DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Pre-Feasibility Report Expansion of Sugar Mill from 10,000 TCD along with 24 MW Co-generation Power Plant to 18000 TCD Sugar Mill along with 70 MW CPP By DSCL SUGAR –HARIAWAN (A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited)

AT Village & P.O – Hariawan, District- - 241405(U.P.)

Environment Consultant Vardan Environet (QCI and NABET/EIA/1619/RA 0037) D-142, Sushant Lok-III, Sector 57 Gurgaon (Haryana) Contact no.-9810355569 Mail ID: [email protected] Contact No. 0124-4291036, 09899651342

1 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

1) INTRODUCTION DSCL Sugar- Hariawan is proposing Capacity expansion from 10,000 TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD and 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant . As per EIA Notification dated 14th Sept., 2006 and amended from time to time, the proposed project falls under Category “B”, Project or Activity 5(j). Form-I along with Pre-Feasibility Report and other relevant documents for getting Environmental Clearance are needed to be submitted. This pre- feasibility report has, therefore, been prepared by the consultant to assess the likely impact of the proposed on various factors which may be affected with the implementation of the program me and to suggest remedial/precautionary measures, if any. The project is being submitted to MoEF& CC since there is no SEIAA constituted in as on date.

2) INFORMATION OF PROJECT/BACKGROUND INFORMATION i) Identification Of Project And Project Proponent Project: DSCL Sugar-Hariawan is proposing capacity expansion from 10,000 TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD and 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant at Village & P.O – Hariawan, District- Hardoi-241405(U.P.).The Project was granted CTE on 31.10.2005 and the current CTO was granted is valid upto 31.12.2017.

ii) Project Proponent Name: Rajeev Krishna Bharati Designation: AGM( Legal) Address: 5th floor Kanchenjunga Building ,18 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-11001 Mobile no: 9811144224 Mail id: [email protected] DCM Shriram Ltd. is a leading business conglomerate primarily involved in the following business:

1. Agri-Rural Business: Urea & SSP fertilizers, Sugar, Farm inputs marketing such as DAP, Crop care Chemicals, Hybrid Seeds 2. Chlor-Vinyl Business: Caustic Soda, Chlorine,Calcium Carbide, PVC resins, PVC Compounds, Power and Cement. 3. Value added business: Fenesta Building Systems- UPVC Windows & Doors

2 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

DCM Shriram Ltd. Sugar factories are located in Ajbapur, Rupapur, Hariawan and Loni in Uttar Pradesh, with a combined installed capacity of 33,000 TCD (tonnes crushed daily) and a power- generating capacity of 115 MW. The Hybrid seed operations- ‘Bioseed’ started in Hyderabad () and now have a global footprint with presence in Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia. The promoters having learnt from the operation of the unit strongly believe that there is ample scope for Sugarcane based unit in the State of Uttar Pradesh. iii) Need for the Project and its importance to the country and or region Sugarcane is generally regarded as one of the most significant and efficient sources of biomass for bio‐fuel (ethanol) production. Sugarcane offers production alternatives to food, such as feed, fibre and energy, particularly co‐generation of electricity and ethanol. In India, sugar is an essential item of mass consumption and the cheapest source of energy, supplying around 10 percent of the daily calorie intake. India is the second largest producer of sugar (16.3 million-ton production in 2008‐09) and India is the largest consumer of sugar in the world. As per the latest production data, MY 2016/17 sugar production is estimated at 21.9 MMT, down by 8.4 percent from the previous estimate and almost 20 percent below last year’s production. As a result, total sugar supplies are limited to 32.6 MMT, which is just enough to meet the out-year consumption and stock requirements. For the third time in recent years, Indian sugar production dropped below consumption (25.6 MMT). Maharashtra and UP will contribute 22 percent and 43 percent respectively, of total production (crystal weight basis). DSCL Sugar- Hariawan is proposing for capacity expansion of 10,000 TCD to 18,000 TCD of sugarcane based unit along with Cogeneration Power Plant of 24 MW to 70 MW located at Village & P.O – Hariawan, District- Hardoi-241405(U.P.). The proposed expansion of sugar mill plant will play an important role in upliftment of the socio economic condition of the region particularly nearby villages. iv) Consumption India’s centrifugal sugar production in marketing year (MY) 2017/18 (Oct-Sept) is expected to increase by 18 percent to 25.8 million metric tons (MMT). Uttar Pradesh will be the largest producer of sugar in India, followed by Maharashtra. Out-year sugar consumption is forecast to recover to 26 MMT, a marginal increase from the 25.6 MMT estimated for current year. Bulk consumers account for two-thirds of total sugar consumption in India. Over the last six months, moderate sugar demand from soft drink manufacturers, bakeries, hotels, restaurants, and other bulk and individual users led to a decrease in aggregate demand, matched by relatively lower sales reported by sugar mills. The disruption in the flow of currency following India’s demonetization in November 2016 is the

