No. 427 July 2019

Parish Contacts

The Rural Dean

Revd. Rosamund Seal 01406 424989 [email protected]

Authorised Lay Ministers

Mr. David Smith 01406 363388



Peter Graper 01406 423803 [email protected] Geoff De Roux 07826 843611 [email protected]

Holbeach Hurn

Mr. David Baker 01406 362420 Mrs. Kay Jenkinson 01406 424428 Mrs Sue Bennett [email protected]


Mr. William Webb 01406 363673 Mrs. Jill Duffey 01406 365586

Holbeach St. Marks

Doris Johnson 01406 701250 Nick Worth 01406 701459


Useful Community Contacts

The Pilgrim Hospital ………………………….. 01205 364 801 Queen Elizabeth Hospital …………………… 01553 613 613 Holbeach Hospital ……………………………… 01406 422 283 Johnson Community Hospital Spalding.. 01775 652 000 City Hospital…………………. 01733 678000 Long Sutton Medical Centre ………………..01406 362 081 Boots Chemist Long Sutton ………………… 01406 362 331 Samaritans ………………………………………… 08457 90 90 90 National Rail Enquiries ………………………. 0845 748 495 Registrar Long Sutton ………………………… 01522 782 244 M. P. John Hayes ………………………………… 01775 711 534 NHS Direct …………………………………………..0845 46 47 Cllr Nick Worth …………………………………….07866 415688

South Holland Parish Volunteer Car Service (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 16:30)Call Sharon: 01406 366820 or 07834 634336

3 MAGAZINE EDITOR: MARK ELSOM [email protected] Copy for the magazine should be with Mark by 18th of the previous month, marked Mid Elloe Magazine.

ADVERTISING EDITOR: GILL GRAPER [email protected] 01406 423803

SEE US ON THE WEB The Magazine and details of services will be put on the new church website every month so please do check there for details of what is going on in your Parish and in the Benefice. Fleet: Gedney: Holbeach Hurn: :

For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact the Deanery Administrator, Caz Dennis, on 01406 423460 (office hours Mon- Thurs 9.00-1.00) For urgent pastoral issues please contact the Rural Dean – Rosamund Seal – 01406 424989 For all other enquiries please contact the churchwardens -


Mid-Elloe Worship Rota

July 2019


Sunday 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. th 7 Sung Eucha- Morning rist Prayer

Sunday 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 14th Sung Eucha- Sung Eu- Morning rist charist Prayer

Sunday 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 21st Sung Eucha- Morning Sung Eu- rist Prayer charist

Sunday 11.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 28th Morning Sung Eu- Prayer charist


Sunday 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 4th Sung Eucha- Morning rist Prayer

5 What does a call from God feel like?

The Revd Liz Brown (Acting Director of Ordinands & Vocations) looks back at a well-received Vocations Day...

What does a call from God feel like? That was the question occu- pying the 30+ people who attended the annual Vocations Day at St Luke’s, Birchwood in Lincoln. The day was designed to allow peo- ple who believe God could be calling them to something new and deeper to meet with others, share their experiences and hear about some of the possible ministries available in the Church of .

From the outset we hoped to make it clear that when we talk about vocations we don’t have a mental picture of a big iced bun with priesthood as the cherry on the top. The wide variety of ministries open to people is something we haven’t always been good at com- municating, so this day was put together with the intention of be- ing about vocation, rather than specifically about ordination.

We heard from people whose vocations had led them in many dif- ferent directions and included those who were certain their calling was to a lay ministry. Dr Sally Buck, Warden of Lay Ministry, and I shared something of own own respective discernment journeys, one to a calling to minister from within a lay context and the other to ordained ministry. We also heard from a distinctive deacon, an authorised lay minister, a priest who had experienced ministry as an ordained local minister and as a stipendiary minister, and from somebody who was just about to go to a Bishop’s Advisory Panel, describing going through the discernment process in our diocese. We heard from an oblate of an Anglican Benedictine community, who discussed the possibility of closer connection with a religious community or the religious life itself. There was ample time for asking questions and also time for people to get into smaller groups and discuss their own experiences.

