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1985 The Fundamentalist Journal


The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 4, Number 8.

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Themost influentialconservative hotestant writer of our era - now collectedin this monurnentalset THE GOMPTETEWORKS OF FRANCISA. SCI{AEFFER

NOTa reprint- all22 volwhesrevised and updated Whois the mostimportant Evangelical writer of ourtime? ll a pollcould be taken amongEvangelicals the world ove( the nameol FrancisA. Schaeflerwould pro- bablylead all the rest.By far. Theliberals pretend that a fewTV preachers are causing lhe resurgence ol conser- vativeProtestantism. goes Butit far,far deeper, and much of thecredit 'l belongs to FrancisSchaeffer He is bringingthoughtful conservative Protestants ) back to their rootsand 2) rightsmack into the mainstream. Howto fonnulatea woddview that is bothChrislian and conservative Schaetlerranges lrom epistemologyto VOLUME 3: A Christiannev/ of spiritualityto lhe arts How to relatebiblical to the nitty-grittyof everydaylife. lncludesthese four books, completeand updated: VOLUME l:,4 ChrUian Wew of Philomphy ond Culture No Uttle People * True Spliluality * Th€ Nerf,Sup€r- How Chri$ianityrelates to ...to culture,Roots of Spirituality * Two C-ontents,Two Rerliaies the "Cod is dead" mentality. How to make the Christian live and flourish under modem conditions. lncludesthes€ four VOLUME 4: A Chrbtian Wew oJ the Church books,complete and updated: Why Westemculture is dying. Is the chulch dying too? How the The C'od Who ls Thert * Bcape ftom Reason* He ls churchcan surviveand grow in our time. Waysof giving Chris- There rnd He ls Not Silent * Back ao Frcedom and tian witnesstoday, in deedand word. How the churchcan cope Dignity with ecologicalproblerns and population gowth, Includesthese five books,complete and updated: VOLUME 2t A Christian Wew oJ the as Truth TheChurch at theEnd oflheTwentielh Cenlury* The ls the Bibletrue? How and why it istruth. Whendoes the Eible Church before the Watching World t The Mark of the touch on ?How to integraleGenesis with theologicaland Chdstian * Death in the City t The Great Evangelical scientificthought. How Bibletruth shouldrelate to Biblestudy Disaster - and to the Christianworld view.Includes these five books. completeand updated: VOLLJME5: ,4 Christiannew of the West C'enesisin Space and Time * No Iinal Connict * The rise of Westerncu.lture - and the seedsof decay.What Joshua and the Flow of Iliblical Historv * BasicIlible Christiansmust do. C-oming:the deathof freedomand the ris€ Sludies * Art snd the flble of an authoritarian elte? Abortion, euthanasia, pollution: Chrislian responses,lncludes these four books, completeand updated; Pollutbn and the Death of Mr|| * How Should We Then live? * WhaleverHsppened to the Humon R!ce? t A Orri*ian Manifesto How tho Club Works Every4 we*s (13times a y€ar)yo! geta freecopy of theClub Bulletin, whichoffers you th€Featured Selcction plus a goodchoice of Alkrnates. col{sEnnrAnvElll curB - Bookson currenlissues, , €conomics, Communisn, politics, etc. 15 OAKLANDAVENUE ' HARRISON.N.Y. 10528 all of interestto conservatives.* lf youwant the Featured Selection, do "oo* nolhing.It vill comeautomatically, * If youdon't wanl th€ F€atured Selec- Please lion,or youdo \{antan Alternate,indicat€ your vhhes on thehandy card I enclose$19.95. acceptmy membershipin the Club and enclosedvith yourBull€tin and return it bythe d€adline date. * Themajori- sendme, at no additionalcost. the s-volume$99.95 of THE ly ofclub bookswillbe offered at 20-J0%discounts, plus a chargefor ship- COMPLETE WORKSOF FRANCIS A. SCHAEFFER.I asree pingand handling. * As soonas you buy and pay ior 4 booksat r€gular to buy 4 additionalbooks at regularClub pricesover the next 2 Clubprices, your membership may be €nded at any time, either by you or by years.I also agreeto the Club rulesspelled out in this coupon. theClub. * If youev€r rec€ivc a Featlred Selection without having had l0 daysto decideif youwant it, you mayrcturn it at CIubexD€nse for full credit.t Goodservice. No comput€rs! * The Club will ofler regular Super- bargains,mostly at 70-95%discounls plus shipping and handling. Super- I bargainsdo NOT count rovard fulfillin8 your Club obligation, but do €nabl€ City zip I you to buy finebooks at giveavayprices. t Onlyo0e nembership p€r household. I -J Fundamentalist SEPTEMBERI9B5

AnnWhorton's bolonced oresen- TomMofEiros ond Timond Beverly iotlon of the oros ond cons of LoHoye highlight our two new home schoolingotfers insight to sections+reoching & Postoling both sidesof the issueof porents ond Fomilyliving. teochingtheir children qt home, 42 Bloglophy Commitmentto the Lord in mot- A,B, SlmosorFThe Mon BehiM tersof fomilvfinonce is more thon ihe Work-BloncheGosse in surrenderingthe pocketbook. Oro Thunder|n the Pulpit Freedom In lhe ]A'" Mox Wellmon outlinesthe bosic Himself-ATimeless Testimony Publlc Schools concepts of sound f inonciol A B.S mpson .JohnW. Whiteheod proctices. 47 Prcochlng & Postorlng t] Publlc School3:The t ' Lorgesl MlsslonField ?7 Core ond Feedlng tol lhe atUU Sludy-Hebrews Angelo Elwelllunt "' Mdlnlenonce ol lhe $l T. Iemple-Colv n Eoves,Sr FomllvLiving 24 Me? leoch My Klds? $$ - Ann Wnofion Morrioge,Divorce 40 & Remorioge uodoie ,7 ls Home Schoolhg on EclwordDobson $Q -' Allernollve tor Your Chlld? EricE. Wgg n 62 il?'l":." ,R When lo Expecl o ReYiYol Foce lhe Focls -" Cf or e, Grondiso^trinney 64 Freedom:No BorgoinPrice Treosuleslrom lhe Text HosAmelico Recently 6 YouSold lf 65 29 Expelienced "Nolionol JerryFolwell Commenls In Revlew Revivol"?-DeFehsenfeld. Jr to Are We Willlngto Poy 66 the Pricefor LiberM News 30 Are Independent Boptist 68 EquolAccess Act Chulches in o Posl-Revivol 12 FundomenlollsmTodoy RuledConstitutionol Ero?-Emer L Towns FundomentolistsAnonvmous Modin Mowyer EdwordDobson 7r) AntipornogrophyMorch Grondmofher Wos Soop Box ' - Scheduledfor LoborDov 32o Coplfollst 14 TheThree l?s: A Refurnto the JudyHommersmork Bosics-APiere Gulllerm n /f NewsBrlels Moklng the Most ol the Perspgcflve -7A Attet All 34Resources eod Glves Us t5 FundomentolistEducotion '- Hewill Be Gone Tomorrow Oro Mox Wel mon Comesof Age-EdHindson TrurnonDollor

4 FundomeniolistJournol AN IMPORTANTNEW BOOK FROMTHE AUTHOROF PEACE,PROSPER'TY, AND THE COIVIINGHOLOCAUST fnfhatlsThis ManSaving,,,'ar.effi,ia fhat Others toSav?*h"M challenges,o-rrr"rry of ihe teachingsand philosophiesthat havebecome popular in many of today'schurches? Becausehe cares! DAVE HUNT, Author of the Oncein a while a book capturesthe essenceof it's time soaccu- bestselfers Peace,P rosperity, rately tt becomesa statementfor the.era. The CuIt Exploslon was ond the Coming Holocoust, sudr a book for the lattet 7O's.The Seductlonof Cfuistianity The Makers andThe Cult appearsto be it for the 80's, Explosion. In Tbe Seduction of Chrts- tianit5, bestsellingauthor. researcherand cult exDertDave Hunt candidly wams ihristians of the many deceptiveteachings and Dracticeswithin the church that may be laying the ground- work for the great apostasyre- ferredto in Il Thessolonians2:1. A deception that the Bible says must occurbefore the retum of Lnnst. Within the pagesof this book you will discoverthe hidden dangersin the growing accep- tance and practiceofr positive and possibility thinking, inner healing, healing of memories, self-help , visual- ization and holistic medicine to name a few You'll also see why many Christianstoday are being deceivedby a new world view more subtle and seductive than anything the world has ever before experienced. FROM HenvssrHousr is a compellinglook at tle RrsusHsRs The timeswe live in and a clear EUGENE.OREGON 97402 of call to every believerto Availableat Christian choocethe aud and reject BookstoresEverywhere the counterfeit. YCUSAID II

Shimei's Dust

I wason an innocent"sighrseeing" Sacraments;and Pre-VaticanII His- canplay at a time.This player is totally trip through K-mart-no visions of tory. My first responsewas to chuckle on his own,completely independent of deep thinking or world-changingphi- out loud. A few strange looks from anyone.There is only one absolutely losophizing,no attemptto discoverthe passersbyprompted me to flee to correctanswer, no multiplechoice.lf answersto life's mostperplexing ques- my car, lest they shackleme in a room you choosethe wrong answer,you do tions-just a routine, uncomplicated with an etemallyflashing blue light. As not lose points-you will be shot at visit. But as I ror.rndedthe cornerfrom I drove home,a small voice beganto sunrise. the booksto the toys,a gametitle leapt cr) out to me lrom within.Maybe it Points:Many, many points are pos- off the box into my brain. was just the Hungarian bratwurst sible in "Fundamentalist Baptist I thought I had seen them all- smotheredin onions that we had for Trivia." Scoresand scores of pointsare "Trivial Pursuit," "EntertainmentTo- supper,but for whateverreason, the the norm. night Trivia," "NewsweekTrivia," tiny voicebegan to cry, "equaltimel" If 1,000points: answeringcorrectly. "Bible Challenge,""Bible Trivia," even Catholicscan havea trivia game,why 5,000points: answering first. "BibleTrivia for Children."Bur there it not one for FundamentalistBaptists? 50,000points: answeringloudest. was, "Catholic Trivia." CATHOLIC Object of the game:Win as many All pointswill be doubledif you can TRIVL{? Well, why not? points as possiblein as many lawful replacethe clutch on your,f34bus in Topicsincluded: Famous and waysas possible.COMPETE! 5-degreeweather. Sinners; The Mass, Liturgy, and Rulesof the Game:Only one player Helpful hinl If the New-Evangelical Trivia playersin the next room refuse to argue with you, fight among yourselves! Shimei

Scholarlyand uncompromising. . .

I deeplyappreciate the Fundamen- talist lournol. Your is consis- tently godly and loving to all the brethren,yet you neverseem to "water down" your viewsor positionsto ac- commodateviews contrary to sound doctrine. Othermagazines with a Fundamen- talist perspectiveseem too concerned about attacking others and setting themselvesup as the standard.Your ministry is scholarly and uncom- promising.I enjoyyour work and will supportit aslong as you sustain these attitudes.

Timothy Goss North Granville,New York

Right on the money. . .

I thought "Reaching the Greater Public" (June)was right on the money. Our family came out of the Catholic faith. I wasraised in a Christianhome, attending an independentchurch in New Castle,Pennsylvania. I graduated from Bob JonesUniversity and have 6 Fundomeniolisllournol beenworking with Billy Grahamfor 25 years. With that background-and foreground-I sayagain, you are right. IIo'san individual! 'f^'^ Don Bailey t?- *x :'i Director of Media/PublicRelations "r ey 1', Billy GrahamEvangelistic Association

Excellent, enlightening, enjoyable . . .

The June issue was excellent,as usual.The article, "Deathof a Dream" was the kind of encouragementwe all need.I can now look back on the bis- gestheartbreak of my lifeand see how God meant it for good. The missionary section of the magazinewas very enlightening.Also, I always enjoy the biographical sec- tion, with the features on churchesand messagesby the personthe biography Why not treat him that way? is about.I thought June'scover story For complete details on how your church can provide on divorcewas clever in that monthof a Ghristian school program tailored to meet the needs marriages.Great job! of the individual, please write:

John W. Smith AcceleratedChristian Pottstown,Pennsylvania Education PromotlonDepartment 27 o P.O.Box 1438 Wow! What a great magazinethis Lewisvilte,Texas 75062 month (July/August)!I absolutelyen. joyed every article, especially Ron Nash's,who is a personalfavorite of MITNUFACTURER mine, and DennisL. Peterson's.It is about time that left-wing "Chris- NEEDS tianity" be exposedfor what it is- DISTRrcT plain old Communismwrapped up and DEATERS sold as "biblical ." I wish there were more Christian magazines g;"-/rg"t.&-,*t, out that actually said somethinglike &". yours does.Keep up the good work.

Terry Flewelling ONEOF THE HOTTESTITEMS Easton,Maine IN THE HOUSINGMAIKST TODAY Good teaching.. .

I appreciate the teaching in the FEATUTIXG: loumal. . Round,Smooth E 6rtor NO FI NCHISE'FEE Ed Dobson put a balance to his . Soundor OptionatFtat Int6rtor mQurr:r Tl: messageon "What's Wrong with Pros- . solid 8 in. unltorm Logs perity "(July/August). He hit . New ContemporaryStylss -PurchaseModel Hom€ . |rom the nail on the head when he said, Cuslom OesignsAvallabls t14,000ro l2o,00o . commerciarBuildlng Avairabts "Christian -Me€l Our High Standards maturity is forgetting all . PrctocredTeritory our petty differences.The important -O€sire !o Succ€sd thing is that Christ is preached." I think the messaeein "Giants GrowingGiants" could-bebroader, to includethe pastor'srelationship to his lay people,not only associatepastors. g"."a,g/.&^*, I like the point of letting others work I @/"". in the realm of their spiritual gifts. f -"m":iilflTi&, Todd Zulik CALL MR. MABE COLLECTTODAy AT (704' 932-6151 Lebanon.Pennsvlvania Sepiember1985 t. Which of these languages -t would you llke to speak? STAFF I I Publisher:.lerry F.r r,.: ff""f the onc you --n-t to rpeak ln 2 or nonthr' ttmc i t i Editorin ChiefrF.j!".,iIr I l I r|r_rrl I n Atrikaans L l GroGk(tlodern) n m"lay I SeniorEdiior ial,/,,iirrl i,.r' D AmsricanEnglish n Hobrew(Modem) ! Norrvegian Edilor lei-. ir.ri - .'l ! I r' r.'. E Arrbic (Modern) ! xinai ! Potl"tt Copy Editor:E.f .r : : " I (Manda.in) lcel.ndic Po.tugu""" I Associote Edilorsi n Chinese n ! .. . -r .-i::1,. ', . . - I E oanish ! Indonesian Ll Russian I Specro SectronsFd to I ! ou,"n n trich ! spenish I Contributing Wrltersl I n Finnish n n"ti"n ! s*"aish :'tt-otc F ."i,--r'1.i.j |ir 1.,1ir"".r'--r I . rrsnctr I Japanese E rmi ! r lhomcs ! n I EdiloriolAssistqnls: t n cerman ! Ko.."n n wa"n I a r,alyLq GJnt-.r aar(jr I r . --i|f e Vatslr l I A LinguaphoneCourse makes you le€l al home in almoal any country. I rr,t,r -ilbsoa : You'll nevermiss lhe meaningot conversationsor b€ at a loss for words. : ReseorchAssistont: l,' rr' r - .lrrf I ! rm-s*o*<"e' l m'rlroL'mLaotrft srLffirs r a Ce'v trldbr 3) e.ssddsnes lhteterl l CreoUveDkector: :'--r' r :!a:a_'9r I 33@n'n€ssp"ar a t!@d lar4age FLUENILY b@*s eregBnr cadyi! e* --i", a- t ! Pov6leam'ngp,ovmnamrm su@*sues You LISTEN brearonv I ords y@r lr!0adr* dr* Today Tark fE T Grophics :=. .: )' red' places I $r-r-ds;i* u\oERsTANo*ha, v& rang69e lel al hdne m lar away I I - by 1016ng rlu5ra|{ l"{b@rs HoLoco\vERsA tOll€Y€ACX GUAnII.TEET fte L nguatDne Cde 6 Phologrophy: yd I T ONSq'lhrhespeale's undd(@lry guadnreed Try t lor 2 Mlhs. rr @ | aa .:ahofer l',/latr. !'.rr It naa a l Y4 drr .F.rlig th. vrt fid lc.en. nol sat6t ed, retuh I lo. a lul retund Theres no nsk and /-l!ih,,, I I Yn, c,n arvou'enMV..Ene m ob €al @ so oder bday t- !i'ol;ci 'o- de"er@dnd"ihed(a,.en, I I ! rhe ProductionAssistont -,n | .--|'1. - I A te dedu.l'breas*r lor you busness I i--| t Typogrophers: - l^?,ffi;"i!3li,i"l;,;',1.':i;"x*:,".*Llnguapnong - itr:i_l ir!/ . [.]r j / :I 1r-ed'are rs'acio. A.r INONFCOIIFSF A'it""i:."." ,:l_Lii,'ar:f ai.l. I I I ar e rcoe MONEYBACK GUARANTEE 28 DAYFREE TRIAL SubscriberServlces: .. I I ,. a.:a.-a,.a, ,|...,,:1.::_.: I t r r ll I I I ll I I lla! r rrr lllall l!allltll llllllllllllll -. Linguaphone O,ept.810 313Nolana Ave. McAllen. Texas 78504 I Adverfising: : :: '- I Morketing Coordinota( : :..", FREE INFORMATION:Please mail me FREEintormation about SpeciolAssistont:'r : :r'r r9r I spcaking the languages I have checked. I EditorolBoord: I T .,t:,..!,i.t?tnri . ,t,/rI , .IU!rb-.r I Name(please print) I lrtmll Do or. []rr,l l()r(rir,tf i,lrt :.t:",rlol . r,-t ,rr'! Slreet i I t .r. | ,lr,illef . ,rr,'r l, I ij rTil' I City Stale - Zip I Morkeling Advisory Boord: ,..," l a.,). 1..:i .rr,,_/ , lrrrrrrr! rtl trt trlrrrrr t -rtl tt a.a-. a:..a,. . )/ '' ).'a. . ) : / ,i . ',,,. .' '.' t.l. | .1t,'a 'I'csl i lll ()niills

presenting... ''I)rrrk.l,n)cs has rny llo(turlllic(l rtcoltr- STATEMENTOF PURPOSE 'D(Drlatio'rrs 1] l\1ll-tl't)cc\atlgclisll lIc clltcrs c\ungtti$r. l)\'(;rxls ct|ll. Ir(,'n ir !cr\ srtcccsslirl crtlllgcllsrlc 'ni'ristrt as t,rst,lr. II !ir1g b.cn r l)lls1('r. hc hrs a The l)i,sl()r's hcafl - c()tlt)l':(l $ilh a zcal tr) ( rctlrlr l)sl I'coplc li)r lcsrts hrlsl.' Re'r. Jol'r i'S Hunrphre! Derek Jones rJ",, , sr / r r,.,..r',,,r /n F!ndom-a.iolisi JoLi^ol Dd'rdrd,lc. lc,r'cssee

Crusade ''.\s | )crck s I)asrorli,f n llrttlrl,c','l \ cars I (()r)'ll.n{i hillr (() \!,n Lrsn rrnl(nrs !()rtnq Ministry e!rtl{clisl $irh .r b,rrlling hcurl l,) rcuch l('sr sollls 1i)r ( hrist tln(l l() crrc()trrtr!.tc t)tlsro.s ill rlc!cl,)r)i'r{ l)clic!crs ifl thc lricrLl

Rel D /lrrr.. Iloore l)etDl t\tk IJoPlislChLlr'h l:re.l.',i.r,)rr N Ii

\\'rirc li)r schc(hrlin{ inf()rrrati()rr.l)r()rhurc cortainirrg ili)ct'irtlllstalcnicttl tlnrlr lrc. cirssctrcol-rrrc ol l).r.1( s ( rus dc nrcssaccs. I)erek Jones Evangelistic Assoc. :... ; Fundomenlon Journo

1'( ) Il,)\ rl;(jl.t.5r,r IJ il,rrlf +. Ili,\ 78 Il ' ' ) ||'::]| ' Flndomenlo IjfJl( fi, 1,'r. ;\ ll I)tLl|(lfi,lg..I N st Journo . |;J.\ ;lil ' l.l (50(;).1;1)-+-o itTia; POSTMASTER:: , I i r Flndomenlo si

I FundomentolistJourno lbdaythere are Thereare ercn some unexpected worryabout the ink showing thmugh. atleast hrentv-five dif feasures:a harmony offie C'ospels,timelines, Also,pu canchoose hmeen that ferentsurdy Bibla available. How can pu be charn,maps, a table of wi$s andmeasures, classiclitemry masterpiece, dreKingJama surethe one pu buyis the bst onefor pu? andall dre latest archaeolosical discoveries. \trsion,0r dre msrcd word-for-word tansla- Manyof fiem hale a greatdeal in lon in theNew American Stand.Td. Whichevel common.Vell-rs;rcted tanslations, oudines, THnHcHr Snrov pu prefeqpu'll stillget the same elegant crms-references,concordanca, maps - allthe BrgLEFORYOU. laputand design. Ily Emst Reichl, America's esentialsfor any good study Bible. But a Seat foremmtBible zrtisan. "extras' snrdyBible should offer )0u mor€. Ilutall those arestill or y Andpu canselect from a vanetlof partofwhat makes a geat srudy Bihlt The sizesand colors. hr prices to suit ury budget. AxEl,runn IrgRARyrN realtest is how it readsto.l.rz. And that's lromsnudv hanhack to suprflexible leadren uterethe $ne sandsdone. driLtwon't oease or break ifdre cover isfblded. TTIEPATT,I OFYOUR HAND. lJecauseDr.I\rie ismore thzut just N:rnrrallytanred to avoid the rlrpid derrior:r- Godused forty aufiors and more anintemationally acclaimed scholar. Ile's also tionthat comes with chemically treated than1,500 pus torecord His purpose and a husband,a father ancl an actire church lar covers.And t0 reain dre genuine fbel arcl plarlbr etenriq: And it deservestlredeeptst. man.Antl tlough lou expct his stutlv notes io smellof handcrafted leather mostthorouglr snr{'v,r can give it Thets wh! beprecise, lou'll h plemantl.vsurprised athow Sothe nerl time I'ou nsit vour DrCharles ltrrie invested nrenry leam of his practicxlxl doun-to-earfithe,v are.You'll Cltnsl-r:utburkturr, uke dre tirrr" to eMn)ine lifbin intensiveresearch tocreate the finest findthey read 'as if theywere written just fbr allthe other study . studl'helps ofour generation. hrcluding nxrre pu.By m oldand trusted friend. Thenopen a g'rie.Ancl ee fbrpur- stud,vnotes thlul ),0u ll findin an1,other studv selfu4l;rtrenit comes tostudl llibles. the llible.And tlrl'conrenientll appeu just lxlow DnscHnnroLesr$rie isthe strurlrd bv wfiich rll othersare thetexl on every page. Where pu needthem. nr(it\urrdlnlmOODV pRESS Thecross-references :uecarelirlly ALrnnnun. lUf rpr Naw" OU. ANTqJ>' placedin spaciousmargins nerl to each verse Ageat sudy Bihle should take the sorou can refer to them easill: wear;rnd teu of daih u* wthoulcontrrtg Atoprcal index covers everything apafiat dre seams. So NloorJy hes goesto liomanger to worship. And drere's a complete geatlenglN t0 us€ 0nly dre frnest materials. 'lte THEKTn concordancewrth easy-to-fincl ke,vworci refer- bindingisso surd.v pLr can ences.And articles and essury; thlt coverall the suppoftdre entire tsible lry iust one prge. nrajordoctrina widrin ftditronal Ciristianinl Artique*fiite pap€rand opn mar- SnnvBmrE hrcludinghemillennial, Amillennial, and ginsmake each p'age invitirg t0 read. And if Atyour Cluistian bot.rktore 0rwrite Dept. ttrrnillennialviews. ,& well m fie tribulation.youclecide tom'ark pur Ilible, pu neednot MtsW2101 W }IowrdSt , Chicltgo,IL60645 AreWe Willing to Pay the Pricefor Liberty?

f I Toodrow Wilson once said: -- wrote: "For, brethren, Ve have been l1ru "Liberty does not consist calledunto libeny; only usenot liberty f f in mere declarations of for an occasionto the flesh, but by love the rights of man. It consistsin the serveone another" (Gal. 5:131. The gift translation of those rights into definite of loveis not a self-servingoni. Rath'er, actions." it brings with it the responsibility to All Americans have ample oppor- serveothers. Our goalmust be clearly tunity to translate their beliefs and n articulated by action. In order to make values into the shaping of national lLt hri stianitv demands a significant difference today we must policy. Unfonunately, until recently find the way we can best serve. our nationalpolicy wasshaped by and that we take an active Too many people babble about for groups supportinga Liberal agenda. part issuesthey do not understand.Many Atheists disrnissedGod from oublic ln declaringltberty times we fail to exerciseour libenv schools,seeking freedom from reiigon. for mankind, simply becausewe are uninformed. Proabortionists sacrificed the sanctiw We must becomemore knowledeeable of human life, claimingthe freedomto concerningthe issuesand bettei able choose.Pornographers raped the dig- to communicate the facts. nity of womanhood, hiding behind we can and are.But we must continue We must get involvedin the politi- the First Amendment.The free-spirited to takea moreaggressive, wiser role in cal processin order to bring about "me generation" denouncedtraditional converting rights into action. changein the system.The Bible com- values,bowlng to the freedomto "do Probably the most important lesson mandsus to pray for thosewho are in your own thing." Additionally, Human- we havelearned through the last rwo authority.But havingprayed we must ists exercised their liberty as they decadesis that silencJis not always get up off our kneesand get busy.The imposed their religion on public golden.Christianity demandsthat we need is great, and it calls for direct ac- educatlon. takean activepart in declaringlibeny tion on the part of everv one of us. Our All the while ConservativeAmen- for mankind.ehrist declared-thatwe congressm6nwere el6cted to repre- cans restedin the misconceDtionthat are the "salt of the earth." If salt is to sent us, and we must let our opinions morality, tradition, heritage, and free- act as a preservative,it must be rubbed be knoqm to them. dom would not be abasedby the liberal into the meat.Like salt, we are value- In a speechto the Massachusetts causes.Not so. As Conservativesre- lessif we merely "sit on the shelf" in. Antislavery Societyin 1852,Wendell mainedsiient, the Liberal forcesreached steadof actively mixing into the affairs Phillipsdeclared, "Etemal vigilanceis into every institution with their agenda, of the world in which we live. What the price of liberty." Beinginvolved is puttinginto effecta devastatingplan happensin Americawill affect us and not somethingwe can do for one elec- or acllon. our children.We cannotbe silent and tion or oneissue, but we must be will- The results are reflectedin trasic let our opportunity to exerciseour ing to diligently pursue the causesand statistics.Over l6 millionbabies hive libeny pass becausewe forfeit the programs we support day after day, beenaborted. Those who survive this chanceto participate. year after year. The price of a moment's horrible ordeal, and others who are As author Richard John Neuhaus silencemay be anolher Roett. Wadeor born imperfect, have been left to die says,"It is no longerenough to be con- (Madalyn)Munay v. Curlett decision. of neglect.Cases ofAIDS anda variety cerned,for instance.about the prx.rr We have come too far to turn back of sexuallytransmitted diseasescon- and marginal at homeand abroadinow now. Our greatestopportunities are tinue to increase.A 40 Dercentnational choicesmust be madebetween altema- yet ahead.We cannot let the successes divorce rate erodesthi foundationof tive ways of making that concerneffec- of recent days lull us back to sleep.The the family. tive." We must implement the pro- price would be too great. May God give What can be doneto stop this trend? grams that can make a differencem us the wisdom,courage, and commit- Can America be turned aiound? Can real and human terms. ment to pay the price and make the dif- the ConservativeEvangelicals and Fun- We must shineas examples of real ference by putting our rights into damentalistsmake a difference?Indeed love to a lost world. The airostlePaul actions. I lO FundomenlolistJournol 1985JERRY FALWELL 2!

