
Posted on Authorea 28 Aug 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159863452.24079969 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. okre l 05 otre l 05.Pre ta.(09 eoye aiclmrya dpieand identify adaptive to at females lamprey of Pacific mass genotyped egg (2019) al. proportional et the Parker measured 2015). (Petromyzontiformes; and taxon al. polymorphisms primitive et a nucleotide and from Potter single fish ocean- 2015; anadromous neutral the boneless al. describe and et to jawless a Docker histories” is “life lamprey use Pacific The to recommendation lamprey. a Pacific of with forms discuss conclude we stream-maturing and Here or “”, precedents. lamprey perceived using Pacific follow (ecotypes suggest 2013; in adult may to terms al. of terms attempt different diversity these et an common which within- of Chavarie or have use same in 1998; phenomena, The terms situation al. 2012). biological particular al. et these on et Baker a take of Palacios (e.g., unique 2008; Several combination a al. novelty, 1992). et in actual Wood Rose Meier or 2004; inter-changeably and and al. 1991; used et Winemiller Jamie Lindberg ecotypes Brannon often and 1989; 2019; are 2015); Sorensen (Stearns al. and Segura-Trujillo 1988; histories Sk´ulason et roots, Peschke al. 1998; (Sch¨onborn life 1995; and et ecophenotypes al. and Smith 2019); Collyer et (Sk´ulason2020); and (Baker 2013; al. polymorphisms ecomorphotypes These et 2018); 2019); Kloh Cruz-Font al. Pro´ck´ow diversity. al. 2018; 2018; phenotypic et et al. within-species Chavarie al. et denote et 1994; to Arostegui and Weinberg terms 1944; ocean- and (Gregor of the (Lessios plethora describe morphotypes a to include includes histories” literature “life scientific use The to recommendation lamprey. a Pacific with of forms conclude stream-maturing (e.g., and “ecotypes”, diversity lamprey (ecotypes using phenotypic Pacific in terms adult within-species of different diversity denote discuss which within-species we to in same Here terms situation histories). life particular of and a polymorphisms; plethora ecophenotypes; a ecomorphotypes; ecotypes; includes morphotypes; literature scientific The “life use lamprey to Pacific recommendation Abstract adult a lamprey. Pacific of with of diversity conclude forms within-species differ- and stream-maturing same which and “ecotypes”, the ocean- in using describe the situation in describe to challenge particular to used important a histories” been an discuss have note we histories) tridentatus, Here life ecotypes; Entosphenus morphotypes; and histories). (e.g., (ecotypes diversity life phenotypic terms within-species and ent denote polymorphisms; to terms ecophenotypes; of plethora ecomorphotypes; a includes literature scientific The Abstract 2020 28, August 3 2 1 Clemens Benjamin to lamprey tridentatus “ecotypes” Pacific Entosphenus than stream-maturing term and appropriate ocean- more describe a is histories” “Life SGooia uvy rgnCoeaieFs n idieRsac nt USGS Unit, Research Wildlife and Fish Cooperative Oregon Survey, Wildlife Geological and US Fish of Department Oregon University State Oregon 1,2 n alSchreck Carl and 3 1 nopeu tridentatus Entosphenus nopeu tridentatus Entosphenus and and iehsois aebe sdt eciethe describe to used been have histories) life iehsois aebe sdt eciethe describe to used been have histories) life oea motn challenge important an note , oea motn challenge important an note , Posted on Authorea 28 Aug 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159863452.24079969 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. iehligi rs ae ro osann ol il ihrautsria n eudt o ocean- for fecundity and survival adult higher yield could spawning freshwater, less to example, enter For prior they lamprey. water Pacific that life stream-maturing year fresh stream-maturing to same in relative and the differences ocean- holding in history of time spawn life distribution predict lamprey of would extent ocean-maturing one and If then use lamprey. Pacific the of identify to histories important be will It ape,“iehsois samr prpit ie osraie emta eoye”t eciewithin- describe to “ecotypes” than term conservative) (i.e. Pacific schedules: appropriate the maturation regarding more knowledge of a scientific variation present stages is species the identify given histories” that, to stream-maturing “life argue and to histology lamprey, reasons ocean- of inter-related initially the three use offer who described We and al. (2013), dimensions, et al. histories”. Clemens and et “life “ecotypes”, sizes as Clemens than and forms lamprey organ of Rather morphology Pacific development. and conclusions included gonadal of that the body of and characteristics support an proportional phenotypic general, al. offers comprehensive of in research from et physiology diversity Parker Their same and lamprey. of this evolution stream-maturing results identified of and The understanding ocean- particular. the in in variation to phenotypic contribution for important basis