Minutes Template
LIVERPOOL CITY REGION COMBINED AUTHORITY PUBLICATION: 22 JANUARY 2021 DEADLINE FOR CALL-IN: 29 JANUARY 2021 FOLLOWING THE CALL-IN PERIOD, DECISIONS INCLUDED IN THESE MINUTES MAY THEN BE IMPLEMENTED WHERE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN SUBJECT TO A CALL-IN. * DENOTES KEY DECISION At a meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority held remotely on Friday, 22nd January, 2021 the following Members were P r e s e n t: Metro Mayor S Rotheram Chairperson of the Combined Authority (in the Chair) Members of the LCR Combined Authority Councillor D Baines, Portfolio Holder: Digital Connectivity and Inclusion Mr A Hamid MBE, Portfolio Holder: Business and Brexit Councillor I Maher, Portfolio Holder: Culture, Tourism and the Voluntary Sector Councillor W Simon, Portfolio Holder: Education, Employment and Skills Councillor R Polhill, Portfolio Holder: Low Carbon and Energy Renewables Councillor J Williamson, Portfolio Holder: Inclusive Economy and Third Sector Co-opted Members Councillor L Robinson, Portfolio Holder: Transport and Air Quality Jane Kennedy, Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner Associate Member Councillor C Mitchell, Warrington Borough Council (Substitute for Councillor R Bowden) Deputy Portfolio Holders Councillor K Groucutt, Inclusive Economy and Third Sector Councillor P Sinnott, Education, Employment and Skills Councillor G Wood, Low Carbon and Energy Renewables Councillor C Thomas, Policy, Resources and Reform 92. MINUTES SILENCE Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Metro Mayor reported with great sadness on the passing of Gerry Marsden MBE. He explained how Gerry, who was the lead singer of the band Gerry and the Pacemakers, was the first band, to have their first three records reach number one in the UK Charts.
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