81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Changing Our Culture to Advance Patient Safety

Program Guide April 27–May 1, 2013 · New Orleans, Louisiana Table of Contents

Week-At-A-Glance ...... 3. Tuesday Program ...... 109 Breakfast Seminars, Cushing Medalist, Cushing Oration, 2012–2013 AANS President ...... 4 Day-at-a-Glance, Dinner Symposia, Hunt-Wilson Lecture, 2013 Recognition ...... 6. International Symposia, Section Sessions, Wine and Cheese Reception, AANS History Section Annual Dinner Invited Speakers And Award Recipients ...... 7. Wednesday Program ...... 125 Award Recipients ...... 10 Breakfast Seminars, Day-at-a-Glance, Humanitarian Section Abstract Awards, International Awards, Award, Louise Eisenhardt Lecture, Richard C. Schneider Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation Awards Lecture, Section Sessions, Van Wagenen Lecture

AANSConnect ...... 21. Candidate And Medical Student Activities . . . . 141. Marshals’ Office, Marshal Program, Neurosurgical Top AANS Resource Center ...... 23 Gun Competition, YNS Luncheon AANS Online Career Center, Education and Meetings, Publications, Recorded Presentations Nurse And Physician Extenders’ Programs . . . . 143. Advancements in Neurotrauma Care, Mid-Level Technology Pavilion ...... 25. Practitioner Luncheon, Mid-Level Plenary Session AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Exhibit Hall . . . .27 Section Activities ...... 145 Exhibitor Information ...... 29 AANS And Ancillary Meetings ...... 146 AANS Commercial Supporters, Exhibitor Information, Exhibitor Listing—Alphabetical, Exhibitor Listing by General Information ...... 150 Booth Number, Exhibitor Listing by Product and Service AANS Office, AANS Speaker Ready Room, Accessibility, Category, Exhibit Floor Plan Americans with Disabilities Act, Admission Requirements, Attire, Baggage Check, Business Centers, E-mail Saturday Program ...... 76. Stations, First Aid, AANS Shuttle Hours, Ticket Sales, Sunday Program ...... 81. Tours and Attractions Day-at-a-Glance, Mid-Level Plenary Session, AANS 2012–2013 Officers And Committees . . . . . 155. Opening Ceremonies, AANS Opening Reception, Practical Clinics Membership In The AANS ...... 164

Monday Program ...... 88. Continuing Medical Education (CME) . . . . . 170. Breakfast Seminars, AANS Business Meeting, AANS Disclosures ...... 172 International Lifetime Recognition Award, Day-at-a- Glance, Dinner Symposia, Distinguished Service Award, Floor Plans ...... 191. International Reception, International Symposia, Mid- Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans Marriott Level Practitioner Luncheon, Presidential Address, Rhoton Family Lecture, Ronald L. Bittner Lecture, Scientific Sessions, Theodore Kurze Lecture, Wine and Cheese Reception, Young Neurosurgeons Lunch Session, NREF Fundraiser Reception

WWW.AANS.ORG 2 Week At-A-Glance

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1

6:30 AM

7:00 AM

7:30 AM Breakfast Seminars Breakfast Seminars Breakfast Seminars 7:00–9:00 AM 7:00–9:00 AM 7:00–9:00 AM 8:00 AM

8:30 AM

9:00 AM AM Beverage Break in AANS Beverage Break in AANS R Beverage Break in AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Practical R R E 9:45 AM Clinics E E Plenary 7:30– Plenary G Session III Mid-Level 11:30 AM Session I 10:00 AM G G I R Plenary Plenary 9:45 AM– 9:45 AM–1:00 PM AM I I Session II 1:00 PM E Session S 10:30 AM Practical Clinics Rhoton Family Lecture R 9:00 AM– 9:45 AM– Louise 8:00 AM–12:00 PM S S T G 12:00 PM Theodore Kurze Eisenhardt E 1:00 PM 11:00 AM T Lecture T R Lecture I Hunt-Wilson G R Distinguished Service R Richard C. S All Day Lecture A 11:30 AM I Award Schneider Practical A A Cushing Medal T T AANS International Lecture S Clinics Presentation 12:00 PM T Lifetime T Humanitarian R 7:30 AM– I All Day Cushing Oration Award T I Recognition Award I A Practical Clinics 4:30 PM O 12:30 PM Presidential Address Van Wagenen 8:00 AM–5:00 PM R O O T N Lecture A N N 1:00 PM I Lunch Lunch Lunch T Served in the O Served in the Served in the 1:30 PM I AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall N 1:00–2:00 PM 1:00–2:00 PM 1:00–2:00 PM O PM 2:00 PM Practical PM Section N Clinics Practical Clinics Sessions Scientific Sessions Section 2:30 PM 1:00–5:00 PM 12:30– 4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM Sessions Tumor, Spine, History, Pain 2:00–4:30 PM 3:00 PM S&F, Peds Pediatric, CV, Trauma, CV, Trauma Peripheral S&F, Spine 3:30 PM Nerve, Tumor I International Socioeconomic, International Tumor II 4:00 PM Symposium I Symposium II

4:30 PM Wine and Cheese Wine and Cheese Reception in the Reception in the 5:00 PM AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall 4:30–5:30 PM 4:30–5:30 PM AANS Opening 5:30 PM Joint Annual Business Ceremonies Meeting of the AANS and Registration 5:00–6:30 PM the American Association 6:00 PM of Neurosurgeons 5:30–6:30 PM

6:30 PM AANS Inter- AANS History Dinner 7:00 PM national Dinner AANS Opening Section Symposia Reception Symposia Reception Dinner 6:30– 7:30 PM 6:30– 6:30– 6:30–8:30 PM 6:00– 8:30 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM PM

8:30 PM NREF Fundraiser Reception 9:00 PM 8:00– 10:00 PM 9:30 PM

WWW.AANS.ORG 3 AANS 2012–2013 President

Mitchell S . Berger, About AANS MD, FAANS, FACS Founded in 1931 as the Harvey Cushing Society, the 2012–2013 AANS President American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) is a scientific and educational association with over Dr. Mitchel S. Berger is the Kathleen 8,100 members worldwide. The AANS is dedicated to M. Plant Distinguished Professor advancing the specialty of neurological surgery in order and Chairman of the Department of to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical care to Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San the public. All active members of the AANS are board Francisco (UCSF). He also serves as Director of UCSF’s certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, Brain Tumor Research Center. the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Berger earned or the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery, A.C. his medical degree from the University of Miami School Neurosurgery is the medical specialty concerned with of Medicine, followed by a clinical fellowship in neuroon- the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cology at UCSF, a fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at disorders that affect the spinal column, spinal cord, brain, the Hospital for Sick Children of the University of Toronto nervous system and peripheral nerves. For more infor- and a neurosurgical residency at UCSF. In 1986, he mation on what neurosurgeons do, visit www.AANS.org became Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Univer- and select Patient Information. sity of Washington School of Medicine, after which he was named Associate Professor (1990) and Professor (1996).

A leader of translational research, Dr. Berger is Principal Cushing Cigarette Box Investigator of the UCSF Brain Tumor Research Center’s Specialized Program of Research Excellence in neuro- Each year at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the oncology; and Principal Investigator of the Pediatric Brain American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Tumor Foundation Institute at UCSF. He has clinical exper- the outgoing president is presented with a special tise in treating adult and pediatric brain and spinal cord memento of his year in office the “Cushing Cigarette tumors, and is a pioneer of intraoperative brain mapping. Box” representing more than a half century of neuro- His research interests include identifying molecular surgical tradition . The sterling silver Cushing Cigarette markers related to the progression and prognosis of glial Box was originally presented to Harvey Cushing, MD, tumors, and the development of small-molecule thera- by the surgical staff at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital on peutic agents administered to the brain via convection- April 14, 1931, commemorating Dr . Cushing’s 2000th enhanced drug delivery. verified intracranial tumor operation . Beginning with this cherished tradition back in 1959, Dr . Cushing’s nephew, Dr. Berger is President of the American Association of E . H . Cushing, MD, presented the cigarette box to the Neurological Surgeons and a member of the Board of AANS resident and asked that it be passed on to each Directors of the American Board of Neurological Surgery. succeeding president as a symbol of the Association’s He also serves as Secretary of the American Academy of highest office . Neurological Surgery, and is as a member of NFL’s Neck and Spine Committee.

Dr. Berger has contributed more than 400 scientific articles to peer-reviewed journals, edited six textbooks, and written more than 80 chapters on various neuro- surgical topics.

WWW.AANS.ORG 4 AANS Past Presidents 1972–73 William F. Meacham, MD 2011–12 Paul C. McCormick, MD 1971–72 Guy L. Odom, MD 2010–11 James T. Rutka, MD, PhD 1970–71 Collin S. MacCarty, MD 2009–10 Troy M. Tippett, MD 1969–70 A. Earl Walker, MD 2008–09 James R. Bean, MD 1968–69 Donald D. Matson, MD 2007–08 Jon H. Robertson, MD 1967–68 Henry G. Schwartz, MD 2006–07 Donald O. Quest, MD 1966–67 Eben Alexander Jr., MD 2005–06 Fremont P. Wirth Jr., MD 1965–66 Francis Murphey, MD 2004–05 Robert A. Ratcheson, MD 1964–65 Frank H. Mayfield, MD 2003–04 A. John Popp, MD 1963–64 Barnes Woodhall, MD 2002–03 Roberto C. Heros, MD 1962–63 David L. Reeves, MD 2001–02 Stan Pelofsky, MD 1961–62 Leonard T. Furlow, MD 2000–01 Stewart B. Dunsker, MD 1960–61 J. Grafton Love, MD 1999–00 Martin H. Weiss, MD 1959–60 James L. Poppen, MD 1998–99 Russell L. Travis, MD 1958–59 Bronson S. Ray, MD 1997–98 Edward R. Laws Jr., MD 1957–58 Howard A. Brown, MD 1996–97 J. Charles Rich Jr., MD 1956–57 Leo M. Davidoff, MD 1995–96 Sidney Tolchin, MD 1955–56 Frederic Schreiber, MD 1994–95 Edward L. Seljeskog, MD, PhD 1954–55 Harry Wilkins, MD 1993–94 Julian T. Hoff, MD 1953–54 Edgar A. Kahn, MD 1992–93 Merwyn Bagan, MD 1952–53 William J. German, MD 1991–92 James T. Robertson, MD 1951–52 Paul C. Bucy, MD 1990–91 David L. Kelly Jr., MD 1950–51 W. Edward Chamberlain, MD 1989–90 Albert L. Rhoton Jr., MD 1949–50 Frank Tumball, MD 1988–89 George T. Tindall, MD 1948–49 Winchell M.C. Craig, MD 1987–88 Henry D. Garrettson, MD 1947–48 Cobb Pilcher, MD 1986–87 Robert G. Ojemann, MD 1946–47 Frank R. Teachenor, MD 1985–86 Russel H. Patterson Jr., MD 1944–46 Franc D. Ingraham, MD 1984–85 Sidney Goldring, MD 1943–44 Edgar. F. Fincher Jr., MD 1983–84 Byron C. Pevehouse, MD 1942–43 Eric Oldberg, MD 1982–83 Frank R. Wrenn, MD 1941–42 Tracy J. Putnam, MD 1981–82 W. Kemp Clark, MD 1940–41 Cornelius Dyke, MD 1980–81 Robert B. King, MD 1939–40 R. Eustace Semmes, MD 1979–80 W. Eugene Stern, MD 1938–39 Louise Eisenhardt, MD 1978–79 Donald F. Dohn, MD 1937–38 Temple Fay, MD 1977–78 Charles G. Drake, MD 1936–37 Kenneth G. McKenzie, MD 1976–77 Lester A. Mount, MD 1935–36 Merrill C. Sosman, MD 1975–76 Richard L.De Saussure Jr., MD 1934–35 R. Glen Spurling, MD 1974–75 Richard C. Schneider, MD 1933–34 John F. Fulton, PhD 1973–74 Lyle A. French, MD 1932–33 William P. Van Wagenen, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 5 2013 Recognition

Don Berwick, MD, MPP Ralph G . Dacey Jr ., Johannes Schramm, MD Michael T . Lawton, Rhoton Family Lecture MD, FAANS Theodore Kurze Lecture and MD, FAANS Plenary Session I Distinguished Service Award AANS International Lifetime Hunt-Wilson Lecture Monday, April 29 Plenary Session I Recognition Award Plenary Session II Monday, April 29 Plenary Session I Tuesday, April 30 Monday, April 29

Jon H . Robertson, Chesley B . (Sully) Ennio Antonio Chiocca, Carolyn M . Clancy, MD MD, FAANS, FACS Sullenberger III MD, PhD, FAANS Louise Eisenhardt Lecture Cushing Medalist Cushing Oration Ronald L . Bittner Lecture Plenary Session III Plenary Session II Plenary Session II Scientific Session I—Tumor Wednesday, May 1 Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, April 30

Charles L . Branch Jr ., Hughes Duffau, MD, PhD Mark Bernstein, MD, MD, FAANS Van Wagenen Lecture FAANS, FRCSC Richard C . Schneider Lecture Plenary Session III Humanitarian Award Plenary Session III Wednesday, May 1 Plenary Session III Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, May 1

WWW.AANS.ORG 6 Invited Speakers And Award Recipients Plenary Session I Monday, April 29

Rhoton Family Lecture Distinguished Service Award Don Berwick, MD, MPP Ralph G . Dacey Jr ., MD

Don Berwick, MD, MPP, served The American Association of as Administrator of the Centers for Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Medicare and Medicaid Services Distinguished Service Award (CMS) from July 2010 through is one of the highest honors December 2011. Prior to that, Dr. Berwick worked bestowed by the organization, recognizing exemplary for 22 years as the founding CEO of the Institute for service to the AANS and the field of neurosurgery. Healthcare Improvement. The award pays tribute to the contributions of Dr. Berwick holds a master of public policy degree remarkable people within their profession. from the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD, FAANS, received his BA and an MD cum laude from the Harvard Medical School. from Harvard University and his MD from the He is a clinical professor of pediatrics and healthcare University of Virginia, the same school he served as policy at the Harvard Medical School; and professor of a neurosurgical resident. Following his post-graduate health policy and management at the Harvard School training, he became an assistant professor of neuro- of Public Health. logical surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Berwick has received numerous awards, and was He subsequently was appointed professor and chief named a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in of the division of neurosurgery at the University of London and Honorary Knight Commander of the Order North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Presently, he is the of the British Empire for his role in helping redesign Henry G. and Edith R. Schwartz Professor and chair- Britain’s healthcare system. man of the department of neurological surgery at Washington University in St. Louis.

Theodore Kurze Lecture Dr. Dacey was awarded a Clinician Investigator and AANS International Development Award by the National Institutes of Health and has been funded by NIH for many years. Lifetime Recognition Award He has authored more than 190 pieces in the areas Johannes Schramm, MD of neurosurgery and cerebrovascular physiology.

Johannes Schramm, MD, is the Dr. Dacey is the current president of the Society of retired chairman of the University of Neurological Surgeons (SNS). He recently served Bonn’s Department of Neurosurgery in Bonn, Germany. as chairman of the Residency Review Committee for Neurosurgery and was a member of the ACGME Dr. Schramm earned his medical degree from the Resident Duty Hours Task Force. He is the past University of Heidelberg in 1972 and went on to complete president and treasurer of the American Academy his neurosurgical residency at the Free University of of Neurological Surgery. He was the chairman and Berlin in 1979. secretary of the American Board of Neurological Named for the internationally renowned neurosurgeon Surgery as well as president and treasurer of the who pioneered the specialty’s use of the microscope, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. He currently first Theodore Kurze Lecture was presented at the 2003 serves as consultant neurosurgeon for the St. AANS Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego, Calif. Louis Rams and the St. Louis Blues.

WWW.AANS.ORG 7 Plenary Session II Tuesday, April 30

Hunt-Wilson Lecture Cushing Oration Michael T . Lawton, MD Chesley B . (Sully) Sullenberger III Michael Lawton, MD, FAANS is the Tong-Po Kan Endowed Chair, Captain Chesley B. “Sully” Sullen- Professor of neurological surgery, berger III is the pilot who masterfully and Vice-Chairman of the depart- landed US Airways Flight 1549 on ment of neurosurgery and the University of California, the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009, saving the lives of San Francisco (UCSF). He is chief of vascular neurosurgery, 155 people in what has been dubbed the “Miracle on specializing in the surgical treatment of aneurysms, the Hudson.” An aviation safety expert and accident arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), arteriovenous investigator who also is the founder and chief executive fistulas, cavernous malformations and cerebral revascu- officer of Safety Reliability Methods, he has more than larization, including carotid endarterectomy. He has 40 years of flying experience. In addition to his bachelor’s experience in surgically treating more than 3,000 brain degree in psychology from the U.S. Air Force Academy, aneurysms and more than 600 AVMs. He also is trained Sullenberger has two master’s degrees, one in industrial in the endovascular treatment of aneurysms. psychology from Purdue University and one in public administration from the University of Northern Colorado.

Cushing Medalist Sullenberger authored best- Jon H . Robertson, MD selling book, Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters, and was named one of TIME magazine’s Conferred since 1977, the Harvey 100 most influential people in 2009. He has received Cushing Medal is the most presti- numerous awards, including the Medal of Valor gious award an American Association from the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Harvard of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) University’s Humanitarian Award. member can receive. In 2013, Jon H. Robertson, MD, FAANS, FACS, will receive this noteworthy distinction for his significant contributions to the neurosurgical specialty through leadership, service and unwavering dedication.

For the past 33 years, Dr. Robertson has been a neuro- surgeon at the Semmes-Murphy Neurologic and Spine Institute in Memphis, where his clinical focuses include the surgical management of tumors affecting the cranial base of the skull. In 1979, Dr. Robertson began a storied academic career as a faculty member at the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences’ Department of Neurosurgery. He climbed the ranks from assistant professor to chairman, a role in which he presided until his retirement from the university in 2011.

A past president of the AANS, Dr. Robertson’s volunteer service also includes presidencies for the North American Skull Base Society and the Society of University Neuro- surgeons in 2002 and 2005 respectively.

WWW.AANS.ORG 8 Plenary Session III Wednesday, May 1

Louise Eisenhardt Lecture Van Wagenen Lecture Carolyn M . Clancy, MD Hughes Duffau, MD, PhD

Carolyn M. Clancy, MD, has served Renowned neuroscientist as Director of the Agency for Health- Hugues Duffau, MD, PhD, has care Research and Quality (AHRQ) been named the American since Feb. 5, 2003. She leads the Association of Neurological organization in its effort to improve the quality, safety, Surgeons’ (AANS’) 2013 Van Wagenen Lecturer. efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare for Americans. Dr. Duffau is professor and chairman of the Gui de She also holds an academic appointment at the George Chauliac Hospital’s Department of Neurosurgery at Washington University School of Medicine as Clinical Montpellier University Medical Center in France. Among Associate Professor, Department of Medicine. his clinical and research interests are the treatment of A graduate of Boston College and the University of brain tumors, the management of low-grade gliomas Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. Clancy is a general and intraoperative functional brain mapping, which internist and health services researcher. Following provided the basis for his 2011 book titled Brain clinical training in internal medicine, she was a Henry Mapping: From Neural Basis of Cognition to Surgical J. Kaiser Family Foundation Fellow at the University Application. A native of Montauban, France, Dr. of . Duffau completed his neurosurgical residency at Paris’ Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in 1995, and he obtained As Director of AHRQ, she launched the first annual his doctorate degree in neurosciences from the report to Congress on health care disparities and University of Paris VI in 2005. healthcare quality.

Humanitarian Award Richard C . Schneider Mark Bernstein, MD Lecture Charles Branch Jr ., MD Since 1987, the American Association of Neurological Charles Branch Jr., MD, Surgeons (AANS) has conferred its FAANS, is the Eben Alexander Jr. Humanitarian Award to members Professor and Chairman of the who have brought honor to the neurosurgical specialty Department of Neurosurgery at Wake Forest University through charitable service. The 2013 AANS Humanitar- School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C. Dr. Branch ian Award will be presented to Mark Bernstein, MD, serves on the governing board for Wake Forest University’s FAANS, FRCSC. Regular visits to the developing world School of Biomedical Engineering and on the board signify Dr. Bernstein’s affinity for service and education. of regents for Pepperdine University. During travels to such locales as Ghana and Indonesia, Dr. Branch received his medical degree from the he has introduced innovative and life-saving neurosurgi- University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in cal techniques, often with a team of residents, nurses 1981, and completed his neurosurgical training at and colleagues in tow. Wake Forest University in 1987. In addition to his role as a neurosurgeon at Toronto Western Hospital, Dr. Bernstein is a professor of surgery at the University of Toronto.

WWW.AANS.ORG 9 Award Recipients Section Abstract Awards

AANS/CNS AANS Section on History Cerebrovascular Section Vesalius Award Synthes Cerebrovascular Award Iakiv Fishchenko, MD, PhD David A . Wilson, MD Iakiv Fishchenko, MD, PhD is a David A. Wilson, MD, is the chief neurosurgery research fellow in the neurosurgery resident at the Barrow Neurosurgery Research Laboratory Neurological Institute in Phoenix, where he cultivates working under Dr. Mark Preul at the Barrow Neurological an interest in vascular neurosurgery and skull base Institute in Phoenix, Arizona on topics of cranial and approaches. Dr. Wilson, who completed a fellowship spinal trauma. He graduated from Bogomolets National at the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery in Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine in 2004 and at the end Sydney, Australia, has operated in such international of his residency, he has been working at the Department locales as Tanzania and Vietnam. While completing his of Spinal Pathology of the State Institute of Orthopedics medical degree program at the Columbia University and Traumatology of the Academy of Medical Sciences College of Physicians and Surgeons, he worked in its in Kiev, Ukraine. Currently his work focuses on spine Department of Neurosurgery as the Doris Duke Clinical deformities and spinal degenerative diseases. Dr. Research Fellow, studying in the neurovascular lab of Fishchenko received his PhD degree in 2008 and was E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD, FAANS. Dr. Wilson’s additional awarded the Laureate of the President of Ukraine’s Prize research interests include improving the methods of in the field of Science and Technique. He is the recipient definition and evaluation of clinical outcomes following of the Best Young Researcher Award from the Ministry aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. of Ukraine (2012) and has received an award from the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (2010) for his works in the field of spinal pathology. His investigations into Russian medical history have shed new light on the events surrounding the cranial injuries of General Mikhail Kutuzov, and consequences that shaped the world during the winter of 1812.

WWW.AANS.ORG 10 AANS/CNS Section on Pain AANS/CNS Section on William H . Sweet Award Pediatric Neurological Surgery Timothy Smith, MD, PhD Hydrocephalus Association Award Timothy Smith, MD, PhD, MPH, is a Jayant Prasanna Menon, MD sixth-year neurosurgery resident at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. A native of Tuscola, IL, Jayant P. Menon, MD, is a physician at the University Dr. Smith earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Human of California, San Diego’s (UCSD’s) Division of Neurosur- Physiology from the University of Illinois. He is a medical gery, where he also completed his residency. In addition, graduate of the University of California, and Dr. Menon obtained a Master’s Degree in Biomedical went on to obtain a PhD in Health Science and Policy Engineering from UCSD’s Jacob’s School of Engineering. from the University of California, Irvine, and a Master in His efforts to contribute to neurosurgical technologies Public Health Degree in Quantitative Methods from include the invention of a ventricular catheter stylet Harvard University. Dr. Smith, who currently is involved modification designed to decrease catheter obstruction in an oncology and functional neurosurgery fellowship, associated with implantation. This year, he will begin has research interests include the socioeconomic facets a fellowship in stereotactic and functional neuro- of neurological surgery. surgery at Stanford University.

AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric AANS/CNS Section on Neurological Surgery Neurotrauma and Critical Kenneth Shulman Award Care DePuy Synthes Resident Caitlin E . Hoffman, MD Craniofacial Award Kristopher Thomas Kahle, Caitlin Hoffman, MD, is a neurosurgi- MD, PhD cal resident at New York Presbyterian Hospital. She is a 2007 graduate of Weill Cornell Medical Kristopher Thomas Kahle, MD, PhD is a sixth-year College in New York, where under the guidance of Jeffrey neurosurgery resident at the Massachusetts General P. Greenfield, MD, PhD, she assessed the involvement of Hospital, and a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory bone-marrow derived cells in medulloblastoma recurrence of David Clapham at Harvard Medical School/HHMI. and dissemination. Funding for this research was provided He received his undergraduate degree in philosophy through the Children’s Cancer and Blood Foundation. from the University of Chicago. At Yale School of Medi- She is a 2012 recipient of the Kenneth Shulman Award cine, he performed his Ph.D. training with Richard presented by the AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric Lifton. Dr. Kahle is interested in using genome-wide Neurological Surgery. sh/siRNAscreens and chemical genetics to identify and characterize critical regulators of ion transport pathways relevant for neurodevelopment and neurologic disease. Dr. Kahle has clinical interests in pediatric neurosurgery.

WWW.AANS.ORG 11 AANS/CNS Section on Robert Florin Award and WINS Neurotrauma and Critical Care Louise Eisenhardt Traveling DePuy Synthes Spinal Cord Scholarship Award Injury Resident Award Scott Parker, MD Kristopher Gray Hooten, MD Scott L. Parker, MD, a 2011 Kristopher G. Hooten, MD, is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins fourth-year neurosurgical resident at the University University School of Medicine, currently is a PGY-2 of Florida in Gainesville, Fla. Upon his 2005 graduation resident at Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Hooten Department of Neurological Surgery. Among Dr. Parker’s was commissioned into the Army as a research interests are hydrocephalus treatments, neuro- Second Lieutenant in its health professional scholarship oncology outcomes and cost-utility analyses for various program. In 2009, he graduated with a medical degree types of spinal instrumentation. Most recently, he has from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galves- placed a research emphasis on determining which ton, Texas. He was promoted to the rank of Captain and surgical procedures result in greater quality-of-life now serves in the 187th Medical Battalion as a fully improvements for patients with neurological disorders. sponsored medical resident. For Dr. Hooten, who counts A native of Houston, Dr. Thompson obtained a academic and military neurosurgery among his career Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology plans, research interests include regenerative stem cell from the University of Texas at Austin. therapy and modifying the neuroinflammatory response for neurodegenerative diseases and spinal cord injury. AANS/CNS Section on Stereotactic and AANS/CSNS Functional Neurosurgery Socioeconomic Session Philip L . Gildenberg, MD Cone Pevehouse Award Resident Award and AANS/CNS Brainlab Jonathan Riley, MD Neurosurgery Award

Jason P . Sheehan, MD Jonathan P. Riley, MD, MS, a fourth-year neurosurgical resident at the Emory University Department of Neuro- Jason P. Sheehan, MD received his doctorate in logical Surgery in Atlanta, has a clinical specialty interest biophysics and medical degree at the University of in stereotactic, functional and epilepsy surgery. Amid Virginia. He completed his residency training at the his research pursuits is the safety validation of delivery University of Virginia and fellowships at the University approaches to intra-spinal sites. During his training at of Auckland and the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Dr. Riley Sheehan returned to join the staff in the Department studied in the laboratory of Nicholas M. Boulis, MD, of Neurological Surgery at the University of Virginia. FAANS, where he focused on the development of surgical He is currently Vice Chair and Alumni Professor technologies and techniques for delivering biologic of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia. agents to the neuraxis. Additional research topics include the exploration of intrathecal and intraventricular vector delivery strategies and convection-enhanced delivery approached for intraparenchymal delivery.

WWW.AANS.ORG 12 AANS/CNS Section on Tumors AANS/CNS Section on Tumors American Brain Tumor Journal of Neuro-Oncology Award Association Young Phiroz Erach Tarapore, MD Investigator Award Nicholas F . Marko, MD Phiroz E. Tarapore, MD, is a medical graduate of the University of California, Nicholas F. Marko, MD, is a neuro- San Francisco (UCSF), where he surgical oncology fellow at the MD Anderson Cancer currently serves as a chief neurosurgical resident. He has Center in Houston. After completing his residency developed a research interest in functional imaging and training at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Dr. Marko presurgical mapping with transcranial magnetic stimula- conducted research at Cambridge University in the tion (TMS), and has established the first protocols for United Kingdom as an American Association of Neuro- using navigated TMS for presurgical speech and motor logical Surgeons William P. Van Wagenen Fellow. While mapping at UCSF. Dr. Tarapore’s current projects include his clinical focus is on the management of primary the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic malignant and metastatic tumors of the brain and spinal strategies for treating patients with chronic traumatic cord, Dr. Marko’s academic interests include the use brain injury. of applied mathematics and large-scale databases to optimize the diagnosis and management of disease. Among his research studies are strategies to assess the AANS/CNS Section on Tumors costs and benefits of alternate management techniques Leksell Radiosurgery Award in efforts to maintain high-quality care and optimize Hideyuki Kano, MD, PhD health-care delivery.

Hideyuki Kano, MD, PhD, is a research assistant professor of AANS/CNS Section on Tumors neurological surgery at the University Integra Foundation Award of Pittsburgh. A native of Osaka, Japan, Dr. Kano received Jonathan G . Thomas, MD his medical degree from Kyoto University in 1997, and completed his neurosurgical residency at the school in Jonathan G. Thomas, MD, is a fifth- 2004. During his three-year tenure from 2004 to 2007 year resident at the Baylor College as neurosurgeon-in-chief at Kishiwada City Hospital in of Medicine’s Department of Neuro- Kishiwada, Japan, he obtained his PhD in neuro-oncology surgery in Houston. Dr. Thomas has developed an from Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Medicine. interest in neurosurgical oncology, namely novel therapies Dr. Kano later worked as an image-guided neurosurgery for glioma. With research support from the American fellow under the supervision of L. Dade Lunsford, MD, Cancer Society and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and Douglas S. Kondziolka, MD, at the University of he currently is investigating methods to treat glioma by Pittsburgh, where he later became a visiting research enhancing tumor tropism of mesenchymal stem cells. professor. Among his clinical and research interests Dr. Thomas is a graduate of Harvard College and the are stereotactic radiosurgery for benign and malignant University of Michigan Medical School. brain tumors, ateriovenous malformation, and functional disease. Dr. Kano is the 2012 recipient of the Integra Foundation Award from the AANS/CNS Section on Tumors.

WWW.AANS.ORG 13 AANS/CNS Section on Tumors AANS/CNS Section on Tumors National Brain Tumor Ronald L . Bittner Award on Foundation Mahaley Award Brain Tumor Research Andrew E . Sloan, MD Orin Bloch, MD

Andrew Sloan, MD, FAANS, FACS, is Orin Bloch, MD, is a clinical instruc- a neurosurgeon, physician-scientist tor at the University of California, San and educator at the University Hospitals Case Medical Francisco’s (UCSF’s) Department of Neurological Surgery. Center in Cleveland. Additionally, he serves as the His laboratory research seeks to boost the efficacy of Director of the Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center adaptive immunotherapy approaches for glioblastoma. at the Neurological Institute, Seidman Cancer Center and Additionally, Dr. Bloch is active in clinical care and the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. clinical trials for patients with brain tumors. During his Dr. Sloan’s research on glioma vaccines and glioma stem residency training at UCSF, Dr. Bloch worked under the cells has been funded by the National Cancer Institute, guidance for Andrew T. Parsa, MD, PhD, to study the the American Society of Clinical Oncology and other mechanisms of glioma-induced immunosuppression and organizations. As the author of more than 100 peer- the implications for immunotherapy. Dr. Bloch then was reviewed articles and numerous editorials and book awarded a K99/R00 grant from the National Institute of chapters, Dr. Sloan serves on the board of several Neurological Disorders and Stroke to study the role neurosurgical and scientific journals. Dr. Sloan, whose of tumor-associated macrophages in modulating local clinical and research interests include the biology and and systemic immunity in glioblastoma. A Summa Cum treatment of brain and spinal tumors, currently is devel- Laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, oping interactive neurosurgical simulators for training, Dr. Bloch earned his medical degree from the UCSF education and collaborative surgery. He is a graduate School of Medicine. of Yale University and Harvard Medical School, having completed a neurosurgical residency at the University of California, Los Angeles. AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Synthes Skull Base Award Sergei Terterov, MD AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Preuss Award Sergei Terterov, MD, is a third- Michael C . Oh, MD, PhD year neurosurgical resident at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Michael C. Oh, MD, PhD, is a chief Department of Neurosurgery. A medical graduate of the resident in neurosurgery at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern University of California, San Francisco. California in Los Angeles, he earned a Bachelor of During his residency, he has worked under the guidance Science degree in Chemical Biology from the University of Andrew T. Parsa, MD, PhD, characterizing calcium- of California, Berkeley. Under the tutelage of Isaac permeable glutamate receptors in glioblastoma tumor Yang, MD, and Marvin Bergsneider, MD, Dr. Terterov stem cells. A biochemistry and molecular biology gradu- has developed clinical interests in skull base neurosur- ate of Reed College in Portland, OR, Dr. Oh obtained his gery, with special focus on patient outcomes, quality PhD from the Oregon Health and Science University and improvement and cost reduction. After completing earned his medical degree from its School of Medicine his residency, Dr. Terterov will complete a fellowship in 2007. His clinical interests include gliomas, skull in skull base neurosurgery with hopes of practicing base surgery and spinal tumors. within the subspecialty.

WWW.AANS.ORG 14 AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Young Neurosurgeons (YNS) Stryker Neuro-Oncology Award Medical Student Award Eric M . Thompson, MD Nima Alan

Eric M. Thompson, MD, is a graduate Nima Alan is a third-year medical of the University of Nebraska College student at Case Western Reserve of Medicine. Dr. Thompson earned a University School of Medicine in Bachelor of Science degree at Duke University, where he Cleveland. He is a 2009 cum laude graduate of the was awarded a Howard Hughes Fellowship and a Duke University of British Columbia, where he completed Undergraduate Research Support Grant for his work a Bachelor of Science degree in physiology. He was titled “A Yeast Functional Genomics Approach to Identify named the Top Senior Student in Neurophysiology for Novel Genetic Targets of BRCA1.” Currently a seventh- his graduate thesis on vascular changes after spinal cord year resident at the Oregon Health and Science University, injury and its impact on autonomic dysreflexia. Alan, who Dr. Thompson counts pediatric epilepsy and the treatment counts translational domains of neurosurgical oncology of malignant gliomas among his research and clinical and cerebrovascular neurosurgery among his research interests. In 2011, the Medical Research Foundation of interests, currently conducts research under the guidance Oregon presented him with the Early Clinical Investigator of Robert J. Weil, MD, chair of the Burkhardt Brain Grant for the project titled “Characterizing the Role of Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center at the Cleveland Zona Occludens 1 and its Putative Modulators in Tumor- Clinic Foundation. Related Vasogenic Edema.” Following the completion of a fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Dr. Thompson plans to a career in academic pediatric neurosurgery, with clinical and research focuses on central nervous system tumors and cerebral metastases in children.

WWW.AANS.ORG 15 International Awards

Best International AANS International Lifetime Abstract Award Recognition Award David Roytowski, MD Johannes Schramm, MD

The AANS International Lifetime David Roytowski, MD is a resident Service Award recognizes an in the Department of Neurosurgery at international neurosurgeon or the University of Cape Town in South other international dignitary for Africa, where he obtained his medical degree in 1999. his or her lifetime of contributions to advancing the field In addition to his work as a general medical practitioner of neurosurgery in a country outside the United States in South Africa and the United Kingdom, Dr. Roytowski and Canada. has served as a strategy and management consultant for the Monitor Group, a consulting firm in Cambridge, MA. This role followed his Master of Business Administration International Travel Scholarship studies at the Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD). Dr. Roytowski believes that the future Jun Zhong, MD, PhD of neurosurgery in Africa is promising, noting that the scope for benefits in the field are enormous. Jun Zhong, MD, PhD, is the vice-chief of the Xinhua Hospital’s Department of Neurosurgery in Shanghai, China. He is the 2008 recipient of the Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award for his performance of thousands of microvascular decompression procedures, a subject on which he has published two books. During postdoc- toral fellowships at Wayne State University in Detroit and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI, Dr. Zhong conducted a number of studies on spinal cord stimula- tion, intracranial pressure monitoring and brain retraction injury. In addition to his service as the secretary-general of the Cranial Nerve Disease Center of Shanghai, he is the reviewer of several journals, including Acta Neuro- chirurgica, Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery, and Chinese Journal of Medicine. Dr. Zhong, who also is a professor at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, counts novel theories on the mechanism of hemifacial spasms among his research projects.

WWW.AANS.ORG 16 International Visiting Surgeons Fellowship

The AANS is committed to increasing its involvement in international neurosurgery, in particular furthering educational opportunities in developing countries . One meaningful offering is the AANS International Visiting Surgeons Fellowship . The AANS funds two observational fellowships per fiscal year to provide meaningful educational experiences in North America to international neurosurgeons who will practice and/or teach neurosurgery in their home countries . The 2012 AANS International Visiting Surgeon Fellowship Recipients are:

Vladyslav Buryk, MD Juan Bosco Gonzalez Torres, MD

Vladyslav Buryk, MD, from Kiev, Juan Bosco Gonzalez Torres, MD, Ukraine, who will visit Stanford from Masaya, , who will University under the observation visit University of Texas Health of John R. Adler Jr., MD. Dr. Buryk Science Center and Children’s would like to obtain advanced Memorial Hermann Hospital in education and proficient training in neurosurgery accord- Houston under the guidance of David I. Sandberg, MD. ing to world neurosurgical standards. His main goal is Dr. Torres will focus on developing and improving skills to gain experience in radiosurgery treatment of central in the care of neurosurgical pathologies in children, nervous system ailments such as tumors, epilepsy with special emphasis on brain tumors, hydrocephalus, and ateriovenous malformations. neural tube closure and epilepsy.


For 30 years, the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) has successfully funded progressive scientific studies thanks to financial commitments from individuals, groups, academic/hospital practices and corporations . Demonstrate your commitment to the NREF and consider donating to the NREF when registering for the 2013 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting .

NREF Research Symposium and Reception

This year, the NREF will again host the annual Research Symposium & Donor Reception, on Tuesday, April 30 from 4:00PM–6:30PM at the New Orleans Marriott. This event will showcase research from past and current awardees. This invitation-only event affords Cushing Donor level supporters a chance to see the impact that their contributions have made on residents and young faculty members who received research grants.

To save your seat at the NREF Research Symposium and Donor Reception, make your donation to the NREF through the AANS Annual Scientific Meeting registration form, on the AANS website or stop by the AANS Resource Center in the AANS Exhibit Hall.

Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation Awards

The NREF Research Fellowships and Young Clinician Richard G . Everson, MD Investigator Awards are made possible thanks to the NREF Research Fellow generous support of AANS members, group practices, University of California, Los Angeles hospitals, corporate supporters, the Sections and the Project Title: Immunosensitization and Adoptive public. The NREF funds grants in the areas of brain Transfer of NY-ESO-1 TCR Engineered Cells for tumors, cerebrovascular disease, endovascular neurosur- Treatment of Glioblastoma gery, pain management, pediatrics, spine and trauma. Sponsor: Linda M. Liau, MD, PhD

Wael F . Asaad, MD, PhD Fady Girgis, MD NREF/Codman Young Clinician Investigator NREF/Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery Alpert Medical School, Brown University University of Calgary Project Title: Programmed Visual-Motor Associations Project Title: The Roles of the Dorsal Anterior Cingulate in the Nonhuman Primate Cortex and Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Fear Sponsor: John P. Donoghue, PhD Conditioning and Extinction in the Non-Human Primate Sponsor: Emad N. Eskandar, MD Katharine M . Cronk, MD NREF/Biomet Microfixation Research Fellow Michael E . Ivan, MD Barrow Neurological Institute NREF/Section on Tumors Research Fellow Project Title: Degradable Local Analgesic Devices University of California, San Francisco for Targeted Pain Management and Improved Neurological Surgery Surgical Success Project Title: The Role of EMR Proteins Sponsor: Nicholas Theodore, MD in Glioma Pathogenesis Sponsor: Andrew T. Parsa, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 18 Neil Raine Malhotra, MD The American Association of Neurological Surgeons NREF/Section on Disorders of the Spine and (AANS) through the Neurosurgery Research and Peripheral Nerves Young Clinician Investigator Education Foundation (NREF) supports the AANS University of Pennsylvania Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship Project Title: Novel Bioactive Implants to Reverse (MSSRF) program. Each year twenty (20) fellowships Degenerative Disc Disease via Mechanical Support in the amount of $2,500 are awarded and one med- and Drug Delivery ical student is selected as the Best Abstract to be Sponsor: Dawn M. Elliott, PhD presented at the AANS Scientific Annual Meeting.

Heather H . McCrea, MD Farshad Nassiri NREF Research Fellow Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship 2012 Best Abstract Weill Cornell Medical Center University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Project Title: Role of Angiocrine Expression Project Title: Transplantation of Neural Precursor of Notch Ligands in Glioma Progression Cells Will Promote Regeneration and Repair in the Sponsor: Shahin Rafii, MD Traumatically Injured Cervical Spinal Cord Timothy Ryan Owens, MD Sponsor: Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD NREF/American Academy of Neurological Surgery The AANS William P. Van Wagenen Fellowship was (AAcNS) Research Fellow established by the estate of Dr. Van Wagenen, who Duke University Medical Center was one of the founders and the first President of the Project Title: Characterization of Transcriptional Targets Harvey Cushing Society, now the American Association of Brachyury in Chordoma of Neurological Surgeons. The Van Wagenen Fellowship Sponsor: Michael Kelley, MD was designed to provide freedom in scientific develop- ment without the restrictive limitations usually imposed Matthew R . Reynolds, MD by many research grants and fellowships. Through NREF/Cerebrovascular Section Research Fellow the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation Washington University School of Medicine (NREF), the William P. Van Wagenen Fellowship Project Title: Examining the Role of Heparin Sulfate Selection Committee is proud to announce the Proteolycans in the Amyloid-Beta-Induced Cerebrovascular 2013–2014 selection. Dysfunction of Alzheimer’s Disease Sponsor: Gregory J. Zipfel, MD David Ryan Ormond, MD 2013–2014 William P . Van Wagenen Fellow Adam M . Sonabend, MD New York Medical College NREF Research Fellow Project Title: Cell Reprogramming: Stem Cell-Based Columbia University Medical Center Systems for Studying Nervous System Diseases Project Title: Evolution Following Treatment in and Repair. Glioblastoma: A Predictable Phenomenon or Pure Chaos Sponsor: Professor Dr. Oliver Brüstle, Institute of Sponsor: Peter Canoll, MD, PhD; and Jeffrey N. Bruce, MD Reconstructive Neurobiology - Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Germany

WWW.AANS.ORG 19 The Midas Rex® of Microsaws

Reliability and Performance You Can Trust

The electric Midas Rex® Microsaws offer legendary performance with innovative features for neurosurgical, spinal, oral, plastics, ENT, craniofacial, and orthopedic procedures.

• Optional integrated irrigation with IntelliFlow™ remote control • Three color-coded handpieces available with foot or finger control • Powered by the proven IPC® System

For more information, e-mail [email protected]. You can also contact your Medtronic Neurosurgery sales representative or refer to www.MedtronicNeurosurgery.com.

Refer to product instruction manual/package insert for instructions, warning, precautions and contraindications. Caution: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device for sale by or on the order of a physician. Midas Rex® and IPC® are registered trademarks of Medtronic, Inc. IntelliFlow™ is a trademark of Medtronic, Inc. © 2012, Medtronic, Inc. All rights reserved. LIT350041.R1 Innovating for life. WWW.AANS.ORG 20

AANS Program_Microsaw Ad_OZ_R1.indd 1 2/20/13 1:46 PM AANSConnect® www.AANSConnect.org

Extend Your Meeting Experience: Connect With Colleagues Before And After The AANS Annual Scientific Meeting

The AANS has led the neurosurgical field in dynamic educational offerings and interactive opportunities of any major neurosurgical meeting. Meeting attendees and AANS members can extend their experience through AANS’ professional networking website, AANSConnect ®: • Interact with Presenters, Attendees & Colleagues through Online Discussions; since many presentations are being streamed live to AANSConnect ®, you can discuss these with those attending the meeting virtually as well (see below). • Select the Annual Meeting tab (2013) for discussions and news about speakers, presentations and annual meeting events. Discuss research, arrange to meet people or learn more about what others are saying about the meeting sessions. • Remember the days when researchers stood by their posters tacked onto bulletin boards to talk about their research? Now there’s no set schedule. Electronic poster presentations are available for review and discussion. Post comments, ask the poster presenter questions or to discuss the poster with neurosurgical colleagues. • Presenters are invited to translate their work into other languages and post those in AANSConnect ® for AANS International Members.

Not sure how to use AANSConnect ® to keep in touch with your colleagues? Try these ideas: • Send colleague requests to people you meet so you can keep in touch after the meeting. • Find people with similar research or subspecialty interests, or join groups around areas that interest you. • Start a group for alumnae of your medical school or resi- dency program; you and other alums can post news about reunions, jobs, moves or post photos from alumnae events.

WWW.AANS.ORG 21 • Post news about subspecialty section events or courses. To view live streaming, login to AANSconnect (see • Post a case study and benefit from input from other sidebar) and select the Annual Meeting tab, or go directly neurosurgeons in the community. to http://connect.aans.org/annual-meeting and select the “Log in” text at the top right. • Review or start discussions on areas that interest you. • Create a blog for a topic in which you are an expert. Additional Live Streaming Opportunities Not sure how to do any of these things? Start with the Attendees can also participate in these streamed Community News & Tips blog for some “How To” guid- courses: ance. A general AANSConnect ® tutorial is available in the site at http://connect.aans.org/multimedia/video/26 Monday, April 29 2:00–4:30 PM Note: AANSConnect ® is a benefit of AANS Membership. Nuances of Intracranial Surgery: Non-member annual scientific meeting medical regis- An Interactive Video Presentation trants receive temporary access to AANSConnect ® as a benefit of attending the meeting. Tuesday, April 30 2:00–4:30 PM Live Streaming AANS Annual Nuances of Cerebrovascular Surgery: Scientific Meeting Presentations An Interactive Video Presentation 2013 AANS Annual Meeting Presentations that will be live streamed to AANSConnect ® are in the following sessions: AANSConnect® Login Information

Monday, April 29 • Login to http://www .AANSconnect .org using your 9:45 AM–1:00 PM MyAANS username and password . Members enjoy AANS Plenary Session I AANSconnect ® year round .

Monday, April 29 • Non-member medical registrants can login beginning 2:00 PM–4:30 PM April 12, 2013 and continue until May 10, 2013 . Scientific Session I—Tumor However, you must have a log in for MyAANS .org Tuesday, April 30 before April 15, 2013 . If you do not have a login, register at https://myaans .aans .org/myaans .aspx . 9:45 AM–1:00 PM AANS Plenary Session II • If you’ve forgotten your username or password, use the “login help” option at https://myaans .aans .org/ Tuesday, April 30 myaans .aspx: “If you forgot your login credentials, 2:00–4:30 PM please click HERE” AANS/CNS Section on Peripheral Nerves Section Session

Wednesday, May 1 9:45 AM–1:00 PM AANS Plenary Session III

WWW.AANS.ORG 22 AANS Resource Center Your Connection to Professional Success

All the resources an AANS Annual Scientific Meeting The Latest Information attendee needs will be in one place. Join us in the AANS Journals of Neurosurgery Resource Center, booth #1439, for networking, learning, socializing or just a cup of coffee. Our publications, Our highly acclaimed Journals of Neurosurgery can products and services will be available, along with the help advance your clinical knowledge. Visit us to learn opportunity to speak with our education staff about CME, more about the latest clinical articles, our new video supplement, and ways to make the online Journals more webinars and more. Also represented will be the Journal valuable to your practice. View the mobile platform, of Neurosurgery, NeuroPoint Alliance, the AANS Online JNS Career Center and more. talk with members of our staff, and find out how you can publish your articles in our Journals as well.

Maintenance of Certification AANS Publications Check out our educational programs, including Master Visit our booth for AANS and AANS/Thieme co-published Series On-Demand CME, self-study education and practice titles as well as other valuable resources. management courses which are integral tools for meeting the AANS MOC requirements. Joining the AANS Not yet an AANS member? We can help! Complete an NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) application today to take advantage of our many member The AANS created the NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) to benefits. Need to change your contact information? We develop a web-based national platform for the collection, can do that too! analysis and reporting of neurosurgical clinical data. NPA Be sure to visit the AANS Resource Center, booth #1439. is designed to meet the quality care and research needs of individual neurosurgeons and neurosurgical practices, Member Benefits through AANS Partner Programs national organizations (AANS, CNS, ABNS), health care Members have the advantage of programs that are plans, biomedical industry and government agencies. AANS-reviewed and often offer advantages such as The NPA’s largest initiative, the National Neurosurgery preferred member pricing or exclusive services. The Quality and Outcomes Database (N2QOD) will allow any representatives of the following AANS Partner Programs U.S. neurosurgeon, practice group or hospital system will be in attendance on the exhibit floor: to contribute to and access aggregate quality and out- comes data through a centralized, nationally coordinated X-Plain Patient Education Institute clinical registry. Learn more about the N2QOD in Patient education is the most cost-effective measure the January 2013 issue of Neurosurgical Focus, healthcare organizations can take to enhance patient http://thejns.org/toc/foc/34/1. understanding, improve medical outcomes, boost patient satisfaction and reduce medical errors. The X-Plain Other NPA projects include data collection for the Neurological Surgery Patient Education system is a American Board of Neurological Surgeons, and the computer-based system used by clinics and hospitals to: NeuroPoint-Spinal Disorders study. Projects coordinated by NPA include clinical trials, national and local registries, • Inform patients about recommended treatments outcomes studies, surveys, data management, and and procedures comparative effectiveness research.

WWW.AANS.ORG 23 • Document patient education Presentations are captured from special lecturers in • Print patient education handouts plenary sessions, scientific sessions, and section sessions— courses covered by general registration. The unique The Patient Education Institute has been developing, presentations from international neurosurgical dignitaries marketing and evaluating interactive multimedia health speaking in the International Symposium will also be software since 1994 and has published over 650 interac- included. Topics cover general neurosurgery, cerebro- tive, multimedia modules for patient education in English vascular, pain, pediatric, spine, stereotactic & functional, and Spanish. Visit with representatives in the Resource trauma, tumor, and neurosurgical history. Center or view demonstrations at their booth #1442 in • Catch sessions missed due to schedule conflicts the exhibit hall. • Revisit favorite presentations NextGen Healthcare • Access stellar research with discussions of NextGen provides electronic health record (EHR) and neurosurgery’s new frontiers. health information exchange (HIE) solutions for hospitals, health systems, physician practices and other healthcare organizations. Visit with representatives at their booth #1743 in the exhibit hall.

Thieme Thieme Medical Publishers is the official neurosurgical book publisher of the AANS and has assumed distribution of over 80 published titles. AANS members receive a 10 percent discount on AANS/Thieme co-published books. Visit their booth #1747 to see the latest releases.

2013 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Archived Presentations Your Annual Scientific Meeting registration includes FREE online access to the full compilation of recorded meeting content—that’s nearly 250 presentations.

You can have 24/7, on-demand access to over 250 presentations from the 2013 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting in New Orleans. • New and improved online location at http://aans.peachnewmedia.com • All presentations will be available for downloading in MP4 formats • MP3 audio files can be downloaded as a free additional feature • Content archived for 2 years online; DVD option available • Easy search options for subjects, titles, presenters and more

Presentations from prior meetings are available for purchase at http://aans.peachnewmedia.com.

WWW.AANS.ORG 24 Technology Pavilion

Technology Pavilion Sessions ICD-10: What Neurosurgeons Need to Know Located within the AANS Resource Center, booth #1439. Now to Prepare On October 1, 2014, the ICD-9 code sets used to report All sessions are free to AANS medical attendees and their medical diagnoses and inpatient procedures will be staff; first-come, first-serve seating. Come early to save replaced by ICD-10 code sets. It is important that you your seat—sessions fill up fast! begin preparation now for the transition. Presented by Neurosurgery Survival Guide Demonstration Joseph S. Cheng, MD, AANS Coding Courses’ Director, and John K. Ratliff, MD, AANS Coding Courses’ Co- The Neurosurgery Survival Guide is a quick reference, Director, this brief session will give you an overview of high-yield guide that encompasses a massive breadth what you need to do to get your practice ICD-10 ready, of knowledge and information necessary to care for including how your dictation will need to change. neurosurgical patients. This is an ideal reference for all neurosurgical residents, interns, medical students, and From Data to Publication: Dos and Don’ts of all other mid-level practitioners that will encounter and Writing and Publishing a Neurosurgical Paper care for neurosurgical patients. View a demonstration of this unique rapid reference app. You’ve got good data, but how do you get it published? The Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group offers AANS Operative Grand Rounds advice on preparing your paper and navigating the AANS Operative Grand Rounds provides an informative, circuitous path to publication. educational forum of operative procedures, with an AANS Rhoton Collection emphasis on increasing surgical safety, minimizing surgical complications and improving patient outcomes. The Rhoton Collection is a compilation of anatomy Experts in the field offer thorough knowledge of cutting- presentations developed by internationally renowned edge surgical techniques, and evidence-based data surgeon and educator Dr. Albert Rhoton Jr. These pre- serves as a reliable source of updated information on sentations are part of a life’s work to train neurosurgeons a variety of neurosurgical procedures. around the world and expand the knowledge of brain anatomy and microsurgical neurosurgery. Available in The new AANS Grand Rounds app offers mobile users the Technology Pavilion, view the latest videos to be a comprehensive collection of videos providing an infor- included in the Rhoton Collection series. mative, educational forum of operative procedures, as well as in-depth discussions with experts on surgical techniques, approaches, pearls and pitfalls. View a demonstration and then download the app so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest AANS Operative Grand Round videos.

WWW.AANS.ORG 25 Technology Pavilion Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9:00–Noon Rhoton Collection AANS Operative Grand AANS Rhoton Collection Presentations Rounds Demonstration Website Demonstration

Rhoton Collection Rhoton Collection Presentations Presentations

1:00–2:00 PM AANS Operative Grand From Data to Publication: AANS Operative Grand Rounds Demonstration Dos and Don’ts of Writing and Rounds Demonstration Publishing a Neurosurgical Paper

2:30–3:00 PM ICD-10: What Neurosurgeons Rhoton Collection Need to Know Now to Prepare Presentations

3:15–5:30 PM Rhoton Collection Rhoton Collection Presentations Presentations

Contribute to the real time discussions by commenting on: #AANS2013 • Clinics and Seminars Live Tweet the 81st AANS • International Programs • Special Lectures Annual Scientific Meeting • Dinners and Receptions • The Sights and Sounds of the City

Be part of the conversation. Follow us! @AANSNeuro

WWW.AANS.ORG 26 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Exhibit Hall

Great deals, new technology, education, meals and Lunch in the Exhibit Hall more! As you know, the healthcare industry is dynamic, Tired of the same old box lunches at meetings? Well innovative and rapidly changing. Company participation due to last year’s success we will be offering a wide in the AANS Exhibit Hall provides you an opportunity range of meal options with a Louisiana theme each day. to view, discuss and evaluate the most current devices Each medical attendee will be provided with a ticket for and services in the industry. Personnel are available at a complimentary lunch of their choice. Please be sure a moment’s notice to answer questions, provide specifi- to join us in the AANS Exhibit Hall to have lunch and cations and conduct demonstrations to address specific interact with your colleagues and exhibitors! requirements. Whatever your position in the industry; neurosurgeon, neurosurgical resident or neurosurgical Monday, April 29 nurse, the 81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting is 1:00–2:00 PM the best place to bring your questions and concerns Tuesday, April 30 regarding equipment, tools, products and services! 1:00–2:00 PM This year, more than 200 companies, occupying more Wednesday, May 1 than 750 booths, will showcase their products and services, 1:00–2:00 PM several of them newly released, many tried and true and all valuable to the life of a neurosurgical practice. Booths will be conveniently located in halls H/I of Lunch and Learn Seminars the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Attendees who want to learn more while having lunch in the Exhibit Hall during the Annual Scientific Meeting AANS Exhibit Hall Hours can stop by the Industry Learning Theater (Booth #751) in the Exhibit Hall on April 29–30, 2013, for short Monday, April 29 seminars presented by exhibiting companies. Two 9:00 AM–5:30 PM seminars will be offered each day during the lunch Tuesday, April 30 hour, and will occur from 1:15–2:00 p.m. Lunch will 9:00 AM–5:30 PM be provided and there is no registration required for the seminars, with seating available on a first-come, Wednesday, May 1 first-serve basis. For more details regarding each 9:00 AM–2:00 PM seminar please see page 29 and 30.

Beverage Breaks Wine and Cheese Receptions While you browse, be sure to enjoy the complimentary Attendees are invited to join exhibitors for a Wine and beverages offered throughout the AANS Exhibit Hall. Cheese Reception in the AANS Exhibit Hall on Monday The morning break will feature a beignets in addition and Tuesday afternoon beginning at 4:30 PM. This to beverages. casual gathering not only provides time to network Monday, April 29 among peers, but also allows you an excellent opportu- 9:00–9:45 AM nity to discuss the advances in products and the latest innovations in the field of neurosurgery with exhibitors. Tuesday, April 30 9:00–9:45 AM Monday, April 29 4:30–5:30 PM Wednesday, May 1 9:00–9:45 AM Tuesday, April 30 4:30–5:30 PM

WWW.AANS.ORG 27 Electronic Posters and Email Stations Acknowledgement Check email and view scientific posters in electronic The AANS would like to thank our members for their format. Available Monday through Wednesday during continued support and interest in patronizing 2013 AANS exhibit hours. Annual Scientific Meeting exhibitors. There is added value to the meeting experience when companies present Plan Your Visit to the AANS Exhibit Hall Now quality products and services addressing the needs of For your convenience, the AANS will once again provide neurosurgical professionals. The partnership is equally an online interactive exhibition tool. This software provides beneficial. Registration fees at the annual meeting would real-time viewing of the exhibit floor and denotes locations be considerably higher without the income generated of exhibiting partners. Busy attendees can pre-plan their from exhibitor participation. In return, exhibitors gain valuable time by searching exhibitor locations by company increased exposure to a highly targeted market. Please name, booth number, or product category. In addition set aside dedicated time in New Orleans to visit with you now will have the ability to email the exhibiting exhibitors and let them know you value the partnership. companies’ contact to set-up an appointment. To view the interactive exhibit hall, please visit http://www.aans. org/floorplans/aans13/default.html.

