t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l n o t h i n g michael thieke (/rome) : clarinet kai fagaschinski (berlin) : clarinet kai and michael started to work as a clarinet duo in 2000. after improvising for some time in a mainly quiet and noise-based style, they went somehow bored with that and figured out things into new directions to obtain the delicate pleasures one might not associate with clarinet duos. so three years ago (2002) they shifted the project towards composing pieces, focused on tone material in a kind of pipe organ-style (make it sound like one instrument or more than two through the comforts that multiphonics offer), always warm and sometimes with a slightly song-like flavor. to furthermore extent the musical potional they started up in the next step to work with guests musicians with different instruments and develop together collective compositions. the way of composing can to discribed as "empiric" as the music isn't developted in the head of one musician, it's more with the ears of both or, respectively with guests, all of them by trying, failing, changing and developing ideas during the many rehearsals. now they completed the recordings for an album. next to five duo pieces they made two pieces with guests, one song with margareth kammerer (voice & guitar) and one quartet piece with christian weber and derek shirley (both on double bass). another track is a remix with additional vocals by christof kurzmann.

Kai Fagaschinski (*1974 in Dannenberg/D, lives in Berlin) The Berlin-based clarinettist and composer/performer focuses on a subtle musicality of noise and sound phenomena. His music is abstract including an insidious expressivity and a pre-melodic quality. Kai works on the borderline of composition and improvisation, with a preference for extended working collaborations and musical discussions in constant ensembles. Favourite projects are Los Glissandinos with Klaus Filip (CD: stand clear, Creative Sources 2005), The International Nothing - clarinet duo with Michael Thieke (+ guests), Rebecca with guitarist Michael Renkel (CD: rebecca [two variations], Charhizma 2003), the duo with Bernhard Gál (CD: going round in serpentines, Charhizma 2005), Kommando Raumschiff Zitrone with Christof Kurzmann, and No Furniture with Boris Baltschun and Axel Dörner (CD: no furniture, Creative Sources 2003). He is the commander of Raumschiff Zitrone (Berlin). http://kylie.klingt.org

Michael Thieke (*1971 in Düsseldorf/D , lives in Berlin and Rome) Michael Thieke is currently involved in a number of active projects which focus on diverse and contrasting facets of his musical interest. they reach from outer jazz areas, free jazz, totally composed material to projects with the concentration on the silent noises and sounds. Among his favorite Projects are: Nickendes Perlgras (with Michael Anderson tp, Eric Schaefer dr, CD: die hintere vase, jazzhausmusik/2000 and meat hat, konnex/2005), Schwimmer (with Alessandro Bosetti ss, Sabine Vogel fl, Michael Griener dr, CD: 7x4x7, creative sources/2004), The International Nothing (with Kai Fagaschinski cl+ guests, CD: color & style 2006), Hotelgäste (with Derek Shirley b, Dave Bennett g, CD: flowers you can eat, schraum/2005), Michael Thieke Unununium (with Luca Venitucci acc/p, Eric Schaefer dr, Derek Shirley b, CD: where shall i fly not to be sad, my dear?, charhizma/2006), Dok Wallach (music written by C. Mingus, with Daniel Erdmann ts, Johannes Fink b, Heinrich Köbberling dr), Rupp/Thieke/Jennessen (with Olaf Rupp g, Uli Jennessen dr), TGW (with Christian Weber b, Michael Griener dr) Recordings of his projects are released on the labels charhizma, , JazzHausMusik, creative sources and konnex. He played tours all over europe and on the festivals of Lausanne, Lissabon, Brugge, Münster und Hamburg. http://www.michael-thieke.de contact: michael thieke knaackstr.1 10405 berlin germany tel.: ++49/(0)30/4429231 email: [email protected] http://www.michael-thieke.de