6 For many people attending the day, the opportunity to hear from others in a similar situation was particularly valuable. Finding there were other people asking questions like “What? Me?” and “But surely I’m not good enough?” or “What if I’m imagining it?” can be very reassuring and it makes it easier to be brave enough to say how we feel without worrying that we’ll look silly.

For many people considering a licensed ministry, the training in- volved can be a source of anxiety. “How long will it last?”, “Will I cope?”, “It’s been years since I did any study”, “I’m not really very academic”. The Principal of Lincoln School of Theology, the Revd Dr Sally Myers, is used to dealing with concerns like these, and after lunch she led an excellent session which showed every- body that theological learning can be non-threatening and enjoya- ble.

The value of the day was most obvious in the change of atmos- phere as it progressed. At the beginning there was some apprehen- sion and nervousness as people wondered at what to expect, but by the end of the day there was a relaxed and positive atmosphere in the room, with several people asking what their next steps should be.

More details on possible next steps may be obtained by contacting the DDO’s office via [email protected] or by calling 01522 50 40 29.


Your Mobile Library carries a selection of adult and junior fiction and Non-fiction books, large print and talking books, local history, books on Prescription and much more. Wheelchair access.


Holbeach St Marks -St Mark's Road 10.30-11.30 Thursday 11th

South Gedney - Church End 14.45-15.15 Thursday 11th

Gedney Dyke - Roman Way 12.15-12.45 Wednesday 10th

Fleet Hargate—Hargate Close 12.00 - 13.00 Thursday 11th


Long Sutton Library Address: Trafalgar Square, Long Sutton, Spalding PE12 9HB Tel: Customer Service Centre (Libraries) 01522 782010 Opening hours: Monday – 2pm – 6pm Tuesday – 10am – 5pm Wednesday – CLOSED Thursday – 2pm – 6pm Friday – 10am – 5pm Saturday – 10am -1pm

We offer: IT facilities, printing/scanning/photocopying, Local His- tory books and information, Children’s Library, Teenage Library, DVDs, Talking Books, Large Print Books, Self Service, Library Shop and a Family History Buddy.

Regular Groups: Arthritis Care, U3A Reading Groups, Creative Writing, Storytime for under 4s, Craft Group, Knit and Natter, Men’s Group, Genealogy, Walkers Group, Board Games for All, Mindful Colouring, Scrabble and Housebound Library Service. NEW Every other Friday Family History Buddy, one hour sessions (started th 19 Oct)


10 Belfry News Five Years on at Newton

Yes readers, as this title implies, time doesn't stand still as I recall our first visits to Newton in the Isle and Tydd St Giles in July 2014. Heavens how time passes,more so it appears, as one becomes older. The evening of yesterday June 11th was miserably wet, not at all as I had anticipated, evening sunshine, with perhaps the delightful perfume of lilac. However our spirits were not dampened as Alan Pateman unlocked the door of St James Church Newton,its general interior appearance rather better than its rather dilapidated exterior would suggest . The six bells in this tower are all dated 1786 and were cast by Thomas Osborn at his Downham Market foundry-now long gone. A pleasure to ring, we were joined by 11 visiting ringers from , Butterwick, , Spalding, Holbeach and .

At Tydd St Giles, some of us had perhaps a little difficulty in ringing it's six bells An 1887 rencast, their tone is not particularly inspiring and this plus the old timber bell frame and considerable movement of the tower ( it sways ) makes them somwhat unpredictable to handle. This provoked a few humerous comments about the previous tower which collapsed, oh around 1750 or thereabouts and how the current one continues upright despite the movement.

Our final "tower" of the evening was the Crown and Mitre,just a stones throw from the church, where all enjoyed the company and drinks. I left just after 10 pm leaving most of the company there and Christine cradling a glass of red wine, a happy smile on her face. She emailed me this morning thanking me for organising the outing saying "It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and a good crowd" I'm glad she and the other ringers had a good time-that is what it's all about in the continued efforts to keep our bells ringing on Sundays.

Have a go at Bell Ringing

Saturday afternoon, July 27th, at Gedney Flower Festival 3.30pm. The tower will be open for anyone who may like to "have a go" aided and helped by a few experienced helpers -age no problem. John Bennett

11 Hello

This is a reminder that we are inviting representatives from a number of local community groups in , Holbeach St Marks, and to an initial meeting to see what activities or services might benefit the local community (if any).

