Small Cell Variant of Intravascular Large B-Cell : Highlighting a Potentially Fatal and Easily Missed Diagnosis

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Citation Rahmani, Mahboubeh, Stephanie Halene, and Mina L. Xu. 2018. “Small Cell Variant of Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Highlighting a Potentially Fatal and Easily Missed Diagnosis.” BioMed Research International 2018 (1): 9413015. doi:10.1155/2018/9413015.

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Research Article Small Cell Variant of Intravascular Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Highlighting a Potentially Fatal and Easily Missed Diagnosis

Mahboubeh Rahmani ,1 Stephanie Halene,2 and Mina L. Xu3

1 Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 2Department of Internal Medicine, Division, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA 3Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Mahboubeh Rahmani; [email protected]

Received 26 November 2017; Revised 23 January 2018; Accepted 4 March 2018; Published 3 April 2018

Academic Editor: Francesco Di Raimondo

Copyright © 2018 Mahboubeh Rahmani et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Context. Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is a rare non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma with a poor prognosis. While typically described as comprising large atypical cells restricted to the lumina of small blood vessels, it can show variability in cell size. Objective. To report the clinicopathologic features of the IVLBCL with small cell morphology and discuss the practical implications of our fndings. Design. We searched our archives for all IVLBCL diagnosed in our institution for the last 25 years (1992–2017). Slides were reviewed independently by two hematopathologists. Results. We found a total of 11 cases of IVLBCL. , , , pericardium, small bowel, and fallopian tube and ovary were the organs in which the lymphoma was initially diagnosed. One of the cases initially diagnosed in the marrow showed intrasinusoidal involvement by a small cell lymphoma; the diagnosis was confrmed by random skin biopsies showing intravascular large cells with the same phenotype. Retrospective review of the liver on this case also showed the intrasinusoidal involvement by the disease consisting of small cells. In another case, IVLBCL that was initially diagnosed in a small bowel biopsy was retrospectively found in a breast biopsy, but with small cell morphology. Conclusions. Our fndings suggest that, in the presence of high clinical suspicion, IVLBCL should be high in the diferential diagnosis when lymphoma is predominantly intravascular, even when the tumor cells are small. A timely diagnosis of this entity can be critical. Hence, awareness of a small cell variant of IVLBCL should be increased.

1. Introduction isthemainpresentation.However,sincethetumorcellsare predominantly circulating in small vessels without forming Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is a rare and a mass, the diagnosis becomes challenging. Although cuta- usually aggressive extranodal mature non-Hodgkin B-cell neous lesions including patches or plaques may not be the lymphoma that is characterized by malignant lymphoid cells dominant presenting feature, when a high index of clinical restricted to the lumen of blood vessels particularly capillar- suspicion is present, random multiple skin biopsies may be ies. It usually presents in elderly adults with two major clinical necessary to establish the diagnosis. It has been described that presentations including a Western form in which symptoms IVLBCL tends to colonize benign vascular neoplasms such as arerelatedtothemainorganinvolved,predominantlywith hemangiomas the biopsy of which may yield a higher positive neurological or cutaneous involvement, and an Asian variant rateofdiagnosisincomparisontorandomskinbiopsies[1,2]. with multiorgan failure, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, IVLBCL is invariably described as an angiotropic lym- and . are common in both phoma composed of large-sized cells; however, in the current variants. A third isolated cutaneous variant is also described, study, we searched our archives for all IVLBCL diagnosed in which has a better prognosis in comparison to the frst two the Department of Pathology for the last 25 years (1992–2017) variants as it is mostly confned to the skin [1]. and found two cases of IVLBCLs, histopathologically pre- Most of the patients have systemic disease at the time of senting as small cell intravascular infltrates with morpho- diagnosis, and, although nonspecifc, mental status change logic heterogeneity that appeared to be site-dependent. Tis 2 BioMed Research International

Table 1: Patient’s demographics and clinical information.

IVLBCL frst Other organs’ Case Age at the time of IVLBCL frst diagnosis diagnosis involvement/size of Clinical information # diagnosis/gender organ/size of the cells year the cells Liver, small 1 70 y/M 2016 Bone marrow, small Alive, on chemo Skin, large Breast, small Alive, 18 years following matched 231y/F 1997Smallbowel,largePlacenta, large related donor allogenic stem cell BM, large transplant 3 62 Y/M 2017 Lymph node, large N/A Alive, on chemo 4 75 y/M 2016 Brain, large N/A Alive, on chemo 5 80 y/M 2015 BM, large N/A Deceased 6 74 y/F 2011 Brain, large N/A Deceased 7 60 y/M 2011 Brain, large N/A Deceased 8 63 y/F 2010 BM, large N/A No note in the system 9 76 y/F 2003 Tube and ovary, large N/A Deceased 10 47 y/F 1996 Pericardium, large N/A Deceased Multiple organs 11 35 y/F 1993 Autopsy Deceased involved, large unusual feature can be a major pitfall in obtaining a timely were confrmed by the presence of large atypical cells in diagnosis in the setting of a rapidly progressive disease. additional biopsies (Cases 1 and 2, see below for details).

