November 14, 2018 Board of Education Meeting

Addendum to Agenda Item: E-051 Food Service Studies Update

• 2017 6-12 Student Survey – Results and Comments • GPS Parent Middle School Food Service Survey Fall 2017 Results with • Comments GPS Parent High School Food service Survey Fall 2017 • Results with Comments 2017 K-5 Parent Survey Results and Comments

[Submission Date] Grade 6-12 Student Survey

Survey Title: Food Student 6-12 Report Type: Bar Graph Language: All

Start Date :24-Mar-17

End Date :7-Apr-17

Sent :28

Delivered :25

Bounced : 3

Completed :2,127

Unique Access Rate :4.00%

Incomplete :0

Incomplete Incl. in Report :0

Q1. Which school do you attend?

Responses Responses %

Central Middle School 314 14.76%

Eastern Middle School 654 30.75%

Western Middle School 506 23.79%

Greenwich High School 653 30.70%

(Did not answer) 0 0.00% Total Responses 2127

Q2. What grade are you in?

Responses Responses %

6 385 18.10%

7 534 25.11%

8 555 26.09%

9 196 9.21%

10 220 10.34%

11 122 5.74%

12 115 5.41%

(Did not answer) 0 0.00% Total Responses 2127

Q3. In general how often do you eat school lunch?

Responses Responses %

Once per week 310 14.57%

2-3 times per week 337 15.84%

4-5 times per week 693 32.58%

I never eat the school lunch 787 37.00%

(Did not answer) 0 0.00% Total Responses 2127

Q4. If you indicated you never eat school lunch, please tell us why you don't. Choose all that apply.

Responses Responses %

I don't like the menu choices 579 27.22%

I bring lunch from home 809 38.03%

The lines are too long 423 19.89%

I don't normally eat lunch 78 3.67%

There isn't enough variety to choose from 290 13.63%

The price is too expensive 259 12.18%

Other (Please specify) 314 14.76%

(Did not answer) 962 45.23% Total Responses 3714 Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q5. Do you have any dietary restrictions? Check all that apply:

Responses Responses %

Nut Allergies 134 6.30%

Other Allergies; Wheat, Dairy, Soy, etc 73 3.43%

Vegetarian 68 3.20%

Vegan 35 1.65%

Gluten Free 42 1.97%

Pescetarian 14 0.66%

None 1784 83.87%

Other (Please specify) 95 4.47%

(Did not answer) 0 0.00% Total Responses 2245 Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q6. If you have a dietary restriction, do you feel the food options are enough?

Responses Responses %

Yes 382 17.96%

No 567 26.66%

(Did not answer) 1178 55.38% Total Responses 2127

7(a) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: The quality of food options Answer Responses Value % Excellent 109 NULL 5.12% Good 449 NULL 21.11% Average 816 NULL 38.36% Below Average 425 NULL 19.98% Poor 328 NULL 15.42% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127

7(b) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: The variety of food options Answer Responses Value % Excellent 148 NULL 6.96% Good 529 NULL 24.87% Average 832 NULL 39.12% Below Average 393 NULL 18.48% Poor 225 NULL 10.58% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127

7(c) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: The appearance of food offered Answer Responses Value % Excellent 106 NULL 4.98% Good 387 NULL 18.19% Average 737 NULL 34.65% Below Average 525 NULL 24.68% Poor 372 NULL 17.49% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127

7(d) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: The price of food offered Answer Responses Value % Excellent 177 NULL 8.32% Good 451 NULL 21.20% Average 755 NULL 35.50% Below Average 405 NULL 19.04% Poor 339 NULL 15.94% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127

7(e) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: Friendliness/helpfulness of food service staff Answer Responses Value % Excellent 541 NULL 25.43% Good 606 NULL 28.49% Average 622 NULL 29.24% Below Average 215 NULL 10.11% Poor 143 NULL 6.72% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127

7(f) : Please check the best answer to the following about your school lunch program by using the following scale:: The amount of time to eat lunch Answer Responses Value % Excellent 135 NULL 6.35% Good 380 NULL 17.87% Average 578 NULL 27.17% Below Average 491 NULL 23.08% Poor 543 NULL 25.53% (Did not answer) 0 NULL 0.00% Weighted Score : 0 Total Responses 2127 Q8. Which improvements would you like to see? Check all that apply.

Responses Responses %

Organic fruits and vegetables 1113 52.33%

Free range, grass fed and/or organic meats 867 40.76%

More allergy friendly/gluten free choices 456 21.44% Healthier options (less cookies, ice cream, chips) 746 35.07%

Less fried options 647 30.42%

Other (Please specify) 469 22.05%

(Did not answer) 331 15.56% Total Responses 4629 Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q.4 Other (6-12)-305

Other (Please specify):Well some of the food is good but some of it is bad but I really only eat school lunch when either me or my parents don't have enough time to make it Other (Please specify):We need higher quality food. With the tacos I have been aware that their has been too much fat which is not good for my body. Higher quality food is better for me. Other (Please specify):Way too expensive. Other (Please specify):Very Unhealthy. The healthy choices are limited Other (Please specify):Vegetarian options lacking Other (Please specify):Too little food for such a long time. Other (Please specify):They take to long to serve the food Other (Please specify):they don't taste very good and they look a little more unhealthy then from what I bring Other (Please specify):There isn't any healthy food in the cafetria Other (Please specify):There are not nearly enough vegetarian/vegan options. Other (Please specify):There are not enough healthy choices for my diet. Other (Please specify):There are no vegan Other (Please specify):Their lunches are terrible like barf worthy. Other (Please specify):The taste is not great Other (Please specify):The stuff that they make is pretty nasty Other (Please specify):The quality of the food is terrible. Other (Please specify):the quality of the food is terrible Other (Please specify):The quality of the food is poor and many times there is no more lunch by the time i get to my turn in the line. Other (Please specify):The quality of the food is not good Other (Please specify):The quality isn't good/the taste Other (Please specify):the options are too unhealthy and the healthy foods dont taste fresh or good. The pasta and soups are also always too oily. Other (Please specify):The options are not very healthy, and they taste bad Other (Please specify):The options are not healthy Other (Please specify):The menu choices are very limited Other (Please specify):the lunches are unhealthy and not realistic for every child. Other (Please specify):The lunch room is noisy. Other (Please specify):The Lunch is terrible Other (Please specify):The line is so long because the lunch lady that serves out lunch takes so long. Other (Please specify):the foods do not seem organic. Other (Please specify):The foods do not look organic or fresh Other (Please specify):The food they serve doesn't seem to appetizing. Some of my friends that do buy lunch only buy like chips or fruit cups, and a water bottle or switch. Other (Please specify):The food tastes horrible. Other (Please specify):The food tastes bad Other (Please specify):The food Tastes bad Other (Please specify):the food taste like vomit and makes me gag every time i eat it I'll never buy lunch again I give the school a -20 stars on rate my school Other (Please specify):The food taste awful and can't really be called real 'food.' I think that more healthy items that use real ingredients should be added. Other (Please specify):The food looks really bad Other (Please specify):The food looks like it has been sitting out for days. Other (Please specify):the food looks gross, someone found a ladybug in the salad. Other (Please specify):The food looks gross Other (Please specify):The Food looks and tastes disguisgting Other (Please specify):The food looks and sometimes tastes disgusting Other (Please specify):The food isn't very healthy Other (Please specify):The food isn't very good Other (Please specify):The food isnt really good Other (Please specify):The food isn't real. It's cardboard. Other (Please specify):The food isn't pleasing. When I don't bring lunch from home, I get chips and water because that is what looks good. Other (Please specify):The food isn't healthy Other (Please specify):The food isnt good. Other (Please specify):The food isn't good quality Other (Please specify):the food isn't good or healthy Other (Please specify):The food isn't good for you, and most of the time it doesn't taste good. Other (Please specify):The food isnt good and the milk taste expired Other (Please specify):The food isn't good Other (Please specify):The food isn't desirable or appealing to eat Other (Please specify):The food isn't appealing Other (Please specify):The food isnt always the best. Other (Please specify):The food is very unhealthy Other (Please specify):The food is very low quality Other (Please specify):The food is unhealthy and tastes bad. Other (Please specify):The food is trashhhhh Other (Please specify):The food is too unhealthy. Other (Please specify):The food is to oily, and unhealthy. Other (Please specify):The Food is Terrible. It is scary. Other (Please specify):the food is teribale butt I still have to eat it because I cant bring food from home Other (Please specify):The food is really bad, and I have gotten expired milk on more than one occasion Other (Please specify):The food is really bad Other (Please specify):The food is of the least priority of the school, and it has come to my attention that the "food" served by our lunching staff is being used over and over again. I am fully aware that there are only 7 different lunch options that the school orders, but i can assure you that no child is wanting to eat leftovers from over a week and a half ago any time soon. Please, do us all a favor and start everything from scratch. This would lead to an increase in productivity and overall happiness around our filthy campus. Sincerely, STUDENT OF PASSION Other (Please specify):The food is not very good. Other (Please specify):the food is not the best Other (Please specify):the food is not that great Other (Please specify):The food is not nutrious and most is mostly frozen which takes out the nutrionus. Other (Please specify):the food is not nice Other (Please specify):The food is not healthy and beneficial; the actual quality of the food is not preferred. Other (Please specify):The food is not good. Other (Please specify):the food is not good Other (Please specify):the food is not good Other (Please specify):the food is not good Other (Please specify):the food is not good Other (Please specify):The food is not good Other (Please specify):The food is nasty. Other (Please specify):the food is known to be unhealthy Other (Please specify):The food is horrible. I've tried it and it was one of the worst things I have ever tasted. You are charging way too much for school lunch. I once had a HAIR in my sub. The luteus was sour and tastes horrible. The food goes down like a rock. The lines are way too long for what it is. It is very unhealthy and nasty. I don't think I will ever buy school lunch unless there is changes. Other (Please specify):The food is gross. Other (Please specify):The food is gross and unhealthy. Other (Please specify):The food is gross and does not taste real. Other (Please specify):The food is gross and disgusting. I can barely even look at it without gagging. Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):the food is gross Other (Please specify):The food is gross Other (Please specify):the food is garbage Other (Please specify):the food is fine its not great but i still buy it. Other (Please specify):The food is disgustiung. Other (Please specify):The food is disgusting. It is very oily. Other (Please specify):THE FOOD IS DISGUSTING, its not real Other (Please specify):the food is disgusting, and the food is fake Other (Please specify):the food is disgusting and not that healthy Other (Please specify):The food is disgusting Other (Please specify):The food is cheap and processed junk and I hate it all. Other (Please specify):The food is bunz Other (Please specify):The food is bad tasting Other (Please specify):The food is bad Other (Please specify):The food is bad Other (Please specify):the food is bad Other (Please specify):the food is bad Other (Please specify):The food is bad Other (Please specify):The food is always either over cooked or under cooked, and tastes bad. Other (Please specify):the food is abousltely gross and It just dosnt feel santary Other (Please specify):The food here is fine I just prefer my food from home. Other (Please specify):the food doesn't taste good and sometimes there is hair in the food Other (Please specify):The food doesn't taste good and is always very oily and greasy Other (Please specify):the food doesn't look good, and when my friends let me try some they don't taste the best Other (Please specify):the food doesn't look good Other (Please specify):The food doesn't look appealing and healthy Other (Please specify):the food doesn't look appealing Other (Please specify):The food does not taste good in my mouth. Other (Please specify):the food does not taste good Other (Please specify):The food does not look very appetizing Other (Please specify):The food does not look clean and appetizing. Other (Please specify):The food does not look appealing Other (Please specify):The cheap food is unhealty, and the expensive food is healthy Other (Please specify):Tastes bad Other (Please specify):taste Other (Please specify):Special Needs Student Other (Please specify):sometimes they have food that I dont like which is why I dont buy alot because i dont know what is there to eat untill it is to late. Other (Please specify):Sometimes I don't eat lunch because I don't like the menu choices and sometimes the food look likes that it was stored in a freezer than just put in the microwave. Other (Please specify):sometimes bring lunch from home. Other (Please specify):Some things are disgusting Other (Please specify):Some taste bad Other (Please specify):Some of the food is unhealthy and nasty Other (Please specify):some I am not hungry Other (Please specify):School lunch is absolutely disgusting, it's disrespectful to give people the food that they are serving. On top of that the lunch ladies have bad attitudes. Other (Please specify):School luches are always really clumpy and look very distgusting. When eating a lunch food that includes "meat" it is not cooked well, it's really pink and hard. Other (Please specify):saving money Other (Please specify):price is too expensive for the quality of the food. Other (Please specify):Portion sizes become smaller every time but still more expensive Other (Please specify):People Cut the Line Other (Please specify):opens Other (Please specify):Not very healthy Other (Please specify):not very good or healthy Other (Please specify):Not satisfying. Other (Please specify):not healthy not even real food Other (Please specify):Not healthy and I am all organic Other (Please specify):not healthy Other (Please specify):Not healthy Other (Please specify):Not enough glutenfree choices. Other (Please specify):not allergy friendly Other (Please specify):Not all of the food is good. Other (Please specify):none of it tastes that good and doesn't seem real Other (Please specify):no superb food Other (Please specify):No healthy food Other (Please specify):Never have money Other (Please specify):My mother doesn't like it, I think it's unhealthy, Though sometimes I'll eat a snack Other (Please specify):my mom doesn't trust the school food. she just wants to keep me safe, so that's why i bring lunch from home. Other (Please specify):my mom can make more food choices from home Other (Please specify):my mom always makes my lunch so i don't need to buy lunch Other (Please specify):most things don't taste real like you would eat outside of school Other (Please specify):most of the like the food just isn't good Other (Please specify):Maybe some better qualtiy food would be nice. Other (Please specify):majority are unhealthy choices Other (Please specify):Lunch is very unhealthy and not good for me, or anyone. Other (Please specify):Looks nasty Other (Please specify):Last year at elementary school the lunch was not good so I do not want to try middle school lunch Other (Please specify):Lack of organic, high quality options Other (Please specify):IT'S TRASH Other (Please specify):Its Trash Other (Please specify):Its terrible. maby if you spent more time like the high school it wouldn't be soo bad. Other (Please specify):its not that good Other (Please specify):It's not healthy for someone to eat. It's not organic. Other (Please specify):It's not healthy Other (Please specify):It's not healthy Other (Please specify):Its not healthy Other (Please specify):It's not good Other (Please specify):its kinda gross Other (Please specify):its horible and cheap i rather have mc donalds Other (Please specify):It's gross. Other (Please specify):its gross Other (Please specify):its gross Other (Please specify):its gross Other (Please specify):Its fake and somethings taste good but not like the or chicken so thats why i dont buy lunch Other (Please specify):It's discusting Other (Please specify):its bad Other (Please specify):Its awful except the icecream Other (Please specify):It tastes strange Other (Please specify):It tastes like my younger brother made it Other (Please specify):It tastes like garbage, except dominos Other (Please specify):It tastes bad Other (Please specify):It tastes bad Other (Please specify):It tastes bad Other (Please specify):It sucks Other (Please specify):It looks gross Other (Please specify):It looks gross Other (Please specify):It looks disgusting. Other (Please specify):It isn't fresh Other (Please specify):It is very unhealthy. Other (Please specify):It is really fat Other (Please specify):It is not super healthy Other (Please specify):It is not healthy enough Other (Please specify):It is not good quality food. Other (Please specify):It is gross, my friends and I have all found hair in our food Other (Please specify):it doesn't taste good Other (Please specify):it doesn't taste good Other (Please specify):It doesn't seem to taste right. Other (Please specify):It doesn't really taste the best either. Other (Please specify):It doesn't look that good Other (Please specify):It doesn't look good Other (Please specify):It does not look appealing Other (Please specify):It is nasty Other (Please specify):In my opinon, the food is unappetizing and it looks gross. I think it doesn't look good, and the ingredients look unhealthy and unnatural. Other (Please specify):In my opinon the food is bad becuase once i found a piece of glass when i was in 6th grade in my lunch so i never eat lunch from school. Other (Please specify):In my opinion, the food is very gross. Other (Please specify):In Italy they get gourmet lunches and we get greasy bad lunches that is provided by our school. It very unfair and it's really awaist of money becuase i could just bring lunch from home that I might have bought all together at stop and shop for the same price but even better.. Other (Please specify):I'm too lazy to get in line. Other (Please specify):I'm scared of school lunch because I think it will get me sick Other (Please specify):im never hungry at school Other (Please specify):i'm going to be honest the food is trash except for the pretzels cookys and occasionally peanut butter and jelly Other (Please specify):if you have 4th lunch a lot of options are gone (sold-out) Other (Please specify):I want better things for vegetarians. Other (Please specify):I usually just get snacks Other (Please specify):I usually have open lunch block so i go home Other (Please specify):I think that the choices are not healthy. Other (Please specify):I sometimes eat the pretzels but they are not very healthy Other (Please specify):I prefer lunch from home, school lunch doesn't look very good. Other (Please specify):I only sometimes get snacks Other (Please specify):I only eat the soft pretsels Other (Please specify):I only eat salad from school Other (Please specify):I like the snacks, but it costs one dollar for a bag of chips?!?! Other (Please specify):I like sertain foods they make. Other (Please specify):i like my mom's food better Other (Please specify):I like healthier food Other (Please specify):I just prefer my own lunch Other (Please specify):I hear that some of the food is disgusting. Other (Please specify):I have noticed from other kids eating lunches, that the food can often be low quality. I've even had friends who throw the main part of their lunch away because they find the food slightly sickening Other (Please specify):I have eaten school lunch before and it is no that appetising Other (Please specify):I have braces and I can't eat certain foods. Also I have acid reflects and they serve foods like pizza and fries everyday and I can't eat so much of that every day. Other (Please specify):I have an allergy and there are not any gluten free options Other (Please specify):I have allergies Other (Please specify):I go out for lunch Other (Please specify):I found hair in my food over 4 times Other (Please specify):I FOUND A HAIR IN MY FOOD MULTIPLE TIMES Other (Please specify):I feel that the quality of the food there isn't quite as good as the food I bring. Other (Please specify):I eat sometimes at school. I think that we need to have healthier food, sometimes I am really hungry and I have to eat a bunch of junk food. Other (Please specify):I eat school lunch. Other (Please specify):I eat school lunch Other (Please specify):I eat school lunch Other (Please specify):I eat school food everyday. Other (Please specify):I eat lunch. Other (Please specify):I eat lunch everyday Other (Please specify):I dont think that it is healthy Other (Please specify):I don't really trust some of the choices Other (Please specify):I don't like the way it tastes. Other (Please specify):I don't like the food. Other (Please specify):I don't like the food Other (Please specify):I don't like the food Other (Please specify):I don't like the food Other (Please specify):I don't like how the food tastes and also theres alot of people that have found hair in there food Other (Please specify):I don't know where the food comes from. Where the meat is from, whether it's organic, and whether the fruit was grown around pesticides. Other (Please specify):I don't eat school lunch because with my past experience with school lunch, I found it unhealthy and tasting bad. I would much rather bring lunch and know what's in it than eat a mystery food in the cafeteria. Other (Please specify):I don't eat meat and sometimes they don't have meatless options Other (Please specify):I don't eat lunch Other (Please specify):I don't eat during lunch time. Other (Please specify):i dont because its not healthy and im not hugry early in the morning Other (Please specify):I do not like the food Other (Please specify):I do not like the food Other (Please specify):I do eat school lunch, but about once in a month Other (Please specify):i do eat Other (Please specify):i do Other (Please specify):I am lactose intolerant and when you get lunch the only free drink option is Milk and I cant have that. I only have enough to pay for lunch only because it is so expiensive, and if I want something to drink I am out of luck. Other (Please specify):I am a vegetarian and there are basically NO vegetarian options, ESPECIALLY when the salad bar is closed! I have to eat a bag of CHIPS for lunch! Other (Please specify):I am a picky eater Other (Please specify):Healthier foods Other (Please specify):gluten free Other (Please specify):Food tastes bad Other (Please specify):Food isn't too good Other (Please specify):Food isn't the best quality Other (Please specify):food isent good Other (Please specify):Food is unhealthy/bad quality Other (Please specify):food is bad Other (Please specify):food is bad Other (Please specify):Everything is gross Other (Please specify):Everything costs so much. Cones last year were 2 bucks now they are 2.75 Other (Please specify):Even though I buy, the lines are way to long and it takes me 15 mins to get my lunch. Other (Please specify):Even if I do like the menue the food isn't that good Other (Please specify):Eat lunch at school Other (Please specify):Don't like the food Other (Please specify):does not look appealing Other (Please specify):chunky milk Other (Please specify):Celiac Disease Other (Please specify):Bosco Sticks are the greatest thing ever invented. Other (Please specify):Better tasting food Other (Please specify):Because I find the food gross and I found a hair in it once Other (Please specify):Because I do not think that it is that healthy Other (Please specify):Bad Food Other (Please specify):And sometimes there are weird tasting food so I cant really eat the food. Other (Please specify):also, all of the choices are junk food and unhealthy Other (Please specify):Allergy (gluten free) Other (Please specify):Allergies Other (Please specify):allergies Other (Please specify):All the foods are very bad and greasy. For its food quality it is also very overpriced adults need tor change the school lunches Other (Please specify):all the food is disgusting Other (Please specify):all the food has at least something I don't like (for example, )

Frequent Words: Negative connotation Bad 32 Healthy 52 Gross 26 Quality 18 Good 49 Disgusting 14 Taste 43 Like 31 Choice 10

Q.5 Other – (6-12)

Other (Please specify):tropical fruit Other (Please specify):Sugar Free Other (Please specify):Some lagooms Other (Please specify):Some fruits like peach apples cherries pear mango etc... Other (Please specify):Shrimp, Crab, Squid, Other (Please specify):shrimp Other (Please specify):shellfish and shrimp Other (Please specify):Shellfish Other (Please specify):shellfish Other (Please specify):SeaFood Other (Please specify):Raw cooking flower (can eat when cooked) Other (Please specify):Pork Other (Please specify):Poppyseed and Shellfish Allergies Other (Please specify):popcorn, cheese, chicken, pasta Other (Please specify):popcorn Other (Please specify):Pollen, I have a reaction (not allergic though) to salt water. Other (Please specify):Pineapple Other (Please specify):Pesce Pescetarian Other (Please specify):penisilen Other (Please specify):Organic foods (meats especially). Other (Please specify):Only peanut allergy Other (Please specify):Non- GMO Other (Please specify):No pork Other (Please specify):No Pork Other (Please specify):No fish Other (Please specify):no added sugar Other (Please specify):No Other (Please specify):My sister is allergic to nuts and I never eat them because of that. Other (Please specify):Mango Other (Please specify):Mango Other (Please specify):Legumes Other (Please specify):lactoseintolerant Other (Please specify):lactose intollerant Other (Please specify):Lactose Intolerant Other (Please specify):lactose intolerant Other (Please specify):LACTOSE INTOLERANT Other (Please specify):Lactose Intolerance Other (Please specify):lactose Other (Please specify):Kosher style Other (Please specify):I'm on a Diet because i'm fat Other (Please specify):Im allergic to vegetables Other (Please specify):Im allergic to cats. Other (Please specify):I want fresh food. Other (Please specify):I used to have an allergy to dairy, wheat, and eggs Other (Please specify):I used to be severley allergic to SOY Other (Please specify):I think medicine. Other (Please specify):I keep kosher so I can't have meat outside of the house because it's not kosher. Other (Please specify):I have noticed that vegans tend to overdose on their daily "anger." Other (Please specify):I have acid reflects I don't know if that counts. Other (Please specify):i have a dietary restriction to gross food Other (Please specify):I don't like to eat things that are processed Other (Please specify):I don't like eating such junky food Other (Please specify):I don't have any Other (Please specify):I dont eat pork Other (Please specify):I cant eat avacodos and clams Other (Please specify):I can not eat fruit like pears and apples Other (Please specify):I am very picky Other (Please specify):I am lactose intolerant, but I still eat dairy products and live with the pain. Other (Please specify):I am fat Other (Please specify):I am allergic to fake food Other (Please specify):Halal Other (Please specify):Ginger and Molasses allergies Other (Please specify):fruit allergies Other (Please specify):food sensitivity to peanuts Other (Please specify):fish,eggs,vannila bean, soy, dairy, Other (Please specify):Fish allergy Other (Please specify):fish alergies Other (Please specify):Fish Other (Please specify):fish Other (Please specify):Fire Other (Please specify):eggs,seafood,strawberries,sellery,sesemie seeds Other (Please specify):Digestive problems Other (Please specify):dick Other (Please specify):Dairy Other (Please specify):corn Other (Please specify):Coconut Other (Please specify):citrus fruits Other (Please specify):chicken, turkey, peas Other (Please specify):CHEESE Other (Please specify):Can't eat meat on Fridays Other (Please specify):Bacon isnt allowed in our religion. Other (Please specify):Apples Other (Please specify):apple and apple family Other (Please specify):Anti-Vegetarian (don't eat vegetables) Other (Please specify):allergy to pineapple

Q.8 Other – (6-12)

