Open the Door to a New Wny of Life
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1|7i 1 AS Averaffc Daily Net Presa Run ForeeMt et U. iL FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 196S i o r the Week ERdril PAGE TWENTY-POUR J o e 6, 1$66 •uNar 9*d pleR 14,199 tomorrow. Ugh hi f»lr eool taulght, I The Sphinx Omar Shrine Chib Member of the Audit will have its annual outing to BurMU o f Ctrcmlstiou Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm About Towil morrow at 4 p.m. at Harold STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE SUPPER Hie Zlps«r Club will hold Its Newberry's cottage, Lake St., annuel picnic Sunday, June 13th Columbia Lake. Jorma Nurmi AuspIcM ®f Coupl#»* Chib VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 216 (TWELVE PAGES—JV SECTION—CONNECTICUT LIFE) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1985 (Cimeeifiod Adverttriii» o. Pace $) PRICE SEVEN CRNTS at Cha\’e’s Acres. Coventry. Ac will cook steaks and provide North Mothedlst Church tivities will start at 11 o'clock. beverages. Members are re- m'inded to bring plates and sil A i^ lo A. Pus:Ii«ne. 053 Main verware, and a dessert or main AT THE CHURCH — SATURDAY, JUNE 19 Bt, became a United States cit dish. The event will take place 6!80 - 7:00 P.M. Motorist Shot rain or shine. izen at naturalization ceremo Baked Ham. PoUto Salad, Cole Slaw. Rolto and Butter nies in Federal Diiftrict Court Coffee, Tba or Milk, Strawberry Shortcake. By Hitchhiker m Hartford today. Pug^llese, Mr. and Mrs. John McCart US Stand Unchanged fonnerly an ItaUan national, ney of 37 Lancaster Rd. will be Adnita — $1.80 Children under 1* — 86e HAMDEN (AP) — A a^’a8 sworn in b.v Federal Dis giuests of honor at an open Pre-School — SOo young hitchhiker early to 13 Dead, 18 Missing trict Court Judge T. Eknmet Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. day shot the driver who C l^ e at 10 a.m. to celebrate their 40th wedding had given him a ride, police anniversary. The event will be said. A tea for new and prospec held at the home of their son Despite Viet Shakeup The driver, whose name tive members of The Women's and daughter-in-law. Mr. and was not disclosed, was hit Club of Manchester will be held Mrs. Jack McCartney of 97 in the arm. He was treated tomorrow from 2 to 4 p.m. at High View Rd., Wapping. WASHINGTON fAP) __ <*>orlsls In Saigon In the same way^^cemed with the military test at a hospital and released. with the Viet Oong developing the home of Mr.s. Jos^h Swens- U. S. Ambassador Maxwell they have the outright coups Police said the driver son. 97 Prospect St. Loyal Circle of King's Daugh in the past. during the current rainy season. picked up the youth in New After Texias Floods ters will meet at Center Church D. Taylor heads back to This was because Premier Taylor predicted sharp Haven. When they reached Girl Scout Troop 697 will Monday evening at 6:15 to Saigon tonight with U.S. Phan Huy Quat had served no fighting over the next two Hamden, * the youth said, meet at Center and Adams Sts. leave for dinner at Howard FREE determination to remain in tice earlier that he had called months. Other officials predict "Stop and let me out,” Johnson's Restaurant, Vernon. the military in to mediate a con He got out of the car, tomorrow at 7:45 a.m. .sharp for Southeast Asia unshaken ed substantial casualties would their trip to the Indian Mu Following the dinner, the group TRANSISTORIZED IGNITION stitutional impasse between be suffered by both the Viet pulled a pistol and fired, Death Toll seum. Somers. Girls are re- will return to Center Church for by rising political and mili himseH and the chief of state, namese and the Communist hitting the driver. As the <iuested to wear dres-ses or the annual meeting and election with every ’65 Studebaker tary pressures. President Pham Khac Suu. forces. motorist sped off. the youth fired again and mis.sed. The shorts and are r<smlnded to of officers. CCostB up to S76 extra on other cars) After consultations with the The latest word from Saigon While there are more than 50,- Almost Sure bring their limch. Scouts who President, his top State and De Friday night was that Quat. 000 American troops now in motive was unknown. have not turned in permission Airman 3.C. Jo.seph B. Cas- Biggest advance in ignition systems in over 50 years. fense department advisers, and Suu, and Maj. Gen. Pham Zuan South Viet Nam and the number Slips must bring them along, tongury, son of Mr. and Mrs'. congressional leaders, Taylor Chieu, chairman of the Legisla- will be rising, authorities said To Go Higher signed by a parent Claude Castonguay of 29 Le- Get sure fire starts, longer-life for was to carry President John live Council, all were residing, i this includes only 13,000 Ameri- land Dr., has been graduated son's counsel to the Vietnamese Some sources said it was likely, | can combat troops and about 7.