3 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

likely explanation for this dip. Most khandsari sugar is consumed by local sweet shops and gur is mostly consumed in rural households and for feed use. India’s stable economy, rising incomes, growing young population, and changing consumption patterns are key drivers for food consumption. v) Sugarcane Production and Marketing policy

The GOI supports research, development, training of farmers, transfer of new varieties, and improved production technologies (seed, implements, pest management) to sugarcane growers as to raise yields and recovery rates. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research conducts sugarcane research and development at the national level. State agricultural universities, regional research institutions, and state agricultural extension agencies support these efforts at the regional and state levels. Central and state governments also support sugarcane growers by ensuring finances and input supplies at affordable prices. To increase the area of cultivation and production in the country, the GOI has implemented the “Sustainable Development Fund of Sugarcane Based Cropping System Area under Macro Management Mode of Agriculture” program in various sugarcane growing states. Additionally, under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (National Agriculture Development Program), state governments have the flexibility to choose priorities for crop development projects, including sugarcane. Per media reports, the Union Budget 2017/18 (April-March) allocated about $76 million under the Sugar Development Fund to provide assistance in the form of interest to sugar mills towards working capital loans of about $980 million. The GOI projects a sugar tax collection of about $460 million. At the current exchange rate, the GOI collects $3.58 per MT of sugar produced by mills in support of the Sugarcane Development Fund (SDF), which is used to support research, extension, and technological improvement in the sugar sector.

As of April 1, 2017, the GOI will stop providing the INR 18.50/kilogram subsidy on sugar to states for selling it via public distribution system (PDS) at ration shops. A sum of about $3 billion was allocated in the Union Budget 2017/18 for clearing past claims by state governments. Earlier, the GOI continued to subsidize sugar for consumers by allowing state governments to procure sugar from the market through open tenders. The gap between open market prices and PDS sale prices/retail issue price was covered by the GOI. Following two years of deregulation of sale of sugar, the GOI in 2015 reviewed the ‘decontrol of sugar marketing’ and allowed states/Union Territories to either absorb the additional cost, if any, on account of handling, transportation and dealer’s commission or pass it on to consumers by including it in the retail issue price (INR 13.50 per kg). The new system was adopted by 30 states/Union Territories (UTs). Industry sources expect that the sugar industry will continue to be subject to production controls by state

4 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

governments, including sugar industry licensing, specified cane procurement areas for sugar mills, and cane pricing. vi) Domestic/Export Market

There is a huge demand of Indian made Sugarcane based sugar in the national and international market. Assuming normal market conditions, India may import an estimated 0.5 MMT of sugar (mostly raw) in MY 2017/18. A 20-percent drop in total supplies over the last three years will encourage imports only to augment local supplies while consumption will recover marginally to 26 MMT. The preceding statement assumes duty-free imports for commercial viability while export in forecast year is estimated to be negligible except for some sugar re-exported under the under the Advance License Scheme (ALS). Under the ALS, local sugar millers are allowed to import raw sugar duty-free against a future export commitment. Note: If sugar production is higher than anticipated, the Government of India (GOI) will likely intervene with market controls and regulate levels of imports. International sugar prices have been lower than domestic Indian prices since October 2016. Prevailing domestic sugar prices should encourage mills to sell locally, keeping Indian sugar exports less competitive. Although India mostly imports sugar from Brazil, in recent years small volumes of New Zealand and British sugar were also imported (500,000-800,000 MT), along with even smaller volumes were from Germany, the United States, Italy, the UAE and Australia. Current year sugar exports are nil except for an estimated 1.2 MMT as refined sugar re-exported under the ALS. Commercial imports are now estimated at 500,000 MT (mostly raw). vii) Employment Generation (Direct and indirect)

