AJK’s only official student newspaper! Spring 2020 Trips advisor Calling all Artists! Reports from some Check out to how you amazing Pillar Day trips, could win the chance to plus Year 12 international showcase your designs in history trip the Summer edition full report p4-6 p7

TheGolden Quill First Turkish MP for Enfield arrives at Ark John Keats. On Friday 6th March, AJK Feryal Clarke MP interviewed by Golden Quill political team welcomed Enfield’s new Zakeya and Jaden (left hand side and front-right respectively). MP Feryal Clark. local politics. She was elected to Golden Quill: How does it feel to last December, where be the first Turkish MP? Golden Quill spoke to her she now represents Enfield North. exclusively after an inspiring FCL: “It felt a bit nerve-racking at assembly. The Golden Quill had exclusive access first, but it was an exciting to Ms. Clark for an interview, before opportunity for me to express my she did some work with our A level views on what I think should Interview: Zakeya Nelson politics students. happen around the area.” Gueroui and Jaden ... I knew I wanted to Samuels Jackson Golden Quill: How long did you Write up: Zakeya Nelson Gueroui make the environment want to be an MP for? better in any way I can. This Spring term, Enfield’s new MP “ FCL: ”I wanted to do something Feryal Clarke visited Ark John Keats Golden Quill: How did you feel when that involved science at first since I to see how the school has you were first selected as Enfield’s” was really interested in the developed over the last 6 years. MP? techniques used. When I heard about politics and the job of an MP, Ms. Clarke gave an inspiring assembly FCL: ”To be perfectly honest, I was I knew I wanted to make the to Year 7 where she spoke about her not expecting it at all. I felt a lot of environment better in any way I journey into politics. Ms Clarke mixed emotions, but I felt tired the can. So really, the job was a good arrived in the UK as a refugee, went most since the results were at about opportunity to express my views on to school in Hackney and attended 5 o’clock in the morning. Overall, I what we can do to make the Exeter University. She had a career in was really happy I got to become environment a better place for scientific research before working in Enfield’s MP. everyone.” NEWS The Golden Quill Year 11 Business Trip Maths Pillar Day The Golden Quill spoke to two of our future businesspeople.

Grace Kitenge reports Maths Pillar Day was an opportunity for all Year 9 students at to look beyond maths in school and explore different possibilities of using the subject in different situations.

The students faced different challenges throughout the day, testing their mental skills to the limit. They got to do a lot of very fun and entertaining activities, including solving a Murder Mystery: A lot of people really liked that challenge because it was a very exciting and unusual thing to do.

Nathra Abubakar and … students faced different Aimee Jewell report Aidan Jewell also found the trip challenges throughout the day informative and motivational: “I “ This Spring term Year 11’s had an want to be a businessman, but I’m amazing time at Temasek, asking still unsure.” Fortunately, there were professional businesspeople about plenty of things on the trip to help The students had to find clues and the jobs they do there. Temasek are all the pupils make up their minds solve mysteries to answer the big ” an international investment about what they want to do. Year problem. They had to work together company based in Singapore, South 11’s tried out many interesting as a team collaboratively to solve it, East Asia. They are the managers of things like an App Challenge. In this which helped them grow stronger as a portfolio worth roughly $308 challenge, the Year 11 pupils put a squad. billion. their ideas together and created an app to pitch to the professionals. One of the students I spoke to said One of the pupil’s on the trip was that they really enjoyed building Mohammed Abedin, who is very During the day, the Year 11’s also different things and testing keen to join the world of business. had the opportunity to meet very themselves. They wished, however, When Golden Quill asked him what important businesswomen and men. that they could have had more time his favourite part about the trip was, The businesspeople even took time on them. This shows how much they Mohammed Abedin replied that he out of their busy days to help the really enjoyed the activities. What a “enjoyed everything on the trip.” Year 11s with polishing their CV’s! great day at Ark John Keats Academy!

