JS Pak Day Parade - 2019

JS Pak Day Parade - 2019

Bara Khana

Pak Day Cricket Match

Pakistan Day Celebrations

Clean & Green Campaign continued Suneheri Yadain ( Muhammad Ali )

Conference on Climate Change - Youth Parliament Myself ( Umer Ahmed Soomro) at National University of Technology, Islamabad Up Coming National & International Events Peace Camp April, 2019

Celebrations of Pak Day

In connection with the Celebrations of Pakistan Day, traditional Joint Staff Parade was held at Parade Avenue on 23rd March 2019. A contingent of Boy Scouts also participated in this Parade and marched with the Armed Forces of Pakistan. President and Chief Scout Pakistan Dr. ArifAlvi was the Chief Guest and Mr. Mahatir Mohammad, Prime Minister Malaysia was the Guest of Honour. Prime Minister Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan, Defence Minister Pakistan, Army Chiefs and other dignitaries were also present on the occasion and witnessed the parade.

On arrival of the President, National Anthem was played afterwards he addressed the nation on this National Day. After reviewing the Parade by the President, Army troops/contingents marched to the saluting dice. Boy Scouts were the part of marching columns of the Parade. Scout Cadet Huzaima Arshad led the Scout contingent in the parade and presented salute to the President and Chief Scout Pakistan while passing by the saluting dice. The audience and visitors applauded to welcome the Scout contingent

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and appreciated the youth for their best performance. Following the mechanized columns, traditional cultural floats of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan also passed in front of saluting dice to depict the salient features of culture of the respective province. Fly past, air show and free-fall of the tri services personnels were also the part of the event which was highly skilful and awesome and the audience highly appreciated the exemplary performance of the commandos. The participation of Army Contingents from Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia and the fly acrobats of Turkish and Chinese fighter jets was the uniqueness of this parade.

Bara Khana Bara Khana (Grand Meal) is a constant feature of Pakistan Day Celebrations. It is not merely a meal but also a source of appreciation to all the contingents participating in the Pak Day Parade. This year “Bara Khana” was arranged on 25th March in the Parade area, ShakarParian. Dr. ArifAlvi, was the Chief Guest. All the contingents of Pak Day Parade were presented souvenirs in recognition of their performance in the event. Scout Officials, faculty members of PSCCB and all boy scouts attended the event/ Bara Khana. Pak Day Cricket Match In continuation with Pak. Day Celebrations, a friendly cricket match was also organized at NHQ, PBSA on 24th March, 2019. The match was played between two teams of Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi. All the Scout Cadets and faculty members showed great interest in the match. Principal, Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Brig (R) Abdul Hafeez and Secretary, PBSA Mr. Zahid Mahboob also present on the occasion. Their presence encouraged the players and boosted the enthusiasm to the competition. The match was also witnessed for a short time by Mr. Ali Nawaz Awan, MNA, Mr. Hasnat Ahmed Qureshi, Provincial Commissioner IBSA and Mr. Abdul Hayee Sheikh, Provincial Secretary IBSA.

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Balochistan Boy Scouts Association

. BBSA organized an Inter-Provincial Scout Peace and Solidarity Camp dedicated to peace and solidarity with our armed forces, at Government High School Sakran, Hub, Balochistan from 20th to 24th March 2019. A total of 250 energetic scouts from the Balochistan and leader volunteers from Sindh participated in the event. The interprovincial Camp was organized to promote the culture of peace and development in Balochistan and to show that the youth of Balochistan is thriving for peaceful and developed Balochistan. Participating Scouts from different regions of Pakistan exhibited unity among the people of the country. Moreover, this event showcased that Scouting youth stand in solidarity with the armed forces of the country and as the motto of Scouting “Be prepared” they are prepared to offer their services if and when needed. Mr Abdul Wahid Shakir Additionazl Director of Education Schools was the chief guest of the event. Opening Guests included DDOE HUB, Rafique Baloch, DDOE M, Gadani, RahmatullahLasi Sahib, LC, Hub, Aziz Roonjho, Honourable AC Hub. Following activities took place during the camp:  23rd March Celebrations  First Aid training Disaster Risk reduction and emergency preparedness training  Messengers of Peace and Outdoor and sports activities  Youth engagement & community development initiatives (Education/Enrollment walk, Tree Plantation, Cleaning campaigns, Youth forum)

