Scenario Supporting Documentation

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Scenario Supporting Documentation Draft, February 2020 F Scenarios supporting documentation 1 2 This appendix provides supplemental information to Chapter 7 and Appendix E of the Conceptual 3 Drinking Water Supply Plan (Conceptual Plan) as follows: 4 • Glossary (Section F.1) 5 • Unit cost estimations (Section F.2) 6 • Small community water system analysis (Section F.3) 7 • Treatment technology comparison (Section F.4). 8 F.1 Glossary 9 This section provides a glossary of key terms used in the Conceptual Plan and appendices. 10 Alignment – Location of water lines relative to other infrastructure, typically roadways. 11 Booster pump station – A pump station located within the water supply system designed to boost the 12 pressure of water within a long pipeline. 13 Distribution line – A smaller diameter line typically between 6 and 16 inches that supplies water to 14 consumers. 15 Distribution system – The portion of a water supply network that conveys potable water from 16 transmission lines to water consumers and provides for residential, commercial, industrial and fire- 17 fighting water demand requirements. A distribution system can contain distribution lines, booster pump 18 stations, pressure reducing valves, storage facilities such as water storage tanks or towers. 19 Drinking water distribution modeling – A mathematical model of a fluid flow system such as a water 20 system, a sewer system, or a storm system, constructed using modeling software used to analyze 21 systems hydraulic behavior. 22 High service pump – Pumps located at the water treatment facility that deliver large volumes of treated, 23 potable water to the water supply system. 24 Horizontal directional drilling – A minimal impact trenchless method of installing underground utilities 25 such as pipe, conduit, or cables in a relatively shallow arc or radius along a prescribed underground path 26 using a surface-launched drilling rig. 27 Jack and bore – A method of horizontal boring construction for installing casing or steel pipes under 28 roads or railways. Construction crews drill a hole underground horizontally between two points (the 29 sending and receiving pits) without disturbing the surface in between. This is accomplished by using an 30 auger boring machine that inserts a casing pipe as it moves through the earth while at the same time 31 removing the soil from within the casing pipe. 32 Municipal water system – Refers to an existing municipality’s drinking or potable water treatment and 33 distribution system. 34 Non-community public water supply wells – Wells that provide water to the public in places other than 35 their homes – where people work, gather and play (i.e., schools, offices, factories, child care, or parks) 36 and are part of a non-community public water system (see definition below). Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • Department of Natural Resources F-1 Draft, February 2020 1 Non-community public water system – A drinking water system that supplies water from private water 2 supply well(s) on a year-round basis to: 3 • A residential development with 6 or more private residences (e.g., apartment buildings, private 4 subdivisions, condominiums, townhouse complexes, mobile home parks), or 5 • A mobile home park or campground with 6 or more sites with water service hookup. 6 Non-municipal wells – Wells considered under this conceptual drinking water supply plan that exclude 7 municipal wells and include domestic, irrigation, commercial, and non-community public water supply 8 wells. 9 Operation and Maintenance - All work activities necessary to operate and maintain all water treatment 10 and supply facilities from the source of water through the distribution systems. It includes the labor, 11 equipment replacement and maintenance, chemicals (chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite), PFAS 12 treatment media for either granular activated carbon or ion exchange removal and replacement, 13 electrical power for motors, heating, water quality testing, or other activities necessary to keep a water 14 system operational. 15 Pressure reducing stations – Locations within the water supply system where a pressure reducing valve 16 has been installed. 17 Pressure reducing valves – A valve fitted in a pipe system, which in spite of varying pressures on the inlet 18 side (inlet pressure) makes sure that a certain pressure on the outlet side (outlet pressure) is not 19 exceeded, thus protecting the components and equipment on the outlet side. 20 Regional water supply system – A water system that supplies potable water to more than one 21 community or water system. 22 Water storage tank – A water storage facility consisting of a cylindrical tank that has a base elevation at 23 the existing ground surface. Also, commonly referred to as a water tower. 24 Water storage tower – An elevated water storage facility (also referred to as a water tower) that 25 supports a water storage tank with a base elevation above the existing ground surface to provide 26 sufficient pressure to the water distribution system for the distribution of potable water, and to provide 27 emergency storage for fire protection. 