Due to the proposed expansion of sugar mill project in the region direct and indirect employment avenues will be created in the nearby areas. In existing 10000 TCD sugarcane based sugar mill 310 manpower is required in season and approx 275 manpower is used during off- season. After expansion of existing sugar mill approx 140 persons will be added during season and approx 145 in off-season. Apart from direct employment of approx 450 people during operation, the industry will create employment for around 1500(approx) people during construction phase and numerous other indirect employment opportunities.

5 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

3 )PROJECT DESCRIPTION i) Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any The proposed expansion project of sugar mill is for expansion of Existing sugar manufacturing facilities to produce Sugar and its byproducts i.e. Molasses, Press Mud and Bagasse. It is based on primarily agricultural products (Sugarcane). The project will be equipped with fully diversified processing facilities. The number of working days for expanded capacity can be upto 200 days for sugar plant and can be upto 350 days for power plant. The project is interlinked with 200KLD Molasses Based Distillery along with 6.0MW Cogeneration Power Plant. Distillery has been granted EC from MoEFCC on 2nd May 2017 and is under commissioning phase. Public Hearing was held at same site on 15th November 2016 by UPPCB. Public hearing for the proposed expansion project may kindly be exempted. ii) Location (Map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary and project site layout) with coordinates Location : Latitude: 27°52'89.17"N Longitude-80° 15'52.30"E Village : HARIAWAN Tehsil : : Hardoi State:Uttar Pradesh

6 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig 1: Key Plan 7 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig2: Google image of Project Site

8 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig3: Location Map

9 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig 4: layout Plan

10 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

iii) Details of alternate sites Considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site, particularly the environment consideration gone into should be highlighted. No alternate sites have been considered for the proposed expansion of Sugar Industry project as the due to the existing Sugar Industry all the facilities are easily available and also has a well-developed infrastructure. Also, the land was easy available and area is rich in raw material sources with ease of accessibility. iv) Advantages of the Project Site

 Required Raw Material (Sugarcane) & Chemicals (Lime and Sulphur) is available easily in the nearby areas. Raw materials can be easily procured from fields states .  Good availability of Water, Good Quality of Water.  Well connected by Road / Rail Network  Proximity of Sugar Consuming Markets  Manpower availability  Land availability for carrying out Project expansion  Existing infrastructure v) Size or magnitude of operation This is the expansion project of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000 TCD to 18000 TCD of sugarcane based unit along with Cogeneration Power Plant of 24 MW to 70 MW located at Village & P.O – Hariawan, District- Hardoi-241405(U.P.). vi) Project description with process details: (a schematic diagram/flowchart layout, components of the project) The Sugar Industry will use sugarcane as raw material in the production of Sugar. The process description of Sugar production by using sugarcane as raw materials is as follows:

A) Process Description of Sugar Industry

The major unit operations with two options are shown in figure these are- Option-1- Double Sulphitation

11 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig. 5 Flow Diagram of Manufacturing Process- Option-1- Double Sulphitation (DS)

12 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Option-2- Defco Melt Phosphotation (DMP)

Fig:6 Flow Diagram of Manufacturing Process- Option-2- (DMP)

13 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

1. Extraction of juice:The sugarcane is passed through devices like knives for cutting the stalks into chips before being subjected to crushing in a milling tandem comprising 4 to 6 three roller mills. Fine preparation with its impact on final extraction, is receiving special attention &shredders &particularly the fibrizers are gaining popularity. The mills are of modern design, being equipped with turbine drive, special feeding devices, efficient compound imbibitions systematic In the best milling practice More than 95% of the sugar in the cane goes into the juice, this percentage being called the sucrose extraction or more simply the extraction. A fibrous residue called bagasse with a low sucrose content is produced about 25 to 30% of cane, which contains 45 to 55% moisture.