page 2 The Golden Quill NEWS International Music executive Turkish Mervyn Lyn visits school Culture Hugely successful local old boy gives inspiring talk about Enrichment his life and career in music Turkish Culture Sabaoth Kusende reports Enrichment is a On November 6th, 2019, wonderful experience; internationally famous music producer Mervyn Lyn visited our An opportunity to school. Mr Lyn used to study in the learn and have fun same building as Ark John Keats, but together. many years before it became AJK. Mr Lyn gave an inspiring assembly for Years 8 and 9. Afterwards, Business Mr Lyn stands proudly in the enrichment with Ms. Fasulo assembly hall before speaking. Words by Deniz Demir interviewed him. The Golden Quill Instead, he went on a four-year was present and recorded the apprenticeship in engineering with meeting. City and Guild. However, at the same Turkish Culture offers extra help time his music career started taking for pupils who are getting prepared Mr Lyn said that he used to come to off. school in the very same building: “ I for their Turkish GCSE exam: Year was so proud to come back to this Since then, music has taken him very 10 pupils help each other out all school to see how successful the far indeed. When asked, he recalls a the time and learn by playing fun pupils are”. Mr Lyn described a high career highlight as being when he sat games. During the Enrichment, point of his visit as being “helping the on the executive committee at Sony. everyone speaks in Turkish; This music GCSE students to think about This is a team of representatives from helps pupils to focus and get used different careers in their life.” all the divisions of Sony – gaming, to the language, as well as getting music, hardware, etcetera. This is a into the mindset for talking about rare event and does not happen very Turkish culture. This amazing “Back in the day, often. Mr Lyn remembers it enrichment is run by Mr Kebene happening only once, for the James who encourages the pupils never there were no courses Bond film. to give up, even if they are really “for me. But now, you struggling. need a degree”. In his career, Mr Lyn has met Skepta and Stormzy. But he is more excited The Golden Quill thinks that both by the music GCSE students at Ark pupils who are originally Turkish as ” John Keats Academy. Since he was in well as those who are just starting When Mr Lyn was in secondary school his brother took him into the school, there are now many more to discover Turkish culture will West End to buy albums. By the time options for getting a degree in enjoy this Enrichment: It is a great he was 16, he had 200 albums. He creative subjects: Mr Lyn’s son is opportunity to learn and develop had so many records that people currently at Leeds University doing for everyone. It’s also nice to have asked him to DJ. This is how he Music Production. Although he did an Enrichment activity as a sizeable became the local radio DJ. But when not go to university himself, Mr Lyn is proportion of the population of Ark he left school, there weren’t many very serious about the importance of John Keats students are Turkish. courses that he could do that would a good education: “Back in the day, Apart from Turkish Culture we also allow him to get a degree in his there were no courses for me. But have African Drumming for African chosen field (music). now, you need a degree”. Cultures.

page 3 The Golden Quill PILLAR DAY REPORT The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Year 8 pupils arrive at The Bridge Theatre

The script was also marvellous: The story had a strong sense of morality Pillar Day 2 sees Year and the actors made sure to include 8 visiting the Bridge the audience in the plot of the story by involving them in the action of Theatre, . the play.

Year 8 pupil Sharon Elochukwu said: Account by Liya Lameck “One of the best quotes of the play was, ‘Think of the mind like a parachute, it only works when it’s On the 29th of January, Year 8 had open’. During the long journey back the pleasure of experiencing the home, it gave me something to Theatre of Central London. Half of think about as the quote explores the year went to watch ‘The Lion, “Think of the mind some of our key AJK values such as The Witch and The Wardrobe’, whilst like a parachute, it tenacity and curiosity.” the other half watched ‘Wicked’. only works when Javon Luton (Y8) summarised the “ Before travelling to this trip, saying that; ‘It was amazing!’ it’s open.” unforgettable experience, year 8 were able to study the different When we arrived at the Bridge There were many little things roles in the theatre and see how Theatre to watch ‘The Lion Witch about the set design that similarly” they can contribute to such a and The Wardrobe’, many coloured added up to this being a magnificent performance. Hopefully lanterns were hung on the ceiling. tremendous theatrical experience. this will make those who think they They were all different sizes; The would like to closer they were to the audience the pursue a bigger they were, while closer career in the towards the stage the lanterns were theatre feel much smaller. This created a sense of more assured expanding the space in the theatre, about doing making it feel even bigger than it was so. already.

page 4 PILLAR DAY REPORT The Golden Quill Year 7 - Pillar Day 1 at the Tate Modern Unprecedented trip to Tate Modern meets with outstanding success

Sabaoth Kusende reports

Ark John Keats Academy has 5 Pillar days in each academic year: On Pillar Day, all students are off timetable and have a chance to explore different areas of learning. Year 7 pupils this year had the opportunity A view of Tate Modern from the north bank of the Thames to visit an amazing art gallery, The Tate Modern in Southwark, South London. This wonderful trip was organised by Mr Wang of the Art The trip was Department. enjoyable, I The journey towards the art gallery “ loved seeing was not too long but there were a lot of changes between the trains the arts. they had to get on. When all the ” groups arrived, they could go look around the museum in their groups. Created in 1936, this interesting art piece is an example of One notable art piece that many ‘Surrealistic’ art. The art piece groups talked about was ‘Autumnal intrigued the students as it was Cannibalism’ by Salvador Dali. not an ordinary work of art. All the art works in were distinct and Above: ‘Untitled’ by Rudolph Stingel inspiring, which led the pupils to understand that there is not a It was a long and tiring day for the single definition on what Art or an Year 7 pupils: However, the ‘artwork’ is. experience was fascinating and valuable. Roshelin Aslan told the One interactive art piece the Golden Quill, “The trip was pupils saw was a work of art enjoyable, I loved seeing the arts”. called ‘Untitled’ by Rudolf Stingel. Student Sabaoth Kusende mirrored her words, saying that: “It was Created in 1993, ‘Untitled’ is a pretty cool and I probably liked the wall covered with orange journey there and I also liked the art savannah custom coloured work we saw”. carpeting. The interesting thing about this piece was the fact you Year 7 are now particularly Above: ‘Autumnal Cannibalism’ by could write things on it and feel enthusiastic for the upcoming Pillar Salvador Dali the carpet. This was an unusual Day 3, to see what they will be creation but very entertaining. doing next!