June 14 and 15, 2013 • Advanced Endoscopic Skull Base and Pituitary Surgery

COURSE DIRECTORS: GUEST FACULTY: Vijay K. Anand, MD, FACS John Jane Jr., MD Theodore H. Schwartz, MD, FACS Daniel F. Kelly, MD

2-DAY COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a comprehensive overview of the newly emerging field of endoscopic skull base surgery combining didactic sessions with hands-on cadaver dissection. At the completion of this course, participants should be well equipped to start utilizing these approaches in their own practices. Endoscopic instruments and surgical navigation equipment will be available to participants for use on fresh cadavers during laboratory sessions. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss difficult cases with the faculty during panel discussions. Early registration is highly recommended. ACCREDITATION & CREDIT DESIGNATION STATEMENTS: Weill Cornell Medical College is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Weill Cornell Medical College designates this live activity for a maximum of 17 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. LOCATION: INFORMATION: Course Coordinator Weill Cornell Medical College Tel: 212-585-6800 1300 York Avenue email: [email protected] New York, NY 10065 www.cornellneurosurgery.org


2013-06-AdvEndo-8dot5x5dot5.indd 1 2/20/2013 11:25:45 AM Exhibitor Information New! Lunch-and-Learn Seminars

Up for a little learning during your lunch break? On Armed and Dangerous: Monday, April 29; and Tuesday, April 30, stop by the Radiation Safety for the Neurosurgeon AANS Exhibit Hall, grab a free lunch, and hear our Date and Time: Monday, April 29, 1:15–2:00 PM industry partners lead informative seminars on topics such as radiation safety, lumbar lordosis restoration, Speakers: head injury management and perspectives on flow Adam Arthur, MD, MPH, FACS diversion. Two sessions will be held each afternoon Eric W. Nottmeier, MD from 1:15–2:00 PM. Description: Located in the AANS Exhibit Hall’s Industry Learning This seminar will provide the spine and neurosurgeon Theatre (Booth #751), these seminars are included a basic understanding of radiation safety for patients in your conference registration. Seating will be available and staff. Discussions will be centered upon best on a first-come, first-serve basis. CME is not available practices for achieving the balance between low for these sessions. Seminar details are below. dose imaging and excellent image quality. Educational Provider: Lumbar Lordosis Restoration and Clinical Implications Date and Time: Monday, April 29, 1:15–2:00 PM Evolving Perspectives on Flow Diversion Speakers: Date and Time: Tuesday, April 30, 1:15–2:00 PM Regis Haid, MD Speakers: Christopher Shaffrey, MD Jacques J. Morcos, MD Chad Prusmack, MD Howard Riina, MD Paul Park, MD Ricardo A. Hanel, MD

Description: Description: The importance of establishing lumbar lordosis in A discussion among clinical experts on the history patients with adult deformity is becoming well accepted. of flow diversion, its results in clinical practice and its Join us for an engaging program tracing the evolution of effectiveness compared to surgical treatment options. targeting this key parameter and its importance in success- Educational Provider: ful outcomes. We will provide insight into the application of various treatment methodologies for improving lordosis, from traditional approaches to new advances in MIS. Educational Provider:

WWW.AANS.ORG 29 Current Controversies in Head Injury Management Speakers: Anil Nanda, MD, MPH, FACS Jamie S. Ullman, MD Daniel Michael, MD, PhD

Description: The seminar will discuss the current concepts on the role of intracranial pressure monitoring and decompres- sive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury. Discussion will include current guidelines and recent advances in the management of head injury. Educational Provider:

Click here for a map of the AANS Exhibit Hall floor to view the location of the Industry Learning Theatre.

Note: The information in these presentations is in no way sponsored or endorsed by the AANS. The educa- tional content is developed and delivered by exhibiting companies and their experts. While the primary intent of this content is to provide detailed information about products, findings, and appropriate use of products, some content also may contain product- or company- specific marketing messages.

WWW.AANS.ORG 30 Pinnacle Partners

From scientific meetings and educational courses For information about these corporate supporters to communications vehicles and research fellowships, or the Pinnacle Partners in Neurosurgery program, the Pinnacle Partners program offers the unique please contact Kristen Weber, Director of Development opportunity for corporate supporters to demonstrate at [email protected]. a sustained commitment to the success of the neuro- sciences while increasing recognition and exposure to the neurosurgical community. Support of Pinnacle Partners in Neurosurgery program goes beyond tradi- tional sponsorships; it is commitment to advancing the field of neurosurgery in important areas such as research, education, and training.

This corporate giving program affords recognition and benefits not only at the annual meeting but throughout the year, including involvement with key opinion leaders in the field and the chance to further neurosurgical research through the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF). The AANS is grateful to our Pinnacle Partners in Neurosurgery:

Biomet Brainlab Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc . Codman & Shurtleff, Inc . Covidien DePuy Synthes Companies of Johnson & Johnson Elekta Globus Medical Integra LifeSciences Leica Microsystems Medtronic MicroVention, Inc . NuVasive, Inc . Penumbra, Inc . Siemens Medical Systems Spine Wave, Inc . Varian Medical Systems

WWW.AANS.ORG 31 AANS Commercial Supporters

The AANS wishes to thank the following companies for their support of this year’s Annual Scientific Meeting.

Gold Level Supporter $50,000–$74,999

Silver Level Supporter $25,000–$49,999

Bronze Level Supporter $1,000–$24,999

Practical Clinic Gifts in Kind Ad-Tech Medical Instrument Corporation Hemedex Inc. Aesculap Inc. Integra LifeSciences Alpha Omega Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc. Biomet Spine and Bone Healing Technologies Lanx, Inc. Brainlab Medtronic Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. MicroVention, Inc. Cosman Medical MRI Interventions, Inc. DePuy Synthes NeuroLogica Corporation Elekta NuVasive, Inc. FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) Stryker Globus Medical Varian Medical Systems Zimmer Spine

WWW.AANS.ORG 32 Exhibitor Listing

Exhibitor listing as of Thursday, March 14th . For up-to-date information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting App .

American Association of Neurological Surgeons Accuray Incorporated is the premier radiation oncology 5550 Meadowbrook Drive company that develops, manufactures and sells personalized Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 innovative treatment solutions that set the standard of care, Phone: (847) 378-0500 with the aim of helping patients live longer, better lives. The Fax: (847) 378-0600 Company’s leading edge technologies – the CyberKnife® www.aans.org and TomoTherapy® Systems – are designed to deliver Booth #1439 radiosurgery, stereotactic body radiation therapy, intensity The AANS is pleased to present the 81st annual scientific modulated radiation therapy, image guided radiation therapy, meeting using multiplatform formats including Apple, Android, and adaptive radiation therapy. For more information, BlackBerry and website access. You will be able to access please visit www.accuray.com. and integrate every aspect of the Miami New Orleans Annual Scientific Meeting. The AANS continually offers many benefits Acra-Cut, Inc . to its members including innovative educational programming, 989 Main Street clinical and practice management publications, information Acton, MA 01720 on AANS meetings including coding and practice manage- Phone: (800) 227-2288 ment courses, and alternate options to earn CME credit. Other Fax: (978) 263-4102 benefits include the AANS Journals of Neurosurgery, AANS www.acracut.com Online Career Center, information on EHR systems, patient Booth #833 education materials and more! Additional information on ACRA-CUT manufactures the finest reusable and disposable these programs may be found in the Products and Services cranial perforators available, for both adult and pediatric area in the AANS Annual Scientific Meeting app. For assis- use. Perforator sizes include 14/11mm, 13/9mm, 11/7mm tance and/or charging stations for your iPod touch, please and 8/5mm. The ACRA-CUT Scalp Clip System features be sure to visit the AANS Resource Center, booth 1439, a reusable appier, remover and disposable pre-loaded clip in the exhibit hall. cartridges for easy application. Other ACRA-CUT products include cranioblades, wire pass drills, dura separators, AANS/CNS Sections and distraction screws. 5550 Meadowbrook Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Ad-Tech Medical Instrument Corporation Phone: (847) 378-0500 1901 William Street Fax: (847) 378-0600 Racine, WI 53404 www.aans.org Phone: (262) 634-1555 Booth #1446 Fax: (262) 634-5668 Visit the AANS/CNS Section booth 1446 for section news, www.adtechmedical.com membership application information and information on Booth #1333 upcoming meetings. For over 25 years, Epilepsy Centers have made Ad-Tech their choice for invasive electrodes for brain mapping and Accuray Inc . epilepsy monitoring. We offer a large variety of electrodes 1240 Deming Way and accessories to meet you and your patients’ needs. Madison, WI 53717 Visit our booth to discover why Ad-Tech is your best choice. Phone: (608) 824-2839 Fax: (608) 824-2991 www.accuray.com Booth #1815

WWW.AANS.ORG 33 Advanced Biologics Alpha Omega 555 Corporate Drive, Suite 260 5755 N Point Parkway, Suite 229 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Phone: (800) 272-0267 Phone: (770) 521-2049 Fax: (480) 287-9391 Fax: (877) 919-6288 www.advancedbiologicscorp.com www.alphaomega-eng.com Booth #1921 Booth #2244 Advanced Biologics (ABC) focus is to develop innovative Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Deep Brain and clinically relevant biologic solutions across a wide degree Stimulation, Electrodes, Multi channel recording and of medical specialties. Our company is fully dedicated to stimulation NEURO NAV-MICROGUIDE. improving patients’ lives and the health care provider’s experi- ence with our products. ABC’s award-winning OsteoAMP® Alphatec Spine, Inc . allogeneic-derived growth factor has shown to provide a true 5818 El Camino Real alternative to rhBMP-2 with clinical results showcasing faster, Carlsbad, CA 92008 safer and denser bone growth. Technology platform(s) to Phone: (760) 431-9286 follow include a synthetic bone graft substitute, OsteoMEM®, Fax: (760) 431-1624 with a ‘first of its kind’ antibacterial feature and shape memory. www.alphatecspine.com The company was formed in 2009 and is headquartered in Booth #2139 southern California. Amedica Corporation Aesculap Inc . 1885 W 2100 S 3773 Corporate Parkway, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Center Valley, PA 18034 Phone: (801) 839-3500 Phone: (800) 258-1946 Fax: (801) 839-3605 Fax: (610) 791-6880 www.amedica.com www.aesculapusa.com Booth #1432 Booth #1730 Amedica delivers innovative, cost-effective care through a Aesculap, Inc., a B. Braun company, is the world’s largest well-balanced spine portfolio including a full-line of implants and one of the most respected manufacturer’s of surgical and instruments to address minimally invasive techniques, instruments and sterilization container systems. Aesculap is interbody fusion, facet fusion and deformity correction a leading privately-owned manufacturing company, commit- procedure. In addition, Amedica manufactures the innovative ted to providing high-quality, innovative products and services Silicon Nitride ceramic implants for use in the spine and to all surgical disciplines. For more information, contact orthopaedic device markets. 1-800-282-9000 or www.aesculapusa.com. American Surgical Company Algea Therapies 82 Sanderson Avenue 2560 General Armistead Avenue Lynn, MA 01902 Audubon, PA 19403 Phone: (781) 592-7200 Phone: (855) 639-6612 Fax: (781) 595-5460 Fax: (855) 639-6611 www.americansurgicalsp.com www.algeatherapies.com Booth #750 Booth #926 ASC (American Surgical Company; Lynn, MA; Algea Therapies, a division of Globus Medical, was created americansurgical.com) manufactures a broad line of to expand the continuum of care for people with back pain cotton and synthetic sponges, patties, and specialty by developing innovative, minimally invasive interventional products. A range of neurosurgical needs are met across spine therapies that are effective, easy to use, and designed the product line, including absorption, pliability, visibility, with the patient’s quality of life in mind. non-adherence to tissue in drying conditions, and protection from surgical instruments.

WWW.AANS.ORG 34 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems Ltd . (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine implant) from Eisai Inc. 2047 University Boulevard Gliadel® is manufactured by Eisai Inc. for Arbor Pharmaceu- Houston, TX 77030-1217 ticals, LLC. Gliadel® is a registered trademark of Eisai Inc. Phone: (713) 382-3638 www.anatom-e.com Aspirus Spine & Neurosciences Booth #1239 3000 Westhill Drive, Suite 102 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems is a topographical Wausau, WI 54401 and functional deformable template system that easily maps Phone: (715) 847-2245 to any human brain. Used for in-depth pre-surgical planning, Fax: (715) 847-2742 precision intra-operative navigation/stimulation and to clarify www.aspirusprovideropps.org post operative deficits, physcians find it an accurate way to Booth #1351 augment fMRI/DTI. In use at MD Anderson, MGH, The Aspirus is a non-profit, community-directed health system Methodist Hospital, Stanford, and others. based in Wausau, Wisconsin. With more than 6,000 employees, Aspirus serves people in Wisconsin and Upper Apex Medical, Inc . Michigan through an extensive hospital and clinic network, Attn. Neurosurgical Instruments home health and hospice care, pharmacies, critical care, 100 Quaker Lane medical goods, nursing. Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: (610) 240-4905 ASSI—Accurate Surgical Fax: (610) 240-4906 300 Shames Drive www.apexmed.com Westbury, NY 11590 Booth #1438 Phone: (800) 645-3569 Apex works with leading neurosurgeons to make delicate, Fax: (516) 997-4948 safe, sharp microsurgical dissection possible. We agree with www.accuratesurgical.com one of the first neurosurgeons to use our arachnoid knives Booth #746 that, “everything before this has been micro-tearing.” Find ASSI will be displaying its complete range of Noble™ Ture out why the leading neurosurgeons in the world are so Non-Stick Bipolar Forceps, Fiber Optic LED Light Source and excited about Apex Arachnnoid Knives™. Headlight, Bipolar Scissors, Instrument Cases and the Finest Hand Crafted Titanium and Stainless Steel Microsurgical Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc . Instrumentation and Microvascular Clamps. 980 Hammond Drive Building Two, Suite 1250 Aurora Spine Atlanta, GA 30328 1920 Palomar Point Way Phone: (866) 516-4950 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fax: (678) 334-2433 Phone: (855) 477-4631 www.arborpharma.com Fax: (760) 424-2004 Booth #2224 www.auroraspine.us Booth #2039 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc . Aurora will specialize in minimally-invasive, regenerative 980 Hammond Drive technologies. Our mission is to be the leader in advanced Building Two, Suite 1250 spinal innovations which will have a positive impact on Atlanta, GA 30328 lives worldwide. Phone: (866) 516-4950 Fax: (678) 334-2433 www.arborpharma.com Booth #2225 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, a specialty pharmaceutical company headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the U.S. rights for GLIADEL® Wafer

WWW.AANS.ORG 35 Bacterin Booth #1713 600 Cruiser Lane Baxter is a global, diversified healthcare company with Belgrade, MT 59714 expertise in medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and bio- Phone: (406) 388-0480 technology. The company continues its quest for advancing Fax: (406) 388-1354 BioSurgery by offering products for hemostasis and tissue www.bacterin.com regeneration on the latest scientific advances in the field. Booth #1724 Besins Critical Care Bacterin is a medical device company and accredited tissue bank that designs, processes, manufactures, and markets Besin Critical Care advanced medical products. Using designs focused on 607 Herndon Parkway, Suite 110 efficacy and safety for the patient, and functionality and ease Herndon, VA 20170 of use for the surgeon, our innovative products fulfill niche Phone: (703) 964-3033 needs in the industry. www.besins-healthcare.com Booth #545 Baitella AG Besins Critical Care, a division of Besins Healthcare, is a Thurgauerstrasse 70 pharmaceutical company committed to providing advance- Zurich, 8080 ments in the field of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Switzerland Phone: (41)11443058014 BFW, Inc . Fax: (41) 1443058005 2307 River Road, Suite 103 www.fisso.com Louisville, KY 40206 Booth #1245 Phone: (502) 899-1808 Baitella AG is a manufacturer of holding/support systems Fax: (502) 899-1937 with articulated arms with quick central fixation for surgery, www.bfwinc.com anaesthesia and intensive care applications. The products Booth #1347 are originally Swiss made and mostly OEM manufactured. Recognized worldwide for unmatched design and engineering With the modular Fisso system, customer-defined solutions in surgical illumination, from its new CoAX™ High Definition will be realized easy and fast. Novid LLC is the US repre- Coaxial Headlight Imaging System to the groundbreaking sentative for surgical applications. ChromaLUME™ Solid-State Plasma Headlight System with 10,000-hour lamp life, BFW™ is a technological leader Baxano, Inc . offering the most dependable headlight illumination systems 655 River Oaks Parkway in the medical field today. San Jose, CA 95134 Phone: (408) 514-2200 BioD, LLC Fax: (408) 514-2201 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive, Suite 204 www.baxano.com Memphis, TN 38120 Booth #1420 Phone: (901) 417-7868 BAXANO’s iO-Flex® System decompresses central, lateral Fax: (901) 417-7871 recess and foraminal stenosis while preserving facet joint www.biodlogics.com integrity and stability in laminectomy and fusion surgery. Booth #748 Up to two levels can be decompressed through a single-point BioD, LLC, is engaged in the development and commerciali- access with either an open or tube-based exposure using zation of novel biologic products derived from the placental ® the iO-Flex System. tissues. Its research and development efforts are focused on the regenerative potential of amnion and the other placental Baxter Healthcare Corporation tissues given their unique biologic structure, their rich source 1 Baxter Parkway # DF3-3E of undifferentiated stem cells, and the unique immune privil- Deerfield, IL 60015 ege that characterizes their function in the body. From the Phone: (800) 423-2090 recovery of tissue from live, healthy donors during childbirth Fax: (224) 948-4394 to the development of new products that will improve patient www.baxterbiosurgery.com outcomes, BioD is unlocking the regenerative potential of the human body.

WWW.AANS.ORG 36 Biomet Microfixation nial, peripheral nerve, and vascular surgeries by a certified 1520 Tradeport Drive technologist and provide real-time remote professional Jacksonville, FL 32218 supervision by a specially trained, licensed, and credentialed Phone: (904) 741-4400 Neurologist. Fax: (904) 741-4500 www.biometmicrofixation.com BK Medical Booth #919 8 Centennial Drive Biomet Microfixation is a biomedical company that provides Peabody, MA 01960 innovate products to the Craniomaxillofacial and Thoracic Phone: (978) 326-1399 specialties. For over 30 years, Biomet has been a leader in Fax: (978) 326-1399 the design and manufacturing of unique, need-based products www.bkmed.com worldwide. Biomet’s Technology in Neuro and Patient-Matched Booth #1412 therapies are enhancing and changing the quality of patient’s Premium performance neurosurgical imaging from Analogic’s lives today and in the future. To learn more about us and our BK Medical. The unparalleled functions and design of our products, visit us at www.biometmicrofixaiton.com two, new dedicated neurosurgical transducers, combined with the flex Focus 800 system’s flexibility and superb image Biomet Spine & Bone Healing Technologies quality, provide neurosurgeons with a unique imaging solution 100 Interpace Parkway to address the clinical challenges they face every day. Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (973) 299-9300 BOSS Instruments Ltd . Fax: (973) 299-0391 104 Sommerfield Drive www.biometspine.com Gordonsville, VA 22942 Booth #913 Phone: (540) 832-5000 Applying today’s most advanced engineering and manufactur- Fax: (540) 832-5515 ing technologies, we’ve developed our product line to offer www.bossinst.com surgeons a comprehensive approach for a wide variety of Booth #1213 surgical applications for the spine. Visit our exhibit to see how BOSS Instruments concentrates on the global development our products can help surgeons change lives for the better, and distribution of specialty surgical instruments in disciplines one patient at a time. such as: Neuro, Spine, Cardiovascular/Thoracic, Orthopedic, ENT and Ophthalmic. Bioplate Inc . Displayed will be high quality German-crafted stainless steel 3643 Lenawee Avenue and titanium surgical instruments and retractor systems for Los Angeles, CA 90016 cervical, lumbar and minimally invasive spine procedures. Phone: (310) 815-2100 Fax: (310) 815-2126 Boston Engineering Corporation www.bioplate.com 300 Bear Hill Road Booth #2046 Waltham, MA 02451 Bioplate, Inc. was created with a commitment to provide Phone: (781) 466-8010 safe and effective medical devices for the worldwide cranial Fax: (781) 466-8020 closure market. www.boston-engineering.com Booth #2038 Biotronic NeuroNetwork As an outsourced engineering services firm, Boston Engineering 812 Avis Drive offers turnkey project development services to meet clients’ Ann Arbor, MI 48108 immediate and long-term needs for software, electrical, Phone: (800) 638-7564 mechanical, and controls engineering. Boston Engineering’s Fax: (800) 622-0452 interdisciplinary systems approach follows a proven method- www.biotronic.com ology that combines a focus on accelerated time to market Booth #652 with a Total System Responsibility™ philosophy. Biotronic, a TJC Accredited company, is a service provider of IONM. We partner with your hospital and surgeons to provide monitoring for patients who receive spinal, intracra-

WWW.AANS.ORG 37 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Systems provide a unique patented, “select and apply” 25155 Rye Canyon Loop molded, rigid, gender specific orthosis available at the point Valencia, CA 91355 of patient care, which results in timely, effective spinal care Phone: (661) 949-4000 for over 18 years. Fax: (661) 949-4580 www.bostonscientific.com Buxton BioMedical, Inc . Booth #1838 15A Melanie Lane Investing in innovative products, clinical initiatives, and East Hanover, NJ 07936 world-class service, Boston Scientific is committed to leading Phone: (973) 560-4848 the way in spinal cord stimulation by providing better pain Fax: (973) 560-4999 relief to a broad range of patients. www.buxtonbio.com Booth #1817 Brain Aneurysm Foundation (The) Distraction Attraction 269 Hanover Street, Suite 3 Your jagged jaws Hanover, MA 02339 Your hunchbacked reach Phone: (781) 825-5556 Your clickity-clackity-ratchety lock Fax: (781) 826-5566 Ol’ Inge Spreader www.bafound.org You grind out your tasks Booth #651 In such wretched staccato style. The Brain Aneurysm Foundation: The nation’s ONLY non- Find civilized alternatives to traditional vertebral body distrac- profit organization solely dedicated to providing critical tion, foraminal exposure and to the plethora of problems still awareness, education, support and research funding to plaguing product performance in everyday spinal surgery. reduce the incidence of brain aneurysm ruptures. CareFusion Brainlab 3750 Torrey View Court 3 Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 400 San Diego, CA 92130 Westchester, IL 60154 Phone: (888) 876-4287 Phone: (312) 257-0118 www.carefusion.com Fax: (708) 409-1619 Booth #1846 www.brainlab.com CareFusion combines technology and intelligence to measur- Booth #1431 ably improve patient care. Our clinically proven products are Brainlab develops, manufactures and markets software- designed to help improve the safety and cost of healthcare driven medical technology with the aim of optimizing for generations to come. Some of our most trusted brands patient treatments. Core products revolve around less- include Alaris®, ChloraPrep®, Pyxis®, V. Mueller® and VIASYS. invasive image guided surgery technology, more accurate and effective radiation therapy, and integration through Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc . planning and collaboration systems that brings patient data 5160 Hacienda Drive and physicians together. Visit us at www.brainlab.com. Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: (925) 557-4124 Bremer Group Company Fax: (925) 557-4256 Parkway South www.zeiss.com 11243-5 Saint Johns Industrial Pkwy S Booth #413 Jacksonville, FL 32246 Carl Zeiss Meditec (www.meditec.zeiss.com/us) is one Phone: (800) 428-2304 of the world’s leading medical technology companies that Fax: (904) 645-0990 is dedicated to helping healthcare professionals enhance www.bremergroup.com patient care. The Company’s portfolio of innovative solutions Booth #931 includes a comprehensive line of OPMI® Surgical Micro- ® ® Clinically proven VertAlign and ComfAlign Spinal Supports scopes and EyeMag® Surgical Loupes that optimize offer effective TLSO and LSO external spinal stabilization, from visualization during neurosurgery. immobilization through support. The VertAlign and ComfAlign

WWW.AANS.ORG 38 CCV Booth #1914 712 S Milwaukee Avenue The Collaborative Spine Research Foundation is a joint Libertyville, IL 60048 initiative of the American Association of Neurological Phone: (877) 272-4869 Surgeons/Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation Fax: (847) 362-3351 and the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation, www.citowcv.com to advance the science and practice of high-quality spine Booth #1741 care through the collaborative funding and support of The CCV Cervical Visualizer is a Table Mounted Radiolucent clinical spine research. Positioner for use in Cervical Vertebral Surgery. Gently migrating the shoulders during Radiography without Taping Collagen Matrix, Inc . the Trapezius , Pulling the Arms with Kurlix , or exposing 15 Thornton Road Staff to Radiation, the CCV works with any sized Patient… Oakland, NJ 07436 every time! Arrange your Trial! 1-877-C7-CITOW Phone: (201) 405-1477 Fax: (201) 405-1355 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc . www.collagenmatrix.com 11200 St. Johns Industrial Parkway N Booth #1217 Suite 5-6 CMI, a leading collagen- and mineral-based biomaterials Jacksonville, FL 32246 company, will feature collagen dura substitute membranes Phone: (904) 642-7500 and bone graft matrices. We have medical devices already Fax: (904) 642-4887 on the market for distribution and a pipeline of products www.cmfmedicon.com at various stages of development. Seeking independent Booth #1525 distributors and partnerships/joint ventures with CMF Medicon is the US subsidiare of Medicon eG(Germany). established medical device companies. We are a supplier of high quality surgical products. Our core product offering is our neurosurgery line consisting of cranial COMPASS International, Inc . plating, diamond knives, take apart kerrisons with silicone 1815 14th Street NW handles, spreading systems and more. Rochester, MN 55901 Phone: (507) 281-2143 Codman Fax: (507) 281-1736 325 Paramount Drive www.climedical.com Raynham, MA 02767 Booth #1812 Phone: (508) 880-8100 COMPASS International has been designing Image-Guided Fax: (508) 880-8122 Guided Surgery Systems for over twenty five years. From www.codman.com the COMPASS Stereotactic Frame based IGS system to the Booth #1029 CYGNUS-PFS IGS frameless system. Codman & Shurtleff is a global leader in neurosurgery, neurovascular intervention and neuromodulation. The CompHealth company offers a broad portfolio of devices used to treat 6440 Millrock Drive, Suite 175 patients suffering from debilitating neurological disorders Salt Lake City, UT 84121 such as hydrocephalus, cerebral aneurysm, hemorrhagic Phone: (800) 453-3030 and ischemic stroke and spasticity. Codman is part of DePuy www.comphealth.com Synthes Companies of Johnson & Johnson, the largest Booth #1824 provider of orthopaedic and neurological solutions in the CompHealth is one of the largest providers of healthcare world. For more information visit, www.depuysynthes.com. staffing and recruiting services. For over 30 years, we have offered physicians more locum tenens and perma- Collaborative Spine Research Foundation nent placement opportunities in more locations nation- 6300 North River Road, Suite 700 wide. Contact us about opportunities in your specialty. Rosemont, IL 60018 Call 800.453.3030 or visit www.comphealth.com. Phone: (847) 384-4358 www.csrfoundation.net

WWW.AANS.ORG 39 Congress of Neurological Surgeons CUDA Surgical 10 N Martingale Road, Suite 190 6018 Bowdendale Avenue Schaumburg, IL 60173 Jacksonville, FL 32216 Phone: (847) 240-2500 Phone: (904) 737-7611 Fax: (847) 240-0804 Fax: (904) 733-4832 [email protected] www.CUDAsurgical.com Booth #1851 Booth #1223 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons, a leader in education CUDA Surgical Manufactures the most brilliant lightsources, and innovation, is dedicated to advancing neurosurgery by headlights and fiberoptic cables on the market is one of the providing members with the educational and career develop- ways Cuda Surgical serves the needs of many in the medical, ment opportunities they need to become leaders and innova- dental and industrial fields worldwide. We offer products and tors in the field. Visit the CNS today in booth 1851 or at services when and where you need them most with unparal- cns.org, to learn about world-class educational courses and leled customer service. It is through the reliability of both resources like SANS Lifelong Learning, the 3D Surgical our products and our services that we proudly build valuable Anatomy Course and our industry-leading peer reviewed long term relationships with our clients. journal, Neurosurgery. Cyberonics Cosman Medical 100 Cyberonics Boulevard 76 Cambridge Street Houston, TX 77058 Burlington, MA 01803 Phone: (281) 228-7320 Phone: (781) 272-6561 Fax: (281) 853-2520 Fax: (781) 272-6563 www.cyberonics.com www.cosmanmedical.com Booth #2226 Booth #1317 Cyberonics, Inc. is the leader in device solutions for epilepsy Cosman Medical—the world leader in RF generators and and is committed to consistently delivering innovative and electrodes for Trigeminal Neuralgia, DREZ, cordotomy, spinal effective solutions for physicians, caregivers and people with pain and functional stereotactic procedures. Providing epilepsy. Cyberonics’ VNS Therapy® is the only FDA-approved technologically advanced and cost-effective solutions for device for the treatment of refractory epilepsy, with more 60 years. Touch-screen G4 graphics generator and RFG-1A than 70,000 patients implanted worldwide. generator are major advances in RF capability—setting new standards for functionality and reliability. DePuy Synthes 325 Paramount Drive Covidien Raynham, MA 02767 555 Long Wharf Drive Phone: (800) 451-2006 New Haven, CT 06511 Fax: (508) 828-3283 Phone: (800) 722-8772 www.depuyspine.com Fax: (203) 821-3286 Booth #1029 www.covidien.com DePuy Synthes Spine has one of the largest and most Booth #2031 diverse portfolios of products and services in spinal care Covidien is a leading global healthcare products company and is a global leader in traditional and minimally invasive that creates innovative medical solutions for better patient spine treatment. The company offers procedural solutions outcomes and delivers value through clinical leadership and for the full spectrum of spinal disorders including adult excellence. Please visit www.covidien.com to learn more. and adolescent deformity, spinal stenosis, trauma and degenerative disc disease. DePuy Synthes Spine is part of DePuy Synthes Companies of Johnson & Johnson, the largest provider of orthopaedic and neurological solutions in the world. For more information visit, www.depuysynthes.com.

WWW.AANS.ORG 40 Designs For Vision Inc . DiscGenics 760 Koehler Avenue 675 Arapeen Drive, Suite 304 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Phone: (800) 345-4009 Phone: (801) 410-0703 Fax: (631) 585-3404 Fax: (801) 581-3222 www.designsforvision.com www.discgenics.com Booth #1030 Booth #1848 Just See It™ with Designs for Vision’s magnification and DiscGenics is a spinal therapeutics company developing illumination. The only Surgical Telescopes that are custom proprietary adult human disc stem cells with a tissue manufactured to each surgeon. They are available in 2.5x, engineering approach to treat patients debilitated by 3.5x, 4.5x, and 6.0x magnifications and are now available degenerative disc disease. in exclusive Nike® frames. Just See It Even Better™ with Designs for Vision’s LED DayLite™ Surgical Headlights. Electrical Geodesics, Inc . (EGI) These lightweight portable headlights can be attached to 1600 Millrace Drive, Suite 200 your telescopes or worn on a light weight headset. Eugene, OR 97403 Phone: (541) 687-7962 DFine Inc . Fax: (541) 687-7963 3047 Orchard Parkway www.egi.com San Jose, CA 95134 Booth #1315 Phone: (408) 770-1141 EGI brings next-generation clinical EEG systems, tools, and Fax: (408) 689-4014 workflows to hospitals and clinics worldwide. EEG Systems www.dfineinc.com feature EGI’s Geodesic Sensor Net for rapid application and Booth #1419 unprecedented comfort. Your choice of routine EEG systems DFINE’s devices are built upon an extensible radiofrequency or dense array systems for source estimation. Visit EGI’s (RF) platform. The first application was the StabiliT® Vertebral booth to see this in action! www.egi.com. Augmentation System and StabiliT­ ER2 Bone Cement. DFINE recently received 510(k) clearance for the STAR™ Tumor Elekta Ablation System, for palliative treatment in spinal procedures 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Suite 50 to ablate metastatic malignant lesions in a vertebral body. Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone: (770) 670-2592 Dio Medical Fax: (770) 448-6338 #105 Mega Ctr/SK Technopark/190-1 S www.elekta.com 190-1 Sangdaewon-dong/Jungwon-Gu Booth #2239 Seongna/Gyunggi-Do, 462721 Elekta pioneers significant innovations and clinical solutions Republic of Korea for treating cancer and brain disorders. The company Phone: (82)31 776-3690 develops advanced tools and treatment planning systems Fax: (82) 31 776-3691 for radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy, as www.diomedical.com well as workflow enhancing software systems. Through its Booth #1247 products and services, Elekta aims to improve, prolong We, Dio Medical, are one of leading manufacturer and and save patient lives. exporter in Spine Product in Korea. (US office in IL). We provide Spinal Fusion Device, Interbody Fusion Device, Interventional Pain Management and Non-fusion Device. Brand List Rexious MIS system Rex Cervical Plate System Galaxy PEEK Cage Spili kyphoplasty System Navidian—epidural catether

WWW.AANS.ORG 41 Elliquence LLC temporary implants. Evonik’s polyetheretherketone (PEEK) 2455 Grand Avenue products are known as VESTAKEEP® PEEK and include Baldwin, NY 11510 VESTAKEEP® PEEK powders, VESTAKEEP® PEEK resin/ Phone: (516) 594-3333 granules, VESTAKEEP® PEEK stock shapes. Fax: (516) 881-3002 www.elliquence.com Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc . Booth #1039 509 Broadstone Lane NW Elliquence, LLC manufactures patented Radiowave technology Acworth, GA 30101 with innovative devices for neurosurgery and spine procedures. Phone: (800) 334-5464 Surgi-Max® Plus permits precision, tissue preservation, non- Fax: (770) 794-0122 adherent bipolar effects and surgical versatility. Disc-FX® www.fehlingsurgical.com represents an innovative, 4-in 1 procedure for minimally Booth #1019 invasive discectomy. Surgi-Max® Plus and navigational Fehling Surgical Instruments provides innovative surgical Trigger-Flex® permit annulus modulation and nucleus ablation. instrument designs using state-of-the-art materials combined with enhanced technology manufacturing techniques. Results ELSEVIER are products like the Fehling CERAMO Surgical Instrument 1600 John F Kennedy Blvd Ste 1800 Line. See AND feel new Cranial Micro Instruments, a wide Philadelphia, PA 19103 variety of Ejector Kerrisons and more. Phone: (215) 239-3490 Fax: (215) 239-3494 FHC, Inc . (Frederick Haer Co ). www.us.elsevierhealth.com 1201 Main Street Booth #1313 Bowdoin, ME 04287 ELSEVIER is a leading publisher of health science publica- Phone: (207) 666-8190 tions, advancing medicine by delivering superior reference www.fh-co.com information and decision support tools to doctors, nurses, Booth #1241 health practitioners and students. With an extensive media Committed to Advancing Neural microTargeting Worldwide spectrum—print, online and handheld, we are able to supply For over 40 years FHC has served the neuroscience commu- the information you need in the most convenient format. nity with a commitment to innovate through collaboration. Come see our new Cable Management System and our Esaote North America improved STarFix Platform for patient-specific stereotaxy. Demo 8000 Castleway Drive our WayPoint™ Navigator Planning System, the Guideline Indianapolis, IN 46250 4000 LP+™ Recording/Stimulating System and STar™ Phone: (317) 813-6000 Microdrive Systems. All backed with 24x7 technical support. www.esaoteusa.com Booth #2219 G . Surgiwear Limited Esaote North America, Indianapolis, part of Esaote Group, Rasoolpur Jahanganj is a global leader in research, production and marketing Near Hathoda Crossing medical diagnostic equipment. Among the largest manu- Shahjahanpur, 242001 UP facturers of ultrasound systems worldwide, Esaote offers India superior price and performance focused on ultrasound and Phone: (91) 9839855555 office-based MRI. Further details at www.esaoteusa.com. Fax: (91) 5842308070 www.surgiwear.co.in Evonik Degussa Corporation Booth #1515 299 Jefferson Road Bringing some revolutionary products for aiding of marking Parsippany, NJ 07054 on skin lesions seen on CT. Rapid cranial flap closure system, Phone: (973) 929-8000 unique flexible retractor unique craniotomy drape, silicone Fax: (973) 929-8100 patties and many more new devices. www.evonik.com Booth #650 Evonik, a global leader in specialty chemicals, supplies a wide range of implant grade materials for permanent and

WWW.AANS.ORG 42 Globus Medical Right now, we are looking for stocking distributors Valley Forge Business Center-Joan Coney and interested in Private Label Business. 2560 General Armistead Avenue Audubon, PA 19403 Harvest Technologies Corp . Phone: (610) 930-1800 40 Grissom Road, Suite 100 Fax: (610) 930-2042 Plymouth, MA 02360 www.globusmedical.com Phone: (508) 732-7500 Booth #925 Fax: (508) 732-0400 Globus Medical is a leading spinal implant manufacturer www.harvesttech.com and is driving significant technological advancements across Booth #1117 a complete suite of spinal products. Founded in 2003, Globus’ Harvest manufactures the SmartPReP 2 Cell Concentration single-minded focus on advancing spinal surgery has made System with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) kits it the fastest growing company in the history of orthopedics. for rapid, point-of-care preparation of a Stem Cell Concentrate from Autologous Bone Marrow. In minutes, SmartPReP GS Medical, LLC BMAC2 kits (120cc, 60cc and NEW 30cc kits) produce a 3949 Research Park Court, Suite 100 predictable Concentrate enriched with multiple Cells and Soquel, CA 95073 Growth Factors. Phone: (866) 904-8144 Fax: (866) 904-8144 Hemedex Inc . www.gsmedicalusa.com 222 3rd Street Booth #1314 Cambridge, MA 02142 Spine Fusion Technologies Core products include: MIS Phone: (617) 577-1759 Pedicle screws, Interbody Cages, Disc Preparation instruments. Fax: (617) 577-9328 www.hemedex.com Haag-Streit-Surgical GmbH Booth #1623 Rosengarten 10 The Bowman Perfusion Monitor (BPM) and minimally Wedel, 22880 invasive QFlow 500 probe by Hemedex (Cambridge, MA Germany USA) addresses the need for continuous, real-time, bedside, Phone: (49) 4 103709-01 cerebral perfusion (CBF) in absolute units. The BPM: alerts Fax: (49) 4 103709-355 clinicians to the onset of swelling and vasospasm induced www.moeller-wedel.com ischemia, allowing intervention before permanent damage; Booth #1145 helps clinicians determine the effectiveness of therapy Founded 1864 as an optical company in Wedel (near by continuous quantification of CBF; and reduces the Hamburg, Germany), MÖLLER-WEDEL is today a world- decision making burden on CBF. Hemedex’s technology wide renowned manufacturer of surgical microscopes. can help target appropriate therapies rapidly and accurately. It provides clinicians with a powerful tool to generate MÖLLER-WEDEL offers innovative products made in valuable prognostic data. Germany. A wide range of microscopes and accessories allow taylor-made configurations of high-end quality. Hensler Surgical Products, LLC 1003 Upper Reach Drive Hans Biomed USA, Inc . Wilmington, NC 28409 140 Sylvan Avenue, Suite #4 Phone: (910) 297-1377 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 www.henslersurgical.com Phone: (82) 822 4662266 Booth #1518 Fax: (201) 224-2330 www.hansbiomed.com Founded in May 2011, Hensler Surgical Products, LLC is Booth #1950 a Wilmington, N.C.-based medical device company. Friends and colleagues, Sean Hensler, a Neurosurgical Physician Hans Biomed is the allograft processing tissue bank. Assistant, and Dr. Thomas Melin, Neurosurgeon, formed Our DBM Gel and Putty (SurFuse and ExFuse) have Hensler Surgical as a way to conceive, develop and introduce the 510K CLEARANCE and we are the AATB and leading surgical innovations into the medical field. Hensler FDA approved Tissue Bank.

WWW.AANS.ORG 43 Surgical’s first product to market is the Hensler Bone Press, IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society an innovative device designed to both collect and separate 445 Hoes Lane blood from valuable autologous bone during surgical grafting Piscataway, NJ 08854 procedures. For more information on Hensler Surgical LLC, Phone: (732) 465-6460 its team and products, please visit www.henslersurgical.com. Fax: (732) 465-6435 www.embs.org Hitachi Aloka Medical Ltd . Booth #1440 10 Fairfield Boulevard IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Wallingford, CT 06492 is the world’s largest international society of biomedical Phone: (800) 872-5652 engineers. The organization’s 9,100 members reside in Fax: (203) 269-6075 some 97 countries around the world. EMBS provides its www.hitachi-aloka.com members with access to the people, practices, information, Booth #1725 ideas and opinions that are shaping one of the fastes Hitachi Aloka Medical’s commitment to ultrasound for surgeons growing fields in science. EMBS members are focused offers a wide range of consoles and specifically designed on the development and application of engineering transducers to meet the needs of every surgeon. Recognized concepts and methods to provide new solutions to for our superior image quality, system reliability and use of biological, medical and healthcare problems. cutting edge technology, we remain the standard in the field of ultrasound for surgeons. Imedicom Hanlim Human-Tower #612,709, 1-40 Geumju Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) Gunpo-si 3 Maryland Farms Ste 200 Gyeonggi-do, 435824 Brentwood, TN 37027 Republic of Korea Phone: (866) 889-0203 Phone: (82) 314791156 Fax: (866) 789-2288 Fax: (82) 314791157 www.practicewithus.com www.imedicom.co.kr Booth #1346 Booth #2042 HCA owns and operates 163 healthcare facilities in 20 states IMEDICOM Co., Ltd. is one of fast growing orthopaedic with opportunities coast to coast. HCA was one of the nation’s company that manufactures Epidural catheter, Balloon first hospital companies. We are committed to the care and kyphoplasty system and Surgical power tools with Saw improvement of human life. We strive to deliver quality health- blades. All products of IMEDICOM are in compliance care that meets the needs of the communities we serve. with CE, FDA regulations and ISO9001, ISO13485.

Hydrocephalus Association Immersive Touch 4340 East West Highway, Suite 905 842 W Taylor St # Mc251 Bethesda, MD 20814 Chicago, IL 60607 Phone: (888) 598-3789 Phone: (630) 570-5943 Fax: (301) 202-3813 www.immersivetouch.com www.hydroassoc.org Booth #451 Booth #1119 ImmersiveTouch® is a leader in simulation based surgical The Hydrocephalus Association is a national non-profit training and exploration. ImmersiveTouch simulators organization. Our mission is to eliminate the challenges ‘immerse’ surgeons in a 3D operating environment with of hydrocephalus by stimulating innovative research and high-fidelity virtual anatomies and haptic instrument providing support, education and advocacy for individuals, replicates. Most surgeons who have interacted with out families and professionals dealing with the complex issue simulator say that it is like doing real surgery. of the condition. The Association provides comprehensive We develop, install, and manage simulators for surgery services that empower individuals and families. training and pre-operative surgical planning at Academic Medical Centers, Teaching Hospitals and Surgery Centers. We actively engage in academic research and our staff members have published extensively in the field and so have our collaborators, who are typically leading surgeons from top-tier Academic Medical Centers. WWW.AANS.ORG 44 IMRIS Innovasis 100-1370 Sony Place 614 E 3900 S Winnipeg, MB R3T-1N5 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Canada Phone: (801) 261-2236 Phone: (204) 480-7070 Fax: (801) 261-0573 Fax: (204) 480-7071 www.innovasis.com www.imris.com Booth #1320 Booth #2013 Innovasis is a rapidly growing company engaged in the VISIUS Surgical Theatre by IMRIS is a revolutionary, research, development, manufacturing, and marketing multifunctional surgical environment that delivers of spinal implant devices and related products. Innovasis unmatched intraoperative vision to clinicians to assist offers a spinal product line with implants and instruments in decision-making and enhance precision in treatment. that address the major pathologies and focus areas of With integrated OR technologies, the VISIUS Surgical traditional spinal surgery. Located in Salt Lake City, Ut. Theatre is optimized for true intraoperative imaging with an MR or CT scanner that travels to the patient inomed on demand. 453 Washington Street, Suite 5A Boston, MA 02111 Infinite Therapeutics Phone:(608) 358-7334 68A Route 125 Fax: (44) 1702 343 077 Kingston, NH 03848 www.inomed.com Phone: (603) 347-3005 Booth #1146 Fax: (603) 642-9291 inomed is an international medical technology company www.infinitetherapeutics.com which develops instruments and systems for precisely Booth #2025 targeted patient intervention. Our products are the result The Infinity IT-8800, COMPARABLE TO THE INADA™ for 1/2 of decades of experience in clinical tests and secure trials. the price, offers state of the art roller foot reflexology, thigh Working with surgeons and neurophysiologists, inomed and hip massage, an amazing spinal decompression stretch, develops new tools and methods in the fields of intra- sensors for customized targeted massage, lumbar heat and operative neuromonitoring, functional neurosurgery, music, endless luxury, ULTIMATE MASSAGE! pain therapy and neurological diagnostics.

InnerSpace, Inc . InSightec Ltd . 1622 Edinger Avenue, Suite C 5 Nahum Heth Street Tustin, CA 92780 Tirat Carmel, 39120 Phone: (714) 259-7900 Israel Fax: (888) 391-5238 Phone: (972) 48131313 www.innerspacemedical.com www.us.insightec.com Booth #1349 Booth #1946 Innerspace, Inc. provides surgeons with solutions to Founded in 1999, InSightec Ltd. is privately held by Elbit treat Traumatic Brain Injury. The company has created ImagingMedical Technologies, General Electric, MediTech a revolutionary ICP sensor, Air Pulse ICP, and has Advisors, and employees. InSightec developed the break- integrated access for multimodal monitoring. through MR guided Focused Ultrasound technology and transformed it into the next generation operating room. Headquartered in Israel, the company has 130 employees and has invested more than $150 million in research, devel- opment, and clinical investigations. The company’s system ExAblate has won several awards for innovation, including the Wall St. Journal Technology Innovation Award and the European Union’s IST grand prize. Time Magazine recently included it among the 50 best inventions.

WWW.AANS.ORG 45 The ExAblate system was is the first system to use the rate its proprietary Eigr™ illumination technology into sophisti- MR guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology that cated hand-held illumination devices and illuminated access combines MRI and high intensity focused ultrasound to systems for a variety of surgical specialties including spine, thermally ablate tumors inside the body non-invasively. orthopedics, breast and thyroid oncology and plastic surgery. The uniqueness of MRgFUS in its ability to monitor treat- The company is headquartered in San Francisco, CA. ment outcome and control treatment parameters to For more information, visit www.invuity.com. achieve the planned outcome in real time. At the present time the system is used to treat multiple Jackson & Coker commercially approved and research applications including 3000 Old Alabama Road, Suite 119-609 uterine fibroids, pain palliation of bone metastases as well Alpharetta, GA 30022 as various Neurological disorders like essential tremor* Phone: (800) 272-2707 and Parkinson’s Disease.* Fax: (800) 936-4562 www.jacksoncoker.com *Under clinical investigation Booth #1925

InTech Medical Whether you seek a position for a day or a lifetime, trust 2851 Lamb Place, Suite 15 Jackson and Coker to put our three decades of experience Memphis, TN 38118 to work for you. Our vast contacts within the medical pro- Phone: (901) 375-1109 fession will enable us to find the perfect locum tenens or Fax: (901) 367-2977 permanent job for you. Providing thorough, personalized www.intech-medical.com service is our passion, and we are only satisfied with a Booth #1625 placement when you are. InTech Medical is a leading custom contract manufacturer joimax Inc . specialized in spinal, hip and knee instruments and implants. 14 Goodyear, Suite 145 Based in the USA and Europe, In’Tech Medical is today Irvine, CA 92618 internationally renowned for its high quality standard and Phone: (949) 859-3472 capacity to rapidly deliver innovative designs…Swing by Fax: (949) 859-3473 our booth for our latest designs! www.joimaxusa.com Booth #1941 Integra ® 311 Enterprise Drive Endoscopic Instruments and Devices. TESSYS — Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Transforaminal Endoscopic Surgical System. Phone: (609) 275-0500 Fax: (609) 275-5363 Journal of Neurosurgery www.integralife.com One Morton Drive, Suite 200 Booth #629 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Phone: (434)924-5503 Integra LifeSciences, a world leader in medical devices, Fax: (434)924-2702 is dedicated to limiting uncertainty for surgeons, so they www.thejns.org can concentrate on providing the best patient care. Integra Booth #1439 offers a vast portfolio of implants, devices, instruments and systems used in neurosurgery and neuro critical care. For over 50 years the Journal of Neurosurgery, the flagship journal of the JNSPG, has been recognized by neurosurgeons Invuity Inc . and related medical specialists the world over for its author- itative and state-of-the-art content. JNSPG also publishes 39 Stillman Street JNS: Pediatrics, as well as JNS: Spine and the all-electronic San Francisco, CA 94107 publication, Neurosurgical Focus. Each title is issued Phone: (866) 711-7768 monthly under the aegis of the AANS (American Association www.invuity.com of Neurosurgeons and the American Association of Booth #1339 Neurological Surgeons). Invuity develops advanced medical devices to dramatically improve access and visualization in minimally invasive and minimal access surgeries. The company’s products incorpo-

WWW.AANS.ORG 46 K2M Inc . KELYNIAM’s PEEK customized skull implants provide 751 Miller Drive SE surgeons with an excellent option to correct complex Leesburg, VA 20175 cranial defects, with precision fit and revolutionary Phone: (703) 777-3155 24-hour turnaround time—if needed. Fax: (703) 777-4338 www.k2m.com Kinamed, Inc . Booth #1839 820 Flynn Road K2M, Inc. is an innovative spinal device company committed Camarillo, CA 93012 to the research, development, and commercialization of Phone: (805) 384-2748 simplified solutions for treatment of complex spinal pathologies Fax: (805) 384-2748 and minimally invasive procedures. The company is recog- www.kinamed.com nized as a worldwide leader in providing unique technologies Booth #1739 for treatment of deformity, degenerative, trauma, and tumor Kinamed manufactures and sells the NeuroPro® Rigid Fixation spinal patients. System designed specifically for neurosurgical skull base and cranial applications. The system includes many unique tools Karger Publishers for the neurosurgeon such as the Temporalis Muscle Suspen- 26 West Avon Road sion (TMS) Plate with suture eyelets for secure repositioning Unionville, CT 06085 of the temporailis muscle, a Chiari Malformation plate and the Phone: (860) 675-7834 single-use Quick Tap Power Driver. Fax: (860) 675-7302 www.karger.com Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc . Booth #1344 180 Enterprise Drive Publications include Pearls and Pitfalls in Head and Neck Marshfield, MA 02050 Surgery, 2nd, revised and extended edition; the book series Phone: (781) 834-9500 Progress in Neurological Surgery; and the journals Pediatric Fax: (781) 834-0022 Neurosurgery and Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. www.ksp.com Booth #933 Karl Storz Endoscopy–America, Inc . Kirwan Surgical Products LLC manufactures high-quality 2151 E Grand Avenue electrosurgical instruments and accessories including a full El Segundo, CA 90245 range of reusable and disposable non-stick bipolar forceps Phone: (800) 421-0837 and cords for use in Neurosurgery. Now featuring are Kirwan Fax: (424) 218-8537 Surgical’s newer light-weight disposable bipolar forceps that www.karlstorz.com employ the same non-stick technology as Kirwan’s AURA Booth #928 line of bipolar forceps. KARL STORZ Endoscopy–America, Inc., a leader in diagnostic and operative endoscopic technologies, designs, engineers, KLS–Martin , LP manufactures and markets products emphasizing visionary PO Box 16369 design, precision craftsmanship and clinical effectiveness. Jacksonville, FL 32245 KARL STORZ offers products for every surgical specialty. Phone: (904) 641-7746 These include FULL solutions for minimally invasive neurosur- Fax: (904) 641-7378 gery, from instrumentation and HD imaging to OR integration. www.klsmartin.com Booth #845 Kelyniam KLS-Martin is a company dedicated to providing innovative 97 River Road medical devices for neurosurgery. We offer a wide variety Canton, CT 06019 of surgical instruments, titanium plates and mesh, custom Phone: (800) 280-8192 cranial implants, and the revolutionary SonicWeld Rx system Fax: (501) 641-2000 for resorbable fixation. Currently based out of Jacksonville, www.kelyniam.com Florida, we have highly qualified representatives covering Booth #1218 the needs of surgeons throughout North America.

WWW.AANS.ORG 47 Kogent Surgical, LLC Partnering with surgeons and sales people, LDR provides 754 Goddard Avenue spinal systems and instrumentation that make spine surgery Chesterfield, MO 63005 reproducible, easier to perform, and restores optimum Phone: (636) 399-7644 stability and mobility to patients. Fax: (636) 787-0603 We have A Passion for Innovation! www.kogentneuro.com Booth #1118 Leica Microsystems Kogent Surgical designs and distributes a comprehensive 1700 Leider Lane line of neurosurgical handheld titanium instruments, designed Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 with the help of Robert F. Spetzler, MD, and other luminary Phone: (800) 526-0355 neurosurgeons. Also available are a variety of disposable Fax: (847) 405-2075 malleable suction tubes, including innovative illuminated www.leica-microsystems.com suction tubes. Stop by our booth to see much more! Booth #639 Leica Microsystems presents the Leica M720 OH5 and Leica Koros USA, Inc . M525 OH4 neurosurgical microscopes, designed with you in 610 Flinn Avenue mind. See more than detail than ever before with brilliant light Moorpark, CA 93021 and Small Angle Illumination. Learn about new Med X Change Phone: (805) 529-0825 Evolution HD and TrueVision 3D Surgical video documentation. Fax: (805) 529-2955 www.korosusainc.com Life Instrument Corporation Booth #1138 91 French Avenue Over the last 30 years Koros USA, Inc. has been designing Braintree, MA 02184 and distributing state of the art surgical instruments. Such as Phone: (781) 849-0109 our Cervical Black Belt, Lumbar Super Slide and ALIF Polaris Fax: (781) 849-0128 Retractors along with our Rotating Osteo Punch and Ejector www.lifeinstruments.com Punch Rongeurs and many fine hand instruments. Booth #827 Life Instrument Corporation is dedicated to serving neuro- Lanx Inc . surgeons and orthopedic surgeons with the highest quality 310 Interlocken Parkway, Suite 120 surgical instruments. Over the years spine surgery has Broomfield, CO 80021 advanced with new procedures and approaches to the spine. Phone: (303) 443-7500 Life Instrument Corporation is committed to meet the needs Fax: (303) 501-8444 of spine surgeons for these new surgical techniques. www.lanx.com Booth #649 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Lanx specializes in devices and systems for all segments of Two Commerce Square spinal surgery. Integrating leading technology and state-of-the 2001 Market St art engineering, our products have been created to meet the Philadelphia, PA 19103 specific needs of our customers and improve outcomes Phone: (215) 521-8300 for their patients. Fax: (215) 521-8902 www.lww.com LDR Booth #1813 13785 Research Boulevard Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer Health Austin, TX 78750 company is a leading publisher of medical, health, and Phone: (512) 344-3333 science publications, including Neurology and Neurology Fax: (512) 795-8306 Today. We proudly offer an extensive selection of medical www.ldrspine.com books, journals, and electronic media for physicians, nurses, Booth #1931 students and clinicians. Please visit the booth to browse LDR creates innovative fusion and non-fusion spinal our comprehensive product line. technologies for surgeons and patients in 26 countries.

WWW.AANS.ORG 48 LocumTenens .com Mazur Marketing 2655 Northwinds Parkway 1315 N Highland Avenue, Suite 105 Alpharetta, GA 30009 Aurora, IL 60506 Phone: (800) 562-8663 Phone: (888) 830-1588 Fax: (404) 751-5420 Fax: (630) 554-1826 www.locumtenes.com www.newrongeur.com Booth #1316 Booth #2050 LocumTenens.com is a full-service physician staffing firm MAZUR MARKETING provides physician designed surgical serving physicians, CRNAs, NPs and PAs searching for locum instruments used primarily in spine surgery. The premier tenens and permanent job opportunities, as well as healthcare instrument is the New Mazur Rongeur with angled concave facilities looking to solve employment shortages. Experienced and asymmetrical tips for accurately, quickly, and efficiently recruiters focus on the following high-demand specialty areas: shaping and smoothing all bony surfaces, especially the anesthesia, emergency medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, anterior cervical spine. It has a unique non-clogging tip. neurology, psychiatry, primary care (internal medicine, family It is made with the highest quality German stainless steel practice, pediatrics and hospitalists), radiology, urology, and German manufacturing craftsmanship. surgery and most surgical sub-specialties. The operator of the largest internet job board for the locum tenens industry, Medical Education & Research Institute LocumTenens.com provides job-seeking providers direct 44 S Cleveland Street access to thousands of jobs, in all specialties, posted directly Memphis, TN 38104 by facilities and agencies nationwide. Whether you want to Phone: (901) 722-8001 work with an agency recruiter, or conduct your own online Fax: (901) 722-9009 search, LocumTenens.com is obsessively dedicated to www.meri.org assisting with your search. Booth #1523 The MERI is a nonprofit medical teaching and training school Market Access Partners in Memphis, Tennessee qualified under section 501 (c) (3) 3236 Meadow View Road of the Internal Revenue Code. The MERI conducts state-of- Evergreen, CO 80439 the-art, hands-on educational courses for physicians, nurses Phone: (303) 526-1900 and other medical professionals from across the country and Fax: (303) 526-7920 around the world. At the MERI, medical professionals are www.marketaccesspartners.com introduced to the latest innovations in medicine, and have Booth #1032 the opportunity to learn first-hand about the most up-to-date Market Access Partners provides market research consulting medical techniques and technologies. The MERI supports to the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. We research in all specialties by providing the sponsor with the use innovative qualitative and quantitative methodologies to most effective environment for achieving maximal outcomes research opinions of physicians, nurses and patients. We offer for their studies. a management oriented approach to product development and marketing. Medics & Menders Premium Performance Scrubs 2214 Red Hawk Lane Mazor Robotics Euless, TX 76039 459 Vanderbilt Avenue Phone: (817) 521-3010 Brooklyn, NY 11238 Fax: (817) 828-1828 Phone: (347) 844-9809 www.MedicsandMenders.com Fax: (347) 844-9809 Booth #2016 www.mazorrobotics.com MEDICS & MENDERS—Feel The Difference // Booth #439 Premium Performance Surgical Scrubs Renaissance™, Mazor Robotics guidance system for spine • Premium quality at 1200+ thread count. surgery, provides a safer surgical environment for patients, • Lifetime Warranted. surgeons, and OR staff. It is transforming spine surgery • As close to custom sizing ever offered and gender specific. from freehand to highly accurate procedures that raise the • Shirts are long with the pocket holding a cell, standard of care with better clinical outcomes, validated watch and ring without drooping. in over 2,000 procedures worldwide.

