1. Cooper, Alex (N.D. IL Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) prior bad acts yes No. 89-CR-580) - life substantial planning (n)(8) shot and paralyzed another sentence by jury HCD (n)(12) obstruction of justice

2. Davis, Darnell Triggerman (T- (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) obstruction of justice yes (Anthony) (N.D. IL Man) substantial planning (n)(8) No. 89-CR-580) - life (participation in HCD (n)(12) sentence by jury killing) (1 victim)

3. Chandler, David Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) two alleged uncharged yes Ronald (N.D. AL No. substantial planning (n)(8) 90-CR-266-E) - clemency

4. Pitera, Thomas - life T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) seven other murders yes sentence by jury HCD (n)(12)

5. Villarreal, Reynaldo held constable (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) deliberate yes Sambrano (E.D. TX during struggle HCD (n)(12) committed during a robbery No. 9:91-CR4) - 30 while brother shot obstruction of justice years (1 victim) use of violence law enforcement officer victim no provocation pecuniary gain defendant on parole future dangerousness dangerous weapon low rehabilitation potential No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

6. Villarreal, Baldemar T-Man (1 victim) intent ?? substantial planning (n)(8) deliberate yes (E.D. TX No. 9:91- HCD (n)(12) committed during a robbery CR4) - life sentence obstruction of justice by jury use of violence law enforcement officer victim no provocation pecuniary benefit future dangerousness use of deadly weapon low rehabilitation potential

7. Zambrano, Jesus (E.D. present during No Notice Filed TX No. 9:91-CR4) - killing (1 victim) guilty plea

8. Pretlow, Bilal (D. NJ Kingpin and T- (A) intent 2 + drug convictions (n)(4) obstruction of justice yes No. 90-CR-238) - Man (2 victims) (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) after vulnerable victim (n)(9) authorization distribution to under 21 (n)(11) HCD (n)(12)

9. Green, William (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) No Notice filed LA No. 92-CR-468) - authorization withdrawn - 15 years

10. Brown, Oliver (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) No Notice filed LA No. 92-CR-468) - authorization withdrawn - 10 years No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

11. Hoyle, Mark (D. DC Kingpin and T- No Notice filed No. 92-CR-284-01) - Man (I victims) authorization withdrawn - life

12. Harris, Mario (D. DC T-Man (8 victims) No Notice filed No. 92-CR-284-01) - authorization withdrawn - life

13. McCollough, John (D. Kingpin and T- No Notice filed DC No. 92-CR-284- Man (8 victims) 01) - authorization withdrawn - life

14. Goldston, Anthony (D. Kingpin and T- No Notice filed DC No. 92-CR-284- Man (8 victims) 01) - authorization withdrawn - life

15. Mathis, Ronald Kingpin and T- (A) intent contract killing (n)(6) committed in cold/ Eugene (M.D. FL No. Man (1 victim (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) premeditated manner 91-301-CR-T (18)(A)) - authorization withdrawn

16. Tipton, Richard (E.D. T-Man (11 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) mult. murders charged yes VA No. 3:92-CR-68) - victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) substantial criminal history death row 2255 (C) intent HCD (n)(12) used juveniles (D) intent seriously wounded others rape member of conspiracy No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

17. Roane, James (E.D. T-Man (11 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) mult. murders charged yes (assault + trespass VA No. 3:92-CR-68) - victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) substantial criminal history conv.) death row 2255 (C) intent used juveniles (D) intent seriously wounded others member of conspiracy

18. Johnson, Cory (E.D. T-Man (11 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) mult. murders charged yes VA No. 3:92-CR-68) - victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) substantial criminal history death row 2255 (C) intent used juveniles (D) intent seriously wounded others member of conspiracy

19. Williams, George Kingpin and T- intent (no 2 previous felonies w/SBI yes Travis (M.D. GA No. Man (3 victims) designation) (n)(3) 1:92-CR-142) - contract killing (n)(6) dismissal after notice substantial planning (n)(8) by judge HCD (n)(12)

20. Molina, Ramon Kingpin (C) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness no Medina (E.D. OK No. pecuniary value (n)(7) reasonable expectation of 1:92-CR-032-S) - life substantial planning (n)(8) death sentence by jury use of deadly weapons low rehabilitation potential 2+ prior drug felonies CCE No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

21. McCullah, John Javilo Wheelman (Non- (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes (E.D. OK No. 1:92- T-Man) (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) use of deadly weapons CR-032-S) - death (1 victim) low rehab. potential sentence vacated and 2+ prior felonies authorization CCE withdrawn victim impact

22. Hutching, James Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness yes Norwood (E.D. OK pecuniary gain (n)(7) reasonable expectation of No. 1:92-CR-032-S) - substantial planning (n)(8) death life sentence by jury use of deadly weapons low rehab. potential 2+ prior drug felonies CCE

23. Thomas,Vernon (E.D. T-Man (11 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) mult. murders charged yes VA No. 3:92-CR-68) - victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) substantial criminal history authorization (C) intent used juveniles withdrawn - life (D) intent serious wounded others member of conspiracy

24. Garza, Juan Raul (S.D. Kingpin and T- (A) intent contract killing (n)(6) 5 other murders yes TX No. 93-CR-009) - Man (3 victims) (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) continuing criminal enterprise executed

25. Chatfield, Tony (M.D. T-Man (A) intent 2 previous violent felonies yes GA No. 92-82MAC- (B) intent (n)(3) WDO) - authorization (C) intent grave risk (n)(5) withdrawn - 12 ½ (D) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) years substantial planning (n)(8) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

26. Carrington, Arleigh Kingpin and T- (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) yes (M.D. GA No. 92- Man (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) 82MAC-WDO) - (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) authorization (D) intent withdrawn - life

27. Perry, Wayne Anthony T-Man (6 victims) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) multiple murders prior felony (D. DC No. 92-CR- (B) intent contract killing (n)(6) prior history involving use of use or 474) - guilty plea - life (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) addn’l acts of violence threat of violence (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) low rehabilitation potential HCD (n)(12) previous felony retaliation during felony kidnapping victim impact

28. Johnson, Darryl (W.D. Kingpin (3 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) other murders yes (other murders) NY No. 92-CR-159-C) victims) (B) intent contract killing (n)(6) grave risk of death to others (conv: 1989-drug (misd) - - guilty plea - life (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) hired hitmen 1990-gun) (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) utilized deadly weapons HCD (n)(12) future dangerousness obstruction of justice (plan to murder witnesses) low rehabilitation potential victim impact

29. Brown, Terrence (E.D. Kingpin and T- No Notice Filed MI No. 92-CR-81127) Man (2 victims) - found murdered No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

30. Brown, Reginald T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) prior murder conviction yes (2nd deg. murder (E.D. MI No. 92-CR- (D) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) low rehabilitation potential conv. and another murder) 81127) - innocent killed another deadly weapon committed offense drug trafficking future dangerousness any other aggravation

31. O'Bryant, Lonnie (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness yes (6 other murders) MI No. 92-CR-81127) (B) intent low rehabilitation potential - guilty plea - 29 years (C) intent lack of remorse (D) intent victim impact deadly weapon committed offenses drug trafficking any other aggravation 6 other murders

32. Williams, Michael T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) low rehabilitation potential yes (7 other murders) (E.D. MI No. 92-CR- (B) intent deadly weapon 81127) - guilty plea - (C) intent committed offenses 35 years (D) intent drug trafficking 7 other murders future dangerousness any other aggravation

33. Murray, Michael T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) two other murders yes (M.D. PA No. 92-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness 200) - authorization (C) intent HCD (n)(12) withdrawn at trial - life (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

34. Oscar, Frantz (E.D. Present at killing (A) intent 2+ SBI convictions (n)(3) future dangerousness yes (murder) VA No. 93-CR-131) - (2 victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) another offense resulted in life sentence by jury (C) intent HCD (n)(12) death (D) intent violent background low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse victim impact

35. Oscar, Jean Claude Kingpin and T- (A) intent 2+ SBI convictions (n)(3) future dangerousness yes (murder) (E.D. VA No. 93-CR- Man (2 victims) (B) intent 2+ drug convictions (n)(4) another offense resulted in 131) - life sentence by (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) death jury (D) intent HCD (n)(12) violent background low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse victim impact