genetic a “iehsoy ontsdmgahcdvriyo hntps hc etist orltosadtrade- and correlations to pertains which phenotypes, of diversity demographic connotes history” “Life 3. them of understanding place to (2013) al. et Clemens by chosen were phenotypes the of names The 2. Cretifraini nucett ocueta h ca-adsra-auigfrsaegene- are forms stream-maturing and ocean- the that conclude to insufficient is information Current 1. h ceeo ieilradRs ocnld htPcfi ape,a pce,i proi”life “periodic” a is species, a the as lamprey, into Pacific lamprey used that Pacific furthermore conclude the al. for to et used Rose identified Clemens strategist. al. and (1992). they history et Winemiller Rose diversity Clemens of and within-species Winemiller scheme 2002). of the the Wikelski paradigm and body place history Ricklefs life and to well-established 1992; age-at-maturation, history” Rose fecundity, “life and growth, 2013). term Winemiller mortality, al. 1989; Pacific of et (Stearns with Clemens characteristics size 2005; sympatric organismal (Quinn are among spring salmon the offs Pacific in spawn lamprey. lamprey) Pacific Pacific of (like steelhead understanding and advance lamprey, evolutionary to extensive template the steelhead of a context and particularly physio- the and ocean- 2005), salmon into morphological terms Pacific Quinn study the The on place their literature species. to from ecological al. well-studied lamprey and et more Pacific Clemens on other, by information used about logical were known histories is life what and stream-maturing, of some template encountered the lamprey. could within ecotypes Pacific phenotype for these each by practices that conservation occupied evidence and different monitoring require the enhance would of greatly Knowledge ancestor isolation. divergence and reproductive evolutionary common ocean- of the a of for degree variation responsible from implicati- was reproductive management ecotypes selection the and environmental of to evolutionary that conclude important referring to that has when However, appreciate this ecotypes ons. We because of 2019). population lamprey concept al. panmictic Pacific et the one stream-maturing Parker raise suggests isolation; al. of reproductive lamprey assessment et no Pacific Further, Parker (i.e., stream-maturing migration. differentiation point spawning and ecotypic any freshwater no ocean- at the with of niches during is different alleles co-occur It occupy neutral they isolated. and lamprey the reproductively cycle, Pacific feeding fully life stream-maturing description or juvenile their and the partially a in with have be ocean- argument either not whether this could does known pairs, furthered ecotypes species not (2019) lamprey species other Potter where closely-related the and situations with two Docker whereas synonymized of 2017). juvenile, al. been a et has as (Rougemont parasitic ecotypes stage is term species the one lampreys, where In 2014). al. et snail marine sdt ecieteueo ieetnce ydffrn om ftesm pce eg,bnhcand benthic (e.g., species same the of forms been has different genotypical and by the 1944), niches of Gregor stickleback different in result threespine of the cited a of 1922, use as forms (Turesson arising the limnetic habitat” product describe particular “the a display to as to that used defined ecospecies histories an been life of has than response rather trade-offs. habitats, history different life occupying phenotypes distinguishable tically itrn saxatilis Littorina hthv dpe oteato fwvso rdto ycas Westram crabs; by or waves of action the to adapted have that .mykiss O. Oncorhynchus atrsesaculeatus Gasterosteus 2 Bsy19;Banne l 04 un 05,as 2005), Quinn 2004; al. et Brannon 1996; (Busby p.(ely19;Hnr n tan 2004; Stearns and Hendry 1991; (Healey spp. ae ta.20,adtefrsof forms the and 2005, al. et Baker ; Posted on Authorea 28 Aug 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159863452.24079969 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. ole,M . .E al .D mt,adC .Hasrm 05 aia-opoyeascain of associations Habitat-morphotype 2015. Hoagstrom. W. C. and Smith, D. M. ( Hall, pupfish and E. Pecos characteristics M. Maturation L., 2013. M. B. Collyer, C. Schreck, and lamprey, 788. A., Pacific – S. the 775 Sower, of S., Wetering, strategies de life-history van Society. J., Fisheries B. American the Clemens, of Transactions V. coexistence 823. Lake. The I. Trout: – Bear Lake 814 and Great in 142: Waknitz, in polymorphism Sympatric morphotypes W. 2013. shallow-water Tonn. F. M. multiple California. W. Waples, of and and Howland, S. Oregon, L. R. K. NMFS-NWFSC-27. Idaho, L., Washington, Memo. Chavarie, Lierheimer, Tech. from J. Administration steelhead Atmospheric River L. coast and Columbia Bryant, west Oceanographic of J. of 232. National – structure review G. 99 Wainwright, Status Population 12: 1996. 2004. C. Science. Lagomarsino. Talbot. T. Fisheries A. J., in and P. Reviews Busby, Quinn, trout. P. steelhead T. and Powell, salmon S. Chinook Basin M. 159. traits – L., life-history 141 E. female 63: in Brannon, Variation Society. 