WWW.AANS.ORG 49 • Pants come in lengths with styled heavy drawstrings. surgery/imaging/therapy transitions and facilitating • Anti-Microbial treated integration of the independent rooms within the suite. • Colors: Black, Navy, Royal Blue, or Graphite, Visit us at www.medtrak.co. • With each purchase, a portion of the proceeds will be directly contributed to Make-A-Wish. Medtronic 2600 Sofamor Danek Dr Medprin Biotech LLC Memphis, TN 38132 1421 East Firestone Boulevard, Suite 400 Phone: (800) 876-3133 La Mirada, CA 90638 Fax: (901) 332-3920 Phone: (562) 239-2150 www.medtronic.com Fax: (562) 724-9828 Booth #613 www.medprin.com At Medtronic, we’re committed to Innovating for life by Booth #1613 pushing the boundaries of medical technology and changing The ReDura patch is synthetic,excellent biocompatibility.Its the way the world treats chronic disease. To do that, we’re construction of 3D nano-fibrous can effectively address dural thinking beyond products and beyond the status quo—to defects and maintain integrity of anatomical structure of the continually find more ways to help people live better, longer. dura.With harmonic pace of degradation and regeneration, scaffold of the patch can be gradually absorbed by human- Medyssey Co . body within a few months and eventually replaced by new- 1550 E. Higgins Road, Suite 123 born dural layers. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Phone: (82) 318790414 Medtech SAS Fax: (82) 318790415 Parc de Bellegarde Bat A www.medyssey.com 1 Chemin de Borie Booth #1822 Castelnau Le Lez, 34170 Medyssey designs, develops, manufactures and markets France products for the surgical treatment of spine disorders through Phone: (33) 4 67 10 77 40 novel instrumentation and advanced orthobiologic solutions Fax: (33) 4 67 59 74 18 designed to improve spinal fusion rates, preservation of www.medtechsurgical.com mobility and clinical outcomes. Booth #1329 Medtech designs and markets innovative robotic-assisted MicroAire Surgical Instruments solutions for surgery. The system ROSA™ is a new, multi- 3590 Grand Forks Blvd. purpose platform offering valuable assistance in localizing Charlottesville, VA 22911 patient anatomy and performing complex surgical interven- Phone: (434) 975-8000 tions. ROSA™ embodies the new generation of surgical Fax: (434) 975-4144 assistance technology aiming at enabling new, less- www.microaire.com invasive surgical techniques. Booth #1912 MicroAires SmartRelease™ ECTR is a minimally invasive, Medtrak endoscopic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, providing 10437 Innovation Drive, Suite 141 a clear alternative to open-hand surgery. SmartRelease™ Milwaukee, WI 53226 ECTR has been used to treat thousands of patients since Phone: (414) 731-7150 1992. Its benefits, reliability, safety and efficacy are supported Fax: (414) 731-7150 by an impressive body of clinical data. For more information, www.medtrak.co please email us at [email protected]. Booth #1520 MedTrak provides patient handling systems for multi- modality suites including intra-operative MRI’s, hybrid OR’s, MR/ANGIO and image-guided radiation therapy suites. MedTrak’s systems move the patients via ceiling rails and provide continuous anesthesia, simplifying the

WWW.AANS.ORG 50 Micromar Mizuho OSI R. Orense 675 30031 Ahern Avenue Parque Galicia Union City, CA 94587 Diadema, 099206 Phone: (510) 429-1500 Brazil Fax: (510) 429-1337 Phone: (55) 11 4057-5722 www.mizuhosi.com www.micromar.com Booth #939 Booth #1917 Surgical Operating Tables and Patient Care Kits Since 1986 Micromar develops solutions that allow several pro­fessionals to perform their tasks with excellence, reducing Monteris Medical Inc . risks and ensuring excellent results. The search for excellence 100-78 Innovation Drive allow us to offer products of high technology and international Winnipeg, MB R3T-6C2 recognition: stereotaxy, radiofrequency, neuronavigation, Canada between others. We develop and manufacture our products Phone: (763) 253-4710 working with the highest stan­dard of quality, by applying Fax: (763) 253-0084 severe international standards, such as ISO13485, CE Mark, www.monteris.com besides Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). This is quality Booth #1120 that enables our products to be used in over 30 countries: Monteris Medical offers innovative MRI-guided solutions for with offices in Europe and Latin America, Micromar has neurosurgery including: the NeuroBlate™ System—minimally a wide international distribution network, providing always invasive, controlled laser delivery for tumor ablation; AtamA™ the best ser­vice, which is our trademark. Head Coil and Stabilization System—flexible fixation and surgical access for intra-operative imaging; and the AXiiiS® MicroVention, Inc . Stereotactic Miniframe—rigid platform for precise image- 1311 Valencia Ave guided device delivery. www.monteris.com Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: (714) 247-8140 Mountain States Health Alliance Fax: (714) 247-8019 203 Gray Commerce Circle, Suite 120 www.microvention.com Gray, TN 37615 Booth #2130 Phone: (423) 467-4853 MicroVention develops innovative neuroendovascular Fax: (423) 467-4860 technologies and devices to include, the MicroPlex® Coil www.msha.com Systems, the HydroCoil® Embolic Systems, the V-Trak® Booth #647 Delivery System with the V-Grip™ Detachment Controller, Mountain States Health Alliance nestled in the beautiful and a full line of access products to include the new Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, a 14 hospital Traxcess™ hydrophilic coated guidewires, the Chaperon™ system, providing care to 29 counties and 1.2 million residents, Guiding Catheter System and the Headway Microcatheter™. is seeking a BC/BE Neurosurgeon to join a vibrant employed For more information call or 1-800-990-8368. practice. Visit Booth #647 to learn more!

Mizuho America, Inc . MRI Interventions, Inc . 30057 Ahern Avenue One Commerce Square, Suite 2550 Union City, CA 94587 Memphis, TN 38103 Phone: (800) 699-2547 Phone: (901) 522-9300 Fax: (510) 324-4545 Fax: (901) 522-9400 www.mizuho.com www.mriinterventions.com Booth #839 Booth #1221 Mizuho America, Inc. is a cerebrovascular focused instru- MRI INTERVENTIONS INC. is a leader in the field of MRI- mentation company whose main products include Sugita T2 guided interventions, creating innovative platforms for Aneurysm Clips, 7200B Operating Table, Micro lnstruments, performing the next generation of interventional procedures Kelly Endonasal Set, Lawton Neurovascular Bypass Set, Evans in the brain and heart. Utilizing a hospital’s existing MRI Rotatable Set, Day-Bailes Suction Tubes, and lntracranial suite, MRI INTERVENTIONS’ FDA cleared ClearPoint™ and Vascular Dopplers. When it’s Microsurgery, it’s Mizuho. system is designed to enable a range of minimally invasive procedures in the brain.

WWW.AANS.ORG 51 Nakanishi, Inc . NeuroLogica Corporation 700 Shimohinata 14 Electronics Avenue Kanuma-shi, TOC 322-8666 Danvers, MA 01923 Japan Phone: (978) 564-8500 Phone: (81) 289643380 Fax: (978) 560-0602 Fax: (81) 289643890 www.neurologica.com www.nsk-surgery.com Booth #2131 Booth #1047 The BodyTom® is the latest development in NeuroLogica’s “Primado2” is NSK’s second generation electric total portable computed tomography imaging line. It is a portable, surgical system, designed for fulfilling surgeons’ demands. full body, 32 slice CT that boasts an impressive 85cm gantry ® It consummates excellent cutting, and achieved weight and 60cm field of view. The battery powered BodyTom can balance during drilling. be transported from room to room and is compatible with PACS, surgical navigation, electronic medical records, and Hope you experience the exceptional use that Primado2 planning systems. Its unique capabilities provide high quality provides. CT images wherever needed, including the Clinic, ICU, OR and Emergency/Trauma Department. National Research Council of Canada 75 boul de Mortagne NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) Boucherville, QC J4B-6Y4 5550 Meadowbrook Drive Canada Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Phone: (450) 641-5064 Phone: (847) 378-0549 Fax: (450) 641-5106 Fax: (847) 378-0600 www.neurotouch.ca www.aans.org Booth #1947 Booth #1439 NeuroTouch is the world’s most advanced VR neuro- NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) was developed to collect, analyze, surgical simulator designed to train future neurosurgeons. and report on nationwide neurosurgical clinical data; NPA The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is building meets quality and research needs of neurosurgical practices a R&D consortium of select partners aimed at accelerating as well as industry, government agencies, third party payers, the development of this world-leading technology. and national organizations. NPA’s largest initiative, National Neurosurgery Quality and Outcomes Database (N2QOD), is Neuro News/Biba Medical a continuous national clinical registry where participating 44 Burlington Road hospitals and practice groups can analyze and report on the London, SW6 4NX quality of their neurosurgical care, and target areas where Phone: 44 20 77368788 quality improvement is needed. Fax: 44 20 7736 8283 www.cxvascular.com/neuronews Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition Booth #1753 5550 Meadowbrook Drive NeuroNews is a free subscription based, quarterly, newspaper Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 dedicated to neurointerventionists. Each edition includes the Phone: (847) 378-0500 latest news, opinion from thought leaders, summaries of Fax: (847) 378-0600 cutting-edge research, expert analysis, conference coverage www.aans.org and information and latest product- and industry news. Booth #321 For the eighth consecutive year, the Young Neurosurgeons NeuroAlert Committee will host a competition for neurosurgical residents 244 Westchester Avenue, Suite 316 and fellows, to take place in halls H/I of the Ernest N. Morial White Plains, NY 10604 Convention Center. This three-day event will include stations Phone: (914) 949-8501 such as an image-guided lumbar pedicle screw, virtual Fax: (914) 949-8502 ventriculostomy, endovascular, and thoracic vertebroplasty www.neuroalert.com simulators. Each participant has one opportunity at each Booth # 550 intricate and demanding surgical station, and is scored Intra-Operative Neuromonitoring Services. on his or her performance.

WWW.AANS.ORG 52 The resident or fellow with the best combined score will NextGen Healthcare earn the distinct honor of being named the Neurosurgical 795 Horsham Rd Top Gun as well as a prize of $1,000, plus $1,500 for Horsham, PA 19044 his or her residency program. Top scorers at individual Phone: (215) 657-7010 stations also will win a prize of $200 each. Fax: (215) 657-7011 The first 50 participants will receive a Top Gun t-shirt! www.nextgen.com Booth #1743 New World Rarities, Ltd . NextGen Healthcare provides award-winning, fully integrated 670 Old Willets Path electronic health records and practice management solutions. Hauppauge, NY 11788-4102 Ideal for the large enterprise or a small practice, NextGen® Phone: (800) 431-1018 EHR is endorsed by the AANS and features extensive neurology Fax: (631) 273-8486 content to fulfill your workflow and documentation needs. www.rarecoinvault.com NextGen® EPM provides scheduling, billing, and electronic Booth #1850 claims management. For nearly 40 years, New World Rarities has maintained a level of excellence unsurpassed in the field of numismatics, Nexus Spine, LLC in particular, and precious metals, in general. Over that 2825 East Cottonwood Parkway span of time, NWR has grown to become a worldwide Salt Lake City, UT 84121 multi-million dollar organization through its reputation, Phone: (801) 210-7309 reliability, and performance. Fax: (801) 702-8585 www.nexus-spine.com Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc . Booth #1944 1300 Bristol Street North, Suite 100 Nexus™ provides novel, differentiated products for spine Newport Beach, CA 92660 surgery. Our PressOn™ spinal fixation system features an www.vesalius.it/e-2_1.htm ultra-low-profile design; eliminates cross-threading and rod Booth #553 bending; provides a built-in revision feature; and doubles Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. is a new company that will locking strength, using couplers 60–75% smaller than provide high quality Medical products to its clients. Newport conventional tulips. The FlexBAC™ TDR(CST) provides Surgical Instruments is scheduled to begin operations on April physiological restoration of kinetics and kinematics. 1st 2013. The aim of Newport Medical Instruments is to bring electrosurgical devices, based on an innovative technology NICO Corp . called “Molecular Resonance Technology” developed in Italy, 9190 Priority Way West Drive, Suite 203 to the United States market. This innovative technology will Indianapolis, IN 46240 surely create a new standard for Neurosurgical procedures Phone: (888) 632-7071 in clinics and hospitals throughout the United States. Fax: (317) 682-0305 www.niconeuro.com Nexstim, Inc . Booth #2029 1360 Union Hill Road, Suite 3C NICO Corporation is progressing minimally invasive corridor Alpharetta, GA 30004 neurosurgery by creating instruments that allow for safe Phone: (770) 664-1000 tumor and cyst removal through smaller openings. This Fax: (770) 664-1217 provides neurosurgeons opportunities for less brain retraction, www.nexstim.com shorter total resection time, and precise control to achieve Booth #1615 a more effective gross total resection. NICO’s products offer Nexstim’s Navigated Brain Stimulation System integrates TMS, the potential for less surgical trauma for patients, shorter EMG, and MRI guided navigation to non-invasively stimulate hospital stays, better clinical outcomes, and improved and map the eloquent cortex with the accuracy of DCS. clinical experiences. Nexstim holds two FDA clearances for NBS and NexSpeech™ for Pre-Procedural Planning. Future FDA application currently in clinical trials are Stroke Rehabilitation and Depression.

WWW.AANS.ORG 53 North American Neuromodulation Society Baitella AG is a manufacturer of holding/support systems 4700 W Lake Avenue with articulated arms with quick central fixation for surgery, Glenview, IL 60025 anaesthesia and intensive care applications. The products Phone: (847) 375-4398 are originally Swiss made and mostly OEM manufactured. Fax: (847) 375-6424 With the modular Fisso system, customer-defined solutions www.neuromodulation.org will be realized easy and fast. Novid LLC is the US repre- Booth #1450 sentative for surgical applications. The North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) is dedicated to being the premier organization representing NSI Health Systems, LLC neuromodulation. NANS promotes multidisciplinary collabora- 665 Highway 74 South, Suite 100 tion among clinicians, scientists, engineers, and others to Peachtree City, GA 30269 advance neuromodulation through education, research, Phone: (303) 860-0261 innovation and advocacy. Through these efforts NANS seeks Fax: (770) 632-9604 to promote and advance the highest quality patient care. www.nsi-healthsystems.com Booth #1423 North American Spine Society NSI specializes in the development, manufacturing and 7075 Veterans Boulevard distribution of innovative medical devices and technologies. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 Phone: (630) 230-3600 NuTech Spine Fax: (630) 230-3700 2641 Rocky Ridge Lane www.spine.org Birmingham, AL 35216 Booth #1512 Phone: (205) 290-2158 The North American Spine Society is a multidisciplinary Fax: (866) 270-6835 medical organization dedicated to fostering the highest www.nutechspine.com quality, ethical, value-based and evidence-based spine Booth #331 care through education, research and advocacy. NuTech is a leading biologics and medical device company that provides an integrated portfolio of innovative products. NovaBone Products LLC They offer a wide range of traditional allograft tissue products, 1551 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 105 a full line of spinal implants, and products taking advantage Jacksonville, FL 32207 of the unique properties of the amniotic tissues and fluids. Phone: (386) 462-7660 Fax: (386) 462-7525 NuVasive, Inc . www.novabone.com 7475 Lusk Boulevard Booth #1939 San Diego, CA 92121 NovaBone Products provides a best-in-class synthetic bone Phone: (858) 909-1937 graft substitute. The unique bioactive grafting technology Fax: (858) 909-2000 delivers an osteoconductive matrix while signaling and www.nuvasive.com stimulating osteoblastic activity to the site. For ease of use Booth #1845 and surgical convenience, NovaBone is available in a variety NuVasive® is a medical device company focused on developing of forms and sizes along with multiple delivery options. minimally disruptive surgical products and procedures for the spine. NuVasive’s principal product offering is based on Novid Surgical, LLC its Maximum Access Surgery (MAS®) platform, which delivers 27 Siemon Company Drive the benefits of minimally invasive surgery while providing Watertown, CT 06795 maximum surgical access. The company offers more than 70 Phone: (41)11443058014 products spanning lumbar, thoracic and cervical applications. Fax: (41) 1443058005 www.surgimed-cart.com Booth #1245

WWW.AANS.ORG 54 Oakstone Medical Publishing OsteoSymbionics LLC 2700 Corporate Drive 1768 E 25th Street, Suite 316 Birmingham, AL 35242 Cleveland, OH 44114 Phone: (800) 633-4743 Phone: (877) 881-6899 Fax: (205) 995-1926 Fax: (216) 391-7004 www.cmeonly.com www.osteosymbionics.com Booth #2040 Booth #2128 Practical Reviews is a learning solution powered by Oakstone Be a neurosurgeon and a plastic surgeon. Correct temporal that provides practical, expert reviews of the most relevant hollowing during neurosurgery using the OsteoSymbionics’ articles from over 40 leading medical journals in neurosurgery. ST Temporalis implant. With a soft, natural feel, you can save Our renowned medical faculty select the most significant the life and restore the look on open, pterional access proce- clinical research and provides you commentary with perspec- dures. OsteoSymbionics also offers plastic surgery quality, tive for applying these findings in your daily practice. Best of patient-specific hard tissue replacements. all, you earn continuing education credit that may also qualify for maintenance of certification. Panasonic System Communications Company One Panasonic Way Orthofix, Inc . Secaucus, NJ 07094 3451 Plano Parkway Phone: (201) 392-6907 Lewisville, TX 75056 Fax: (201) 392-6907 Phone: (214) 937-2767 www.panasonic.com/healthcare Fax: (469) 742-2722 Booth #1414 www.orthofix.com Panasonic provides durable and reliable diagnostic digital Booth #1831 imaging solutions for the acquisition, recording and viewing Orthofix International N.V. is a diversified, global medical of medical procedures in the operating room. From HD device company focused on developing and delivering remote head cameras and recorders, to medical-grade certi- innovative repair and regenerative solutions to the spine and fied monitors, Toughpad tablets and Toughbook computers, orthopedic markets. Orthofix’s products are widely distributed Panasonic solutions are designed to work together in a around the world to orthopedics and spine surgeons and scalable technology ecosystem. patients via Orthofix’s sales representatives and its subsidi- aries, and via collaborations with other leading orthopedic Paradigm Spine, LLC product companies. In addition, Orthofix is collaborating on 505 Park Avenue, Floor 14 R&D activities with leading research and clinical organizations New York, NY 10022 such as the Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, the Phone: (212) 367-7274 Orthopedic Research and Education Foundation, and Texas Fax: (212) 826-9509 Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. For more information www.paradigmspine.com about Orthofix, please visit www.orthofix.com. Booth #546 Paradigm Spine’s signature product is the coflex® interlaminar Osteomed stabilization device—the first and only non-fusion, motion- 3885 Arapaho Road preserving, minimally invasive treatment approved for moder- Addison, TX 75001 ate to severe spinal stenosis. Patients were enrolled in an IDE Phone: (800) 456-7779 clinical study comparing the coflex® technology to instrumented Fax: (972) 677-4731 posterolateral fusion in the surgical treatment of spinal stenosis. www.osteomed.com Booth #945 OsteoMed is a global and innovative leader in the develop- ment and manufacturing of specialty surgical implants for the neurosurgical, spine, and orthobiologic markets. OsteoMed philosophy focuses on improved patient outcomes through, minimally disruptive, anatomically friendly technology, with critical input from surgeons for streamlined surgical techniques.

WWW.AANS.ORG 55 ParaMed Medical Systems a new waterproof wide-angle lens and eliminated protruding 350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 300 adjustment knobs for improved over-the-top visibility. These Park Ridge, IL 60068 Panoramics are lighter weight, offer better visibility and come Phone: (847) 656-5402 with more frame choices than ever. www.paramedmedicalsystems.com Booth #548 Pinnacle Spine Group Paramed is a recognized manufacturer in MRI where the 1061 Elm Street, Ste. 300 value of our MRI technology is based on years of scientific Thanksgiving Tower research, expertise, and product innovation developed Dallas, TX 75201 within our parent company, ASG Superconductors, where Phone: (214) 466-1428 significant advances have been accomplished by capitalizing www.pinnaclespinegroup.com on our scientific expertise to create top tier true open MRI Booth #1852 systems for functional imaging. Pinnacle Spine Group was founded with the focused goal of developing innovative medical devices, conceived in the Patient Education Institute operating room, for surgical procedures of the spine. The 2000 James Street, Suite 219 objective for every device and instrument we develop is Coralville, IA 52241 a better outcome for the patient, and a better experience Phone: (319) 351-5220 for the surgeon and operating room staff. If we can’t create Fax: (319) 351-6297 something innovative, we won’t do it at all. If you have your www.patient-education.com own innovative idea, bring it to us to help bring it to life. Booth #1442 X-Plain Neurological Surgery patient education software Pioneer Surgical is used in neurosurgery clinics to document education. 9600 Great Hills Trail, Suite 160E X-Plain runs on all computers, including iPads. The software Austin, TX 78759 is fully narrated, uses simple text, graphics and animations, Phone: (512) 372-4312 and asks questions to ensure comprehension. The licensing Fax: (512) 340-1481 fees for X-Plain are discounted for AANS members. www.pioneersurgical.com Booth #1113 Penumbra Inc . Pioneer Surgical is a progressive medical device firm with 1351 Harbor Bay Parkway a comprehensive portfolio of industry-leading orthopedic, Alameda, CA 94502 biologic and spine products. Pioneer is focused on creating Phone: (510) 748-3228 innovative, cost-effective surgical solutions that benefit Fax: (510) 217-9202 surgeons and provide better patient outcomes. www.penumbrainc.com Booth #1139 PMT Corporation Penumbra, Inc. is an independent medical device company PO Box 610 1500 Park Road committed to delivering clinically beneficial products that help Chanhassen, MN 55317 patients suffering from stroke and vascular disease. Penumbra’s Phone: (800) 626-5463 global headquarters is located in Alameda, California, with Fax: (952) 470-0865 sales operations in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. www.pmtcorp.com Booth #1823 PeriOptix, Inc . PMT Corporation is the premier supplier of an extensive 1001 Avenida Pico # C620 line of neurosurgical products. offering highend neck San Clemente, CA 92673 braces, including halo systems and orthotic vests for Phone: (949) 366-3333 cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal immobilization. PMT Fax: (949) 366-0033 also offers Cortac, cortical surface electrodes and Depthalon, www.perioptix.com depth electrodes for epilepsy monitoring; microsurgical, Booth #1513 irrigation and instruments. The Panoramic™ flip ups from PeriOptix feature completely new optics matched to Adidas™ sports frames. We designed

WWW.AANS.ORG 56 Precision Spine Pro-Dex Inc . 5 Sylvan Way, Suite 220 2361 McGaw Avenue Parsippany, NJ 07054 Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: (973) 455-7150 Phone: (800) 562-6204 Booth #1913 Fax: (949) 769-3280 Precision Spine is spinal device company offering a full line www.pro-dex.com of spinal pathology solutions to meet the needs of patients, Booth #1612 surgeons and healthcare providers. Our objective is to positively Pro-Dex, Inc. designs, manufactures and assembles highly affect patient recovery and overall surgical outcomes by pro- reliable powered medical devices for leading Medical Device viding quality spinal products, along with excellent customer OEMs. As a FDA-registered, ISO 13485:2003-certified service and competitive pricing. manufacturer, Pro-Dex offers turn-key solutions, including full regulatory support, to help OEMs get powered surgical Prescott’s, Inc . products to market quickly and effectively. 18940 E Emigrant Trail Monument, CO 80132 QED Medical Phone: (800) 438-3937 750 Enterprise Drive Fax: (719) 488-2268 Lexington, KY 40510 www.surgicalmicroscopes.com Phone: (800) 513-2256 Booth #1430 www.qed-medical.com Prescott’s Inc. is dedicated to offering the finest in Booth #1312 reconditioned and new microscopes. Depending on your QED Medical has manufactured leading edge surgical budget requirements, we can provide any brand of micro- headlight illumination and video systems from our offices scope system that you may need. Prescott’s also offers in Lexington, KY since 1971. Systems feature Xenon and a complete service program supported by technicians Halogen Fiber Optics; Through the Lens Headlight Video around the country. System; and, a full array of Portable Halogen and LED Headlight Systems. Pro Med Instruments, Inc . 4529 SE 16th Place Suite 101 Quinn Medical Cape Coral, FL 33904 23382 Madero Road Phone: (239) 369-2310 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Fax: (239) 369-2370 Phone: (949) 784-0310 www.headrest.de Fax: (949) 784-0311 Booth #1338 www.quinnmedical.com PMI premiers a new skull clamp, the Navigation-Ready Booth #551 DORO® QR3 designed for faster set-up, integrated interfaces, Quinn Medical improves lives with the world’s finest non- built-in navigation adaptor and superior stability. PMI also invasive orthopedic products and programs designed to premiers a new Brain Retractor System and adjustable prevent injury, relieve pain, and restore function. Simply NON-STICK Bipolar Forceps. PMI designs and manufactures stated: we help people get Back in Motion™. the largest selection of innovative cranial stabilization and SLEEQ™ Spinal Therapy System—The world’s most advanced brain retractor systems for neurosurgery. spinal compression brace. Universal fit. Elegant design. Unparalleled value. SLEEQ’s InvisAdjust™ Technology ProNerve, LLC enables a universal fit for nearly all patients in only a single 7600 E. Orchard Road, 200N model while dramatically reducing the hassle and cost of Greenwood Village, CO 80111 unwanted inventory. Phone: (303) 339-1499 Fax: (888) 252-7124 www.pronerve.com Booth #1816

WWW.AANS.ORG 57 Raumedic Rose Micro Solutions sells High Quality Optical Loupes and Edwards Ferry Rd, N.E. LED Lights for Less.We are a Family Business consisting of Leesburg, VA 20176 4 Brothers. We named the company after our mother ROSE. Phone: (949) 648-1249 Our Loupes Start @ $279.00. www.rosemicrosolutions.com Fax: (516) 224-3380 716-608-0009 www.raumedic.com Booth #1425 RosmanSearch, Inc . RAUMEDIC supplies precision neuromonitoring products for 30799 Pinetree Road, Suite 250 rapid, safe and accurate ICP and temperature measurement Pepper Pike, OH 44124 in the parenchyma or ventricular. NEUROVENT microchip Phone: (216) 256-9020 catheters connect directly to the patient monitor and prevent Fax: (440) 247-2434 loss of measurement values. With our Plug and Play system, www.rosmansearch.com you have an easy system with no calibration needed. Booth #1212 RosmanSearch is a dual-specialty, truly expert, high integrity Renishaw plc neurosurgical and neurology recruiting service you can trust. Route du Stand 66 We specialize exclusively in neuro permanent placement, and Nyon, 1260 VD our neurosurgical recruitment expertise and methodology is Switzerland truly unique. Phone: (41) 798229678 Fax: (41) 223629673 RTI Biologics, Inc . www.renishaw.com 11621 Research Circle Booth #1622 Alachua, FL 32615 Renishaw is committed to delivering precision with Phone: (386) 418-8888 advanced engineering technology in stereotactic neuro- Fax: (386) 462-1837 surgery. The NeuroMate® stereotactic robotic system is www.rtibiologics.com proven in many years and thousands of procedures, Booth #1519 providing accuracy, stability and repeatability to neuro- RTI Biologics, Inc. is a leading provider of sterile biological surgeons performing procedures like DBS, SEEG, implants for surgeries around the world, with a commitment stereotactic biopsy and neuroendoscopy as well as to advancing science, safety and innovation. RTI prepares other indications. donated human tissue and bovine tissue for transplantation through extensive testing and screening, precision shaping Riverside Health System and proprietary, validated sterilization processes. These 701 Town Center Drive, Suite 1000 allograft and xenograft implants are used in spine, sports Newport News, VA 23606 medicine, orthopedic, dental and other surgical specialties. Phone: (757) 224-4990 Fax: (757) 224-4515 Safewire, LLC www.riversideonline.com 2621 W. Abiaca Circle Booth #1421 Davie, FL 33328 A large multi-specialty group, Riverside Medical Group has Phone: (800) 286-9155 over 420 physicians including a team of five Neurosurgeons www.safe-wire.com located in south eastern–coastal Virginia. Booth #2145 Safewire is a spine and orthopedic instrument company Rose Micro Solutions LLC committed to improving MIS procedures. With the evolution 4105 Seneca Street of less invasive procedures, new techniques and technologies West Seneca, NY 14224 have risen. The minimally invasive sector is still evolving and Phone: (716) 608-0009 with these new techniques some common instruments and Fax: (716) 608-0006 techniques are still being utilized from earlier open procedures. www.rosemicrosolutions.com It is our goal to bring new technology and materials into the Booth #1722 arena of MIS surgery to complement this growing new sector.

WWW.AANS.ORG 58 Scanlan International, Inc . Select Medical–Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospitals 1 Scanlan Plaza 4714 Gettysburg Road Saint Paul, MN 55107 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Phone: (651) 298-0997 Phone: (888) 735-6332 Fax: (651) 298-0018 Fax: (717) 635-4451 www.scanlaninternational.com www.selectmedical.com Booth #1712 Booth #2022 Highest quality surgical products designed and manufactured Select Medical’s rehabilitation hospitals provide comprehen- by the Scanlan family since 1921. Stainless Steel and Titanium sive physical medicine, as well as rehabilitation programs Instrumentation designs, Loftus™ ACDF Distractor, Abdulrauf and services. We address the rehabilitation needs for individu- EC/IC By-Pass Instruments, Advantage™ Badie™ Suction als with brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, amputation, Bipolar Bayonet-style Forceps, Minimally Invasive Dura neurological disorders, orthopedic conditions and multiple Closure Set, Sundt™ Graduated Suction System, SUPER traumas. From New Jersey to Texas, the Select Medical CUT™ Scissors, Microsurgical Knives and Biopsy Needles. network of rehabilitation hospitals includes several care locations, including the nationally renowned Kessler Schaerer Medical USA, Inc . Institute for Rehabilitation in NJ. 675 Wilmer Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45226 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co ,. Ltd . Phone: (513) 272-9170 Room No. 701, 5th Building Fax: (513) 561-0195 No.200 East Guoding RD,Yangpu District www.schaerermedicalusa.com Shanghai, 200433 Booth #2020 China Schaerer Medical manufactures and sells general and Phone: (86) 21-55090806 specialty surgical tables as well as a wide assortment of Fax: (86) 21-55090806 table accessories. The heavy duty Arcus is the latest release www.neweyes.com.cn in the over 100 year history of Schaerer general surgery tables. Booth #1514 The specialty product line includes tables for all disciplines. We specialize in the Video Recording System in Surgery. The Chick LP is the ultimate lower extremity fracture table. We have the adaptor to attach the CCD camera onto micro- The Chick MIS Extension is specially designed for anterior scope to take video then, with our software, you can save, approach hip replacement. The Chick 7300 multi-specialty edit and print out the report of patients. table can turn into an orthopedic, urology, spine, or pain management tables with the simple addition of accessories. SI-BONE, Inc . We are very pleased to introduce the Stille II imaging table 3055 Olin Ave., Suite 2200 and our new line of Spine Tables, Clear Access and spine San Jose, CA 95128 surgery positioning products. Phone: (408) 207-0700 Fax: (408) 557-8312 Scott & White Healthcare www.SI-BONE.com 2401 S. 31st Street Booth #1142 Temple, TX 76508 SI-BONE, Inc. is the leading sacroiliac (SI) joint medical Phone: (254) 724-0535 device company dedicated to the development of tools for Fax: (254) 724-5680 diagnosing and treating patients with low back issues related www.sw.org to SI joint disorders. The company is manufacturing and Booth #1321 marketing a minimally invasive surgical (MIS) technique Scott & White is a fully integrated health system and for the treatment of SI joint pathology. the largest multi-specialty practice in Texas, sixth largest private group practice in the nation. The Department of Neurosurgery at Scott & White is seeking outstanding BC/BE Neurosurgeons to join the neuroscience program. You can learn more online at www.sw.org.

WWW.AANS.ORG 59 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc Sophysa is focused on the design and manufacture of 51 Valley Stream Parkway, Csg Marketing-Mail Stop H30 innovative CSF Management technologies and solutions. Malvern, PA 19355 Sophysa’s pioneering research and development continues Phone: (888) 826-9702 to expand the reach of the global neurosurgical community, www.usa.siemens.com/healthcare focusing on Hydrocephalus, and related disorders of Booth #2138 CSF dynamics. Siemens Healthcare is one of the world’s largest suppliers to the healthcare industry and the first full-service diagnostics Spiegelberg GmbH & Co . KG company. The company is known for bringing together inno- Tempowerkring 4 vative medical technologies, healthcare information systems, Hamburg, 21079 management consulting, and support services, to help cus- Germany tomers achieve tangible, sustainable, clinical, and financial Phone: (49) 407901780 outcomes. Vist us at www.usa.siemens.com/healthcare. Fax: (49) 4079017810 www.spiegelberg.de Sonowand Booth #1521 11660 Alpharetta Highway, Suite 460 Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG is a German manufacturer of Roswell, GA 30076 monitors, probes, catheters and accessories for Intracranial Phone: (678) 395-6849 Pressure Monitoring (ICP), External Ventricular Drainage Fax: (678) 615-7610 (EVD) and Shunts. Accessories include a novel suction/ www.sonowand.com irrigation and a catheter fixation device! Booth #1413 SonoWand Invite is a unique, 3D ultrasound-based intraop- Spinal Elements, Inc . erative imaging system for neuronavigation. The system lifts 2744 Loker Ave W, Suite 100 the concept of neuronavigation to a new level. In addition Carlsbad, CA 92010 to importing MR/CT images for preoperative planning, you Phone: (760) 607-0121 can quickly and easily generate a new 3D Ultrasound volume Fax: (760) 607-0125 navigation map that accurately reflects the true anatomy www.spinalelements.com position during the procedure thus eliminating the problem Booth #1220 of “brain-shift.” This allows you to follow the progression The Spinal Elements portfolio includes: Lucent Ti-Bond™ of resection and removal of residual tumor. (Titanium Coated PEEK Interbody Devices); Hero™ Allograft; Mosaic® Cervical Implant; Magnum+® Stand-Alone ALIF with Sontec Instruments Screws; Sapphire® Anterior Cervical Plate; Lucent® PLIF and 7248 S Tucson Way TLIF; Lucent Magnum® ALIF; and Mercury® Classic Pedicle Centennial, CO 80112- Screw. Spinal Elements is also developing the Zyre® facet Phone: (303) 790-9411 motion preservation implant. Fax: (303) 792-2606 www.sontecinstruments.com Spine Wave Inc . Booth #1323 3 Enterprise Drive, Suite 210 Sontec offers headlights and loupes and the most comprehen- Shelton, CT 06484 sive selection of exceptional hand held surgical instruments Phone: (203) 944-9494 available to the discriminating surgeon. There is no substitute Fax: (203) 944-9493 for quality, expertise and individualized service. Sontec’s vast www.spinewave.com array awaits your consideration at our booth. Booth #539 Spine Wave develops and markets clinical solutions for Sophysa USA Inc . several market segments, including nuclear augmentation, 303 S Main Street tumor, trauma, and spinal fusion. The company’s product Crown Point, IN 46307 portfolio includes NuCore® Injectable Nucleus, StaXx® XD Phone: (219) 663-7711 and XDL (Lateral) Expandable Devices, CapSure® PS3 Fax: (219) 663-7741 Spine System, Sniper® Spine System, Cervical Plate and www.sophysa.com Spacer, and additional products. Booth #447

WWW.AANS.ORG 60 SpineFrontier, Inc . SpineView, Inc . 500 Cummings Center, Suite 3500 48810 Kato Road, Suite 100E Beverly, MA 01915 Fremont, CA 94538 Phone: (978) 232-3990 Phone: (510) 743-5069 Fax: (978) 232-3991 Fax: (888) 492-0898 www.spinefrontier.com www.spineview.com Booth #1820 Booth #2043 SpineFrontier Inc., a medical device company that designs, SpineView™ is Revolutionizing MIS Spine Surgery. We are develops, and markets implants and instruments used in the committed to the development and commercialization of treatment of spinal diseases. It offers anterior cervical plates; novel, minimally invasive technologies designed to improve FacetFuse MIS screw systems; interspinous fixation system; spinal decompression and fusion. SpineView consists of pedicle screw systems; MIS pedicle screw systems; spinal exciting products such as the enSpire™ product line (Inter- intervertebral body fusion (IBF) devices; lumbar IBF systems; ventional, Microdiscectomy, and Surgical Flex), and the anterior lumbar IBF systems; biologics materials; and retractor MIS Decompression System with Direct Visualization. systems. SpineFrontier Inc. was founded in 2006 and is based in Beverly, Massachusetts. SpineVision Inc . 1505 Bridgeway Suite 118 SpineGuard, Inc . Sausalito, CA 94965 1388 Sutter Street, Suite 510 Phone: (415) 494-8150 San Francisco, CA 94109 Fax: (888) 770-4119 Phone: (415) 512-2500 www.spinevision.net Fax: (415) 512-8004 Booth #1842 www.spineguard.com SpineVision’s current products offer solutions for approxi- Booth #1522 mately 90% of spinal pathologies i.e. deformities, lumbar Hear and feel what you cannot see! PediGuard® is the degenerative disc diseases, cervical disorders, trauma and first wireless device that can detect possible vertebral tumors. SpineVision is now focusing its RandD efforts on cortex perforations during pedicle preparation by accurately Hybrid Stabilisation and Minimally Invasive technologies. analyzing the electrical conductivity of the surrounding tissues in real-time. PediGuard has assisted both neuro St . Jude Medical spine surgeons and orthopedic surgeons in over 20,000 6300 Bee Cave Road, Bldg 2, Suite. 1 surgeries worldwide. Austin, TX 78746 Phone: (512) 732-7400 Spineology Inc Fax: (877) 506-8295 7800 3rd Street N, Suite 600 www.sjm.com Saint Paul, MN 55128 Booth #2125 Phone: (888) 377-4633 St. Jude Medical develops medical technology designed to Fax: (651) 256-8505 put more control into the hands of those who treat cardiac, www.spineology.com neurological and chronic pain patients worldwide. The Booth #1428 company is dedicated to advancing the practice of medicine Spineology, the innovator in anatomy-conserving™ spine by reducing risk wherever possible and contributing to surgery, develops spinal implants and instruments. Spineology successful patient outcomes. Learn more at www.sjm.com. surgical techniques conserve spinal bone, ligament and muscle tissue. Spineology is committed to increasing proce- dural efficiency, reducing surgical morbidity and accelerating patient recovery. Learn more at www.spineology.com.

WWW.AANS.ORG 61 Stability Biologics Surgical Theater, LLC 2910 Poston Avenue 6717 Metropark Drive Nashville, TN 37203 Mayfield Village, OH 44143 Phone: (855) 267-5551 Phone: (216) 496-7884 www.stabilitybio.com Fax: (216) 916-3806 Booth #653 www.surgicaltheater.net Stability Biologics, based in Nashville, Tennessee is a Booth #2120 rapidly growing organization focused on providing innovative The Surgery Rehearsal Platform (SRP) is a one-of-a-kind products for spinal surgery, orthopedics, sports medicine FDA cleared patient specific pre-surgery platform for cerebral and advanced wound care. Stability provides a full range cases. The SRP reconstructs patients’ CT /MRI scans into of allograft and synthetic tissue including cellular repair dynamic, interactive 3D models with life-like tissue reaction products, structural and flowable bone products and and accurate modeling of instruments. Available modules sports medicine grafts. include: aneurysm, pituitary tumor and meningioma. Additional modules and Spine SRP soon to be released. Stryker 4100 E Milham Avenue SurgiTel/General Scientific Corporation Portage, MI 49002 77 Enterprise Drive Phone: (800) 253-3210 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Fax: (269) 324-5484 Phone: (800) 959-0153 www.stryker.com Fax: (734) 662-0520 Booth #429 www.surgitel.com Since the beginning, Stryker has taken pride in developing Booth #1023 innovative equipment and technology that helps medical SurgiTel Systems is dedicated to offering the best in professionals perform their jobs better and more efficiently. ergonomics, vision, and comfort. Coupling SurgiTel Systems’ Our products include joint replacements, trauma, spine and High Definition Optics with Oakley Frames, we offer the micro implant systems, biologics, powered surgical instru- very best in magnification systems. SurgiCam, our loupe- ments, surgical navigation systems, endoscopic products, mounted camera system, is digital and lightweight allowing patient handling and emergency medical equipment. the viewers to see images at the user’s perspective. www.stryker.com Tap EMR LLC Surgical Acuity 9891 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 120 3225 Deming Way Irvine, CA 92618 Middleton, WI 53562 Booth #2144 Phone: (608) 828-5225 Tap EMR has developed an electronic medical records Fax: (608) 828-5268 software specific to spine and pain practices. www.surgicalacuity.com Booth #1343 TeDan Surgical Innovations Surgical Acuity designs and manufactures high-performance 12615 West Airport Boulevard, Suite 200 magnification loupes for surgeons and other medical profes- Sugar Land, TX 77478 sionals. Renowned for quality craftsmanship, Surgical Acuity Phone: (713) 726-0886 loupes deliver remarkable resolution over a deep and wide Fax: (713) 726-0846 viewing field. Superior visualization is achieved through www.tedansurgical.com innovative, lightweight optics made from only the finest Booth #313 grade of glass. TeDan Surgical Innovations specializes in retractors and instrumentation for spine surgery. The Phantom Series Cervical and Lumbar retractors w/fiberoptic lighted blades are designed to meet the demands of the spine surgeon. Our innovative Minimally Invasive Lumbar (Phantom ML) and Extreme Lateral (Phantom XL) retractors maximize exposure without enlarging the incision.

WWW.AANS.ORG 62 TFM Publishing Thompson Surgical Instruments, Inc . Martin P Hill Consulting 10170 E Cherry Bend Road 122 W 27th Street, Floor 10 Traverse City, MI 49684 New York, NY 10001 Phone: (231) 319-2251 Phone: (212) 933-1409 Fax: (231) 922-0174 Fax: (646) 514-7514 www.thompsonsurgical.com www.tfmpublishing.com Booth #1121 Booth #1915 Thompson is a leader in exposure and the original manufac- TFM Publishing Ltd is a small, family-owned and turer of the table-mounted retractor. We understand the value independent publishing company specializing in pro- of exposure in surgery and are dedicated to providing inno- ducing books for medical professionals and continues vative, high quality systems that deliver safe, versatile, and to grow its academic range in the areas of vascular low-profile retraction. From MIS to open, we offer unlimited medicine, vascular surgery, cardiology, cardiothoracic customization and independent, safe, retraction. surgery, general surgery, orthopedics and trauma, plastic surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, radiology, Tissuenet urology and anesthesia. 7022 TPC Drive, Suite 400 Orlando, FL 32822 Thieme Medical Publishers Phone: (407) 380-2424 333 7th Avenue Fl 5 www.tissuenet.com New York, NY 10001 Booth #2012 Phone: (800) 782-3488 TissueNet is private processor of non-irradiated allograft Fax: (212) 947-1112 tissue based in Orlando, FL. TissueNet operates in a state- www.thieme.com of-the-art 25,000 sqft. facility and laboratory in Orlando, Booth #1747 FL. The facility was built with one goal in mind: to develop Thieme is an award-winning international medical and science and entirely new generation of allograft utilizing an inno- publisher serving health professionals and students for more vative approach to achieve terminal sterilization with no than 125 years. Thieme promotes the latest advancements in irradiation. TissueNet produces a variety of structural clinical practice, publishes the latest research findings, advo- allograft to promote cervical fusion. cates medical education and is known for the high quality and didactic nature of its books, journals, and electronic products. UFSK-International OSYS GmbH Kirchhoffstrabe 1 ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation Regensburg, 93055 1801 N Mill Street, Suite F Germany Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: (49) 9417886215 Phone: (630) 961-1400 Fax: (49) 9417886235 Fax: (630) 961-1401 [email protected] www.thinkfirst.org Booth #1721 Booth #1216 Surgeon chairs for professionals. ThinkFirst’s mission is to prevent brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injury through education, research and advocacy. The ThinkFirst Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit offering train- ing and educational materials for hospitals, medical universities and private practices starting ThinkFirst chapters. Help teach children and teens the importance of making safe choices.

WWW.AANS.ORG 63 Varian Medical Systems Visionsense Corp . 3100 Hansen Way/MS/MGM 6 Miller Lane Palo Alto, CA 94304 Whitehouse Station, NJ 8889 Phone: (650) 493-4000 Phone: (845) 680-0233 Fax: (650) 493-5637 Fax: (845) 503-2256 www.varian.com www.visionsense.com Booth #423 Booth #1916 Varian Medical Systems is a world-leading manufacturer Visionsense develops novel visualization solutions that bring of medical devices and software for treating cancer and natural stereoscopic sight to minimally invasive surgery (MIS). other medical conditions with radiosurgery, as well as radio- With advanced sensor technology and proprietary software, therapy, brachytherapy and proton therapy. Varian will feature the Visionsense system delivers depth perception, high a device equipped with RapidArc Radiosurgery, technology resolution images and maneuvering flexibility through the that allows clinicians to “reimagine radiosurgery.” smallest access diameters. Existing Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) vision solutions Vertebral Technologies, Inc . provide 2D (monocular) images that lack depth perception. 5909 Baker Road, Suite 550 This restricts the surgeon’s perspective limiting the ability Minnetonka, MN 55345 to perform advanced MIS procedures. With stereo vision Phone: (952) 912-5400 capabilities, surgeons gain enhanced tissue understanding, www.vti-spine.com improved hand eye coordination and the confidence to use Booth #2021 advanced surgical tools. Vertebral Technologies, Inc. (VTI) has developed lumbar The Visionsense solution is based on a single, miniature interbody fusion devices that allow surgeons to achieve stereoscopic (3D) sensor module that imitates an insect’s a large footprint and utilize a less-invasive approach. The compound eye. This approach is the paradigm shift ® InterFuse S™ is inserted via a PLIF or TLIF approach; required to reduce endoscopic visualization system size the InterFuse T™ is inserted through a TLIF approach, and cost, while opening the door for new, unique surgical both are commercially available and FDA cleared. developments.

VG Innovations, LLC Weatherby Healthcare 150 153rd Avenue N., Suite 201 6451 N Federal Highway, Suite 800 St. Petersbourg, FL 33708 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 Phone: (727) 565-1235 Phone: (800) 586-5022 Fax: (727) 388-0227 Fax: (800) 463-2817 www.vginnovations.com www.weatherbylocums.com Booth #1041 Booth #1716 Founded in 2007, VG Innovations, LLC, (VGI) is a As part of its signature Red Ribbon Service, staffing company privately held medical device company headquartered in Weatherby Healthcare provides healthcare professionals a St. Petersburg, FL. VGI is focused on developing a broad personal consultant whose priority is to find them the ideal range of minimally invasive spinal implants and surgical locum tenens or permanent job and negotiate the best terms instrument systems through industry knowledge, on their behalf. Enjoy premium service and excellent pay. creative thinking and engineering prowess. Call 800.586.5022 or visit www.weatherbyhealthcare.com.

WWW.AANS.ORG 64 Wiggins Medical Zimmer Spine 2112 N Arendell Way 7375 Bush Lake Road Tallahassee, FL 32308 Minneapolis, MN 55439 Phone: (800) 497-0851 Phone: (800) 655-2614 Fax: (850) 942-6595 Fax: (952) 832-5620 www.wigginsmedical.com www.zimmerspine.com Booth #1618 Booth #1013 1) HOME OF THE ORIGINAL BLACK KERRISON 2) Easy on Zimmer Spine develops, produces and markets high quality the hands, no need to sharpen 3) Ultra-thin footplates avail- spine products and services that repair, replace and regener- able 4) Kerrisons in 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, (all in stock), 5) No ate spine health. Zimmer constructs highly competitive fusion allergic reaction to our nickel-free distraction pins 6) Large and non-fusion spine systems, instrumentation systems, selection of unique pituitaries. cervical plates, allograft bone filler and Trabecular Metal Technologies. We value continuous surgeon education, World Neurosurgery building confidence and enhancing patient outcomes. 1420 San Pablo St PMB A106 Los Angeles, CA 90089 Phone: (323) 442-3001 Fax: (323) 442-3002 www.worldneurosurgery.org Booth #752 WORLD NEUROSURGERY, the Official Journal of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, is a publi- cation designed to not only convey high level peer-reviewed clinical, and laboratory neuroscience, but to address issues of political, social, economic, educational, and cultural relevance on six continents as they affect the management and treatment of neurosurgical diseases regionally and globally. It chronicles events, places, people, our times, and literature, internationally.

X-Spine Systems 452 Alexandersville Road Miamisburg, OH 45342 Phone: (937) 847-8400 Fax: (937) 847-8410 www.x-spine.com Booth #2330 X-spine is a next generation spinal implant company delivering intuitive technologies for the treatment of spinal disease worldwide. X-spine is committed to the highest standards of product quality in services of the patient and physician. Our spinal implants and instrumentation are made in the USA and exported worldwide.

WWW.AANS.ORG 65 Exhibitor Listing—Alphabetical

1439 American Association of Neurological 413 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. 2025 Infinite Therapeutics Surgeons 1741 CCV 1349 InnerSpace, Inc. 1446 AANS/CNS Sections 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1349 Innovasis 1817 Accuray Inc. 1029 Codman 1146 inomed 833 Acra-Cut, Inc. 1914 Collaborative Spine 1946 InSightec Ltd. 1333 Ad-Tech Medical Instrument Research Foundation 1625 InTech Medical Corporation 1217 Collagen Matrix, Inc. 629 Integra 1921 Advanced Biologics 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 1339 Invuity Inc. 1730 Aesculap Inc. 1824 CompHealth 1925 Jackson & Coker 926 Algea Therapies 1851 Congress of Neurological Surgeons 1941 joimax Inc. 2244 Alpha Omega 1317 Cosman Medical 1439 Journal of Neurosurgery 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 2031 Covidien 1839 K2M Inc. 1432 Amedica Corporation 1223 CUDA Surgical 1344 Karger Publishers 750 American Surgical Company 2226 Cyberonics 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc. 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information 1029 DePuy Synthes Systems Ltd. 1218 Kelyniam Global, Inc. 1030 Designs For Vision Inc. 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 1739 Kinamed, Inc. 1419 DFine Inc. 2224 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 933 Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc. 1247 DIO Medical 2225 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 845 KLS–Martin , LP 1848 DiscGenics 1351 Aspirus Spine & Neurosciences 1118 Kogent Surgical, LLC 1315 Electrical Geodesics, Inc. (EGI) 746 ASSI–Accurate Surgical 1138 Koros USA, Inc. 2239 Elekta 2039 Aurora Spine 649 Lanx Inc. 1039 Elliquence LLC 1724 Bacterin 1931 LDR 1313 ELSEVIER 1245 Baitella AG/Novid Surgical, LLC 639 Leica Microsystems 2219 Esaote North America 1420 Baxano, Inc. 827 Life Instrument Corporation 650 Evonik Degussa Corporation 1713 Baxter Healthcare Corporation 1813 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 545 Besins Critical Care 1316 LocumTenens.com 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) 1347 BFW, Inc. 1032 Market Access Partners 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 748 BioD, LLC 439 Mazor Robotics 925 Globus Medical 919 Biomet Microfixation 2050 Mazur Marketing 1314 GS Medical, LLC 913 Biomet Spine and Bone Healing 1523 Medical Education & Research Institute Technologies 1145 Haag-Streit-Surgical GmbH 2016 Medics & Menders Premium 2046 Bioplate Inc. 1950 Hans Biomed USA, Inc. Performance Scrubs 652 Biotronic NeuroNetwork 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. 1613 Medprin Biotech LLC 1412 BK Medical 1623 Hemedex Inc. 1329 Medtech SAS 1213 BOSS Instruments Ltd. 1518 Hensler Surgical Products, LLC 1520 Medtrak 2038 Boston Engineering 1725 Hitachi Aloka Medical Ltd. 613 Medtronic 1838 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation 1346 Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) 1822 Medyssey Co 651 Brain Aneurysm Foundation (The) 1119 Hydrocephalus Association 1912 MicroAire Surgical Instruments 1431 Brainlab 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & 1917 Micromar Biology Society 931 Bremer Group Company 2130 MicroVention, Inc. 2042 Imedicom 1817 Buxton BioMedical, Inc. 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 451 Immersive Touch 1846 CareFusion 939 Mizuho OSI 2013 IMRIS

WWW.AANS.ORG 66 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 1425 Raumedic 1916 Visionsense Corp. 647 Mountain States Health Alliance 1622 Renishaw plc 1716 Weatherby Healthcare 1221 MRI Interventions, Inc. 1421 Riverside Health System 1618 Wiggins Medical 1047 Nakanishi, Inc. 1722 Rose Micro Solutions LLC 752 World Neurosurgery 1947 National Research Council of Canada 1212 RosmanSearch, Inc. 2330 X-Spine Systems Genomics and Health Init 1519 RTI Biologics 1013 Zimmer Spine 1753 Neuro News/Biba Medical 2145 Safewire, LLC 550 NeuroAlert 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 2131 NeuroLogica Corporation 2020 Schaerer Medical USA, Inc. 1439 NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) 1321 Scott & White Healthcare 321 Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition 2022 Select Medical–Inpatient 1850 New World Rarities, Ltd. Rehabilitation Hospitals 553 Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1514 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co., Ltd. 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 1142 SI-BONE, Inc. 1743 NextGen Healthcare 2138 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc 1944 Nexus Spine, LLC 1413 Sonowand 2029 NICO Corp. 1323 Sontec Instruments 1450 North American 447 Sophysa USA Inc. Neuromodulation Society 1521 Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG 1512 North American Spine Society 1220 Spinal Elements 1939 NovaBone Products LLC 539 Spine Wave Inc. 1423 NSI Health Systems, LLC 1820 SpineFrontier, Inc. 331 NuTech Spine 1522 SpineGuard 1845 NuVasive, Inc. 1428 Spineology Inc 2040 Oakstone Medical Publishing 2043 SpineView, Inc. 1831 Orthofix, Inc. 1842 SpineVision 945 Osteomed 2125 St. Jude Medical 2128 OsteoSymbionics LLC 653 Stability Biologics 1414 Panasonic System 429 Stryker Communications Company 1343 Surgical Acuity 548 ParaMed Medical System 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 546 Paradigm Spine, LLC 1023 SurgiTel/General Scientific Corporation 1442 Patient Education Institute 2144 Tap EMR LLC 1139 Penumbra Inc. 313 TeDan Surgical Innovations 1513 PeriOptix, Inc. 1915 TFM Publishing 1852 Pinnacle Spine Group 1747 Thieme Medical Publishers 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1216 ThinkFirst National Injury 1823 PMT Corporation Prevention Foundation 1913 Precision Spine 1121 Thompson Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1430 Prescott’s, Inc. 2012 Tissuenet 1338 Pro Med Instruments, Inc. 1721 UFSK–International OSYS GmbH 1816 ProNerve, LLC 2213 US Medical Innovations 1612 Pro-Dex Inc. 423 Varian Medical Systems 1312 QED Medical 2021 Vertebral Technologies, Inc. 551 Quinn Medical 1041 VG Innovations, LLC

WWW.AANS.ORG 67 Exhibitor Listing By Booth Number

313 TeDan Surgical Innovations 945 Osteomed 1317 Cosman Medical 321 Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition 1013 Zimmer Spine 1320 Innovasis 331 NuTech Spine 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1321 Scott & White Healthcare 413 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. 1023 SurgiTel/General Scientific Corporation 1323 Sontec Instruments 423 Varian Medical Systems 1029 Codman 1329 Medtech SAS 429 Stryker 1029 DePuy Synthes 1333 Ad-Tech Medical Instrument 439 Mazor Robotics 1030 Designs For Vision Inc. Corporation 447 Sophysa USA Inc. 1032 Market Access Partners 1338 ProMed Instruments, Inc. 451 Immersive Touch 1039 Elliquence LLC 1339 Invuity Inc 539 Spine Wave Inc. 1041 VG Innovations, LLC 1343 Surgical Acuity 545 Besins Critical Care 1047 Nakanishi, Inc. 1344 Karger Publishers 546 Paradigm Spine, LLC 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1346 Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) 548 ParaMed Medical System 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. 1347 BFW, Inc. 550 NeuroAlert 1118 Kogent Surgical, LLC 1349 InnerSpace, Inc. 551 Quinn Medical 1119 Hydrocephalus Association 1351 Aspirus Spine & Neurosciences 553 Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 1412 BK Medical 613 Medtronic 1121 Thompson Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1413 Sonowand 629 Integra 1138 Koros USA, Inc. 1414 Panasonic System Communications Company 639 Leica Microsystems 1139 Penumbra Inc. 1419 DFine Inc. 647 Mountain States Health Alliance 1142 SI-BONE, Inc. 1420 Baxano, Inc. 649 Lanx Inc. 1145 Haag-Streit-Surgical GmbH 1421 Riverside Health System 650 Evonik Degussa Corporation 1146 inomed 1423 NSI Health Systems, LLC 651 Brain Aneurysm Foundation (The) 1212 RosmanSearch, Inc. 1425 Raumedic 652 Biotronic NeuroNetwork 1213 BOSS Instruments Ltd. 1428 Spineology Inc 653 Stability Biologics 1216 ThinkFirst National Injury 1430 Prescott’s, Inc. 746 ASSI–Accurate Surgical Prevention Foundation 1431 Brainlab 748 BioD, LLC 1217 Collagen Matrix, Inc. 1432 Amedica Corporation 750 American Surgical Company 1218 Kelyniam Global, Inc. 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 752 World Neurosurgery 1220 Spinal Elements 1439 AANS Resource Center 827 Life Instrument Corporation 1221 MRI Interventions, Inc. 1439 Journal of Neurosurgery 833 Acra-Cut, Inc. 1223 CUDA Surgical 1439 NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems Ltd. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 845 KLS–Martin, LP 1241 FHC, Inc. (Fredrick Haer Co.) & Biology Society 913 Biomet Spine and Bone Healing 1442 Patient Education Institute Technologies 1245 Baitella AG 1446 AANS/CNS Sections 919 Biomet Microfixation 1245 Novid Surgical, LLC 1247 DIO Medical 1450 North American 925 Globus Medical Neuromodulation Society 1312 QED Medical 926 Algea Therapies 1512 North American Spine Society 1313 ELSEVIER 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc. 1513 PeriOptix, Inc. 1314 GS Medical, LLC 931 Bremer Group Company 1514 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co., Ltd. 1315 Electrical Geodesics, Inc. (EGI) 933 Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc. 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 939 Mizuho OSI 1316 LocumTenens.com

WWW.AANS.ORG 68 1518 Hensler Surgical Products, LLC 1851 Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2219 Esaote North America 1519 RTI Biologics 1852 Pinnacle Spine Group 2224 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1520 Medtrak 1912 MicroAire Surgical Instruments 2225 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1521 Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG 1913 Precision Spine 2226 Cyberonics 1522 SpineGuard 1914 Collaborative Spine 2239 Elekta 1523 Medical Education & Research Institute Research Foundation 2244 Alpha Omega 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1915 TFM Publishing 2330 X-Spine Systems 1612 Pro-Dex Inc. 1916 Visionsense Corp. 1613 Medprin Biotech LLC 1917 Micromar 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 1921 Advanced Biologics 1618 Wiggins Medical 1925 Jackson & Coker 1622 Renishaw plc 1931 LDR 1623 Hemedex Inc. 1939 NovaBone Products LLC 1625 InTech Medical 1941 joimax Inc. 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1944 Nexus Spine, LLC 1713 Baxter Healthcare Corporation 1946 InSightec Ltd. 1716 Weatherby Healthcare 1947 National Research Council of Canada 1721 UFSK-International OSYS GmbH 1950 Hans Biomed USA, Inc. 1722 Rose Micro Solutions LLC 2012 Tissuenet 1724 Bacterin 2013 IMRIS 1725 Hitachi Aloka Medical Ltd. 2016 Medics & Menders Premium Performance Scrubs 1730 Aesculap Inc. 2020 Schaerer Medical USA, Inc. 1739 Kinamed, Inc. 2021 Vertebral Technologies, Inc. 1741 CCV 2022 Select Medical–Inpatient 1743 NextGen Healthcare Rehabilitation Hospitals 1747 Thieme Medical Publishers 2025 Infinite Therapeutics 1753 Neuro News/Biba Medical 2029 NICO Corp. 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 2031 Covidien 1813 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2038 Boston Engineering 1815 Accuray Inc. 2039 Aurora Spine 1816 ProNerve, LLC 2040 Oakstone Medical Publishing 1817 Buxton BioMedical, Inc. 2042 Imedicom 1820 SpineFrontier, Inc. 2043 SpineView, Inc. 1822 Medyssey Co 2046 Bioplate Inc. 1823 PMT Corporation 2050 Mazur Marketing 1824 CompHealth 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 1831 Orthofix, Inc. 2125 St. Jude Medical 1838 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation 2128 OsteoSymbionics LLC 1839 K2M Inc. 2130 MicroVention, Inc. 1842 SpineVision 2131 NeuroLogica Corporation 1845 NuVasive, Inc. 2138 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc 1846 CareFusion 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 1848 DiscGenics 2144 Tap EMR LLC 1850 New World Rarities, Ltd. 2145 Safewire, LLC

WWW.AANS.ORG 69 Exhibitor Listing By Product and Service Category

Allografts/Human Tissue 1217 Collagen Matrix, Inc. 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 1921 Advanced Biologics 1950 Hans Biomed USA, Inc. 321 Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. 1512 North American Spine Society 1724 Bacterin 1218 Kelyniam 2040 Oakstone Medical Publishing 748 BioD, LLC 1939 NovaBone Products LLC Cranial Stabilization Systems 1029 DePuy Synthes 945 Osteomed 1320 Innovasis 1950 Hans Biomed USA, Inc. 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1218 Kelyniam 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. 429 Stryker 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 1320 Innovasis Brain Retraction Systems 1338 Pro Med Instruments, Inc. 1839 K2M Inc. 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 613 Medtronic Craniotomes, Drills & Accessories 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 331 NuTech Spine 833 Acra Cut, Inc. 1338 Pro Med Instruments, Inc. 1831 Orthofix, Inc. 1730 Aesculap Inc. 1113 Pioneer Surgical Computer Hardware 919 Biomet Microfixation 1913 Precision Spine 1146 inomed 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1519 RTI Biologics 1414 Panasonic System 1218 Kelyniam 1820 SpineFrontier, Inc. Communications Company 933 Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc. 1428 Spineology Inc 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. Computer Software/Office 653 Stability Biologics 1047 NSK Nakanishi, Inc. 1743 NextGen Healthcare 1041 VG Innovations, LLC 945 Osteomed 1442 Patient Education Institute 1612 Pro Dex Inc. Anatomical Charts/Models 2144 Tap EMR LLC 429 Stryker 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems Ltd. Computer Software/Surgical CSF Drainage Devices 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information Aneurysm Clips & Accessories Systems Ltd. 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 1730 Aesculap Inc. 2038 Boston Engineering Corporation 1349 InnerSpace, Inc. 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 1425 Raumedic 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) 447 Sophysa USA Inc. 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. Bone Growth Stimulators CT/MRI/Magnetic Source Imaging 1947 National Research Council of Canada 913 Biomet Spine & Bone Healing 2013 IMRIS 1622 Renishaw plc Technologies 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 1831 Orthofix, Inc. 2131 NeuroLogica Corporation 423 Varian Medical Systems 1413 Sonowand Bone Substitute Continuing Medical Education Courses 1921 Advanced Biologics Diagnostic Imaging 1446 AANS/CNS Sections 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 2244 Alpha Omega 1730 Aesculap Inc. 1432 Amedica Corporation 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information 1439 American Association of 1713 Baxter Healthcare Corporation Systems Ltd. Neurological Surgeons 919 Biomet Microfixation 1412 BK Medical 1815 Congress of Neurological Surgeons

WWW.AANS.ORG 70 2219 Esaote North America 1317 Cosman Medical Lasers 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 1146 inomed 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & 1917 Micromar Medical Devices Biology Society 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 833 Acra Cut, Inc. 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 1221 MRI Interventions, Inc. 1815 Accuray Inc. 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 1622 Renishaw plc 1333 Ad Tech Medical Instrument Corporation 2128 Ziehm Imaging Inc. 1413 Sonowand 1921 Advanced Biologics 423 Varian Medical Systems Dura Substitute 926 Algea Therapies 1217 Collagen Matrix, Inc. Halo Systems/Spinal Orthosis 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 1613 Medprin Biotech LLC 931 Bremer Group Company 1432 Amedica Corporation 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1029 DePuy Synthes 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 429 Stryker 2119 PMT Corporation 2039 Aurora Spine 1724 Bacterin Endoscopes, Neurological Headlights, Surgical 1420 Baxano, Inc. 1730 Aesculap Inc. 746 ASSI Accurate Surgical 1347 BFW, Inc. 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 1347 BFW, Inc. 913 Biomet Spine & Bone 1851 joimax Inc. 1223 CUDA Surgical Healing Technologies 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 1030 Designs For Vision Inc. 2046 Bioplate Inc. 429 Stryker 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 1412 BK Medical 1916 Visionsense Corp. 845 KLS Martin , LP 2038 Boston Engineering Corporation 1513 PeriOptix, Inc. 1838 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Endovascular Devices 1312 QED Medical 1029 Codman 1029 Codman 1722 Rose Micro Solutions LLC 2130 MicroVention, Inc. 1217 Collagen Matrix, Inc. 1343 Surgical Acuity 1139 Penumbra Inc. 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 429 Stryker 1317 Cosman Medical Hemostats 2031 Covidien 833 Acra Cut, Inc. Financial Advisement 2226 Cyberonics 1713 Baxter Healthcare Corporation 1850 New World Rarities, Ltd. 1029 DePuy Synthes 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1419 DFine Inc. Functional Devices Image Guided Navigation Systems 1848 DiscGenics 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems Ltd. 1815 Accuray Inc. 1315 Electrical Geodesics, Inc. (EGI) 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 2244 Alpha Omega 2239 Elekta 2039 Aurora Spine 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information 1039 Elliquence LLC Systems Ltd. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) Biology Society 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 1146 inomed 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) 925 Globus Medical 1450 North American 613 Medtronic 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. Neuromodulation Society 1917 Micromar 1518 Hensler Surgical Products, LLC 1612 Pro Dex Inc. 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 1221 MRI Interventions, Inc. & Biology Society Functional Stereotactic Surgery 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 2013 IMRIS 2244 Alpha Omega 1622 Renishaw plc 1320 Innovasis 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information 1146 inomed Systems Ltd. 1413 Sonowand 1946 InSightec Ltd. 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 429 Stryker 1339 Invuity Inc. 1812 COMPASS International, Inc. 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 1851 joimax Inc.