2. Materials and Methods 3.1. Case 1: Clinical Presentation and Laboratory Findings. Te patient was a 70-year-old man with history of hypertension We retrospectively searched our archives for all IVLBCLs and hyperlipidemia who presented with gait instability (2 diagnosed in the Department of Pathology in the last 25 years weeks), chronic dry cough (4 months), weight loss (15-lb (1992–2017), using a natural language search through the in 2 weeks), and fever (in 2016). His dry cough started 4 electronic database. Patients demographics and clinical infor- months prior to his presentation for which he underwent mation including the organs involved and clinical outcomes extensive work-up with no specifc pathologic fndings. He were studied; and all the pathology slides were reviewed look- was prescribed diferent medications including ing for involvement by IVLBCL with small cell morphology. forpresumedCOPDwithnoimprovement. All H&Es and immunohistochemical studies of these cases Review of systems was signifcant for exertional dyspnea. were reviewed independently by two hematopathologists. Splenomegaly was noted on physical exam with no palpable lymphadenopathy. At the time of presentation, he had full 3. Results strength (5/5) in upper and lower extremities with mild atrophy of proximal muscles. His gait was broad-based Upon review of our archives in the department of pathology, without difculty turning. we found 11 cases with the diagnosis of IVLBCL, six of whom Laboratory fndings included prolonged PT and PTT weredeceasedandonehadnoclinicalinformation/notein along with mildly decreased factor VII level attributed the system. Te demographics, organs involved, and clinical to mild vitamin K defciency or underlying liver disease; outcomesaresummarizedinTable1.Fourofthecaseshad although transaminitis was noted, hepatic evaluation was biopsy-proven CNS involvement. One of these presented negative for autoimmune and viral hepatitis. Chest CT- with mental status change and another patient presented scan showed subsegmental lef lower lobe acute pulmonary with worsening activity and cognitive impairment. embolus (PE). Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) showed One of the deceased cases was diagnosed at autopsy with adiscreteabnormalband,measuring< 0.2 g/dL identifed to involvementofmostorgans.Tree(27%)ofthecaseswere be IgM kappa by serum immunofuorescence studies (IFE). diagnosed on a bone marrow biopsy specimen and three Electromyogram (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (27%) of the cases were diagnosed on a brain biopsy spec- (NCS) showed demyelinating axonal neuropathy concerning imen. Lymph node (one case, 9%), pericardium (one case, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). A paraneoplastic autoan- 9%), small bowel (one case, 9%), and fallopian tube and tibody panel was negative. Serum-free light chains were ovary (one case, 9%) were the other organs yielding the initial normal. diagnosis. 18% of our cases (2 of 11) showed intravascular cells of 3.2. Case 1: Hospital Course and Pathology Findings. Dur- small size at the original biopsy site with establishment of the ing his hospitalization, the patient developed worsening fnal diagnosis of IVLBCL at a second site. Both diagnoses weakness. Given concern for Guillain-Barre syndrome, BioMed Research International 3

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f) (g)

(h) (i)

