COVID - 19 + Injury Connections: A Literature Review

(With a Compendium of Selected Bibliographical Information, with Hyperlinks to Nearly 500 Published Articles)

Davis Roe Public Health Student at the University of Texas at Austin (Texas) and David Zane, M.S. Injury Epidemiologist at Austin Public Health (Texas)

January 4, 2021

Corresponding Author: David Zane [email protected]


In March 2020 the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Countries around the world responded with disease control measures, such as stay-at-home orders, and school closures and encouraged individuals to wear masks, social distance, clean and disinfect surfaces, etc. While the disease itself naturally remains a top public health concern, , isolation, stress, changes to the availability of medical/mental health/injury prevention services, and other related unintended effects may have the potential to impact the magnitude and patterns of injuries in communities.

Researchers from around the world are beginning to examine and comment on injury patterns (and issues) seen during the global pandemic. We believe there is a need to conduct a review of the injury scientific literature and to identify, catalog, and organize (by selected injury topics) these published articles for the benefit of the injury and prevention community.


We used SafetyLit to identify articles related to COVID-19 and injury because it provides a comprehensive database of scholarly journal articles and technical reports on all issues of unintentional injuries, interpersonal violence, self-harm and the risk-factors for these as well as the individual and societal costs and consequences when injuries occur. SafetyLit provides an index with abstracts to reports from authors working in more than 30 distinct professional disciplines relevant to safety. SafetyLit staff and volunteers perform sensitive daily searches of several key databases under license (PubMed, Global Index Medicus, etc.) and weekly searches of more than 4000 additional journals published in 158 of the world’s nations that are not included in these biomedical databases. At least 500 recently-published items are added each week. Additional journals’ contents are searched quarterly. The curated nature of the bibliographical database contents and the specialty thesaurus facilitate queries that provide focused results.

SafetyLit records contain bibliographic information, an abstract (if available), and a link to the publishers’ website or digital object identifier (DOI). SafetyLit has a searchable function, by boolean logic, by author, title, journal, year, text word, and text word and synonym. Literature found from a query of the SafetyLit database can be exported to reference management software.

The SafetyLit database was searched during the week of December 6th, 2020, for COVID-19 and injury-related articles. We selected 17 injury categories to focus on. These injury topics were: bicycling injuries, burns, child abuse, , , falls, home and consumer product safety, homicide, intimate partner violence, pedestrian injuries, pediatric sleep-related , road traffic, sports injuries, , trauma, unintentional injuries, and unintentional poisonings.


For each injury category, a search was conducted using a specific set of key terms connected by boolean logic. The article’s title and abstract were searched for these key terms. To determine the most appropriate key term combinations, test searches using different key term combinations were first conducted and evaluated on the number and type of articles produced. All searches were conducted using a text word exact search for the terms: “COVID” OR “pandemic” OR “coronavirus” OR “corona” OR “SARS CoV-2”, followed by “AND” and then a text word + synonym search for the set of key terms (interrelated by “OR” logic) relevant to the specific injury category. For example, the set of key terms used for the suicide category was “COVID” OR “pandemic” OR “coronavirus” OR “corona” OR “SARS CoV-2”, AND “suicide” OR “self- injurious behavior”. The complete list of key term combinations used for each injury category can be found in Appendix A. The search results were restricted to articles published in 2020 and all article types were included.

Bibliographic information on every article identified by the searches was saved using the free and open-source Zotero reference management software’s browser extension. A line list of articles by injury category was then exported from Zotero to Microsoft Excel 2011 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond WA) file. After sorting articles by DOI, duplicate articles that appeared in more than one injury category were removed, and each article was given, for this project, a unique project citation number.

Every article was then reviewed to determine its country of focus and date of publication. Country of focus was defined as the country discussed as the primary subject matter of the article. Articles that discussed more than one country or discussed the global phenomena were labeled “multiple,” while articles that had no identifiable country of focus were labeled with “?”. Date of publication was defined as the date the article first became available online. For some articles, the specific date of publication could not be determined, but the month of publication was available; for some articles, neither the specific date nor month of publication could be determined, and these fields were labeled “?”.

We descriptively analyze the articles by injury category, specific date of publication, month of publication, country of focus, and publication title. A compendium of selected bibliographic information of identified articles was created (Appendix B).


An initial search of COVID-19-related articles in the SafetyLit database yielded nearly 1,000 articles (881).

2 From there, we found nearly 500 (473) unique articles across our 17 injury categories. These 473 unique articles were then analyzed by injury category, date of publication, month of publication, country of focus, and publication title.

Injury Category

Table 1 shows the number of articles that were identified by injury category. Articles could be identified in more than one injury category; about a quarter (150/473; 24%) were duplicate articles appearing in two or more of the injury categories.

As Table 1 shows, the injury categories of suicide and intimate partner violence yielded the greatest numbers of articles with 160 (26%) and 134 (22%), respectively. Those related to trauma (94), road traffic (67), and child abuse (42) followed. There were fewer than 25 articles each for falls, unintentional poisonings, unintentional firearm injuries, homicide, and sports injuries. And there were fewer than 10 articles each for burns, drug overdose, pedestrian injuries, bicycling injuries, drownings, home and consumer product safety, and pediatric sleep-related deaths.

Note: Articles could be identified in more than one injury category

3 Date of Publication (2020)

The specific date of publication was found for nearly all (460/473; 96%) of the articles. The first article was published on March 19th (just 8 days following WHO’s March 11th global pandemic declaration) and the last was published on December 10th. The most articles published on any one day (September 1st) was ten.

Month of Publication (2020)

The month of publication was determined for nearly all (465/473; 98%) of the articles. Between April and November, an average of 57 articles were published monthly. As Figure 1 shows, June had the greatest number of articles published (73) while April had the lowest number of articles published (35) (excluding March and December).

Country of Focus

A singular country of focus was identified for nearly three-quarters (337/473; 71%) of the articles; 8% (38/473) had no identifiable country of focus, and nearly a quarter (98/473; 21%) had multiple countries or a global focus. As Table 2 shows, where a country of focus could be identified (337), 40% of the articles were from countries in North America, 26% from Europe, 23% from Asia, 6% from Oceania, 3% from South America, and 2% from . Forty different countries across every continent (except Antarctica) were identified. The was the most common country (128; 38%), followed by the United Kingdom (43; 13%). The remaining top ten countries with the most number of articles were as follows: (26), Australia (17), Italy (13), Iran (12), China (10), Bangladesh (8), Canada (7), , Ireland, Japan, and Spain, (6 each). Figure 2 is a global map identifying these countries.



Publication Title

A publication title was identified for all articles. In total, 254 different publications published all of these 473 unique articles. The top ten publications by number of articles are listed in Table 3.

6 Appendix B

All articles identified in our searches were cataloged and organized by injury category (Appendix B). The same article may appear in multiple injury categories. The injury category, our unique project citation number, article title, publication title, DOI hyperlink (or website/abstract hyperlink), date of publication, month of publication, and country of focus (if available) were included for every article, if available.


We believe that this is the first report to explore the injury scientific literature regarding COVID- 19 and injuries. Our findings indicate the existence of a sizable, growing, and diverse body of published articles from across the world.

We identified nearly 500 (473) unique articles published in 2020 touching on 17 selected injury topics. Though nearly half fell under the topics of suicide and intimate partner violence, other articles were related to trauma, road traffic, child abuse, and many other important injury areas. Interestingly, we found that there were an average of over 50 articles published monthly and there were articles about countries from every continent (excluding Antarctica).

It was beyond the scope of this project to read every article in depth. However, we choose four articles here to illustrate the value of injury epidemiology applied during this global pandemic. These four examples pertain to sport injuries, unintentional poisoning, burn injuries, and drug overdose.

Again, in Appendix B, we identified, cataloged and organized current scientific literature related to COVID-19 and our selected injury categories. We hope that it will be a valuable resource to injury epidemiologists and researchers, who are encouraged to read the full injury articles of their interest and identify methods, data sources, and conclusions to inform possible epidemiologic approaches in their own communities in response to this pandemic.

As more articles are published, future literature reviews, like the approach taken here, may prove useful for public health scientists in identifying other injury categories and research gaps in this emerging field of study of COVID-19 and injury.


There are several limitations with our literature search. First, other researchers may select alternative key search terms to define injury categories. For instance, adding another key term (“”) to our existing unintentional poisoning search criteria would have identified a handful

7 of additional articles, like this one. Second, our article search was a “snapshot in time;” we anticipate that the literature on this topic will grow. Third, assigning the date of publication to articles depended on what dates the publishers made available. In most cases, the initial date the article became available online was listed and was used as the date of publication. However, some publishers listed only the date the article was accepted or simply a “date published” so in these instances, whatever date was available was used as the date of publication for the purposes of this project. It is important to note that SafetyLit contains both articles with a final publication date of 2020 as well as ahead-of-print articles that were released this year. Fourth, we did not assess the quality of the article or the strength of the “relatedness” of the article to COVID-19 and injury; if the title or abstract contained our identified search criteria, it was captured. Fifth, our search parameters focused on only 17 injury categories (and the resulting identification of 473 unique articles); we did not explore the vast range of injury categories. Our initial search (“COVID” OR “pandemic” OR “coronavirus” OR “corona” OR “SARS CoV-2”) of the injury literature identified 881 articles; this suggests the existence, at the time, of over 400 (408) other unique articles related to COVID-19 and other injury topics that were not identified by our selected injury category searches. It is not known specifically what other injury topics those other articles focused on, but they could have included such areas as mental health, sexual abuse, rural issues, and disasters.

Next Steps

Despite these limitations, we believe there is value, for the benefit of the injury epidemiology and prevention community, to review the injury scientific literature and to identify, catalog, and organize (by selected injury topics) these published articles. And therefore, we propose the following next steps:

1) Share this report with: ● Austin Public Health epidemiologist and prevention colleagues ● Texas Injury Prevention Leadership Collaborative ● Texas Department of State Health Services colleagues (Health Service Region 7, Office of Injury Prevention, State Public Health Library) ● SafetyLit ● Safe States Alliance ● Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist’s Injury Epidemiology and Surveillance Committee ● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control ● National Center for Health Statistics ● American Foundation for ● Southeastern and Southwestern Injury Prevention Network ● Public health faculty at the University of Texas at Austin

8 ● Other injury epidemiologists and colleagues

2) Present this report at the University of Texas (Austin) Student Research Showdown and the Longhorn Research Poster Session

3) Encourage injury epidemiologists and scientists to read the full injury articles of their interest and identify methods, data sources, and conclusions to inform possible epidemiologic approaches in their own communities in response to the pandemic


We thank Dr. David Lawrence, Director of SafetyLit Foundation, for his impeccable assistance in this project.

Davis Roe wishes to thank Dr. Marilyn Felkner, University of Texas at Austin, for her thoughtful recommendation for inclusion on this project.

David Zane wishes to thank David McLellan and Anne Tarpey, public health librarians at the Texas Department of State Health Services (Austin), for their ongoing support.

9 Appendix A

List of Key Term Search Combinations Used to Identify Articles

1 Category Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Criteria All COVID OR pandemic OR coronavirus OR corona OR SARS CoV-2 Textword(s) exact

AND Bicycling injuries bicycling OR bike OR bicyclists Textword + synonyms

Burns burn injuries OR cooking burns OR electrical burns OR steam burns OR tap-water burns OR thermal burns Textword + synonyms

Child abuse child abuse Textword + synonyms

Drownings OR submersion OR swimming OR near drowning OR open water OR consumer product Textword + synonyms pool drowning drowning drowning Drug overdose overdose OR drug abuse Textword + synonyms

Falls falls Textword + synonyms

Home and consumer home safety OR consumer product OR home injuries OR home safety OR product safety Textword + synonyms product safety safety Homicide homicide OR Textword + synonyms

Intimate partner Intimate partner Textword + synonyms violence violence Pedestrian injuries pedestrian Textword + synonyms

Pediatric sleep-related SIDS OR baby cribs OR sleep-related OR bed-sharing OR co-sleeping Textword + synonyms deaths Road traffic road traffic Textword + synonyms

Sports injuries sports injuries OR athletic injuries OR sports Textword + synonyms

Suicide suicide OR self injurious Textword + synonyms behavior Trauma trauma OR pediatric trauma Textword + synonyms

NOT mental health OR psychological OR Unintentional firearm firearm OR Textword + synonyms injuries Unintentional poisoning poisonings Textword + synonyms Year: 2020 Publication Types: All SafetyLit Search Page:

2 Appendix B

A Compendium of Selected Bibliographical Information, with Hyperlinks to Nearly 500 Published Articles

Table of Contents Injury Category Starting Page # Bicycling injuries 2 Burns 2 Child abuse 2 Drownings 5 Drug overdose 5 Falls 5 Home and consumer product safety 7 Homicide 7 Intimate partner violence 8 Pedestrian injuries 16 Pediatric sleep-related deaths 17 Road traffic 17 Sports injuries 21 Suicide 21 Trauma 29 Unintentional firearm injuries 35 Unintentional poisonings 36