We are undertaking this exploratory session with a view to attracting funding which would add value and we hope, long term sustainable benefit to local people. As part of the funding proposal we need to demonstrate what the community wants and needs so we are proposing to focus our meeting on understanding how and what the community would like to change or improve their lives. This may be by age or community type and can address health and wellbeing, social isolation, access to services, support for local groups and clubs, really the options are all open for discussion.

If there is an identified need and enough commitment from local people to help design, promote and run the project, we will work with you to put a funding application in on behalf of the community, just as an example we could offer life coaching, counselling, information and signposting, help and advice, training or volunteering opportunities, but the most important element is to establish what the need is and what the local interest is.

The meeting is to be held at Village Hall on Thursday 4th July from 10.00-12.00 Please confirm (by replying to this email) 1 that your group can be represented at this workshop 2 the name(s) of the people attending 3 at least one contact email and/or telephone number Alternatively you can register directly here

If you are interested but not able to attend please let me know and I will try and arrange a one to one catch up with you or the group. Also please feel free to share this with anyone else you think might like to contribute.

Healthwatch Lincolnshire is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services.

We’re here to make sure that those running services put people at the heart of care. Our sole purpose is to understand the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf. We focus on ensuring that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed. We work to get services right for the future.

Best wishes and we look forward to seeing as many people as possible at this event.

If you have already responded to prior notification of this event please forward this on to others who may be interested.

Tim Barzycki Project Officer 12

‘What's On’

for Holbeach St Marks Village Hall

First Friday in the Month – Join our increasingly popular social night and wind down after a hard week. Nibbles supplied. Drinks from the bar. 7pm – 10pm.


Copies of the magazine may be picked up from:

Fleet Church Fleet Road Garage

Chestnuts Post Office Fleet Road Nursery

Community Centre Rose and Crown

Copies will continue to be delivered to some houses, but it has not been found possible to hand deliver magazines to many roads in the parish that have previously received copies. Our sin- cere apologies.

13 ‘What's On’

Fleet Baptist Church

Pastor: Ross A Dean. Phone: 01406 424556 ‘How rich are the wonderful blessings God promises his people and how very great is his power at work in those who believe.’ Ephesians 1: 18-19.

Paul is reminding the Ephesian church of the greatness of their God and en- courages them, despite the difficulties they face, to ‘praise his glory’ (ch.1 v.12) and to engage in joyful worship (vs.19-20). As we come to realise and appreciate all that the Lord in his goodness has done and continues to do in our lives, our increasing desire, surely, is to bring him our worship and thanksgiving.

14 ‘What's On’

Fleet Baptist Church

This month: Sunday worship for all the family at 3.00pm.on July 7th with Communion, 21st and 28th but not 14th (see below). Every Tuesday Coffee Morning in the Stables Hall 10.00am to 12 noon. Do come, you will be very welcome. Tuesday July 2nd at 2.00pm. Ladies’ Meeting. Entertainment by The Two Dollies Singing Duo. Tuesday July 9th at 2.30pm. Church Meeting in the Stables Hall. Sunday July 14th at 3.30pm. 5* Combined Service at Baptist Church. Speaker: Revd. Chris Duffett, President of the Baptist Union 2011/12. Refreshments provided after the Service. Wednesday July 17th Fellowship Hour 2.30 to the Stables Hall. An informal time of discussion on a Bible passage and an opportunity to share our experiences of Living The Faith. Please remember in prayer any known to you who are sick, lonely or in need and think of practical ways in which they might be helped. Pray too for our local and national leaders as they seek to fulfil their responsibilities in office. We hope that all our readers will enjoy some rest and relaxation during the summer holiday period.


We certainly miss Father Adrian and we are truly grateful to the priests who are supporting us and taking services during the Vacancy. The churchwardens in the parishes are all kept busier at this difficult time and we thank our Rural Dean, Revd Rosamund Seal, for guiding us through the process of finding a new incumbent.

Many people ask and comment about why there isn’t a new priest in post as soon as a previous priest has left or retired. It does seem to take forever to compile a Benefice Profile, fill in forms for the Diocese, create an advert that everyone will find acceptable – well at least a majority of people will approve! Then a suitable date has to be found in a Bishop’s and Archdeacon’s diaries for the interviews – and that will only happen if there are some applicants.

