April 2016 ! "#$$%&'!($)%&*!+,-./,! ! "#$%&'#()*!+',-$).-*)#$! 0012!3#4),)$)!().5!"6! /0!*-,2!&345! 7)&8*9%$$8:!;<!=0>2?! 6-$217)882!+9!:;<=>! .#$$%&'@$)%&*-A/B/#A! &2'?)*!"#@!::<! ! "8C-.&!D8.9%/8!"8E-8*C86! ! ! Dear Sisters & Brothers, rd On Sunday, April 3 at 6:00 PM, we will be showing the movie War Room here at Rolling Plains Church. The story line of the movie is of a couple struggling in their marriage and careers and how the power of prayer totally changes their lives in miraculous ways. Many of you have seen this movie and have been blessed by the strong reminder of the power and effectiveness of a prayerful life. After seeing War Room with my family just over a month ago, I have felt a fresh power, passion, and sense of effectiveness in my prayer life. In fact, we have rearranged three rooms in our house: Elizabeth has started a prayer list on the wall in her closet, Tawna has completely reorganized her closet as a prayer room, and I have started a personal prayer wall in our bedroom closet. Some of those prayers are already being To receive our newsletter by email instead, simply send an email to answered. Praise God!
[email protected] If we are honest with ourselves, many of us will admit we struggle with prayer. Some of us find ourselves too busy to with “e-newsletter” and your first and last name in the subject line. pray and it never really becomes a priority in our lives. We believe in God and know He wants to hear from us, but we get so easily discouraged when it feels like our prayers go unanswered.