Farmer, Propri- Portland & Harpswell Steamboat PAYSON TUCKER, The nervous is the re- residence when desired. oc21d6m etor. Superintendent dew; in summer‘.he sandy soil is continu- temperament chiefly 93 Exchange street. Notices of the Press. Company. March 31st, 1877,_ ao2dtf suit ot improper oreeuiug—ot trying to pro- oc20 dtf The Weekly is the ablest and most powerful illus- at a THE BEST:—THE CHEAPEST. 8KOWHEGAN. ously parched by the sun, temperature a trated in this Its edi- BOSTON * duce horse that will do more than he is phy- THE AMERICAN SOFT CAPSULE COMPANY’S periodical published country. CHANGE OF TIME. MAINE RAILROAD Turner House, W. G. Heselton, Pionri- torials are and much Ball often exceeding 100°. in the shade. It is only able to perform. The nervous system PURE CAPSULATED MEDI- To Let scholarly convincing, and carry Arrangement. sically etor. weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and After October is the CINES. In Metallic Boxes. Full and alter Nov. a nice tenement of six _On Monday, at the of a foot or more that the seed consequently abuormally developed, 1, (6) and and are our best Three Trips a Week for the Present. 8. 1877, trains will depth direction for use. rooms on first floor in brick No. 41 fresh, prepared by designers.— ”^■”8 LEAVE animals are nervous and irrit- ON bouse, PORTLAND. Louisville Courier Journal, PORTLAND finds the moisture furnished the disagreeably Castor Oil, Codliver Oil 25c. India St., next east of Universalist church. BOB BOSTON by melting Apply 117 Federal J G. should be in tbro'- On and -at 8.45 a. able, are unsafe and almost useless for any- Oil Turpentine, Bals. 25c to P. 201 Federal Me. Perry’s Hotel, St. Perry Harper's Weekly every family after Monday, Nor. 19lh, 6.15, m., 3.15 p. m., arriv- Copaiba, FEENEY, St., Portland, out the as a more at Boston atl0.45 a. snows. Oil of Cubebs with 50c ocl9 Proprietor. land, purer, interesting, higher- ing m., 1.30, 8.00 p. m. Re- _ but the race course, and then the dis- Copaiba, dtf thing better illustrated 13 not in leave Boston at a. Oil Male Fern with 75c Citv Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St* toned, paper published STEAMER HENRIETTA turning, 7.30 m., 12.30 3. 30 p.m., tance must not be too Katuala, this or other Commercial at States Com- great. Finest Oil of J. K* any country.— Bulletin, Leaves west side of Cnstom House Wharf for arriving Portland at 12.10 5.10 8.10 p. m. Bor —General LeDuc, United Sandalwood, $1.00 To Let Nlartin, Proprietor* Boston Iiong North HOW TO COJJTBOL THE TEMPEBAMENT. Island) Ixiille Cht bcayu<-, Great Che Wells, Berwick, Salmon Balls, FOB THE AMERICAN Falmouth Hotel, O. m. Shaw & Son, pro- The is the illustrated Brent missioner of Agriculture, has been collecting ggT“ASK Laundry, Billiard Room and Meekly only paper of the day beague, Harpswell and Bailey's Falls. Dover, Rochester, Farm- From what has been it is “STAR” and see prietors. that in its essential is as a Island, just said, appar- Trade-Mark, you get RESTAURANT,Offices in St. Julian Hotel. Apply to characteristics recognized at 3 o’iock—Mondays, and ington, N, II.. Alton Bay, Newmarket, data the cultivation of the tea dec4 For Sale by all Druggists. dim Preble national Thursdays Saturdays. concerning ent that to produce the best horses we must O. P. MATTOCKS, House, Congress St.Gibson &Ce*, paper .—Brooklyn Eagle, JLeave Bailey’s Island at 7.30, Harpswell Exeter, Haverhill, North Andover, Law- rence, Andover plant in this country. He finds that in a not only choose properly endowed ancestors, no26dtf 31J Exchange Street. Proprietors. at 8 oclock, same days. seplOdtf and Lowell at 6.15, 8.45 a. EJ. 8. Hotel* J unction of T ID R M S s m., 3.15 p. m. Bor Manchester and Con- of in the latitude of the but, also a proper locality. The soil must be Congress and Fed ft. strip country lying 1878. eral Sts. Timothy Wolcott, Proprietor. Postage free to all Subscribers in the IJ. 8 cord, II,, (via Newmarket Junction,) at well drained or the at- House to Let. 6.15 a. m. 3.15 p. m. (via