2. Clarification: The dark green juice from the mills is acidic (pH 5.3 -5.4) &turbid, called raw juice or mixed juice. The mixed juice after being heated to 68oC to 72oC is treated with phosphoric acid, sulphur dioxide &milk of lime for removal of impurities in suspension in a continuously working apparatus. The treated juice on boiling fed to continuous clarifier from which the clear juice is decanted while these settled impurities known as mud dissent to the field as fertilizer. The clear juice goes to the evaporators without further treatment 3. Evaporation The clarified juice contains about 85% water. About 75% of this water is evaporated in vacuum multiple effects consisting of a succeeding (generally five) of vacuum boiling cells arranged in series so that each succeeding body has higher vacuum. The vapours from the final body go to condenser. The syrup leaves the last body continuously with about 65% solids &35% water. 4. Crystallization The syrup is again treated with sulphurdioxide before being sent to the pan station for crystallization of sugar. Crystallization takes place in single-effect vacuum pans, where the syrup is evaporated until saturated with sugar. At this point ‘seedgrain’ is added to serve as a nucleus for the sugar crystals &more syrup is added as water evaporates. The growth of the crystals continues until the pan is full. Given as killed sugar boiler (or adequate instrumentation) the original crystals can be grown without the formation of additional crystals, so that when the pan is just full, the crystals are all of desired size &the crystal &syrup form a dense mass known as ‘massecuite’. The ‘strike’ is then discharged through a foot valve into a crystallizer. 5. Centrifugation The massecuite from crystallizer is drawn into revolving machines called centrifuges. The perforated lining retains the sugar crystals, which may be washed with water if desired. The mother liquor ‘molasses’ passes through the lining because of the centrifugal force exerted &

14 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

after the sugar is ‘Purged’ it is cutdown leaving the centrifuge ready for another charge of massecuite. Continuous centrifuges may purge low grades. The mother liquor separated from commercial sugar is again sent to pan for boiling and re-crystallization. Three stages of recrystallization are adopted to ensure maximum recovery of sugar in crystal form. The final molasses is sent out the factory as waste by product unsuitable for recovery of sugar under commercial condition from economical point of view. It may be noted that the expansion will be achieved adding the following equipment/machinery :– • Stabilization of crush rate by addition of one new mill with Tandum • Boilers and Turbine • Boiling House • Pollution Control Devices like ETP, ESP, etc. B) DMP Process ( Defco melt phosphotation with ion exchange)

• The ion exchange process in the refinery is a continuous process where by sugar liquor is passed through a resin bed & colour is trapped within the bed. However a bed of resin becomes saturated with colour after some time. At this time the current bed in production is terminated & a new bed is brought on line. The saturated bed must be regenerated. • The liquor needs sufficient contact time with the resin for effective colour removal. Flow rate in relation to the amount of resin present is important. • The lead resin bed obviously always takes the major colour impact. The trail bed always takes a lighter load. • The beds are then washed with water to remove any traces of the caustic brine. • The bed is sweetened on again in preparation for the next production run.