Other (Please specify):Wider variety of ice cream Other (Please specify):Whole wheat options Other (Please specify):We all know the food doesn't cost that much, stop being stubborn people and make it less cheap. Ps. don't waste the food at the end of the day. Please give it to the homeless shelters if you are too lazy to do it, I will do it myself. Other (Please specify):water should be less expensive than milk Other (Please specify):water should be free because some people don't like the other free chose and will end up not drinking anything, like me. Other (Please specify):Vegtable sticks (In the package), better BBQ, no breakfast. Other (Please specify):Vegetarian options Other (Please specify):Vegetarian foods Other (Please specify):Too much fried food is not healthy if it served on to on home basics. My parents limit the amount of fried foods I eat such as . Other (Please specify):Tofu and more vegetarian options Other (Please specify):Tofu and more vegetarian options Other (Please specify):To offer more menu choices everyday. Other (Please specify):To have a longer lunch because some people wait on line and don't get to finally eat their lunch until the period it almost over, so they can't take their time. Other (Please specify):They should keep all the cookies and snacks because of the lack of food that's all we eat. If you take those away students won't eat for sure. Other (Please specify):There is almost no option to eat anything whole wheat, except for Peanut Butter and Jelly which is not made with high-quality no-sugar-added ingredients and although they sell whole wheat bagels but you can only get them for breakfast which is really disappointing. Other (Please specify):there could be more healthy foods that are not frozen Other (Please specify):The PB&J quality is garbage. Other (Please specify):the lower the price on snacks Other (Please specify):The food they have looks unappealing and taste sort of hard and a little old Other (Please specify):The food taste fake and the food should be more of osmething that kids like. Other (Please specify):The food is horrible and I wish it looked much more appealing. Other (Please specify):That the food is made of less plastic it is sooo fake Other (Please specify):That it doesn't suck Other (Please specify):Tastier food Other (Please specify):stuff that looks good Other (Please specify):straight up butter Other (Please specify):something other than a sandwich Other (Please specify):Something more exotic Other (Please specify):Some way to make the lines shorter Other (Please specify):Some staff members are very sweet, others are very grumpy and unkind. While this is somewhat understandable due to the amount of unmannered students at the highschool, I'd prefer being greeted with a smile or a simple hello. I don't appreciate having my lunch tossed onto the counter. Other (Please specify):Some of the changes I would like to see is: Hot dogs that don't bounce, MUCH cleaner tables, MORE seating, less disgusting food, and healthier options. Other (Please specify):Sodas Other (Please specify):Soda Other (Please specify):So we can get big meals for popcorn chicken Other (Please specify):Snacks should cost less. They are very overpriced Other (Please specify):smoothies Other (Please specify):shorter lines Other (Please specify):Sausages that aren't rubbery Other (Please specify):Same food but better quality. Other (Please specify):Salads, Organic food, Better looking Other (Please specify):Salads pre-mixed Other (Please specify):Rye Bread Other (Please specify):Robeks Other (Please specify):Reduce price on healthy options, fruits are almost 4 dollars. Other (Please specify):Recently the salad bar has been closed for multiple times a week, leaving me and many others with much more limited options for a full meal for lunch since I am a vegetarian. This has been extremely difficult and dissappointing considering I am a student athlete and depend on my lunch to provide me the energy needed to sustain me through my practice. Other (Please specify):Real meat. Other (Please specify):Real food not fake Other (Please specify):REAL FOOD Other (Please specify):real food Other (Please specify):real food Other (Please specify):real doritos Other (Please specify):Quality of the food Other (Please specify):protein and growth oriented foods Other (Please specify):Privatized, outsourced companies providing the lunch service Other (Please specify):Price Other (Please specify):possibly smoothies or frozen yogurt Other (Please specify):Outside Sources for food Other (Please specify):Outside Restaurants Other (Please specify):Original types of food (e.g. No baked chips) Other (Please specify):Organic and natural foods. Other (Please specify):Options that contain protein and Iron for vegetarians Other (Please specify):Opposite of all those^ Other (Please specify):nothing i can think of Other (Please specify):nothing Other (Please specify):Nothing Other (Please specify):NOT TRASH FOOD BEING SERVED Other (Please specify):Non-Frozen food Other (Please specify):None frozen food Other (Please specify):none Other (Please specify):None Other (Please specify):NONE Other (Please specify):Non-disgusting food Other (Please specify):non frozen foods Other (Please specify):No pork food options Other (Please specify):No plastic food Other (Please specify):No more stirofoam trays!!! Expensive china Other (Please specify):No more plastic water bottles!!! Other (Please specify):no frozen meat or other foods Other (Please specify):NO CRUEL MEAT NO MEAT MORE TOFU Other (Please specify):nicer staff.. Other (Please specify):Nicer looking food Other (Please specify):new stuff Other (Please specify):Natural Foods (unprocessed) Other (Please specify):my moms food please Other (Please specify):muffins are too expensive Other (Please specify):Most of the food looks like it came out of a dumpster. Other (Please specify):More yogurt cups because there are never any by the time I have lunch Other (Please specify):More yogurt Other (Please specify):more well known foods Other (Please specify):more vegtibles Other (Please specify):More vegetarian options, healthier foods, and more variety of fruits and vegetables. Other (Please specify):More vegetarian options with protein. Other (Please specify):more vegetarian options Other (Please specify):more vegetarian options Other (Please specify):more vegetables, like the veggies with hummus tray thing Other (Please specify):more vegetables and protein Other (Please specify):More vegan/ veggie options (hummus and a few veggies is not lunch, it will not contribute enough carbohydrates or nutrients to fuel a student through the day) Other (Please specify):more vegan or vegaterian options Other (Please specify):more vegan options Other (Please specify):More variety of Other (Please specify):more variety of foods Other (Please specify):More variety of food options that doesn't always have to be healthy Other (Please specify):More variety of food Other (Please specify):More variety Other (Please specify):More variety Other (Please specify):More variety Other (Please specify):More variety Other (Please specify):More varieties of food. Other (Please specify):More varieties Other (Please specify):More varieties Other (Please specify):more variaty of foods Other (Please specify):More unhealthy shit Other (Please specify):More unhealthy options Other (Please specify):more unhealthy options Other (Please specify):More unhealthy food like more . Also at the school went to before I could order and you could have the food on the day that you ordered what ever you wanted. More fast food and more healthy food. If someone wants fast food or healthy food they get what they want and the student get what ever they are in the mood for. Other (Please specify):More time to eat. Other (Please specify):more time to eat so we can aslo go outside Other (Please specify):More time to eat lunch. More options per day. Other (Please specify):More time to eat lunch. Other (Please specify):more time to eat lunch, 45 minutes seems a bit more fair Other (Please specify):more time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):More time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):More time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):more time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):More time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):More time to eat because the lines are way too long. Other (Please specify):more time to eat because lines can get time consuming and long Other (Please specify):more time to eat Other (Please specify):more time to eat Other (Please specify):More time so there's time for lunch and recess. Other (Please specify):More time in lunch people don't have enough time because of the long lines. Other (Please specify):more time in lunch Other (Please specify):More time for lunch. Other (Please specify):More Time for lunch, I never have enough time to finish my lunch. Other (Please specify):More time for lunch and/or recess and more vegan foods, which doesn't necessarily mean "cut down on junk food". Other (Please specify):more time Other (Please specify):more than 3 food options not including sandwiches and salad Other (Please specify):More soup and slushies also better pizza, romen noodles, Other (Please specify):More snacks like granola bars or cheese sticks Other (Please specify):More snacks in general Other (Please specify):More snacks for on the go like check mix Other (Please specify):More snacks at lower price so kids with budgets can eat more Other (Please specify):More snacks and more time to eat Other (Please specify):More simple easy to eat food Other (Please specify):more selections, much of the food is redundant Other (Please specify):More sanitary. Other (Please specify):More sanitary, fresher everything, no more tyson chicken nuggets Other (Please specify):more sandwich options Other (Please specify):More salads Other (Please specify):MORE SALAD Other (Please specify):more restruant foods like chicken joes Other (Please specify):More REAL Food Other (Please specify):More quality food. Other (Please specify):More potato. Potato is good if not fried. pottasium. Other (Please specify):more plate lunch options that don't have meat (ex. instead of having chicken and burgers, have chicken and pasta so both options don't have meat) Other (Please specify):More pasta, and more variety when it comes to snacks Other (Please specify):more optitions and more time Other (Please specify):More options. Good food. Less expensive. Also food for all grades and everyone, those in the back of the lines never get the good stuff. Other (Please specify):More options, better quality/appearance, lower price Other (Please specify):more options for what to put in sandwiches Other (Please specify):More options for snacks other than muffins. More options like a diner would offer. Other (Please specify):More options Other (Please specify):more options Other (Please specify):More options Other (Please specify):more options Other (Please specify):More options Other (Please specify):more options Other (Please specify):More of healthy food and not much junk food Other (Please specify):More of a variety of food Other (Please specify):More nice food because food is kind of gross Other (Please specify):More natural/organic foods instead of ones full of preservatives/chemicals. Other (Please specify):more menu choices in general Other (Please specify):more menu Other (Please specify):More meaty options, ex. steak Other (Please specify):More meats in general not necesarilly organic, just more meat no matter how cheap it is. Other (Please specify):more meat alternatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other (Please specify):more meat Other (Please specify):more lunch time, more variety Other (Please specify):More lunch time Other (Please specify):More lunch options Other (Please specify):More lean meat. Other (Please specify):More Kind bars instead of chocolate chip granola bars, salads that don't just have iceberg lettuce (arugula would be nice), meat that doesn't bounce if you drop it on the floor, pizza that doesn't taste like cardboard. Other (Please specify):More Kale Chips Other (Please specify):more high protein- carb foods for people who work out Other (Please specify):More healthy options (not including salads) Other (Please specify):More grill options. Less repetition Other (Please specify):MORE GOOD FOOD DELICIOUS Other (Please specify):more fruit choices at a time Other (Please specify):More fried options Other (Please specify):more freshly made foods with vegetables and fewer options with tomato sauce and meat and pasta options Other (Please specify):More foods from local stores or delis Other (Please specify):More food that would make kids want to buy the food. Some examples are candy and tasty drinks. Other (Please specify):More food options, y'all aren't doin lunch right. Other (Please specify):more food options Other (Please specify):more food options Other (Please specify):more food options Other (Please specify):More food Other (Please specify):more fish options Other (Please specify):more edible Other (Please specify):More drinks Other (Please specify):More drinks Other (Please specify):More diversity as to what culture the food comes from Other (Please specify):more dick Other (Please specify):more cookies Other (Please specify):More choices per day Other (Please specify):More choices of food. Other (Please specify):More Chili Other (Please specify):more chicken Other (Please specify):more appitizing and good meals Other (Please specify):more appealing foods such as pizza or french toast Other (Please specify):More appealing food options Other (Please specify):more appealing food Other (Please specify):more appealing Other (Please specify):more amounts of food Other (Please specify):More affordable, sceriously $6 for 5 chicken nuggets Other (Please specify):meat Other (Please specify):meal for athletes such as protein supplementing meal Other (Please specify):Maybe some other drinks or more snacks and better food Other (Please specify):Marinara sauce for the pasta Other (Please specify):Make your food taste good, and don't give my friends chunky expired milk. Other (Please specify):Make the food look more appealing Other (Please specify):Make the food edible, make less reheated food. Other (Please specify):Make the food better Other (Please specify):Make it a lot better Other (Please specify):Make appearance and food better Other (Please specify):Lunch should longer cut off ab and make lunch a whole period Other (Please specify):lunch lines need to go faster Other (Please specify):Lower/more realistic prices, reusable trays, more interesting food choices Other (Please specify):LOWER THE PRICES Other (Please specify):lower taxes Other (Please specify):Lower prices Other (Please specify):Lower Prices Other (Please specify):Lower prices Other (Please specify):Lower prices Other (Please specify):Look out for the students and have healthy yet delicious options. Have a smoothie bar or open the coffee for the students. We already go to Starbucks and other places for it, so make it easier and gain more profit by letting students drink the coffee! Other (Please specify):longer time to eat and better quality food Other (Please specify):longer lunches Other (Please specify):Longer lunch, Cheaper foods Other (Please specify):Longer lunch times Other (Please specify):longer lunch times Other (Please specify):Longer lunch time, more space Other (Please specify):longer lunch 30 minutes not 22 Other (Please specify):Live bugs for killing and eating Other (Please specify):less sugary soda's, more healthy maybe smoothie/juice drinks. Other (Please specify):Less processed food overall Other (Please specify):less options with meat Other (Please specify):less oil Other (Please specify):less money for the fruit Other (Please specify):LESS MEAT! Other (Please specify):less meat Other (Please specify):Less junk food, and more real food Other (Please specify):less ice cream options, more food options Other (Please specify):less greasy things Other (Please specify):Less fat and salt and sugar Other (Please specify):Less expensive sandwiches Other (Please specify):Less expensive lunch Other (Please specify):less expensive food Other (Please specify):Less expensive food Other (Please specify):Less expensive Other (Please specify):less expensive Other (Please specify):Less chemicals and fresher food Other (Please specify):Less Butter on Pasta-Like Foods Other (Please specify):less butter on pasta Other (Please specify):Larger portions Other (Please specify):Just make sure the food is clean Other (Please specify):Just less cookies, and Ice cream Other (Please specify):Just better meals Other (Please specify):its good the way it is. Other (Please specify):it good how it is Other (Please specify):Instead of pizza because not many people like it. Students should get to dicide what they want to eat. Some food is expirered. Other (Please specify):Im gluten free and all i can eat is cereal, chips, french fries/hashbrowns, drinks, and the salad which tastes disgusting. Other (Please specify):If nothing taste like vomit Other (Please specify):I wouldn't consider that Ice cream Ice Cream. Other (Please specify):I would want the food to taste better and cost less Other (Please specify):I would love to not eat my lunch with a hair from who knows where Other (Please specify):I would love it if the hot dogs would bounce 3 less inches off the ground when we drop them. I would also like if the school would stop trying to profit off these meals and taking advantage of kids who need lunch and lower the price of food because there is no possible way a little portion of pasta costs $3.50 Other (Please specify):I would like to see vegan options Other (Please specify):I would like to see some options like not fast food like a small meal for example: tacos Other (Please specify):I would like to see more time to eat lunch because with the big lines you only have like 5 minutes when you get out of the line so you cant even go outside. Other (Please specify):I would like to see an increase in lunch time, as the current time is barely enough to finish lunch, let alone go outside afterwards. Other (Please specify):I would like to see a nice meat dish every once in a while like a chicken parm. Other (Please specify):I would like to see a drastic improvement of the food to make it healthier, more appealing and appetizing and tastier. I would like it to be something that I would actually want to eat over food that I bring from home. Other (Please specify):I would like to know how the food is being stored before I eat it. I don't think it is good to have food stored in a box and then defrosted it would be better for it to be made from scratch or organically made. Other (Please specify):I would like if the food material to be much better made and look much better because it doesn't taste well or look good. Other (Please specify):I would like better bread type's like baguet. Other (Please specify):I would like a nutritious, organic, and healthy lunch. I also want a visually appealing meal. Other (Please specify):I would keep it the way it is Other (Please specify):I would appreciate if we, students, did not get served fried bread and shriveled "meat" that you call sausages twice a week Other (Please specify):I want to see that the milk that we drink are not spoiled. Other (Please specify):i want the food to tast better and cost less Other (Please specify):I want more fried and greasy food, you should also put more variety into the salad bars Other (Please specify):I think there should be more fun lunch options Other (Please specify):I think that WMS should stick to a basic meal that has meat, grains, dairy, vegtables and fruit. Other (Please specify):i think it is fine Other (Please specify):I think everything about the cafeteria is great but more awareness, for me at least, about what foods have certain common allergens. I usually have sandwiches, vegetables/fruits, and sometimes a bag of chips every day. It would be nice to know if garden catering and the other prepared foods were ok for me. Other (Please specify):I need pure wheat, in flour form. Its all I can have Other (Please specify):I love the cafeteria rice and I would like to see it more often. Other (Please specify):i Just want to see improvements. Other (Please specify):I have taken this Survey a thousand times and nuthing has ever chagend the school lunchs will never be good Other (Please specify):I dont really know any of the food served Other (Please specify):I am pretty satisfied with the options there. Other (Please specify):I am ok with all of these Other (Please specify):Higher-quality food Other (Please specify):higher quality food, not fried cardboard please! Other (Please specify):healthy protein bars without soy Other (Please specify):healthy options for someone who might be on a diet Other (Please specify):Healthy Other (Please specify):Healthier options but no so expensive!! Other (Please specify):Healthier meal options Other (Please specify):Healthier meal options Other (Please specify):Healthier fresh food Other (Please specify):Healthier foods that still taste good like parfatti Other (Please specify):Healthier and more organic food Other (Please specify):Having tacos every day is not very healthy Other (Please specify):have renapoli pizza instead of dominos, never have school made pizza Other (Please specify):Have a lot of healthier stuff Other (Please specify):Have a few choices from different cultures. Not the main course, but just as an option. Other (Please specify):Green&Tonic food Other (Please specify):Good tasting tood thats less expensive Other (Please specify):good food that's not pizza or hamburgers Other (Please specify):Good FOod Other (Please specify):good food Other (Please specify):Good brand food Other (Please specify):Good and LESS expensive food Other (Please specify):get rid of unhealthy options Other (Please specify):Get nicer staff. Some of them throw the food at me. Other (Please specify):get better quality food Other (Please specify):Garden Wrap every day for 3 bucks Other (Please specify):garden catering, more of those raps they have Other (Please specify):garden catering Other (Please specify):garden catering Other (Please specify):Garden Catering Other (Please specify):fried food should be less greasy Other (Please specify):fried chicken Other (Please specify):fried chicken Other (Please specify):freshly made/foods from places Other (Please specify):Fresh food Other (Please specify):fresh cooked not frozened then cooked Other (Please specify):free water bottles, a substitute for milk if wanted Other (Please specify):For the food to cost less (Too expensive) Other (Please specify):food with lots of salt and/ or sugar Other (Please specify):food with flavor, apart from the pizza, you do not feel like you eat real food Other (Please specify):food we eat at home, not like frozen then reheated foood Other (Please specify):food thats not frozen Other (Please specify):Food that makes you have more energy for the rest of the remaining classes because sometimes when you eat the food instead of given you energy it drains/makes you feel tried. Other (Please specify):food that ist 3 days old Other (Please specify):food that isn't processed Other (Please specify):Food that isn't burn't or soggy Other (Please specify):food that isn't bad Other (Please specify):Food that is edible (Dominoes is good though) Other (Please specify):Food that doesn't taste bad, and real food Other (Please specify):Food that actually looks like it is edible, more food options, and GET RID OF THAT AWFUL AUNT CELI'S PIZZA!!! Other (Please specify):Food Options From Different Countries - Foreign Cuisines Other (Please specify):food from restaurant such as chick fi la Other (Please specify):Fix the fries, it's either cooked for too long or too hard. Other (Please specify):Faster Lunch Lines Other (Please specify):fake meat Other (Please specify):Explanation as to why the water costs money and milk is free. What about those lactose intolerant? Other (Please specify):everything that is not bad Other (Please specify):everything Other (Please specify):Everything Other (Please specify):Edible food that taste like it was not made 3 months ago Other (Please specify):Edible food Other (Please specify):Easier food to eat not so slopy, free water bottles Other (Please specify):don't eliminate unhealthy, but add more healthy choices Other (Please specify):does not taste bad anymore Other (Please specify):Different meal choices from restaurants (Like how we have garden catering) Other (Please specify):Different kinds of food and try to make or buy food that the kids like for excample garden catdering or pizza etc.... Other (Please specify):Deli sandwiches Other (Please specify):Chinese food Other (Please specify):chiken joes Other (Please specify):chicken that does not bounce(this is not a joke it actually bounces) Other (Please specify):Chicken Joes Other (Please specify):chicken Other (Please specify):chicken Other (Please specify):Chicken Other (Please specify):Cheaper prices Other (Please specify):cheaper prices Other (Please specify):Cheaper prices Other (Please specify):cheaper meals Other (Please specify):cheaper meals Other (Please specify):Cheaper lunch and more time to eat Other (Please specify):Cheaper deli sandwiches and/or cheaper pizza Other (Please specify):Cheaper Other (Please specify):candy Other (Please specify):Can we have less greasy french fries and maybe baked potatoes? Other (Please specify):Cake. Other (Please specify):By fourth lunch some stations are closed and there is no grill or plate lunch so options are very limited. Other (Please specify):burgers Other (Please specify):Bring back waffle sticks Other (Please specify):BOSCO STICKS Other (Please specify):bigger soft pretzels Other (Please specify):Bigger Portions Other (Please specify):better tasting things Other (Please specify):Better tasting milk Other (Please specify):better tasting food. Not so bland Other (Please specify):better tasting food Other (Please specify):better tasting Other (Please specify):Better snacks some healthy and some unhealthy Other (Please specify):Better snacks Other (Please specify):Better salads and maybe a veggie rap Other (Please specify):better salads Other (Please specify):better salad options Other (Please specify):better salad bar Other (Please specify):Better quality, I don't feel like I get much nutrition from any of the items, there should be better tasting items to choose from, because lunch should be a time to enjoy what you eat, not just to stuff it into your face but to enjoy it. Also the fries are soggy. Other (Please specify):Better quality of the cafeteria food in general Other (Please specify):better quality of ingredients Other (Please specify):Better quality foods, More time to eat lunch Other (Please specify):better quality foods that actually taste like something Other (Please specify):better quality food Other (Please specify):better quality food Other (Please specify):Better quality Other (Please specify):Better quality Other (Please specify):Better pizza Other (Please specify):Better overall quality Other (Please specify):better options Other (Please specify):Better meat Other (Please specify):better ice cream Other (Please specify):Better hygiene. Other (Please specify):better fries, better pizza, more appealing snacks. Less greasy pasta Other (Please specify):Better Fried Options Other (Please specify):Better foods Other (Please specify):Better food quality Other (Please specify):Better food for us and tastes better and not processed. Other (Please specify):better food and les expencive Other (Please specify):better food Other (Please specify):Better food Other (Please specify):Better food Other (Please specify):Better Food Other (Please specify):better food Other (Please specify):better food Other (Please specify):Better bread Other (Please specify):Better appearance and taste Other (Please specify):An improvement on the quality of the food, and lowered price Other (Please specify):All better food Other (Please specify):Add foods that are fresh not shipped and heated up the next morning. The food isn't visually pleasing and needs to become fresher Other (Please specify):Actual salad, not just lettuce and cheese. add tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc., Other (Please specify):Acai bowls; smoothies; s'mores; homemade rice crispy treats Other (Please specify):a salad bar where you can pick whats in your own salad Other (Please specify):A lot of the foods I like are not offered a lot, like the pizza , plain pasta. I also do not like the new chicken nuggets. Maybe have an ethnic week, like monday is french, tues is japanese, wed is mexican etc. Other (Please specify):A longer time scheduale Other (Please specify):A limit on the amount of snacks a person can buy. Other (Please specify):A boufee Other (Please specify):a balance of health and unhealthy snacks Other (Please specify):"Cultural" days, where along with the traditional options students may also pick a certain "cultured" meal (can be sponsored by school clubs, etc)

Frequent Words: Options 68 Time to Eat 47 Lines 9 Choice 9 Variety 14 Quality 22 Salad 17 Real 14 Snack 16 Vege 15 Sandwich 11 Meat 23

Any Foods you would like to see (6-12)