Lawrence,) at 8.45 a. ra, northern of South and run- naturally artificially, Harper’s one Line part Carolina, lower of house No. 232 Oxford Weekly, year,...... $4 00 Independent Bor Mcaborrough, Fine Old Or- mosphere must be dry, and the food concen- The Four part Street, WEST NEWFIELD. Point, Quarterly Reviews the $4 00 Includes oi U. 8. the chard Beach, Maco, Blddeford and ning from the Atlantic coast westward to the Where either of these conditions is THEcontaining all modern improvements, gas prepayment Postage by FOR EASTPOKT AND CALAIS. trated, and For to publishers. Kennehunk at 6.15, 8.45 a. m., 3.15, 5.30, p.m. — — Sehago. particulars, apply WcstNewfield House, R«G* Moromsle, and also in a certain in the care is to AND Trains will leave Mississippi, valley wanting, the greatest necessary pre- J. B. PIKE, prietor. PROPELLERELLIE Morning Kenaebank Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine, Weekly, KNIGHT, for Portland at 7.20 a. m. The 3.15 m. southern of the climatic con- vent deterioration. One of the greatest faults oct6dtf 57 Union Street. Capt leaves p. train part California, and Bazar, to one address, for one year, $10.00; or, Young, Widgery’s from Portland connects at Boston with the Shore of the common horse of our is a BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE. Wharf morn- country, two of Harper’s Periodicals, to one address tor one every Wednesday Line and the Boston A for New ditions are very favorable and the results of at 8 o’clock. received Albany Road, York, tendency to the temperament, and House to Let. year, $7 00; postage free. ing Freight arriving at New York next This is lymphatic Tuesday until 5 P. M. early morning. the few attempts that have been made in the as a not because is lower of house No. 234 Oxford An extra copy oi either the Magazine, Weekly, also the route to the West. this, rule, the atmosphere The Leonard Scott Co* part St., very at reduced rates. quickest Through Publishing and or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every Club of Passengers Tickets to all Points cultivation of the tea plant in these regions damp or the soil wet, but because our colts THEconvenient, containing eight rooms, gas decHdtf NATH’L BLAKE. Month and West at 41 BARCLAY SEW Sehago. For particulars apply to F. H. WIDBER, Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, paid for by one remit- lowest rates. Trains on Boston A Maine road are not fed. of those which ST., YORK, tance one have beeu so as, he thinks, to sufficiently Many 220 Commercial Street. sepl8dtf ; or, Six Copies year, without extra copy, connect with ail steamers running between I ort- encouraging for 00. have excellent pastures in summer are con- Continue their authorized of $20 Norfolk, Baltimore & land and Bangor, Rockland, Mt. Desert, Maci ias, remove all doubts as to the success of future Reprints Back Numbers can be at time. Washington demned to coarse, and other supplied any Eastport, Calais, St. John and Halilax. Also, con- half-spoiled hay, The Volumes of the commence STEAMSHIP LINE efforts to it here. The Review Weekly with the nect with Grand Trunk trains at Grand Trunk Sta- produce innutritious food in winter. The result is Edinburgh (Whig), HOTEL TO LEASE, When no time is it will be under- year. mentioned, tion, and Maine Central and Portland A i The Westminster Review stood l anr limes a week. Ogdensbr only too apparent—though the animals may (Liberal), that the subscriber wishes to commence with trains at Irana/er Station. All trains o The New stop —Forest 1 eaves are excellent to mix with reach a fair size, and have nice fine The London Quarterly Revie w(Conservalive), England House, Portland) He, the Number n|ext after the receipt of his order. Exeter ten minutes for refreshments at first class outlines, First Class Steamship to abundant cellular tissne The British Review Address The Annual Volumes of Harpei’s Weekly.in neat dinning rooms. hot-bed and where practicable thanks and fat, Quarterly (Evangelical), AUU. P. FULLER, JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. material, cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of ex- JAS. T. FURBER, Gen. Supt. are in and de28dtf Portland, Me. WM. LAWRENCE. GEORGE APPOLD. should be saved for the do not they wanting energy endurance, AND pense, provided the freight does not exceed one dol- S. H. STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland, purpose. They Advertisers will find it cheaper to get their JOB From Boston direct TUESDAY have little intelligence, and are too slow lar, for $7 00 each. A complete Set, 21 every septs dtf and in this PRINTING done where they get their Advertising, comprising and SATURDAY; heat so rapidly as stable manure, movers. It takes oats to make a Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5.25 good horse, — — BMwoofl’s at AND have an advantage as tempering its violence, and this must be winter and Edinlmrtli Magazine. MEHARG per vol., freight expense of purchaser. given regularly, Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for WM. KENNEDY. BLAOKSTONE. summer if and the result RElP^Thefe Renrint* arc not rft.f.ottonb tlipv binding, and MoOLELLAN. it last and maintaining a needed, will satisfy will be sent by mail, on of $1.00 PORTLAND & OGDEUIRIi making longer, postpaid, receipt From Providence the most skeptical. give the original in bull, and at about one thibd each. every WEDNESDAY more heat. They are excellent ma- Job and SATURDAY. regular In the of valuable there the price of the Editions. Indexes to each volume sent gratis on receipt of RAILROAD. production horses, English Printing. Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and to round cold frames to half Return stamp. terial put protect is one other resource which assists the breed- The latest advances and discoveries in the arts and Trap. Subscriptions received for Harper’s Periodicals Alexandria by steamer Lady of the Lake and Jane of Time the of er in a Fully appreciating the very liberal patronage which Change hardy plants. A board is put up hight wonderful degree, but which so far sciences, the recent anditions to knowledge in every only. Mosely. Those who have used steam for heating buildings has beea bestowed by the public upon this depart- Freight forwarded from Norfolk to Petersburg and or more has been little used. I allude to the cold of all new Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement October 1877. the frame-boards and about a foot department literature, and the publica- or lor have felt the need of a ment of our office, we would sohcit a continuance of and Ya. and Tenn. R. R. to all Comuicucing 8, drying purposes, long without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Richmond, places la water douch—water at the ordinary tempera- tions as issue from the are device for at a the same, and will spare no pains to make such pat- the W. M. 210 from them, and the leaves filled in between. they press, fully reported perfect returning, high temperature, South, Clark, Agent, Washington St., Trains will leave Portland ture of wells and to the water of condensation from the to deserved. We satisfaction in ev- Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Boston, Passenger springs (50° 60°), applied and discussed in the pages of these periodicals, in boating pipes ronagd guarantee If the are somewhat the bot- the boiler, thus saving a amount of fuel. Such ery respect. To all points of North and South Carolina, plants tender, to the whole surface of the body withjconsid- large by Sea- ■ O.itO a. nt. for ail language at once clear, forcible, and comprehensive. a device has been found in the ‘*Meharg Steam r board and Roanoke Railroad and Atlantic Coast Line stations, running through to tom of the frames may he filled in a few feet erable means of a or com- force, by hydrant, The articles are commonly more condensed and lull Trap,” which is offered to those in need with a guar- e John S. Daly, Agent, 222 Washington street, Boston, Mwanton. heat off mon force pump, or that very little im- antee that they will keep