36. Henry, Mark Arnold Present at killing (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness yes (murder) (E.D. VA No. 93-CR- (2 victims) (B) intent HCD (n)(12) another offense resulted in 131) - life sentence by (C) intent death jury (D) intent violent background low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse victim impact

37. Mack, Edward Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) murder of bystander yes (murders) Alexander (S.D. FL (B) intent contract killing (n)(6) future dangerousness No. 93-252-CR-UUB) (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) lack of remorse - acquittal (D) intent low rehabilitation potential continuing pattern of violence threats of future violence victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

38. Rozier, Kevin Denard Lt. + present at (A) intent 2+ prior viol. fel. (n)(3) murder of bystander yes (murders) (S.D. FL No. 93-252- killing (B) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness CR-UUB) - acquittal (1 victim) (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) lack of remorse (D) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) low rehabilitation potential substantial planning (n)(8) continuing pattern of violence threat of future violence victim impact

39. Crummie, Chedrick T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) murder of bystander yes (murders) (S.D. FL No. 93-252- (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness CR-UUB) - acquittal (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) lack of remorse (D) intent low rehabilitation potential continuing pattern of violence threat of future victim impact

40. Moore, Todd (E.D. VA Kingpin and (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) multiple murders yes No. 2:93 Cr 162) - life Present at killing (B) intent ccc (n)(11) prior violent acts (judge sentencing) (1 victim) (C) intent lack of remorse (D) intent future dangerousness low rehabilitation potential victim impact

41. Wilkes - Charles (E.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes MI No 92-CR-81127) - (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) low rehabilitation potential guilty plea - 25 years (C) intent lack of remorse (D) intent victim impact

42. Culbert, Stacy (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness yes (11 other murders) MI No 92-CR-81127) - (B) intent low rehabilitation potential guilty plea at trial - 50 (C) intent lack of remorse yrs to life victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

43. Vest, Mark (W.D. MO T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) multiple murders charged no No. 94-CR-00037-04) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness - guilty plea - life (C) intent HCD (n)(12) victim impact

44. Vest, Steven (W.D. Kingpin (2 (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) multiple murders charged no MO No. 94-CR- victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness 00037-04) - guilty plea (C) intent HCD (n)(12) victim impact - life

45. Vest, James (W.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) multiple murders charged no MO No. 94-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness 00037-04) - guilty plea (C) intent HCD (n)(12) victim impact - life

46. Hall, Orlando C. (N.D. T-Man/Kingpin, (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact yes TX No. 4:94-CR-121- Rapist (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness Y) - death row 2255 (1 victim) (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) prior criminal history (D) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) lack of remorse

47. Webster, Bruce (N.D. T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact yes TX No. 4:94-CR-121- victim) (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness Y) - death row 2255 (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) prior criminal history (D) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

48. McCauley, Donzell M. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness (low yes (D. DC No. 94-CR- (B) intent HCD (n)(12) rehab. potent.) (threats) (lack 121) - guilty plea - life (C) intent of remorse) (mental eval.) (custody class) plan to kill cops killed to avoid apprehension victim impact (inc. character of victim) selling crack to kids n5 and n12 realleged

49. Walker, Tryone (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness (two yes (1992 traff. conv.) NY No. 94-CR-328) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) other murders) (one & life sentence by jury (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) rob) (robbery of dealers) (D) intent (assault and beatings) (stabbing in prison) (threats to kill) (planning to kill witnesses) (razor in jail) lack of remorse victim impact sold drugs to minor

50. Diaz, Walter (N.D. NY T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) victim impact yes No. 94-CR-328) - life (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) sentence by jury (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

51. Chanthadara, T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) grave risk no Bountaem (D. KS No. (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse 94-CR-10129-01) - (C) intent future dangerousness death sentence vacated (D) intent victim impact and authorization withdrawn - life

52. Nguyen, Phouc H. (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) grave risk no KS No. 94-CR-10129- (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse 01) - life sentence by victim impact jury future dangerousness low rehabilitation potential

53. Williams, Robert Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent drug convictions (n)(4) 3 prior heroin conv. yes Russell (E.D. VA No. (B) intent contract killing (n)(6) (‘82 & ‘73) 3:95CR45) - guilty (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) conspiring to kill others plea at trial - life (D) intent ordered killing near school future dangerousness

54. Damon, Marvin (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent 2 prior viol. fel. (n)(3) future dangerousness yes VA No. 3:95CR45) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) escape attempt and assault guilty plea - life (C) intent subst. plan. (n)(8) heinous (D) intent no remorse (rap poems about murder)

55. Wyrick, Kevin (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) prior history yes MO No. 94-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness 00194-01) - (C) intent lack of remorse authorization (D) intent victim impact withdrawn at trial - life drug trafficking No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

56. Moore, Dennis B., Sr. Kingpin (A) intent cce/distribution of drugs to future dangerousness yes (W.D. MO No. 94-CR- (B) intent under 21 (n)(1) victim impact 00194-01) - life (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) employed persons under 21 sentence by jury (D) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) lack of remorse substantial planning (n)(8)

57. Jones, Louis (N.D. TX T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) future dangerousness (prior yes (1968 battery conv., No. 6-95-CR-0015) - (B) intent grave risk (c)(5) record) 1970 assault, 1994 executed (C) intent HCD (c)(6) victim vulnerable assault, 1995 assault) (D) intent substantial planning (c)(8) victim “personal characteristics” victim impact

58. DesAnges, Omar T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) (c)(5) obstruction of justice (killed no (W.D. VA No. 95- (B) intent informant) 00046RH) - (C) intent substantial premeditation authorization (D) intent heinous withdrawn - life

59. Davis, Len (E.D. LA Kingpin ( 1 ? contract killing (c)(7) violation of public trust (cop no No. 94-CR-381) - victim) covered up murders) death row 2255 future dangerousness lack of remorse low rehabilitation potentential victim impact

60. Hardy, Paul (E.D. LA T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) other violent acts (threat to kill yes (three other murders No. 94-CR-381) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) many) and two assaults, one dismissal after notice (C) intent future dangerousness paralyzed) by judge - death, then (D) intent victim impact life lack of remorse low rehabilitation potential No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

61. Martin, Roy Ray (N.D. Kingpin and non- (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) additional attempted murders yes TX No. 5-95-CR- fatal T-Man (1 (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness 0017) - authorization victim) (C) intent victim impact withdrawn - life (D) intent vulnerability of victim

62. Mungia, Ricky Rivera T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (N.D. TX No. 5-95- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact CR-0017) - (C) intent vulnerability of victim authorization (D) intent withdrawn - life

63. Mungia, Eli Trevino T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) additional attempted murders yes (N.D. TX No. 5-95- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) CR-0017) - (C) intent authorization (D) intent withdrawn - life

64. McVeigh, Timothy Bomber (160 (A) intent use of weapon of mass multiple deaths no James (D. CO No. 96- victims) (B) intent destruction (c)(1) serious injuries to survivors CR-68-M) - executed (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) committed crimes to (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) facilitate murders vulnerable victim (c)(11) victim impact law enforcement victims (c)(14)(D)

65. Nichols, Terry Lynn Accomplice (160 (A) intent use of weapon of mass multiple deaths no (D. CO No. 96-CR-68- victims - 8 federal (B) intent destruction (c)(1) serious injuries to survivors M) - life sentence by victims) (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) committed crimes to facilitate jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) murders vulnerable victim (c)(11) victim impact law enforcement victims (c)(14)(D) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

66. Tidwell, Tyrone (E.D. Kingpin (2 (A) intent contract killing (n)(6) future dangerousness (plan to yes (1986 agg. assault PA No. 94-CR-353) - victims) (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) kill 3 more) (prior convictions) conv. - 1990 gun conv. - authorization (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) (another murder) (gun sales) 1991 crack conv.) withdrawn - life (D) intent (gun possession)

67. Bonds, Andre (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) additional serious acts of yes (1993 & 1994 - MO 4:95 CR 332) - (B) intent previous conviction, violent violence assaults) guilty plea - life (C) intent felony, term of year or more obstruction of justice (D) intent (c)(2) future dangerousness HCD (c)(6) victim impact pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9)