1998. Linnean King. the W. R. of and stickleback, Journal Bell, threespine Biological A the M. of and Heins, populations C. benthic Alaskan D. Foster, of among A. differentiation S. Life-history A., J. 2005. Baker, Heins. 131. ( – C. stickleback 121 D. threespine 7: and of in Research. Foster, population ecotypes Ecology A. polytypic chromosomal a S. freshwater a in Cresko, alternative ecotypes of A. limnetic Retention for W. 2018. A., basis McKinney. 1427. J. J. genetic – Baker, G. 1412 the Seeb, 28: provides Ecology. E. Molecular J. ancestor trout. Seeb, anadromous rainbow W. an L. Quinn, from P. inversion T. C., comments M. and Arostegui, reviews providing for Noakes manuscript. David this References and of Johnson, draft Marc early Stahl, an Tom improved thank that the to by like funded would We was Schreck Carl University. Wildlife. State and Oregon Fish Acknowledgments at of Wildlife Department and Oregon Fisheries the of by Department funded to was contributed Clemens Schreck Ben Carl editing. and writing the information led Funding and editing. essay and this writing, for ideas, idea the the conceived Clemens Ben contributions Author interests. competing no have authors The interests essay. Competing this with associated are data No reproduce. and more mature statement conspecifics histories” which “life accessibility However, over Data demonstrated. schedule between spawning. distribution of been to diversity habitat not prior energy or the has life geographic that more prolong describes freshwater to in lamprey accurately and used in Pacific difference sources, being fundamental stream-maturing mortality holding than a and rather other suggests ocean- time fecundity or “ecotype” higher less predation that a generating conclude to because We for exposure is used less be This could to lamprey. that translate could stream-maturing spawning to before relative lamprey maturing yrndnpecosensis Cyprinodon nioae aia opee.Cpi,21() 8 199. – 181 2015(1): Copeia, complexes. habitat isolated in ) nopeu tridentatus Entosphenus 3 atrsesaculeatus Gasterosteus atrsesaculeatus Gasterosteus aainJunlo olg,91: Zoology, of Journal Canadian . .(ics Gasterosteidae). (Pisces: L. .Evolutionary ). Posted on Authorea 28 Aug 2020 | The copyright holder is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse without permission. | https://doi.org/10.22541/au.159863452.24079969 | This a preprint and has not been peer reviewed. Data may be preliminary. htp n s fatrpdrsucsb aso h genus the of bats by resources arthropod T. of S. 667. and use Willig, and R. photype M. A., C. Segura-Trujillo, va- individual and ecophenotypes including races, asperulum Rhizopoda), species, (Protozoa, Testacea on soil-inhabiting studies of 2017. Biometric riations 162. non- 1988. and Evanno. – Peschke. parasitic 142 G. T. of and and 26: Sch¨onborn, pairs W., Launey, Ecology. among S. Molecular divergence Besnard, genomic ecotypes. A.-L. parallel lamprey Genthon, underlying parasitic history C. demographic Perrier, the C. Evolution.Inferring Gagnaire, and P.-A. Ecology in Q., Trends Rougemont, nexus. physiology/life-history Press, 468. The Washington – of 2002. 462 University Wikelski. 17: M. trout. and and E., salmon R. Pacific Ricklefs, of ecology and behavior The Seattle. 2005. P. T. Quinn, 1043 Volume of control, ecophenotypes and in conservation distribution morphology biology, York. and phylogeny, Lampreys: New taxonomy, (editor), Series, Pro´ck´ow, The Docker B Pro´ck´ow, Monograph J. 2015. F. P. Fisheries M. M., Haoucher. and D. In: Fish and 74 Springer, Renaud, – 1. epistatic B. 35 3185. Pages C. and – Gill, basis lampreys. 3171 S. genetic of tridentatus) 28: H. the (Entosphenus C., Ecology. for I. Molecular Evidence Lamprey Potter, Pacific California. 2019. River, of Kinziger. Klamath two P. ecotypes the A. in river-maturing to and life and returning Narum, of ocean- R. pace S. underlying Hess, and interactions E. Corticosterone J. K., 2012. 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The – control. 287 1944. and W. pp. J. feedings conservation Netherlands, and Gregor, biology, The migratory Dordrecht, In: Alternative Springer, Lampreys: 34 lampreys: (Ed.), 38. in – evolution Vol. M.F. 1 history Series, Pages Docker, Life 2019. lampreys. in: Potter. Fisheries of types, C. and surfeit I. Fish A and Springer, M.F., Introduction: Docker, 1. Volume control, 2015. York. and conservation New Clemens. biology, Lake Series, J. Lampreys: Monograph top: B. of (editor), the Journal and Docker at Hume, F. predator. Life M. fish J. apex 2019. F., an M. Rennie. of 716. Docker, D. history – M. life 702 and and Minns, costs 88: K. metabolic Ecology. C. pattern, Animal Blanchfield, J. the P. influences Shuter, ecotype J. B. L., Cruz-Font, Excirolana s.Aci ¨rPoitnud.16 345-363. 136: f¨ur Protistenkunde. Archiv nsp. ntetosdso h shu fPnm.Eouin 8 3 548. – 530 48: Evolution. 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