the free of water. a And to all in the West Baltimore & with the leaves. Much is thrown handy of matter than the average books of the pipes points by Ohio 3.43 p. m. for Bartlett and period. This has been in use for several iB sim- R. M, W. Upper Intermediate plement, the Whitman fountain pump, for trap years, MMPKTMT WflRKMM R., Davison, Agent, 212 Wasnington street, Stations. the of the leaves, in construction and in It is WUM MK.AJU.1fl II V AwflALIflAJU 1 Boston. during decomposition from five to ten minutes at a time. The ple practical operation. ARRIVE. TERMS FOR 1878 (Including Postage): offered at a price solow that no one who is 'Through bills of which, not to keep out a stream using lading given by the above named though enough should first be directed to the feet steam lor heating can afford to do without it. They a Agents. 11.10 a. m. from Upper Baitiett, Ac. in severe modifies somewhat the tem- and then the head and and Payable Strictly Advance. will be on for on trial for 30 Are employed, and their highest aim is to giro per- frost, yet limbs, neck, put responsible parties | Passage $15, 4.43 p. m. from ail stations on through line. to the the animal is then thor- days, and if not found entirely satisfactory, will he fect satisfaction by For freight or passage to Norfolk, Baltimore, Wash- These after have been finally body; For one 00 nr om.lv F/, J. perature. leaves, they any Review.$4 per annum. taken off free of expense. a Rjfnn BfhorinfnrmQMnn HAMILTON, Snpt. rubbed and and either covered For two Reviews. 7 00 Portland,Oct, 1877. octlldtf oughly dried, anj Further information as co can he had H E. 5, two or three years make admirable 44 price. &e., SAMPSON, Agent. decaying, or exercised to out the reaction. This For any three Reviews. ..10 00 Gen’l D. send bring ** by addressing T. W. Hvde, Bath, C. Merchant*, your 53 Central Wharf, boston, For all four Reviews.12 00 Me.; stuff for potting and flowers in general. when once or twice a increases Brown, Brunswick, Me.; or W. H. No. 17 fll. H, ROCKWELL, practiced day, For Blackwood’s 4 00 Pennell, Excel lence of Work. orders for Job Printing Agent, of Magazine... Union St., Portland. au7dtf voSrttf Provdncet. the development the circulatory system in For Blackwood and one Review.... 7 00 to the DAILY PRESS R.f. a the For Blackwood " ibastem Temperamewu «f the Hone. very great degree, and result is soon and two Reviews... 10 00 The Job is Btocked with Job House. Railroad, For Blackwood and 41 •* Department thoroughly Printing apparent in the hardness of the muscles, the three Reviews. 13 00 and other material lor the CLYDE’S The temperament of the horse is one of the For Blackwood and the 00 “ type Satisfaction guaranteed of the the force of the four ReviewslS OCTOBER 1897 most important points in its organization, suppleness skin, pulse, 8, the color of the visable mucous in H Philalelphia & New England Steamship Line, membrane, — and I believe I am not far wrong when I — the CLUBS* a FBOM that it is the about which the energy and spirits of the animal. There PUBLICATION OF say point great A discount of per cent, will be allowed to BOOKS, ia uu uiua uicau> uy wuicu luu neiYUUs ex- twenty w O S T O N. mass of people show the most ignorance; but clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four of can so copies in connection *ith OLD COLONY KAIL- citibility certainly be within Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad- a governing as it does, to a great extent, the kept and for printing ISO AD. so ca- dress for four and 0 3 well 0.3 103 bounds; nothing that stimulates the $12 80, copies of the four Reviews 1UILU9 Kfl bUC auiuidlj C|/CCU, 119 a pillary development; nothing that proves Blackwood for $48, and so on. Boston to the South. Only Trl-Wcekly endurance, ils enegy, its health, and I may To clubs of ten or in addition to the above POSTERS, © such a assistant to the of more, Line. add usefulness, the temperament is certainly powerful production discount, a copy gratis will be given to the getter-up © that balance of which of Quick Time, low Hates, Be- of our most careful study. Essen- proper temperaments the club. The most convenient in the PROGRAMMES, j Frequent deserving is an place par tares. interests all who essential part of a perfect horse.