yuca frita, baleada, wings, meat your mom You get to choose how to make your own sandwich yogurts, better salad options Yogurt Yogurt Wraps, , chicken. wraps, fresher meals, wraps, Wraps wraps wings, cheaper garden catering, more options for breakfast wraps, smoothies Wings (BBQ and spicy) and raspberry wings wings Wild-caught fish, , seafood, sushi, healthy vegetarian soups, healthy vegetarian salads. Whole wheat bagels, wraps, and bread, also Siggis greek yogurt and options to buy a side salad. White Bread, More Salad, More Granola Bars White bread What I would like to add to the lunch menu is noodles or healthier foods What ever you do, keep the brown rice. It Is AMAZING!!! also keep with melted cheese tasty wendy's taco bell free cookies and chips Well I bring lunch but buy snacks drinks probaly like good drinks like not bad ones Watermelon, more deserts, exotic foods(international), pineapple, Watermelon slices watermelon carrots Watermelon Watermelon Water melon water bottles waffles, mash potatoes, sweet potato fries WAFFLES, carrot snack packs, more options for grilled food Waffles Waffles Waffles Waffle Sticks Waffle Sticks w Vitamin water, ,seafood, sushi, dried seaweed, better salad options, annual grills outside Vitamin water, pringles, sushi, seaweed, better sandwich options, chipoltle, hot dogs, annual grills Vitamin water, oreos, pringles, jell-o, rice pudding, lentil soup, coffee, hot chocolate Vitamin Water and calamari Vitamen Water Venison Steak, Elk Steak, Wild Salmon, Wild Trout. vegie burgers, better fries, tofu VEGETARIAN/VEGAN and organic food!! Vegetarian options Vegetables like squash, zukini, lentil soup that could come with rice and salad. More organic items. vegetables good sandwiches and better tasting food vegetables and better meat!! especially better toppings for salad bar (fresher and healthier vegs) vegetable rolls, pasta with veggies in it, tortillas with hummus Vegetable bar (without salads, vegetable sides) vegan spice patties Variety of Salads varietes of pasta V8 juice UBER EATS, organic foods, turkey burgers, salads Turkey bacon, more (and better) bread fish, gluten free cookies/brownies, sushi, , salads, and other gluten free items trail mix, pineapple, berries, plums tortilla sandwiches Tortellini's, steak, better salads tortellinis Tortellini Torta Mexicana Tomatos, cucumbers, etc. tomato soup, hummus Tomato soup, Tomato Soup tomato mozzarella sandwich Tomatillo, Chipotle tofu or just more salads. TOFU ITEMS, KALE CHIPS (basically anything vegetarian, healthier items, GLUTEN FREE FOOD TOFU ITEMS, KALE CHIPS Tofu dishes and more fresh vegetables tofu and vegetarian options, mac & cheese (Kraft or homemade), Toast, bagels, grilled chicken, steak, fried chicken, Things that don't look so processed. THIN crust dominos pizza They have good food choices but it just doesn't taste that good, I would make it taste more real. there should be more soups There isn't anything I would like you guys to add but, you should take out the breakfast for lunch. There are no there food options that I can think of, but if I think of any, I will then resubmit it. The live bugs, and fresh Vindaloo The big Naked Juices, Pure Leaf Ice tea teriyaki chicken Tea, lasagna, and burgers tater tots Tacoyaki, Okonomiyaki, Gyoza, Sushi tacos,chinese food Tacos, maybe a small piece of lasagna, and some fruit juice not just apple juice like lemonade. tacos and eggplant. tacos Tacos Tacos Taco Slad susshi candy sushi,burritos,taco, waffles,pastries, crepes sushi, wings, garden catering, yogurt, more drink options, cake, food, cheese, & better french fries Sushi, steak, kebabs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Taco Tuesday, Chipotle, McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King sushi, pizza that doesnt taste like carboard sushi, pinapple, fish and chips. Sushi, pepparoni , steak tacos Sushi, Pasta with sausage, Griled Cheese, refreshing Salads sushi, miso soup, dumplings, crossaints sushi, goldfish sushi, fish Sushi, Dumplings, Italian Ice. Sushi, chicken, steak Sushi, Chicken Fried Rice, White Rice Sushi, Better Mac and Cheese, Sushi, & more salads SUSHI!!!!!!!!!! sushi or curry. More ethnic food, and put more care into the food please! Thanks. Sushi from Sushi Soba sushi and starbucks Sushi and sushi Sushi SUSHI Sushi Sushi SUSHI sushi Sushi sushi sushi Sushi sushi Sushi sushi Sushi sushi sushi sushi Sushi sushi sushi Sushi Sushi SUSHI Sun Chips (Original) suishi Sugar free options Strawberries store bought foods stir friend rice steak, ribs, mozzarella sticks, different kinds of ice cream steak, ribs, chicken wings, mozzarella cheese, mozzarella sticks fried steak, garden catering, McDonalds, and omelettes for lunch and breakfast steak, fish,potatoes with no cheese, steak, fish, potatoes with no cheese, Steak quesadilllas steak or you know any good food Steak steak Steak Steak steak Steak steak steak starbucks, chicken noodle soup, chopped and garden catering if the high school gets it we should too sprite, churros, lucky charms, fruity pebbles. Sprite and Coke, Quality burgers, pork chops, beef. sprite Spanish food spagetties Soy nuggets Soups, fresh bread, fruit smoothies, rice Soups Soups soups soup Soup Soup soup soup Something that isn't junk food. You could maybe add any sort of fruit. some kind of meat other than the ones there is now Some kind of candy option Some fresh fruits and vegetables. Not fruits that sit there for days. soft french fries. soda,chicken wings,chicken joes Soda soda Snapple Iced tea, More Organic Options Snacks like candy, better tasting bread, better pizza, hot dogs, maybe food from other resturaunts Smoothies/milkshakes Smoothies,chicken joes, Smoothies, nachos, burgers, better pizza Smoothies, funnel cake, cake, brownies, steak, grilled chicken, fried chicken, bagels, toast, oreos smoothies, frozen yogurt, trail mix Smoothies, acai bowl (everyone will buy lunch if u add those) smoothies smoothies Smoothies smoothie Smiely fries(Again) smartfood popcorn slushies, good quality tacos, hispainc food. Slider with fries brocolie Sliced fruits Shrimp, Soup, Calamari Shake/Smoothie Shake Shack burgers WITH shake shack fries WITH shake shack shakes Self Service (trays) Sauteed chicken Sandwiches, garden catering Sandwiches, ethnic foods. sandwiches sandwiches Saltine crackers, healthier food in general, non GMO foods, sparkling water, the brand RUNA tea Salt and vinegar lays chips, bacon strips salads, good drinks- vitamin water, snapple, pure leaf, garden catering salads, cones, organic fruits, sandwiches Salads, Salad,Good chicken, good food in general salad with grilled chicken salad with choose like: with oil, vinegar, tomato, carrot, ecc. salad with chicken, roasted potato and sandwich for yourself salad varieties, homemade foods salad ROMEN NOODELS, please. Rinaldis, or chicken joes sometimes Rinaldis, Chopped rikos rice, soup, different greens to the salad bar (kale, spinach, mesclun mix), different bagel flavors Rice, fish, egg soup. rice, chicken tenders, salad, chocolate icec ream, frech fries, etc Rice, beans, fresh vegetables, more healthy vegetarian options that aren't as expensive as salads rice and beans, bacon rice and beans Rice ribs, steak Reg chicken not cutlet Real unfrozen food real sandwiches real pizza, pasta, and other homemade goods real pizza Real Pasta, meat, good salad Real meat. real meat, chinese food, indian food, chile Real meat REAL FRUIT. Not those chemical apples, but like peaches and plums and blueberries REAL FOOD,like chicken with rice, or a hamburger with fries, or steak with steamed brockley, etc Real food that looks good and tastes like food. Healthy. Good Tasting. Real food that is not just imported chemicals and doesn't taste like you made it out of sawdust real food like aunt jemina and fancier food real food real food real food Real food real food real doritos, twinkies, devil dogs, doughnuties, real bacon not that kosher stuff that nobody likes, real doritos and coke and sprite Real Cooked Fish, Garden Catering, Corbo's, Real Pizza Real burgers and better chicken. raviolli ravioli, wedge salad ravioli, tacos, honeydew melons. Ravioli, Nutritious bars, and Peaches Ravioli, more cultural Hispanic food that aren't tacos or burritos Ravioli pizza ravioli rasberries, blackberries and Mangoes. Also I would enjoy frozen yogurt instead of ice cream? Ramen Quinoa, roasted veggies, pan seared salmon, steak, Brussels sprouts, Daily soup selection, etc Quinoa quesdilla, pie, chicken coin dogs quesadillas, pesto pasta, pretzels w hummus quesadillas on the grill more often. It's the best thing you guys serve. Quesadillas Pupusas Pulled pork, burritos, tacos Pulled pork burgers, burritos, tropical fruit pudding, better tasting bread, Pudding!!! Protein Bars, Cliff Bars protein bars protein and growth oriented foods potato cones pork fried rice and chicken wings: ) popcorn, pasta with white sause, cupcakes etc.... popcorn shrimp, boneless buffalo wings Popcorn shrimp, boneless buffallo wings Pop tarts, quesadilla pomodoro's pizza Please make all the food taste better. Please have more choice for Ice Cream, no one wants to be eating vanilla/chocolate all their life. Please do not use Tyson as your chicken provider; we learned in science that they abuse chickens!!! Please consider offering Garden Catering for lunch. Also, maybe more organic food options. plain cheese quesedillas pizza, yummy chicken nuggets, grilled chese Pizza, Fruit, Drinks Pizza post, Chicken Joes, and Arcuries Pizza post and asian food Pizza NOT FROM DOMINOS pizza from Pizza Post, Rinaldis!!!!!!!!!!!! pizza from pizza post, anything from rinalids menu Pizza bosco sticks Pizza Bosco Sticks pizza beagles, muffins, sea salt and vinagar chips pizza pizza Pink Salmon pineapple juice pineapple circles Pie PIE pie philly cheese steak Pesto Pasta peruvian food peruvian food Bosco Sticks Penut butter cups, Penne a la vodka, Wraps with bacon, avacado etc., toasted bagels Peaches Peaches peaces and raisberrys pasta, ravioli, better sandwiches, better pizza, macaroni, chicken nuggets, fries, ramen noodles, Pasta!! pasta and meat balls meatloaf stirfry pasta pasta pasta pasta Pan-seared fish, stir fry that tastes good, chicken pot pie, sushi that tastes good, risotto panini, good sandwiches, fresh food Panini Pancakes made from whey protein powder. It's a good way to mix a common food with better attributes Pancakes all day other options for salads Other foods of other cultures other deli meats original chips Orginal Lays chips Organic RIPE fruits/ veggies, pasta options without cheese, healthier chips/ bars Organic fruits organic foods organic chicken oreos, vitamin water, calamari, lentil soup, coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade iced tea, pringles Oreo's and Ice cream Sundays Orange sherbet, doughnuts, garlic knots Onion Rings Omlets omelettes, empanadas, steak, garden catering, sausage, bunuelos, chicharron, oats oatmeal,yogurt,granola and fruit bowls and veggies oatmeal,granola, and organic chicken meat burrito and fruit bowls. nutella sticks, salt and vinegar lays, pringles potato chips Nutella sandwich Nothing, the school has a pretty wide variety. nothing, really! Maybe a sushi bar. Nothing, I do not eat school lunch, but if I do/when I do they have a good amount of options! Nothing nothing nothing Nothing nothing nothing nothing NOT TRASH FOOD NOT TRASH FOOD not enough gluten free options, always the same fried crap Not crap Not add anything but you are offering a bag of chips that has like 12 chips for one dollar. FIX IT Noodles or Sushi Non-frozen foods, real food, hot chocolate, GOOD burgers, GOOD fries, FRESH vegetables, GOOD snacks Non-fake foods (a.k.a. real cheese, meats, veggies, improved "plate lunches", etc...) None I think everything is good. None I fine with all the food. none i dont care None None None none None none none none none none none none none none None none none None NONE none None none None none none none Non domino pizza No they are good. no more dominos, no more leftovers. no more fake meat, Mcdonalds and garden and cathering. no mold in my food no frozen foods, make sure meat is well cooked because sometimes its raw and you end up not eating. No food that is necessarily new, but increase the quality of meat and ingredients. No food suggestion from me! New York style pizza, Chicken tenders naked chicken chalupa, quesalupa, burrito, taquito, takis, nachos, jalepenos nachos, strawberries, bananas. Nachos with only cheese and chips. Lots of chips extra cheese too. NACHOS EVERY DAY Nachos NA N/A N/A n/a N/A muffins, omelets, garden catering, doughnuts, meat(steak) Muffins, Omelets, Garden Catering, Donuts, Make-your-own sandwich/salad (like the high school) Muffins Muffins Muffins Mozzerela Sticks Mozzeralla Sticks, burgers, ceaser salads Mozzarella, , cookie dough ice - cream, pasta with tomato sauce and smoothie. mozzarella sticks, garlic bread, hot chocolate/tea, granola bar, smoothie station, fruit popsicles Mozzarella sticks, cinnamon sticks (domino's), cheesy bread (domino's), oven baked cheetos mozzarella sticks mozzarella sticks mozzarella sticks Mozzarella Stick and Chicken Parmesan Sandwich Motzerella sticks morning star fake meats more whole wheat options offered at lunch more viratiys more vegetables More variety of sandwiches More variety of fruits and vegetables with lower prices More variety of alcoholic beverages More varieties of healthy sandwiches,muffins,non-bruised fruit,Domino's pizza(notschoolpizza(gross)) more varieties of chips and sodas more types of ice cream More types of food other than sandwiches and the pasta. More time for lunch More spanish, chinese, japenese, italian food More sodas More Smile fries more side dishes, small salads, hummus and pita, carrot sticks, soft pretzels, etc. More sandwiches; with lettuce and other healthy foods More salads, salad raps, more salad, grilled chicken, hummus more salad More Reubens. more proten More potato. more pizza, tacos more pasta, noodles, tomato soup and grilled cheese More pasta, Garden Catering, real pizza, actual meat more pasta at plate lunch More pasta and more attractive foods. Not as much fast food like pizza/hotdogs, more propper foods. More organic, natural, and healthy options. more options of salads and just in general healthy More options of fruits and vegetables. More options for plate lunch More options each day, Fresher food, more options more of a fruit/vegetable variety more non-caffeinated sodas: sprite, fanta etc. Garden catering More meat options more meat more kinds of meats more juices. More international cuisines and possibly more fresh options instead of just pizza and fried food More in general More healthy snacks. more healthy options, and things that ARENT so expensive more healthy food options (not so many cookies, ice cream and other junk food) More healthy food and better food to eat More healthy choices (besides salads, which are too large) more healthier options would be great more good salad and hot food more gluten free options (snacks included - gluten free muffins especially) More garden catering options like fries. more fruits, sandwiches More fruits and options for people with allergies. They should also get rid of peanut butter sandwic More fruit, vegetables, and sandwiches More fruit variations More fruit- also can we have a community garden and then get produce from there More fruit more fruit More drinks. (Gatorade or Powerade) More different tacos More cultural foods More cultural foods more cultural food More chip options (examples; Lays potato chips, more Dorito flavors) More chicken quesadillas More chicken parm, Pasta with sausages MORE burritos, Actual meat, real toppings on food, beef nacho cheese, and food you donthaveto naw at More burger options MORE BOSCO STICKS!!!EVERY DAY! More appealing options more allergy friendly snacks and areas where nuts or other allergens haven't been, grilled cheese Mixed fruit cups, celery and ranch dressing milkshakes, smoothie, cake milkshakes, onion rings, garden catering, hotdogs that don't bounce Milkshakes, Milkshakes, Milkshakes, MILKSHAKES milk shakes and fish and chips Milk shake, straws, cinnamon sugar pretzel bites Meats, vegetables and fruits. Meatballs, mini pizza, Bacon,cheese,egg = sandwich meat or steaks, fried chicken, variety of fruits at cheaper price, , juices Meat Meat meat McDonalds Fries/ Happy meals and Slushies McDonald's mcdonalds Maybe more Vegetarian options, not just salad. (falafel wraps, better sandwiches, vegie pasta, etc.) Maybe more types of salads matza ball soup Mashed potatoes/rice/chicken (not that breaded bs)/ vegetables mashed potatoes with turkey mangos, rasberries, tangerens, blue berries. Mangos Kiwi Anything healthy. More Pasta mangos mango, any kind of fruit, krispy cream donuts, shake shack fries, better pizza, stuff without cheese mango and pomegranate seeds Mango Make sure everything is fresh and add in healthier and more diverse options. Mac n Cheese, More strawberries Mac bites Mac Bites mac and cheese, chocolate cake mac and cheese in a container, variety of fruits mac and cheese mac and cheese Lunch: Orange Chicken, Hawaiian Pizza, Supreme Pizza, Fried Rice, Fried noodles, fish fillet. Lobster,Pasta and Tuna Spaghetti al Ragu' Lobster roll lobster lobster Lo mein and wontons Lettuce, watermelon, various kinds of salads, tangerines, normal plates. Less Pricey Salads less organic things because the students wont eat it unless its pleasing to the eye or tasting Lemon for salad dressing. Lettuce only, and tuna salad. lean meats, , fish, green vegetables, purple fruits, whole grain bread. Lasaña Lasagna, sushi, smoothies. Lasagna Larger variety of drinks like Gatorade. Kraft Mac'N'Cheese, Turkey bacon, Egg Bacon (cheese if people want(I don't like cheese)) sandwich. KFC, Garden Catering, Chicken Joes, Chick Fellet, Sushi kfc chicken, chicken parm (the real stuff), some actual food, and some food that is not plastic KFC and lasagna Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco from Taco Bell, Mcdonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken Keep the brown rice. kebab, sushi, mozzeralla sticks, donuts,garden catering, Kale, Zucchini Kale smoothies Kale chips, Garden catering Just work on making a good lunch first. just more fresh vegetables and fruit that kids would actually buy because it looks good and not old. Just anything better. I know nobody who likes the food you guys serve. Its acctually gross. Juice Bar instead of bottles Jelly sandwich its not that i would like to add any but if my dad brings my lunch i would like to eat it down stair It would be great if there are more fruits than just apples for example raspberries and strawberries It doesn't have to be organic or necessarily healthy just more non-meat options... international food like jamaican patties In middle school we had ice cream options not just the soft serve that is available rarely. improved salad bar, fries for garden catering, more healthier packaged foods idk I'd be buying Sushi every day if it were on the lunch menu. Iced Tea ice cream, mozzarella sticks, garlic bread, hot chocolate, tea, granola bar, smoothie station ice cream scoups, renaldis, Ice cream cones Ice Cream ice cream ice cream I wouldn't buy lunch whether the district changes the menu or not I would love to find more gluten free options I would like to see real food. I would like to see more meats on the menu. I would like to see more free range healthy options like actual meats and not cheap alternatives I would like to see more ethnic foods from different cuisines on the lunch menu. I would like to see less fried or frozen food, and better quality food, like other countries have. I would like to see bacon I would like to see a slightly more broad variety for the students that eat free lunch(Pizza). I would like to have popcorn shrimp and penne al vodka I would like to have more fruit options, and maybe an option to add toppings to a yogurt as well! I would like to have a fruit salad for lunch I would like to add nothing I would like to add more fruits and less snacks. I would like to add more appealing salads and dressing. Also maybe add less butter and cheese. I would like to add maybe a build your own salad bar with lots of healthy options. i would like to add fruit salads I would like to add brownies. I would like there to not have creamchesse as an extera because I cant get it. I would like there to be garden catering days I would like nothing I would like if the food on the menu to be a little bit more organic and I would also like sushi. I would actually try to cut down on the food. Therefor you can focus on making better quality food. i wood like watormeling I want to eat well but it's too expensive. We should have more whole wheat breads, different lettuce I think they should add more food options like sushi I think they could add more healthy fruits and less unhealthy foods like cookies and ice cream. I think there should be a salad bar where you can make your own salad and therearefruitsandvegetable I think the options right now is fine. I think the lunch menu is perfectly fine. I think that we should have veggies on the menu because anytime I do buy lunch I never see them. i think that we should have like a fruit bar or bin of fruit salad. I think that there should be a Chicken Caesar Salad that uses cooked, not fried chicken cutlet I put it in number 8 because I could not use enough characters for the paragraph for this one.its#8 I might like to see BLTs on the menu. I like the foood but there should be more of a variety of fruits. I have nothing to add. I have heard that the food at the high school is better than the food at the middle school I don't think anything has to change on the menu I don't really know. I don't really know because I never eat the school lunch. I don't need or I don't want to change the lunch menu because I don't eat the school lunches I don't like how they freeze the milk because I find ice chunks while I'm drinking I don't know. I don't eat the school lunch; I bring it from home. I don't know. i don't know. I don't know just any other foods. I don't know I don't know I dont know I don't eat school lunches so maybe something good for you like fruits and vegetables. I don't eat school lunch I don't eat lunch I don't buy anything there. hummus, beans hot sandwiches, paninis, soup hot sandwiches hot fries, cheese fries, bbq chicken wings, teriyaki chicken, better burgers and sandwiches, kebab hot dogs, chicken wings hot dogs hot dogs hot dog, meat, Marabou Milkchocolate, bread Hot dog hot chocolate, candy, hot dogs that don't bounce, garden catering Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Homemade Chicken Pot Pie Higher protein vegetarian meals. Hershey's Bar Healthy, low cal, low carb foods healthy wraps (chicken caesar wraps, etc.) Healthy tacos Healthy Smothies HEALTHY OPTIONS healthy granola bars Healthy food. Healthy food. Healthy Food healthy food Healthy Chicken, Real meat Healthy Chicken Healthy and hearty oat bread. Think- If I have practice where I'm running 10 laps, I need wholesome. healthier, not packaged food that looks and tastes appetizing. Including healthy little snacks. healthier options like yogurt, acai bowls, or smoothies and pizza from another place. healthier foods Healthier drinks like; Snapple, Vitamin Water, Naked, Smoothies, etc. , Fried chickens, Fruit juice, Sorbet, Omelette handmade mac and cheese, not soaked and soggy Hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and Mac and Cheese Hamburgers, burritos, pancakes, tacos on more days, better food Hamburgers with lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Hamburger ham and cheese on a croissant and ham added to the bar thing please Halal food options Gyoza, more types cookies, gummy bears guacamole Grilled Chicken, yogurt parfait, and fruit salad Grilled Chicken, Chicken Wings, Pina colada Grilled chicken, better sandwiches, more variety in fruit Grilled chicken and spinach, yogurt parfait, Fruit salad, and more of a fruit variety. Grilled Chicken Grilled Chicken grilled cheese, sushi, milkshake, soft serve ice cream, soda, caprisun, scrambled eggs, bacon, pork Grilled cheese, pizza that is made with real food and pizza that tastes better than the box it comes Grilled cheese, croissants, fresh food, fresh fruit/veggies, cake, brownies, cereal, cinnamon rolls grilled cheese and candy grilled cheese Grilled Cheese Grilled Cheese grilled Cheese grilled cheese Grill chicken greasy burgers, sloppy joe, dragon fruit, kiwi, chicken parm Grapes grape fruit,peaches, melon,raspberrys. granola bars, dark chocolate and nuts, and fruit and yougurt cups Gourmet nachos. good tacos, pasta that isn´t to greasy Good tacos like Chipotle, good pizza like Acuris, good fries like McDonalds. GOOD sushi GOOD QUALITY PIZZA Good quality barbecue chicken good pizza (not dominoes), better dairy (bad cheese), good meat. Better fried food. Good Pizza Cheaper Ice Cream No restrictions :) Good meat that is cooked medium, sandwiches, vegan choices, dairy free milk. good foood Good Food Please!!!!! Good Food Please! Good food good food good food Good cheese burgers, waffle and bacon Gold Fish Gluten free rolls gluten free bread for sandwiches Gluten free bread Gluten free and healthier options Give Mike Fina a pay raise garden wrap, bruittos, chinese food, EXT garden catering,chicken joes Garden catering, variety of options Garden catering, Pizza (not Domino's) , trail mix for snacks, IKEA's meatballs. Garden Catering, more fruit (fresh mango, berries), white rice garden catering, more bananas, strawberrys, a lot of watermelon, cheez-itz, Garden Catering, different pizza company, FRESH fruit, FRESH, food. Fresh and organic sald. Garden catering, Chicken joes, Chicken cutlet, beef, white rice and fruits like canalope angos etc Garden catering, Chicken joe's , Garden catering potato cones garden catering or turkey lettuce tomato sandwich garden catering fries not just cones Garden catering and rosies garden catering and rosies Garden Catering Garden catering Garden Catering garden catering Garden Catering garden catering garden catering Garden Catering Garden Catering Garden Catering garden catering Garden Catering garden catering Garden Catering Garden Catering Garden catering garden catering garden catering garden catering garden cactering Funnel cakes, milkshakes, mcdonalds, dunkin donuts, DONUTS Full breakfast burrito, doughnuts, gyros Fruits. While their are some, there needs to be a wider variety of them for children to choose from. fruits, , pasta, meet, salad, juice, pizza, rice fruits fruits fruit snacks Fruit smoothies, kale smoothies fruit salads (real ones) fruit salad that is fresh Fruit salad fruit cups with not water in it. Fruit cups with no water, avocados, lamb, salmon, shrip, tuna, lentils, dark chocolate fruit fried eggs Fried Chicken. Fried chicken, Real ice cream (by the scoop), toll house cookies, gatorade, garden catering Fried chicken, but I understand if fried chicken would be too hard, maybe white castle once a week? Fried chicken, buffalo wings, plain white rice Fried Chicken fried chicken fried chicken fried chicken Fried chicken fried chicken freshly cooked meals from other countries, kraft mac and cheese, better hotdogs and hamburgers fresh vegetable or fresh fruit arrangments fresh salads, fresh deli sandwiches, fruit salad Fresh made smoothies to substitute current oversugared ones fresh fruit bowls Fresh frig, to settle my pescetarian meat needs. FRESH foods, churros, fish fellet & corndogs Fresh and more diverse foods. French toast, Baby back rib sandwiches, Chicken burger, , French toast (more often if you count french toast sticks) and bacon (please!) French fries, ice-cream, brownies, candy, cookies, nutella, steak, sushi For snacks it would be nice if they have flan. Foods with protein that are not meat: beans, fried eggs, hummus, and more variety for salads. Food. That's not fake and that tastes yum. More pastas, chicken, etc. Options for everyones interest Food that tastes good Food that is from upper crust, sweet peas, renapolis, and beach house cafe. Food from other outside places such as Rinaldis and Pizza Post Food from Beach House Cafe Food from all over the world instead of fired and unhealthy american food , better cereal fondue bar Fish, raspberry, wings (spicy and BBQ) fish and other healthier meals fish Filet Mignon, Sushi, and Caviar. Filet Mignon, sushi, and caviar fdsafd falafel, tofu, chickpea things. More options at the salad bar! Kale added to lettuce selection. Fajitas, Tacos, Empanadas, Burritos, Steak, Hot fries, Chicken Fried Rice, Dumplings, Kebab, Donuts Fajitas, Rice with chicken and beans, Steak, Pork, Everything else besides the lunch food even if you changed the menu i would only eat once a week because there is alot of carbs in the sch Enchiladas Empanda empanadas empanadas empanadas eggs, eggs egg, cheese, and Bacon Egg sandwich; more salad choices egg bacon and cheese sandwich Egg edible food eclair, calamari, vitamin water, better fries, planet pizza pizza dumplings,cones,chicken,and mac bites-from chicken joes,and MORE LUCH TIME dumplings, wontons, noodles, bagels, donuts Dumplings Dumplings dounutes donuts, dumplings, noodles, donuts and spaghetti with alfredo sauce Donuts Donuts dont know dont know Dominos is Garbage Different cultures of foods, better salads, diet pepsi, vitamin water, sushi, filet migon dick dessert churros Deep Fried Oreos Curly fries watermelon cones sumo orange Cup noodles Cultural foods Cucumbers, sushi, salads Croissant crepes, sushi, waffles Crêpes, nutella sandwiches, sushi, lucky charms, frosted flakes, garlic knots, doughnuts, pizza post Crembulee, wings, kiwi. Corn Dogs corn dog corn beeeef corbos, garden catering, ricos pizza. Corbo's sandwiches, Garden Catering Cookies that cost 25 cents. And a lot of more fruits and veggy 's connoli College-style meals like brown rice and grilled chicken with cooked / sauteed vegetables, spaghetti Coffee, smoothies, asian food, more pastry options (ex: croissants, donuts, etc) COFFEE OR TEA Coffee for students Coffee and tea Coffee coffee cob salad, ice tea, club sandwich cinnabon, soft serve ice cream, muffins, oreos, cookie dough, donuts, taco bell, garden catering Cinnabon rolls, donuts, better pretzels, churros chubacado chopt salad station Chocolate cake chiptle chips, ice cream, salads, chipotle, chopt salad bar chipotle, chicken joes Chipotle, Big Macs, Grand Macs, Chicken Joe's, Burger King, Wendy's, Starbucks, Root Beer Floats chipotle styled meal, salmon chipotle hell yeah chipotle Chipotle Chipotle Chipotle Chinese Food chinese food Chinese Food chimi changas, beridos, tacos, tortia Chili, Turkey Chili served regularly. Steak/beef served regularly. More chicken in the specials from Garden Cateri Chili mac and cheese, real food, healthier food Chili cheese fries. Chili Cheese fries and lasagna Chili chienese food Chicken, Steak, Pasta there are these things but maybe make it more like have it everyday. chicken, seafood, quiche, scrambled eggs, soups, philly cheesestake, chicken pot pie, enchiladas chicken, more fruits, Chicken, More drinks like soda Chicken, MeatLoaf, More hamburgers, hotdogs, eggs, spaghetti and meatballs, pizza sticks, Chicken with vegetables, Brown rice, Strawberries,asparagus, cherries,peaches,whole wheat pasta chicken wings, fried chicken chicken wings, chipotle, chicken parm, smoothies, muffins, oranges chicken wings and grilled cheese Chicken Wings Chicken WIngs chicken wings chicken wing, rice and beans, tostones, maduro Chicken tikka masala, mozzarella and tomatos, mango Chicken Teriyaki Chicken Tenders Chicken sandwiches, donuts, asparagus , cheese fries, Alfredo pasta, streak, Chocolate bananas chicken sandwich, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, white rice, chicken, pizza with chicken on top chicken parmesean Chicken Parmesan,Lasagna and Sloppy Joe chicken Parmesan and sushi Chicken Parmesan chicken parmagan. chicken parm, steak, philly cheese steak, pasta with vodka sauce, burritos with meat and cheese, chicken parm, and more salads Chicken parm chicken parm Chicken over rice, meat bowl, Cajun chicken sandwich Chicken Nuggets Chicken noodle soup chicken legs, BBQ chicken legs, Chicken Joes/Garden Catering once a week chicken joes. chicken joes,chines noddles,caviar,lobster. Chicken Joes, Rinaldis Chicken Joes, Garden Catering, Corbos Deli, and jello. chicken joes or garden catering, REAL hamburgers or cheese burgers, Fries NOT OVER COOKED, drinks Chicken joes or garden catering Chicken Joes on Tuesdays. Chicken joe's Kfc, Papa john pizza, Garden catering chicken joes , egg and cheese on a roll fruit salad bar steak cheese burger chicken cezar homemade chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes chicken joes Chicken Joes Chicken joes Chicken joes Chicken Fried Rice, Yogurt, Beef, Chicken, Cola, Iced Tea (Arizona) chicken fried rice chicken enchiladas Chicken cutlets chicken curry Chicken Cesar Salads with chicken that isnt undercooked! Its always tastes lie rubber. Chicken Cesar salad wrap chicken caesar wraps chicken (not nuggets), noodles, pasta more than once a week Chicken chicken Chicken Chicken chicken chese burgers chekien pot pie, smart food popcorn, cheeseburgers and french fries cheese sticks Cheese quesadilla's and more organic foods Cheaper switch cesar salad, coleslaw, israeli salad, pasta salad, cobb salad, wardorf salad, larb, gado-gado, BACON Celary Can't think of anything Candy, Soda, and lots if other things. Candy, More Garden Catering Items, More Breakfast Items candy, fruit, small water, almond milk, other cereals candy soda water Candy and Ice cream Calamari, ORGANIC SORT OF HEALTHY PIZZA plain cheese, saltine crackers to help with headaches. Cake. dynamite doritos. flamin' hot cheetos cake, quesadilla, fruit salad, garden catering, dominos quality got very bad throughout the year burritos burritos Burrito bowl bar Burrito bar (tomatillo/chipotle style); smoothie bar, more entree options other than the grille Burgers, any day of the week burgers and candy burger king menu, taco bell breakfast, lucky charms, mcdonalds dollar menu, mcdonalds milkshakes Build your own salad bar with lots of options. Buffalo Wings/Chicken Fingers buffalo wings, onion rings buffalo wings, buffalo wings Buffalo wings buffalo wings brownies, sweet potato options, croissant, fruits/veggies(strawberries) brownies, more pizza Broccoli Bring back the buffalo chicken burritos they were good. BRING BACK HAWIIAN CHICKEN WRAP brigadeiros breakfast foods, like muffins, bagels, better slads, like a much better salad bar, and less cookies. breakfast foods Breakfast Cereal breakfast breakfast Breaded chricken Bread, Rice, etc Boston market Bosco sticks (more often) Bologna (this is hte meat I prefer but they don sell this meat BLT Better things to drink. Better salads, non fried foods, healthier choices better salads, fruits and vegetables, smoothies, and coffee Better salads better salads better salads better salad, pasta with pesto better salad better quality soups, quiche, paninis, hot wraps, more salad dressing options Better quality foods better pizza, fruits,better food quality Better pizza than dominos better pizza Better pizza better pizza better pizza better pizza better fruits and veggies Better fruit better food. Better chicken sandwiches, Bosco sticks on all days, beef empeniadas, burritos, chicken parmeasean Better Burgers, nachos, just more variety. Better bread for sandwiches and better rolls. Better apples, and much better fruit. below class D meat belgum waffles. (not sticks) :) Beef, corn Beef products, pork products. Cooked meats. "Build your own" horn lunch options beef jerkey as a snack? Beef Chili (during the winter) beef BEC, chesse burgers, BLT's BEC(Bacon, egg and cheese) BBQ Chicken Wings, Chicken Teriyaki, BBQ Ribs BBQ Chicken BBQ batter salads, different food options such as NO meatloaf, smoothies, fresher food bars, chicken,meat,vegetables,fruit salad,fish, Barbecue. barbecue, howburger that has salad, tomatoes, burger, cheese and with some fries on the side Banana Pudding ball park hot dogs Baked Potatoes, Chocolate cake, Ice cream cake, Strawberry Short cake, Sponge Cake,Funnel Cake, CAKE Baked Macaroni and Cheese bagles bagels BACON! please! Bacon is my life! just not turkey bacon. only pig bacon. inportant! Bacon egg and cheese, or just bacon and egg bacon egg and cheese sandwich Bacon Egg & Cheese Sandwiches Bacon Avocados, more of the salad toppings to put in sandwiches, falafel avocados, cucumbers , healthy meat, healthy protein or granola bars, healthier pasta, sushi, smoked salmon. avocado toast avocado toast avocado As long as it is good, quality food, anything! arepas Arcuris Pizza because the Dominos is not good. Apple Crisp Chips Anything vegan anything thats not fake but I still will not eat it. It is all disgusting. Anything that would be healthier. Anything that is better then what they have Anything not fake ANything new Anything more healthy Anything as long as there is some left by fourth lunch. anything Any healthy foods. Any fruits and healthier snack options (like an alternative to chips) Annies mac and cheese anies mac and cheese almond milk and granola plain Aj febles from 113 stanwich road 06830 has one dog along with Vincent Actual soda's (Sprite, coke, Dr pepper, root beer), quality burgers, boneless buffalo wings, beef Actual good pasta, actuall good pizza, actual good everything, vitamin water Actual food actual chicken nuggets Acai bowls; smoothies; s'mores; homemade rice crispy treats Acai bowls, smoothies, salads Açai bowls Acai bowl A mac and cheese burger, is where it has the patty and insted of the cheese it's mac and cheese. A lot of the foods I like are not offered a lot, like the pizza quesadilla, plain pasta. I also do n a larger salad bar a juice or smoothie machine A greater variety of soups A fruit salad bar. The lunch room has a salad bar but not a fruit bar. They have little cups with fr A fruit bar, chocolate covered pretzels ,more salad options, garden catering, 1.25 rice krispies 1. grilled chicken 2. meat sandwiches (steak, roast beef, etc) - Vegan food choices - Dariy/Soy free choices (Not sure of specifics ) - Tofu burgers - Salads (more variety of toppings,kinds of salads, and dressings - Organic/Fresh Salads (garden salad, or a make your own salad station) - cheese quesadillas - calazones everrrryyyyy day!!!!! (so gooddddd) -soft serve iced cream

Additional items like to see: Frequency of word in answer. 1119 comments. Chicken 183 Salad 106 Fruit 88 Sushi 71 Sandwich, Wrap 70 Pizza 68 Mexican 60 Vege(table)(terian) 53 Pasta 52 Nothing, None 42 Burgers 40 Bars (protein, gran) 40 Steak 39 Fried 36 Grilled 32 Smoothie 32 Wings 32 Soup 30 Variety 23 Organic 19 Mozzarella Sticks 16 GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – 2017 K-5 Parents Food Services Survey – Results

Respondents: 1575

1. Which elementary school does your child/children attend?

# of Respondents % of Respondents % of School Pop.

• Cos Cob (447) 160 10.2 35.8 • Glenville (454) 212 13.5 46.7 • Hamilton Avenue (403) 104 6.6 25.8 • Dundee/ISD (386) 144 9.1 37.3 • Julian Curtiss (342) 99 6.2 28.9 • New Lebanon (264) 84 5.3 31.8 • North Mianus (507) 189 12.0 37.3 • North Street (433) 152 9.7 35.1 • Old Greenwich (438) 169 10.7 38.6 • Parkway (263) 67 4.3 25.5 • Riverside (476) 195 12.4 40.9 Total (4413) 1575 35.7

2. Please indicate the grade(s) of your elementary school child/children. Select all that apply.

• Kindergarten, First, Second (K-2) 630 • Third, Fourth, Fifth (3-5) 592 • Multiple Children (K-5) 353

3. Do any of your children have dietary restrictions? Select all that apply.

# of Respondents % of Respondents • Allergies – nuts 145 9.2 • Allergies – wheat, diary, soy, etc. 40 2.5 • Gluten free 33 2.1 • Pescetarian 7 0.4 • Vegan 5 0.3 • Vegetarian 38 2.4 • None 1305 82.9 • Other, please specify: ______71 4.5 - Tree nuts, Shellfish, Sesame, Egg, Pork (Halal)

4. With respect to your K-2 and/or 3-5 grade child/children specifically, please answer the following about the school lunch program: [Survey logic: If “never”, “1 day a week or less” or “do not know” to Q.4a, skip to Q.7. All other respondents continue.]

a. How often does your child eat school lunch? # of Respondents % of Respondents Never 351 22.3 1 day/wk. or less 473 30.0 2-3 days/wk. 271 17.3 4-5 days/wk. 473 30.0 Don’t know 7 0.4

b. How often does your child buy snacks (i.e., “extras” or a la carte items such as chips, cookies, ice cream not included in school lunch)? # of Respondents % of Respondents Never 560 35.6 1 day/wk. or less 489 31.0 2-3 days/wk. 343 21.7 4-5 days/wk. 119 7.6 Don’t know 64 4.1

c. How often does your child purchase beverages (e.g., water, juice or extra milk) separate from what is included in the school lunch? # of Respondents % of Respondents Never 755 47.9 1 day/wk. or less 340 21.6 2-3 days/wk. 209 13.3 4-5 days/wk. 156 9.9 Don’t know 115 7.3

5. If your child/children participate in the school lunch program or eat school lunches regularly, please indicate why. Select all that apply. (# of Respondents from Q.4a: 744) [Multiple choice; multiple answers allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents • Convenience of school supplied food 504 67.7 • My child likes the food selection 248 33.3 • My child likes to make his/her own decision 246 33.1 • My child likes buying lunch with his/her friends 264 35.5 • Cost (i.e., the price is right) 88 11.8 • Other, please specify: ______38 5.1

6. If your child/children eat school lunches, please indicate how satisfied you/your child is with the following aspects of your school's food services. [Multiple choice; one answer allowed.] [Survey logic: Respondents to Q.6, skip to Q.8.]

