MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012 2:23 P.M.

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The House will come to order. Reverend Elia will offer a prayer. REVEREND ELIA: Let us pray. Holy and majestic God, we give You thanks for this day and the promise it holds. You have given abilities to all of us to use our gifts to serve and to empower us to build a more just and noble society. Thank You for the commitment, intelligence, compassion and talent of these Legislators. Bless and empower them to give of their best as they discuss, deliberate and make decisions. On this day we especially thank You for the Disability Rights Movement for all who have raised awareness, fought 1 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 for justice, advocated for the oppressed and created a more accessible society for us all. Especially, we thank You for Cliff Perez whose work was honored by this Assembly today. Bless also the poster contest winners and the Girl Scouts who assisted and continue to empower all who do this vital work. Give us greater understanding and vision. May Your spirit move within this Body, lift those who are discouraged, multiply the hope that is here and thank You also for staff people and for all whose work makes possible the work of this Assembly. Hasten the day when all will dwell secure. Bless all children and bless the world with peace. In Your gracious name we pray. Amen. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Visitors are invited to join members in the Pledge of Allegiance. (Whereupon, Acting Speaker P. Rivera led visitors and members in the Pledge of Allegiance.) A quorum being present, the Clerk will read the Journal of Friday, May 18th. Mr. Canestrari. MR. CANESTRARI: Mr. Speaker, I move to dispense with the further reading of the Journal of Friday, May 18th and ask that the same stand approved. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Without objection, so ordered. MR. CANESTRARI: In terms of the schedule for 2 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 today, my colleagues and guests, the members have on their desks the main Calendar as well as the debate list. The main Calendar has 44 new bills beginning on page 34 with Calendar No. 572. We will take up introductions, housekeeping, do the resolutions on page 3 and the principal work of the day will be to take up a series of bills related to Disabilities Awareness Day, which today is, and our task force on disabilities is chaired, of course, by and there will be bills that Michael has as well as bills sponsored by , , Chuck Lavine, Barbara Lifton, and and I know we have some introductions. So, we will take up the introductions and we will consent the new bills on the main Calendar, but the main focus of the day will be the Disabilities Awareness Package and with that, if there are introductions, we will take those up now. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Canestrari for an introduction. MR. CANESTRARI: Yes, Mr. Speaker. To the rear of the Chamber is a distinguished guest from Italy, as a matter of fact, from Genoa, Italy, a city I visited on a few occasions. I recommend everyone seeing and going to Genoa, but he's in the rear of the Chamber, Massimo Rugai, as I said, from Italy and he's here for his nephew Alessandro's graduation from SUNY-Albany, but he's also here to observe the proceedings of the Chamber and the House. I had a chance to meet with him earlier, so a word of welcome to this distinguished guest from the Italy Republic. 3 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Gladly, Mr. Canestrari. It's amazing that we were speaking about Italy ten minutes ago, so it's serendipitous that he happens to be here as we were speaking about his native country. On behalf of Mr. Canestrari, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we want to congratulate you for being here. We know that this is an important week for you and for your family. We do extend the courtesies of the floor to you and we ask that you come back real soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) Mr. Walter for an introduction. MR. WALTER: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and continuing on the international theme, I have in the Chamber today my intern, my part-time intern this year was Noori Park who just graduated with an undergraduate degree in Economics with honors from the University of Albany this weekend and with her are her parents who are from Seoul, South Korea and we have Chul Dong Park who is a Governor of Taxation in South Korea which is similar to our secretaries in our government here, and we also have her mother, Bok Ja Choi who also joins us from Seoul, South Korea. So, if you could please extend all the cordialities of the floor and welcome them to the Assembly, I'd appreciate it, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Walter, are they going to Genoa, Italy right after this? We really want to thank 4 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 you. We should introduce you to the individual from Genoa, Italy, so that you can have an international exchange. We're glad that you're here. We know that Mr. Walter really enjoyed the time that your daughter was here. It was a tremendous experience for her as well as for Mr. Walter. So, on behalf of Mr. Walter, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we congratulate you on the success of your daughter. We do extend the privileges of the floor. Come back real soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) Mr. Crouch, I understand you have an introduction. MR. CROUCH: Yes, thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the opportunity to introduce guests in the Chamber. It's a pleasure to be joined today by two friends from New Jersey, but also from Delaware County, , Bruce and Nancy Scholz and they're also joined by my wife, Barbara. They're up here to spend the day and I think they're probably just going to try to make sure that I'm at least trying to do my job, working hard. If you'd extend to them your usual warm and cordial welcome, I'd appreciate it. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: As you know, Mr. Crouch, I had the privilege of meeting them on the way in and it was truly nice that they spent a couple of seconds with me. I know that they're happy to be here. They indicated that to me. So, on behalf of Mr. Crouch, the Speaker and all my colleagues, please enjoy the privileges of the floor. Come back real 5 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 soon. Thank you for being here today. (Applause) We do have some housekeeping. On a motion by Mrs. Clark on page 6, Calendar No. 40, Bill No. 644-C, the amendments are received and adopted. On a motion by Mr. Morelle on page 29, Calendar No. 496, Bill No. 9675, the amendments are received and adopted. Mr. Cusick for an introduction. MR. CUSICK: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As noted before, today is Disabilities Day here in the Assembly and we have a group of people here today that I wanted to introduce before they headed back home. We are honored to have with us, as we have done in the last couple of years now, some students from who take part in the Disabilities Awareness Day Poster Contest that I have been sponsoring down in Staten Island in my district for the past eight or so years, and we have a group that were all winners this year and we brought them up to give them their awards and to take part in Disabilities Day here in the Assembly. So, I would like to introduce them here on the floor. We have Emilia Deliso from Academy of St. Dorothy; Christopher Canale from St. Christopher School; Colin Chu from the Academy of St. Dorothy; Kayla Melidones, Academy of St. Dorothy; Isabella Odjourian from Academy of St. Dorothy; Ryan Cambria from St. Christopher School; Gary Van Pelt from Our Lady of Good Counsel; Caroline Crowdell from Our Lady of Good Counsel; Andrew Barbera 6 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 from Our Lady of Good Counsel. We have Jasin Marku from P.S. 5, Joseph Noto from P.S. 5, Caitlin Matthies from P.S. 8, Jianna Cruz from P.S. 8, Kayla Nazzi from P.S. 8, Nicholas Orsini from P.S. 8 and we have Jenna Bonomi from P.S. 42. Mr. Speaker, if you could give them your cordial welcome and the courtesies of the House. These young men and women have come all the way from Staten Island to be honored by the State Assembly for all their hard work on their beautiful posters that we have displayed in the Well of the Assembly. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Gladly, Mr. Cusick. We really want to thank you for being here, well-behaved, listening intently and I guess they're very, very proud to be here with their parents and with their family and I know that the poster contest is an important contest not only in Staten Island, but throughout the State. So, on behalf of Mr. Cusick, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we want to congratulate these winners. They're all winners. We want to extend the privileges of the floor and ask that they come back real soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) Mr. McLaughlin for an introduction. MR. MCLAUGHLIN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. Advocacy Award was created in 2005 to honor the late Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. for his lifelong commitment to 7 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities and today we honor Mr. Cliff Perez of Troy, New York, upon the occasion of his designation as the eighth recipient of the Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. Advocacy Award presented today at the 2012 Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day. Mr. Perez is a Systems Advocate at the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley which is located in Troy, New York, and they seek to help people with disabilities do for themselves instead of depending on others. The mission of the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley is rooted in the philosophy of self-reliance and self-determination and Mr. Perez has 26 years of experience working in the field of advocacy to enhance and defend the rights of people with disabilities. He was involved in the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act and actually attended the White House ADA Signing Ceremony on July 26th of 1990. In talking to Mr. Perez, he told me that all of his kids, all of his three children, needed to learn the names of all of the Presidents by the age of ten and all of his grandchildren need to know the names of the Presidents by the age of ten. One of his grandchildren made it by the age of six. It gets tougher for the grand kids as we add Presidents here, but all of his kids have learned those. He's had all of his kids involved in advocacy since they have been very young. He's been happily married to his wife, Mickey, for over 30 years and I ask you to extend the cordialities of the House and congratulate him on his award today and also we will be adopting a resolution honoring Cliff later on today. Thank you. 8 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Canestrari on the same subject matter. MR. CANESTRARI: Yes. I would just like to extend my best to Cliff Perez. We've had the occasion over the years of meeting on numerous occasions and he is a very good advocate and a believer in doing the right thing and please join with my colleague, Mr. McLaughlin, as well as the rest of the Body in honoring him today as well. A word of welcome. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Gladly, Mr. Canestrari. We really want to congratulate you. As you know, you were part of our prayers earlier today, so I'm sure that you're very proud to be here and I'm sure that all my colleagues are very proud of the work that you have done. So, on behalf of Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Canestrari, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we're here to congratulate you and to recognize the great work that you have done. We extend the privileges of the floor. Come back real soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) Mr. Reilly for an introduction. MR. REILLY: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today we devote our energies and ourselves to Disabilities Awareness Day. Among the many people who have volunteered their service to make this day happen are five constituents from my district. In fact, they opened the proceedings by leading people in the Pledge of Allegiance 9 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 in the Well. Remarkably, they are in the third grade, yet, we can understand their commitment and their maturity because they are Girl Scouts. These wonderful Girl Scouts are Michaela Gallagher, Michele McCormick, Michaela Ridley, Angelina Schaefer and Gabriella Schaefer. They're accompanied by their parents and Scout Leaders Maria Schaefer, Sharon McCormick and Dee Rockenstyre. Mr. Speaker, please give them your warm welcome. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Gladly, Mr. Reilly. Again, I'm very proud to see these young people here and their enthusiasm and, of course, they're accompanied by the right kind of people, their parents, who are also so proud to have them here. On behalf of Mr. Reilly, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we congratulate you. We all salute you. We know the great work that you do, that the Girl Scouts do. Please enjoy the time that you're here and come back soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) Mr. Weisenberg for an introduction. MR. WEISENBERG: Mr. Speaker, first, I would like to acknowledge that I am a parent of a special child and we have other members that have family members with special needs, but I'm really here to say thank you for your participation here, putting a face on our special children, making people aware of the beauty of our children and making people aware to focus on what our children can do and 10 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 not what they can't do. Inclusion is important. Respect, dignity and a quality of life. All of you who came up here to advocate to make the members of our Legislature in both Houses aware of the needs of our special children is very, very important. So, I'm here basically saying thank you to all of you. As a parent and as a member of this Assembly, God bless you and thank you for your participation in helping us to get the quality of life and the respect that you are all entitled to. Thank you for being here. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Very well said, Mr. Weisenberg. We know how important this day is for everybody who comes up here. We know that so many members participate in these hearings and in these proceedings and we truly honor all the individuals that make it their life's mission to come up here and to participate at these kinds of proceedings. So, we all appreciate the good work that they do. Thank you again, Mr. Weisenberg. Mr. Montesano for an introduction. MR. MONTESANO: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I would like to introduce two people from the Henry Viscardi School of Abilities in Albertson, New York. First, I would like to introduce Patrice McCarthy Kuntzler, the Executive Director and Mark Turan, the Executive Associate of the President's Office. Together they operate and help operate the school which is fantastic for the work that it does for those with disabilities. It allows people to attain their true potential. 11 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