C) Co-generation Power Plant- DSCL Sugar-Hariawan proposes to expand the current 24 MW co-generation bagasse plant to 70 MW, the peculiarities of manufacturing process are as follows: This is a simple three step process namely Water preparation, Steam Generation and Power Generation. The standard flow–sheet as will be adopted can be given as:

15 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Fig: 7 Co-generation power plant The steam turbine operates on basic principles of thermodynamics. After leaving the boiler, superheated vapour enters the turbine at high temperature and high pressure. The high heat/pressure steam is converted into kinetic energy using a nozzle (a fixed nozzle in an impulse type turbine or the fixed blades in a reaction type turbine). Once the steam has left the nozzle it is moving at high velocity and is sent to the blades of the turbine. A force is created on the blades due to the pressure of the vapour on the blades causing them to move. A generator or other such device can be placed on the shaft, and the energy that was in the vapour can now be stored and used. The gas exits the turbine as a saturated vapour at a lower temperature and pressure than it entered with and is sent to the condenser to be cooled(During off season) . During Crushing season after de-superheating the exit steam from Power Turbine is sent to evaporator to evaporate juice and its condensate return to boiler.

16 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Table 1: Raw Material Requirement S. Particular Existing Proposed Source of the Raw Material & No. 10000 TCD 18000 TCD Mode of Transportation 1. Sugarcane 10,000 TCD 18,000TCD From reserve area by tractor trolley/trucks. Chemicals 2. Lime 23 MT/Day 40 MT/Day Will be sourced from Lime Stone mines and transported by trucks 3. Sulphur 9.5 MT/Day 16MT/Day Will be sourced from oil refineries and transported by trucks 4. Caustic Soda 0.5 MT/Day 0.80 MT/day Will be purchased from Caustic Soda Manufacturers and will be transported by trucks 5. Common salt - 4 MT/day Will be sourced from Indian Market. Fuel Requirement 6. Baggase (In season) 1250 MT/Day 3550 MT/Day From own mill 7. Rice Husk/ Coal 0 As per From Indian Market requirement

vii) Resources optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any, should be briefly outlined. DSCL Sugar-Hariawan will make optimum utilization, recycling and reuse. These resources include Land, Fuel (Bagasse), Sugarcane, Water and Electricity. Wastewater generated from the whole sugar making process will be treated and recycled for further process, domestic & green belt development uses. Molasses from sugar mill will be sent as raw material to DSCL Sugar- Hariawan, Distillery (which is under commissioning).

17 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

viii) Availability of Water its source, Energy/Power requirement and source should be given

A) Water Requirement Table 2: Water Requirement Particulars Existing Expansion Total Source KLD KLD KLD Domestic Water 300 200 500 Ground Water Industrial Sugar Season 400 800 1200 through Water Off 400 500 900 tubewell Season Power- Season 200 1000 1200 Cogen Off 1500 (Condensing) Season - 1500

Source: Ground water will be used in the sugar mill through Tubewells. NOC obtained from CGWA for abstraction of 900 KLD water for existing sugar mill and for proposed expansion NOC will be obtained from CGWA.

B) Power Requirement Details of power consumption in the sugar mill are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Power requirement S.No. Particulars Details Source 1 Power Requirement for existing 10MW Source: From their own 10,000 TCD sugar mill Cogeneration power plant 2 Power Requirement for proposed 14 MW expansion 8000 TCD sugar mill 3 Total 24 MW 4 Cogeneration Power Production:Existing – 24 MW and for expansion – 70MW

Source: Power will be sourced from cogeneration power plant of sugar mill during season and certain power quantity shall be banked with state utility M/s Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited. This banked power shall be used for off season period.

18 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

C) Steam Requirement Steam is required in the processes such as generation of Power. Two turbines are already installed at the project site for power generation and one turbine will be added for expansion project. Total steam requirement for the proposed project is shown in the table below:

Table 4: Steam Requirement S.No. Steam Requirement for Steam Requirement for Total Steam Existing 10,000 TCD proposed Expansion to Requirement for sugar mill 8000 TCD sugar mill 18000 TCD sugar mill 1 120 TPH 220TPH 340TPH Source: From industries own boilers

