81St AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Changing Our Culture to Advance Patient Safety Program Guide

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81St AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Changing Our Culture to Advance Patient Safety Program Guide 81st AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Changing Our Culture to Advance Patient Safety Program Guide April 27–May 1, 2013 · New Orleans, Louisiana Table of Contents Week-At-A-Glance . 3. Tuesday Program . .109 Breakfast Seminars, Cushing Medalist, Cushing Oration, 2012–2013 AANS President . .4 Day-at-a-Glance, Dinner Symposia, Hunt-Wilson Lecture, 2013 Recognition . 6. International Symposia, Section Sessions, Wine and Cheese Reception, AANS History Section Annual Dinner Invited Speakers And Award Recipients . 7. Wednesday Program . .125 Award Recipients . .10 Breakfast Seminars, Day-at-a-Glance, Humanitarian Section Abstract Awards, International Awards, Award, Louise Eisenhardt Lecture, Richard C. Schneider Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation Awards Lecture, Section Sessions, Van Wagenen Lecture AANSConnect . 21. Candidate And Medical Student Activities . 141. Marshals’ Office, Marshal Program, Neurosurgical Top AANS Resource Center . .23 Gun Competition, YNS Luncheon AANS Online Career Center, Education and Meetings, Publications, Recorded Presentations Nurse And Physician Extenders’ Programs . 143. Advancements in Neurotrauma Care, Mid-Level Technology Pavilion . 25. Practitioner Luncheon, Mid-Level Plenary Session AANS Annual Scientific Meeting Exhibit Hall . .27 Section Activities . .145 Exhibitor Information . .29 AANS And Ancillary Meetings . .146 AANS Commercial Supporters, Exhibitor Information, Exhibitor Listing—Alphabetical, Exhibitor Listing by General Information . .150 Booth Number, Exhibitor Listing by Product and Service AANS Office, AANS Speaker Ready Room, Accessibility, Category, Exhibit Floor Plan Americans with Disabilities Act, Admission Requirements, Attire, Baggage Check, Business Centers, E-mail Saturday Program . 76. Stations, First Aid, AANS Shuttle Hours, Ticket Sales, Sunday Program . 81. Tours and Attractions Day-at-a-Glance, Mid-Level Plenary Session, AANS 2012–2013 Officers And Committees . 155. Opening Ceremonies, AANS Opening Reception, Practical Clinics Membership In The AANS . .164 Monday Program . 88. Continuing Medical Education (CME) . 170. Breakfast Seminars, AANS Business Meeting, AANS Disclosures . .172 International Lifetime Recognition Award, Day-at-a- Glance, Dinner Symposia, Distinguished Service Award, Floor Plans . 191. International Reception, International Symposia, Mid- Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans Marriott Level Practitioner Luncheon, Presidential Address, Rhoton Family Lecture, Ronald L. Bittner Lecture, Scientific Sessions, Theodore Kurze Lecture, Wine and Cheese Reception, Young Neurosurgeons Lunch Session, NREF Fundraiser Reception WWW.AANS.ORG 2 Week At-A-Glance Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1 6:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:30 AM Breakfast Seminars Breakfast Seminars Breakfast Seminars 7:00–9:00 AM 7:00–9:00 AM 7:00–9:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM AM Beverage Break in AANS Beverage Break in AANS R Beverage Break in AANS Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Exhibit Hall 9:00–9:45 AM Practical R R E 9:45 AM Clinics E E Plenary 7:30– Plenary G Session III Mid-Level 11:30 AM Session I 10:00 AM G G I R Plenary Plenary 9:45 AM– 9:45 AM–1:00 PM AM I I Session II 1:00 PM E Session S 10:30 AM Practical Clinics Rhoton Family Lecture R 9:00 AM– 9:45 AM– Louise 8:00 AM–12:00 PM S S T G 12:00 PM Theodore Kurze Eisenhardt E 1:00 PM 11:00 AM T Lecture T R Lecture I Hunt-Wilson G R Distinguished Service R Richard C. S All Day Lecture A 11:30 AM I Award Schneider Practical A A Cushing Medal T T AANS International Lecture S Clinics Presentation 12:00 PM T Lifetime T Humanitarian R 7:30 AM– I All Day Cushing Oration Award T I Recognition Award I A Practical Clinics 4:30 PM O 12:30 PM Presidential Address Van Wagenen 8:00 AM–5:00 PM R O O T N Lecture A N N 1:00 PM I Lunch Lunch Lunch T Served in the O Served in the Served in the 1:30 PM I AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall N 1:00–2:00 PM 1:00–2:00 PM 1:00–2:00 PM O PM 2:00 PM Practical PM Section N Clinics Practical Clinics Sessions Scientific Sessions Section 2:30 PM 1:00–5:00 PM 12:30– 4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM 2:00–4:30 PM Sessions Tumor, Spine, History, Pain 2:00–4:30 PM 3:00 PM S&F, Peds Pediatric, CV, Trauma, CV, Trauma Peripheral S&F, Spine 3:30 PM Nerve, Tumor I International Socioeconomic, International Tumor II 4:00 PM Symposium I Symposium II 4:30 PM Wine and Cheese Wine and Cheese Reception in the Reception in the 5:00 PM AANS Exhibit Hall AANS Exhibit Hall 4:30–5:30 PM 4:30–5:30 