68. Spivey, Everett (D. T-man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) victim impact (hiding body) yes NM No. 95-CR-491) - (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness (low guilty plea at trial - life (C) intent rehab potential) (lack of remorse) (threats of violence) (murder in the 2nd degree) (carried guns) (attempted to kill two others) (arson) low rehab potential (racketeering while in prison) (CCE on parole) (sold guns) (had guns) (sold marijuana) lacks remorse (specific quotes) threats of violence (specific quotes) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

69. Haworth, Richard (D. T-man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) victim impact yes NM No. 95-CR-491) - (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness guilty plea - life (C) intent multiple deaths continuing pattern of violence low rehabilitation potential threats against others

70. Acosta, John “Lefty” T-Man and (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes (carjacking) (D. NM No. 95-CR- Wheelman (2 (B) intent future dangerousness 538-MV) - victims) (C) intent prior violent acts authorization (D) intent low rehabilitation potential withdrawn - 164 lack of remorse months threats of violence multiple deaths

71. DeLaTorre, Jason (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (prev. murder NM No. 95-CR-538- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact and conspiracies. MV) - guilty plea at (C) intent low rehabilitation potential use of firearm in drug trial - 22 years lack of remorse traff. crime) threats of violence other violent acts

72. Fleming, Lamont (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) vileness of crime no NC No. 4:95-CR-41-1- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness H-2) - guilty plea - life (C) intent (D) intent

73. Gist, Cory (E.D. NC T-Man (2 victims) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) vileness of crime no No. 4:95-CR-41-1-H- (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness 2) - guilty plea - life No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

74. Mazzini, Marcos (D. Present and (A) intent pecuniary value (c)(8) victim impact yes NM No. 95-CR-538- Wheelman/T-Man (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness MV) - guilty plea - 25 (4 victims) multiple deaths years pattern of violence lack of remorse threats of violence

75. Najar, Vincent (D. NM T-Man (6 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes No. 95-CR-538-MV) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness guilty plea - 30 years (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse (D) intent low rehabilitation potential threats of violence

76. Chen, Jia Wu (E.D. T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent during other offense (c)(1) pattern of violence yes NY No. 95-CR-0870) - victim) HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness guilty plea - life pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact

77. Chen, Fu Xin (E.D. T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent death occurred during continuing pattern of yes (21 prior acts of NY No. 95-CR-0870) - victim) commission of other violence violence) guilty plea - life offense (c)(1) lack of remorse HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness kidnapping/ pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9)

78. Peng, You Zhong T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent during other offense (c)(1) pattern of violence yes (E.D. NY No. 95-CR- victim) HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness 0870) - authorization penuciary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse withdrawn substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

79. Battle, Anthony (N.D. Beater (1 victim) (A) intent commited murder while low rehabilitation potential yes (murder and other GA No. 1:95 CR 528) (B) intent serving life sentence(c)(1) lack of remorse assaultive behavior in - death row 2255 (C) intent killed federal correctional other assaultive behavior BOP) (D) intent officer (c)(1) while incarcerated committed murder while victim impact under sentence for another murder (c)(3) HCD (c)(6) murdered US penal employee engaged in performance of his duties (c)(14)

80. Thomas, Richard (E.D. T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes VA No. 3:95 CR (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) lack of remorse 00087) - life sentence (C) intent other murders by jury (D) intent

81. Cazaco Leonel (E.D. T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes VA No. 3:95 CR (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) other murders 00087) - life sentence (C) intent by jury (D) intent

82. Claude, Dennis (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness yes VA No. 3:95 CR (B) intent other murders 00087) - life sentence (C) intent by jury (D) intent

83. Beckford, Dean Kingpin and T- (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes (1995 murder and Anthony (E.D. VA No. Man (2 victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) other murders activity, trafficking) 3:95 CR 00087) - life (C) intent sentence by jury (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

84. Johnson, Darryl (N.D. Kingpin (2 (C) intent prev. conviction involving vileness of crime yes (convicted of IL No. 96 CR 379) - victims) (D) intent firearm (c)(2) future dangerousness voluntary ) death, then life contract killing (c)(7) (n)(6) victim impact substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice cont. crim. enterprise distrib. to minors (c)(13) (n)(11)

85. Ray, Quan (N.D. IL T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) vileness of crime yes (murder, enforcer for No. 96 CR 379) - life (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness gang) sentence by jury (C) intent (D) intent

86. Storey, Gregory (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent violent felony prior (c)(2) future dangerousness 1983 bank robbery; 1985 KS No. 96-CR-40018- (B) intent subst. planning (c)(9) prior escapes robbery; 1991 bank 01-OES) - guilty plea anti-social personality robberies (5); escape (2) low rehab. potential

87. Montanez, Ian Rosario T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) pecuniary gain yes (assault and firearms) (D. PR No. 96-CR-001 pecuniary value (c)(8) substantial planning (PG) - guilty plea - life substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence multiple killings (c)(16) use of firearm future dangerousness victim impact grave risk No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

88. Paul, Jeffrey William T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future danger yes (robbery and other (W.D. AR No. pecuniary gain (c) (8) other violent acts acts of violence) 6:96CR60022) - death vulnerable victim (c) (11) successfully eluding capt. row 2255 low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse obstruction of justice victim impact impact of death

89. Ingle, Trinity Edward Possible T-Man (1 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes (5 time convicted (W.D. AR No. victim) pecuniary gain (c)(8) other violent acts felon, habitual criminal) 6:96CR60022) - life vulnerable victim (c)(11) obstruction of justice sentence by jury lack of remorse victim impact

90. Walter, Abram Paul T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(1) obstruction of justice no (D. AK No. F96-026 (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact (HRH)) - guilty plea - (C) intent life

91. Jones, Anthony (D. Kingpin (5 (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) prior murder yes (guilty plea in 1991 to MD No. WMN-96- victims) (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness conspiracy to distribute 0458) - life sentence substantial planning (c)(9) other acts of violence drugs) by jury lack of remorse victim impact

92. Williams, Jerry (D. T-Man (3 victims) (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(7) future dangerousness yes MD No. WMN 97-CR- substantial planning (c)(9) other acts of violence 0355) - authorization lack of remorse withdrawn - life victim impact use of juveniles obstruction of justice No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

93. Stanley, Edward (C.D. Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes CA No. 96-CR- substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 1140(A)-E) - guilty plea - life

94. Bennett, Daniel Ray T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent prior capital offense (c)(3) future dangerousness yes (committed crime (C.D. CA No. 96-CR- (B) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact while on parole for felony 1140(A)-E) - guilty (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) conviction of second plea - life substantial planning (c)(9) degree murder)

95. Hammer, David Paul Strangler (1 (A) intent prior violent gun felony (c)(2) uncharged murders yes (M.D. PA No. 4-96- victim) (B) intent 2 prior violent felony (c)(4) future dangerousness CR-239) - death, then (C) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact life by judge substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

96. Kaczynski, Theodore Bomber (3 (A) intent during commission of offense other murders yes John (E.D. CA No. S- victims) (B) intent (c)(1) low rehabilitation potential 96-CR-259) - guilty (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) lack of remorse plea at trial - life (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness victim impact

97. Ortiz-Velez, Felix T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes (M.D. PA No. 3:CR- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) victim impact 96-005) - guilty plea - (C) intent life (D) intent

98. Otero, Julio (M.D. PA Kingpin and T- (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) (c)(7) future dangerousness yes No. 3:CR-96-005) - Man (2 victims (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice guilty plea - life substantial premeditation other crimes threat to kill police No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

99. Barnette, Aquila T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes (domestic violence; Marcivicci (W.D. NC (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness 1992 - pointing a firearm No. 3:96CR23-P) - (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitation potential at another; 1993 - death row (x2) 2255 (D) intent multiple killings (c)(16) killed more than one person felonious cruelty to children, felonious restraint)

100. Allen, Billie Jerome T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) vileness of crime yes (felony tampering in (E.D. MO No. 4:97 CR (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness the first degree and on 0141) - death row 2255 (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitation potential parole at time of crime) (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse multiple killings (c)(16) other crimes victim impact impact of death