It has to be said that it is difficult to attract professional people to this rural area of the country and several churches in the Deanery have been disappoint- ed in recent times that they have had no applicants.

Whether you regularly support your parish church or not; visit it occasionally; enjoy once a year going to a Christmas Carol Service or a Harvest Songs of Praise; most people welcome and appreciate having a priest to talk to at some point in their lives – Baptism, Wedding or Funeral are examples.

The Working Group in the Benefice is doing its best – we have to be op- timistic and believe that there is priest out there waiting to be called to the Mid Elloe Benefice. We are sure that you would not want to see your church close, fall into disrepair and not be available for services.

Gill Graper PCC Secretary for Fleet Parish Church


JUNE WINNERS 1. Jane King £25 No. 80 2. Jill Duffey £15 No. 14 3. Dave Jarrett £5 No. 48 Thank you to all the people who support this method of raising funds for the church 16 FAB FLEET FLOWER FESTIVAL

No-one could fail to agree that Fleet Flower Festival was a huge success this year, but you may wonder how we measure that success. The church certainly looked – and smelled – beautiful. Both the many comments we heard and those that were written in our Visitors’ Book testify to that. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the many skilled people who created the magnificent arrangements.

I sometimes think we should try to count the number of visitors who come through the door during the four days of the Festival, many from as far afield as Southampton and even Kenya. It was a great delight to welcome on the Friday afternoon all the children from Fleet Wood Lane Primary School – the church buzzed with their excitement and curiosity, as they busied themselves with a quiz which focused them on finding displays in different areas of the church. On Friday morning we had welcomed many of the residents and day care adults from Capricorn Cottage – their joy, interest and excitement was palpable.

Do we measure success by the laughter and ceaseless chatter of friends and acquaintances meeting up, sometimes after many years? Or revelling in the delight that so many people have come to a church that they love and that holds so many memories for them. Or perhaps people who discover a church for the first time and admire its architecture or its spacious light and warmth.

There were also the frantic moments, that provide humour afterwards but are stressful at the time – such as the electricity blowing fuses (no jacket potatoes this year!) or a need to completely restock the Tombola after Saturday’s sell out and madly bake more cakes for the cake stall and refreshments on Sunday evening (no time for Evensong that Sunday).

Success also has to be measured by the magnificent total raised - £3100 – our Treasurer was certainly kept busy at the end of every day. We are so grateful to the many people who helped, who organised, who arranged flowers, gave items and who visited our Festival.

Just as an afterthought, though – we need a Flower Festival every two months to keep our beautiful church open for many years to come!

Gill Graper

17 ‘What's On’

St. Luke’s Church Holbeach Hurn

Rota for July 2019

Sunday 7th July 11am. Morning Worship

Sidesmen: Mrs. B. Birkett

Sunday 14th July NO SERVICE

Sunday 21st July Holy Communion

Sidesmen: Mr. P. Shepherd and Mrs. S. Worth

Sunday 28th July NO SERVICE

Flower Rota : 14th July Miss E. Bailey

Brass: Mr. and Mrs. D. Baker


Will you be part of The Holbeach Bookshop?

We are looking for friendly, enthusiastic people of all ages to volunteer to help run the Bookshop.

The Bookshop is run by volunteer Trustees and helpers. We sell donated books at attractive prices to raise funds for good causes.

You will work with other volunteers, meet new people and make new friends.

Full training will be given in a happy, relaxed atmosphere.

The Bookshop is open every day, except Wednesdays and Sundays, 10.00 to 4.00. As a volunteer you will be able to choose when and how often you work, either from 9.45 to 1.00 or 1.00 to 4.15.

Would you like to be part of this venture? If so, call in for more details or ring 07565 980913 during our opening times.

A warm welcome awaits you at The Holbeach Bookshop. We hope to see you soon!

3 Park Road, Holbeach, PE12 7EE

[email protected]

Find us on Facebook

Registered Charity Number pending

19 ‘What's On’ St Mary Magdalene Church, Gedney


Twenty four diners enjoyed chicken pie, minted new potatoes, carrots and broccoli followed by strawberries and cream at the June lunch.