1 Month of Injury Project Date of Publication Publication Country of Category Citation # Title Publication Title DOI* (2020) (month/day) (2020) Focus Bicycling injuries Bicycling 117 Where have all the fractures gone? The epidemiology of Journal of pediatric 5/19 May United States injuries pediatric fractures during the CoVID-19 pandemic orthopedics 000000001600 Bicycling 109 The link between bike sharing and subway use during the Transportation research 7/8 July United States injuries COVID-19 pandemic: the case-study of New York's Citi interdisciplinary perspectives .100166 Bike Bicycling 40 Epidemiology of trauma presentations to a major trauma European journal of trauma 9/30 September United Kingdom injuries centre in the North West of England during the COVID- and emergency surgery 020-01507-w 19 level 4 lockdown Bicycling 35 Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Seriously and Fatally National Highway Traffic 10/1 October United States injuries Injured Road Users Before and During the COVID-19 Saftey Administration 50941 Public Health Emergency Burns Burns 376 Steam inhalation and paediatric burns during the COVID- Lancet 5/15 May United Kingdom 19 pandemic 6736(20)31144-2 Burns 224 Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on burns epidemiology Burns: journal of the 5/29 May ? International for Burn 20.05.022 Injuries Burns 331 Paediatric burns epidemiology during COVID-19 Burns: journal of the 7/3 July United Kingdom pandemic and 'stay home' era International Society for Burn 20.06.028 Injuries Burns 283 Increased admissions and hospitalizations to pediatric Burns: journal of the 7/26 July Turkey burn center during COVID 19 pandemic International Society for Burn 20.07.013 Injuries Burns 180 COVID-19 and the rise of the full 'Fitness' friction burn Burns: journal of the 8/28 August United Kingdom International Society for Burn 20.08.005 Injuries Burns 207 Did children 'stay safe'? Evaluation of burns Archives of disease in 9/3 September United Kingdom presentations to a children's emergency department childhood d-2020-320015 during the period of COVID-19 school closures Burns 451 Trends in burn injuries in Northern Israel during the Journal of burn care and 9/10 September Israel COVID-19 lockdown research 4 Burns 327 Not all burn centers are quiet during the COVID-19 Journal of burn care and 9/24 September Israel crisis "Trends in Burn Injuries in Northern Israel during research 4 the COVID-19 Lockdown" Child abuse Child abuse 65 Increased risk for family violence during the COVID-19 Pediatrics 4/13 April United States pandemic -0982 Child abuse 43 Family violence and COVID-19: increased vulnerability International journal of 4/20 April multiple and reduced options for support mental health nursing Child abuse 158 Child Abuse Awareness Month during the coronavirus JAMA pediatrics 4/24 April United States disease 2019 pandemic trics.2020.1459

2 Child abuse 7 Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the American journal of 4/28 April United States COVID-19 pandemic emergency medicine 0.04.077

Child abuse 22 COVID-19: a public health approach to manage Lancet Public Health 5/8 May United Kingdom domestic violence is needed 2667(20)30112-2

Child abuse 13 Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID- Child and adolescent 5/12 May multiple 19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a psychiatry and mental health 020-00329-3 narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality

Child abuse 258 Heightened risk of child maltreatment amid the COVID- Psychological trauma: theory, 5/28 May multiple 19 pandemic can exacerbate mental health problems for research, practice, and policy 7 the next generation Child abuse 162 Child protection in the time of COVID-19 Journal of Paediatrics and 5/29 May Australia Child Health Child abuse 34 Domestic violence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a Revista brasileira de 6/1 June Brazil forensic psychiatric perspective psiquiatria 4446-2020-1060 Child abuse 111 Violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic: we BMJ 6/15 June ? need upstream approaches to break the intergenerational 7 cycle Child abuse 86 Relationship between parenting stress and school Psychiatry and the Clinical 6/17 June Japan closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic Neurosciences Child abuse 78 Physical child abuse demands increased awareness Acta orthopaedica 6/23 June Denmark during health and socioeconomic crises like COVID-19 2020.1782012 Child abuse 334 Parental burnout and child maltreatment during the Journal of family violence 6/23 June United States CoViD-19 pandemic 020-00172-2 Child abuse 92 Spotlight on child abuse and neglect response in the time Lancet Public Health 7/1 July United States of COVID-19 2667(20)30143-2 Child abuse 87 Rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma during the Archives of disease in 7/2 July United Kingdom COVID-19 pandemic childhood d-2020-319872 Child abuse 23 COVID-19: does the end of semi-confinement match Revue Medicale Suisse 7/31 July ? with the beginning of the revelations of child abuse ? d/32833369 Child abuse 161 Child maltreatment prevention in the era of coronavirus JAMA pediatrics 8/3 August United States disease 2019 trics.2020.2776 Child abuse 114 Was child abuse underdetected during the COVID-19 Archives de Pediatrie 8/6 August France lockdown? 020.07.010 Child abuse 97 Surge in child abuse, harm during CoViD-19 pandemic JAMA journal of the 8/18 August United Kingdom reported American Medical .14433 Association Child abuse 98 Telemental health for child trauma treatment during and Child abuse and neglect 8/19 August multiple post-COVID-19: limitations and considerations 020.104698

Child abuse 378 Stress and parenting during the global COVID-19 Child abuse and neglect 8/20 August United States pandemic 020.104699

Child abuse 157 Child abuse and neglect prevention by public health Journal of Advanced Nursing 8/21 August Japan nurses during the CoViD-19 pandemic in japan

3 Child abuse 379 Suffering in silence: how COVID-19 school closures Journal of public economics 8/21 August United States inhibit the reporting of child maltreatment 2020.104258

Child abuse 24 COVID-19: The need for screening for domestic Journal of psychiatric research 8/23 August ? violence and related neurocognitive problems s.2020.08.015

Child abuse 51 How can general practitioners help all members of the Australian journal of general 9/2 September Australia family in the context of domestic violence and COVID- practice COVID-33 19? Child abuse 310 Mediating effects of parental stress on harsh parenting Journal of family violence 9/2 September Singapore and parent-child relationship during coronavirus (CoViD- 020-00200-1 19) pandemic in Singapore Child abuse 159 Child maltreatment during the CoViD-19 pandemic: Child abuse and neglect 9/4 September United States consequences of parental job loss on psychological and 020.104709 physical abuse towards children Child abuse 363 Screening for economic hardship for child welfare- Child abuse and neglect 9/4 September Canada involved families during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 020.104706 rapid partnership response Child abuse 354 Reporting of child maltreatment during the SARS-CoV-2 Child abuse and neglect 9/9 September United States pandemic in New York City from March to May 2020 020.104719

Child abuse 129 A spatiotemporal analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on Child abuse and neglect 9/16 September United States child abuse and neglect in the city of , 020.104740 California Child abuse 160 Child maltreatment online education for healthcare and Child abuse and neglect 9/24 September Canada social service providers: implications for the COVID-19 020.104743 context and beyond Child abuse 440 The role of the school nurse in detecting and preventing NASN school nurse 9/24 September United States child abuse during this age of online education 20958064

Child abuse 64 Increased proportion of physical child abuse injuries at a Child abuse and neglect 9/25 September United States level I pediatric trauma center during the Covid-19 020.104756 pandemic Child abuse 222 Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on child protection BMJ open 9/29 September United Kingdom medical assessments: a retrospective observational study 2020-042867 in Birmingham, UK Child abuse 27 Decrease in child abuse notifications during COVID-19 Journal of Paediatrics and 10/4 October Brazil outbreak: a reason for worry or celebration? Child Health Child abuse 70 Mental Health and COVID-19 in children and Revista española de salud 10/15 October ? adolescents: psychopathologycal and Public Health pública d/33063746 approach Child abuse 268 How does COVID-19 impact intrafamilial child sexual Child abuse and neglect 10/19 October multiple abuse? Comparison analysis of reports by practitioners in 020.104779 Israel and the US Child abuse 412 The impact of CoViD-19 on the delivery of an evidence- Journal of family violence 11/5 November multiple based child maltreatment prevention program: 020-00217-6 understanding the perspectives of SafeCare® providers

4 Child abuse 5 Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination Journal of medical internet 11/6 November United States of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence research on Twitter Child abuse 33 Domestic violence in families in the Netherlands during Child abuse and neglect 11/17 November Netherlands the coronavirus crisis: a mixed method study 020.104800

Child abuse 3 A pandemic within a pandemic - intimate partner New England journal of 12/10 December United States violence during Covid-19 medicine 24046 Child abuse 19 COVID-19 response measures and violence against Bulletin of The World Health ? ? multiple children Organization 3467 Drownings Drownings 335 Plastic blanket drowning kit: a protection barrier to American journal of 9/15 September Norway immediate resuscitation at the beach in the Covid-19 era. emergency medicine 0.08.101 A pilot study Drownings 20 CoViD-19, containment and accidents in children's Bulletin de l'Academie 5/19 May multiple domestic life Nationale de Medecine 20.05.016 Drug overdose Drug overdose 330 Overdose and risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019 Drug and alcohol dependence 5/8 May Canada ep.2020.108047 Drug overdose 34 Domestic violence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a Revista brasileira de 6/1 June Brazil forensic psychiatric perspective psiquiatria 4446-2020-1060

Drug overdose 108 The impact of the CoVID-19 pandemic on domestic Medico-legal journal, The 6/5 June multiple violence: the dark side of home isolation during 20930553 quarantine Drug overdose 35 Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Seriously and Fatally National Highway Traffic 10/1 October United States Injured Road Users Before and During the COVID-19 Saftey Administration 50942 Public Health Emergency Drug overdose 321 Naloxone use by emergency medical services during the Journal of addiction medicine 10/6 October United States CoViD-19 pandemic: a national survey 0000000000746 Drug overdose 301 Loneliness, mental health, and substance use among US Journal of psychoactive drugs 10/28 October United States young adults during COVID-19 2020.1836435 Drug overdose 421 The impacts of CoViD-19 on mental health, substance Journal of addiction medicine 11/3 November United States use, and overdose concerns of people who use drugs in 0000000000770 rural communities Drug overdose 118 "It's an emotional roller coaster… But sometimes it's International journal on drug 11/9 November Canada fucking awesome": meaning and motivation of work for policy 020.103015 peers in overdose response environments in British Columbia Falls Falls 4 A plunge in the number of traumatic traffic injuries in an American journal of 3/19 March China emergency center in Anhui province, China emergency medicine 0.03.027

5 Falls 110 Variation in volumes and characteristics of trauma New Zealand medical journal 4/24 April New Zealand patients admitted to a level one trauma centre during articles/variation-in-volumes- national level 4 lockdown for COVID-19 in New Zealand and-characteristics-of-trauma- patients-admitted-to-a-level-one- trauma-centre-during-national- level-4-lockdown-for-covid-19- in-new-zealand

Falls 20 CoViD-19, containment and accidents in children's Bulletin de l'Academie 5/15 May multiple domestic life Nationale de Medecine 20.05.016

Falls 468 When time falls apart: the public health implications of Psychological trauma: theory, 6/11 June United States distorted time perception in the age of COVID-19 research, practice, and policy 6 Falls 75 Paediatric orthopaedics in lockdown Bone & Joint Open 7/17 July United Kingdom 1462.17.BJO-2020-0086.R1 Falls 424 The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on traumatic European journal of trauma 7/22 July Austria brain injuries in Tyrol: experiences from a state under and emergency surgery 020-01445-7 lockdown Falls 14 Changing pattern of orthopaedic trauma admissions Indian journal of orthopaedics 8/28 August India during CoViD-19 pandemic: experience at a tertiary 020-00241-0 trauma centre in India Falls 38 Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 9/1 September United States trauma: a multicentre study across Scotland 1462.19.BJO-2020-0114.R1 Falls 16 COVID-19 pandemic and hip fractures: impact and Bone & Joint Open 9/4 September United Kingdom lessons learned k/doi/full/10.1302/2633- 1462.19.BJO-2020-0116.R1 Falls 57 Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma ANZ journal of surgery 9/7 September Australia admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study Falls 237 Falls in older adults: the new pandemic in the post Medical hypotheses 10/1 October multiple COVID-19 era? 20.110321 Falls 416 The impact of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic Archives of osteoporosis 10/7 October United Kingdom on osteoporotic fragility fractures: an observational study 020-00825-1

Falls 74 Outcomes of orthopaedic trauma services at a UK major Curēus 10/20 October United Kingdom trauma centre during a national lockdown and pandemic: 56 the need for continuing the provision of services

Falls 234 Face masks, vision, and risk of falls BMJ 10/28 October ? 3 Falls 73 National survey of home injuries during the time of Injury epidemiology 11/11 November United States COVID-19: who is at risk? 020-00291-w Falls 105 The global burden of trauma during the COVID-19 Journal of clinical 11/13 November multiple pandemic: a scoping review orthopaedics and trauma .11.005 Falls 305 Map the apps: a rapid review of digital approaches to BMC geriatrics 11/18 November United Kingdom support the engagement of older adults in strength and 020-01880-6 balance exercises

6 Falls 48 Have there been any changes in the epidemiology and Journal of cranialfacial 11/19 November Italy etiology of maxillofacial trauma during the CoViD-19 surgery 000000007253 pandemic? An Italian multicenter study Falls 106 The impact of COVID-19 on shoulder and elbow trauma: Journal of shoulder and 11/19 November Italy an Italian survey elbow surgery 05.003 Falls 151 Can Google Glass™ technology improve freezing of gait Disability and rehabilitation. 11/20 November ? in Parkinsonism? A pilot study Assistive technology 2020.1849433