28 Transmission line – A large diameter pipeline designed to convey large volumes of water at higher 29 pressures from a source (typically a water treatment facility) to a distribution systems for use. Water 30 transmission lines are typically larger in diameter (greater than 16 inches) and consumers are not 31 typically placed on transmission lines due to the high velocities and pressures. 32 Water supply system – A system for the treatment, transmission, storage, and distribution of water from 33 source to consumers, for example, homes, commercial establishments, industry, irrigation facilities and 34 public agencies for water. 35 F.2 Unit cost estimation 36 F.2.1 Introduction 37 This section summarizes the assumptions used to determine the unit costs related to several different 38 construction projects throughout Washington County. Costs were developed for: 39 • Installing water mains (Section F.2.2) Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • Department of Natural Resources F-2 Draft, February 2020 1 • Constructing water storage tanks or towers (Section F.2.3) 2 • Constructing booster pump stations (Section F.2.4) 3 • Constructing buildings used for booster pump stations, well pump houses, and water treatment 4 plants (Section F.2.5) 5 • Drilling new municipal and private wells (Section F.2.6) 6 • Land acquisition (Section F.2.7). 7 This information assisted in determining the total estimated costs associated with conceptual projects 8 included in this Conceptual Plan. 9 F.2.2 Water mains 10 An analysis was performed to estimate the approximate unit costs of installing water mains in 11 Washington County. The estimated costs relate to construction projects within rural and urban 12 communities. The analysis considered the approximate costs for varying percentages of the pipe that 13 would be aligned under the roadway for both urban and rural areas. Using the costs for street 14 reconstruction, material costs, labor, and permitting, the total cost per linear foot was estimated. By 15 knowing the approximate distance that a water main project would span, the total project costs can be 16 estimated using the costs per linear foot. 17 The cost estimates for pavement removal/replacement, trench excavation/backfill, pipe, and installation 18 costs were found using bid tabulations from cities within Washington County along with the Washington 19 County Municipal Water Coalition Supply Feasibility Assessment (SEH 2016). The assumptions used 20 during the analysis are outlined below. 21 Assumptions 22 • The sum of the total cost for street reconstruction was applied for 100% in roadway (or 100% 23 under the roadway pavement) and assumed two lanes of roadway were removed and replaced. 24 Half of the total costs for street reconstruction were applied for 50% in roadway and assumed 25 one lane of roadway is removed and replaced. None of the costs for street reconstruction were 26 applied for 0% in roadway and no lanes were assumed to be removed or replaced. 27 • Some of the pipe would not be installed under the roadway as defined by 100%, 50%, or 0% in 28 roadway (or under the roadway pavement). 29 • The curb, gutter, and sidewalks would be removed and replaced for water mains in urban areas. 30 Curb, gutter, and sidewalks were not included for water mains installed in rural areas. 31 • The pipe would be buried 8 feet deep. 32 • Excavation protection was only considered for water main installation in urban communities. 33 • Fire hydrants were assumed to be included every 300 feet. 34 • For pipes with diameters ranging from 4” - 8”, valves were assumed to be installed every 400 35 feet and fittings were assumed to be installed every 200 feet. 36 • For 12” diameter pipe, valves were assumed to be installed every 600 feet and fittings were 37 assumed to be installed every 200 feet. 38 • For pipes with diameters ranging from 16” - 24”, valves were assumed to be installed every 800 39 feet and fittings were assumed to be installed every 200 feet. 40 • For pipes with diameters ranging from 20” - 42”, the costs for valves and fittings were included 41 in the unit costs per linear foot of pipe. Conceptual Drinking Water Supply Plan Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • Department of Natural Resources F-3 Draft, February 2020 1 • Stormwater protection and utility conflicts were taken into consideration as part of the street 2 reconstruction estimates. 3 • Engineering permits, Right-of-Way Permits, and construction inspections were included as a 4 percentage of the total costs. 5 The remaining costs were converted using the sum within the project total from varying bid tabulations 6 to estimate the cost per linear foot of each contributing item. The costs were organized by the diameter 7 of the pipe, the percentage in roadway, and the type of community where the project would take place.
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