The next Tabletalk Lunch will be held on Wednesday 10th July at the usual time of 12 for 12.30 in Gedney Church. Please book your place by contacting one of the following:-

Jill Duffey -01406 365586 or Jane Webb 01406 363673


On Saturday 29th June, starting at 09.30 a Churchyard Tidy has been planned. All offers of help will be most gratefully received – just turn up armed with a few gar- dening tools. It is hoped that during the morning the main flower beds can be spruced up ready for the Flower Festival. Some kind helpers have already started this project and we must not forget to thank all those who work throughout the year on areas of our Churchyard to keep it looking lovely.

William and Jill


There have been several requests to repeat last year’s ‘refresher’ flower arranging evenings in Gedney Church prior to the Flower Festival. Jane Webb has kindly agreed to help again and with this in mind two dates have been arranged, Thurs- days 11th and 18th July starting at 7 pm. If you are interested then do please come along bringing greenery, flowers and a dish/bowl. You will also need a pair of scis- sors or secateurs. Oasis foam and tape will be provided plus spare greenery if need- ed. A small charge of £3 will be made to cover costs and refreshments.

If you would like more information then please ring Carol Young – 01406 362959


We do hope everyone will come and help us celebrate our Flower Festival in Gedney Church. Our theme is ‘What’s My Line?’. This year the dates will be from Thursday 25th July to Sunday 28th July. Please remember to let friends and family know. Posters and fly- ers are now available from Church, these can then be given to anyone you think may be visiting during those dates.

Please make a note in your diaries of Monday 15th July at 7.00 p.m., when a meeting for all stall holders and interested parties will be held to discuss any final details of the Festival. This meeting will take place in Church. Will as many people who are involved in the Festival do their best to attend so that any problems can be ironed out sooner rather than later. At the time of writing it is expected that the catering team will already have met.

Next a plea for help to stock the stalls – any donations will be very much appreciated.

Bric-a-Brac - Ivan East – 01406 366784. If you are tidying cupboards etc. Ivan will be pleased to receive any saleable items.

Tombola – Mandy Cole – 01406 363536 Mandy has asked that you spare a thought for the Stall. Lots and lots of items are needed to cover the four days of the Festival. If you have anything that you think would be suitable, e.g. unwanted gifts or other new items, then please get in touch.

Book Stall – Liz Scrimshaw – 01406 362321.

Cakes and Homemade Produce – Carolyn Gentle – 01406 422179

Plants – Tony Hicks – 01406 362989. If you are sorting out borders and splitting plants then please remember the Flower Festival. Any plants surplus to requirements would be much appreciated.

Produce - Doreen East - 01406 821441. Please see item below.

The catering team will be hard at work serving meals as well as light refreshments. Anyone able to help in this department, either baking or serving, should ring Carol Young on 01406 362959.

Donations of Fruit and Vegetables

If you have a surplus of fruit or vegetables in your garden, and you are willing to donate them to the Church, the produce stall at the Flower Festival would be pleased to receive them. In past years, locally grown produce proved very popular. If you are not able to bring them to the Church, please ring Doreen on 01406 821441 and we will happily collect them. Many thanks. Doreen.

21 ‘What's On’

Gedney Victory Hall Mon. Rehab for people with COPD. 10.00-12.00 Contact jack/rosemary 01406424831.

Monday keep fit with Karen.6pm onwards body sculpt, abs,bums,cardio and yo- Karen on 07957440333.

Tues.Dog training classes 6pm onwards contact Jackie on 01553278894/07756600676.

Thurs. keep fit with Karen 9.15 onwards contact Karen on 07957440333

Thurs 1.30-3.30 Rehab for people with jack/rosemary 01406424831

Fri.Auction 6pm onwards.To enter items in the auction please contact Annette on 01406371024/07936109884.

Gedney Dyke Village Hall Coffee Morning & Book Swap — 1st Saturday of the month 10am-12.30pm

Keep Fit Classes - With Karen. Tuesdays: 6.30pm - Zenga Wednesdays: 9.30pm - Zenga & Fridays: 9.30pm - Yoga

Bingo — Wednesdays eyes down 6.30-7.30pm (not the 1st Wednesday of the month)

Line Dancing — Thursdays 10.00—11.00am

Choir — all ages and abilities every Thursday 7pm-9pm

Every Friday — Social Night from 7pm with open bar.


