Volume 3 Edition 2 September 22, 2017

The “New” Edition New Faces by Alexis Berry and Kennedy Clyman

Here at Davis County, we are always excited to meet the newest additions to our school, but we don’t always know everything about them. As you read about them, make sure to give the new faculty and students a warm welcome.

Mrs. Wright is our new secretary here at the high school. She grew up in Davis County and graduated from DCHS in 2003. When asked what brought her to Davis County Schools she replied, “I have always liked the community and it’s a good opportunity to work with kids.” Some of her hobbies include outdoor activi- ties with her family, boating, and watching sporting events. Mrs. Wright enjoys the staff and kids here at the high school.

Mr. Pankey has 41 years of experience in teaching science and loves what he does. When asked why he chose to join Davis County Schools he explains, “The school has such a good educational reputation and the community is very supportive of the school.” He previously taught at Harmony High School. Mr. Pankey mentions, “Students here always show respect and are always willing to ask questions.” In Mr. Pankey’s free time, he enjoys riding motorcycles and playing .

Alex Hopkins is a freshman transfer student from Ottumwa High School. He lived in Ottumwa up until his family decided to move here when he was in 7th grade. He transferred from Ottumwa to here because “it would be easier than driving back and forth from Ottumwa everyday.” His family consists of his mom, dad and his little brother and he has 1 dog and 1 cat. His hobbies are anything that are related to sports. Speaking of sports, Alex plays football, , and runs track. He’s also in S.O.D.A. Club, and Junior Optimist. What he likes about DCHS is that it’s a small school, everyone knows everyone, and we have a good sports program. He wants to go to University of North Carolina for physical therapy because UNC is one of the top colleges for physical therapy.

Jaiden Grooms is a sophomore transfer from Ottumwa High School. He transferred from Ottumwa because there was a lot of violence and trouble. He wants to go to West Tampa in Florida for Marine Biology. He en- joys wrestling, hunting and boxing. His household includes his mom, dad, eight siblings, his lizard and his two dogs. The class he enjoys the most is biology. The two things that he said he liked about DCHS is that there’s no drama and it’s a lot more peaceful than Ottumwa.

D.C^3 is One of DCHS’s Newest Clubs by Mitchell Boyd

A Rubik’s cube, one of life’s many mysteries. When we first see it at a young age we wonder how someone is able to get all of those pretty colors in their correct spots. To many it is still a mystery on how to solve these funny puzzles, but to D.C.3 it is as easy as signing their own name. D.C.3 ( Davis County Cubed) is a club that was created this year for those who love to solve cubes of all types. This new club is sponsored by Mr. Taylor and was founded by Simon Ball and Logan Bridgman. It is meant for people of all sorts who want to learn how to solve Rubik’s cubes to come together and enjoy. When asked about the goals for the club, Simon, the president of this club, replied with, “As a club we would like everyone to believe anyone can solve a Rubik’s Cube, and to promote our hobby.” Mr. Taylor had a simi- lar response on his goals for the club, “I think the goal for this year was just getting people who liked solv- ing cubes together and talk about them. Hopefully next year or the end of this year we will try and get some contest started here or travel to a couple.” The club meets once a month on a random day and are looking for new members to teach how to solve the ordinary 3x3 Rubik’s Cubes, as well as teaching them how to begin solving the intimidating 12x12. So if you are eager to learn how to solve the cube that has been sitting on your shelf for three years, please contact either Simon Ball, Logan Bridgman, or Mr. Taylor to find out the date of their next meeting. Mustang Stadium Update by Kerbe Howk

