75 People Donate Blood at KPAQ's Medical Camp

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75 People Donate Blood at KPAQ's Medical Camp Nation Saturday, December 13, 2020 05 QU hosts 2nd virtual 75 people donate blood Academic Excellence Week Fall 2020 at KPAQ’s medical camp Foundation Program TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK dents innovative high-quality DOHA opportunities. Dr. Al-Awah also thanked the Academic QATAR University’s (QU) Excellence and Professional Foundation Program, under Development Committee of the Deanship of General Stud- the Foundation Program at ies, recently organised its ‘2nd Qatar University for their Virtual Academic Excellence valuable efforts in organising Week’ via the Microsoft Teams this event. platform. During the three-day The aim was to exchange event, the speakers discussed the expertise and good edu- recent developments in ELT cational practices of English research and presented and Language Teaching (ELT) in shared various ideas, experi- the context of the COVID-19 ences and research outcomes pandemic. The event included aimed at achieving learning training workshops focusing outcomes strategies and fur- on innovative methods of ex- ther enhancing student en- Vanimel. respectively. cellence that enhance online gagement in virtual learning General Secretary Gafoor Dr Mohammed Russell teaching and learning, with contexts. David Nunan, Pro- Calicut delivered the welcome from HMC, Shameer KP and the participation of research- fessor Emeritus of Applied TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK Al Rabeeh Medical Centre’s Al were given free medicines as address. Mohammad Arif from Raviputhukudi led the blood- ers and experts from local and Linguistics at the University DOHA Wakrah Branch recently. well as a cholesterol level test, Naseem Al Rabeh Health Care donation camp. international universities, and of Hong Kong and one of the The camp was held to pro- blood-sugar test and flu vaccine. and Rauf Kondotty, a social Naseem Healthcare’s me- the participation of more than most distinguished educa- KOZHIKODE jilla Pravassi As- vide relief to those suffering from As many as 75 people do- worker, spoke on the occasion. mentos were handed over to 500 ELT faculty, teachers and tors in the world, presented sociation Qatar (KPAQ), in col- various health problems dur- nated blood in the camp. During the ceremony, Vasu Mohammad Arif, Dr Moham- specialists inside and outside the opening session and the laboration with Naseem Al Ra- ing the time of COVID-19 pan- Indian Community Benevo- Vanimel and KPAQ Women’s mad Russell, Dr Somasunda- Qatar. pioneer of student-based beeh Healthcare and Hamad demic, and included medical lent Forum (ICBF) President P Wing Convener Femi Ga- ram, Vasu Vanimel, Riyaz In line with Qatar Vi- learning in the 1970s. In the Medical Corporation (HMC), or- examinations by ENT, dental, N Baburajan inaugurated the foor handed over KPAQ Pre- Khan and PN Babu Raj. Abdul sion 2030, the Director of lecture, Professor Nunan dis- ganised a blood donation camp peadiatrics, internal medicine camp at a function presided mier Memberships to Dr So- Rahim P K proposed the vote the Foundation Program cussed this kind of learning and medical camp at Naseem and eye specialists. Participants over by KPAQ President Vasu masundaram and Dr Reena, of thanks. (FP), Dr. Hezam Al-Awah, and shared exciting insights pointed out that the event is from his own experiences considered to be one of the about the difficulties experi- most important activities enced by learners in different that the FP periodically holds educational settings and from for its faculty members and diverse cultural backgrounds. Qatar SportsTech concludes third the wider English language Several internationally rec- teaching community. He ognised speakers from Qatar, also stressed the importance the USA, Australia, Finland of such professional devel- and Hong Kong have mostly cohort of its Accelerator Program opment opportunities for spoken English to speakers of faculty members to further other languages in the field of TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK fan engagement apps, and e- cated mentors, QST has success- enhance their knowledge of teaching (TESOL). (TESOL). DOHA sport talent development and fully accelerated a new batch of new academic content and The event covered topics as management among many oth- sportech talents, to join a myriad enhance their teaching tech- diverse as the revised learner- QATAR SportsTech (QST), a ers. of other startups who have al- niques. He added that the centered approach, sustaina- leading start-up accelerator Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al Man- ready started registering growth participation of faculty mem- bility in distance learning, how and hub for innovative sports nai, Executive Director of Advi- and increasing their revenues in bers in such events demon- to increase student engage- technology companies, has an- sory & Incubation at QDB, said: Qatar”. strates the commitment of ment online, and the individu- nounced the completion of the “QST’s third cohort will play a Collectively, the third cohort