ScarletRoute R a i lw a A5116 y L in e /VicarsCross Ring Rd

Hoole Rd

The Scarlet Route linksthecity Cedar Grove centrewithHoole(1mile)and 3 Alexandra Pine Grove VicarsCross(1 ⁄4 miles).Theroute A5116 Park takesadvantageofthecanaltow Canadian Av path,headingoutpasttheLead A41 Liverpool Rd Hoole Hoole Lane Green Lane ShotTower.Asyouleavethetow A56 BMX Park Grove Av pathatHooleLaneLock,follow Westminster Rd Hoole theroutelefttoHooleLane. Park 8ReasonstoCycle... Queen’s Rd Theroutesplitshere,followthe Lightfoot St signsaheadforHooleandtothe C Hoole Way Station 1. Savemoneyonfuel, rightforVicarsCross.Access Station View Cawdor Dr fromthecanaltothecitycentre Lead Shot Tower A51 wear&tearand Egerton St isalongStreetand Vicars Cross Rd publictransport A51 thereturntothecanalis Northgate St Russell St Rd 2. Nomoreexpensive alongQueenStreet(off Frodsham St gymfees ForegateStreet). Boughton

C 3. Proventoreducestress City Centre Dee Lane Rd an City Centre to: al A 4. Reducesyourcarbonfootprint River Dee A5115 Hoole-6to8minutes Pepper St CanadianAv-8to12minutes 5. Mostefficient&reliableformoftransport Whitchurch Rd VicarsCross-10to15minutes The Meadows 6. Easescongestion 7. LoseWeight Lower Bridge St Boughton Heath 8. It’sfun Handbridge Key Indicate where Controlled Contact routes link up Crossing k u . o

c . e v i t a

e [email protected] r c p o r

d Tel:01244973528 n o m e l . w w w   e v i t a e r C  p o r d n o m e L 

y Disclaimer :Whilsteverycarehasbeentakentoensurethe b 

d accuracyofthisleaflet,West&ChesterCouncilcannot e n g

i acceptresponsibilityinrespectofanyerrororomissionwhichmay s e

D haveoccurred. OtherChesterRoutes Safety Signs Prepare in advance to keep safe when you BetweenthecitycentreandHooleLanethe Scarlet Route followstheBlackRoute,this goesthroughBoughtontothevillageofHuntington.Bothroutesrunalongpartofthe are cycling. BrownRoute,whichfollowsthecanaltowpath.Cyclistscantakeadvantageofthisoff- ScarletRoute • Wearreflectiveorfluorescentclothingfor RepeaterSign roadpathtocycleouttothevillagesofChristletonandWavertoninonedirectionorto EllesmerePortintheother.AstherouteapproachesthecitycentreitjoinstheBlueRoute, extravisibility. whichloopsaroundthecitylinkingupwith7otherroutes.ChesterRailwayStationis • Uselightsatnight–frontandrear. accessedviaEgertonStreet. Local Themapbelowshowshowthe11colouredcyclerouteslinktogether. • Wearahelmetwhichisagoodfit. CycleLane Sustainable • Keepyourbikewellserviced,checkbrakes, steeringandtyresregularly. TransportFund Contraflow CycleLane Chester Zoo CheshireWestandChesterBorough Mollington A41 M53 Councilhavesecuredfundingfromthe CyclingTips A540 Moston Countess DepartmentForTransport(2012-15), NationalCycle of Chester Hoole Network(NCN) Hospital Village toencouragemorepeopleto The cycle paths, roads, bridleways and towpaths Upton travelinasustainablewaytoand which make up the cycle routes in Chester are Newton Mickle Bache open to everyone. Tra ord fromwork.Focussingprimarily Segregated onChester,EllesmerePortand routeforuseby A56 A55 Guilden Please follow these simple cycling tips to ensure pedalcycles& Blacon A5480 Sutton thesurroundingareas.Cycling Hoole your journeys are safe and enjoyable: pedestriansonly A56 playsamajorroleintheLSTF Vicars Cross programme,soforideas • Onsharedroutespedestriansmaynotbeaware Sharedroutefor Chester West abouthowyoucanget ofyourapproachsobecourteous,slowdown, Employment usebypedal e Park e D Boughton r involvedpleasecontactthe ringyourbellandgivethemplentyofspace. cycles& e Heath iv R Chester pedestriansonly LSTFteamonthecontact Christleton • Itisillegaltocycle Curzon Great detailsoverleaf. Park Boughton onthefootway A41 Handbridge Waverton unlessitis CycleParking CycleParking specifically Westminister Huntington Park markedfor




Lache e r Therearealsocyclestoragelockersavailablefor cyclists.


e Chester e A55 rentalonaquarterlybasis.Thesesecurelockers NoCycling Business Park Dots indicate where • Cyclistsshould A483 routes link up canbefoundattheWrexhamRoadand A55 BoughtonHeathParkandRideSites,aswellas givewayto PrincessStreet,GorseStacksandLittleRoodeein pedestrianson sharedpaths. NoEntryforall Hoole/ vehicles City Centre Upton/Zoo Greenway Canal Lache ChesterCityCentre.Formoreinformationon Vicars Cross howtorentalocker,pleasecall 01244973528 or (includingcycles) email [email protected] Westminster Sealand Deva Link/ Boughton Blacon Park Road Bache