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Gilgit Baltistan Boy Scouts Association Ismaili District Boy Scouts Association Gilgit organized a Rally for Shaheen Scouts at District level on March 23, 2019. The title was “PAKISTAN ZINDAABAD” . A total no of 597 Shaheen scouts/Special Scouts and leaders participated in the Rally. Venue of the rally was from Hunza Chowk to Yagdgar-e-Shuhada Chinar Bagh, Gilgit. The following were the objectives;  Celebrating Pakistan Day to show the respect and live with country and representing true Pakistani citizens;  To spread the message of peace and prosperity;  To encourage youth to be active and good members of society;  Provide a platform to youth of the region to engage themselves in healthy activities.  To develop a sense of patriotism among scouts. Following activities were organized:  Rally  Messenger of Peace Activity  National Songs  Speech  Flower Wreath and Faitha at Yadgar-e-Shuhada Chinar Bagh, Gilgit Prominent Scout Leaders and executives of DBSA including Mr. Imran Hussain Mir District Scout Commissioner, Mr. Shah Qamar, ADSC T&P, Mr. Piyar Ali, ADSC Gilgit, Mr. Saddam Hussain, ADSC Oshikhandass, Mr. Zahid Abbas, District Press Secretary, Mr. Tufail Khan, D i s t r i c t Member, Mr. Rizwan Ullah, District Member graced the celebrations with their presence. This sort of activity gained a successful goal and merged as a fruitful entity for young Shaheen Scouts. This activity was a source of well grooming of Shaheen Scouts.

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Sindh Boy Scouts Association

Khairpur Boy Scouts Association organized different activities in connection with Pak Day Celebrations including Peace Walk, Tree Plantation, Public Park cleaning, scout games and MoP initiatives. Scouts gathered at Dilshad Park, Khairpur Mirs to participate in these activities. Many dignitaries of Khairpur Mirs including ASP city, office bearers of Anjuman-e-Tajran, officials of District Education and Sports departments and executives of District Boy Scouts Association also present on the occasion.

Pakistan Day Celebrations were also observed in different districts of Sindh.

Larkana Larkana & Khairpur Motor Bike Raley

Karachi Tando Adam Khel

Noshehro Feroze

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(Pictorial View)

AJK Boy Scouts Association

PIA Boy Scouts Association

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Clean & Green Pakistan Campaign continued in the month of February & March, 2019 all over Pakistan. At National Campsite, National Headquarters, PBSA, Islamabad more than 1500 plants were planted. Mr. Ali Nawaz Awan, MNA , Qazi Zahoor ul Hassan, Ex- Secretary, PBSA Mr. Hasnat Qureshi, Prof. Abdul Hayee Sheikh, Provincial Secretary IBSA, Officials of Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA), Brig (Retd) Abdul Hafeez, Principal PSCC and Participants of JS Pak Day Parade - 2019 took part in the Tree Plantation Campaign at National Headquarters, PBSA with the title “Clean and Green Pakistan”. .In the next phase , on 11th 7 Pak-Scouts MONTHLY NEWSLETTER April, 2019

with the title “Clean and Green Pakistan”. .In the next phase , on 11th April, 2019 more saplings of fruit trees and others will be planted at National Campsite.

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2nd Conference of Youth (COY2 Pakistan) on Climate Change was held at National University of Technology on 21st March 2019 under the auspices of Youth Parliament. Main purpose of the conference was to create awareness of climate change issues especially among youth and motivate them to raise voice on the issue.

All the speakers highlighted different aspects of the issue under discussion and suggested different ways and actions at individual and government/departmental level to minimize the negative effects of climate change. They motivated the youth to raise the voice to save Pakistan and make it more resilient as in ranking, Pakistan is the most affected country by the climate related disasters. Mr. RizwanJaffar, Vice Chairman APR Scouting Profile Sub Committee briefed the audience on earlier sessions of the conference and the contribution of Youth Parliament to engage the youth in positive activities.Mr. Khalid Asghar, Rector NUTECH ensured to take steps at university level to contribute the efforts on Climate Change issues.

Mr. Asif Mahmood Global SgS Coordinator / Deputy Director, PBSA also addressed the audience and briefed about the Youth Programme activities of scouts relevant to climate change. Mr. Shakir ullah Chairman NYC also participated in the Conference.

