Opposite page: A Poweshiek Skipperling. July 3, 2006. Puchyan Prairie SNA, Green Lake Co., WI.

Left: milkweed Asclepias( tuberosa) is one of many beautiful flowers found on Midwestern prairies. July 20, 2008. Stinson Prairie SP, Kossuth Co., IA.

Frank Olsen in upland prairie, but that upland prairie is number of sites and number of individuals), typically adjacent to lowland prairie and even the Poweshiek, with its distinctive whirring wetlands. However, Poweshieks also occur in flight, is still my favorite, the memory of lowland prairie that has no upland prairie in 245 individuals (seemingly one or more on the habitat patch. every coneflower) in a single part of this same Many mysteries remain. Is the Michigan prairie still fresh in my mind from June 30, habitat (wetlands) an outlier, or just what’s left 1989. there of a more continuous occupation of wet to dry prairie seen farther west? Poweshieks Mike Reese The quintessential tallgrass prairie , Poweshiek Skipperling inhabits the full range appear disinclined to disperse far, suggesting of prairie vegetation types from lowland that caterpillar rearing areas would not be (wet) to upland (dry). It is often found far away from areas used by adults. So do near wetlands Poweshieks and in rolling successfully topography, “Poweshiek Skipperling has experienced breed in both and is possibly tremendous decline in the last two upland and Poweshiek Paradise Lost more restricted centuries, and this continues up to today.” lowland, as the to moister smattering of egg prairie types at and caterpillar by Ann Swengel the western edge of its range. At the eastern plant observations suggest? Then is the extreme of its range, this skipper is known benefit of “up-low” (my term for the presence from sedgy meadows and fen wetlands in of both upland and lowland grassland of any Michigan. The main adult flight period type in a habitat patch) about varying success On a pleasantly warm and sunny day subspecies) were nectaring on coneflowers is typically in late June to mid-July, with of this breeding in up vs. low among years of with a remarkably light breeze, my husband too. Hundreds of Regal Fritillaries, both winter passed as a partially grown caterpillar. major climatic differences (hot vs. cool and Scott and I walked the slopes of Hole-in-the- males and females, chased about in their Documentations of egg-laying sites and wet vs. dry years)? What are the limiting Mountain Prairie in southwestern Minnesota. characteristic frenzy. Although the date caterpillar foodplants are relatively few: factors on its curious and narrow range? What Of the dozen Ottoe Skippers, one male (July 16, 1990) was very late in the flight of wetland species like spike-rush (Michigan) makes it possible for this species to attain departed its pale purple coneflower to chase Poweshiek Skipperling, over a dozen nectared and sedges (Dakotas), as well as dominant amazing densities, and therefore dramatic a lone female Dakota Skipper straggling at on coneflowers and lobelias and fluttered low prairie grasses: Indian grass in the wild and fluctuations in abundance? There is much yet the end of that species’ flight period. Several through the grasses, flashing black above and big bluestem in the lab (Iowa) and prairie to learn, but will we be able to? dozen Arogos Skippers (the midwestern ‘Iowa’ silver-gray below. Although the easiest of the dropseed and little bluestem (Wisconsin). By Poweshiek Skipperling has experienced mid-summer prairie skippers to find (both in far the highest densities of this species occur tremendous decline in the last two centuries, 16 American ,Winter 2008 17 and this continues up to today. Of course, the difference in landscape but instead only due vast destruction of tallgrass prairie (99% or to a difference in volume of data — decades more in most states) for agricultural use was and centuries of voluminous observation and catastrophic for prairie skippers. Numerous compilation. Since our European colleagues threats such as plowing, prolonged heavy have embraced their devastating conservation grazing, frequent mowings, quarrying, failures, they have been able to change course suburban sprawl, and so on beset prairie and help their particular butterflies and sites habitat in the unpreserved landscape. But obtain better outcomes. Their relentless in the last half century, thousands of acres candor has also given us the opportunity to of never-tilled prairie with wonderful flora learn from their experiences. supporting large Poweshiek populations In the spirit of this British precedent, I’d have been protected. Many tracts amount to like to examine the numerous factors that help hundreds or even a thousand acres or more, explain what makes Poweshiek populations and are managed for their natural value. Yet tick, although it’s unclear we’ll ever decipher stunning Poweshiek declines have continued it all. But we do know a lot about what on these preserves for many years, or even associates with bigger, stronger populations decades, after the habitat was protected, and and conversely with smaller, more localized, these dramatic declines continue up to the and declining populations. While Poweshiek present. Since extirpation (extinction of a inhabits the full range of prairie vegetation population) is hard to prove, I won’t use that (degraded, semi-degraded, and undegraded term about Poweshiek here; instead I call a types of never-tilled prairie), its abundance is population “subdetectable” when it goes from markedly higher in undegraded vegetation at reliably findable to only erratic hit and miss topographically diverse sites that support both records, if found at all. wet and dry grassland. Both subtle swales and This phenomenon is not new. Several rolling hills accomplish this. Large sites (75 decades ago, Jeremy Thomas reported that or more acres) tend to have higher Poweshiek conservation actions to manage for more densities but this pattern is not as strong. caterpillar foodplant led directly to the The factor affecting Poweshiek extinction of the Large Blue subspecies abundance that humans have the most control endemic to England. This butterfly had over, especially in preserves, is land use an obligatory relationship to a particular (management). After all, we can’t easily ant species that required a relatively change the topography of a site from uniform sparse vegetative structure. When the ant to having “up-low” in a way that benefits disappeared, and it did so even when the Poweshieks. Patch size is likewise hard to vegetation had only subtly altered, so did improve, since prairie plantings in previously the butterfly. Subsequently, Martin Warren’s tilled fields are unlikely to be used much landmark analysis in the early 1990s by Poweshieks. Management to improve documented losses of vulnerable butterfly vegetative quality (i.e., reduce non-native populations just as great on protected as on weeds) has, in my observation, rarely reduced unprotected land in central southern England. these weeds substantially for the long term,

