Above – Kat Werry in the two seat of World Championship final

News covered below:

• 2018 Head of the Yarra • Naming of the Sean Colgan and Dr Bibi Colgan eights • New member profile – Kat Werry • Our Spanish Import for Head of the Yarra • Head of the Yarra Entries • Melbourne Head results • Naming of the Sean Colgan and Dr Bibi Colgan – Thursday 22nd November 6pm • James Tomkins in the news – Time to end ‘winning at all costs’ culture, he says • Book now for the Christmas Luncheon • Remembrance Day 2018 • Ever wondered about the benefits of ? • 2019 Henley Royal Regatta • From the archives – 60 years ago • New Member Profiles – over 150 published • Thursday Night Social Hour

2018 Head of the Yarra Published 25th November 2018

In summary, congratulations to the open women’s eight and the men’s B eight, both winners. Both did not have an easy ride of it with MUBC pushing Mercs the whole way through the race. Our girls won by 4.5 seconds with MUBC and a Queensland composite crew second and third respectively with almost no margin between them.

Our star studded crew was as follows, we even have an Australian representative miss out on the crew!

Bow: Kat Werry 2: Fiona Albert 3: Katrina Bateman 4: Amanda Bateman 5: Jess Morrison 6: Addy Dunkley-Smith 7: Anna Boada Peiro Str: Jennifer Cleary Cox: Jamima Jamieson Coaches: Nicholas Mitchell,

Faith Gasparini has provided the following pictures.

Above: Morell Bridge

Above: After Morell Bridge

Above: Presentations

If that was close, the men’s B eight won by less than a second to Toowong. Our crew was good and comprised:

Bow: William Legge 2: James Hoban 3: Joel Cain 4: Mitchell Hooper 5: Antoine Lagouge 6: Callum Nott 7: Angus Maloney Str: Carl Tomczak Cox: Jordan King Coach: Nicholas Mitchell

Faith Gasparini is again our photographer.

Above: From Morell Bridge


The men’s open eight was a stacked field. The winning crew was a composite SUBC which contained the Australian men’s four who had won the FISA male crew of the year – the most successful crew in World Rowing in 2018. Congratulations to them on their row on Saturday and their prestigious award the night before.

The other crews, including our own, was not too shabby either.

Our Men’s Open eight was:

Bow: Red Matthews 2: Jayden Grey 3: Benjamin Canham 4: Alexander Clarke 5: Josh Dunkley-Smith 6: Tom Hunt 7: Edward Northrop Str: Liam Donald Cox: James Rook Coach: Nicholas Mitchell

Above: Our eight in action

Our women’s B eight finished second in their division to a strong Queensland crew. Our crew was:

Bow: Jacqueline Hart 2: Gemma Sibillin 3: Daisy Butterworth 4: Mimi Tuddenham 5: Georgia Stewart 6: Madeleine Thomas 7: Kirstie Green Str: Georgie Gleeson Cox: Adelaide Cester Coaches: Brigette Carlile, Casey Cobb

Above: Our crew at the start

We also had a plethora of masters crews who thoroughly enjoyed the day. Perhaps the best of them was our G crew (average age 65) which included the Club’s benefactor and great friend of the Club, Sean Colgan. He raced with Ian Duthie (USA), Rod Stewart (UK), Tony Spriggins from Adelaide, Captain Bill Webster, Smokey Dawson and life member Andrew Guerin to name some of the crew. The crew did not get its final combination together until the day but managed a couple of rows on Thursday and Friday in various guises. This crew finished second in their division. Our President also raced in an E division crew which finished third. Most importantly, no one died in the making of these masters races!!

Above: Some of masters crews after the racing Another superb Head of the Yarra although some of us wonder how many more we should do? Naming of the Sean Colgan and Dr Bibi Colgan eights Published 23rd November 2018 The Club was fortunate to have Sean Colgan in town to enable the Sean Colgan and Dr Bibi Colgan eights to be named. This was done with great style by Sean before a group of mixed young and masters rowers. Well done Sean and thank you for your continued great support for the Club.

Above: Dr Bibi Colgan named by Sean

Above: The Sean Colgan being named

New Member Profile – Kat Werry Published 19th November 2018 In time for the Head of the Yarra this weekend, at which Kat will be competing, we bring you her member profile. Along with her fellow Mercantile members at the National Training Centre, she will race in our women’s open eight. It is a superb eight and it is great to see Kat and her colleagues back at the Club.

Her profile is most interesting and important.

Please keep the profiles coming through.

Above: Kat on the podium at the 2018 World Championships

Our Spanish Import for the Head of the Yarra Published 19th November 2018 Captain Bill Webster has alerted your correspondent to keep an eye out for Anna Boada, our Spanish import, at the Club in the pre Christmas period.

Anna will be in the 7 seat of our Women’s Open 8+ this Saturday in the Head of the Yarra. She is training with us until Xmas and possibly (hopefully) longer, depending on Spanish team permission.

Anna is an exceptional athlete and I quote from the World Rowing website in their section on “The year that was…the pair”.