All Images Copyright Tate Modern: Reproduced here with permission of Tate Learning page 5 The Golden Quill 6th FORM SPECIAL REPORT A History Trip to remember

Year 12 visit the former site of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp While not much remains of the Student Denise Mahir, who went on Krisjanis Jergenson reports physical buildings, you do get a the trip, said: “Visiting sense of the horror that occurred Bergen Belsen was a great there 80 years ago. As they walked opportunity to reflect on things we This February, four Year 12 pupils across the frozen ground where have learnt previously and see the from AJK, accompanied by Mr Howat once the camp had been, Mr Howat actual location of where these visited Bergen-Belsen, a World War 2- described the impact that everyone events took place. It is vital to focus era concentration camp in Germany. felt from being there: “It was on such sensitive topics like the This trip was organised by the powerful for me… We all learnt so Holocaust because it helps us see Holocaust Educational Trust as part of much from it and we can then pass what people have done incorrectly the 75th anniversary of the liberation it on to the future.” in the past so that we are able to of this concentration camp where This experience has been a reflect to make sure we don’t allow more than 50,000 Jewish people once in a life time opportunity, the same events from reoccurring”. were murdered by the Nazis. one which people shouldn’t take for granted Reflecting on the visit, Kardelen “ Kaya said that: “I believe that our The Golden Quill spoke with Mr Howat about the trip. Mr Howat said At the end of the day the students trip to Bergen-Belsen has allowed that this kind of trip is very important and Mr Howat paid homage to ” me to dive deeper into what the to understanding historical events, those who died in the camp: (Mr Holocaust was actually like, what because: “When you are at school or Howat) “We did a big memorial people went through during the even when you are teaching you have service where all students and wartime years in the camps, as well just got a number (of lives lost) on a teachers lit candles in memory of all as understanding that it could be screen; You can sometimes forget the victims of the Holocaust … We very difficult for people to talk about what that really means. When you were lighting the candles to from time to time. I know that this see the actual physical graves it really remember what happened and not experience has been a once in a life reminds you of just how horrific it let the Nazis wipe that out of time opportunity [and] one which is.” history”. people shouldn’t take for granted.” Rahul page 6 GOOD STUFF The Golden Quill Green Schools First Give Krisjanis Jergenson writes