So, I would like to you give them the cordialities of the House and a welcome here today. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Gladly, Mr. Montesano. I see them standing in the back. I know that they're also very happy to be here and proud of the introduction that they were given. I see Mr. Raia back there, also, acknowledging the good work that they do. So, on behalf of Mr. Montesano, Mr. Raia, the Speaker and all my colleagues, we truly acknowledge the great work that you do. We ask that you enjoy the privileges of the floor. Come back soon. Thank you for being with us here today. (Applause) We'll do the resolutions on page 3 commencing with Resolution No. 1346 by Messrs. Weisenberg and Murray, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1346. Legislative resolution memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim May 20-26, 2012 as Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Week in the State of New York in recognition of the sacrifices and contributions these outstanding individuals make to protect and to care for the residents of our great State. WHEREAS, It is the custom of this legislative Body to recognize and pay just tribute to those individuals who devote their purposeful life to serving others, expressing its highest regard and admiration for the great skill and courageous dedication exhibited by 12 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 those individuals who take prompt and heroic action in an emergency situation, without due regard for their own safety or welfare; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and fully in accord with its longstanding traditions, this legislative Body welcomes the opportunity to observe May 20-26, 2012 as Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week in the State of New York; and WHEREAS, The members of four vital organizations which play a significant role in caring for the residents of New York State include the Firemen's Association of the State of New York, The Chiefs Association, the Fire District Association, and the Volunteer Ambulance Association; and WHEREAS, It takes a special dedication, a strong desire to help others and a tireless sense of community to be a volunteer firefighter, to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need, and to heroically perform, often above and beyond the call of duty, those responsibilities which define the task of fire protection; and WHEREAS, Emergency medical services providers have traditionally served as the safety net of America's healthcare system; the members of EMS teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and WHEREAS, More than 75 percent of the emergency response in the great State of New York is volunteer; the selfless contribution these men and women make to New York's quality of life 13 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 cannot be replaced; and WHEREAS, It is important for all citizens of our State and nation to know and understand the problems, duties and responsibilities of their Volunteer Firefighters and EMS personnel, and that these brave volunteers recognize their duty to serve the public by safeguarding both life and property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim May 20-26, 2012 as Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Week in the State of New York in recognition of the sacrifices and contributions these outstanding individuals make to protect and to care for the residents of the Empire State; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State New York, and to FASNY, The Chiefs Association, the Fire District Association, and the Volunteer Ambulance Association, with the deepest appreciation of this legislative Body on behalf of the people of the State of New York. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Legislative resolution by Messrs. Scarborough and McLaughlin, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1347. Legislative resolution memorializing Governor 14 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Andrew M. Cuomo to declare May 20-26, 2012 as Small Business Week in the State of New York. WHEREAS, In New York, the dedication and entrepreneurial spirit of small businesses, minority- and women-owned businesses, and entrepreneurs are vital to the prosperity and vibrancy of every community across this great State and Nation; and WHEREAS, According to the United States Department of Commerce, over 400,000 enterprises qualify as a small business in New York State, comprising 97 percent of the State's established firms; and WHEREAS, The contributions made by small business owners are not often recognized, even though they often risk their financial security to create jobs, pay taxes, and produce goods and services for the people of New York State; and WHEREAS, Small businessowners possess the dedication and entrepreneurial spirit to develop and market new technologies, thereby bringing more capital into the business market and further strengthening our economy; and WHEREAS, The innovation, diversity, competitive strength, job creation, and quality of life that small businesses bring to our economy are vital elements of our State's long-term economic health; and WHEREAS, Small businesses in New York State exert a strong positive influence on the political, economic, and social 15 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 development of the State, and the future welfare of the State depends on the continued development of small businesses; and WHEREAS, The members of this legislative Body wish to proclaim their recognition of small businesses as a crucial element in the economy of New York State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to declare May 20 - 26, 2012 as Small Business Week in the State of New York; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Legislative resolution by Messrs. Cusick and Silver, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1345. Legislative resolution memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim Monday, May 21, 2012 as New York State Assembly Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day. WHEREAS, The New York State Assembly Task Force on People with Disabilities and the New York State Assembly Committee on Mental Health are jointly sponsoring the Assembly's Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day; and 16 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body that persons with disabilities, their families and advocates deserve our recognition as they realize the goals of integration, independence and equality in our communities and society at large; and WHEREAS, It is the intent of this legislative Body to recognize persons with disabilities, focusing on the benefits of their social, economic, educational and other contributions to society; and WHEREAS, It is the purpose of Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day to provide New York's disability community with an opportunity to educate legislators, their staffs and the general public on the issues important to them, and, at the same time, to highlight the accomplishments of advocates and persons with disabilities; and WHEREAS, Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day also provides individuals with an opportunity to acknowledge, understand and participate in the legislative process; and WHEREAS, Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day will conclude with this legislative Body considering a package of legislation significant to people with disabilities, which is reflective of the concerns of the disability community; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim Monday, May 21, 2012 as New York State Assembly Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably 17 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, and to selected representatives of people with disabilities. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Cusick, on the resolution. MR. CUSICK: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As we noted earlier today, today marks the 36th Annual Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day and this resolution marks that accomplishment and that day today. Today, the Legislature comes together, the Assembly in a bipartisan way, to address issues that are important to people with disabilities in many ways and we have a package of bills that we will be taking up shortly that will address the many needs that we need to address for people with disabilities. This has been my third year as the Chair of the Task Force and it's been very rewarding to work with the advocates who are here, some who are with us today in the Chamber, to work towards the integration and independence of many people with disabilities. And so, it's my hope that we have a successful day today legislatively, that the package of bills that will come before my colleagues will pass very easily, I hope, is the hope and that we have a very successful Disabilities Day. We've already had a great day down in the Well with the children from Staten Island and the advocates who are here as the vendors and so, today is the culmination -- right now is the culmination with the legislation that we have before us and I want to just thank everybody who has been 18 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 involved and thank the staff, the Executive Director Kim Hill. I want to thank Speaker Silver and Minority Leader for all their work in co-chairing this event every year and it's been a successful Disabilities Day so far and I look forward to passing the package of legislation that we have before us today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed nay. The resolution is adopted. We will commence with Calendar No. 53 on page 6, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 745, Calendar No. 53, Kellner, Titus, Cahill, Rosenthal, Weisenberg, Zebrowski, Abinanti. An act to amend the Public Authorities Law, in relation to the Board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority; and in relation to the establishment of the Metropolitan Transit Authority Riders' Council for People with Disabilities. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) MR. CANESTRARI: Colleagues, the first vote of the day. It's Calendar No. 53, Mr. Micah Kellner. Please join us. Move the process along. Thank you. 19 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. We will proceed to page 9, Calendar No. 132, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 3363, Calendar No. 132, Lavine, Benedetto, Cusick, Kavanagh, Latimer, Paulin, Titus, Abinanti, Perry, Weisenberg, Reilly, Weprin, Roberts, Linares, Schimel, Hooper. An act to amend the Vehicle and Traffic Law, in relation to providing that access aisles of handicapped accessible parking spaces have to be at least eight feet wide. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 90th day next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. We'll proceed to page 10, Calendar No. 134, the Clerk will read. 20 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

