Southern Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1-2 (December 2012), 46-65 “Other/ed” Kinds of Blackness: An Afrodiasporic Versioning of Black Canada Mark V. Campbell University of Guelph Dr. Mark V. Campbell, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Guelph
[email protected] Abstract: For centuries Canada has been home to several overlapping diasporas parCally consisCng of African Americans refugees, exiled Maroons, Black Loyalists, and many others migrant groups from various African diasporas. Accordingly, the possibility of ‘a’ Black Canadian idenCty remains illusive, due in part to conCnual influxes of members of the African diaspora into Canada. The rigidity of a single unifying idenCty and the seemingly porous nature of naonal boundaries urges us to move towards a conceptual shiL that refuses to seek a unifying discursive idenCty posiCon. Importantly, black idenCty poliCcs in Canada have benefited from the rise of ConCnental African voices in Canadian hip hop music. One of the goals of this paper is to expand the conceptual terrain of overlapping African diasporas illuminated by ConCnental African hip hoppers in Canada. Thus, both the lyrical innovaons and geopoliCcal orientaons of arCsts like Shad and K’Naan highlight the overlapping nature African diasporas in Canada, opening new ways to think more expansively about Black Canadian idenCty as Afrodiasporic idenCty. Importantly, the main contribuCon of this paper is to mobilize versioning as a conceptual tool that remixes our contemporary noCons of Black Canada to highlight some of the ways in which we might trouble (or update) blackness in Canada, parCcularly paying aenCon to the kinds of idenCty intervenCons made possible by newcomer East African populaons within Canada’s diaspora space.