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Scout Activities at Punjab Boy Scouts Association Peace Camp - 2019

Patrol Leader Council, DPS organized a 7-days Peace Camp for Ghaznavi and Salahuddin Unit from 8th to 14 th March, 2019. 64 scouts participated in this camp. Principal DPS, Sqn. Ldr. (R) Mr. M. Abdul Naeem Khan inaugurated the camp. The Scouts were introduced to Messengers of Peace. Scouts were provided skills of camping and pioneering. Scouts learnt gadget work and six basic knots. Mr. Farhan Saeed led the event throughout and trained the scouts several camping chores and leadership skills. The participants played games and enjoyed outdoor activities under the supervision of a physical trainer. The scouts were introduced to Better World Framework, SDGs and Peaceman. A sub-event SQUAD 1.0 (Scouts Quiz and Declamation) was organized based on SDG # 4 and Spiritual Development where scouts were tested on their knowledge, intelligence, confidence and skill. The scouts were given a chance to express their views and ideas about peace projects in which all of them took part. Fun time learning was experienced by the campers during Scavenger Hunt Competition and Campfire.

The scouts were taken to a study tour to Botanical Gardens, Jallo where they learnt the importance of plants and trees for life and the beauty of nature. Moreover, they visited Army Museum, where a great atmosphere of zest was already developed that enhanced the enthusiasm and love of scouts towards their homeland.

Prizes and certificates were given away by Unit Leader Mr. Farhan Saeed in the closing ceremony after which the 64 smiling faces went back to their homes with lots of memories and emotions.

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Golden Memories Mr. Muhammad Ali Founder of Khpal Kor Interview by: - Shiraz Ahmed, Secretary NYC

- Mashhood Urfi Media Secretary NYC

- Omer Abbas Best Rover of the year 2018

- Omer Ahmed Soomro Member NYC

- Noushad Younis Member NYC


Name : Muhammad Ali Rank : Founder of Khpal Kor Foundation Date of Birth : 25 March 1973 Education : Graduation Place of Birth : Manglor Year of Marriage : 1996 Children : 2 sons and 2 daughters Contact No : 03489103099 Scouting Awards : President’s Gold Medalist

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Mr. Muhammad Ali is a prominent Scout Leader and a renowned philanthropist of Swat District. Three members of National Youth Council had a special sitting with him to unveil his memories of scouting, his social work and contribution to the education of deserving youth. Here are his memories shared during the sitting. Muhammad Ali was born on 25th March 1973 at Manglor. He spent his childhood in Swat and he was a bit naughty in his childhood. He sought his primary education from Primary School Manglor and did his Matriculation from High School Charbagh. He completed his graduation from Govt. Degree College Jahanzaib, Swat. Sharing his

memorable incident of childhood with a burst of laughter, he told that once he had not enough money to buy candies so he stole some eggs from his house to meet his need. On a question of his educational performance he told that he was an average student neither too bright nor too dull. He was introduced scouting when he was in class six. Next year he joined scouting on the motivation/nomination of the headmaster and

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represented his school in a three day camp at Mandian. After joining the Scout Movement, he achieved many badges including highest rank badge, “Quaid-e-azam Badge” and after a competition he was declared The Best Boy Scout of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa then NWFP and was awarded Presidential Gold Medal to this effect. As a volunteer Rover Scout, he also served in Haji Camps atIslamabad and Peshawar for four years and performed Hajj in 1992 and 1993 as Khuddam-ul- Hujjaj. Mr. Muhammad Ali is a founder member of Swat Scouts Open Group. He had also participated in many scout events in different countries including USA, UK, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Dubai and many others.

