Seminário Bilateral de Promoção para a Cooperação Económica, Comercial e Cultural entre Changzhou e Lisboa

27 de Fevereiro de 2017 Sala Moça, Jupiter Lisboa Hotel, Avenida da Republica, 46, 1050-195 Lisboa, Portugal

O Vice-presidente do Governo do Município de Changzhou, Fang Guoqiang, vem por este meio convidar V. Exa para o Seminário Bilateral de Promoção para a Cooperação Económica, Comercial e Cultural entre Changzhou e Lisboa, que terá lugar na Sala Moça do Jupiter Lisboa Hotel, no dia 27 de Fevereiro de 2017, pelas 10h00.

Para confirmar a presença, agradecemos o preenchimento da tabela no Anexo II e o envio da mesma ao Sr. João Li ([email protected]) ou ao Sr. Tony Hoi ([email protected]) antes do dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2017.

Para mais informações, consulte o programa do evento constado no Anexo I.

Anexo I Seminário Bilateral de Promoção para a Cooperação Económica, Comercial e Cultural entre Changzhou e Lisboa

Organização: Governo do Município de Changzhou Coordenação: Direcção dos Serviços de Comércio de Changzhou Co-organização: Delegação Económica e Comercial de Macau, em Lisboa União das Cidades Capitais de Língua Portuguesa (UCCLA) Perfeição Companhia Lda. Programa 09:30-10:00 Assinatura de presença

10:00-10:10 Discurso de abertura e apresentação das VIPs, presididos pelo Sr. Zhu Hui,

Vice-director da Direcção dos Serviços de Comércio de Changzhou

10:10-10:25 Discurso do Sr. Fang Guoqiang, Vice-presidente do Governo do Município de


10:25-10:40 Discurso do representante da Embaixada da em Portugal

10:40-11:10 Apresentação do ambiente de investimento do Município de Changzhou e

Zona de Ciência e Tecnologia de Lago Taihu Oeste de Changzhou

11:10-11:50 Espectáculo musical e exposição cultural de Changzhou

11:50-12:05 Discurso do representante da Delegação Económica e Comercial de Macau, em


12:05-12:20 Discurso do Secretário Geral da UCCLA, Sr. Vitor Ramalho

12:20-12:35 Discurso do representante da AICEP

12:35-13:00 Sessão Q&A

13:00-14:00 Buffet Almoço

Anexo II










*Esta confirmação de presença também pode ser preenchida pela seguinte link:


Caso tenha dúvida, contacte-nos:

João Li: [email protected]

Tony Hoi: [email protected]

Anexo III

Brief Introduction of Changzhou

Changzhou is located in the center of the Yangtze River Delta and the southern part of Province. Halfway between Shanghai and , Changzhou is 160 km to Shanghai and 110 km to Nanjing. With Suzhou and Wuxi as its neighbors, the three cities form the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Area, which is the most developed area in Jiangsu Province. As a cultural city with a history of 2,500 years in south of the Yangtze River, Changzhou is now covering an area of 4,375 square kilometers and inhabited by 4.70 million people. It is bordered by the Yangtze River on the north side and by Taihu Lake on the south. Changzhou is noted for its economic and cultural prosperity and social development. In 2015, Changzhou’s GDP reached 81.2 billion USD, with per capita GDP being 17282 USD. The registered foreign investment reached 4.36 billion USD. Changzhou enjoys advantageous location and developed transport facilities. Running across the city are 6 expressways, such as -Shanghai Expressway, and 4 railways, such as Beijing-Shanghai Railway. Changzhou is one of the waterway junctions in China. Changzhou Port, as a national port of category A, could be docked by foreign ships. Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the main Chinese waterway from the south to the north, also runs across the city proper. Changzhou Airport, the third largest airport after Shanghai and Nanjing, boasts more than 20 domestic airlines. Equipped with solid foundation for industry and comprehensive ability to provide the auxiliary items, Changzhou is one of the key manufacture bases in Yangtze River Delta, which is also one of the China’s 50 economically strongest cities and of the 40 cities with favorable investment environment. Changzhou has ten pillar industries, i.e. rail transportation, automobile and parts, agricultural and engineering machinery, solar photovoltaic, carbon material, new pharmaceutical, new lighting, smart grid, general aviation and intelligent CNC and robot. There are more than 3600 foreign companies in Changzhou. Among them, 61 Fortune 500 companies are included. There are GE, Texas Instruments from USA; Saint-Gobain, Vallourec, Veolia Waters, Rhodia and Auchan from France; Bosch-Rexroth, Leoni and Mannesman from Germany; Hitachi, Toshiba, Komatsu, Bridgestone and Nippon Steel from Japan; and Hyndai Heavy industry from Republic of Korea. Changzhou boasts an excellent education system and scientific research institutes. As the earliest and largest vocational training center in China, Changzhou Science and Education Town has 80.000 students whose majors are mechanism, electronics, software industry, accounting, management, chemical industry and foreign languages. Changzhou University Town offers vocational and higher education resulting in pool of skilled labor of around 20.000 graduates each year for the foreign companies in Yangtze River Delta.

Brief Introduction of Jiangsu Macao Cooperation Park Project

Background The Jiangsu and Macao Cooperation Park Project will be established in Jiangsu province after been initiated by the governments of Jiangsu Province and Macao SAR, and finally approved by the Chairman of NPC Mr. Zhang Dejiang. The project mainly focuses on the modern service industry in order to serve the better practice of “One County, Two Systems” policy, and to achieve the development of Macao’s economy and Macao-mainland cooperation. On 30th March, 2016, a delegation led by the Chief Executive of Macao SAR, Mr. Chui Sai On, visited Jiangsu Province and signed the “MOU of Jiangsu-Macao Cooperation Park Preparatory Group” with Mr. Luo Zhijun, the Party Secretary of CPC Jiangsu Province.

Jiangsu- Macao Cooperation Since its site selection, the project has been supported and promoted by the governments of Macao SAR, Jiangsu Province and Changzhou City. Sufficient consensus has been reached after officials and professionals from Macao visited the West Taihu Lake in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. On 20th Oct, 2016, the Governor of Jiangsu Province, Mr. , signed another MOU with Mr. Chui Sai On declaring that the project would be located in Changzhou City. According to the MOU, both Jiangsu and Macao agrees to build four platforms: cooperation platform between Jiangsu and Macao, project recipient platform between China and Portuguese speaking countries, landing platform for Macao youth entrepreneurs and training platform for young officials exchange programs.

Industry Development According to the MOU, the tentative plan of the project covers 32.5 square kilometers including a 6.95 square kilometers core area, based on the principle of build together, manage together, share and win-win. The objective of this project is to launch in one year, yield in three years and achieve in ten years. Both Jiangsu and Macao agree on the following plans: 1. To build carriers in the core area covering finance, tourism, trade and medical projects. 2. To develop industries such as entertainment, finance, trade, e-commerce, cultural creativity etc. 3. To establish platforms for the sustainable development of human resources, information, capital and technology. 4. To build a new home for citizens to do business better and to live better. 5. To form a new development mode which is more flexible, more efficient and more innovative. The key industries to be supported in the park is specialized finance, cultural creativity, tourism, exhibition, health care, medical service, international e-commerce and modern logistics.