Falls 53 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown policy on homicide, Preventive medicine 11/21 November Peru suicide, and motor vehicle deaths in Peru 020.106331 Falls 350 Recommendations for the prevention of falls in the Injury medicine ? ? ? elderly during the COVID-19 epidemic /index.php?fuseaction=citations.v iewdetails&citationIds[]=citjour nalarticle_661571_17 Home and consumer product safety Home and 73 National survey of home injuries during the time of Injury epidemiology 11/11 November United States consumer COVID-19: who is at risk? 020-00291-w product safety Homicide Homicide 11 Association of CoVID-19 with intimate partner violence Primary care companion to 5/7 May multiple CNS disorders m02634 Homicide 34 Domestic violence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a Revista brasileira de 6/1 June Brazil forensic psychiatric perspective psiquiatria 4446-2020-1060 Homicide 116 What's new in critical illness and injury science? Mental International journal of 6/8 June United States health and CoViD-19: self-inflicted and interpersonal critical illness and injury IIS_66_20 violence amid a pandemic science Homicide 71 Might the COVID-19 pandemic spur increased murder- Journal of aggression, 6/25 June ? suicide? conflict and peace research 05-2020-0502 Homicide 121 A call for greater sensitivity in the wake of a publication Psychological science 6/26 June multiple controversy 20941482 Homicide 47 Has COVID-19 changed crime? Crime Rates in the American journal of criminal 7/8 July United States United States during the pandemic justice 020-09551-3 Homicide 103 The first COVID-19 infanticide-suicide case: financial Asian journal of psychiatry 8/28 August India crisis and fear of COVID-19 infection are the causative 102365 factors Homicide 50 Honour killings and violence against Lancet psychiatry 10/1 October Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic 0366(20)30359-X Homicide 8 An epidemiological study of cut throat injury during Indian journal of 10/23 October India CoViD-19 pandemic in a tertiary care centre otolaryngology and head and 020-02239-4 neck surgery Homicide 72 National data on suicide must include ethnicity BMJ 10/27 October United Kingdom 5 Homicide 12 Black swan pandemic and the risk of pilot suicide Frontiers in public health 10/29 October United Kingdom 0.573006

Homicide 436 The role of an academic emergency department in Academic emergency 10/30 October United States advancing equity and justice medicine 4

7 Homicide 5 Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination Journal of medical internet 11/6 November United States of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence research on Twitter Homicide 53 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown policy on homicide, Preventive medicine 11/21 November Peru suicide, and motor vehicle deaths in Peru 020.106331

Homicide 104 The first COVID-19 triadic (homicide!)-: do Perspectives in psychiatric 11/25 November India economic distress, disability, sickness, and treatment care negligence matter? Homicide 49 Health professionals, violence, and social change Annals of internal medicine 12/1 December United States

Intimate partner violence Intimate partner 21 COVID-19, Risk, Fear, and Fall-out Medical anthropology 3/26 March multiple violence 2020.1746301

Intimate partner 298 Lessons never learned: crisis and gender-based violence Developing world bioethics 4/8 April multiple violence 61

Intimate partner 143 An increasing risk of family violence during the Covid- Forensic science 4/12 April United States violence 19 pandemic: strengthening community collaborations to international: reports .100089 save lives Intimate partner 430 The pandemic paradox: the consequences of COVID-19 Journal of clinical nursing 4/12 April multiple violence on domestic violence 6

Intimate partner 65 Increased risk for family violence during the COVID-19 Pediatrics 4/13 April United States violence pandemic -0982

Intimate partner 198 COVID-19: reducing the risk of infection might increase EClinicalMedicine 4/19 April multiple violence the risk of intimate partner violence 020.100348

Intimate partner 43 Family violence and COVID-19: increased vulnerability International journal of 4/20 April multiple violence and reduced options for support mental health nursing

Intimate partner 96 Supporting adolescents and young adults exposed to or Journal of Adolescent Health 4/22 April United States violence experiencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic h.2020.04.011

Intimate partner 422 The increase in domestic violence during the social Revista Brasileira de 4/22 April multiple violence isolation: what does it reveals? Epidemiologia 549720200033

Intimate partner 309 Measures to contain gender-based violence during the Gaceta Sanitaria 4/24 April Spain violence COVID-19 pandemic 20.04.005

Intimate partner 7 Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the American journal of 4/28 April United States violence COVID-19 pandemic emergency medicine 0.04.077

Intimate partner 25 Danger in danger: interpersonal violence during COVID- Psychiatry research 4/30 April ? violence 19 quarantine 2020.113046

8 Intimate partner 465 Violence against women, children, and adolescents Cadernos de Saude Publica 4/30 April Brazil violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: overview, contributing 311X00074420 factors, and mitigating measures Intimate partner 278 Impact of social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic Journal of criminal justice 5/1 May United States violence on crime in Los Angeles and Indianapolis 2020.101692

Intimate partner 469 Where have all the children gone? Decreases in Archives of disease in 5/6 May United Kingdom violence paediatric emergency department attendances at the start childhood d-2020-319385 of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 Intimate partner 11 Association of CoVID-19 with intimate partner violence Primary care companion to 5/7 May multiple violence CNS disorders m02634

Intimate partner 457 Twin public health emergencies: Covid-19 and domestic Indian journal of medical 5/7 May India violence violence ethics 20.056

Intimate partner 462 Violence against women during covid-19 pandemic BMJ 5/7 May multiple violence restrictions 2

Intimate partner 22 COVID-19: a public health approach to manage Lancet Public Health 5/8 May United Kingdom violence domestic violence is needed 2667(20)30112-2

Intimate partner 44 or SARS-Cov-2: what is the most lethal? Public health 5/8 May ? violence 0.04.033

Intimate partner 196 Covid-19: EU states report 60% rise in emergency calls BMJ 5/11 May multiple violence about domestic violence view/11255fd2e5ba902a8cb651a 20eeb035f/1?pq- origsite=gscholar&cbl=2043523

Intimate partner 13 Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID- Child and adolescent 5/12 May multiple violence 19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a psychiatry and mental health 020-00329-3 narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality

Intimate partner 32 Domestic violence and safe storage of firearms in the Annals of surgery 5/19 May United States violence CoVID-19 era 000000004088

Intimate partner 214 Domestic violence and abuse, coronavirus, and the Journal of gender-based 5/22 May ? violence media narrative violence 0X15893043718030

Intimate partner 398 Surviving in place: the coronavirus domestic violence Asian journal of psychiatry 5/24 May ? violence syndemic 102179

Intimate partner 41 Ethiopian health care workers' insights into and International journal of 5/25 May Ethiopia violence responses to intimate partner violence in pregnancy-a environmental research and 3745 qualitative study public health Intimate partner 67 Intimate partner violence during the confinement period Pan African medical journal https://www.panafrican-med- 5/28 May multiple violence of the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring the French and Cameroonian public health policies 4/full/

9 Intimate partner 473 Yonder: domestic violence, norovirus, palliative care British journal of general 5/28 May multiple violence referrals, and quarantine adherence practice 10249

Intimate partner 31 Domestic violence amid COVID-19 International journal of 5/30 May United States violence gynaecology and obstetrics

Intimate partner 34 Domestic violence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a Revista brasileira de 6/1 June Brazil violence forensic psychiatric perspective psiquiatria 4446-2020-1060

Intimate partner 88 Safety and services for survivors of intimate partner Psychological trauma: theory, 6/1 June United States violence violence: a researcher-practitioner dialogue on the impact research, practice, and policy 9 of COVID-19 Intimate partner 262 Home is not always a haven: the domestic violence crisis Psychological trauma: theory, 6/1 June United States violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic research, practice, and policy 6

Intimate partner 211 Domestic violence against women and the COVID-19 International journal of law 6/2 June ? violence pandemic: what is the role of psychiatry? and psychiatry .101594

Intimate partner 213 Domestic violence among the elderly during the COVID- Revista Espanola de Geriatria 6/4 June ? violence 19 pandemic y Gerontologia 0.05.002

Intimate partner 108 The impact of the CoVID-19 pandemic on domestic Medico-legal journal, The 6/5 June multiple violence violence: the dark side of home isolation during 20930553 quarantine Intimate partner 328 Novel coronavirus (CoViD-19): violence, reproductive Journal of family violence 6/6 June multiple violence rights and related health risks for women, opportunities 020-00169-x for practice innovation Intimate partner 467 When stay-at-home orders leave victims unsafe at home: American journal of criminal 6/6 June United States violence exploring the risk and consequences of intimate partner justice 020-09533-5 violence during the CoViD-19 pandemic Intimate partner 116 What's new in critical illness and injury science? Mental International journal of 6/8 June United States violence health and CoViD-19: self-inflicted and interpersonal critical illness and injury IIS_66_20 violence amid a pandemic science Intimate partner 215 Domestic violence and COVID-19: our hidden epidemic Australian journal of general 6/11 June Australia violence practice COVID-25

Intimate partner 464 Violence against women in Italy during the COVID-19 International journal of 6/13 June Italy violence pandemic gynaecology and obstetrics

Intimate partner 111 Violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic: we BMJ 6/15 June ? violence need upstream approaches to break the intergenerational 7 cycle Intimate partner 174 COVID-19 and domestic violence against women Asian journal of psychiatry 6/15 June multiple violence 102227

Intimate partner 86 Relationship between parenting stress and school Psychiatry and the Clinical 6/17 June Japan violence closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic Neurosciences

10 Intimate partner 375 Staying safe during COVID-19: How a pandemic can Psychological trauma: theory, 6/18 June United States violence escalate risk for intimate partner violence and what can research, practice, and policy 8 be done to provide individuals with resources and support

Intimate partner 471 Who has been missed? Dramatic decrease in numbers of Archives of disease in 6/18 June United Kingdom violence children seen for child protection assessments during the childhood d-2020-319783 pandemic Intimate partner 99 The COVID-19 pandemic and suicide by self- Burns: journal of the 6/20 June multiple violence immolation: is risk increasing? International Society for Burn 20.06.016 Injuries Intimate partner 409 The hidden disaster of COVID-19: intimate partner Psychological trauma: theory, 6/22 June United States violence violence research, practice, and policy 6

Intimate partner 71 Might the COVID-19 pandemic spur increased murder- Journal of aggression, 6/25 June ? violence suicide? conflict and peace research 05-2020-0502

Intimate partner 218 Domestic violence during COVID-19: the GP role British journal of general 6/25 June United Kingdom violence practice 10477

Intimate partner 191 COVID-19, domestic violence and abuse, and urgent British dental journal 6/26 June United Kingdom violence dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery care 020-1709-1

Intimate partner 418 The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the International journal of law 6/26 June multiple violence precipitation of intimate partner violence and psychiatry .101606

Intimate partner 165 Comprehensive sexuality education to address gender- Lancet 6/29 June multiple violence based violence 6736(20)31477-X

Intimate partner 295 Intimate partner violence crisis in the COVID-19 European radiology 6/30 June multiple violence pandemic: how can radiologists make a difference? 020-07043-w

Intimate partner 455 Trying times and trying out solutions: intimate partner Journal of general internal 6/30 June United States violence violence screening and support for women veterans medicine 020-05990-0 during CoViD-19 Intimate partner 92 Spotlight on child abuse and neglect response in the time Lancet Public Health 7/1 July United States violence of COVID-19 2667(20)30143-2

Intimate partner 168 Coronavirus and quarantine: catalysts of domestic Violence against women 7/6 July multiple violence violence 20935194

Intimate partner 204 Crime and coronavirus: social distancing, lockdown, and Crime science 7/6 July multiple violence the mobility elasticity of crime 020-00121-w

Intimate partner 249 Gender-based violence during the pandemic and Spanish journal of legal 7/7 July multiple violence lockdown medicine 20.05.005

Intimate partner 47 Has COVID-19 changed crime? Crime Rates in the American journal of criminal 7/8 July United States violence United States during the pandemic justice 020-09551-3

11 Intimate partner 205 Crime, Justice & the COVID-19 Pandemic: Toward a American Journal of 7/9 July United States violence National Research Agenda Criminal Justice 020-09555-z

Intimate partner 374 Staying home, staying safe? A short-term analysis of American journal of criminal 7/14 July United States violence CoViD-19 on Dallas domestic violence justice 020-09531-7

Intimate partner 68 Intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 Asian journal of psychiatry 7/16 July India violence pandemic in India: from psychiatric and forensic vantage 102279 points Intimate partner 362 Rural victimization and policing during the CoViD-19 American journal of criminal 7/17 July United States violence pandemic justice 020-09554-0

Intimate partner 411 The impact of COVID-19 on services for people affected International journal of 7/17 July multiple violence by sexual and gender-based violence gynaecology and obstetrics

Intimate partner 428 The moderating roles of psychological flexibility and Journal of contextual 7/20 July Italy violence inflexibility on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 behavioral science 0.07.003 pandemic and lockdown in Italy Intimate partner 368 Sheltering in place and domestic violence: evidence from Journal of public economics 7/23 July United States violence calls for service during COVID-19 2020.104241

Intimate partner 175 Covid-19 and domestic violence: an indirect path to Journal of family violence 7/28 July multiple violence social and economic crisis 020-00188-8

Intimate partner 177 COVID-19 and social distancing measures in Journal of experimental 7/29 July Australia violence Queensland, Australia, are associated with short-term criminology 020-09441-y decreases in recorded violent crime Intimate partner 77 Penetrating trauma during a global pandemic: changing Surgeon: journal of the Royal 7/30 July United Kingdom violence patterns in interpersonal violence, self-harm and Colleges of Surgeons of 20.07.004 domestic violence in the Covid-19 outbreak Edinburgh and Ireland Intimate partner 208 Digital or digitally delivered responses to domestic and JMIR public health and 7/30 July multiple violence intimate partner violence during CoViD-19 surveillance