—D. E. PAMMENUER TRAINS leave Portland tially practical subjects to Freight received at New and Spacious Iron for Mcarboro’. to Salmon, L. A. M, PREMIUMS. city purchase your Coal is at Freight Maco, Ridtleford, Hrn> have anything do with horses, particularly FLYERS, O LAIRVOYANT. House, and forwarded daily to FALL RIVER, there neburk. Wells, .North New Subscribers for the 1878 with the H Berwick, Moath the breeder, because he should know the (applying early) year RANDALL & MCALLISTER’S N.S, MADD#X,the celebrate*) connecting Clyde teamens. »nilin« Berwick, Conway Junction, Elio may without the numbers for the last I. cauee of certain and how to have, charge, Clairvoyant, Fortune Teller and Doctress. can every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, (title ry, Portsmouth. New temperaments, The Rational Traders’ Bank. of 1877 of such CARDS, MADAME to bury port! quarter periodicals as they may new No, 78 now located at No, 4 Mechanic St., where she can be Philadelphia Direct, and connecting at Phil- Malrm, Cyan, Chelsea and and the buyer, because he subscribe for. office, Exchange St., Boston ns modify them, consulted by all who wish to make her a call adelphia with Clyde Steam Lines to Charleston, S. C., 8.45 a. na. should know their and influence. shareholders of the National Traders* Bank, Or instead, new subscribers to three or signs any two, opposite the Post Office. TICKETS, Madame M. has had large experience In tell- Norfolk, Va., Portsmoush, Va., Richmond, Va., Saco, Hiddeford, Kennebnnk, Kittery. THEof Portland, are hereby notified that their an- four of the above periodicals, have one of the D. IS may oel9 dtf ing fortunes, searching out Tost, hidden or stolen Washington, C., Alexandria, Va., Georgetown, Portsmouth, .New WHAT TEMPERAMENT? nual meeting will be held at their Banking Room, on “Four Reviews” for subscribers to all five D. C., and all rail and water Hamptons, buryport 1877; may &c,t and was never known to be at fault. lines. Mnlrm, Uyuu, Chelsea and Boston TUESDAY, the 8th day of next, at three have two of tbe“Four or ono &c.. Ac. treasures^ of ni And to what anatomical and physiological January Reviews”, set of Black Do not miss this opportunity of consulting the great- Dangers Navigation around Cape Cod avoid d :1.13 p.m. o’clock p. m., to choose five Directors tor the ensu- wood’s for Insurance Magazine 1877. est fortuneteller ofthe age. Per ns entering intoanv one-eighth of one per cent. J.I5 p. m. Biddeford conditions are the temperaments due? In and to act on other business that srromoilatlst train. ing year, any may Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to new business or the con of wbicn For Rates of Freight, or other leave a of the profession, ucting information/apply Returning, Blddeford at 8.00 a m. anatomy, number organs united for legally come betore them. clubs can be allowed, unless the money is remitted and ol Work do not will find it their advan- to FLOUR. Every Variety Style they understand, to (or EDWARD Cashier. direct to the Car, performance of the same lunction, are called GOULD, publishers. No premiums given to in tage to pay her a visit. She can foretell the D. D. C. MINK, 74"* December 1877. delOdlm clubs. destiny *’■"eyery ,lay (excep* a thus the 8th, of friends in any part of the world and describe them GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. system; heart, arteries, capillaries To »S35i» secure premiums it will be necessary to make She also describes all manner of disease 196 Washington Street. Boston. and make the You are cordially invited to so to \ perfectly. veins, up circulatory system; as the stock Boston, RETTJRNIIfG-, merchant’s Rational Bank. early application, available for that pur- that flesh is heir to, and gives medicine for the same. May 1st, 1877._ Janlldtf I.enve Boston the lymphatic glands and vessels, the lym- pose is limited. She has universal satisfaction to all who have nl7.;IOa.m., U.:.0 and 7 09 stockholders of this Bank are notified given and the cord and hereby COLORS or BRONZE consulted her in her constant travels since she was Central phatic system, brain, spinal “• A ’V.