101. Holder, Norris G. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) vileness of crime yes (E.D. MO No. 4:97 CR (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness 0141) - death row 2255 (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitation potential (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse multiple killings (c)(16) other crimes victim impact impact of death No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

102. Beckford, Devon Dale Kingpin and T- (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) middle class background yes (other murders, (E.D. VA No. 3:95 CR Man (3 victims) (B) intent contract killing (n)(6) used military training to drug trafficking, use of 00087) - guilty plea - (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) further illegal drug activity; minors) life (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) employed persons under 21 distribution to a minor (n)(12) exploited addicts obstruction of justice lack of remorse fugitive future dangerousness victim impact

103. Bobbit, LaFawn (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A intent grave risk (c)(5) other crimes yes (1991 - breaking and VA No. 96 CR 129) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact entering, 1992 - curse and life sentence by jury (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse abuse, credit card forgery, (D) intent att. to kill more than one future dangerousness 1993 - domestic show person (c)(16) escape plan cause, 1994 - vehicle theft, threat to kill another, possession of weapon on school grounds, 1995 - larceny, obstruction of justice, trespassing, brandishing a firearm, 1996 - burglary and grand larceny, possession with intent to distribute, 1997 - grand larceny) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

104. Jones, Rashi (E.D. VA T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent violent prior felony (c)(2) other crimes yes No. 96 CR 129) - life (D) intent grave risk (c)(5) attempted to kill police sentence by jury pecuniary gain (c)(8) officer substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact attempt to kill more than lack of remorse one person (c)(16) obstruction of justice future dangerousness plan to escape

105. Smith, Howard L. Jr. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent prior violent gun felony (c)(2) substantial pain & suffering to yes (E.D. VA No. 97-CR- (B) intent prior capital offense (c)(3) victim 341-A) - lesser (C) intent victim impact included conviction - (D) intent no remorse life future dangerousness

106. Clary, Moses (D. NJ Shooter, but not (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes No. 96-CR-576) - T-Man (2 victims) (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitation potential guilty plea - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse (D) intent multiple attempted killings vileness of crime (c)(16) efforts to destroy evidence could have foreseen injuries to many substantial premeditation victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

107. Colon-Miranda, Andre (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) future dangerousness yes (multiple killings) (D. PR No. 95-CR-029 (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) multiple killings JAF) - dismissal after (C) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) obstruction of justice notice by judge - life distribution to persons under 21 (n)(11) (Notice not allowed because of untimely filing by the government)

108. Martinez-Velez, David (1 victim) Do not have notice [DE 1861] Samuel (D. PR No. 95- CR-029 JAF) - dismissal after notice by judge - life

109. Rosario-Rodriguez, (1 victim) Do not have notice [DE 1862] Edwin (D. PR No. 95- CR-029 JAF) - dismissal after notice by judge - life

110. Holland, Charles (N.D. Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes (felony assault) AL No. 96-B-CR- substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice 0208-NE) - guilty plea victim impact - 15 years

111. Holley, Marvin Lee T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes ( to (N.D. AL No. 96-B- substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice murder, fugitive) CR-0208-NE) - - life HCD (n)(12) victim impact sentence by jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

112. Frank, Deric (S.D. NY T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent during commission of offense obstruction of justice no No. 97 CR 269 (Cote)) (B) intent (c)(1) lack of remorse (deleted - guilty plea at trial - (C) intent HCD (c)(6) from amended notice 25 years (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) filed 6/2/98 future dangerousness victim impact violation of protective order

113. Cuff, John (S.D. NY T-Man (10 (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) (c)(8) vicitm impact yes 96 CR 515 (MJW)) - victims) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness guilty plea - life (C) intent (c)(9) other acts of violence HCD (n)(12) (c)(6) low rehabilitation potential CCE involving minors lack of remorse (c)(13) multiple intentional killings use of a firearm

114. Heatley, Clarence Kingpin (14 (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future dangerousness yes (murders) (S.D. NY 96 CR 515 victims) substantial planning (n)(8) low rehabilitation potential (MJW)) - guilty plea - HCD (n)(12) lack of remorse life victim impact

115. Reader, Arthur Charles T-Man (1 victim) No Notice Filed (E.D. TX No. 5:97 CR 15) - guilty plea - life

116. McMahan, Jamie (S.D. T-Man (2 victims) No Notice Filed IA 96 CR Wolle) - guilty plea - life

117. Kauffman, Christopher T-Man (2 victims) No Notice Filed (S.D. IA 96 CR Wolle) - guilty plea - life No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

118. Wooldridge, Steven T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future Dangerousness yes (1992 attempted rape W. (W.D. AR No. 4:97 victim) pecuniary gain (c)(8) other acts of violence and assault; 1997 stalking; CR 4001) - guilty plea substantial planning (c)(9) successfully eluding capture 1997 burglaries) - life lack of remorse obstruction of justice victim impact

119. Johnson, Shaheem Kingpin and T- (A) intent violent felony prior (c)(2) used weapon in CCE yes (E.D. VA No. 97-CR- Man (2 victims) (B) intent grave risk (c)(5) participated in another 00314-A) - life (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) murder sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse future dangerousness victim impact obstruction of justice

120. Johnson, Raheem T-Man (5 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) used firearm in CCE yes (E.D. VA No. 97-CR- (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) contract killing 00314-A) - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) other murder sentence by jury (D) intent lack of remorse future dangerousness victim impact obstruction of justice

121. Cable, Donnie (M.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) vileness of the crime none listed TN No. 3:96-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 00004) - guilty plea - (C) intent life No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

122. Holloway, Tim (M.D. Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes (federal drug TN No. 3:96-CR- conviction for serious drug victim impact offenses) 00004) - guilty plea - offense (5 + yrs)(c)(12) obstruction of justice life substantial premeditation

123. Llamas, Tamara (E.D. Contractor (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) victim impact yes (1987 firearm robbery NC No. 7:97 CR-63-1- substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice of drug dealer; 1994 hired H) - guilty plea - life future dangerousness another to commit arson; other acts of violence 1995 assault of female; incarceration not a defense 1996 solicitation to murder)

124. Wakefield, Jimmy Ray Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact yes (E.D. NC No. 7:97 (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice CR-63-1-H) - guilty (C) intent vileness of crime plea - life future dangerousness lack of remorse other crimes

125. Kehoe, Chevy (E.D. T-man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness yes AR No. LR-CR-97- (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitation potential 243) - life sentence by (D) intent victim vulnerable (c)(11) lack of remorse jury multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact

126. Lee, Dan (E.D. AR T-man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness yes No. LR-CR-97-243) - substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitation potential death row 2255 victim vulnerable (c)(11) lack of remorse multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact threat to corrections officer No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

127. Ferebe, Donald (D. T-Man (2 victims) (C) intent previous violent felony future dangerousness yes (murder) MD No. 96-96-CR- (D) intent conviction (c)(2) ruthlessness of killings 2273) - dismissal after previous conviction of life victim impact notice by judge - life imprisonment (c)(3) lack of remorse grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of justice substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous conviction for additional and crime of violence

128. Stitt, Richard (E.D. Kingpin (3 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) prior convictions yes VA No. 2:98CR47) - victims) (B) intent subst. planning (n)(8) (c)(9) used firearms death, then life (C) intent distribution to under 21 employed under 21 to (n)(11) (c)(13) distribute drugs encouraged violence nickname is “Death” home invasions shot people lack of remorse other murders obstruction of justice threatened women future dangerousness

129. Bullock, Joseph, III T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) prior criminal history yes (juvenile criminal (E.D. VA No. 3:98 CR (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) no gainful employment activity; 1982 robbery; 150) - guilty plea - life (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) possession of weapons 1991 concealed weapon; (D) intent repeated acts of violence 1992 possession; 1995 lack of remorse forged instrument; 1997 obstruction of justice possession of firearm by other murders convicted felon; multiple future dangerousness accounts of assault, domestic violence) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

130. Abeln, Richard (S.D. Contractor (1 (C) intent during commission of a victim impact not listed in notice IL No. 98-CR-30022- victim) felony (c)(1) WD) - guilty plea - life grave risk (c)(5) contract killing (c)(7) substantial planning (c)(9)

