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Walk out in Protest of Betsy Devos Postponed Page 5 www.thewestwordonline.com Volume 44, Number 4 / February 2016 TheWestword Student voice of the Westhill community “The test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.” Walk out in protest of Betsy Devos postponed Page 5 4 12 27 PRINCIPAL LO POSITIVO Y HIGHLIGHTING FIGLUIZZI NEGATIVO DE TRA- STUDENT MUS- ANNOUNCES BAJAR DURANTE CIAL ARTIS TS AT RETIREMENT EL AÑO ESCOLAR WESTHILL 2 TheWestword February 2017 2016-2017 Staff Note from the Editors Editor-in-Chief Alexandra Watkinson Dear Readers, H¿WIURPLW the extent of animal cruelty across Dong Zhi Guo Limelight Editors :HOFRPHEDFNWRWKH¿UVWLVVXH Flipping to News, you can various platforms. Print Executive Editor Sasha Ostrovsky, of the year, as we get back to work read about a student walk out in ,Q 6FDWWHUEUDLQ \RX FDQ ¿QG Maddy Cohen Gabriel Yaghoubian from our brief hiatus! protest over the recent appoint- Hayley Smith as our From Run- Online Executive Editor Express Editors We would like to personally ment for Secretary of Education, way to Hallway feature and Noah Josh Eimbinder Yaneira Torres, Dani McNamara, extend a thank you to Ms. Figluizzi Betsy Devos, along with an in- Cheruk as our Artist of the Month Managing Editors Sports Editors for all the support she has given The terview with Principal Figluizzi. for Express. Caroline Boccuzzi, Tamar Bellete, Joseph DiSalvo, Westword in addition to the progress In Viewpoint, there is a fea- Finally, in our Sports section, Maeve Ronan, Ryan Hart, Caroline Ross she was able to achieve in Westhill ture on the presidential inaugura- you can read about the impact of Nicholas Zarrilli Copy Manager throughout her 17 years with us. We tion and the recently implemented Wrestling on the body along with a Ombudsman Sahithi Kollipara are sad to hear about her upcoming open campus. ¿OOLQ0DUFK0DGQHVVEUDFNHW Noah Klein Copy Editors retirement in June, but we wish her In Las Noticias, you can read We encourage any readers with Photo Manager Christian Perez, Meghan Prabhu, all the best. about the immigration ban ordered comments, questions, or concerns Emily Savitt Rishabh Sahu, Jessica Wallen, In addition, we would like to by President Donald Trump. to contact us by either dropping a Media Manager Tejas Juware offer our condolences to Gregory In Supplement this issue, you letter into Dong Zhi Guo’s mailbox Ryan Murace Pollsters Sacatos’ family and friends. Sacatos can read a more in-depth overview in room 224 or emailing us at west- Business Managers Zainab Jafri, Lauren Lazo, will be greatly missed. of 504 plans. [email protected]. Nick Smeriglio, Charlie Teeters Alyssa Goldberg For starters, our Editorial this In Limelight, take a look at Social Media Managers Reporters month delves into the complexic- the suggestions for binge worthy Sincerely, Erica Abela, Paige Savitt Alexia Boccuzzi, ity of 504 plans and how we can VKRZV RQ 1HWÀL[ 9LHZ 6SHFLDO Dong Zhi Guo & Maddy Cohen Distribution Mangers Bridgette Calderon, reach more people that may ben- Report this issue as they expose Editor-in-Chief & Executive Editor Matt Masi, Marc DeLuca Molly Cannon, Nabilla Harahap, Editorial Policy Head Illustrator Charlotte Kriftcher, Micayla The Westword will be guided in the pub- James Hicks Roth, Zach Rubin, Nathan Salm, lication of material by a concern for truth, Creative Directors Marley Sklover, Andrea Vega, :KDW·V inside KXPDQ GHFHQF\ DQG KXPDQ EHQH¿W ,W LV Sakshi Patel, Patrik Sokowloski Max Zussman, Hannah Nekritz, published during the school year by the late News Editors Guilmar Valle night staff, along with the Journalism and Melanie Gorski, Nova Nahiyan, Illustrators Editorial Investigating the use of 504 plans in the Westhill community Communications classes. Letters to the Ed- Mercedes Sabel Matthew Alswanger, 3 itor, advertising requests, comments, criti- Viewpoint Editors Tamar Frydman, Frantz Gabriel, cism, or suggestions are always welcome. Sarah Goldberg, Alexis Marchetti, Jonathan News $QQRXQFLQJ 0V )LJOXL]]L·V UHWLUH- ment at the end of the school year The views expressed in Viewpoint and the Addison Magrath Russo 4 Op-Ed page do not necessarily represent Las Noticias Editors Videographer the opinions of The Westword. Yaciana Taveras, Kiley Watson Viewpoint A look at two contrasting re- cent historical movements Michael Hernandez Photographers 8 The Editorial Board consists of Special Editors Sabrina Boyd, Valeria Carias, Dong Zhi Guo, Maddy Cohen, Josh Ei- Catherine Gaia, Daniel Greco, Sara Gatz, Katie Hollenberg, Las Noticias Hisotrias del dia de san Valentin mbinder, Noah Klein, Caroline Boccuzzi, Rachel Plotzky Sydnie Lesser, Devon Os- 12 Maeve Ronan, Nicholas Zarrilli, Michael Feature Editors theimer, Special Report Bringing awareness to Hernandez, Liz Yamron, Janet Manina, Amelia Daube, William Evans Photo Editors Jenny Gorski, Melanie Gorski, Yacianca Arushi Mathur Rebecca Alper, Ewa Misiak 15 the issue of animal cruelty