“h THEthat their annual meeting for the choice ot If, A. for Ml. John the A The W. C. COBB’S STEAM seven years old. Kailway nerves, nervous] system. predomi- Directors and the transaction of any othor business Leonard Scott BAKERY, MTU and Halifax. Pullman Car Publishing Co., Good testimonials given if desired. GER1H1N LLOYD Sleeping attached nance of either of these systems has received which may legally be brought betore them will be 28 and 30 PE ARC ST., for yonr Floor. 41 'Terms, Geuts $1.00; Ladies 50 cents. Office hours the name of and wheu the holden at, the Bauk on TUESDAY, JaD. 8, 1878, at BARCLAY 8T., NEW YORK. In tine, we are prepared to print everything which STEAMSHIP Tickets to all temperament; He has a good assortment and assures you that he from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. uoPdt LIME. Through Points South and West s» 10 o'clock A. M. CHAS. PAYSON, Cashier. can be printed in this State, from tho owest rates. Pullman first is in the ascendant, the animal is said to is able and willing with bis advantages in handling BETWEEN Car Tickets for Meats and Portland, Dec. 7, 1877. de8dtd Berths at Ticket Office, be of the sanguine when the obtained for mechanical de- it to give you good flour and a good trade. New Vork, temperament; or other DO YOU WANT Southampton, London, jnlldtr A, P. it is of the and Casco National Bank. vices, medical, dec7 dtf ROCKWELL. President. second, lymphatic, when the ompounds, ornamental Havre and Bremen. third, it is of the Dervous. If this predomi- annual meeting of the stockholders of the designs, trade-marks, and the choicest and The Steamers nl the will nance had no effect on the character of the THECasco National Bank of Portland for the choice labels, Caveats, Assign- Always Company sail every District Court of the United SUtfs- of Directors and the transaction of such other busi- freshest Oysters constantly Saturday from Bremen Pier, loot of Third or on its abilities—it we were ments, Interferences, etc Street, animal, obliged ness as come before will be held at on hand at the lowest prices. Hoboken. DISTRICT OF HAUTE. to may legally them, to dissect the animal determine its temp- their Banking House on TUESDAY, the 8th day of promptly attended to. nventions that have been Orders by mail or telegraph Bate, of Passage—From New Fork to erament—the classification would, most as- January, 1878, at 10 o’clock A. M. answered promptly. Southampton, London, Havre and Bremen, first In the matter of William M. Trcfrlbea, by the Patent Office may delivered in TO THE SMALLEST LABEL. to the WM. A. W1NSHIP, Cashier. Oysters any Old cabin, §100; Becoud cabin, $60, goal: steerage, §30 In Bankruptcy. be of little interest in most cases, be Bankrupt, suredly, general Dec. 1877. deSdtd still, part, of the city free of ex- currency. Apply to Portland, 7, secured us. Newspapers a has been not is leader. Fortunately, this is the case, by Being pense. OELBtCHS to give notice that petition pre- opposite the Patent Of- &CO., sented to the Court, this thirteenth day ot De- and we are unabled to determine the tem- Canal Green, New York. THIS National Bank. fice, we can Nnake closer OUR PRICES FOR WORK ... 