Muhammad Ali has always been an enthusiastic social worker. In his adolescence, he played key role to organize Iodine Awareness Campaign in Swat. Sharing his performance he said, “This was a UNICEF project and Deputy Commissioner Swat was the chairman of the project. We hold sessions with the Scouts, Scout Leaders, religious scholars and other members of the society. The project was run successfully and was declared model in Asia.” Khpal Kor is a hallmark project of Mr. Muhammad Ali. Sharing the challenges at the start of the project he told that he requested S. P. Swat at that time to use a vacant police check post as an orphanage and teaching center as well. The project was started with five orphan students in 1996. The dedication of the spirited and motivated scouts, it became a success and in 2001 Government of KP allotted four kanal plot along with 25 Kanal playground and gymnasium at Makan Bagh. Subsequently, with the amazing effort and hard work Khpal Kor had turned into a huge success. Now Khpal Kor is imparting free education along with boarding and health care

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facilities to the orphan children across the region. It has separated campuses for boys and girls providing education from nursery to intermediate and also provide financial assistance to talented orphan students for university level education. He was called on to H.E. Mr. Imran Khan the Prime Minister of Pakistan for briefing on Khpal Kor.

Mr. Muhammad Ali sharing his married life memories told that his wife was a school teacher and his marriage was not exactly love marriage but with consent of his parents it was arranged marriage. He shared that his marriage was a memorable event as the opening of the Khpal Kor was on the same day/date. He has two sons and two daughters. He desired that his children whatever the profession they adopt but they must involve

themselves in social work and serve the humanity. Despite the very busy routine, Mr. Muhammad Ali also like to listen music especially Lata, Rafi and old Pashto music. He also read books but not very regular in reading habit. The only sport liked by Muhammad Ali is badminton. He used to play badminton in his boyhood. His favourite personality is Abdul Sattar Edhi. He spend his spare time if he has, visiting friends. He liked Chappal Kabab and Tikka. In scout Camps he used to

stay in camp for cooking.He has strong bond with his culture and like to wear shalwar kameez. Anyhow, in scout events he has to wear scout uniform. He mentioned that in the Nobel Prize giving ceremony of Malala Yousafzai he had to wear suit due to dress code restrictions and after the ceremony he left the suit over there and did not bring it back with him. While telling his greatest quality he said, “I never fell to any temptation i.e. zero corruption.”

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While mentioning the challenges of his life he said that at a time he became very disappointed when he faced very non-cooperative behavior of bureaucracy. He also faced threats for demanding money and he thought that this immense tension is the cause of his diabetes. He also recalled his memories of Swat War which was terrible and he had to travel with kids for 70 kilometers on foot.

Giving his message to the youth he said, “Do whatever you want to do in your life but find vulnerable people and help them or if you can't help them help those who are already helping.”

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OMER AHMED SOOMRO Member National Youth Council, PBSA

(M Y S E L F)

Assalam O Alaikum, My name is Omer Ahmed Soomro and I j o i n e d scouting in 2016!

When I joined scouting, I had no idea that I would reach such heights, for 2 years. I only used to attend the meetings for free refreshments after meeting but after Snow Hike 2017 I understood what a true scout is, Scouts from all over Pakistan working & co-operating with each other, The Brotherhood & care I saw there was something I never felt before anywhere in the World, So, Scouting was a form of recreational activity and time pass at first but slowly it became a hobby and an addiction!

Now I do scouting not just for myself but for others, after all scouts are always there to help others! I have completed my Schooling from Al-Bahria Cambridge School then intermediate from Superior Science College and am now studying Genetics Engineering (Bio Sciences) from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi.

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Genetics and Microbiology always fascinated me and I am glad that I chose the field that I loved! In my University i have held few workshops with the help of other Doctors on First Aid, Emergency Response Planning, Anti Drug Abuse With ANF, Disaster Management all that i have learned through scouting, I became the Chairman of Provincial Youth Council last year(2018). Winning the Chief Commissioner Award last year in December 18’ was a proud moment for me and that gave

me motivation to work harder! My aim now is to win the Presidential Gold medal!

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Solar Skills for Special Scouts / Students (4-S )

Model Camping - Booking is open N 9th National Rover Moot A 26th National Hike for Rovers T Boy Scouts Hike I O 15th National Jamboree - 2019 N SAANSO MUN - 2019 A Seerat Conference - 2019 L

I N First SAANSO Wood Badge Re-Union Maldives - April, 2019 T Suncheon APR International Volunteer Programme - Korea - April - June, 2019 E 2019 Camp Staff Programme - America R - 24th World Scout Jamboree – NORTH AMERICA - 22nd July - 2 August, 2019 N 9th Guide and Scout International Camp Charnwood - UK - 27July - 3 Aug, 2019 A T I O N A L