In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous ~ Aristotle ~

Augury is the interpretation of spontaneous occurrences in nature, such as the appearance of , birds, and even black cats. These are called , signs that the Divine may be presenting to you, attempting to deliver a message through nature.

Dust / Dirt (Abacomancy) Abacomancy is the art and practice of foretelling future events by the observation of symbols in patterns of dust, dirt, sand, and even the ashes of the deceased. The origins and method of this type of have been lost in time, and it is a rare form of divination.

Air and Sky (Aeromancy) Interpreting events which occur in the air and sky, including clouds, rainbows, fog and sunsets is called aeromancy. The most precious time for observation is at sunrise and sunset. You may remember the old saying “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight, red sky at morning, sailor’s warning.” This is an example of aeromancy. Others include that a rainbow surrounding the moon depicts hard times ahead, and heavy morning dew indicates a positive change of events.

Animals (Apanthomancy) Apanthomancy is the interpretation of random encounters with animals. These animal appearances also occur in dreams, where we encounter animals acting as spirit guides here to deliver a message. Take note of what they say, and what feelings you have.

Wind (Austromancy) Austromancy is the interpretation of the direction, force and patterns of . It is believed that wind coming from the East that blows in the same course of the Sun brings forth purification. The West wind, on the contrary, backs the Sun and wind blowing in this direction, and is said to dispel negativity.

Smoke (Capnomancy) Capnomancy is a form of divination by interpreting the movement of smoke rising from a fire, whereby the smoke lingers and creates patterns, rather than ascending above. Take note of any images you may see, as the meanings are similar to dream interpretation and image symbolism.

Lightening (Ceraunomancy) Ceraunomancy was practiced by the ancients, and consisted of making predictions by the examination of , which at one time was believed to be direct communication with the Gods. The ancient Romans practiced Ceraunomancy, and believed that bolts of lightning from the East were considered favorable omens. If they come from the West then they were considered to be inauspicious, while the North was considered to be the the most ominous of all, and North West indicated that bad news would soon arrive.

Water () The ancient Greeks believed that spirits dwelled in water, and hydromancy is a form of divination that involves the use of water to bring messages. Often a spirit will appear within the water and bring a message. Spend some time on a calm day alongside a body of water, such as a stream or lake, or large sacred bowl filled with water to receive messages from the divine. Relax and look within the pool of water, wait and observe. You can also drop a pebble in the water and read the ripples as they form.

Fire (Lychnomancy) Lychnomancy is a form of divination by candle flame or fire. In this method, the diviner arranges three candles in a triangle fashion. If the flames all burn unevenly, it denotes danger. If one flame is exceedingly higher, it means a positive result. A wavering flame would indicate a journey, and any crackles and sparks indicate that you should be cautious, because there could be a sudden onset of bad luck.

Wood, Branches, Trees (Xylomancy) Examining pieces of wood for symbolism and messages, including interpreting the patterns made by fallen branches, tree limbs and twigs that rest on the ground is known as xylomancy.