October 2l-23,1985 SPONSOREDBY: Thomcs Rocd BcrptistChruch SPEAKERS: & tiberty University,lynchJcrug, Virginic

Jerry Fclwell John Rcrvrlings Trumcrr Dollcr Tim Lee FEATURES: I Eight hours ol concentrcrtedteoching ond questionsqnd onswersby Dr,Jer4r Fclwell. I Dynornic preoching qnd music lor the evening sessiors.Cqssettes of qll sessiors ond conlerence notebook provided with regristrcrtionlee. I Porticipcrtein the chcrpel seryice ot Liberty University. I Optionol linqncicl workshop with Truman Dollcrr. FOn THE IVWEST I One-dcry shopping trip to Burlinglon North Cqrolinq. outlet mqlls. I Luncheon with Mrs. Jerry FqIwelI cnd pcnel ol postors wives. For further inlormcrtion contoct Dennis Fields, Liberty Unive6ity, Lynchburg, Virginio I 804-237-5961 Enclosed is my $5O.OOregristrcrtion lee lor the 1985 JENNY FAI.WELL PASTONS' CONFERENCE. NAIVIE CITY CHITRCH STAlT- HOME ADDRESS ZP HOMEPHONE- CHURCHPHONE- n Please send hotel listings lor Lynchlrrug. tl My wile is plcrnning to crttend the conlerence with me. Postors' conlerence, c/o Dennis Fields, Liberty University, Lynchbug, VA 24506 FUNDAMENIALISN/IODAY FundamentalistsAnonymous

by Edward Dobson

n a recent vacationat Myrtle members,all of whomjoined voluntarily Beach, I tuned in to the and may removetheir membershipthe "Donahue" show. On stage sameway. Jerry Falwellis chancellor of a wasa groupof self-proclaimedformer uliversity systemwith 7,500students Fundamentalistswho were oart of a who likewiseattend voluntarily.That new organization called Fundamen- "F*du.rotulir- i, u university is accreditedby the Southem talists Anonymous. Their founder, mentalhealth hazard Associationof Collegesand Schools- Richard Yao, claimed to have had a hardly a cultic or religiousassembly. bad exneriencewith to millions" And besidesthat, he has undergonethe in the Philippines(which strikes me as - Mchard Yao scrutiny of the public media to as great unusual since historians agree that an extent as any other religious figure, Fundamentalismis an American and if he werea Jim Jones,that would phenomenon),and he began this have been headline news long ago, organizationto assistpeople who want some Fundamentalists.I have per- Who is Jerry Falwell?He is an rn- to get out of Fundamentalism.I was sonallydealt with manypmple oveithe tenselycommitted religious leader with fascinated by the program and in- yearswho were hurt by someperson or a deepunderstanding of the pluralism terestedin their goalsand objectives. organization. The same is true of all of our Americandemocratic tradition. I soon discovered that Fundamen- religious organizations.I am sure that I haveworked for Jerry Falwellfor 13 talists Anon),rnousis more thana vehicle Phil Donahue could join a Catholics vears. and I could leave Fundamen- for self-help;it is, rather,a distinctively Anonymousbecause of his difficult en- ialism tomorrow without intimidation anti'Fundamentalistorganization whose counter with the teachings of that or harassment.But I do nol intend to goals include nationwide"Stop Jerry church. The sameis true for Mormons, leave.Yao has forsotten that millions of Falwell" parties.In fact, their founder Presbyterians,Methodists, secularists, people are Fundimentalistsby their statesin a recentfund-raisins letter that and so forth. But showing acceptance own choice-not through the coercron "Fundamentalismis a meital health and love for thosewho are struggling is or manioulationof others. hazard ro millions" and that "Fun- one thing, and precipitatinga nation- I walchedthe showwith Yao and his damentalism is one of the biggest wide crusadeagainst a religiousorgani- FUPPYs(Fundamentalists Under the threats to the Americanfamily." He says zationis somethingentirely different. Preachingand Protection of Yao) with he is concernedabout the "creeping The membersof FundamentalistsAnon- mixed emotions. My heart go€s out to authoritarianism" of Fundamentalists- vmous havechosen the latter. and in so those who have been spiritually and which I find a peculiarremark, since doinghave fallen prey to the verysin emotionallydamaged by the extremism he makesthese very authoritarian state- thev despisein Fundamentalists-the of the lunatic fringe in all religious mentsabout Fuldamentalists. Perhaps sin bf exclusivismand authoritarianism. movements.I admire anyone who is in- we needan organizationto deliverpeo Fundamentalists Anonymous has terestedin giving a helping and guiding ple from the authoritarianelitism of some noble goals. There are plans for hand.We havebeen trying to do that for FundamentalistsAnon)'rnous. "New Life" Crusadesin the South and years here in Lynchburg. On the other In "ThereIs a Way Out," a booklet Midwest.These crusades will include hand,I was disappointedby the obvious publishedby FundamentalistsAnony- singing,testimonies, preaching, and an tendencyto takeisolated cases of abuse mous,Yao comparesFundamentalists altar call "where Fundamentalistsciur and attribute them to the eeneral to religiouscults. I noticedthat thepar- claim this New Life." I hopethey are rrot population.This true lack of enipirical ticipants on "Donahue"were hesitantto coercivein their tacticslFundamental- scholarshipviolates the integrity that "name names" or organizationswith ists Aronymousare planning chapters FurdamentalistsAnon)'rnous desires. I whom they had had a bad experience. across the country, the distribution of wish FundamentalistsAnonlmous well However,in his booklet,Yao menttons vidms, and deprogrammingseminars. in its attempts to help and counsel Jerry Falwell nine times and Jimmy If Yaobelieves that the Jerry Falwells people. In fact, if you are thinking of Swaggarttwice. No otherreligious peo are authoritarian,cultic dictatorswho gettingout of Fundamentalism,you can ple, groups, or organizationsare needto be stopped,then in my opinion, call their number,95Gl088then dial mennoneo. he is eitherpoorly informed, naively ig- NewLife. If you want to getout of Fun- I cannot deny that there are people norant, or manipulativelydeceptive. damentalistsAnonyrnous, call our toll- who have had a bad experiencewith Jerry Falwell pastorsa church of 21,000 free number-1-80G446-5000. I 12 FundomentolistJourno We're not . . . as long as you sefve just for a church or other religious organization of any faitl:,

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Phone ( ) () olricc FJ9-85 Avrihbl€in.ll rtrtesexcepiNewYork rnd Monrrnr Nrr i\rLlahlein Cafladr. SOAPBOX TheThree Rs: A Returnto the Basics

by A. PierreGuillermin

I mericaneducation is in crisis. tried to concentrateon academicissues, fl It has beenweighed in the bal- but they have left out the social and I lance and found wantins. The spiritual issues that remain at the President'sCommission on Exceillence heart of the educational crisis. We in Educationhas handed down its ver- needto grapplewith the real problem- dict: the nation hascommitted "an act not educationper se,but what educa- of unthinking, unilateral educational tion should be about. disarmament."In answerto this in- AlexanderSolzhenitsyn, the great dictment,we as educatorsmust reap- Nobel prizewinninglaureate, made a praise our foundations,reaffirm our brilliant remark during a speechat stand,and resolveour course,A return No* * thetime to Ink Guild Hall as he receivedthe Temnleton to the basicsis in order. backat the foundational Prizefor the Advancementof Reliigron. The great universities chartered He said,"As I look at twentiethrentury during the early years of America's philosophiesof education culture I can think of nothins thai were foundedto train the whole sumsit up betterthan the simple,pithy man to serve God, country, and his and evaluatethe Russianproverb from my childhood, 'Men fellowman. Yale was establishedto statusquo. haveforgotten God.That's why supplythe churchesin the colonywith thesethings havehappened.' " "a learned,pious, and orthodoxmin- The deepestissue we facetoday as istry." The MassachusettsBay Colony a society,as educators,is not Democ- expectedits new collegeto providethe racy versus Communism; it is not struggling colony with ministers and of major socialinstitutions, including Capitalismversus Socialism; it is not leaders, "men of God and lettered higher education,declined from 45 per- Westversus East. The deepest issue we gentlemen."Even the govemmenttook centin 1966to an averageof 23percent face today is versus unbelief. a position. The ordinance of 1787, 15years later. Survevs show that a ma- How canwe "dispelerror anddiscover which set forth the principles to be lority of Americansbelieve government truth" without the Onewho said,"I am followed when the Northwest Territory and federal agenciesare out of touch the Truth." WithoutJesus Christ all was settled,contained what might be with the peoplethey are supposedto that is left is error. calledthe charterof publicconcem for help. We live in a complexand demanding education: "Religion, morality, and Historically, educationhas sought world. Thereis no doubt that America knowledge being necessaryto good to benefitand shape society, but today needseducational reform anda rerurn governmentand the happinessof man- societyis impactingeducation with the to an ethic of academicpreparedness kind, schoolsand the meansof educa- spirit of a spiritlessage. Although com- and excellence.But we needmore. We tion shallforever be encourased. missions,panels, and task forces are must providea return to the basicson Yet societytoday is on a ri-pant calling the Americanpeople to reform whichhigher education in this nation chargetoward nihilism: not only can and revitalizeour educationalsystem, wasfounded; an educationcentered on onenot know God,one can know noth- somany elements of the largerculture JesusChrist, developing the total per- ing andcommunicate nothing with cer- run at cross purposes to those of son, servingmankind, and bringing tainty; moral distinctivesare rejected education that societv is hard-nressed glory and honor to God.We are a na- out-of-hand.The influence of mass to definea commonasenda. There rs a tion under God, we are educators media,advertising, and the contempo- blurring of the meanin! of socialization under God. and we must orovide an rary philosophyof "new narcissism" and little agreementas to the future educationunder God. have caused a relentless pursuit of for whichwe are preparingyoung peo Edmund Burke said, "The only hedonismand the unthinking,uncritical ple. At the heart of our troubled schools thing necessaryfor the triumph of evil acceptanceof massvalues, which are is an irreducible lack of consensus is for good men to do nothing." As steadilydeclining. Society has become over what shouldbe taught.We have Christianeducators we must do some- self-absorbed,indifferent, empty of left our God

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by Ed Hindson

recently read Mark Noll's of ConservativeChristianity on the "Evangelicalsand the Study of American public. Fundamentalist the Bible," an essay in schoolsare not only trainingministers Evangelicalismancl Modem Ameica. and missionaries,but teachers,jour- Inrerestingly,the statistical tables in nalists, coaches,counselors, psychol- this accountof the rise of academrcex- Lcreased academic ogists, historians, social workers, cellencein Evangelicaleducation did nurses, musicians,anists, scientists, not includea single referenceto Fun- commitment,gnowing newscasters,and technicians.We nave damentalistcolleges and schools. Was the manpowerthat can make the dif- the authormerely being selective, or enrollments,and ferencein the next generation. doeshe think Fundamentalistschools evangeftsticfervor make Most Fundamentalistschools are do not qualify for^such a report on lessthan 50 yearsold. Theywere borir acaoemrcprowess/ thefuture bright... out of the separatistcontroversies of the This promptedme to considerthe 1920sand 1930s.Others are newer still. rise of academicexcellence in Fun- They representthe resurgenceof Con- damentalisthigher education, whose has an immediate goal of enrolling servativeChristianity in American comingof ageparallels that of Evangel- 10,000undergraduate and graduate academiclife in the 1980s.Increased ical institutions. The Evanselical students. academiccommitment, growing enroll- schoolsare not the only onesreieivrng Clearly,any seriousevaluation of the ments,and evangelistic fervor make the academicrecognition. And thoughac- impactof Christianhigher education in future bright for Fundamentalisteduca- creditationhas been questionedby Americamust includea thoroughrepre- tional institutions.To thosewho wonder someFundamentalists, and rejected by sentationof Fundamentalistinstihrtions. whetherthis is just a passingphenom- others,several Fundamentalist schools Theseschools are representativeof the enon,we would say,no, we haveonly have recentlyreceived full regional growing academicquality and influence just begua! accreoltalton. On the graduate level, regional accreditationhas been given to Liberty Baptist Seminary(Virginia), Grace Theo Year Instltutlon Accredttlng Body logicalSeminary fl ndianal,Mid-America 1968 WestemBaptist College,Oregon WesternAssoc. of Colleges Baptist Seminary (Tennessee),Grand and Schools Rapids Baptist Seminary (Michigan), 1974 Cedarville College,Ohio North Central Assoc. and Baptist Bible CollegeGraduate of Collegesand Schools School of Theology (Pennsylvania). 1976 Theseschools hold stronglyto biblical Grace College,Indiana North Central Assoc. inerrancy.Several others are now pur- of Collegesand Schools suingaccreditation. Among those who 1977 Grand P.apidsBaptist College& North Central Assoc. haverefused to be accredited,Bob Jones Seminary,Michigan of Collegesand Schools Universityhas a long-standingrecord of 1978 BaptistBible College,Missouri American Assoc.of academicexcellence. Bible Colleges TheFundamentalist label is wom bv 1980 Liberty University,Virginia Southem Assoc.of Colleges at leastthree of rhe larsestChristian and Schools schoolsin America:Bob Jones, Liberty, and TennesseeTemple. The combined 1984 Baptist Bible College Middle States Assoc.of enrollmentof theseinstitutions exceeds of Pennsylvania Collegesand Schools 15,000studentsl In additionto the6,000 1984 Christian Heritage College, Western Assoc.of undergraduatestudents at Liberty, there California Collegesand Schools are 16,000Libertv Home Bible Instirure 1984 TennesseeTemple University, AmericanAssoc. of Bible studentsstudying externally by audio- Tennessee Colleges cassette.This fall LibertyUniversity will 1985 ClearwaterChristianCollege, launch its new School of Lifelone Southern Assoc.of Colleges Florida and Learning,a fully accrediledexlerna-i Schools studyprogram on videocassette,which

September1985 15 .:a: :{.': . Freedom in the Pub1icSchools

by lohn W. Whiteheatl

Our peculiar secuity is in posses- sionol a witten Constitutionlpt us not make it blank paper by construction- -

n June4. 1985.United States religion.These concepts run contrary SupremeCourt Chief Justice to both the history of this country and Warren Burger quoted:"The current constitutionalintemretation. mountainshave labored and brousht t.f The NorthwestOrdinanci of 1787, forth a mouse." Justice Burger r.ias the total impact which setaside federal property in the dissentingfrom theCourt's holding in of a schoolvalue territory for schoolsand which was Ja{treev. Wallace. passedagain by Congressin 1789(the In that case the Supreme Court programis to promote sameCongress that draftedthe Consti- heldthat an Alabamalaw authorizins a humanlstlcldalogy, tutron), states: a one-minuteperiod of silencein thi Religion, morality, and knowl- public schooli "for meditationor vol- or if it utllizes the edge being necessaryto good untary " was unconstitutional. practicesof a humanistic govemmentand the happinessof JusticeJohn Paul Stevens,who wrote mankind,schools and the means the opinion, held that the law was a religion,it maybe held of learning shall forever be en- violation of the First Amendment's that thestate couraseo, prohibition against establishing a Is aidios From th-is foundition our nation s rerrglon. andprefening a secular schoolswere born. Part of that foun- At first glance,the opnion n Jallree dation-according to the Northwest appearsto be no morethan a continua- reftgion, Ordinance-was religion. tion of the SupremeCourt's 1962mling In lookingat the historical record, that state prescribed prayer in the one seesthat religion was integrated publicschools is illegal.However, the into the public schml cuniculum. Text- implications of the decision extend escapethe prongs of the establishment booksreferred to Godwithout embar- much deeperthan that. clause,it must havea secularpurpose. rassment,and public schoolsconsidered The lallree opinion perpetuares Second, Stevens asserted that the one of their maior tasks to be the devel- two [a]laciouspresuppositions. First, state,which includes the public school, opment of charicter through the teach- it was held that for an activity to must be completely neutral toward ing of religion. September19&5 U The influence of William Holmes relision are unconstitutional.In other Suchoversweeping interpretations McGuffey,a philosopherand a professor woids, the statecan acconmodateor of United StatesSupreme Court deci- at the University of Virginia, was re- aid relision in certain circumstances. sionscaused Justicelom Clark,author markable. His Eclectic Readerswere Theiccommodation of religion by of the 1963Bible-reading decision, to publishedin 1836,and from that year the state has been the essenceof the remark "Most commentatorssuggested until 1920-two yearsafter Mississippi SupremeCourt's position of neutrality that the court had outlawedrelierous becamethe last stateto institutea Dub- toward religion. State indifference observancesin public schoolswh6n, in lic schoolsystem-his bmks soldmore toward religion, however, does not fact,the court did nothingof the kind." than 120 million copies, a total that conform to the Court's definition of In fact, the Supreme Court has out them in a classwith onlv the Bible neutrality. Instead,a disinterestedin- stressedthat religion can be taught ind Webster'sDictionary. NlcGtsffey's sensibility exhibitedby the statetoward within the public schoolsif it is taught Readersstressed, as did the Northwest religionis a subtleform ofhostility. In objectively.Jusncn W illiam Brennanhas Ordinance, "religion, morality, and resDectto such state indifferenceto exolainedwhat it meansto teachreli- knowledge"in that order. the-religious element in our society, gion "objectively"when he statedthat WhenCongress initially authorized former SupremeCourt Justice William O. "teachingabout the Holy Scriptures" the public schools for the nation's Douelasremarked in 1952: doesnot rurr afoul of the Constitution. capital, the first president of the Wash- T[at would be preferring those The Court's emphasishas beenon ington,D.C., school board was Thomas who believein no religion over communicationverits indoctrinatir.rrur thosewho do believe. . . . But we find no constitutionalrequirc- ment which makesit necessary for governmentto be hostile to Hirrory clearlyteaches religion and to throw its weight The supremecourt againstefforts to widenthe effec- that from our country's tive scopeof religiousinfluence. allowsfredom for almost inceptionthe prevaiftng This approachhas been expressed any uiewin thepublic in numerousdecisions. For example,in md towardrekgion a casedecided in 1970Justice Burger schools.Religion, hasbeen one spokeof a "benevolentneutrality which however,is suspect, will permit religiousexercise to exist of accommdation, without sponsorshipand without inter- ference."And in a 1976case Justice Harry Blackmun remarked that the the public schoolsystem. What is the Jefferson. In fact, he "was the chief "Court has enforced a scrupulous difference?Indoctrination offers no op- author of the first plan of public educa- neutralityby the State,as amongre- tionor alternativepoint of view.Com- tion adoptedfor the city of Washington." ligionsand alsoas betweenreligious municationis a transferof information. The first official report on file indicates and other activities, b.ut a hermetic If the statedoes not accommodate that the Bible and,the WattsHymnal separationof the two is an impossibility religion,but takesthe completeor ab- were the principal, if not the only, it has ne1)errequired." soluteneutrality approach,as the Court books then in use for readingby the To be specific,the SupremeCourt, did in Jaffree,it can result in hostility Washingon, D.C.,public schoolstudent. until the decisionin lallree v. Wallace, toward religion.The Court, in the past, As onecan readily see,history clearly had designatedonly four particular hasrecognized the possibilityof hostil- teachesthat from our country'sincep- practicesas unconstitutional establish- ity toward religion in the context of tion the prevailingmood toward religion ment of religion in the public schools. secularistictrends in modernsociety. has been one of accommodation.The These are: (l) state-directedand re- In this respect,the SupremeCourt has Founding Fathers and those who ad- quired on-premisereligious trainrng, observedthat "the Statemay not estab- 'religion ministered and taught in the public in McCollum v. Board of Education; lish a of secularism'in the schoolsthroughout the nineteenthcen- (2)state-directed and requiredprayer, sense of affirmatively opposing or 'pre- tury defendedand perpetuatedthis in Engelv. Virale,(3) state-directed and showinghostility to religion,thus accommooauon. requiredBible reading,in Sc/roolDis- ferring thosewho believein no religion Prior to the lallree decision, in- tict of Abington Township, Pa., v. over thosewho do believe.'" stead of taking a position of strict Schempp;and (4\ state-directedand re- Theprohibition against establish.ing neutrality (the absoluteseparation of quired postingof the Ten Command- a religionof Secularismwas noticed in religion and state),the United States ments,in Store ?. Graham.In all these Trocasov. LVatftlns,where the Supreme SupremeCourt had taken the approach fact situations the governmentspon- Court recosnizedthat the First Amend- o[ "accommodatingneutrality." This soredand wasactively involved in the mi:nt granti the sameprotection to and position holds that the First Amend- particular religious activity. imposesthe samelimitations on secular ment was intendedto maintain a proper Unfortunately,many school admin- or humanistic as are appli- relationshipbetween the government istrations have misintemreted the cable to theistic relision. andreligion. Thus, although there may variousSuoreme Court casis as decid- It logically folloris, then, that the be a "wall of seoaration" between ing that any religiousexpression is un- governmentis prohibited from estab- church and state, it is not an impreg- constitutional on the public school lishingnontheistic or secularideologies nable wall. As a consequence,not all campus.The ./allreedecision will un- in the public schools,just as it is pro- relationshipsbetween govemment and doubtedlyperpetuate this phenomenon. hibitedfrom establishingtheistic prac- 18 FundomenlollstJournol tices. As one legal commentatorhas should be kept in mind. Moreover, The SuoremeCourt's decision in wrltten: giventhe Tinkerholding and its subse- lallree v. Wallace appears to contra- Ulf the total impact of a school quent affirmation in later decisions, dict the principles it had laid down value program is to promote a the right to the freedom of religious ex- prior to this decision.However, the humanistic ,or if it utr- pressionmust be protectedby public Court in lalfree did imply that a law lizes the oracticesof a humanistic schoolauthorities to the sameexrenr allowinga momentof silencewas con- religion, it may be held that the asfreedom of nonreligiousexpression. stitutional if it did not explicitly men- state is aiding and preferring a This is true unlessit canbe shownthat tlon Draver.-is, secular religion. suchexpression would materially and This in ,promoting a A "religion of secularism"may be substantiallyinterfere with appropriate secularisticenvironment in the oublic establishedby schoolauthorities when schooldiscipline or that it would col- schools.It also appearsto be in at- they deny religiousexpression to stu- lide with or invade the rights of others. tempt to privatize religion similar to dents and teacherseither within the The truth of the matter, as one what has happenedin totalitarian classroomor elsewhereon campus. federalcourt held, is that schoolauthor- countries such as the Soviet Unron. This would be "preferring thosewho ities at either the high schoolor college There religion is driven into the private believein no religion over thosewho Ievel cannot regulate the content of sector. Public manifestationsof reli- do believe"in religion.To avoidestab- ideasstudents may hear. "To do so," gion are usually punished. lishinga religionof Secularism,public onefederal judge wrote, "is illegaland laffree also subtlely pronounces schoolauthorities must accommodate thus unconstitutionalcensorship in its that religiouspeople are second-class students. teachers.and others who rawest form." citizens. The Supreme Court allows desire to expresstheir religion. freedom for almost any view in the Any discussionconcerning the First public schools.Religion, however, is Amendmentrights availableto students suspect.As a consequence,an entire must begin with the caseof lin&er v. f t rn" statedoes not generationof religiousschool childreri Des MoinesIndependent Community could be deniedbasic freedoms in the School District. The issue in Tinker accommdatereligion, it public schools.This is, of course,hos- waswhether the wearinsof armbands can resultin hostilitv lility toward religion. by publichigh school stidents during Thosewho areconcerned with true schoolhours in orotestof the Vietnam towardreftgion, equality in the public schoolsfor a1l war was consiitutionally protected people (including religious people) under the First Amendment. must enforce their rishts even if the The SuoremeCourt held that the Academicfreedom is a soecial con- courts and public sch6olshold to the wearing of the armbandswas a form cern of the First Amendment.Essen- contrary.They must standfor truth no of free expressionso closely akin to tially, as the SupremeCourt has recog- matter the conseouences.This is so "pure speech" as to be "entitled to nized,laws or rulesthat casta "pall of even though religious people in the comprehensiveprotection under the orthodoxy over the classroom"will not public schoolsare in the minority. First Amendment."The Court empha- be toleratedunder the Constitution. If religious people in the public sizedthat in "the absenceof a specific Needlessto sav.academic freedom schoolsdo not continueto strugglefor showingof constitutionallyvalid rea- involves and proiects both students their rights, thoserights may be lost. sonsto regulatetheir speech,students and teachers.The collectivefreedom They must demandthat the stateper- are entitled to freedomof exoression of the teacherto teachand of the stu- petuateand protect their freedom of of their views." dent to learn (the "right to hear") has religious expression. In an attemDtto define "constitu- been labeled"academic freedom." Without this, the freedom of ex- tionally valid reasons" to regulate This right affords the high school pressionof thosein the religious minor- free expression,the SupremeCourt in and university teacherbroad discre- ity will continue to be severely re- Tinker formulated,a two-prongedtest. tion in choosingstudy materials, even stricted.The Constitutionsuarantees A student'sfreedom of expressionis to the point of defying higher school freeexoression and freedori for all. As guaranteedon the public high school authorities.Academic freedom allows JamesMadison once told Congress,the campusif it doesnot (l\ mateially and the teacherliberty to utilize appropriate Bill of Rightspoints "sometimesagainst substantially rntertere with the require- methods,materials, and meansin ap- the abuseof executivepower, some- mentsof appropriatediscipline in the proachingthe curricular subjectmat- times against the legislative,and in operationof the school;and, (2) does ter he or sheis assignedto teach.This somecases, against the communityit- self;or, in otherwords, against the ma- not invadeor collidewith the rishts-meets of freedomis invariablyprotected at the others. If student expression collegelevel, as well as at the public jority in favor of the minority." thesetwo requirements,Ihenany inter- high schoollevel. lerencewith suchstudent expression Theteacher should sustain the con- on the part of schoolofficials is con- ceDtthat the classroomis the market- I John W. Whitehead,atrorney, is stitutionallv susoect. plice of ideas by presentingsubject presidentof the Rutherford Institute In applying ihe Tinke, test to the matter obiectivelv.One excellent method and author oI The SecondAmerican right of students to freedom of ex- of present-ingcourse material objectively Revolutionertd TheStealing of Amenco- pression,religious or otherwise(even is by havingoutside speakers present a This article wasadapted bv the author prayer), the SupremeCourt's insistence topic from a particular point of view. from his Freed.omol Religion in the that a "student's rights . . . do not em- The use of outside sDeakershas been PublicHigh Schoolsby permissionof brace merely the classroom hours" upheld bv sornecourts. CrosswayBooks, Westchester, Illinois. Seplember1985 19 Canon and lelex... Two more reasonsto call n issiutsieruice*MYfirst for all your Audio and Video needs! 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/- \ | Public Schools The Largest Mission Field

by AngelaElwell Hunt

ver 36 million Americanchil. my principal realize that I am teaching dren are enrolled in public the proper material and that I am well schools-a lareer mission field prepared. I teach with my door open, than many countries. Can Christian and when he comesin to observeme, teachersexpose these students to the he's not going to find me goofingoff. gospel,or is religion taboo? But if he comesin and I am teachine According to the Christian Edu- a valueor presentirgthe gospel,Idoni cators' fusociation, a half million public stop there either. I go on-it's just school teachers are Christians, but natural with me. At the beginning of many of them have been intimidated the year I tell the studentsthat I am by recentantireligious court rulings. a Christian,that I love the tord. that Pat Patchen,a CEAleader, that theybetter not swear,that I won't put Christian teachersdo not realizehow up with vulgar language.By telling free they are to incorporate their faith them right up front that I'm a Chris- in the classroom:"It's when they stop tian, I havelaid the backgroundfor the teaching and start preaching that they things that will come up later. get into trouble. That's part of what "For instance,in an assignmentto CEAis trying to do-educate teachers verbally describea scene,so otlrcrs can on legitimateuses of the Bible in their visualize it, I describea missionary classrooms."But many teachershave trip my husbandand I madeto Africa. discoveredthe perfeciblend Wanda Schlafly of teach- I casually mention that I believeevery- Tuscarawas Valley High School, Ohio ing and sharing the gospel. one needsto hear the gospelat least Wanda Schlafly, who has been once, and my students will ask, 'What teachingfor 32 years,is employedby is the gospel?' If they ask the question, TuscarawasValley High School in I can stop and explain it to them." t'f Ohio. A ninth-grade English teacher When the class studies Shake. rh*ru to stay from a family of over 50 teachers,she speare'sRomeo and luliet, Wand,a considersthe public schoolher mission enlargeson the priest'sdescription of whereit's hard beauseI field. "I feel that I am a missionaryto God'sgrace and explainsthat graceis thlnk thtsls whereI'm peoplewho would not hear the gospelif "God'sriches at Christ'sexpense," and I weren'tthere. Teaching in a Christian shegives step.by-step instructions on mostneeded," schoolwould be easier.But I choose how to be saved."I will get somecom- to staywhere it's hard becauseI think ments like,'I've heard that before in 'I've this is where I'm most needed,and I my church,' or neverheard that emulatewhat Jesusdid. He caredabout 'That think I havethe strengthto do that." before,' or makessense.' " peopleand He loved those people to How can a teacher intesrate a secu- At the endof t}e year,Wanda always the point that He put Himself out for lar curriculum and the goipel without asks, "What do you remembermost them and met their needs,whatever offending the local ACLU chapter? about this schoolyear?" Fully 50 per, they were. My kids have needs,and Wandadoes it easily and naturally. "Of cent of her studentswill respondwith, they need to know that I am there to coursethe lessonshave been planned, "God's Richesat Christ's Exoense." help. If they needto be saved,fine. If and I teachthe material that is there, During the 180days with her stu- they needa dime, fine. But they know but I ask the Lord for a discernins dents, Wanda consistentlv and ef- that they can tell me anythingand ask spirit aboutwhat the studentsneed. Ai fortlessly intermingles hei personal me any question.I answer relevantly we discussliterature or grammar,dif- religiousviews into classroomdiscus- and with love. When they see I can ferent questionscome up thatjust cry sions.But her convictionsare not only handle the small emergencies,they out to be answeredas Godwould have expressedverbally. She tries to demon- know they can come to me with the them answered. strate concern for her students in real problems." "I have built credibility with my everydayteenage situations. "My kids Wanda supports her students in school'sadministration. I try to make know that I care about them. I try to their extracurricular activities as well. September]985 2t 'a