WWW.AANS.ORG 71 1839 K2M Inc. 1842 SpineVision Inc. 1425 Raumedic 1218 Kelyniam 2125 St. Jude Medical Operating Tables, Accessories 647 Lanx Inc 2120 Surgical Theater, LLC 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1931 LDR 2213 US Medical Innovations 939 Mizuho OSI 439 Mazor Robotics 2021 Vertebral Technologies, Inc. 2020 Schaerer Medical USA, Inc. 2016 Medics & Menders Premium 1041 VG Innovations, LLC 1514 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co., Ltd. Performance Scrubs 2330 X Spine Systems 1721 UFSK International OSYS GmbH 1613 Medprin Biotech LLC 1013 Zimmer Spine 1329 Medtech SAS Other 1520 Medtrak Microscope Systems 1815 Accuray Inc. 613 Medtronic 413 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. 1713 Baxter Healthcare Corporation 2130 MicroVention, Inc. 1030 Designs For Vision Inc. 652 Biotronic NeuroNetwork 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1145 Haag Streit Surgical GmbH 1431 Brainlab 1120 Monteris Medical Inc. 639 Leica Microsystems 1741 CCV 2131 NeuroLogica Corporation 1513 PeriOptix, Inc. 1914 Collaborative Spine 1430 Prescott’s, Inc. 553 Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. Research Foundation 1514 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co., Ltd. 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 1815 Congress of Neurological Surgeons 1944 Nexus Spine, LLC 650 Evonik Degussa Corporation Microsurgical Instrumentation 2029 NICO Corp. 1730 Aesculap Inc. 1117 Harvest Technologies Corp. 1939 NovaBone Products LLC 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 1423 NSI Health Systems, LLC & Biology Society 746 ASSI Accurate Surgical 331 NuTech Spine 451 Immersive Touch 919 Biomet Microfixation 1845 NuVasive, Inc. 2025 Infinite Therapeutics 1213 BOSS Instruments Ltd. 945 Osteomed 1146 inomed 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 2128 OsteoSymbionics LLC 629 Integra 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1414 Panasonic System 1032 Market Access Partners 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) Communications Company 439 Mazor Robotics 1851 joimax Inc. 546 Paradigm Spine, LLC 1523 Medical Education & Research Institute 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 548 ParaMed Medical System 2016 Medics & Menders Premium 1113 Pioneer Surgical 933 Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc. Performance Scrubs 2119 PMT Corporation 1912 MicroAire Surgical Instruments 939 Mizuho OSI 1913 Precision Spine 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 748 National Institute of Neurological 1612 Pro Dex Inc. 553 Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. Disorders and Stroke (NINS) 551 Quinn Medical 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1753 Neuro News/Biba Medical 1425 Raumedic 1413 Sonowand 1450 North American Neuromodulation Society 2145 Safewire, LLC Monitoring Systems 1512 North American Spine Society 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1333 Ad Tech Medical Instrument Corporation 1722 Rose Micro Solutions LLC 1142 SI BONE, Inc. 1241 FHC, Inc. (Frederick Haer Co.) 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 2138 Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc 1623 Hemedex Inc. 1521 Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG Patient Education Information 1349 InnerSpace, Inc. 1220 Spinal Elements 1446 AANS/CNS Sections 1320 Innovasis 539 Spine Wave Inc. 1439 American Association of 1146 inomed 1820 SpineFrontier, Inc. Neurological Surgeons 550 NeuroAlert 1522 SpineGuard 651 Brain Aneurysm Foundation (The) 1414 Panasonic System 1914 Collaborative Spine 1428 Spineology Inc Communications Company Research Foundation 2043 SpineView, Inc. 1816 ProNerve, LLC 1119 Hydrocephalus Association

WWW.AANS.ORG 72 748 National Institute of Neurological 2022 Select Medical Inpatient 913 Biomet Spine & Bone Healing Disorders and Stroke (NINS) Rehabilitation Hospitals Technologies 321 Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition 1216 ThinkFirst National Injury 1247 Dio Medical 1512 North American Spine Society Prevention Foundation 1314 GS Medical, LLC 1442 Patient Education Institute 1320 Innovasis Research, Medical/Marketing 1216 ThinkFirst National Injury 1625 InTech Medical 2038 Boston Engineering Corporation Prevention Foundation 1839 K2M Inc. 1914 Collaborative Spine Research Foundation 613 Medtronic Pharmaceuticals 451 Medyssey Co 2224 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 1944 Nexus Spine, LLC 2225 Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1032 Market Access Partners 1845 NuVasive, Inc. 545 Besins Critical Care 748 National Institute of Neurological 1831 Orthofix, Inc. Disorders and Stroke (NINS) Practice Management 945 Osteomed 1947 National Research Council of Canada 2239 Elekta 1852 Pinnacle Spine Group 1439 NeuroPoint Alliance (NPA) 1743 NextGen Healthcare 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1753 Neuro News/Biba Medical 1913 Precision Spine Publishers Rigid Fixation/Plating System 2145 Safewire, LLC 1815 Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2039 Aurora Spine 539 Spine Wave Inc. 1333 ELSEVIER 919 Biomet Microfixation 1428 Spineology Inc 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 429 Stryker & Biology Society 2046 Bioplate Inc. 1041 VG Innovations, LLC 1439 Journal of Neurosurgery 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1013 Zimmer Spine 1344 Karger Publishers 1029 DePuy Synthes 1813 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited Stereotactic Radiosurgery 1320 Innovasis 1753 Neuro News/Biba Medical 1815 Accuray Inc. 1839 2M Inc. 1442 Patient Education Institute 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information 1915 TFM Publishing 1739 Kinamed, Inc. Systems Ltd. 1747 Thieme Medical Publishers 845 KLS Martin , LP 2239 Elekta 752 World Neurosurgery 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1917 Micromar 429 Stryker 1615 Nexstim, Inc. Recruiters 423 Varian Medical Systems 1351 Aspirus Spine & Neurosciences Shunts & Valves 1824 CompHealth 1730 Aesculap Inc. Sterilization Containers 1346 Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) 1438 Apex Medical, Inc. 1730 Aesculap Inc. 1925 Jackson & Coker 1515 G. Surgiwear Limited 746 ASSI Accurate Surgical 1316 LocumTenens.com 629 Integra 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 647 Mountain States Health Alliance 613 Medtronic 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 1421 Riverside Health System 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. Spinal Cord Stimulation System 1212 RosmanSearch, Inc. 1838 Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Surgical Instruments/Supplies 1321 Scott & White Healthcare 1450 North American 833 Acra Cut, Inc. 1716 Weatherby Healthcare Neuromodulation Society 1730 Aesculap Inc. 2125 St. Jude Medical Rehabilitation 1438 Apex Medical, Inc.

931 Bremer Group Company Spinal Fixation Instrument 746 ASSI Accurate Surgical 1440 IEEE Engineering in Medicine 2139 Alphatec Spine, Inc. 2039 Aurora Spine & Biology Society 1432 Amedica Corporation 1245 Baitella AG 1615 Nexstim, Inc. 2039 Aurora Spine 1420 Baxano, Inc.

WWW.AANS.ORG 73 919 Biomet Microfixation Surgical Retractors 1213 BOSS Instruments Ltd. 1213 BOSS Instruments Ltd. 2038 Boston Engineering Corporation 1817 Buxton BioMedical, Inc. 1817 Buxton BioMedical, Inc. 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1846 CareFusion 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1525 CMF Medicon Surgical, Inc. 1320 Innovasis 1247 Dio Medical 1625 InTech Medical 1019 Fehling Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1138 Koros USA, Inc. 1314 GS Medical, LLC 827 Life Instrument Corporation 2042 Imedicom 1423 NSI Health Systems, LLC 1320 Innovasis 1852 Pinnacle Spine Group 1146 inomed 1113 Pioneer Surgical 1625 InTech Medical 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1339 Invuity Inc. 313 TeDan Surgical Innovations 1851 joimax Inc. 1121 Thompson Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1839 K2M Inc. Sutures/Sponges 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 750 American Surgical Company 933 Kirwan Surgical Products, Inc. 845 KLS Martin , LP Telescopes, Surgical (Loupes) 1118 Kogent Surgical, LLC 413 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. 1138 Koros USA, Inc. 1030 Designs For Vision Inc. 647 Lanx Inc 1513 PeriOptix, Inc. 827 Life Instrument Corporation 1323 Sontec Instruments 2050 Mazur Marketing 1343 Surgical Acuity 2016 Medics & Menders Premium 1023 SurgiTel/General Scientific Corporation Performance Scrubs

451 Medyssey Co Ultrasound Equipment 839 Mizuho America, Inc. 1412 BK Medical 553 Newport Surgical Instruments, Inc. 1725 Hitachi Aloka Medical Ltd. 1245 Novid Surgical, LLC 1413 Sonowand 1852 Pinnacle Spine Group 1338 Pro Med Instruments, Inc. Video Equipment 1612 Pro Dex Inc. 1239 Anatom-e Neuro Information Systems Ltd. 1622 Renishaw plc 1347 BFW, Inc. 1722 Rose Micro Solutions LLC 1223 CUDA Surgical 1712 Scanlan International, Inc. 1851 joimax Inc. 1047 SK Nakanishi, Inc. 928 Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc. 1323 Sontec Instruments 639 Leica Microsystems 2043 SpineView, Inc. 1414 Panasonic System 313 TeDan Surgical Innovations Communications Company 2213 US Medical Innovations 1430 Prescott’s, Inc. 1618 Wiggins Medical 1312 QED Medical 1514 Shanghai New Eyes Medical Co., Ltd. 1916 Visionsense Corp.

WWW.AANS.ORG 74 Exhibitor Floor Plan

WWW.AANS.ORG 75 Saturday, April 27 Day-At-A-Glance

Bus Information The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals between the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and all Saturday, April 27 Saturday, AANS hotels starting at 6:30 AM. See page 153 for Shuttle schedule. A full schedule is available at all AANS hotels and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.

Registration Hours 6:30 AM–5:30 PM Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Speaker Ready Room 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Practical Clinic Hours 8:00 AM–5:00 PM 8:00 AM–12:00 PM 1:00–5:00 PM

Morning Beverage Break 9:45–10:15 AM Location: Foyers Outside 260, 283 and 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Practical Clinic Lunch* 12:00–1:00 PM Location: 275/277, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center *For attendees participating in an All Day Practical Clinic or in a morning AND afternoon Practical Clinic Only.

Afternoon Beverage Break 2:45–3:15 PM Location: Foyers Outside 260, 283 and 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

WWW.AANS.ORG 76 Practical Clinics 8:00 AM–5:00 PM

001 Disaster Management And Emergency 003 Critical Care Procedures For The Preparedness (DMEP) Neurosurgical Mid–Level Practitioner


TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE Saturday, April 27 Saturday, Location: 274, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 286/287, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Director: Leonard Weireter, MD Co-Directors Faculty Tracey Anderson, CNRN, FNP-BC, ACNP-BC Joyce Doucet, MD Marianne E. Langlois Jorie Klein, RN Glen Tinkoff, MD Faculty Anu Bedi, PA–C Kelli McKee, PA Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD 002 Introduction To Cerebrovascular Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD Neurosurgery For Residents This Practical Clinic is supported by an educational NEW C&MS grant provided by


Hands-On Location: 384/385, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Lecture Location: 391/392, 8:00 AM–12:00 PM Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Co-Directors: J D. Mocco, MD, Erol Veznedaroglu, MD 004 Thoracic And Lumbar Stabilization And Fusion: Indications And Complications Faculty

Adam S. Arthur, MD, MPH N&PE

Mandy Jo Binning, MD SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Patrick P. Han, MD Jay U. Howington, MD Location: 291/292, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Alexander A. Khalessi, MD Co-Directors: Regis W. Haid Jr., MD, Christopher I. Louis J. Kim, MD Shaffrey, MD Matthew F. Lawson, MD Elad I. Levy, MD Faculty William J. Mack, MD Dean Chou, MD Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD Charles Kuntz, MD Aditya S. Pandey, MD Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD Howard A. Riina, MD Juan Santiago Uribe, MD Andrew J. Ringer, MD Michael Y. Wang, MD Adnan H. Siddiqui, MD, PhD This Practical Clinic is supported by an educational Raymond D. Turner IV, MD grant provided by Henry H. Woo, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 77 006 Coding, Compliance And Revenue Issues 009 Update On Spine Trauma Management in Spine Coding SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 284/285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Co-Directors: Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD, James S. Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Harrop, MD

Director: Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Faculty Saturday, April 27 Saturday, Faculty Bizhan Aqrabi, MD R. Patrick Jacob, MD Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD Robert R. Johnson II, MD Haynes Harkey III, MD Alexander M. Mason, MD Allan D. Levi, MD, PhD Kim Pollock, RN, MBA Nicholas Theodore, MD John K. Ratliff, MD Joseph C. Zacko, MD

007 Spinal Stabilization, Fusion 010 Update On Spinal Radiosurgery

And Instrumentations: Biomechanics C&MS


C&MS and N&PE Location: 393/394, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Co-Directors: Mark H. Bilsky, MD, Peter C. Gerszten, Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center MD, MPH

Co-Directors: Kaushik Das, MD, Langston T. Holly, MD Faculty Lilyana Angelov, MD Faculty Steven D. Chang, MD Raul Jose Cardenas III, MD James McInerney, MD Daniel K. Fahim, MD Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Virany H. Hillard, MD Jason Andrew Weaver, MD Adam S. Kanter, MD Kevin C. Yao, MD Saad Abul Khairi, MD Nicholas Theodore, MD This Practical Clinic is supported by an educational grant provided by

WWW.AANS.ORG 78 012 Microsurgical Management Of 014 Practical Course In Neurostimulation Intracranial Aneurysms: Site Specific For Residents Surgical Anatomy, Operation Intervention C&MS and Complication Management PAIN

C&MS and N&PE Location: 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center CEREBROVASCULAR Director: Christopher J. Winfree, MD

Location: 288–290, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center April 27 Saturday, Faculty Director: Arthur L. Day, MD Jeffrey E. Arle, MD, PhD Andre Guelman Machado, MD, PhD Faculty Parag G. Patil, MD, PhD H. Hunt Batjer, MD Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD Jason M. Schwalb, MD Steven L. Giannotta, MD Konstantin V. Slavin, MD This Practical Clinic is supported by an educational grant provided by

015 The Science Of Clinical Practice: Using Registries And Other Tools To Improve The Quality of Neurosurgical Care

SOCIOECONOMIC 1:00–5:00 PM Location: 386/387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

005 Advanced Strategies For Your Director: Anthony L. Asher, MD; Zoher Ghogawala, MD

Neurosurgical Practice Faculty Matthew Hanley, MD C&MS Inga Himelright MD, MPH SOCIOECONOMIC Koryn Y. Rubin Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Ted Speroff, PhD

Co-Directors: Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD, Scott A. Butler, CMPE 016 Management Of Incidental Faculty Imaging Findings Todd Barnes C&MS David F. Jimenez, MD Kristopher M. Webb, MD SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Monica C. Wehby, MD Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Co-Directors: Cormac O. Maher, MD, R. Michael Scott, MD

008 3D Anatomy And Approaches To The Faculty John H. Chi, MD Posterior Fossa And Posterior Skull Base William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD

C&MS Arthur L. Day, MD

CEREBROVASCULAR Stephen J. Haines, MD Mark R. Proctor, MD Location: 395, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Eric J. Woodard, MD

Director: Albert L. Rhoton Jr., MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 79 017 Brain Mapping And 019 Coding, Compliance And Revenue Issues Awake Mapping Techniques In Cranial, Non-Spine And E&M Coding



Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Co-Directors: Gerald A. Grant, MD, Guy M. Director: Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS

McKhann II, MD April 27 Saturday, Faculty Faculty R. Patrick Jacob, MD Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD Robert R. Johnson II, MD Gene H. Barnett, MD, MBA Alexander M. Mason, MD Hugues Duffau, MD Kim Pollock, RN, MBA Konstantinos N. Fountas, MD, PhD John K. Ratliff, MD Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD Fernando L. Vale, MD

036 Nuts And Bolts Of Posterior Fossa Surgery: How I Do It 018 MIS: Direct Lateral Retroperitoneal Transpsoas Fusion NEW CEREBROVASCULAR

SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 265–268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Director: Anil Nanda, MD, MPH Co-Directors: Adam S. Kanter, MD, Juan Santiago Uribe, Faculty MD Lissa C. Baird, MD Faculty Mustafa Kemal Baskaya, MD Dean Chou, MD Peter J. Jannetta, MD Andrew T. Dailey, MD Michael T. Madison, MD Larry T. Khoo, MD Sunil J. Patel, MD Allan D. Levi, MD, PhD Daniel Monte-Serrat Prevedello, MD John C. Liu, MD John E. O’Toole, MD William R. Taylor, MD 037 Concussion And Sports Injury: State-Of-The-Art



Location: 284/285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Director: Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD

Faculty Michael L. J. Apuzzo, MD Julian E. Bailes Jr., MD Meng Law, MD Russ Romano, BS, MA Allen K. Sills, MD Dave C. Viano, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 80 Sunday, April 28 Day-At-A-Glance

Bus Information Morning Beverage Break The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals 9:45–10:15 AM between the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and all Location: Foyers outside 260, 283 and 383, AANS hotels starting at 6:30 AM. See page 153 for Shuttle Ernest N. Morial Convention Center schedule. A full schedule is available at all AANS hotels and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Practical Clinic Lunch* 12:00–1:00 PM Registration Hours Location: 275–277, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 6:30 AM–6:30 PM *For attendees participating in an All Day Practical Clinic Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: or in a morning AND afternoon Practical Clinic Only.

Speaker Ready Room Afternoon Beverage Break 7:00 AM–5:00 PM 2:45–3:15 PM Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: Foyers outside 260, 283 and 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Practical Clinic Hours April 28 Sunday, 7:30 AM–4:30 PM AANS Opening Ceremonies 7:30 AM–11:30 AM 5:00–6:40 PM 12:30–4:30 PM Location: The New Orleans Theater, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Mid-Level Plenary Session 9:00–12:00 PM Opening Reception Location: 392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 6:30–8:30 PM Location: Mardi Gras World and Grand Oaks Mansion

WWW.AANS.ORG 81 Mid-Level Plenary Session 9:00 AM–12:00 PM Location: 392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 11:14–11:54 AM Twyila Lay, NP, MS; Joshua J Beardsley, PA-C; Proven Aviation Safety Concepts— Linda Littlejohns, RN MSN What Medicine Can Learn From Aviation Lieutenant Colonel Gary W. Cooke 9:00–9:05 AM Address from the AANN President 11:55–12:00PM Linda Littlejohns, RN, MSN Closing Comments/Award Presentation Anil Nanda, MD, MPH 9:06–9:11 AM Address from the ANSPA President Learning Objectives Joshua J Beardsley, PA-C After completing this educational activity, 9:12–9:52 AM participants should be able to: Professional Liability and Patient Safety • Discuss the Institute of Medicine’s Report Richard Murphy, PA-C on the Future of Nursing Practice • Identify ways in which the new Patient Protection 9:53–10:02 AM and Affordable Care Act will affect the Neurosurgical A Prospective Study of Postoperative Symptoms in Sinonasal Care you currently provide Quality-of-Life Following Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery • Discuss the importance and critical components

Olga A Akselrod, PA-C; Theodore Schwartz, MD; Vijay Anand, April 28 Sunday, of obtaining a Malpractice Plan MD; Roheen Raithantha, MD; Jeff Bedrosian, MD • Demonstrate the vascular anatomy and distribution 10:03–10:12 AM throughout the central nervous system. The Impact of a Standardized, Technician-Assisted EVD • Recognize the effects of symptoms on overall quality Site Preparation Protocol on EVD Infection Rate of life following skull base surgery David J. Fusco, MD; Virginia Prendergast; David Wilson, MD; • Discuss impact of standardized site preparation Joseph Zabramski, MD; Adib Abla, MD; Peter Nakaji, MD protocols on rate of EVD infection 10:13–10:53 AM • Discuss how functional spine anatomy contributes Neurosurgical Anatomy to the development of chronic low back pain Jeffrey M. Sorenson, MD • Evaluate the outcomes for various brain abscess treatment options 10:54–11:03 AM • Identify components of the Flight Safety check Lower Back Pain: Functional Anatomy Considerations and describe how they may be incorporated into Augusto Cianciabella, PA-C; Ara Deukmedjian, MD; patient safety goals Jason Cutright

11:04–11:13 AM The Impact of Treatment Decisions on The Outcome of Brain Abscess Patients–A United States Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database Study (2005–2009) Tabitha Ward, RN, CNRN, Ashish Sonig, Alice Edwards

WWW.AANS.ORG 82 Practical Clinics 7:30 AM–4:30 PM 7:30–11:30 AM

021 Head Trauma: Current Treatments And 011 Practical And Technical Aspects Controversies With Hands-On Practical Session Of Transsphenoidal Surgery In Brain Monitoring C&MS


TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE Location: 286/287, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 284/285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Co-Directors: William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, Gail L. Co-Directors: David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD, Shelly D. Rosseau, MD Timmons, MD, PhD Faculty Faculty David S. Baskin, MD Gregory Hawryluk, MD Stephen P. Becker, MD Jack I. Jallo, MD, PhD William F. Chandler, MD Peter D. Le Roux, MD Antonio A. F. DeSalles, MD, PhD Joshua E. Medow, MD Matthew G. Ewend, MD Daniel B. Michael, MD, PhD John A. Jane Jr., MD Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD Daniel F. Kelly, MD Edward R. Laws Jr. Jonathan R. Slotkin, MD April 28 Sunday, Ian E. McCutcheon, MD Edward H. Oldfield, MD Jean Regis, MDs 022 Invention And Innovation In Neurosurgery Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD C&MS


Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 023 Cranial Endoscopy: State-Of-The-Art Director: T Forcht Dagi, MD, MPH, MBA, DMedSc, Charles CEREBROVASCULAR J. Prestigiacomo, MD

Faculty Location: 260–262, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Edward C. Benzel, MD Director: Alan R. Cohen, MD Ron Ginor, MD Joseph R. Madsen, MD Faculty Fredric B. Meyer, MD Johnathan A. Engh, MD Michael R. Gaab, MD, PhD Daniel J. Guillaume, MD J. Andre Grotenhuis, MD, PhD Costas G. Hadjipanayis, MD, PhD Carl B. Heilman, MD Tenoch Herrada–Pineda, MD Ning Lin, MD Subash Lohani, MD Henry W. S. Schroeder, MD, PhD Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Mark M. Souweidane, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 83 024 Brain Neoplasms: 029 Cranio-Cervical And C1C2 Stabilization Updates On Diagnostics Through Therapeutics Techniques, Surgical Approaches


TUMOR Location: 291/292, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 386/387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Co-Directors: Arnold H. Menezes, MD, Vincent C. Co-Directors: Christi DeLemos, RN, Nader Sanai, MD Traynelis, MD

Faculty Faculty Felipe C. Albuquerque, MD Richard C. E. Anderson, MD Albert Lai, MD, PhD Marc E. Eichler, MD Mary P. Lovely, RN, PhD Noel I. Perin, MD Michael W. McDermott, MD Arnold H. Menezes, MD Nader Sanai, MD Charles Sansur, MD, MHSc Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Rick C. Sasso, MD Nicholas Theodore, MD Vincent C. Traynelis, MD 028 Deep Brain Stimulation: Update And New Directions 030 Spinal Image Guidance And Advanced STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Intraoperative Imaging Techniques Sunday, April 28 Sunday,

Location: 383–385, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center NEW

Co-Directors: Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD, Parag G. Patil, SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE MD, PhD Location: 271–273, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Faculty Roy A. E. Bakay, MD Co-Directors: Eric W. Nottmeier, MD, Eric A. Potts, MD Nicholas M. Boulis, MD Faculty Kelly D. Foote, MD Roger Hartl, MD Michael G. Kaplitt, MD R. Patrick Jacob, MD Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD Iain H. Kalfas, MD Brian H. Kopell, MD Dean G. Karahalios, MD Paul S. Larson, MD Jean-Pierre Mobasser, MD Joshua M. Rosenow, MD Stephen M. Pirris, MD Donald M. Whiting, MD Thomas B. Scully, MD Nicholas Theodore, MD

031 3D Anatomy and Approaches To The Supratentorial Area and Anterior Skull Base



Location: 395, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Director: Albert L. Rhoton Jr., MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 84 12:30–4:30 PM

013 Update On Malignant Brain Tumors 025 Incorporation Of Electronic Technology For The General Neurosurgeon To Improve Clinical Practice: Current Uses And Future Directions C&MS


Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 288–290, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Co-Directors: Andrew T. Parsa, MD, PhD, Director: Richard C. E. Anderson, MD, Neil A. Feldstein, MD Michael W. Weaver, MD Faculty Faculty Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Manish K. Aghi, MD Harel Deutsch, MD Richard W. Byrne, MD Christopher P. Kellner, MD Alexandra J. Golby, MD Bob Matsuoka Linda M. Liau, MD, PhD Clemens M. Schirmer, MD Russell R. Lonser, MD Nicholas J. Szerlip, MD Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD Ashraf Samy Youssef, MD Mark L. Rosenblum, MD L. Gerard Toussaint III, MD Isaac Yang, MD 026 How To Tackle Difficult Cranial Cases: Sunday, April 28 Sunday, A Step-By-Step 3D Case-Based Presentation

020 Peripheral Nerve Injuries, Entrapments C&MS And Tumors: Examination And Evaluation CEREBROVASCULAR

C&MS Location: 396, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Co-Directors: Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD, R. Shane Tubbs, PhD Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Faculty Co-Directors: Line Jacques, MD, Robert J. Spinner, MD Johnny B. Delashaw Jr., MD Faculty Troy D. Payner, MD Allan H. Friedman, MD B. Gregory Thompson Jr., MD Allen H. Maniker, MD Harry R. van Loveren, MD Rajiv Midha, MD, MS Nader Pouratian, MD, PhD Olawale A. R. Sulaiman, MD Eric L. Zager, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 85 027 Techniques For Adult Spinal Deformity 034 Neurotrauma Critical Care Review And Surgery: A Hands-On Course For Neurosurgeons Update For Practicing Neurosurgeon


TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE Location: 265–268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 386/387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Co-Directors: Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH, Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD Co-Directors: M. Ross Bullock, MD, PhD, Patricia B. Raksin, MD Faculty Kai-Ming Fu, MD Faculty Robert F. Heary, MD Perry A. Ball, MD Tyler R. Koski, MD William M. Coplin, MD Charles Kuntz, MD Robert M. Friedlander, MD Frank La Marca, MD Joshua E. Medow, MD Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD Justin S. Smith, MD, PhD Sherry L. Taylor, MD, PhD Juan Santiago Uribe, MD Philip A. Villanueva, MD This Practical Clinic is supported by an educational grant provided by 032 Update Of General Neurosurgery For

Practicing Neurosurgeon April 28 Sunday,


Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Director: Thomas J. Leipzig, MD 035 Transfacet Technology: An Alternative Faculty To Pedicle Screw Fixation With Interbody Frank Culicchia, MD Techniques Herbert E. Fuchs, MD, PhD Ganesh Rao, MD SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE John H. Sampson, MD, PhD Roland Torres, MD Location: 388–390, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Co-Directors: Edward C. Benzel, MD, Neil R. Malhotra, MD

Faculty 033 Negotiating Strategies In Neurosurgery Marc E. Eichler, MD Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD SOCIOECONOMIC Bruce M. Frankel, MD Larry T. Khoo, MD Location: 274, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Rick C. Sasso, MD Co-Directors: E. Hunter Dyer, MD, M. Sean Grady, MD Jean-Marc Voyadzis, MD

Faculty Dong H. Kim, MD Troy D. Payner, MD Ann R. Stroink, MD Clarence B. Watridge, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 86 AANS Opening Opening Reception Ceremonies 6:30–8:30 PM Location: Mardi Gras World and Grand Oakes Mansion 5:00–6:40 PM The South is famous for its warmth and hospitality. New Location: New Orleans Theater, Ernest N. Morial Orleans cherishes those qualities and embellishes them with Convention Center a flair for celebration. You’ll enjoy hospitality, celebration, Starting off the educational week, best-selling author and and much more at Mardi Gras World and the Grand New Orleans native Walter Isaacson will discuss how Apple Oaks Mansion. founder Steve Jobs changed the culture of our modern You’ll enjoy the best of New Orleans’ music, food and society with his innovative concepts. As part of the Opening drink while reconnecting with friends and colleagues. Ceremonies, AANS will bestow the AANS Medal of Courage upon former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (formerly One ticket to the AANS Opening Reception is included (D-AZ). We will also honor Edward H. Oldfield, MD with the with each medical attendee and guest registration. AANS Cushing Award for Technical Excellence and Innova- tion in Neurosurgery. The program will conclude with an entertaining tribute to the heritage of New Orleans and the Deep South, followed by a Mardi Gras-style parade from the AANS Opening Ceremonies to the finale for Sunday’s program, the AANS Opening Reception.

5:00–5:04 PM Welcome April 28 Sunday, Mitchel S. Berger, MD

5:05–5:09 PM AANS Cushing Award For Technical Excellence and Innovation In Neurosurgery Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Recipient: Edward H. Oldfield, MD

5:10–5:39 PM Invited Speaker Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Speaker: Walter Isaacson, Author of Steve Jobs

5:40–6:09 PM AANS Medal Of Courage Award Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Recipient: Gabrielle Giffords, Accepting on Her Behalf, Mark Kelly Attending Physician: G. Michael Lemole Jr., MD

6:10–6:39 PM Sounds Of The South Presented By: Preservation Hall Jazz Band

6:40–6:45 PM New Orleans Welcome By Special Guest Parade To Opening Reception At Mardi Gras World

WWW.AANS.ORG 87 Monday, April 29 Day-At-A-Glance

Bus Information Plenary Session I The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals 9:45 AM–1:00 PM between the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and all Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center AANS hotels starting at 6:15 AM. See page 153 for Shuttle bus schedule. A full schedule is available at all AANS Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall hotels and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. 1:00–2:00 PM Location: AANS Exhibit Halls H/I, Registration Hours Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 6:30 AM–4:00 PM Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Wine And Cheese Reception In The AANS Exhibit Hall Speaker Ready Room 4:30–5:30 PM 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Location: AANS Exhibit Halls H/I Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center The Wine and Cheese Reception is provided Breakfast For Breakfast Seminar Attendees in part by a generous grant from 6:45 AM–7:15 AM Location: Foyers Outside 260, 283, and 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Breakfast Seminars (Additional Fee Required) Joint Annual Business Meeting Of The American 7:00–9:00 AM Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and The American Association of Neurosurgeons AANS Exhibit Hall 5:30–7:00 PM 9:00 AM–5:30 PM Location: 286–287, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center AANS International Reception Morning Beverage Break In The Exhibit Hall 6:30–8:00 PM Location: The Van Benthuysen-Elms Mansion 9:00–9:45 AM April 29 Monday, Location: Exhibit Hall H/I Dinner Symposia (Additional Fee Required)

The Morning Beverage Break is provided 6:30–8:30 PM by a generous grant from Location: Commander’s Palace

NREF Fundraiser Reception (Additional Fee Required) 8:00–10:00 PM Location: House of Blues

WWW.AANS.ORG 88 Breakfast Seminars 7:00–9:00 AM

101 Getting The Most Out Of Your Residency 104 New Innovations In Epilepsy Surgery


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 263, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 266, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD Moderator: Lawrence S. Chin, MD Panelists Panelists P. David Adelson, MD John S. Kuo, MD, PhD Jean Regis, MD N. Scott Litofsky, MD Ashwini D. Sharan, MD David J. Padalino, MD Matthew D. Smyth, MD Jon H. Robertson, MD

105 Spinal Motion Preservation Using 102 Comparative Effectiveness Research: The Posterior Column Implants Why You Need to Care About This Topic C&MS


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 264, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 277, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: M. Samy Abdou, MD Moderator: Daniel K. Resnick, MD Panelists Panelists Jean-Valery C. E. Coumans, MD Anthony L. Asher, MD Harel Deutsch, MD Zoher Ghogawala, MD Gabriel C. Tender, MD Matthew J. McGirt, MD William C. Welch, MD Stephen L. Ondra, MD

106 Cerebral Venous System: 103 Employment Or Not: Surgical Considerations What Are The Options? C&MS April 29 Monday,


Location: 262, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 265, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: James I. Ausman, MD, PhD Moderator: Albert L. Rhoton Jr., MD

Panelists Panelists Fernando G. Diaz, MD, PhD Ossama Al-Mefty, MD Gregory B. Lanford, MD Ashok R. Asthagiri, MD Troy D. Payner, MD Turker Kilic, MD, PhD Richard N. Wohns, MD Jeffrey M. Sorenson, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 89 107 Accountable Care Organizations And The 110 Management Of Acute Spinal Cord Injury Affordability Of Patient Care Act N&PE


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 271, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 260, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD

Moderator: Monica C. Wehby, MD Panelists Panelists Richard C. E. Anderson, MD Peter W. Carmel, MD Barth A. Green, MD Fernando G. Diaz, MD, PhD Ann M. Parr, MD Kevin J. Gibbons, MD Andrea L. Strayer, MS, NP, CNRN Mick J. Perez-Cruet, MD

108 Contemporary Management For Adult Hydrocephalus 111 Intracranial Endoscopy

C&MS CEREBROVASCULAR CEREBROVASCULAR Location: 267, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 272, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Guy M. McKhann II, MD Moderator: Alan R. Cohen, MD Panelists Panelists Feridun Acar, MD Luiz Carlos de Alencastro, MD Marvin Bergsneider, MD James M. Drake, MD, MSc Petra M. Klinge, MD, PhD David F. Jimenez, MD Daniele Rigamonti, MD Henry W. S. Schroeder, MD, PhD

109 Principles And Techniques Of Deformity 112 Functional Mapping Of The Cerebral Correction In Adolescents And Young Adults Cortex: Advantages And Limitations

PEDIATRICS STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Location: 268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 273, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center April 29 Monday, Moderator: David W. Pincus, MD, PhD Moderator: Richard W. Byrne, MD Panelists Panelists Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Edward F. Chang, MD Steven W. Hwang, MD Isabelle M. Germano, MD Amer F. Samdani, MD Hiroto Kawasaki, MD Anthony H. Sin, MD Daniel L. Silbergeld, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 90 113 How I Do It: Acoustic Tumors 116 Advances In Treating Carotid Artery Disease: Surgery And Endovascular Therapy TUMOR


Location: 275, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Moderator: Frederick G. Barker II, MD Location: 284, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Michael J. Link, MD Moderator: Robert E. Harbaugh, MD L. Dade Lunsford, MD Panelists Daniel R. Pieper, MD Felipe C. Albuquerque, MD Marc S. Schwartz, MD Sean D. Lavine, MD Fredric B. Meyer, MD John A. Wilson, MD 114 Lumbar Spine Fusion Indications And Complications 117 Minimally Invasive Spinal Neurosurgery: SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Indications, Techniques And Complications Location: 276, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Moderator: Joan F. O’Shea, MD Location: 285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Joseph S. Cheng, MD Moderator: Charles L. Branch Jr., MD Andrew T. Dailey, MD Panelists Russ Knockles, MD Kevin T. Foley, MD Eric M. Massicotte, MD, MSc William R. Taylor, MD Juan Santiago Uribe, MD David A. Vincent, MD 115 Controversies In The Management Of Intracerebral Hematomas 118 Current Use Of Biologic Graft Extenders N&PE For Spinal Fusion TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE

SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 261, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: David W. Newell, MD Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Monday, April 29 Monday,

Panelists Moderator: James S. Harrop, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Panelists Neil D. Kitchen, MD Muwaffak M. Abdulhax, MD Stephen J. Monteith, MD Allan D. Levi, MD, PhD Reid C. Thompson, MD Srinivas K. Prasad, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 91 119 Chiari Malformations: 122 Update On Lumbar Stenosis Diagnosis Treatments And Failures SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE

STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Location: 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 290, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Robert E. Isaacs, MD

Moderator: Edward H. Oldfield, MD Panelists Panelists Christopher H. Comey, MD Ulrich Batzdorf, MD Carl Lauryssen, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD John E. O’Toole, MD Karin M. Muraszko, MD Claudius Thome, MD W. Jerry Oakes, MD

123 Pituitary Tumors 120 Malignant Brain Tumors: TUMOR State-Of-The-Art Treatment Location: 384/385, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center TUMOR Moderator: Daniel F. Kelly, MD Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Moderator: Joseph M. Piepmeier, MD David S. Baskin, MD Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD Panelists John A. Jane Jr., MD Ian F. Dunn, MD Kevin O. Lillehei, MD Philip H. Gutin, MD Andrew T. Parsa, MD, PhD John H. Sampson, MD, PhD 124 Management Of Spinal Axis Trauma

C&MS 121 Cavernous Malformation: SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Current Controversies In Management Location: 396, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE Moderator: Gregory R. Trost, MD

Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists

Moderator: Murat Gunel, MD Bizhan Aarabi, MD April 29 Monday, Steven Casha, MD, PhD Panelists Sean M. Lew, MD Michael T. Lawton, MD Charles Sanur, MD R. Michael Scott, MD Robert F. Spetzler, MD Gary K. Steinberg, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 92 125 Business Of Neurosurgery I–Billing 127 How To Write And Publish A Successful And Accounts Receivable Neurosurgical Manuscript



Location: 386, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 397, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Gregory J. Przybylski, MD Moderator: Anil Nanda, MD, MPH

Panelists Panelists Lisa Beebe Michael L. J. Apuzzo, MD John K. Ratliff, MD Ennio Antonio Chiocca, MD, PhD Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD Michael Glantz, MD Luis Manuel Tumialan, MD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD, PhD

126 Bypass Graft Indications And Techniques 128 Professionalism In Practice Transition: Considerations For The Adoption Of New NEW

CEREBROVASCULAR Technology Or Procedures In Your Practice

NEW Location: 387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center SOCIOECONOMIC Moderator: Gregory J. Zipfel, MD Location: 398, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Fady T. Charbel, MD Moderator: William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Edward Robert Smith, MD Panelists Yong-Kwang Tu, MD David B. Clarke, MD Jonathan P. Fryer, MD Regis W. Haid Jr., MD Elizabeth Winter, JD

9:00 AM–5:30 PM AANS Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Monday, April 29 Monday, 9:00–9:45 AM Morning Beverage Break In The AANS Exhibit Hall Authors: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

The Morning Beverage Break is provided by a generous grant from

WWW.AANS.ORG 93 Plenary Session I 9:45 AM–1:00 PM Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 11:25–11:36 AM Mitchel S. Berger, MD; Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD 602 Peri-Procedural Complications of Endovascular Treatment For Acute Stroke in SWIFT Trial 9:45–9:49 AM Authors: Arun Paul Amar, MD; Paul Akins, MD, PhD; Welcome Jeremy Fields, MD; Sean Pakbaz, MD Speaker: Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD 11:37–11:40 AM 9:50–9:52 AM Discussant: B. Gregory Thompson Jr., MD Introduction Of The Rhoton Family Lecture 11:41–11:52 AM Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD 603 Development of an MRI-Guided Delivery And 9:53–10:23 AM Molecular Targeting System For Glioblastoma Multiforme Rhoton Family Lecture Theranostics Based on Surface Enhanced Raman Speaker: Donald Berwick, MD Scattering Nanoparticles Authors: Roberto Jose Diaz, MD; Patrick McVeigh, BS; Meaghan O’Reilly, 10:24–10:35 AM MSC; Matthew Bebenek, Christian Smith, PhD; Kullervo Hynynen, PhD; Philip L . Gildenberg S&F Resident Award Brian Wilson, PhD; James Rutka, MD, PhD 600 Intraspinal Stem Cell Transplantation in ALS, A Phase I Trial: Cervical Microinjection Safety Outcomes 11:53–11:56 AM Authors: Jonathan Patrick Riley, MD; Jonathan Glass, MD, PhD; Discussant: Henry Brem, MD Karl Johe, PhD; Meraida Polak, RN; Thais Federici, PhD; Eva Feldman, MD, PhD; Nicholas Boulis, MD 11:57 AM–12:08 PM 604 Anterior vs . Posterior Surgical Approaches to Treat 10:36–10:39 AM Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Outcomes of The Discussant: Robert M. Friedlander, MD Prospective Multicenter AOSpine North America CSM Study in 278 patients 10:40–10:51 AM Authors: Sean Barry, MD, Michael Fehlings, MD, PhD; Branko Kopjar, MD, WINS Louise Eisenhardt Award PhD; Sangwook Yoon, MD; Paul Arnold, MD; Eric Massicotte, MD; 601 Comparative Effectiveness And Cost-Benefit Analysis Alexander Vaccaro, MD; Darrel Brodke, MD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD; of Antibiotic-Impregnated Shunt Catheters in The Treatment Justin Smith, MD; Eric Woodard, MD; Robert Banco, MD; Jens Chapman, of Hydrocephalus: Analysis of 12,589 Consecutive Cases MD; Michael Janssen, DO; Christopher Bono, MD; Rick Sasso, MD; from 287 Hospital Systems Mark Dekutoski, MD; Ziya Gokaslan, MD Authors: Scott Parker, MD; Jeffrey Murphy, MS; Luella Engelhart, PhD; Matthew McGirt, MD 12:09–12:12 AM Discussant: Mark N. Hadley, MD 10:52–10:55 AM Discussant: Stephen J. Haines, MD 12:13–12:15 PM

Introduction Of The AANS International April 29 Monday, 10:56–10:58 AM Lifetime Recognition Award Introduction Of The Theodore Kurze Lecture Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD 12:16–12:17 PM 10:59–11:19 AM AANS International Lifetime Recognition Award Theodore Kurze Lecture Recipient: Johannes Schramm, MD The Changing World of Epilepsy Surgery Speaker: Johannes Schramm, MD 12:18–12:22 PM Introduction Of The AANS Presidential Address 11:20–11:22 AM Introduced By: James Rutka, MD, PhD Introduction Of The Distinguished Service Award Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD 12:23–1:03 PM AANS Presidential Address 11:23–11:24 AM Speaker: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Distinguished Service Award Recipient: Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD


1:00–2:00 PM Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

1:15–2:00 PM NEW! Lunch-and-Learn Seminars Location: Booth #751, Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center See page 29 for details on these informative seminars.

Don’t Miss These 3D Sessions

Monday, April 29 2:00–4:30 PM Nuances of Intracranial Surgery: An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Tuesday, April 30 2:00–4:30 PM Nuances of Cerebrovascular Surgery: An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Both presentations are also available through live streaming over the Internet

Those attending the course in person will be given instructions during the meeting on how to submit questions to the moderators or participate in polling.

Those attending the meeting via webcast will visit cohen.omnovia.com/ room1. Login as an “attendee” then click “enter room” and type in your name. The chat function is available at the bottom of the video windows.

WWW.AANS.ORG 95 Scientific Session I—Tumor 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of tumor neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator 3:16–3:24 PM Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD 610 Medical And Surgical Complications and Co-Morbidities in Long Term GBM Survivors 2:00–2:30 PM Authors: Mohammed Hamood Alsaidi, MD; David Nerenz, PhD; Mark Ronald L . Bittner Lecture Rosenblum, MD; Steven Kalkanis, MD; Tobias Walbert, MD; Ian Lee, MD Viruses: Causes or Treatment of Malignant Glioma? 3:25–3:33 PM Invited Speaker: Ennio Antonio Chiocca, MD, PhD 611 Fluorescence-Guided Surgery With 5-Aminolevulinic 2:31–2:39 PM Acid: Experience in 400 Cases With Different Brain Tumors National Brain Tumor Foundation Mahaley Award Authors: Georg Widhalm; Barbara Kiesel, MD; Adelheid Wöhrer, MD; 605 Targeting Glioma Stem Cells in GBM: A Phase 0/II Engelbert Knosp, MD; Stefan Wolfsberger, MD Study of Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor GDC-0449 3:34–3:42 PM Authors: Andrew E. Sloan, MD; Charles Nock, MD; Amber Kerstetter, PhD; 612 Gross Total Resection Rates in Glioblastoma Surgery: John Pink, PhD; Jeremy Rich, MD, PhD; Naoko Takebe, MD, PhD; Robert Combining 5-ALA Intraoperative Fluorescence Imaging Miller, PhD; Michael Prados, MD; Stuart Grossman, MD and Brain Mapping 2:40–2:48 PM Authors: Philippe Schucht; Juergen Beck, MD, PhD; Janine Abu-Isa, MD; Integra Foundation Award Lukas Andereggen, MD; Michael Murek, MD; Kathleen Seidel, MD; 606 Ionizing Radiation Augments Glioma Tropism Lennart Stieglitz, MD; Andreas Raabe, MD, PhD of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Authors: Jonathan G. Thomas, MD; Anwar Hossain, PhD; Naoki Shinojima, Neurosurgical Face–Off MD, PhD; Joy Gumin, MS; Felix Nwajei, MD; Rave Ezhilarasan, PhD; Patrice Acoustic Neuromas, Radiosurgery vs . Surgical Resection Love, MS; Erik Sulman, MD, PhD; Frederick Lang, MD 3:43–3:58 PM 2:49–2:57 PM Acoustic Neuromas, Radiosurgery Stryker Neuro-Oncology Award Speaker: Jason S. Sheehan, MD 607 Inhibition of SUR1 Decreases the Vascular Permeability of Cerebral Metastases 3:59–4:14 PM Authors: Eric M. Thompson, MD; Gregory Pishko, PhD; Leslie Muldoon, Surgical Resection PhD; Edward Neuwelt, MD Speaker: John G. Golfinos, MD

2:58–3:06 PM 4:15–4:25 PM Brainlab Community Neurosurgery Award Case Discussion 608 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for the Management of Co-Moderator: Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD; Michael J. Link, Monday, April 29 Monday, Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas: A Multicenter Study MD Authors: Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD; Robert Starke, David Mathieu, Byron Young, Penny Sneed, Veronica Chiang, John Lee, Hideyuki Kano, 4:26–4:30 PM Kyung-jae Park, Ajay Niranjan, Douglas Kondziolka, Gene Barnett, Q&A Stephen Rush, John Golfinos, L. Dade Lunsford

3:07–3:15 609 Factors Predicting Postoperative Hyponatremia and Efficacy of Hyponatremia Management Strategies After 1152 Pituitary Operations Authors: Manish K. Aghi, MD; Arman Jahangiri,BS ; Liane Miller, BS; Mai Tran, Maxwell Tom, BS; Jeffrey Wagner, BS; Sandeep Kunwar, MD; Lewis Blevins, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 96 Scientific Session II—Spine/Peripheral Nerve 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 393–395, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of spinal neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator 3:41–3:49 PM Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Byron Cone Pevehouse, MD Award 616 Comparative Effectiveness, Cost Utility and Cost 2:00–2:30 PM Benefit Analysis of Intra-Operative Neuromonitoring Spino Pelvic Parameters, Why it Matters in Cervical Spine Surgery: Where is the Value? Invited Speaker: Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD Authors: Saniya S. Godil, MD; Scott L. Zuckerman, MD; Scott L. Parker, MD; Oran Aaronson, MD; Clinton J. Devin, MD; Matthew J. McGirt, MD 2:31–2:39 PM 613 Adult Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors: 3:50–3:58 PM A 12-Year Institutional Experience 617 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Fluorescence-Guided Authors: Daniel Lubelski, MS; Michael Steinmetz, MD; Ajit Krishnaney, MD; Resection of Intramedullary Ependymoma Thomas Mroz, MD; John Shin, MD; Edward Benzel, MD Authors: Toshiki Endo; Tomoo Inoue, MD, PhD; Mika Watanabe, MD, PhD; 2:40–2:48 PM Kenichi Nagamatsu, MD, PhD; Teiji Tominaga, MD, PhD 614 Does Bone Morphogenic Protein Change the Operative 3:59–4:07 PM Nonunion Rates in Spine Fusions? 618 Pulmonary Function Following Adult Spinal Deformity Authors: Kern H. Guppy, MD, PhD; Johannes Bernbeck, MD; Surgery: Minimum Two Year Follow-Up Jessica Harris, MS; Christopher Ake, PhD; Liz Paxton, Kim Phan, BA Authors: Robert Tracey; Ronald Lehman, MD; Daniel Kang, MD; John Cody, 2:49–2:57 PM MD; Lawrence Lenke, MD; Jeremy Stallbaumer, MD; Brenda Sides, MS 615 Riluzole For The Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury: 4:08–4:16 PM A Phase 1 Trial and Future Directions 619 Economic Value of ACDF–Analysis of a 5 Year Authors: Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD; Robert Grossman, MD; Jefferson Follow-up Cohort From FDA Trials Wilson, MD; Ralph Frankowski, PhD; Keith Burau, PhD; Diana Chow, PhD; Authors: Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD; Paul Anderson, MD; Vincent Yang Teng, BS; Elizabeth Toups, MS; James Harrop, MD; Bizhan Aarabi, MD; Christopher Shaffrey, MD; Susan Harkema, PhD; Michele Johnson, Traynelis, MD; Steven Glassman, Leah Carreon, MD, MSC MD; James Guest, MD, PhD 4:17–4:25 PM 620 Neural Stem Cells Clonally Selected From Embryonic Neurosurgical Face–Off Stem Cells Promote Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury Closed Minimally Invasive TLIF Vs . Open Minimally Authors: Robert Mitchell; Ryan Salewski; Michael Fehlings Invasive TLIF 4:26–4:30 PM 2:58–3:13 PM Q&A

Closed Minimally Invasive TLIF April 29 Monday, Speaker: Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD This Scientific Session is supported by an educational 3:14–3:29 PM grant provided by Open Minimally Invasive TLIF Speaker: Charles Kuntz, MD

3:30–3:40 PM Case Discussion Co-Moderator: Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS; Neil Malhotra, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 97 Scientific Session III— Stereotactic & Functional Surgery 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 288/289, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator 3:07–3:15 PM Konstantin V. Slavin, MD International Travel Scholarship 625 The Role of Autonomic Nervous System 2:00–2:30 PM in the Mechanism of Hemifacial Spasm High-Field Imaging And Surgery For DBS Authors: Jun Zhong; Shi-Ting Li, MD, PhD; Jin Zhong, MD, MS Invited Speaker: Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD 3:16–3:24 PM 2:31–2:39 PM 626 Quantitative Determination of Sequential Activity in 621 The One Year Results of a Phase 1 Study Human Motor Areas During Cued Finger Movement Using of Transcranial MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Electrocorticography (ECoG) Thalamotomy for the Treatment of Medication Authors: Hai Sun, MD; Jeremiah Wande, BS; Andrew Ko, MD; J Miller, Refractory Essential Tremor MD, PhD; Tim Blakely, MS; Kim Burchiel, MD; Jeffery Ojemann, MD Authors: William Jeffrey Elias, MD; Diane Huss, PhD; Johanna Loomba, BS; Mohamad Khaled, MD; Eyal Zadicario, MSC; Scott Sperling, PhD; 3:25–3:33 PM Robert Frysinger, PhD; Binit Shah, MD; Madaline Harrison, MD; 627 Unilateral High Frequency Stimulation of the Nucleus Max Wintermark, MD Accumbens Shell Reduces Oral EtOH Consumption in Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats 2:40–2:48 PM Authors: Jessica Wilden, MD; Sheketha Hauser, PhD; Kurt Qing, MS; 622 Stereotactic Laser Thermal Amygdalohippocampotomy Pedro Irazoqui, PhD; William McBride, PhD; Zachary Rodd, PhD for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Preliminary Outcomes of Multicenter Experience 3:34–3:42 PM Authors: Robert E. Gross, MD, PhD; Jon Wille, MD, PhD; Ashesh Mehta, 628 Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells MD, PhD; Richard Marsh, MD; Shabbar Danish, MD; Daniel Curry, MD; to Microglia for Treatment of CNS Diseases Ashwini Sharan, MD; Martin Weinand, MD; Daniel Couture, MD; Authors: John K. Park, MD, PhD; Michael Shen, BS; Yong Choi, PhD; Alexandra Golby, MD; Nitin Tandon, MD; Michael Schulder, MD; Sherif Hetal Pandya, PhD Nour, MD; Robert Watson, MD; Stephen Wong, MD; Angus Wilfong, MD; Michael Sperling, MD; J. Langevin, MD; David Labiner, MD; 3:43–3:51 PM Gimridhar Kalamangalam, MD; Ashok Gowda, PhD 629 Accuracy in Staged Bilateral Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery 2:49–2:57 PM Authors: David Levine; Jennifer Durphy, MD; Peter Novak, MD, PhD; 623 Chronic Microstimulation of V1 in a Behaving Macaque Eric Molho, MD; Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, MD; Julie Pilitsis, MD, PhD

Authors: Paul A. House, MD; Tyler Davis, MD; Rebecca Parker, BS; April 29 Monday, Richard Normann, PhD; Bradley Greger, PhD 3:52–4:00 PM 630 Spatio-Temporal Dissociations of Auditory 2:58–3:06 PM and Visual Naming Networks in Human Cortex 624 Creating Visual Percepts With Electrical Stimulation of Human Visual Cortex: Comparison With Receptive Fields Authors: Christopher Conner; Kiefer Forseth, Nitin Tandon, MD Mapped With Local Field Potentials 4:01–4:09 PM Authors: Daniel Yoshor, MD; Daniel Yoshor, MD; Xiaomei Pei, PhD; 631 Mapping Neuronal Connectivity in the Inge Schepers, PhD; Ping Sun, MS; Michael Beauchamp, PhD Epileptic Brain by Simultaneous Intracranial Electrical Stimulation and fMRI Authors: Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD; Stephen Jones, MD, PhD; Myron Zhang, MS; Juan Bulacio, MD; Rei Enatsu, MD, PhD; William Bingaman, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 98 4:10–4:18 PM 632 Category- and Entity-Specific Activation of Neuronal Populations in the Temporal Pole in Response to Naming Proper Nouns Authors: Taylor John Abel, MD; Oliver Flouty, MD; Hiroto Kawasaki, MD; Hiroyuki Oya, Matthew Howard, Daniel Tranel, PhD

4:19–4:27 PM 633 African-Americans With Parkinson’s Disease Receive Disproportionately Fewer Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) Regardless of Access to Neurological Surgeons Authors: Andrew K Chan; Robert McGovern, MD; John Sheehy, MS; Guy McKhann II, MD

4:28–4:30 PM Q&A

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WWW.AANS.ORG 99 Scientific Session IV—Pediatrics 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 391/392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of pediatric neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator 3:25–3:33 PM Alan R. Cohen, MD 640 Using a Novel Myelin Imaging Technique to Identify Previously Occult Seizure Foci 2:00–2:30 PM Authors: Heather Stevens Spader, MD; Sean Deoni, PhD; Doug Dean, PhD; Lessons From Hydrocephalus Clinical Trials Jonathan O’Muircheartaigh, PhD; Jerrold Boxerman, MD, PhD; Invited Speaker: John R. W. Kestle, MD John Gaitanis, MD; Molly Tracy, MD; Rees Cosgrove, MD

2:31–2:39 PM 3:34–3:42 PM 634 The Role of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy 641 Radiation Exposure to Patients During in the Treatment of Hydrocephalus Neurointerventional Procedures in Children: A Warning Authors: Timothy W. Vogel, MD; Biji Bahuleyan, MD; Authors: Darren B. Orbach; Ning Lin, MD; Jodi Manchester, BS; Shenandoah Robinson, MD; Alan Cohen, MD R. Michael Scott, MD; Edward Smith, MD

2:40–2:48 PM Neurosurgical Face–Off 635 The Distribution of Cerebellar Tonsil Position: Chiari Malformation, Durotomy And Duraplasty Vs . Implications for Understanding The Chiari Malformation Chiari Malformation, No Durotomy or Duraplasty Authors: Cormac O. Maher, MD; Jennifer Strahle, MD; Hugh Garton, MD; Karin Muraszko, MD; Brandon Smith, MSC 3:43–3:58 PM Chiari Malformation, Durotomy and Duraplasty 2:49–2:57 PM John C. Wellons III, MD 636 Epilepsy Surgery in Infants Under One Year of Age Speaker: Authors: Brent Randle O’Neill, MD; Susan Koh, MD; Pramote Laoprasert, 3:59–4:14 PM MD; Kelly Knupp, MD; Michael Handler, MD Chiari Malformation, No Durotomy or Duraplasty 2:58–3:06 PM Speaker: Matthew D. Smyth, MD 637 Microstructural and Functional Connectivity in 4:15–4:25 PM Adolescents With Corrected Sagittal Craniosynostosis Case Discussion Authors: Joel Beckett; Cheryl Lacadie, Roger Jou, MD, MPH; Todd Constable, PhD; Charles Duncan, MD; John Persing, MD; Co-Moderator: Alan R. Cohen, MD; W. Jerry Oakes, MD Kevin Pelphrey, PhD 4:26–4:30 PM 3:07–3:15 PM Q&A 638 Preliminary Experience With Quick-Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma in Children April 29 Monday, Authors: Brian Thomas Farrell, MD; Jeffrey Pollock, MD; Louis Riccelli, MD; James Anderson, MD; Dianna Bardo, MD; Daniel Guillaume, MD, MSC

3:16–3:24 PM 639 Prognostic Indicators Regarding Pain Outcome After Chiari Decompression Authors: David M. Frim, MD, PhD; Katherine Hekman, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 100 Scientific Session V—Cerebrovascular 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 291/292, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of cerebrovascular neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD

2:00–2:30 PM 3:32–3:40 PM Subspecialty Recognition In Cerebrovascular Surgery 644 The Role of Cigarette Smoke and Cerebral Vascular Invited Speaker: Daniel Louis Barrow, MD Smooth Muscle Phenotypic Modulation in Cerebral Aneurysm Pathogenesis Neurosurgical Face–Off Authors: Robert M. Starke, MD; Muhammad Ali, MD; Pascal Jabbour, MD; Clipping Vs . Coiling Stavropoula Tjoumakaris, MD; L. Fernando Gonzalez, MD; Robert Rosenwasser, MD; Gary Owens, PhD; Walter Koch, PhD; Nigel Greig, PhD; 2:31–2:46 PM Aaron Dumont, MD Clipping 3:41–3:49 PM Speaker: Robert F. Spetzler, MD 645 A Practical Grading Scale to Predict Radiosurgery 2:47– 3:02 PM Outcome in Arteriovenous Malformations: Analysis of Coiling 1,012 Treated Patients Speaker: Nick Hopkins, MD Authors: Robert M. Starke, MD; Chun-Po Yen, MD; Dale Ding, MD; Jason Sheehan, MD, PhD 3:03–3:13 PM Case Discussion 3:50–3:58 PM Co-Moderators: Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD; 646 Analysis of Outcomes for the Surgical Treatment Sean D. Lavine, MD of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Large Craniectomy vs . Craniotomy 3:14–3:22 PM Authors: Seth B. Hayes, MD; Ronald Benveniste, MD, PhD DePuySynthes Award 642 Time-Course of Recovery Following Poor Grade SAH: 3:59–4:29 PM The Incidence of Delayed Improvement Yasargil Lecture Authors: David Aaron Wilson, MD; Adib Abla, MD; Richard Williamson, MD; Speaker: Juha Hernesniemi, MD Peter Nakaji, MD; Joseph Zabramski, MD; Felipe Albuquerque, MD; Cameron McDougall, MD; Robert Spetzler, MD 4:30–4:35 PM Q&A 3:23–3:31 PM 643 Stereotactic Radiosurgery For Spetzler-Martin 4:35–5:00 PM

Grade III Arteriovenous Malformations: The University of AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Business Meeting April 29 Monday, Pittsburgh Experience in 472 Consecutive Patients Authors: L. Dade Lunsford, MD; Hideyuki Kano, MD, PhD; This Scientific Session is supported by an educational Douglas Kondziolka, MD, MSC; John Flickinger, MD; Huai-che Yang, MD; grant provided by Kyung-Jae Park, MD, PhD; Thomas Flannery, MD, PhD; Daniel Tonetti, MS; Ajay Niranjan, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 101 Scientific Session VI—Neurotrama 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 388–390, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

This session will focus on innovations in the diagnosis, management and treatment of neurotrauma neurosurgery. Innovations developed in the last twelve months will be presented.