Frank Olsen (3) These British results have been dismissed and perversely, they may increase instead. as consequences of the highly altered and Even more rarely have I seen the methods Stinson Prairie still harbors many beautiful wildflowers, but sadly Poweshiek Skipperlings have fragmented “semi-natural” habitats on this used to improve vegetative quality tolerated not been seen here in the recent past. island long and densely populated by people, well by localized butterflies present at the site in contrast to our “natural” prairies not all at the outset. We can’t even predict annual Top: An area of Stinson Prairie filled with leadplants Amorpha( canescens). that many years removed from when they fluctuations in abundance (tell me now what Bottom left: Wild onion (Allium stellatum). existed undespoiled. But in actuality, these the next season’s weather will be like), much Bottom right: Plains tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria). British outcomes are apparently not due to a less change Poweshiek responses to weather.

18 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 19 Frank Olsen (4) 21 Winter 2008 Winter American Butterflies, 20 had not previously been used in the area, is visited were preserves managed with fire on a usually started. While effects of these changes rotation of about 3-6 years. may occur quickly, it could take years, even “Idling” (doing virtually nothing for many decades, for the full impact on butterflies from years) has consistently associated with the these changes in management to become fully highest Poweshiek numbers. Furthermore, apparent, especially if this new management Poweshiek abundance also correlated is applied only to a portion of the habitat positively with increasing years since any patch per year. He also noted, in the context management action of any type. To the of Dakota Skipper, that concentration areas extent an area shows signs of brush or weeds for immature stages need to be protected from increasing, Poweshieks fared better when this fire, and the locations of these concentration is addressed in very localized treatments such areas can vary among years within a site. as mowing, brush-cutting, or spot-herbiciding About a decade later, Tim Orwig and only the problem plants. Rotational mowing Dennis Schlicht wrote that prairie-obligate (leaving the clippings lie) or haying (removing skippers are staggered in the timing of their the clippings) in a single cutting of only part life stages, so that no “safe” time exists when a of the site in a given year, especially in late fire can avoid incinerating immature skippers. summer or early fall, also came out on top for Likewise, any management action (burning, Poweshiek, and was well favored by Dakota mowing, haying, or grazing) can interfere and Arogos Skippers and Regal Fritillary with the availability of resources (possibly as well. Areas hayed annually fared more quite limited in location within a site) required poorly for Poweshiek, and heavy grazing at that time by the skippers, possibly in an was also poor. Even moderate grazing hasn’t immature life stage, and so should not be looked promising, which must nonetheless be broadcast over most of the required patch reconciled somehow with the presence of large