"I don'twant to comeacross to my kids JanisBaldwin teachesthird grade 'Holy asbeing Jo€.'I tellthem my prin- at Norwood Elementary School, a ciplesand my convictionsand what the suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. She has Lord has donefor me. Then I enter into beenteaching for 20 yearsand believes all the school activities-pep rallies, that "being a Christian has great mean- band concerts,whatever. They know ing in anythingyou do. I don't think that since Lcare enoughto comeand you can be a Christian and not let it see them, they can come to me with showthrough your wordsand actions. a problem." "I was studyingpre-nursing in col- Wandawants her influenceto extend legeand suddenlychanged my major- far beyondthe classrmm. "I tell my stu- the lord just laid teachingon my heart. dents,'If I read in the paper20 years I havenever regretted it. My wholelife from now that you're picked up for and careerhave been like a road map shoplifting,it will hurt me becauseI with God guiding and directing me have spent 180days of my life telling eachday. I havenever doubted that I you to be honestand to do right.' I want was to be a teacher." them to know that if nobodyelse cares, Janiswants her studentsto remcm- I will care if they get into trouble. ber that "I did everythingpossible to r "I try to makethem know that they educatethem. I want to instill in them 3,$ shouldbe irnponantto themselvesand the thoughtthat theycan be whatever that they are important to me-I be- they want to be if they work hard 'If lieve in them. I tell them, you want enoughat it." to be happy,make somebodyelse happy. JackieReynolds also teaches third Spend your life giving. If you try to gradeat NorwoodElementary School. Jackie Reynolds makeyourself happy, you will fail. Do- Shehas been teaching for 1l years,and Norwood Elcmentary School Norrvood, Ohio ing the things that are gmd and accept- her secretfor successis, "I teachthe able and right brings happiness.' childrenas if theywere my own.Many times I've heardthat today'schildren are more difficult becausehome sirua- tions aren't as stableas they used to "My chrt$ian be, but I've found that parents will witnessis evidentin how cooDeratewith me if I'm honestand keeothe doors of communicationoDen. I love them,how I reach Whenthey seethat I love their childlen, them,and how I they support me." Jackiebelieves, "We needChristian discipknethem." teachersin oublic schools-that's where I feel comfortable.It hurts to think 'I that we can't readthe Bible,but I pray say, love you, but I disapproveof for my children and for my school." what you havedone.' " While Jackie does not have the Janis has seena real lack of self- freedom to read Scriptures in class, disciplineamong her kids, and the ris- shereports, "My Christianlife is evi- ing number of "latchley children" dent in how I lovemy students.If they concernsher. But regardlessof the can't readthe gospel,they are goingto problemsand endless challenges, Janrs read my life. My Christian witness is is sure that Godcalled her to teachin evident in how I love thenr"how I reach public schools. them,and how I disciplinethem. Jackie finds that building a good Drug abuseand teenagepregnancy self-imagein her studentsis her most are two of the biggestproblems that challengingtask. "I try to motivate Wanda'sstudents face. "But you have themto seethat they can achieve their Norwood Elementary School to lovethose kids right wherethey are. goalsin life througheducation. I stress Norwood, Ohio You've got to love the pregnant girl reading-they will be able to think and thejunkie. They're people that the more clearly, havel, and study the ltt Lord died for and we can help salvage Scripturesif they learn to read well." what'sthere." Wanda asked her school Wanda sums up, "I think that if I don't think vou can for maternity chairs for her pregnant somebodycares enough to lovekids, it be a Christianand not girls, and she encouragesthose girls wiH make a difference in their lives. not to abort their babies. We're not going to win them all, or Iet it show throughyour Wandabelieves that the biggest evenhalf, or evena fourth. but if that wordsand vour actions," challensea Christianteacher faces rs seedof loveis planted,sometime along to "knoiv how to dealwith sin-to han- the way someoneelse will water and dle it andnot givemy approval,but to God will sive the increase." I 22 Fundomen'lolist.lournol A )erry Falwell FrtendshtpTour the usagein thereby providing tolay's readerswith the exacl connotationof the orieinal Departingin late February1986 writers. In addition, detailed exegetical notes provide analysisand interpreta- tion of the Scripfures. These are just two of the many Be a part of the most exciting trip unique featuresof AMG's Hebrew- Greek Key Study Bible. lt is so com to the Holy Land ever planned. prehensive,it replacesseven Bible referencetexts, making it a complete o years one'volume librarv that is both simple Relive four thousand of Biblical History in the and time-effectivi to use. It has the- land of unfoldingdestiny. theologicaldeplh required by Bible scholars,while providing a new and more perceptivespirituality for r everyone. ^ r'-) 1 Enjoythe opportunityto visitthe holy sitesincluding: " The Old City of Jerusalem,Garden of Gethsemane, /,r',/,taa l<'*r'a'a'( +- Galilee, Jaffa, Caesarea,Haifa, Mt. Carmel, and Spiros Zodhiates,TH.D. many others. Editor. 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controversialissue? Many are dissatis- rrM;H?l,TL'f.#,",l fied with the educationalDreDaratron altTl offered, the valuesbeing iaught, and be the responseof many parents to I he familv is the the peerinfluence applied in the class- home education, more families are room-sbmetimesin Christianas well committing to teachingtheir children highestform of as nublic schools. at nome. socialization.I would the Reiboltsfrom touisianalooked Theyare not without fearsand mis- seriouslyat homeschooling after they givings,but they do not let thosefears be unfair if I didnt try realizedthat their son'sChristian school deter them. They hear the objections to gtve them the best wasusing state adopted textbooks and to the homeeducation movement, but offeringleisure reading that promoted those objections do not stop them they canget and I could the -theory of evolution to second- eltner. providethem." graqers, Why?What causesthese families to For the Farrisesof Virginia,their getbeyond fears and objections in this daughter'schange in attitude toward 24 FundomenlolistJournql the family was their cue to do some- homeeducation is puttingpressure on thing about her education.When she parentswho may not be preparedor enteredfirst gradein a Christian school, even willing to spendup to l2 years they saw the influence of peer pressure teachingtheir children. and watchedherschoolwork go down- Do parents plan to teach all their hill. And Vicki admitted, "I really children at all grade levels? Some missedhavins her at home.I felt I was would like to; however,parents with losingout on-myrelationship with my youngchildren often follow the Moore daughter." conceptof readinessand do not feel Is Home After a lot of Bible studv.she feels pressuredto put their childrenin a that parents are responsibleto trarn classroom situation too early. Most Schooling their children. "God gaveher to me, make it a year-to-yeardecision. and I was giving that responsibilityto How do they react to the common others." objections to home schooling?With For You? The Cardensof Texasanoroached determinationto do what they feel is home schoolingfrom a difierent per- best for their children, regardlessof omeschooling is not for sDective.Well educatedin public schools what othersthink. everyone.Certainly edu- a;d a private college, they realized catorshave raised strong after they becameChristians that a objectionsto this rapidly growing whole sphereof their educationhad movement. beenneglected. "Since truth emanates Del Holbrook, presidentof Home from God, children should be taught "Er"ot, havea clear StudyInternational in Washington from that ooint of view." D.C.,poses five questionsparents Finding no appropriate private mandate from Scripture. should ask themselveswhen con. school, they decided to teach their sideringhome schooling. children themselves."Suddenly I had WhatGod calls us to do, all the common fears," Mrs. Carden He enablesus to do." you havethe time to spend said,"but there was no oDtionat that l. Do point." with your child (approximatelyfour least two of After committing to homeschooling, hours a day with at "hird work")? how do parentsaccomplish the task of Criticismscenter on aboutfive par- those in solid educatingtheir children?Many choose ticularareas: the Darent is not an;du- 2. Do you haveany background a preparedcurriculum or combination cator; lack of soclalizationwith peer in education,or are you willing to of curricula. Several Christian oub- groups; concernfor competencyand be guidedby a structured course? Iishers havematerials available. adherenceto standards;and the lackof parents Some choose books and extracurricular and specialactivities 3. Are you willing to allow school areas of study based on their own availableto classroomstudents. officials to test periodically,so the oerusalof bookstores.Set curricula Severalfelt their lack of teacher child will be prepared to be ab- orovide tests for evaluation.Achieve- education was a definite advantage sorbedinto a classroomsituation if menttests and national boards are used becausethey did not haveto unlearn necessary? to evaluateyearly . undesirableteaching techniques."It They teach traditional subjects: doesn'tbother me onebit," Kay Rei- 4. Can you abandonworry about reading,penmanship, Ianguage arts, bolt responded."We're olten intimi- the socializationcriticism? mathematics,social studies. However, datedby professionals.I feel they use a biblicalbasis underlines all leamrne. our childrento experimentwith ways 5. Whereare you goingto teach At theupper elementary Ievel, scienci to teach readingand math." them? Living in a crampedaparl- is added.As the children reach junior ElizaberhSmith from California ment is a distinct disadvantage. high andhigh school,parents are often commented, "Parents have a clear Field trip opportunities(either cul- assistedby tutors, who can more ade- mandate from Scrioture. What God tural or rntural) are important to add quatelyprepare the studentsin special- calls us to do, He enablesus to do. I dimensionto the learning process. ized areas. never doubt that I havethe abilitv to Private lessons, support groups, teachmy children." Mothers involved in teaching churchactivities, field trips,YMCAs, Thelack of socializationwas basr- their childrenadd to the list of con- summer recreation programs, and cally debunked.In fact,peer socializa- siderations. One suggested that camps provide a variety of social tion is oneof the thingsthey most wish parents need a good languageback- opportunities. to avoid in the classroomsituation. groundand a positiveschool experi- "Youhave to realizethat vou stand "That'sthe most asked question," encethemselves. Another asserted betweenthem and their academicfu- Jeannie Carden responded. "Learning that Darentsmust alreadvhave con- ture,"Sandy McDade Irom Loui"iana is a socialskill. It's realisticthat since trol 6f their children if ihey are to commented.That reality is a causefor you want to learn, you need to be teach them. concernwith public,private, and home around someonewho alreadyhas the Severalunderlined the need to educators. Del Holbrook, of Home skill. not with six-vear-olds.It is better feel that Godhas called parents to StudyInternational, Washington, D.C., for them to be with older childrenand teach their children, to feel a real acknowledgedthat the trend toward adults." commitmentto it. September1985 25 "The family is the highestform of The availability of activities through socialization,"Mrs. Smith also con- church, community, and individual ef- tended."I would be unfair if I didn't forts were stressedas meansof Dro- try to give them the best they can get viding the variety needed. and I couldprovide them.... Theyare However, Mrs. Smith conceded, not peer dependent.Young children "That's [the lack in the areaof special shouldn't be." activitiesl true to some degree.It de- In the area of competencyand stan- pends on what parents perceive the For More dards, the parents utilized tests that needs of the children to be. I want camewith their programs.In addition, them to be godly adults. I also want Information children took the Iowa Basic Skills them to be good athletes,musicians, Test, the California AchievernentTest, and so forth." ith the growingenthusi- or national boards to evaluatetheir Home education is not without asmfor homeschooling, yearly progress. frustrations.Women who teach therr parentsmay want more I:ck of achievementis not the orob- children curtail their own interesrsa information on the phenomenon. lem, the mothers agreed."The problem great deal. Usually the mother doesthe Where can they turn? A nunber of would be that they are too advanced," teaching,with limited aid from a sup- books are availablein secularand Mrs. Smith asserted. -oortive husband. Christian bookstores and in public Mrs. McDadesaid, "The standards Some find their children a sreat libraries. are so much higher. The children are frustration-those who are lazy oi dif- An early advocate of home edu- learnirs much more." ficult to motivate. They keep trying cation, RaymondMoore has written new things and different approaches. a number of books on the subiect. Jugglingbetween ages is anotherfrus- ln BetterLate ThanEarll @eader's tration. Mrs. Gividen had difficulty. DigestPress), he advocateslate entry movingbetween a second-graderand into a classroom situation, stressing "You haveto realize kindergartner,with additional inter- readinessas the key and entering you ruptionsfrom her 3-year-old. school between 8 and 10 years of that stand lntemrptions hauntedBetty Deloac[ age. ln Home Grown Kids (Ytlord betweenthem and their a louisiana pediatrician."I finally got Books) he developsthis philosophy an answeringservice," she said. and recommendshome schoolins academicfuture," Giading papers, a common com- beyond the readiless stage. plaint of teachen,plagues some parents, Theodore Wade, Dorothy N. especiallythose with older children. Moore, and Richard A. Bumstead, Regardingextracurricular activities, The frustration can also be a source collaborated in School At Home: eachparent made an effort to develop of joy. As JeannieCarden explained, How to Teach Your Own Children the specialinterests of their children. "there's so much I want to teach and (Gazelle Publications). This how-to "We have more to offer than the somany good resources to use.It's just book for oarents includes a number schoolsdo becausewe are flexible," a wondrousamount to cover in a few of practiial guides, and lists helpful Mrs. Cardenstated. When her husband years." organizations. hasa businesstrip, theycan all go and That can also be a oositive force. Susan Schaeffer MacCauleyde- make it a learning experience. "school is neverout," Mrs. Smith con- votes her discussion to the educa- tended."Every waking moment is an tional philosophyof CharlotteMason opportunity to motivate, investigate. as well as home schooling in For Theyfollow their parents' examples." the Chililren's Sake:Found.ations of Thereare otherjoys as well. Seeing Ed.ucation lor Home and School the reluctantor difficult child become (CrosswayBooks). totally absorbedin someunit or proj- Many publishers have curricula ect is especiallyrewarding. for students and helps for parents. Putting it another way, Mrs. Carden Home Study Intemational (Washing- said, "It's participating in the joy of ton, D.C.)has a packetfor parents, learning.I getto seeit firsthand.I love with programs for all levels. to seerhem get excitedabout things." Programs used by some home All in all, educationhas becomea educators include Alpha Omega's family project for theseand the thou- Life Paks,the A Bekka program, the sandsof familiesentering the world of Hewitt-Moore curriculum. and a Norman B. Rohrer, Director 1 home schoolins. CHRISTIANWRITERS GUILD new pilot program from the Bill 260-JFern Lane I Gothard organization. * Hume, California 93628 I S.nd n. you. tn€t Sl.rt.. l(at. Shor n. noi to d.v.ropnl riti.t hl.nt.nd no, to 3.11. I I Private schools, local pastors, _T I Ann Whartonis assistantprofessor and local support groups may prG I of journalism at Liberty University, vide parents with additional infor- I Lynchburg,Virginia. Sheholds an M.S. mation, E - - - i,lr".:liJi.:Ji - - - J from Ohio Universitv.Athens. 26 FuMomentolistJournol Rather, three superintendents,when homeschooling for parentswho want askedwhy they opposedhone schools, it. Last year Grace School had 325 cited "socialization" concernsthat a studentsin gradesK-12, in addition to child schooledat home might not fit 3l home schoolers from some 18 into societywithout exposureto school homes in a satellite program in two classrooms. states within a 50-mile radius. Two of thesemen had prosecuted Mayfield expects nearly 100 youth, Is Home parentsfor teachingtheir youngsters K-12,to enroll for homeschooling for at home,and the third had intimidated the fall of 1985. a young mother into abandoninghome Gracehas a home schoolingcoor- Schooling schoolingby threateningprosecution. dinator who works with parents to Moore, however.finds schoolsocial- help them set up piograms and select an Nternative ization to be "peerdependent,negative lextbooks.But, Mayfieldtells, he is socialization,where children knuckle sensitiveabout "how much structure for YourChild? under to rivalry and ridicule." we impose on the family." Mayfield TheMonroes, who alsoprefer ano- offershome-schoolers the opportunity nymity, teachMichael, 14, and Susan, to take someof Grace'sclassroom of- 12, at home. Their hasslewith their ferings, such as music courses or by Eric E. Wiggin public school board, and their ex- gym-or to take classesa parent may periencein the threeyears since, seem not be competent to teach, such as hris and I "have very strong to confirm Moore's findinss.-Christian When chemistry or languages. convictionsthat the Lord has Kathy Monroe, a former Parents often helo each other m givenus our children, and no school teacher,and her husband,Karl, specializedteaching areas, not only in one can replaceus as parents," said took their homeschooling proposal to Mayfield'ssatellite homes, but in home. Faith O'Brien, when askedwhy they their local schoolcommittee thev were schoolingnetworks across the nation, teach 7-year-oldLucie at home. shocked to discover that "the cur- which put home-schoolersin needof "My children will nevergo to pub- riculumdoesn't mean a thing....The support in touch with eachother. lic schoolagain," affirms Ed Rogers. schoolboard saysthe socialaspect is Home-schoolersin Grace'ssatellite "We'd sell and move,after taking this program are enrolled as if they are day as far as we could in court." His wife, school students. This has thus far Nancy, adds, "If we sent them to a satisfiedcounty officials who enforce Christian school, I would miss the stateschool attendance laws, and one teachingvery much." Ir r, oo, a qaestion public schoolsuperintendent has even TheseChristian families in rural recommendedstudents for Grace's Mainehave asked that their realnames of whetherparents are program. not be used,fearing harassmentfrom capabhof teachingbut Mayfield sayshis graduateshave schoolofficials. SomeMaine oarents no difficulty getting into Christian havebeen prosecutedunder iruottcy if schoolsare competent, colleges.Moore finds that independent laws for home schooling, and in colleges,such as Harvard, welcome Michigan, where the home schooling home-taughtyouth, though he con- issueis really heatingup, at leasttwo cedesthat stateuniversities, because parents have beenjailed in child abuse the biggestthing," Karl tells in dismay. of their intirnacywith public schools, actions for teachingat home. They taught for a year with official do occasionallyrefuse admission to For child psychiatrist RaymondS. permission,and havegone ahead with- home school graduates unless they Moore,it is not a questionof whether out approval since. passa GED exam. parents are capableof teachingtheir The Monroechildren do spendsev- Statesare becominsmore tolerant own children, but if schoolsare com- eral days a week with other young- of home-schoolersas their numbe.s petent to do so. Home schooling,he sters, though, in Sunday school and continue to swell, Moore believes. feels, is a key not only to a child's church activities, the Awanayouth pro Sincea greatmany home-schoolers do proper development, but also to gram, outings with friends, and they not report to state officials, only parents passing their Christian havecontact with neighborchildren. broadly general estimates of home- heritageon to the next generation. Monroe now tests 1.8 years taught youth-from 250,000to 3 mil- Moore recommendsthat a child be ahead of his public school counter- lion nationwide-are available, he givenabout two hours of academicin- parts on the Iowa Testof Basic Skills, says.He has spokento some20 state struction by his mother daily, and an and sister, Susan, shows 2.7 years legislaturesor stateschool boards on additional hour of supervisedstudy. aboveaverage on the same test. The behalf of home-schoolers.Three Following this, he feels, the value of youngstersare increasingtheir quarters of these now look more work can be taught by household academicknowledge a bit more than favorably on teaching at home, though chores, gardening,or working with 1_.5years each schoolyear, the tests halfa dozenare passing more stringent lools. snow. laws. Publicschool sunerintendents back Brian Mayfield, administrator of off when asked io criticize home Grace Christian School, Watervliet, schools-even those they intend to Michigan, is seekingto combine the I Erlc E. Wiggtn is a free-lancewriter prosecute-on academic grounds. best of Christian schooleducation with in Muskegon,Michigan. Seolember1985 27 When to Expecta VIV

by Charles Grandison Finney-The ought to labor for a revivalas the only no Bible, no preaching,than to live and GreatAmeican Revivalist(1792-1875) meansof regainingtheir confidence.I die where there is no revival. do not meanthat his motive shouldbe There is no other way in which a merely to regainthe confidenceof his church can be sanctified,.growin grace, ttw#;f:t'"::ii'tm:;'people,but that a revival through his and be fitted for heaven.What is "grow- instrumentality (andordinarily nothing ing in grace"? Is it hearing sermons else)will restore it. It is by being re- and getting some new notions about (Ps.85:6). vived himself, and pouring out from religion?No;no suchthing. The Chrrs- When there is a want of brotherly his eyesand from his life the splendor tian who doesthis, and nothingmore, love and Christian confidenceamone of the image of Christ. is gettingworse and worse,more and. professorsof religion,then a revivalii The fact is, Christiansare more to more hardened,and every week it is needed.Then there is a loud call for blame for not being revivedthan sin- moredifficult to rousehim up to duty. God to revive His work. ners are for not beins converted. A revival may be expectedwhen When there are dissensions,and Christianshave a spirit of prayer for jealousies,and evil speakingsamong a revival.That is, whenthey pray as if professorsof religion,then there is a ,Tr their hearts were set uDon it. Some- great need of a revival. Thesethings times Christians are not engagedin showthat Christianshave sot far lrom I he fact is. Christians definite prayer for a revival,not even God,and it is time to thin-kearnestly are more to blame when they are warm in prayer. Their of a revival. minds are upon somethingelse; they When there is a worldly spirit in for not beingrevived are praying for somethingelse-the the church there is great need for than sinnersare for not salvationof the heathenand the liie- revival. It is manifest that the church and not for a revival among them- has sunk down into a low and backslid- beingconverted. selves.But whenthey feel the-wantof denstate, when you seeChristians con- a revival,they pray for it; they feel for form to the world in dress,equipage, their own familiesand neighborhoods; and "parties," in seeking worldly A churchdeclining in this way can- they pray for them as if they could not amusements,and readingnovels, and not continueto existwithout a revival. be denied. other books such as the world reads. If it receivesnew members,they will, Whatconstitutes a spirit of prayer? When the church finds its members for the most part, be madeup of un- Is it many and warm words? fallinginto grossand scandalous sins, godlypersons. Without revivalsthere No.Praver is the stateof the heart.The thenit is time to awakeand cry to God will not ordinarily be asmany persons spirit of prayer is a stateof continual for a revival of religion. converted as will die off in a year. desire and anxiety of mind for the When sinners are careless and There havebeen churches in tlfs coun- salvationof sinners.It is somethine stupid, it is time Christians should try where the membershave died off, that weighsthem down. lt is the samel bestir themselves.It is as much their and sincethere were no revivals to con- sofar asthe philosophyof mind is con- duty to awakeas it is for the firemen vert others in their place,the church cerned,as when a man is anxiousfor to do so when a fire breaksout in the has "run out," and the organization someworldly interest. A Christian who night in a greatcity. The churchought has been dissolved. hasthis spirit of prayerfeels anxious to put out the fires of hell which are Without a revivalsinners will grow for .It is the subjectof his thoughts laying hold of the wicked Sleep!Should harder and harder under preaching, all the time, and makeshim look and the firemen sleepand let the whole city and will exoeriencea more horrible act as if he had a load on his mind. He burn down,what would be thought of damnationthan they would if theyhad thinks of it by day,and dreams of it by such firemen?And yet their guilt would neverheard the gospel.Your children night. This is properly "praying without not comparewith the guilt of Chris- and your friends will go down to a ceasing." His prayers seem to flow tians who sleepwhile sinnersaround much more horrible fate in hell, in con- from his heart,liquid as water: "O [ord, them are sinking stupidly into the fires sequenceof the means of grace, if reviveThy work." Sometimesthis feel- of hell. there are no revivalsto convertthem ing is very deep;persons have been If a minister finds he has lost in any to God.Better were it for themif there bowed down so that they could neither degreethe confidenceof his people,he wereno meansof grace,no sanctuary, stand nor sit. 28 Fundomentolist.Journal

I This is by no meansenthusiasm. It When this feeling exists in a church, to appointan anxiousinquirers' meet- is just what Paulfelt whenhe said:"My unless the Spirit is grievedaway by ing, for shefelt that one was needed. little children, of whom I travail in sin, therewill infallibly be a revivalof The minister put her off, for he felt birth." This travail of is that deep Christiansgenerally, and it will involve nothing of any such need. The next agony which personsfeel when they the conversionof sinners to God. A week she came again, and besought lay hold on God for sucha blessing, clergymanonce told me of a revival him again to appoint such a meeting. andwill not let Him go till they receive amonghis people,which commenced Sheknew therewould be somebodyto it. I do not meanto be understoodthat with a zealousand devotedwoman in come,for shefelt as if Godwas going it is essentialto a spirit of prayer that the church. Shebecame anxious about to pour out His Spirit. The minister the distressshould be so greatas this. simers, andgave herself to prayingfor once more out her off. But this deep,continual, earnest desire them.She prayed, and her distress in- And finally shesaid to him: "If you for the of sinners is what con- creased.She finally cameto her min- do not appointthe meetingI shall die, stitutes the spirit of prayer for a revival. ister and talked with him, askinghim continuedon page31

HasAmerica Recently Experienced "National Revival"?