THE CLERK: Bill No. 3420-A, Calendar No. 134, Titus. An act to amend the Public Housing Law, in relation to granting tenants, with a physically disabling condition that affects their mobility, a preference in occupying a vacant dwelling unit on a lower floor in the same building in projects operated by the Housing Authority. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: An explanation is requested, Ms. Titus. MS. TITUS: Sure. The purpose of this bill is to give current mobility-impaired tenants in housing, operated by the New York City Housing Authority, a preference when a unit on a lower floor becomes available. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 30th day next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. We'll go to Calendar No. 144 on page 10, the Clerk will read. 21 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

THE CLERK: Bill No. 3689, Calendar No. 144, Lifton, Titus, Cahill, Cook, Dinowitz, Gottfried, Lancman, Ortiz, Paulin, J. Rivera, P. Rivera, Weisenberg, Benedetto, Englebright, Kavanagh, Kellner, Cusick, Colton, Stevenson, Bronson, Perry. An act to amend the Civil Rights Law, in relation to waiving the State's sovereign immunity to claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote. ) ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Calendar No. 181, page 11, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 5337-B, Calendar No. 181, Cusick, Colton, Englebright, Gibson, N. Rivera, Stevenson, Zebrowski, Ortiz, Scarborough, Moya, Robinson, Cahill, Lavine. An act to amend the Election Law and the Education Law, in relation to making absentee ballots available in Braille and large-print. 22 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 1st day of December next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Calendar No. 215, page 13, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 6658, Calendar No. 215, Cusick, Titus, Paulin, Millman, Ortiz, Weisenberg, Rosenthal, Kellner, Robinson, Castro, Maisel, Weprin, Kavanagh, Abinanti, Benedetto, Jaffee. An act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to establishing and maintaining an emergency evacuation plan for individuals with disabilities. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 90th day next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. 23 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

(The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Calendar No. 225, page 14, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 6816-A, Calendar No. 225, Benedetto, Gottfried, Perry. An act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to clarifying the application of provisions relating to the use of guide dogs, hearing dogs and service dogs; providing protection from discrimination for persons engaged in training such dogs; clarifying the scope of reasonable accommodation required of housing providers; and to repeal certain provisions of the Executive Law relating thereto. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Calendar No. 239, page 14, the Clerk will read. 24 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