Survey #1 – Survey logic only allowed 4-5 day per week respondents to answer Q.6 Very Very # of Respondents from Q.4a: dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied # of % of # of % of # of % of # of % of # of % of 224 R R R R R R R R R R Variety of lunch options 13 5.8% 42 18.8% 60 26.8% 91 40.6% 18 8.0% Quality of food 16 7.1% 43 19.2% 78 34.8% 70 31.3% 17 7.6% Nutritional Value of food 21 9.4% 46 20.5% 86 38.4% 55 24.6% 16 7.1% Length of time in line 17 7.6% 51 22.8% 69 30.8% 65 29.0% 22 9.8% Lunch room monitors/assistants 7 3.1% 21 9.4% 72 32.1% 98 43.8% 26 11.6%

Survey #2 – Survey logic allowed 2-3 and 4-5 day per week respondents to answer Q.6 Very Very # of Respondents from Q.4a: dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Satisfied # of % of # of % of # of % of # of % of # of % of 386 R R R R R R R R R R

Variety of lunch options 16 4.1% 80 20.7% 110 28.5% 135 35.0% 45 11.7%

Quality of food 32 8.3% 76 19.7% 115 29.8% 122 31.6% 41 10.6%

Nutritional Value of food 31 8.0% 97 25.1% 129 33.4% 89 23.1% 40 10.4%

Length of time in line 31 8.0% 59 15.3% 133 34.5% 130 33.7% 33 8.5% Lunch room monitors/assistants 13 3.4% 42 10.9% 109 28.2% 151 39.1% 71 18.4%

7. If your child never or infrequently eats school lunch, please tell us why you/your child does not participate regularly in the program. Select all that apply. (# of Respondents from Q.4a: 831) [Multiple choice; multiple answers allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• I do not like the lunch menu choices 372 44.8 • I do not like the quality of the food 393 47.3 • Uncertainty of what food my child is eating 276 33.2 • I prefer to pack my child’s lunch 304 36.6 • My child prefers a packed lunch 287 34.5 • My child does not want to wait in the lunch line 138 16.6 • We subscribe to an outside meal service 12 1.4 • Other, please specify: ______162 19.5

8. How do you primarily learn about the monthly school lunch menu? [Multiple choice; multiple answer allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• Hard copy distributed via Friday Folders 237 15.0 • Weekly electronic newsletter 156 9.9 • Download it via Greenwich Public School website 802 50.9 • I have never seen the lunch menu 353 22.4 • Other, please specify: ______127 8.1

9. Which improvements would you like to see in food services at your elementary school? Select all that apply. [Multiple choice; multiple answers allowed.]

# of Respondents % of Respondents

• Better variety of lunch options 898 57.0 • More allergy/gluten free choices 153 9.7 • More healthy snack/dessert options (less c, c, ic) 1001 63.6 • Organic fruits and vegetables 880 55.9 • Free range, grass fed and/or organic meats 749 47.6 • Locally sourced foods 568 36.0 • Other, please specify: ______312 19.8

10. Would you like to see more lunch room assistance/guidance provided by an adult on healthier food choices for your child/children? [Multiple choice; only one answer allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 1051 66.7 • No 524 33.3

11. The current base price for an elementary school lunch is $3.35 per day. How much MORE would you be willing to pay per day for a higher quality lunch offering? [Multiple choice; only one answer allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• $1 498 31.6 • $2 425 27.0 • $3 210 13.3 • I would not pay more 318 20.2 • Other, please specify: ______124 7.9

12. If you were to pay more for a school lunch, would you still allow your child/children to spend additional money on "extras" (e.g., chips, cookies, ice cream) that are not part of the basic meal? [Multiple choice; only one answer allowed.]

# of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 396 25.1 • No 722 45.8 • Uncertain/Don’t know 457 29.1

13. Would you like to see a basic school lunch which includes a healthy snack/dessert option instead of spending additional money on "extras" (e.g., chips, cookies, ice cream)? [Multiple choice; only one answer allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 1299 82.5 • No 276 17.5

14. If your child/children use a pre-paid lunch account, are you aware that you can: [Matrix/multiple choice; only one answer allowed.]

a. Limit their purchases to meals only (i.e., opt out of "extras" or a la carte items)?

# of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 1048 66.5 • No 527 33.5

b. View their lunch and snack purchases via the parent portal, MySchoolBucks?

# of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 1111 70.5 • No 464 29.5

15. Finally, please indicate if your child/children receive free or reduce priced school meals. [Multiple choice; only one answer allowed.] # of Respondents % of Respondents

• Yes 129 8.2 • No 1405 89.2 • Decline to answer 41 2.6

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. K-5 Open Comments

You should improve the nutritional content of the food -- at middle schools and high school as well. Yes. Stop enabling child obesity. yes - sometimes menu says with or without meat - for example egg sandwich - but often only available with meat - not cool. Would love to see healthier options all around. Children primarily get way too much sugar and definitely don't need during school. We have only brought lunch a handful of times because the options are not healthy. I would love to have to pack a lunch every day!!! Haha Would like to see options such as hot sandwiches (tuna melt, grill cheese, gyros), panini, more organic and seasonal fruits and veggies. Would like to remove unhealthy snacks removed as an option. I do not allow them to buy them at school. I feel that dessert s/b monitored and given by parents at home. Limiting high fat and high sugar foods s/b limited in our diet overall. Adding fruit to the meal s/b the only option. Would like choices of healthy foods, veggies and fruit that are mostly organic Would be nice to order out from a local deli or pizza place once a week Would be happy to pay more for healthier varied main lunch and pay for quality healthy extras separately Whole wheat pastas and breads We're eligible for reduced lunch, but we don't yet take advantage of it We would like you to offer healthy meals on most of the days and also healthy morning snack for purchase. That would be convenient for working parents. Thanks in advance We need to stop feeding our children processed food We need to educate our kids to healthier, but we need to provide them with a good balance during their meal. We need longer lunch periods, a bigger cafeteria, more healthy food options We need better food. We had better food when i grew up we live in the fanciest zip code and the food served to our kids is embarrassing, shame on greenwich public schools We just need healthier options. We need less fried foods / less "brown" foods and more fresh fruits and vegetables that look appealing to kids. If we could basically force kids into choosing from healthier options; in specific categories (ie.,everyone needs at least one fresh fruit or vegetable item), that would go a long way toward me allowing my kids to buy lunch (which they would like to do). We are aware that the elementary lunch options vary greatly from those at the high school. There needs to be better tasting food options so that the children actually eat what they buy. The bagels tend to be hard and have a very poor taste. When fruit choices are limited, frequently children can end up with a lunch consisting of just a piece of pizza (or just a hot dog, or just pasta with butter) and milk. That is not enough of a lunch to sustain elementary age children through the day. We are a progressive school district in every way, but the food quality is abysmal. Either change the whole system or allow individual schools to make chuck on their own. Feels like the food services contracts/union are controlling what or kids eat. How can we extoll in class the benefits of recyclability who our kids are eating off of styrofoam trays? Water to drink should not be an "extra" cost. Unify food, two variants, with nutritional value. Main course and dessert. Yogurt, fruit. Planned with responsibility by a nutritionist. Monday, REAL Chicken with rice, Monday, REAL Pasta with meetballs, Wend Meat with mushpotetos..etc, and another option for kids with allergies. I can't not believe how horrible looks the food like, oily, bad cooked and cheap. Too many juice options and maybe sparkling water instead Too many fried foods. Veggies soggy. This is the first year I've allowed my kids to buy lunch and have been thrilled with the experience. It saves me time, money and aggravation. The kids are healthier choices than I was giving them. Wouldn't want to pay more than $4 a day on this though They think the pizza is really bad, ribs were super spicy. They love the soups. they have very little time to buy and eat lunch, having the option to get back in line for dessert given to kids before they've had time to any on the lunch is a very bad idea, this needs to stop There seems to be some ground between "locally sourced" or "organic" and what is served now. We can find a middle ground that includes some less institutional food. There needs to be better quality food that children want to eat. My kid comes home starving because they don't like the food choices and there's never enough time to eat! And, get music off the menu!! Way too distracting There is no need for any ice cream, chips, or cookies. Just serve a healthy meal and leave it at that! There is huge waste at lunch, and due to talking and limited time so much is not eaten. I have seen schools with more monitoring over lunch and it ensures kids eat enough and don't waste food. Also helps reinforce table manners. There is a lot of food wasted. Not sure if that is because kids are forced to take food they don't like. There have been many instances where the printed menu does not align w/availability in school. My child is often frustrated that a selection is not available and is left w/undesirable choices. Also, lines, especially on pizza days, are a big issue. The quality of the food needs to be improved. The options should be healthy but ones that the kids will eat. Keep it simple but have it taste good. The milk is sometimes expired. Not always have whole wheat bread, some white bread would be good. The mark up on "extras" or drinks is shocking. I would rather buy it in bulk from Costco and send it in with my child. Sending it in from home would also allow for better quality snacks. The lunch program needs to change. I feel awful feeding them that junk. the lunch line needs to be sped up. water should be included. children should be required to take a fruit and vegetable. The lunch ladies are awsome N.L The kids need way more protein so that they don't crash in the afternoons after consuming processed carbs and sugars. the kids don't have enough time to buy and then eat lunch. It is infuriating to see a box on the lunch form say check here if you don't have a ss# The healthier the better! Organic/free range yummy fruits, vegetables and meats please!!! The French public schools offer one choice of high quality meal per day with an advance menu published for the week for parents to plan around. That would be amazing! The food should taste better and it is an important factor for more kids (especially big kids) to buy lunch! The assistants are very helpful and friendly Thanks to all the lunch staff! Thanks for asking these questions. I don't have the time to be as involved with this as I wish I was. Thanks for looking out for our kids and their health. Thank you for taking the time to consider this program carefully. They are what they eat:) thank you for looking at this; I was disappointed to see on the website that the Superintendent feels it is "nearly impossible" to provide safe foods for food allergic children. this is simply not the case-it just takes care in reading labels, selecting only those brands that clearly follow protocols that avoid cross contamination. Sugary or Fatty choices like French toast (syrup) should not be served for lunch Simply remove the option for extras (chips, ice cream, etc.). There is absolutely no need for them. Should be fresh or steamed veggies offered every day. And as-locally as possible sourced meat and chicken Serving ice-cream to the kids often leads them to eat the ice-cream before their actual meal. Would be nice to offer it towards the end of lunch period or not at all. See other answers. When i have had lunch with i was disapppinted with cold corn, lack of bottled water as drink option and oranges halved in peel - making it hard for kids to just eat. Whole apples or bananas or clementines make sense. Ask the older kids what they think. See above re eliminating fried food, juice and cookies Sausages were still raw and frozen in the inside. Pizza burnt. Milk option in basically sugar water. Food is so unhealthy and a health issue I have stopped allowing my daughter to order anything from the cafe. Food education is imperative for children and it can happen at the school cafe. Please let me know if I can help in anyway. Rotate which tables go up first since my child usually has less selection since his table is picked last. Remove junk food, like French fries and chicken nuggets, from lunch menu Reduce the amount of sugar in children's food. Reduce the amount of sugar in children's food. Quite frankly, I think the lunch program could be more transparent. We moved here 4 years ago when my oldest was 4th grade and i never really figured out how it works, what food the kids eat etc. I signed up for some lunch duties so i could see the food but it never really appealed to me although I some days I would like to have the option for the kids as a proper lunch (not pizza, nuggets) would give them a good start for after school activities. I guess it is a cost issue versus quality.. quit the reheated processed unhealthy food it's not good for our children Quality of food matters a lot more than cost for most families. I'm not trying to save money by giving my kids low quality food. Parents and kids want better food and are willing to pay for it. Quality food, organic non GMO Provide more lunch time, focus on table manners, limit choices but increase quality Please remove all junk food from the ala Carte menu. An elementary school child cannot make healthy food decisions with such distracting temptations. School lunch should be healthy and nutritious full stop. Junk food has no place in an elementary schools menu. Please provide organic healthy lunches. Also please add more variety to the menu. please provide more vegetarian options Please offer healthier choices and use healthier ingredients. I.e the hotdog is horrible for our kids and it's the first thing they will choose if on their own. Please make the food homemade and more nutritious. They shouldn't be able to make unhealthy choices. Also chocolate milk should not be sold as it has far too much sugar. Please watch how much sugar is in these lunches. Please improve the food. All we hear about is how awful and disgusting the food is. Please ensure that a vegetable or fruit option is placed on every tray that walks out fo the lunchline. At least for K-2. Please allow on school delivery of Tiffon or explore a method by which this could be offered. Pleasde inform me how I limit the opt out of extras. I am not seeing it. Thank you. Send answer to [email protected] Overall my approach is moderation and trying to be healthy when we can. My kids buy 2-3 times per week which helps me with one less thing to do in the morning. I don't think it's a super healthy lunch but I also don't think it's terribly unhealthy and I try to balance it out with a healthy breakfast and dinner those days. While I do think my kids need to work on making healthy choices on their own, I do think someone helping remind them to take a fruit or veggie wouldn't hurt. Overall it's a great program!! would like to see lunch servers suggest healthier otions as kids are choosing. My son gets nacho chips only on Friday since he doesn't like the pizza. lunch person should suggest salad. Overall I think GPS dies a good job with school lunch. I would like to see more organic and locally sourced food as well as more vegetarian options Our daughter says the food is not good. Calzone's are her single favorite food that "tastes good" and that she looks forward to. Our concern is the lunch staff (workers not monitors) know the prices and do not overcharge or say that something is not included when it is. We have had this issue at least half a dozen times over the past year or two. Organic only Organic Note that, even if there were healthier choices that I as a parent would be willing to pay for, you can't control the choices your child makes at the food counter. So, while I am optimistic, the more / better choices may not be consumed by my child. Also - have 'whole wheat' options, especially for bagels. My duaghter is always telling me no whole wheat bagels are offered. Finally she also occssionally comments on the attitude of the lunchroom help - cranky or terse. Improvement area? Not appealing taste or selection my child will not buy not a lot of time for kids to eat when it takes 10 minutes to eat and cleanup & line up begins 10 minutes before they are suppose to leave. Food doesn't look appetizing at all. Nope None None No thank you No styrofoam!!! NO MORE STYROFOAM!!!! no No No No No No No No No No no New Lebanon has poor quality milk and higiene... many times were found hair in the food! Need better supervision of children during meal time My top priority would be to provide a more variety of meals. The options are basically the same week to week. Breakfast for lunch on Mondays, taco Tuesdays, some version of pasta on Wednesdays, pizza on Fridays. More healthy varieties, please! My son says they have to be silent during lunch which I think is extreme. My son says the people that serve the food are "very nice and very happy" so wonderful! My son says that he doesn't have enough time to finish eating? My son says add grilled cheese as a vegetarian option My priority consits in healthy food My main concern is the quality and variety of the food. I am really glad to see this survey because I think the only options are pasta, pizza and chicken nuggest and fries type food. We live in a community that thankfully people care about food and health, and people generally invest on good food. So I think the schollol should try To leverage the knowledge and desires of the community and extend the concepts and standards applied by families at home to the school. that might benefit other kids My kids don't finish lunch due to spending too much time in line My kids claim the food at school is "fake" and the pizza tastes like cardboard. They only really enjoy the chicken cesear salad and breakfast options. All other days, they end up eating bagels. My daughter only likes to buy lunch on the day ice cream or cookies are offered- it would be nice to have small dessert item offered for each meal My daughter does not like the school lunch menu- My children refuse to buy lunch. They would rather go hungry. I thought they were being picky. I occasionally bought lunch in public school as a child -- typically on "pizza Fridays." I lived at the cereal & salad bar in high school. I encouraged my kids to buy lunch 1x per week. Then I visited them at school & saw long lines to buy unappetizing, reheated food on styrofoam trays. I didn't think it was possible to ruin pizza. The menu reads well. The food tastes terrible. my children love the idea of buying their lunch but hate the food. they say it is gross. Can the food please be improved. my children get upset when the item they intended to buy that day is not available My child would buy lunch on a daily basis primarily because it was convenient and I believed that it was warm and nutritious based on the menus I viewed. In January I decided to eat lunch with my child and discovered the chicken nugget he was served to be as hard as a piece of cardboard. The broccoli was stale and smelled of preservatives. That was the last time I ever allowed my child to purchase lunch, they now bring lunch every day. An occasional cookie is ok substandard food is not. My child has requested more variety of ethnic foods my child enjoys the selection of meals and snacks My child definitly would appreciate better quality food More variety for young picky eaters. More support in promoting health choices More staff serving food so that the line is quicker when purchasing lunch. More selections of chicken, beef entree would be good. EX,Simple teriyaki chicken/beef with cooked broccori... more reusable items, less styrofoam, plastic more reusable items, less styrofoam, plastic More protein less carbs More lunch monitors for children under 7 More healthy foods!!!! More fresh food, please! more cooked vegitables Many school lunches include food or beverages that students do not want or eat/drink. it would be great to find a way to not create as much waste - it is awful to see fresh fruit that is untouched thrown away. Make a deal with garden catering for there nuggets once or twice a week. Lunch time needs trained monitors instead of parents lunch ladies are always very nice Lunch is a social time. The monitors need to be reminded of that. The children should not have to sit in silence Love the garlic bread ! Look @ successful programs. Eating healthy ( cutting out the exorbitant amounts of sugar!) shouldn't be an upgrade. It should be standard. Our children are fed inedible junk food. Poor at best. It's shouldn't be a privilege but a right. List of ingrediants (not just "diary , soy free" but an acutal list on the website so I can make an informed decision on what each meal is. It can be a list of ALL foods served, doesn't need to be specific to the month, as long as your supplier doens't change ingredients. Less sugar! Less greasy foods. Less fried foods. The hamburgers are terrible. Less fried food please Kids need to be allowed a reasonable amount of time to eat their lunch. Depending on when they are allowed to go to the lunchroom and waiting time in line, some kids have less than 5 minutes to eat their lunch, which leads to very unhealthy and messy eating habits. Our son always complains about not having enough time to eat his lunch. Forcing kids to stuff their mouths with food because they don't have time to eat it at a normal pace can lead to obesity and some seriously flawed manners. kids need more time to eat. Lunch time is too short kids need healthier options, whole grains, infrequent junk food. Meals have improved over the years but have a long way to go. KEEP IT CLEANER AND MAKE FIRST 10 MIN MANDATORY QUIET TIME TO EAT. MORE SUPERVISION AND MONITORING DURING LUNCH AND RECESS. just wish that in general kids had more time to eat lunch...and kids should have a snacktime scheduled during the day no matter what the age so that if they don't eat a great lunch one day they aren't starving by 3:00 It's very important to me that have healthy options for my child. Also, it would be nice if the food choices were more diverse - not just pizza and burgers. Why not some Asian dishes, for example. Finally, there needs to be more supervision in the lunchroom. I see kids throwing away the healthy foods all the time. The lunch room supervisors should seriously discourage wasting food. It would be wonderful if there could be an option to pre-order meals online in advance. Our last school used CT Catering, and now we use Tiffin occasionally. My son enjoys looking at the options with me online. It would be interesting to see how much of the lunches bought are actually eaten. what happens to food not purchased in the canteen? Is it donated to soup kitchens or somewhere similar It would be helpful if children could come home with hard copy of menu at start of month It would be amazing if organic, locally sourced foods were offered. It would be a wonderful option to sell Tiffin at the schools. It seems the quality and selection of food at the high school is far superior to the elementary and middle schools It needs to be revamped. We need to start teaching our kids to eat better and the low quality and crap selections at Grenville do not help and frankly set the foundations for chronic diseases in our kids. I challenge anyone reading to go and buy lunch at the Glenville cafeteria with the Kindergarteners. I've done it and would not eat any of that garbage let alone let my children eat that stuff. It needs more healthy foods - fruits, vegetables - and more organic. Maybe more supervision of the younger students to ensure that they are comfortable and/or eating their lunches. It is just hard to figure out what my child's code is, therefore she prefers to bring her lunch also. It seems like the teachers do not know what their coat it is just hard to figure out what my child's code is, therefore she prefers to bring her lunch also. It seems like the teachers do not know what their lunch codes are. In these cases then I have to give her cash, and then she ends up just spending all the cash on extras It is important for the kids to know where their food comes from and what the ingredients are so that they can learn to make good choices for themselves Is there a way to pre-order lunches? that way they don't spend as much time in the lunch line in another school (different country) we were able pre-order on a monthly basis. this way, parents know for sure which lunch option their child is getting, and the school also can plan and prepare accordingly. My children hate it when they get to buy and they can not get their choice because there is no more of it. improve the quality and the knowledge of the lunchroom staff about proper dietary intake. Improve food quality please as it isn't edible If we want our children to perform well in school we need to feed their bodies with nutrious meals that are not GMO or full of pesticides, antibiotics and nitrates. French toast on a stick is NOT lunch. My kids are horrified by the food that is being served. They would see it as a punishment to have to eat the cafeteria food. They feel terrible for children that have to eat it. It is sad that in this rich town, our kids are subjected to junk. Feed their bodies before you feed their minds. if there were healthy and delicious options i would have my kids buy more. even if it is homemade chicken noodle soup or turkey sandwiches, but the options are not very appealing to my kids. what about a salad bar? If the processed foods are not available as a choice, they will choose from what they are given. If the options are improved, we would definitely use the program more! If the calendar could be mobile friendly that would help! If each school had an organic garden (like my husband and I offered to donate to NMS school. Children would eat what they grew and probably be more willing to try healthier food. It would be a win win. I'd rather that dessert wasn't an option because I like to only have one sweet a day and sometimes I don't look to see what the kids buy. My kids definitely don't eat enough when they buy lunch and I'm more discerning with my food buying, I prefer to buy organic and local produce for highly pesticided items. I think it would be great if GPS could support some local farms. I especially think the milk should be organic or local (the farmer's cow is a local dairy)--and carrageenan in the choc milk�� I'd like better descriptions of what each lunch is on the portal. For example - what's FRTSTX? Sounds like fruit sticks, but that doesn't sound like a lunch item... I wouldn't complain if it was free.. I would pay a LOT more for a healthier lunch. I do not like packing lunches but one child refuses to eat the school lunch and the other would prefer to eat doritos all day so I pack her lunch to control what she has. I don't know why we are offering kids ICE CREAM??? at 11:30 on Wednesdays. It is crazy! I think ice cream and cookies are something that should be saved for parties and celebrations NOT Wednesday at 11:30. Bosco sticks, pasta with butter...these are horrible lunch options. I would love the lunches to be organic and less waste packaging to have less of a carbon impact on the environment. I would love for the children to be given water rather than milk with their lunch I would like to see more homemade and fresh cooked foods, and less frozen foods. I would also like the staff to encourage the kids to actually select fruits and vegetables, particularly the younger grades. I'm sure this is a pipe dream, but it would be wonderful if the kitchens could actually be used to cook food (like back in the "olden days") and not just serve food. I would like to see more healthy options, a wider variety of options, and less unhealthy food (like french toast sticks) I would like to see healthier options. There's no need for sugar milk like chocolate milk. A healthy choice between milk or water. Tye temptation to purchase poor choices is there when a parent isn't around to guide them. I would like to see healthier choices overall. And I feel that some guidance, i.e., each child gets one main dish, at least one fruit or vegetable and one other item, would be most helpful, especially for the younger kids. They need help making healthy choices -- I've seen many lunches that are all brown -- chicken tenders, fried hash browns, pasta -- and this is not acceptable. My kids buy lunch less than three times per year because of the unhealthy choices. I would like to see a healthier option when it is one of the daily entrees for the week. For ex. I don't want my son eating Bosco cheese sticks or pizza every day for the week it is the entree of the week. I would like to be able to limit my child's access to sugary drinks (he had been allowed to buy 2 chocolate milk). I also would really like to see more fruit options. I would be so happy if there were healthy lunch choices. My son would love to have a hot lunch every day, but I am so disgusted by the options. I wish school lunches are better so my child would eat instead of bringing from home. I was not aware that you could limit the account for meals only. My child was buying all sorts of snacks each day. I was grocery shopping + adding $50-$75 per month on the lunch account. It was too expensive. Aside from the fact I did not know exactly what they were eating and how much. I want to ensure their is supervision in lunch room so kids don't throw everything away I want more healthy food, snacks and local food to reduce obesity in our children. I thought kids had to pick fruits or veggies with lunch, but it's not so. They almost never had these items, this is one of the reasons I pack lunch. I think you do a good job, but I have heard that there is a lot of waste. I think we should get much better quality food for our kids I think there are some well-off parents who really want to see organic, sushi, etc in school lunches and are not concerned with additional cost. I think this stance is not taking into consideration two things. First, that GPS food services needs to run at cost or make a profit, which it won't if you eliminate all extras. Second, that many people cannot afford to pay more. If you serve good burgers, grilled cheese and the like, with decent sides (like an apple), kids will buy the food. I think the school is doing a good job in the cafeteria. It's a big change for the children managing food choices and time. I think the program as is is pretty good. Wish Parkway had more room for more options (salad bar, soups). Wish at least some Parkway food was made on site not trucked in. I think the district or schools should send out the lunch menu via email each week. I think there needs to be more responsible monitoring by the cafeteria staff. They should require children to have foods from all food groups. my kids have eaten bosco sticks, cookies, choc milk, and chips for lunch. no one is monitoring. I think of all the things that Greenwich pays for the food that their children are eating should be a priority --- more important than IPADS in all the classrooms etc. Thankyou I think the choices are not great for my son. He insists on buying lunch but rarely eats enough. I think there should be healthier options. I think the choices are fine, my child is very picky. I do encourage her to buy lunch. Lunch menu is very tricky to find on website. Should be it's own separate link. I think that the children at school should be taught the international sign for "I'm choking" and there should be an adult who is ready to handle this situation if need be- I think NSS does a great job for the most part with lunches. Maybe less pizza and breakfast for lunch like waffles and carbs...Bigger salad bar with other greens rather than iceberg and other veggie and protein additions to put on top of salad I think lots of choices - the more people will buy. A variety of healthy and "unhealthy" is okay. Depends on the child and family, but my children love ice cream day and I'm glad they have that option! Life's too short! Have fun everyday and a little bit of everything is okay! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! I think it stinks there is a fee to add money to my child's account with a credit/debit card. So I write a check that could get lost, etc. Annoying. I stopped putting money on my daughter lunch account because she was spending a lot of money on snacks, drinks when I already made a lunch for her. I see this Free lunch to families is out of control. I is given out like candy. These people can very well bring thier lunch from home. Why are they entitled to a free lunch every day. If they all have cell phones they bring lunch from home. I wintness this go on all the time and it's not fair to keep raising prices on people who actually pay for lunch. System is too easy to manipulate. I really like the idea that the "extras" would only include healthy options. I really like the convenience of school-provided lunch - even though there are healthy options my son doesn't always choose them or eat them if he takes them. I don't have a problem with him eating, say, pancakes for lunch but if he also ate a fruit or yogurt, I would feel better about the nutritional value of his lunch meal. I realize that we can't have full chefs at the school lunches, but there are ways to serve healthier warm meals than what they get now. For example, broccoli, carrots, brussel sprouts can be cooked in the morning (from frozen). Fresh vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, celery) could be cut up each day and offered. There are too many packaged items that cost too much and just get thrown away. It would be great to offer good tasting home cooked meals (nothing fancy -even real mac & cheese). I realize it is difficult to purchade higher quality products for price point but smaller higher quality vendors can be solicited w the volume Greenwich school district does. Suggestion: Sardilli produce put of Hartford. I have voulenteered often on lunch duty and have been absolutely appalled at the quality of the food and unguided choices that these children have been allowed to make for themselves. There should be one or two choices for a main course a mandatory fruit and vegetable... nonprocessed chips... it would be a change for the kids and they would adjust but better for their health and well being and hope to make great choices in their diet as they grow older. I have tried to view the liunch purchases online adn also to limit the purchase of snack items via the lunch account but can't seem to do it. Also, my son sometimes finishes his packed lunch and decides he is still hungry. He says he's not allowed to buy the meal options later in the lunch period, only snack options. I hope that's not the case. I have no idea how the lunch time and how organize they are but as long as my kid eats regular and healthy lunch i will have no further comments...i always ask my child what she eat for lunch and how was the lunch time and goes... I have heard that my child's friends got the flu from the chicken nuggets and found random colored hairs in it too. So I would suggest to make it more sanitary. I had volunteered at the lunch room. In my opinion, kids don't have enough time for snack/ dessert. I don't understand why ice cream, chips should be even available for lunch. kids don't need to eat ice cream as a dessert for lunch. I find it unnecessary to offer junk food at school. Kids get tons of it elsewhere and it is hard to agree to let your child buy lunch but then try to restrict what they buy. I think ice cream should not be a part of the school day. I feel like the lunch could vary a bit more, be overall healthier. I don't think that juice should count as a fruit, and I think the french toast sticks should be eliminated. I do not want my children to be able to buy extra sweets without my knowledge. I do not think the "extras" are necessary. They receive a snack in their classrooms and why do they need to have a snack AND lunch at lunch time. They don't even have enough time to finish their lunch. I think we need to focus on a healthy appealing lunch option and remove the unhealthy extras from the offering. It is distracting to have a bunch of junk food at the end of the line. None of this food fosters learning. We also need less greasy lunch options. I do not like how the fixed lunch is so limited (ex. comes with milk, but not a water or other healthy choice). And, I do not like how if my child just get s the main lunch (ex. pizza ONLY), we still need to pay the full price. I believe that there should be more options for lunch meals and they should be more nutritious. I asked my daughter- she said the lines are too long and there is not enough time to actually eat lunch by the time she sits down after getting her food. I appreciate this survey, thank you! I find healthy/clean eating (options) should be a priority for all people esp our children. I am not there at lunch so it is difficult make suggestions, but it seems that every time I ask my daughter what she ate at lunch it is always carbs and chocolate milk. I would love if there were only healthy options so she had no choice but to eat healthy. I am grateful for this survey and feel strongly about the need for healthier choices (main course and extras) and more appetizing healthy options. I am curious why all of the so-called "extras" are things lie chips, cookies and ice cream? I think these should be eliminated and "extras" like healthy crackers, cheese sticks, fruit, yogurt cups provided instead. I provide healthy homemade cookies for my child when I allowand think the school should avoid these overly processed offerings. Hope kids can have more choice of healthy foods. Hire nicer lunch and cafeteria staff. Here is some interesting coverage from the WSJ regarding success stories: 9AC7E8467931.html Hello, though quite convenient, the food options is very poor and very unhealthy. The common is to see hot dogs, nachos, chicken nuggets, pizza, all very, very unhelathy options, which are just creating a very bad habit for my son. I really believe, we should eliminate those unhealthy options, and put better food for our sons. Thanks for making the survey! Healthy fresh food !! Healthier/organic would be great. Healthier options to chicken sticks which are almost daily. Also extra staff or parents at meal times to help with table manners. Healthier options and diversity Healthier items more variety Having the same foods is helpful for our family to know what day they will buy lunch each week. Example every Monday is pancakes, Wednesday is pasta etc. kids do not thrive on variety-they like repetition in foods so it is important that the choices each week are tasty and visually appealing. I do not want people offering things my children don't/won't eat. Example makeingthem take a salad or fruit cup that is gross-soggy lettuce and saturated fruit cup-what benefit does this provide? Gotta make the fruits more appealing, would like OJ to be optional replacement for milk (even if extra cost). Perhaps have side 'choices', even at increased cost. GHS has wonderful food options and better quality food- could the elementary schools have what they have? Or a portion of the choice options that they have? GHS has great options and much higher quality of food...why can't the elementary schools? Get rid of the chips/ice cream. I know this is needed to subsidize the program but there has to be a better way! I restrict my son by telling him he can't buy those (only the graham crackers) but his friends buy, then he asks for it. Also it would be helpful to have more detail on the MySchool bucks what they are actually purchasing. Sometimes its difficult to decipher and different prices are charged each day. Love the "from scratch" lunch, I encourage him to buy. NO MORE PANCAKES! Get rid of extras! I see so many children throwing away there lunches and only eat extras. To encourage them to buy it at the end of lunch by yelling out that its ok to get extras, is the worst idea ever! Get off the NSLP!!! It's way too limiting and the food horrible Fresh fruit & fresh salads should be a daily offering Fresh food vs reheated processed garbage Fresh food options, high fat , oily over cooked veggies are a disgrace Fresh cooked chicken, beef, vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, carrots, beans For the price, I do not think quality of food is very good. For the kinder garden more than the food it is the adults monitored their lunch time and to be sure that they really eat their lunches more then what is what they have to eat. Food quality is horrible. We can do better. Other schools do it, so should we. Food is always the same, chicken nuggets, pizza , etc. I would like to see more variety and better quality. It would be nice if cafeterias had microwaves to heat their own food, if needed. don't worry about organic and free range and all that. just a better balanced meal. Don't over engineer this - kids don't want gluten free, organic, free range pheasant. They want sandwiches, nuggets, pizza, etc that tastes good, is served quickly and comes with a snack. Cut extras entirely Children should not be able to have snack ot dessert before finishing their main meal. My child rather have an unhealthy snack than food which is wrong. Children complained few times that meat and chicken were UNDERCOOKED, it is dangerous! Change the table that goes up first. Often you run out of the food that my child wants. Better quality, more organic foods, meals such as eggs and bacon or fresh local clams and oysters, more homemade products such as stock and bolognese. I also suggest more attention to getting more organic and fresh foods. Better quality meat is a must Better food nutritious healthy options Better food choices would be great Basic sandwiches should be offered. Plain ham, turkey etc with condiments on the side. Something that if the menu for the day is something the child doesn't like at least they have a sandwich option instead of cereal Balance is important and having a cookie on a special day is fine. My daughter eats salads and is happy with a lot of the menus but the quantity is very little for her and some days there aren't any healthy options or a range that is very different. Nevertheless, the little quantity is often an issue for her since she is a good eater. Bad food. Should really improve. People are mean. :( At one point my child was bringing lunch and then buy too. He was eating 2 lunches and no one was paying attention. He is 5 years old!! Ridiculous. Another reason that I do not have the kids buy lunch is the line in the cafeteria; those kids buying lunch have only 10-15 minutes to sit down after going through the line. And although this is not related to the food, I would like the administration to look closely at the personnel in the cafeteria and their behavior towards the kids. The lunch monitors create a very negative atmosphere with their language and tone which does not encourage respect from the kids. This is not just at OGS. Although there are a couple of meal options that are tasty and balanced, a plate of french toast sticks potato happy faces and milk is not a balanced lunch. Most children do not self serve the vegetables and fruit choices are limited some days. Would it be better to go back to ordering lunches in the morning so more choices can be offered? The elementary lunches seem to be far below what the high schoolers are offered. a monthly email to parents of the school menu A micro with supervision wave would be nice esp in winter A healthy snack/dessert option could be separate from the basic school lunch. Offer healthier extras, such as organic or non-gmo chips, etc. A "whole wheat" or "organic" label does not necessarily make it healthy (ie organic Goldfish or similar snacks are a terrible habit for small children to get in to and Whole Wheat bread still includes a huge amount of sugar and other strange additives, compared to regular homemade bread). $3.35 is a lot - especially when you have 3 kids at full priced lunch. Sometimes mommies are sick or running late and can't prepare lunch. If kids don't want something (like milk) they should not be FORCED to take it. And there needs to be a way to move the line faster - more then 1/2 the kids lunch time is spent waiting to get lunch.