by Del Fehsenfeld,lr. [lo the provocativequestion, righteousnesshad beenpassed over! are resolved broken marriages are | "Has America recentlyexper- The world scoffed, the Devil repaircd;spirits are refreshed,minds I ienced national revival?" I mocke4 the statisticianscalculated, renewed.and lives reformed would haveto answeran emphatic and the only oneswho seemedreally In the unrevived state of the yes and an emphaticno, If we are impressedwere those who equated church,saints may spendcountless speakingof the economy,Conserva- spirituality and revival with packed hours trying to inducelost sirulers tive politics,or religion,the answer buildings and big offeringsl Though to follow Christ.But in the revived is yes. If we mean a - we were sincere and somegood cer- state of the church, sinners become empowered,Saviour-exalting, sin- tainly resulted (becauseGod hon- desperate to find the Saviour. erasing, edifying revival of righ- ored His Word and showedmercy), On a national scale, I wonder if teoumess,holiness, and purity of life, I fear that, for the most part, our history will not record that more I think the answer is obviously no. statistic books were filled, while has been accomplished to awaken The decadeof the seventiesfound heaven'srecord book of holy,pure, the church and to create an aware- many of our ministries known for broken, trarsformed lives remained ness of God and His righteousness enthusiastic crowds, evanselistic relatively empty. among the lost through such efforts fervor, and emotional zeall How- In retrospect, no amount of as the Moral Majority, with their ever, unlike true revival, much of human effort alone can produce agendafor reform, than most of our what happenedwas explainablein genuinerevival. True revival is the sinceresectarian religious efforts of human terms (,orgam. visiting glory or manifestpresence recent decades.Is it possiblethat zation, hard work). In so many of God releasedin the church. Re- the Holy Spirit has b-egunorches- cases, we were super-aggressive vival is the Reviver himself in ac- trating a prelude to national revival without being Spirit-anointed.Many tion. the extraordinarv movement and spiritual awakening through of us were program+entered versus of the Holy Spirit of God producing these initial efforts at reform? people

by Elmer L Towns

I n old Baptist farmer said, "A WhenGod pours out His Spirit in re- keep by intensifuing their labors- Lf revival is somethins that no vival,Christians commit themselves to more visiting, more advertising, or I .lUoay can explain, 6ut every- morework in Sundayschool, fasting, more revival meetings.Perpetuating body recognizes." soulwinning,and raiiing money.Thi revival by hard workls like leeping i Revival doesnot come by organiza- church growsand prospers. storm going by fanning the breeze. It tion, planning,and programs.it does If the independentBaDtists are cannot be done. not come only to the educated,the right aboutrevival, then the more thev Otherswho feel.revival is wanins literate, or the sinful. It is not exclusive repent,fast, pray, and exercise faith, go into legalism-under the guise oT to Sunday mornings, Wednesdayeve. thegreater will be therevival, whether "purity leads to power." Since they got nings, high-steepledchurches, or brush in a local churchor in a wider circle. revival by repenting from known sln, arbor meetings.Revival is GodHimself If therewas revival among indepen- they think they can keep revival by in- working among His people. A revival dent Baptistsin the earlvievenite.. tensifying the cleansingprocess. But is spontaneous,like wildfire burmns whydid it cease?History ieaches thai theseeftons are man{entered rather out of control, like the hurricane thai mostrevivals seem to run their course than God+entered. rushes toward the shore. in threeor four years,but thereare also Still others resort to new Drosrams There is controversy _ concerning natural reasons.In 1974the Arab oil and techniquesto try- to keepwha't they tJte source and method of revivalsl embargoand the economiccrisis hit gainedby ievival. Some agree with Jonathan Edwards, America.Churches cut backbusine and Today some independentBaptist the American churchman instrumental building;they emphasized stewariiship churchei seemschizoihrenic. They ur" in the First Great Awakenine.that ,ratherthan aggressivegrowth. They not sure whether they are an institu- revi-valsare "the sovereignoutfruring beganto turn from revivaloriented tional church or whether tlev are a of the Holy Spirit." Edw-ards6elieved churchgrowth to institutional church revival center built on biblicil spon- that man cannot bring about revival. growth. Financial seminarsbecame laneity,excitement, and emotionaire- On the other side oithe issue was sponse-like their role models of a CharlesFinney, the evangelistof the decade ago. SecondGreat Awakening, who taught Of the thousandswho were won to that "revival is the rightiise of the ap. Christ in independent churches, and propriate means." the thousandswho were broueht in on In the early seventiesmanv inde- buses,many were lost to the'church pendent Baptist churcheswere ihe hot- becausethere was no structure to in- test items in church growth. During volvethem, or educatethem properly this time a list of the i-fi) lareest-indepen-Sun-- hunicanertat rushes concerningtheir lifetime commitment {ay schools included more to JesusChrist. dent Baptist churches than anv other towardthe shore, Can we haveanother outpouring of denomination. revival in America? The an;wer is-ob- Accordingto my understandingof viously yes. It is never too late to nave revivals,certain of theseindependent popular. Emphasiswas given to dis. revival. The church can never sink so Baptist churcheshad a touch of revival cipleship, Sunday school curriculurn, low, nor can society go to such ruin and that caused this unusual growth. organizational charts, and educational that God cannotvisit His peoplewith Someindependent Baptist pastors seminars.These things are not wrong, revival.Revival can visit ar inaividual took unbelievablesteps of faith. They but independentBaptists did not rcalii church,or be pouredout on a groupof sold bonds to buy buildinss or buses. they were moving from a revival model churches,or on a geographical-area-a They believedGod wouldlless them, to an institutional model. city, a county, or an entire nation. God purchased so they large acreage for Additionallv, many pastors had can do anything in responseto His peo church campuses.Their , com- their churchesis largeaithey wanted ple when they seekHis face.The linger- passion, and outreachwere great. God them. They had no desire for further ing questionis, Will Godpour revival rewarded these churches with revival. growth. Many churcheslisted among on America?The answerlies with the Altars were filled as the unsavedcame the 100largest in America lost theii churchl seeking Christ. Buses brought hun. motivation for growth. They lost the dreds to church. Spectacularlv.alco touch of revival thev had. I Elmer Towns is dean of the B. R. holics were savedand called to ilreach, What church siowth thev had Lakin School of Religion, Libeny Uni- broken families were put back t6gether. achievedthrough r&ival, they tried to versity, Lynchburg, Virginia. 30 FundomenlollstJournql continuedlrom page29 for there is certainly going to be a fession of sin, the floodgates will soon The young man preached pretty plain revival." The next Sabbath he aD- burst open, and salvation will flow truth and the wicked did not like him. pointed a meeting, and said that if over the place. They said, "We like our rninister and there were any who wished to converse A revival may be expected when- we wish to have him preach," They with him about the salvation of their evel Christians are found willing to finally said so much that the minister souls, he would rneet them on such an make the sacrifices necessaryto ctrrry told the young man, "Such and such evening. He did not know of one, but it on. They must be willing to sacrifice person,who givesso much towards my when he went to the place,to his aston- their feelings, their business,their support, says soand-so; Mr. A. also ishment he found a large number of time, to help forward the work. Minis- saysso, and Mr. B likewise. They think anxious inquirers. Now, do you not ters must be willing to lay out their it will break up the society if you con- think that woman knew there was go strength,and to jeopardizetheir health tinue to preach, and I think you had ing to be a revival? Call it what you and life. They must be willing to offend better not preachany more." the young please,a new or an old reve- the impenitent by plain and faithful man went away,but the Spirit of God lation, or anything else.I say it was the dealing, and perhaps offend many immediately withdrew from the place Spirit of God who taught that praying membersof the church who will not and the revival stopped short. The woman there was going to be a revival. come up to the work. They must take minister, by yielding to the wicked "The secret of the Lord" was with her, a decidedstand with the revival, be the desires of the ungodly, drove Him and she knew it. She knew God had consequenceswhat they may. They away,being afraid that the Devil would been in her heart, and filled it so full must be prepared to go on with the drive him away from his people.So by that she could contain it no longer. work eventhough they should lose the undertaking to satisfy the Devil he of- A revival of religion may be ex- affections of all the impenitent, and of fendedGod. And Godso ordered events pected when Christians begin to con- all the cold oart of the church. The that in a short time the minister had fess their sins to one another. At other minister nust be prepared, if it be the to leavehis people after all. He under- times they confessin a generalmanner, will of God,to be driven away from the took to go between the Devil and God,. as if they are only half in earnest.They place. He must be determinedto go and God dismissedhim. may do it in eloquentlanguage, but it straight forward, and leave the entire does not mean anything. But when event with God. I Adaptedby permission from Finney there is an ingenuous breaking down, I knew a minister who had a young on Reival, Br.tba.nyHouse Publishers, and a pouring out of the heart in con- man laboring with him in a revival. Minneapolis,Minnesota. Horudoes vour church'stackap? To build a church, you needthe right building blocks.Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone.God's Word, the solid foundation. And another vital building block-a strong Sunday School. The Scripture PressAll-Bible Curriculum is sturdily buili on God'sWord, with Christ at its center.Every lessonis a Brble lessonapplied to the problems of everydaylife. Evangelism is emphasized.Guided DiscoveryI-earning helps st_udentsget into Gofl s Word for themselves and respond:espond to God. The Departmental Grading Plan is so versatile that the All-Bible Qurriculum fits easily into the struCtureofany Sunday School.Teachers welcome the specialteaching helps woven into all materials. And"total" teaching is simple since all lessonelements are related. Build vour church bv buildinebuildins vour Sundav Schoolwith Scrioture hess All-Bible Curriculum.h. Send todav fortor vour-FREEvour Curricilum Evaluation Kits. . .and seefor yourself how this proven curriculum can work for every age-group in your church. ,ftctlpfure Ptess Pttblficatbryhc ,rru AVENuE,wHEAroN, rL60187 4 "orrEGE ! I am a Pastor D CE Director tr S.S. Supt. Name Pleasesend me a sampling of Sunday School churchNam€ curriculummaterials. Church Address F E I am a Sunday School teacher -Dept. Pleasesend me sample City, Stat€,Zip curriculum materials for this department. Phone(- ) Approx. S.S. Attendance-

September 1985 31 Q,m:t*hsr Wss& Wtnt{

flharge themrhat are ich in rhis a goodhusband, nice home,and daily f world, rhat they be not high- n bread.Don't forget to thank God each Y minded,nor trusrin uncertain llran dm o t h er recoenized dayl' iches, but in theliving God,who giteth Godas the sourceof all Grandmotherrecognized God as the us ichly all things to enio!; that the! sourceof all goodthings. She practiced do good,that theybe ich in goodworks, good things.She countingher blessingsand sharing readyto distribute,willing to commuru- practiced thim wiih others,evenihough hers was c4re(l Tim. 6:17"18). counting her not an easylife. Early widowhoodhad blessingsand sharing been her lot, plus the hardship that Shortly beforeher deathat 89,my goeswith bringing up two children, grandmotherwrote in a letter,"You are them with others. running a farm, caring for livestock blessedmy dear Threelovely children, and crops, and making paymentson 32 FundomentolistJournol time.But throughpersistent thrift and takesproperty in order to distributeto a deficient system,although it is still sound managementshe succeededin others,is simply stealing. suDenorto socralrsm. makinglife meaningfulfor herselfand understoodthe signifi- Jesuswarned, "Lay not up for your- her children. cance of the seventhcommandment sehestreasures upon earth,where moth Surprisingly, the reading of her will and that it containsthe veryessence of and rust do*r com:pt, and wherethier.es revealedthat sound stewardshiohad the ideologyof freedom,individualism, breakthrough anditeal: But lay up for madeGrandmother quite a well-to-do and prosperity.His CommunistMani- yourselvestreasures in heaven,where Capitalist. festo sought to do away with private neither moth nor rust doth corruDt. Thereis much said todayabout the propertyand Mosaiclaw. Whenthis is and wherc thievesdo not break throush evils of Capitalism.Opponents of free accomplishedproperty can be seizedat nor steal:For where your treasurei-s, enterpriseblame Capitalismfor what- will. A new law replacesthe TenCom- there will your heart be also" (Matt. ever is wrong in the world. The battle mandments,one that fundamentally 6:19-21). of how best to feeda hungry world and abolishesprilate ownenhip and places The combinationof faith and free- meethuman needs rages on, with arms the statein control. dom is dynamic. Wheneverthe two buildup and lives lost on eachside. Socialistsclaim that concern for work togetherthe needsof the poor the poor is the reason for the even will be met without stateintervention. distribution of wealth.But that same This is the ideal situation,because the ,Tl concern should be a motivating force welfarestate tends to cripple its recrp- toward free entemrise and the accumu- ients by taking away initiative and I he chemistrvof true lation of wealth.-Onlvbv the creation independence. fieedomdemands that ofplenty canthe matirial needsof the Grandmotherwas a Capitalistwith a poor be met. Jesusrecognized through heart. Whenshe saw a need,she did her Christiansutilize His parables and teaching that the best to lend the help that was needed. atfluenceto help others. seventhcommandment save men the Her help was neighborly,not bureau-. right of use,ownership, ird control of cratic. Sheunderstood that you cannot private property. help someonepermanently by doing The right to private ownershipis forihem what ihev could indshould Many saythat Socialismis the best supportedin the Old Testament.When do for themselves.'Shecast her bread way to administerto the needy.Social- Israel cameout of bondageto Pharoah upon the watersand was recompensed. ists saythat Christ wasa Socialistand and enteredthe PromisedLand, all of Sometimeafter she gavethat young that both the Old and New Testaments the peoplefrom ll of the 12tribes were man severalblankets, she answereda advocatethe practice teading church- given a pieceof land. Division of the knock on her door and found a box of men in placesof influenceand authority land was made according to the sizeof freshly cut and wrapped venisonfor attackfree enterprise.But proponents eachtribe in proportionto its popula- her table. of Socialismspeak to the heart,not to tion. (Specialprovision was made for the intellect. I know that my grand- the priests of the lcvite tribe to be sup- mother would disagreewith them. ported by the peoplebecause of their As a child I spentmuch time with specialreligious duties.) Grandmother.Farming was hard work It was a capitalistic system.The and nothing was r.vasted.Scrimping and land was divided fairly, Loundaries saving were a way of life, but Grand- were established,and the order was mother understoodthe true senseof given that no one was to move the "love thy neighbor."If someonein the boundariesin order to seizeland be- communitywas hungry or in need,she longing to neighboring tribes. Each would hastento lend a helping hand. family held title to an allottedpiece of After World War II, a young veteran land. All tribes were resoonsiblefor cameto makehis home in the neighbor- developingtheir own pl-ots.All had ing hills. During the coldestmonths of equal opponunity. But there was no the wintel Grandmotherand I went for guaranteethat all would prosper,just a visit. Shenoticed that the youngman as there was no guaranteethat all had no quilts or blanketson his bed.To would use their wealth as God would keep wirm, he slept sandwichedbe- have them. tween two mattresses.That eveningshe While the Bible doesclearly teach went through her storeof quils, deliler- the right of prir,ateownership both the ing th€m to the needyyoung man the Old and New Testamentsstress the next oay. compassionateuse of property.Jesus Capitalismaffords us the freedom Freeenterprise is basedon the right stressedthe necessityof helpingwidows, to give Socialism,as history has prwed of people to own property. From this orphans,and others in need. fails to come throush with its extrava- conceptall other aspectsof freedom The chemistryof true freedomde- gant promiseof a Eetter life. are derived. Take away the right of mandsthat Christiansutilize affluence ownership of properfy, and you haveno to help others.Not to do so can leadto I Judy Hamrnersmarkis the author treedom. a materialisticcreed of life that under- of Occupation:Nestbuilder (lrccent\ and The seventhcommandment states, cuts the lorc of neighborand encourages Homemaker'sResponse to Inllation "Thou shalt not steall' Socialisnr,which greed.Without love,free enterpriseis @ridge). September1985 33 Making the Most of the Resources God GivesUs

by Ora Mat Wellman

wife worked. The young wife not only J.I\T IffitrJH,JTiY'?Y had a small baby, but brought home a I L a.-rs a stackoi unoard paycheckas r,vell.This put excessive bills. "Therejust isn't enoughmoney." The wifesaid stress on the husband, who was ac- "What!" exclaimedher husband. customed to the idea of the man DrG "I'm earning good money.What are you nothlng,but tears viding for his family. He felt irndequate, doing with it?" of frustration welledup and to aggravatehis wife he indulged The wife said nothing, but tears of in a car-trading spree, trading in one frustration uelled up in her eyes.There in her eyes,There was car after another. The wife finally re- was something definitely wrong with somethingdelinite$ acted and told him that it was her their managementof money.They were money he was using.Their marriage not extravagant or reckless, but they wrongwith their was rn leoParoy. neededa good systemof financial plan- managementof money, But poor financial managementis ning. What could they do? not exclusive to young couples. An God promises, "that I may cause older married counle who made about those that love me to inherit substance; $40,000a year complainedof problems and I will fill their trcasures"@rw 8:21). in their marriage.The wife told of head- The wise useof moneydoes not depend Many Christian counselors cite achesand was unhappy.Their problem upon how much God givesus, but on financial oroblems as the numberone was very simple. The wife wanted a how we choose to use what we have. causeof divorce today.The traditional mink coat. but her husband had re- Family attitudes are expressed Arnerican home, with the husband as marked that a man givesa minl coat to through spendingpatterns. By spend- the uage earneq,has beenunder attack. his wife only if he lovesher. The hus- ing money,a family supports one insti- Inflation and a sluggisheconomy forced band was withholding his money (and tution or businessand neglectsothers. many women into the work force, and his lorrc)asa tbreat,and the wife thought Spending therefore becomes a moral an increasedsense of "keepingup with moneyuas for display.Only counseling choice. Money can be used for good or the Joneses"has pushed families into about keeping money in proper per- evil. for constructive or destructive precarious financial positions. Plastic spective savedtheir marriage purposes.We are given one very direct money, a "playboy societyl' consump- Soundpersonal financial practices commandreganding proper spending: tion materialism,neglect of God'sWord, are difficult to maintain when televi- "But if any provide not for his own, and and a lukewarm church haveall played sion assailsthe family with colorful specially for those of his own house,he a part in destrcyingfamilies. ads about every new gadget and prod- hath deniedthe faith, and is r,r,orsethan In one situation, a seminarystudent uct. Peoolewho believethat all Amerr- an " (l Tim. 5:8). was going to school full time while his cans live in mansionsand drive luxury 34 FundomentolistJournol 4r

Muoy Christian co u nselors ci t e fi nan cia I problemsas the number- onecause of db;rce todat -- \ *,t. + t\ cars, like the stars of their favorite net income as a credit guideline(ex" emergenciesand an adequateinsurance televisionprograms, are more inclined cludingthe mortgageon a home).Buy- program is purchased.Investments to purchaseitems beyond theirbudget. ing a homewithout credit is virtually shouldbe designedto accomplishspe- Bewareof anyadvertisement featuring impossiblefor a youngfamily, and a cific purposes.For example,purchases cure-all medicines,sexuality, adven- home is probablythe most important of stockor certificatesof depositmay ture, or personatluxury. investmenta family will make. be planned for education, careers, A borrower alwayspays for credig so business,safety, health, retirement, the wise family shopsfor cashthe same travel,or as securityfor emergencies. way they shopfor bargainson food and Basic training for wise financial ,Tr clothing. The husband and wife should practicesshould begin in early child- I he wiseuse of monev plan for borrowing by calculating what hood and bemmea lifetime habit "Train the family desiresin consumerdurable up a child in the wayhe shouldgo: and doesnot depend goods,such as a homeand real estate. when he is old lmature],he will not uponhow much Gd Thevshould prioritize their needs.For depart from it" (Prov 22:6).Children example,theiirst yearthey might pur- should be allowedto plan how they will grvesus, but on how we chasea refrigerator, the secondyear an use their allowances,but encouraged use what wehave. encyclopedia,the third year a pianq to spendwisely and saveregularly in and so forth. an account they can watch grow. Budgetlng projects future dollar As they spend,save, and learn, chil- amounts for earnings,borrowing, buy- dren must be taught to follow the ex- ing, insurance,and investment.Some- ample of the parents in tlthlng. Tithing Severalbasic concepts are essential onehas said that budgetingis a matter establishesa bond of faith between to the successof a family financial pro- of keepingexpenditures below "yearn- God and man. He takes care of our gram: earnings,borrowing, buying, ings."Establish a plan and stick to it. needsand we giveback to Him. budgeting,insurance, maintenance of Buylng wisely requires common Weare to giveregularly, "Upon the assets,investment, and tithing. A family sense.Buyers should purchasefood first dav of the week let everv one of is a small business,and it should be items in quantitiesas large as can be youlayby him in storel'Weare to give run carefully. storedconveniently and usedwithout proportionately,"as God hath pros- Earning must be planned.It does spoilage Householdpurchasers should peredhim" (l Cor.16:21. We are to give not happenby accident.Eaming power stay informed on regular pricesof foods liberally and by plan rather than im- may be extendedthrough vocational and other items in order to gaugesav- pulse."Every man accordingas he pur- training, reading,and other education. ings from specialsales. Buying clothing posethin his heartl' Finally,we are to All family memberswho earn their andhousehold soods at seasonalclear- give voluntarily. "For God loveth a own money should be encouragedto ance salesis al-waysa good idea. cheerful giver" (2 Cor 9:7).Giving extendthemselves and seeknew sources Personallnsurance must provide should not be done reluctantly or and oppornmitiesfor increasingincome protection againstcatastrophes: fire, under compulsion. Borr.owlngis as important as earn- theft,accidents, liability contingencies, Commitment to the lord in matters ing. How much credit is enough?Credi- sickness,and death. of family financeis more than surren- tors usually use 20 percentof a family's Investment should become part dering the pocketbook;it demandsa of the family finance program only commitmentto a wayof li[e.With wise after a savinssfund is establishedfor planning accordingto godly principles, reachingfirancial goals and managing family financecan be achievedto the glory of God.

I Ora Max Wellmanis chairman of the divisionof businessat Liberty Univer- sity, Lynchburg,Virginia. He holds a Ph.D.from the University of Oklahoma, Norman.


{ )" 3!1 ,'j illt il 'G; \- --" \.:.d i- Cqre qnd Feeding 'P, I forthe \4ointenqnce I i, of the Temple M

by Calvin T. Eales, Sr. of metabolictherapy, which calls for a com" f wasstanding at her bedside plete changein I asI hadmany times before. She anddiet. I consulteda physi- I was in the last stagesof cancer cian who specializedin metabolic and experiencingall the attendant therapy.I beganto readeveryrhing I ravagesof chemotherapy.Her long, "Does this mean cancer?" I couldget my hands on aboutrhe vari- slender finger pointed at me as the questioned. ous causesand treatmentsof cancer. words sprangupward, "Pastor,I've "We don't know for sure until we All of God's peopleneed to learn madean appointmentfor you with my do the surgery,"he said,"but it usu- more about the stewardshipof the doctorand you'regoing!" ally does." body.We must understandthat every- "Yes, ma'am,"I repliedin mock Cancer!The very thoughtof it was thing we do for Christ, we must do fear'. She had been urging me for enough to make the strongest man throughthe only vehiclewe have-our monthsto do something.With her char- tremble."I'm only42." I thought,"Is bodies.We are har ing a heallhcrisis in acteristicbluntness she had often said, my life over already?" Gatheringall this counrry.and Christianpeople in "Pastor,don't wear the greensuit. It my strength,I went home to face my our churchesare not exempt.Fully one- matchesyour complexion."I shall al- wife and to get my businessaffairs rn fourth of the peopleseated before me ways be grateful that her dying wish order so I couldenter the hospital. on Sundaymornings will havecancer gaveme tle not-sogentlenudge I needed sometimeduring their lifetime. Each to get that long overduecheckup day 1,200people in this country die Subconsciously,I must have krown from this dreaddisease, and the num- somethingwas wrong. My energylevel bers are growing. had droppedto an all-time low. My color "f doo', wantto die a Notoniy is cancer threatening lives, wasgone. Sometimes I frightenedmy- thousandtimes. III die but overa million peoplewill die from self when I happenedto catch my ashen heart diseasethis year. I believeour face in the mirror. There were other just once!" nation'shealth problem has becomea signsI shouldhave heeded. Any slight spiritualproblem, and churches would exertionmade me feel strangelyfaint. do well to considergiving someatten- SomehowI had always rationalized Following surgery,I learned that tion to this area of ministry, thesesymptoms. Now that shewas so the tumor was indeedmalignant and As I beganthe new metabolictreat- urgent,I decidedit wastime to seethe that the lymph nodeswere beginning ment, I leamedthe value of my early doctor. to be involved. The oncologist pre- homeand church training.The doctor First I leamedthat I hadlost nearly scribedthree yearsof chemotherapy. onceasked, "Do you smoke?" half my blood. It was seepingvery "My ministry is over,"I thought."How "No sir." slowly from my intestinal tract. For can I preachwith the nauseaand side "Have you smoked?" four months I underwent treatment effects from the drugs?" "No sir." [or a nonexistentulcer. When things I quicklymade a decision."If you "Haveyou everbeen a drinker)" did not improve,I visited a specialist. don't mind, doctor,I don't want to die "Never!" was my firm reply. After the examination,I sat facinghim a thousandtimes. I'll diejust oncel"I Astonished,he muttered,"You just as he fingeredmy X-rays."I'm afraid was referring, of course, to all the mioht licL th i< thinol" you have a rather large tumor in the traumas associatedwith traditional I was to learn still anothertruth in colon,"he said,"and we must schedule cancer therapy. For me, there was the daysand months ahead. We Funda- immcdiete anotherway. I chosethe uncertain path mentalistsare right to condemnthe SeptembertgBS 37 use of alcohol and tobacco,but we areabus- ing our bodieswith "harmless" substances,the so-calledjunk foods. Such foods are usually high in calories,Iow in fiber, saturatedin salt or sugar, and almosttotally devoid of any real nourishment. I learned that govern- ment agenciesrequire pet foods to have enoughbasic nutri- \'--=-;*. entsto sustainthe life of the pet, but such is not reouired of food sold for human consumotion! Many of us are too lazy to There are only two kinds of disease: discoverwhat -toosoes into the foods wc contagiousdiseases caused by viruses Thereare many practical implications consume, and undisciplined to or bacteria, and degenerative or to be found. For example, depriveourselves of the tasty snacks chronic ailments that cannot be pointed out that some animals were that adorn supermarket shelves.These "caught."They are thoughtto be caused scavengersand should not be included foodsare alluringly packagedand sold by a breakdownof someof the complex in our rezular diet.Grace has released on television by million-dollar sales systemsof the body. That breakdown us fromlhe spiritual obligations to campaigns.But, alas,these foods can- may be causedby our lifestyle and en- theserestrictions, but our bodiescould not sustain life. vimnment. Pollution and chemicalfmd still benefit from someof them. Most Sometimeswhen a Christian learns processing may be destroying our Americanscould benefit by reducing he has a dangerousmalignancy, he is bodies and our world. the amount of red meat in their diet. tempted to ask, "God, why did you do We do know that simple savages After all, man was a vegetarianfrom this to me?" I believe the angels of living on remoteislands or in jungles the Creationto the Flood. heavenare saying,"Why did he do it to do not have degenerative diseases. After researchingthe subject for himself?" Cancer,heart disease,arthritis, and so the past five years, I have tried to The evidencefiat at leastsome kinds forth, are primarily diseasesof civiliza- follow three simple rules: of cancermay be preventableis mount- tion. They are virtually unknown Enioy a high-fiber dier. Return to ing. The American Cancer Society re- where men have not adooted a eating raw fruits and vegetables.Do cently admitted what nutritionists have Westerndiet. not overcook anything. If possible, eat beensaying all along:a diet high in fiber Perhaps we should even take a foodspeeling and all. White flour and and rich in vitaminsA and C doesindeed fresh looli at the dietary laws and rules white sugar should be eliminated prevent certain lorms of cancer. of sanitation in the Old Testament. completelv. 38 FundomontollstJouidol -t

Phoro by cathy watson

practiced today, but we know that God . can, and often does,grant a recovery t;, in answer to the prayers of His people. '! I arn particularly grateful for the many .! prayersthat were said for me from so \$ many placesduring my illness. David said, "I am fearfullv and wonderfully made . . . and that my soul knowethright well" (Ps.139:14). Paul within our environmentthe things that told us to glorify Godin our bodiesas Becausefiber is rapidly disappear- tend to build good health.Given the well as our spirits. Somehowwe have ing from the American diet, the colon oppornrnity,the bodywill heal itself. We failedto do this andI believeit is a sin. is unable to do its work of routine call this process"natural healing," and We Fundamentalistshave spurned the elimination.A multitude of nroblems it comesfrom God. world's philosophy,certain forms of can result. In our home we-useonly entertainment, and the scourge of whole grain cerealsand breads,and alcohol and drugs, but we have raw sugar or honey. adopted the products of modern Eliminate the artilicial or synthetic technology without even raising a from your diet. Avoid all fbod ad- W r* servechrist question.We are paying an awful price ditives, preservatives,colorings, and for this oversisht. dyes.Read the labels on grocery items. to the best of our abllitv We can serie Christ to the best of Many additives have been found to onIV wnen we are our ability only when we are enjoying causehyperactivity in children, emo at least a measureof gmd health, The tional problemsin adults, and cancer enlowg a measufe apostle John wrote, "Beloved, I wish in all humans. of gnd health. aboveall things that thou mayest pros- Supplementyour diet. Beginan in- per and be in health,even as thy soul formed use of natural vitamins and Prospereth"(3 John 2). minerals.Each nutrient has a placein God'splan to nourish the body. But healing also I Calvln T. Eaves,Sr,, is pastor of Goddesigned our bodieswith won. comes from God. We may not sub- CloverHill BaptistChurch, Richmond, derful recuperativepowers. He also put scribe to divine healineas it is ofren Virginia. Septembert98S 39 Numberone in on eight-portseries Morrioge,Divorce C' Remorrioge