Mike Reese in a given year. While many studies have populations at the time of preservation on If you want to see a Poweshiek Skipperling, you should plan a visit to Midwestern demonstrated that mowing causes less sites that had been previously grazed or hayed mortality than fire, individual species may still (usually annually) in an agricultural context. prairied before it is too late. July 17, 2004. Puchyan Prairie SNA, Green Lake Co., WI. be particularly vulnerable to this management After that first very low year following as well. Thus, there is no management, or a fire, fire management has complex results Back in 1981, Tim McCabe insightfully historical land management had been management timing, that is “safe” for all for Poweshiek. In the next few years of wrote about two management issues related consistent for decades and where Poweshieks prairie species everywhere. the rotation, we recorded high densities at to prairie preservation that affect butterflies. were still abundant at preservation, this On that day when we recorded 245 times. But those favorable outcomes were First, the historical land usage (typically strongly implies the compatibility of that Poweshieks in one part of Hole-in-the- counterbalanced by as many examples haying or light grazing) is usually stopped previous land use with the butterfly. Second, a Mountain Prairie, we then crossed a subtle where we never observed this rebound. Fire at the time of preservation. In areas where new management regime (especially fire), that vegetative line visible primarily through the management may have a tipping point that disappearance of dead plant matter (litter) divides these favorable and unfavorable underfoot, signifying a management fire since outcomes. How many Poweshieks were Pages 20-21 the last growing season. While the vegetative killed in the fire? How many survived within Page 20 top: Cayler Prairie, Dickinson Co., IA, where Dakota Skipper made its last composition remained similar, and we had recolonization distance? How many of those stand in Iowa, once held a large population of Poweshieks. None has been seen here seen numerous Poweshieks here the previous surviving immatures reached adulthood for several years. year, we recorded only one Poweshiek there (depending on subsequent weather, for Page 20 bottom: Hayden Prairie, Howard Co., IA. Although numbers are very small that day, within one yard of that burn line, example)? How will future fires affect the (usual sighting is of one butterfly), Poweshieks have occasionally been seen despite extensive walking amongst peak progress of recovery from this fire? Preserves here during the past 25 years. flowering of abundant coneflowers. This where fire management has been occurring Page 21 top: Haffner Prairie, Dickinson Co., IA once had a strong population of experience turned out to be typical. Less than and Poweshieks have still been reported in Poweshieks. None has been seen recently. 1% of all the individuals we’ve recorded in the last several years have some of these Page 21 bottom: Hoffman Prairie, Cerro Gordo Co., IA. This is the only Iowa prairie our surveys were in areas in their first growing characteristics: largeness (100 or more acres), season after a fire, even though most sites we up-low, presence of wetland, more recent where Poweshieks are still fairly consistently seen, albeit in small numbers. 22 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 23 Frank Olsen (3)

Here are some prairie flowers to look for during your visit:

Above: Prairie smoke (Geum triflorum). June 1, 2008. Joachim Prairie, Chickasaw Co., IA.

Opposite page top: Purple prairie-clover (Dalea purpurea). June 29, 2007. Stinson Prairie, Kossuth Co., IA.

Opposite page bottom: Wood lily (Lilium philadelphicum). June 29, 2007. Bokelman Prairie, IA.

