Limnology and Wetland Management

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Limnology and Wetland Management joint master programme limnology starts every year and wetland in october management This exciting new Master Programme will study conditions comprise of 4 months study in each of Throughout your study you will be provided with BOKU University of Natural Resources and housing, airport transfer, transport for fieldwork, Life Sciences in Vienna (Austria), Egerton good internet facilities, and professional University in Njoro (Kenya), and IHE in Delft administrative support. (The Netherlands). admission requirements The 19 month programme is suited to well- Applicants are professionals with a bachelor’s modules qualified graduates and mid-career degree preferably in Limnology, Environmental professionals with a background in biological Science, or related fields. Two to three years of or environmental sciences and a special practical or research experience since graduation Austrian semester at BOKU interest in aquatic ecology, limnology, is desirable. Teaching is in English. October – January wetland ecosystems, and aquatic resources • Basics in Limnology management. application/admission • Ecology of Aquatic Organisms Applications should be sent to the IPGL office at • Basics in Applied Limnology The programme will cover fundamental BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life • Aquatic Ecosystem Management principles of limnology, monitoring and Sciences in Vienna. For more information on the • Scientific Methods assessment, and their application to tropical application procedure please consult the ecosystems. It will include field studies on a following website: Kenyan semester at Egerton University range of surface waters, including Kenyan February – May saline lakes and Lake Victoria. The application Your application will be considered for academic • Lake Ecology of these skills will be developed through admission. If positive you will receive a • Ecology of Streams and Rivers courses in experimental design, modelling and provisional admission letter from both Boku • Wetlands for Water Quality management for livelihoods. University and IHE. Many sponsors will require • Fisheries & Aquaculture this admission letter in order to apply for a Twelve months course work will be followed by scholarship. Netherlands semester at IHE a 7 month research project through one of the June – September partner institutes. The research can be done in cost of the programme • Wetlands for Livelihoods and Conservation either Austria, Kenya, The Netherlands or in a You can find more information about the cost of the • Aquatic Ecosystems: Processes and third country. programme on our website: Applications • Data Analysis and Modelling for Aquatic Ecosystems application of fellowships • Groupwork For more information on scholarships we advise • MSc preparation and Research methods you to consult: • Summer school and MSc Research and Thesis writing In case you are interested in this programme please contact: - [email protected] - Edwin Hes, [email protected] - Nzula Kitaka, [email protected].
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