Taveras, Sarah Goldberg, William Evans, Supplement Editors Co-Advisers Supplement An examination of the dif- Mr. von Wahlde, and Mr. Wooley. The Edi- Jenny Gorski, Janet Manina, Mr. von Wahlde, torial can be found on page 3. Dan Skigen, Liz Yamron Mr. Wooley 17 ferent types of 504 plans Scatterbrain Editors Las Noticias Adviser Announcements Yael Roll, Elizabeth Ruffels Ms. Mendez Feature Highlighting student artists at Wes- thill who sell their music Ms. Figluizzi recently announced her 27 retirement for the end of the 2016-17 The Westword Limelight 1HWÁL[VKRZVWKDWDUHZRUWK\RI school year at a faculty meeting. binge watching Westhill High School 30 Corrections 125 Roxbury Road Scatterbrain A crossword puzzle testing The Westword has no corrections how well you know Westhill from the December issue to address Stamford, CT 06902 32 at this time. (203) 977-4894 Express Artist of the month: Noah [email protected] 34 Cheruk If you have an announcement or an advertisement you would like thewestwordonline.com Sports An overview of the Westhill published in the next issue, please Visit ourschoolnewspaper.com/Westword 39 Gymnastics team over the years e-mail us at to view our print archives. [email protected]. Front cover photo by Ryan Murace / Media Manager. Back cover photos by Ryan Murace & Yaciana Taveras / Media Manager & Las Noticias Editor. EDITORIAL 3 Shedding light on the 504 plan The term 504 comes from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which extended grants to establish civil rights for individuals with GLVDEOLWLHVZLWKLQWKH'HSDUWPHQWVRI+HDOWK(GXFDWLRQDQG:HOIDUH7ROHDUQPRUHDERXWVDQGKRZWKH\FRPHLQWRSOD\ÁLSWRWKH Supplement section on page 17. 504 plans are legal guidelines are not aware that 504 plans ex- nately, evaluators need to make sure have discussed not choosing cer- are necessary for some students to for arrangements for students who ist. It is something that takes some the person is not faking or exag- tain careers because of their 504 be able to thrive in school, which have mental or physical challenges due diligence to discover and put gerating their disorder. One teacher purpose. “Personally, that is always is what the school systems aim that could interfere with their per- WRXVH8VXDOO\VWXGHQWVRQO\¿QG even described parents pushing a something I have been concerned for. These accommodations, when formance in school. These plans can out about it when they are in need 504 plan on kids who did not need about, because I know that some used correctly and not overstepped EH H[WUHPHO\ EHQH¿FLDO IRU VRPH of accommodations or through the it so that their test scores and grades colleges do not have the same ac- are a helpful tool for students who students who need accommodations school referral process. would improve. However, it is im- commodations. As they get older, I may suffer from physical or men- in school in order to perform to their Students who are new arriv- portant to realize that students uti- have noticed that students use their tal health problems. The abuse of potential, even if the process of ac- als or who come from households OL]LQJ SODQV KDYH TXDOL¿HG IRU 504 less and less. They have been them, while it is a problem, is not quiring a 504 is not always so easy. where English is a second language them based upon the criteria set out able to manage without relying on something that a majority of stu- A 504 plan is broken down into two it. I have never had a student take dents with a 504 plan do. basic categories based on a student’s The bottom line: advantage of it recently. In life, you 504 plans allow students to be impairment, mental or physical. While 504s can be extremely helpful, not do not get accommodations, you comfortable and thrive in a school Surprisingly, not all kids who every student who needs one gets one due to get penalties,” said English teacher environment, something that may need a 504 get one. There are mul- Ms. Denninger. be hard for students with certain tiple reasons why students who need various socioeconomic issues or lack of knowl- While this may be true in some DIÀLFWLRQV7KH\DUHIDOOEDFNSODQV a 504 have complications acquiring edge about them. cases, the Americans with Dis- or safety mechanisms to make stu- one. The process can be lengthy in DELOLWLHV $FW RI VSHFL¿FDOO\ dent’s lives easier when dealing certain situations and may cause are also at a disadvantage. “Students in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. requires that work environments with their physical or mental health parents to be absent from work for who come from other countries are 'HVSLWHEHQH¿WVVRPHVWXGHQWV provide accommodations when struggles. The process is some- extended periods of time. It may unaware about 504s and how it can receive from a 504, some people necessary and prohibits any dis- times in some cases harder than also require frequent doctor’s visits assist them in their academics,” said view them as an unnecessary crutch.
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