Vhot lsMorrioge?

by Ed"ward.Dobson

Divorcehas come a longway! From need.to extend His attibutes to those Theword y'relpis the Hebrewword a time whenit wasneyer considered an who grapple with this now common ezer,meanrng" a supporter." The word option-even under the worst circum- problem.In this serieswe will ad.dress doesnot imply inferiority-that God stances-it gradually movedinto an era suchquestiorc as: What is the biblical createdman and then woman;therefore when it was consid.ereda disgracelul delinition of mariage? Is divorceever womenare to helpand support men as choice.Still, only themost braxen and permissible?Can a d.ivorced.person servants would. The same Hebrew rebellious brought thisshame to their ever remarry?Is fomication the only word is also usedin referenceto God families. Over time, howeve1d.ivorce reasonfor d.htorce?Can a divorced.man Himself-He is our helper, our sup- becametolerable, the lesserol evils in be a pastor?Beginning with thisissue port in time of difficulty. certain situations.Finally, the stigma and.continuing for sevenmonths, we of divorce fad.ed,and. soon people be- will stutly what the Bible saysabout gan to encouragedivorce as an easy mariage, d.ivorce,and remariage. and desirablealtemative to the dillicuh task of solving mariage problems. Now people dittorce merely as a eforewe canbesin discussins M*ri"g is a covenant matter ol course.Many neter consid.er divorce.we mus-thave a cleai of companlonship-the mariage a liletime commitment. Di- understandingof the essential vorce has becomepart ol the plan- nature of marriage. What is a mar- bondlngtogether always an atailable out. riage? In Genesisl :26-27 we read:"And people, Not only is d.ivorcea problem ol God said,Let us makeman in our rm- of two sockty in general,it is a problemol the age,after our likeness:and let them church in particular. Who can sayhe havedominion over the fish of the sea, has no liends or relativesaflected by and over the fowl of the air, and over divorce2 the cattle, and over all the earth, and For instance,in Exodus l8:4 we As twentiethtenturyChistians, we overevery creeping thing thatcreepeth find that oneof Moses'sons was named lacethe problem ol d.eterminingwhere uponthe earth.So God created man in Eliezer-el is the Hebrew word for we will makeour stand.on thisdisturb- his own image,in the image of God Godand ezeris the word for support. ing divorcecontinuum, where we will createdhe him; maleand femalecrc- Elieler means"God our helper." As draw our line andfind a biblicalresting ated he them." Godis a helperto all of us, sobod cre- place.And thecontinuum ol opinionas Someimportant principlesof mar- atedwoman to be a helperor supporter. to wha.t is right, wrong, acceptable, riageare clearlycommunicated in the The two shall be oneflesh. "There- tolerable,understand.able, disgraceful, early chaptersof Genesis.God created fore shall a man leavehis father and his or forbidd.enis everyinch aslong as the maleand female,two distinctivelvdif- mother,and shallcleave unto his wife: one diyorce has run through society. ferent, separate persons. Society's and they shall be one flesh. And they With pastorsand. Bible scholarsd.ebat- movementtoward a "unisex" conceot were both naked,the man and his wife, ing their d.iterseopinions, and each of menand womenis contradictoryio andwere not ashamed"(Gen. 2:24-25). coupleleeling their situation is excep- God's creativeintent. There is some controversyabout tional, the d.il)orcerate has tioled in Man needscompanlonship. "And who actually madethe statementfound the last 20 years. the lord God said,It is not eoodthat ir verse24. Some people believe Adam Wewho offer the healingol Chist's the man shouldbe alone;I riill make said it. However,since Adam did not love and.the warmth ol Hislellowship him an help meetfor him" (Gen.2:18). havea father or a mother he probably 40 FundomenlolislJournol -But would not sayhe had left them.Other these principles were estab- conjuresup many implications for mar' people believe that Moses,under di- lished before sin entered the world. riage! In the scriptural context,how- vine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, After Adam and Eve sinned,God out- ever,the one who is doingthe tamingis addedthese words. I believethese are lined different roles within the mar- the wife-the husbandis beingtamed. the words of God Himself. After God riage relationship:"Unto the woman I neverunderstood the situationuntil I brought woman to man, Adam re- he said,I will greatlymultiply thy sor- finally lookedit up in the Hebrew.The spondedand God added the wordsthat row and thy conception;in sorrow idea is that you can get closeto a tamed follow. thou shalt bring forth children; and thy animal. Marriage likewise involvesa Four guidingconcepts are found in desireshall be to thv husband.and he closenessof companionship. verses24 and 25. shall rule over thee'"fGen. 3:16). In the Old andNew Testaments,an Separatlon.A man is to leave,or But even in this sin-alteredstate, engagementwas settled when both literally abandon,his father and mother. God did not intend to establisha dic- parties came together and made a That doesnot meanthat onceyou get tatorship.There is equality of person covenant.This agreement,made by the married you no longerhave a relation- in marriage,but there is a difference parentsof the bride andgroom, united ship with or a responsibility to your of function. peoplein mutual obligations. parents.We havean obligation to honor This principle is also found in Matthew I recordsthat Josephand our parents.But God saysthat once I Corinthians11:3: "But I would have Mary had alreadymade that covenant you marry you leavethe authority of you know, that the headof everyman when Josephdiscovered that Mary was your father and mother. You leavethat is Christ; and the headof the woman pregnant.Being ajust man,he thought family unit and becomea family of is the man; and the head of Christ is about divorcing her privately. Oncethe your own. There must be a clear line God." Christ is co-eoual with the covenanthad beenmade, even prior to of separation.Failure in this area is one Father in all matters pertainingto the marriage, a bill of divorcementwas of thi underlying causesfor divorce. , yet this versetells us that God required to break the engagement. Cleaving.The Hebrew word used is the headover Christ. In the Trinity Marriageis, therefore,a covenant' heremeans "to be glued together."In thereare diflerencesof functionand or an agreement.ln our modem society 2 Kings 5:27Elisha told his servant, purpose,but there is equality of per- couples"take their vows" before wit- "The leprosy therefore of Naaman son. So it is in marriase. nesses.They agree to become com- shall cleaveunto thee, and unto thy panions.Jay Adams has said,"A com- seed." Now that does not mean that nanionis onewith whom vou are inti- getting married is like contracting hately unitedin thoughts,goals, plans, leprosylThe ideais that marriageis and efforts." permanent-as was the diseaseof lep- Divorcebegins with the violationof rosyduring Old Testamenttimes. Mar- Diuore begins that basiccovenant of companionship. riage is more than separatingfrom with the violation The husbandand wife lose that inti- mother and father-it is a bondins macy, communication,and oneness rogethero[ two people. of the basiccovenant and they begin to drift apart. Becomlngone flesh. Most people In Ezekiel and Ruth we have the interpretthis to meansexual union, of companionship. on^lytwo passagesin Scripture that but a careful study of how the word reler !o a marrrageceremony, or more "flesh" is used in the OId Testament correctly, the engagementceremony. revealsthe conceptof more than merely "Now whenI passedby thee,and looked a ohvsicaldimension. It is a "oneness" Exactly what is a marriage?Mar- upon thee, behold, thy time was the of mind, emotions, will, spirit, and riageis not "living together"or engag- time of love; and I spreadmy skirt over physicalbeing. ing in sexual relations. When Jesus thee,and coveredthy nakedness:yea, Notice the progression-separation, told the womanat the well to call her I swareunto thee,and enteredinto a cleaving,one flesh. Husband and wife husband,she was living with a man. covenantwith thee, saith the lord God, becomeone oerson with onemind and But Jesussaid, "Thou hast well said, and thou becamestmine" (Ezek.16:8). one direction. Have you ever noticed I haveno husband:for thou hast had This passageportrays the groom that peonlewho havebeen married for five husbands;and he whom thou now coming and covering the bride with his many years start to look and act like hast is not thy husband."In the eyes garmentsas an indication that he is go- eachother? That is the idea here. of God, living together doesnot con- ing to takeher underhis wing, protect Sharnelessness.This conceptwas stitute a marriage. her, andmeet her needs.Marriage is destroyedby the entranceof sin. Be" Marriageis a covenantof compan- a husbandand wife makinga covenant fore the Fall, Adam and Eve had an ionshin.In Proverbs2:17. the writer is to live together as companionsuntil open,transparent, vulnerable relation- dealingwith a prostitute who has for- death parts them. ship. They had nothing to hide. Mar- sakenthe marital relationshio:"Which What aboutdivorce? Does God allow riage therefore should involve an open- forsakeththe guide of her ybuth, and for the covenantof companionshipto nessano transparency. forgetteththe covenantof her God." be broken? If so,on what grounds? We God's original intention was that Shehad forsakenthe gside,or compan- will deal with these and other ques- the marital relationshipbe a perma- ion. of her vouth and abandonedthe tionsin our nextarticle. I nent lifelong agreement. Scripture covenantshe madewith God. commandsus, "What therefore God I hate to mention it, but the word hath joined together,let not man put companioncomes from a verb which Next month: Divorce in the Old asunder"(Matt. 19:6). means"to tame a wild animal." That Testament. September1985 4l BI@I?AFHY. A B.Simpson-The Man Behind the Work

the reality of that sufficiency.In the words of Simpson'sgranddaughter, "Such an overwhelminggospel was boundto seemrevolutionary-new- becauseit was so old." AlbertB€njanin Sinpson was bom in Bayview, Prince Edward Islan4 Decenber15, 1843,of strong,loyal, Scottishstock. His father,a hardwork- ing provider,stern disciplinarian, and devotedPresbyterian elder, often in- soiredin his children more awesome reverencettnn filial affection. Simpson'snother, on the other hand,was sensitive,friendly, and at- .tractedto the beautiftrl.From her thi boyinberited the poetic b€nt that would later show itself in hundredsof ser- monsand sacredsongs. IMsr Albertwas born, Jarr Simpeon .prayedthat her sonwould becornea ministeror missionaryrf, shespecified "the Lord sowills, andhe livesto grow up, andis soinclined-" By the ageof 10 youg Bertdid €ntertaina secrctdesk€ to serveGo4 thoughit wasyet based on a senseof duty rather than love. But Albert's father had decided tlat an older brother would be the clergyman,and only by promisingto rneethis ownexpenses did Albert pre- b't Blanche Gosselin vail on his futher's determination.At 14he enrolledin a schoolnine miles henA. B. Simosondelivered from home-a distancehe walked more his inaugural-sennonto the "f notashamd often than rode, congregationof Chestnut ", To earn moneyhe beganteaching Street PresbvterianChurch in Louis- to ownrtis asrte aim younger students. Then, under the ville, Kentuci

shoneout in the shadingof the letters You haveno faith in you, any more at a little distance,and I saw the per- than you havelife or anything elsein son, not the words, nor the ideas.I you. You havenothing but emptiness thought, "That is the way to look at the and vacuity, and you must be just Scripturesand understandthe thoughts opennessand readinessto take Him to of God,to seein them the faceof love, do all. You havesimply to say,"I live shiningthrough and through-not ideas, by the faith of the Son of God." My nor doctrines, but Jesus Himsell as the faith is not worth anything.If I had to pray for anyone, I would not depend upon my faith at all. I would say, "Here, Iord, am I. If you want me to be the channelof blessingto this one, "Hrrr, Lord,am L If just breatheinto me all that I need." It is simply Christ, Christ alone. you wantme to be the Now,is your bodyyielded to Chnst. channelof blessing for Him thus to dwell and work in you ? just The Lord JesusChrist has a body as to this one, breathe well as you, only it is perfect;it is the into me all that I need," body, not of a man, but of the Son of Man. Havevou consideredwhv He is called the Son of Man? The Sonbf Man means that Jesus Christ is the one Ufe and Sourceand sustainingPresence typical,comprehensive, universal, all- of all our life." inclusive Man. Jesusis the one man by A. B. Simpson I had to learn to take from Him my that containsin Himself all that man spiritual life everysecond, to breathe ought to be, all that man needsto have. f wish to speakto you aboutJesus, Himself in as I breathed,and breathe It is all in Christ.All the fullnessof the I and Jesusonly. I often hear people myself out. So,moment by moment for Godheadand the fullnessof a perfect I say, "I wish I could get hold of the spirit, and moment by moment for manhoodhas beenembodied in Christ, divine healing, but I cannot." Some- the body, we must receive.You say,"Is and He standsnow as the summing up times they say,"I havegot it." If I ask not dnt a terrible bondage,to be always of all that man needs.His Spirit is all them, "What haveyou got?" the answer on the strain?"What, on the strain that your spirit needs,and He just is sometimes,"I havegot the blessing." with oneyou love,your dearestFriend? givesus Himself. His body possesses Sornetirnesit is, "I havegot the theory"; Oh,no! It comesso naturally, so spon- all that your body needs.He has a sometimesit is, "I have got the heal- taneously,so like a fountain,without heart beating with the strength that ing"; sometimes,"I havegot the sancti .without effort. for true your heart needs.He has organs and fication." But I thank God we have life is always easy,and overflowing. functionsredundant with life, not for beentaught that it is not the blessing, And now, thank God, I have Him, Himself. but for humanitv. He doesnot it is not the healing, it is not the sancti- not only what I have room for, but that needstrength for Himseif.The energy fication, it is not the thing, it is not the which I have not room for, but for that enabledHim to rise and ascend it that you want, but it is something which I shall have room, momentby from the tomb, aboveall the forcesof better. It is "the Christ"; it is Him- moment,as I go on into the nature, was not for Himself. That mar- seff.How often that comesout in His beforeme. I am like thelittle bottlein velous body belongsto your body. You W od-"Himselt took our infirmities the sea,as full as it will hold.The bot- are a memberof His body.Your heart and bare our sicknesses":Ilirnsell "bare tle is in the sea,and the seais in the has a right to draw from His heart all our sins in his own body on the tree"! bottle; so I am in Christ,and Christ is that it needs.Your physicallife has a It is the person of Jesus Christ we in me.But, besidesthat bottleful in the right to draw from His physicallife its want. sea.there is a whole oceanbevond. The support and strength,and so it is not I oncesaw a Dicture of the Constitu- difference is that the bottle ias to be you, but it is just the precious life of tion of t]rc United States,very skillfully filled over again,every day, evermore. the Sonof God.Will you take Him thus engravedin copper plate, so that when But God says so sweetly,"Never today, and havea new life for all you you lookedat it closelyit was nothing mind, my child, 1oahave nothing. But need?Oh, take Him in His fullness. more than a piece of writing, but when I cm perfect Power, I am perfect [ove, If I could stand on this olatform vou looked at it at a distance.it was the I am Faith, I am your Life. I am all and say, "I have received from heaven iace of GeorgeWashington. The face within and all without and all forever." a secretof wealth and successwhich 44 FundomenlolistJournol Godwill givefreely, through my hand, IlrrIIIrrIIIr II to everybodywho will take it," I am sure you would needa larger hall for C'62's"","*.29C ! the peoplewho would come.But dear "" I friends, I show you in His Word a truth more precious.The apostlePaul tells C-92's."r.*"".35C! T us there is a secret,a great secrethid- 5,000 Quantity Price den from agesand from generations I (Col.1:26), which the world was seek- frliffil HIGH ENERGY cAssETrEs ine after in vain,which wisemen from t thi East hoped they might find, and Excellentcassettes for high-speedvoice or musicduplication! Super high'quality .5 -screw siruction . spokedrollersrexlremely low_friction liners.shiny, God saysit "is now mademanifest to cassettes con highly-calanderedmusic and voice high-energy tape. Classypremium black or I his saints." Paul went through the ,, h te.hpll world iust to tell it to thosewho were HEREARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICESI I able toreceive it, and that simple secret lryJ 2oo 30O ltxro 50OO+ is just this, "Christ in you the hopeof loo T glory." I ttNrur, T -iod, -y I child,you havenothing. But I am pefiect Power, I I ampertect Love, f am SERIOUSUEI{TL'UU I Faitlt, I am your Life. I I WHEN YOU'RE I am all within and all withoutand all forever." T ABOUTDUPLICATION T t PENTAGON'S ^1ft:.---.- I

The word "mystery" meanssecret; T 3?tlii,'83;?.*firffil this is the great secret.And I tell you today,nay, I can give you, if you will I take it from @EF' Him, not from me-I can giveyou a secretthat has beento me, I -{ oh, so wonderful! Years ago I came to Pricessubiecttochanqewithoutnoiice Him burdened with guilt and fear. I t a I Solenoid-operatedpushbuttons .E/ tried that simple secret,and it took . Duplicatesat 30 i.p.s.in 2 Track Monaural away all my fear and sin. Years passed t a Track Select: Recordeither or both tracks I on, and I found sin overcomingme and a AutomaticallyRewinds Master and Copy when recordingis finished I my temptations too strong for me. I I a AutomaticTape Stop, and ConvenientEject Buttonslor eachCassette I came to Him a secondtime, and He Design€dto producemirror-sharp voice and music-qualitycopiesl I so accurate,it ev€n duplicatesmost computercassettes! whisperedto me, "Christ in you," and I Reproduction I I had victory, rest, and blessing. LrsrpRrcE$449.00 clwPRICE$299.00 SAVE$150.00- Then the body broke away in every IIIIIIIIIIIIIII sort of way. I had always worked hard, I and from the age of 14 I studied and labored and spared no strength. I took chargeof a large congregationat the ageof 21. I broke down utterly half a dozentimes and at last my constitution was worn out. Many times I feared I should drop dead in my pulpit. I could not ascendany height without a sense of suffocation,because of a broxen- dourn heart and exlausted nervous system.At last the Lord whisperedto me the little secret,"Christ in you," I lii, l andfrom that hour I receivedIlirz for my body as I had done for my soul. I LrrrrrrrrrrrrrJ wasmade so strong and well that work begunto learnhow well it works.Take hasbeen a perfectdelight. For yearsI it and go on working it out, through havespent my summerholiday in the time andeternity-Christ for all, grace hot city of New York, preachingand for grace,from strength to strength, working amongstthe masses,as I never from glory to glory, lrom this time did before, besidesthe work of our forth and evenforevermore. Home and Collegeand an immense massof library work andmuch more. I Adapted by permission of Zfre But the Lord did not merely remove AllianceWitness. my sufferings.He so gaveme Himself that I lost the painful consciousnessof physicalorgans. That is the bestof the health He sives.I thank the Lord that Hekeeps me lrom all morbid,physicai consciousnessand a body that is the objectof anxiouscare, and gives a stm- Himself ple life that is a delightand a service for the Master,that is a restand joy. Then again,I had a poor sort of a mind, heavyand cumbrous,that did not think or work quickly. I wantedto write and soeakfor Christand to have Onceit was the blessing,now it a ready memory, so as to havethe little is the Lord; knowledgeI had gainedalways under Onceit was the feeling,now it is command.I went to Christ about it, His Word. and askedif He had anything for me OnceHis gifts I wanted,now the in this way.He replied,"Yes, my child, Giver own; I am madeunto you Wisdom." I was OnceI soughtfor healing,now always making mistakes,which I re- Himself alone. gretted,and then thinking I would not Once'twas painful trying, now make them again; but when he said 'tis 57.00each or perfect trust; that He would be mv wisdom.that we Oncea half salYation,now the 2 for $10.00 mav havethe mind of Christ. that He Availableon Album uttermost. could cast down imaginations and Once'twas ceaselessholding, or Cassett€ bring into captivity every thought to now He holds me fast; the obedienceof Christ,that He could 'twas Robbl€, Don, & Mack-F€aturing Once constantdrifting, now music heard on the Old-Time make the brain and headright, then I my anchor'scast. Him for all And sincethen GospelHour. Including"What A took that. 'twas f€aturinga bass work hasbeen rest. I usedto write two Once busy planning,now DayThdt Will Be," ,r:^ r-.-rf..l --^.,^-. it us tr u!uur Pr dlcr, solo by Dr. Jerry Falwell. sermonsa week,and tookme three 'twas Once anxiouscaring, now \,Varm daysto completeone. But now,in con- Mack's latest album, "A nectionwith my literary work, I have He has the care. 'twas FamilyFeeling." Featuring, "The King Once what I wanted,now "l've numberlesspages of matter to write ls Coming," A Longingin My what Jesussays; Heart," "l Lost lt All To Find constantly,besides conducting many 'twas meetingsa week,and all is delightfully Once conslanlasking, no\ Ev€Mhing,"and other new gosp€l 'tis songs. easy to me. The Lord has helpedme ceaselesspraise. I know He is Saviour mentallv.and the Onceit was my working, His it Watch for Mack in these cities of our mind as well as our spirit. in September and October henceshall be; Well. then.I had an irresolutewill. OnceI tried to useHim, now Hc Da),ton,OH. Tucson,Az. Hobbs, I asked,"Cannot you be a will to me?" . . . usesme. NM Roswell,NM Phoenix,Az "Yes it is who He said, my child, God Oncethe power I wanted,now Alcron,OH. Huntington,WV. worketh in you to will and to do." Then Philadelphia,PA. ThomasRoad the Mighty One; He learnhow andwhen to BaptistChurch Pastors' Conferenc€, mademe to Oncefor self I labored,now for yield. Oct. 91-93 . Manoss€s,VA . be firm, and how and when to Him alone. Washington,DC. Norfolk,VA Many peoplehave a decidedwill, but thev do not know how to hold on iust bnce I hopedin Jesus,now I Watch for sp€cial Christmasmusic at the proper moment.So, too, I cime know He's mine; offer in October issue to Him for oower for His work andall Oncemy lamps were dying, now the resourCesfor His service,and He they brightly shine. Write or coll for has not failed me. Oncefor deathI waited,nor His FREEscheduling informdtlon And so I would say,if this precious coming hail; P.O. Box4101 little secretof "Christin you,"will help And my hopesare anchored,safe Lynchburg,VA 24509 you, you you within the vail. (804)595 5566 may have it. May make betteruse of it than I; I feel I haveonly -A. B. Simpson

46 FundomeniolistJourno Christ is til be preeminent. We prove that Christ is first in our lives by our family exampleof purity, love (husband),submission (wife),and obedience (children). Pastorallife. When I beganthe ManhattanBible Church,my guiding princi- ple was Ephesians4:15- "speakingthe truth in love,joy, peace,and self- the expensesfor at least love." That statementis control, and beg for His oneyear. Usually, that balancein action. strength and wisdonr. amountof time is required If a pastor emphasizes I Tom Mahairasis pastorof to becomeself-supporting on truth at the expenseof ManhattanBible Church in radio,and evenlonger on love, he becomesphari- New York City. television. ThePoslor's saical and insensitive,Iittle 2. Start in your own lo- caring how his communi- FJInlroduces cality thenbranch out to Priorities cation affects his listeners. more distantcities, your If he emphasizeslove Pogesfor state,and so on. by Tom Mahairas and has no regard for 3. Onceyou are broad- truth, he has compromised Postors castingin othercities, go to Balanceis critical to an and movedaway from them and conduct citywide effectivelocal church min- biblical love,which accord- Preachersand pastors rallies,so the people can ac- istry. The typical pastor, ing to I Corinthians13:6 havea wealth of knowledge tually meetyou in person. pulled betweenfamily, "rejoicethin the truth." and wisdomto share, This is importantto your lis- church, business,and per- Love without truth will be while at the sametime tenersand helpsbuild and sonal devotion,will find distortedinto lust, theyare continuallyseek- keepyour audience. that maintaining an ade- adultery, weakaess,com- ing new ideas,methods, 4.Don't try to copyother quate balanceis not easy. promise,and other and programsto enhance preachers.Do thingsthe way But our wise God has pro- deceptions. their ministries. We have you are comfortablewith vided guidanceas we attempt In his position of shep- designedthis new section doingthem. to prioritize the different herd and overseer,the to be a sourceof valuable 5. Includequality areasof our lives and pastor is accordedhonor information and news for music-the bestyou canget. responsibilities. and respect.Consequently, you. Commentsor topic This is importantfor any Personallife. My love if he is to be an effective suggestionsare welcome program. relationshipwith J6susis exampleof truth and love, and should be addressed 6. Usethe bestquality first. If i havenot spoken he has an awesomere- to the editorial department. technicalequipment possi to my wife, Vicky, for two sponsibilityto live a life ble,and make sure the tech- weeks,letting her know that is abovereproach. Storting nicianis well qualifiedto how much I care for her As an overseer,or recordyour program. may take much time. I watchman,he is to warn o Medio Contactingan agency may have to spendan en- his peopleof coming dan- has many advantages. tire day with her, shopping, ger. As a shepherd,he is Ministry? They know the station eating out, talking, looking responsibleto feed, guide, personnel,what airtime into her eyes-just being discipline,and protect Sam Pateof Sam K. is worth (and the station together.Likewise, if I them. As a minister, he is PateAssociates has been personirelare aware that have not been faithfully to evangelizethe lost, in the media businessfor they know),and they can walking with the Lord, I disciplenew converts, 11years and knowswhat oct , hptfpr n.i.. f^. may need hours or days of counselthe brokenhearted, a pastorshould consider airtime in nearly 100 fasting and feastingon His and encouragethose who when he is planning to ptlr- percentof the instances. Word to resumemy close are strong. chaseradio or televisionair- Thereis no costto you for fellowship with Him. A A ministermust be in- time.Here is his advice: the agency'sservices, and normal daily devotional volved in thesemany areas 1. Makesure you are the agencywill negotiate life is essentialto a close simultaneously.A whole- readyto facethe difficulties contractsand renewalsfor relationshipwith God. It somebalance cannot come that often accompanya you. should not be a chore or from fleshly strength;it mediaministry. Broad- For more information obligation,but a joy and can come only from the castsare not alwaysthe contact Sam K. PateAsso- delight. Holy Spirit. We need to easysource of incomethey ciates at P. O. Box 4249, Family life. In Colos- fall completelybefore Him appearto be.The church Lyncnourg, v trgrnta zlJuz, siansl:18 we readthat who alone is the sourceof shouldbe ableto underwrite or call 804-237-2903.