conservation (after 1985, vs. before), and/or occurring for decades on conserved land. not all of the habitat patch controlled by one Until the species is subdetectable at most or agency or even preserved. Few sites have all all sites in a state, it is easy to assume that low these characteristics, but all sites known to me or erratic observed numbers at some sites or have at least two. in some years are due to survey timing in the Perhaps Poweshiek declines seem most flight period or weather or annual fluctuation obvious within the last five years, since the or a temporary response to management. After species is now unfindable in many regions, all, Poweshieks do vary quite a bit in exactly even at many sites where it still occurred when is the right timing, and the main flight in good numbers a mere decade or so ago. period is often brief. We saw hundreds in Where the species is still reliably detectable, Minnesota on June 20-23, 1988, June 29-30, abundance is often much lower than in the 1989, July 6-11, 1992, and July 4-6, 1994, vs. 1990s. But actually this decline has been three on June 24-26, 1990 (too early), nineteen 24 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 25 (preserves, “working” public land, agricultural range of options for how to proceed in this land, rights-of-way, etc.) may present site-specific and species-specific approach. different combinations of challenging issues One perspective focuses on the big for Poweshieks, and the consequence may picture — whole ecosystems and their natural set in at different years at different sites, but processes, with fire appearing much more without intervention specifically mindful of natural than cows and haying machines. As Poweshiek’s requirements and limiting factors, one manager told me in the early 1990s, “We they usually arrive at the same sad outcome restore natural [prescribed] fires, and whatever for Poweshieks. results is what should be there.” Poweshiek’s decline is not anomalous. An alternative point of view is that it now Similar declines are described for other impossible for natural processes to restore the prairie skippers in Iowa in American prairie ecosystem, because it is too fragmented Butterflies in 1999 (volume 7 number 1). and degraded. Instead, in today’s landscape, When the Minnesota Department of Natural consistency of habitat condition and Resources proposed changes to the state list unintrusive management are significantly more of endangered and threatened species in early favorable for specialist and localized species, 2007, the notice reported that Ottoe Skipper while dramatic changes (“disturbances” such had not been reported in the state since 1995 as fire or other events that clear out most despite extensive surveys. Ron Royer’s plant litter and bare the soil) favor generalist observations in North Dakota over a long and opportunistic species, both native and career document decline of prairie skippers alien, both plant (herbaceous and woody) generally on preserves, refuges, and ranch land and . The “right” management is not alike. defined by ecological theory but rather by Frank Olsen (2) The logic of the ecosystem approach to specific results of particular species. The Frank Olsen reports: When I was surveying the Dinesen managing preserves is appealing. Plants, definition of “natural” in this case is not Prairie in Shelby County Iowa on July 1, 2008 — and with herbivores, and carnivores are all linked whether the management action itself looks my car parked 10 yards away from the only entrance to the together, and not just the famous and natural, but whether favorable outcomes for site — the Shelby County conservation personnel showed up charismatic but also the obscure and little nature occur. and started a prairie fire. I was on the north half of this 20- known species deserve conservation. But I don’t see how to reconcile these two because direct scientific observation does not views. At the biennial prairie conference in acre prairie, and they drove an ATV across the prairie from exist for prairie ecosystems while they existed the early 1990s, when I stated that fire should west to east, using a drip torch to start the prairie on fire. undegraded and unfragmented, we can only be the least used major management tool in The wind was from the south. Just 10 minutes earlier I had infer or extrapolate how they might once prairie, the audience gasped. Perhaps you photographed a western prairie fringed orchid on this same have looked and “worked”. Especially for are too. (The conference editorial committee north half. The images show the orchids and a bit of the fire. invertebrates, their full range and occurrence, apparently delayed their gasp. The paper I Luckily I escaped unscathed, but the orchids were toast. possibly even their existence, is unknown. submitted to the conference proceedings was How can we know that a particular ecosystem accepted, then de-accepted for publication approach really is encompassing all species, or without explanation. Most of that manuscript on July 16-20, 1990 (too late), and fourteen of consistently subdetectable populations doing so the best way? has since been published in other scientific on July 8-12, 1991 (also too late). It’s also begins in different years at different sites. An alternative approach focuses on forums.) Prairie butterfly declines since then easy to blame weather, but we recorded dense For example, little did we know that our individual species of conservation concern. have only increased my confidence in that numbers in sprinkles with a temperature in the first survey at Felton Prairie (Minnesota) in Given the limitations of knowledge and statement. low 70s. Warmth definitely improves results, 1988 would be among the last times reliable resources, many species could be overlooked Frankly, I don’t want to reconcile these and low wind even more, but cloudiness Poweshiek numbers would be documented by this method, besides the potential for disparate approaches. Let’s disagree more, appears insignificant. there. We arrived too late to see any conflicting needs of different species. The so that different sites (and different parts With hindsight, I see these recent functioning population at Sheyenne National specific characteristics of a particular site, its of the same site) would distinctly differ in declines not as symptomatic of a sudden Grassland (North Dakota), as we only found history, its context in landscape, and what’s management, and therefore in biodiversity mysterious pathogen, or a cataclysmic weather one on 9 July 1996, in three years of surveys still left there to save can all help