ix) Quantity of waste to be generated (Liquid and solid) and scheme for their management. a) Waste water generation & treatment Most of the water will be recycled back. Effluent from manufacturing process is treated in ETPof capacity 1000 KLD and after expansion the capacity of ETP will be 3500 KLD. STP of capacity existing 250 KLD and it shall be adequate after the proposed expansion also . The ETP Sludge will be used as manure in green belt area. The total quantity of ETP sludge likely to be produced will be approx 1.74 MT/day (during crushing season). Quantity of Boiler ash will be approx 62 MT/day and will be used for land filling / given to the farmers to use as soil conditioner for agricultural land. b) Air Pollution The following air pollution control systems are present in the existing sugar mill: Two ESPs – connected with two boiler of 60 TPH capacity each with a common stack. Stack height is 65 meters above ground. Continuous emission monitoring equipment is installed and connected to CPCB server. For expansion project, additional two ESPs will be installed with proposed boiler of capacity 220 TPH. Adequate stack height (65m) will be maintained and continuous monitoring equipment will be installed and connected to CPCB. As per MoEF guidelines, regular monitoring of air emissions and ambient air quality will be carried out through MoEFCC approved laboratories. Green belt in around 33% area will be developed which will acts like adsorbent of air pollutants. To combat fugitive emissions roads are paved and regularly swept. Water sprinklers

19 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

are provided for suppression of dust. Vehicular exhaust is being maintained by providing regular maintenance and servicing of vehicles. Same will be continued for future also. b) Solid Waste Management All the solid waste generated will be managed as under:

Table 5: Solid Waste Generation Name of the Solid Quantity (For 10000 TCD Management Waste and 18,000 TCD) Boiler Ash Existing: 18 Ton/Day Boiler ash will be given to the Proposed: 62 Ton/Day farmers ETP Sludge Existing: 0.58 Ton/Day ETP Sludge will be given to the Proposed: 1.74 Ton/Day farmers Bagasse Existing: 1550 Ton/Day Bagasse will be used as fuel in the Proposed: 3550 Ton/Day boiler Molasses Existing: 420 Ton/Day Molasses will be supplied to Proposed: 525 Ton/Day proposed distillery of DSCL at Hariawan Press mud Existing: 360 Ton/Day Press mud will be given to the Proposed: 450 Ton/Day farmers

4. SITE ANALYSIS a) District Profile Hardoi district is a district of Lucknow Division of Uttar Pradesh. It lies between 26'-53" to 27"- 31'North Latitude and 79'-41" to 80'-46" East Longitude. Its north border touches Shahjahanpur & LakhimpurKheri Districts. Lucknow and Unnao are Situated at south border, West Borders touches Kanpur &Farrukhabad and on eastern border Gomti river separates the district from Sitapur.DistrictHardoi comprises of 5 tehsils (Hardoi, Shahabad, Bilgram, &), 19 blocks, 191 Nyay, Panchayat, 1101 Gram Sabha & 1901 habited revenue villages. It also has 7 Nagar PalikaParishads& 6 Nagar Panchayats. Geographical area is 5947 sq. km. As per census 2011, Population of the district is 4091380, out of which Female are 1887116 & Male are 2204264

20 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

b) Location & Geographical Area

Hardoi district from geographical point of view its falls in between 26053‟ & 27042‟ N North latitude and from 80007‟E & 80012‟E longitudes. The district is situated in Lucknow Division. Hardoi district is contiguous of Shahjahanpur and LakhimpurKheri districts on the north , Lucknow and Unnao districts on the sourth, Kanpur and Farrukhabad districts on the west and Sitapur district on the east. Hardoi is located at 110 km. from Lucknow (Capital of Uttar Pradesh) and 394 from New Delhi (Capital of India). The total geographical area of the district is 5947 km2 c) Topography

It has an average elevation of Template: Covert. The record height is 500 ft. Hardoi district had 5 Km2 of dense forest and 13 km2 of open forest. The Ganga, Ramganga, Gomti and several tributaries of river Ganga are flowing in the Hardoi district. Average rain in the district approximate 941 mm. General climate of the district is healthy and pleasant. The district stretches from North to South for 125 Km. and from east to west approximately 75 Km. d) Hydrology