Intimate partner 23 COVID-19: does the end of semi-confinement match Revue Medicale Suisse 7/31 July ? violence with the beginning of the revelations of child abuse ? d/32833370

Intimate partner 114 Was child abuse underdetected during the COVID-19 Archives de Pediatrie 8/6 August France violence lockdown? 020.07.010

Intimate partner 229 Examining the impact of lockdown (due to COVID-19) Asian journal of psychiatry 8/7 August India violence on domestic violence (DV): an evidences from India 102335 [Letter] Intimate partner 228 Exacerbation of physical intimate partner violence during Radiology 8/13 August United States violence CoViD-19 lockdown 0202866

Intimate partner 275 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic: social distancing and Psychiatry and the Clinical 8/14 August Taiwan violence the vulnerability to domestic violence Neurosciences

12 Intimate partner 24 COVID-19: The need for screening for domestic Journal of psychiatric research 8/23 August ? violence violence and related neurocognitive problems s.2020.08.015

Intimate partner 444 Time from COVID-19 shutdown, gender-based violence EClinicalMedicine 8/24 August United States violence exposure, and mental health outcomes among a state 020.100520 representative sample of California residents Intimate partner 270 Immediate impact of stay-at-home orders to control Lancet global health 8/25 August Bangladesh violence COVID-19 transmission on socioeconomic conditions, 109X(20)30366-1 food insecurity, mental health, and intimate partner violence in Bangladeshi women and their families: an interrupted time series Intimate partner 437 The role of service providers, technology, and mass Archives of sexual behavior 8/25 August multiple violence media when home isn't safe for intimate partner violence 020-01820-w victims: best practices and recommendations in the era of CoViD-19 and beyond Intimate partner 18 CoViD-19 resilience for survival: occurrence of domestic Curēus 8/26 August United States violence violence during lockdown at a rural american college of 59 surgeons verified level one trauma center

Intimate partner 307 Marital violence precipitating/intensifying elements Ciencia e Saude Coletiva 8/28 August multiple violence during the Covid-19 pandemic 81232020259.16132020

Intimate partner 46 From unnoticed to invisible: the impact of CoViD-19 on Child abuse review 9/1 September United Kingdom violence children and young people experiencing domestic violence and abuse Intimate partner 60 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence Asian journal of psychiatry 9/1 September Bangladesh violence in Bangladesh 102393

Intimate partner 155 Changes in intimate partner violence during the early Injury prevention 9/1 September United States violence stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA -2020-043831

Intimate partner 397 Supporting intimate partner violence survivors and their Pediatrics 9/1 September ? violence children during the CoViD-19 pandemic -1276

Intimate partner 51 How can general practitioners help all members of the Australian journal of general 9/2 September Australia violence family in the context of domestic violence and COVID- practice COVID-33 19? Intimate partner 463 Violence against women during the COVID-19 International journal of 9/3 September multiple violence pandemic: an integrative review gynaecology and obstetrics

Intimate partner 201 COVID-19: urgency for distancing from domestic European journal of 9/4 September multiple violence violence psychotraumatology 2020.1800245

Intimate partner 425 The influence of the ongoing CoViD-19 pandemic on Journal of family violence 9/4 September China violence family violence in China 020-00196-8

Intimate partner 57 Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma ANZ journal of surgery 9/7 September Australia violence admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study

13 Intimate partner 223 Effectiveness of ICT-based intimate partner violence BMC public health 9/7 September multiple violence interventions: a systematic review 020-09408-8

Intimate partner 17 Covid-19 pandemic and : an L'Encephale (1974) 9/19 September France violence opportunity to improve information systems 20.06.004

Intimate partner 56 Impact of pandemic on suicide: excess in Journal of clinical psychiatry 9/21 September Taiwan violence Taiwan during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic 454

Intimate partner 317 Mitigating violence against women and young girls Globalization and health 9/21 September Nepal violence during COVID-19 induced lockdown in Nepal: a wake- 020-00616-w up call Intimate partner 219 Downside: the perpetrator of violence in the International journal of 9/25 September multiple violence representations of social and health professionals environmental research and 7061 public health Intimate partner 26 Dealing with the rising tide of suicides during the International journal of social 9/26 September ? violence COVID-19 pandemic: strengthening the pillars of psychiatry 20962146 prevention and timely intervention Intimate partner 216 Domestic violence and substance abuse during Indian journal of psychiatry 9/28 September multiple violence COVID19: a systematic review IndianJPsychiatry_1049_20

Intimate partner 299 Lockdown, domestic abuse perpetration, and mental Lancet psychiatry 9/28 September United Kingdom violence health care: gaps in training, research, and policy 0366(20)30397-7

Intimate partner 179 CoViD-19 and the rise of intimate partner violence World development 9/29 September Peru violence .2020.105217

Intimate partner 50 Honour killings and violence against women in Iran Lancet psychiatry 10/1 October Iran violence during the COVID-19 pandemic 0366(20)30359-X

Intimate partner 27 Decrease in child abuse notifications during COVID-19 Journal of Paediatrics and 10/4 October Brazil violence outbreak: a reason for worry or celebration? Child Health

Intimate partner 212 Domestic violence amid covid-19 pandemic: Pakistan's Asia-Pacific journal of public 10/5 October Pakistan violence perspective health 20962965

Intimate partner 6 Addressing intimate partner violence during the COVID- European radiology 10/6 October ? violence 19 pandemic and beyond: how radiologists can make a 020-07332-4 difference Intimate partner 293 Intimate partner violence against reproductive age Reproductive health 10/7 October Ethiopia violence women during COVID-19 pandemic in northern Ethiopia 020-01002-w 2020: a community-based cross-sectional study

Intimate partner 452 Trends in family violence are not causally associated American journal of criminal 10/7 October United States violence with CoViD-19 stay-at-home orders: a commentary on justice 020-09574-w Piquero et al Intimate partner 192 Covid-19, lockdown, and intimate partner violence: some Journal of women's health 10/14 October Italy violence data from an Italian service and suggestions for future (Larchmont) 8590 approaches

14 Intimate partner 217 Domestic violence challenge and COVID-19 pandemic Journal of public health 10/14 October multiple violence research 1853

Intimate partner 360 Role of media in preventing gender-based violence and Asian journal of psychiatry 10/14 October India violence crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic 102449

Intimate partner 82 Real-time suicide mortality data from police reports in Lancet psychiatry 10/16 October Australia violence Queensland, Australia, during the COVID-19 pandemic: 0366(20)30435-1 an interrupted time-series analysis Intimate partner 472 Women's mental health: acute impact of COVID-19 Archives of women's mental 10/17 October Tunisia violence pandemic on domestic violence health 020-01082-4

Intimate partner 194 COVID-19, staying at home, and domestic violence Review of economics of the 10/20 October United States violence household 020-09526-7

Intimate partner 238 Family violence against children in the wake of COVID- Child and adolescent 10/20 October multiple violence 19 pandemic: a review of current perspectives and risk psychiatry and mental health 020-00347-1 factors Intimate partner 89 Sexual violence against women in Bangladesh during the Asian journal of psychiatry 10/22 October Bangladesh violence COVID-19 pandemic 102455

Intimate partner 461 Violence against children and adolescents: notification Revista paulista de pediatria : 10/28 October Brazil violence and alert in times of pandemic orgão oficial da Sociedade de 0462/2021/39/2020267 Pediatria de São Paulo

Intimate partner 292 International law, COVID-19 and feminist engagement Feminist legal studies 10/31 October multiple violence with the United Nations Security Council: the end of the 020-09440-4 affair? Intimate partner 209 Digital public health: a hopeful strategy to tackle the Lancet Public Health 11/1 November multiple violence surge in domestic violence 2667(20)30226-7

Intimate partner 349 Recognizing and responding to intimate partner violence Journal of clinical nursing 11/3 November ? violence using telehealth: practical guidance for nurses and 4 midwives Intimate partner 80 Psychological distress, anxiety, family violence, PLoS one 11/4 November New Zealand violence suicidality, and wellbeing in New Zealand during the ne.0241658 COVID-19 lockdown: a cross-sectional study Intimate partner 300 Loneliness and the CoViD-19 pandemic: implications for Journal of family violence 11/5 November United States violence intimate partner violence survivors 020-00215-8

Intimate partner 5 Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination Journal of medical internet 11/6 November United States violence of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence research on Twitter Intimate partner 400 Taking action to prevent violence against adolescents in Journal of Adolescent Health 11/9 November multiple violence the time of COVID-19 h.2020.10.011

Intimate partner 90 Social restrictions during COVID-19 and major trauma Medical journal of Australia 11/10 November Australia violence volume at a level 1 trauma centre 3

15 Intimate partner 137 Addressing the urgent housing needs of vulnerable Psychiatric services 11/10 November United States violence women in the era of COVID-19: the Los Angeles County 2000318 experience Intimate partner 181 COVID-19 and violence: a research call to action BMC women's health 11/10 November multiple violence 020-01115-1

Intimate partner 282 Improving global surveillance of gender-based violence Lancet 11/14 November multiple violence 6736(20)32319-9

Intimate partner 33 Domestic violence in families in the Netherlands during Child abuse and neglect 11/17 November Netherlands violence the coronavirus crisis: a mixed method study 020.104800

Intimate partner 442 The syndemic of COVID-19 and gender-based violence BMJ global health 11/18 November Democratic violence in humanitarian settings: leveraging lessons from Ebola 2020-004194 Republic of the in the Democratic Republic of Congo Congo Intimate partner 294 Intimate partner violence and CoCiD-19 in rural, remote, Journal of family violence 11/19 November Canada violence and northern Canada: relationship, vulnerability and risk 020-00212-x

Intimate partner 329 Nurse training in gender-based violence using simulated International journal of 11/21 November Spain violence nursing video consultations during the CoViD-19 environmental research and 8654 pandemic: a qualitative study public health Intimate partner 373 'Staying home is NOT staying safe': a rapid 8-day online Psychiatry and the Clinical 11/22 November India violence survey on spousal violence against women during the Neurosciences COVID-19 lockdown in India Intimate partner 93 Stigma experienced by transgender women of color in Journal of interpersonal 11/30 November United States violence their dating and romantic relationships: implications for violence 20976186 gender-based violence prevention programs Intimate partner 3 A pandemic within a pandemic - intimate partner New England journal of 12/10 December United States violence violence during Covid-19 medicine 24046

Intimate partner 19 COVID-19 response measures and violence against Bulletin of The World Health ? ? multiple violence children Organization 3467

Intimate partner 248 Gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of global health 9/7 September Italy violence response in Italy 0359

Pedestrian injuries Pedestrian 55 Impact of lockdown measures implemented during the African journal of emergency 6/16 June injuries Covid-19 pandemic on the burden of trauma medicine 20.06.005 presentations to a regional emergency department in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Pedestrian 112 Violence unchecked by social distancing Journal of emergency 7/28 July United States injuries medicine d.2020.06.049 Pedestrian 2 A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 Transportation research 8/1 August multiple injuries pandemic on driving behavior and road safety interdisciplinary perspectives .100186

Pedestrian 37 Effect of statewide social distancing and stay-at-home Journal of Orthopaedic 9/1 September United States injuries directives on orthopaedic trauma at a southwestern Level Trauma 000000001890 1 trauma center during the covid-19 pandemic

16 Pedestrian 35 Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Seriously and Fatally National Highway Traffic 10/1 October United States injuries Injured Road Users Before and During the COVID-19 Saftey Administration 50943 Public Health Emergency Pedestrian 107 The impact of COVID-19 social restrictions on trauma Emergency medicine 10/30 October Australia injuries presentations in South Australia Australasia 6723.13680 Pedestrian 61 Improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities for more social Verkeersspecialist ? ? ? injuries distancing and bicycle use /index.php?fuseaction=citations.v iewdetails&citationIds[]=citjour nalarticle_664736_9 Pediatric sleep-related deaths Pediatric sleep- 21 COVID-19, Risk, Fear, and Fall-out Medical anthropology 3/26 March multiple related deaths 2020.1746301 Road traffic Road traffic 448 Traffic accident risk perception among drivers: a latent Transportation planning and 3/3 March multiple variable approach technology 2020.1735763 Road traffic 4 A plunge in the number of traumatic traffic injuries in an American journal of 3/19 March China emergency center in Anhui province, China emergency medicine 0.03.027 Road traffic 91 Special report: Impact of COVID19 on California traffic Road Ecology Center UC 4/10 April United States accidents Davis iles/content/projects/COVID_CH IPs_Impacts.pdf Road traffic 289 Injury research in the midst of a global pandemic International journal of injury 5/5 May multiple control and safety promotion 2020.1757903

Road traffic 261 Historical and methodological highlights of quarantine Acta bio-medica de l'ateneo 5/11 May multiple measures: from ancient plague epidemics to current Parmense c/articles/PMC7569636/ coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic Road traffic 59 Impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on an emergency Injury 5/12 May Spain traumatology service: experience at a tertiary trauma 20.05.016 centre in Spain Road traffic 434 The relationship between trends in COVID-19 International journal of 5/14 May South Korea prevalence and traffic levels in South Korea infectious diseases .05.031 Road traffic 101 The effects of a UK lockdown on orthopaedic trauma Bone & Joint Open 5/21 May United Kingdom admissions and surgical cases 1462.15.BJO-2020-0028.R1 Road traffic 28 Decrease in trauma admissions with CoViD-19 pandemic Western journal of 5/22 May United States emergency medicine 020.5.47780 Road traffic 399 Syndemic frameworks to understand the effects of Journal of transport and health 5/23 May United States COVID-19 on commercial driver stress, health, and 100877 safety Road traffic 410 The immediate impact of COVID-19 on law American journal of criminal 6/6 June United States enforcement in the United States justice 020-09536-2 Road traffic 460 Vehicle related injury patterns during the COVID-19 American journal of 6/6 June United States pandemic: What has changed? emergency medicine 0.06.006 Road traffic 286 Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on an emergency Acute medicine and surgery 6/8 June Japan medical service system: a population-based, descriptive study in Osaka, Japan Road traffic 449 Traffic impacts of the CoViD-19 pandemic: statewide Natural hazards review 6/8 June United States analysis of social separation and activity restriction H.1527-6996.0000409

