BROCKTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS SUMMER RESOURCE GUIDE FAMILY FUN IN THE CITY AND BEYOND! B.P.S. School Registration and Parent Information Center SUMMER 2013 SUMMER 2013 Summer is almost here and many parents and family members will be looking for activities, programs and things to do with their children. We have complied a listing of many summer activities for the children and their parents to take part in. This summer guide to get you going and give you plenty of things to do! No more excuses like "I'm bored,’ "There's nothing to do." Many exciting activities for everyone from young to old. School's out, so why not fill your days with activities that score high marks with the whole family. From ways to take learning on the road to the discoveries your child can make right in your backyard, these ideas will welcome a season to explore, learn, and play. We hope this guide is helpful in planning for an educational, fun and healthy summer of 2013. Please call the programs listed for more information. For additional information please contact: Jane Feroli ~ Brockton Public Schools Specialist for Parent Engagement at 508-894-4328 or email
[email protected] Have a fun and safe summer! This guide was created with the assistance from the parent liaisons as part of the Parent Engagement Program in the Brockton Public Schools. TABLE of CONTENTS Page 3 Brockton School Department Information Page 4 Summer Fun in Brockton Page 5 Mayor Balzotti’s Friday Night Movies Page 6 Farmers Markets Page 7 Brockton Summer Free Lunch Program Page 8 - 9 Brockton After Dark Page 10 B.P.S.