narrow the being successfully conserved. I’ve been perturbation in a given year. Instead, the onset there. Different sectors of the landscape 26 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 27 very grateful whenever I’ve found grasslands a species-specific effort is eventually due to fire or other management, but due to analyses have demonstrated that butterflies being conserved with a management approach undertaken. This has been happening in the vegetative change, or smallness or isolation are surprisingly effective indicators of different from the mainstream. These sites are last few years for Poweshiek, with personnel of the site. Studies there can’t teach us about change in many other insect groups, and where I’ve learned the most. from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state prairie-specialist . Studies may use have experienced greater declines than birds, Is it reasonable to expect more favorable governments and conservation organizations tiny experimental plots (10 or 20 or 50 square which have in turn declined more than plants. outcomes in an ecosystem as decimated as meeting and funding research. This type meters), which affect butterfly populations This makes butterflies particularly useful as tallgrass prairie? Yes, I think it is. Wonderful of effort will not be made for species we differently than the larger plot size at which an early and authoritative warning system. conservation successes for butterflies know little or nothing about, even if they most managements are usually experienced by Lovers of prairie birds and plants, take heed. have occurred not only in Europe but also deserve it and even if it turns out that the butterfly populations. Interstate Highway 80 bisects Iowa right here in North America, and for some very selected ecosystem approach is not working Fluctuations in insect abundance in a through Poweshiek County, where Parker localized species in very fragmented habitats. for them. So, to be more cost-effective, given year, and quirks of vegetation and described Poweshiek Skipperling as a species These documented successes in butterfly the ecosystem approach should be more topography at a single site, can often mask or in 1870. The skipper hasn’t been found there conservation management usually arise mindful of individual species of conservation confound more general patterns in short-term since. As you drive, you’ll experience the up- out of management specifically designed concern earlier in the process, because if studies. Only through careful monitoring of low topography favored by this species but no for individual species, such as Schaus’ these individual species fail, resources will specific species at many sites over many years longer inhabited by it. However, this species Swallowtail and El Segundo Blue (see be thrown at them, that would have been do patterns become clear. was rediscovered in Wisconsin in 1978, American Butterflies volume 13 number 1) much more effective if they had been used Are butterfly responses out of whack with after seventy-plus years of no records. While and Swamp Metalmark (volume 13 number 2). before the species was in serious trouble. For the other prairie species, plant and animal? known Poweshiek sites in Wisconsin remain Less often, an “umbrella species”, such as the Poweshiek, I’d take half the effort now and No. They’re just one of the more sensitive very few and are highly vulnerable, the species Greater Prairie-Chicken, has been successfully apply it two decades earlier and expect at least groups that’s well enough studied to allow still exists here. Conversely, the widespread conserved, and this “covered” the conservation twice the benefit. assessment of trend. Actually, some groups plunge of Poweshieks to subdetectable levels needs of a localized butterfly, e.g., the Regal Why isn’t this concern about prairie fire are even more sensitive to fire, as Jeff Nekola has been particularly well documented in the Fritillary (volume 13 number 1). Suites of management more widely recognized? I has demonstrated for the inconspicuous set last five years in Iowa. What a remarkable co-occurring butterflies can also be helped believe that this results from consequences of of land snails specific to grasslands. British reversal of fortune that Poweshiek is now simultaneously (volume 13 number 1). study design and the complexity of insects. Matthew Selby Wouldn’t a switch from an ecosystem Because of the overwhelming variety of insect approach to species-specific management cost species, much research is performed at the more? No, it can cost less. Managements family scale, so that species-specific patterns Poweshieks and other than fire that accomplish conservation cannot be discerned and the main results purple coneflowers likely won’t be profit-making; why should we reflect those of dominant species, which often (Echinacea expect them to be? But conservation-style aren’t the species most specialized to a habitat purpurea) are a haying and grazing can at least partially pay or most in need of conservation. Even in large great combination. for themselves through sale of the rights to high-quality prairies, specialist butterflies will Unfortunatly, local farmers. This can also build cooperative be only a minority of the species, and often Poweshiek habitat relationships between conservation and of individuals, present. Many insect studies continues to disappear agricultural interests, an intangible but examine “diversity” (how many species are nonetheless useful benefit to biodiversity. present). and the supposed Actually, mowing and spot-herbiciding are This presence/absence approach is much health benefits of already frequently done, as well as haying and weaker at detecting trends than abundance Echinacea cause occasionally grazing, in conserved prairies. assessments; if a species declines 99% at large-scale looting of So it’s primarily a matter of whether the a site, but is still present, this trend is not this wonderful prairie burning is also done or not, in addition to detected; only when it’s too late at the site (the resource. other management already being done, and species disappears) does this change register, how much these other managements are done and only if it disappears at a lot of sites does July 9, 2008. relative to fire. this become accepted as a non-random pattern. Brookings Co., SD. In the end, if a species is known to be Before a researcher comes along, many in serious trouble, and enough people care prairie sites will have lost most of their about it, as is usually the case for a butterfly, prairie-specialized species, and not necessarily