Seplemb€r ]985 47 engineeringstudent, Christian Counseling& Nelsonwanted to reach EducationalFoundation others his age for Christ. 1790East Willow Grove Now he servesas a youth Avenue advisor,coordinator of Laverock,Pennsylvania 191 18 outreachministries to col- (zts) 884-767 6 legeyouth, and director of the church bookstore. The CounselingCenter Anothermember, Martha Liberty University Colato,M.D., is preparing Box 20000 herself for Christian ser- Lynchburg,Virginia 24506 viceby attending7:30 a.m. (804)237-5961, extension #200 classesat the Miramonte Baptist Seminarybefore The Narramore Christian making her clinic rounds. Foundation She also donatesat least P. O. Box 5000 one hour a day in service 1409North Walnut Grove at the Manna International Rosemead,California 91770 Servonls Clinic. (8r8)288-7000 study at Miramonte Bible At age75, Justo Spreod Seminary,where future Graciasis ready to start National Associationof pastors,evangelists, and his third church-the first Nouthetic Counselors Revivolin missionariesare also two are now fully grounded. 100Doncaster Drive trained. Hundredsof peoplelike Lafayette,Indiana 49705 ElSolvqdor Miramonte Baptist these,taking Christ's com- (317\474-9806 Church has established mandto be His witnesses nine daughterchurches personally,are making a Professionaland practical In spite of several and five missions.Their real differencein this city. training for pastorsand years of bloodshed, ministry reachesinto five Membersof Miramonte Christianworkers is El Salvadorhas become hospitals,two orphanages, Baptist Church are living availablethrough programs the sceneof a remarkable two prisons,and a home proof that God usespeople sponsoredby all the moving of God'sSpirit. The for the elderly. who place themselvesat organizationsabove as blessingof God is nowhere Manna International,a His service.They have in- well as the following. more evident than at the serviceinvolving 70 doc- dividually and corporately Miramonte Baptist Church tors, nurses,and other made the commitment, Biblical Counseling in San Salvador,the volunteersfrom the con- "We will servethe Lord." Foundation country's capital. gregation,shares Christ's 915 South WakefieldStreet If you were to ask love by providing medical Arlington, Y irgrnia 22204 PastorHal Largewhat servicesand food and lf You Need makeshis church vibrantly clothing distribution in Dr. Larry Crabb alive in this land of war, San Salvadorand the sur- Helpwith GraceTheological Seminary he would say it is because rounding areas. Counseling 200 SeminaryDrive the membershave taken Active camp programs WinonaLake, Indiana 46590 the Great Commission in San Salvadorand Counselingfamilies personally. Guatemalaprovide through marital problems Dr. CharlesSolomon Begun with a small another area of outreach. is difficult at best. The GraceFellowship group of believersin 1970, Through its combined following are a few of the International the church now ministers ministries, Miramonte excellentChristian referral 1455Ammons Street to more than 4,000.They Baptist Churchhas reached systemsoffering special Denver,Colorado 80215 meet in three separate over 5,000individuals for help to thosefacing Sundaymorning services Christ in the past two marital problems. ReverendWilliam and find Sundayschool years.The church's vision Gothard,Jr. class spacein various is to sendpeople "into all Institute In Basic Youth areas including the car- the world and preach the Conflicts ports of private homes. gospel."Trained leaders Box I More than 40 growth have left El Salvadorto OakBrooks, IIIinois 60521 groups involving over 700 begin ministries in Hon- peoplemeet in homeseach duras, Spain,and Mexico. Dr. Jay Adams week for prayer and Bible One church member WestminsterTheological study. who has taken God'scom- Seminary Thoseespecially mand personallyis Nelson P. O. Box 2215 hungry for God's Word Perez.As a university Escondido,Califomia 92025

4t| FundomentqllslJournol that suits your needs.The new schoolshould be very Q. What is your philoso biggesttask is exposing cautiousin its desireto phy on parendteacher your plans to the people.I oct itc nr rmher< relationships? probably spoke 200 times to large"andsmall groups. Q. Who setsthe rules? A. As administration There is a general ignorance and faculty,we see of Christianschools and A. In a church-related ourselvesas servantsto their purpose.You may school,the church is the parents.We believethe even have to define what final authority. The school parent knows the youngster you meanby "Christlike." board makesthe day-to-day better than anyone; The people have to see the decisionsand shouldcon- therefore, we conmunicate need. sist of peoplewith children with the parent and work Stxth, Determine in the school,not just togetherfor the student's whetheror not to seek prestigiouspeople. The maximumbenefit. stateaccreditation. The schoolmus! involveparents. schoolmust first be rruly Christian.If it can remain so and havestate accredita- tion, that is a positive move-it givesa favorable Howlo Sforl testimony to the world and A Christion the Christiancommunity. The ACSIhas a certifica- School tion manual and their cer- tification is important. (Aninteniew with C.E. Schind.ler,supeintendent ol Q. What are some of the DaytonChristian Schools, pitfalls to Dayton,Ohio. The schools were be avoided? establishedin 1963and have a presentenrollme t oJ1,8(n A. Trytng to do too sludents.) much too smn. For exam- Q. What is the secretof ple, openingkindergarten your school'ssuccess? Q. What is the best way throughgrade 12 on the to get a Christianschool first day may not be A. We havetried to started? possible. focuson being truly Chris- Too much academicand tian in everyarea. Even in Sermon A. First, establishthe not enough splrltual oden- our classroomresponses reasonfor starting the tation. This meansnot be- we try to use the biblical Oulline school.It shouldnot be ing Christianto the core. approachrather than man's becauseof a lack of Jay Adamssays that some ways.We try to demon- The Trlumph of Chrlsr discipline public in the Christian schoolstry to strate our fundamental Matthew 28 schools,or becauseyou take in the pagansystem cornrnitmentto the Bible. want a higher levelof and Christianizeit. These We have had very good I. His Resurrection academics,but becauseyou schoolsfold. success-we are on the (w.1-8) want a schoolwhere Not belng selective missionsbudget of 23 lI. His Reappearance JesusChrist is the center enough ln faculty (James churches. (w.9-ls) of all truth. 3:l). Thesepeople are the III. His Recommission Second,determine if backboneof the school. Q. What particular (w.16-20) your schoolis to be inde- They must hold to the right plans do you make for the pendentor church-related- beliefs. openingof schooleach fall? where the leadershipof the Having enrollment re- WordStudy church is its support. quirements that are too A. We havea week of Thtrd, look at the needs. liberal. Enrollmentmay be faculty orientation,at least Anastas ls: resurrection, Determinewhich grades open,or may requlrecom- one day of which has a meansto "stand up again." you will offer when you mitment to the Christian spiritual focus. An The very meaningof this open. faith. DaytonChristian re- evangelisticemphasis is word clearly indicatesa Fourth, see how other quires that at leastone madefor the first two literal resurrectionof the Christianschools function. memberof the family be weeks of school. We do not body.Used of Christ's Contactthe ACSI for infor- Christian.Bringing the assumethat everystudent Resurrectionand the resur- mation, forms, and proce- wrong studentsin can is a Christian.We have rectionof believers,it is duresin their starterkit. createproblems for the many new studentseach the hopeof the Christian Flfth, formulate a model schooland the parents.A year. faith.

Sepiember 1985 49 ChurchNews We Asked Northside Baptist JohnF. Church of Charlotte,North Wolvoord.. Carolina,will celebrate31 yearsof ministry on September8. Underthe leadershipof W. Jack Hudson,Northside has grown from 29 to over 6,000members. The church will conductspecial anni- versaryservices at 9:45 followedby a "feedingof the 5,000."For more infor- mationcall 704-596-4856. Croundbreaking ceremoniesJune 12, 1912,for the Church ofthe Open Door, Los Angeles.Irs lirst pasror,R. A. Toney, is shown wirh white beard,mustache, The lOth anniversarYof and bow tie, sharing rhe hynnal. GatewayBaptist Church, After 70 yearsof members,the $70,000proj- What are five character Ironton,Ohio, was ob- ministryon HopeStreet in ect has cost only $15,000. traits of a good pastor? servedby a weekJongBBF downtownLos Angeles,the With the new addition, the l. A senant'sattitude. . meeting.Jerry Falwelland Church of the Open Door, school will accommodate 2. A senseof divinecommis- Don Norman were the pastoredby C. Michael 80-85students. sion.3. Deepinvolvement in speciaIguests on oPening Cocoris,has movedto sub- the Bible. 4. Realizationof day,June 23. Other sPeakers urban Glendora.Organized his obligationto his family, included CharlesBillington of knowingthat his homeis one Gateway, in l9l5 as a byproduct andJohn Rawlings. The ninth annualmect- of his pulpits.5. A life that is pastoredby Cliff Hartley, the now Biola University, the church was first ing of the Virginia Assembly morally beyondreproach, has grown to a member- pastoredby R. A. Torrey. of IndependentBaptists avoidingeven the appear- ship of 400. Specialfinal serviceswere rlill be hcld at OpenDoor anceof evil. held June22-23. BaptistChurch, Richmorrd, Which three pastorshad The 35thanniversary Virginia,on Septemberl9-20. the greatest influence on of BBF will EvangelistsLee Roberson The 1985 annual Jerry your life? be held at Akron Baptist and Tim Lee will be anrorg 1.kwis SperryChafer, Falwell Pastors' Conlerence Templeon September22'26. theguest speakers. This first presidcnt will be held October21-23 founderand Speakersinclude Jerry year'stheme is "Evangelisnt of DallasSeminary. 2. H. A. at the ThomasRoad Bap- '85." Falwell,Truman Dollar, Alivein Ironside,of whom I am tist Church and Liberty DavidCavin, and Jerry For furtherinformation said to be an imitator. University.John Rawlings, Thorpe. A number of semi- contactJack Knappat 3. WilliamMcCarrell, Truman Dollar, and Tim nars are scheduled.For VAIB,P. O. Box 15106, pastorof CiceroBible Lee are guest speakers. more informationcontact Chesapcake,Virginia 23320, Church,through rvhose Pastors'wives are invited William Leeat or call 804482-3745. preachingI was saved. to a shoppingtrip Tuesday 2t 6-745-8824 . are your favorite and a luncheonand panel What books of the Bible for discussionwith Macel Baptist International Mis' preaching?The Gospelof Falwell on Wednesday. sions,Inc., held its 25th The 69-voicehigh school John,Romans (especially anniversarycelebration at chorusof Bangor(Maine) whenI was young),and the HighlandPark Baptist A specialdedication Baptist Schoolsretumed Daniel. Churchin Chattanooga, servicewas held August 25 April 4 from aweekJong What is the mosl im- Tennessee,on July l5 and for the 2,000-square-foot tour of England.The l4-year- portant adviceyou would 16.Originally started by addition to GospelBaptist old schoolis a ministry of give young pastors?To be support from 100churches, Church, Norlina, North the BangorBaptist Church. a seryanl,nol a supenor BIMI now servesover 8,000 Carolina.Pastored by Gary Radiostation WHCF- leader,and to walk very churches.Their Home Mis- Roy, a Liberty Institute FM 88, an educationalsta- closeto Christ,especially siondepartment has been re- graduate,the church has tion ownedand operatedby in his home. has sponsiblefor helpingto start experienceda 67 percent BangorBaptist Church, 398new churches in funerica. growth, and its Christian expandedits listening I John F. Walvoord is school,begun in 1984,is area into the Maritime professorof systematic expectedto more than Provincesas well as New theologyand presidentof double this fall. Because Hampshire,Vermont, and DallasTheological Seminary, of the efforts of church Massachusetts. Dallas,Texas.

50 FundqmentollsfJournol I founda wa to ' '-1 -Jl ll \ / ll .---J =lllllli\//ll- | | I || t\Y/t r-- SELL U UIJ\Jlll -r r r r MAKEFU LLtrIMEINCOMEI eqfngd $7r7OOrrom my first Paceorder...plus financial securityin my own business. lst personstory by TeddMainwaring

((T workedon an oil drilling crew out west.We drilled ll it is to set up a businessand teep it running r^ we[s oneyear. every onea gusher! profitably. Soall . But did I strike it I naq ro do was go out and find nchl Not on your life_l somebodywith a teaiy roof, was paid by the hour and strueeled and tell him about pace products. to leed a growing.family. ",irhy That started me to thinking. "Quite frankly, should I do my firsi prospectdidn.t buy. But I madea all tlre work while someoneelse getslll the cauror gravy.' a.schoolbuilding with a roofthesize ofa footballfield. r ney caltedit the "Bucket Leaker,..because every "About time I got injured and ended up time it -that having to rained.theyhad to put out buckets_-i n move my family to a different area c,""".oo_". fiufi*uv", to tuke u loU .s a rn-ai.r- even the cafeteria-to catch tenancernechanic. That idea the water. f got tti";oU u"nj of controltingmy o*n desti;v made 97,700 on it. kept gnawing at me. By now I naa nue chltaren*itf, *i.i schoolbuilding is now expenseof.about g2,4OO a year ^,"That leak_freefor the first time in sendingthe old""t on" to 25 years, so they had speecnand hearlng center_ " me do five other *ltt pu"et Segm.lessSpray. "-fs "How could a guy I was on_myway. Todav rnv furnllv una iui" lik" m" up enough money to 6tart enJoyrng my own "alr" a lrte we neverthought possible before_ill thanks busin-ess?To get into -ori Uu"i""""r"" you t to pace own @my accepttng s invitation to return that little a corner ofFort Knox. IfI could only easeintl a busi"u"ness coupon without giving in the ad I read." up the regularsalary I had to counton ;;;i Iood g" yn--rr"^:.x on the table.And without making any investment.As long as I was dreaming. wouldn't it li g"l,.t t" fi^J""_"- \./ rnlng MAIL COUPON TOOAY FOR wJrereevery single spare time order could bring in reauy btg extra monev. FREE FACTS_NO OBLIGATION Sound like to earn ^ t-heimpossible dream? Well,I had seena pace __*:YlO ro-u,ttry big money.slartrng our rn your rrooucts sparetrme..tike T€dd storyabout a man whoearned $4.154.68 onjust one Mainwaring?Would you Iike the iree- Seam)essSpray oomand lndependence order. Andhedidn'thar" t" i.r""t. p"""V. i ofyour own business? It canbe yours. r,er us mart you sent for the free information. Believe me, *fr"" f i""uiiJ the facts.Simply sendin the couponbelow their ano we l rush you literatureand saw how easytheir field-testedeates kli all the details.There.s no obligation.No made salesman will call. everything-I knew it could all be more than.iust a dream. pale field-tested, I.decid_edto becomea distriUrt"". arJi, *1" *i saleskit givesyou all the know_howyou _need -Olr to get pace oest declslon I ever made_ inlo the business.There.s no waiting. no trainingneeded And no investment you YOU NEEDABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE required. cai get rnl,o tne race busin$s that offers "Now I haven't mentioned pace_I,ve a way to make $1,000"or anything about more on one sale_even g7,?00 saved-thebest for up to like Tedd last. As you know. rt costsa fortune these rvrarnwanng-and more! oays,.ror schools. hospitals. plants and other commercial This is Jour once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Get all the Dulldrngato have roofcontractors repair or r+do "racls. their roofs. Study them in the privacyofyour own homeand them that fortune- by_passing then I:*, "qy:: the contractor. oecldelor yourself.But don,tdelay. Mail the coupon I ne Dulldlng owner uses pace.sSeamless now. Spray processto TIIIIIIrIII ITIII apply PaceRoofRenewal Sealant right llr ITIIIIIIIIIIIIII ITIIII rrtr TII II ti" if,i ffr" aPtPACEPRODUCTS. RODUCTS, cost is so low, the proven results "r"" "ooi. PRO S, lNC.,INtl :., Dept. IFJ-985 io satisfactory foi such Ouality Pl3Plaza, llzthll2th l2rhh & CollegeColleq€ I well-l

t thisvery moment Jesus sits at Q.cslron Why did Jesushave to die? There are at least 86 direct refer- f, ''ldho Lf God'sright handto serveas our Answer: gavehimself for our encesto the Old Testamentin Hebrews, I lHigh Priest!This, in essence,rs sins,that he might deliverus from this taken from 100passages. what the Bookof Hebrewsis all about. present evil world, accordingto the Hebrewsis the onlv one of the 27 Let us imaginea conversationbe- will of Godand our Father" (Gal.l:4). New Testamentbooks whose author rs tween a Hindu and a Christian. The Qaesrion;Why did Jesushave to be unlmown.It nrovidesthe most extended Hindu listensintently as the Christian resurrected? biblical recordof conversationsbetwen '' briefly summarizesthe earthly rninistry Answer: And,tI Christbe not risen, theFather and the Son (1:5-13; 2:12.13; of JesusChrist. At the conclusionof then is our preachingvain, and your 10:5-9).It gives us the first recorded the message,four basic questionsmight faith is alsovain" [1 Cor. 15:14). words of Christ in relationshipto His ouicklv- come to his mind: Question:Why did Jesushave to earthly ministry (10:5-9). Qubstion:Whydid Jesus have to be ascenqi It is the only New Testamentbook born? Answer:The Book of Hebrews! to explainthe purpose of the OldTesta- .Azsrper:"No man hath seenGod at TheBook of Hebrewspresents the ment tabemacle(chs. 7-10). It is the first any time; the only begottenSon, which only full discussionin the New Testa- of two New Testamentbooks that refer is in the bosomof the Father,he hath ment of Christ as the believer'sHish to the heavenly tabernacle (6:10,20; declaredhim" (Johnl:18). Priest.It answersthe ouestion. "Whit- 8:l-5; 9:ll-12,23,24).(For the other ever happenedto Jesus?"This book book, seeRevelation.) has beencalled the fifth Gospel.The HebrewsI I is the greatestchapter first four Gospelsdescribe what Christ on faith in the Bible.This book records oncedid on earth,while Hebrewsde- the final (of three) scribeswhat He is now doing in heaven. referencesto that Old Testamentquo- Hebrews l0:ll revealsthat the book tation,"Thejust shall live by hisfaith" was written beforethe destructionof fiab. 2:4).These three are Galatrans the Templeby Titus in A.D.70. 3:ll. Romansl:17. and Hebrews 10:38. Hebrews may be compared to Hebrews lists the second (of three) Romansin that Romansreveals the statementsconcerning the shepherding necessityof the Christian faith and ministry of Christ: Jesussaid He was Hebrews reveals the superiority of the Good Shepherd(John l0:ll). He- Christian faith. brews saysHe is the Great Shepherd There are six key words to this (Heb.13:20). Peter says He is theChief book: perfect (used14 times);eternal, Shepherd(l Peter 5:4). forever (15 times);better (13 times); Hebrewsoffers Scripture's greatest partakers(9 times);heaven (17 times); analogy betweenthe Old Testament and priest, high priest (32times). pilgrim and the New Testamentpil- grim (3:7-4:16).This epistlealso has oneof the mostcontroversial passages in the entire Word of God (see6:4-6). It includesthe most extendedpassage on the subjectof divine discipline(see 12:1-15).Hebrews 4:12 is probablythe How about a stewardship Bible's most concise description of program is inoffensive, that itself. gim micksand psy- free from Hebrews is the 9th longest New pressuretactics chological Testamentbook, and 31st longest bibli THAT REALLYWORKS? cal book,with 13chapters,303 verses, tor infoclip & mailad or call and6,913 words. There are quotations j;^ cntrclr Grwfi hstltute or allusions from 21 OId Testament /l f Po.Box44o4 books in Hebrews. I Adapted from Willmington's El "'I?,i1,";]!"?,2,T'VisualizedStudy Bible, O 1984Tyndale HousePublishers. 52 FundomentolistJournol SEMINARY/COLLEGE DIRECTORY

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sending their children to Christian schools. But those commendable actionsare not the final an- swer.The best answer is for your family to developthe habit of memorizing Scrip- ture. David, "the man after God'sown heart" said,"Thy of glycerinto makethem Fcf fntroduces last word haveI hid in mine heart, longer.Bubbling tools can be that I might not sin against a colander,hollow family tiving cookiecur thee"(Ps. 119:11). ters, straws,vegetable spoons, Right after eveningdevo- Love, warmth, comfort, or wire in any shape. Use tions (or morning, if that is and enjoyment abound in a bubble-drenchedhands to your routine),take a few ex- homewhere family members blow giganticbubbles. tra minutes to memorizeat nurture and support one Wlth Your Teens: Solving What Would leastone verse a week.Here another.Members of God's a puzzle is great a way to are somehelpful suggestions. family should strengthen spend time with your ever- You Do 1. Write out each verse eachother in the sameways. active teenagers.You will on a 3 x 5 card andkeep it by To encourageyou to capture need at least players DifferentlSr? four the dinner table. the richless God intended (preferably more) play to by Tim antl Beverly LaHaye 2. Learn the reference, for familv life-in vour this guess-which-magazine-I- verse,and a brief title such homeand within the boiy of picked game.Players A and "If you hadyour children as John 3:16-salvationor Christ-we bring you this B know how game the works. to raise over again,what one John14:l-3-Jesus' promise new section as a source of B leaves the room. A asks thing would you do differ- IO relurn. help and information. Ad- someoneto pick oneof nine ently?" This question is 3. Start with 3 familiar oressyour welcomesugges- magazineslying on the floor often askedduring the ques- versesa week for the first tions to the editorial deoart- in three rows of three. For tion period at our seminars. month,2 for the second,and ment or t.r example,a player choosesthe Wehave given that subjecta at leastI versea weekthere- magazinein the upper right lot of thought and one day after. corner of the top row. When we independentlysettled on 4. Reviewthe versesdaily. B returns to the room A will ilust for the the sameanswer-help them Call on eachmember of the ask"Is it this Fun of It one?"and no memorizemore Scripture! family to quote or read the matter which of the nine mag- If we hadknown that the card. azines points A to the first "TV EntertainmentSet" of 5. Put the dateyou leamed With Your Preschooler: time,he must touchit on the the sixties would turn into the verseon the back.After For a soecialtreat make upper right corner-signal- the "SecularHumanist eight weeks you will your own Popsicles. Pour ing B that the chosenmaga- electronicassault" haveabout 20verses zine is in the top row on the of the eighties, in the pack. Put right. B is then able to re- we would have thoseyou learned spond correctly when the taken more first in a "re- magazinein the upper right precautions view once a comer is pointed oul Players to safeguard week" pack. must figure out how B knows our children's Reviewingthe which magazinehas been minds.The secu- verse once chosen while Per he lar molders of week for six the communica- months and once tions industry are no! a monththereafter will friendsof faith-or of the make it a part of your Kool-Aid into paper cups, valueswe teachour children. child's memory bank for life. put in freezer. When soft Evencartoons and commer- Wherecan you get a list frozen,insert a plasticspoon wasout of the room.Players cials may contain an anti- of versesfor your family to or stick. Freezesolidly. To will want to havea try at it moral message. learn? Make up your own eat, tear off cup. when they think they have Onepositive response to from your personal Bible Watchingbubbles float on figured out how it's done. this attack on the minds of readingor family devotions. the breezeis fun for wee ones youth is that millions of Or you can consult numerous and a relaxing activity for Christiansare shutting the books on Bible study and Mom and Dad.Make bubbles "In love ol home, the love ol televisionrcrgvlslonofforr andanq manvmany are Scripture memorization(in- with one part dishwashing countryhas its ise." gettingrid of it altogether. = cluding my book llorarlo liquid to six parts water, - CharlesDickens To avoid the secularist S strdyih""aibt"for iour- (amountsmay vary depending influence in education, !! seli with 150 sreat on type of water) and a dash increasingnumbers are $r versesand definiti-ons1.

September 1985 55 youth of America. Selected Stewardship: guestsare well-known sports More fhan personalities who exhibit winning lifestyles. civing Drollinger,a former two- by Paul G. time academicAll-American player Baringer basketball from UC[,A, foundedNew Focusin 1984. Everyyear In 1978 Drollinger made ministersde- (Nextmonth's col- headlinesby turning downa liver thousands umn will discuss three-year,no cut, $400,000 of sermons on the how to's of professional contract with the subjectof stew- "Making Finan- the New JerseyNets. At that ardship. They ex- cial Decisions.") time he wasplaying for Ath- hort Christiansto be Ietes in Action, a team of good stewards by For another article born-againbasketball players tithing of their time, talent, NJw get more on family finances,be who traveled around the and treasure. Certainly we specific-attach sure to seepage 34. world and used that plat- are to do this, but the foun- a dollar amount form to share their faith in dational basis of steward- anda date.Don't just JesusChrist with the world. ship must be squarely laid say, "I want to send my Dr. ,itr.Hosts first. That basis is proper daughter to college." Say lllew Focus Beinforcing financial management. instead, "I plan to spend Allocate the time to begin $15,000per year for eachof SuoerstarJulius "Dr. J." Preschoolerst planning and then use the four yearsbeginning in 1995 Erving of the Philadelphia f ollowingthree-step process. for my daughter's college 76ersis the host for the new Sunday School Determlne your present education." ESPN program "Julius Er- Lessons condltion.Scripture teaches Work out wrltten plans ving's Sports Focus." The that we are to stay in touch to meet the goals, Answer programpremiered in April, How can parents rein- with our financial position questionslike, "How much with a magazine-typeformat force Sundayschool lessons (Prov.27:23). The two prin- shouldI setaside per month offeringin-depth interviews, at home?First, advisesJani cipal toolsfor assessingyour to accumulatethe necessary features,and dynarnic spons DeSaegher,director of the financial condition are a amount?","Do I eam enough action footage. beginner children's minis- balance sheet and a cash to fund such projects?" Ralph Drollinger, presi- tries at ThomasRoad Bap- flow statement.The balance "What effect will inflation dentof New Focus,Inc., has tist Church,when you pick sheetsubtracts liabilities (or havein this area?"This step chosento producetelevision up your child from his class- what you owe) from what may point out the needfor programmingthat will pro- room, expressan interestin you own to arrive at "net better budgetingprocedures, vide posi- the mementoshe is bringing worth"-the amount that the establishmentof an emer- tive role home. Say, "Oh, that looks would be left if everything gencyfund, or perhapsthe models so interesting," or "That were sold and all debtswere needfor professionaladvice. for the looks important-we'll have paid. The cash flow state- This process should be to talk about it later." ment seeksto classify your repeatedat least annually. Parentsneed to leam how spending during the past The net worth statement to ask their children year. Most public libraries allows you to measureyour questions."A 2-year- will have severalbooks on progresstoward your goals. Julius Erving old can't appro- personalfinance containing The cash flow statement hosts ESPN's simplified forms and instruc- servesas a control device, "Sports Focus." tions to help in preparing calling your attention to thesefinancial statements. areasof possibleoverspend- Establlsh wrltten goals. ing. The only way to meet Committingyour objectives many of your long-term to writing and prioritizing goalsis to continuallymoni- them will greatly simplify tor the situation and making financial decisions. adjust to meetchang- Goals should be of several ing circumstances. types:those relative to basic funds management,giving I Paul G. Barringer, I goals, insurance goals, in- a certified finan- vestmentand accumulation cial planner,heads goals,goals in the areas of FinancialAdvisory tax reduction and estate Servicesof Lynch- distribution, and others. burg, Virginia.

56 FundomenlollstJournol Mother Health Attitudes by GreggAlbers, M.D. A healthy lifestyle is not a gift, but a discipline.A per- son's lifestyle is the sum total of habits, shortcomings, emotionalbase, physical in- f irmities,motivational struc- ture, and attitudinal biases. Healthy lifestyles are built upon healthyhabits, healthy emotions,physical and nutri tional fitness, and spiritual growth. Healthy attitudes producehealthy lifestyles. Judi Hardman with her larest foster child. Here are some sugges- began tions in tacklingthe attitude love is not love until you I continue the love that give changesnecessary for im- it away. As the foster I with the biological mother parent proving your health: of 64 children, Judi I and ends with the adoptive l. Work planning Hardmanof MountProspect, I family. The infant senses priatelyanswer the question, slowly, 'What and working at changes Illinois, hasbeen loving and I that each face is different, did you leam in Sun- giving for 30 years.The love I but the love is the same." dayschool?' " saysJani. "It is rather than taking hugeleaps. 2. Use both good health she radiates is reflected in I Themost recent baby she better to look at the materials girl AND health problems to her own 5 children,one o[ | cared for was a little the child is bringing home glorify the tord. Pray for whom has cerebral palsy. I who sufferedrespiratory ar- and ask a specificquestion those with poor health and Judi and her husband, I rest in the first hours oflife. pertainingto the story." visit and encouragethe sick. Fred, began their experi- | Shehad a puncturedesopha- When you arrive home, 3. Keep loving, enceas foster parentswhen I gus, breathed through a save the handicrafts the a caring, Christ{enteredattitude. they had beenmarried only I tracheostomy,and was fed child has made in Sunday As you grow in four months.Barely 19,Judi I througha nasalgastric tube. school. Jani suggests dis- health- filled attitudes,begin to dis- had alwavs want€d to be a I Shewas the most difficult playing them on the refriger- cipline yourself mother, and she loved ba- | case they had ever under- ator, on a child's bulletin through mod- erate physical fitness ac- bies, so the Hardmans ap- | taken.She hadtobe watched board,or in a hallway of your plied tivities, change unhealthy to the Wheaton,Illinois, I constantly. The Hardmans home. Or they could be eating behaviors, agencyforastate licenseto I had to take CPR training, coveredwith clear vinyl and and strive for Christlikenessin your have infants and children I learn to work respiratory put in a specialfile box. "If emotional placed in their home for I equipment and a feeding you savetheir pictures,crafts, relationshipswith others. Healthy disciplines foster care. I pump,and spendhours exer- and games,you'll find that will lead to improved The Hardmans keep an I cising the child in physical you soonhave a box of 'Chris- physical infant about three months, I therapy. tian toys."' and spiritual / but they have had 12 chil- | But the little girl healed. Your child's spiritual condi dren for over a year.Saying I Thehole in her throat closed educationis too important to tlons. good-byeto thosechildren is I and she now breathes and be left to Sunday school always difficult. Judi says, I eatsnormaliy. Afterbeing by alone.But by building upon "It's like a death.We will I thischild's side for months, those weekly lessons and nevermeet them againuntil I Judi mustsoon say good-bye. you using those materials, eternity."The Hardmans are I Will sheever stop? "1 will havestrong support for en- not told where the children I continue to do this until we joyable teachingthrough- are going upon adoption. I feel that we can no longerdo out the week. WhyWhvdoes Judi Hardman I it successfully.successfullv.But thenwe put herself through such I would like to start taking emotionalturmoil? "I have I unwed mothers into our alwayswanted to speakout I home." for those women who gave I Judi Hardman. Foster, birth to their babiesand did I adoptive, biological-she nol abort them.We try to I brings new dimensionsto provide a love between.We I the word mother.