Biggest Surprise: Aina Cid and Anna Boada Peiro of Spain. They took bronze at the World Championships and also medalled at I. Maybe not a complete surprise as they have been climbing the ranks in recent years with an A-final finish at the Rio Olympics. Spain’s rising stars.

Above: Anna (far right) taking bronze at the 2018 World Championships this year.

Head of the Yarra Entries Published 19th November 2018 Male Masters E Eight Mercantile/Banks [E] Rodney Pilmore [BANKS], Gregory Hansen [MERC], Hamish Fitzsimmons [MERC], Hugh McVicker [MERC], Geoff Barden [MERC], Simon Morrison [MERC], Chris Shinners [BANKS], Anthony Johnson [MERC], Cox: Ally Legge [BANKS]

FMF+8+ Female Masters F-K Eight Mercantile [F] Jan Naylor, Carolyn Browne, Pernette Wijnen, Irena Benjamin, Louise Honman, Kerry Morrison, Christine Howgate, Jennifer Williams, Cox: Robyn Varney

MMG8+ Male Masters G Eight Mercantile Composite [G] Tony Spriggins [MERC], Ian Duthie [MELB], Terry Phillips [MELB], Andrew Guerin [MERC], Rodney Stewart [MERC], Ray Dawson [MERC], Tim Juzefowicz [ESSEN], Sean Colgan [MERC], Cox: Bill Webster [MERC]

Mercantile [G] Colin Kimpton, Stephen Gillon, Peter De Garis, Andrew Phillips, Euan McMinn, Jeffrey Thompson, Mark Groves, Andrew McDonald, Cox: Seb Jenner XMAC8+ Mixed Eight (incorporating A-C Masters) Albert Park-Sth Melbourne Comp 1 Rick Amoore [APSM], Brenton Rasheed [MERC], Karen O’Shanesy [APSM], Benjamin Hill [APSM], Candace Deasley [APSM], Robert Anderson [MELB], Kathryn McGregor [APSM], Fiona Cullen [APSM], Cox: Lisa Letic [APSM]

FB8+ Female B Grade Eight Mercantile [B] Jacqueline Hart, Gemma Sibillin, Daisy Butterworth, Mimi Tuddenham, Georgia Stewart, Madeleine Thomas, Kirstie Green, Georgie Gleeson, Cox: Jamima Jamieson, Coaches: Brigette Carlile, Casey Cobb

MB8+ Male B Grade Eight Mercantile [B] Michael McNamara, James Hoban, Jack Kelly, Mitchell Hooper, Joel Cain, Jayden Grey, William Legge, Carl Tomczak, Cox: Roy Zhang, Coach: Nicholas Mitchell

FO8+ Female Open Eight Mercantile , Ria Thompson, Katrina Bateman, Fiona Albert, Jess Morrison, Amanda Bateman, Rachel Engel, Jennifer Cleary, Cox: Jamima Jamieson, Coaches: Nicholas Mitchell, David Colvin

MO8+ Male Open Eight Mercantile Red Matthews, Alexander Clarke, Benjamin Canham, Edward Northrop, Tom Hunt, Alexander Wolf, Liam Donald, , Cox: James Rook, Coach: Nicholas Mitchell

Melbourne Head Results Published 18th November 2018 The Club was well represented at the Melbourne Head on Saturday. The regatta boasted a record entry and shows every sign of getting bigger next year.

Our wining crews were as follows with Ria Thompson and Fiona Albert picking up two wins.

Open Scull – Red Matthews

Above: Red on the way to the start

Women’s open – Ria Thompson and Fiona Albert

Above: Ria and Fi on the way to the start

Men’s Club scull – Alex Kinsella

Above: Alex on the way to the start

Men’s Club eight Str: William Achermann 7: Timothy Benton 6: Alexander Selemba 5: Tom Murray 4: Harry Cathcart 3: Eric Low 2: Ben Clarke 1: James Kelly Cox: Phillip Tran

Above: Our club eight on the way to the start

Open Eight Str: Carl Tomczak 7: Tom Hunt 6: Edward Northrop 5: Benjamin Canham 4: Josh Dunkley-Smith 3: Joel Cain 2: Alexander Clarke 1: Redmond Matthews Cox: James Rook

Above: Open eight off the start

Women’s Open Quad Scull Str: Ria Thompson 3: Anna Boada 2: Fiona Albert 1: Madeleine Thomas

Above: The men’s master’s crews – as Geoff Barden described this scene – the President takes a knee to lead the Masters crews in a moment of reflection, ” Why did we agree to this “

Above: Our Treasurer starting crews on Saturday

Naming of the Sean Colgan and Dr Bibi Colgan – Thursday 22nd November 6pm Published 13th November 2018 We are fortunate that Sean Colgan will be joining us in Melbourne from Thursday 22nd November through to Sunday 25th November. He will be racing in the Head of the Yarra on the Saturday in a crew of several people who have travelled the world to join him in this race.

He will do the honours on Thursday night at 6pm on both the Sean Colgan and the Dr Bibi Colgan. There will be rowing in big boats thereafter followed by a BBQ and drinks at Trader’s Bar – where else.