Figure 1: (a) Liver biopsy showing mild steatosis and dilated sinusoids, H&E stain, 4x magnifcation. (b) Extensive intravascular involvement of the liver by small atypical cells, H&E stain, 40x magnifcation. (c) Small intrasinusoidal highlighted by CD20, stain, 20x magnifcation. (d) Te marrow showed involvement by atypical cells mostly of small size lymphocytes with an intrasinusoidal pattern, H&E stain, 40x magnifcation. (e) Small intrasinusoidal lymphocytes highlighted by CD20, immunohistochemistry stain, 20x magnifcation. (f, g) Subcutaneous vessel showing intravascular large atypical cells highlighted by CD20 confrming the diagnosis of IVLBCL, H&E, and immunohistochemistry stains, 40x magnifcation. (h, i) Small intrasinusoidal lymphocytes in the marrow in comparison with intravascular large atypical cells in the skin, H&E stains, 60x magnifcation. treatment with plasma exchange (PLEX) was initiated (as total cellularity. Te immunophenotype was CD19+ CD20+ IVIg was contraindicated due to PE) with no signifcant CD5dim+ CD23− CD10− CD103− CD38dim+ CD11c− improvement. FMC7dim+ CD43− IgG− IgMdim/− and kappa light chain Liver continued to rise with an increasing INR restricted. Ki-67 proliferation index was attempted but was not responding to vitamin K supplementation. Consequently, very difcult to evaluate given the focality of the lesion. It a liver biopsy was performed, which was consistent with mild was estimated at approximately 40–50% within the abnormal steatosis and dilated sinusoids (Figure 1(a)). population. Te patient had a prolonged hospitalization with multiple Karyotype and FISH results for the IGH, BCL6, MYC, consultations involved with no unifying diagnosis. Due to 15q, 17p (TP53), 13q, CDKN2C, and CKS1B loci in bone a concern for an underlying , PET scan was marrow cells were normal and a PCR test for cyclin D1 performed which showed a hypermetabolic and enlarged mRNA level was not elevated. Te of the marrow with patchy bone marrow hypermetabolism. showed involvement by non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma with Due to the constellation of fever, splenomegaly, and a striking intrasinusoidal pattern. However, the infltrative increasedbonemarrowuptakeonPETscan,heunderwenta lymphocytes were predominantly small in size, which raised BM biopsy because of a concern for an underlying lymphoma. the possibility of a splenic marginal zone lymphoma as Flow cytometry of the marrow showed involvement of well as splenic difuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma. marrow with monoclonal B-cell LPD comprising about 5% of However, given the patient’s clinical presentation and his 4 BioMed Research International hospital course, IVLBCL was considered by pathology to be 4. Discussion more likely despite the lack of large cell proliferation. Afer consulting with oncologists as well as the primary medicine Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma is an aggressive disease team, random skin biopsies were performed, which showed with a poor prognosis. Previous studies have shown that morphologically classic IVLBL (Figures 1(d)–1(i)). although any organ may be involved, neurological signs On retrospect, review of the liver biopsy showed exten- and symptoms are the most common presentation of the sive intravascular involvement of the liver by small atyp- disease [3–8]. Neuropathic defcits are very heterogeneous, ical cells highlighted by CD20 (Figures 1(b) and 1(c)). including mental status changes, transient ischemic attack, Te immunophenotype was the same for both small and paraparesis of the extremities, and defect in motor functions large lymphoma cells. At the time of this report, the [9,10].Inthecurrentstudy,centralnervoussystem,bone patient has 6 cycles of R-CHOP and experienced signif- marrow, pericardium, liver, skin, small bowel, and fallopian icant improvement in the movements of bilateral lower tube and ovary were organs with biopsy-proven involvement extremities. He achieved complete remission and has just by lymphoma. received dose modifed BEAM with autologous stem cell To the best of our knowledge, there is no report of rescue. placental involvement with a confrmed diagnosis of intravas- cular large B-cell lymphoma. Hanaoka and Mio et al. 3.3. Case 2: Clinical Presentation. Te patient was a 31-year- reported a case of a 33-year-old pregnant lady presented old woman who presented with severe headache, dizziness, with hemophagocytic syndrome. Histologic examination of and facial edema in the beginning of her pregnancy (in 1997). placenta revealed involvement by B-cell lymphoma with Initially, it was attributed to her pregnancy, but due to per- difuse infltration of large, atypical lymphoid cells involving sistence of the symptoms, she underwent an extensive work- the intervilli spaces, similar to our report (case 2). While up including lumbar puncture and MRI with no specifc this case was not subclassifed as intravascular large B-cell pathologic fndings. She was started on with lymphoma, the images demonstrated some features that are some improvement. suggestive of such involvement. At 16-week gestational age, she developed abdominal pain Although IVLBCL is described as involvement of small followed by a spontaneous abortion; however, the pain was vasculature by large neoplastic cells, variability in these char- not relieved by pain medications. Further work-up revealed acteristics has been reported in rare cases, including cells of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and subsequently the small sizes, extravasation of neoplastic cells, and involvement patient underwent resection of the infarcted bowel. of larger veins and arteries [11]. However, this phenomenon is not mentioned in most textbooks or described as a caveat 3.4. Case 2: Pathology Findings and Patient Follow Up. in WHO diagnostic criteria. Histopathologic exam of the small bowel revealed the diag- Inthissmallreview,18%ofourcases(2of11)showed nosis of IVLBCL (Figure 2(a)). Te mesenteric vasculature intravascular cells of small size followed by a defnitive was extensively involved with an occlusive vasculopathy. In diagnosis of IVLBCL based on additional biopsies. While the the midst of occluded vessels were large, malignant cells diagnoses were eventually rendered based on the presence of with a high nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio and highly irregular largeneoplasticcellsinothersites,thisnecessityforlarge-cell nuclear outlines. Te vascular lesion afected predominantly morphologymaycauseunduedelayinthemanagementofa medium-to-large-sized mesenteric veins, although numerous rapidly progressive disease. smallervascularchannelscontainedscatteredmalignant Bone marrow involvement by intrasinusoidal B-cell lym- cells. Te lymphoma cells were CD45+ CD20+ CD10− CD5− phoma raises the diferential diagnosis of splenic difuse red EBV− (by EBER). pulpsmallB-celllymphomaandsplenicmarginalzonelym- Retrospective review of the placenta taken afer the spon- phoma; however, IVLBCL should also be in the diferential taneous abortion showed involvement of the disc (mater- as it could morphologically present with small size cells. nal blood) by IVLBCL including large atypical cells (Fig- Tis diagnostic dilemma is treacherous given that IVLBCL ure 2(b)). Subsequently, bone marrow biopsy was performed is clinically aggressive while the other two are indolent andshowedinvolvementofthemarrowbylymphoma.Te . A high clinical suspicion should warrant timely patient received three cycles of CHOP and matched related further investigation. Additional markers, such as for B-cell donor allogeneic stem cell transplant (HSCT). At the time of precursor phenotype (TdT, CD34, and CD99) can help rule submission of this article, the patient is alive and in clinical out an acute lymphoblastic . Proliferation index can remission. be difcult to evaluate, as we discovered in our case, in the Upon the review of patient’s previous biopsies, we histological context of focal infltration. encountered a breast biopsy that had been given a benign Currently, diagnostic certainty requires the fnding of diagnosis, performed one month prior to the diagnosis of largecells.Itispossiblethat,withbettermolecularprofling IVLBCL, was made. As it is shown in Figure 2(c), small atyp- in the future, ancillary tests can assist the diagnostician. ical cells are present in the small blood vessels of the breast, It remains mechanistically unknown why the tumor highlighted by CD20 (Figure 2(d)). Te immunophenotype is confned to intravascular spaces. Expression of the was the same as large cells seen in small bowel. Tis serves chemokine receptor CXCR3 on tumor lymphocytes and its as a striking example of IVLBCL presenting with small cell ligand,CXCL9,onendothelialcellsisproposedbyKatoetal. morphology in restricted sites. as a potential mechanism; however, it is a single case study BioMed Research International 5