Sepfember ]985 them becauseI neverhad deprive them of the ability to one,or becausewe didn't do without and to prioriiize want thekids to erow uD their needs.And with rare disadvantaged.- exceptionthey will all facea Perhapswe didn't time when that will be their want anyoneto lltin ft greatest need. A false self- they were disadvan- confidence,restins on mate- taged.Maybe that's rialism,is a housi built on why parentsbreak sand. their backs and Children need to base budgetsbuying de- their confidenceon compe- signerjeans,"I'm tence gained through per- Exclusive"jack- sonalaccomplishment. Thines ets, and braces earned havi an ultimateiy -for kids with highervaluethan those gained beautifr:lteeth. without effort. The end of It's what the "easy gettism" is a lack of "in" crowd appreciationfor anything. does. I never got the bike I But what wanted,but I grew.uprealiz- doesour uncontrolled lng my parents loved me indulgencedo to our children? deeply and equippedme to When we forget that there live a well-balancedand per- are valid reasonsfor saying ceptivelife. respecthim if you havebal- "no," we build a world of . -We probably won't be anced his training in con- unreality for them, teach abletogive our daughterthe sideratenesswith the will them they can havewhatever norseshe has alwavs wanted. and skills to dealwith bully- they want, and encourage but we hope to furnish her ing by others. them to measurea Derson's with a self-confidencebased feaching worth by evaluatingiris mate- on God'sview of her. In place Adaptedfrom Yoaand your rial possessions.Rather than of designerclothes, we hope Gourtesy Child'sProblemsby Dr. Grace admiring the classmateof in- to acquainther with her De- H. Ketterman O 1983. tegrity,they emulate the one signer and His provision of Today'ssocietv seems to Publishedby FLemineH. who wearsthe most esteemed unique abilities within her havegivin up teaihing good Revell Company. Usei by designerclothes and has the becauseof His great mannersand valueof I, for one, de- permission. "neatestwheels." her. plore it! While we preachagainst It is never too early to In &usuit materialism we teach it to teach courtesv. Besin to our children.Thev naturallv speak to each-other- as if supplyendless ideas of thinqs there were guests of Alligators around. theymust have because their Saying, "Please," "Thank by GlennaFields friendshave them, and when you," "I'm sorry," and "Ex- we constantlyfulfill thesede- cuse me," are much more I alwayswanted a bicycle. sires we endorsethe idea that loving than "Give me that," My long, skinny legs would high self-esteemis achieved or "Get out of my way!" If bangagainst the handlebars by wearingthe right clothes. you talk gently out of love as I rode my best friend's too Are we headinstoward a and respect, not sarcasm, small bike. But that didnt carbon-copyworl-d ? Manu- you will begin to setthe con- matter. If I couldn't have facturerslaueh their wav to genial Family atmosphereconducive my own bike,I couldat least the bankwhili weassuretur lVews to building confidence in enjoyriding hers.We'd take childrenthat theycan be "iust Backto theBible will air children. As your child learns turns and she was never Iike" evervothei kid. uhit is an all-newweekly youth pro" to talk, it will be relatively selfish. w.ong with individuality ? gram beginningSeptember 7, easy to teach these social . .When I grew up and had We proclaim the validity replacingthe organization's gracesif you are already chrldren in ot myown, my hus- of the work ethic and orirati 30-minutebroadcast. the habit of using them. bandand I boughtthi kids the ultimate unbridled wel- "TeenScene," hosted by In schoolthese days the tricycles assoon as their feet fare systemin our homes.No Tom Johrson, will featuri child who demonstraiesre- could reach the pedals,and wonder ingenuityis stifledl drama, teen discussion,and spectand socialgraces will newlarger grew. onesas thev Ironically, our determi- biblical applicationin a 15- go far! The teachers will Now their two beauiiful. nation never to depriveour minuteformat. Topics will in- love him becausehis kind is adult-size bikescollect dust, childrenof anythingis itself clude a varietv of problems rare.And other children.will and I wonder if we bought the supremedeprivation. We teensface in diyroday living.

FundomenlollstJournol I\,1IN II.\TI-\\/ I IT\T\ TI

11,000Saved in Orient '85 Campaign

The Liberty University During their visit to Thehighlight of tlre Philip '85 '85 Orient campaignto Korea, Korea, the Orient team pine campaign came when Hong Kong, and the Philip- met with congressional Jerry Falwell and Vernon pinesresulted in over 11,000 leaders,such as CongressmanBrewer joined the team for conversionsto Christ. Sixty Hong, and were given a spe- the dedicationof Liberty Bap Liberty staff members and cially escorted tour of the tist Chuch in lapu t apu City students preached and sang demilitarized zone on t}re on the island of Mactan. The to 104,000people during the border of North and South church was built with funds June l2-July 2 campaign. Korea. collected by Liberty Uni- Thecampaign was planned versity studenls throughout by Liberty Deanof Students, the 1984-85 school year. Vemon Brewer. and led bv Dean Brewer, recovering Professors Ed Hindson ani from recent carcer surgery, Libertv SumnerWemp. The campaign led the dedicationprayer and Volunieers team included the Lisht Dr. Falwell preached the Singen, Light Ministries slaff dedication sermon.The next Minister members,and student volun- day, Dr. Falwell spoke to teersfrom Ubertv Universitv. 1,600political and business in Sudan Eachteam memGr raisedbis leaders at the Congressional own support. Prayer Breakfast in Manila. The first group of Liberty In Korea, the Orient '85 He met with governmeniof- University students and pro teampersonally ministered to ficials and concludedthe day fessionalsarrived in the east- 64,000people and saw 9,157 speakingto over 3,000people ern Sudan city of Derudeb trust the lord as their oer- in the Cospel Alive Rally at on June 1. They will be re- sonal Saviour. The canpiign the Philippine International placed by a second team in in Korea included two local In the last part of their ConventionGnter. December. church crusades,one hosted trip, the team went to the "The successof the cam- Directed on site by ve:- by Daniel Kim, pastor of the Philippines,where they min- paign was due to Dean eran missionary Rick Lange, BibleBaptist Churchin Seoul. istered to over 40,000people Brewer's caref:rl plandng the volunteer workers will Liberty Baptist Fellowship and saw more $an 2,000 and the fine cooperation of give their immediateatten. missionary Joe Hale hosteda receive Christ as personal his staff," commented Ed tion to providing food for the citywide crusade in Uijong Saviour. Thesewere all dealt Hindson, who was asked to thousandsof starving people. Bu,a suburbof 175.000peo- with personallyby Filipino lead the campaign when Later they will develop ple, with over 3,000per night studentsfrom the Bible Bap- Brewer was hospitalized. water wells. teach drv farm- in attendance.The distribu- tist Seminary who worked "I was overwhelmed with ing techniques,and eirablish tion team took gospel litera- hand in hand with the Liberty the response of people to survey:eamsin the RedSea ture to every home in the University students.While in the gospel" said Sumner Hills. area. The Light Singers the Philippinesthe team con- Wemp, who helped lead the Dr. Jerry Falwell selected presented 23 high school ducted local church crusades campaign. the Derudeb outDost as a assembly programs to in Manila with Pastor Ed "It was the greatestthrill starting point of outreach crowds ranging as high as Lyons and in Cebu with of our lives to be on the front- after a Februaryvisit to the 8,000per school. Six thqu- Pastor Armie Jesalva. The lines of world evangelism," area. The entire Droiect is sand of those professing Light Singers also presented remarked Rob Jackson and under the leadershipof Ron faith in Christ are now beins 22 high schooland collegeas- Gary Aldridge, directors of Godwin.executive vice ores! discipled through Bible corl semblyprograns and several the Light Singers. dent of Moral Maibritv responoencecourses, open-air concerts. Foundation. Seplember1985 59 29 students,most of whom are voice majors at the Jery Falwell,Jr., Enters LU: school.The group performed sacredconcerts every night in Baptist, Brethren, Inde- SecondYear pendent,Anglican, or Metho dist churches in london, of LawSchool and Stocktonon Tees,Manches- ter, Portadown, Portstewart being in the middle of exams, a Differenceand other cities. he found the buggy, had it This is the third time the completely refurbished, and Liberty ChamberChoir has surprised his parents with Liberty Mountain has toured England, and Renas this rmiquegift for Christrnas. beena whirlwind of building reports that eachtime, Brit. Jerry's unconventional activity this summer. Con ish pastors have urged the present is t)?ical of his ideas struction workers havebeen group to return. "There's a for family fun When given a busy six days a week com- big needfor the gospelto be pleting chanceto selecta family ex- the new Arthur S. presentedthrough music," cursion one summer, he De Moss karning Center he said "and our more tradi- chose a white-water rafting and four new dormitories to tional. semiclassicalchoral trip that proved to be an accommodate the phenom- music really goes over well unrivaled farnily adventure. enal growth of the univer- in England." The group's As for career goals,Jerry, sity studentbody. program includes selections Jr., wants to bring his Chris- When enrollment books of praise, spirituals, songs tian legacyinto the realm of are finally closed,the num- about a personal relation- proiected national politics. At the state ber of studentsis ship with Christ, songsabout to be 7.500 or mtre. The level,he has alreadyserved the Cross, and a direct The educationalpath of as a delegateto the Virginia freshman class is the largest gospelpresentation. in Jerry Falwell, Jr., wound nominating conventionand the school'shistory, and percent through the instructional workedactively toward pro- 75 of studurts eligible facilities establishedby his curementof tle GOPnomina- to return are back on father, Jerry Falwell,as young tion of Attorney General camDus. CALENDAR Jerry graduated with honors J. Marshall Colemanfor lieu- \&hy do students flock to in 1980 from Lynchburg tenantgovernor of Virginia. Liberty? Everyyear Liberty graduates proving August Clrristian Academy and in Although his chosenca- are the successof the university in 1984from Liberty Univerdity. reer is different, he does 28-Liberty University training Champions for Now a graduatestudent, he espousehis father's beliefs. 1985-86classes begin Christ who are equippedto seeshis educationalprepara- "His father," Mrs. Falwell 28-School ol LifeLong in every area tionsfor law andoolitical in- says,"has always been his excel of occu- Learningclasses begin pation. The successrate of volvementbest alhieved at example." They have been graduates, combined with the University of Virginia. and continue to be close September the exciting spirit of the - Jerry enjoys life at the friends. 2 Dr. Falwell p articipat es mountain; make Liberty the conservativeuniversity and in anti-pom rally, fastestgrowing finds his studiesintellectually rmiversity in Dallas, Texas the nation. stimulating. Since there is 7-First home lootball game little nersonalclassroom in- LU t WestGeorgia teraciion, he finds that his 8- Dedication of Arthur S. name doesnot get him into LUChamhr De Moss Leaming difficulties. Center, Libe r ty Mountain His interest in the history 8-Missions Emphasb Week, of the Falwell family and ChoirTours Liberty univefsity their native Lynchburg has 28-Dr. Falwell participates become significant, and he United in ProJife rully, First hasjoined a group attempt- Baptist Church, ins to restore and retain Hollywood, Floida thi historical landmarksof Kingdom Lynchburg. October h researchinghis family's The ChamberChoir from 4-lsenior Saints Weekend history last fall, Jerry dis- Liberty University toured 18-21-Collegelor a Weekend" coveredthat the horsedrawn England and Northern HomPtomin&Parents' buggy in which his Falwell Ireland May 9-June6. The Weekend,Miss grandparents courted was choir. conducted bv Kim Libefty Pageant located in the Richrnond, Renas, vocal/choral ioordi- 21-23-lerry Falwell Virginia, area. Despite his nator of LU, is composedof Pastors'Conference 60 FundomentolistJournol ONE DAY AT CRISTYLANE A TIME HERLIFE STORY - 153pics.,292pgs. #1 GospelAlbum THE BOOK THAT IS SWEEPINGAMERICA FREE! .,ONEDAY AT A TIME'' ONE DAY AT A lf you readone book this year make it "ONEDAY TIME AT A TIME" perhapsthe greatestsuccess and love storyever told. She camef rom the wrong side of the tracks,a familyof 12.Two strikes agarnsther-poverty and shyness.At 14 her dreamswere shattered.She vowedshe would neversing again. She almost lost her lifetwice, oncein Vietnam entertaining the Gl's in 1969.Her strengthand faith was tested again in 1982when 18 SONGS herhusband was sent to prisonfor 3 years.Cristy EverySong An hasthe #1 country song...#.1 Gospel Album in the All-TimeFavorile world...Theonly artist everto sell 1 millrongospel albums.The top new countryartist of the year ONEDAY AT A TIME 1979...adate that will haunt her forever.This HOWGREAT THOU ART bookis guaranteed to brrnga lumpto yourthroat, AMAZINGGRACE a tearto youreye or it will not costyou a penny. I BELIEVE IN THE GARDEN EVERYTHING The FREEalbum is complimentsof Cristy. IS BEAUTIFUL WHISPERINGHOPE LS RECORDS.DEPT.FJ 120HICKORYST., MADISON,TN371l5 ROCKOF AGES Pleaserush me CristyLane's book on your money back g u aran tee foronly $9.99. I circled my FREEchoice of OneDay At A Time,' JUSTA CLOSER the#1 GospelAlbum. WALKWITH THEE SOFTLYAND TENDERLY FREERECORD WHEN BUYING BOOK! GIVETHEM ALL 1. Book...CristyLane's Life Story-$9.99ea. 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Phil Brown-Justa CopycatPreacher

by AngelaElwell Hunt

flhil Brown, an independentBap- church leadersfound a 36.000-souare- church thenbegan looking for a bgild- Ittist missionaryin Norway,had foot plot of flat ground(only 4 percent ing, and after severalaltematives, finally I an enviableproblem-too many of Norwayis flat)locatedon the town's choserhe one they felt Godwould havi people came to his church. In less main highway. The usual three-year them build. A struciure suitable for than three years the church outgrew rezoningprocess was accomplished in their needsrequires 9500,000 for the two buildings. Businessmen,politi- five months,as severaldifferent com- first phaseof construction. cians and even the mayor and city mittees voted unanimouslyto allow But the churchhad to havea olace managersqueezed into the smallbuild- the churchto usethe property. Finally, to meet while construction is under ing. Everyonehad to scramblefor a the petition went before the 4l-member way.Church leaders negotiated for the seat,and they prayedfor the daywhen city council,which consistsof varying secondand third floors of an 8,000- theycould stretchout a bit. "We could degreesof Socialists,and again,in three square-foot,fully carpetednew build- fit about73 chairsinto our room,"said separatevotes, passedunanimously. ing, locateddowntown. The rent was Brown, "but on May 6, 1984,we had The price had beenapproximately to be $94,000for a two-yearcontract, 144,most being adults." $3.00 per square foot, but the city but the ownerlowered the price. on the Fonunately, God is providing a new loweredthe price to lessthan 91.50so conditionthat the churchmembers do meetingplace, with room to spare.The the church could have the land. The the interior work: wallpapering,parti- tioning the walls, carpeting, and so forth. Brown reports that everyone- men, women, and children-helped with the project. He was delighted to see the t,ord provide a new building to use until they you can lead your can build on the land they havejust pur- ffi chased.After they raise the necessary congregation on a premier funds, the church plans to repay the W: moneyinto a revolvingfund which will pitgrimage to the lloly Land. be availablefor other missionariesto use for building projects. with you as theleaderand the helpofexpert To what doesBrown attribute his guides, you walk land where will the Jesus success?"Well, my mom and dadwere walked - and recei\€ a spiritual blessing - missionaries.I don't think I'm anything WINTER and a deepened knowledge of Scripture that will last a lifetime. Your Bible knowledge will special,but I'm a good copycat-I copy SPECIAL expand as you visit Nazareti, Jerusalem, the other successfulpreachers. I beganby $799 Upper Room, the Mount of Olives. and more. copying my dad, who gave me a few I full days - coordinated by the tead€r In basicrules. First, he advisedthat a rrrrs- tor tour members Christian group travel. Fellowship Tours. sionary learn the language,so he speaks wno accompanyyou Special price applies to tours taken Nov. 15- it more fluently than the nationals Feb. 28, themselves.Dad also said to make friends with the highestofficials. So now CalI today, toll-free, for details we're on the best of friendly terms with ('lsk about tour host benefits.) the mayor, the politicians, ihe business- 800/s28-0591(USA) 800/824-6605(CANADA) men, city manager,and others.We've 602/867-8001(ARTZONA) evenbeen fortunate enough to receive p€rmanentvisas, which are very hard to comeby. r'alr-awsrlir T6uR5,iNC. "I just hang around preacherswho .been PARTNERSrNrnnver- lS*filAM have successful,and I ask them what they do that works. We try it, and 2519 E. Bell Road- Phoenlx- AZ 85()32 if it works, great! We're probably the only church in all of Norway that has everparticipated in the springparade. 62 FundomenlolisiJournol Details concerning offer- ings, costs, financial aid, Receivean LiBEITT-?and calendar are included UNIVERSITY in the Liberty University Accredited School of Lifelong Learn- ing catalog. Call TOL.L School |RE F-,1-80ii-.i,16-5COC or Dtgt.. write for your catalog and in Your of application. Name OwnHome LifeLong Address City Learning State Zip- Phone Lynchburg, VA 24506 FJ9/85

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BUSINESSREPLY CARD - - FIRST CLASS PERMIT NO. 30 LYNCHBURG, VA. Give Me POSTAGEWILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE - - Liberty DIRECTOROF ADMISSIONS - - (see ad page 75) LIBEKTT-?- UNIVERSITY - LYNCHBURG,VA24506 I Phil with his wile Lori and possiblefrom the statesattend these children,oldest to youngest, specialmeetings as well as mission- Asa Ginger,Scott, Brian, aries and their families from all over April,and Lisa. Europe."Brown hopesto havehis new building in time for the meetings,so the church can be dedicateddurine that week. Brown dreamsof havinga church of 1.000. Most Eurooeans are either Catholic or Lutheran. bv virtue of their baptism,but very few'attend church. "We really feel that God will give us a churchof 1.000.It's a niceDromise that He's given us, and in Europe that's something Independent Baptists have only dreamedof to date. "I claim Proverbs28:20-the first 'A part says, faithful man shall abouad with blessings.'Oneof my greatest blessingsis my wife. She'sraising four children and a foster daughter and is responsiblefor at least 50 percentof everything good that happens in our worK. "I think fasting is very important in our work. The $500,000is a lot of money to raise,and I think Jesustaught that the difficult things can be done only through prayer and fasting.Our church has practiced this, aad everytime we've The first year,the peoplelooked at us In August1986 Brown's church will done it miraculousthings have hap- as if we were weirdos,but they talked host the annual Greater EuroDean pened.On threeoccasions, we've prayed about us, and that's what we wanted. Baptist Bible Fellowshipmissionary and fastedfor three days,and eachtime The secondand third yearswe won first meetings.Among those who plan to at- 90 percentof our peopleparticipated. I prize.Every newspaper and every radio tendare Carl Boonstra,David Janney, think fastingis one of the secretsto a station carried the news. Now every- Jerry Falwell, Curtis Goldman,Bob successfulministry." bodyknows about us and talks aboutus. Perryman,James Combs, Rudy John- A video and l6mm film about the I got that ideafrom a preacherin New son,Tyrone Adrian, and the Old-Time Sola Baptist Church mission rs Mexico-he entereda bus in the Fourth GospelHour Trio with Don Norman, available through the Bible Baptist of July parade.I'm nothingsuper-all MackEvans, and Robbie Hiner. "We're Fellowship,P. O. Box l9l, Springfield, my ideashave been done before." planning to have as many pastorsas Missouri65801. ffiffiFfrll:.,

'e€* in:lli"''"f1l;u'.'rffi:,\iiiw

September1985 63 FACETHE FACIS Freedom n) P|'.AYGoSPEL SoilGS tY EAR Amazngnflv cou6e sho,f/s hov to playand CHoRD anygospelsong touve ever heard entirely by earl ThereIs No BargainPrice Howlo lindth€ right starling nole, what chords to playand when to playthem. Play in easykeys tirsl, by Cal Thomas lhenin anykey. Learn lhe secrets ol ho,,!to play byear and play lhe hymns you love-nowl 10 easy lessons$6.98 plus 70c postage. 90minute CASSETTT qives more explanations and illustrates€very step slorlly e0ouqh so you heat h0,./ n caseyou haveany doubtsabout dom shortly after arriving in Chicago itsdone. Hear how songs shouid sound. $6.98+400 p0sla9e. why we're spending so much in 1979.It was a that the So- orderbolh book and cassette tor $12.98 monev for defense.or whether viets let the family out of the country [2] rE^BilGoSPET MUSTC it is worth it, I suggestyou get hold of in the first place.After all the negative Excilingnew course shows how lo playmel0dies the March issue of Read.er'sDigest and, things he had been told about America wilhrighl hand, chords with lefl. Learn to play read "Never I GoBack." It is the story in the Soviet Union, young Walter was rhythmbasses, fills, runs, cross hands, walking basses,melodies in3rds, 6ths, other le€hnics 20 of Walter Polovchak,who nearly five amazedto seethe supermarketsand easylessons $6.98 plus 700 postage yearsago, at the ageof 12,decided he stores.He was surprisedthat no guards 90 minuteCASSEnI goes beyond in exptana- did not want to return with his parents stood watch over the food. tionsand illuslratio0s. Actually hear how to play rMhmbasses, runs, lills, l,valking" basses Repeat to the SovietUnion, but wishedto re- As they approached a toll booth, examplesasoften as you wish, learn in privacy at main in the United Statesin freedom. Walter froze at the sight of uniformed home.$6.98+40c poslage The courts are still battling over his men."I haveno papers!"he exclaimed. orderboth book and for cassene $12.98Dodl right to stay. His parents have long His cousin explainedthat Americans S VE-bolhboob and boli cassenls-szsDpdt since left for home with his younger do not needpassports to travel about (Specifypiano or organ)cUARAllTEEol fnEEWITH 0B0ER- chod chrl rh0$||0lil rifldrl brother, but Walter remairs in Chicago. their own country. "You can just go He tums 18on October3rd andwill be whereveryou want?" Walter askedin legally out of range of the courts. disbelief. Naturally, the ACLU, which always Walter attendedchurch as often as managesto wind up on the wrong side he wished, and at the neighborhood ofjusiabout everydring,was on thi side oublic schoolhe found that teachers Feel God's of his parentshaving the right to take did not berate him for his religious him backto Russiaand almost certain beliefs, or keep him after school to hand on persecutionand even prison. The ACLU study Marx as they did in the Soviet your worlc iavors "parental rights" when they Union.This is just one more example couldlead to slaveryin theSoviet Union, of the freedom our defensedollars lfs satis- but opposesthem when it comesto have bought us. Eing to know God voluntary prayer and humanistically A youngRussian boy understands is working basedsex education in America.Funnv. what freedomis all about. Maybesome throughyou in isnt it? of our liberalfriends in Americaoueht your job. And One of the most gripping parts of to spend a few years in the Sov-ier you don't have to be a pastoror the Reader'sDigest ^rticle refers to Union to gain a better perspective.I bible teacher to eJ(- Walter'sfirst exoeriencewith realfree- perience it Intercristo can help you find a job in a Christianorganization *here God best usesJ,our professional skills. IBM S/38 Contact Interqisto for current openings coast-to-coastand around the world. PROGRAMMER/ CALL TOLL FREE (8OO)426.1342, AK Hl, WA CANAD/A':(206) 545. ANALYST 7330. OR RETqRN THE COOPON Self-motivatedperson desired to fill BELOW. S/38 Programmer/Analystposition. ,'! O/iTLY4 WEEKS Must have five years programming experiencewjth a minimumof three yearsS/38 RPGIIIexperience. Must possesapplicadon design experience. Experiencewith MAPICSand COBOL desired. PO.lEr a40a tvtlclrbul! ua 2a5oI Send resume to: FORINFO, CIIP & MAILAO ORCALL Old Time Gospel Hour L------J Lynchburg, VA 24514 64 FundomentqlistJournol TREASURESFROM THE IDO "[ord, BetuUFilled 'mevou\e made by Richard D. Patterson rcahrg,

"Greatly desiring to see thee, being other casesthe emphasisis not on an thatthewavJ mindlul ol thy tears,that I maybe lilled Old Testamentorediction as such.but with joy" (2 Tim. 1:4). uoon a conesoondencebetween the Ithink Niw Testamenieventand an Old Testa- f n thistext the great apostle Paul ment context.For instance,in discuss- I liftsthe curtain on his innermost ing the failure of the multitudes to becomesthe I thoughts. As he practiced his respondto Jesus'parables, Matthew godlyhabit of keepinga statedtime of quotesIsaiah 6:9-10, a text that clearly prayer,he regularlyincluded interces- refers to Isaiah's own call to the people wNIlive. sion for young Timothy, whom he of Israel.Matthew sees an analogybe- yearned to see once again. Such a tweenthe two peoplesof Godto whom meetinswould makehim to "be filled the prophetIsaiah and Christ the Mes- Helpme with jot." Theword translated"filled" siah ministered. In a sense,Isaiah's (Gk. pleroo) is too often hurriedly prophecyis thus fillfilled-made fuller. passed over. Unlike several other Accordingly,when one readsthe Isaiah torenew Greekwords usedprimarily for mere passage,he will understandthat the spatialfillings (e.g.,waterpots, John original contexthas taken on a canoni 2:7), pleroo is consistently used in cal significance,but onethat in no way mymind.tt contexts that go beyond external changesIsaiah's original meaning. things to inward .A man can Thus,pleroo may at times refer to be "filled" with sorrow(John 16:6) or a literal,real, and necessary relation- 'r$ffio joy (2.Tim. l:4);the youthful Jesuswas shio betweenan Old Testamentcon- "filled with wisdom" (Luke 2:40). texi and the New Testament,so the Notice that our Greekword basicallv New Testamenttext fullills (fills up) means"make fully," "make (moret completelythe Old Testamentmeaning. completelyfull." Evenwhen it is used At other times.however. the New Testa- in a spatial sense.such as in the fill- mentwriter maycite an OldTestament ingofi ship'ssail with wind,it carries passageto establish an analogy or theidea oI thelull resultof theaction. comoarison between the Old Testa- So, too, Paul was madefull (satisfied meni and New Testamentcontexrs- fully) by the Philippians' gift (Phil. the New Testament"makes full," fills 4:18;.Paul reminds us that theChris- out morefully the OldTestament con- tian believer who lives out his life in text. Sucha distinctionkeeps us from the nower of Christ's love "hath ful- the error of the critics of the Word of '._-6t#;t' filled the law" (Rom.l3:8; cf. Gal.5:14). God who accusethe New Testament BillHull Similarlv. Christ Himself cameto fulfill writers of makingarbitrary andincor- the law andthe (Matt.5:17). rect associationsbetween the two undentandsyour concern. Scripture often reports that something Testaments(e.9., Matt. 2:15,17-18). Thafswhyhentote cameto passin order that an OId Testa- Suchis not the case,as an understand- ment prediction might "be fulfilled." ingof thebasic meaning of theverb in- thisnewboolc. Oftena oreciseidentification between volved makesclear. If the worldaround you seems the Old iestament words and the New Our verb, then, is an important one, to keepsqueezing you into its mold, Testamenthappening is clearly intended often usedin a variety of ways in the Right Thinkingwill help you break (cf.Isa. 42:1-4 with Matt. l2:17-21).In Scriptures. May we appropriate the free.Hull bringsto eachchapter a all such casesthe words of the Old distinctions in its teaching as our own, powerfulnew challengeto the way Testamentcitation are clearly inappli- so we may not only be filled with all youthink abouto6edrence.Or temp- cable to the Old Testamentsituation knowledge(Rom. 15:14), but may also tation,Or oneof sevenother essen- tialsto the lifethat pleasesGod. but distinctivelyapplicable to the New be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit Now at a Christianbooktore (cf.Ps. 69:25; 109:28 (Acts13:52; Eph. 5:18). We who minis- Testamentsetting nearyou. $4.95 with Acts l:16-20).In suchinstances ter in Christ's servicemust adhereto the Old Testamentwords arefuUilled; Paul'sinjunction to Archippus:"Take that is. the New Testamentfills up aad heedto the ministry which thou hast INA/T'IIESSO exhauststhe precise intention of the receivedin the Lord, that thou fu/fil it" HELPINCCHRISTLANS CROW OId Testamentcontext. However, rr (Col.4:17).