28 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 29 (through 2007, Scott and I have recorded eastern/northern forest, an important climatic Poweshiek in four states, and observed gradient unusual for its generally southeast Poweshiek sites outside the flight period in to northwest directionality. The western South Dakota and Manitoba, having missed boundary closely approximates the transition only Michigan sites of the populations from tallgrass to mixed-grass prairie. still extant), even more am I drawing on a The natural vegetation of central North vast amount of work by lepidopterists too America is dominated by grasses and numerous to name. You can share your wildflowers, typically classified into three observations by participating in NABA’s regions (tallgrass, mixed-grass, and shortgrass) Butterfly Count program, Butterflies I’ve Seen that reflect a primarily east-west gradient website, and local chapters. in annual precipitation. Tallgrass prairie extends much farther south than Poweshiek’s Analyze the data: While some patterns range. Do climatic factors limit Poweshiek’s may be pretty obvious, others only reveal southern range, and if so, how? Furthermore, themselves with careful examination of the southern tier of Poweshiek’s known range the data. This is time-consuming and contains only old records. Is this due only to painstaking (many factors affect butterfly greater and earlier habitat loss, as this is some occurrence and abundance), but this step is of the most productive farm land in the world, essential for understanding what helps and or also due to a northward shift in a climatic detecting declines while time still remains limitation on Poweshiek’s range? to do something about them. Be dazzled but The known range contains a number of undeceived by the highs; instead, be alert interesting gaps, some or all of which could for how low they can go. The greater the be due to habitat destruction before any record volatility in numbers (as with Poweshiek), the was obtained. But it poses some interesting more chance for loss in unfavorable years. questions, too. In Manitoba and northeastern