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f) Figure 2: (a) Histopathologic exam of the small bowel revealed the diagnosis of IVLBCL with intravascular large atypical cells, H&E stain, 20x magnifcation. (b) Placenta also showed involvement of the disc (maternal blood) by IVLBCL including large atypical cells, H&E stain, 20x magnifcation. (c, d). Small atypical cells were seen in the small blood vessels of the breast, highlighted by CD20, H&E, and immunohistochemistry stains, 40x magnifcation. (e, f) Small lymphoma cells involving breast in comparison with large cells involving placenta, H&E stains, 60x magnifcation.

[12]. Ponzoni et al. have shown a model of central nervous which may explain the apparent tropism of IVLBCL to vas- system (CNS) invasion by malignant lymphoma, requiring cular neoplasms including benign hemangiomas [15]. More ICAM and integrin family proteins for tumor cells to frst studies are needed to better clarify the exact mechanism. dockandthenlockwithendothelialcells.Degradationof Elucidation of the intravascular tropism may shed light on the extracellular matrix with the aid of matrix metallopro- why certain large tumor cells are trapped in particular organ teinases helps the invasion of the brain parenchyma. Based sites while smaller-sized tumor cells are found in others. on this model, it is proposed that the absence of adhesion Our fndings suggest that, in the presence of high clinical molecules such as beta1-integrin (CD29) or ICAM-1 (CD54) suspicion, including rapid clinical deterioration and multior- in the malignant lymphocytes or matrix metalloproteinases ganfailure,IVLBCLshouldbeinthediferentialdiagnosis (including MMP-2 or MMP-9) are implicated in restricted even when the intravascular tumor cells are small in size. intravascular pattern of IVLBCL [13, 14]. Saurel et al. have A timely diagnosis of this entity can be critical. Hence, we shown marked expression of angiogenic factors, including recommend promoting awareness of a small cell variant VEGFA, VEGFC, FIGF, and SPP1 by qRT-PCR in a case of IVLBCL; however, without simultaneous occurrence of of cutaneous IVLBCL compared to other types of DLBCLs classic large cell IVLBCL in additional anatomical sites, the 6 BioMed Research International

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