Qatar University to offer its al vs. institutional response to third cohort of its accelerator vital role in supporting Qatar on has raised almost USD 6 mil- faculty members and stu- current educational needs. programme. QST’s intensive its path to positioning itself as a lion in funding and is currently three-month Accelerator Pro- leading sports hub globally. In- in late-stage talks with a myriad gram supported 10 innovative novative sportstech startups that of local QST partners to run pilot start-ups to accelerate their are bold enough to make a dif- tests and test their technologies. growth in order to further de- ference will reap significant ben- The pioneers will join another velop their solutions in the in- accelerated startups also had To celebrate the third co- efits from QST’s Accelerator Pro- 20 QST Accelerator alumni who dustry, in line with QST’s vision the opportunity to work closely hort, QST will hold the final gram, including access to a global have already raised significant to be a catalyst for reshaping with key players driving Qatar’s Demo Day on 14 December network of investors, as well as investments and worked with in- sports technology in the region sports and entrepreneurial eco- 2020 where each of the 10 start- many incentives to register their ternational brands and organisa- and beyond. systems, including QST’s found- ups will showcase their innova- company with 100 percent For- tions to accelerate their growth. The selected startups had ing partner, Qatar Development tions to QST’s partners and the eign ownership in Qatar.” The Demo Day will be broadcast the opportunity to engage in Bank (QDB), as well as strategic global mentoring and investor Heba Qadri Almasri, Man- live to the public at 9 AM Doha specialised workshops hosted partners including Startupboot- network. This cohort’s ground- aging Director of QST, also said: Time on Monday, 14 December by international experts; one- camp (SBC), Supreme Com- breaking innovations cover the “Despite these unprecedented 2020. Anyone wishing to at- on-one mentoring sessions with mittee for Delivery & Legacy most disruptive technologies, times and the current challenges tend is welcome to register here: more than 100 industry spe- (SC), Qatar Stars League (QSL), including coach-player wireless faced globally, we are proud of http:/qst-demo-day-2020. cialists as well as partners and beIN Media Group (beIN), MBK communication, drone and AI this cohort’s determination and eventbrite.com/ receive mentor support from Holding, Qatar Financial Centre remote health monitoring, vir- dedication, as well as the high Qatar SportsTech is a QDB, world-class professionals and (QFC), Aspire Zone Foundation tual reality fitness gaming plat- caliber of innovations they pre- powered by SBC, supported by global leaders in sportstech. (Aspire), and the Ministry of forms, gym and fitness tracking, sented. With support from our SC, QSL, beIN, MBK Holding, During the programme, the Commerce & Industry (MoCI) broadcast platforms and mobile esteemed partners and dedi- QFC, Aspire and MoCI. A snapshot taken during the ‘2nd Virtual Academic Excellence Week’ La Cigale Hotel set to mark Qatar National Day with special offers LA Cigale Hotel, Managed by Accor is and pastries, known for its 70 types of planning an irresistible line-up of spe- chocolates and 180 selections of arti- cially crafted experiences to commemo- san cheese, will be offering Qatar Na- rate Qatar National Day (QND) 2020. tional Day hampers, perfect for gifts to On the occasion of Qatar National Day embrace the feeling of togetherness on 2020, guests will be welcomed all day- this auspicious day. long with Arabic coffee and dates served Aurelio Giraudo, cluster general by colleagues donning traditional attire manager of Banyan Tree Doha At La to honour the day and showcase the Cigale Mushaireb and La Cigale Hotel FBQ Museum to mark true Qatari hospitality. Managed by Accor, said: “We are very A number of activities are also proud to celebrate Qatar National Day QND 2020 with special planned to showcase the rich cul- this year as part of Accor Group. We tural heritage and cuisine of Qatar have a strong commitment to Qatar and heritage tour, art expo as Orangery Café Trottoir, the ideal we will always be part of this great na- location for a relaxing gathering tion, honouring its values and traditions TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK learn more about the rich Qa- with an option of an alfresco and in- and contributing to achieving its vision. DOHA tari culture. door seating, is offering a special ala We are looking forward to welcoming The programme will be carte menu featuring Qatari delica- our guests to join our celebrations.” AS part of the Qatar National from 3pm to 5pm on Decem- cies from December 11 to 19, includ- La Cigale Hotel, Managed by Ac- Day (QND) 2020 celebra- ber 18, and from 10.30am to ing grilled chicken with kabsa, slow cor, features 225 rooms and suites, tions, Sheikh Faisal Bin Qas- 12pm and 3pm to 5pm on De- cooked lamb shank thareed and sea- five well-appointed meeting rooms, sim Al Thani Museum (FBQ cember 19.
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