131. Pena, Richard (E.D. Kingpin and T- (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) multiple killings yes LA No. 97-CR-145-A) Man (4 victims) subst. planning (n)(8) future dangerousness - guilty plea - life HCD (n)(12) victim impact obstruction of justice

132. McKelton, Antonio T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction for future dangerousness yes (E.D. MI No. 98-CR- (B) intent violent felony (c)(4) lack of remorse 80348) - innocent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact pecuniary gain (c)(8)

133. Garcia, Efraim (E.D. Kingpin and T- (A) intent previous violent felony multiple murders yes MI No. 97-CR-80727) Man (1 victim) conviction (c)(2) witness killing - dismissal after notice substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness by judge assault of police officer lack of remorse victim impact

134. Dhinsa, Gurmeet (E.D. Kingpin (2 (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) other acts of violence yes NY No. 97-CR-672 (S- victims) substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice 3)) - life sentence by multiple killings jury future dangerousness lack of remorse No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

135. Gomez, Edsel Torres Kingpin (4 (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes (D. PR No. 98-CR-72) victims) substantial planning (c)(9) other acts of violence - guilty plea - 30 years low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse

136. Glover, Cody (D. KS T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) intentional conduct no No. 98-CR-10059-01- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) killed to avoid arrest ML) - guilty plea - life (C) intent multiple attempted killings victim impact (D) intent (c)(16) substantial premeditation lack of remorse future dangerousness

137. Finley, James A. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact yes (W.D. NC No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness 4:98CR243) - life (C) intent multiple victims (c)(16) other acts of violence sentence by jury (D) intent

138. Rodriguez-Marrero, T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes Jose (D. PR No. 97- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) witness killing CR-284 (JAF)) - (C) intent (c)(9) victim impact authorization withdrawn - life

139. Black, Douglas (D. CO T-Man (1 victim) No Notice Filed yes No. 98-CR-196) - guilty plea - 78 months

140. Riddle, Steven (D. CO T-Man (1 victim) No Notice Filed yes No. 98-CR-196) - guilty plea - 120 months No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

141. Lawrence Jonathan T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes Huey (N.D. FL No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse 3:98CR73 (RV))- (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) lack of rehabilitation potential guilty plea - life (D) intent another murder

142. Rodgers, Jeremiah T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes Martel (N.D. FL No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) other acts of violence 3:98CR73 (RV)) - (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) guilty plea - life

143. Green, Roy C. (C.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction of future dangerousness yes (1978 attempted CA No. 98-CR-337- (B) intent violent felony involving other acts of violence murder, attempted CBM) - incompetent firearm (c)(2) low rehabilitation potential robbery, first degree after authorization previous conviction of other lack of remorse burglary; assault by serious offenses (c)(4) victim impact means of force; 1987 and grave risk (c)(5) deterrence 1989 possession and substantial planning (c)(9) distribution; 1990 assault previous conviction of two on correctional officer; felony drug offenses (c)(10) 1998 threat to kill while previous conviction for incarcerated) serious federal drug offenses (c)(12) murder of corrections official (c)(14) multiple killings (c)(16)

144. Nieves-Alonso, T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) witness killing no Heriberto (D. PR No. substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 97-CR-284 (JAF)) - guilty plea - 10 years No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

145. Valle-Lassalle, Victor T-Man (2 victims) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes Manuel (D. PR No. 97- contract killing (c)(7) (n)(6) victim impact CR-284 (JAF)) - guilty substantial planning (c)(9) multiple murders plea - life (n)(8) obstruction of justice witness killing

146. Pena-Gonzalez, T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness yes Nicholas (D. PR No. (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 97-CR-284 (JAF)) - obstruction of justice authorization withdrawn - life

147. Lam, Tanh Huu (E.D. Contractor (1 (A) intent death resulting from arson future dangerousness yes CA No. S 97-CR-054- victim) (B) intent (c)(1) low rehabilitation potential WB) - guilty plea - life (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) lack of remorse (D) intent pecuniary gain (c) (7) victim impact substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple victims (c)(16)

148. Peoples Cornelius Contractor (1 (A) intent violent prior felony (c)(2) future dangerousness yes (W.D. MO No. 00 CR victim) (B) intent 2 priors resulting in SBI or 2 prior convictions 395-ALL) - guilty plea (C) intent death (c)(3) victim impact - 20 years (D) intent contract killing (c)(7) obstruction of justice substantial planning (c)(9)

149. Lightfoot, Xavier Contractor (1 (A) intent contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes (W.D. MO No. 00 CR victim) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 395-ALL) - life (C) intent obstruction of justice sentence by jury (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

150. Locust, Jeremiah T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact no (W.D. NC No. 2:98 (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) commission of a state crime CR 185) - (C) intent victim a law enforcement authorization (D) intent officer (c)(14) withdrawn at trial - life attempted multiple killings (c)(16)

151. Dean, Chris (D. VT Bomber (1 victim) (A) intent commission during a injured others no No. 2:98M0021) - (B) intent felony (c)(1) subst. suffering of victim guilty plea - life (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim’s mother witnessed (D) intent HCD (c)(6) her son’s violent death substantial planning (c)(9) substantial planning endangered safety of many

152. Rollack, Peter (S.D. Kingpin and T- (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact yes NY No. S4 96 CR 129) Man (6 victims) prior conviction for drug future dangerousness - guilty plea - life offense (c)(12) obstruction of justice multiple killings (c)(16) multiple killings

153. Chong, Richard Lee T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent violent felony prior (c)(2) prior juvenile offenses yes Tuk (D. HI No. 98- (B) intent serious bodily injury prior prior adult offenses CR-00416 ACK) - (C) intent (c)(4) obstruction of justice guilty plea - life (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness escape danger

154. Brown, Ricky Lee Arsonist (5 (C) intent death during commission victim impact not listed in notice (N.D. WV No. 1:98 victims) of another crime (c)(1) CR 34) - dismissal HCD (c)(6) after notice by judge - pecuniary gain (c)(8) (not guilty) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

155. Brown, Barbara (N.D. Arsonist (5 (C) intent death during commission victim impact not listed in notice WV No. 1:98 CR 34) - victims) of another crime (c)(1) dismissal after notice HCD (c)(6) by judge pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16)

156. Ables, Jannette (N.D. Arsonist (5 (C) intent death during commission victim impact not listed in notice WV No. 1:98 CR 34) - victims) of another crime (c)(1) dismissal after notice HCD (c)(6) by judge pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16)

157. Rausini, Walder Pierre Kingpin (2 None contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes (murder) (N.D. CA No. 95-CR- victims) asserted pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice 0319-S1) - guilty plea - substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous murder 40 years convictions victim impact

158. Lane, Robert (D. MD T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes (1997 home invasion; No. L-98-CR-73) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) other uncharged acts of 1998 theft of automobile guilty plea - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) violence (D) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) low rehabilitation potential lack of remorse victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

159. Aiken, Ian Orville Kingpin (2 (A) intent violent felony prior (c)(2) other murders yes (murder, attempted (S.D. FL No. 97-233- victims) (B) intent two prior violent felonies future dangerousness murder, burglary, robbery, CR-G) - guilty plea - (C) intent (c)(4) threats to witnesses aggravated battery) 35 years substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitation potential

160. Perez, Luis Gines (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness no PR No. 98-CR-164 (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact (DRD)) - authorization (C) intent withdrawn - 11 years

161. Perez, Ricardo Contractor (1 (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness no Melendez (D. PR No. victim) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 98-CR-164 (DRD)) - (C) intent authorization withdrawn - 12 years

162. Sinisterra, German T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness no (W.D. MO No. 98- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse 00311-01/05-CR-W-2) (C) intent multiple attempted killings use of force to collect drug - death row (died) (D) intent (c)(16) debts vileness of the crime victim impact

163. Gilbert, Kristin (D. T-Woman (4 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) series of murder offenses yes (acts of violence, MA No. 98-CR- victims) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) other uncharged acts of many against patients) 30044-MAP) - life (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) violence sentence by jury (D) intent future dangerousness victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

164. Tello, Plutarco (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness no MO No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vileness of the crime 98-00311-01/05-CR-W (C) intent multiple attempted killings lack of remorse -2) - life sentence by (D) intent (c)(16) use of force to collect drug jury debts victim impact