Frequency of Words: Healthy, Healthier 91 Options, Variety 84 Time to Eat, Line 70 Quality, Better 57 Fruit 27 Organic 25 Vege 24 Monitor, Staff 22 Snack 18 Fresh 15 Local(ly) 11 Ice cream 11 Styro 8 K-5 Q.3 Other

Other (Please specify):Tree nuts Other (Please specify):Tree Nuts Other (Please specify):Shellfish Other (Please specify):Shellfish Other (Please specify):Shellfish Other (Please specify):shellfish Other (Please specify):Sesame allergy Other (Please specify):Sensory issues to some food textures Other (Please specify):Picky Other (Please specify):Peanuts Other (Please specify):Organic/Non-GMO Other (Please specify):One of my children eats meat/another is a vegetarian/pescetarian Other (Please specify):Non-gmo, no r-bgh, dairy, no food coloring, no pork Other (Please specify):None Other (Please specify):no processed sugars Other (Please specify):No pork or shellfish Other (Please specify):No pork Other (Please specify):No pork Other (Please specify):No pork Other (Please specify):No meat outside the house except chicken Other (Please specify):No GMO Other (Please specify):no artificial ingredients or colors Other (Please specify):Mother anaphylactic to food and drug Other (Please specify):milk intolerance Other (Please specify):Mango papaya allergy- mostly vegetarian Other (Please specify):Limited sugar and GMOs, prefer organic foods Other (Please specify):lentils, fish, shell fish Other (Please specify):lactose intolerant, cherries, pineapple Other (Please specify):Lactose intolerant Other (Please specify):Lactose intolerant Other (Please specify):Lactose intolerant Other (Please specify):Lactose free Other (Please specify):Kosher Other (Please specify):Healthy diet! Other (Please specify):Healthy Other (Please specify):Halal; no pork products Other (Please specify):Halal Other (Please specify):Gluten dairy intolerance Other (Please specify):food dyes, mold Other (Please specify):Food dyes Other (Please specify):food coloring , Other (Please specify):fish, kiwi Other (Please specify):elimination diet so it varies. Other (Please specify):Eggs, seafood Other (Please specify):Eggs Other (Please specify):corn, banana Other (Please specify):Certain raw fruits and vegetable Other (Please specify):Celiac Other (Please specify):Celery Other (Please specify):but can be a picky eater Other (Please specify):Banana and coconut Other (Please specify):allergy-sesame, peanuts, tree nuts Other (Please specify):Allergy to see food Other (Please specify):Allergy to Milk & Seafoods Other (Please specify):Allergy peanut Other (Please specify):Allergies - Peas, Beans Other (Please specify):Allergic to eggs but can have any baked good containing eggs Other (Please specify):Allergic to dye Other (Please specify):All shell fish Other (Please specify):ADHD and needs a hearty lunch to make it through the day successfully Other (Please specify):ADHD and needs a hearty lunch to make it through the day successfully

K-5 Q.5 Other

Other (Please specify):Willing to try more things Other (Please specify):Time factor Other (Please specify):They get bored of my lunches too. Other (Please specify):They buy to give me a break from making healthy lunches all week. They hate the days they buy! Other (Please specify):sometimes running late no time to prepare lunch at home Other (Please specify):On days when he has before school rehearsal I don't have time to make lunch so he buys Other (Please specify):often they provide a hot lunch that I can not send in safely Other (Please specify):nutritionist instruction Other (Please specify):not enough time to make lunch Other (Please specify):N/A Other (Please specify):My son likes the fast service Other (Please specify):My kids sometimes eat the school lunch program but they didn't like the food. Other (Please specify):My kids like specific items on the menu and buy when it's french toast sticks, pancakes, bosco sticks, pasta or pizza for lunch. Other (Please specify):my children enjoy a hot meal Other (Please specify):My child does it if he likes the food on the menu (we look at it a day in advance) Other (Please specify):more convenient than making lunch each day Other (Please specify):More convenient for me Other (Please specify):Maybe twice a week he buys lunch - for convenience Other (Please specify):Makes life so much easier for me with 3 kids Other (Please specify):Likes to buy the additional items Other (Please specify):Less time at morning ao cant always prepare something at home Other (Please specify):I don't have time to prepare lunch Other (Please specify):Hot lunch better than cold packed lunch Other (Please specify):Helps the family Other (Please specify):He was not eating much of any home-packed lunch, so my hope is that he is eating more of the school lunch Other (Please specify):He likes certain menu choices like chicken nuggets, pancakes, french toast sticks, super chicken sandwich. He likes to buy lunch only and only when menu has one of the listed. Other (Please specify):Free/reduced lunch program Other (Please specify):Child prefers hot lunches Other (Please specify):1 of 2 get school lunch the older child hates the lunches served Other (Please specify):1 day a week change from lunch brought from home

K-5 Q.7 Other

Other (Please specify):Your food choices are terrible and lack proper nutritional value to the point where you should be embarrassed serving it. Other (Please specify):would like healthier options Other (Please specify):When my son began eating lunch, there was a distinct difference in the smell and look of his bowl movements. He was only 5 at the time and I would be able to tell the difference. Finally figured out it was becuase he started eating hot food.. Since he stopped, all was back to normal. I would say that is pretty bad.. Other (Please specify):Wheat/gluten free options are extremely limited and with our child's nut/peanut allergies, I don't feel comfortable with cross contamination risk. I don't know why you serve peanut butter! Other (Please specify):We prefer organic food Other (Please specify):We do not qualify for reduced lunch and find it cheaper to pack lunch from home. Other (Please specify):Very unhealthy Other (Please specify):Very few healthy meat and dairy free choices Other (Please specify):unknown food offerings Other (Please specify):Unclear if it is safe for my child's food allergies Other (Please specify):Too much sugar and carbs Other (Please specify):too much processed foods and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables Other (Please specify):Too many school lunches are not healthy Other (Please specify):too expensive Other (Please specify):Too carb heavy and my child doesn't have the willpower to make healthier choices Other (Please specify):time to stand in line Other (Please specify):They think the food is gross Other (Please specify):They say the food is "vile" Other (Please specify):They loose time waiting on a slow line Other (Please specify):there isn't any Gluten Free food Other (Please specify):There is not enough time to buy lunch & eat it. Other (Please specify):There are not sufficient options for him Other (Please specify):There are not any gluten free lunches. We tried a taco day but it came with a flour tortilla. Other (Please specify):The service is very slow there, if the kid is at the end of the line, they will not have enough time to eat at all Other (Please specify):The older one says the food is gross Other (Please specify):The nutritional content of the food is a disgrace. The environmental footprint is appalling. Other (Please specify):The menu is unhealthy and unbalanced and not foods I would like to see her eat. Other (Please specify):The lunch line is too long not enough time to eat. Portions are too small for grades 3-5 Other (Please specify):the kids can not believe how disgusting the food is, they notice the low quality, bad food prep and we are not fancy food people but the days they buy is because i did not make it to grocery store and they are so bummed Other (Please specify):The food the choices have WAY too much sugar. Choices are not healthy. Other (Please specify):The food left out in water making it soggy and uneaten by my child Other (Please specify):The food is revolting. Other (Please specify):the food is not good other than one item. Other (Please specify):The food frankly looks disgusting. It's a shame that we are offering this stuff to our little kids as a healthy lunch. Greenwich should be setting the standard not sitting at the back. I have went to the lunch room and the food is disgusting at Grenville. Not nutritious and not healthy. Other (Please specify):The few times she has eaten she thinks it's disgusting and throws it out Other (Please specify):The choices are just not nutritionally sound. There are a few healthy options but they are not really "kid friendly". Smoothie shakes could be offered. The kids adored those. So much better than offering celery sticks. Other (Please specify):special diet Other (Please specify):She only likes the Bosco cheese sticks and new pizza. Other (Please specify):She is too shy to go up to the line Other (Please specify):She is only 3 years old pre-k Other (Please specify):She is a vegetarian and options available and quality is not good at school therefore we pacl lunch everyday for her Other (Please specify):she doesn't like many of the food options Other (Please specify):School does not offer healthy food Other (Please specify):Price. It is cheaper to pack a lunch. Other (Please specify):Pizza, fried chicken and french fries is not healthy for a child's daily lunch. My child asked to buy linch a couple of times and she did no like it at all. My child defines the cafeteria 's food as "gross". Other (Please specify):Picky eater. Doesn't want to try it. Other (Please specify):Picky eater, prefers only certain textures&foods Other (Please specify):One of them doesn't like the food and the other I need to control the food intake Other (Please specify):one of my children does not like the quality of the food. for my other child the quantity is insufficient Other (Please specify):Once my child order the bagel for lunch and the bagel was stale and hard. it was horrible because there was nothing else he wanted that day so he didn't eat lunch. I think most food comes out looking dry and like rubber. The quality of the school lunch is horrible here considering we live in a wealthy neighborhood. I heard inner city school in the city gets their lunch special order through unilever special lunch program to make sure children get a healthy natural balance meal without all the preservative and processing. Other (Please specify):Often they run out of the calendar lunch and it's very disappointing to my 4 children. Thus I often pack a lunch. Other (Please specify):Nut allergy Other (Please specify):Not sure of Gluten cross contamination Other (Please specify):Not enough time to eat when buying Other (Please specify):Not enough time to eat if she has to wait in line Other (Please specify):Not enough time to eat after waiting in the lunch line Other (Please specify):Not enough healthy options Other (Please specify):Not certain of quality, and options are often questionable. Other (Please specify):Non GMO ORGANIC FRUITS AND CHOICES WOULD ALLOW DAILY PURCHASEOF LUNCH Other (Please specify):No ingredients list for foods. Other (Please specify):No gluten free options Other (Please specify):No gluten free options Other (Please specify):No Dairy, Soy, Egg - So I have no idea what is in any of the lunches. Other (Please specify):My son likes to take his time to eat and says line too long. Other (Please specify):My son is in the kindergarten, his choices would be snacks oriented and skipping the main meal, so prefer to pack for him Other (Please specify):My kids have celiac disease Other (Please specify):my kid likes the schools lunch Other (Please specify):My daughter would buy every day if she could, my son doesn't like to buy. They both end up being overly hungry whenever they buy school lunch. Other (Please specify):My daughter is a slow eater, so waiting in line would shorten the already short lunch time. She also hates that she is forced to take put a vegetable on her plate. She is a fussy eater. Other (Please specify):My daughter doesn't like choices Other (Please specify):My children think the school lunches are gross and unhealthy Other (Please specify):my children only like chicken nugget day Other (Please specify):My children do not like the lunch offerings Other (Please specify):My children ate school lunches for two years. But when I reviewed what they would be things like french toast or other sugary/carbohydrate full items that would only provide quick energy. No protein. The food offered looked gross and uninviting. Other (Please specify):My children are picky Other (Please specify):My children are gluten free and there aren't enough options. Other (Please specify):My child was spending $7-$8 a day on lunch and snacks. It was too expensive. Other (Please specify):my child was getting diarehea a lot after purchasing lunch Other (Please specify):My child says they hardly have time to eat if they have to wait in line and the menu doesn't always match up. Other (Please specify):My child says they hardly have time to eat if they have to wait in line and the menu doesn't always match up. Other (Please specify):my child is grossed out by all the yellow, tasteless food offered. Other (Please specify):My child is extremely picky. Other (Please specify):My child is a picky eater and he doesn't eat most of the lunch menu choices offered. He prefers to buy only on days his food choices are available. Also my child and I both prever packed lunch. Other (Please specify):My child has told me that everything she has tried for lunch doesn't taste good and she prefers to bring a packed lunch from home. Other (Please specify):My child doesn't like the choices or I feel they are unhealthy Other (Please specify):My child doesn't find the food appealing Other (Please specify):My child doesn't feel like there is enough to eat Other (Please specify):My child does not like the quality of the food (the word gross has been used) Other (Please specify):My child does not like the quality of the food Other (Please specify):My child does not like the food prepared at school Other (Please specify):My child does not like the fast food like meals Other (Please specify):My child does not like school food. Other (Please specify):My child dislikes most of the food at school ,and refuses to buy , all the milk is awful too. He won't eat school lunch Other (Please specify):My child says that she does not like the school lunch offer, also she often signs up for one thing but sometimes they run out of that item by the time she gets the latch. She also does not like waiting in line Other (Please specify):More time to eat if lunch is packed Other (Please specify):More expensive than packing lunch so buying is a treat. Other (Please specify):More cost effective to pack our own Other (Please specify):Makes them throw up Other (Please specify):Lunch time is too short for them to wait in line and have time to eat. Other (Please specify):Lunch monitors are horrific and I limit any interaction with them. In addition buying lunch is chaotic and leaves the children limited time to actually eat Other (Please specify):Lunch line is to long Other (Please specify):Lunch ladies 'push' food onto his tray which he doesn't want and ends up throwing away. Also the counter is too high and he cannot reach what he wants and some one is not always available to help. Other (Please specify):Long lines Other (Please specify):Limited organic options Other (Please specify):less time to eat if having to go through line Other (Please specify):Kids complain about the way the foos tastes Other (Please specify):It isn't nut free Other (Please specify):I'm not sure he'll make the best decision in food that's offered (eg, mozzerella sticks for lunch) Other (Please specify):If my child has to wait in the line, there is not enough time for her to eat lunch Other (Please specify):I would prefer healthier, fresher options for school lunches. More vegetables options. Other (Please specify):I worry the choices are not nutritious Other (Please specify):I want to see how much they eat each day for lunch Other (Please specify):I want my child to eat healthy food. Other (Please specify):I haven't set up the online account, so I don't want to scramble for cash in the morning. Other (Please specify):I have to make my younger children's lunches so I just make all 3. When more of my children attend CCS, we will purchase more frequently. I think the options are great! Other (Please specify):I have been to lunch and the kids that buy lunch sometimes have a smaller amount of tine to eat rather than the kids that bribg their lunch Other (Please specify):I don't think they are healthy, especially not as healthy as what i send with my daughter Other (Please specify):I don't think selection is very healthy compared to what I can pack at home. Other (Please specify):i don't know what is served, when, or how good anything is Other (Please specify):I don't believe the cafeteria provides allergy safe food Other (Please specify):I do not trust my child to make healthy choices at such a young age (first grade). It is especially hard for him to do so when there are so many unhealthy options available (Extras!!). I would love for someone to be there helping him with his choices and encouraging his to put all the food groups on his plate. I want him to enjoy his meal and the food but also be exposed to fresh, healthy food Other (Please specify):I do not like the styrofoam trays. They have a lot of waste. Other (Please specify):I do not know if he will eat the school lunch Other (Please specify):I consider buying lunches a Friday "special treat" Other (Please specify):I am concerned that the food is not allergy-safe in the cafeteria. Other (Please specify):Honestly, I hadn't considered it given the reputation of school food. We do prefer organic foods with lots of fruits and vegetables. I suppose I like providing food for her that is energizing and healthy and trust myself more than the school to do that. Other (Please specify):Honestly the food looks gross Other (Please specify):High cost Other (Please specify):He's picky. He buys on days where we know there are items he will eat. Other (Please specify):He spent too much using the deposit account. Other (Please specify):He sometimes feels sick after eating school lunch. He doesn't do well with preservatives Other (Please specify):He is unsure of how it works Other (Please specify):He is picky and will only really eat the Mac and cheese. And/or hotdog. I wish he would eat more so I wouldn't have to pack a lunch. Other (Please specify):He bought lunch a lot more often last year, but as 1st grade lunch is so late, he doesn't want to wait in line this year and they have often run out of some of the options at the last lunch period. Other (Please specify):Good isn't made from scratch or particularly healthy Other (Please specify):Gluten allergy Other (Please specify):food should be prepared from fresh integridiens every day in school kitchen Other (Please specify):Food is low to moderately healthy - I understand you want to provide the things kids are excited about eating, but it still seems there is a long way to go in school lunch food Other (Please specify):Food is disgusting Other (Please specify):food allergies and don't feel it's safe from cross contamination Other (Please specify):food allergies - many items are not suitable because made in a facility where nuts/sesame are handled Other (Please specify):Food Allergies Other (Please specify):Few vegetarian options Other (Please specify):Do not want her to overeat Other (Please specify):Cost Other (Please specify):Cost Other (Please specify):Cost Other (Please specify):Concerned about not having healthy choices Other (Please specify):Choices are often "junk" - high fat, high carbs. Snacks are full of sugar and artificial ingredients. Other (Please specify):Choices are not healthy Other (Please specify):child does not like food Other (Please specify):Cheaper to pack my own lunches Other (Please specify):certainty of having vegetarian lunch Other (Please specify):Cannot ensure cross contamination avoidance, nor does the menu list food ingredients, allowing me to evaluate its safety for my food allergy child. Other (Please specify):Both my kids say the lunch is "gross" Other (Please specify):autistic Other (Please specify):Allergies Other (Please specify):Afraid she won't have time to eat after waiting in the lunch line

K-5 Q.8 Other

Other (Please specify):wish it can be emailed weekly Other (Please specify):will look online at website if I need Other (Please specify):Will download to check sometimes Other (Please specify):white board Other (Please specify):when I pick up flyer at front office (rarely) Other (Please specify):weekly school newsletter email Other (Please specify):We never see a hard copy in folders Other (Please specify):we dont receive a copy but would be great if we can get a monthly email with it. I see it only when i find the time to download it. Other (Please specify):We DO NOT get a copy of the lunch menu ever so not sure why that's a choice Other (Please specify):visited cafeteria Other (Please specify):Unless I go look to see what the menu is, I never see a copy of it Other (Please specify):Through child Other (Please specify):They send a copy monthly Other (Please specify):The lunch menu has not been sent out for about two years now Other (Please specify):The loudspeaker Other (Please specify):Teacher's classroom blog Other (Please specify):Teacher sends me a school menu. Other (Please specify):Sometimes the school send the menu Other (Please specify):Sometimes Other (Please specify):Since my children don't want to buy lunch, I don't look at the menu Other (Please specify):She sees the lunch on the whiteboard Other (Please specify):Seen it in the cafeteria Other (Please specify):School visits Other (Please specify):School office Other (Please specify):School bulletin board when available Other (Please specify):school bulletin board Other (Please specify):Rarely look. Other (Please specify):rarely look at it anymore Other (Please specify):Picked up hard copy at school Other (Please specify):Pick up copy from school office Other (Please specify):Only when I take a copy outside school office Other (Please specify):Only if I pick it up in the school office Other (Please specify):Only if I get a copy outside school office Other (Please specify):once in a while I'm in the cafeteria and I see the menu Other (Please specify):Not very reliable Other (Please specify):no hard copy goes home at Cos Cob Other (Please specify):My wife discusses with me Other (Please specify):My school lunch website Other (Please specify):My kids tell me about what they purchased Other (Please specify):My daughter tells me Other (Please specify):My children keep track of what is served on which days. Other (Please specify):My childred buy lunch on days when it works for us, not based on the lunch choice Other (Please specify):My child tells me daily what choices are Other (Please specify):My child tells me about the menu Other (Please specify):My child tells me Other (Please specify):My child tells me Other (Please specify):My child keeps me updated. Saw choices while having lunch duty Other (Please specify):my child Other (Please specify):My child Other (Please specify):Monthly Other (Please specify):Monthly Other (Please specify):Mom's classroom Other (Please specify):Mom has never seen it; Dad has downloaded it but says the menu does not match. WHAT hard copy or electronic newsletter? Other (Please specify):menu is not distributed on consistent basis - sometimes I see it in Friday folders, sometimes its not there Other (Please specify):Lunch duty Other (Please specify):Look up on the GPS website Other (Please specify):Look up on GPS website Other (Please specify):Look online Other (Please specify):Look it up. I wish we received a hard copy but they are not sent home at OG! Other (Please specify):I've seen it a few times outside the cafeteria Other (Please specify):It would be great if the menu was distibuted electronically or via the friday folder Other (Please specify):It is very hard to find on the website, needs a quicker link!!! Other (Please specify):It is announced every greeting morning via speaker phone to the students. Other (Please specify):It doesn't always seem to follow the menu. There are days when my child say there was something else other than what was in the menu. Other (Please specify):If I'm in the school I will stop by the office and pick it up. Other (Please specify):If I were interested, I would download it from GPS website Other (Please specify):If I am in the building during lunch hours I volunteer in the cafeteria and I see the options available Other (Please specify):I would love a hard copy in his Friday Folder but have never received one! Other (Please specify):I wish our school distributed in hard copy but they do not. :( I have to go online each month to find it. Other (Please specify):I will occaisionally look to find the menu but don't see it regularly Other (Please specify):I use to see the offerings but have not seen a menu in sometime. Other (Please specify):I try to ask for it in time to order gluten free Other (Please specify):I stopped looking at it years ago when I stopped buying lunches. I used to get it on the website. Other (Please specify):I stopped checking it a couple years ago. Other (Please specify):I sometimes see it on-line via emails Other (Please specify):I see what other kids are eating when I visit the lunchroom Other (Please specify):I see the food when I volunteer at school and I go to school to eat with my children sometimes. Other (Please specify):I see it in the office Other (Please specify):I see it here and there or I am at school volunteering and see it. Other (Please specify):I see it at front office Other (Please specify):I rarely look at the school menu. Other (Please specify):i only did it once or twice but looked it up on website Other (Please specify):I look it up online on occasion, when I've run out of food at home. Other (Please specify):I look during lunch duty Other (Please specify):I know where to find it but feel like it doesn't always match the options that day Other (Please specify):I know that a lunch menu exists online if I want to look it up but I never do. My children are allowed to buy 1/week and its the day that I run out of lunchmeat, they earn it or we're late in the morning. Other (Please specify):I know it exists but the kids purchase lunch when mom is too busy to make it, not based on food choices available. Other (Please specify):I keep looking for it never find it Other (Please specify):I haven't seen the menu but I have seen the poor quality of foodnon offer on lunch break in the canteen Other (Please specify):I have to pick it up from school Other (Please specify):I have to go looking for it online. It is regualrly out of date ornot what is actually offered. I did not know a hard copy could be distributed. I would have liked that! Other (Please specify):I have seen it in the cafeteria Other (Please specify):I have never received a hard copy of the lunch menu EVER. I usually look it up on website Other (Please specify):I have look on-line. I have visited the lunchroom. Other (Please specify):I have downloaded but it's not always accurate Other (Please specify):I get a hard copy whenever I am at school Other (Please specify):i don't really look at it Other (Please specify):I don't pay attention to it. Other (Please specify):i don't need it Other (Please specify):I don't look at it but I know where to find it. Other (Please specify):I don't know where exactly look for it Other (Please specify):i don't even look at it because it is all bad and days they buy are out of necessity Other (Please specify):I do not refer to it because my child does not purchase school food. Other (Please specify):I check through my kid's purchase history. Other (Please specify):I am aware of it but do not look at it. Other (Please specify):I actually don't see it monthly. I know I could go to the website if necessary. Other (Please specify):hit or miss sometimes it comes others times not Other (Please specify):Have not seen lunch menu recently Other (Please specify):Hard copy school flyer Other (Please specify):Hard copy does not come home in Friday folder. Other (Please specify):from school, kids tell me what is up Other (Please specify):From my children Other (Please specify):from child Other (Please specify):Don't really pay attetion to the Menu, the kids just get what they want and like it. Other (Please specify):Checking Other (Please specify):Check website occasionally Other (Please specify):Check it on occasion Other (Please specify):Cafeteria white board at childcare pick-up Other (Please specify):at lunch duty Other (Please specify):Ask my son daily what he ate for lunch Other (Please specify):Ask child