- Only Indians from the technical training plugs and points, less frequent military who have taken power however. the military men , oOO Air Force combatants. This SANDERSON, Tex. (AP) course for U.S. Air Force fuel back Into their hands in Saigon. might ask the three to stay on in number was contrasted with the —Thirteen perspns were AHENTION MEN! specialists at Amarillo AFB, tuneups, and it's yours FREE if AdmindstrAlion officials indi a caretaker capacity until a new 580,(XX) Vietnamese regular | Calmly Greet .swept to death Friday Texas. He will be assigned to cated the political change would governing body could be army and paramilitary forces. ; when a 15-foot wall We’H make those old, oom- Wheelus AF®, Libya. you buy a new '65 Studebaker NOW! not slacken the war effort. formed. The remainder of the Ameri- Top American authorities did Taylor and other government i water roared through this Aril about ah 90 Extra Valut Faaturaa aUndard on ovary 'S5 Studabehar (See Page Five) Lynda Bird\ (ortable shoes of yours Parents who received regis She Knows Malawi irom Own Experience not look on the present political leaders appeared far more con- 'small far West Texas Into GOLF SHOES. Tour tration forms for Vacation j town. When officials at Illing Junior High School discovered that ing together today provided a rare experience In education. M l YOUR STUDC8AKCR DULCR S b id e b a te r GRASSHOPPER, Arlr. (AP) 1 Church School to be held July USTCD BCLOW Eighteen other persons wera a Peace Corps Volunteer was on the substitute list, they Miss Palmer showed slides, talked of her experiences and of THI OOMMOR MRU OAff — There has never been any-1 new Easter shoes made 6-16 at Emanuel Lutheran thing quite like it in this beauti missing after the flash flood Church are asked to send or made great haste to put her in a classroom. Miss Gaylon ner newly gained knowledge of Africa’s peoples and customs. struck without warning. Stats LONGER or WIDER. Palmer recently returned from two years as a PCV in And she even brought along some handmade African craft- fully rugged Apache country bring the forms to the church BOLAND MOTORS Naval School and the spirits of ancient Indian police .said the death toll was this Sunday. School hours are Malawi, one of Africa’s newest states. By coincidence, the work. Miss Palmer is the daughter of Mrs. D. G. Strode- American Warplanes almost certain to mount. seventh grade happens to be studying Africa. The two com Jackson of 86 Hawthorne St. (Herald photo by Oflara.) 369 CENTER ST. MANCHESTER warriors probably are won-, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. Others in dering what's going on. i An 11-inch cloudburst .sent S A M Y U L Y E S the neighborhood of Emanuel, Will Be Led There are Secret Service men i water gushing 15 feet deep Same Side As Watkins who would like to enroll their in Ivy League garb who gaze : through sluice-like Sanderson children, may do so by calling ’ Canyon, demolished 75 houses 28 OAK STREET In New Viet Strikes suspiciously at newsmen and ; the church office. By Kauffman photographers. i ' and a dozen business places, SAIGON. South Viet Nam (A P )—U.S. warplanes There are college professors ■ and i.solated this far West Texas who peer suspiciously at every- , . town for hours Friday. Ironical- ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) - An sank or damaged 15 lx»ats today in an air starike about ; )y, the rainfall in this arid sTXJt admiral who fcHight in the 120 miles inside North Viet Nam. one. 1 And there is Lynda Bird John- ‘ averages only 16 inches a year. CANTALOUPES and HONEYDEWS............ ea. 39c French army and British na\-y A U.S. military spokesman' I As roads were slowly re- after the U. S. Navy refused to said the vessel.s opened fire on positions in the southernmost .son, the President's 21-year-old i daughter, who is trying unsuc-1 I opened, peace officers from 15 commission him because he was the four U.S. Air Force Thun- 4th Army Corps area. counties gathered to hunt on SEEDLESS GRAPES....................................... lb. 49c \ cessfully to be just another col- i nearsighted became superin derchdefs just before they at In the 1st Army Corps area, hor.seback for the missing. tendent of the U.