Hardoi district, in Uttar Pradesh, has agriculture as the predominant activity with many people depends on it. The main crops cultivated are paddy, sugarcane, wheat, vegetables, pulses, and oilseeds. The major cash crop of the district and surrounding area is sugarcane. The area has high availability of surface water with three major rivers flowing through the district viz. Ganga, Ramganga, and Garha. But over the last five years, it has witnessed a decline in rainfall which has impacted the groundwater levels, resulting in low yield of the various wells. This along with the limited surface water structures available has increased the cost of irrigation for the farmers and also resulted in a low productivity of the crops. Contrary to this there are also areas within the district with surplus water which also reduces the productivity of the crops due to water logging. The prevailing water scenario has notably impacted the livelihoods and businesses e) Forest

About 11962.141 Hectare area is covered by the forest which is 6.1% of total geographical area of the District. The main trees found in the district are Sheesham, Kanji, Babool, Dhak, Mahua, Semal, Mango, Shaal, Neem, Jamun etc. Although tree cutting is prohibited however dead and fallen trees are collected by the forest department which are auctioned time to time.

21 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

f) Connectivity The project site is well connected to Highway SH-21 (~14.5 Km) & NH - 24 (~30 km). The nearest railway station is Hardoi Railway Station (~14.5)and nearest airport is Lucknow (~111 km). The site is suitably located with respect to availability of raw material, water, road network, skilled/semi skilled/unskilled and professional manpower etc. All communication facilities such as telephone, telefax & internet are available in the vicinity of the project site. g) Land from Land use and Land ownership:

Total plant area is 63.202 ha and the same has been acquired by the company. h) Soil classification The chief varieties of soil are bhur or sand, dumat or loam and matiyar or clay. Bhur is formed along the high banks of rivers and streams, matiyar is found in depressions in the upland while dumat occurs in rest of the district. i) Climatic data from secondary sources The climate is sub-humid and it is characterized by a hot dry summer and a bracing cold season. The average normal rainfall is 874.8 mm. About 87% of rainfall takes place from June to September. During monsoon surplus water is available for deep percolation to ground water. January is the coldest month with minimum temperature of the order of 90 C. May and early June form the hottest period of the year. The mean monthly maximum temperature is 31.70 C and means monthly minimum temperature is 18.70C. During March to May the air is least humid with relative humidity high in the morning and less in the evening mean. Monthly morning relative humidity is 70% and mean monthly evening relative humidity is 53%. During monsoon season the winds blow predominantly from east or southeast. The mean wind velocity is 5.6 km/hr. The potential evapo transpiration is 1494.00 mm. j) Social Infrastructure available There are primary schools, dispensaries, small hospitals, places of worship in nearby area of the project site.

22 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Table 6: Details of Project site S. No. Particulars Details 1 Location a) Village/ Town/Plot No. Hariawan b) District Hardoi c) State Uttar Pradesh d) Latitude 27031’40.50’’ N to 27031’54.07’’ N e) Longitude 80009’17.86’’ E to 80009’41.05’’ E f) Toposheet No. 63 A/2, 63 A/3, 63 A/6 2 Elevation 130-134m 3 Land use at the project site Industrial 4 Climatic Conditions Temperature Temperature Mean Maximum: 310C (May- June) Mean Minimum: 180C (January)

Rainfall Normal Annual Rainfall: 874 mm 5 Features with 10 km : i) Defence installations Nil ii) Archaeological important places Nil iii) Reserved/Protected forest No Reserved/Protected forest within 10KM of Project unit area. iv) Hill ranges Nil v) State Boundary Nil 6 Nearest Village Akbarpur (0.5 Km in South ) 7 Nearest Town & City Hardoi (14.5 km in South) 8 Nearest National Highway / State NH 24 (30 km in NE ) Highway SH 21 (14.5 km in South) 9 Nearest Railway station Hardoi Railway Station (14.5 km in South ) 10 Nearest Airport Lucknow (111 km in SE) 11 National Parks, Reserved Forests No National Parks. Reserved Forests/ Protected (RF)/ Protected Forests (PF), Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Wildlife Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Tiger/ Elephant Reserves, Wildlife Reserves, Tiger/ Elephant Corridors etc. falls within 10 km radius from the Reserves, Wildlife Corridors etc. plant site. within 10 km radius