165. Ortiz, Arboleda (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness no MO No. 98- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vileness of the crime 00311-01/05-CR-W-2) (C) intent multiple attempted killings lack of remorse - death row 2255 (D) intent (c)(16) use of force to collect drug debts victim impact

166. Martinez, Mariano Kingpin (3 (C) intent previous conviction of future dangerousness yes (C.D. No. 99-CR-83- victims) (D) intent violent felony involving a lack of remorse (A)-DT) - life sentence firearm (c)(2) other uncharged murders by jury substantial planning (c)(9) multiple killings (c)(16)

167. Clemente, Louis (M.D. Contractor (2 (A) intent contract killing (c)(7) vileness of the crime yes (murder) FL No. 98-CR-436 victims) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) committed murders while CRT 2) - guilty plea - (C) intent CCE involving minors under state sentence life (D) intent (c)(13) future dangerousness multiple killings (c)(16) lack of remorse grave risk of harm to others

168. Woody, Charles (C.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (murder) CA No. 99-CR-84- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) AHM) - guilty plea - (C) intent 23 years (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

169. Lyon, Billy Joe (W.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes KY No. 4:99-CR-11- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact M) - life sentence by (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) uncharged murders jury (D) intent vulnerability of victim multiple murders (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16)

170. Burgett, James Harold T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of justice none listed (W.D. TN No. 98-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 20160-G) - guilty plea multiple killings (c)(16) - life

171. Friend, Travis (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) hijacking yes VA No. 3:99CR201) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) committed while serving a guilty plea - life (C) intent suspended sentence (D) intent killing of potential witness victim vulnerable victim impact negative impact on IC prior criminal acts bad acts while a student future danger

172. Friend, Eugene (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) hijacking yes VA No. 3:99CR201) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) fugitive from justice guilty plea - life (C) intent killing of potential witness (D) intent victim vulnerable victim impact negative impact on IC prior criminal acts abandoned his children future danger No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

173. Haynes, Willis (D. MD T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent death during the victim impact yes (violent felony, drug No. PHM-98-CR- (B) intent commission of a future dangerousness offense) 0502) - life sentence (C) intent kidnaping (c)(1) low potential for rehabilitation by jury (D) intent previous conviction of a lack of remorse violent felony involving a obstruction of justice firearm (c)(2) previous conviction for serious federal drug offense (c)(12) multiple killings (c)(16)

174. Higgs, Dustin (D. MD Contractor (3 (C) intent death during the victim impact yes No. PHM-98-CR-0502 victims) (D) intent commission of a future dangerousness - death row 2255 - kidnaping (c)(1) low potential for rehabilitation previous conviction of a lack of remorse violent felony involving a obstruction of justice firearm (c)(2) previous conviction for serious federal drug offense (c)(12) multiple killings (c)(16)

175. Tatum, Kenneth A. T-Man (3 victims) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) multiple killings yes (E.D. TX No. 2:99 CR (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice 5) - life sentence by victim impact jury future dangerousness lack of remorse low rehabilitation potential substantial planning pattern of continuing criminal conduct No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

176. Smith, Daymon (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk to others (c)(5) obstruction of justice yes TX No. 2:99 CR 5) - (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact life sentence by jury (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness (D) intent multiple attempted killings lack of remorse (C)(16) low rehabilitation potential pattern of continuing criminal conduct

177. Stephens, Charles Lee T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) multiple killings yes (E.D. TX No. 2:99 CR (B) intent HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice 5) - died after (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact authorization (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness multiple killings (c)(16) lack of remorse low rehabilitation potential substantial planning pattern of continuing criminal conduct

178. Westmoreland, Guy Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent death during other offense victim impact yes (S.D. IL No. 98-CR- (c)(1) obstruction of justice 30022-WDS) - contract killing (c)(7) authorization pecuniary gain (c)(8) withdrawn - life substantial planning (c)(9) conv. for serious drug offense (5 + yrs)(c)(12) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

179. Lewis, Deandre (S.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent death during other offense victim impact yes IL No. 98-CR-30022- (B) intent (c)(1) obstruction of justice WDS) - authorization (C) intent grave risk to others (c)(5) withdrawn - life pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9) conviction for serious drug offense (5 + yrs)(c)(12)

180. Wills, Christopher T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent kidnaping (c)(1) future dangerousness yes (E.D. VA No. 99-CR- previous conviction of continuing pattern 00396) - life sentence violent felony (c)(2) threats of violence by jury previous convictions of low rehabilitation potential violent felonies (c)(4) lack of remorse substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact obstruction of justice

181. Carpenter, Antonio T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact yes (W.D. TN No. 99-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice 20155) - guilty plea at (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future danger trial - life (D) intent lack of remorse attempted escape committing crimes while on pretrial release vileness of crime No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

182. Carpenter, Robert T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact yes (W.D. TN No. 99-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice 20155) - guilty plea at (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future danger trial - life (D) intent lack of remorse attempted escape committing crimes while on pretrial release vileness of crime

183. Garrett, Lamond (S.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact no GA Cr No. 4-99-133) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice life sentence by jury (C) intent (D) intent

184. Martinez, Hector T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) vile nature of crime not listed in notice Oscar (D. PR No. 99- pecuniary gain (c)(8) committed in retaliation CR-044 (SEC)) - future dangerousness acquittal victim impact

185. Alejandro, Joel Rivera T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent HCD ((c)(6) vile nature of crime not listed in notice (D. PR No. 99-CR-044 pecuniary gain (c)(8) committed in retaliation (SEC)) - acquittal future dangerousness victim impact

186. Santiago, Jose (S.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact no NY No. 98-CR-290) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) guilty plea - 50 years (C) intent (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

187. Thomas, Christopher Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent violent prior felony (c)(2) future dangerousness yes (E.D. VA No. 99-CR- (B) intent committed murder while victim impact 477-A) - lesser (C) intent under sentence for another juvenile criminal record included conviction - murder (c)(3) conduct while incarcerated life 2 prior violent felonies lack of gainful employment (c)(4) substantial planning (c)(9)

188. Kee, Charles Michael Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) participation in other serious yes (sexual assaults and (S.D. NY No. 98-CR- (B) intent acts of violence robbery) 778) - guilty plea - 40 (C) intent future dangerousness years

189. Stayner, Cary (E.D. T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent death during commission of other kidnapings, sexual yes (other kidnappings, CA No. CR-F-00-521) victim) another crime (c)(1) assaults and killings sexual assaults and - guilty plea - life HCD (c)(6) victim impact killings) substantial planning (c)(9)

190. Cooper, Carl Derick T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact yes (D. DC No. 99-CR- (B) intent multiple killings (c)(16) other criminal activity 0266 (Green)) - guilty (C) intent obstruction of justice plea - life (D) intent leadership role future dangerousness

191. Furrow, Buford (C.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) hate crime yes (shootings/assault) CA No. 99-CR-838 (B) intent lack of remorse (A)-R) - guilty plea - (C) intent victim impact life (D) intent other violent crimes future dangerousness No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

192. Bernard, Brandon T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness no (W.D. TX No. (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) vileness of the crime W99CR070) - death (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact row 2255 (D) intent multiple killings (c)(16) obstruction of justice

193. Vialva, Christopher T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of future dangerousness yes Andre (W.D. TX No. (B) intent violent felony (c)(2) vileness of crime W99CR070) - death (C) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact row 2255 (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice substantial planning (c)(9) multiple killings (c)(16)

194. Nelson, Keith (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) future dangerousness yes MO CR No. (B) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact 99-CR-303-1) - death (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) row 2255 (D) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11)

195. Sanders, Marcus (S.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk of death (c)(5) obstruction of justice no AL No. 98-CR-0056- substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact CB) - life sentence by jury

196. Rodriguez, Victor Kingpin (3 (A) intent contract killing (c)(7) future dangerousness yes (E.D. PA No. 98-CR- victims) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous 362) - guilty plea at (C) intent convictions for other trial - life (D) intent killings contemporaneous conviction for a serious federal drug offense victim impact participation in another killing No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

197. Acosta-Martinez, T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes Wilfredo (E.D. PA No. (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) contemporaneous conviction 98-CR-362) - guilty (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) for another killing plea at trial - life (D) intent multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact participation in another killing