2.Bowling cember. William S. Trefetbeu. a a B. MV. LITT1.K, Agent for Portland 1877, by Bankrupt, perament of a animal little inspec- and secure Pat- be decreed to a living by annual meeting of the Stockholders of “The searches, ATWOOD’S OYSTER HOUSE, 117 praying that he may have lull il i. tents more broader will be found as low (or lower) as can be obtained for dly debts* provable tion, and from this to decide many important THECanal National Bank of Portland** for the elec- promptly and wiib claims than 121 and 123 Center PORTLAND. FOR WRAPPERS! °o?8_ charge from all Ills under the Bank- Ml., first-class work in any Regular Job reading said in to the already tion of seven directors and tor the transaction ot any those who are remote from Washington. ocl2 3 aid rupt Act, aud uj>oii petition, it is or- questions regard points Office. that a other business that may legally come before them, Printing W. dered by i be court hearing be had upon the mentioned. das a model or W. SHAKPE & to., fourth of will be held at their banking house on Tuesday, the Please give us a call, or send your order to same, on the day February, A. !>., 1878, be- sketch ot your de- in HOW TO DISTINGUISH TEMPERAMENTS. eighth day of January, 1878, at 11 o’clock A. M. V fore the Court Portland, in said at 10 vice we make exam- D. II. A B K K T I 8 I N V A (a and District, B. C. Cashier. ; BARNES, ENTS. o’clock A. JI., that notice thereof be When we see an animal well SOMERBY, inations free of published with large, Dec. 7, 1877. dtd charge in the Portland Advertiser and the Portland Press and advise as to pa- AOOOUN TAKTT. 50 2 PA.RK ROW, NEW YORK. defined muscles and with very little You can buy them for cents a newspapers printed In said once a week for tendons, All cor- DAILY PRESS JOB PRINTING District, Oceau Insurance tentability, Business solicited Irom in need of assistance on HODSE, and once iu the Cellular tissue, an ample chest, great lung Company. confidential. Prices AND any Advertisemen s wri tbrtfJrCa^8hetWee)s9f weekly Ad- respondence strictly low, their accounts. en, appropriately displayed, 1 he lait well colored mu- StockhOiders of this Company are notified to NO €11A RUE UNLESS PATENT IS 109 and proofs givet tree or tn ?lal0T*?**' Publication capacity, full, strong pulse, Special attention to of Exchange Street. charge. before tl,e of meet at the office of said in Portland SECURED. given adjustment U lilvand the aruMhat lTida,?:at ea8f ,lay hearing, cous membrane, we say at once that it has THE Company complicated accounts. ,,The leading Weekly Newspapers of a“ CTetlitor8 who have proved their debts on Monday, January 7, 1878, at 3 o’clock P. M. for We reter to officials in the Patent and to United States end lor the ami x!?1 Office, Would take ot one or more sets of accounts MAINE. Canada, kept on file otuer persons the sanguine temperament. Another animal the of choosing Directors for the charge PORTLAND, , accommodation interested, may appear at said purpose ensuing inventors in every State in the Union. hundred tor three, hundred if Advertisers. wid and show Terms reasonable. _ place, cause, if of a slighter, finer form, with rather long, year and for the transaction ot aDy other business C. A. SNOW & CO., permanently. u?e any they have, Orders left at 760 Congress street, or 28 Exchange why the prayer ot said petition should not be slim less developed muscles, thin skin that may be legally acted upon. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. BATES A LOCKE. granted. legs, R. O. CON street, or by mail, promptly attended to. WM. P. PREBLE, fine narrow ANT, Secretary. no24 dtf covered with short, hair, chest, dc!5did dec 15W&Stt for $1.00 at the Clerk of District Court for said District. and nervous excit- Newspaper Advertislog Agents, diaw3wS&wlt bright mobile eyes great Vaults Cleaned and Ashes Re is set down as a nervous tem- Vaults ability, having Asnos nauid. moved. Cleaned, 34 PAi.K ROW. NEW YORK. Vaults Cleaned While animals with a large bony s. f. rickeb, J. H. O. R. perament. s. f. bicker, ORDERS attended to by calling at Baths, late of Locke, o Locke A taken out at short notice, ircm |4 t( (6 with such au abundance of cel- promptly Address Libby*. Corner, Veering. frame work, Address 1 ibby.n Corner, Deerinr ALLor addrewinp R. GIHSON S. M. Petteugill & Oo. Jones, Toledo Blade. ANDcord or a load, by addressing lular tissue as to completely hide the divisioc mj8 dtt •nldtt 688 Congress Street PRESS OFFICE.! Send for list of too choice newspapers. nov2iti A, UBBY * CO., Portland r. O.