September1985 65 |I\ | nT\ /tT1 A / II \ I\L V ILV V

IHEWORTD'S 20 I,ARGESTCHURCHES Brazil (25,000);Congregacao Crista, Sao THECHURCH AND THE PARACHURCH: by JohnVoughn Paulo(23,640); Mafureira Assembly,Rio AN UNEASYMARRIAGE de Janerio,Brazil (17,333)and the Evan- by Jery White Reviewedby Ed Hindson,senior editor, gelisticCenter in SanSalvador, El Sal- Fundament alis t Joumal. vador (17,000).As with the Koreansuper- Reviewedby JohnD. Morrison,assis- churchesthe Latin Americanleaders tant professorof theology,Liberty are also predominantlyCharismatic. University,Lynchburg, Virginia. The North Americanscene is quite different,where only 2 of 12churches listed are Charismatic: Melodyland \(- .1l.r:.li-nl-'n!,!l ChristianCenter, Anaheim, California llreChurclr (11,000);and CalvaryChapel, Santa Ana, &lhcPtrachrmh California(10,175). Among the North Americanleaders, First BaptistChurch of Hamrnond.Indiana. led all othersrn membership,37,133; worship atten- dance,18,500; and Sundayschool atten- dance,18,500. Other Independent Bap- Church growth is no longer a phe- tist leaders include Highland Park nomenonlimited to America.In this de- Baptist Church,Chattanooga, Termessee finitive study John Vaughn surveysthe (25,646);Thomas Road Baptist Church, world's 20largestchurches and exam- Lynchburg,Virginia (21,000);and Akron ines the principles of growth that Baptist Temple,Akron, Ohio (14,000). The relationshiobetween the local havemade them great.While Baptist GraceCommunitv Church. Panorama church and the parachurch ("para- churches,both Southernand Indepen- City, California (7,333),pastored by local" to some)organizationshas been dent, dominate the Americanchurch John MacArthur,is the only non-Baptist, cordial at best and strainedas a rule. scene, this is clearly not the case non-Charismaticchurch in the entire Jerrv White, executivedirector of the worldwide. list. Navigators, can surely speak from Koreanchurches of variousdenomi- SouthernBaptist leadersinclude: firsthand exoerienceto the misunder- nations lead the international list in First Baptist, Dallas, Texas(22,700); standingsand tensions that appear in- membershipand attendance. The Full First SouthernBaptist, Del City, Okla- herentto thesituation, and does so in GospelCentral Church of Seoul,Korea, homa(17,250); First Baptist,Houston, the recent releaseThe Church and with a 25,000-seatauditorium, is pre' Texas(14,900); Bellevue Baptist, Mem- the Parachurch:An UneasyMarriage. sented as the larsest church in the phis.Tennessee (13,249); North Phoenix White'sintroductory chapter, entitled world, with a compositemembership Baptist, Phoenix,Arizona (12,845). "Who is doingthe work o[ the King- of 130,000and averageSunday rvor- The author follows the church anal- dom?" seeksto set out the views and ship attendanceof 105,000! ysis style originally presentedby Elmer feelings of both sides. Throughout, Other churchesinclude: Young Nak Towns over 10 years ago in The Ten White works hard for a fair declara- Presbyterian,Seoul (29,600); Soong-Eui LargestSunday Scftools. Surveys chart tion of the issues. Methodist, Inchon (12,167);Sungrak the churches'attendance and member- \{hite.proceedsto give a well- Baptist, Seoul (8,079);Chung-Hyeon ship growth overthe Iast 10years. In- organized and readable analysis of Presbyterian, Seoul (8,066);Kwang dividualchapters analyze the pastorof historical andbiblical-theological ma" Lim Methodist,Seoul (7,076). Virtually eachchurch and the styleof his leader- terials wherebyhe hopesto prove the all the Koreanchurches are Charis- ship. This study is fair and straight- viability of the "paralocal" church matic in doctrine and practice. forward. Conclusionsare obvious and organization.He analyzesthe weak- latin Americanmembership leaders clear. Baptistsare the church growth nessesof both, and his final assess- include the JotabecheMethodist Pen- Ieadersin America and Charismatics ments are significant, giving needed tecostal Church in Santiago, Chile are the leadersoverseas. @aker Books, DersDectiveto us all. His recommenda- (50,336);Brazil for Christ, San Paulo, 1984,293pp., $12.95) iioni are must reading(after one has 66 FundomentolislJouhol read all that has led uo to those cr.rrr- for its fads.Twentv-five vouth leaders of her peers and the customs of the clusions).All in all, thiJis an excellent coinbine their expertiseand experience land in which she served,to build a treatment,both refreshingand pain- on suchuseful themes as layingan ap- place of rescue. fully insighttul. propriate foundation and planning Though this is a biography, the White's analysisof church history purposeful activities for mntemporary author suggestsa parallel between causedhim to occasionallydraw prin- youth work. Representinga crosssec- 1869India and present-dayAmerica cioles from times when some of the tion of professionsand perspectives, with its child abuseand child pornog- siiuations and issues were differenr thesewriters haveproduced a helpful raphy. The unwritten questionof the from today.In chapterthree he seeks resourcein a practicalsymposium for author is if Amv Carmichael.armed to synthesizethe biblical material into youth workers. (Zondervan, 1983, only with compietefaith in her God, a theologicalwhole, and he brings in 332pp.,$14.95) -R.H. can accomplishthe imoossibleof her much goodinformation (interestingly day, where are the Amy Carmichaels from Earl Radmacher,a strong local that are neededtoday? A powerful church advocate)to show that "church" JOHNBUNYAN: PIIGRM AND DREAMER book for thosewho care. (MoodyPress, by ElnEslBocon can refer to both the universal body of 1984,l60pp., $3.95) _G.L.P. Christ and to local churches.Yet, he oc- casionallyseeks to renderconclusions This is a new and appreciativebiog- from scriptural silencesor from ques- raphy of the famous Baptist Puritan of THt HOUSIICHEAIERS: A CHRISTIAN tionableinterpretive processes. These the seventeenthcentury. The author, PERSPECIMON NEW.AGE are rare, though,and who amongus is who previouslywrote a biographyon HEATIHCARE immune to such difficulties? (Mult- Spurgeon,attempts to make Bunyan by PoulC. Rel$ser,M.D., Ied K ReiErer, princioles ond John Weldon nomahPress, 1983, l83pp., $9.95) and his Puritan comealive to the twentietli-centuryreader. He givesa thoroughdiscussion ofPuritan At last,a bookwritten bv a medical England as the setting for Bunyan's doctor exposingthe deceitpracticed by life and thenmoves into an interestins doctorswho claim to be holistic heal- A o study of him as a preacher,pastorl ers. Holistic health is gainingpopularity prisoner,and author. In addition to a in the world becauseit purports to biographicalevaluation of works such treat the "whole person"-body, spirit, and mind. Much new-agemedicine, the CHRISIAND THEBIBTE as Pilgim's Progres5one entire chap- authors wam, is rooted in Eastern and by John W Wenhom ter is given to Bunyan'spoetic writings. Very readable.Recommended. @aker, mysticismand may be danger- -E.H. ous, not only to the physicalbut also This very helpful volume is com- 1983,l86pp., $5.95) the spiritual health of Christians.An mitted to the thesisthat Christ'svrew excellent,well-researched book that of Scripture ought to guide our view to- EASIERENICMA should be read by every Christian day.Dealing with suchtopics as Jesus' by John W.Wenhom temptedto experimentwith new health authority, His view of the and New Old care alternativessuch as:acupuncture, Testaments.the Canon.and the reli- A harmonization of the gospel ac- acupressure,biofeedback, nutritional ability of Scripture,it specializesin counts of Jesus'Resurrection is the therapies,meditation, iridology, home- "problem passages"and in answering most distinguishing feature of this opathy, and others. (Intervarsity Press, severalcritical charges. Book volume.John Wenham @aker challengescriti- 1983,171pp., paper, $5.95) -C.C. House,1984, 206pp., $7.95) -G.R.H. cal theologyby his creativeweaving of numerousdetails into his defenseof the total reliability of the New Testa- BIBI.EBASIC HOWTO GROWAN ADUI.TCTASS Bongley by lom Bonord ment records.(Zondervan Publishing by Bemord House,1984, 162pp., $6.95) -G.R.H. For comouter buffs and children of Thethesis ofBarnard's book is that all agesBernard Bangley, with the ex- "successful" adult Sunday school pert assistanceof his son,has produced quality classesare determinedby the a delightful array of educationalgames of relationshipsthat exist among its FAMITYBOOKSHETF in Bible Basic(Harper & Row).The group members.Seven factors that af- gamesare given in BASIC language fect this quality are analyzedby the andcomoatible with most"PC's." With author, including: the teacher,class gamessuch as "Jacob'stadder," "Pass- organization,care groups, activities, AMY CARMICHAEI:IEI IHE LlITtE word: Shibboleth,""David & Goliath," outreach,class sessions, and personal CHITDRENCOME "Which Book?" and many more, you evangelism.@eacon Hill Press,1983, by lols Hodloy Dlck and your family will be led into many -R.H. 84pp., $2.9s) hours of excitingentertainment while Amy Carmichael,an exampleof liv- learnins Bible truths. Even more rm- THEYOUIH TEADER'S SOURCTBOOK ing by faith, daredto attempt the im- portant it is a way to enhancefamily editod by GoryDousey possibleto savethe abused,battered, togetherness,to share,and havefun, and broken childrenof the temolesof and instill a desire to know God'sWord This book is a refreshingcontribu- India. To save these "Jewelsbf the in young hearts. (Harper and Row, tion to a literary market often criticized King" she set out, againstthe wishes 1983,ls4pp., $9.95) -D.M. September1985 67 NEWS EqualAccess Act RuledConstitutional

7Jl he EqualAccess Act, which has l) Declare all non-curriculum The Lubbock decision involved a I uken a beatingin public schools groups-such as the chessclub-as school district's policy that allowed I throughout the country, won its curriculum related. School officials religious groups to meet before or first major legalcontest. In an oral de- then say the Act doesnot apply to them after schoolhours. cision, FederalJudge Norman Black up sincethey do not allow noncurriculum The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held the EoualAccess Act andordered grouPsro meer. struck the accommodationdown as the SpringbranchIndependent School 2) Forbid all non.curriculum groups unconstitutional,saying the meetings District in Houston,Texas, to permit to meet. In this case, the religious imply recognitionby school authori- religious groups to meet on school club incurs the wrath of its peersfor ties becausethey are closely associated property. creatinsan environmentwhere even the with the beginningor end of eachschool The casearose when officials from mostharTnless groups are lorbrddento day,and suchrecognition violates the two high schoolswithin the disnict meet. First Amendment. refusedto allow studentsthe risht to 3) Have a schoolboard attorney de- AttorneyHarvey Brown, represent- form Bible study groups.When-both clare the Act unconstitutional. ing the studentsin the Houstoncase, groups were refused permission to argued the Lubbock decisionshould meet, they immediatelysought relief not apply in their case. under provisionsof the Equal Access In the Lubbock case,he said, the Act which passedCongress late last lltTl schooldistrict had playeda largepart summer. in helpingand promoting the religious The act appliesto secondaryschools I he decisionis verv groups.In the Houstoncase, school of- receiving federal funds and requires important because ficials were simply being asked to those schools to allow religious study allow the groupsto meet unimpeded. groups to meet on schml property on it will put pressure Basically,the judge said the facts the samebasis as otler non-curriculum onall thoseschool districts in thecase indicate t.hat the relisious groups. clubsfollowed proper procedurei and Restrictionsinclude: clubs must be aroundthe countrv wereappropriately formed so asto bi initiated by students,not a teacheror wherethere is a coveredby the provisionof the Equal an outsider;a teachermay be present, AccessAct and. therefore.should be but is prohibitedfrom panicipatingin hesitancyto apply allowedto meet.The ruling presumed prayers or other religious activities; the act," the act was constitutionaland Lub- and outside speakersmay not direct, bock casedid not apply. conduct,or regularly attend the groups. Attomey Parker,exalting the ruling, Public schoolsviolating the act are said."We feel the decisionis verv rm- subject to federal court orders com- 4)Throw up one'shands and clarm portantbecause it will put pressuieon pelling them to obey the law. the act is sovaguely worded it is unclear all those schooldistricts around the The EqualAccess Act, as the Hous- how to properlyenforce it. country where there is a hesitancyto ton caseillustrates, has receivedmixed The Houstonschool district declared apply the act. treatmentthroughout the country.At- all non curriculum clubs as curriculum "Many schooldistricts haveschool torney Jim Parker,a staff lawyer with related.It then said religious groups board attorneyswho say, 'Well, Con- the Christianl€gal Societyin Chicago, 'aerenon-curriculum related and had gresspassed the act but we think its explainedthat those school districts no right to exist under the Equal Access unconstitutional.' The Maryland at- which were generallyfriendly toward Act, sincethe schooldistrict doesnot tomeygeneral came out with that opin- religious groups before the act was -oermit non-curriculumclubs to meet. ion saying he felt the act was passed,were basically willing to ac- They also argued that the school unconstitutional.But as of now the only commodate religious study groups district cannot possiblyobey the Equal court ruling on the act itself is this after the law was enacted. AccessAct becausean appellatecourt decision and it clearly upholds the But thoseschools with a history of decision. in the Lubbock case. had act... And when the fall comes and forbiddingreligious groups to meet alreadvdeclared the accommodations studentsgo back to schooland ask to continuedto find somereason to ex- of religiousgroups in the public schools have thesegroups this will make the clude the groups. as unconstitutional. And if such accrlm- schoolboard, and its attomeys,and its Theschools usually use one of four modationsare unconstitutional,how principalsmore inclinedto go aheadand strategiesto keepthe religious clubs can Congress,by passinga mere law, follow the act." Irom mee ng: eliminatethe constitutionalouestion? I Martin Mawyer 68 FundomentolisiJournol

N tr-\ l r^ I\trVVJ Thecommunists say Antipornography the borders MarchScheduled are closed. for labor Day

(' (f, will be the largestantipor- I nographymarch in the his- man tr torv of America." boasted This Allen Wildm6n, public relaiions direc- tor for the National Federation for doesn't Decencyin Tupelo,Mississippi." This labor Day at 10am. "thousands of Christians"will gatherat ColePark in it. Dallas,listen to speechesby someof the believe nation's best-known religious leaders, and march one mile to SouthlandCor- Almost30 years ago, "Brother Andrew" began secretly poration, where they will demandthat takingBibles behind the lronCurtain...to help change its chain of 7-Elevenfood stores stoD selling pornographicmagazines, sbid the heartsand minds of the millionsheld prisoner by Wildmon. the communistempire. Tbday his organization,"Open With morethan 10,000 outlets nation- Doors,"continues working around the world on a massive wide, 7-Elevenis the largestchain of azy store in the world. The NFD has re- scale.wherever religious freedom is threatened or denied. peatedly asked Southland officials to stop its sale of pomographicpublica- NoWas an introductionto BrotherAndrew and this tions in 7-Elevenstores, but corporation thrillingwork, we'd like to sendyou a copyof hismillion- officials have refused the request each g time. copybestsel ler, G od's Sm ug Ie r...absolutely FREE! Doug Reed, assistant manager of media relations for SouthlandCon:ora- You'lltreasure the inspiringstories of livesbeing tion, explained, "We have an idult changedin spiteof persecution.The Los A,ngeles Times magazinepolicy that sayswe carry only calledthis book"more thrilling than a spystory." three titles. These titles are available only to adults and only upon request. They are kept under the sales counter Don'tmiss this special opportunity. Mailyour coupon of our stores.And they are obscuredby today! blinders so that customerscan't seethe covers.And you have to be 18 years of age to purchasethe magazine." "Btlther Andrewis oneof Don Wildmon,however, said the sale of pomographic magazinesby 7-Eleven the mostamazing men of ourtime." is immoral evenif the titles are hidden. -Tin LaHaye He explained that because 7-Eleven presenisitself as a "family-oriented" store-being located in virtually every Americancommunity, raising money for MuscularDystrophy, and promoling the Olympics-the food chain has a moral duty not to sell material that exploits and denigratessex and, at times, even City/State ziP depicts violence against women. ODen Doors 1-800-453-4906 Some7-Eleven franchises have agreed 0tah-1-800-662.8666 with Don Wildmon and have removed Any gitt to open Doors(tax-deductible) will be used the offensivematerial. Dick Newmark, spread s Wordin countaieswithoutfreedom. to Cod who owns four 7-Elevenfranchises rn openDoors. PO.Box 27001-8. SantaAna.CA 92799 SantaClara. California. went as far as to send a letter to other franchrscs askingthern to pull their pornographic masazines. FundomentollslJournol WhenSouthland officials refused to acceprDon Wildmon's request, he im- mediatelybegan organized picketings and boycottsagainst the 7-Elevenstores. To increasethe pressureon 7-Eleven stores,Don Wildmon met with national religious leadersarould the courtry and,with theirjcint effon, organizedthe "March on Pornography"to take place this l,abor Day in Dallas. The organizingcommittee includes Jerry Falwell,Tim andBeverly l,aHaye, E.V. Hill, and JamesKennedy. AllenWildmon said his organization hassent 2,000 letters to denominational leaders,businessmen, and antipomog- raphygroupsasking them to participate in the event. The letter asksthe recipientsto parti- cipatein the march,but if unable,to sign a petitionto be presentedto Chairman John Thompsonwhen the protesters reach the headquartersof Southland Corporation. The petition asksSouthland officials to remoye this material becausethe "social cosl of pornographyis l'i-l' ".".-.^t.hl- " Southlandofficials, however,who said they haveheard about the march only throughthe media,also said they will be out of town during the event. "On that day all our top executrves are goingto be at a Muscular Dystrophy telethonon theWest Coast (l-as Vegas)." Reedsaid, "The criteria we use [in determining whether to sell the DAYION,TN 37321 . 615/775-2041 magazines]is our customerreaction, and iL- wegear our productmix to fit theneeds Dewefitp nquir8.los tqchcr/W nhtionships.At Bryan,studentJ work and or the requestsof our customers." learnwith Cb stianinslructors who are not only exp€rienced in their respecti!€ fields, but Whenasked if Southlandwould ever wholoYe the Lord. makea moraljudgment conceming the Dtsciplechiprycahs of a closelyknit communitl.Stude0ts live, learu, a0d grcw with sexualcontent and themeof the por- fellowstudents and faculty nembers who love then "wartsand all". nographicmagazines, he said,"No. No. Disclpleshipinplie| obed.lenceand a qecilic rule ttructarc. Or1r.exgeclatloqs judgment Wewould be makinga based forlersonal c0nduct, academic challenge and Christia0 $owth are high. And clearly on sales.One of the thingswe've found sp€lledoul. out so far is that our customersci<.rn r Discipleshipdemands concentrution judgments Thel\tly worthwhilethings in life aienever want us making moral for easy.Regardlesi 0f thernajor, a goodeducati0n will requirediligeni, self"sacrificing effort. them." . . . butour gnduates know it's w0rth il! Reed said that recent statisucar Please contact studieslinking sexualviolence against me regarding the benefits of a Bryan Cotleee education. womento the amountof pomographic materialsold in a givenarea has had no effect on the corporation'sposition. When askedif Southlandwould take a "firsthand"look at the figures,or per- form studiesof its own,he said,"There are no efforts on our paft, that I'm zip awareof, to analyzeany studies," whv? "Well, that's something out of my area and I have no idea," he said. YaurNone (it diltercnt thon atnP) FJ95 Brlar Collesen a private.l0m.ye ..oeducalionalChriiM0rollcgeollhe ads andsien.es Tlr elLrgeadmirssrudents$itbotrt I Martin Mawyer rcgad lo na..olo4 age,el handicp natioml0reth { dqin. NEWSBRIEFS

increasedthe number of womenwith Medlcal Doctors l)enounce scarred female reproductive organs, Home Educatlon Movement Illlclt Sex which, if left untreated, increases infertility. Ale , amonthly publication of the "The sexual revolution is over," And, in a powerful editorial sup- Christian Education ResearchFounda- said DennisMaki, director of Univer- porting sexualfidelity, the loumal ol tion, claims that more than one million sity of Wisconsin'sinfectious disease the AmericanMedical Associntbn called, children are now instructed in the department. for an endto sexualoermissiveness to home. This turn from traditional in- In a Ner.vYork Daily News article, stop the spreadof AIDS. schoolinstruction is primarily a result Dr. Maki said havingpromiscuous sex The l ou mal (the largestcirculating of the wideninggap between parental is closeto "suicidalbehavior" because medical joumal in the world) criticized and governmentalcontrol of schools. of the risk of exposureto AIDS-a sex- the sexualmores of our time. A collegeeducation is not required ually transmittaddisease that kills 90 "It was the ageof overindulgence. . . for educatingone's children, the pub- percentof its victims within five years of tolerancefor anything in anybody. . . lication asserts. Rather, "the marn of diagnosis. of anticelibacy. . . . It was the age strengthof homeeducation is willing ln a Washington Times article, when homosexualitycame out of the and sincereparents who havethe nec- Dr. JosephH. Bellinablamed the "sex- closet. . . . It was the ageof easy,irre- essarymotivation to effectivelyteach ual revolution" for the increasein the sponsibleoversex, abortion-ondemand, their children at home." This home nation's infertility rate. (An increase chlamydia,and genital herpes.And it tutoring is producing standardizedtest from I in 20 couplesin the 1950sto was the ase of AIDS." scoreshigher than national averages. I in 4 today.) The editors concluded: "This State acceptanceof home schooling Dr. Bellina, a fertility specialist, is a great time to practice sexual varies greatly, from toleranceto im- said "sexual freedom" led to an rn- monogamy." prisonment.Supporters of homeedu- creased number of sexual partn€rs, cation appear willing to have their which increasedvenereal disease, which NRL Conventlon Attracts children take the minimum competency Well-known Speakers tests reouired for other school chil- dren. (Se-erelated stories on pages "Liberty andjustice for all" was the 24 and 27.) theme of the annual convention of the NationalRight to Life Committeeheld JluJy20-22 in Washington.Addresses by SurgeonGeneral C. Everett Koop, Motlrcr Teresa,Dr. Bemard Nathanson, Concerned l{omen for Amerlca Cardinal O'Connor,and Rabbi Yehuda Conveneln Washlncton Levin highlightedthe convention. MotherTeresa, a NobelPeace Prize BeverlyLaHaye, president of Con. recipientfor her work amongthe poor cerned Women for America, expects ffi of India, made her first personalap- over 4,000women to attend the second oearanceat an NRL convention.An un- annual CWA national convention in daunted spokeswomanfor the dignity Washington,D.C., September26-29. of all human life, Mother Teresacon- PresidentReagan, Senator Bill Arm- demnedabortion in her Nobel Prize ac- strong,Joni EarecksonTada, Melody ceptancespeech. She proclaims that Green,and others will sharemessases abortion is the greatestdestroyer of of encouragementfor Christian worien peacetoday and that "it is very, very who realizethe time has come to Dut great poverty to decide that a child theirChristian principles into action. must die that you may live as you Workshops and seminarswill offer wish." expert advicein suchareas as how to The three-dayconvention ofTered run for office, how to have an effect in more than 50 individual workshoos on the public schoolsystem, and how to SenatnrJesse Helms tbpics related to abortion and its alter- fight pornography. natives, including a sessionby Jim The conventionwill be held at the A 136poge 5 x I poperbock book Savley, director of Save-A-Babyin Sheraton Washington Hotel. Registra- $5.OOPostpoid Lynchburg,Virginia. For more infor- tion is $100and includes all general I\,4ISSIONARYCRUSADER mation on how you can becomein- seminars,workshops, and a banquet. Dept FJ volved in the National Right to Life If you would like to participateplease 2451-34thStreel movement,write: National Right to contactConc€rned Women for America, Lubbock.TX 79411 Life Committee, Inc., 419 Seventh 122C Street,NW, Suite 800, Washing- Street,N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. ton, D.C.20001, or call 202-628-3014. Fundomenlolist.Journol

He WII Be GoneTomorrow It's nevereasy to be a father.. . or to saygood-bye

by Truman Dollar s the bigjet toucheddown at the I am more concemedabout my fail- KansasCity airport, I prayed ing him. What I would give for onemore that my sonwould be thereto year,to makeup what I missed! meet me. There wouldbe fewer nights away from home. I was returning from a hurried Jome speakDgengagemenls were not Washin-g1on.rrip to visit my father,who that important and could have been hadsullered a severemyocardial infarc- refused more often. We should have tion two daysbefore. We had had a long hunted.moreand trampedthrough talk in the eeriequietness the of the cardiai woodshe so enjoys. careunit, and he askedme to speakat Today I hurt way dou.,ninside. My his funeralifhe did nor live.I feit guilry . dadrried to explainit to mewhen I left about being home fewer than a dozen homeat 17.I did not understandit then. times in the blur of the past 23 years. TU, o thepoint where Tim would not understandit now. He Now my own son filled my thoughts. _. . the tie with homeis would be embarrassedif he knew my This is a specialday for us. It wi b6 the feelingsor saw me weep.Those tears last day we have togerher broken, When before he he returns, flowedin a secret,privati moment. teavesnome. His he will he a man,He mother couldnot itand that. Whenhe Tim graduated from hish school will drives off she will need me to wave lastMonday.nighr, looking roo young not need me in the same good.byewith a smile,tell him to be tor a capand gown. a He isonly l7 and good boy, and write-but he does yet. wayhe did as a boy. I will be not shave He leavis in the dying inside. morning-fora summerof work to help He hasgro\m up, and rhat is good, with collegeexpenses. I will . not see but his leavingwill be terrible."And him for threemonths, and then onryon he will be gone tomorrow. I will ger periodicweekends while he is awayat not be missingfrom my balhroom,but over it. The pain will stop. . . in about college.This is the point wherethC tie thatwill belittle comfon. I seehow rn- 20 years. with homeis broken.When he returns, significant.it really is to have all my thingswill not be the same.He will be tools in place and the fishing gcar Tim Dollar wiII be 26 next month. a man.He will not needme in the same stackedneatly in the basement.- He is assistantprosecuting attomey way he did as a boy.Although lor rhat was I have no complaintsabout him. JacksonCouni, Missoui,ind hisduties pn1nary rn raising him. I will miss There I eoal was.nevera night spentwonder- includeprosecuting criminal cases.He nlm Dadiy. mg wherehe was, neverany alcohol, no wasrecently promoted from law intem David said a child is like an arrow cigarettes. Many nightsI openedhis lo asststantprosecutor, alter oneyear ol releasedfrom the bow.The archer has door and found him-readine'hisBible. serving under Albert A. Fiiderer, no more control over its direction. I haveprayed with him everynight that prosecutingattomey. He is Unlesshe asks alsotlirector me for guidance,my last we havebeen together for manyvears. ol Repeat Ollende prosecution opponurity rs to shapehis life is oast. He is smaner than I was at l7,'more Program. Realizingthar rhis phase of our life is mature, more confident.He askedverv In this month's column, Truman over Dnngspam. lirrle,forall thejoy he brought.And hl: Dollarshares the he experienced Tomorrowwill leelinRs be a busy dav. and w|ll rregone tomorrow. whenTim Ielthome the after for iirstume. Tim leaves,concentration will be I do not have any fears about his impossible.I will follow him mentally future, becausehe is prepared.He will every mile to Saint Iruis, Evansville, do well as a trial iau.yer, establish I Truman Dollar, pastor of Temple and Nashville. himself in his professionby the time he BaptisrChurch, Detroit, Michisan, rs a For a long time, the silence of his is 34, and probably achievehis goal publishedauthor noted for his ihought- emptyroom will shoutthat he is gone. to be a United States senator from provokingand unpredictable insights His bed will be made,his desk u:iclut- Missouri.He is ready spiritually. He on current events,He shareshis views tered,no debatecards will be scattered knowshow to pray and he lovesGod,s in this column eachmonth. This about.The comb artr- and the after-shavewill nouse. cle is adaptedwith permission. 74 FundomenlolislJournol