198. Kendall, Michael T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) commission of other yes Robbie (N.D. MS No. (B) intent multiple attempted killings unlawful acts (burglaries) 3:99CR102) - guilty (C) intent (c)(16) victim impact plea - life (D) intent emotional harm and injury to others

199. Mohamed, Khalfan Bomber (224 (A) intent commission of other crime future dangerousness no (S.D. NY No. S6 98 victims) (B) intent (c)(1) victim impact CR 102) - life sentence (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) causing serious injury to by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) surviving victims multiple killings (c)(16) victims were high public officials disruption to important governmental functions

200. Al-‘Owhali, Mohamed Bomber (224 (A) intent death during commission future dangerousness not listed in notice Rashed Daoud (S.D. victims) (B) intent of another crime (c)(1) victim impact NY No. S6 98 CR 102) (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) causing serious injury to - life sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) surviving victims multiple killings (c)(16) intended victims were high public officials knowledge of simultaneous act of terrorism disruption to important governmental functions No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

201. Edelin, Tommy (D. Kingpin (3 (C) intent grave risk (n)(5) other murders and attempted yes (murders, assaults, DC No. 98-CR-264) - victims) (D) intent contract killing (n)(6) murders narcotics trafficking) life sentence by jury substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness vulnerable victim (n)(9) victim impact distribution to persons solicitation to kills witness under 21 (n)(11) narcotics trafficking leadership role

202. Minerd, Joseph (W.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent death during the victim impact no PA No. 99-CR-215) - (B) intent commission of another crime life sentence by jury (C) intent (c)(1) (D) intent grave risk (c)(5) HCD (c)(6) vulnerable victim (c)(11) substantial planning (c)(9) multiple killings (c)(16)

203. Johnson, Coleman Bomber (2 (A) intent death during the commission death of the fetus no (W.D. VA No. 3:00 victims) (B) intent of another crime (c)(1) victim impact CR 00026) - life (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) criminal livelihood sentence by jury (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

204. Satcher, Steve (D. MD Contractor (1 (C) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact no CR No. AW00-0105) - victim) (D) intent HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice guilty plea at trial - life contract killing (c)(7) substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

205. Jackson, Richard T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) future dangerousness no (W.D. NC No. 00CR- victim) (B) intent HCD (c)(6) 74-ALL) - death row (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) 2255 (D) intent

206. Bass, John (E.D. MI T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (murder, armed No. 97-CR-80235) - substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse robbery, assaults) life sentence by jury

207. Gabrion, Marvin T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness no (W.D. MI No. 1:99- (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact CR-76) - death row obstruction of justice 2255

208. Castillo, Mario (C.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (possession, discharge CA No. 99-CR-83- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) uncharged murder of a firearm, assault with (A)-DT) - acquittal (C) intent multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact a deadly weapon; battery of a police officer)

209. Jacobo, Gerardo (C.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (carrying a loaded CA No. 99-CR-83- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact firearm) (A)-DT) - acquittal (C) intent multiple killings (c)(16)

210. Pham, Trung Thanh Bomber (1 victim) (C) intent resulting from arson (c)(1) future dangerousness yes (E.D. CA No. 00-CR- (D) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact 411-ALL) - guilty plea pecuniary gain (c)(8) - life substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

211. Sablan, William (D. Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction of future dangerousness yes (hostage taking, CO No. 00-CR-531- (B) intent violent felony involving a firearm, transfer of ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent firearm (c)(2) firearm) jury (D) intent HCD (c)(6)

212. Sablan, Rudy (D. CO Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction of future dangerousness yes (aggravated assault, No. 00-CR-531-ALL) - (B) intent other serious offense assault with a deadly life sentence by jury (C) intent (c)(4) weapon) (D) intent HCD (c)(6)

213. Church, Walter T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) (c)(8) victim impact yes LeFight (W.D. VA No. (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice 00-CR-104-ALL) - (C) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) future dangerousness acquittal (D) intent (c)(11) multiple murders on single drug offense (n)(10) (c)(12) occasion multiple killings (c)(16)

214. Ealy, Samuel Stephen T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) victim impact no (W.D. VA No. 00-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice 104-ALL) - (W.D. VA (C) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) multiple murders on single No. 00-CR-104-ALL) - (D) intent occasion life sentence by jury

215. Stewart, Charles (W.D. Kingpin (2 (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) multiple killings yes (murder, escape) KY No. 4:99-CR-11- victims) (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) participation in additional M) - dismissal after uncharged murders or notice by judge - life attempted murders or other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions future dangerousness victim impact leadership role No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

216. Pennington, Tiffany T-Man (1 victim) (B) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes (robbery in the 1st Dominique (W.D. KY (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact degree, trafficking) No. 01-CR-35-ALL) - (D) intent dismissal after notice by judge - life

217. Llera-Plaza, Carlos T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) future dangerousness yes Ivan (E.D. PA No. 98- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) contemporaneous conviction CR-362) - guilty plea (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) for another killing at trial - life (D) intent multiple killings (c)(16) contemporaneous conviction for a serious federal drug offense victim impact participation in another killing

218. Moore, Rodney (D. T-Man (11 (A) intent procurement by payment contemporaneous convictions yes (murders, assaults, DC No. 1:00CR00157) victims) (B) intent (c)(7) for acts of violence charged in firearms) - life sentence by jury (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) superceding indictment (D) intent CCE involving sales to contemporaneous convictions minors (c)(13) for narcotics trafficking contemporaneous convictions for firearms offenses obstruction of justice leadership role future dangerousness victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

219. Gray, Kevin L. (D. DC Kingpin (22 (C) intent procured by payment (n)(6) contemporaneous convictions yes No. 1:00CR00157) - victims) (D) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) for acts of violence charged in life sentence by jury substantial planning (n)(8) superceding indictment distribution to persons under unadjudicated acts of violence 21 (n)(11) not charged in the superseding heinous and cruel (n)(12) indictment contemporaneous convictions for narcotics trafficking contemporaneous convictions for firearms offenses obstruction of justice leadership role future dangerousness victim impact

220. Waldon, Karl T. (M.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice no FL No. 3:00-CR-436- (C) intent betrayal of public trust and J25-TJC) - life (D) intent abuse of police powers sentence by jury psychological circumstances in victim’s final moments

221. Lentz, Jay (E.D. VA T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent during commission of another other offenses and threatened yes No. 01-CR-150-ALL) - (B) intent crime (c)(1) offenses life sentence by jury (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9)

222. O’Driscoll, Michael J. Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction involving additional charged and yes (M.D. PA No. 4:Cr-01- firearms (c)(2) uncharged murders, or other 277) - life sentence by under sentence for another serious acts of violence jury murder (c)(3) future dangerousness substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

223. Best, Jason (N.D. IN T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction involving future danger yes (guilty plea to No. 2:00CR171RL) - (B) intent firearm (c)(2) victim impact criminal reckless authorization (C) intent previous conviction - cocaine involving firearm, withdrawn - life (D) intent (c)(4) conviction for possession contract killing (c)(7) of cocaine substantial planning (c)(9)

224. Robinson, Julius Omar T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) victim impact yes (N.D. TX No. 00-CR- (B) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(12) future dangerousness 260-ALL) - death row (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) (n)(7) prior conviction of violence 2255 (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) (n)(8) multiple killing (c)(16)

225. Britt, L.J. (N.D. TX T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact none listed No. 00-CR-260-ALL) - (B) intent pecuniary value (n)(7) future dangerousness life sentence by jury (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) (n)(8)

226. Garcia, Rico (N.D. CA T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent previous conviction felony - future danger (numerous acts yes No. 00-CR-20018- (B) intent firearm (c)(2) of crime and violence) ALL) - guilty plea - (C) intent previous conviction of other life (D) intent serious offenses (c)(4) substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

227. Quinones, Alan (S.D. Kingpin (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(12) victim impact yes NY No. 00-CR-0761 (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) (n)(6) obstruction of justice (JSR)) - life sentence (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions by jury (D) intent (n)(8) under court supervision prior murder firearms violations prior convictions

228. Rodriguez, Diego T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(12) victim impact yes (S.D. NY No. 00-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(7) (n)(6) obstruction of justice 0761 (JSR)) - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions sentence by jury (D) intent (n)(8) prior convictions firearms violations

