Bee Gee News July, 1926
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-1-1926 Bee Gee News July, 1926 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News July, 1926" (1926). BG News (Student Newspaper). 64. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ■ z^*m Kl n BEE GEE NEWS STATE NORMAL COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, JULY, 1926 Vol. VII. No. X Page 2 BEE GEE NEWS HAVE THE BEE GEE NEWS SENT TO YOU NEXT YEAR BEE GEE NEWS Page S ■ i Page 4 BEE GEE NEWS The Faculty-Student Ball faculty's one and an umpire favoring them, they should have. But, anyway, Game - - - Vendetta! being a student, we yell as lustily as any, The faculty may amuse themselves "sweet revenge." throughout the year by handing out C's or D's to those who think they deserve A's. They may dampen the ardor of the Faculty Notes overambitious, they may even condemn Prof. E. L. Moseley again stepped into a student to be a "repeater"; but there the limelight as a discoverer of new spec- is one opportunity for the students to get ies of vascular plants. The State Her- sweet revenge, i. e. the annual Faculty- barium lately got out an addition to its Student ball game. Even that is oc- catalog of vascular plants in which 191 casionally adding insult to injury—as the new species are recorded—species hither- faculty sometimes win, as they did last to unknown in Ohio and some of them year. Poetic justice ruled this year's quite rare. It seems that our Mr. Mose- event for the students won the long end ley accounted for 52 of the 191 new spec- of a 9-15 score. The faculty have plenty ies. Mr. Moseley put Sandusky on the of alibis, however, among them the fact map and is now engaged in putting Bowl- that the students employed two teams ing Green there. This same report credits •- and the other—not so good—that um- Mr. Alspach and Mrs. Engle students pire "Doc" Lake, seemed to favor the at B. G. N. C. with some rare discover- students. ies also. The game was called at four o'clock. o The faculty in their warm up showed Probably most of us think of Miss that the opposition would have no bed Blum as the quiet, efficient, and extreme- of roses. The faculty went to bat first ly watchful little librarian. We didn't but were unable to connect with Sipe's discover until just the other day—and delivery. Then they went to the field in that by dint of skillful questions—what true athletic fashion: Left-handed Crow- a human body she is. She talked quite ley to pitch; Knepper to star behind the freely about libraries, books, and bat, McEwen at first, Ronk at second, especially, library schools. The latter Powell at short, Steller at third; Kim- topic was quite interesting. Few of us mel at right field; Martin at center, and realize that the degree B. L. S. means Landis at left. four years of regular college and 2 years At the end of the fourth inning the post graduate work. score stood 3-2 favor of the profs. It Miss Blum says these are very fine op- was in this inning that the students play- portunities for those who get a four- ed a "dirty trick" by putting in an en- year degree in library science especially tirely new lineup. The profs, in their in libraries specializing in juvenile liter- half of the fifth accumulated 5 runs but ature. She cited us to a report of C. C. the students secured 9. From this frame Certain, Supervisor of School Libraries on, pitcher Gahn had the heads of de- in Detroit to give us a better idea of what partments and their assistants eating can be done to train young people to be- out of his hand. come library assistants. Miss Blum The stars of the game were undoubt- spoke of seeing some lower grade chil- edly all on the profs' side: Crowley's left- dren being taught how to use library re- hand delivery; the masterly catching of ference and how to conduct themselves in Knepper; McEwen's veteran handling a library. It came out in the course of of first sack; Beattie's star catch at sec- our talk that only two or three schools ond; Steller's two home-runs and the in U. S. grant the B. L. S. degree; also home run of Landis; Martin's beautiful that the American Library Association fielding all deserve undying fame. Of maintains a library school in Paris to course ,the students won. Why should- teach the French American efficiency. n't they? With two teams to the Anyone interested in such a course BEE GEE NEWS Page 5 would do well to consult Miss Blum—if Sight-seeing always makes one hun- you can find her when she isn't too busy gry and this was no exception. Before to talk. going to supper at the Y. W. C. A. o Cafeteria, we went to the Hotel Ft. Miss Bertha Jacobs who has been Shelby and engaged our rooms for the teaching history in the college this sum- night. After supper we went to the De- mer has just presented a copy of The troit Public Library which we found Nation's History to the library. This very interesting not alone because of the book was written by Miss Jacobs in colla- contents in books but in the large amount boration with Arthur R. Leonard, head of art to be seen in wall and ceiling de- of History Dept. of Central High School corations and in Mosaics. Columbus. It is a large and attractive Saturday night we went out to the volume and is printed by Henry Holt & University of Detroit Stadium where we Co. under copyright of 1925. witnessed the pageant "1776". It is re- o quested that no one tell the college Mr. Moseley lately presented the authorities what time we got in as it was M library with a number of fine books almost the wee hours. among them an 8-volums series of books Sunday morning, after breakfast at called Book of Ohio. 7:30, we were shown through the impos- o ing Book-Cadilac Hotel. We had a fine The American Library Association, a view of Detroit from the 29th story but companion group to the N. E. A. held were too early to see station W C X with its regular mid-winter meeting at Chi- which all radio fans of this section are cago last December. The chairman of familiar. the teachers college section sent a request At 9:15 we left Detroit on the steam- to our Librarian to send her a copy of er Tashmoo for Sarnia, Canada. Sunday the new library plans. So you see we was a day of rest and all were willing are moving in big company. to take it as fcuch after such a strenuous day as Saturday haa been. We all en- joyed a fine view of Lake Huron and also The Detroit-Lake Huron Trip the scenery along the Detroit and St. Saturday morning July 10 at 5:45 Clair rivers. We arrived in B. G. again sharp 35 students and other gathered in the victims of many happy and some un- front of the Court House for the trip happy events. Ask Edwards if you don't to Detroit and Lake Huron. At the ap- believe there were unhappy events. pointed hour to depart, everyone piled Miss Webb is offering a reward for in- in a big Blue Goose bus and we were off. formation leading to the apprehension Our first stop was at Henry Ford's River of the person who sent her a ripe juicy Rouge plant where we spent a little over banana. an hour. We then went direct to Belle Isle and everybody being hungry we had lunch at the Casino Cafeteria. After Bee Gee's New Gym lunch we spent about three hours at the How many of you knew that the num- Conservatory, Aquarium, and the Zoo. ber of men students attending this col- Our curiosity satisfied at Belle Isle lege has doubled within the last 4 years? we boarded a bus to the Art Museum. It has only been 8 or 9 years since there Here one of the guides explained the art were enough men in college to form a treasures to us making it very interest- basketball team and there was even one ing. substitute besides the five men on the The Detroit Fress Press officials per- team. Last year there were about 830 mitted us to go through their establish- people attending this college. Of this ment and all got a good idea of the im- number 225 were men. Next year we mense amount of labor necessary to give expect a thousand students to enroll for us our daily newspapers. the winter term and we don't expect the Page 6 BEE GEE NEWS percentage of men coming to grow less.