THE CLERK: Bill No. 7257, Calendar No. 239, Cusick, Markey, Benedetto, McEneny, P. Rivera, Kavanagh. An act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to requiring counties to maintain a confidential registry of people of all ages with disabilities for evacuation and sheltering during disasters. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: An explanation has been requested. MR. CUSICK: Yes, Mr. Speaker. The purpose of this bill is to protect people of all ages with disabilities during a time of disaster by requiring counties to maintain a confidential registry of people who may require assistance during the disaster. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Mr. Jordan. MR. JORDAN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the sponsor yield for a few questions? MR. CUSICK: Yes, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The sponsor yields. MR. JORDAN: Thank you, Mr. Cusick. Who's charged with compiling this data? MR. CUSICK: The county. MR. JORDAN: The county. And is it of only people in county nursing homes or is it people that fall within the category of disabilities, regardless of age, in a private residence or any facility? MR. CUSICK: It's anybody with a disability and it's on a volunteer basis, also. The person with the disability can 25 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 volunteer to be part of the database. MR. JORDAN: So the county, I guess, mechanically would send out -- how would they find out then because I think this says it requires them to maintain the registry. How do they reach out? What database will they use to contact the people? MR. CUSICK: Well, to contact the people with disabilities it would be by PR, whether it's social media or some type of media. They'll reach out to -- yes, and advocacy groups and other independent living centers to get the word out to people with disabilities to sign on. MR. JORDAN: Is there a provision in this bill to provide compensation to the counties for preparing this notice and compiling the data? MR. CUSICK: Well, there is Federal funding available that counties can apply for, part of the Homeland Security. MR. JORDAN: But the State isn't providing any direct compensation? MR. CUSICK: No. MR. JORDAN: Great. Thank you. Mr. Speaker, on the bill. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: On the bill. MR. JORDAN: I think you will find some in this House may have concerns with this bill not because of the intent, but, I think, due to the fact one more mandate is being placed on the counties at a time when really to comply with the tax cap they're 26 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 desperately trying to find ways to stay within the cap and deliver key critical services, and here we have a bill that was vetoed in 2010 or a nearly identical bill where the estimated cost was in excess of $9.3 million. There's no provision. You know, the State -- certainly, it makes a lot of sense. However, the State ought to put up the funds to cover the cost. So, I think at a time when we should be not only looking out to provide the necessary protections that are in place, we should also provide the funding to assist in delivering those services, because the only way the counties can continue to comply with these mandates and deliver key services for all of our population, but especially those that are disabled, is if the State steps up and does its part. So, I would submit that this bill would be much better and probably would pass unanimously if not only did it have the provisions that are contained herein, but had a funding source as well to offset the costs that the counties will incur. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 1st day of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) 27 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Mr. Abinanti to explain his vote. MR. ABINANTI: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to commend the sponsor for proposing this legislation. One of the biggest concerns that people in the disability community have is the response of emergency responders when they approach someone with a disability. Police, fire, other emergency responders need to know when they are approaching someone who is not a typical person. They need to know how to reach out and help that person without scaring them and without creating a situation which is far worse than what they're responding to. I have heard over and over again, from parents of people with autism, where police officers will enter a home or go into a situation with a person with autism who doesn't understand what's happening and the situation accelerates and gets exacerbated because the police officer didn't understand that they were dealing with someone with autism and it has also happened in mental illness situations. This bill is the first step towards giving emergency responders the information they need so that they can move into a situation and actually help a person with a disability and not make the situation worse. So, I commend the sponsor for putting this legislation forward and I would hope that this bill would pass with a significant, significant majority. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Mr. Abinanti, how do you vote? 28 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

MR. ABINANTI: Therefore, I vote in the affirmative. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Mr. Abinanti in the affirmative. Mr. Weisenberg to explain his vote. MR. WEISENBERG: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, my colleagues. Another life experience. In Nassau County and at a State level we made police officers, especially police officers, aware of the behavior and patterns of some of our children that are diagnosed as part of the spectrum and why I say that is, because if a cop of somebody who is wearing a badge has an aided case and we have somebody who is part of this spectrum will notice that shiny badge, he's going to reach for it. This is why we have to make people aware of who they're dealing with on any aided case or any call where first responders are going to be. We have stickers on windows. We have pamphlets that are given to law enforcement to understand the behavior of those with special needs and most importantly, we hope, like I said before, to be able to put a face on our children to understand their behavior because somebody misinterpreting an action of a person with a disability who is going to overtly do something like that, we certainly don't want to get them restrained, if you know what I mean. So, this is a very important piece of legislation. It's going to protect the health and safety of our special needs people and I thank you, and I would like to see all your support and I appreciate 29 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 your support for this legislation. Thank you. And I vote yes. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Mr. Weisenberg in the affirmative. Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Calendar 604, page 41, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9848-A, Calendar No. 604, Paulin, Dinowitz, P. Rivera, Titus, Weprin. An act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to the definition of "place of public accomodation, resort or amusement" for the purposes of the Human Rights Law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: An explanation has been requested. MS. PAULIN: Yes, certainly. I think that we all know, who have been here for this day before, that historically we have sought to codify the Federal ADA bill into State law and there's been a missing element in our State code which is that that would add government entities. We have passed a different bill, my bill, in the past and it was vetoed by the Governor. The thought was it was too expensive, so we have worked with the Governor's Office and the Senate and this is an agreed-upon bill that we believe will, for once, bring all of the Federal requirements into State law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Mr. Jordan. 30 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