The excitement around town about the new football field has increased as we approach the first home game of the 2017-2018 season. When students look out the high school windows, they see cars driving by extra slow just to get a look at the progress they have made on the field. The students that get to participate in the first home football game of the season are excited to get out on the new field. I talked to some students from the band and colorguard, , and football about their excitement for the big night. The football team is ready to show what they are made of on September 29 against Centerville, when they get the opportunity to play in their own town. Tyler Prevo, a senior this year says, “All the away games are killing me and I can’t wait to finally play at home. It’s awesome to be the first team to play on the new field. On down the road that’s something we can tell people. We were the first to ever play on it.” The football team isn’t the only ones getting to say they were the first ones to enjoy the new field. Rebekah Settles is a senior in band and is very excited to perform at home for her last season of high school. She says, “I can’t wait to be one of the schools that other bands look forward to come to.” She also wants to remind everyone that the Davis County Festival of Bands is on the new field September 30. The progress on the field has been coming along quite quickly. Mr. Maeder, the Superintendent of Davis County Schools gave me some infor- mation about the progress. Mr. Maeder stated, “The contractors are in the process of installing bleachers and other finishing projects to ensure that we will host the home football game.” At this time, the track has been surfaced and the grass has been laid. Mr. Maeder said, “The track markings will be finished the 29th as well, depending upon weather and the striping contractors schedule.” They have been watering the grass to help it grow before the winter hits. I asked Mr. Maeder how we could help out the progress of the field. He said, “I ask that all students and visitors help out by keeping off the grass and staying on the concrete or in the stands during all activities for the remainder of the season.” Not only is the football field getting an upgrade, but so are the courts as well. He says that the asphalt on the tennis courts will be finished this week and surfacing should be completed by the end of the month. Mr. Maeder finishes by saying, “The district appreciates everyone’s patience and support while we make improvements to our facilities.” Not only is the community excited for the first football game and band competition of the year, we are also ready for the other sports who will get to enjoy it. It will be exciting to see our track team run on our new and improved track as well. Once again, thank you for your support. Be sure and come to support your athletes at Mustang Stadium on September 29, under the Friday night lights!

Senior To-Do List DC’s First Pep Assembly by Shayleigh Brinegar

As seniors, all kinds of steps can be taken to ensure that you are proactive in preparing for college. Whether it be taking your ACTs or filling out your FAFSA, there is plenty of things to do that you won’t want to miss. To help navigate all of these necessities, there are a few steps that one can take. These steps can include: taking your ACT, making sure you are academi- cally prepared(taking the classes required for college and for graduation),applying for colleges, and filling out financial aid! To take your ACT, check online at http://www.act.org/ to find a testing center and an available date. For FAFSA, make sure to keep up on the deadlines, and check out https://fafsa. ed.gov/ for more information. And to make sure you are aca- demically prepared, check in with Mrs. Wilfawn, or look on PowerSchool. While you’ll have to tackle these items through- out the course of the year, scholarships are always out there. Some upcoming events and scholarships include:

- 27th Annual Golden Circle College & Career Fair Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017 12:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. Center for Higher Education 2500 Fleur Drive - Des Moines, Iowa

Save Now, Save Later: College Savings Plan Parent Giveaway Sept 5-Oct 22...www.IowaStudentLoan.org/SaveNow Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship Oct 23-Feb 16...www.IowaStudentLoan.org/SeniorScholarship College Funding Forecaster Giveaway March 5-May 11...www.IowaStudentLoan.org/Giveaway


And if you’re unsure about other steps that can be taken, always Let’s Make History with the History Club make sure to check your school email for emails from Mrs. Wil- by Dani Hopkins fawn about more opportunities. Every year the school year starts, and sometimes we get new clubs to start Annual Scarecrow Contest up as well. This year we have the honor of Mr. Rasmussen starting up the history club. Mr Rasmussen said, “The hopes of the club in my mind is to focus on the lo- cal history of Davis County Schools, the town of Bloomfield and Davis County. I ~Entry forms need to be recieved at Bloomfield Care Center by Octo- want this to be an opportunity that students can get to learn more about where they ber 17, 2017. For your convience, an entry form is included. live, go to school, work, etc.” The History Club has just started up and only has very small ideas that have ~Set-up times are Wednesday, October 18th through Friday October been mentioned and are not in developing stages yet. Right now, they have begun 20th. working on a display case in his room with memorabilia from past years here at Davis County. ~Entries need to be on display to the public from Friday, October 20th Students can stop by Mr. Rasmussen’s room next Tuesday, the 26th, at 7:30 to Wednesday, November 1st A.M. for the next History Club meeting where they will be deciding class officers and discussing ideas. Stop by Mr Rasmussen’s room and he will answer any ques- ~Complete for prizes! $75 for 1st place, $50 for 2nd place and $25 for tions you have if you can’t make it to the next meeting! As Mr Rasmussen said, 3rd place “Anyone that is possibly interested is invited to come and check it out.”