Moderator 3:25–3:33 PM Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD 653 Is it Safe Undergoing Cranioplasty With Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt at the Same Time in 2:00–2:30 PM Patients With Cranial Defect and Hydrocephalus? Decompressive Craniectomy: Authors: Sukh Que Park; Juneyoung Heo, MD; Hyung-ki Park, MD, PhD; Where We Have Been And Where We Are Going Sungjin Cho, MD, PhD; Jaechil Chang, MD, PhD Invited Speaker: Jamie S. Ullman, MD 3:34–3:42 PM 2:31–2:39 PM 654 Tight Glycemic Control is Associated With Increased Synthes Resident Craniofacial Award Cerebral Glycolysis Following Traumatic Brain Injury 647 A Novel Mechanism and Therapeutic Target Authors: Stephanie M Wolahan; David McArthur, PhD; Paul Vespa, MD; for Intraventricular Hemorrhage-Associated Neil Martin, MD; Thomas Glenn, PhD Communicating Hydrocephalus 3:43–3:51 PM Authors: Kristopher Thomas Kahle, MD, PhD; Philippe Simard; Brian 655 The Head Injury Transportation Straight to Walcott, MD; Volodymyr Gerzanich, PhD; J. Marc Simard, MD, PhD Neurosurgery (HITS-NS) Trial: Introduction to The Study, 2:40–2:48 PM Challenges of the Set-Up Phase And Progress 648 Delayed Postinjury Administration of Riluzole Authors: Damian Holliman, PhD, MRCS; Wanda Russell, PhD; Gordon is Neuroprotective in a Preclinical Rodent Model Fuller, PhD; A David Mendelow, MBBS; Kyee Han, MBBS; Kevin Mackway- Jones, MBBS; Timothy Coats, MBBS; Steve Goodacre, MBBS; Suzanne of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Mason, MBBS; Andrew Curran, MBBS; Fiona Lecky, MBBS Authors: Kajana Satkunendrarajah; Yongchao Wu, MD; Josef Buttigieg, PhD; Yang Teng, BS; Diana Chow, PhD; Michael Fehlings, MD, MSC 3:52–4:00 PM 2:49–2:57 PM 656 Activation of the Smad Signaling Pathway 649 Effectiveness of Antifibrinolytic Therapy After by Eotaxin-3 in the Outer Membrane of Chronic Surgery For Chronic Subdural Hematoma Subdural Hematomas Authors: Koji Osuka, MD; Masakazu Takayasu, MD, PhD Authors: Kazunari Oka, MD; Terushige Toyooka, MD; Hiroshi Kageyama, MD; Nobusuke Tsuzuki, MD 4:01–4:09 PM 2:58–3:06 PM 657 The Effect of Riluzole on Mental Disorders and 650 Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Breakdown Products Histo-pathologic Changes in The Rat Concussion Model For The Diagnosis of Intracranial Injury Authors: Mohammadreza Ehsaei, MD; Gholamreza Bahadorkhan, MD Authors: David Panczykowski, MD; John Yue, BS; Ava Puccio, PhD; Inoue 4:10–4:18 PM Tomoo, PhD; Geoffry Manley, MD, PhD; David Okonkwo, MD, PhD

658 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): April 29 Monday, 3:07–3:15 PM How Much Radiation is Necessary? 651 Improving Quality: Establishing Standard Performance Authors: Walter Paul Jacobsen, DO; Alexandra Paul, MD; John German Measures For Cervical Spine Trauma With And Without 4:19–4:27 PM Spinal Cord Injury 659 The Effect of Alcohol Use on Coagulation and Authors: Daniel Jin Hoh, MD; Sanjay Dhall, MD; Dan Neal, PhD; Progression of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Trauma Patients Brian Hoh, MD Authors: Abigail Justine Rao, MD; Katherine Watson, MS; Tori Lennox, 3:16–3:24 PM Ronald Barbosa, MD; Jerome Differding, MS; Brian Ragel, MD; Martin 652 A New Model for Dura Mater Healing— Schreiber, MD; Susan Rowell, MD Human Dural Fibroblast Culture 4:28–4:30 PM Authors: Ezequiel Goldschmidt; Santiago Hem, MD; Pablo Ajler, MD; Q&A Claudio Yampolsky, MD; Antonio Carrizo, MD, PhD; Monica Loresi, MD; Marcelo Ielpi, PhD; Diego Giunta, MD, MPH; Pablo Argibay, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 102 International Symposium I Global Symposium On Safety And Excellence With European Association Of Neurosurgical Societies

2:00–4:30 PM

Moderators 3:26–3:35 PM Vladimir Beneš, MD; Jacques Morcos, MD Surgery For The Brainstem Cavernous Malformation— With Special Reference To Surgical Approach, 2:00–2:05 PM Intraoperative Monitoring And Outcome Introduction Speaker: Kazuhiro Hongo, MD Jacques Morcos, MD 3:36–3:45 PM 2:06–2:15 PM Bypass Surgery For Treating Giant And Complex Brain Hodotopy And Plasticity As New Concepts Intracranial Aneurysms In Surgery For Diffuse Low Grade Gliomas: Towards Speaker: Yong-Kwang Tu, MD A Functional Neuro-oncology Speaker: Hugues Duffau, MD 3:46–3:55 PM Clipping X Coiling In Aneurysm Surgery: 2:16–2:25 PM How do The High Mental Functions React? Pros And Cons Of Endoscopic Colloid Cyst Removal Speaker: Hildo R. C. Azevedo-Filho, MD Speaker: J. Andre Grotenhuis, MD, PhD 3:56-4:05 PM 2:26–2:35 PM Management Of Intracerebral Hematomas Speaker: Juha Hernesniemi, MD, PhD Speaker: Neil D. Kitchen, MD

2:36–2:45 PM 4:06-4:15 PM Rescuing The Injured Brain Monitoring The Competition: Feast And Famine Speaker: Peter J. Hutchinson, MD Speaker: Anthony G. Fieggen, MD

2:46–2:55 PM 4:16-4:30 PM Management of Acoustic Neuroma: A Balanced Approach Q&A Speaker: Basant K. Misra, MD

2:56–3:05 PM Cognitive Preservation in Brain Tumor Surgery Speaker: Zvi Ram, MD

3:06–3:15 PM Endoscopic Endonasal Approach To Craniopharyngiomas Speaker: Paolo Cappabianca, MD

3:16–3:25 PM Monday, April 29 Monday, Modulative Manipulation Of Pain In The Failed Back Syndrome Speaker: Claudio G. Yampolsky, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 103 3D Session 2:00–4:30 PM 4:30–5:30 PM Wine And Cheese Reception Nuances Of Intracranial Surgery: In The AANS Exhibit Hall An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Location: Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Also available through live streaming over the Internet The Wine and Cheese Reception is provided in part by a generous grant from

Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Cormac O. Maher, MD

Panelists William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD 5:30–7:00 PM Frederick A. Boop, MD Mitesh Shah, MD Joint Annual Business Meeting Of The American Anil Nanda MD, MPH Association Of Neurological Surgeons And The

Course Description American Association Of Neurosurgeons This session will review important technical nuances for Location: 286/287, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center improving patient outcome and avoiding complications during cranial cases. Detailed surgical videos of procedures by the expert panel will be reviewed in high definition 3D to maximize the learning experience for the viewers. The discussion will be targeted to all neurosurgeons that practice cranial surgery as well as trainees at all levels. This session will be interactive through live streaming over the Internet, and the audience—both in the room and those watching the stream—will have the chance to ask the faculty questions. Those in the session will be able to access the panel with direct texting. Those attending the meeting via webcast will access the panel via an internet connection. Visit cohen.omnovia.com/room1. Choose the attendee option, “enter the room” and type in your name. The chat function is available at the bottom of the video windows. Monday, April 29 Monday,

WWW.AANS.ORG 104 6:30–8:30 PM

AANS International Reception

Location: The Van Benthuysen-Elms Mansion Join leaders from the AANS, international neurosurgical organizations, and special dignitaries during this year’s AANS International Reception. In addition to connecting with colleagues from around the globe, attendees may also meet this year’s International Lifetime Recognition Award recipient: Johannes Schramm, MD. This prestigious award honors Dr. Schramm for his lifetime of invaluable contributions to neurosurgery, as well as his activity in international neurosurgery. The Van Benthuysen-Elms Mansion is a beautiful example of Italianate style architecture, providing exquisite grandeur to St. Charles Avenue and the Garden District of New Orleans. The historical Elms Mansion features elegant touches such as an imported mantel of hand carved marble, ornamental cornices, 24-karat gold sconces, and a 48-foot grand ballroom lined with jeweled windows. A tour of the mansion will unveil a window into the antebellum past. Southern hospitality at its best! There is no fee to attend; however a ticket is required which may be obtained at Registration in Lobby H/I at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The AANS welcomes all Annual Scientific Meeting registered attendees—especially our colleagues from outside the United States. Attire for the event is Business. Shuttle buses to the AANS International Reception will depart at 6:15 pm to Van Benthuysen-Elms Mansion from New Orleans Marriott (AANS Headquarters Hotel) at the Canal Street Entrance. Monday, April 29 Monday,

WWW.AANS.ORG 105 Dinner Symposia 6:30–8:30 PM 8:00–10:00 PM

SE129 Stereotactic Radiosurgery NREF Fundraiser Reception And Resection Of Tumors The NREF Honors the Career of John A . Jane Sr ., MD, PhD TUMOR

STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Location: House of Blues Shuttle buses will depart at 7:45 PM from the Location: Commander’s Palace New Orleans Marriot Canal Street entrance. A quiet revolution bubbles inside the aqua blue fantasy-like Join us in a celebration of the Victorian architecture where inventive modern New Orleans career of Journal of Neurosurgery cooking coexists with Haute Creole. Chef Tory McPhail Editor John A. Jane Sr., MD, PhD, mines the depths of Creole cooking. His fascination with FAANS(L). The evening includes Creole and Louisiana cuisine inspires his menus and he hors d’oevres, an open bar, danc- strives for 90% of his ingredients to come from within 100 ing and musical entertainment. miles of the restaurant. Shuttle bus will be provided from Dr. Jane, who graduated from the the New Orleans Marriot Hotel, Canal Street entrance University of Chicago with a BA, cum laude in 1951 and departing at 6:15 PM. received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Panelists Chicago in 1956, completed his neurosurgical training in Gene Barnett, MD 1964 at the University of Illinois Research and Educational Steven N. Kalkanis, MD Hospital and the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute. In L. Dade Lundsford, MD 1965 he was the Senior Instructor in Neurosurgery at Case Zvi Ram, MD Western Reserve University, and two years later Dr. Jane was awarded a PhD from the University of Chicago, Division of Biological Sciences, Section of Biopsychology. This Evening Symposium was supported From 1969–2006, Dr. Jane served as the Professor and by an educational grant provided by Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, Va. He currently is professor and director of the school’s neurosurgical training program. Dr. Jane became a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Neurosurgery in 1984; Chairman of the Editorial Board in 1990; Associate Editor in 1991; and in 1992 was elected Editor. He is also the Editor and founder of Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine and Journal of Neurosurgery:

Pediatrics. Not surprisingly, his clinical interests include April 29 Monday, cranial and spine surgery, as well as pediatric neurosurgery, with a special interest in craniofacial surgery.

WWW.AANS.ORG 106 Industry Supported Satellite Symposium

These symposia are educational programs relating to 6:30–9:30 PM neurosurgery that are planned and implemented by an organization outside of the AANS. The information in these Progesterone: A Pleiotropic Approach To Treating presentations is in no way sponsored or endorsed by the Moderate To Severe Traumatic Brain Injury AANS. The educational content is developed and delivered An Update On The SyNAPSe And ProTECT III by exhibiting companies and their experts. While the Phase III Clinical Studies primary intent of this content is to provide detailed informa- tion about products, findings, and appropriate use of Location: New Orleans Marriott—Studio Two products, some content also may contain product- Speakers or company-specific marketing messages. David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD David W. Wright, MD, FACEP 6:30–9:30 PM Course Description Besins Critical Care cordially invites you to attend a satellite Race Against The Clock: Overcoming Challenges symposium and cocktail reception. In The Management Of Anticoagulant-Associated Despite more than 75 clinical trials in the past 20 years, Intracerebral Hemorrhage—CSL Behring there is no approved treatment for traumatic brain injury Location: New Orleans Marriott—Bissonet (TBI). All current TBI therapy is supportive rather than restorative. As a result, the vast majority of moderate to Speakers severe TBI victims still face challenging, life-changing Peter Le Roux, MD, FACS (Chair) outcomes. Charles V. Pollack Jr., MA, MD, FACEP Progesterone, a potent neurosteroid produced in both male Course Description and female brains, has been shown to exert neuroprotective This free CME satellite symposium and complimentary effects by protecting or rebuilding the blood-brain barrier, dinner will be led by specialists in Neurosurgery and decreasing development of cerebral edema, down-regulating Emergency Medicine, who together manage the anticoagu- the inflammatory cascade and limiting cellular necrosis lated patient who presents to the ED with an intracerebral and apoptosis. Two large-scale, double-blind, placebo- hemorrhage (ICH). Management requires correction of controlled Phase III clinical trials are nearing completion coagulopathy and emergent assessment for surgical inter- and poised to prove that progesterone may well be the vention. This case-based and interactive presentation will elusive solution for improving TBI outcomes. Principal include a review of oral anticoagulants, warfarin and an Investigators involved in SyNAPSe and PROTECT III will assessment of the newer agents, a presentation of antico- present updates on their respective trials and discuss agulation reversal strategies, and a thorough discussion how progesterone’s pleiotropic effects could lead to the of the factors that impact surgical decision making in world’s first approved TBI treatment when so many other patients with ICH. April 29 Monday, have failed. This CME activity is supported by an educational grant Please visit from CSL Behring. www.besincriticalcare.com/aans-symposium-registration Please visit www.paradigmmc.com/race13 to register. to register.

WWW.AANS.ORG 107 6:00–9:00 PM

Globus Medical SECURE® -C Training

Location: New Orleans Marriott—Galerie 3

Course Description SECURE® -C training lab is designed to teach a step-by- step surgical approach and reproducible process. A small, concentrated faculty-to-student teaching ratio provides for a focused learning environment. Upon completion of this program, attendees will have a firm understanding of the SECURE® -C procedure; received many “tips & pearls” that may be applied to clinical practice and will understand the proper use and application of Globus Medical technology. The Program is open to attending neurosurgeons, ortho- paedic spine surgeons and those in Fellowship training. Monday, April 29 Monday,

WWW.AANS.ORG 108 Tuesday, April 30 Day-At-A-Glance

Bus Information Plenary Session I The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals 9:45 AM–1:00 PM between the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and all Location: Hall J AANS hotels starting at 6:30 AM. See page 153 for Shuttle Cushing Orator: Chesley B . (Sully) Sullenberger III bus schedule. A full schedule is available at all AANS hotels and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall 1:00–2:00 PM Registration Hours Location: AANS Exhibit Halls H/I, 6:30 AM–4:00 PM Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Wine And Cheese Reception Speaker Ready Room In The AANS Exhibit Hall 6:30 AM–5:00 PM 4:30–5:30 PM Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: AANS Exhibit Halls H/I

Breakfast For Breakfast Seminar Attendees History Section Dinner (Additional Fee Required) 6:45 AM–7:15 AM 6:00–9:00 PM Location: Foyers Outside 260, 283, and 383, Location: The Court of Two Sisters Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Dinner Symposia (Additional Fee Required) Breakfast Seminars (Additional Fee Required) 6:30–8:30 PM 7:00–9:00 AM Location: Muriel’s AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00 AM–5:30 PM Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Morning Beverage Break In The AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

The Morning Beverage Break is provided by a generous grant from Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 109 Breakfast Seminars 7:00–9:00 AM

201 New And Evolving Technologies For 204 Low-Grade Gliomas Minimally Invasive Lumbar Disc Surgery TUMOR

SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 263, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 260, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Linda M. Liau, MD, PhD

Moderator: Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD Panelists Panelists Susan M. Chang, MD Charles L. Branch Jr., MD Hugues Duffau, MD Dean Chou, MD Manfred Westphal, MD, PhD Larry T. Khoo, MD Jeffrey H. Wisoff, MD Jean-Pierre Mobasser, MD

205 The Spectrum Of Adjuvant Therapy 202 Challenging Spinal Cases: For Brain Tumors Pearls And Pitfalls TUMOR

SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 264, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 266, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD

Moderator: Edward C. Benzel, MD Panelists Panelists Jeffrey N. Bruce, MD Michael W. Groff, MD Elizabeth B. Claus, MD, PhD Haynes L. Harkey III, MD Randy L. Jensen, MD, PhD R. Patrick Jacob, MD James M. Markert, MD George T. Reiter, MD

206 If I Could Do That Case Over Again: 203 Building A Comprehensive Spine Center Discussion Of Complications Of Spine Surgery


Location: 386, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 265, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: E. Hunter Dyer, MD Moderator: Michael G. Kaiser, MD

Panelists Panelists Juan C. Bartolomei, MD Iain H. Kalfas, MD David Cavanaugh, MD Howard Morgan, MD Mark D. D’Alise, MD Sergey Neckrysh, MD H. Francis Farhadi, MD Gerald E. Rodts Jr., MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 110 207 Cerebral Trauma 210 Neurosurgical Management State-Of-The-Art Treatment Of Intractable Pain


Location: 261, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 271, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Alex B. Valadka, MD Moderator: Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD

Panelists Panelists Austin R. Colohan, MD Kim J. Burchiel, MD Joshua Eric Medow, MD Konstantin V. Slavin, MD Raj K. Narayan, MD Michael S. Turner, MD Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, MD, MS Christopher J. Winfree, MD

208 Controversies In Cerebrovascular 211 Physician Autonomy In Business And Endovascular Neurosurgery Enterprises: Profits And Pitfalls


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 267, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 272, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Erol Veznedaroglu, MD Moderator: James R. Bean, MD Panelists Aclan Dogan, MD Panelists Michael T. Lawton, MD Gregory B. Lanford, MD Elad I. Levy, MD Richard A. Roski, MD Christopher S. Ogilvy, MD Richard N. Wohns, MD Edie E. Zusman, MD

209 Management Of Adult Scoliosis 212 Multidisciplinary Management SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Of Cerebral AVMs

Location: 268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center C&MS Moderator: Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD CEREBROVASCULAR

Panelists Location: 273, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Tyler R. Koski, MD Moderator: Warren R. Selman, MD Brian A. O’Shaughnessy, MD Panelists Daniel M. Sciubba, MD Arun Paul Amar, MD David M. Hasan, MD Ajay Niranjan, MD Gary K. Steinberg, MD, PhD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 111 213 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors 216 ABNS Board Preparation: What You Must Know C&MS


Location: 275, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 284, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Paul C. McCormick, MD Moderator: Daniel Louis Barrow, MD

Panelists Panelists Lawrence F. Borges, MD Alan R. Cohen, MD Jacques Brotchi, MD, PhD Mark N. Hadley, MD George I. Jallo, MD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD, PhD Russell R. Lonser, MD Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD

214 History Seminar: Analysis Of Hughlings 217 Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Direct Lateral Jackson’s Foundational Paper, “A Study Of Retroperitoneal Transpsoas Fusion Convulsions” (1870) SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE

HISTORY Location: 285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 276, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Regis W. Haid Jr., MD Moderator: Samuel H. Greenblatt, MD Panelists Panelists John C. Liu, MD Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD John E. O’Toole, MD Mark C. Preul, MD William D. Tobler, MD Michael E. Sughrue, MD Juan Santiago Uribe, MD

215 Current And Future Treatments 218 Suprasellar And Juxtasellar Tumors: For Pediatric Hydrocephalus Complications And Avoidance

C&MS PEDIATRICS TUMOR Location: 277, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Mark G. Luciano, MD, PhD Moderator: Michael W. McDermott, MD Panelists Samuel R. Browd, MD, PhD Panelists Abhaya V. Kulkarni, MD Khaled M. A. Aziz, MD, PhD Joseph R. Madsen, MD Sebastien Froelich, MD Steven J. Schiff, MD, PhD Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Harry R. van Loveren, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 112 219 Management Of Cerebrovascular 222 Foraminal And Far Lateral And Endovascular Complications: Lumbar Disc Herniations A Case Based Approach SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE

CEREBROVASCULAR Location: 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Location: 290, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: William R. Taylor, MD

Moderator: Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Panelists Panelists Benoit Goulet, MD Felipe C. Albuquerque, MD Patrick W. Hitchon, MD Brian L. Hoh, MD Noel I. Perin, MD J D. Mocco, MD Paul D. Sawin, MD B. Gregory Thompson Jr., MD

223 Return To Play After Sports Injury I— 220 Management Of Vasospasm Concussion

C&MS and N&PE NEW C&MS and N&PE


Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 384/385, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Peter David Le Roux, MD Moderator: Mark D. Krieger, MD

Panelists Panelists Rose Du, MD, PhD Julian E. Bailes Jr., MD Aaron S. Dumont, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD Jonathan A. White, MD Mark R. Proctor, MD

221 Surgical Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease 224 Business Of Neurosurgery II—Growth And Management Of Neurosurgical Practices N&PE


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Philip A. Starr, MD, PhD Location: 396, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Panelists Moderator: Troy M. Tippett, MD Robert R. Goodman, MD, PhD Panelists Paul A. House, MD Perry A. Ball, MD Andre G. Machado, MD, PhD Mark E. Linskey, MD Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD Steven A. Toms, MD, MPH Clarence B. Watridge, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 113 225 Shoulder Vs . Spine–Differentiating 227 Getting Your Neurosurgery Research Shoulder And Cervical Spine Pathology Career Up And Running In Three Easy Steps



Location: 262, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 397, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Paul Kraemer, MD Moderator: Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD

Panelists Panelists Nathaniel P. Brooks, MD Emad N. Eskandar, MD Dennis J. Maiman, MD, PhD Robert F. Heary, MD Michael L. Smith, MD Michael G. Kaplitt, MD, PhD Nicholas M. Boulis, MD

226 Stem Cell Therapeutics In Neurosurgery 228 Spinal Cord Stimulation In The NEW Neurosurgery Practice STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL


Location: 387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center PAIN Moderator: Nathan R. Selden, MD, PhD Location: 398, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Nicholas C. Bambakidis, MD Moderator: Jason M. Highsmith, MD John A. Boockvar, MD Panelists Doug Kondziolka, MD Jay V. Howington, MD Dimitris G. Placantonakis, MD, PhD Joshua M. Rosenow, MD Steven Vanni, DO Ildemaro Jose Volcan, MD

9:00 AM–5:30 PM AANS Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

9:00–9:45 AM Morning Beverage Break In The AANS Exhibit Hall Authors: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

The Morning Beverage Break is provided by a generous grant from Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 114 Plenary Session II 9:45 AM–1:00 PM Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 11:08–11:19 AM William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD; Anil Nanda, MD 703 10-year Experience With Nerve Transfers for Restoration of Elbow Function in Patients 9:45–9:55 AM With Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries A Piece of My Mind— Authors: Julia Oberhoffer, Gregor Antoniadis, PhD; Ralph König, MD; Neurosurgeons Are Neurocritical Care Specialists Christian Heinen, MD; Thomas Kretschmer, PhD; Christian Wirtz, PhD; Speaker: Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Maria Pedro, MD

9:56–10:07 AM 11:20–11:23 AM 700 10 Degree-of-Freedom Neuroprosthetic Control Discussant: Robert J. Spinner, MD by an Individual With Tetraplegia 11:24–11:34 AM Authors: Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabara, MD, PhD, Jennifer Collinger, PhD; Brian Wodlinger, PhD; John Downey, BS; Wei Wang, PhD; Douglas Weber, National Neurosurgery Quality and Outcomes Database PhD; Angus McMorland, PhD; Meel Velliste, PhD; Michael Boninger, MD; at One Year: Preliminary Data and Progress Report Andrew Schwartz, PhD Speaker: Anthony L. Asher, MD

10:08–10:11 AM 11:35–11:46 AM Discussant: Jeffrey G. Ojemann, MD 704 Proteomic Analysis of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Tissue Reveals Distinct Tumor Subtypes 10:12–10:23 AM Authors: Amanda Muhs Saratsis, MD, Madhuri Kambhampati, International Abstract Award Kendall Snyder, Jordan Hall, Sridevi Yadavilli, MD, PhD; 701 Intracranial Pressure Monitoring as an Jennifer Perez, Suresh Magge, MD; Javad Nazarian, PhD Early Predictor of Third Ventriculostomy Outcome Authors: David Roytowski, Patrick Semple, MD, PhD; 11:47–11:50 AM Llewellyn Padayachy, MD; Henri Carara, MSC Discussant: Frederick A. Boop, MD

10:24–10:27 AM 11:51 AM–12:02 PM Discussant: John Ragheb, MD 705 Early Change in Ferumoxytol-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal Suggests Unstable Human 10:28–10:30 AM Cerebral Aneurysm . A Pilot Study Introdcution Of The Hunt–Wilson Lecture Authors: David M. Hasan, MD; Nohra Chalouhi, MD; Pascal Jabbour, Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Aaron Dumont, David Kung, Vincent Magnotta, William Young, Tomoki Hashimoto, H. Richard Winn, Donald Hesitad 10:31–10:51 AM Hunt–Wilson Lecture 12:03–12:06 AM The Vascular Manifesto Discussant: Adel M. Malek, MD, PhD Speaker: Michael T. Lawton, MD 12:07–12:12 PM 10:52–11:03 AM Cushing Medalist 702 Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury With Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Marrow Stromal Cells Induces Axonal Sprouting Recipient: Jon H. Robertson, MD in Denervated Spinal Cord Authors: Asim Mahmood, MD, Hongtao Wu, MD; 12:13–1:00 PM Changsheng Qu, MD; Ye Xiong, MD Cushing Orator Introduced by: Mitchel S. Berger, MD 11:04–11:07 AM Speaker: Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III Discussant: Barth A. Green, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 115

1:00–2:00 PM Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

1:15–2:00 PM NEW! Lunch-and-Learn Seminars Location: Booth #751, Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center See pages 29 and 30 for details on these informative seminars.

Don’t Miss These 3D Sessions

Monday, April 29 2:00–4:30 PM Nuances of Intracranial Surgery: An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Tuesday, April 30 2:00–4:30 PM Nuances of Cerebrovascular Surgery: An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Both presentations are also available through live streaming over the Internet

Those attending the course in person will be given instructions during the meeting on how to submit questions to the moderators or participate in polling.

Those attending the meeting via webcast will visit cohen.omnovia.com/ room1. Login as an “attendee” then click “enter room” and type in your name. The chat function is available at the bottom of the video windows. Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 116 AANS History Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 388–390, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:15–3:22 PM Larry V. Carson, MD 711 Nervous System Injuries (NSI) and Military Specialization During The 2:00–2:30 PM Author: William C. Hanigan, MD, PhD Historical Contributions Of Neurosurgeons To Athletics And Athletic Neurological Injuries 3:23–3:30 PM Speaker: Julian E. Bailes Jr., MD 712 The History of External Ventricular Drainage (EVD) Authors: Visish Srinivasan; Brent O’Neill, MD; Diana Jho, MD, MS; Donald Abstract Presentations Whiting, MD; Michael Oh, MD

2:31–2:38 PM 3:31–3:38 PM Vesalius Award 713 Bengt Liliequist: 706 Two Bullets to The Head And a Cold Winter: Life And Accomplishments of a True Renaissance Man Fate Allows Kutuzov to Defeat Napoleon at Moscow Authors: David Edward Connor, DO; Anil Nanda, MD, MPH Authors: Yakiv Fischenko, MD, PhD; Mark C. Preul, MD; Sergiy Kushchayev, MD, 3:39–3:46 PM PhD; Julia Zemskova, BS 714 Private Practice And The Evolution 2:39–2:46 PM of Academic Neurosurgery in Louisiana 707 From the Cell of “Schwann” to “Schwannoma”— Author: David G. Kline, MD A Historical Perspective Authors: Benjamin Brown, MD; Ashish Sonig, MD; Viraj Gandhi; Neurosurgical Face–Off Sudheer Ambekar, MD; Anil Nanda, MD, MPH Changing Our Culture To Advance Patient Safety From A Historical Perspective 2:47–2:54 PM 708 Anatomy of The Spine as Known in Ancient Egypt 3:47– 4:02 PM Authors: Ali M. Elhadi; M. Yashar S.Kalani, MD, PhD; Nikolay L. Martirosyan, How Dandy Changed The Culture of Safety Presented MD; George A.C. Mendes, MD; Mahmoud Speaker: James T. Goodrich, MD, PhD Abbassy, MD; Nicholas Theodore, MD; Mark C. Preul, MD 4:03–4:18 PM 2:55–3:06 PM Harvey Cushing And His Efforts To Change 709 Franc D . Ingraham And The The Culture of Safety in Neurosurgery Genesis of Pediatric Neurosurgery Speaker: Edward R. Laws Jr., MD Authors: Subash Lohani, MD; Alan Cohen, MD 4:19–4:29 PM 3:07–3:14 PM Case Discussion 710 Harvey Cushing And Dimitru Bagdasar— Co-Moderator: Larry V. Carson, MD; Mark C. Preul, MD Founder of Romanian Neurosurgery Authors: James L. Stone, MD; Madelina Mindrut, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 117 AANS/CNS Section on Pain Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 288/289, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:36–3:44 PM Christopher J. Winfree, MD 720 An Outcome Comparison of Three Distinct Paddle Electrode Configurations of Thoracic Spinal 2:00–2:59 PM Cord Stimulators For Chronic Neuropathic Pain John Loeser Lecture Authors: Chengyuan Wu, MD; Angud Mehdi, MS; The Strain In Pain Lies Mainly In The Brain: David Penn, BS; Ashwini Sharan, MD Lessons Learned From The Neuroimaging Of Pain Speaker: Sean MacKey, MD, PhD Neurosurgical Face–Off Trigeminal Neuralgia Abstract Presentations 3:45–4:00 PM 3:00–3:08 PM Surgical Management Of Trigeminal Neuralgia William Sweet Award Speaker: Kim J. Burchiel, MD 716 Survey Of The Current State of Neurosurgical Chronic Pain Care And Education 4:01–4:16 PM Authors: Timothy Richard Smith, MD, PhD; Anne Park, MD; Divaker Mithal, MD, Radiosurgery Management Of Trigeminal Neuralgia PhD; Alon Mogiler, MD, PhD; Julie Pilitsis, MD; Chris Winfree, MD; Joshua Speaker: Douglas S. Kondziolka, MD Rosenow, MD

3:09–3:17 PM 4:17–4:27 PM 717 Trigeminal Neuralgia Occurs And Recurs Case Discussion in The Absence of Vascular Compression Co-Moderator: Christopher J. Winfree, MD; Authors: Kim J. Burchiel, MD; Stephen Griffith, MD; Benedict Taw, MD Raymond F. Sekula Jr., MD

3:18–3:26 PM 4:28–4:30 PM 718 Pain And Function in Syringomyelia Q&A And Chiari I Malformation Authors: Juan Carlos Vera; Akanksha Saxena, Jessica Mack, MSC; John Heiss, MD

3:27–3:35 PM 719 Cortical Responses to Intra- And Extra-Dural Electrical Stimulation of Mammalian Spinal Cord Authors: Taylor John Abel, MD; Oliver Flouty, MD; Hiroyuki Oya, MD; Hiroto Kawasaki, MD; Chandan Reddy, MD; Matthew Howard, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 118 AANS/CNS Section on Pediatrics Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 391/392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:45–3:55 PM Alan R. Cohen, MD 725 The Impact of Socioeconomics on Pediatric Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting 2:00–3:00 PM Authors: Corey Tyler Walker; Jonathan Stone, MD; Valerie Phillips, PA-C; Matson Lecture Maxwell Jacobson, BS; Howard Silberstein, MD Brain Injury In The Premature Infant: 3:56–4:06 PM More than Just “Injury?” 726 Normative Values of Anthropometric Speaker: Joseph Volpe, MD Cranial Indices During Infancy Authors: Jonathan A. Pindrik, MD; Joseph Molenda, BS; Edward Ahn, MD Abstract Presentations 4:07–4:17 PM 3:01–3:11 PM 727 National Audit of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Survival 721 Paediatric CNS Tumours In The UK Versus US: in Children in The United Kingdom: 30-Day Failure Rate Long-Term (1-, 5-, 10-year) Mortality Authors: Yahia Al-Tamimi, MD; Priyank Sinha, MBBS; Ryan Mathew, Darach Authors: Ryan K. Mathew, MBBCh, MRCS; Roddy O’Kane, MBBS; Crimmins, John Thorne, Richard Hayward, Guirish Solanki, Simon Thomson, Roger Parslow, Charles Stiller, Tom Kenny, Sue Picton, Paul Chumas, MD Paul Chumas 3:12–3:22 PM 4:18–4:28 PM 722 Neonatal Microglial Response to Late Gestation 728 Effect of Surgical Debulking on Combined Hypoxic-Ischemic And Inflammatory Insult: Post-Operative Cerebellar Mutism Implications For Interventions Authors: Anthony Myint; Yasser Jeelani, MD; Jessica Ashford, MSC; Authors: Shenandoah Robinson, MD; Lauren Jantzie, PhD; Daniel Firl, BS Stephanie Da Silva, MS; J. Gordon McComb, MD; Mark Krieger, MD

3:23–3:33 PM 4:29–4:30 PM 723 Observed Changes in CSF Flow During Posterior Q&A Fossa Decompression for Chiari Malformations Using an Intraoperative MRI Authors: Aaron E Bond, MD, PhD; John Jane, MD, PhD; Kenneth Liu, MD; Edward Oldfield, MD

3:34–3:44 PM 724 Functional Hemispherectomy in Infants: Safety, Technical Considerations And Results Authors: Mary E. Dunn, MD; Michael Frost, MD; Frank Ritter, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 119 AANS/CNS Peripheral Nerve Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 291/292, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:59–4:06 PM Allan J. Belzberg, MD 730 Tractography of The Human Cervical Spine Nerve Roots 2:00–2:02 PM Authors: Brian Hill; Matthew Kang, MD; Christophe Lenglet, PhD; Introduction Of Kline Lecture Jutta Ellermann, MD; Leah Hanson, PhD Introduction: Rajiv Midha, MD, MS 4:07–4:14 PM 2:03–2:40 PM 731 Peripheral Nerve Tractography Using MR DTI Kline Lecture Authors: Michel Kliot, MD; Jared Narvid, MD; Roger Noss, PhD; The Clinical Translation Of Short Gap Cynthia Chin, MD Entubulation Nerve Repair 4:15–4:22 PM Speaker: Simon J. Archibald, PhD 732 In Vivo Survival And Neuronal Differentiation 2:41–2:45 PM of Human Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Concluding Remarks: David G. Kline, MD Neural Precursors Authors: David Weingarten, MD; Jana Juhasova, Stefan Juhas, PhD; Jan Motlik, 2:46–3:20 PM PhD; Shauna Yuan, MD; Sylvia Marsala, Joseph Ciacci, MD; Martin Marsala, MD Peripheral Nerve Tumor Case Presentations 4:23–4:30 PM Presenters: Michael J. Dorsi, MD; Amgad Saddik Hanna, MD 733 Does G-CSF Have a Regenerative Influence on Panel: Line Jacques, MD; Michel Kliot, MD; Allan D. Levi, Traumatic Lesions of The Sciatic Nerve in Rats? MD, PhD; Robert J. Spinner, MD Authors: Doerthe Keiner; Harald von Pein, MD; Clemens Sommer, MD, PhD; 3:21–3:50 PM Axel Heimann, MD; Oliver Kempski, MD, PhD; Joachim Oertel, MD, PhD Peripheral Nerve Entrapment: Failed Surgery Case Presentations Presenters: Abhay Varma, MD; Shaun T. O’Leary, MD, PhD Panel: Aaron G. Filler, MD, PhD; Leo T. Happel, PhD; Allen H. Maniker, MD; Christopher J. Winfree, MD; Eric L. Zager, MD

Abstract Presentations Moderators: Jason Huang, MD; Justin Brown, MD

3:51–3:58 PM 729 A Molecular, Histopathological And Clinico-Radiological Analysis of Invasive Spinal Schwannomas Authors: Joshi George, MD; Nesrin Sabha, Sameer Agnihotri, Boris Krischek, Gelareh Zadeh, Michael Fehlings Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 120 AANS/CNS Section on Tumors I Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 3:33–3:42 PM Christopher M. McPherson, MD; Michael W. McDermott, MD American Brain Tumor Association Young Investigator Award Symposium Presentation 735 Personalized, Probabilistic Prediction of Management Of Challenging Brain Tumors Postoperative Complication Risks for Craniotomy 2:00–2:15 PM Authors: Nicholas F. Marko, MD; Johannes Hjorth, PhD; Andrea Seicean, MS; Simon Tavare, PhD; Robert Weil, MD Insular Tumors Speaker: Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD 3:43–3:52 PM 2:16–2:20 PM 736 Predictors And Implications of Facial Nerve Q&A Dysfunction After Acoustic Neuroma Resection: A National Study 2:20–2:35 PM Authors: Jacob Bagley; Ranjith Babu, MS; Timothy Owens, MD; Cory Adamson, Pineal Region Tumors MD, PhD; Shivanand Lad, MD, PhD Speaker: Jeffrey N. Bruce, MD 3:53–4:02 PM 2:36–2:40 PM 737 Age-Associated Practice Patterns And Survival Q&A Benefit of Gross Total Resection in Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme 2:40–2:55 PM Authors: Abraham Noorbakhsh; Brandon McCutcheon; Logan Marcus, MS; Craig Lateral Ventricular And Thalamic Tumors Schallhorn, David Chang, PhD; Bob Carter, MD, PhD; Clark Chen, MD, PhD Speaker: Alessandro Olivi, MD 4:03–4:15 PM 2:56–3:00 PM 738 Lost and Found: Therapeutic Implications of Q&A Bone Marrow as Harbor For Missing T-Cells in Glioma 3:00–3:15 PM Authors: Peter E. Fecci, MD; Shohei Koyama, MD, PhD; Christina Chen, BS; Tooba Cheema, PhD; Glenn Dranoff, MD; Robert Martuza, MD; Fourth Ventricular And Brainstem Tumors William Curry, MD Speaker: James T. Rutka, MD, PhD 4:16–4:25 PM 3:16–3:22 739 Impact of Intra-operative MRI And Multimodal Q&A Neuronavigation on Health Related Quality of Life And Survival in Adults With High-Grade Gliomas: Abstract Presentations A Prospective Controlled Study Moderators: Christopher M. McPherson, MD; Ricardo J. Authors: Xiaolei Chen, MD; Fangye Li, MD; Gang Zheng, MD; Jingjiang Li, MD; Komotar, MD Sheng Hu, MD; Ting Zhang, MD; Jiashu Zhang, MD, PhD; Bai-nan Xu, MD, PhD 3:23–3:32 PM 4:26–4:30 PM Journal of Neuro-Oncology Award Q&A 734 Magnetoencephalographic Imaging of Resting-State Functional Connectivity Predicts Postsurgical Neurological Outcome in Brain Gliomas Authors: Phiroz Erach Tarapore, MD; Juan Martino, MD; Adrian Guggisberg, MD; Julia Owen, PhD; Susanne Honma, BS; Anne Findlay, MS; Mitchel Berger, MD; Heidi Kirsch, MD; Srikantan Nagarajan, PhD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 121 International Symposium II U .S .–Mexican Neurosurgical Summit

2:00–4:30 PM

Moderator 3:42–3:53 PM Alfredo Quinones Hinojosa, MD Vascular Neurosurgery Edgar Nathal, MD, DMSc 2:00–2:05 PM Introduction 3:54–4:05 PM Alfredo Quinones Hinojosa, MD Obamacare: Fallacies Fernando G. Diaz, MD, PhD 2:06–2:17 PM Approaches To The Cavernous Sinus 4:06–4:17 PM Gerardo Guinto-Balanzar, MD Surgical Treatment Outcome For Traumatic Braquial Plexus Miguel Antonio Sandoval Balanzario, MD 2:18–2:29 PM Brain Tumors: Experience At “Hospital Infantil 4:18–4:29 PM de Mexico, S S. ”. Q&A Fernando Chico, MD

2:30–2:41 PM Superior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysms Jorge A. Santos-Franco, MD

2:42–2:53 PM Cushing Disease: Middle-Term Outcome In A Small Serie Blas E. Lopez Felix MD

2:54–3:05 PM Understanding And Targeting Migratory Brain Cancer Cells Alfredo Quinones Hinojosa, MD

3:01–3:10 PM Neurosysticercosis Update Jaime Gerardo Torres-Corzo, MD

3:06–3:17 PM Surgical Treatments Rogelio Revuelta Gutierrez, MD

3:18–3:29 PM Total Cervical Disk Replacement 10-Year Experience Guy Gilbert Broc Haro, MD

3:33–3:41 PM Giant Aneurysms Issue Noe Santiago, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 122 3D Session AANS History 2:00–4:30 PM Section Dinner Nuances Of Cerebrovascular Surgery: 6:00–9:00 PM An Interactive 3D Video Presentation Also available through live streaming over the Internet Location: The Court of Two Sisters Fee: $150

Invited Speaker: William J. Cooper, PhD Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Boyd Professor, Louisiana State University

Moderator: Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Dr. William J. Cooper, a Boyd Professor at Louisiana State Panelists University (LSU), has spent his Robert F. Spetzler MD entire professional career at LSU, Michael T. Lawton, MD where he served as dean of the Course Description school’s graduate school from This session will review the important technical nuances 1982–1989. Dr. Cooper, who for improving patient outcome during cerebrovascular cases. received his BA degree from Princeton University and his The faculty will review 3D surgical videos of intracranial doctorate from Johns Hopkins University, has held fellowships vascular procedures to demonstrate technical nuances to from the Institute of Southern History at Johns Hopkins, the avoid complication and advance patient safety. Charles Warren Center at Harvard University, the Guggenheim This session will be interactive through live streaming over Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. the Internet, and the audience—both in the room and those He also is a past president of the Southern Historical watching the stream—will have the chance to ask the faculty Association and a Fellow of the Society of American Historians. questions. Those in the session will be able to access the Dr. Cooper has authored numerous novels on Southern panel with direct texting. Those attending the meeting via politics and history, including The South and the Politics of webcast will access the panel via an internet connection. Slavery, 1828–1856; Liberty and Slavery: Southern Politics Visit cohen.omnovia.com/room1. Choose the attendee option, to 1860; Jefferson Davis, American, which received the Los “enter the room” and type in your name. The chat function Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography and the Jefferson is available at the bottom of the video windows. Davis Award from the Museum of the Confederacy; and We Have the War Upon Us: The Onset of the Civil War, November 1860–April 1861. In addition, he is the co-author of The American South, A History, and also has edited or co-edited 4:30–5:30 PM five books and numerous articles.

Wine And Cheese Reception The Code: The Concept of Honor in the Antebellum South Dr. Cooper will speak to dinner guest about the concept In The AANS Exhibit Hall of honor and its place in society within the antebellum Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, South. Honor was seen as a cardinal virtue within southern Ernest N. Morial Convention Center white society—from wealthy plantation owners to everyday farmers—and paired with liberty, formed the twin god of southern mores. This combination held a powerful role in a slave society, where the divide between liberty and slavery was so dramatic. Dr. Cooper also will look at how honor impacted different personal aspects of southern culture, such as the duel, as well as how a society imbued with this sense of honor and liberty could feel compelled to display it when it appeared threatened. Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 123 Dinner Symposia 6:30–8:30 PM

SE130 Biologics And Spine Fusion


Location: Muriel’s

Fee: $195

Enjoy delicious Creole cuisine with historic ambiance located at Jackson Square, the heart of the New Orleans French Quarter. Muriel’s reflects southern hospitality, historical character, and creative revelry—always New Orleans at its finest. Within Muriel’s historic walls, the city of New Orleans was built by citizens that passed through. Today that savory energy for life can be felt by patrons in the award winning Contemporary Creole Cuisine served. Shuttle bus will be provided from the New Orleans Marriot Hotel, Canal Street entrance, departing at 6:15 PM.