K-5 Q.9 Other

Other (Please specify):You really should not be selling ice cream and cookies during lunch. Treats should be given to the children by the mother so we can monitor how much treats they are consuming. Other (Please specify):would you eat at school every day? Other (Please specify):Would like and strongly feel thay WATER should be an offered choice over milk and/or juice both of which contain sugar. Other (Please specify):While free range and organic are nice, I would like to see offerings that are generally more nutritious. Some items, such as the pizza, are obviously just junk food. Other items, such as bagel with cream cheese, are not appropriate as a main course. Other (Please specify):well-balanced diet Other (Please specify):We need way healthier choices- it's embarrassing what is served to the kids Other (Please specify):water as included option to milk. should not be a charge for water? Other (Please specify):Vegetarian options besides bagels Other (Please specify):Use less processed food choices. I.e. my child comments that the tomato sauce on pizza is not good at all. That is something simple to make from scratch at the main kitchen. Other (Please specify):Too much processed food Other (Please specify):To put on the plate Everything that the child's account is being charged for. Big problem! As the kitchen personnelle close the door and refuse to give children whatever was included after they return if the child doesn't initially select item. The child should have to take a fruit, vegetable...The lunch lady routinely leaves these items absent. And the children do not understand what they are supposed to get. It's also wrong because the account is being g charged for full list much but the lunch lady only puts 2 or 3 of the 5 items on the plate unless the child insists. Also she is serving day old incomplete meals and charging for items to complete them, which is also wrong! Example being: on Monday meatballs and pasta is served...On Tuesday she served my child pasta and because she's " out of meatballs" she charged him an extra lunch fee for the chicken nuggets that are being served that day. So his lunch of day old pasta, with no vegetable or fruit automatically put on the plate is double charged! Totally insane and hurting the children nutritionally. My child comes home at 3:30 starving hungry. Other (Please specify):This shouldn't be very difficult. Healthy, organic food choices. Other (Please specify):They like the food, but when it is on whole wheat everything, the don't . Maybe an occasional "white bread" type day, eventhough it isn't considered as "healthy". Other (Please specify):There should be no option for chips and ice cream. Other (Please specify):There should be NO items offered that contain ingredients that you cannot read and are not whole foods Other (Please specify):There is no reason to offer pancakes, waffles, ice cream or junk of any kind. These food make concentration difficult. The school can set an example for healthy eating and help parents in this regard. The vegetables should be cut up and cooked in the meal not on the side. Then the kids don't think about eating veggies when they are just a part of it. You include very few vegetables in the food. There is no seasoning at all. There should be at least 2 veggies in the main dish and veggies on the side. Other (Please specify):The schoolumch menu often reads like the "do not eat these foods" list from the healthy food guidelines-- Other (Please specify):the quality of the food is disgusting. please make it taste better. Other (Please specify):The problem is not the selection so much as the wait time. Other (Please specify):The option or occasional offering of organic, all locally sourced free range at Cetera food items would be great, but not necessarily exclusively Other (Please specify):the lunch money app only offers apps and acronyms in the descriptions of food. it would be nice to know what kids are eating in detail, not just "Lunch, OTISVALU, OTISVALU $3.35" - - who knows what that means in terms of what food was eaten? Other (Please specify):The lunch menu attached to the BTW newsletter each week Other (Please specify):the gluten free is such a nice option, but always nice to have more choices. Other (Please specify):The food just needs to be homemade and not frozen with tons of preservatives and salt and sugar. Other (Please specify):the food is okay, it just sits awhile, and line is long. Other (Please specify):The food has to be more balanced. It should not have pizza every week. I would like to see less processed food. Other (Please specify):The entree itself needs to cook with more vegetables, it is because kids don't order side vegetables by themselves. Other (Please specify):The current menu is awful Other (Please specify):Tastier so kids would like to eat. Other (Please specify):Takes too long to get lunch and they have little time left to eat Other (Please specify):Stuff kids will eat....please don't go for organic free range stuff. Go for chicken nuggets, fries, pizza, waffles, etc that taste good (and ideally aren't bad for you). I would prefer my kid to get a tray of food he eats than a tray of organic bird food that ends up in the garbage because I am not there to force him to eat it. Other (Please specify):Students need a healthy, balanced lunch, Other (Please specify):Stop the lunch ladies from touching food after touching money. Other (Please specify):Stop putting rotten milk for the kids! No refrigeration and expired milk! Also, hair in the food many times found Other (Please specify):Spoiled/expired milk Other (Please specify):sometimes it's the pairing of foods - for example, fries shouldnt' be an option when one gets pizza. Other (Please specify):some options that are not whole wheat Other (Please specify):Show the next month's menu at least a week in advance. Other (Please specify):Should taste better! Other (Please specify):Shorter wait time in line so have enough time to eat. Other (Please specify):Set meals which we could pre-order to ensure she gets her food in a timely manner and has a healthy balanced meal Other (Please specify):salad bar? Taco bar? sandwich bar? Other (Please specify):salad bar Other (Please specify):Remove all junk food options for elementary schools!!!! Other (Please specify):removal of unhealthy options such as pizza, fried food. More fresh raw veggies and fruit. Other (Please specify):regular variety of basic foods, i.e. less humus and more things that most children will eat Other (Please specify):Reduce juice/chocolate milk offerings Other (Please specify):Really healthy menu. Lean meats, veggies, rice, beans, fruits, low sugar yogurt and the like. Other (Please specify):Real meat, no nitrate hotdogs Other (Please specify):Real food. Quality food. Other (Please specify):Real food. Other (Please specify):Real cutlery. Real food (not processed). On-site cooking facilities and cooks. Soup. More discipline and monitoring of behavior of kids. Other (Please specify):proper lunch served in a real plate with the use of fork and knife. The menu should be: home made soup with real and fresh ingredients, rice or vegetables served with fish or meat. A lot of beans. Real fruit. No milk for lunch and no food inside packages Other (Please specify):Proper home cooked food instead of 'kid' choices like nuggets which are processed- French school system believes children can eat proper 'adult' food Other (Please specify):Pork alternatives Other (Please specify):Partner with Mike's Organic Delivery! Other (Please specify):overall better quality; less fat & sodium Other (Please specify):Overall better quality! Other (Please specify):organic milk and chicken products Other (Please specify):Organic Milk Other (Please specify):Organic for some of the fruits that are known to have a lot of pesticides, but there are other fruits like bananas where organic doesn't matter as much Other (Please specify):organic dairy Other (Please specify):Organic and free range etc... would be great, albeit probably too expensive for a public school; however, it would be great if a lot more vegetables were incorporated into the actual main dish. Instead of beef meat for tacos, mix in onion, carrots, peppers, etc... It add more flavor and the children eat veggies without even noticing. Having vegetables on the side might work for some children, but not all. You have to hide the veggies in the main meal. Other (Please specify):often the food served varies from the website - this can be frustrating if you select days for your child to buy lunch based on healthy options Other (Please specify):Nothing really Other (Please specify):Nothing Other (Please specify):Not sure, as I don't have a good line of sight into current offerings Other (Please specify):NOT let cereal be an option for lmuch! Other (Please specify):not baked chips, ribs sandwich, hot dogs, not all whole wheat, lager protions Other (Please specify):Not Applicable Other (Please specify):Non-GMO Other (Please specify):None Other (Please specify):non processed food Other (Please specify):Non GMO, organic, healthy food selections. Less processed selections Other (Please specify):No unhealthy choices, or be more creative ! Other (Please specify):No starch with starch Other (Please specify):No processed foods Other (Please specify):No , hamburgers, quesadillas nor variety but one healthy meal a day: chickenbreast/mashed potatoes/broccoli, fish fillet/spinach/potatoe, /rice, lentils, spaghetti bolognese with salad, etc Other (Please specify):No nuts and peanuts served Other (Please specify):No more styrofoam. How horrible Other (Please specify):No microwaved food Other (Please specify):No line Other (Please specify):no junk food: hamburger, pizza, etc. Other (Please specify):No improvements that I can think off. Other (Please specify):No french toast, waffle sticks, pancakes etc Other (Please specify):No french toast, waffle sticks, pancakes etc Other (Please specify):No French fries Other (Please specify):No corn syrup! No artificial food coloring! Other (Please specify):No cold cereal offered as a lunch choice Other (Please specify):No chocoloate milk or sugary beverage should be served, period Other (Please specify):NO A LA CARTE JUNK FOOD FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS!!! Other (Please specify):Na Other (Please specify):N/a Other (Please specify):n/a Other (Please specify):my son says they ask him if he wants the vegetables. they should automatically be put on the plate. Other (Please specify):My kids love ice cream day on Thursday! Other (Please specify):My daughter tells me that some days, she is not given a vegetable. Bread & butter, and then the entree (i.e. pasta) but the salad listed on the menu (I am using 3/29/17 as an example) was not given to her. Other (Please specify):More visually appealing foods!! Some of the choices just LOOK unappetizing (runny black beans, soupy chick peas, etc.) Other (Please specify):More vegetarian options Other (Please specify):more vegetarian choices Other (Please specify):more vegetables, beans, clean food, healthier options :) Other (Please specify):More vegetables other than baby carrots, tomatoes and lettuce. I would like to see broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans and such. Other (Please specify):More vegetables incorporated in the the menu options that are appealing to young kids. I do NOT like the "extras" and feel they should be limited to just one per child to encourage them to eat balanced meals (not snacks) Other (Please specify):More vegan/organic friendly Other (Please specify):more vegan options Other (Please specify):More variety of fruit and cheese Other (Please specify):More time for lunch Other (Please specify):More salads, wraps? Other (Please specify):more organic and healthy options Other (Please specify):more options per day - salad or noodle bar? Other (Please specify):More non-carb entrees, less sugar in everything--the chocolate milk has 18g of sugar, the RDA for kids from the World Health Organization is 25g Other (Please specify):More home cooked meals. Do not offer junk food snacks as afraid child would purchase them. Just water, prefer not to have sodas or juices offered Other (Please specify):More higher quality / healthier food choices (i.e. lower in sugars and/or fats), but they don't need to be organic necessarily Other (Please specify):More healthy vegan options Other (Please specify):more healthy options...less chicken nuggest and canned fruit salad. Also, there should be NO bottled water. Kids should be able to use the water fountain or there should be cups of tap water provided. If any parents want their kids to have bottled water, they should send it in a lunchbox. Other (Please specify):More healthy options Other (Please specify):More healthy main course options and more appetizing fruit and veg dishes Other (Please specify):More healthy choices overall; sticks almost every day is not a healthy option. Other (Please specify):More healthy choices Other (Please specify):more fruits and veggies Other (Please specify):More fruit selection Other (Please specify):More fruit (not in syrup) and vegetable (not necessarily organic) Other (Please specify):More fresh food, less "filler" carbs Other (Please specify):More fish and healthy vegetarian options. They have snack time where parents can send in healthy snacks so more interested in healthy lunch options. Also, would really like if water could be included as an option instead of chocolate milk. Thank you very much for caring enough to send out a survey. Other (Please specify):More diversity in food (e.g. Asian foods, etc.) Other (Please specify):More balanced meals, less fried options Other (Please specify):More assistance to the kids Other (Please specify):More appealing looking food options Other (Please specify):More and fresher vegetables Other (Please specify):More a-la-carte choices. Other (Please specify):moe beverage options for kids who don't like milk -more juices Other (Please specify):Menus made more easily available Other (Please specify):Menu is fine...child is picky eater Other (Please specify):Maybe some new recipes added to the favorites Other (Please specify):Make the meal size bigger and yummier food Other (Please specify):Make different food kids get tired is the same rotation of food Other (Please specify):Lower volume of carbs Other (Please specify):Lower pricing for pb&j and bagel/yogurt meals. Very expensive for what you get Other (Please specify):low fat, low calorie option for obese children Other (Please specify):Longer time for them to eat-insufficient time for a proper meal Other (Please specify):Listing of ingredients available on website Other (Please specify):Limits on ketchup and syrup Other (Please specify):Less waste in the packaging Other (Please specify):Less sugary drinks Other (Please specify):less starches Other (Please specify):Less Starch/sugar based meals Other (Please specify):Less snacks/dessert, higher quality food with less freedom for kids to pick unhealthy choices. Other (Please specify):less snack and desserts - fruit / yogurt is acceptable Other (Please specify):Less salt and sugar. More proteins and fiber. Don't be afraid of healthy fats! Other (Please specify):less restriction on products containing nuts Other (Please specify):less processed foods Other (Please specify):Less processed food, and more fresh food including fruit and vegetable Other (Please specify):Less processed /gloppy looking. Maybe less items on the tray but what is on the tray looks fresh. Other (Please specify):Less pizza, nuggets etc. more healthy while food options Other (Please specify):Less pastas, more healthy! Other (Please specify):less pancakes, waffles, etc Other (Please specify):less junk My children always go for the pizza or worse, the pancakes & sausages & cookies. And then wonder why they can't have a treat after school. I'm not anti junk, it just has to be in moderation & if they eat pizza & a cookie for lunch a) can't see how that helps their brain during school & b) they certainly can't have that for Friday night supper (the only day I let them buy) Other (Please specify):Less juice and sugary drinks Other (Please specify):Less juice Other (Please specify):Less institutional choices and more realistic, child-friendly choices Other (Please specify):Less fried grizzled mystery meat Other (Please specify):Less fried food and more organic/healthy food Other (Please specify):less fried and starchy food, take away option to choose juice and have it count as a fruit or vegetable Other (Please specify):less fatty foods Other (Please specify):Less carbs Other (Please specify):Less carbs Other (Please specify):Less carb heavy, processed foods, more whole foods. Other (Please specify):less breakfast items for lunch with syrup Other (Please specify):Less bread options, if your having french toast, why would you serve it with a roll???? Other (Please specify):Less bread Other (Please specify):Less "junk food" real meals Other (Please specify):larger portions and more diverse, healthy options. Perhaps we could pre-order so that the cooks know how much to prepare. Less wasted food and time. Sometimes the only option is cereal by the time my son's class is called to lunch. It's distressing. Other (Please specify):kids LOVE the kale chips Other (Please specify):Just ripe, good tasting fruits and veggies Other (Please specify):Just more fresh vegetables and fruits and less processed and fried foods. Other (Please specify):It would be nice to have some consistency on a weekly basis- for example, Taco Tuesdays and Pizza Fridays- so that children and fam can depend on the menu and when they can/are allowed to boy. Other (Please specify):It could be better if there more healthy food, less fries food and no pizza Other (Please specify):Ingredient lists Other (Please specify):Increased availability of outside options Other (Please specify):Improve variety and presentation, poor nutritional offer. Bad quality Other (Please specify):Improve quality Other (Please specify):If they can keep what they have in the menu because occasionally I have told my kids what to have for lunch and come back to me saying they didn't have what was on the menu. Other (Please specify):If all the options are health-positive, high-quality foods (which are possible to provide in forms that kids will want to eat!), then the possibility of the child making poor food choices on a regular basis would be eliminated. Don't even make nutritionally-void foods, like bagels and sugary yogurt, options for them. Other (Please specify):I would say actually having 100% of the meat be what it says it is. I can't say the chicken I've seen is 100% real, I cannot believe it's served to our children Other (Please specify):I would like to see less processed food and more of a variety of vegetables that kids enjoy. Organic would be nice, but I understand that it is expensive so local and fresh would be great too. I would also like to see the people who work in the cafeteria working with the kids to help them make good choices. Especially the elementary age kids who are so tempted by the unhealthy "extras" and snacks. Other (Please specify):I was in school the other day and saw that a size with pizza was potato smiley face tater tots. the portion was way too many...maybe 8. that is so unhealthy. Other (Please specify):I think the program is excellent Other (Please specify):I think the nutritional value is not good Other (Please specify):I think the menu is good Other (Please specify):I think that Other (Please specify):I think my kids are happy with the options Other (Please specify):I don't want to see pizza on the menu. Kids are eating this so often at many other occasions like birthday parties, etc. Other (Please specify):I don't like that so many snacks are offered and the bags of chips are quite big. Other (Please specify):I don't care whether things are organic or free range but just want healthy options like protein (chicken, meat) with pasta, potatoes, rice etc. The food that is served is mainly non- nutritious with a high sugar and fat content like pizza, chicken tenders, etc Other (Please specify):I actually am fine with the current food choices. Other (Please specify):home cooked food that I would want to eat Other (Please specify):higher quality, even if not organic Other (Please specify):higher protein less carb Other (Please specify):Healthy well balanced , hi quality meals, snacks and beverages. Other (Please specify):Healthy Vegetarian choices Other (Please specify):Healthy maybe catered options Other (Please specify):Healthy lunches, not fried foods, not chees in every ood Other (Please specify):Healthy Food Other (Please specify):Healthier, REAL/hearty food, not fast food Other (Please specify):Healthier options. We moved here from Europe, all 3 kids started out eating school lunch every day as they were used from home. After a while, my 5th grader and then my Kindergartener completely and on about 3 days a week my 2nd grader opted out of school lunch and chose to take something from home. The variety is very limited, the choices for salads, veggies are very limited and don't look super fresh, it's repeatedly pancakes, french toast, burger, pizza etc. and (very importantly) the amount of trash produced is nothing near sustainable: Trays, forks, bowls, drinks etc. everything is thrown away. Other (Please specify):healthier options vs. cheese sticks & hot dogs Other (Please specify):Healthier options overall. Less fried foods. Other (Please specify):healthier options (regardless of organic or other) Other (Please specify):Healthier foods, less fried foods Other (Please specify):Healthier food with a right balance Other (Please specify):Healthier choices. Other (Please specify):healthier chicken nuggets and added veggie nuggets Other (Please specify):Healthier better quality choices Other (Please specify):healther food options, instead of the typical chicken fingers, hot dogs etc. plus more veggies and healthier snacks Other (Please specify):Gluten Free Choices Other (Please specify):Get rid of the pancakes and french toast - this should not be a lunch item, especially ever week! Other (Please specify):Get rid of fried food, juices and chic milk Other (Please specify):Get rid of breakfast as an option Other (Please specify):Get out of the food service business, contract with better providers Other (Please specify):Freshness, my son had spoiled milk and rotten fruits Other (Please specify):Fresh less processed looking Other (Please specify):Fresh fruit, veggies kids like (peas, corn, carrot sticks vs. brussel sprouts), no french toast sticks Other (Please specify):Fresh food instead of prepackaged frozen food that is warmed up. Other (Please specify):Forget about "organic" -- the cafeteria serves empty calories and unappetizing fruit (1/2 orange cut in half--no kid is going to eat that easily) Other (Please specify):For those options that are with or without, making sure options without meat are available. Other (Please specify):for a school as small as parkway, it is amazing that you can not get it together to serve simple good food Other (Please specify):For 1st graders having more time to eat if buy is most important. Is main reason he doesn't eat more often. Other (Please specify):Foods they will eat Other (Please specify):Food without preservatives Other (Please specify):Food that the children actually like and will eat Other (Please specify):food that isn't reheated would be nice and non processed Other (Please specify):food temperature, often cold when should be hot Other (Please specify):food prepared from scratch on daily basis like , not frozen before or processed, no Styrofoam plates!!! Other (Please specify):Food cooked from scratch with good ecological products, no semi-manufactured food. Other (Please specify):Fish Other (Please specify):Fine with what it is now. Would just be nice if they followed the published menu! Many times items on menu were NOT served on particular day. Other (Please specify):fewer sugar options, waaaay fewer Other (Please specify):fewer processed foods, no food colors/preservatives/soy protein isolate Other (Please specify):Faster service or more helper Other (Please specify):Faster lines- maybe picknwhat they want in morning or at home and it's ready and waiting at the table Other (Please specify):faster lines and healthy foods Other (Please specify):extras need major improvement! Other (Please specify):Everything is good Other (Please specify):Enough calendar lunch, my kids look at it and decided to buy it for lunch and often they have to eat something else bc cafe runs out Other (Please specify):Elimination of unhealthy main options, such as french toast and pancakes, pizza, canned fruit, chocolate milk Other (Please specify):elimination of all frozen/processed entrées and offer freely-prepared foods instead Other (Please specify):eliminate cereals and chic milk from lunch selection Other (Please specify):drink options with less sugar Other (Please specify):Don't think there needs to be any changes or improvements Other (Please specify):Don't know, haven't seen the lunch options Other (Please specify):Don't force kids to get an item they don't want-it's a waste Other (Please specify):do not offer crap food Other (Please specify):Do not know Other (Please specify):Daily "kid" meals - he's never eating a ceaser chicken salad wrap. Other (Please specify):Cut out the garbage food! Other (Please specify):cooked vegetables, Japanese rice, Other (Please specify):Cooked in school Other (Please specify):Composting/recycling Other (Please specify):children should not be FORCED to take a milk. My kids hate milk and they are FORCED to take milk even though they are going to throw it away Other (Please specify):children should be required to have water, not chocolate milk and sugary drinks Other (Please specify):Can there be a sample day where parents can try out the foods there kids are eating? Other (Please specify):Bring back the kitchens and dump Sisco-warmed up specials. Other (Please specify):Bosco sticks??? Really? Is that a healthy meal option? Other (Please specify):Bigger portions, my child always has to get the big meal because the regular doesn't fill her up. She is very petite but can eat. Other (Please specify):Bigger portions without added cost Other (Please specify):Better vegetarian options- hot food not boiled vegetables or salad Other (Please specify):Better variety of healthy options Other (Please specify):Better tasting food that kids will eat. Other (Please specify):better tasting food that isnt overcooked Other (Please specify):better tasting food options Other (Please specify):Better taste Other (Please specify):better quality--one of the chicken tender/finger options is like sawdust Other (Please specify):Better quality! Other (Please specify):Better quality vegetables. For example, the carrots are dried out and unappealing. Other (Please specify):Better quality of food is the worst part and needs improvement first Other (Please specify):Better quality of food Other (Please specify):Better quality meats and local produce. Other (Please specify):Better quality food. The selection is acceptable, it's the quality that is very poor. Other (Please specify):better quality food period- homeade cooked meals Other (Please specify):Better quality food in general. Other (Please specify):Better quality and nutritional value of meals Other (Please specify):Better quality all around Other (Please specify):better quality Other (Please specify):better portion size Other (Please specify):Better pizza - tastes like cardboard Other (Please specify):Better overall quality of foods. Doesn't have to be organic/free range but higher quality of vendors perhaps Other (Please specify):better Milk/juice - the ones in the carton are usually rotten or have stuff in teh bottom of the carton Other (Please specify):better fresh fruits. not necessarily organic but more variety, fresher, better quality Other (Please specify):Better cuality food Other (Please specify):Balanced Other (Please specify):Any or all of the above would make a huge difference, choices now are too limited Other (Please specify):Also my kid's the lunch lady's need to were hair nets because they always finding hair in they food Other (Please specify):all options for the later lunch times - not sold out. Other (Please specify):Add salads, salad bar, soups, "fruit stand" or "fruit everywhere" Other (Please specify):Ability to buy Tiffin at school Other (Please specify):A healthy balanced lunch Other (Please specify):A faster line Other (Please specify):A complete meal without the discretionary choices at this age level like ice cream and rice krispy treats. I don't think elementary kids are prone to making good food choices when they are given free option. Other (Please specify):A better quality of ingredients and menu choices. I've tried the food a few times at lunch duty and it's not good. The flavor, the temperature, etc..

K-5 Q.11 Other

Other (Please specify):5.00 Other (Please specify):5$ Other (Please specify):5$ Other (Please specify):1.75 Other (Please specify):1.75 Other (Please specify):You do not need to pay more to do a better job with food. Other (Please specify):within $1 Other (Please specify):Will continue to pack lunch Other (Please specify):when my son went to private school we paid $10+ per day for organic food Other (Please specify):Whatever it takes to provide the best choices. Other (Please specify):We would still pack many days, but would be willing to pay up to $5 when time is short to make at Other (Please specify):We would consider more if it was a menu that was attractive to our kids and us Other (Please specify):We can barely afford the current lunch price for more than once a week. Other (Please specify):Up to $8 Other (Please specify):Up to $4.00 Other (Please specify):up to $4 is reasonable Other (Please specify):up to $4 Other (Please specify):Up to $10 for a healthy organic lunch Other (Please specify):The entire menu would have to change for me to pay more. It would have to be fresh and organic a Other (Please specify):The child should be able to select what they like to eat rather than being forced to buy what's on th Other (Please specify):That would depend on the quality. However I feel local sourcing and less costly processed foods w Other (Please specify):School lunch should be less than $4 Other (Please specify):price is not an issue Other (Please specify):Not sure, depends Other (Please specify):Na Other (Please specify):N/A Other (Please specify):my three boys double their lunches every day of the week. I pay 20.10 per day for my three childre Other (Please specify):My kids often eat half the lunch, ignoring vegetables and fruits. Different pricing options maybe. Other (Please specify):My kids complain not enough time to buy anything. Other (Please specify):My children don't buy lunch but the price is not relevant Other (Please specify):meal doesn't need to include fruit, my kids eat it as a snack Other (Please specify):maybe Other (Please specify):Keep price under $4/day Other (Please specify):It's usually cheaper to make lunch. Other (Please specify):It really depends on what you are offering. Will it be something the kids would eat? If the kids enjo Other (Please specify):It depends on what kind of food, if it is about more vegetables included into the entrees, $1 will be Other (Please specify):If would be so much easier for all if it was an even amount - i.e. $4.00 Other (Please specify):If I was pleased with the options available, there is no limit to what I would spend on what my child Other (Please specify):I'd pay more for quality, no upper limit. Other (Please specify):I would pay whatever extra the cost to have a proper lunch for my children that eliminates the horri Other (Please specify):I would pay what ever the cost for a high quality locally sourced organic Other (Please specify):I would pay up to 8$ per day Other (Please specify):i would pay up to $8 total Other (Please specify):I would pay up to $5 Other (Please specify):I would pay up for organic etc. Other (Please specify):I would pay significantly more if the food was really better. Other (Please specify):I would like lunch to be under $5 Other (Please specify):I would gladly pay the price that I pay for a Tiffin ($8) if it meant a healthy lunch. Other (Please specify):I would definitely be willing to pay more for a healthy organic lunch made with fruits and veggies an Other (Please specify):I think price increase is a lot and perhaps food items offered should be discussed with highest grad Other (Please specify):I think it really depends on the quality but definitely $2-3 Other (Please specify):i think $5 is a good price Other (Please specify):I think $3.35 is TOO expensive. In Brooklyn - we only paid $1.75 for school lunch Other (Please specify):I pay about $7 or $8 for a tiffin and I'd gladly do the same for a healthy school lunch Other (Please specify):I most likely would still send lunch. Other (Please specify):I assume this question is much more complicated than how much I would pay - as I assume it is al Other (Please specify):I am convinced you can offer more healthy and creative options without any extra money Other (Please specify):home prepared is cheaper and healthier Other (Please specify):Healthier foods other than organic are not more costly fresh made food, pasta and meat is not mor Other (Please specify):For a truly healthy meal $5-10 MORE Other (Please specify):don't know Other (Please specify):Depends on what's on menu (roasted chicken , all beef patty , etc ) Other (Please specify):Depends on what would be offered Other (Please specify):depends on what was offered/quality and taste Other (Please specify):Daughter only likes French Toast Sticks, so this question doesn't really apply to us, but I don't mind Other (Please specify):Chicken tenders Organic strawberries $5 Other (Please specify):Charge what you need to Other (Please specify):Better quality is made more affordable when purchased in large amounts as it would be for a scho better. Other (Please specify):as much as it takes to have healthy food. There is way too much sugar in the ingredients. Other (Please specify):As much as it cost for my child to eat healthy Other (Please specify):Any amount Other (Please specify):A total of $5 would be acceptable Other (Please specify):7 dollars more Other (Please specify):50 cents Other (Please specify):5.00 Other (Please specify):5 Other (Please specify):5 Other (Please specify):5 Other (Please specify):4.50 Other (Please specify):4 Other (Please specify):4 Other (Please specify):4 Other (Please specify):3.50 Other (Please specify):10+ Other (Please specify):10$ Other (Please specify):10 Other (Please specify):1.65 Other (Please specify):0.50 Other (Please specify):¢50 Other (Please specify):.75 Other (Please specify):.65 Other (Please specify):.65 Other (Please specify):.50 Other (Please specify):.50 Other (Please specify):.15/.25 Other (Please specify):$5.00 Other (Please specify):$5 total sounds fair Other (Please specify):$5 Other (Please specify):$5 Other (Please specify):$5 Other (Please specify):$5 Other (Please specify):$5 Other (Please specify):$4.00 Other (Please specify):$3.5-4 per day Other (Please specify):$3.50 total Other (Please specify):$1.65 more so it's an even $5 Other (Please specify):$1.65 Other (Please specify):$1.50 Other (Please specify):$1-$2 depending on quality offered Other (Please specify):$0.65 Other (Please specify):$0.50 Other (Please specify):$0.50 Other (Please specify):$0.50 Other (Please specify):$0.10. Already very expensive Other (Please specify):$.50

Survey Title: High School Food Services Survey 2017 Report Type: Bar Graph Language: All Start Date :26-Sep-17 End Date :16-Oct-17 Sent :0 Delivered :0 Bounced : 0 Completed :524 Unique Access Rate :0.00% Incomplete :0 Incomplete Incl. in Report :0

Q1. What grade is your child in? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents 9th 125 24% 10th 168 32% 11th 145 28% 12th 84 16% (Did not answer) 2 0% Total Responses 524

Q2. How often does your child... 2 (a) : How often does your child...: Buy school provided lunch?

Answer Responses % Percentage of total respondents

Once a week 83 16% 2-3 days a week 98 19% 4-5 days a week 244 47% Never 90 17% (Did not answer) 9 2% Total Responses 524

Q2. How often does your child... 2 (b) : How often does your child...: Bring from home?

Answer Responses % Percentage of total respondents

Once a week 38 7% 2-3 days a week 68 13% 4-5 days a week 140 27% Never 204 39% (Did not answer) 74 14% Total Responses 524

Q2. How often does your child... 2 (c) : How often does your child...: Purchase lunch off-site?