Please come down and enjoy the celebration of the unbelievable work of Sean Colgan for the Club and the rowing festival of the Head of the Yarra.

Above: It is all on at Trader’s Bar afterwards

James Tomkins in the news – Time to end ‘winning at all costs’ culture, he says

Published 13th November 2018 Some sage advice from James – stop-winning-at-all-costs/10483846 Well spotted by our Captain Bill Webster.

Book now for the Christmas Luncheon

Published 11th November 2018

Details of the luncheon Just click on this trybooking logo to link to the booking site:

A luncheon for all members to enjoy.

Remembrance Day 2018

Updated 11th November 2018 The Victorian Oarsmen’s Cenotaph is in Boathouse Drive and contains the 316 names of those oarsmen who died in WWI. Six Mercantile names appear on the memorial. It is our own rowers memorial.

The Oarsmen’s Cenotaph 11 November 2018 with a hand knitted wreath from a Mercantile supporter

The Cenotaph is an important part of Victorian Rowing and of Melbourne. It represents the sacrifice of so many of our own to WWI. Over 50% of the rowers registered in Victoria prior to WWI enlisted, some 1,500 rowers. For those who want to find out more about this important memorial, please go to: As we all know, this Remembrance Day marks the 100 years since the Armistice which effectively ended WWI. Many of the Club’s members served in the Great War and sadly six did not return.

To read about some of those who lost their lives in that war, member profiles exist for four of them.

William Cumberland Norman Johnson Arthur Lingham Norman Nation Three of them came from just one junior eight which won at Henley in 1914, the last full season before the war. The three were: William Cumberland, Norman Nation and Norman Johnson.

Lest we forget.

Ever wondered about the benefits of rowing?

Published 6th November 2018 in conjunction with member Marty O’Halloran have produced a superb video which is absolutely worth viewing. This video, created for RA pro bono through the exceptional work of the DDB Group (Marty O’Halloran) and Interbrand. It also launches RA’s new vision statement, Excellence through Rowing, on and off the water, where we aim to inspire and enable everyone involved with rowing to be the best they can be. You can watch the video here on the Rowing Australia YouTube Channel here. Henley Royal Regatta 2019

Published 6th November 2018 Next year is the centenary of the 1919 Henley Peace Regatta at which the King’s Cup was won by the AIR No 1 crew. Mercantile is planning to send a crew to this regatta. The celebration will include a luncheon at Australia House on the Tuesday before the regatta and racing between services crews.

We are aware that there are some members who will be attending. We would welcome keeping in touch with those who are interested in attending so that accommodation, ticketing, event and other matters can be arranged.

For those interested, please email Jenny Fraumano at [email protected] so that you can be kept in the loop on what other members are doing.

Above: Mercs four in 2018 at HRR

Member Profiles – now over 150 published Published 6th November 2018 Each month more member profiles are added. We now have over 150 published on the website. We wish to record profiles of all current and past members so please submit others to [email protected]. Subject to editorial review, they will be published with the author’s name and date.

This month we start with recognising the following great members.

Georgie Gleeson – one of superb young members with a great future ahead of her.

Above: Georgie Gleeson with Kirsty Green in 2017

Jim Howden – one of the greats of Australian rowing, an architect of the professionalism of rowing is Australia. Keith Bilney – a Club coach who did so much for the sport. John Hill – a staunch and valuable Club member Julie Orr – one of our breakfast Mums and great supporter of the Club Bob Gregg – a past Captain of the Club Colin Lewis – a successful lightweight and junior oarsman of the early 1950s who went onto be Club Secretary

From the archives – 60 years ago Published 6th November 2018 This month we take a delightful pictorial look at club life in the late 1950s. The photos are care of Simon Newcomb. Enjoy.

Above: Christmas Regattas 1958 – Str: David Boykett, 3: Chris De Guigand, 2: Col Grant, Bow: Bill Wallace

Above: Towing the Club’s boats down the Murray in 1957

Above: Going through the locks

Above: En route to regattas – Terry Swanston, Geoff Grinblat, Chris De Guingand and Simon Newcomb

Above: En route to the Easter Regattas – Left to right Bill Bradshaw, Simon Newcomb, Chris De Guigand, Tony Cordell, Geoff Grinblat, Ron Richardson and Bill Wallace

Above: Maiden Pair at Mildura 1957

Above: Open eight at Mildura 1957

Above: Post regatta refreshments Mildura 1857

Tuesday night masters ergo night Republished 1st October 2018 With the masters now doing ergos on Tuesday nights, the gym is getting crowded after 6pm. Every ergo was used on 1st August and there was not even a need for an ambulance.

Tuesday night is ergo night

Thursday Masters Nights Republished 1st October 2018 Reminder that all masters rowers are welcome for a row on Thursday nights followed by a sausage sizzle and refreshments. Row at 6pm and sausage sizzle at 7.30pm. All welcome. Please call Andrew Guerin on 0417 554799 to get put on the weekly email.

Thursday nights after the row