MR. JORDAN: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Will the sponsor yield? MS. PAULIN: Yes. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The sponsor yields. MR. JORDAN: In looking at this, the one question, I guess, I have is we've inserted language under Section 9 that basically says, "...regardless of whether the owner/operator of such place is a State or local government entity or a private individual or entity," yet I see in here there are lists of business types and facilities that would all necessarily have been private. So, was that the language that was inserted? I guess I'm just trying to understand from the bill what the objective was and what that language accomplishes. MS. PAULIN: Well, the language that is important is that it's a State or local government entity because that's the part that's really missing from the -- if you look at all of the other elements, they are private and that's the point. This is adding government entities into those same protections. MR. JORDAN: Great. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 120th day next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will 31 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Mr. Canestrari. MR. CANESTRARI: Mr. Speaker, we'll now go to page 42 of the main Calendar and take up Calendar No. 611, Mr. Silver and handled on the floor by Mr. Michael Cusick, again. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 10112, Calendar No. 611, Silver. An act in relation to the date of primary elections; and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: On a motion by Mr. Silver, the Senate bill is before the House. The Senate bill is advanced. An explanation has been requested, Mr. Cusick. MR. CUSICK: Yes, Mr. Speaker. This bill would move the primary for 2012 from September 11th to September 13th and this legislation is to recognize and respect the significance of 9-11-2001. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last 32 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Mr. Canestrari. MR. CANESTRARI: Mr. Speaker, we will now take up -- ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Could we have a little silence in here, please. MR. CANESTRARI: Quiet, please. The new bills on the main Calendar starting on page 36, Calendar No. 577. New bills on the main Calendar consenting those bills. Thank you. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Calendar No. 577, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Bill No. 1450, Calendar No. 577, Ortiz, McDonough. An act to amend the Military Law and the Election Law, in relation to the counting of ballots of deceased military personnel. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: On a motion by Mr. Ortiz, the Senate bill is before the House. The Senate bill is 33 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 advanced and the bill is laid aside. THE CLERK: Bill No. 2206, Calendar No. 578, Zebrowski, Jaffee, Rabbitt, Calhoun. An act enacting the "Rockland Bergen Bi-State Watershed Flood Prevention and Protection Act" and creating the Rockland Bergen Bi-State River Commission. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 3392-C, Calendar No. 580, Latimer, Calhoun. An act to amend the Real Property Tax Law, in relation to proceedings for challenges to real property assessments. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce 34 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 6114-C, Calendar No. 582, Hevesi, Galef, Abbate, Colton, Benedetto, Gunther, Schimel, Cahill, Crespo, Jaffee, Titone, Moya, Rosenthal, Castro, Millman, Hooper, P. Rivera. An act to amend the Public Authorities Law, in relation to requiring the development of a generation attribute tracking system by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk will record the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Colleagues, I can't hear the lay asides, could you keep it down a little bit, please. THE CLERK: Bill No. 7769, Calendar No. 585, Dinowitz. An act to amend the Election Law, in relation to eliminating the reference to "inmate" when referring to residents of Veteran's Administration Hospitals for purposes of absentee voting. 35 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 7804, Calendar No. 587, Cymbrowitz. An act to amend the Mental Hygiene Law, in relation to requiring the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services to develop training materials for health care providers and qualified health professionals to encourage implementation of the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment program. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER PRETLOW: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) 36 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9107, Calendar No. 591, Gunther. An act to amend the Public Health Law, in relation to authorizing the Commissioner of Health to issue a death certificate to any applicant upon the request of a sibling of the deceased. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9167, Calendar No. 593, Lentol, Colton. An act to amend Chapter 548 of the Laws of 2004, amending the Education Law relating to certain tuition waivers for police officer students of the City University of New York, in relation to extending the provisions of such chapter. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. 37 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

(The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9274-A, Calendar No. 594, Lavine. An act to amend the State Administrative Procedure Act, in relation to continuing improvements to agency regulatory agendas and providing more effective review of existing rules; and to amend Chapter 402 of the Laws of 1994, amending the State Administrative Procedure Act relating to requiring certain agencies to submit regulatory agendas for publication in the State register, in relation to extending the expiration of certain provisions of such chapter. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 1st day of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. 38 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

THE CLERK: Bill No. 9445-B, Calendar No. 597, Pretlow, Mayer. An act to amend the Education Law, in relation to transferring control of the Yonkers Education Construction Fund Board to the Mayor of the City of Yonkers. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Any there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9450, Calendar No. 598, Roberts. An act to authorize a certain individual to take the competitive Civil Service examination and be placed on the eligible list for appointment as a full-time police officer for the Village of East Syracuse, County of Onondaga. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: There's a home rule message at the desk. Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) 39 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9581, Calendar No. 599, Sweeney, Lifton, Peoples-Stokes, Lupardo, Jaffee, Titone, Zebrowski, Galef, Magnarelli, Paulin, Roberts, Reilly, Schimel. An act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law, in relation to requiring publication of laws relating to the control of invasive species. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On a motion by Mr. Sweeney, the Senate bill is before the House. The Senate bill is advanced. Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect on the 60th day next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9607, Calendar No. 600, Morelle. An act to amend the Insurance Law and the Tax Law, in relation to the Life Insurance Company Guaranty Corporation of New York. 40 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On a motion by Mr. Morelle, the Senate bill is before the House. The Senate bill is advanced. Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9652, Calendar No. 601, Sweeney. An act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law, in relation to mutual aid among member states and states which are members of other Regional Forest Fire Protection Compacts pursuant to the Northeastern Instate Forest Fire Protection Compact. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On a motion by Mr. Sweeney, the Senate bill is before the House. The Senate bill is advanced and the bill is laid aside. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9816, Calendar No. 603, Schimel. An act to amend Chapter 602 of the Laws of 1993 amending the Real Property Tax Law relating to the enforcement of the collection of delinquent real property taxes and to the collection of taxes by banks, in relation to the enforcement of the collection of taxes in certain villages. 41 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Ms. Glick to explain her vote. MS. GLICK: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My concern is that in these circumstances, folks who are having problems dealing with meeting their tax bills will find these liens sold to entities that will then have collection agencies, who we know sometimes act inappropriately, going after people in a less-than-appropriate manner. And while the government should collect the taxes owed to it, there is more protection, more due process available to our constituents when they are dealing with the government rather than with collection agencies. I withdraw my request and vote in the negative. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9900, Calendar No. 605, Latimer, Englebright. An act to amend the Civil Service Law, the County Law, the Executive Law and the General Municipal Law, in relation to making technical corrections. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last 42 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. THE CLERK: Bill No. 9948, Calendar No. 607, Morelle. An act to amend Chapter 371 of the Laws of 2009 amending the Public Health Law relating to the residential care off-site facility demonstration project, in relation to extending the effectiveness thereof. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Read the last section. THE CLERK: This act shall take effect immediately. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The Clerk will record the vote. (The Clerk recorded the vote.) Are there any other votes? The Clerk will announce the results. (The Clerk announced the results.) The bill is passed. Mr. Canestrari. 43 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