Panelists Peter D. Angevine. MD Allan D. Levi, MD, PhD Justin S. Smith, MD, PhD Michael Y. Wang, MD Tuesday, April 30 Tuesday, WWW.AANS.ORG 124 Wednesday, May 1


Plenary Session I Bus Schedule Information 9:45 AM–1:00 PM The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals Location: Hall J between the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and all Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, AANS hotels starting at 6:30 AM. See page 153 for the Shuttle. A full schedule is available at all AANS hotels Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall and the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. 1:00–2:00 PM Location: Exhibit Hall H/I, Registration Hours Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 6:30 AM–3:30 PM Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Speaker Ready Room 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Breakfast For Seminar Attendees 6:45 AM–7:15 PM Location: Foyers Outside 260, 283, and 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Breakfast Seminars (Additional Fee Required) 7:00 AM–9:00 AM

AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00 AM–5:30 PM Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Morning Beverage Break In The AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Location: Exhibit Hall H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

WWW.AANS.ORG 125 Breakfast Seminars 7:00–9:00 AM

301 Max Out The Web To Improve 304 If I Could Do That Case Over Again: Your Practice Discussion Of Complications Of Cranial Surgery

SOCIOECONOMIC CEREBROVASCULAR Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Location: 271, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 263, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Chaim B. Colen, MD, PhD Moderator: Anil Nanda, MD, MPH

Panelists Panelists J. Bradley Bellotte, MD Giovanni Braggi, MD Jonathan E. Hodes, MD, MS John Diaz Day, MD Brian T. Ragel, MD Steven L. Giannotta, MD Ann R. Stroink, MD Peter Nakaji, MD

302 Return To Play After Sports Injury II— 305 Intraoperative Imaging: Body Injury For Spine State-Of-The-Art And Future Directions


SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 264, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 261, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Adam S. Arthur, MD, MPH Moderator: Joseph C. Maroon, MD Panelists Panelists Philip H. Gutin, MD Michael W. Groff, MD Roger Hartl, MD Daniel C. Lu, MD, PhD Mitesh V. Shah, MD Christina M. Notarianni, MD Gregory J. Zipfel, MD Srinivas Prasad, MD

306 Surgical Approaches 303 Vertebral Column Tumors To The Lateral Skull Base


Location: 262, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 265, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Mark H. Bilsky, MD Moderator: Jeffrey J. Olson, MD

Panelists Panelists Peter C. Gerszten, MD, MPH Jeremy N. Ciporen, MD Ehud Mendel, MD John G. Golfinos, MD Laurence D. Rhines, MD Joung H. Lee, MD Daniel M. Sciubba, MD Laligam N. Sekhar, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 126 307 Developing New Technology: 310 Anticoagulation For The Neurosurgeon Bringing Device To Market And Hemostasis In Neurosurgery


SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 260, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 266, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Christopher M. Loftus, MD Moderator: Matthew A. Howard III, MD Panelists Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Panelists Bob S. Carter, MD, PhD John R. Adler Jr., MD Craig H. Rabb, MD Richard D. Bucholz, MD Christopher D. Roark, MD Kevin T. Foley, MD Bruce Tranmer, MD Michael W. McDermott, MD

311 Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndromes 308 Contemporary Stereotactic Radiosurgery C&MS


STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Location: 272, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 267, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Eric L. Zager, MD Moderator: Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Panelists Panelists Allan J. Belzberg, MD John Buatti, MD Line Jacques, MD Douglas S. Kondziolka, MD Robert J. Spinner, MD Jean Regis, MD Lynda Jun-san Yang, MD, PhD John H. Shin, MD

312 How to Get Into And Out Of The Skull— 309 Osteoporosis And Spinal Fusion Surgery A Historical Review


Location: 268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 273, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Deborah L. Benzil, MD Moderator: James T. Goodrich, MD, PhD

Panelists Panelist Bharat Guthikonda, MD Larry Van Carson, MD, MBA Frank La Marca, MD John C. Steck, MD Gregory R. Trost, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 127 313 Resective Strategies For Epilepsy 316 Complications Of Complex Spinal Surgery: Lessons Learned STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL

SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 275, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Gerald A. Grant, MD Location: 284, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Panelists Moderator: Ziya L. Gokaslan, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Panelists Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, David W. Roberts, MD Anthony K. Frempong-Boadu, MD Dennis D. Spencer, MD Anthony H. Sin, MD Nitin Tandon, MD Brian R. Subach, MD Kevin C. Yao, MD

314 Functional Neurosurgery For Psychiatric Illness 317 Professional Issues: Strategies To Demonstrate The Financial Viability STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Of The Advance Practice Provider

Location: 276, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center N&PE Moderator: Michael Y. Oh, MD SOCIOECONOMIC

Panelists Location: 285, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD Emad N. Eskandar, MD Moderator: Twyila Lay, ACNP-BC Paul S. Larson, MD Panelists Parag G. Patil, MD, PhD Marianne Langlois PA-C Julia Galletly ACNP-BC Tracey Anderson ACNP-BC 315 Beginning Your Academic Career: Answers To Your Questions 318 Improving The Culture Of Safety C&MS And Complication Avoidance In Vascular SOCIOECONOMIC Neurosurgery Location: 277, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Robert J. Dempsey, MD NEW

Panelists CEREBROVASCULAR Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Peter J. Jannetta, MD, DSc Jeffrey R. Leonard, MD Moderator: Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Jon H. Robertson, MD Panelists Shenandoah Robinson, MD Robert H. Rosenwasser, MD Philip E. Stieg, PhD, MD Cargill H. Alleyne Jr., MD Basant Kumar Misra, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 128 319 Endovascular Versus Microsurgical 322 Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Techniques For The Optimal Treatment SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Of Intracranial Aneurysms Location: 383, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center CEREBROVASCULAR Moderator: Iain H. Kalfas, MD Location: 290, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Panelists Moderator: Adel M. Malek, MD, PhD Michael G. Kaiser, MD Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD May 1 Wednesday, Panelists Hiroshi Nakagawa, MD Rocco A. Armonda, MD Eric J. Woodard, MD C. Michael Cawley, MD David M. Hasan, MD Demetrius K. Lopes, MD

320 Spondylolisthesis: 323 Improving The Culture Of Safety And Controversies In Management Complication Avoidance In Spinal Surgery

NEW SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE SPINE /PERIPHERAL NERVE Location: 293, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 384/385, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Philip R. Weinstein, MD Moderator: Neil M. Malhotra, MD Panelists John M. Caridi, MD Panelists Harel Deutsch, MD Farbod Asgarzadie, MD Amer F. Samdani, MD Patrick C. Hsieh, MD Luis Manuel Tumialan, MD Peter J. Lennarson, MD Najeeb M. Thomas, MD

321 Open Versus Endoscopic Approaches To The Anterior Skull Base 324 Humanitarian Neurosurgery

NEW TRAUMA/CRITICAL CARE SOCIOECONOMIC Location: 297, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 396, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Moderator: Chandranath Sen, MD Moderator: Merwyn Bagan, MD, MPH Panelists Ossama Al-Mefty, MD Panelists Carlos A. David, MD A. Leland Albright, MD James J. Evans, MD Peter M. Black, MD, PhD Fred Gentili, MD, MSc Anthony G. Fieggen, MD Barth A. Green, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 129 325 Measuring Outcomes And Safety 327 The Culture Of Safety And In Neurosurgery Complication Prevention In Stereotactic And Functional Neurosurgery NEW


STEREOTACTIC & FUNCTIONAL Location: 386, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Philip V. Theodosopoulos, MD Location: 397, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Panelists Moderator: Charles Y. Liu, MD, PhD Alan S. Boulos, MD Panelists Paul Joseph Camarata, MD Erich O. Richter, MD James P. Chandler, MD Kenneth A. Follett, MD, PhD Thomas C. Origitano, MD, PhD Michael Y. Oh, MD Daniel Yoshor, MD

326 So You Want To Be An Expert Witness



Location: 387, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator James R. Bean, MD

Panelists W. Ben Blackett, MD, JD Stan Pelofsky, MD Russell M. Pelton, JD Edie E. Zusman, MD

9:00 AM–9:45 AM

Morning Beverage Break In The AANS Exhibit Hall

Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

WWW.AANS.ORG 130 Plenary Session III 9:45 AM–1:00 PM Location: Hall J, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 11:18–11:29 AM Regis W. Haid Jr., MD; P. David Adelson, MD Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship 803 Riluzole Mediated Plasticity Results in Locomotor 9:45–9:48 AM Recovery After High Cervical Hemilesion Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Introduction Of The Louise Eisenhardt Lecture Author: Farshad Nassiri Introduced By: Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD 11:30–11:33 PM 9:49–10:19 AM Discussant: Nicholas M. Boulis, MD Louise Eisenhardt Lecture Putting Patients First: 11:34–11:37 AM Promoting A Culture Of Patient-Centered Care Young Neurosurgery Update Speaker: Carolyn M. Clancy, MD Speaker: Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD

10:20–10:31 AM 11:38–11:49 AM Ronald L . Bittner Award On Brain Tumor Research 804 Neural Stem Cell Transplantation And Myelination: 801 Glioma-Induced Immunosuppression Shortens Results of a Phase I Trial in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Progression-Free Survival in a Trial of Immunotherapy Authors: Nalin Gupta, MD, PhD; Roland Henry, PhD; Jonathan Strober, MD; Sang-Mo Kang, MD; Daniel Lim, MD, PhD; Monica Bucci, MD; Eduardo For Glioblastoma Caverzasi, MD; Laura Gaetano, PhD; Maria Mandelli, PhD; Tamara Ryan, RN; Authors: Orin Bloch, MD; Rajwant Kaur, BS; Manish Aghi, MD, PhD; Rachel Perry, RN; Jody Farrell, RN; Rita Jeremy, PhD; Mary Ulman, RN; Michael McDermott, MD; Mitchel Berger, MD; Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD Stephen Huhn, MD; James Barkovich, MD; David Rowitch, MD, PhD 10:32–10:35 PM 11:50–11:53 AM Discussant: James M. Markert Jr., MD Discussant: Gary K. Steinberg, MD, PhD 10:36–10:39 AM 11:54 AM–12:05 PM Introduction Of The Richard C . Schneider Lecture 805 Non-Invasive Urinary Biomarkers Can Detect The Mitchel S. Berger, MD Introduced By: Presence of Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations 10:40–11:00 AM Authors: Edward Robert Smith, MD; Brendan McNeish, MS; Michael Raber, MD; Xuezhe Han, MD, PhD; Darren Orbach, MD, PhD Richard C . Schneider Lecture Safe At Any Speed— 12:06–12:09 PM Advancing The Culture of Safety in Spine Surgery Discussant: Rafael J. Tamargo, MD Speaker: Charles L. Branch Jr., MD 12:10–12:21 PM 11:01–11:12 AM 806 High-Resolution Diffusion MRI of The Trigeminal 802 Complications in a Consecutive Unselected Series Nerve Using 7T MRI of 83 Patients Undergoing Pipeline Flow Diversion For Authors: Andrew Grande, MD; Christophe Lenglet; Julien Sein, PhD; Julian Intracranial Aneurysms Tokarev; Bharathi Jagadeesan, MD; Pierre-François Van de Moortele, MD, PhD Authors: Anthony Burrows, MD, David Kallmes, MD; Harry Cloft, MD, PhD; Giuseppe Lanzino, MD 12:22–12:25 PM Discussant: Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD 11:13–11:17 PM 12:26–12:29 PM Discussant: Jacques J. Morcos, MD Introduction Of The Van Wagenen Lecture Introduced By: William F. Chandler, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 131 12:30–12:50 PM Van Wagenen Lecture The Brain Connectome Revisited: Lessons From Awake Mapping In Glioma Surgery Speaker: Hugues Duffau, MD, PhD

12:51–12:55 PM Humanitarian Award Introduced By: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Recipient: Mark Bernstein, MD Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, 12:56–1:00 PM Introduction Of The 2013–2014 AANS President Speaker: Mitchel S. Berger, MD Incoming President: William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD

1:00–2:00 PM Lunch In The AANS Exhibit Hall Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

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WWW.AANS.ORG 132 AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 291/292, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 3:40–3:47 PM Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Nicholas C. Bambakidis, MD; J D. Mocco, MD 811 An Update to The Raymond Classification of Intracranial Aneurysms 2:00–2:35 PM Authors: Justin R. Mascitelli, MD; Maritsa Polykarpou, BS; Henry Moyle, MD, Donaghy Lecturer PhD; Michael Chary, Yakov Gologorsky, MD; Aanand Patel, Ashwin Kamath, MD; Speaker: Fady T. Charbel, MD Amish Doshi, MD; Aman Patel, MD

2:36–2:51 PM 3:48–3:55 PM Measuring Patient Outcomes In Cerebrovascular Surgery— 812 Revascularization in Patients With Moyamoya How, Why, When? Decreases Abnormally High Posterior Circulation Speaker: Kevin M. Cockroft, MD Arterial Flows Measured by Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Angiography 2:52–3:07 PM Authors: Ramon Navarro; Robert Lober, MD, PhD; Abdullah Feroze, MS; Tracking Our Patient Outcomes— Nadia Khan, MD; Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD The N2QOD And Its Value to Cerebrovascular Surgery Speaker: E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD 3:56–4:03 PM 813 Clinical Features, Surgical Treatment, And Long-Term Abstract Presentations Outcome in Adult Patients With Moyamoya Disease in China Authors: Lian Duan 3:08–3:15 PM 807 The Discordance Between Neurocognitive And 4:04–4:11 PM Traditional Neurological Outcomes 1-Year Following SAH 814 A Nonsense Mutation in THSD1, Encoding Authors: Adib Abla, MD; David A. Wilson, MD; Richard Williamson, MD; Thrombospondin Type-1 Domain-Containing Protein, George Prigatano, MD; Felipe Albuquerque, MD; Cameron McDougall, MD; Causes Autosomal-Dominant Intracranial Aneurysms Joseph Zabramski, MD; Peter Nakaji, MD; Robert Spetzler, MD Authors: Dong H. Kim, MD; Teresa Sim, PhD

3:16–3:23 PM 4:12–4:19 PM 808 A Prospective Quality Initiative to Maximize Dysphagia 815 Socioeconomic Disparities in Outcome After Screening Prevents Stroke Associated Pneumonia Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Evidence From a Nation-Wide Authors: William L. Titsworth, MD; Justine Abram, MSN, CNRN; in-Hospital Data Amy Fullerton, MS; Jeannette Hester, MSN, CNRN; Peggy Guin, PhD; Authors: R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD; Blessing Jaja, MBBS Michael Waters, MD, PhD; J Mocco, MD, MS 4:20–4:27 PM 3:24–3:31 PM 816 Diagnostically Negative Spontaneous Subarachnoid 809 Multimodal Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations Hemorrhages: Clinical Course, Outcome And Long-Term of The Basal Ganglia, Thalamus, And Insula Angiographic Follow-up Authors: Matthew B. Potts, MD; Arman Jahangiri, BS; Maxwell Jen, MD; Authors: Joseph M. Zabramski, MD; Ali M. Elhadi; George A.C. Mendes, MD; Penny Sneed, MD; Steven Hetts, MD; William Young, MD; Michael Lawton, MD Kaith Almefty, MD; Mark C. Preul, MD; Robert F. Spetzler, MD 3:32–3:39 PM 810 Incidence of Acute Embolism And Significance of Platelet Aggregation Testing With The Pipeline Embolization Device Authors: Adel M. Malek, MD, PhD; Robert Heller, BS; Venkata Dandamudi, MD; Michael Lanfranchi, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 133 AANS/CNS Neurotrauma & Critical Care Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 388–390, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:31–3:41 PM May 1 Wednesday, Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD DePuy Synthes Spinal Cord Resident Award 818 Helmeted Versus Non-Helmeted Patients: Neurosurgical Face–Off Outcomes Comparing Cervical Spine Injuries Conservative Management On Head Injury Vs . in Two-Wheeled Vehicle Accidents Decompressive Craniectomy Authors: Kristopher Gray Hooten, MD; Gregory Murad, MD

2:00–2:15 PM 3:51–4:01 PM Conservative Management On Head Injury 819 Quantifying The Stiffness of White Matter Structures Speaker: Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, MD Using High Resolution MR Elastography Authors: Curtis L Johnson, Matthew McGarry, John Weaver, Keith Paulsen, 2:16–2:31 PM Bradley Sutton, John Georgiadis, Huan Wang, William Olivero Decompressive Craniectomy 4:02–4:12 PM Speaker: Howard M. Eisenberg, MD 820 Measurement of Mitochondrial Aerobic Metabolism 2:32–2:42 PM During Normobaric Hyperoxia Following Traumatic Brain Case Discussion Injury And Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Co-Moderator: Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD Authors: Arnab Ghosh; Christina Kolyva, PhD; David Highton, MBBS; Ilias Tachtsidis, PhD; Neil Kitchen, MD; Clare Elwell, PhD; Martin Smith, MBBS

2:43–2:48 PM 4:13–4:23 PM Announcement of 2012 Codman Recipient 821 Telemonitoring of Neurosurgical Patients: 4 Years Experience 2:49–3:13 PM Authors: Kathryn Ko, MD; Lynn Kemp, RN; Yuriy Ivanov, DO 2013 Codman Presentation 4:24–4:30 PM 3:14–3:19 PM Q&A Q&A

Abstract Presentations

3:20–3:30 PM 817 The Impact of Age on Functional Outcomes After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Dataset Authors: Jefferson Wilson, MD; Abhaya Kulkarni, MD, PhD; Ralph Frankowski, PhD; Robert Grossman, MD; Michael Fehlings, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 134 AANS/CNS Socioeconomic Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 391/392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator 3:35–3:44 PM Wednesday, May 1 Wednesday, Deborah L. Benzil, MD Cone Pevehouse Young Neurosurgeon Award 824 Differences in Neurosurgical Knowledge Gaps Between 2:00–2:31 PM Spine Focused And General Neurosurgeons Up-To-Date Affordable Patient Care Act Authors: Zach Litvack; Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD; Robert Starke, MD; And Health Care Reform Nader Pouratian, MD, PhD Speaker: Katie Orrico, JD 3:45–3:54 PM Neurosurgical Face–Off 825 Predicting Rehospitalization Following Craniotomy For Meningioma: A Novel Longitudinal Multiple Database Study Affordable Patient Care Act Authors: Paul Kalanithi, MD; Robert Arrigo, BS 2:32–2:47 PM 3:55–4:04 PM Pro Affordable Patient Care Act 826 Variation in Unit Cost Calculation in Spine Cost Speaker: Stephen L. Ondra, MD Effectiveness Research 2:48–3:03 PM Author: Vincent Wang, MD PhD Con Affordable Patient Care Act 4:05–4:14 PM Speaker: Troy M. Tippett, MD 827 Tracking And Sustaining Improvement Initiatives: 3:04–3:14 PM Leveraging Quality Dashboards to Lead Change in a Case Discussion Neurosurgical Department Co-Moderator: Deborah L. Benzil, MD; Mark E. Linskey, MD Authors: Nancy McLaughlin, MD; Nasim Afsar-Manesh, MD; Farzad Buxey, Victoria Ragland, Christine Bartels, RN; Neil Martin, MD Abstract Presentations 4:15–4:24 PM 3:15–3:24 PM 828 Use of The Electronic Medical Record to Track 822 Risk Associated With Preoperative Anemia in Non- Continuity of Care in Neurosurgical Residency Emergency Cranial Surgery Authors: N. Scott Litofsky; Rylan Brantl, MD; Tomoko Tanaka, MD; Authors: Nima Alan; Andreea Seicean, MS; Sinziana Seicean, MD, PhD; Nicholas Thorkild Norregaard, MD Schiltz, PhD; Paul Jones, PhD; Duncan Neuhauser, PhD; Robert Weil, MD 4:25–4:30 PM 3:25–3:34 PM Q&A 823 Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery Versus Medical Therapy For The Treatment of Microprolactinoma: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Authors: Pinakin R. Jethwa, MD; Tapan Patel, BS; Aaron Hajart, MS; Jean Eloy, MD; James Liu, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 135 AANS/CNS Section Disorders of the Spine Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 393–395, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 3:34–3:40 PM May 1 Wednesday, Daniel M. Sciubba, MD; Robert F. Heary, MD 831 Pedicle Screw Hubbing in The Adult And Immature Thoracic Spine: A Biomechanical And Micro-Computed Symposium Tomography Evaluation MIS Surgery: Where We Are And Where We Are Going Authors: Robert W. Tracey; Daniel Kang, MD; Ronald Lehman, MD; Adam Bevevino, MD; Rachel Gaume, BS; Haines Paik, MD; 2:00–2:15 PM Anton Dmitriev, PhD; Lawrence Lenke, MD; John Cody, MD Review of Current Clinical Evidence for MIS Fusion 3:41–3:47 PM (TLIF, LLIF, AxiaLIF, Radiation Exposure Data) 832 Withdrawn Speaker: Paul Park, MD 3:48–3:54 PM 2:16–2:31 PM 833 Likelihood of Reaching Minimal Clinically Important Cost Effectiveness Of MIS Vs . Open Procedures Difference (MCID) in Health Related Quality of Life Speaker: Matthew J. McGirt, MD (HRQOL) Measures: Prospective Analysis of Operative And 2:32–2:47 PM Non-operative Treatment of Adult Spinal Deformity (ASD) Less Invasive (Hybrid – Mini–Open And Percutaneous) Authors: Virginie Lafage; Justin Smith, MD, PhD; Frank Schwab, MD; Approaches To Complex Spinal Disorders (Including Christopher Shaffrey, MD; Eric Klineberg, MD; Christopher Ames, MD; Richard Hostin, MD; Kai-Ming Fu, MD, PhD; Khaled Kebaish, MD; Tumors And Obese Patients) Praveen Mummaneni, MD; Vedat Deviren, MD; Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, MD; Speaker: Michael Y. Wang, MD Robert Hart, MD; Shay Bess, MD; International Spine Study Group 2:48–3:03 PM 3:55–4:01 PM MIS Deformity 834 Health Impact Comparison of Different Disease States Speaker: Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD And Population Norms to Adult Spinal Deformity (ASD): A Call for Medical Attention 3:04–3:19 PM Authors: Kai-Ming Fu, MD; Shay Bess, MD; Frank Schwab, MD; Christopher MIS Deformity Shaffrey, MD; Virginie Lafage, PhD; Justin Smith, MD, PhD; Christopher Ames, MD; Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, MD; Douglas Burton, MD; Robert Hart, MD; Pro MIS Deformity Eric Klineberg, MD; Richard Hostin, MD; Gregory Mundis, MD; Praveen Speaker: Frank La Marca, MD Mummaneni, MD; International Spine Study Group Con MIS Deformity 4:02–4:08 PM Speaker: Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD 835 Multilevel Fusion Surgery Outcomes And Hospitalization-Cost at Academic Centers- Analysis Abstract Presentations of a National Estimate of 950,780 Cases Across 3:20–3:26 PM United States (US) 829 The Natural History of Filum Terminale Lipomas Authors: Ashish Sonig, MD; Anil Nanda, MD, MPH Authors: Wajd N. Al-Holou, MD; Michael Cools, BS; William Stetler Jr, MD; Thomas Wilson, MD; Mohannad Ibrahim, MD; Cormac Maher, MD 4:09–4:15 PM 836 Incidence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients 3:27–3:33 PM Undergoing Elective Spinal Fusion 830 Impact of Global Sagittal Alignment on Health-Related Authors: Vijay M. Ravindra, MD; Wilson Ray, MD; Andrew Dailey, MD Quality of Life in Lumbosacral Spondylolisthesis Authors: Adil Harroud; Hubert Labelle, MD; Julie Joncas, RN; Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 136 4:16–4:22 PM 837 The Impact of Obesity on Resource Utilization Following Decompressive Surgery For Degenerative Spine Disease Authors: Grant William Mallory, MD; Jeffrey Jacob, MD; Timothy Curry, MD; Daryl Kor, MD; Jeremy Wetzel, MS; Michelle Clarke

4:23–4:30 PM 838 Treatment of Intraspinal Abscess: Comparison of Outcomes Following Surgical And Conservative

Management May 1 Wednesday, Authors: Kevin Huang; Ranjith Babu; Steven Thomas, MS; Matthew Hazzard, MD; Jacob Bagley ,BS; Isaac Karikari, MD; Carlos Bagley, MD; Oren Gottfried, MD; Robert Isaacs, MD; Chirag Patil, MD; Maxwell Boakye, MD; Shivanand Lad, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 137 AANS/CNS Stereotactic & Functional Surgery Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 288/289, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderators 3:45–3:51 PM

Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD; Emad N. Eskandar, MD 840 Do Brain Rhythms Play a Role in Cortical Processing May 1 Wednesday, During Language Production? 2:00–2:08 PM Authors: Kai Joshua Miller, MD; Dora Hermes, PhD; Mariska Vansteensel, PhD; Intraoperative MRI—Clearpoint And iMRI Cyrille Ferrier, MD; Erik Aarnoutse, PhD; Nick Ramsey, PhD Speaker: Paul S. Larson, MD 3:52–3:58 PM 2:09–2:17 PM 841 Resting State Functional Connectivity Analysis Can Optical Imaging For Epilepsy Surgery Distinguish Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) From Speaker: Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Authors: Blake Eaton; Samuel Taylor; Robert McGovern, MD; Chuck Mikell, MD; 2:18–2:26 PM Andrew Chan, BS; Teresa Wojtasiewicz, BS; Guy McKhann II, MD CCF—Stereo EEG For Epilepsy Resections Speaker: Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD 3:59–4:05 PM 842 STN Local Field Potential Characteristics in Patients 2:27–2:35 PM With Primary Craniocervical Dystonia, Primary Generalized Intraoperative CT—O-Arm And iCT Dystonia, And Severe Rigid-Akinetic Parkinson’s Disease Speaker: Brian H. Kopell, MD Authors: Doris Du Wang, MD; Elena Ryapolova, BS; Jill Ostrem, MD; 2:36–2:44 PM Philip Starr, MD, PhD 3D Operative Atlases 4:06–4:12 PM Speaker: Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD 843 Improved Seizure Outcomes in Resections 2:45–2:53 PM Involving The Orbito-Frontal Cortex: iCT For Trigeminal Neuralgia Evidence For “Orbito-Frontal-Plus” Epilepsy Authors: Demitre Serletis, MD, PhD; Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD; Speaker: Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Juan Bulacio, MD; Imad Najm, MD; William Bingaman, MD

Neurosurgical Face–Off 4:13–4:19 PM Ablation Versus Stimulation In Movement 844 Reinstatement of Oscillatory Power And Phase And Psychiatric Disorders Synchrony During Memory Recall Kareem Zaghloul, MD PhD 2:54–3:09 PM Authors: Ablation 4:20–4:26 PM Speaker: G. Rees Cosgrove, MD 845 Establishing Safe Parameters For Radiofrequency Lesioning Through DBS Electrodes: A Pilot Study of Lesion 3:10–3:25 PM Geometry And Temperature Characteristics Stimulation Authors: Ben Strickland; Anish Sen, MD; Jason Stafford, PhD; Speaker: Robert E. Gross, MD, PhD Ashwin Viswanathan, MD 3:26–3:37 PM 4:27–4:30 PM Case Discussion Q&A Co-Moderators: Michael G. Kaplitt, MD, PhD; Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD

Abstract Presentations

3:38–3:44 PM 839 Regional Striatal Variation in The DBS Amelioration of Binge Eating in Mice: Choosing a Target For Obesity Authors: Casey Halpern, MD; Andy Tekriwal; Tracy Bale, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 138 AANS/CNS Section On Tumors II Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Location: 294–296, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

3:24–3:32 PM Moderators May 1 Wednesday, Nicholas Levine, MD; James Evans, MD 848 The Impact of Adjuvant Radiotherapy on Atypical Meningioma Recurrence Following Symposium Aggressive Microsurgical Resection The Future Of Skull Base Surgery Authors: Douglas Hardesty, MD; Andrew Wolf, MS; David Brachman, MD; Heyoung McBride, MD; Emad Youssef, MD; Peter Nakaji, MD; 2:00–2:14 PM Randall Porter, MD; Kris Smith, MD; Robert Spetzler, MD; Nader Sanai, MD Skull Base Surgery: Past, Present And Future 3:33–3:41 PM Harry van Loveren, MD 849 Spatiotemporal Regulation of GBM Neo-Vascularization 2:15–2:29 PM Authors: Gelareh M. Zadeh, MD; Kelly Burrell, MS; Richard Hill, PhD Minimally Invasive Surgery: 3:42–3:50 PM Surgery In The Era Of Multimodality Therapy 850 Outcomes And Patterns of Care in Adult Skull Base Theodore H. Schwartz, MD Chordomas From The Surveillance, Epidemiology, And End 2:30–2:44 PM Results (SEER) Database The Role For Open Skull Base Surgery Authors: Pamela Stuart Jones, MD; Pamela Jones, MD, MS; Franco Demonte, MD Frederick Barker, MD; William Curry, MD

2:45–2:59 PM 3:51–3:59 PM Molecular Targets On The Skull Base Horizon 851 Effect of Hospital Volume on Mortality Randy L. Jensen, MD, PhD And Morbidity After Craniotomy For Brain Tumor: an Italian Nationwide Study 3:00–3:05 PM Authors: Francesco DiMeco, MD; Chiara Falcone, BS; Cecilia Casali, MD; Q&A Prakash Sampath, MD; Federico Legnani, MD; Donatella Barus, PhD; Antonio Silvani, MD; Andrea Salmaggi, MD; Alessandro Olivi, Mariangela Abstract Presentations Farinotti, MD; Graziella Filippini, MD Moderators: Nicholas Levine, MD; John A. Boockvar, MD 4:00–4:08 PM 3:06–3:14 PM Leksell Radiosurgery Award Synthes Skull Base Award 852 The Role of Stereotactic Radiosurgery For Intracranial 846 Long Term Outcomes And Survival Analysis Hemangioblastomas: an International Multicenter Study for Intracranial Chordoma Authors: Hideyuki Kano, MD PhD; Jason Sheehan, MD, PhD; Masaaki Authors: Sergei Terterov, MD; Andy Trang, BS; William Yong, MD; Yamamoto, MD, PhD; Byron Young, MD; Christopher Duma, MD; David Mathieu, Yinncher Ooi, MD; Linda Liau, MD, PhD; Neil Martin, MD; MD; Heyoung McBride, MD; Takashi Shuto, MD, PhD; Yoshiyasu Iwai, MD, PhD; Marvin Bergsneider, MD; Isaac Yang, MD Gillian Harrison, MS; Douglas Kondziolka, MD, MSC; L. Dade Lunsford, MD

3:15–3:23 PM 847 Gefitinib Selectively Inhibits Tumor Cell Migration in EGFR-Amplified Human Glioblastoma Authors: Jonathon Parker; Kalen Dionne, Peter Canoll, MD, PhD; B.K. Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, MD; Allen Waziri, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 139 4:09–4:17 PM 853 Efficacy of Post-Operative Seizure Prophylaxis in Trans-Cortical Tumor Resections Authors: Shaheryar Ansari; Bradley Bohnstedt, MD; James Miller, MD

4:18–4:26 PM Preuss Award 854 Overexpression of Functional Calcium-Permeable Glutamate Receptors in Glioblastoma Derived Brain Tumor Initiating Cells

Authors: Michael C. Oh, MD; Joseph Kim, MS; Michael Safaee, BS; May 1 Wednesday, Gurvinder Kaur, BS; Matthew Sun, BS; Rajwant Kaur, BS; Anna Celli, PhD; Theodora Mauro, MD; Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD

4:27–4:30 PM Q&A

WWW.AANS.ORG 140 Candidate (Resident/Fellow) And Medical Student Activities

C&MS Sessions for Candidates and Medical Students Sixteen exclusive Practical Clinics and Nineteen Breakfast C&MS Seminars are being offered complimentary to candidates Watch for this icon throughout the Final Program. It and medical students. indicates sessions that were designed with you in mind. Practical Clinics Resident’s Note 002 Introduction To Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery For Residents Neurosurgical residents and fellows in North America receive free Candidate membership in the AANS! Visit the 005 Advanced Practices For Your Neurosurgical Practice AANS Resource Center, Booth #1439 in the Exhibit Hall 007 Spinal Stabilization, Fusion And Instrumentations: H/I to learn more about membership benefits. Biomechanics And Techniques 008 3D Anatomy And Approaches To The Posterior International Candidate (Resident/Fellow) Fossa And Posterior Skull Base This membership category offers membership to residents 010 Update On Spinal Radiosurgery or fellows who are enrolled in a verifiable non-North 011 Practical And Technical Aspects Of American neurosurgical training program. International Transsphenoidal Surgery Candidate Members may request transfer to International member status with the submission of a copy of their 012 Microsurgical Management Of Intracranial Aneurysms: certification documentation following training. For more Site Specific Surgical Anatomy, Operation information, please visit the AANS Resource Center, Intervention And Complication Management AANS Booth #1439 in the Exhibit Hall H/I. 013 Update On Malignant Brain Tumors For The General Neurosurgeon Marshals Program/Office 014 Practical Course In Neurostimulation For Residents For those already signed up to Marshal, please report 016 Management Of Incidental Imaging Findings to the AANS Office at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time. 017 Brain Mapping And Awake Mapping Techniques Location: 279/280, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 020 Peripheral Nerve Injuries, Entrapments And Tumors: Examination And Evaluation Phone: 504-670-4909 022 Invention And Innovation In Neurosurgery Hours 026 How to Tackle Difficult Cranial Cases: Saturday, April 27 6:30 AM–6:00 PM A Step-By-Step Case-Based Presentation Sunday, April 28 6:30 AM–5:00 PM 031 3D Anatomy And Approaches To The Monday, April 29 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Supratentorial Area And Anterior Skull Base Tuesday, April 30 6:30 AM–5:00 PM 034 Neurotrauma Critical Care Review And Wednesday, May 1 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Update For Practicing Neurosurgeon

If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a Marshal onsite, please stop by the AANS Office in Room 279/280 at any time during the above hours to check availability for open sessions.

WWW.AANS.ORG 141 Breakfast Seminars The resident or fellow with the best combined score will 101 Getting The Most Out Of Your Residency earn the distinct honor of being named the Neurosurgical Top Gun as well as a prize of $1,000, plus $1,500 for his 102 Comparative Effectiveness Research: or her residency program. Top scorers at individual Why You Need to Care About This Topic stations also will win a prize of $200 each. 105 Spinal Motion Preservation Using The Posterior The first 50 participants will receive a Top Gun t-shirt! Column Implants 106 Cerebral Venous System: Surgical Considerations Supporters of this year’s innovative competition are 111 Intracranial Endoscopy 116 Advances In Treating Carotid Artery Disease: Surgery And Endovascular Therapy 124 Management Of Spinal Axis Trauma 127 How to Write And Publish A Successful Neurosurgical Manuscript 211 Physician Autonomy In Business Enterprises: Profits And Pitfalls 212 Multidisciplinary Management Of Cerebral AVMs 213 Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors 218 Suprasellar And Juxtasellar Tumors: Complications And Avoidance SE127 Young Neurosurgeons Luncheon 220 Management Of Vasospasm Date and Time: Monday, April 29, 1:00–2:15 PM 223 Return To Play After Sports Injury I–Concussion Location: 265–268, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 302 Return To Play After Sports Injury II–Body Injury Co-Moderators: 307 Developing New Technology: Cormac O. Maher, MD Bringing Device To Market Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD 308 Contemporary Stereotactic Radio Surgery Invited Speaker: Nathan Selden, MD, PhD 311 Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndromes Mission Driven Neurosurgery: Mentorship, 315 Beginning Your Academic Career: Scholarship, Compassion Answers To Your Questions Description: Neurosurgical Top Gun Competition Come and enjoy a lunch with colleagues and friends For the eighth consecutive year, the Young Neurosurgeons while learning about the impact that young neurosurgeons Committee will host a competition for neurosurgical and residents can make. Dr. Nathan Selden has been residents and fellows, to take place at the AANS Top invited to give his perspective on what it means to be a Gun Booth #321 in Exhibit Hall H/I of the Ernest N. leader in neurosurgery and how you can help to shape Morial Convention Center. This three-day event will the future of our field. include stations such as an image guided lumbar Dr. Selden is the Campagna Professor of Neurosurgery pedicle screw placement, thoracic deformity correction, at Oregon Health Sciences University where he also endovascular aneurysms occlusion, and ventriculostomy. functions as Residency Program Director and Vice- Each participant has one opportunity at each intricate chairman for Education. and demanding surgical station, and is scored on his or her performance.

WWW.AANS.ORG 142 Nurse And Physician Extenders Programs

New This Year! 012 Microsurgical Management Of Intracranial Aneurysms: Mid-Level Plenary Session Site Specific Surgical Anatomy, Operation Date and Time: Sunday, April 28, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM Intervention And Complication Management Location: 392, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 019 Coding, Compliance And Revenue Issues In Cranial, Non-Spine And E&M Coding The session will feature a broad array of presenters on safety, anatomy and liability issues with featured presen- 021 Head Trauma: Current Treatments And Controversies tations from Richard Murphy, PA-C, Chairman Board of With Hands-On Practical Session In Brain Monitoring Registration of Physician Assistants Commonwealth of 024 Brain Neoplasms: Massachusetts and Lieutenant Colonel Gary W. Cooke, Updates On Diagnostics Through Therapeutics Flight Safety Officer US Air Force Reserve Corps. 034 Neurotrauma Critical Care Review And Update See page 82 for full schedule. For Practicing Neurosurgeon

Breakfast Seminars N&PE 110 Management Of Acute Spinal Cord Injury

N&PE 220 Management Of Vasospasm 221 Surgical Treatment Of Parkinson’s Disease Watch for this icon throughout the Preliminary Program. It indicates sessions that were designed with you in mind. 223 Return To Play After Sports Injury I–Concussion 302 Return To Play After Sports Injury II–Body Injury Neuroscience Nurse, Nurse Practitioner 317 Professional Issues: Challenges And Opportunities and Physician Assistant Activities For The Neurosurgical Mid-Level Practitioner The Scientific Program Committee has organized a comprehensive selection of scientific topics that will Optional Sessions for Nurse and be presented. All registered nurses, nurse practitioners, Physician Extenders and physician assistants are encouraged to attend any of the Practical Clinics on Saturday and Sunday SE126 Mid-Level Practitioner Luncheon and the Breakfast Seminars that are offered each Date and Time: Monday, April 29, 1:00–2:45 PM morning, Monday through Wednesday. Location: 271–273, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Practical Clinics Moderator: Twyila Lay, NP, MS 003 Critical Care Procedures For The Neurosurgical Speaker: Cindy Sullivan, NP Mid-Level Practitioner Changing Culture: 004 Thoracic And Lumbar Stabilization And Fusion: Chronicles Of Neurosurgical Spine Care Indications And Complications 006 Coding, Compliance And Revenue Issues In Spine Coding 007 Spinal Stabilization, Fusion And Instrumentations: Biomechanics And Techniques

WWW.AANS.ORG 143 SE123 Advancements In Neurotrauma Care

Date and Time: Tuesday, April 30, 2:00–4:30 PM

Location: 270, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Moderator: Twyila Lay, NP, MS

Speakers: Peter J. Hutchinson, MD Josh E. Medow, MD David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD Richard B. Rodgers, MD

Not A Member of AANS? RNs, NPs, and PAs are encouraged to become AANS members in the Associate category. Benefits include members registration and product discounts as well as free online CME (that can be converted to CEUs for nurses). Requirements include proof of certification and letters of recommendation from three AANS voting members. For a list of member benefits and access to the online application, please go to AANS Membership at http://www.aans.org/en/ Members/Membership%20Requirements.aspx.

WWW.AANS.ORG 144 Section Activities

AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Tuesday, April 30 Section Session Monday, April 29 2:00–4:30 PM Scientific Session V—Cerebrovascular 2:00–4:30 PM Matson Lecture 2:00–3:00 PM Tuesday, April 30 Section Session AANS/CNS Section on Stereotactic and 2:00–4:30 PM Functional Surgery Business Meeting Monday, April 29 4:30–5:00 PM Scientific Session III—Stereotactic and Functional Surgery 2:00–4:30 PM AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves Wednesday, May 1 Section Session Monday, April 29 2:00–4:30 PM Scientific Session II—Spine 2:00–4:30 PM AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Wednesday, May 1 Monday, April 29 Section Session Scientific Session—Tumor 2:00–4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM

AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma Tuesday, April 30 & Critical Care Section Session (Tumor I) 2:00–4:30 PM Monday, April 29 Scientific Session VI—Neurotrauma & Critical Care Wednesday, May 1 2:00–4:30 PM Section Session (Tumor II) 2:00–4:30 PM Wednesday, May 1 Section Session AANS Section on History 2:00–4:30 PM Tuesday, April 30 AANS/CNS Section on Pain Section Session 2:00–4:30 PM Tuesday, April 30 Section Session AANS History Section Dinner 2:00–4:30 PM 6:00–9:00 PM

AANS/CNS Section on Pediatric AANS Socioeconomic Section Neurological Surgery Wednesday, May 1 Monday, April 29 Section Session Scientific Session IV—Pediatrics 2:00–4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM Women in Neurosurgery Wednesday, May 1 WINS Breakfast 7:30–9:00 AM

WWW.AANS.ORG 145 AANS And Ancillary Meetings

AANS And Ancillary Meetings listing as of Monday, April 8 . For up-to-date information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting App .

Thursday, April 25, 2013 CSNS Information Conference CSNS Website Committee for New/Alternative Delegates 10:00–11:00 AM AANS Finance Committee Breakfast 8:00–8:30 AM Studio 5 7:00-8:00 AM Studio 10 New Orleans Marriott Galerie 1 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott CSNS Coding & Reimbursement AANS Board of Directors Breakfast Committee and Coding & AANS Finance Committee 7:30–8:30 AM Reimbursement Committee 7:30–10:00 AM Bissonet of the AANS/CNS Galerie 1 New Orleans Marriott 11:00 AM–12:15 PM New Orleans Marriott Studio 9 AANS Board of Directors ThinkFirst Conference Day 2 New Orleans Marriott 8:00 AM–4:00 PM 8:00 AM–5:00 PM Bissonet CSNS Medical Legal Committee New Orleans Marriott at Convention New Orleans Marriott 11:00 AM–12:15 PM Center Studio 6 CSNS Young Neurosurgeons AANS Strategic Planning Committee New Orleans Marriott 8:30–9:30 AM 10:00 AM–12:00 PM Studio 7 CSNS Neurotrauma Emergency Galerie 1 New Orleans Marriott Neurosurgery Committee New Orleans Marriott 11:00 AM–12:15 PM CSNS Executive Committee AANS Executive Committee Lunch Galerie 6 8:45–10:00 AM 12:00–1:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Studio 9 Galerie 1 New Orleans Marriott CSNS Medical Practices Committee New Orleans Marriott 11:00 AM–12:15 PM CSNS Finance Committee AANS Executive Committee Galerie 5 10:00–11:00 AM 12:00–5:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Audubon Galerie 1 New Orleans Marriott CSNS Workforce Committee New Orleans Marriott 11:00 AM–12:15 PM CSNS Membership State CSNS Long Range Planning Committee Galerie 4 Societies Committee 7:00–10:00 PM New Orleans Marriott 10:00–11:00 AM Balcony J Studio 7 CSNS Plenary Session New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott 12:30–5:15 PM Acadia Friday, April 26, 2013 CSNS Publications Committee New Orleans Marriott 10:00–11:00 AM CSNS Officer Briefing Studio 10 Society for Neuro-Oncology 7:00–7:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Foundation Meeting Audubon 2:00–7:00 PM New Orleans Marriott CSNS Resident Fellowship, Leadership Hilton New Orleans Riverside Development and Mentoring Committee CSNS Communications and 10:00–11:00 AM CSNS Reference Committee Education Committee Studio 8 3:00–5:15 PM 7:00–8:30 AM New Orleans Marriott Studio 10 Studio 6 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott WWW.AANS.ORG 146 AANS Voting Board CSF Think Tank Meeting Sunday, April 28, 2013 4:00–5:30 PM 8:00 AM–5:00 PM AANS Leadership Orientation Bissonet New Orleans Marriott 8:00–9:30 AM New Orleans Marriott at Convention Center Galerie 2 CSNS Reception CSNS Plenary Session New Orleans Marriott 5:15–6:15 PM 9:30 AM–12:30 PM Mayo Clinic Lumbar Spine Meeting Galerie 1 Acadia 8:00–10:00 AM New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott Mardi Gras Ballroom A Mayo Neurosurgery Specialty Council New Orleans Marriott Saturday, April 27, 2013 12:00–6:00 PM N2QOD Data Coordinator Meeting CSNS/AANS Caucus Mardi Gras Ballroom A 8:00–9:30 AM 6:45–9:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Studio 7 Studio 9 New Orleans Marriott CSNS Lunch New Orleans Marriott 12:30–1:30 PM ThinkFirst Committee Meetings CSNS/CNS Caucus Bissonet 8:00 AM–4:00 PM 6:45–9:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Studio 6 Bonaparte New Orleans Marriott AANS/CNS Joint Officers Meeting New Orleans Marriott 1:30–2:30 PM Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing CSNS Northeast Quadrant Galerie 4 Group Finance Committee 6:45–9:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Studio 9 8:30–10:00 AM New Orleans Marriott CSNS Executive Committee Mardi Gras Ballroom D 1:30–3:00 PM New Orleans Marriott CSNS Northwest Quadrant Galerie 1 SNS Summit Meeting 6:45–9:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Studio 8 9:00 AM–12:00 PM New Orleans Marriott N2QOD Business Committee Galerie 6 2:00–3:30 PM New Orleans Marriott CSNS Southeast Quadrant Studio 9 AANS Maintenance of Certification/ 6:45–9:15 AM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 5 Continuing Medical Education New Orleans Marriott AANS Subspecialty MOC Educational Committee Materials Editorial Board 10:00–11:30 AM CSNS Southwest Quadrant 2:30–4:30 PM Studio 1 6:45–9:15 AM Galerie 6 New Orleans Marriott Galerie 6 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott AANS Information AANS/CNS Communications & Technology Committee ANSPA Meeting Public Relations Committee 10:00–11:30 AM 7:00 AM–5:30 PM 3:30–4:30 PM Studio 8 Studio 1 & 2 Galerie 5 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing ANSPA Exhibits AANS Neurosurgeon Editorial Board Group Editorial Board Meeting 7:00 AM–5:30 PM 4:00–5:30 PM 10:00 AM–5:00 PM Studio 3 & 4 Studio 10 Mardi Gras Ballroom D New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott

NeurosurgeryPAC Board of Directors WINS Executive Committee 4:30–5:30 PM 10:30 AM–12:30 PM Galerie 5 Studio 10 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott

WWW.AANS.ORG 147 AANS/CNS Quality ABNS Extra-Mural Subspecialty Item SNS Core Subcommittee Meeting Improvement Workgroup Writing Committee Luncheon Seminar 3:00–4:00 PM 11:00 AM–12:30 PM 1:30–3:30 PM Galerie 6 Studio 9 Studio 7 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott AANS Membership Committee AANS Van Wagenen Collegium Society of Latin American 3:00–4:00 PM And Luncheon Neurosurgeons (SLAN) Annual Studio 10 12:00–1:30 PM Working Session New Orleans Marriott Mardi Gras Ballroom B 2:00–3:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Studio 4 AANS Member Benefit New Orleans Marriott Development Committee AANS Stereotactic 3:00–4:30 PM Radiosurgery Registry SNS Bootcamp Meeting Galerie 4 12:00–1:00 PM 2:00–3:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 1 Galerie 6 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott WFNS Taskforce 3:30–4:30 PM AANS Education and Practice AANS Joint Sponsorship Council Balcony J Management Committee 2:00–3:00 PM New Orleans Marriott 12:00–1:30 PM Studio 8 Studio 1 New Orleans Marriott North American Gamma Knife New Orleans Marriott Consortium Meeting AANS Van Wagenen Committee 3:30–4:30 PM American Academy of Neurological 2:00–3:00 PM Studio 2 Surgery Interim Executive Committee Studio 5 New Orleans Marriott 12:00–2:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 4 AANS Resident Mentoring Reception New Orleans Marriott N2QOD Operations Committee 4:00–5:00 PM 2:00–3:30 PM Mardi Gras Ballroom C SNS Web Portal Group Meeting Studio 9 New Orleans Marriott 12:00–2:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 6 Monday, April 29, 2013 New Orleans Marriott NREF Executive Council Meeting 2:00–4:00 PM AANS/CNS Section on AANS/CNS Section on Stereotactic Galerie 1 Tumor Executive Committee and Functional Neurosurgery Executive New Orleans Marriott 6:00–7:30 AM Board Meeting Galerie 3 12:00–4:00 PM ACS Advisory Council for New Orleans Marriott Room 399 Neurological Surgery ThinkFirst Board of Directors Meeting Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 2:30–4:30 PM Studio 1 6:00–8:00 AM AANS/CNS Joint Guidelines Committee New Orleans Marriott Studio 2 1:00–2:00 PM New Orleans Marriott Studio 2 AANS/CNS Section on AANS Development Committee New Orleans Marriott Cerebrovascular Executive Committee 2:30 PM–4:30 PM 6:15–7:30 AM AANS History Section Executive Mardi Gras Ballroom FGH Galerie 1 Committee New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott 1:00–3:00 PM FIENS Executive Committee Balcony I AANS/CNS Section on 6:30–7:30 AM New Orleans Marriott Pain Executive Committee 2:30–4:30 PM Mardi Gras Ballroom A Balcony N New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott

WWW.AANS.ORG 148 AANS International AANS Young Neurosurgeons Committee NREF Research Symposium Outreach Committee 5:00–7:00 PM 4:00–5:30 PM 7:00–8:00 AM Galerie 2 Galerie 1 Studio 7 New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott New Orleans Marriott Joint Annual Business Meeting of the NREF Awardee And Donor Reception Collaborative Spine American Association of Neurological 5:30–6:30 PM Research Foundation Surgeons and the American Association St. Charles Suite 7:30 – 8:45 AM of Neurosurgeons New Orleans Marriott Galerie 6 5:30–7:30 PM New Orleans Marriott Room 286/287 AANS/CNS Section on Tumor Young Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Neurosurgeons Reception AANS/CNS DSPN Executive 5:30 – 7:30 PM Committee Meeting American Association of South Asian Riverview 1:00–4:00 PM Neurosurgeons Meeting New Orleans Marriott Studio 9 5:30–7:30 PM New Orleans Marriott Studio 6 AANS/CNS Section on Pediatrics New Orleans Marriott Matson Reception AANS Public Relations Committee 6:00 – 7:30 PM 1:00–2:00 PM Napoleon Suite Tuesday, April 30 Room 274 New Orleans Marriott Ernest N. Morial Convention Center AANS/CNS Drugs and Devices Committee AANS History Section Annual Dinner Accreditation Council for Pediatric 6:00–7:00 AM 6:00–9:00 PM Neurosurgical Fellowships Galerie 4 The Court of Two Sisters 1:00–2:30 PM New Orleans Marriott Mardi Gras Ballroom A Wednesday, May 01, 2013 New Orleans Marriott Carotid Investigator’s Meeting 7:00–8:00 AM CSM Investigator’s Meeting AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma Mardi Gras Ballroom A 7:00–8:00 AM And Critical Care Executive Committee New Orleans Marriott Mardi Gras Ballroom A 1:00–2:30 PM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 6 WFNS International Initiatives WINS Breakfast New Orleans Marriott and Fundraising 1:00–2:00 PM 7:30–9:00 AM ABNS Advisory Council Room 277 Mardi Gras Ballroom D Luncheon Meeting Ernest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans Marriott 1:30–3:30 PM AANS Exhibitor Advisory Committee Galerie 4 AANS Ethics Committee 12:00–1:30 PM New Orleans Marriott 1:00–2:00 PM Room 274 Room 274 AANS/CNS DSPN Scientific Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Program Committee 2013/2014 AANS Annual Meeting 4:00–5:00 PM AANS/CNS Pediatric Section Planning Committee and Scientific Studio 9 Executive Committee Program Committee Debriefing New Orleans Marriott 1:00–2:00 PM Room 399 1:30–2:30 PM AANS/CNS Joint Military Committee Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Mardi Gras Ballroom AB 4:30–6:30 PM New Orleans Marriott Galerie 6 NPA Board of Directors New Orleans Marriott 1:30–2:30 PM Room 287 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

WWW.AANS.ORG 149 General Information

AANS Office at Convention Center AANS Speaker Ready Room Location: 279/280, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Location: 283, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Phone: 504-670-4908 Hours: Hours: Saturday, April 27 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Saturday, April 27 6:30 AM–6:00 PM Sunday, April 28 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Sunday, April 28 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Monday, April 29 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Monday, April 29 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Tuesday, April 30 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Tuesday, April 30 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Wednesday, May 1 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Wednesday, May 1 6:30 AM–5:00 PM Accessibility AANS Office at Headquarters Hotel The Ernest N. Morial Convention Center is committed to Location: Regent, New Orleans Marriott accommodating the needs of individuals with disabilities Phone: 504-533-5571 in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. All areas are wheelchair accessible. TDD phones are Hours: located in Lobby H/I. These telephones adhere to ADA Thursday, April 25 7:00 AM–5:00 PM code height requirements. All elevators are equipped Friday, April 26 7:00 AM–5:00 PM with Braille signage. Additionally, restrooms and drinking fountains are ADA accessible. Saturday, April 27 7:00 AM–5:00 PM To reserve scooters call The UPS Store at the Ernest N, Sunday, April 28 7:00 AM–5:00 PM Morial Convention Center at 504-670-8941 or visit their Monday, April 29 7:00 AM–5:00 PM web site at theupsstorelocal.com/6216. Please note: Tuesday, April 30 7:00 AM–5:00 PM there is a minimum of a one week rental. Rates include delivery and pickup to and from your hotel or the Wednesday, May 1 7:00 AM–5:00 PM convention center. AANS Mobile Meeting App Lounge Admission To Sessions/Exhibits Available in Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Badges are required to enter all scientific sessions and the exhibit hall. Badges are distributed at the time of registration. Badges must be worn at all times. Participants AANS Press Room of 81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting are identified Location: 282, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center by the following badge colors: No outside materials for distribution and no sharing Physician Attendees: Green of lists will be allowed. Candidates/Medical Student: Brown Hours: Physician Extenders: (RNs, PAs and Allied) Purple Monday, April 29 8:30 AM–5:00 PM Staff: Red Tuesday, April 30 8:30 AM–5:00 PM Exhibitors: Blue Wednesday, May 1 8:30 AM–5:00 PM Spouse/Guests: Orange Media: Yellow

WWW.AANS.ORG 150 Americans With Disabilities Act Wine and Cheese in the AANS Exhibit Hall AANS wishes to take those steps to ensure that no Monday, April 29 4:30–5:30 PM individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, Tuesday, April 30 4:30–5:30 PM segregated or otherwise treated differently than other individuals because of the absence of auxiliary aids and No Smoking Policy services. If you require any of the auxiliary aids or services Smoking is not permitted at any official AANS events, identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act in order the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, or the majority to attend any AANS program, please contact the AANS of the official AANS hotels. Office at the Convention Center, Room 279/280, 2nd Level of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Boarding Pass Attendee Onsite Registration Hours Print your boarding pass before you leave for the airport! The Boarding Pass Kiosk will be available in Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center the Lobby H/I Registration area of the Ernest N. Friday, April 26 5:00–7:00 PM Morial Convention Center. Saturday, April 27 6:30 AM–5:30 PM Sunday, April 28 6:30 AM–6:30 PM Cell Phones And Pagers Monday, April 29 6:30 AM–4:00 PM As a courtesy to other attendees and speakers, the AANS asks that you silence your cell phone or pager during all Tuesday, April 30 6:30 AM–4:00 PM scientific sessions. If you must make a call, please step Wednesday, May 1 6:30 AM–3:30 PM outside the meeting room.

Attire Child Care Services Attire for the 81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting is Please check with the concierge at your hotel. business or business casual depending on the nature of the event or unless otherwise indicated. Climate/Time Zone New Orleans has a subtropical climate with pleasant Morning Beverage Breaks year-round temperatures. Temperatures range from the in the AANS Exhibit Hall mid 40’s in winter to upper 90’s in the summer. The Location: Exhibit Halls H/I, average high in April is 79 degrees Fahrenheit, with Ernest N. Morial Convention Center the low averaging 59 degrees Fahrenheit. The average Monday, April 29 9:00–9:45 AM rainfall in April is 4.5" with an average of 65% sunshine.

Tuesday, April 30 9:00–9:45 AM New Orleans is located in the Central Standard Time Zone. Wednesday, May 1 9:00–9:45 AM CME Self-Reporting Stations Lunch in the AANS Exhibit Hall Location: AANS Resource Center Booth #1439 and Monday, April 29 1:00–2:00 PM Lobby Registration Area in H/I of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Tuesday, April 30 1:00–2:00 PM Wednesday, May 1 1:00–2:00 PM

WWW.AANS.ORG 151 E-Mail Stations AANS Information Booth Location: AANS Resource Center Booth #1439 and Location: Lobby H/I, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Lobby Registration Area in H/I of the Ernest N. Morial Phone: 504-670-4900 (General Information) Convention Center. Phone: 504-670-4923 (Restaurants and Reservations)

AANS Exhibit Hours For general information about the 81st AANS Annual Monday, April 29 9:00 AM–5:30 PM Scientific Meeting, surrounding area or restaurant recom- mendations, visit the AANS Information Booth located in Tuesday, April 30 9:00 AM–5:30 PM Lobby H/I area of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Wednesday, May 1 9:00 AM–2:00 PM Hours: First Aid Room Friday, April 26 8:00 AM–7:00 PM Location: Lobby H at Entrance to AANS Exhibit Hall Saturday, April 27 7:00 AM–7:00 PM of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Sunday, April 28 7:00 AM–7:00 PM Phone: Ext 2390 Monday, April 29 6:00 AM–6:00 PM Friday, April 26 8:00 AM–7:00 PM Tuesday, April 30 6:00 AM–6:00 PM Saturday, April 27 7:00 AM–7:00 PM Wednesday, May 1 6:00 AM–7:00 PM Sunday, April 28 7:00 AM–7:00 PM

Monday, April 29 6:00 AM–6:00 PM Lost And Found

Tuesday, April 30 6:00 AM–6:00 PM Phone: 504-670-4919

Wednesday, May 1 6:00 AM–7:00 PM Security Office located in H117 on the first level of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Future Meetings 82nd AANS Annual Scientific Meeting AANS Luggage and Coat Check San Francisco, CA Location: Coat Check IV in Lobby J, April 5–9, 2014 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

83rd AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Tuesday, April 30 6:30 AM – 4:45 PM Washington, DC Wednesday, May 1 6:30 AM- 4:45 PM May 2–5, 2015 There will be a charge is $3.00 per bag 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting and $2.00 per coat Chicago, IL April 30–May 4, 2016 Meeting Location Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Headquarters Hotel 900 Convention Center Blvd New Orleans, LA 70130 New Orleans Marriott http://www.mccno.com/ 555 Canal Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 No Smoking Policy Phone: 504-581-1000 www .neworleansmarriott .com Smoking is not permitted at any official AANS events, the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, or the majority of the official AANS hotels.

WWW.AANS.ORG 152 Safety Wednesday, May 1 6:30–10:00 AM Every 8–12 minutes For your safety, the AANS recommends removing your 10:00 AM–5:00 PM badge when walking outside of the convention center. Every 24–30 minutes In addition, please refrain from walking by yourself in 5:00–6:00 PM* the city streets at night. Every 12–15 minutes Shuttle Bus Schedule *Denotes last shuttle bus from the convention Center The AANS will provide shuttle service at regular intervals between the Ernest N. Morial Convention 2013 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Center and all hotels. Shuttle Routes between Official Housing Partners and the Ernest N. Morial Shuttle Bus Schedule Convention Center Four shuttle routes will run to and from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Hall I Entrance and the Route A—Pink Official AANS Housing Partners. The Embassy Suites New Orleans Marriott—AANS Headquarters Hotel New Orleans—Convention Center, Hilton Garden Inn New Orleans Convention Center and Marriott Downtown Route B—Green at the Convention Center are within walking distance. Westin New Orleans Canal Place Friday, April 26 4:30–7:15 PM* DoubleTree Hotel Every 24–30 minutes Windsor Court Saturday, April 27 6:30 AM–5:30 PM* Renaissance Arts Hotel Every 24–30 minutes Route C—Blue Sunday, April 28 6:30–9:00 AM Astor Crowne Plaza Every 12–15 minutes 9:00 AM–3:30 PM Ritz-Carlton Every 24–30 minutes Sheraton New Orleans 3:30–6:00 PM Route D—Orange Every 8-12 minutes Hilton New Orleans Riverside AANS Opening Reception 6:00–7:00 PM Every 8–12 minutes Taping and Photography Prohibited 7:00–9:00 PM Service from Mardi Gras Audio-taping, videotaping or photography by individuals World to official hotels is strictly prohibited in all scientific sessions. every 10 minutes Ticketed Events Monday, April 29 6:30–10:00 AM Every 8–12 minutes Tickets for the Practical Clinics, AANS Opening 10:00 AM–3:30 PM Reception, Breakfast Seminars, Dinner Symposia, Every 24–30 minutes AANS History Section Dinner, AANS International 3:30–7:00 PM* Reception (No Charge), Mid-level Practitioner Every 8–12 minutes Luncheon, NREF Fundraiser Reception, Women In Neurosurgery Breakfast and Young Neurosurgeons Tuesday, April 30 6:30–10:00 AM Luncheon (No Charge), are available for purchase Every 8–12 minutes (if applicable) at registration in Lobby H/I, Ernest 10:00 AM–4:00 PM N. Morial Convention Center. Every 24–30 minutes 4:00–6:00 PM* Every 8–12 minutes

WWW.AANS.ORG 153 Tour Desk Location: Preservation Hall Foyer, New Orleans Marriott Phone: 504-553-5572

Transportation Car Rental AANS is pleased to provide members the opportunity for car rental savings through Alamo Rent-a-Car in conjunc- tion with the 81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting. Alamo provides AANS members year-round discounts off car rentals at 138 locations in North America and 275 overseas locations. In addition, members are given the opportunity to earn valuable miles, credits or points with airlines and hotels through Alamo’s partnership with most major airlines and hotel partners. To request your year- round discount, call Alamo toll-free at the number listed below or visit online at www.alamo.com. At the time of reservation, don’t forget to identify yourself as an AANS member and provide the identification information below:

For Reservations Call: Alamo Rent-a-Car Toll Free: 800-462-5266 or visit www.alamo.com

Please mention or enter ID# 706768 You can potentially receive up to 10% off your car rental.

Return Airport Service AANS will provide direct-to-airport service available from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 from 11:15 AM–5:15 PM with continuous departures every ½ hour. The cost for this direct service is $20 which includes luggage handling. Due to limited seating, you are strongly encouraged to make your reser- vation well in advance once you arrive at the convention center. Keep in mind that the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is approximately 15 miles from the convention center, so allow yourself an ample amount of time before your flight. All reservations must be paid in cash onsite in New Orleans at the AANS Shuttle Information Center located on the sidewalk just outside Hall I prior to your shuttle departure.

WiFi Complimentary in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and in meeting rooms at the New Orleans Marriott, Headquarter Hotel.