17 Road traffic 66 Influence of physical activity during outbreak on Revista española de salud 6/11 June multiple psychological states in adults in the Covid-19 pandemic: pública d/32527993 a study protocol Road traffic 10 Analysing the variation in volume and nature of trauma Bone & Joint Open 6/12 June Ireland presentations during COVID-19 lockdown in Ireland 1462.16.BJO-2020-0040.R1

Road traffic 273 Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on characteristics of Forensic science international 6/12 June Greece autopsy cases in Greece. Comparison between 2019 and 2020.110365 2020 Road traffic 274 Impact of COVID-19 on transportation in Lagos, Nigeria Transportation research 6/12 June Nigeria interdisciplinary perspectives .100154

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Road traffic 109 The link between bike sharing and subway use during the Transportation research 7/8 July United States COVID-19 pandemic: the case-study of New York's Citi interdisciplinary perspectives .100166 Bike Road traffic 9 Analysing the impact of the COVID19 lockdown on Agilysis 7/9 July United Kingdom vehicle flow and speeds in the UK new-research-shows-increased- vehicles-speeds-during-covid-19- lockdown/ Road traffic 371 Statewide covid-19 stay-at-home orders and population World medical and health 7/10 July United States mobility in the United States policy Road traffic 164 Compensation effect between deaths from Covid-19 and Transportation research 7/11 July Italy crashes: the Italian case interdisciplinary perspectives .100170

Road traffic 348 Re: Letter to the editor of Public Health in response to Public health 7/13 July ? 'Non-COVID-19 visits to emergency departments during 0.07.003 the pandemic: the impact of fear' Road traffic 139 Adolescent driving behavior before and during Accident analysis and 7/16 July United States restrictions related to COVID-19 prevention .105686 Road traffic 170 Coronavirus disease 2019: what could be the effects on Accident analysis and 7/16 July United States road safety? prevention .105687 Road traffic 166 Controlling urban traffic-one of the useful methods to Safety science 7/30 July China ensure safety in Wuhan based on COVID-19 outbreak .104938 Road traffic 2 A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 Transportation research 8/1 August multiple pandemic on driving behavior and road safety interdisciplinary perspectives .100186

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18 Road traffic 54 Impact of CoViD-19 pandemic on orthopaedic trauma Indian journal of orthopaedics 8/13 August India volumes: a multi-centre perspective from the state of 020-00226-z Telangana Road traffic 290 Insights into the impact of COVID-19 on household Transport policy 8/18 August Australia travel and activities in Australia - the early days of easing 020.08.004 restrictions Road traffic 277 Impact of physical distancing due to novel coronavirus Transportation research 8/19 August India (SARS-CoV-2) on daily travel for work during transition interdisciplinary perspectives .100203 to lockdown Road traffic 336 Political partisanship and mobility restriction during the Public health 8/19 August United States COVID-19 pandemic 0.08.009 Road traffic 36 Effect of shelter-in-place orders and the CoViD-19 Journal of Orthopaedic 9/1 September United States pandemic on orthopaedic trauma at a community Level II Trauma 000000001860 trauma center Road traffic 37 Effect of statewide social distancing and stay-at-home Journal of Orthopaedic 9/1 September United States directives on orthopaedic trauma at a southwestern Level Trauma 000000001890 1 trauma center during the covid-19 pandemic Road traffic 38 Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 9/1 September United States trauma: a multicentre study across Scotland 1462.19.BJO-2020-0114.R1 Road traffic 183 COVID-19 lockdown and reduction of traffic accidents Transportation research 9/6 September Spain in Tarragona province, Spain interdisciplinary perspectives .100218

Road traffic 57 Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma ANZ journal of surgery 9/7 September Australia admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study Road traffic 304 Mandated societal lockdown and road traffic accidents Accident analysis and 9/7 September United States prevention .105747 Road traffic 269 Hurricane evacuation laws in eight southern U.S. coastal MMWR: Morbidity and 9/11 September United States states - December 2018 mortality weekly report m6936a1 Road traffic 251 Gig workers during the CoViD-19 crisis in France: Journal of urban health 9/22 September France financial precarity and mental well-being 020-00480-4 Road traffic 40 Epidemiology of trauma presentations to a major trauma European journal of trauma 9/30 September United Kingdom centre in the North West of England during the COVID- and emergency surgery 020-01507-w 19 level 4 lockdown Road traffic 35 Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Seriously and Fatally National Highway Traffic 10/1 October United States Injured Road Users Before and During the COVID-19 Saftey Administration 50944 Public Health Emergency Road traffic 279 Impact of temporary traffic bans on the risk of acute Panminerva medica 10/6 October Italy coronary syndromes in a large metropolitan area 0808.20.04161-0 Road traffic 185 COVID-19 pandemic lockdown-induced altered Chronobiology international 10/12 October India sleep/wake circadian rhythm, health complaints and 2020.1831524 stress among traffic police personnel in India Road traffic 138 Adolescent driver testing during the CoViD-19 pandemic Journal of Adolescent Health 10/15 October United States h.2020.08.033 Road traffic 182 COVID-19 lockdown and fatal motor vehicle collisions Injury prevention 10/16 October Japan due to speed-related traffic violations in Japan: a time- -2020-043947 series study

19 Road traffic 74 Outcomes of orthopaedic trauma services at a UK major Curēus 10/20 October United Kingdom trauma centre during a national lockdown and pandemic: 56 the need for continuing the provision of services

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Road traffic 287 Initial impact of COVID-19's stay-at-home order on Injury prevention 10/28 October United States motor vehicle traffic and crash patterns in Connecticut: -2020-043945 an interrupted time series analysis Road traffic 319 More than inconvenienced: the unique needs of U.S. Health education and behavior 10/31 October United States college students during the CoViD-19 pandemic 20969372 Road traffic 333 Panic disorder induced by the coronavirus disease Case reports in psychiatry 11/3 November Japan pandemic in a patient with organic mood disorder 014 successfully treated with vortioxetine Road traffic 102 The Epidemiology of Fractures and Muskulo-Skeletal Geriatric Orthopaedic 11/11 November Italy Traumas During COVID-19 Lockdown: A Detailed Surgery & Rehabilitation 20972673 Survey of 17.591 Patients in a Wide Italian Metropolitan Area Road traffic 29 Different crises, different patterns of trauma: the impact World journal of surgery 11/13 November Chile of a social crisis and the CoViD-19 health pandemic on a 020-05860-0 high violence area Road traffic 105 The global burden of trauma during the COVID-19 Journal of clinical 11/13 November multiple pandemic: a scoping review orthopaedics and trauma .11.005 Road traffic 284 Increasing traumatic brain injury incidence during Neurology 11/16 November Indonesia CoViD-19 pandemic in the emergency department of 00719968.10580.81 Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital-a national referral hospital in Indonesia Road traffic 119 "Locked up inside home" - Head injury patterns during Surgical neurology 11/18 November India coronavirus disease of 2019 pandemic international _2020 Road traffic 106 The impact of COVID-19 on shoulder and elbow trauma: Journal of shoulder and 11/19 November Italy an Italian survey elbow surgery 05.003 Road traffic 62 Incidence of maxillofacial trauma amid CoViD-19: a Journal of maxillofacial and 11/21 November India comparative study oral surgery 020-01484-y Road traffic 281 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in Sustainable cities and society 11/23 November Turkey Istanbul: a panel data analysis 102619 Road traffic 30 Do COVID-19 restrictions lead to a decrease in severely Unfallchirurg 11/30 November injured patients at a level 1 trauma center in Germany? 020-00924-1

Road traffic 42 Examination of the traffic safety environment during the National Highway Traffic ? October United States second quarter of 2020: special report Saftey Administration b/viewer.html?file=https://rosap. 0940_DS1.pdf Road traffic 61 Improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities for more social Verkeersspecialist ? ? ? distancing and bicycle use /index.php?fuseaction=citations.v iewdetails&citationIds[]=citjour nalarticle_664736_10

20 Road traffic 115 What a transportation professional needs to know about Institute of Transportation ? July United States counts and studies during a pandemic Engineers emDetail?iProductCode=IR-148- E Road traffic 230 Exemption of behind-the-wheel driving test for novice Journal of road safety ? ? United States young drivers: a serious public health concern 20-00252 Sports injuries Sports injuries 117 Where have all the fractures gone? The epidemiology of Journal of pediatric 5/19 May United States pediatric fractures during the CoVID-19 pandemic orthopedics 000000001600 Sports injuries 356 Returning to play after prolonged training restrictions in International journal of sports 5/29 May multiple professional collision sports medicine 3692 Sports injuries 79 Population mobility and adult orthopaedic trauma Bone & Joint Open 6/2 June United Kingdom services during the COVID-19 pandemic: fragility 1462.16.BJO-2020-0043.R1 fracture provision remains a priority Sports injuries 10 Analysing the variation in volume and nature of trauma Bone & Joint Open 6/12 June Ireland presentations during COVID-19 lockdown in Ireland 1462.16.BJO-2020-0040.R1

Sports injuries 76 Pandemic lockdown does not flatten the curve of Journal of foot and ankle 6/24 June Netherlands complex foot ankle injuries surgery .06.006 Sports injuries 332 Paediatric emergency department visits fell by more than Acta paediatrica 7/4 July Italy 70% during the COVID-19 lockdown in Northern Italy

Sports injuries 75 Paediatric orthopaedics in lockdown Bone & Joint Open 7/17 July United Kingdom 1462.17.BJO-2020-0086.R1 Sports injuries 320 Musculoskeletal injuries secondary to exercise during Medicina clínica (English ed.) 8/3 August multiple confinement by the pandemic COVID-19 020.05.013 Sports injuries 46 From unnoticed to invisible: the impact of CoViD-19 on Child abuse review 9/1 September United Kingdom children and young people experiencing domestic violence and abuse Sports injuries 288 Injury and illness surveillance in sports: how golf, tennis, British journal of sports 10/29 October ? cycling and parasport extended the IOC consensus medicine 2020-102616 statement to tailor injury and illness surveillance to specific sports (editorial) Sports injuries 58 Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the epidemiology International journal of oral 11/7 November France of maxillofacial trauma activity: a French multicentre and maxillofacial surgery 0.10.005 comparative study Sports injuries 105 The global burden of trauma during the COVID-19 Journal of clinical 11/13 November multiple pandemic: a scoping review orthopaedics and trauma .11.005 Sports injuries 48 Have there been any changes in the epidemiology and Journal of cranialfacial 11/19 November Italy etiology of maxillofacial trauma during the CoViD-19 surgery 000000007253 pandemic? An Italian multicenter study Sports injuries 106 The impact of COVID-19 on shoulder and elbow trauma: Journal of shoulder and 11/19 November Italy an Italian survey elbow surgery 05.003 Sports injuries 370 Social, cultural and community engagement and mental BJPsych open 12/1 December United Kingdom health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda 33

Suicide Suicide 226 Ensuring mental health care during the SARS-CoV-2 L'Encephale (1974) 4/2 April France epidemic in France: a narrative review 20.03.001

21 Suicide 154 Challenges in detecting and treating and a Australian and New Zealand 4/7 April Australia glimmer of hope in suicide prevention journal of psychiatry 20915279 Suicide 244 First COVID-19 suicide case in Bangladesh due to fear Asian journal of psychiatry 4/7 April Bangladesh of COVID-19 and xenophobia: possible suicide 102073 prevention strategies Suicide 390 Suicide mortality and coronavirus disease 2019--a JAMA Psychiatry 4/10 April United States perfect storm? iatry.2020.1060 Suicide 199 Covid-19: the implications for suicide in older adults International psychogeriatrics 4/13 April multiple / IPA 220000770 Suicide 339 Preventing suicide in rural communities during the Journal of rural health 4/13 April United States COVID-19 pandemic Suicide 297 Keep socially (but not physically) connected and carry Journal of clinical psychiatry 4/14 April multiple on: preventing suicide in the age of COVID-19 m13370 Suicide 364 Self-harm and COVID-19 pandemic: an emerging Asian journal of psychiatry 4/16 April India concern - a report of 2 cases from India 102104 Suicide 150 Awareness of mental health problems in patients with Asian journal of psychiatry 4/18 April ? coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19): a lesson from an 102106 adult man attempting suicide Suicide 393 Suicide risk and prevention during the COVID-19 Lancet psychiatry 4/21 April multiple pandemic 0366(20)30171-1 Suicide 173 COVID 2019-suicides: a global psychological pandemic Brain, behavior, and 4/23 April multiple immunity 04.062 Suicide 190 COVID-19, anxiety, sleep disturbances and suicide Sleep Medicine 4/25 April ? 0.04.019 Suicide 144 An infectious disease pandemic and increased suicide Revista brasileira de 4/30 April multiple risk psiquiatria 4446-2020-0989 Suicide 306 Mapping population mental health concerns related to Wellcome open research 4/30 April multiple COVID-19 and the consequences of physical distancing: openres.15870.2 a Google trends analysis Suicide 195 COVID-19, unemployment, and suicide Lancet psychiatry 5/1 May multiple 0366(20)30141-3 Suicide 127 A pandemic of body, mind, and spirit: the burden of Journal of rural health 5/3 May United States "social distancing" in rural communities during an era of heightened suicide risk Suicide 388 Suicide in the time of COVID-19: a perfect storm Journal of rural health 5/3 May United States