Answer Responses % Percentage of total respondents

Once a week 99 19% 2-3 days a week 49 9% 4-5 days a week 8 2% Never 292 56% (Did not answer) 76 15% Total Responses 524

Q3. If your child purchases lunch off-site, where are they buying from most often? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Green & Tonic 34 6% Pizza Post 34 6% Rinaldi's 63 12% Starbucks 20 4% Chicken Joe's 30 6% Tomatillo-12, Chopt-3, Whole Foods-1 Other, please specify 45 9% Other Pizza-3 (Did not answer) 298 57% Total Responses 524

Q4. If your child purchases lunch off-site, approximately how much does your child spend on those meals? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Less than $10 154 29% $10 - $14.99 75 14% $15 - $19.99 1 0% $20 - or more 3 1% (Did not answer) 291 56% Total Responses 524

Q5. If your child eats a school provided lunch on a regular basis, please indicate why. Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Convenience of school supplied food 323 62% My child likes the food selection 97 19% My child likes to make his/her own 105 20% decision My child likes to buy with his/her 88 17% friends Cost, i.e. the price is right 28 5% Other, please specify 30 6% (Did not answer) 113 22% Total Responses 784

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q5 - Other To expensive - That's why she goes off-site Since he carries his backpack all day, locker is never used, it's too heavy already. Not going to caryy lunch as well. She only buys healthy snacks She doesn’t like to carry her lunch around all day. No time to make lunch. It's a last resort because school like Bach is not good No room in backpack some days to fit lunch My daughter wanted to try buying but really gets just a muffin or salad. Other foods are not appealing to her. Likes to buy at least one day a week Likes the muffins Inconvenient to bring. Backpacks are too full and lockers are not used, too far away. If she forgets her lunch box at home Hot food He huts rarely. No more than once a week. Maybe every other week. It is because I don't have something that day to give him. He doesn't want to carry a lunch or stand out from his peers by being the only one bringing lunch from even though he doesn't love the school lunches. He doesn't like his food soggy by the time he eats lunch Hasn't brought lunch from home Gen has no space to storage lunch on a daily basis Forgot food from home Forgets lunch at home Few times monthly lunch is purchased; prefers to bring lunch from home Especially in winter nice to them to have a hot meal especially when they have sports Doesn't want to bring much now that he is in high school. Only buys a bagel or yogurt because of no other variety Does not buy at school because not aware of GLUTEN FREE options. Celiac's disease Buying also depends on what's at home! Because i do not want him leaving the building Back pack is heavy enough- lunch from home takes space As a treat

Q6. How much MORE would you be willing to spend per day for a higher quality school provided lunch? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents $1 - $4.99 211 40% $4 - $7.99 78 15% $8 or more 25 5% I would not pay more 184 35% (Did not answer) 26 5% Total Responses 524

Q7. If your child never or infrequently eats school provided lunch, please tell us why. Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents My child does not like the menu 92 18% choices My child does not like the quality of 128 24% the food There isn’t enough variety to choose 62 12% from My child prefers a packed lunch 70 13% and/or to buy off-site Lunch line is too long 112 21% The price is too expensive 60 11% Other, please specify 55 10% (Did not answer) 222 42% Total Responses 801

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q7 - Other Your lunch is just bad fast food. Would like to have better options for salads, better dressings, soups. Would like a 'basic' cheese or turkey sandwich but that seems not possible Vegetarian Too much for him to buy everyday They put too much lunchmeat on the sandwich. There is simply no time for her to wait on the long lines and eat her lunch. We would buy often if that wasn't the case There are not REAL (warm, nutritious, home style meal) food options. The lunch food seems very poor quality. She doesn't like to eat stuff that seems sketchy. Sometimes line too long - usually just waits until he gets home to eat if he didn't pack anything Severe food allergies Says portions too small Quicker to eat packed lunch Quality not good/healthy enough for every day Prices went up for a couple menu items without letting parents know or the kids that the price was going to change Price is too expensive to eat more than 1X per week Parents rule - brown bad except Fridays Parents don't like food quality Not hungry Not healthy options available Not enough Time to wait in Line and eat Not enough good vegetarian options. Not enough food.. plays sports and needs more food Not aware of gluten free options No vegetarian offers beyond pizza No vegan options besides pb&j, most days don't eat lunch bc they run out My daughter has celiac and the school cannot provide a safe gluten free option for her My child is celiac and they are not choices for him to buy in school My child is a vegetarian and choices are limited My child eats vegan - not enough choices More vegetarian options other than salad needed Lunch choices my child makes are not regularly nutritious. Lack of paleo Mediterranean choices It's just annoying Is missing real healthy meals In the past I had a student with celiac and there wasn’t nothing for him to eat. Even with gluten free wraps the cross contamination with the chicken and beef you would put in wrap is too risky. I prefer to send lunch from home I make her lunch b/c I can provide healthy, organic options I eat school lunch I do not like the quality of the food I am not satisfied with the health and value of what the school offered. For the past two years my son purchased pbj/apple/choc milk. I can send it from home cheaper and sans choc milk which is too much sugar. Also, the lunch processing vendor only permits $50-ish deposits to the account. I was refilling the account monthly and paying a hefty processing fee to boot. Healthier and tastier food would be very appealing Health conscious makes own lunch Has a gluten free diet Gluten Allergy Food Allergies Food Allergies Few gluten-free choices Choose to send from home Changing food options more regularly might create interest Cafe is too crowded, long lines

Q8. Which improvements would you like to see in school provided lunch in the High School? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Organic and/or fresh fruits and 274 52% vegetables Free range, grass fed, and/or organic 196 37% meats More allergen friendly choices (for 68 13% lunch and "grab and go" snacks) Healthier snack options (less chips, 261 50% cookies, ice cream, etc) Healthier "grab and go" snacks (i.e. yogurt, parfait, hummus and veggies, 298 57% etc.) Less fried options 188 36% Other, please specify 69 13% (Did not answer) 40 8% Total Responses 1,394

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q8 - Other Vegetarian!!! We don't eat meat and there are very few non-meat options at ghs!!! Vegan/vegetarian Vegan options The quality of the food is terrible. Dominos pizza is awful. Garden catering is fried fast food. Boars Head cold cuts are full of nitrates. It's terrible quality. Sushi bar - kids love it and it's healthy. Improve salad bar Soups, quiches, gourmet salads, smoothies Smoothies that are filling, consistency, the sandwiches are inconsistent and expensive $8 Smoothie Bar Sandwiches like Rinaldi’s Rice or pasta choices are a very good option. It the quality and taste is really poor, almost not edible. Provide bagels, muffins or even breakfast wraps. Protein rich foods for athletes & more options of availability during midterms & finals Price Please bring back grab n go hummus Peanut free snacks Not enough gluten free options Noodle or Fried rice AND veg or meat No matter how you try it will always be fake food so stay as is More vegetarian options such as fish, better pasta choices, and vegetable and capese sandwiches. More variety will be good More variety and healthier and tastier choices More variety More protein grab & go for athletes More options. Healthy More non-dairy vegetarian options or kosher meat options More low cost options More grilled sandwiches Less pure fat pizzas Lunch under $5 Lower prices Low calorie options that aren't just salad Longer lunches Less sugary offerings. If junk is offered, kids will choose junk. Larger portions. Young athletic men need more fuel than the current standard portions provide. My son needs to but two meals to feel satisfied and that is very expensive. Larger portions for same cost Larger portions Just good quality, better lunch meat quality for sandwiches. Real, cooked food. More like college cafs. I hope fresh made sandwich and salad would be plate lunch options reducing our cost. Higher quality foods in general. Everything should be organic, gmo and hormone free. Organic Lactose free options. Higher overall quality. He was very happy to buy lunch everyday his first two years at GHS. He says the quality is terrible his year and often skips lunch because of that. This is not okay considering he has three hours of sports practice after school every day. Healthy food! Less fried food! Better sandwiches. Healthier homemade style lunch He seems fine with it as is Gourmet salads, better sandwiches, and wraps, smoothies, soups Gluten free please! GLUTEN FREE options Get rid of soda and everything else with sugar in it Rid of soda and everything else with sugar in it Fresh juice bar, salad bar, no processed foods, organic foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables, organic or conventional Foods that are made fresh to order. Not sure if that’s possible for a school lunch program however Fewer options, more emphasis on nutrition Faster service, fresher food options Easy things more of variety not into organic Does not always have to be organic. Just FRESH food. Basic fresh Sandwiches. Made Sandwiches like a fresh 'Ham and Cheese' on a Baguette or Pretzel Roll. Fresh plain simple Salads Combinations of protein, veggie, fruit and desert Cheese fries Black Beans, Kidney Beans & Rice EVERY DAY for Vegetarians and Vegans (Protein) Bigger portions Better prices on options other than plate lunches Handle the Long lines Asian food Allergy labeling!! Allergen free-zone All organic salad bar or stir fry wok Affordable salad bar

Q9. Would you be interested in seeing a healthy snack vending machine (so students with after school activities can have more access to food for fuel)? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 355 68% No 53 10% Uncertain 109 21% (Did not answer) 7 1% Total Responses 524

Q10. Does your child have any dietary or allergen restrictions? Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Nut allergies 36 7% Other allergies: wheat, dairy, soy, etc. 24 5% Vegetarian 17 3% Vegan 4 1% Pescatarian 6 1% Gluten Free 24 5% None 428 82% (Did not answer) 15 3% Total Responses 554

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q11. Nutritional information is provided on some school lunch and/or cafeteria items. Which of the following would you like to see help your child make more informed food choices in school? Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Ingredient list 198 38% Nutritional breakdown (i.e. Carbohydrates, protein, calories, fat, 259 49% etc.) Allergens 71 14% No additional guidance needed 142 27% Other, please specify 14 3% (Did not answer) 26 5% Total Responses 710

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q11 - Other The price! The kids will figure it out based on family choices made at home Sugar content Overall Daily Allowance of calories Information review available to parents to pre-screen. If we don't offer unhealthy food it would be easy to make healthy choices If it is from a package it is not worth it I don't think kids will read nutritional info. We just need to provide good quality food and nothing else. I don't care, but calories might help Easier to find vegetarian options Areas that avoid cross contamination for those with allergies Allergy free zones - like college campuses

Q12. School lunch menus are provided online via the GPS website. How do you primarily access or learn about the school provided food offerings? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Download the menu via the GPS 76 15% website I have never seen the lunch menu 204 39% My child informs me 219 42% Other, please specify 9 2% (Did not answer) 16 3% Total Responses 524

Q12 - Other We have seen the menu in the past but it wasn’t useful. Since my son buys everyday, we don't look at the menu online; just hope there is something he likes everyday. Since my child does not buy lunch I don't look at the menu Onsite My child makes his own choices but I've seen the website. My child just selects the items that look appealing and are safe given her serious food allergies Let my child decide one day per week to buy. I use the elementary school menu He looks at the options and picks what looks good that day

Q13. Please indicate if your child receives free or reduced priced school meals. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 25 5% No 478 91% Decline to answer 14 3% (Did not answer) 7 1% Total Responses 524


8 years ago when we lived in San Francisco, the schools in our area (albeit private) had already moved over to healthy, sometime organic, lunch choices. One boy’s school had "roasted kale" and they said initially the boys didn't really eat it, then b/c it was continually offered they got used to it and now they buy 2x as much kale. So, if it's offered and they continue to see it as an option and many parents serve it at home, it seems likely you will get takers. PLEASE make the lunches healthier. I ONLY MAKE lunches for my kid’s b/c I can control the organic produce, the types of things they eat, the quantity. If the school system did this, it would save so much time and energy by the parents. We are what we eat - every single day. We are more clear headed, feel more energy, more focused, etc when we eat healthy (and organic if possible) food. It's a serious issue in our country and public school is the ONE place that can make a change and move us forward.

A lot of students want hot tea or coffee in the morning, otherwise they buy it outside of school. I've also heard students wanting soup as an option as well.

A need for shorter lunch lines and less pasta are the 2 big complaints I hear.

Additional salad bar line - there seems to be a very long line each day, sometimes preventing my child from choosing that option because it takes too long to get through the line.

After school "grab and go" options for kids who play sports. Cafeteria closes aroght after lunch so it can be several hours before they get a chance to eat again.

All my son eats at school is Chicken Joes. Wish there were more options that would compete with Rinaldis.

Allow outside vendors to bring food trucks to the school grounds so students don't have to go all over town to get something they desire.

Anyway to minimize lines?

As a food service you will never better to provide real food so why fight. Get vex the kids what they want. Most people turn to real food in the late 20. Why over think it like the late start time. Just look how that is going. All the kids I talk think it is a joke

As much organic as possible. No high fructose corn syrup or preservatives in foods. No artificial flavoring or coloring in foods. That's a great start.

Better and fresher fruits and vegetables - currently soggy

Better labels on food, sporadic labeling of nuts, not mixing allergens with non-allergen items (like different bagels - sesame), real croutons at salad bar, Overall, better allergy awareness - Better manage the lines for sandwiches and salads. Lunch break is very short. I send packaged lunch because my son hates to be in line for a healthy meal and then have no time to eat it. Only the pizza line is short but that is not a sustainable option.

Better quality

Better quality protein options in the salad bar as well as healthier dressing choices.

Better value. ie: the healthy options like salad or fruit are much to expensive

Buses get there too late to grab breakfast/ communicate with transportation department or kids have to decide between eating breakfast or being late to class

Cafeteria closes too early, would like to see it stay open so kids can get food until school ends

Change vendor, I here that Aramark does healthy food.

Check out any country in Europe who spend less than the we do on average per kid in the US. they have 4 course lunches

Chop salad it would be a healthy option.

No Chips

Diverse options

Do not offer any “junk” and eating habits will eventually change

Due to time change, would like to see, even w/ limitation, food available after school so the kids can last until 7 or later.

EVERY DAY: Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Rice, Tofu dishes needed

Find a way to shorten line so they do not choose options where line is shortest

Find it strange that the Garden Catering offered at school is more expensive and less good quality. Maybe have a couple food trucks in the back that service food -- keeps them on campus, quality would be better. Bottom line, the service people behind the counter apparently don't take pride or care about the quality of the food. For example, apparently the tomatoes look and taste strange... quality issue, but the chicken sandwich cutlet versus the bread is not the proper ratio (chef design issue) and if you ask for a "little mayo" -- they put a TON of mayo on it so it's inedible. Need to improve quality of food, service/knowledge and timeliness of purchasing items.

For the wellness of all children I think better food options should be available for every student.

Fresh food, nicer staff

Fresh fruit smoothies made to order

Garden catering fried food is too unhealthy

Get rid of all the processed crap as it is loaded with sugar and chemicals. Bring in only unprocessed organic food.

Grab and go healthy bites are great. Boiled eggs if you don't have them.

Greenwich can do much better than what they are serving in all of the schools. The choices are poor. The food choice in Stamford Schools is much better we would expect to see the menu's in Stamford, Darien and New Canaan be what is served throughout Greenwich. Many kids do not eat Italian Combos, they eat ham and cheese or turkey and cheese. The bagels are hard and the fruit doesn't look fresh it looks old. It's the same old tired menu. Greenwich can do much better for the price they are charging. Kids need variety.

Grilled cheese and fries, better pizza, better pasta

Have a soup/ salad selection visible that looks appetizing

Have more options and then more stations so the lines would be shorter. He ends up getting whatever is in the shortest line because lunch block doesn't last that long.

Have the cafeteria open after lunch. Students who have sports after school need to eat again after lunch but before practice.

He asked today to switch from buying at school to having me make him lunch. He says that school lunch does not make him full, and I give him $10 a day Health low sodium choices. Soups/chilli

Healthier better quality food

Healthier food even the pizza is unhealthy and oily

Healthier options

Healthier options at a good price-$8 for a sandwich is market rate, so it is already high and the school fixe price lunch is not enough food for a 6 ft tall boy

Healthier tasty options

Healthy eating habits start at home and its a shame schools feel they have to manage this

Healthy snacks and local produce and veggies

Healthy, organic choices

Heathy better quality food

Hope reasonably priced, healthier lunch provided, no long waiting line

How about fresh salads & protein toppings like from 'Chopt'? Healthier & better tasting choices please!

I am a little surprised at how expensive it is.

I do not understand why, all these years, the town of Greenwich has been unable to provide healthier and tastier food choices. Shocking!

I don't really care, but I think we are paying too much attention to what their majesties deign to eat.

I have a healthy, teenage, female athlete. It is all about healthy choices and watching her weight. I'd like to see more satisfying options that help her manage her weight without starving. The salad bar could have more variety. What are the healthy alternatives when you can't face another salad? She also needs nutritional info on the choices. I have been told the cashier and lunch ladies are rather rude to students, which if true, should be addressed. In question #6, the category is too broad. I would pay and extra $1 - $2 per day above the $5 or $6 I am already paying. I would not pay an extra $4.99 per day.

I have funded my son's school lunch account, but I don't think he's ever used it in more than two years. I think he feels that the food options are either too expensive or not any good and the lines for what he would want to eat are too long. As a parent, I'd love to see better food choices available to my son, but I recognize that if kids don't want something, they won't eat it. Healthy eating starts at home and is reinforced by education. I think healthy options should always be readily available, though the school may have to order carefully to avoid waste.

I know the current in thing is healthy foods and organic foods but not all kids eat that type of stuff and that's why they go outside to get food.

I like to see more veggies and fruits and kids menu let the kids make his own choose when is time to eat

I love the idea of healthier food options (particularly in preparation for after school sports) BUT it must be affordable to ALL kids at the school, not exclusive to some.

I think the school lunch program at GHS is excellent. It's practically like a food court – much better than when I was in high school! Our son enjoys purchasing his own lunch and is a big fan of your chicken cutlet sandwich. Also the price is currently worth the convenience.

I wish my child wanted to buy lunch at least occasionally so I could get a break from preparing it once and a while. Just simple grilled, freshly prepared paninis and wraps would be great.

I would like to be able to see what he is purchasing

I would love to see real healthy food in the school, what means NO whole grain crackers, NO fiber bars, NO boxed juices, no flavored yogurts.

I’m more concerned with having him want to eat the food than if the food is low fat or low calorie.

If the line is not too long, my child will buy lunch every day

If you can give us healthier options and keep costs absolutely as low as possible, we'd be thrilled. Thanks for sending this survey. Good luck! If you do allow outside venders, such as chicken Joes- the price should be the same or less than the price at the restaurant. My child tells me it is more expensive for a smaller portion at school.

Improved salad bar

It would be interesting to have a nutritionist for students that are interested.

It's time to move away from Garden Catering. It's very unhealthy and overly priced and ripping these kids off!

I've seen a lot of kids throw away fruits and vegetables given with lunch. My kid rarely buys anything from the cafe, but has bought muffins and chips. The reason I chose organic produce as what to add to the menu is that if a kid does want these items, they should have a healthier choice. If they are going to buy chips, they are probably not looking for a healthier item.

Just because I prefer that my child is eating a healthy meal, and one is available, does not mean that he will choose to do so.

Just more healthier options please

Keep cheaper options for parents who don't have capacity to pay more. School is about keeping it equal.

The food should be healthy not every day PIZZA FILLED WITH OIL not so many chips and please the rows are very long many times when the children come to lose food since there is nothing healthy and they are left without eating, they have to find a way that all eat and healthy not only the first.

Larger salad bar with more fresh options like poke bowl

Less fast food, more fresh options, fresh sandwiches, fresh salads with fresh chicken

Less processed food

Less processed frozen food

Less sugar and junk food

Line size/wait time/cafe size improvements to make it easier and less hectic for kids to get in and out

Line time/wait time/cafe size to allow students to be able to get in and out more quickly and less hectic

Lines are too long leaving little time to eat.

Low sodium & less sugar options should be more available

Lower the prices.

Make the menu selections healthier.

Make the prices more reasonable for everyone

Many of the houses give small birthday tokens to kids like pencil, lollipop. I would like to suggest that they give the kids a gift card (or other) credit to the school cafeteria. Maybe they receive a birthday voucher that they can redeem through their House administrator who would then issue them a meal 'credit' or 'gift card'. This way the student has to make the initiative to get the offering rather than cards potentially going unused by those not interested.

More nutritious options, free lunch for all children, they are priority.

More catering options. Ronaldis more grilled meat option.

More choices, sandwich line too long

More food choices, look what other countries offer for lunch

More food made on site less brought in

More food trucks for variety

More fruit

More healthy food and less junk food

More healthy options, less junk food availability, more organic options

More healthy variety thanks More manners,

More organized and faster way to get food

More pasta options

More safe gluten free options

More sandwich stations to make lines convenient and efficient.

More smoothies, hummus to go, stuff from green and tonic

More snacks and options to grab after school before sports and activities. A breakfast/snack quick serve cart in teh science wing/music area so they can grab a quick snack in the morning if they are short on time. COFFEE - lets me honest, they're all going to DD and Starbucks anyway.

More time or more servers to allow purchase. My son often purchases pizza because the lines for other/healthier food takes too long.

More variety

More variety

More variety

More variety - or changing menu items more frequently so kids don't get "tired" of the food

More variety on regular menu , change the chef some of the cooking taste bad like the meat balls or the pasta

More variety. Include a burrito bar

More vegan options at plate lunch! ex pasta more often, veggie burgers

My child often makes his lunch choice by the length of the lines. It is pften the healthier options that have the longest lines, meaning he tends to go for fried food.

My child often makes lunch choices based on how long lines are even if he would rather make a different choice. I would support beginning school at 8:00 am and adding 1/2 hour to lunch so students don’t have to gobble their lunch down in 20 minutes. They might need more rest but I would argue they need more time to digest their food also.

My child rarely buys lunch as I can't afford it. For them to buy lunch and a snack is close to $10.

My child requests/suggests that (healthy) smoothies be offered!

My children are not petite and play sports. They just need more food for the regular menu and plate lunches. It would be great for my kids if the freshly made subs and salads were on the plate lunch because they are larger.

My daughter is hoping for more variety

My kids complain all the time that the food is no good, and de garden cafe is too expensive

My son brings lunch but will still grab a muffin or a yogurt

My son has indicated that the food is much worse this year than last year. I certainly hope that's not based on trying to save $$ here so it gain be spent on the add'l cost of buses, which still continue to be late!

My son has indicated the food is terrible this year. He is not a picky eater so this is unfortunate. He eats on campus most days but if he could he would go offsite EVERY day for better food

My son has told me that the free/reduced kids are only eligible to order from a certain section, and not the specialty areas. As a result, it is clear who is subsidized. This seems really unfair. Please try to think of a way that the specialty providers can receive a subsidy for those kids' meals so it is not so obvious, and so those kids don't feel like second class citizens. There has to be a better way.

My son have allergy the fruits on avocado berries bananas mangos papaya peach

My son reports that sometimes the cafe runs out of the special of the day. Also, offer the frozen yogurt on a regular basis

My son thinks that the food is good...much better than middle school. He likes the variety. I'm not sure how I would improve it, but generally, I think everything has room for improvement! ;)

No juices. Allow coffee Not crazy about chicken joe’s being an option for school lunch. Thanks!

Offer freshman a tutorial on what is what and where stuff is in the cardinal cafe. It’s very confusing and during lunch waves, it’s nearly impossible to figure out with all the madness. An orientation would be very helpful. Also, more options at the lower price level ($3.70-$5)

One purely gluten free area the way colleges do pls. A lot of staff have gluten issues too. Thanks!

Our Biggest issue is that our freshman walk into a large facility and are overwhelmed by the long lines and large crowds. The never purchase food because they claim they don't have enough time to wait on line and then eat. It would be great to work on the flow. Thank you!

Overall just make the food better. More times than not I hear how bad it is. Increase the quality

Pasta sometimes seems to be reused on different days.

Paying for lunch is costly - I spend approximately $1,500 a year on mediocre food

Perhaps Smoothies or protein rich quick foods for athletes & rich brain food during midterms. What about more ethnic varieties? Thank you for asking about our input, please consider all serious responses

Please accept federal funding and nutrition guidelines. Please kick out the pizza and fast food vendors. My children are miserable because of the lack of healthy food. They sometimes feel sick after eating, and often feel their only healthy option is a deli sandwich every day, which gets old.

Please add mac bites from chicken joe’s a few days a week

Please give athletes an option of larger portions that doesn't break the bank. Also, work on reducing the lines.

Please improve the quality of the food offered. "Gross" and "inedible" is how I hear lunch described this year compared to the last two years.

Please keep the prices down. My kids would buy a lot more if the prices were not so high.

Please limit the availability of french fries to only a few times a week. We all know they are too addictive!

Please limit the Domino's pizza to several times a week

Please make healthy food cheaper, my child spend too much money on SALAD

Please make it healthier and more organic

Pretend this is a high end restaurant serving adults. Hire people with experience who truly care about high quality foods. Serve less greasy foods and cold cuts and more organic and home made quality.

Prices should be lower

Provide for items to be cooked on the day they are served rather than serving pre-frozen proteins

Provide real, simple food. Everything is fried or heavy. How about grilled chicken, brown rice, & broccoli bowl? Or other grilled meats and veggie options. It seems like Pizza, cheese steaks, and chicken joes/garden catering.

Remove processing fees and/or remove funding cap from Until this year I had 2 kids buying daily. I spent over $50 in processing fees last year. It caused me to completely rethink our lunch practice. Now all 3 of my kids only bring lunch. No buying, no treats, no snacks from cafeteria.

Sandwich, salad, pasta bars from which to order

She thinks the lunches are pretty good for a school and wouldn't make any changes. The breakfast items are her favorite.

Shorter line, healthier meal.

Shorten the lunch lines

Shorter lunch lines. More protein paired separately from carbs.

Smoothie options for the kids would be great (with vegetables)

Smoothie/juice station, more appetizing breads for sandwiches

Someone needs to be focused on the presentation and the freshness as well as the actual food Speed of getting thru food line so there is sufficient time to eat. Child already spend 10-12$ a day so spending more not the answer. Great idea to do this survey!

Sushi would be great

Take away the incredibly high sugar foods like muffins. These kids need protein and healthy fats and are eating WAY too many carbohydrates in the forms of junk like muffins. My child bought lunch for 2 years and this year, older and wiser, told me that there was hardly anything available that was not decidedly BAD for him. He is bringing lunch now but it is not easy to pack healthy choices that hold up at room temp for 4 hours. We would absolutely pay more for healthy choices.

Thank you for soliciting our input

Thank you for working to improve the quality of what is offered!

Thank you for years of caring for our kids.

The beverage prices are too expensive for little bottles of juice

The complaint I hear most is that the price is too high for the quantity of food provided. In future years this will probably motivate my child to go off-site at least some of the time. For example, my child finds the value better at Chicken Joe in terms of price per amount/size of chicken compared to a similar meal purchased on campus. As a parent, I would like to see much less availability of unhealthy items such as cookies, brownies, muffins, pizza. There should also be an option for excluding certain menu items from the account, or some way to limit not the amount of money the child can spend in a day or week but what they are able to purchase with their funds.

The cost of the cafeteria food is outrageous, especially for the quality and quantity you receive. The chicken joe lunch is awful and cost the same as if you went to the store to buy it. where you would get it hot and not sitting in a bag for hours. It is hard to believe that when you are buying in such quantity that you do not get better pricing. On average it cost a minimum of $8.00 for lunch. That is just a sandwich. I profit on this for you must be astronomical. This is a school not a business.

The food is expensive and the “appetizing” options are unhealthy

The food is not very nutritious. There are long lines and my child rather not eat then waste their time standing in line to buy breakfast or lunch and then have no time to eat it.

The kids should only be provided with good quality, organic (no hormones, antibiotics or pesticides) foods. It's terrible what's being offered.

The prices could be less of course. This all adds up quickly.

The school should offer a better options and healthy options could allow outside vendors to come in however you need to make sure that the quality of the food is still there and they're not selling crap to our kids. Our biggest complaint is the price of the food

The time available for lunch is short. Lunch should be a pleasant healthy social moment and not a source of stress, I dream with a classic European school restaurant with 3/4 menus and lot a list of free options. Will be good for kids and a great support for parents. I propose the GHS, as one of the best schools in the country be innovative to assure a healthy diet for the GHS students, several good examples can be found in European and even LATAM countries

There is no flexibility in food times. My child needs to eat frequently, beyond bad smack, nothing is available

There must be more gluten free options available. Smoothly station would be great!!!

They need a faster service and better options of salads like aux delices or chopt, healthy soups

They need more time to eat

They should implement other restaurants like they have with dominoes. For Example Rinaldi's

This survey contains has grammatical errors: should be fewer fried options rather than less , and fewer chips not less chips

Too expensive.

Too many dishes taste really poor. The plate lunches taste like canned food. Offer could be considered really good if quality is improved overall.

Utilize spinach instead of just lettuce as salad/condiment additions Warm meals like soup is preferred.

We feed our kids abominable, unhealthy food. Kick Dominoes and Chicken Joe's/Garden Catering out. How embarrassing for GPS. We should only serve healthy food. My kids beg for healthy dinners when they get home because GHS is offering them mostly junk.

We let our children decide on their lunch. Our sophomore tends to only purchase pizza and junk food, both seem very expensive. Both stated the garden nuggets served don’t seem to taste like what’s the get from restaurant, so they don’t order.

We need more variety

We work hard as parents and a meager sandwich at school with a drink should never be more than $5!

We would like to see more variety.

Would be great to have preselect meals. For example, have an athlete meal - they have different protein/carb requirements, or test day meal carbs and hydration, or study day meals.

Would be nice that my daughter eats a good lunch at school instead of having only snacks because she doesn't like the food options. Would be great to have food choices like Aux Delices, with great salads, soups, healthy food and sandwiches

Would be nice to let a few local food providers have options at the school ie. Green and Tonic

Yes - Green & Tonic would be an awesome addition to GHS. However, with REDUCED prices!