MR. CANESTRARI: Mr. Speaker, any resolutions or housekeeping for us to consider? ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: We do have some housekeeping. On a motion by Mr. Cymbrowitz on page 36, Calendar No. 581, Bill No. 4403, the amendments are received and adopted. We also have numerous resolutions. Privileged resolution by Ms. Sayward, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1349. Legislative resolution honoring The Quartiers Family upon the occasion of being selected as the 2012 March of Dimes Northeastern New York Division Ambassador Family. WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to pay tribute to those exemplary individuals within the State of New York whose personal triumphs serve as an inspiration to all citizens; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its longstanding traditions, this legislative Body is justly proud to honor The Quartiers Family upon the occasion of being selected as the 2012 March of Dimes Northeastern New York Division Ambassador Family, to be observed by the March of Dimes on Tuesday, May 22, 2012; and WHEREAS, During this special occasion, The 44 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Quartiers Family of Glens Falls, New York, will be part of the March of Dimes advocacy day; and WHEREAS, A national voluntary health organization, the March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of infants and children by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality; The Quartiers Family is to be recognized for their unwavering dedication to educating the public about its Mission; and WHEREAS, Earlier this year, Sara and Jason Quartiers were honored by the March of Dimes Northeastern New York Division and given the Volunteer of the Year Award; and WHEREAS, Sara and Jason Quartiers' son, Cameron Jace, was born on February 16, 2009, 16 weeks premature; they were able to take him home after 213 days in Albany Medical Center's NICU; unfortunately, Cameron only spent a short time at home and passed away on October 20, 2009; and WHEREAS, After this long, arduous battle, Sara and Jason Quartiers' story serves to inspire others facing similar circumstances as well as to educate the public on the importance of supporting the March of Dimes and its vital Mission; and WHEREAS, The Quartiers Family started their own foundation called "Project: Cameron's Story"; the goal of the foundation is to support the bonding of parents with their premature babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), through the use of children's literature and storytelling; and WHEREAS, Sara and Jason Quartiers have been 45 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 volunteering with March of Dimes since 2010; they participate in the Adirondack March for Babies and have raised a significant amount with Project: Cameron's Story; and WHEREAS, Not only do The Quartiers Family raise funds for the March of Dimes, they also volunteer their time in so many different ways; Sara takes part in the March for Babies committee, participates in Advocacy Day, participates in radio interviews and both Sara and Jason are spokespersons to assist in carrying the prematurity message forward; through their outreach in the community, the Quartiers have encouraged many families to become involved with March of Dimes; and WHEREAS, Predeceased by Cameron, the Quartier family members include Sara, Jason, Schuyler and Liam; and WHEREAS, In the course of the evolving development of the Empire State, there have emerged certain members of our community who have embodied truly magnanimous conduct and strength, and we call these individuals "distinguished citizens" of the State of New York; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to honor The Quartiers Family upon the occasion of being selected as the 2012 March of Dimes Northeastern New York Division Ambassador Family; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Sara and Jason Quartiers. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, 46 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. Cusick and Mr. Silver, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1350. Legislative resolution honoring Clifton Perez upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of the Eighth Annual Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. Advocacy Award on May 21, 2012. WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to recognize and pay tribute to those individuals within the great Empire State who have made strong contributions to the disability community; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its longstanding traditions, this legislative Body is justly proud to honor Clifton Perez upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of the Eighth Annual Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. Advocacy Award, to be presented at the 2012 Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day sponsored by the New York State Assembly Task Force on People with Disabilities and the New York State Assembly Committee on Mental Health on Monday, May 21, 2012; and WHEREAS, The Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. Advocacy Award was created in 2005 to honor the late Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. for his lifelong commitment to advocacy on behalf of people with disabilities; and WHEREAS, Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr. would have 47 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 turned one hundred years old on May 10, 2012; and WHEREAS, The tremendous efforts Clifton Perez has made to improve and enhance the lives of New Yorkers with disabilities are worthy of this recognition; and WHEREAS, Clifton Perez is a Systems Advocate at the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, an independent living center located in Troy, New York, which seeks to help persons with disabilities do for themselves instead of depending on others; and WHEREAS, The mission of the Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley is rooted in the philosophy of self-reliance and self-determination because the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community is cost-effective and reduces the spending of local, state and federal revenues; and WHEREAS, An individual born with a vision impairment, Clifton Perez brings more than 26 years of working in the field of advocacy to enhance and defend the rights of people with disabilities; and WHEREAS, As a legally blind person, Clifton Perez attended institutional settings for his primary education, first in Puerto Rico and then in the Bronx; and WHEREAS, This remarkable man holds a master's degree in social work from the University of Stony Brook, New York; and WHEREAS, Clifton Perez has worked on such priority issues as the Help America Vote Act, transportation, 48 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 employment and housing; and WHEREAS, He was involved with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), where he even attended the White House ADA signing ceremony on July 26, 1990; and WHEREAS, Dedicated to helping others, Clifton Perez has established himself as an expert on many issues affecting people with disabilities, particularly as they pertain to improving transportation systems for the disability community; and WHEREAS, Clifton Perez continues to press for policy and legislative reform at the grassroots, state and national levels; and WHEREAS, Furthermore, Clifton Perez is a Federally approved trainer on the Americans with Disabilities Act and serves on the New York Association on Independent Living's subcommittee on the ADA; and WHEREAS, As a New York State Approved Dispute Mediator, Clifton Perez uses his training to act as a mediator, assisting individuals and communities to craft solutions that bring out the best in them and resolve their conflicts for the long run; and WHEREAS, In addition to his role as Systems Advocate, Clifton Perez currently serves as the Region II Representative for the National Council on Independent Living, Chair for the National Council on Independent Living Public Policy Sub-Committee on Transportation, Member of the Para-transit Work Group of the Capital District, Delegate-at-Large for the American 49 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Council of the Blind of Albany, Member of Democracy for the Hudson-Mohawk Region, Chair of the New York Association on Independent Living Public Policy Sub-Committee on Transportation, and Member of the Transportation Sub-Committee of the New York State Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council; and WHEREAS, Clifton Perez has received numerous awards and accolades including the 2008 National Council on Independent Living Regional Advocacy Award; the 2004 Distinguished Alumni Award from the Stony Brook School of Social Welfare; the President's Distinguished Alumni Recognition Award from Hudson Valley Community College in 2000; and the 1996 National Council on Independent Living Regional Advocacy Award; and WHEREAS, Happily married to his wife, Mickey, for over 30 years, Clifton Perez involves all of his family members in his disability rights work, recognizing the need to include them in his passion and to help even the youngest members know the importance of advocacy and independence; and WHEREAS, Because he himself lives with a disability and has dealt with disability issues his entire life, Clifton Perez believes societal misunderstanding coupled with the lack of acceptance perpetuates the struggle of people with disabilities; and WHEREAS, As a devoted advocate, Clifton Perez has committed his life to battling hate and injustice in society; and WHEREAS, The initiatives Clifton Perez strives to 50 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 implement as a passionate advocate for persons with disabilities mirror the priorities that this legislative Body has before us today, the New York State Assembly Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day 2012; and WHEREAS, This legislative Body is moved to honor Clifton Perez, a leader and an advocate, recognizing his labors and the promise of his future endeavors; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to honor Clifton Perez upon the occasion of his designation as recipient of the Eighth Annual "Dr. Henry Viscardi, Jr." Advocacy Award from the New York State Assembly Task Force on People with Disabilities and the New York State Assembly Committee on Mental Health; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Clifton Perez. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. McLaughlin, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1351. Legislative resolution congratulating the Chatham High School Model Congress Team for their participation at the 72nd Annual Model Congress event. WHEREAS, It is the intent of this legislative Body to 51 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 commend and pay tribute to those young people who, by achieving outstanding success in educational competition, have inspired and brought pride to our majestic Empire State; and WHEREAS, This legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the Chatham High School Model Congress Team for their participation at the 72nd Annual Model Congress event; and WHEREAS, Chatham High School students imitated the actions of senators and representatives at the 72nd Model Congress, a three-day academic competition simulating the activities of the United States Legislative Branch; the January 2012 tournament attracted schools from throughout New York and New England, and was hosted by the American International College in Springfield, Massachusetts; and WHEREAS, Chatham's delegation finished strong, passing legislation and attaining special recognition for teamwork and good sportsmanship; the team came to the contest armed with two bills they had spent weeks preparing, one of which was regulating the use of hydrofracking in the natural gas industry, and the other was reforming U.S. practices for recycling nuclear waste; and WHEREAS, Prior to the meet, the delegation carefully drafted and redrafted their bill proposals, researched the issues and studied parliamentary procedure; during the competition, students proposed, argued, and defended the merits of their bills while American International College faculty judged the participants on their debating and oratorical skills; and 52 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