Suicide 147 Are COVID-19 survivors at increased risk for suicide? Acta neuropsychiatrica 5/4 May multiple 21 Suicide 11 Association of CoVID-19 with intimate partner violence Primary care companion to 5/7 May multiple CNS disorders m02634 Suicide 44 Firearms or SARS-Cov-2: what is the most lethal? Public health 5/8 May ? 0.04.033 Suicide 380 Suicidal behavior in light of COVID-19 outbreak: L'Encephale (1974) 5/8 May multiple clinical challenges and treatment perspectives 20.05.001 Suicide 189 COVID-19 suicides in Pakistan, dying off not COVID- Brain, behavior, and 5/11 May Pakistan 19 fear but poverty? - The forthcoming economic immunity 05.028 challenges for a developing country Suicide 340 Preventing suicide in the context of the COVID-19 World psychiatry 5/11 May United States pandemic

22 Suicide 142 Alcohol-related self-harm due to COVID-19 pandemic: Indian journal of psychiatry 5/15 May India might be an emerging crisis in the near future: a case IndianJPsychiatry_356_20 report Suicide 346 Quarantine of the Covid-19 pandemic in suicide: a Medico-legal journal, The 5/15 May multiple psychological autopsy 20923691 Suicide 188 COVID-19 suicidal behavior among couples and suicide Psychiatry research 5/16 May ? pacts: case study evidence from press reports 2020.113105 Suicide 377 Strategies to promote social connections among older American journal of geriatric 5/18 May United States adults during 'social distancing' restrictions psychiatry 0.05.004 Suicide 341 Projected increases in as a Psychiatry research 5/19 May Canada consequence of COVID-19 2020.113104 Suicide 152 Can we expect an increased suicide rate due to CoVID- Irish journal of psychological 5/21 May Ireland 19? medicine 46 Suicide 458 Uncomfortably numb: suicide and the psychological Irish journal of psychological 5/21 May Ireland undercurrent of CoVID-19 medicine 49 Suicide 45 Firearms, , and suicide: a look back for a way Preventive medicine 5/27 May United States forward 020.106144 Suicide 383 during the COVID-19 pandemic: the Psychiatry research 5/27 May United States role of insomnia 2020.113134 Suicide 123 A case report of caused by acute and Case reports in psychiatry 5/28 May China transient psychotic disorder during the CoViD-19 647 outbreak Suicide 140 Aggregated COVID-19 suicide incidences in India: fear Psychiatry research 5/28 May India of COVID-19 infection is the prominent causative factor 2020.113145

Suicide 324 Negative cognitive and psychological correlates of American psychologist, The 5/28 May China mandatory quarantine during the initial COVID-19 92 outbreak in China Suicide 31 Domestic violence amid COVID-19 International journal of 5/30 May United States gynaecology and obstetrics Suicide 466 What lies ahead: elevated concerns for the ongoing Psychological trauma: theory, 6/1 June United States suicide pandemic research, practice, and policy 1

Suicide 167 Corona-Associated Suicide - Observations Made in the Legal medicine (Elsevier) 6/3 June ? Autopsy Room .2020.101723 Suicide 84 Reconsidering risks of gun ownership and suicide in New England journal of 6/4 June United States unprecedented times medicine 07658 Suicide 438 The role of the COVID-19 pandemic as a risk factor for Psychological trauma: theory, 6/4 June Italy suicide: what is its impact on the public mental health research, practice, and policy 6 state today? Suicide 426 The intensive use of the internet by children and Ciencia e Saude Coletiva 6/5 June multiple adolescents in the context of COVID-19 and the risks for 81232020256.1.11472020 self-inflicted violence Suicide 116 What's new in critical illness and injury science? Mental International journal of 6/8 June United States health and CoViD-19: self-inflicted and interpersonal critical illness and injury IIS_66_20 violence amid a pandemic science Suicide 395 Suicide safety planning during a pandemic: the Suicide and life-threatening 6/8 June United States implications of CoVID-19 on coping with a crisis behavior

23 Suicide 156 Changes in suicide and resilience-related google searches Canadian journal of 6/11 June multiple during the early stages of the CoViD-19 pandemic psychiatry 20933426

Suicide 445 Together we stand: suicide risk and suicide prevention Psychological trauma: theory, 6/11 June multiple among Israeli older adults during and after the COVID- research, practice, and policy 7 19 world crisis Suicide 243 First case of student due to the COVID- Asian journal of psychiatry 6/16 June India 19 education crisis: a brief report and preventive 102202 measures Suicide 236 Factors associated with COVID-19 outbreak-related Asian journal of psychiatry 6/17 June India suicides in India 102223 Suicide 344 Psychosocial impact of COVID-19-related quarantine: Cadernos de Saude Publica 6/17 June Colombia reflections after the first case of suicide in Colombia 311X00117420 Suicide 94 Suicidality in adults Nederlands Tijdschrift voor 6/18 June Netherlands Geneeskunde d/32749822 Suicide 343 Psychiatric disorders and suicide in the COVID-19 era QJM: Journal of the 6/18 June United States Association of Physicians of a204 Great Britain and Ireland Suicide 99 The COVID-19 pandemic and suicide by self- Burns: journal of the 6/20 June multiple immolation: is risk increasing? International Society for Burn 20.06.016 Injuries Suicide 145 An urgent call for measures to fight against increasing Asian journal of psychiatry 6/20 June Nepal suicides during COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal 102259 Suicide 83 Reckoning with the relation between stressors and American journal of 6/22 June United States suicide attempts in a time of CoViD-19 epidemiology 47 Suicide 71 Might the COVID-19 pandemic spur increased murder- Journal of aggression, 6/25 June ? suicide? conflict and peace research 05-2020-0502 Suicide 149 Associations among state-level physical distancing Suicide and life-threatening 6/26 June United States measures and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among behavior U.S. adults during the early COVID-19 pandemic Suicide 184 COVID-19 lockdown in India triggers a rapid rise in International journal of social 6/26 June India suicides due to the alcohol withdrawal symptoms: psychiatry 20938809 evidence from media reports Suicide 265 How bad is it? Suicidality in the middle of the CoViD-19 Suicide and life-threatening 6/26 June United States pandemic behavior Suicide 394 Suicide risk during the lockdown due to coronavirus studies 6/26 June Colombia disease (COVID-19) in Colombia 2020.1784312 Suicide 443 Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness Suicide and life-threatening 6/26 June United States explain the associations of CoViD-19 social and behavior economic consequences to suicide risk Suicide 245 Focus on depression and suicide in the era of COVID-19 Issues in mental health 6/30 June United States nursing 2020.1769435 Suicide 419 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates QJM: Journal of the 6/30 June multiple Association of Physicians of a202 Great Britain and Ireland Suicide 187 COVID-19 related suicide among hospital nurses; case Psychiatry research 7/2 July multiple study evidence from worldwide media reports 2020.113272 Suicide 358 Risk of an increase in suicide rates associated with Asia-Pacific journal of public 7/8 July multiple economic downturn due to COVID-19 pandemic health 20940893

24 Suicide 232 Exploring COVID-19 stress and its factors in Heliyon 7/10 July Bangladesh Bangladesh: a perception-based study 020.e04399 Suicide 169 Coronavirus disease 2019 takes adolescent suicide Journal of Adolescent Health 7/11 July United States prevention to less charted territory h.2020.05.046 Suicide 264 Hospital suicide due to non-treatment by healthcare staff Asian journal of psychiatry 7/11 July Bangladesh fearing COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh? 102295 Suicide 302 Long-term suicide prevention during and after the British journal of surgery 7/11 July multiple COVID-19 epidemic Suicide 133 Abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation in the UK during British journal of psychiatry 7/13 July United Kingdom the COVID-19 pandemic 30 Suicide 202 COVID-19-related self-harm and suicidality among Acta psychiatrica 7/13 July Denmark individuals with mental disorders Scandinavica 4 Suicide 68 Intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 Asian journal of psychiatry 7/16 July India pandemic in India: from psychiatric and forensic vantage 102279 points Suicide 406 The effects of COVID-19 on self-harm in UK BJPsych bulletin 7/16 July United Kingdom 3 Suicide 285 Individuals with untreated psychiatric disorders and Revista brasileira de 7/17 July United States suicide in the COVID-19 era psiquiatria 4446-2020-1210 Suicide 361 Role of primary care in suicide prevention during the Journal for nurse 7/19 July United States CoViD-19 pandemic practitioners, The 020.07.015 Suicide 433 The psychological status of 8817 hospital workers during Journal of affective disorders 7/19 July China COVID-19 epidemic: a cross-sectional study in 07.092 Chongqing Suicide 396 Suicide. The post-COVID era: a time for action Revista de psiquiatrí́a y salud 7/20 July ? mental 0.06.005 Suicide 240 Financial strain and risk of suicide in the wake of the American journal of 7/22 July United States COVID-19 pandemic epidemiology 49 Suicide 252 Google searches for suicide and suicide risk factors in PLoS one 7/24 July United States the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic ne.0236777 Suicide 392 Suicide research, prevention, and COVID-19 Crisis 7/27 July multiple 5910/a000731 Suicide 203 COVID-19's impact on the mental health of older adults: Public health nursing 7/28 July United States increase in isolation, depression, and suicide risk. An urgent call for action Suicide 456 Tsunami after the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) International journal of social 7/29 July multiple pandemic: a global wave of suicide? psychiatry 20946348 Suicide 77 Penetrating trauma during a global pandemic: changing Surgeon: journal of the Royal 7/30 July United Kingdom patterns in interpersonal violence, self-harm and Colleges of Surgeons of 20.07.004 domestic violence in the Covid-19 outbreak Edinburgh and Ireland Suicide 316 Mindful parenting: a behavioral tool for parent well-being Behavior analysis in practice 7/30 July multiple 020-00447-6 Suicide 459 Unemployment, suicide and COVID-19: using the Medical journal of Australia 7/30 July Australia evidence to plan for prevention 5 Suicide 153 Challenges facing individuals and researchers: suicide in Lancet psychiatry 8/1 August India India in the COVID-19 pandemic 0366(20)30254-6 Suicide 253 Grief of COVID-19 is a mental contagion, first family Asian journal of psychiatry 8/3 August Iran 102340

25 Suicide 15 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and firearms in Annals of internal medicine 8/4 August United States the United States: will an epidemic of suicide follow?

Suicide 193 CoViD-19, mental health, and suicide risk among health Journal of clinical psychiatry 8/4 August multiple care workers: looking beyond the crisis m13381 Suicide 427 The interpersonal and psychological impacts of CoViD- Gerontologist 8/7 August multiple 19 on risk for late-life suicide a103 Suicide 312 Mental health, substance use, and suicidal ideation MMWR: Morbidity and 8/14 August United States during the CoViD-19 pandemic - mortality weekly report m6932a1 Suicide 323 Nationwide suicides due to alcohol withdrawal Journal of psychiatric research 8/19 August India symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic: a review of s.2020.08.021 cases from media reports Suicide 210 Do suicide rates in children and adolescents change Child abuse and neglect 8/23 August Japan during school closure in Japan? The acute effect of the 020.104680 first wave of COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent mental health Suicide 404 The effect and mechanism of adverse childhood Risk management and 8/24 August China experience on suicide ideation in young cancer patients healthcare policy 66269 during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic

Suicide 431 The prevalence and risk factors of psychological Journal of affective disorders 8/26 August China disturbances of frontline medical staff in China under the 08.059 COVID-19 epidemic: workload should be concerned

Suicide 353 Repeated celebrity suicide in India during COVID-19 Asian journal of psychiatry 8/27 August India crisis: an urgent call for attention 102382 Suicide 103 The first COVID-19 infanticide-suicide case: financial Asian journal of psychiatry 8/28 August India crisis and fear of COVID-19 infection are the causative 102365 factors Suicide 38 Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 9/1 September United States trauma: a multicentre study across Scotland 1462.19.BJO-2020-0114.R1 Suicide 60 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence Asian journal of psychiatry 9/1 September Bangladesh in Bangladesh 102393 Suicide 132 A youth perspective on suicide prevention Lancet psychiatry 9/1 September United States 0366(20)30318-7 Suicide 402 The COVID-19 pandemic and epidemiologic insights Molecular psychiatry 9/1 September United States from recession-related suicide mortality 020-00875-4 Suicide 453 Trends in psychiatric emergency department visits due to Journal of clinical psychiatry 9/1 September Spain suicidal ideation and suicide attempts during the CoViD- 419 19 pandemic in Madrid, Spain Suicide 146 Anxiety and suicidality in a hospitalized patient with European journal of case 9/4 September ? COVID-19 infection reports in internal medicine 1651 Suicide 178 COVID-19 and suicide in older adults Medical journal of Australia 9/4 September Australia 3 Suicide 57 Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma ANZ journal of surgery 9/7 September Australia admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study