PM AANS Opening 5:30 PM Joint Annual Business Ceremonies Meeting of the AANS and Registration 5:00–6:30 PM the American Association 6:00 PM of Neurosurgeons 5:30–6:30 PM 6:30 PM AANS Inter- AANS History Dinner 7:00 PM national Dinner AANS Opening Section Symposia Reception Symposia Reception Dinner 6:30– 7:30 PM 6:30– 6:30– 6:30–8:30 PM 6:00– 8:30 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM PM 8:30 PM NREF Fundraiser Reception 9:00 PM 8:00– 10:00 PM 9:30 PM WWW.AANS.ORG 3 AANS 2012–2013 President Mitchell S . Berger, About AANS MD, FAANS, FACS Founded in 1931 as the Harvey Cushing Society, the 2012–2013 AANS President American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) is a scientific and educational association with over Dr. Mitchel S. Berger is the Kathleen 8,100 members worldwide. The AANS is dedicated to M. Plant Distinguished Professor advancing the specialty of neurological surgery in order and Chairman of the Department of to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical care to Neurological Surgery at the University of California, San the public. All active members of the AANS are board Francisco (UCSF). He also serves as Director of UCSF’s certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, Brain Tumor Research Center. the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Berger earned or the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery, A.C. his medical degree from the University of Miami School Neurosurgery is the medical specialty concerned with of Medicine, followed by a clinical fellowship in neuroon- the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of cology at UCSF, a fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at disorders that affect the spinal column, spinal cord, brain, the Hospital for Sick Children of the University of Toronto nervous system and peripheral nerves. For more infor- and a neurosurgical residency at UCSF. In 1986, he mation on what neurosurgeons do, visit www.AANS.org became Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Univer- and select Patient Information. sity of Washington School of Medicine, after which he was named Associate Professor (1990) and Professor (1996). A leader of translational research, Dr. Berger is Principal Cushing Cigarette Box Investigator of the UCSF Brain Tumor Research Center’s Specialized Program of Research Excellence in neuro- Each year at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the oncology; and Principal Investigator of the Pediatric Brain American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Tumor Foundation Institute at UCSF. He has clinical exper- the outgoing president is presented with a special tise in treating adult and pediatric brain and spinal cord memento of his year in office the “Cushing Cigarette tumors, and is a pioneer of intraoperative brain mapping. Box” representing more than a half century of neuro- His research interests include identifying molecular surgical tradition . The sterling silver Cushing Cigarette markers related to the progression and prognosis of glial Box was originally presented to Harvey Cushing, MD, tumors, and the development of small-molecule thera- by the surgical staff at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital on peutic agents administered to the brain via convection- April 14, 1931, commemorating Dr . Cushing’s 2000th enhanced drug delivery. verified intracranial tumor operation . Beginning with this cherished tradition back in 1959, Dr . Cushing’s nephew, Dr. Berger is President of the American Association of E . H . Cushing, MD, presented the cigarette box to the Neurological Surgeons and a member of the Board of AANS resident and asked that it be passed on to each Directors of the American Board of Neurological Surgery. succeeding president as a symbol of the Association’s He also serves as Secretary of the American Academy of highest office . Neurological Surgery, and is as a member of NFL’s Neck and Spine Committee. Dr. Berger has contributed more than 400 scientific articles to peer-reviewed journals, edited six textbooks, and written more than 80 chapters on various neuro- surgical topics. WWW.AANS.ORG 4 AANS Past Presidents 1972–73 William F. Meacham, MD 2011–12 Paul C. McCormick, MD 1971–72 Guy L. Odom, MD 2010–11 James T. Rutka, MD, PhD 1970–71 Collin S. MacCarty, MD 2009–10 Troy M. Tippett, MD 1969–70 A. Earl Walker, MD 2008–09 James R. Bean, MD 1968–69 Donald D. Matson, MD 2007–08 Jon H. Robertson, MD 1967–68 Henry G. Schwartz, MD 2006–07 Donald O. Quest, MD 1966–67 Eben Alexander Jr., MD 2005–06 Fremont P. Wirth Jr., MD 1965–66 Francis Murphey, MD 2004–05 Robert A. Ratcheson, MD 1964–65 Frank H. Mayfield, MD 2003–04 A. John Popp, MD 1963–64 Barnes Woodhall, MD 2002–03 Roberto C. Heros, MD 1962–63 David L. Reeves, MD 2001–02 Stan Pelofsky, MD 1961–62 Leonard T. Furlow, MD 2000–01 Stewart B.
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