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Charity No. 1068857 PRELOVED FURNITURE UNITS Please donate your unwanted furniture to help local elderly

Unit 6 Flaxmill building Unit 33 Flaxmill Lane Fleet Road Ind. Estate Pinchbeck Holbeach PE11 3XN PE12 8LA

• Prompt free Local Pickup & Delivery • OPEN MON TO FRI 9.30 to 3.30 • • Everyone welcome



LADY GARDENERS WORKING IN YOUR AREA! Contact Jane on 01406 821425 Mob: 07516305015 Email [email protected] Specialists in Designing/Planting & Maintaining Soft Landscapes Over 25 years experience in the gardening industry. Creating New and reno- vating existing areas of Your Garden Plant Supplies Plant Advice Fully Insured


Counselling in Holbeach Natalie Blanchflower

Integrative Christian counsellor working with a range of issues: depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, loss, trauma, relationships difficulties etc. Contact me via email for more information: [email protected]


Holbeach Community Larder & Café

Food Bank 10.00-1.00 every Friday Food parcels available for those in need Hot Lunches Served from 12.00 - 1.00 (Free or for a small donation) Holbeach Reading Rooms (next to the old library Church Street) Do you …... Live alone Have poor cooking facilities Have limited cooking skills Feel lonely & prefer company Have nothing much in the fridge Need a hot meal Come and see what our team of volunteers have on the menu today and meet some new friends.


David Osborne – Bathrooms

Complete Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations

Plumbing & Heating Repairs

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Telephone: 01406 423715

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Swimming Pool sales Servicing & Repairs

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discuss your requirements 01406 424504




Could you do with a little extra help?

Washing & ironing. Vacuuming or mop- ping floors. Gardening.

What about getting out and about? PANDORAS BOX Shopping, Dentist, Doctor’s or hospital. JEWELLRY & GIFTWARE

CALL SHEILA ON 07796457723 Silver and fashion jewellery to suit all tastes; range of gifts; scarves and Covered by updated DBS check and in- purses. surance. FREE POST, LOCAL DELIVERY


Welcome to Spire Dental where The original oven cleaning specialists we offer a different type of dentis- Ovenclean will transform your oven and put the sparkle back into your kitchen! try - we aim to make every visit as professional and pleasant as possi-  Friendly, professional and reliable ble and we are here to offer per- sonalised, high quality care.  Completely safe, eco-friendly clean system 7 Market Street, Long Sutton, Spal-  ding, PE12 9DD No fumes, no mess, no bother  Removes grease, fat and burnt on Email: [email protected] carbon deposits from: Telephone: 01406 364600 •Ovens •Filters •Hobs •Grills •BBQ’s • Extractors •Microwaves •AGA’s

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Presents Gloria

Featuring Vivaldi’s Gloria and works by Monteverdi, Lassus, Rutter & Will Todd

Saturday 13th July 2019, 7:30pm St. Mary’s Church,


Defibrillators in Fleet & Knit & Chatter Gedney 1st Friday of every month There are now two defibrillators in Fleet. from 2pm - 4pm at The first is on the outside of the Rose and The Crown, , and the second is at the Branches Lane side of the Fleet Road Garage. Sheltered Housing Hall in Hocklesgate, Fleet Hargate A defibrillator now exists outside Victory Hall, Gedney. All monies raised goes to

They also exist at the Co-Op food stores of charity. Holbeach, Long Sutton and Sutton Bridge. If interested phone Norma Bell 01406 421806



Contact Number: 01406 490429. Sutton Bridge Food Bank

St. Matthews Church, Bridge Road PE12 9SD The new Sutton Bridge Food Bank is open on Tuesdays and Friday’s each week, from 1-3pm. Donations are most welcome and can be left in the church at the indicated place.


We are local, accessible and experienced providers of legal services including: -

Buying and selling property Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney

Estate administration Divorce and family problems Employment advice Disputes Commercial Law

Find us at:

10 Spalding Road, Holbeach PE12 7LP Tel: 01406 422651 and 30 Market Place, Long Sutton PE12 9JH Tel: 01406 363212

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority number (SRA Number 52592)