23 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

12 River / Water Body (within 10 km • Sai River ( Seasonal River) ( 0.8 km in South radius) direction) • Bhainsta River (Seasonal River) (1 km SSE ) • Lucknow Branch Canal (6 km East) • BaruanJhil (Low Lying land – Seasonal Lake) (2 km West ) 13 Cost Details Total Cost of the Project Existing: 160 Crores Proposed: 350 Crores Total Cost: 510 Crores 5. PLANNING BRIEF i) Planning concept (type of Industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and country planning/Development authority classification. Type of Industry As per EIA Notification dated 14th Sept., 2006 and amended from time to time, the proposed project falls under Category “B”, Project or Activity 5(j).The project is being submitted to MoEF& CC since there is no SEIAA constituted in Uttar Pradesh as on date. ii) Population Projection Unskilled Man Power required for the proposed expansion Project will be met from the local villages completely. Qualified semi-skilled man power requires will be met from local villages if available. Hence there will not be much population increase in the area.

(iii) Assessment of infrastructure demand (Physical & Social)

The Company will assess the demand of infrastructure (Physical & Social) in nearby area of the proposed site and will be developed in under corporate social responsibilities programs.

(iv) Amenities/Facilities The Company will develop the Amenities/Facilities in nearby area of the proposed project site as per requirement of local people under corporate social responsibilities programs. v) Land Use Planning: The total land available with the industry is 63.202 hectares. This land is available for existing 10,000 TCD sugar mill, proposed 18000 TCD sugar mill and 200 KLD molasses based distillery (under commissioning). Land utilization is as follows:

24 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

Table 7: Land use Breakup

S. No. Land Use Utilization Area (In Hectares) 1 Building Area (sugar mills) 3.06 2 Area under roads and paved area (sugar mill) 6.43 4 Area under green belt, grass land, agriculture land 38.69 etc.(Bagasse yard, scrap yard, behind mill house, ETP area) – For Sugar Mills 5 Area under distillery 15.0 6 Total Area ~ 63.20

6: REHABILITATION & RESETTLEMENT PLAN No rehabilitation or resettlement plan is proposed as there are no habitations in the in the Plant site. Land for expansion project has already been acquired by the company.

7. PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES The construction work for expansion will start only after obtaining Environmental Clearance and all other required clearance and will complete after one to two years. The present cost of the project (with depreciation) will be Rs. 160 Crores and estimated Project cost for Expansion is 350 Crore. Total Cost of the Project will be Rs. 510 Crores

8. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL (Final Recommendations) With the implementation of proposed expansion project, the socio-economic status of the local people will improve substantially. The land rates in the area will improve in the nearby areas due to the proposed activity. This will help in upliftment of social status of the people in the area. Educational institutes will also come up and will lead to improvement of educational status of the people in the area. Primary health centers will also come up and medical facilities will certainly improve due to the proposed project.

9. Socio-Economic Developmental Activities The management is committed to uplift the standards of living of the villagers by undertaking following activities / responsibilities. • Health & hygiene • Drinking water • Education for poor

25 DSCL Sugar-Hariawan ( A Unit of DCM Shriram Limited ) Capacity expansion of DSCL Sugar-Hariawan from 10,000TCD unit along with 24 MW Cogeneration Power Plant to 18,000TCD Unit along with 70 MW Cogeneration Power Plant

• Village roads • Lighting • Creating harmonious relationships • Helping locals to conduct sports • Training to the unskilled manpower

i) Health & Hygine 1. Personal and domestic hygiene, 2. Maintaining clean neighborhood, 3. Weekly health camps offering free-check up& medicines 4. Ambulance services 5. Education & drug de-addiction, aids. ii) Drinking Water Making drinking water available at centralized locations in the village, iii) Supporting Education 1. Providing books to all poor children, 2. Conducting annual sports festival in the village schools, 3. Providing amenities like fans, lavatories