The Cardston News
' ' '< r :: patronize our i: * A40 ■" .. ij ji . - ADVERTISERS.************* The Cardston News L_—^*v«.f .J: \m++++*+***» "»' CARDSTON, THE TEMPLE CITY OF CANADA CARDSTON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14,1952 Subscription Price $2.50perycar-^Payablc m Advance 53, No. 18 ALBERTA VOL. Ing for this occasion, which was held on the spacious lawri.- Crop As the wedding march wasbe- Mona Boyden Wins Wins New Superinten- Excellent ing played by Mrs. Thelma Glenwood Weddings Smith, the bride came forward Music Award Mary's Prospects on the arm of her father, who L.D.S. dent forSt. Local took Themusic scholarshipcommit- Canadian According to report from the Pitcher — gave her m marriage, and Itee of the University of Alberta a Mr. and VMrs. Willis SABIN NELSON place at the flower-banked School Division Extension Service ol the Alberta left for Eastern Canada this - her has announced the winners of Title Department Agriculture, pros- A lovely wedding of wide m altar, made for the occasion. Board of Music Softball Broughton, superintend- of week to bring home a new car. onFridajr, Bishop E.M. Peterson, uncle of the Western Gienwoodcontinued to amaze L. A. pects for a good crop m Alberta terest wassolemnized Awards m Alberta for 1952. In their path as ent of High Prairie School divis- excellent, most] Ivan C. has accepted a June 8, at the Alberta Tempi*i, the bride, officiated at the twi- Among the winners is listed and defeat all River district, this year are m Nelson Kathleen, daughter of light ceremony. swept by Picture Butte to ion m the Peace districts there are sufficient position back on the Cardston when the Misses Mona Boyden, Cardston, they accepted the position of Su- Cardston, ex The bride was daintily gown- the Canadian Stake's soft- has moisture reserves to fully ma-' school staff.
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