WWW.AANS.ORG 154 2012–2013 Officers And Committees

Board of Directors Konstantin V. Slavin, MD, Ex-Officio Strategic Planning Committee Mitchel S. Berger, MD, President from the Section on Stereotactic and William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, Chair Functional Neurosurgery William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, President-Elect Deborah L. Benzil, MD Edward R. Smith, MD, Ex-Officio from Alex B. Valadka, MD, Vice President Mitchel S. Berger, MD the Young Neurosurgeons Committee Frederick A. Boop, MD, Secretary Frederick A. Boop, MD Christopher J. Winfree, MD, Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Treasurer Ex-Officio from the Section on Pain Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD, Past President Anthony L. Asher, MD, Paul C. McCormick, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Director-at-Large Liaison from NeuroPoint Alliance Gail L. Rosseau, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Director-at-Large Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD, Liaison from the Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD, Director-at-Large American Academy of Neurological Surgery Alex B. Valadka, MD Blas E. Lopez Felix, MD, Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Director-at-Large Liaison from the Edward R. Smith, MD, Liaison Mexican Society of Neurological Surgeons Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Director-at-Large Susan C. Pannullo, MD, Standing Committees Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD, Director-at-Large Liaison from Women in Neurosurgery John D. Davis, MD, Annual Meeting Committee Ali R. Rezai, MD, Southeast Regional Director Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD, Chair Liaison from the Congress Mitchel S. Berger, MD N. Ross Jenkins, MD, of Neurological Surgeons Northeast Regional Director Brian D. Toyota, MD, William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD J. Adair Prall, MD, Southwest Regional Director Liaison from the Canadian Congress Catherine Culicchia Monica C. Wehby, MD, of Neurological Sciences Frank Culicchia, MD Northwest Regional Director Samuel H. Greenblatt, MD, Historian Anil Nanda, MD, MPH Appointed Officers Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Ex-Officio Committees of the Board of Directors Thomas A. Marshall, Executive Director J. Adair Prall, MD, Board Liaison Executive Committee Michael A. Chabraja, Esq., Mitchel S. Berger, MD, President Scientific Program Subcommittee Parliamentarian/Legal Counsel William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, President-Elect Anil Nanda, MD, MPH, Chair Ex-Officios and Liaisons to Alex B. Valadka, MD, Vice President P. David Adelson, MD the Board of Directors Frederick A. Boop, MD, Secretary Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Treasurer Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Ex-Officio from the Cerebrovascular Section Paul C. McCormick, MD, Past President Frank Culicchia, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Ex-Officio from the Regis W. Haid Jr., MD Congress of State Neurosurgical Societies Appointed Officers Carl B. Heilman, MD Larry V. Carson, MD, MBA, Ex-Officio from Thomas A. Marshall, Executive Director the Section on History of Neurological Michael T. Lawton, MD Michael A. Chabraja, Esq., Surgery Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD, Liaison Parliamentarian/Legal Counsel Alan R. Cohen, MD, Ex-Officio from the Joseph A. Hlavin, PA-C, Liaison Section on Pediatric Neurological Surgery Finance Committee Twyila Lay, NP, MS, Liaison Michael W. Groff, MD, Ex-Officio from Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Chair Neil R. Malhotra, MD, Liaison the Section on Disorders of the Spine H. Hunt Batjer, MD Jacques J. Morcos, MD, Liaison and Peripheral Nerves Mitchel S. Berger, MD Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Liaison Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD, Frederick A. Boop, MD Ex-Officio from the Section on Tumors J. Adair Prall, MD, Board Liaison E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD, Local Host Subcommittee Ex-Officio from the Section on William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Frank Culicchia, MD, Chair Neurotrauma and Critical Care Timothy B. Mapstone, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD Alex B. Valadka, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 155 Annual Meeting Spouse Russel H. Patterson Jr., MD Development Committee Program Committee Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD Regis W. Haid Jr., MD, Chair Catherine Culicchia, Chair Charles Teo, MD Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD

Marshals Subcommittee Nominating Committee Adam S. Arthur, MD, MPH Maya Babu, MD, MBA, Chair Paul C. McCormick, MD, Chair Frederick G. Barker II, MD William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Gene H. Barnett, MD, MBA Awards and Honors Committee William E. Bingaman Jr., MD Mark H. Bilsky, MD Mitchel S. Berger, MD, Chair Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Robert F. Heary, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Jacques J. Morcos, MD Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Karin M. Muraszko, MD Michael W. Groff, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Alex B. Valadka, MD Professional Conduct Committee Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD James R. Bean, MD, Chair Bylaws Committee Robert F. Heary, MD W. Ben Blackett, MD, JD Stanley W. Fronczak, MD, JD, Chair Brian L. Hoh, MD Haynes L. Harkey III, MD Cormac O. Maher, MD Charles Kuntz, MD Roberto C. Heros, MD David W. Roberts, MD Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD Howard Morgan, MD Monica C. Wehby, MD, Board Liaison Elad I. Levy, MD Robert H. Rosenwasser, MD Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD Membership Committee Frederick D. Todd II, MD Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Karin M. Muraszko, MD, Chair Philip R. Weinstein, MD James T. Rutka, MD, PhD David H. Harter, MD Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD Iain H. Kalfas, MD Special Committees Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Robert F. Keating, MD AANS Neurosurgeon—Editorial Board Konstantin V. Slavin, MD John S. Kuo, MD, PhD Michael Schulder, MD, Editor Erol Veznedaroglu, MD Naresh P. Patel, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD, Associate Editor Brian Nahed, MD, Liaison David I. Sandberg, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD John D. Davis, MD, Board Liaison David D. Udehn, MD Richard W. Byrne, MD Monica C. Wehby, MD, Board Liaison Mojgan Hodaie, MD Education and Practice Andrew H. Jea, MD Management Committee Adjunct Subcommittee on Allied Steven N. Kalkanis, MD Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS, Chair Health Science Professionals Robert F. Keating, MD Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD Karin M. Muraszko, MD, Chair David J. Langer, MD Anthony L. Asher, MD Catherine Berg, ACNP Mark R. McLaughlin, MD Frederick G. Barker II, MD Laurie R. Faircloth, RN Michael Y. Oh, MD Bernard R. Bendok, MD Joseph A. Hlavin, PA-C Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD John J. Knightly, MD Michael F. Nido, PA-C Timothy C. Ryken, MD Thomas J. Leipzig, MD James R. Piotrowski, PA-C, MS Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Allan D. Levi, MD, PhD Robert E. Salsameda, RN, MSN, NP Andrea L. Strayer, MSN, CNRN Konstantin V. Slavin, MD Max B. Medary, MD Andrew E. Sloan, MD Jacques J. Morcos, MD Adjunct Subcommittee on Eve C. Tsai, MD, PhD Troy D. Payner, MD International Membership Neil R. Malhotra, MD, Liaison Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Karin M. Muraszko, MD, Chair Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Board Liaison John Spooner, MD Carlos Acosta, MD John S. Kuo, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 156 Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD International Outreach Committee Roberto C. Heros, MD Richard N. Wohns, MD Jacques J. Morcos, MD, Chair Brian L. Hoh, MD Lisa Beebe, Liaison Carlos Acosta, MD Russell R. Lonser, MD John A. Cowan Jr., MD, Liaison Jeffrey P. Blount, MD R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD Joseph A. Hlavin, PA-C, Liaison Patrick J. Connolly, MD Marc R. Mayberg, MD Twyila Lay, NP, MS, Liaison Sergio M. Gonzalez-Arias, MD Oren Sagher, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Board Liaison Mojgan Hodaie, MD John H. Sampson, MD, PhD Charles Y. Liu, MD, PhD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Board Liaison Emerging Technology Committee Ronald P. Pokrupa, MD R. Patrick Jacob, MD, Chair Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics— John Ragheb, MD Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Editorial Board Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD Edward F. Chang, MD Thomas Pittman, MD, Chair Karin R. Swartz, MD M. Sean Grady, MD Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD Charles Teo, MD John J. Knightly, MD John R. W. Kestle, MD Jamie S. Ullman, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD Jeffrey G. Ojemann, MD Jorge A. Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD, Liaison Guy M. McKhann II, MD Ian F. Pollack, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Board Liaison Thomas C. Origitano, MD, PhD Corey Raffel, MD, PhD Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Joint Sponsorship Council James T. Rutka, MD, PhD Mark M. Souweidane, MD Michael Schulder, MD Randy L. Jensen, MD, PhD, Chair Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD, Board Liaison Robert J. Bohinski, MD, PhD John C. Wellons III, MD Austin R. Colohan, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Board Liaison Ethics Committee John B. Dietze, MD Patrick W. McCormick, MD, Chair Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine— Michael M. Haglund, MD, PhD Editorial Board Jamie L. Baisden, MD L. Nelson Hopkins III, MD Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD, Co-Chair John J. Collins, MD Peter B. Letarte, MD, Dennis G. Vollmer, MD, Co-Chair Andrew J. Kokkino, MD Eric W. Nottmeier, MD Paul M. Arnold, MD Lauren F. Schwartz, MD Charles E. Nussbaum, MD Charles G. Fisher, MD Mark A. Spatola, MD Mark R. Proctor, MD Atul Goel, MD Margaret R. Wacker, MD Shenandoah Robinson, MD Ziya L. Gokaslan, MD Richard N. Wohns, MD Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD Mark N. Hadley, MD Martina Stippler, MD, Liaison Nader Sanai, MD Robert F. Heary, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Board Liaison Michael Schulder, MD Langston T. Holly, MD Information Technology Committee G. Edward Vates, MD, PhD Lawrence Lenke, MD Michael Y. Oh, MD, Chair Christopher J. Winfree, MD Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD Lawrence S. Chin, MD J. Adair Prall, MD, Board Liaison Alexander Vaccaro, MD Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Michael Y. Wang, MD Journal of Neurosurgery— James M. Ecklund, MD Editorial Board Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Board Liaison Mark G. Hamilton, MD John A. Jane Sr., MD, PhD, Editor Neurosurgical Focus—Editorial Board Stephen H. Johnson, MD Edward H. Oldfield, MD, Associate Editor Martin H. Weiss, MD, Associate Editor Elad I. Levy, MD Douglas S. Kondziolka, MD, Co-Chair Edward C. Benzel, MD Mark E. Linskey, MD Giuseppe Lanzino, MD, Co-Chair Mitchel S. Berger, MD Oren Sagher, MD Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Michael Schulder, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Nicolas De Tribolet, MD Martina Stippler, MD, Liaison William J. Elias, MD Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD John D. Davis, MD, Board Liaison Emad N. Eskandar, MD M. Sean Grady, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 157 Roberto C. Heros, MD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD, PhD William W. Ashley, MD, PhD, MBA Andrew H. Kaye, MD D. Roxanne Todor, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA Tiit I. Mathiesen, MD Vincent C. Traynelis, MD Lissa C. Baird, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA, Liaison Kimon Bekelis, MD Jorge S. Mendez, MD N. Ross Jenkins, MD, Board Liaison Randy S. Bell, MD Fredric B. Meyer, MD Sharona Ben-Haim, MD Public Relations Committee W. Jerry Oakes, MD Daniel P. Cahill, MD, PhD Kevin O. Lillehei, MD, Chair Tae S. Park, MD Kaisorn L. Chaichana, MD D. Cory Adamson, MD, PhD Corey Raffel, MD, PhD John A. Cowan Jr., MD Jamie L. Baisden, MD Harold L. Rekate, MD Ian F. Dunn, MD Alfred P. Bowles Jr., MD Guilherme C. Ribas, MD W. Christopher Fox, MD Michael J. Caron, MD David W. Roberts, MD Jorge A. Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD Thomas L. Francavilla, MD Oren Sagher, MD Casey H. Halpern, MD Holly S. Gilmer, MD Nobuhito Saito, MD, PhD Suresh N. Magge, MD John B. Harris, MD Carlo Schaller, MD Cormac O. Maher, MD R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD R. Michael Scott, MD Neil R. Malhotra, MD John E. O’Toole, MD Volker K.H. Sonntag, MD Jennifer Moliterno Gunel, MD Vikram C. Prabhu, MD Alex B. Valadka, MD Amanda M. Saratsis, MD John K. Ratliff, MD Marion L. Walker, MD Brian Nahed, MD Bernard Robinson, MD Edjah K. Nduom, MD Member Benefit Michael K. Rosner, MD Francisco A. Ponce, MD Development Committee Thomas B. Scully, MD Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD, Chair Karin R. Swartz, MD Martina Stippler, MD Carolyn M. Carey, MD Brian Nahed, MD, Liaison Khoi Duc Than, MD Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Board Liaison Arthur J. DiPatri Jr., MD Eric M. Thompson, MD Van Wagenen Fellowship Committee Frank La Marca, MD Krystal L. Tomei, MD, MPH William F. Chandler, MD, Chair Barbara L. Mancini, MBA, CNRN Cheerag D. Upadhyaya, MD Larry V. Carson, MD, MBA, Senior Convener Justin S. Smith, MD, PhD Ashwin Viswanathan, MD Howard L. Weiner, MD, Senior Convener-Elect Todd W. Vitaz, MD Gabriel Zada, MD Andrew W. Grande, MD, Convener Marjorie C. Wang, MD, MPH Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD, Board Liaison Mitchel S. Berger, MD W. Christopher Fox, MD, Liaison William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Neurosurgery Research and H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Board Liaison Odette A. Harris, MD, MPH Education Foundation (NREF) MOC/CME Committee Paul C. McCormick, MD NREF Executive Council H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Chair James C. Miller, MD Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD, Chair Gene H. Barnett, MD, MBA Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD, Ex-Officio Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD Fady T. Charbel, MD J. Adair Prall, MD, Board Liaison Kim J. Burchiel, MD Douglas Chyatte, MD Lawrence S. Chin, MD Van Wagenen Selection Committee Curtis E. Doberstein, MD Ennio A. Chiocca, MD, PhD James C. Miller, MD, Chair Thomas J. Leipzig, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Timothy C. Ryken, MD Peter B. Letarte, MD Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD Yu-Hung Kuo, MD, PhD Matthew J. McGirt, MD Robert G. Grossman, MD Guy M. McKhann II, MD Young Neurosurgeons Committee Regis W. Haid Jr., MD Jacques J. Morcos, MD Edward R. Smith, MD, Chair Judy Huang, MD Alessandro Olivi, MD Abhishek Agrawal, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 158 Robert L. Martuza, MD Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD American Epilepsy Society Daniel K. Resnick, MD M. Sean Grady, MD Guy M. McKhann II, MD James T. Rutka, MD, PhD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD American Medical Association Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD A. John Popp, MD House of Delegates Mitchel S. Berger, MD, Melanie G. Hayden, MD, Ex-Officio Resident Member Mark J. Kubala, MD, AANS Delegate William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, Patrice Blair, MPH, Ex-Officio Ex-Officio Ann R. Stroink, MD, AANS Delegate Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Fredric B. Meyer, MD, Ex-Officio Ex-Officio John K. Ratliff, MD, AANS Alternate Delegate Paul C. McCormick, MD, Ex-Officio American College of Surgeons American Medical Association Daniel P. Cahill, MD, PhD, Liaison (ACS) Advisory Council for (AMA) CPT Advisory Committee Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Board Liaison Neurological Surgery Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Chair NREF Educational Grants Committee John L. D. Atkinson, MD American Medical Association (AMA) Paul C. McCormick, MD Relative Value Update Committee Maya Babu, MD, MBA James T. Rutka, MD, PhD John K. Ratliff, MD Matthew A. Howard III, MD Alex B. Valadka, MD Iain H. Kalfas, MD American Medical Association Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Board Liaison R. Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD Physicians Consortium for Performance Improvement NREF Honorary Council Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH William A. Buchheit, MD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD Jeffrey W. Cozzens, MD Martin H. Weiss, MD Andrew D. Parent, MD

NREF Scientific Advisory Committee Charles J. Prestigiacomo, MD Brain Attack Coalition Ennio A. Chiocca, MD, PhD, Chair Robert J. Spinner, MD Judy Huang, MD Alex B. Valadka, MD Nicholas M. Barbaro, MD Council of Surgical Spine Societies E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD William C. Welch, MD (COSSS) Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD American Academy of Pain Medicine Robert F. Heary, MD Robert S. Fisher, MD PhD Kenneth A. Follett, MD, PhD, Liaison National Institutes of Health Robert M. Friedlander, MD (NIH)—NINDS American Board of Neurological Surgery Ziya L. Gokaslan, MD Robert M. Friedlander, MD Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD, Chair Robert G. Grossman, MD Mitchel S. Berger, MD, Vice Chair NeuroPoint Alliance Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD, Vice Chair William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, President Russell R. Lonser, MD Fredric B. Meyer, MD, Secretary Anthony L. Asher, MD, Vice President James M. Markert Jr., MD Matthew A. Howard III, MD, Treasurer Michael W. Groff, MD, Secretary Pamela New, MD Anthony L. Asher, MD Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Treasurer J. Marc Simard, MD, PhD Jeffrey Bruce, MD Allan H. Friedman, MD Philip A. Starr, MD, PhD Alan R. Cohen, MD Zoher Ghogawala, MD Ping Wu, MD, PhD Mark N. Hadley, MD Matthew A. Howard III, MD Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Board Liaison Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Paul C. McCormick, MD Neurosurgical Representatives Karin M. Muraszko, MD Nathan R. Selden, MD, PhD and Liaisons to Other Organizations David W. Roberts, MD Eric J. Woodard, MD Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD Accreditation Council for Graduate NeurosurgeryPAC Medical Education (ACGME) Residency B. Gregory Thompson Jr., MD Moustapha Abou-Samra, MD, Chair Review Committee Vincent C. Traynelis, MD John D. Davis, MD, Vice Chair H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Chair Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Treasurer Kim J. Burchiel, MD, Vice Chair Frederick A. Boop, MD, Past Chair Mitchel S. Berger, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 159 William L. Caton III, MD World Federation of Neurosurgical Praveen V. Mummaneni, MD, Secretary William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Societies (WFNS) Charles Kuntz, MD, Treasurer Catherine A. Mazzola, MD Peter M. Black, MD, PhD, President Kurt M. Eichholz, MD, Membership Chair Paul C. McCormick, MD Yong-Kwang Tu, MD, President-Elect Cheerag D. Upadhyaya, MD, Liaison Carrie R. Muh, MD Takeshi Kawase, MD, First Vice President AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma Hildo R. C. Azevedo-Filho, MD, Secretary Anil Nanda, MD and Critical Care Basant K. Misra, MD, Assistant Secretary Daniel K. Resnick, MD Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD, Chair Miguel A. Arraez, MD, Treasurer Ali R. Rezai, MD Jamie S. Ullman, MD, Chair-Elect Christopher M. Loftus, MD, Assistant Treasurer Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Past Chair Hee-Won Jung, MD, PhD, Mark A. Spatola, MD Daniel B. Michael, MD, PhD, Secretary/ President, XV Congress Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD Treasurer Alexander A. Potapov, MD, Frederick D. Todd II, MD Sharon Webb, MD, Membership Chair Second Vice President (at large) Krystal L. Tomei, MD, MPH Maya Babu, MD, Liaison Ibrahim Sbeih, MD, Prof, Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD Second Vice President (at large) AANS/CNS Section on Pain Andrew E. Wakefield, MD Johannes Schramm, MD, Prof, Christopher J. Winfree, MD, Chair Christopher E. Wolfla, MD Second Vice President (EANS) Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD, Vice Chair Alex B. Valadka, MD Leonidas M. Quintana, MD, Andre G. Machado, MD PhD, Second Vice President (FLANC) Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Ex-Officio Secretary/Treasurer Yong-Kwang Tu, MD, John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Francisco A. Ponce, MD, Liaison Second Vice President (AASNS) North American Spine Society (NASS) Gail L. Rosseau, MD, AANS/CNS Section for Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Second Vice President (AANS) Pediatric Neurosurgery Kazadi K. N. Kalangu, MD, Alan R. Cohen, MD, Chair Women in Neurosurgery (WINS)

Executive Committee Second Vice President (PAANS) Bruce A. Kaufman, MD, Chair-Elect Armando Basso, MD, Historian Eve C. Tsai, MD, PhD, President Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD, Past Chair Yücel Kanpolat MD, Editor, Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD, President-Elect Sarah J. Gaskill, MD, Secretary Federation and Congress Publications Aruna Ganju, MD, Secretary Mark R. Proctor, MD, Treasurer Gail L. Rosseau, MD, Manager, Federation Web Uzma Samadani, MD, PhD, Treasurer David H. Harter, MD, Membership Chair Yves Keravel, MD, Coordinator, Odette A. Harris, MD, MPH, Past President Suresh N. Magge, MD, Liaison Committee Activities Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD AANS/CNS Section on Stereotactic Isabelle M. Germano, MD AANS/CNS Sections and Functional Neurosurgery Holly S. Gilmer, MD AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section Konstantin V. Slavin, MD, President J. Nozipo Maraire, MD Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, Chair Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD, Vice President Karin M. Muraszko, MD Robert M. Friedlander, MD, Chair-Elect Ali R. Rezai, MD, Past President Susan C. Pannullo, MD Bob S. Carter, MD, PhD, Vice Chair Emad N. Eskander, MD, Secretary/Treasurer Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD E. Sander Connolly, MD, Past Chair Ashwin Viswanathan, MD, Liaison Gail L. Rosseau, MD Brian L. Hoh, MD, Treasurer AANS/CNS Section on Tumors Lauren F. Schwartz, MD Sean D. Lavine, MD, Secretary Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD, Chair D. Roxanne Todor, MD Gregory J. Zipfel, MD, Membership Chair Jeffrey Bruce, MD, Past Chair Jamie S. Ullman, MD Randy S. Bell, MD, Liaison Frederick G. Barker II, MD, Secretary/Treasurer Edie E. Zusman, MD AANS/CNS Section on Disorders of Allen E. Waziri, MD, Membership Chair Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Senior Advisor the Spine and Peripheral Nerves Brian Nahed, MD, Liaison Michael W. Groff, MD, Chair R. John Hurlbert, MD, PhD, Chair-Elect Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS, Past Chair

WWW.AANS.ORG 160 AANS Section on the History Cormac O. Maher, MD, Liaison Luis M. Tumialan, MD of Neurological Surgery John K. Ratliff, MD, Liaison G. Edward Vates, MD, PhD Larry V. Carson, MD, MBA, Chair Timothy C. Ryken, MD, Liaison Nirit Weiss, MD Chris A. Sloffer, MD, MBA, Chair-Elect Philip W. Tally, MD, Liaison J. Bradley White, MD, PhD Mark C. Preul, MD, Past Chair Monica C. Wehby, MD, Liaison Henry H. Woo, MD Suresh N. Magge, MD, Liaison Kevin C. Yao, MD Coding & Reimbursement John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Joint Committees Committee of the AANS/CNS R. Patrick Jacob, MD, Chair Washington Committee Communications and Public of the AANS/CNS Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Relations Committee John A. Wilson, MD, Chair Maya Babu, MD, MBA Monica C. Wehby, MD, Chair Nicholas C. Bambakidis, MD Estrada J. Bernard Jr., MD D. Cory Adamson, MD, PhD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Alan M. Scarrow, MD, JD Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Anthony L. Asher, MD Michael P. Steinmetz, MD Jeffrey W. Cozzens, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Ann R. Stroink, MD Andrew T. Dailey, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Mitchel S. Berger, MD, Ex-Officio – Officers John D. Davis, MD William T. Curry Jr., MD William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD, Azadeh Farin, MD Arthur L. Day, MD Ex-Officio – Sections Isabelle M. Germano, MD Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD Ali R. Rezai, MD, Ex-Officio – Officers Saadi Ghatan, MD James S. Harrop, MD Daniel K. Resnick, MD, Ex-Officio – Officers David P. Gruber, MD Jason S. Hauptman, MD PhD Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, Costas G. Hadjipanayis, MD, PhD Kathryn L. Holloway, MD Ex-Officio – Sections Wesley Hsu, MD Rashid M. Janjua, MD Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD, Judy Huang, MD John J. Knightly, MD Ex-Officio – Sections Randy L. Jensen, MD, PhD Alon Y. Mogilner, MD, PhD Robert F. Heary, MD, Ex-Officio – Sections David F. Jimenez, MD David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD Peter E. Konrad, MD, PhD, Robert R. Johnson II, MD Corey Raffel, MD, PhD Ex-Officio – Sections Bernhard Kliefoth III, MD Brian T. Ragel, MD Andrew E. Sloan, MD, Ex-Officio – Sections John J. Knightly, MD Clemens M. Schirmer, MD, PhD Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Ex-Officio – Sections Jonathan H. Lustgarten, MD Gary R. Simonds, MD Christopher J. Winfree, MD, Alexander M. Mason, MD Michael P. Steinmetz, MD Ex-Officio – Sections Cameron G. McDougall, MD Brian R. Subach, MD Moustapha Abou-Samra, MD, Liaison David O. Okonkwo, MD, PhD Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD Anthony L. Asher, MD, Liaison Jeremy T. Phelps, MD, MBA Craig A. Van Der Veer, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA, Liaison Gregory J. Przybylski, MD Christopher J. Winfree, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD, Liaison Craig H. Rabb, MD Mitchel S. Berger, MD, Ex-Officio Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS, Liaison John K. Ratliff, MD Ali R. Rezai, MD, Ex-Officio Mary S. Cloninger, Liaison Daniel Refai, MD John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Kevin M. Cockroft, MD, Liaison Curtis J. Rozzelle, MD Drugs and Devices Committee Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD, Liaison John H. Sampson, MD, PhD Richard G. Fessler, MD, PhD, Chair Robert E. Harbaugh, MD, Liaison Clemens M. Schirmer, MD, PhD Fernando G. Diaz, MD, PhD, Vice Chair R. Patrick Jacob, MD, Liaison Meic H. Schmidt, MD Joseph T. Alexander, MD Steven N. Kalkanis, MD, Liaison Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Maya Babu, MD, MBA John J. Knightly, MD, Liaison Andrew E. Sloan, MD Jean-Valery C. E. Coumans, MD Mark J. Kubala, MD, Liaison David A. Sun, MD, PhD Robert F. Heary, MD John A. Kusske, MD, Liaison Karin R. Swartz, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 161 Jaimie M. Henderson, MD Isabelle M. Germano, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA Zachary N. Litvack, MD Brian L. Hoh, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD Daniel J. Hoh, MD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD Ali R. Rezai, MD Kathryn L. Holloway, MD Monique J. Boomsaad, MD Howard A. Riina, MD Steven W. Hwang, MD Kevin M. Cockroft, MD Shenandoah Robinson, MD Jack I. Jallo, MD, PhD Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, MD Joshua M. Rosenow, MD Terrence D. Julien, MD Jeffrey W. Cozzens, MD Andrew E. Sloan, MD John R. W. Kestle, MD Fernando G. Diaz, MD, PhD Jeffrey S. Weinberg, MD Alexander A. Khalessi, MD Zoher Ghogawala, MD William C. Welch, MD Abhaya V. Kulkarni, MD Robert E. Harbaugh, MD Stephen J. Haines, MD, Ex-Officio Elad I. Levy, MD Odette A. Harris, MD, MPH John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Mark E. Linskey, MD Robert F. Heary, MD Lynda J. Yang, MD, PhD, Ex-Officio Zachary N. Litvack, MD Michael G. Kaiser, MD William J. Mack, MD Alexander A. Khalessi, MD Emergency Neurosurgical Care Regionalization Task Force Christopher J. Madden, MD John A. Kusske, MD Shelly D. Timmons, MD, PhD, Chair Catherine A. Mazzola, MD Zachary N. Litvack, MD P. David Adelson, MD J D. Mocco, MD Matthew J. McGirt, MD James R. Bean, MD Jeffrey J. Olson, MD Paul L. Penar, MD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD John E. O’Toole, MD Ralph F. Reeder Jr., MD Richard W. Byrne, MD Chirag G. Patil, MD Daniel K. Resnick, MD James M. Ecklund, MD Julie G. Pilitsis, MD, PhD Richard B. Rodgers, MD Richard G. Ellenbogen, MD J. Adair Prall, MD Gail L. Rosseau, MD John A. Kusske, MD Patricia B. Raksin, MD Karl A. Sillay, MD Jeffrey M. Lobosky, MD Daniel K. Resnick, MD Michael P. Steinmetz, MD Geoffrey T. Manley, MD, PhD Joshua M. Rosenow, MD Shirley I. Stiver, MD, PhD John H. McVicker, MD John H. Shin, MD Krystal L. Tomei, MD, MPH Adnan H. Siddiqui, MD, PhD Konstantin V. Slavin, MD Kevin A. Walter, MD Jack E. Wilberger Jr., MD Martina Stippler, MD Monica C. Wehby, MD John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Krystal L. Tomei, MD, MPH Philip R. Weinstein, MD Marjorie C. Wang, MD, MPH Richard N. Wohns, MD AANS/CNS Guidelines Committee Monica C. Wehby, MD Joseph C. Zacko, MD Timothy C. Ryken, MD, Chair Christopher J. Winfree, MD Edie E. Zusman, MD Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, Co Vice-Chair Joseph C. Zacko, MD John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Kevin M. Cockroft, MD, Co Vice-Chair Gabriel Zada, MD Steven N. Kalkanis, MD, Co Vice-Chair Joint Committee of Gelareh M. Zadeh, MD Military Neurosurgeons P. David Adelson, MD Gregory J. Zipfel, MD Michael K. Rosner, MD, Chair Maya Babu, MD, MBA Beverly C. Walters, MD, Consultant Patrick B. Cooper, MD Jeffrey N. Bruce, MD John A. Wilson, MD, Ex-Officio Harry Friedman, MD Steven Casha, MD, PhD Randall R. McCafferty, MD Sean D. Christie, MD Quality Improvement Workgroup Leon E. Moores, MD Jeffrey W. Cozzens, MD John J. Knightly, MD, Chair Corey M. Mossop, MD Aaron G. Filler, MD, PhD John K. Ratliff, MD, Vice Chair Christopher J. Neal, MD Ann M. Flannery, MD P. David Adelson, MD Dennis J. Rivet II, MD Sarah J. Gaskill, MD Peter D. Angevine, MD, MPH Anthony L. Asher, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 162 Council of State Neurosurgical Troy D. Payner, MD Marshal D. Rosario, MD Societies (CSNS) Mick J. Perez-Cruet, MD Peter M. Shedden, MD AANS Caucus Sanjay C. Rao, MD Frederick D. Todd II, MD Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD, Chair P. Robert Schwetschenau, MD Patrick J. Wade, MD Jeffrey W. Cozzens, MD, Vice Chair Laligam N. Sekhar, MD Paul J. Waguespack, MD James S. Anderson, MD Mitesh V. Shah, MD Peter Witt, MD Ann R. Stroink, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA Southeast Quadrant Gregory R. Trost, MD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD Charles L. Rosen, MD, PhD, Chair Monica C. Wehby, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Karin R. Swartz, MD, Vice Chair Azadeh Farin, MD Northeast Quadrant Lisa S. Apfel, MD Stanley W. Fronczak, MD, JD Catherine A. Mazzola, MD, Chair Geoffrey L. Blatt, MD Kai-Ming Fu, MD Andrew E. Wakefield, MD, Vice Chair Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS Andrew W. Grande, MD Ramon A. Batson, MD Domenic P. Esposito, MD Jennifer Jennings, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD Joel L. Falik, MD Robert R. Johnson II, MD Magdy I. Boulos, MD Michael D. Fromke, MD A. Bernhard Kliefoth III, MD Kent R. Duffy, MD Paul Klimo Jr., MD Satish Krishnamurthy, MD Frank L. Genovese, MD Richard S. Kyle, MD Ajit A. Krishnaney, MD Robert F. Heary, MD Ralph C. Loomis, MD Matthew J. McGirt, MD Michael A. Horgan, MD Hiram Mercado-Jimenez, MD Thomas C. Origitano, MD, PhD Mark R. Iantosca, MD Michael C. Park, MD, PhD Gregory J. Przybylski, MD N. Ross Jenkins, MD Curtis J. Rozzelle, MD Lawrence M. Shuer, MD Stephen H. Johnson, MD Henry Ruiz, MD Michael L. Smith, MD Michael D. Medlock, MD Daniel J. Scodary, MD Sherry L. Taylor, MD, PhD Ashesh D. Mehta, MD, PhD Ellen G. Shaver, MD J. Bradley White, MD, PhD John K. Ratliff, MD Mark A. Spatola, MD John A. Wilson, MD Prakash Sampath, MD Amos Stoll, MD Edie E. Zusman, MD Lee L. Thibodeau, MD Philip W. Tally, MD

Northwest Quadrant G. Edward Vates, MD, PhD Rabih G. Tawk, MD Sharon Webb, MD Holly S. Gilmer, MD, Chair Southwest Quadrant Lloyd Zucker, MD Carter E. Beck, MD, Vice Chair Moustapha Abou-Samra, MD, Chair Nicholas C. Bambakidis, MD Marc A. Vanefsky, MD, Vice Chair Estrada J. Bernard Jr., MD Kenneth S. Blumenfeld, MD William E. Bingaman Jr., MD William L. Caton III, MD Richard W. Byrne, MD Richard V. Chua, MD Douglas Chyatte, MD Jack H. Dunn, MD Andrew T. Dailey, MD Igor Fineman, MD Hazem Eltahawy, MD, MS Jon F. Graham, MD Holly S. Gilmer, MD Deborah C. Henry, MD John Nai-Keung Hsiang, MD, PhD James A. Moody, MD Charles Koski, MD Anil Nanda, MD Claudia Martin, MD Kenneth H. Ott, MD John M. McGregor, MD Joel T. Patterson, MD Peter C. Nora, MD Jeremy T. Phelps, MD, MBA Ann M. Parr, MD J. Adair Prall, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 163 Membership in the AANS

Among the most important issues that concern neuro- by the ABNS, RCPSC, or MCNS within the past five years surgeons are economic matters such as the escalating and has not yet met the certification requirements. malpractice liability costs and practice expenses at • Affiliate membership is for neurosurgeons who are a time when reimbursement is declining. The AANS practicing in North America who were trained outside membership can help you by giving you access to of North America. the many services available to members-only. • International membership is for those who practice outside of North America and do not qualify as a Fellow Members Benefit From member by virtue of their residency or training and who • Publications including the Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal have completed a formal neurosurgical training program of Neurosurgery: Spine, Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediat- as determined by, and suitable to, the Board of Directors. , , and exclusive . rics AANS Neurosurgeon AANS E-News • Honorary members shall be chosen from recognized • Substantial savings through discounts on annual meeting leaders in the field of neurological sciences. Honorary and course registration, practice management seminars Membership is bestowed upon the recipient by the AANS and on AANS products and services created by renowned as described in “The Rules and Regulations of the Board expert instructors, authors and educators of Directors of the American Association of Neurological • Participation in programs such as personalized online Surgeons (AANS).” CME tracking, malpractice insurance program and AANS • Lifetime membership is for individuals who are retired online case studies from the practice of neurosurgery and who have been • Earning up to 18 Category 1 CME credits, per year an AANS member for at least 30 years. through Neurosurgical Focus • Candidate (Resident/Fellow) status is for individuals • Searchable Online AANS Membership Directory (in enrolled in a neurosurgery residency training program MyAANS.org). Plus, as the spokes organization for approved by ABNS, RCPSC, or MCNS, or in an accredited neurosurgery, the AANS is committed to raising aware- neurosurgical fellowship. No application is necessary, ness of the specialty by: residents and fellows in Canada and Mexico are encour- –Aggressively advocating for medical liability reform aged to register with AANS member services to insure their inclusion. –Actively campaigning to maximize Medicare and other physician reimbursement and achieve Medicare reform • International Candidate (Resident/ Fellow) category is for residents or fellows who are enrolled in a verifiable –Working to implement beneficial CPT coding changes non-North American neurosurgical training program upon and policies recommendation from their training program director or –Educating the general public and other medical chairman. Each International Resident Member must be specialists about neurosurgery. recommended for AANS membership by the applicant’s Program Director, certifying that the applicant is in a Categories of Membership training program. • Fellow of the American Association of Neurological • Associate category includes doctors in related medical Surgeons (FAANS) category is for neurosurgeons who are disciplines who are non-neurosurgeons as well as American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS), Royal neuroscience nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), assistants who reside in North America. or Mexican Council of Neurological Surgeons (MCNS) certified and residing in North America. • Allied membership is for individuals who are certified surgical technologists and are certified by the Liaison • Provisional category is for the neurosurgeon who has com- Council on Certification for the Surgical Technologist with pleted a neurosurgery residency training program approved advanced certification in neurological surgery or who are office staff of a member neurosurgeon.

WWW.AANS.ORG 164 2012 AANS New and Promoted Members

Members Who Passed ABNS Daniel R. Fassett, MD, MBA, FAANS Chima Osiris Ohaegbulam, MD, FAANS Certification and Were Promoted Chirag D. Gandhi, MD, FAANS Ibrahim A. Omeis, MD, FAANS to FAANS Anand V. Germanwala, MD, FAANS Rod J. Oskouian Jr., MD, FAANS Khalid Mohmud Abbed, MD, FAANS Pierre S. Girgis, MD, FAANS Robert Dale Owen, MD, FAANS Todd B. Abel, MD, FAANS Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, Adetokunbo A. Oyelese, MD, PhD, FAANS Matthew Armand Adamo, MD, FAANS MD, PhD, FAANS Stephen M. Pirris, MD, FAANS Edward S. Ahn, MD, FAANS Peter Michael Grossi, MD, FAANS David Poulad, MD, FAANS Juan C. Alzate, MD, FAANS Bharat Guthikonda, MD, FAANS Ali I. Raja, MD, MSc, FAANS Aminullah Amini, MD, FAANS Amgad Saddik Hanna, MD, FAANS Ramin Rak, MD, FAANS Jeremy W. Amps, MD, FAANS Frederick Bernard Harris, MD, FAANS Christian N. Ramsey III, MD, FAANS William S. Anderson, PhD, MD, FAANS Paul W. Hartzfeld, MD, FAANS John F. Reavey-Cantwell, MD, FAANS Toomas Anton, MD, FAANS Heather A. Hedstrom-Lara, MD, FAANS Andy J. Redmond, MD, FAANS Lisa Sharon Apfel, MD, FAANS Patrick C. Hsieh, MD, FAANS Warren Gregory Roberts, MD, FAANS Farbod Asgarzadie, MD, FAANS Matthew A. Hunt, MD, FAANS Edward Rustamzadeh, MD, FAANS Ashok R. Asthagiri, MD, FAANS Pascal Marcel Jabbour, MD, FAANS Sepehr Brian Sani, MD, FAANS Khaled M. A. Aziz, MD, PhD, FAANS Stuart Taylor Jarrell, MD, FAANS Lauren F. Schwartz, MD, FAANS Mohammad Ali Aziz-Sultan, MD, FAANS Luc Dupont Jasmin, MD, PhD, FAANS Joshua Seinfeld, MD, FAANS Hooman Azmi-Ghadimi, MD, FAANS Ramin J. Javahery, MD, FAANS Donald C. Shields, MD, PhD, FAANS Bradley T. Bagan, MD, FAANS Keyne K. Johnson, MD, FAANS Adnan H. Siddiqui, MD, PhD, FAANS Mustafa Kemal Baskaya, MD, FAANS Terrence D. Julien, MD, FAANS Deepa Soni, MD, MPH, FAANS Peter Basta, MD, FAANS Syed Aftab Karim, MD, FAANS Daniel Gerard Spomar, MD, FAANS Randy S. Bell, MD, FAANS Kelly J. Kiehm, MD, FAANS Michael F. Stiefel, MD, PhD, FAANS Michael Philip Bellew, MD, FAANS Paul Keetae Kim, MD, FAANS Martina Stippler, MD, FAANS Devin K. Binder, MD, PhD, FAANS Nevra S. King, MD, FAANS Lori E. Summers, MD, FAANS Samuel R. Browd, MD, PhD, FAANS Jeffrey D. Klopfenstein, MD, FAANS Sandeep S. Teja, MD, FAANS Justin M. Brown, MD, FAANS Joshua G. Kouri, MD, FAANS Eve C. Tsai, MD, PhD, FAANS Mark Bryniarski, MD, FAANS Vikram A. Kumar, MD, FAANS Raymond Dwight Turner IV, MD, FAANS Daniel P. Cahill, MD, PhD, FAANS Herman Christopher Lawson, MD, FAANS Rachana Tyagi, MD, FAANS Brian M. Cameron, MD, FAANS Daniel Anthony Lazar, MD, FAANS Bill Dean Underwood, MD, PhD, FAANS Clark C. Chen, MD, PhD, FAANS Nicholas B. Levine, MD, FAANS William Alexander Vandergrift III, MD, FAANS John H. Chi, MD, FAANS Peter George Liechty, MD, FAANS Elizabeth A. Vitarbo, MD, FAANS Deus Cielo, MD, FAANS Michael Lim, MD, FAANS Kevin Gerard Waldron, MD, FAANS Michelle J. Clarke, MD, FAANS Franklin Lin, MD, FAANS Sharon Woods Webb, MD, FAANS James E. Conway, MD, PhD, FAANS Adam C. Lipson, MD, FAANS Michael L. Wolak, PhD, MD, FAANS Daniel Edward Couture, MD, FAANS Jon I. McIver, MD, FAANS Ashraf Samy Youssef, MD, FAANS Sabino J. D’Agostino, DO, FAANS Natasha M. McKay, MD, FAANS Hong Yu, MD, FAANS Shervin R. Dashti, MD, PhD, FAANS Joshua Eric Medow, MD, MS, FAANS Marike Zwienenberg-Lee, MD, FAANS Eric Michael Deshaies, MD, FAANS Malini Visalam Narayanan, MD, FAANS Promotions from International Robert L. Dodd, MD, FAANS Fadi F. Nasr, MD, FAANS Candidate to International Sonia V. Eden, MD, FAANS David Jay Nathan, MD, FAANS Ricardo Bermudez, MD Johnathan A. Engh, MD, FAANS Christopher J. Neal, MD, FAANS Edgar M. Carrasco, MD John G. Fahrbach IV, MD, FAANS Alfred T. Ogden, MD, FAANS

WWW.AANS.ORG 165 Aleksey Ovchinnikov, MD Angel N. Boev, MD Ricardo Jorge Komotar, MD Beng Tiong Teo, MD Robert John Bollo, MD Pelagia E. Kouloumberis, MD Kai Sing Alain Wong, MD Ted Ian Brindle, MD Ian Lee, MD Harlan J. Bruner, MD Peter Lee, MD Fellow of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons Members Adam Burdick, MD Shih-Chun Lin, MD, PhD (FAANS) Brian Patrick Callahan, MD Timothy Lindley, MD Hamid R. Abbasi, MD, PhD, FAANS John Matthew Caridi, MD Zachary N. Litvack, MD Pedro Jose Aguilar, MD, FAANS Justin Schultz Cetas, MD Kenneth C. Liu, MD Gordon B. Anderson, MD, FAANS Andrea Chamczuk, MD Michael Lynn, MD Eli M. Baron, MD, FAANS Roukoz B. Chamoun, MD Robert Anthony Marsh, MD Christian L. Bonasso, MD, FAANS Sid Chandela, MD Michael D. Martin, MD Ann M. Carr, MD, FAANS Kyle T. Chapple, MD Joseph Martinez, MD Vivek R. Deshmukh, MD, FAANS Joshua J. Chern, MD, PhD Timothy Yefim Maryanov, MD Steven E. Hysell, MD, FAANS Ondrej Choutka, MD Justin L. Massengale, MD John James Patrick Kelly, MD, FAANS Abhineet Chowdhary, MD John Bradly McGowan, MD Kevin V. Kelly, MD, FAANS Vladimir Y. Dadashev, MD Fassil B. Mesfin, MD, PhD Jason I. Lifshutz, MD, FAANS G. Logan Douds, MD Roham Moftakhar, MD Ramez Malak, MD, DMSc, FAANS Ian F. Dunn, MD Carrie Rebecca Muh, MD Ashesh D. Mehta, MD, PhD, FAANS Koji C. Ebersole, MD Wael Yacoub Musleh, MD, PhD Arlan H. Mintz, MD, MS, FAANS, FRCS Daniel K. Fahim, MD Anil Karunakaran Nair, MD Alim Pyarali Mitha, MD, FAANS Manuel Ferreira Jr., MD, PhD Toba N. Niazi, MD Swami Nathan, MD, FAANS Todd Brendon Francis, MD, PhD Joel Edward Norman, MD Edson Pineda Santos, MD, FAANS Robbi Lyle Franklin, MD Eylem Ocal, MD Serge Rasskazoff, MD, FAANS Justin F. Fraser, MD Chirag Gadkary Patil, MD Ron Irving Riesenburger, MD, FAANS Kai-Ming Fu, MD Wayne C. Paullus III, MD Mohammed Farid Shamji, MD, PhD, FAANS Jaime Gasco-Tamarit, MD Francisco A. Ponce, MD Ivan Javier Sosa, MD, FAANS Eric Alan Goebel, MD Nathan Joseph Ranalli, MD Arno S. Sungarian, MD, FAANS Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD Moksha Gandhari Ranasinghe, MD Ramachandra P. Tummala, MD, FAANS Oren N. Gottfried, MD Wilson Zachray Ray, MD Richard S. Veyna, MD, FAANS Ryan Halpin, MD Prasad Reddy, MD Brian Patrick Walsh, MD, FAANS Joshua E. Heller, MD Adam S. Reig, MD Dean A. Hertzler, MD Mark Richardson, MD, PhD Provisional Members Gregory M. Helbig, MD Sergio Rivero, MD Gareth J. Adams, MD Wesley Hsu, MD Christopher Daniel Roark, MD Gregory W. Albert, MD Steven W. Hwang, MD William B. Schueler, MD Ladislau Albert Jr., MD Christopher A. Iannotti, MD, PhD Stephen Scott Scibelli, MD Martin Athelstan Baggenstos, MD Rashid M. Janjua, MD Sachin N. Shah, MD Praveen Reddy Baimeedi, MD Charles William Kanaly, MD Jonathan Harris Sherman, MD Clinton J. Baird, MD Brandon Kelly, MD John H. Shin, MD Garni Barkhoudarian, MD Tyler James Kenning, MD Mohammad Shukairy, MD David Frederick Bauer, MD Paul Benjamin Kerr, MD Richard H. Singleton, MD, PhD David Michael Benglis, MD Alexander Arash Khalessi, MD Vitaly E. Siomin, MD Mandy Jo Binning, MD Brendan Dyer Killory, MD Michelle Janine Smith, MD Frank S. Bishop, MD Jared Knopman, MD William J. Spire, MD Donald Blaskiewicz, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 166 Frederick L. Stephens II, MD Syed Ameer Basha Paspala, MD, PhD Michael Avery, MD Edwin Andrew Stevens, MD Konstantinos Paterakis, MD Harish Babu, MD Robert Morgan Stuart, MD Athanasios Petridis, MD Ashley Barks, MD Justin Michael Sweeney, MD Edgar Jose Ramos Lozada II, MD Esther C. Beeson, MD Nicholas J. Szerlip, MD Harald Standhardt, MD Matt Bender, MD Tomoko Tanaka, MD Nur Setiawan Suroto, MD Mark Gregory Bigder, MD William James Thoman, MD Shinichi Tamatani, MD Tamar Binvamin, MD Nestor Denys Tomycz, MD Shigetoshi Yano, MD, PhD Grant Booher, MD Michael Scott Turner, MD Ulas Yener, MD Ulises Esteban Bravo Angel, MD Vikram M. Udani, MD Alaattin Yurt, MD Marie-Christine Brunet, MD Kyle Michael Uittenbogaard, MD Irfan Adil, MD Andrew Brunswick, MD Scott Daniel Wait, MD Amit Agrawal, MD Matthew Burton, MD Lyman William Whitlatch Jr., MD, PhD Absadik Bolgaev, MD Joaquin Camara-Quintana, MD Lars Widdel, MD Sharif Chowdhury, MD Christopher Carroll, MD Jason David Wilson, MD Anas Ibrahim Dyab, MD Alejandro Castellvi, MD John S. Winestone, MD Andriy Huk, MD, PhD Shamik Chakraborty, MD Gabriel Zada, MD Zafar Iqbal, MD Pierre-Olivier Champagne, MD Hasan Jalaloddin, MD Stephano Chang, MD Affiliate Member Farrukh Karimov, MD Vamsidhar Chavakula, MD Juan Carlos Fernandez-Miranda, MD Saleem Khan, MD Yi-Ren Chen, MD International Members Venkatesh Madhugiri, MD Vincent James Cheung, MD Haider Tawfeeq Alhillo, MD Khyzhnyak Mykhaylo, MD Osamah Choudhry, MD Saad R. Hamdan Abdullah, MD P.V Ramana, MD Michael Cohen, MD Georges Abi Lahoud, MD, MS, MSc Ferry Senjaya, MD Kelly Louise Collins, MD Essam Abdulaziz Al Shail, MD Raza Ali Shah, MD Branden Cord, MD Husam Ghazi Alharafi, MD Haider Tawfeeq Alhillo, MD Daniel Byron Craig, MD Amin Alsattouf, MD Angel Velasquez Castillo, MD Celina Maria Crisman, MD Moshe Attia, MD Ghulam Wardak, MD Katarzyna Halina Czerniecka, MD Gaurav Bansal, MD Randy D’Amico, MD North American Candidate/ Domingos Coiteiro, MD Resident-Intern Members Orrin Louis Dayton, MD Emir De Gracia, MD Kalil G Abdullah, MD Daniel Denis, MD Nevair Roberti Gallani, MD Owoicho Adogwa, MD Virendra R. Desai, MD Oliver Ganslandt, MD Christopher Ahuja, MD Michael Dewan, MD Alexandre Varella Giannetti, MD S. Hassan Akbari, MD Anthony DiGiorgio, DO Ulises Guajardo, MD Naif M. Alotaibi, MD David Dornbos, MD Sergio Hernandez-Marquez, MD Saud Alzahrani, MD Victor Du, MD Eduardo Huertas, MD Cristian Ambriz Vazquez, MD Anas Ibrahim Dyab, MD Chang Il Ju, MD John W. Amburgy, MD Karim Elayoubi, MD Mehdi Khani, MD Brian L. Anderson, MD Victor Hugo Escobar De La Garma, MD Leon Levi, MD William J. Ares, MD Darian Esfahani, MD Hossein Mashhadinezhad, MD Elsa Arocho-Quinones, MD Mauricio Armando Esqueda-Liquidano, MD Ullrich Meier, MD, PhD Sean Arredondo, MD Eric Misael Estrada Estrada, MD Tohru Mitsugi, MD Erika Dalila Ascencio Gil, MD Jose A. Fernandez Abinader, MD Daikichi Oguri, MD, PhD Kofi-Buaku Atsina, MD Jose Antonio Figueroa Sanchez, MD Johan Pallud, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 167 Jesus Fonseca Cosio, MD Andrew J. Kobets, MD Luis Alberto Ordonez-Solorio, MD Linden Fornoff, MD Sanjay Konakondla, MD Thomas Ostergard, MD Kenneth Clair Foxx III, MD Jennifer Kosty, MD Margaret Pain, MD Robert T. Funk, MD Ivan Kotchetkov, MD Jason Michael Paluzzi, MD Nihar Gala, MD Daniel Kramer, MD Michael Seijoon Park, MD Antonio Garcia Mayagoitia, MD Katie Krause, MD, PhD Ankur R. Patel, MD Jared Garrett, MD Ramesh Kumar, MD Vaibhav Patel, MD Marcus Gates, MD Jordan Lacy, MD Russell A. Payne, MD Diana Ghinda, MD Amos Ladouceur, MD Courtney Pendleton, MD Miguel Gonzalez Garcia, MD Jonathan C. Lau, MD Jeremy Charles Peterson, MD William Gross, MD Paule Lessard-Bonaventure, MD Matthew Piazza, MD Jian Guan, MD Yiping Li, MD Laura Prolo, MD, PhD Daipayan Guha, MD Joshua Lim, MD Francesco Pucci, MD Kunal Gupta, MB, ChB, PhD Shahin Manoochehri, MD Javier Quillo-Olvera, MD Kimberly Hamilton, MD Lauren Marasa, MD Gary B. Rajah, MD Brian Hanak, MD Nikolay L. Martirosyan, MD Richard Rammo, MD Rimal Hanif, MD Adam Robert Mathes, MD Jonathan Rasouli, MD Neil Haranhalli, MD Rory Mayer, MD Vijay Mysore Ravindra, MD Wael Hassaneen Mostafa, MD Samuel G. McClugage III, MD Alexander Riccio, MD Erik Hayman, MD Ian McDougall, MD Bradford Richardson, MD Mauro Ivan Hernandez Ramirez, MD Jason McGowan, MD Christian B. Ricks, MD Joaquin Hidalgo, MD Ahmed Meleis, MD Aaron Robichaud, MD Justin Hilliard, MD James Messegee, MD Leslie Christine Robinson, MD Randall Hlubek, MD Joshua Evan Meyers, MD Samuel Romano Feinholz, MD Jonathan G. Hobbs, MD Matthew Mian, MD Jennifer Sachiko Ronecker, MD Thomas J. Holbrook, MD Farhan Arshad Mirza, MD Brandon K. Root, MD Kevin Horn, MD Eric Momin, MD Lindsey Ross, MD Reid Rikio Hoshide, MD Alejandro Monroy Sosa, MD Anil Kumar Roy, MD Meng Huang, MD Daniel Monsivais, MD Won Hyung (Andrew) Ryu, MD Molly Hubbard, MD Peter Morone, MD Luis Savastano, MD Eric Hudgins, MD, PhD Simon Morr, MD Irene Say, MD Joshua Hughes, MD Ziev Moses, MD Pokmeng See, MD Rajiv Iyer, MD Celene Mulholland, MD Anish Neeraj Sen, MD M. Anver Jameel, MD Daniel Nagasawa, MD Whitney Allison Sheen, MD Ribhu T. Jha, MD Ahmed Najjar, MD Dimitri G. Sigounas, MD Stephen J. Johans, MD Raj Nangunoori, MD Venita Simpson, MD Stephen A. Johnson, MD W. Christopher Newman, MD Brian D. Sindelar, MD Jacob Joseph, MD Tianyi Niu, MD Rahul Singh, MD Lora W. Kahn, MD Thomas Noh, MD Kyle Anthony Smith, MD Samuel Kalb, MD Andre Nzokou, MD Ryan D. Smith, MD Ashwin Kamath, MD Sami Obaid, MD Tristan Stani, MD Joseph Kapurch, MD Richard Ogbuji, MD Jessica Stark, MD Ryan Thomson Kellogg, MD Ifije Ohiorhenuan, MD Geoffrey Stricsek, MD Navid Khezri, MD Oluwaseun Omofoye, MD Brandon Sur, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 168 Kevin N. Swong, MD Dhiego Bastos, MD Christian Zweifel, MD Nathaniel D. Todnem, MD Amani Bgadi, MD Abdelaal Mamdouh Abdelaal Abdelbaky, MD Alexander Tucker, MD Karol Budohoski, MD Olufemi Abiodun Ajani, MD Zane Tymchak, MD Sai Lok Chu, MD Mohammad Shafie Ariai, MD Jan Machaj Vargas, MD Ahmed Elbushra Ahmed Doomi, MD Biji Bahuleyan, MD Kumar Vasudevan Rakhmon Egamberdiev, MD Bruno Perocco Braga, MD J Roberto Vazquez Nieves, MD Mohamed F. El Farsy, MD Reza Dashti, MD, PhD Ananth Vellimana, MD Mohamed Karamalla Farhoud, MD Gurpreet Surinder Gandhoke, MD Eric R. Vernier, MD Christian Freyschlag, MD Christina Goldstein, MD Juan C. Vicenty Padilla, MD Jose Efrain Garcia Reyes, MD Rahul Prasad, MD Jorge Alfonso Vidaurreta, MD Bogdan Ioan Ghinguleac, MD Victor A. Puzevich, MD Krish Vigneswaran, MD Leonardo Giacomini, MD Ashish Sonig, MD Hans Miguel Angel Viloria Cruz, MD Cristina Goga, MD Ali Hassoun Turkmani, MD Andrew Carlos Vivas, MD Wienorman Gunawan, MD Associate Members Shawn Vuong, MD Ahmed Hussein, MD Asim F Choudhri, MD David Wallace, MD Sandro Krieg, MD Joseph O’Brien, MD Angelique Walstrom, MD Mohammed Mansi, MD Justin Hugelier, MS, PA-C Shelly Wang, MD Hamish McKay, MBChB Gerardo Moreno, PA-C Alexander Gregory Weil, MD Nada Mohammed, MD Joseph Reynolds Jr., PA-C Franklin Westhout, MD Ahmed Morsy, MD Marianne Beare, RN, NP Joshua Wewel, MD Mustafa Najibullah, MD Homira Feely, NP, MSN Robert Thomas Wicks, MD Vincent Ng, MD Gabriel Gumbayan, RN, NP David Wilkinson, MD Erlick Pereira, MD Sharon W. Haire, NP Evan Kyle Winograd, MD Isaac Phang, MD Jennifer Jehle, ACNP Christopher Witiw, MD Genevieve Schindler, MD Sherri M. Kimes, ARNP Osmond Wu, MD Frank Patrick Schwarm, MD Eric Scroggin, MSNC, FNP-BC, APN David Shuo Xu, MD Deema Sehli, MD Jennifer Wynn, FNP Vijay Yanamadala, MD Rouzbeh Shams Amiri, MD Alexander Yang, MD Alvan Ukachukwu, MD Allied Members Edward Yap, MD Koray Ur, MD Susan Browning Byung Yoon, MD, PhD Yinian Zhang, MD Brett Youngerman, MD Bilzardy Ferry Zulkifli, MD Marcus Zachariah, MD North American Candidate/ Pascal Zinn, MD, PhD Fellow Members (not previously Scott Zuckerman, MD a Candidate/Resident Member) Mohamed Ragaee Abdelhakim Aly, MD International Candidate/ Resident-Fellow Members Parthasarathi Chamiraju, MD Salman Abbasifard, MD Mohab Mohamed Nageeb Darwish, MD Sahibzada Abrar, MBBS Bruno Loyola Godoy, MD Lu’ay Abu Alia, MD Ali Hassoun Turkmani, MD Goktug Akyoldas, MD Mauricio Martinez-Moreno, MD Fadi Almahariq, MD Alireza Mohammad Mohammadi, MD Christos Anagnostopoulos, MD Ioannis Nikolaidis, MD Mihaela Balinisteanu, MD Ana Rodriguez Hernandez, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 169 Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME CME Credit for Practical Clinics The main goals of the American Association of Neurological Attendees will receive a maximum of 4 AMA PRA Surgeons’ Annual Scientific Meeting are to serve as a Category 1 Credits™ for all eligible half-day clinics and primary source of continuing medical education tailored 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for all eligible full day specifically to our specialty; to advance neuroscience clinics. Physicians should only claim credit commensu- research; integrate the patient safety movement into rate with the extent of their participation in the activity. neurosurgical practice; and to promote a climate condu- cive to excellence in clinical practice. The Annual CME Credit for Dinner Symposia Scientific Meeting Committee is dedicated to meeting Attendees will receive a maximum of 1 AMA PRA these goals. The AANS Annual Scientific Meeting is the Category 1 Credits™ for all eligible dinner symposia. principal mechanism for the transfer of scientific, tech- nical and intellectual information to the neurosurgical CME Credit for Electronic Posters community. Feedback obtained from the online attendee Physicians may claim AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ evaluation survey is one important factor in determining directly with the AMA for preparing an electronic poster the program content of this meeting. Special recognition is presentation, which is also included in the published extended to the individuals of the 81st Annual Scientific abstracts. To obtain credit from the AMA for this, physi- Meeting Committee and the committees they represent cians can either claim them on their AMA PRA certificate for their perseverance and commitment to making the application or apply directly to the AMA for an AMA PRA Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Association Category Credit(s)™ certificate. of Neurological Surgeons a success. Physicians may claim AMA PRA Category 2 Credit(s)™ for viewing scientific posters. Physicians should self- Continuing Medical Education (CME) claim credit to the AMA on their AMA PRA certificate The AANS is accredited by the Accreditation Council application form. for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Continuing Education for Mid-Level Practitioners The AANS designates this live activity for a maximum of Practical clinics, breakfast seminars and afternoon 42.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should sessions designated with an “N&PE” are designed with claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of mid-level practitioners in mind. their participation in the activity. This continuing nursing education activity was approved * A maximum of 19.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ can by the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, an be claimed for general sessions and a maximum of 22.75 accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ can be claimed for the Center’s Commission on Accreditation. ticketed sessions. Physician assistants must self-report their credit on MyAANS.org after completion of the meeting. They will CME Credit for Breakfast Seminars receive a certificate of attendance which can be submitted Attendees will receive a maximum of 2 AMA PRA to the American Academy of Physician Assistants for Category 1 Credits™ for each breakfast seminar they acceptance towards the Physician Assistant Category I attend. Physicians should only claim credit commensu- (pre-approved) CME requirement. rate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

WWW.AANS.ORG 170 Disclosures such individuals, whether these claims shall be asserted by physicians or any other person. There may be, on ACCME Updated Standards for Commercial Support occasion, changes in faculty and program content. AANS require that anyone in a position to control the content is not responsible for expenses incurred by an individual of the education activity has disclosed all financial who is not confirmed and for whom space is not available relationships with any commercial interest. Failure or at the meeting. Costs incurred by the registrant, such refusal to disclose or the inability to satisfactorily resolve as airline or hotel fees or penalties, are the responsibility the identified conflict may result in the withdrawal of the of the registrant. invitation to participate in any AANS education activity. The ACCME defines a “commercial interest” as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing healthcare AANS CME Cycle goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. The AANS CME cycle mirrors the ABNS MOC cycle for those members who are participating in MOC. For all Disclaimer other members, the current cycle is January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013. AANS FAANS, Provisional, The material presented at the 81st Annual Scientific and Affiliate members are required to document receipt Meeting has been made available by AANS for educa- of the Continuing Education Award in Neurosurgery tional purposes only. The material is not intended to to maintain membership. This Award is earned by represent the only, nor necessarily the best, method or documenting at least 60 ™ procedure appropriate for the medical situations discussed, AMA PRA Category 1Credit(s) during the CME cycle. but rather it is intended to present an approach, view, statement or opinion of the faculty, which may be helpful to others who face similar situations.