Ann Swengel North Dakota, Poweshiek records don’t reach Range of Poweshiek Skipperling Advocate for butterflies: Share your interest quite as far west as the easternmost extent Areas where Poweshiek Skipperlings are believed to still occur are shown in orange. in butterflies and what you’ve observed of mixed-grass prairie, while in southeastern Areas where they once occurred but are now not seen are shown in red. The “driftless with land managers in your area, and listen North Dakota and northwestern South Dakota, area” is shown in purple. The green line is the border between tall-grass prairie (to the to their knowledge and perspective. Also Poweshiek extends farther west than tallgrass west) and eastern woodland (to the east). The blue line is the border between tall-grass inform relevant state, provincial, and national prairie. agencies that you care about butterflies No confirmed records (known to me) prairie (to the east) and mixed grass prairie (to the west). outside your local area, such as Poweshiek occur in the “Driftless Area” (an area lacking Skipperling. Contribute comments during the glacial depositions of “drift” or debris, apparently as, or even more, likely to be found Document butterfly observations by date and official period that federal and some states’ primarily in southwestern Wisconsin as well in Wisconsin than in Iowa. site with photos, sketches, and/or field notes regulations designate before finalizing their as immediately bordering parts of Illinois, So the hope remains that more Poweshiek describing them. Record all species always. implementation, including those affecting Iowa, and Minnesota). In the last Ice Age, populations may remain to be discovered, as Enumerate how many you see. Quantify endangered species. Write to your legislators. this area was entirely surrounded by glaciation they unobtrusively conduct their business, low your survey effort (e.g., start and end times, Attend hearings. but not overtopped by it. Is the rougher, in the grass, ephemeral in timing. But should distance walked) and weather conditions. steeper terrain in this region unfavorable for they be found (or should populations still exist Follow established routes within a site. RANGE Poweshieks, perhaps by allowing too much in “subdetectable” sites), will we listen to the Resurvey regularly. Segment your route by The range of Poweshiek Skipperlings shown forest in floodplains and north-facing slopes? story the species has already told us, so that vegetative and management differences, and on page 30 is based upon accepted records, A remarkable paucity of Poweshiek we can more effectively care for them? record your butterfly observations separately especially as found in state and provincial field records also occurs in the eastern and central for each segment. guides and scientific articles. portions of the southern tier of Minnesota WHAT YOU CAN DO Except for Michigan, this range is counties. Record what you see: These suggestions Pool your observations: While I am sharing approximately bounded on the east and north move from the easiest to the most rigorous. my personal observations in this article by the border between tallgrass prairie and 30 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 31 IDENTIFICATION This raises another interesting question: did U.S. Mexico Poweshiek Skipperling is distinctive for being (does?) Poweshiek also occur farther east than New! Field Guide to Sunstreak Arizona Chiapas Mexican Butterflies predominately dark above, pale gray below currently known? The Garita flight period is California Northeast with white vein scaling, relatively elongate offset about 1-2 weeks earlier. Both species Tours Colorado Oaxaca and rounded in shape, and often flying have the distinctive white scaling on the veins If you want to see and Florida Veracruz relatively slowly (for a skipper) low in the of the HW below. Garita is smaller and more Texas grass. By far the most similar species in range likely to be in drier, shorter grassland. The learn about butterflies Wyoming Puerto Rico is the closely related Garita Skipperling. But most obvious difference is the background — come with us! a few other skippers overlap with Poweshiek color of the HW below. In Poweshiek, this and can superficially resemble it. is usually charcoal (ignoring the pale white A little bit smaller, Least Skipper is similar overscaling that is prominent on the veins in flight habit. The forewing (FW), both but also more sparsely occurring elsewhere, above and below, is remarkably similar both leading to an overall impression of gray). On in amount of dark area and location of orange, Garita, this is usually orange. There is potential although the orange is more extensive on the for variation — something of an orangish margin (“outer margin”) below. However, cast to Poweshiek and a darkish cast to some the Least’s hindwing (HW) is predominantly Garitas (perhaps more so when faded). orange (not dark above and not silvery or gray But three characters are definitive for below). Leasts, more so with some fading, distinguishing Poweshiek and Garita. First, photos from can give the impression of lighter veins on the Poweshiek has a relatively large black stripe Puerto Rico tour hindwing below. European Skippers also have near the trailing margin of the HW, on the (go to our website Visit our websites a relatively weak flight, but have much more “inner marginal fold” but often not visible or to view photos from www.sunstreaktours.com orange on all wings and a more triangular only barely so when observed live. However, this recent trip) www.sunstreakbooks.com shape. However, faded individuals can give a what is missed in live observation can often Questions? 973-285-0890; [email protected] sense of striations on the HW. be detected, even as the slightest stripe, in Definitely not a flutterer and restricted to photographs. Garita is orange there. Second, wetlands (although sometimes found slightly on Poweshiek’s FW below, away from the more upland at nectar), Two-spotted Skippers costal and outer margins, on the inner area can be distinguished in that on the FW above of the FW, the background color is dark. On CERTIFY males have a stigma (black line in the middle Garita, this is orange. This inner area can only YOUR LOVE of the wing, surrounded by a bit of orange) be seen in the field if the FW is not tucked all and females have a few white or creamy spots. the way under the HW. Third, on the costal OF The HW below has light striations on the margin of the FW, particularly on the topside, BUTTERFLY veins, like Poweshieks, but the background Poweshiek is orange, in contrast to the darker color is orangish, orange-brown, or tan- area farther out on the the remainder of the GARDENING brown. While Poweshieks can also have a bit FW below. Garita shows a relatively uniform of an orangish cast on the HW (which may orange or mottled orange-dark color over the be reflectance from the flower it’s nectaring entire costal margin and FW generally. This on), the background still has a grayish or pattern on the costal margin is subtler below, Visit www.nababutterfly.com silvery cast too. Two-spotted Skippers have but may show some value for identification a distinctive white fringe on the trailing too. If present, another character distinguishes to learn how you can join the margin of the HW, while Poweshieks have an Poweshiek: black on the outer fringe of the growing group of gardeners who extensive black stripe there (discussed below). HW vs. more uniformly white on Garita. are sharing their love of gardening A more western species, Garita But this only applies to fresh Poweshiek and concern for the environment Skipperling overlaps with Poweshiek’s individuals — the black edges may wear off. range in Manitoba, North Dakota, and far All of these characters can be seen for both by certifying their butterfly northwestern Minnesota, with Garita also species in Jeff Glassberg’s Butterflies Through gardens and habitats. recorded in one disjunct area of Ontario. Binoculars: The East.

32 American Butterflies,Winter 2008 33