The Impact of Immigrants in Recession and Economic Expansion By Giovanni Peri University of California, Davis MPI LABOR MARKETS INITIATIVE The Impact of Immigrants in Recession and Economic Expansion Giovanni Peri University of California, Davis June 2010 Acknowledgments This paper was written for the Migration Policy Institute’s Labor Markets Initiative to inform its work on the economics of immigration. The paper does not necessarily represent the views or policy recommendations of MPI or its Labor Markets Advisory Group. MPI is grateful for the generous support of its funders and with respect to its Labor Markets Initiative particularly wishes to acknowledge the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the J.M. Kaplan Fund. For information on the Labor Markets Initiative, please visit: © 2010 Migration Policy Institute. All Rights Reserved. Cover Photo: Peter Papas Cover Design and Typesetting: April Siruno, MPI No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the Migration Policy Institute. A full-text PDF of this document is available for free download from: Permission for reproducing excerpts from this report should be directed to: Permissions Department, Migration Policy Institute, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036, or by contacting
[email protected]. Suggested citation: Peri, Giovanni. 2010. The Impact of Immigrants in Recession and Economic Expansion. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute. Contents ExEcutivE Summary . 4 i . introduction . 6 ii . thE impact of nEt immigration on EmploymEnt and groSS domEStic product .