Neither the content (whether written or oral) of any course, seminar or other presentation in the program, nor the use of a specific product in conjunction therewith, nor the exhibition of any materials by any parties coincident with the program should be construed as indicating endorsement or approval of the views presented, the products used or the material exhibited by the AANS, or its Committees, Commissions, or Affiliates.

The AANS makes no statements, representations or warranties (whether written or oral) regarding the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) status of any product used or referred to in conjunction with any course, seminar or other presentation being made available as part of the 81st Annual Scientific Meeting. Faculty members shall have sole responsibility to inform attendees of the FDA status of each product that is used in con- junction with any course, seminar or presentation and whether such use of the product is in compliance with FDA regulations.

The AANS disclaims any and all liability for injury or damages to any individual attending the 81st Annual Scientific Meeting, and for all claims which may arise out of the use of the techniques demonstrated therein by

WWW.AANS.ORG 171 Disclosures

The AANS controls the content and production of this CME activity and attempts to ensure the presentation of balanced, objective information. In accordance with the Standards for Commercial Support established by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), faculty, abstract reviewers, paper presenters/ authors, planning committee members, staff and any others involved in planning the educational content and the significant others of those mentioned must disclose any relationship they or their coauthors have with com- mercial interests which may be related to their content. The ACCME defines “relevant financial relationships” as financial relationships in any amount occurring within the past 12 months that create a conflict of interest.

Disclosure listing as of Monday, April 16 . For up-to-date information, please refer to the Mobile Meeting App . * Denotes members of the AANS Scientific Program Committee

Those who have disclosed Shameem Ahmed, MD Boston Scientific relationship with commercial Gauhati Medical College Consultants Consultants Globus Medical interest are listed below: Hayat Hospital Consultants M . Samy Abdou, MD Consultants Allen Medical NuVasive spine Consultants Arun Paul Amar, MD Other Financial or Material Support Medtronic Covidien Honorarium Aviva Abosch, MD, PhD* Other Financial or Material Support Medtronic Reverse Medical Adam S . Arthur, MD, MPH Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Terumo-Microvention Grant/Research Support Consultants Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD Grant/Research Support Zakaria M .A Abusultan, MD NIH/NINDS Covidien Uppsala Kummon Grant/Research Support Consultants Honorarium VasSol, Inc. Stryker Grants/Research Support Feridun Acar, MD Consultants GE Healthcare Medtronic Johnson and Johnson Grants/Research Support Honorarium Consultants Tracey Anderson, CNRN, FNP-BC, ACNP-BC P . David Adelson, MD* Farbod Asgarzadie, MD PESI Healthcare NIH Trans1 Honorarium Grant/Research Support Consultants Integra Foundation Lilyana Angelov, MD Pioneer Spine Grants/Research Support BrainLab Other Financial or Material Support Baxter Foundation Honorarium Anthony L . Asher, MD Grants/Research Support Simon J . Archibald, MD Hyperbranch Medical Technologies John R . Adler, Jr ., MD Integra LifeSciences Corporation Other Financial or Material Support Varian Medical Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Johnson and Johnson Jeffrey E . Arle, MD, PhD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Integra peerEmed Baxano Medical Technologies Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants St. Jude Medical Medtronic Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 172 Frank J . Attenello III, MD OrthoMEMS Charles L . Branch Jr ., MD National Institute of Health through Consultants Medtronic the Southern California CTSI Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Grant/Research Support DePuy Samuel R . Browd, MD, PhD Penumbra Other Financial or Material Support Aqueduct Neurosciences, Inc. Consultants Stryker Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support James I . Ausman, MD, PhD Echoguide Medical, Inc. Future Healthcare Strategies Mitchel S . Berger, MD* Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants NIH Justin M . Brown, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grant/Research Support Checkpoint Surgical Ivivi Health Sciences Roy A . E . Bakay, MD Consultants Consultants NIH Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Jeffrey N . Bruce, MD Grant/Research Support Pharmacokinesis NIH Medtronic Consultants Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Mark H . Bilsky, MD Richard D . Bucholz, MD Nicholas C . Bambakidis, MD Spine wave MONet LLC Medtronic Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Stryker Medtronic Nicholas M . Barbaro, MD* Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support NINDS Depuy Spine Terri Buehler Grant/Research Support Honorarium Medtronic Elekta Medtronic Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Anthony Burrows, MD Todd Barnes EV3 Marsh Consulting Gary M . Bloomgarden, MD Consultants Consultants Fovia Merz Pharmaceuticals Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Richard W . Byrne, MD Consultants Stryker Steve Bokshan, MD Mako Surgical Consultants Integra Neurosciences Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Paolo Cappabianca, MD Gene H . Barnett, MD Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Zeiss Monteris Medical Grants/Research Support Honorarium Consultants National Institutes of Health Baxter BioSurgery Grant/Research Support Grants/Research Support Honorarium Karl Storz Endoscopy Juan C . Bartolomei, MD Christine Elizabeth Boone Consultants Medtronic Covidien Neurovascular Grant/Research Support Consultants Raul Jose Cardenas III, MD Medtronic David S . Baskin, MD Nicholas M . Boulis, MD Grant/Research Support Medtronic NeuralStem Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Bob S . Carter, MD, PhD Cleveland Clinic/Boston Scientific Exosome Diagnostics Joshua J Beardsley, PA-C Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Ethicon Cleveland Clinic/Neuralstem Consultants Andrew K Chan Other Financial or Material Support Doris Duke Clinical Research Foundation Edward C . Benzel, MD Alan S . Boulos, MD Grant/Research Support AxioMed Codman Consultants James P . Chandler, MD Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Immunocellular Microvention Terumo Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium

WWW.AANS.ORG 173 Susan M . Chang, MD Chaim B . Colen, MD, PhD Antonio A . F . DeSalles, MD, PhD Novartis Colen Publishing BrainLab Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants Schering Other Financial or Material Support Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Colen Ventures Elekta Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Won Seok Chang Colen Innovations Honorarium Korea Research Council of Fundamental Consultants Medtronic Science and Technology (KRCF) Other Financial or Material Support Other Financial or Material Support Grant/Research Support Varian Christopher H . Comey, MD Fady T . Charbel, MD Other Financial or Material Support Spinewave, Inc. Transonic, Inc. Consultants Harel Deutsch, MD Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Globus Vassol, Inc. Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Pioneer William T . Curry Jr ., MD John H . Chi, MD Other Financial or Material Support Stryker CMF Depuy Synthes Consultants Fernando G . Diaz, MD, PhD Consultants Michigan Head and Spine Institute T Forcht Dagi, MD, MPH, MBA, DMedSc Ennio Antonio Chiocca, MD, PhD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Massimo, Inc. Alcyone Biosciences, Inc. CO3 Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Ceregene DC2 Prismic Pharma Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support DNAtrix James M . Drake, MD, MSc Consultants Andrew T . Dailey, MD MDA Robotics NIH Biomet Grant/Research Support Grants/Research Support Consultants L3 Communications AO North America Bryan D Choi Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support EGFRvIII Phillips Medical Imaging Stryker Spine Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Honorarium Medical Modeling Dean Chou, MD Andrew T . Dailey, MD Grants/Research Support Globus Biomet Consultants Aaron S . Dumont, MD Consultants Depuy ev3 AO North America Consultants Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Honorarium Stryker Spine Joshua Dusick, MD Elizabeth B . Claus, MD, PhD Honorarium Ruth and Raymond Stotter Chair Endowment NIH, Brain Science Foundation, Meningioma Grant/Research Support Kaushik Das, MD Mommas Lanx E . Hunter Dyer, MD Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Pioneer Surgical Kevin M . Cockroft, MD Synergy disc Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Covidien Neurovascular Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Howard M . Eisenberg, MD Consultants Carlos A . David, MD DoD Actuated Medical, Inc Codman Neurovascular Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants NIH Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Franco De Monte, MD Aaron A . Cohen-Gadol, MD Actelion Medtronic Zeiss Meditech Consultants Consultants Consultants MR Focused Ultrasound Foundation Honorarium OsteoMed Consultants Grants/Research Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 174 William Jeffrey Elias, MD Institute for Nerve Medicine Anthony K . Frempong-Boadu, MD Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation Other Financial or Material Support Medtronic Grant/Research Support Honorarium Kevin T . Foley, MD Honorarium Consultants Medtronic Richard G . Ellenbogen, MD Consultants Robert M . Friedlander, MD NIH/NCI Other Financial or Material Support Best Doctors Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Blaze Bioscience NuVasive NIH, Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) HDSA Medtronic Advisor Board ArthroCare Grants/Research Support Consultants Consultants CHDI Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Hazem Eltahawy, MD, MS Discgenics Synthes Kai-Ming Fu, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Synthes BioD Honorarium Emad N . Eskandar, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Medtronic Medtronic SpineWave Honorarium Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) TrueVision David J . Fusco, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Ethicon Inc. James J . Evans, MD Consultants Stryker Constantinos N . Fountas, MD, PhD Elsevier Inc. Consultants Johnson & Johnson Honorarium Mizuho Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Michael R . Gaab, MD, PhD University of Thessaly Karl STORZ Michael G . Fehlings, MD, PhD Grants/Research Support Consultants Depuy Synthes Spine Consultants Bruce M . Frankel, MD Isabelle M . Germano, MD Grants/Research Support NIH/FDA NIH Medtronic Grant/Research Support Consultants Grants/Research Support Orthofix Spine Grant/Research Support Depuy Spine Consultants Vital Images Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Zimmer Spine Consultants Richard G . Fessler, MD, PhD Other Financial or Material Support Lanx Steven L . Giannotta, MD Hitachi Consultants Integra Other Financial or Material Support DePuy Consultants AO/TK Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Kevin J . Gibbons, MD Medtronic Medtronic Other Financial or Material Support Patrick Peter Alexandre Fransen, MD Grant/Research Support Stryker Medtronic Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Ziya L . Gokaslan, MD, FACS In Queue Innovations Grant/Research Support Spinal Kinetics and US Spine Other Financial or Material Support Spineart Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support AO North America Aaron G . Filler, MD, PhD Benvenue Medical Grants/Research Support NeuroGrafix Grants/Research Support NREF Other Financial or Material Support Profibrix Grants/Research Support Neurography Institute Medical Associates Grants/Research Support DePuy Other Financial or Material Support Cook Medical Grants/Research Support Image Based Surgicenter Corporation Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 175 OREF J . Andre Grotenhuis, MD, PhD Robert E . Harbaugh, MD Grants/Research Support B.Braun/Aesculap Micromechatronics, Inc AO Foundation Consultants Consultants Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Murat Gunel, MD Piezo Resonance Innovations, Inc. Alexandra J . Golby, MD Gregory M. Kiez and Mehmet Kutman Consultants Merck Foundation Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Cortex, Inc. Johnson and Johnson Nalin Gupta, MD, PhD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) StemCells Inc. CHYNA, LLC John G . Golfinos, MD Grant/Research Support Consultants Medtronic NuHope, LLC Philip H . Gutin, MD Honorarium Consultants NovoCure Viewray, Inc. NeuroPoint Alliance, Inc. Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Pharmaco-Kinesis Corp. National Football League Jorge Alvaro Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD Consultants Consultants Medtech Costas G . Hadjipanayis, MD, PhD Consultants Haynes Louis Harkey III, MD Meditech Siemens Depuy Spine Consultants Consultants Other Financial or Material Support NX Pharmagen Andrew W . Grande, MD Grants/Research Support James S . Harrop, MD Integra Depuy Spine Regis W . Haid Jr ., MD* Consultants Consultants Nuvasive Moeller-Wedel Microscope ICON Consultants Grants/Research Support Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Covidien Piedmont Healthcare Roger Hartl, MD Consultants Consultants Synthes Gerald A . Grant, MD Globus Medical Consultants Department of Defense Consultants Spine Wave Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Consultants NIH Spinewave BrainLab Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Medtronic Lanx Michael W . Groff, MD Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Depuy Spine Consultants Mark G . Hamilton, MD Robert F . Heary, MD Grant/Research Support Medtronic Canada DePuy Spine EBI Spine Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Codman Canada Zimmer Spine Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Robert E . Gross, MD, PhD Thieme Medical Publications Neuropace Patrick P . Han, MD Other Financial or Material Support Grant/Research Support Amendia Visualase Grant/Research Support Carl B . Heilman, MD* Grants/Research Support Aesculap Medtronics Midas Rex Boston Scientific Corporation Grants/Research Support Consultants Consultants Integra Matthew L . Hanley, MD St. Jude’s Medical Corporation Consultants TKH, LLC Consultants Consultants Jason Michael Highsmith, MD Medtronic Boston Scientific Consultants Consultants Neurovista Honorarium Consultants

WWW.AANS.ORG 176 Covidien Peter J . Jannetta, MD, DSc Daniel F . Kelly, MD Grants/Research Support KLS Martin LLC Mizuho Inc. Globus Medical Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Randy Lynn Jensen, MD, PhD Saad Abul Khairi, MD Grants/Research Support Medtronic Medtronic Honorarium Consultants Consultants St. Jude Medical Pharmokinesis Lanx Honorarium Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Patrick W . Hitchon, MD David F . Jimenez, MD Kaveh Khajavi, MD DePuy Spine Johnson & Johnson NuVasive, Inc. Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Langston T . Holly, MD Honorarium Iain H . Kalfas, MD Medtronic Mako Surgical Alexander Arash Khalessi, MD Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Neurovascular Jay U . Howington, MD Stryker Consultants Codman Neurovascular Honorarium Covidien—ev3 Consultants Depuy Synthes Consultants Honorarium Penumbra, Inc. Patrick C . Hsieh, MD Consultants Medtronic Steven N . Kalkanis, MD Grants/Research Support Consultants Biomet Spine Depuy Synthes Consultants Muhammad Khan Consultants Ethicon King Khaled Hospital Consultants Consultants Robert E . Isaacs, MD Honorarium NuVasive, Inc. Hideyuki Kano, MD, PhD Qassim University Consultants AB Elekta Other Financial or Material Support Grant/Research Support Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Larry T . Khoo, MD Adam S . Kanter, MD Baxano, Inc. Trans1 Lanx Consultants Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Globus Medical NuVasive Medtronic, Inc. Consultants Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Aesculap Synthes VilaSpine, Ltd. Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Depuy Spine Minispine, Inc. Dean G . Karahalios, MD Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Medtronic Louis J . Kim, MD Safewire, LLC Consultants Spi Surgical Inc. Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Syntheses, Inc. Lanx Aesculap Inc. Consultants Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) R . Patrick Jacob, MD Volcano Inc. Other Financial or Material Support Synthes Spine Grants/Research Support Consultants Saleh Rajab Kashba Michel Kliot, MD Brain Foundation Research Grant George I . Jallo, MD Physiosonics Grant/Research Support Medtronic Consultants Elekta Support Radiation Oncology Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Tariq M . Janjua, MD National Heart Foundation Grant Medicine Company Grants/Research Support Kathryn Ko, MD Consultants Stryker Consultants

WWW.AANS.ORG 177 Ricardo Jorge Komotar, MD Stryker Edge Therapeutics Osteomed Other Financial or Material Support Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Globus Cerebrotech Medtronic Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Grants/Research Support Thomas J . Leipzig, MD Other Financial or Material Support Douglas S . Kondziolka, MD Lanx NIH Elekta Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Consultants NREF Allan D . Levi, MD, PhD SciencEngines, Inc Grants/Research Support Medtronic Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Virginie Lafage Peter E . Konrad, MD, PhD Depuy Medtronic Medtronic Neurological Honorarium Consultants Grant/Research Support DePuy Spine Elad I . Levy, MD Neurotargeting, LLC Grants/Research Support Boston Scientific Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Nemaris Grant/Research Support Brian H . Kopell, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Neurostream Technologies Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. Albert Lai, MD, PhD Consultants Consultants Genentech Medtronic Grants/Research Support Honorarium Consultants ev3/Covidien Vascular Therapies Millennium Consultants Tyler Robert Koski, MD Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Medtronic Giuseppe Lanzino, MD Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Covidien Intratech Medical ltd Grant/Research Support Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Globus Mynx/Access Closure Consultants Paul S . Larson, MD Consultants Nuvasive MRI Interventions, Inc. Grants/Research Support Consultants Grant/Research Support Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. Cranial Medical Systems, Inc. Randy O . Kritzer, MD Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Nuvasive Grants/Research Support Medtronic, Inc. Consultants Honorarium Robert M . Levy, MD, PhD Charles Kuntz, MD Michael J. Fox Foundation Vertos, Inc. Mayfield Clinic Grants/Research Support Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Ceregene, Inc. Other Financial or Material Support Priority Consult Grants/Research Support Spinal Modulation, Inc. Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Carl Lauryssen, MD The Christ Hospital Spine Center Other Financial or Material Support Baxano Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Bioness, Inc. Consultants Precision Radiotherapy Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Michael T . Lawton, MD* Other Financial or Material Support University of Cincinnati Mizuho America, Inc. Nevro, Inc. Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Other Financial or Material Support Twyila Lay, NP, MS* Synthes/DePuy St. Jude Medical, Inc. Johnson & Johnson: Codman Grants/Research Support Consultants Consultants Medtronic, Inc. Frank La Marca, MD Peter David Le Roux, MD Consultants Biomet Codman Consultants Sean M . Lew, MD Consultants Lanx Medtronic Integra Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 178 Linda M . Liau, MD, PhD Mark G . Luciano, MD, PhD Geoffrey T . Manley, MD, PhD Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc. Codman NIH Grant/Research Support Honorarium Grant/Research Support NIH Aesculap DOD Grants/Research Support Honorarium Grants/Research Support Medtronics N . Scott Litofsky, MD Kim Herbert Manwaring, MD Honorarium Pharmaco-kinesis Domain Surgical Inc Consultants L . Dade Lunsford, MD Consultants AB Elekta Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Linda Littlejohns, RN, MSN Consultants Integra James M . Markert Jr ., MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Catherex, Inc Integra Foundation Neal Luther, MD Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Elekta Other Financial or Material Support Integra Lifesciences Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) NIH/NCI AANN, President Grants/Research Support R . Loch Macdonald, MD, PhD Other Financial or Material Support DOD Actelion Pharmaceuticals Grants/Research Support Zachary N . Litvack, MD Consultants Integra LifeSciences Corporation Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Joseph Charles Maroon, MD Consultants Grants/Research Support ImPACT Applications, Inc. Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc Brain Aneurysm Foundation Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Eric M . Massicotte, MD, MSc National Brain Tumor Foundation Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation AOSpine North America Honorarium Grants/Research Support Honorarium Edge Therapeutics Charles Y . Liu, MD, PhD Depuy Synthes Other Financial or Material Support Theken/Integra Spine Grants/Research Support Consultants Andre Guelman Machado, MD, PhD Medtronic Rudi Schulte Research Institute IntElect Medical Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Consultants Stryker Grant/Research Support Grants/Research Support John C . Liu, MD Other Financial or Material Support Baxter Medtronic ATI Grants/Research Support Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Zimmer Christopher M . Loftus, MD Cardionomics Grants/Research Support 3M Other Financial or Material Support Thomas K . Mattingly, MD Consultants NIH Heart and Stroke Foundation Scanlan Instruments Grants/Research Support Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support William J . Mack, MD Thermopeutix, Inc Demetrius K . Lopes, MD Penumbra Inc Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Consultants Michael W . McDermott, MD Consultants Neil R . Malhotra, MD* UCSF Honorarium Neurosurgery Research and Education Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Foundation Florence Nightingale Hospital Covidien Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants Depuy Spine Education NIH Grants/Research Support Honorarium Grants/Research Support Honorarium Stryker Spine Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Matthew J . McGirt, MD Consultants Siemens Depuy Synthes Other Financial or Material Support George T . Mandybur, MD Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Medtronic Corp Consultants Honorarium

WWW.AANS.ORG 179 Ehud Mendel, MD Praveen V . Mummaneni, MD Globus Depuy-Synthes Depuy Spine Other Financial or Material Support Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Depuy/Synthes spine K2M Quality Medical Publishers Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Joseph O’Brien, MD Depuy Synthes Globus Globus Medical Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Thieme Medical Publishers Jayant Prasanna Menon, MD Nuvasive Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Windrose Medical Consultants Consultants Hiroshi Nakagawa, MD Stryker Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stryker Consultants Consultants Relievant Ali H . Mesiwala, MD Consultants SI BONE, Inc. Peter Nakaji, MD Smith and Nephew Consultants Aesculap, Inc. Consultants NuVasive, Inc. Consultants Consultants Honorarium Christopher S . Ogilvy, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Carl Zeiss, Inc. Edge Theraputics Grants/Research Support Consultants Basant Kumar Misra, MD AlloSource, Inc. Heitman Foundation Johnson & Johnson Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Consultants Raj K . Narayan, MD Michael Y . Oh, MD Jean-Pierre Mobasser, MD Department of Defense Research Grant Medtronic Medtronic Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants BHR Grants/Research Support J D . Mocco, MD Consultants St. Jude Lazarus Effect, Inc. NIH NETT Scientific Advisory Committee Consultants Consultants Honorarium Grants/Research Support Nfocus Nuvasive Sergey Neckrysh, MD Consultants Consultants Medtronic Edge Therapeutics Innovative Performance Technology Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Blockade Therapeutics Micro Engineering Systems DePuy Synthes Spine Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Consultants Endeaver Endovascular Honorarium Tahsien Mohammed Okasha Other Financial or Material Support K2M Cairo University Edward A . Monaco III, MD, PhD Consultants Grant/Research Support Elekta A.B. Globus Spine David O . Okonkwo, MD, PhD Consultants Honorarium Medtronic Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Qualgenix Consultants Honorarium Akio Morita, MD, PhD Lanx Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in Japan Consultants Medtronic Spine Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Shaun Thomas O’Leary, MD, PhD Japan Brain Foundation Spinewave Grants/Research Support Eric W . Nottmeier, MD Consultants National Cardiovascular Research Center of Medtronic Navigation Japan Consultants Jeffrey J . Olson, MD Grants/Research Support BrainLab Millenium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Consultants Grant/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Genentech K2M-Advisory Board Grants/Research Support Consultants

WWW.AANS.ORG 180 Merck Mick J . Perez-Cruet, MD Mark C . Preul, MD Grants/Research Support Thompson MIS Carl Zeiss Surgical American Cancer Society Other Financial or Material Support Grant/Research Support Consultants Stryker Neomend National Cancer Institute Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support MI4Spine Daniel Monte-Serrat Prevedello, MD Other Financial or Material Support Thomas C . Origitano, MD, PhD Storz Spineology Stryker Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Honorarium Stryker Other Financial or Material Support Other Financial or Material Support Brian A . O’Shaughnessy, MD Zimmer Spine Medtronic Medtronic Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Daniel R . Pieper, MD KLS-Martin Honorarium Greater Michigan Gamma Knife Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Vycor Medical Honorarium Karl Storz Grants/Research Support Globus Consultants Consultants Gregory J . Przybylski, MD Stryker Honorarium UnitedHealth Care Consultants Consultants John E . O’Toole, MD Julie G . Pilitsis, MD, PhD EliResearch Globus Medical, Inc. St. Jude Honorarium Consultants Consultants Magellan Pioneer Surgical Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants Medtronic North American Spine Society Paul Park, MD Consultants Honorarium Globus Medical Jonathan A . Pindrik, MD Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, MD Consultants The Hartwell Foundation Biomedical Ipsen Medtronic Research Fellowship Grant/Research Support Consultants Grant/Research Support Stryker SMISS Consultants Grants/Research Support Nicholas Heilman Post, MD Speak, Inc. Aesculap Kunal Patel Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Cyberonics Inc. Integra Other Financial or Material Support Eric A . Potts, MD Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Medtronic Zvi Ram, MD Consultants Parag G . Patil, MD, PhD NovoCure Other Financial or Material Support St Jude Medical Consultants Lanx Grant/Research Support Grant/Research Support Consultants Medtronic, Inc. Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Immunocellular therapeutics Neuralstem Nader Pouratian, MD, PhD Consultants Consultants Medtronic Corporation Ethicon, J&J Grant/Research Support Consultants Jogi V . Pattisapu, MD Honorarium Codman Johnson & Johnson Charles J . Prestigiacomo, MD ARK Therapeutics Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Neurovascular Consultants Consultants Troy D . Payner, MD Honorarium Edge Therapeutics Stryker Scherring Plough/MERCK Consultants Consultants Consultants Thermopeutics Other Financial or Material Support Grants/Research Support Consultants Honorarium Aesculap Consultants

WWW.AANS.ORG 181 John Kevin Ratliff, MD Howard A . Riina, MD Koryn Rubin Stryker Spine eVisio medical systems American Association of Neurological Surgeons Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) and Congress of Neurological Surgeons Biomet Spine Reach Bionics Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Grants/Research Support James T . Rutka, MD, PhD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Vijay Mysore Ravindra, MD CIHR Tomorrow Foundation Biomet Grant/Research Support Grants/Research Support Honorarium CCSRI Helmsley Charitable Trust Grant Stryker Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Honorarium Rajiv Saigal, MD AO North America Andrew J . Ringer, MD Synthes Honorarium eV3 / Covidien Grant/Research Support Consultants Jean Regis, MD Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Medtronic Consultants Amer F . Samdani, MD Grant/Research Support Microvention Depuy Synthes Spine Elekta Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Stryker Spine Richard B . Rodgers, MD George Timothy Reiter, MD Consultants Medtronic Synthes Zimmer Honorarium Consultants Consultants Integra Richard B . Rodgers, MD SpineGuard Consultants Medtronic Consultants Grants/Research Support Honorarium John H . Sampson, MD, PhD Laurence D . Rhines, MD Gerald E . Rodts Jr ., MD Celldex Stryker Medtronic Inc. Consultants Honorarium Consultants Celldex Globus Medical, Inc. Grants/Research Support Albert L . Rhoton Jr ., MD Other Financial or Material Support Medtronic Charles Sansur, MD, MHSc Orthofix, Inc. Consultants Medtronic Consultants Synthes Consultants Honorarium Charles L . Rosen, MD, PhD Honorarium Storz NIH DepuySynthes Grants/Research Support Grant/Research Support Consultants Care Fusion NIOSH Honorarium Consultants Grants/Research Support Rick C . Sasso, MD BHR Pharma Erich O . Richter, MD Medtronic Grants/Research Support St. Jude Medical, Inc Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants Cerapedics Grant/Research Support Joshua M . Rosenow, MD Grants/Research Support Stryker Spine Boston Scientific Neuromodulation Reliavant Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Exactech Spine Biomet Richard Arthur Roski, MD Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Blue Chip Surgery Center Partners, LLC MinSurg Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Henry W . S . Schroeder, MD, PhD Grants/Research Support Karen Zupko and Associates Karl Storz Harenas, LLC Consultants Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Gail L . Rosseau, MD Daniele Rigamonti, MD Codman Aesculap Braun Corporation Consultants Grant/Research Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 182 Marc S . Schwartz, MD Ashwini D . Sharan, MD Boston Scientific Cochlear Corporation Medtronic Consultants Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Omniguide, Inc Zimmer Spine Greatbatch Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Consultants ICVRX, LLC Vycor Medical Theodore H . Schwartz, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Wellcome Trust ICP Bioness Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Integra Consultants Jonathan D . Sherman, MD Andrew E . Sloan, MD Visionsense Spine Wave Genentech Honorarium Consultants Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Daniel M . Sciubba, MD Adnan H . Siddiqui, MD, PhD Roche Pharmaceuticals, Inc Depuy National Institutes of Health Consultants Grant/Research Support Grant/Research Support Surgical Theatre Honorarium Hotspur Consultants Globus Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Lentigen Inc. Honorarium Intratech Medical Grants/Research Support Nuvasive Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Consultants StimSox Medtronic Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Chris A . Sloffer, MD Honorarium Valor Medical Medtronic Corporation Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Thomas B . Scully, MD Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. Lifespine LLC Justin S . Smith, MD, PhD Consultants Consultants DePuy Spine Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Stryker Medical Grant/Research Support Concentric Medical Consultants Honorarium Consultants Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support ev3/Covidien Vascular Therapies BrainLab Biomet Consultants Honorarium Consultants GuidePoint Global Consulting Langford Systems Honorarium Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Genentech Medtronic Sofamor Danek Laligam N . Sekhar, MD Consultants Consultants SPI Surgical, Inc. Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Penumbra Globus Viket Medical, Inc. Consultants Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Neocure Group LLC, Honorarium Matthew D . Smyth, MD Nathan R . Selden, MD, PhD CURE/DOD Stem Cells Incorporated Scott Douglas Simon, MD Grant/Research Support Grant/Research Support Covidien Novartis Grant/Research Support Warren R . Selman, MD Consultants Surgical Theater Konstantin V . Slavin, MD Mark M . Souweidane, MD Consultants St. Jude Medical Aesculap Consultants Mitesh V . Shah, MD Consultants Grant/Research Support Lanx Honorarium Robert F . Spetzler, MD Consultants Medtronic Zeiss Stryker Consultants Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Codman and Stryker Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 183 Boston Scientific AANS/CNS Stavropoula I . Tjoumakaris, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Honorarium Stryker Neurovascular DicomGrid Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) ASUBIO Spinal Cord Injury Research Project Steven A . Toms, MD, MPH EmergeMD Grants/Research Support Medtronic Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Phiroz Erach Tarapore, MD Consultants NeuroVasx, Inc. NIH Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Roland A . Torres, MD Grant/Research Support Synergetics NIH/NINDS Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Rabih G . Tawk, MD Grant/Research Support Stereotaxis B.Braun/Aesculap Integra Neuroscience Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Honorarium RSB Spine William R . Taylor, MD L . Gerard Toussaint III, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Nuvasive St. Joseph Regional Health Center iCo Therapeutics Consultants Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grant/Research Support Pfizer Katalyst/Kogent Honorarium Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Other Financial or Material Support Vincent C . Traynelis, MD Robert J . Spinner, MD Alpha tec Medtronic Mayo Medical Ventures Other Financial or Material Support Consultants Consultants Kineflex Grant/Research Support Oakstone Publishers Consultants Other Financial or Material Support Honorarium Blake Eaton Samuel Taylor Globus Medical Philip A . Starr, MD, PhD National Institute of Health Grants/Research Support Boston Scientific Inc Grant/Research Support Luis Manuel Tumialan, MD Consultants Doris Duke Clinical Research Foundation Medtronic Medtronic, Inc. Grants/Research Support Consultants Consultants Claudius Thome, MD MRI Interventions, Inc. Michael S . Turner, MD Depuy Synthes Inc. Grants/Research Support Medtronic Grant/Research Support Consultants Gary K . Steinberg, MD, PhD Honorarium Grant/Research Support NIH NINDS Signus Medical Inc. Honorarium Grant/Research Support Consultants California Institute for Regenerative Grants/Research Support Raymond Dwight Turner IV, MD Medicine (CIRM) TETEC AG Microvention Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Consultants Medtronic Intrinsic Inc. Grant/Research Support Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Codman Consultants Paradigm Spine Inc. Consultants Consultants Grants/Research Support Michael Patrick Steinmetz, MD Grants/Research Support eV3 Biomet Spine Consultants Consultants Shelly D . Timmons, MD, PhD Grants/Research Support Medtronic NIH Penumbra Consultants Grant/Research Support Consultants Depuy-Synthes Synthes Resident Neurotrauma Course Stryker Grants/Research Support Honorarium Consultants Honorarium Glen Tinkoff, MD Blockade Medical Karin R . Swartz, MD CSL Behring Consultants NASS Honorarium Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support

WWW.AANS.ORG 184 Juan Santiago Uribe, MD Clarence B . Watridge, MD Henry H . Woo, MD Nuvasive Medtronic Vascular Simulations LLC Consultants Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grant/Research Support Spinal Motion Codman and Shurtleff Orthofix Grants/Research Support Other Financial or Material Support Consultants NIH, NINDS Siemens Inc. Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Medical Research & Education Institute Microvention Inc. Peter Vajkoczy, MD Grants/Research Support Grants/Research Support Asculap SurgeonsPAC Consultants Eric J . Woodard, MD Other Financial or Material Support Honorarium AOSpine North America BrainLab Zeiss Honorarium Other Financial or Material Support Consultants InVivo Therapeutics Honorarium Michael William Weaver, MD Other Financial or Material Support Synthes Medtronic Inc. Craig Andrew Van Der Veer, MD Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Pioneer Surgical Osteomed Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Chengyuan Wu, MD Grants/Research Support Spinewave Johnson & Johnson Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Manfred Westphal, PhD, MD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Covidean Neurofluidics Fumio Yamaguchi, MD, PhD Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants Ministry of Education Sapheon PharmocoKinesis Grant/Research Support Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Consultants BioMarin Joseph M . Zabramski, MD Harry R . van Loveren, MD Consultants Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. Medtronic Midas Rex Consultants Grant/Research Support Donald M . Whiting, MD Biomet Medtronic Neuromodulation Gelareh M . Zadeh, MD Grants/Research Support Grant/Research Support Canadian Institute Health Research Grant/Research Support Erol Veznedaroglu, MD Georg Widhalm BrainChild Cordis Medtronic Grant/Research Support Consultants Consultants Canadian Brain Tumor Foundation Grant/Research Support Dave C . Viano, MD, PhD Grant/Research Support Honorarium ProBiomechanics LLC Gregory J . Zipfel, MD Consultants John A . Wilson, MD Pfizer Hyperbranch Adherus Sonja Vulcu Grant/Research Support Grant/Research Support Karl Storz Company Consultants Richard N . Wohns, MD Nuvasive Ato Tafarra Wallace Consultants Vanderbilt University Medical Center Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Grant/Research Support Thompson MIS Michael Y . Wang, MD Consultants Depuy SPine Ranier Technology Consultants Consultants Aesculap Spine LDR Consultants Consultants Biomet Spine NOC2 Consultants Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased) Neuro Consulting, LLC Stock Shareholder (Directly purchased)

WWW.AANS.ORG 185 Those who have reported they Perry A. Ball, MD Paul Joseph Camarata, MD do not have any relationship with Sarah Kathleen Bandt, MD Dennis Michael Campbell, MD Matei Alexandru Banu John Matthew Caridi, MD commercial interests: Ausaf Ahmad Bari, MD, PhD Jonathan D. Carlson, MD, PhD Bizhan Aarabi, MD Frederick G. Barker II, MD Peter W. Carmel, MD Salman Abbasifard, MD Samuel Lee Barnett, MD Arthur S Carminucci Mahmoud Abbassy, MD Daniel Louis Barrow, MD Larry Van Carson, MD, MBA Muwaffak M. Abdulhak, MD Sean Barry, MD Steven Casha, MD, PhD Kalil G Abdullah, MD Ernest Barthelemy George Cavalcanti-Mendes, MD Taylor John Abel, MD Mustafa Kemal Baskaya, MD David Cavanaugh, MD Adib Adnan Abla, MD Dhiego Bastos, MD C. Michael Cawley, MD Mohamad Abolfotoh, MD H. Hunt Batjer, MD Parthasarathi Chamiraju, MD Laurie Lynn Ackerman, MD Ulrich Batzdorf, MD William F. Chandler, MD Kamran Aghayev, MD Andrew R Bauder Edward F. Chang, MD Manish K. Aghi, MD Nrupen Baxi, MD Steven D. Chang, MD Osama Iqbal Ahmed, MD James R. Bean, MD Clark C. Chen, MD, PhD Raheel Ahmed, MD Stephen P. Becker, MD Fangxiang Chen, MD Olga A Akselrod, PA-C Joel Beckett Selby Chen, MD Aziz Alali, MD Anu Bedi, PA-C Xiaolei Chen, MD, PhD Nima Alan Lisa Beebe Cheng Cheng A. Leland Albright, MD Kimon Bekelis, MD Henrich Cheng, MD, PhD Felipe C. Albuquerque, MD J. Bradley Bellotte, MD Jason Simon Cheng, MD Rodolfo Elias Alcedo Guardia, MD Allan J. Belzberg, MD Joseph S. Cheng, MD, MS* Wajd N. Al-Holou, MD Vladimir Benes Jr., MD, PhD Brandon Chew, MD Muhammad S Ali, MD Deborah L. Benzil, MD Ming-Fu Chiang, MD, PhD Cargill H. Alleyne Jr., MD Marvin Bergsneider, MD Fernando Chico, MD Ossama Al-Mefty, MD Mandy Jo Binning, MD Lawrence S. Chin, MD Mohammed Hamood Alsaidi, MD Peter M. Black, MD, PhD Hoon Choi, MD Yahia Al-Tamimi, MD W. Ben Blackett, MD, JD Silky Chotai, MD Ron. L. Alterman, MD Orin Bloch, MD David Kim Seng Choy Idiris Altun, MD Leif-Erik Sheldon Bohman, MD Cheng-Wei Chu, MD Sudheer Ambekar, MD Paolo A. Bolognese, MD Augusto Cianciabella, PA-C Chiazo Amene, MD Aaron Eugene Bond, MD, PhD Jeremy N. Ciporen, MD Jared D. Ament, MD John A. Boockvar, MD Michael Jose Cirivello, MD Beejal Y. Amin, MD Frederick A. Boop, MD Aaron John Clark, MD A. Nimer Amr, MD Lawrence F. Borges, MD Justin Charles Clark, MD Patricia L. Anderson* Wallace Bourgeois David B. Clarke, MD Richard C. E. Anderson, MD Ira Eugene Bowen Michael Brendan Cloney Peter Douglas Angevine, MD, MPH Christian Andrew Bowers, MD Alan R. Cohen, MD Rachel Alexandria Anolik David Brandman, MD Austin R. Colohan, MD Michael L. J. Apuzzo, MD Henry Brem, MD Christopher Richard Conner Ahmet Arac, MD Giovanni Broggi, MD E. Sander Connolly Jr., MD Rocco A. Armonda, MD Nathaniel P. Brooks, MD David Edward Connor, DO Ashok R. Asthagiri, MD Jacques Brotchi, MD, PhD Douglas James Cook, MD Kurtis Ian Auguste, MD Benjamin Brown, MD Lieutenant Colonel Gary W. Cooke Hildo R .C. Azevedo-Filho, MD Rachel Bruce William Royal Copeland III, MD Khaled M. A. Aziz, MD, PhD John Buatti, MD William M. Coplin, MD Maya Babu, MD, MBA Christine Bui Rees Cosgrove, MD Matteo Baccanelli, MD M. Ross Bullock, MD, PhD William T. Couldwell, MD, PhD Merwyn Bagan, MD, MPH Kim J. Burchiel, MD Jean-Valery C. E. Coumans, MD Jacob Bagley Sigita Burneikiene, MD Clifford Lemont Crutcher II Julian E. Bailes Jr., MD Terence Burns, MD, PhD Frank Culicchia, MD* Lissa Catherine Baird, MD Scott Alexander Butler, CMPE Michael D. J. Cusimano, MD, PhD Souad Bakhti, MD Daniel P. Cahill, MD, PhD Stephanie Louise Da Silva

WWW.AANS.ORG 186 Marcel Daadi Allan H. Friedman, MD Shannon Wang Hann, MD Ralph G. Dacey Jr., MD David M. Frim, MD, PhD Amgad Saddik Hanna, MD Mark D. D’Alise, MD Sebastien Froelich, MD Yosuke Hara, MD Laurence Davidson, MD Jonathan P. Fryer, MD Douglas Hardesty, MD Arthur L. Day, MD Herbert E. Fuchs, MD, PhD Mark R. Harrigan, MD John Diaz Day, MD Shiv Mukesh Gaglani Brianna Harris Luiz Carlos de Alencastro, MD Fabrizio Galimberti John B. Harris, MD Joao Paulo de Almeida, MD Julia Anna Galletly, MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN Adil Harroud Kenneth De Los Reyes, MD Eric Garland, PhD Griffith R. Harsh IV, MD Arthur R DeLance Sarah J. Gaskill, MD David M. Hasan, MD Johnny B. Delashaw Jr., MD Brandon G. Gaynor, MD Gregory Hawryluk, MD Christi DeLemos, RN Shunnan Ge Seth B. Hayes, MD Robert J. Dempsey, MD Lucy Gee Matthew Aaron Hazzard, MD Iraj Derakhshan, MD Christopher A. Gegg, MD Shuhan He Atman Desai, MD Fred Gentili, MD, MSc Andrew T Healy Roberto Jose Diaz, MD Joshi George, MD Amy B. Heimberger, MD Francesco DiMeco, MD Paul George Juha Hernesniemi, MD, PhD Dale Ding, MD Peter C. Gerszten, MD, MPH Tenoch Herrada-Pineda, MD Aclan Dogan, MD Sara Ghayouri Simon Gerard Heuts Michael Joseph Dorsi, MD Diana Ghinda, MD Brian Hill Rose Du, MD, PhD Zoher Ghogawala, MD Virany Huynh Hillard, MD Lian Duan Ron Ginor, MD Inga Himelright, MD, MPH Hugues Duffau, MD Fady Girgis, MD Yoshitaka Hirano, MD Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD Taylor L. Gist, MD Takeshi Hiu, MD Ian F. Dunn, MD Michael Glantz, MD Jonathan E. Hodes, MD, MS Mary E. Dunn, MD Roberta P. Glick, MD Brian L. Hoh, MD Mohammadreza Ehsaei, MD Saniya Siraj Godil Daniel Jin Hoh, MD Marc E. Eichler, MD Ezequiel Goldschmidt Damian Holliman, PhD, MRCS Benjamin Daniel Elder, MD Robert R. Goodman, MD, PhD Kazuhiro Hongo, MD James Bradley Elder, MD James T. Goodrich, MD, PhD Kristopher Gray Hooten, MD Tarek Elserry, MD Courtney Rory Goodwin, MD L. Nelson Hopkins III, MD Rei Enatsu, MD William Gordon Eric M. Horn, MD Toshiki Endo Tetsuya Goto, MD, PhD Peleg Moshe Horowitz, MD Johnathan A. Engh, MD Benoit Goulet, MD Paul A. House, MD Dario J. Englot, MD, PhD Liliana C. Goumnerova, MD Brian M. Howard, MD Yoshua Esquenazi- Levy, MD M. Sean Grady, MD Matthew A. Howard III, MD Richard George Everson, MD Barth A. Green, MD Kathryn Howe, MD Alexander Evins Samuel H. Greenblatt, MD Shen-Long Howng, MD Matthew G. Ewend, MD Loyola Veronique Gressot, MD Jason H. Huang, MD Andrew J. Fabiano, MD Rachel Grossman, MD Kevin Huang H. Francis Farhadi, MD Mari Louise Groves, MD Judy Huang, MD Brian Thomas Farrell, MD David P. Gruber, MD Wen-Cheng Huang, MD Peter Edward Fecci, MD Daniel James Guillaume, MD Molly Hubbard, MD William Brand Feldman Gerardo Guinto-Balanzar, MD Joshua Hughes, MD Neil Arthur Feldstein, MD William C. Gump, MD Junsuk Huh Dongxia Feng, MD Kern H. Guppy, MD, PhD Won Huh Yvens Barbosa Fernandes, MD, PhD Bharat Guthikonda, MD Sun Zheng Hui Juan Carlos Fernandez-Miranda, MD Walter John Hader, MD Peter John Hutchinson, MD Anthony Graham Fieggen, MD Mark N. Hadley, MD Steven W. Hwang, MD Iakiv Fishchenko, MD, PhD Ziad Adel Hage, MD Masaki Ito Kenneth A. Follett, MD, PhD Stephen J. Haines, MD Michael Edward Ivan, MD Kimberly Anne Foster, MD Casey Harrison Halpern, MD Garrett James Jackson, MD Jason Michael Frerich Seunggu J. Han, MD Walter Paul Jacobsen, DO Jared Steven Fridley, MD William C. Hanigan, MD, PhD Line Jacques, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 187 Jack I. Jallo, MD, PhD Ramesh Kumar, MD Sean Mackey, MD, PhD John A. Jane Jr., MD Ravi Kumar, MD Karthik Madhavan, MD Pawel Jankowski, MD John S. Kuo, MD, PhD Michael Thomas Madison, MD Jacob Januszewski, DO Lu-Ting Kuo, MD Joseph R. Madsen, MD Yasser Jeelani, MD Marina Kushnirsky Cormac O. Maher, MD Dhruve Satish Jeevan, MD Travis Ryan Ladner Asim Mahmood, MD Sarah C. Jernigan, MD Alfonso Lagares, MD, PhD Dennis J. Maiman, MD, PhD Pinakin R. Jethwa, MD Tariq Lamki, MD Shahram Majidi, MD Xiangjun Ji Gregory B. Lanford, MD Serge Makarenko Zhu Jianhong Frederick F. Lang Jr., MD Vyacheslav Makler Ju H Joh Shih-Shan Lang, MD Adel M. Malek, MD, PhD Curtis L Johnson Marianne E. Langlois, PA-C Grant William Mallory, MD Robert R. Johnson II, MD Catherine Yuan-Hsin Lau, MD Allen H. Maniker, MD Pamela Stuart Jones, MD Sean D. Lavine, MD Timothy B. Mapstone, MD Kristopher Thomas Kahle, MD, PhD Meng Law, MD Logan Paul Marcus Elyne Kahn, MD Edward R. Laws Jr., MD Nicholas F. Marko, MD Yutaka Kai, PhD Matthew F. Lawson, MD Nikolay L. Martirosyan, MD Michael G. Kaiser, MD Albert Eugene Lee, MD Neena Ishwari Marupudi, MD Paul Kalanithi, MD Brian Lee, MD Justin Robert Mascitelli, MD James Thomas Kalyvas, MD Chang-Hyun Lee Homajoun Maslehaty, MD Michael G. Kaplitt, MD, PhD Joung H. Lee, MD Alexander M. Mason, MD Spyridon K. Karadimas Sang Hoon Lee Ryan K. Mathew, MBBCh, MRCS Kota Sadashiva Karanth, MD Peter J. Lennarson, MD Junko Matsuyama Hidetoshi Kasuya, MD Jeffrey R. Leonard, MD Craig McClain Bruce A. Kaufman, MD David Levine Paul C. McCormick, MD Hiroto Kawasaki, MD Nicholas B. Levine, MD Brandon Allan McCutcheon Akitsugu Kawashima Bin Li Ian E. McCutcheon, MD Joseph Ryan Keen, DO Fangye Li Michael McDowell Doerthe Keiner Jinjiang Li Brian Jeffrey McHugh, MD Christopher Paul Kellner, MD Qinghang Li, MD, PhD James McInerney, MD John R. W. Kestle, MD Yan Michael Li, MD Kelli McKee, PA Fawad Ahmed Khan, MD Ye Li Guy M. McKhann II, MD Turker Kilic, MD, PhD Yumeng Li Nancy McLaughlin, MD Brendan Dyer Killory, MD Kevin O. Lillehei, MD Christopher M. McPherson, MD Chae-Yong Kim, MD, PhD Jiannher Lin Joshua Eric Medow, MD, MS Dong H. Kim, MD Ning Lin, MD Soraya Mehdizadeh Stanley H. Kim, MD Ioan Adrian Lina Arnold H. Menezes, MD Tackeun Kim Michael J. Link, MD Richard Menger, MD Won Kim, MD Mark E. Linskey, MD Maxwell Bartos Merkow, MD Jon Adam Kimball James K. Liu, MD Fredric B. Meyer, MD Kristopher Kimmell, MD Yi Liu, MD Rajiv Midha, MD MS Neil D. Kitchen, MD Bjorn Mark Lobo, MD Dorothea Miller, MD Elizabeth Klein, MD Subash Lohani, MD Kai Joshua Miller, MD Jorie Klein, RN Russell R. Lonser, MD Keyvan Mirsaeedi-Farahani David G. Kline, MD Blas Ezequiel Lopez Felix, MD Robert Mitchell Petra Margarete Klinge, MD, PhD Rolando Lovaton, MD Kazuhiro Miwa, MD, PhD Maria Koutourousiou, MD Mary P. Lovely, RN, PhD Alireza Mohammad Mohammadi, MD Izumi Koyanagi, MD Andrew Michael Lozen, MD Eric Monsalves Paul Kraemer, MD Daniel C. Lu, MD, PhD Stephen J. Monteith, MD Daniel Kramer, MD Huchen Lu Karam Moon Mark D. Krieger, MD Daniel Lubelski Jacques J. Morcos, MD* Khaled M Krisht, MD Ali M. Elhadi Takashi Morishita, MD Abhaya Vivek Kulkarni, MD Xiao Dong Ma, PhD Howard Morgan, MD Matthew M. Kumar Matthew MacDougall, MD Hiroaki Motegi

WWW.AANS.ORG 188 Nazih Moufarrij, MD Ann M. Parr, MD Neil Edmund Roundy, MD Asim Mujic, MD Andrew Thomas Parsa, MD, PhD David Roytowski, MD Nitin Mukerji, MSc, MD, Ed Akash J. Patel, MD Anand Indulal Rughani, MD Lisa P. Mulligan, MD Smruti K. Patel, BA George Nicholas Rymarczuk, MD Tomohiro Murakami Sunil J. Patel, MD Donald Sachs Karin M. Muraszko, MD David Paul Sam Safavi-Abbasi, MD, PhD Richard Murphy, PA-C Maria Teresa Pedro Fariborz Samini, MD Anthony Myint Stan Pelofsky, MD Nader Sanai, MD Anil Nanda, MD, MPH* Russell M. Pelton, JD Christopher Ian Sanders Taylor, MD Farshad Nassiri Noel I. Perin, MD Amanda Muhs Saratsis, MD Yoshihiro Natori, MD, PhD Anthony Liberato Petraglia, MD Christopher Ashot Sarkiss, MD Ramon Navarro Athanasios Petridis, MD J. Manuel Sarmiento David Matthew Neils, MD Martin Huy Pham, MD Toru Sasamori, MD Josh Neman Joseph M. Piepmeier, MD Kajana Satkunendrarajah David W. Newell, MD Eric W. Pierson, MD Paul D. Sawin, MD Jane Ng, MD David W. Pincus, MD, PhD Wouter I. Schievink, MD Joyce Nicholas, PhD Stephen M. Pirris, MD Steven J. Schiff, MD, PhD Christopher Michael Nickele, MD Dimitris George Placantonakis, MD, PhD Clemens M. Schirmer, MD, PhD Olena Nikolenko, MD, PhD Julio Plata Bello, MD Johannes Schramm, MD Menarvia Kendira C. Nixon, MD Kim Pollock, RN, MBA Philippe Schucht Russ P. Nockels, MD Matthew Bryan Potts, MD Jason M. Schwalb, MD Thomas Noh, MD Victoria Powell R. Michael Scott, MD Abraham Noorbakhsh J. Adair Prall, MD Pennie S. Seibert Christina Marie Notarianni, MD Lakshmi Prasad, MD Andreea Ana-Maria Seicean David Ifeanyi Nwokeabia Srinivas K. Prasad, MD Volker Seifert, MD, PhD W. Jerry Oakes, MD Mark R. Proctor, MD Toshitaka Seki, MD, PhD Julia Oberhoffer Rabia Qaiser, MD Raymond Francis Sekula Jr., MD Joachim Mk Oertel, MD Guangyu Qiao, MD Chandranath Sen, MD Michael C. Oh, MD Stacey C. Quintero Wolfe, MD Demitre Serletis, MD, PhD Jeffrey G. Ojemann, MD Craig H. Rabb, MD Donald M. Seyfried, MD Kazunari Oka, MD Corey Raffel, MD, PhD Christopher I. Shaffrey, MD Maki Okada Brian T. Ragel, MD Aijia Shang Joffre Olaya, MD John Ragheb, MD Scott A. Shapiro, MD Edward H. Oldfield, MD Gazanfar Rahmathulla, MD Mayur Sharma Alessandro Olivi, MD Patricia B. Raksin, MD Jonas M. Sheehan, MD Stephen L. Ondra, MD Abigail Justine Rao, MD Jason P. Sheehan, MD, PhD Brent Randle O’Neill, MD Ganesh Rao, MD John Paul Sheehy Mark E. Oppenlander, MD Daniel Raper, MD Wei Shi, MD Darren B. Orbach, MD, PhD Ahmed M. Raslan, MD Keita Shibahashi, MD Katie Orrico, JD Daniel K. Resnick, MD Hideo Shichinohe Yasser Ismail Orz, MD Rogelio Revuelta Gutierrez, MD Satoru Shimizu, MD Joan Frances O’Shea, MD Paul Stephen Richard, MD John H. Shin, MD Koji Osuka, MD Thomas Stephen Ridder, MD Jun Shinoda, MD, PhD, Ed Nelson M. Oyesiku, MD, PhD Christopher Daniel Roark, MD Prabin Shrestha, MD David James Padalino, MD David W. Roberts, MD Joni Shulman* Peyman Pakzaban, MD Jon H. Robertson, MD Daniel L. Silbergeld, MD David Michael Panczykowski, MD Shenandoah Robinson, MD Allen Kent Sills, MD Aditya S. Pandey, MD Ana Rodriguez Hernandez, MD Anthony H. Sin, MD Hyung-ki Park John D. Rolston, MD Jonathan R. Slotkin, MD John K. Park, MD, PhD Russ Romano Edward Robert Smith, MD Sukh-Que Park Katherine Rose Jodi L. Smith, PhD, MD Jonathon Parker Mark L. Rosenblum, MD Leslie Smith* Scott Parker, MD Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, MD, MS Michael Louis Smith, MD Ian F. Parney, MD, PhD Robert H. Rosenwasser, MD Timothy Richard Smith, MD, PhD

WWW.AANS.ORG 189 Martin Smrcka, MD Jaime Gerardo Torres-Corzo, MD Jessica Wilden, MD Brian Snelling, MD Juan Ed Torres-Reveron, MD Brian Jeremy Williams, MD Laura A. Snyder, MD Robert William Tracey David Aaron Wilson, MD Ashish Sonig, MD Bruce Tranmer, MD Jefferson Wilson, MD Jeffrey M. Sorenson, MD Gregory R. Trost, MD Thomas J. Wilson, MD Heather Stevens Spader, MD Kevin Tsang Christopher J. Winfree, MD Dennis D. Spencer, MD Yong-Kwang Tu, MD Elizabeth D. Winter, BSN, JD Ted Speroff, PhD R. Shane Tubbs, PhD Jeffrey H. Wisoff, MD Eric Anthony Sribnick, MD Betty Tyler, RN Stephanie M Wolahan Visish Srinivasan Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabara, MD, PhD Cyrus Chi-Ho Wong, MD Noam Y. Stadlan, MD Jamie S. Ullman, MD Ricky H. Wong, MD Robert M. Starke, MD Jay Ashok Vachhani, MD Shigeru Yamaguchi, MD David A. Stidd, MD Sumeet Vadera, MD Claudio G. Yampolsky, MD Philip E. Stieg, PhD, MD Venus Vakhshori Isaac Yang, MD Shirley I. Stiver, MD, PhD Alex B. Valadka, MD Lynda Jun-san Yang, MD, PhD James L. Stone, MD Fernando L. Vale, MD Kevin C. Yao, MD Jonathan Jay Stone, MD Awais Zafar Vance Daniel Yoshor, MD Christopher Storey, MD Steven Vanni, DO William F. Young, MD David Calvin Straus, MD Abhay Varma, MD A. Samy Youssef, MD Andrea L. Strayer, MS, NP, CNRN Juan Carlos Vera Joseph Christopher Zacko, MD Ben Strickland Angela Viers, MD Gabriel Zada, MD Ann R. Stroink, MD Philip Andrew Villanueva, MD Patricia Zadnik Shane F. Strom David A. Vincent, MD Eric L. Zager, MD Brian R. Subach, MD Vyas Viswanathan Kareem Zaghloul, MD, PhD Michael Edward Sughrue, MD Timothy W. Vogel, MD Omar A. Zalatimo, MD Olawale A. R. Sulaiman, PhD Ildemaro Jose Volcan, MD Frederick Zeiler, MD Cindy Sullivan, NP Joseph Volpe, MD Akli Mohamed Zetchi, MD Hai Sun, MD Jean-Marc Voyadzis, MD Jiashu Zhang Qing Sun Rishi Wadhwa, MD Shihao Zhang, MD Durga Ram Sure, MD Brian P. Walcott, MD Xuesheng Zheng Eric S. Sussman Corey Tyler Walker Jun Zhong Jennifer A. Sweet, MD Bill Wang, MD Yingchun Zhou Nicholas J. Szerlip, MD Chih-Jen Wang, MD, PhD Wei-Jie Zhu Alexander Tai Doris Du Wang, MD Zong Zhuang Ippei Takagi, MD Joanna Wang John E. Ziewacz, MD Rafael J. Tamargo, MD Timothy Wang Scott Zuckerman, MD Nitin Tandon, MD Vincent Wang, MD, PhD Edie E. Zusman, MD Sherry L. Taylor, MD, PhD Hiroshi Wanifuchi Benjamin Zussman Albert E. Telfeian, MD, PhD Tabitha Ward, RN, CNRN Gabriel C. Tender, MD Allen E. Waziri, MD Sergei Terterov, MD Jason Andrew Weaver, MD Khoi Duc Than, MD Kyle D. Weaver, MD Nicholas Theodore, MD Kristopher Michael Webb, MD Philip V. Theodosopoulos, MD Sharon Woods Webb, MD Jonathan George Thomas, MD Monica C. Wehby, MD Najeeb M. Thomas, MD Jeffrey S. Weinberg, MD B. Gregory Thompson Jr., MD David Michael Weingarten, MD Eric Michael Thompson, MD Philip R. Weinstein, MD Reid C. Thompson, MD Leonard Weireter, MD Troy M. Tippett, MD William C. Welch, MD William Lee Titsworth, MD John C. Wellons III, MD William D. Tobler, MD Jonathan A. White, MD Krystal Lynne Tomei, MD, MPH Nathaniel Lemson Whitney, MD Huaiyu Tong Markus Wiedmann, MD

WWW.AANS.ORG 190 Floor Plans New Orleans Marriott

WWW.AANS.ORG 191 WWW.AANS.ORG 192 Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

Halls G-H-I-J

WWW.AANS.ORG 193 Second Floor South

WWW.AANS.ORG 194 Third Floor

WWW.AANS.ORG 195 Make Plans for 2014! 82nd AANS Annual Scientific Meeting

San Francisco, California April 5–9, 2014

5550 Meadowbrook Drive Rolling Meadows, IL 60008–3852 Phone: (847) 378–0500 Toll free: (888) 566–AANS (2267) Fax: (847) 378–0600 www.AANS.org

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