26 Suicide 318 Modeling suicide risk among parents during the COVID- Journal of contextual 9/8 September United States 19 pandemic: psychological inflexibility exacerbates the behavioral science 0.09.003 impact of COVID-19 stressors on interpersonal risk factors for suicide Suicide 136 Adaptation of evidence-based suicide prevention World psychiatry 9/15 September multiple strategies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Suicide 231 Existential hope and humanism in COVID-19 suicide Journal of public health 9/17 September Philippines interventions (Oxford) aa171 Suicide 386 Suicide attempt as the presenting symptom in a patient Case reports in psychiatry 9/17 September United States with CoViD-19: a case report from the United States 454 Suicide 384 Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: an Asian journal of psychiatry 9/18 September India alarming social issue 102420 Suicide 17 Covid-19 pandemic and suicide in France: an L'Encephale (1974) 9/19 September France opportunity to improve information systems 20.06.004 Suicide 56 Impact of pandemic on suicide: excess suicides in Journal of clinical psychiatry 9/21 September Taiwan Taiwan during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic 454 Suicide 172 Corrigendum to: The interpersonal and psychological Gerontologist 9/22 September multiple impacts of CoViD-19 on risk for late-life suicide a123 Suicide 221 Dying alone and lonely dying: media discourse and Journal of aging studies 9/23 September United States pandemic conditions 20.100878 Suicide 26 Dealing with the rising tide of suicides during the International journal of social 9/26 September ? COVID-19 pandemic: strengthening the pillars of psychiatry 20962146 prevention and timely intervention Suicide 432 The psychological impact of COVID-19 on the families Indian journal of psychiatry 9/28 September China of first-line rescuers IndianJPsychiatry_1057_20 Suicide 40 Epidemiology of trauma presentations to a major trauma European journal of trauma 9/30 September United Kingdom centre in the North West of England during the COVID- and emergency surgery 020-01507-w 19 level 4 lockdown Suicide 176 Covid-19 and its effect on emergency presentations to a Irish journal of psychological 9/30 September Ireland tertiary hospital with self-harm in Ireland medicine 116 Suicide 276 Impact of initial COVID-19 restrictions on psychiatry Irish journal of psychological 9/30 September Ireland presentations to the emergency department of a large medicine 115 academic teaching hospital Suicide 342 Projected increases in suicide in Canada as a Psychiatry research 9/30 September Canada consequence of COVID-19 revisited 2020.113492 Suicide 303 Machine learning algorithms for suicide risk: a General psychiatry 10/1 October multiple premature arms race? 2020-100269 Suicide 381 Suicidal behaviors and ideation during emerging viral Preventive medicine 10/2 October multiple disease outbreaks before the COVID-19 pandemic: a 020.106264 systematic rapid review Suicide 113 Violence, firearms, and the coronavirus pandemic: medRxiv 10/6 October United States findings from the 2020 California Safety and Wellbeing 3.20206367 Survey Suicide 347 Raising awareness of suicide prevention during the Neuropsychopharmacology 10/6 October multiple COVID-19 pandemic reports 1 Suicide 357 Rising suicide rates need population level interventions BMJ 10/7 October United Kingdom 2 Suicide 259 Hike in student suicides - Consequence of online classes? Asian journal of psychiatry 10/9 October India 102438

27 Suicide 148 Asia and COVID-19; the need to continue mental health Asian journal of psychiatry 10/14 October multiple care to prevent the spread of suicide in the elderly 102452

Suicide 338 Prevalence and risk factors of COVID-19 suicidal Heliyon 10/14 October Bangladesh behavior in Bangladeshi population: are healthcare 020.e05259 professionals at greater risk? Suicide 82 Real-time suicide mortality data from police reports in Lancet psychiatry 10/16 October Australia Queensland, Australia, during the COVID-19 pandemic: 0366(20)30435-1 an interrupted time-series analysis Suicide 415 The impact of infectious disease-related public health Crisis 10/16 October multiple emergencies on suicide, suicidal behavior, and suicidal 5910/a000753 thoughts Suicide 246 From "it has stopped our lives" to "spending more time Frontiers in psychology 10/20 October Australia together has strengthened bonds": the varied experiences 0.588667 of Australian families during CoViD-19 Suicide 81 Putatively lethal ingestion of isopropyl alcohol-related International journal of legal 10/22 October ? case: interpretation of post mortem isopropyl alcohol and medicine 020-02444-4 acetone concentrations remains challenging Suicide 89 Sexual violence against women in Bangladesh during the Asian journal of psychiatry 10/22 October Bangladesh COVID-19 pandemic 102455 Suicide 8 An epidemiological study of cut throat injury during Indian journal of 10/23 October India CoViD-19 pandemic in a tertiary care centre otolaryngology and head and 020-02239-4 neck surgery Suicide 311 Mental health of people in Australia in the first month of Medical journal of Australia 10/26 October Australia COVID-19 restrictions: a national survey 1 Suicide 72 National data on suicide must include ethnicity BMJ 10/27 October United Kingdom 5 Suicide 125 A mobile health intervention (LifeBuoy app) to help JMIR research protocols 10/27 October Australia young people manage suicidal thoughts: protocol for a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial Suicide 220 Dual disorders and suicide during and following the Acta neuropsychiatrica 10/27 October multiple COVID-19 pandemic 37 Suicide 322 National observation of death by suicide in the first 3 Acta psychiatrica 10/27 October Norway months under COVID-19 pandemic Scandinavica 6 Suicide 12 Black swan pandemic and the risk of pilot suicide Frontiers in public health 10/29 October United Kingdom 0.573006 Suicide 367 Severe psychiatric disturbance and attempted suicide in a BMJ case reports 10/31 October United Kingdom patient with COVID-19 and no psychiatric history 239191 Suicide 365 Self-reported changes in anxiety, depression and Journal of affective disorders 11/2 November Greece suicidality during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece 10.061 Suicide 387 Suicide data should include more information for BMJ 11/2 November United Kingdom analysing health inequalities 1 Suicide 80 Psychological distress, anxiety, family violence, PLoS one 11/4 November New Zealand suicidality, and wellbeing in New Zealand during the ne.0241658 COVID-19 lockdown: a cross-sectional study Suicide 355 Reporting on suicidal behaviour and COVID-19-need for Lancet psychiatry 11/5 November ? caution 0366(20)30484-3 Suicide 95 Suicide research and prevention during and after the Acta psychiatrica 11/8 November multiple COVID-19 pandemic Scandinavica 8

28 Suicide 90 Social restrictions during COVID-19 and major trauma Medical journal of Australia 11/10 November Australia volume at a level 1 trauma centre 3 Suicide 382 Suicidal ideation among Bangladeshi university students Children and youth services 11/10 November Bangladesh early during the COVID-19 pandemic: prevalence review h.2020.105703 estimates and correlates Suicide 235 Facing increased suicide attempts during COVID-19 Minerva anestesiologica 11/11 November Italy pandemic lockdown: the experience from the major 9393.20.14970-8 trauma center in Lombardy, Italy Suicide 439 The role of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on suicide rates: American journal of forensic 11/11 November Greece preliminary study in a sample of the Greek population medicine and pathology 000000000598 (editorial) Suicide 454 Trends in suicide during the covid-19 pandemic BMJ 11/12 November multiple 2 Suicide 105 The global burden of trauma during the COVID-19 Journal of clinical 11/13 November multiple pandemic: a scoping review orthopaedics and trauma .11.005 Suicide 389 Suicide in the time of CoViD-19: review and Archives of suicide research 11/17 November multiple recommendations 2020.1830242 Suicide 100 'The dual pandemic' of suicide and COVID-19: a Psychiatry research 11/18 November multiple biopsychosocial narrative of risks and prevention 2020.113577 Suicide 53 Impact of COVID-19 lockdown policy on homicide, Preventive medicine 11/21 November Peru suicide, and motor vehicle deaths in Peru 020.106331 Suicide 104 The first COVID-19 triadic (homicide!)-suicide pact: do Perspectives in psychiatric 11/25 November India economic distress, disability, sickness, and treatment care negligence matter? Suicide 345 PUBG-related suicides during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives in psychiatric 11/25 November Pakistan three cases from Pakistan care Suicide 30 Do COVID-19 restrictions lead to a decrease in severely Unfallchirurg 11/30 November Germany injured patients at a level 1 trauma center in Germany? 020-00924-1

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Trauma 55 Impact of lockdown measures implemented during the African journal of emergency 6/16 June South Africa Covid-19 pandemic on the burden of trauma medicine 20.06.005 presentations to a regional emergency department in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Trauma 83 Reckoning with the relation between stressors and American journal of 6/22 June United States suicide attempts in a time of CoViD-19 epidemiology 47 Trauma 78 Physical child abuse demands increased awareness Acta orthopaedica 6/23 June Denmark during health and socioeconomic crises like COVID-19 2020.1782012 Trauma 280 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on orthopedic trauma Acta orthopaedica 6/23 June United Kingdom workload in a London Level 1 trauma center: the "golden 2020.1783621 month" Trauma 76 Pandemic lockdown does not flatten the curve of Journal of foot and ankle 6/24 June Netherlands complex foot ankle injuries surgery .06.006 Trauma 352 Relational lockdown and relational trauma in the time of Family Process 6/26 June United Kingdom Coronavirus: a reflection from a UK family therapist 1 Trauma 87 Rise in the incidence of abusive head trauma during the Archives of disease in 7/2 July United Kingdom COVID-19 pandemic childhood d-2020-319872 Trauma 1 40 days and 40 nights: Clinical characteristics of major Bone & Joint Open 7/3 July United Kingdom trauma and orthopaedic injury comparing the incubation 1462.17.BJO-2020-0068.R1 and lockdown phases of COVID-19 infection

Trauma 247 From individual to social trauma: sources of everyday Journal of trauma and 7/12 July multiple trauma in Italy, the US And UK during the CoViD-19 dissociation 2020.1787296 pandemic Trauma 413 The impact of COVID-19 on trauma and orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 7/15 July United Kingdom surgery in the United Kingdom 1462.17.BJO-2020-0102 Trauma 75 Paediatric orthopaedics in lockdown Bone & Joint Open 7/17 July United Kingdom 1462.17.BJO-2020-0086.R1

31 Trauma 206 Design and implementation of an acute Trauma and Bone & Joint Open 7/19 July United Kingdom Orthopaedic ePlatform (TOP) referral system utilising 1462.16.BJO-2020-0041.R1 existing secure technology during the COVID-19 pandemic Trauma 120 "Staying home" - early changes in patterns of World neurosurgery 7/27 July United States neurotrauma in New York City during the COVID-19 20.07.155 pandemic Trauma 112 Violence unchecked by social distancing Journal of emergency 7/28 July United States medicine d.2020.06.049 Trauma 77 Penetrating trauma during a global pandemic: changing Surgeon: journal of the Royal 7/30 July United Kingdom patterns in interpersonal violence, self-harm and Colleges of Surgeons of 20.07.004 domestic violence in the Covid-19 outbreak Edinburgh and Ireland Trauma 423 The influence of a statewide "Stay-at-Home" order on Injury 8/7 August United States trauma volume and patterns at a level 1 trauma center in 20.08.014 the united states Trauma 54 Impact of CoViD-19 pandemic on orthopaedic trauma Indian journal of orthopaedics 8/13 August India volumes: a multi-centre perspective from the state of 020-00226-z Telangana Trauma 351 Regional trauma patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic Surgeon: journal of the Royal 8/13 August Ireland Colleges of Surgeons of 20.08.003 Edinburgh and Ireland Trauma 97 Surge in child abuse, harm during CoViD-19 pandemic JAMA journal of the 8/18 August United Kingdom reported American Medical .14433 Association Trauma 98 Telemental health for child trauma treatment during and Child abuse and neglect 8/19 August multiple post-COVID-19: limitations and considerations 020.104698 Trauma 18 CoViD-19 resilience for survival: occurrence of domestic Curēus 8/26 August United States violence during lockdown at a rural american college of 59 surgeons verified level one trauma center

Trauma 14 Changing pattern of orthopaedic trauma admissions Indian journal of orthopaedics 8/28 August India during CoViD-19 pandemic: experience at a tertiary 020-00241-0 trauma centre in India Trauma 36 Effect of shelter-in-place orders and the CoViD-19 Journal of Orthopaedic 9/1 September United States pandemic on orthopaedic trauma at a community Level II Trauma 000000001860 trauma center Trauma 37 Effect of statewide social distancing and stay-at-home Journal of Orthopaedic 9/1 September United States directives on orthopaedic trauma at a southwestern Level Trauma 000000001890 1 trauma center during the covid-19 pandemic Trauma 38 Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 9/1 September United States trauma: a multicentre study across Scotland 1462.19.BJO-2020-0114.R1 Trauma 51 How can general practitioners help all members of the Australian journal of general 9/2 September Australia family in the context of domestic violence and COVID- practice COVID-33 19? Trauma 16 COVID-19 pandemic and hip fractures: impact and Bone & Joint Open 9/4 September United Kingdom lessons learned k/doi/full/10.1302/2633- 1462.19.BJO-2020-0116.R2