Yes, simply a matter of the long lines prohibiting my children from buying school lunch.

Survey Title: Middle School Food Services Survey 2017 Report Type: Bar Graph Language: All Start Date :26-Sep-17 End Date :16-Oct-17 Sent :0 Delivered :0 Bounced : 0 Completed :536 Unique Access Rate :0.00% Incomplete :0 Incomplete Incl. in Report :0

Q1. Which school does your child attend? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Central 152 28% Eastern 247 46% Western 136 25% (Did not answer) 1 0% Total Responses 536

Q2. Does your child have any dietary or allergen restrictions? Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Nut Allergies 53 10% Other Allergies: Wheat, Dairy, Soy, 16 3% etc Vegetarian 10 2% Vegan 1 0% Pescatarian 6 1% Gluten Free 11 2% None 445 83% (Did not answer) 5 1% Total Responses 547

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q3. How often does your child eat school lunch? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Once a week 89 17% 2-3 times a week 61 11% 4-5 times a week 151 28% Never 232 43% (Did not answer) 3 1% Total Responses 536

Q4. If your child never (or infrequently) eats school lunch, please tell us why. Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents I do not like the lunch menu choices 145 27% I do not like the quality of the food 179 33% The price is too expensive 32 6% My child prefers a packed lunch 172 32% I prefer to pack my child's lunch 75 14% Uncertainty of what my child is eating 95 18% My child does not want to wait in the 168 31% lunch line There isn't enough variety to choose 78 15% from We subscribe to an outside meal 1 0% service (Did not answer) 132 25% Total Responses 1,077

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q5. Which improvements would you like to see in food services at your schools? Select all that apply. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Better variety of lunch options 315 59% Healthier snack/dessert options (less 299 56% chips, cookies, and ice cream) More allergen friendly/gluten free 53 10% options Organic or fresh fruits and vegetables 284 53% Locally sourced foods 160 30% Other 68 13% (Did not answer) 20 4% Total Responses 1,199

Multiple answers per participant possible. Percentages added may exceed 100 since a participant may select more than one answer for this question.

Q6. Would you like your child to be more independent as it relates to MAKING healthy food choices? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 472 88% No 53 10% (Did not answer) 11 2% Total Responses 536

Q7. Would you like your child to make a better connection healthier food choices and how it relates to academic, athletic, physical and emotional performance? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 489 91% No 30 6% (Did not answer) 17 3% Total Responses 536

Q8. The current base price for a middle school lunch is $3.50 per day. How much MORE would you be willing to spend per day for a higher quality lunch offering? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents $1 174 32% $2 145 27% $3 85 16% I would NOT pay more 125 23% (Did not answer) 7 1% Total Responses 536

Q9. Would you like to see a basic school lunch which includes a healthy snack/dessert option instead of spending more money on “extras” (i.e, chips, cookies, ice cream)? Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 443 83% No 79 15% (Did not answer) 14 3% Total Responses 536

Q10. Please indicate if your child receives free or reduced priced school meals. Responses Responses % Percentage of total respondents Yes 38 7% No 482 90% Decline to answer 13 2% (Did not answer) 3 1% Total Responses 536


8 years ago when we lived in San Francisco, the schools in our area (albeit private) had already moved over to healthy, sometime organic, lunch choices. One boy’s school had "roasted kale" and they said initially the boys didn't really eat it, then b/c it was continually offered they got used to it and now they buy 2x as much kale. So, if it's offered and they continue to see it as an option and many parents serve it at home, it seems likely you will get takers. PLEASE make the lunches healthier. I ONLY MAKE lunches for my kid’s b/c I can control the organic produce, the types of things they eat, the quantity. If the school system did this, it would save so much time and energy by the parents. We are what we eat - every single day. We are more clear headed, feel more energy, more focused, etc when we eat healthy (and organic if possible) food. It's a serious issue in our country and public school is the ONE place that can make a change and move us forward.

A bit more time to eat lunch and still have recess time

A new kitchen and lunch campaign would be need to change the current view of school lunch. Fresh, hot and good tasting food

Away to make line quicker a) insufficient time to eat which really cuts down interest in standing on line to buy food; b) my kids buy junk snacks all the time, wish they weren't so prevalent; c) kids say the lunch portions are too small and the food poor quality but I haven't seen/tasted to confirm

All good options are fried or carb centric. There are no healthy snack or food on the go.

Better low calorie choices that are not just salad options. Have better stations so kids are not waiting in line for so long. They shouldn’t need to go to one line for everything.

Better lunch times for 6 graders. Their lunch time is too early. They are not really hungry at that time. But when they come home they are very hungry.

Better quality food

Better quality food

Better quality meats Better quality meats/cold cuts

Better quality, better ingredients and less junk and sugar

Bring back boneless rib sandwich

Well, I would like all schools to come together to give healthier meals, and to help us motivate children because it is good to eat healthy and demand a little more from children who participate in a sport.

Check the Milk is expired many times!!

Chicken as main and plain bread without garlic as a side. Beans as a side.

Chips etc are ok and less stress inducing choices with food allergies because they are ore packaged. There could be more prepackaged simple type foods offered to create a meal(ex small side salads, yogurt cups, hard boiled eggs) she would also like better meat choices. She doesn’t like the quality of meat esp the chicken meat

Healthy food is what children need

Could a pre-made sandwich Pack option (sandwich, fruit, bottle water) help speed up the buying process? Have 3 types of sandwich avail (e.g.; Ham, Turkey, other). No condiments on them (can be added if wanted).

Cut our unhealthy options entirely and offer simple but delicious sandwiches and snacks

They should review the expiration date of the food

Dirty / sticky lunch tables. Students should not be asked to clean other students' messes. Students should be able to select who they sit with at lunch to decrease the unacceptable and degrading "prison" atmosphere at school. School must do better.

Don’t know enough about it to accurately represent myself lol

Drink options seem to be very expensive

Eliminate domino pizza and offer milk or water with the lunch

EMS has a lot of students. The lines are too long.

Salads and dressings for these.

Extend the lunch times available. My son is in grade 6 and they have exactly 27 mins. By the time they get to the cafeteria and through the line, only 6 or 7 minutes remain. Oftentimes he's had to throw out half-eaten food because the admins care more about moving the crowds out rather than letting the kids refuel. Thus, he prefers me packing his lunch just so he has time eat and relax a little. But sometimes it's hard to get organize in the morning and he'll have to buy lunch. 11am is too early to eat lunch, but that's his schedule. By the end of the day, he's famished but there is no time for a snack. This affects his mood and therefore his learning. More breaks should be scheduled so that the children have a chance to relax and take in what they are learning. Even adults at their office jobs have water breaks.

Extend the lunch time so kids can wait in long lines and still eat all their lunch

Faster lines for more eating time

Food need to look fresher and attractive to kids and why not taste better, kids complains about the taste of the food.

Free and reduced lunch students should be using the money they bring in to put toward their lunch, not to buy the snacks. If they can afford that, they can afford their healthy food. This will also cut down on the long lines and wait time.

Get REAL food options, not just fast food options.

Get rid of soggy chicken nuggets, fresher vegetables, bottled water

Given that childhood obesity is a growing problem in America, I am consistently surprised and disappointed at the poor menu of food available at Greenwich schools. Children should not be offered high-sugar options on a daily basis - cookies/ice cream on a regular basis reinforces the fact that these are foods that can be eaten on a daily basis with no consequences. The food menu should be completely overhauled - and match the healthy eating choices children learn about in Health lessons - otherwise it seems do as we say, not as we do.

Have all cafeteria workers trained thoroughly on food allergies and to always be conscious of the allergies.

Have an option for drinks that are included w/meal besides milk. Our son chooses water and it’s an extra $1.00 every day. Have more time for lunch

Healthy gluten free please not just sugary sweets

Healthy local options please

Healthy snacks should be encouraged, especially when the students have an early lunch period.

High fiber, low sugar foods, including bread (which has become incredibly sweet in the U.S)

Higher quality food.

Home cooked food needed. Not crap

Hong enough time to stand in line, get food and eat. I don't want to spend the money knowing it won't be finished and tossed into the garbage.

I am unsure of what the lunches look like at CMS, however, if they are anything like they were at CCS, I am appalled. There is no reason, especially in a town like Greenwich, we can't have a good meal for the children.

I answered no to questions 6 & 7 because my daughter already makes great food choices all on her own. She used to buy lunch once a week as a treat, but she doesn't find the food to be that appealing. I have no problem with her enjoying a snack or a treat is she makes a choice for one.

I appreciate people having specific requests, but they have to respect that not all parents can afford additional options. And not all kids will eat them. If they want very specific choices, they should pack their lunches.

I feel that we might add more options for them, e.g. Asian foods, Mexican foods etc.

I filled my child's lunch debit card because he bought at least 50% of the time in elementary school. Now he won't buy lunch because by the time he gets through the line he has hardly any time left to eat. Now we pack lunch every day and I have to figure out if I can get my money back from my school bucks or transfer it to my elementary school child's card. Frustrated.

I have an exotic eater who would love sushi options (California rolls). He complains that the food is not good and the line too long. I'd be delighted to have him buy lunch and get to stop making it every day!

I have heard that the line is too long and that is a deterrent.

I literally see my child gaining weight each time she eats at school. I would like soups and salads to be offered as long as other hot choices of chicken with side of mashed potatoes, pancakes but with fruits, hot panini, cookies should be offered only 1x a week, make your own salad, teriyaki chicken,

I love that GPS is trying to make the school lunch healthier but to be real, he needs to eat so that he can get through the day and stay focused. I would love to see more kid friendly choices. Healthy is great and of course I want my child to eat well but when it gets too healthy he just won't eat it and then comes home starving.

I think a healthy drink should be included with the lunch

I think all of children should receive better food options

I think Greenwich should seize the opportunity to be a leader in revolutionizing our kids' school lunch choices. Not only offer healthier foods, but devise a campaign that educates and entices students so they'll WANT to eat more healthily (e.g., healthier foods make you feel better, help maintain a healthy physique, help you do better in school, set you up to be a healthier adult, etc.)

I think it is a real challenge for the schools/lunch providers. I know kids just throw away the healthy options. And I know that cost is a huge factor. I don't know what the answer is. My children are amazing, healthy eaters. I love to cook, but, man, I wish my kids would agree to buy school lunch one or two days a week. I wonder if you could do anything like "Salad Bar Fridays" or "Soup and Salad Thursdays" where on those days it was REALLY healthy and appealing to that set? Then you'd attract the healthy eaters, and build momentum for school lunch? I really don't know. p.s., Is there a typo in this question: 7. Would you like your child to make a better connection [BETWEEN??] healthier food choices and how it relates to academic, athletic, physical and emotional performance?

I think part of the issue is that with the lunch period being 30 minutes long, by the time students get off the lunch line with food, there's little time remaining to eat and digest. I think questions 6&7 are loaded questions - how many people are really going to answer "no" to those questions? I also think there should be a "grab n go" option for kids who don't want to sit in the cafeteria and want to just grab a quick healthy lunch that they can eat elsewhere, like outdoors.

I wish my kid would buy more lunches thanks for all you do

I would suggest to have variety on healthy choices proportions according to Meats, veggies good fats and carbs.

I'd like to be able to put a $ limit on the daily purchase.

If there was a program where they partake in preparing the food and serving their peers - think that they would be more mindful about healthier choices, the benefits and a proper time when 'snacks' would be best consumed so that they are not sluggish towards the end of the day. I believe that they would take pride in their choices and thus become healthier as well as acquiring a 'life skill' that is part of the process of preparation for high school and life in general.

I'm not sure why peanut butter was taken out of the schools for a while, and was replaced with Sunbutter, but now peanut butter is back. We were not made aware of when that change took place, but my child told me it is back. Also, I would like it if items were labeled for students that "may contain allergens" or "made in a facility". That way my child can see while he is making his choices if the breads, etc. are safe for him or not.

I'm sure Western has a lot of kids on reduced lunch. Why not just lower the price for all students across the board to an amount in between the 3.50 and the reduced lunch price so we all pay the same. I don't qualify for reduced lunch but I find the regular price too expensive.

Improve the quality and selection!

In comparison with other schools, EMS is a competitive and aggressive environment with students intentionally being mean to others. In addition to raising awareness of being a: (Target, Perpetrator, Bystander and Ally), it would be good to reduce the tolerance of these comments. It is never "Just a joke". The perpetrators feel invincible, and currently the feeling is that nothing will change. Is there a way to make perpetrators more accountable for their comments?

In elementary school my daughter ate the school lunch every day. She has never eaten school lunch once at Western Middle School. She has always complained that the line is too long and there isn't enough time to buy lunch and eat it. She never had a problem with the menu it was always about the long lines. Children should not be shoving food in their mouth to finish up to get to class. Give kids a break! They are rushing around all day and it would be nice it they had a few minutes more for lunch. I don't think it's a healthy situation when the kids are freaking out that there isn't enough time to eat.

Independence is good, but I would welcome assistance in helping my son make healthy choices; left to his own devices he opts for nut butter/jelly sandwiches and chips each day! Help!

Is there a way to ensure that what is on the menu gets served? Several times my child has gone to school intending to buy lunch but either the menu has changed or the item has run out, and she is not the last lunch slot.

It is unacceptable that a child with food allergies cannot eat at the school cafeteria. All cafeteria staff should be trained in food allergies and all items sold in the cafeteria should be labeled as such i.e. nut free, gluten free, vegetarian etc.

It would be great if there could be healthier, organic, homemade food options.

It would be so much easier for me if my daughter purchased her lunch at school, however she does not like the quality of the lunches. There should be a focus on making lunches tasty, as well as healthy.

Japanese rice ball is quite filling, so I recommend it for a new menu.

Just outsource this service. Why does the BoE run the cafeterias?

Kids have complained line too long vs short lunch period.

Kids need more time to eat their lunch, especially if they are buying!

Larger portions and consistent portion sizes between meal options

Larger portions these kids are growing like crazy

Larger portions would be good for growing boys.

Last time I saw a school lunch plate-it had no color on the plate. Looked totally unappetizing Last year, someone was using my daughters account. She told the lunch ladies who in return got angry with her. Nothing got resolved other than her lunch account being made inactive. I haven't even bother to try and switch it or re activate because I don’t like the options being offered.

Less junk food.

Less processed and canned foods used to prepare

Lunch lines are too long and there is not enough time to go outside and play if you buy lunch from the cafe.

Lunch needs to be longer to give kids enough time to stand in line and then eat their lunch. My kids have said by time you get to the table - lunch is already over.

Lunch should be more of an opportunity to socialize and grow, along with healthy choices. The lunch time is rushed and stressed for kids to want to be with their peers and Try to eat or choose to eat a healthy and energy replenishing lunch, which they need. Lunch should be a relaxing socializing time to gather with peers and friends and refuel to continue learning, instead it seems to be very rushed with hardly enough time to eat a good amount of their meal and talk with friends, which should be as important as the food offerings.

Make online payment maximum higher. $120 too low

Make the smaller portions of food bigger making sure there is enough of a popular choice - a lot of times what is listed on the menu is not available or is sold out

I would like variety of salads and hot food in winter. More nutritious and healthy

Middle Schoolers are just on the brink of paying attention to how they look and how that makes them feel. The lunch options at our middle schools are terrible. For kids who are attempting to make better choices, there really aren't options. I would also suggest preventing kids who get pasta in their lunch to buy an extra of french fries. There must be a system to prevent kids from buying both. Buying cookies and ice cream together also should be prevented. I'd rather see the overall lunch price increase than allow kids to spend $ on the extras. I wish there were more healthy a la carte options - salad/soup bar etc. Having a child who struggles with weight, and sometimes not being able to pack lunch due to work/etc makes it very frustrating to hear about the choices offered and the availability of unhealthy snacks. Thank you for your time.

More basic choices and better quality.

More choices . . . our daughter can struggle to find something she wants that she perceives as relatively healthy. Sometimes she just defaults to . Of course this is all anecdotal.

More fish options and vegetables please. thank you

More food on their plates, my child comes home starving because he says he only had 2 small things on his plate.

More fresh foods, more freshly prepared foods. More drink options. more green food, salad variety

More healthy and organic items

More healthy Asian food choices would be nice.

More healthy food options more options of salad

More paleo Mediterranean (inc protein) choices

More time

More time given to my child to get lunch on very long lunch line and to class thereafter as she complains about insufficient time due to lines being extremely long

More time to eat! By the time they get through the line they have to wolf down their lunch in 10 minutes or less. Regardless of food choices that experience is not healthy!

More time. 20 minutes is not enough time to buy lunch and eat it. more varieties and bigger quantity for middle schoolers who is going through puberty More variety with yogurt parfaits or to go items similar to Starbucks

More vegetarian options would be great

More vegetarian options!!! And edible please!!

My child and I would love to see a make your own salad option. Like a mini Chop't. She would be a lot more likely to buy.

My child does not like the options; he calls them gross.

My child does not like the quality or taste of the food options. He prefers a well-rounded, health meal from home however if the quality and taste were better I think he would be happy to buy lunch every day!

My child had frequent (almost daily) complaints about the lunch monitors. They prefer to eat lunch in a classroom as too many times, what was acceptable behavior yesterday is suddenly an earth shattering event today.

My child has life threatening allergies. I have no idea if the food is peanut, treenut free, so I just pack lunches. I think food at school is cheaper than what it costs me to pack lunch at home. I'd have my kids buy if the food were healthy and allergic free

My child is a healthy eater and prefers to pack her own nutritious choices.

My child is a very picky eater so I think there are very few healthy changes that would convince her to buy school lunch more often.

My child need to have a diet on low fat so it will be helpful to have a menu on less greasy food

My child prefers a hot lunch, so it would be great if he could buy lunch at school every day, but the quality of the food currently is awful

My child says the meat is mystery meat and cannot tell what it is

My children don’t buy lunch because the lines are too long and too slow relative to the short period of time they have to eat.

My children report that the line is long and waiting in line would take too much time away from eating lunch. They always bring a packed lunch from home for that reason.

My daughter bought school lunch a few times in 6th grade. But as a 7th grader she never once purchased school lunch because the quality was poor and made her feel sick after eating it. The options don't seem to be varied week to week, and are very American options only. We would like to see more diverse, and international options .Also, it would be nice to have foods that are cooked fresh, not heated up from frozen like fast food.

My daughter enjoyed her lunch selection at NMS. Why is the quality and selection not the same at EMS?

My daughter said she doesn’t want to purchase food at school because she feels the meals are not healthy.

My daughter says the lunch staff are always nice to her and smiling - makes her lunch experience better! She likes the salad bar options.

My daughter says the quality of the food is very bad. Some weeks she doesn't buy lunch at all.

My kids ALWAYS complain that they have no time to eat lunch. By the time they get lunch they can't even sit to enjoy it. It's always eat in a rush because they run out of time. Ether the lines need to move quicker or the lunch time needs to be extended.

My kids loves warm soups during meal. Is it possible to add soup into the basic meal plan? I don't mind to add extra money for it.

My son also says the long lunch line prevents him from buying school lunch. He said he would not have enough time to eat.

My son did not like the food when he tried it. He would like more options and better taste.

My son does not like the quality of the food selections offered at EMS-- he often chooses to not eat which is not healthy. As a working parent , I prefer that my son buys meals at school but every morning he insist that he brings a packed lunch cuz the good at EMS is not "edible "

My son eats the sandwich option everyday... I would love to see good soups, pasta and vegetables, meat skewers, tasty simple food. We are such a diverse community, with kids that appreciate good food. Be creative, cook from scratch. My son has told me the lunch choices are "gross" I think the best thing would be to survey the kids and maybe test out some choices on them.

My son loves the choices. Sometimes he chooses NOT to have lunch as it is so early in the day and eats when he arrives home.

My son loves the lunches and eats a lot so I'm very happy!

My son prefers to eat lunch quickly so he can have some free time to run around and get rid of pent up energy. if the line could move more quickly he may be tempted to buy lunch.

My son says the meals are too small - wants more food in a basic meal.

My son told me that there is a big line to get the launch. Would prefer healthier snacks and beverages. Would be great to have organic meat and veggies.

My son uses the budget he has for school lunches and buys lunch every day. Often he comes home starving and is not happy with the food choices. He typically will go for a sandwich over anything else. I like the idea of wraps, sandwiches or grilled pressed sandwiches filled with varieties

Need more time to stand in line to buy lunch.

No Domino’s pizza and no FISH STICKS. My child had last lunch and all they had were fish sticks so she ate nothing until pick up from school. Be sure to have fruit available they had no fruit and just had a cheese burger.

No mostly waiting time

Not enough time to eat

Offer a smoothie of the day

One of my children just is too nervous about waiting in line and ordering. I don't know how you fix that! I hope she'll grow out of it but I would guess she's not the only one who has that type of anxiety.

Organic and GMO free please

Organic Please!!! Salad cups!

Organic whole milk

Organic, non GMO, free of artificial dyes and flavors. More Whole Foods.

Our daughter complains that there arent enough good choices and where there is something she likes, it is often out by the time she is on the line. We send her lunch 4x a week but she would eat more at school if there were more healthy and tasty choices and are willing to pay more for them. Thank you

Overall very pleased-perhaps more main entree choices-same meals being rotated over and over

Please add more vegetables and Asian food, like noodles, Gyoza etc

Please leave it alone. The kids are fine. If anyone is asking for healthier choices it's the parents not the kids. One school lunch a day is not going to make a huge difference. Please do not cave in to a loud minority of parents who cannot stop hovering over their kids.

Please make it organic and healthy options only!

Please put organic and healthy made from scratch. Not frozen foods that are not healthy.

Please serve real food, it seems like the meals are all glorified junk/fried/heavy food - Pizza and Chicken Joes. How about a grilled chicken, brown rice, and broccoli bowl? Or other lean grilled meats and veggies.

Please serve soup year-round. My kids love the soup but it hasn’t been available yet this year.

Please use recyclable and compostable materials. No styrofoam

Please, no more veggie bars. Have the vegetables served on the plate as it is done for the other components of the meal. In that way vegetables do not seem "optional" but a crucial part of a balanced meal. I would also like to see more varieties of veggies.

Pre-packed tray options (sandwich, beverage, fruit) may make wait times shorter Problem is that lunch period is 22 minutes. My child told me that you cannot wait in line, buy lunch AND then have time to eat it. Maybe have a grab and go lunch section.

Provide lunch or snack if there is an early release too

Quality meat or quality protein vegetarian

Quality of food must improve

Regarding question 7. Don't offer unhealthy food to these kids. They would eat healthier all on their own if we wouldn't offer all these chips, cookies, ice cream. Since we do know how it relates to their performance. Why offer it?

Salad bar with variety of vegetables and protein options

Sandwich bar and salad bar from which to order from

Serve fresh food, not food that is frozen. Reduce the price of chips, because more than half the bag is empty most of the time.

Should have at least one to two vegetarian option other than Domino’s pizza. Please remove unhealthy fatty food options.

Some children are extremely picky, I know my child is but maybe you guys can have yogurt, muffins, bananas, apple sauce, & somehow still keep the snacks like chips, cookies and ice cream cause they still deserve a little bit of snacks they enjoy.

Some plain options for very picky eaters that are better - like better bagels

Not enough time to get on the line and then eat

Stop selling junk food

Stop serving nachos as a lunch entree. Ice cream/popsicles also are completely unnecessary at school

Take away all sugar items. This is not necessary at school at all. In the UK a "healthy school" doesn't allow any sugar items at all (cookies/drinks/desserts etc). We should be teaching our kids that these do not play any part in any regular diet and should be eaten in very small quantities very infrequently. I am horrified that these options are even available. Kids NEVER need sugar!

The basic price of 3.50 does not get them much. I had to increase the amount so I am paying $6 dollars a day. If you have a small child that eats little 3.50 works but not for my kids. Can't even get a water bottle with the 3.50 meal only milk

The biggest complaint is the line to get food. My child says he never has enough time to eat all of his food because the lines are so long.

The biggest problem isn't the quality of the food, lack of fresh ingredients, and reliance on frozen items. We are mostly vegetarian family that eats many organic items including lots of fresh fruit and veggie options. My son knows how to make good food choices, but they are not offered at school.

The dining facility is unappealing and not in keeping with Institutions that provide Food Service to children. We are big supporters WMS, the Administration and the facility. While that is our primary focus, we do feel the food service can improve and we appreciate the survey

The feedback I hear it not enough options and it’s not healthy food. And a lot of it doesn't taste good.

The food at school is not balanced. They serve salad but it is not very tasty. They should have more options of dressing and better salad. No fried or processed food should be served. I hear there are lot of burgers, pizza and pasta on the menu. We wish we didn’t have to send home cooked lunch almost every day.

The food does not taste good. Stop seasoning with powdered garlic salt!

The food has always been fine. Problem is by the time they get food there is no time to eat it

The high school has excellent lunch and I cannot figure out why the middle school choices are so poor in comparison.

The line is quite long every day leaving little time to eat.

The lines are often too long for students to wait and have time to eat. Often their first choice is no longer available by the time they get to cafeteria. I think it would be helpful to not only offer a hot lunch but possibly a healthy snack cart for students to "grab" a healthier snack or extra like fruit, granola-type bars, water or other pre-packaged "grab and go" options that have a little longer of a shelf life - it may cut down on hot lunch lines, allow for students who would like to have a healthy snack to grab one instead of aiming for chips and give students more autonomy in their food choices. The grab and go could also have benefits by offering new foods or local partnerships to help defray costs and introduce students to new foods etc...

The lines are way too long at Western. Some children are still on line by the time lunch/recess is over waiting for lunch. I have heard this from various students. Explore ways to move the line.

The lunch line is way too long of a wait. My child does not need to wolf down his lunch once he gets it. That's why I make him lunch every day. Plus I know what he is eating. Fresh veggies and fruits.

The lunch program at Central is very low quality - both for the service level and the food product itself

The overall quality of the food you serve needs to improve. If the healthier...or the non-healthy food....does not TASTE GOOD, then it’s hard to get kids to eat better. Too often, my student complains that the food looks bad and tastes bad.

The quality of the food in all our schools is terrible. We need to offer only fresh, organic (no hormones, antibiotics or pesticides) real food to our kids.

The reason my child doesn’t buy is he doesn’t like the food - it is the same as elementary is cafeteria food. They should have a few more options like high school

The students need more time to eat

There are items that should be removed entirely. Some of the processed foods have more sugar and preservatives rendering them completely unsafe unhealthy and no more than a junk food.

There should be more vegetables included in the sauces and the meal so that the kids eat them automatically. There is no need to offer cookies and ice cream for dessert.

These kids need more time to actually eat! Everyone is concerned with the healthy food choices, physical activity and high school kids getting enough sleep but not the fact that these kids are "speed eating." Especially if they buy lunch, which is why my daughter won't buy. She actually likes some of the choices but doesn't want only 10 minutes to eat. Even when I pack her lunch she sometimes comes home with food she didn't have time to eat. It's ridiculous to expect these kids to eat and properly digest their food in the time allotted. I've been saying this, not that anyone listens, since she started kindergarten!

They need more time. My child doesn't buy food often because there is not enough time to wait in line, buy it and eat.

They should use real fruit and vegetables, have healthier food options, and have full meals.

This is Greenwich. It’s unacceptable not to solely offer an organic, healthy lunch

Time to get lunch and eat it! The line is much too long, as such my son is afraid he will miss lunch by waiting in line. I pack a lunch for him every day, it would be fantastic for him to buy lunch a few times a week! My only suggestion is to move the line faster if possible. Thank you!

To be able to put a limit on daily total spent using lunch money account

To expand on question 4 - With the exception of an average salad - Gluten Free options are not available, therefore, my child does not buy often. Gluten free options should be available.

Unfortunately, my son complains on a daily basis as did my daughter when she attended middle school about bad the food is at school. So my son buys the lunch, can't eat it because it tastes awful, than has to buy junk food because he's still hungry. Not only is the food not good, it's not even healthy. At this point, I'm seriously considering making his lunch every day. It's unfortunate & disappointing.

Use a digital app like QkR to allow lunches to be ordered before the time, which will reduce the amount of food being wasted and allow for parents to be part of the healthy food selection process.

Water should not be charged. Students should have the option of picking water or milk.

We would definitely consider buying lunch if the choices were healthier and the level of cleanliness was higher

We would like to take advantage of the school lunch program but lines are too long. Please do something about the wait time to get lunch. By the time my children get their food they have no time to eat it

Weekly or monthly menu poll, to give families the opportunity to commit to paying more for better menu options. If enough families commit to paying a little more for something, you could commit to buying/preparing those ingredients. When purchasing lunch, students should only take what they want and not be forced to take a food item just because it comes with the lunch. If they don't like it or don't want it, then they just throw it away. There is so much food waste in both the elementary and middle schools.

Why can’t the middle school have choices like the high school? Maybe bring in Garden Catering like the high school at least once a week.

Would like to see more fresh fruit choices. No more fruit cocktail. Also, my son reports that the cheese on the chicken park sandwich is a different texture and taste?

You have to provide healthier options for kids. The food seems like it's from the 1970's. Industrialized. I don't see many healthy options available. I am so surprised to see this selection in Greenwich, CT. Please make the choices healthier.

You need a gluten free menu. My son has Celiac disease.

You should offer a salad bar from what kids could make their own salad

Your meals are very meat, cheese and bread/pasta heavy - standard Western diet. We recommend more vegan/vegetarian options as entrees/sides that are not cheese & bread/pasta (ex. grilled cheese, quesadilla, pizza). Options could include grain &/or bean salads (rice, quinoa, farro, couscous), vegetarian chili, lentil soup, sautéed vegetables with steamed rice. Meatless Mondays at least once a month! And reconsider the polystyrene trays in favor of compostable ones - they are harmful to children's health and the environment.