Sustainability is the idea and practice of designing something that will last for a long time without causing pollution or harm to the environment. It might even make that environment richer. Everything can be sustainable (or ‘Green’) and schools are no exception. But what does a Green school look like? It was decided that there would be Some Green schools exist already in Year 8 students want to give a big fete (festival) where each form group could run their own the USA. In 2011 the U.S. Department back to the community of Education launched the ED-Green events designed to raise money for Ribbon Schools award program. In the their good cause. Each form came up with an activity that they could decade since, 60 organisations have Montel Osawe reports adopted the three pillars of the Green do to raise money for their charity. Ribbon programme. The three pillars – They used time during Character lessons after lunch to plan their or principles- include reducing First give is a social action for activities. was part of the Year 8 environmental impact, increasing charities: Whole year groups get fete. health and well-being and increasing involved in running events that raise environmental and sustainability money to support local charities. The fete was held on Wednesday, knowledge. Charities are groups who work doing 4th March. There were many acts of kindness and being generous activities, from baking to football. All schools already have the future in to people who need help. mind in terms of educating the citizens Different forms were raising money by doing a penalty shoot outs and of tomorrow (This is what school is all This year, the forms of Year 8 each bake sales, but there were many about!), but a Green School helps organised events to support one of more besides. All of these were students become masters of a four local charities: Noah's Ark designed to raise money for each healthier, cleaner, more sustainable Hospice, North Enfield Food Bank, form group’s chosen local charity. future. Green schools do this by Enfield Carers and All People All designing things like green energy Places. The charities came in to a Year 8 tutor Mr Moyser systems (For example, solar power and special assembly where they told the summarised the event with high wind energy) as well as permaculture Year 8 pupils about who they are and praise, saying that: “Year 8 (growing high quality food locally) in to what they do in the community. their lessons and their buildings. organised a wonderful event. Their effort in making cakes, organising Jordan tutor group in Year 8 chose to stalls and equipping sports donate any proceeds from their event Do you have an idea for what activities was exceptional. In my to Noah’s Ark Hospice. Noah’s Ark AJK would look like as a Green own tutor group, Ecuador, I was works with the families of children School? Make a drawing and particularly impressed at how and young people with life-limiting or give it to Mr Fulford by June 24th pupils could organise each other. life-threatening conditions in North There was a real sense of and Central London. teamwork and collaboration.” Best designs will be included in Summer edition of Golden Quill! page 7 The Golden Quill OPINION Books that made our Teachers: On the Art of Reading. ‘Brave New World’ tackles the issues Opinion by Yasmin Ghaly of handing over too much control to technology and, in the process, In the course of history, books have erasing the beauty in what makes been strongly definitive of the eras humanity so uniquely special. It in which they were written, helping depicts how valuing efficiency over subsequent generations envision emotion can lead to an increasingly how people in the past thought and inhumane and troubled society where behaved. Books are truly the people are considered more machine embodiment of a writer’s interests, than man. morals and values: a spiral of language detailing their views on Last and certainly not least we have topics and the way in which they Mr Moyser’s pick: 'Infinite Jest' by communicate those. But is the same Second is David Foster Wallace. This book has true for a book’s readers? Ms Hariz’s been recognised for its choice: unconventional writing style, earning None other itself the honorary epithet of Books supply an than John "encyclopaedic novel". It is a book endless love for human O’Farrell’s filled with extremely strange characters and abnormal life; It is a wonderful witty circumstances that, because they are “ feeling when one feels 'An Utterly Impartial History of Britain so foreign, strike the reader as being (Or 2000 Years of Upper-Class Idiots understood by words ridiculously amusing. On a deeper in Charge)’. Those who value a little on a page. level, however, this book tackles comedy with their history are sure to themes of deep melancholy and revel in the charming content in this often deals with miserable topics. ” work of non-fiction. Ms Hariz says the This Spring Term, Ms Kearns book is “History, yet it's hilarious and Though the teacher’s books differ in (English Department) put up a new it never fails to make me laugh”, many ways- from genre to plot to display entitled ‘Teachers Favourite disproving those who might think of general atmosphere- each share one Books’. On it are pictures of several history as a ‘dry’ subject! teachers taken with their favourite thing in common: They are equally book. Each teacher also wrote a good fun to read. Books supply an small piece of text describing why endless love for human life; It is a they have chosen that particular wonderful feeling when one feels book. The Golden Quill thought this understood by words on a page. Yet was worth of closer scrutiny, to see an even more marvellous feat occurs Third, we when those mere letters have the if we could tease out any deeper have Mr meaning or significance in teacher’s power to change someone’s values Jesnick’s and whole approach to life. choices. choice, 'White Teeth' by First up is Mr Wang of the Art In times such as these, there truly is Zadie Smith. nothing as comforting and enriching department. Mr Wang chose 'Brave ‘White Teeth’ is an intimate and New World'. This is a dystopian as sitting down with a good book and humorous novel following the lives of sparing the necessary moments to novel- ‘Dystopian’ means that the Archie and his companion Samad. But book is about an imaginary place or read the wonders at your very it is also a deeply important fingertips. society where things are bad. exploration of Britain's relationships with formerly colonised countries. page 8 The Golden Quill SPORT NETBALL REPORT

I think it was the pep talk Ms “ Khemchand gave us during half time that gave us the strength, confidence and ‘oomph’ to score 15 goals in the final 30 minutes ” Maysa Garci & Jasmine Somers report

Ark John Keats rose to success after they beat Oasis Hadley 15-0 in a netball match on October 16th 2019. The Year 8 Netball team found a winning formula with Liya Lameck and Jasmine Somers alternating between playing goal shooter and goal attack. Jada Bongomin played goal keeper while Maysa Garci performed in wing defence.

Issaacha Boatswain played a solid wing attack, switching later in the game with Kali Thomas to play centre. Jasmine Percival played a rock- hard goal defence.

Teams warmed up at 4pm. At first, it was a hard match, with both teams at a tight 0-0 by mid game. But the netball team found their feet in the second half of the game. Year 8 pupil Maysa Garci said that: “I think it was the pep talk Ms Khemchand gave us during half time that gave us the strength, confidence and ‘oomph’ to score 15 goals in the final 30 minutes”.

This decisive victory has definitely given the Ark John Keats netball team the confidence and the will power to be at the top of the junior league. The Golden Quill looks forwards to future reports on their progress!

page 9