32 Trauma 57 Impact of societal restrictions and lockdown on trauma ANZ journal of surgery 9/7 September Australia admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a single centre cross-sectional observational study Trauma 227 Epidemiological pattern of pediatric trauma in COVID- Injury 9/16 September Iran 19 outbreak: data from a tertiary trauma center in Iran 20.09.015 Trauma 124 A comparative review of 1,004 orthopaedic trauma Bone & Joint Open 9/18 September United Kingdom patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic 1462.19.BJO-2020-0121.R1 Trauma 134 Abusive head trauma in day care centers Pediatrics 9/18 September France -013771 Trauma 267 How did the number and type of injuries in patients Clinical orthopaedics and 9/21 September United States presenting to a regional Level I trauma center change related research 00000000001484 during the CoViD-19 pandemic with a stay-at-home order? Trauma 64 Increased proportion of physical child abuse injuries at a Child abuse and neglect 9/25 September United States level I pediatric trauma center during the Covid-19 020.104756 pandemic Trauma 40 Epidemiology of trauma presentations to a major trauma European journal of trauma 9/30 September United Kingdom centre in the North West of England during the COVID- and emergency surgery 020-01507-w 19 level 4 lockdown Trauma 35 Drug and Alcohol Prevalence in Seriously and Fatally National Highway Traffic 10/1 October United States Injured Road Users Before and During the COVID-19 Saftey Administration 50945 Public Health Emergency Trauma 257 Has COVID-19 affected the number and severity of Bone & Joint Open 10/1 October Spain visits to a traumatology emergency department? 1462.110.BJO-2020-0120.R1 Trauma 272 Impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on the Injury 10/1 October Italy epidemiology of orthopedics trauma in a region of central 20.09.044 italy Trauma 6 Addressing intimate partner violence during the COVID- European radiology 10/6 October ? 19 pandemic and beyond: how radiologists can make a 020-07332-4 difference Trauma 417 The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on orthopaedic Bone & Joint Open 10/6 October United Kingdom emergency presentations in a remote and rural population 1462.110.BJO-2020-0106.R1

Trauma 405 The effect of the COVID-19 lockdown on hand trauma Bone & Joint Open 10/12 October United Kingdom surgery utilization 1462.110.BJO-2020-0133.R1 Trauma 74 Outcomes of orthopaedic trauma services at a UK major Curēus 10/20 October United Kingdom trauma centre during a national lockdown and pandemic: 56 the need for continuing the provision of services

Trauma 85 Reflection of epidemiological impact on burden of injury Indian journal of surgery 10/24 October India in tertiary care centre, Pre-COVID and COVID Era: 020-02640-x "lockdown, a good fortune for saving life and limb"

Trauma 107 The impact of COVID-19 social restrictions on trauma Emergency medicine 10/30 October Australia presentations in South Australia Australasia 6723.13680 Trauma 266 How COVID-19 has affected emergent visits to a Latin- Injury 11/2 November Peru American trauma department: experience at a Peruvian 20.11.005 national trauma referral center

33 Trauma 63 Increased firearm injury during the CoViD-19 pandemic: Journal of the American 11/6 November United States a hidden urban burden Academy of Surgeons urg.2020.09.028 Trauma 58 Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the epidemiology International journal of oral 11/7 November France of maxillofacial trauma activity: a French multicentre and maxillofacial surgery 0.10.005 comparative study Trauma 90 Social restrictions during COVID-19 and major trauma Medical journal of Australia 11/10 November Australia volume at a level 1 trauma centre 3 Trauma 126 A network analysis of post-traumatic stress disorder Frontiers in psychiatry 11/10 November China symptoms and correlates during the CoViD-19 pandemic .568037

Trauma 102 The Epidemiology of Fractures and Muskulo-Skeletal Geriatric Orthopaedic 11/11 November Italy Traumas During COVID-19 Lockdown: A Detailed Surgery & Rehabilitation 20972673 Survey of 17.591 Patients in a Wide Italian Metropolitan Area Trauma 260 Hip Fracture Volume Does Not Change at a New York Geriatric Orthopaedic 11/11 November United States City Level 1 Trauma Center During a Period of Social Surgery & Rehabilitation 20972674 Distancing Trauma 29 Different crises, different patterns of trauma: the impact World journal of surgery 11/13 November Chile of a social crisis and the CoViD-19 health pandemic on a 020-05860-0 high violence area Trauma 105 The global burden of trauma during the COVID-19 Journal of clinical 11/13 November multiple pandemic: a scoping review orthopaedics and trauma .11.005 Trauma 100 'The dual pandemic' of suicide and COVID-19: a Psychiatry research 11/18 November multiple biopsychosocial narrative of risks and prevention 2020.113577 Trauma 48 Have there been any changes in the epidemiology and Journal of cranialfacial 11/19 November Italy etiology of maxillofacial trauma during the CoViD-19 surgery 000000007253 pandemic? An Italian multicenter study Trauma 106 The impact of COVID-19 on shoulder and elbow trauma: Journal of shoulder and 11/19 November Italy an Italian survey elbow surgery 05.003 Trauma 271 Immunity to environmental crime, harm and violence: an International journal of 11/20 November United States ongoing pandemic and a possible narrative vaccine offender therapy and 20970885 comparative criminology Trauma 62 Incidence of maxillofacial trauma amid CoViD-19: a Journal of maxillofacial and 11/21 November India comparative study oral surgery 020-01484-y Trauma 403 The DISTANCE study: determining the impact of social Journal of trauma and acute 11/24 November United States distancing on trauma epidemiology during the CoViD-19 care surgery 00000003044 epidemic-an interrupted time-series analysis Trauma 407 The effects of the CoViD-19 pandemic on trauma American surgeon 11/24 November United States presentations in a level one trauma center 20973715 Trauma 30 Do COVID-19 restrictions lead to a decrease in severely Unfallchirurg 11/30 November Germany injured patients at a level 1 trauma center in Germany? 020-00924-1

Trauma 93 Stigma experienced by transgender women of color in Journal of interpersonal 11/30 November United States their dating and romantic relationships: implications for violence 20976186 gender-based violence prevention programs Trauma 337 Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in healthcare Acta bio-medica de l'ateneo 11/30 November multiple workers: a ten-year systematic review Parmense 12-S.9459

34 Trauma 39 Emergency-department-treated poisonings during home Emergencias ? ? ? confinement for the COVID-19 pandemic /index.php?fuseaction=citations.v iewdetails&citationIds[]=citjour nalarticle_653603_10 Trauma 42 Examination of the traffic safety environment during the National Highway Traffic ? October United States second quarter of 2020: special report Saftey Administration b/viewer.html?file=https://rosap. 0940_DS1.pdf Trauma 225 Effects of social distancing on the incidence of traumatic Panamerican journal of ? ? United States injuries trauma, critical care and journals-10030-1277 emergency surgery Trauma 359 Road safety into the next decade: greater commitment Journal of road safety ? ? Australia and actions in LMICs (Editorial) 20-00262 Unintentional firearm injuries Unintentional 254 Gun violence during COVID-19 pandemic: Paradoxical American journal of 5/6 May United States firearm injuries trends in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and emergency medicine 0.05.006 Baltimore Unintentional 44 Firearms or SARS-Cov-2: what is the most lethal? Public health 5/8 May ? firearm injuries 0.04.033 Unintentional 32 Domestic violence and safe storage of firearms in the Annals of surgery 5/19 May United States firearm injuries CoVID-19 era 000000004088 Unintentional 45 Firearms, pesticides, and suicide: a look back for a way Preventive medicine 5/27 May United States firearm injuries forward 020.106144 Unintentional 163 Collateral crises of gun preparation and the CoVID-19 JMIR public health and 5/28 May United States firearm injuries pandemic: an infodemiology study surveillance Unintentional 84 Reconsidering risks of gun ownership and suicide in New England journal of 6/4 June United States firearm injuries unprecedented times medicine 07658 Unintentional 263 Home of the brave? Lancet psychiatry 6/8 June United States firearm injuries 0366(20)30266-2 Unintentional 71 Might the COVID-19 pandemic spur increased murder- Journal of aggression, 6/25 June ? firearm injuries suicide? conflict and peace research 05-2020-0502 Unintentional 255 Guns, germs, and public history: a conversation with Journal of the history of the 7/8 July United States firearm injuries Jennifer Tucker behavioral sciences 5 Unintentional 112 Violence unchecked by social distancing Journal of emergency 7/28 July United States firearm injuries medicine d.2020.06.049 Unintentional 15 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and firearms in Annals of internal medicine 8/4 August United States firearm injuries the United States: will an epidemic of suicide follow?

Unintentional 242 Firearm purchasing and storage during the COVID-19 Injury prevention 9/17 September United States firearm injuries pandemic -2020-043872 Unintentional 113 Violence, firearms, and the coronavirus pandemic: medRxiv 10/6 October United States firearm injuries findings from the 2020 California Safety and Wellbeing 3.20206367 Survey Unintentional 372 Stay-at-home orders and firearms in the United States Preventive medicine 10/7 October United States firearm injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic 020.106281 Unintentional 5 Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination Journal of medical internet 11/6 November United States firearm injuries of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence research on Twitter

35 Unintentional 63 Increased firearm injury during the CoViD-19 pandemic: Journal of the American 11/6 November United States firearm injuries a hidden urban burden Academy of Surgeons urg.2020.09.028 Unintentional 95 Suicide research and prevention during and after the Acta psychiatrica 11/8 November multiple firearm injuries COVID-19 pandemic Scandinavica 8 Unintentional 326 New York State and the nation: trends in firearm American surgeon 11/24 November United States firearm injuries purchases and firearm violence during the CoViD-19 20954827 pandemic Unintentional 49 Health professionals, violence, and social change Annals of internal medicine 12/1 December United States firearm injuries Unintentional 241 Firearm industry groups are using CoVID-19 to expand Journal of public health ? July United States firearm injuries gun rights management and practice 000000001195 Unintentional poisonings Unintentional 197 COVID-19: home poisoning throughout the containment Lancet Public Health 4/4 April multiple poisonings period 2667(20)30095-5 Unintentional 314 Methanol poisoning emerging as the result of COVID-19 Academic radiology 4/6 April Iran poisonings outbreak; radiologic perspective 0.03.029 Unintentional 128 A review of methanol poisoning: a crisis beyond ocular Cutaneous and ocular 5/12 May multiple poisonings toxicology toxicology 2020.1768402 Unintentional 325 New methanol poisoning outbreaks in iran following Alcohol and alcoholism 5/13 May Iran poisonings COVID-19 pandemic 036 Unintentional 20 CoViD-19, containment and accidents in children's Bulletin de l'Academie 5/15 May multiple poisonings domestic life Nationale de Medecine 20.05.016 Unintentional 135 Acute chloroquine poisoning: a comprehensive British journal of 5/15 May multiple poisonings experimental toxicology assessment of the role of pharmacology diazepam Unintentional 130 A surge in methanol poisoning amid CoViD-19 American journal of the 5/19 May Iran poisonings pandemic: why is this occurring? [Letter] medical sciences 020.05.019 Unintentional 446 Toll of acute methanol poisoning for preventing COVID- Archives of toxicology 5/27 May Iran poisonings 19 020-02795-2 Unintentional 69 Lockdown: more domestic accidents than COVID-19 in Archives of disease in 6/2 June ? poisonings children childhood d-2020-319547 Unintentional 131 A Syndemic of COVID-19 and methanol poisoning in Alcohol 6/4 June Iran poisonings Iran: time for Iran to consider alcohol use as a public 020.05.006 health challenge? Unintentional 315 Methanol toxicity outbreak: when fear of COVID-19 Emergency medicine journal 7/2 July Iran poisonings goes viral 2020-209886 Unintentional 313 Methanol mass poisoning outbreak: a consequence of International journal of 7/3 July Iran poisonings covid-19 pandemic and misleading messages on social occupational and 20.1983 media environmental medicine Unintentional 141 Alcohol intake in attempt to fight CoViD-19: a medical Alcohol 7/18 July Iran poisonings myth in Iran 020.07.006 Unintentional 366 Serious adverse health events, including death, MMWR: Morbidity and 8/5 August United States poisonings associated with ingesting alcohol-based hand sanitizers mortality weekly report m6932e1 containing methanol -- Arizona and New Mexico, May- June 2020 Unintentional 250 Geospatial correlation between COVID-19 health Clinical toxicology 9/9 September United States poisonings misinformation and poisoning with household cleaners in 2020.1811297 the Greater Boston Area

36 Unintentional 256 Hand sanitizer poisoning and deaths reported in 2 states JAMA journal of the 9/22 September United States poisonings American Medical .16614 Association Unintentional 233 Extracorporeal treatment for chloroquine, Journal of the American 9/30 September ? poisonings hydroxychloroquine, and quinine poisoning: systematic Society of Nephrology 050564 review and recommendations from the EXTRIP Workgroup Unintentional 81 Putatively lethal ingestion of isopropyl alcohol-related International journal of legal 10/22 October ? poisonings case: interpretation of post mortem isopropyl alcohol and medicine 020-02444-4 acetone concentrations remains challenging Unintentional 296 Is COVID-19 the current world-wide pandemic having Forensic toxicology 11/8 November multiple poisonings effects on the profile of psychoactive substance 020-00558-3 poisonings? (Letter) Unintentional 429 The outbreak of methanol intoxication during COVID-19 Drug and chemical toxicology 11/10 November Iran poisonings pandemic: prevalence of brain lesions and its 2020.1845192 predisposing factors Unintentional 104 The first COVID-19 triadic (homicide!)-suicide pact: do Perspectives in psychiatric 11/25 November India poisonings economic distress, disability, sickness, and treatment care negligence matter? Unintentional 39 Emergency-department-treated poisonings during home Emergencias ? ? ? poisonings confinement for the COVID-19 pandemic /index.php?fuseaction=citations.v iewdetails&citationIds[]=citjour nalarticle_653603_11 *For articles with no working DOI link, a hyperlink to the article or abstract is included in italics