WHEREAS, Only well-crafted and thoughtfully argued bill proposals stood up to the scrutiny and any school that passed a bill into "law" was considered a winner; Chatham's preparation paid off as the delegation successfully navigated the competition's committee rooms and general assembly to gather the votes they needed to pass their hydrofracking bill; and WHEREAS, Chatham High School Model Congress Team earned the Team Spirit Award, given to the delegation that displayed the most cooperation, positive energy and sportsman-like conduct; and WHEREAS, This year marked Chatham High School Model Congress Team's fifth year competing at the American International College's Model Congress event; the students meet after school and are co-advised by Chatham High School social studies teachers Sesame Campbell and Mark Pearson; and WHEREAS, The Chatham High School Model Congress Team members are: Ellis Okawa-Scannell, Chelsea Palladino, Geena Eglin, Cathy Fowler, Phil Curran, Jameson Connor, Cassidy Palladino, Karlee Shields, Annabelle Hinkel, Hannah Gregg, Maura McKeon, Kaitlin Hunter, Caitlin Gilligan, JJ Ciampoli, Georgie Richer, Elizabeth Paolucci, Kelly Shanahan, Emma Roberts, Faith Avens, and Alli Mesick; and WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to commend these young scholars in recognition of their uncommon dedication, perseverance and accomplishments and wish them a future 53 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 of purposeful success and well-being; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to congratulate the Chatham High School Model Congress Team for their participation at the 72nd Annual Model Congress event; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the Chatham High School Model Congress Team. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. Pretlow, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1352. Legislative resolution congratulating the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team upon the occasion of capturing the New York State Public High School Athletic Association's Basketball Championship. WHEREAS, Excellence and success in competitive sports can be achieved only through strenuous practice, team play and team spirit, nurtured by dedicated coaching and strategic planning; and WHEREAS, Athletic competition enhances the moral and physical development of the young people of this State, preparing them for the future by instilling in them the value of teamwork, 54 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 encouraging a standard of healthy living, imparting a desire for success and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and WHEREAS, The 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team compiled an outstanding championship season, capturing the New York State Public High School Athletic Association's Basketball Championship; and WHEREAS, The athletic talent displayed by the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team is due in great part to the efforts of its Head Coach, Robert Cimmino; Assistant Head Coach, Brian Pritchett; and Assistant Coaches, Dwayne Murray, Paul Roland, Patrick Theodule, Yaccov Williams, Anthony Pavlacka, and Richard Suozzo, skilled and inspirational tutors, respected for their ability to develop potential into excellence; and WHEREAS, The overall record of the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team was outstanding, and the team members were loyally and enthusiastically supported by family, fans, friends and the community at large; and WHEREAS, The hallmarks of the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team, from the opening game of the season to capturing the championship, were a brotherhood of athletic ability, of good sportsmanship, of honor and of scholarship, demonstrating that these team players are second to none; and WHEREAS, Athletically and academically, the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team 55 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 members have proven themselves to be an unbeatable combination of talents, reflecting favorably on their school and their community; and WHEREAS, The coaches and staff of the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team have done a superb job in guiding, molding and inspiring the team members toward their goals; and WHEREAS, Sports competition instills the values of teamwork, pride and accomplishment; the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team's outstanding athletes have clearly made a contribution to the spirit of excellence which is a tradition of their school; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to congratulate the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team; its members: Yhanni Bartley, Isaiah Cousins, Jalen David, Joshua Doughty, Gary Johnson, Givvion Jones, Jamel Knott, Jamal Lewis, Qwadere Lovell, Jarrel Marshall, Brandon Martin, Mark Mitchell, William Robinson, Traquann Scales, Randy Stephens, and Head Coach, Robert Cimmino; Assistant Head Coach, Brian Pritchett; and Assistant Coaches, Dwayne Murray, Paul Roland, Patrick Theodule, Yaccov Williams, Anthony Pavlacka, and Richard Suozzo; Athletic Trainers, Peter Montpellier and Brian Gardener; Statisticians, John Nannariello and Don Munroe; and Managers, Donae Stokes, Rhyan Williams-Bandoo, and Te-quawn Campbell on their outstanding season, overall team record and capturing the New York State Public High School Athletic Association's Basketball 56 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Championship; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the members, coaches and staff of the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Boys Basketball Team. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. Pretlow, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1353. Legislative resolution congratulating the Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team upon the occasion of capturing the New York State Indoor Track and Field Championship. WHEREAS, Excellence and success in competitive sports can be achieved only through strenuous practice, team play and team spirit, nurtured by dedicated coaching and strategic planning; and WHEREAS, Athletic competition enhances the moral and physical development of the young people of this State, preparing them for the future by instilling in them the value of teamwork, encouraging a standard of healthy living, imparting a desire for success and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and WHEREAS, During the 2011-2012 Indoor Season, the Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team captured the New York State Indoor Track and Field Championship; and 57 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

WHEREAS, The athletic talent displayed by the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team is due in great part to the efforts of its coaches, skilled and inspirational mentors, respected for their ability to develop potential into excellence; and WHEREAS, The 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team's overall record is outstanding, and the team members were loyally and enthusiastically supported by family, fans, friends and the community at large; and WHEREAS, Athletically and academically, the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team members have proven themselves to be an unbeatable combination of talents, reflecting favorably on their school and community; and WHEREAS, Coach Walter Hall has done a superb job in guiding, molding and inspiring the team members toward their goals; and WHEREAS, Sports competition instills the values of teamwork, pride and accomplishment; the coaches and the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team's outstanding athletes have clearly made a contribution to the spirit of excellence which is a tradition of their school; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to congratulate the members, Lexus Harney, Robbi Rogers, Shanice Cameron and Tanaya Yarde, and Coach Walter Hall on their outstanding season, overall team record and winning the New 58 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

York State Indoor Track and Field Championship; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the members and Coach Walter Hall of the 2011-2012 Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Team. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. Bronson, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1354. Legislative resolution commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Chili Public Library. WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to recognize that the quality and character of life in the communities across the great State of New York is reflective of certain exemplary institutions whose purpose is dedicated to serving the community and the needs of its citizenry; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its longstanding traditions, this legislative Body is justly proud to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Chili Public Library, to be celebrated on Monday, October, 15, 2012; and WHEREAS, For the last 50 years the Chili Public Library has provided a welcoming place for the residents of Rochester, New York, to engage in lifelong learning, pleasure reading, and programs for all ages; and 59 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

WHEREAS, On October 15, 1962 the Chili Public Library began in a single room in what was then the Town Hall; and WHEREAS, In 1966, a 6,300 square-foot library addition was added to the Town Hall and served as the town's library for more than 30 years; and WHEREAS, In June of 1997, residents approved a bond resolution to construct a new one-story Library and Town Hall facility on 24 acres of land donated by Wegmans; the following year, the 16,600 square-foot library building opened its doors to the public; and WHEREAS, With almost three times the space of the former library, the new Chili Public Library includes a separate Children's Room, story time room, multipurpose room and space for computers, materials, patrons and staff; and WHEREAS, The Town and Library Boards, staff, volunteers and Friends of the Chili Public Library have worked diligently to provide first rate materials, programs and services to those in the community; and WHEREAS, In 2010 the Chili Public Library was presented with the first Rochester Regional Library Council Public Library of the Year award; and WHEREAS, The success enjoyed by the Chili Public Library is in direct correlation to the efforts of the many individuals who have supported the development of the library over the years; and WHEREAS, Equally commendable are the Chili 60 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Public Library's superbly-skilled staff, whose involvement is and has always been characterized by an impressive commitment, an unbridled enthusiasm, and an uncompromising standard of excellence in all of their efforts on behalf of the library and the population it serves; and WHEREAS, Steeped in a proud and distinguished history, the Chili Public Library may take just pride in its purposeful growth, as it looks forward to continuing to serve the educational, cultural and intellectual needs of the community; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Chili Public Library; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to the Chili Public Library, Rochester, New York. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Ms. Weinstein, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1355. Legislative resolution commending Hadassah Brooklyn Region upon the occasion of hosting its Gala Installation Banquet on June 6, 2012. WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to 61 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 recognize that the quality and character of life in the communities across New York State are reflective of the concerned and dedicated efforts of those organizations and individuals who would devote themselves to the welfare of the community and its citizenry; and WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its longstanding traditions, this legislative Body is justly proud to commend Hadassah Brooklyn Region upon the occasion of hosting its Gala Installation Banquet, on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at Essen New York Deli in Brooklyn, New York; and WHEREAS, On this most auspicious occasion, Hadassah Brooklyn Region will pay tribute to its outgoing President, Gail Hammerman, as well as its incoming President, Janet Young; and WHEREAS, Outgoing President of the Hadassah Brooklyn Region, Gail Hammerman most recently served as the Executive Vice President and Tower Chair of Hadassah Brooklyn Region; she is a three-generation Life Member of Hadassah; and WHEREAS, A valued and involved member of her community, Gail Hammerman is the President of the East Midwood Jewish Center; she sits on the Board of Directors of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, METNY Region and the Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts; and WHEREAS, Janet Young of Brooklyn, New York, is the incoming President of the Hadassah Brooklyn Region; she is a Life Member and a longstanding Keeper of the Gate; and WHEREAS, Previously, Janet Young served as 62 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

President of Park Slope Chapter for three years; she has held many portfolios including Organization/Executive Vice President of Brooklyn Region, Membership Vice President for Brooklyn Region, and Web Chair for both Brooklyn Region and Park Slope Chapter; and WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body that when individuals and organizations of such noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our attention, they should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commend Hadassah Brooklyn Region upon the occasion of hosting its Gala installation Banquet on June 6, 2012; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Hadassah Brooklyn Region, Gail Hammerman, and Janet Young. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Privileged resolution by Mr. Tobacco, the Clerk will read. THE CLERK: Resolution No. 1356. Legislative resolution commending Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi upon the occasion of his 50th Anniversary of his 63 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Ordination to the Priesthood to be celebrated on June 2, 2012. WHEREAS, The character and richness of religious and community life in this noble Empire State is nourished and fulfilled through the faithful concern and selfless devotion of those who would commit their energies and purpose to the ministry of others; and WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body to bring full recognition and just tribute to those individuals who distinguish themselves and the ministry through their unremitting commitment and preeminence of service; and WHEREAS, This legislative Body is justly proud to commend Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi upon the occasion of his 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood to be celebrated on Saturday, June 2, 2012; and WHEREAS, Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi was taught the value of a Catholic education early in life, having attended both a Catholic grammar school and a Catholic high school; and WHEREAS, Ordained in 1962, Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi graduated from St. Joseph Dunwoodie with bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and Theology; he later received his master's degree in History from Fordham University; and WHEREAS, Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi's first assignment was at Mt. Loretto's Girls' Division, where he was Chaplain; he then went to Cardinal Hayes High School where he taught History, German, and Religion for six years; after a short tenure 64 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 as a teacher, he was appointed Dean of Students; and WHEREAS, In 1978, Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi was appointed Academic Dean at St. Joseph by-the-Sea; in 1982, he was named the school's principal by then Archbishop of New York, Terrence Cardinal Cooke; and WHEREAS, Joseph C. Ansaldi was named a Monsignor by Holy Father Pope John Paul II in 1990; the following year, he was appointed Vicar of the Staten Island vicariate by Cardinal O'Connor; and WHEREAS, During Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi's tenure as principal of St. Joseph by-the-Sea, enrollment rose from 1,000 to over 1,300; to accommodate this increase he spearheaded over 10 major additions to the school, added a multitude of activities, and led the school to have many National Merit Scholar finalists; and WHEREAS, Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi has brought to his ministry an overwhelming spirit of charity and compassion, acting with vision in conducting his administrative and spiritual duties, while always displaying the highest standards of personal and professional integrity and dedication; and WHEREAS, This distinguished man of God has always given enlightenment, guidance and wisdom, especially to the thousands of students entrusted to his care and has administered abundantly and unstintingly to the spiritual and corporal needs of all; and WHEREAS, It is the sense of this legislative Body 65 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012 that when a person of such noble aims and accomplishments is brought to our attention it is appropriate to publicly and jubilantly proclaim and commend that individual for the edification of others; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commend Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi upon the occasion of his 50th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood, noting his unremitting and compassionate faith and his exemplary service to God, man, and his community, and extending to him the heartfelt best wishes of this Legislative Body for a future of purposeful success and well-being; and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Monsignor Joseph C. Ansaldi. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: On the resolution, all those in favor signify by saying aye; opposed, no. The resolution is adopted. Mr. Canestrari. MR. CANESTRARI: And now to your friend and mine, Mr. Bill Colton, please. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Colton. MR. COLTON: Yes, Mr. Speaker. There will be a Majority Conference in the Speaker's Conference Room immediately following the close of Session today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: Mr. Canestrari. MR. CANESTRARI: With that, I move the 66 NYS ASSEMBLY MAY 21, 2012

Assembly stand adjourned and that we reconvene tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22nd at 12:30 p.m., tomorrow being a Session day. ACTING SPEAKER P. RIVERA: The House stands adjourned. (Whereupon, at 4:25 p.m., the House stood adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22nd at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday being a Session day.)