229. Knorr, Carl Edward Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction involving future dangerousness yes (S.D. IL No. 99-CR- (C) intent firearm (c)(2) pecuniary gain 40044) - authorization HCD (c)(6) racial hatred withdrawn - 138 substantial planning (c)(9) months

230. McIntosh, Richard Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction involving future dangerousness yes Scott (S.D. IL No. 99- (B) intent firearm (c)(2) pecuniary gain CR-40044) - (C) intent HCD (c)(6) racial hatred authorization substantial planning (c)(9) withdrawn

231. Sahakian, David M. Kingpin (4 (A) intent previous conviction involving future dangerousness yes (S.D. IL No. 99-CR- victims) (C) intent firearm (c)(2) racial hatred 40044) - authorization HCD (c)(6) withdrawn - 240 substantial planning (c)(9) months No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

232. Shorter, Ramon Lori T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact (W.D. TN No. 01-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice 20041-DV) - guilty (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) plea - life (D) intent

233. Wilson, Bryant T-Man (1 victim) (D) intent previous conviction of violent victim impact Lakeith (W.D. TN No. felony involving firearm leader and organizer 01-CR-20041-DV) - (c)(2) guilty plea - life grave risk (c)(5) vulnerable victim (c)(11) pecuniary gain (c)(8) conviction for serious federal drug offenses (c)(12)

234. Frye, James (S.D. MS T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness yes No. 01-CR-8-ALL) - (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact life sentence by jury substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice multiple killings (c)(16)

235. Cooper, Billy D. (S.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness MS No. 01-CR-8- (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact ALL) - life sentence by substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice jury conviction for serious federal drug offenses (c)(12) multiple killings (c)(16)

236. Lallamand, Sienky Bomber (1 victim) No Notice Filed (N.D. IL No. 00 CR 143) - guilty plea - life No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

237. Fell, Donald (D. VT T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) facilitate escape from double 00-M-66-ALL) - (B) intent HCD (c)(6) murders awaiting resentencing (C) intent multiple killings (c)(16) obstruction of justice or retrial (D) intent substantial premeditation to car jack victim impact (victim terrified for 4 hours) (family suffered extremely)

238. Haskell, Carl (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact MO No. 00-CR-395- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) jury (D) intent

239. McClure, Cornell (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact no MD No. 01-CR-367- (B) intent callous disregard for severity ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent of offense judge (D) intent defenseless victim

240. Millegan, Rufus (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact MD No. 01-CR-367- (B) intent callous disregard for severity ALL) - guilty plea - (C) intent of offense life (D) intent defenseless victim No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

241. Moussaoui, Zacarias Bomber (3000+) (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) entered US, enjoyed (E.D. VA No. 01-CR- (D) intent HCD (c)(6) educational opportunities to 455-ALL) - life substantial planning (c)(9) gain knowledge to fly in order sentence by jury to kill American citizens - 3,000 + people from 15 countries died - serious physical and emotional injuries to victims - injury, harm and loss to the victims, families, friends, co- workers - tremendous disruption to function of City of New York and its economy - tremendous disruption to the function of the Pentagon - lack of remorse

242. Dixon, Emile (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of a justice NY No. 01-CR-389- substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness ALL) - life sentence by victim impact jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

243. Regan, Brian Patrick Spy (0 victims) 18 U.S.C. §3592(b) 1. Nature and breadth and (E.D. VA No. 01-CR- 1. grave risk to national sensitivity of classified 405-ALL) - life security information sentence by jury 2. grave risk of death 2. Long term planning and premeditation 3. Betrayal of position of trust 4. Air Force sergeant/retiree placing Air Force pilots at grave risk of death 5. Pecuniary gain 6. Form letter espionage 7. Countries in question true adversaries of US 8. Consciousness of damage to US 9. DP as a marketing tool 10. Awareness committing a dp offense 11. Compromising of techniques 12. Use of US gov’t funded training 13. Offer to commit ongoing acts of espionage indefinitely 14. Actually committed espionage 15. Removed 800 pages of classified material from US gov’t facilities No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

Regan, Brian Patrick continued 16. Other evidence indicating defendant moved many other documents out of NRO 17. US is involved in active hostilities with Iraq 18. Gratuitous advice 19. Use of an overseas bank account 20. Undermining Intelink 21. Attempted to compromise information above Top Secret Level 22. Benefits and privileges of a full Air Force career and substantial retirement salary 23. Future dangerousness 24. Victim impact

244. Johnson, Angela (N.D. Accomplice (5 (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future dangerousness IA No. 00-CR-3034- victims) (B) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) victim impact MWB) - death, then (C) intent HCD (n)(12) obstruction of justice life multiple killings

245. Denis, Jose (S.D. FL T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice no No. 99-00714 CR pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness (KING)) - life sentence victim impact by jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

246. Jones, Luke (D. CT T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent previous conviction involving future danger No. 00-CR-238-ALL) - (B) intent firearm (c)(2) other crimes of violence acquittal (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact (D) intent operation of drug enterprise - firearms, minors, distance close to grade school

247. Mitchell, Lezmond (D. Stabber (2 (A) intent death during commission of victim impact AZ No. 01-CR-1062- victims) (B) intent another crime (c)(1) obstruction of justice ALL) - death row 2255 (C) intent HCD (c)(6) commission of a subsequent (D) intent pecuniary (c)(8) armed robbery substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16)

248. Davis, Johnny (E.D. T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) continuing pattern of violence yes LA No. 2:01-CR-282- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) solicited assistance of co-d to ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent kill cooperating gov wit jury (D) intent solicited juveniles to serve under him while incarcerated, solicited aid of fellow drug dealer to buy and sell on his behalf solicited aid of fellow drug dealer in smuggling contraband into jail victim impact multiple victims lack of remorse No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

249. Haynes, Aaron (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact TN No. 01-CR-20247) (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) other acts - life sentence by jury substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitative potential multiple killings (c)(16)

250. Maxwell, William T-Man (1 victim) (D) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact (W.D. TN No. 01-CR- pecuniary gain (c)(8) 20247) - guilty plea - substantial planning (c)(9) life multiple killings (c)(16)

251. Tucker, Tebiah (N.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent previous conviction (c)(2) victim impact yes NY No. 00-CR-269- (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) (c)(8) ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) jury (D) intent (c)(9) HCD (n)(12) (c)(6)

252. McMillian, T-Man (2 victims (A) intent previous conviction (c)(2) previous felony conviction yes Christopher (N.D. NY (B) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) (c)(8) victim impact No. 00-CR-269-ALL) - (C) intent substantial planning (n)(8) authorization (D) intent (c)(9) withdrawn at trial - life HCD (n)(12) (c)(6)

253. Matthews, Lavin (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction (c)(2) victim impact yes NY No. 00-CR-269- (B) intent previous felonies (n)(3) (c)(4) ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) (c)(8) jury (D) intent substantial planning (n)(8) (c)(9) HCD (n)(12) (c)(6) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

254. Shakir, Jamal (M.D. Kingpin (6 (A) intent previous conviction of violent directed, approved or solicited yes TN No. 3:98-CR- victims) (B) intent felony involving firearm other acts of violence as 00038 (NIXON)) - life (C) intent (c)(2) alleged in indictment sentence by jury (D) intent previous conviction for already has LWOP sentence serious offense (c)(4) (n)(3) victim impact grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) future danger procurement of offense by lack of remorse payment (c)(7) (n)(6) def. authorized killing pecuniary gain (c)(8) (n)(7) circumstances and methods substantial planning (c)(9) warrant death penalty distribution to minors (c)(13) state felony charge pending (n)(11) multiple killings victim pregnant potential witness killing trying to hide homosexual acts

255. Payne, Eben (M.D. TN T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) participated in, directed or No. 3:98-CR-00038 (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) (n)(7) approved other acts of violence (NIXON)) - (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) - incompetent after (D) intent (n)(8) additional punishment for authorization drug distribution to minors killing - (n)(11) future danger - multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact - circumstances and method surrounding crime - lack of remorse - fugitive from state felony drug and firearm charges - terminated victim’s pregnany - victim killed to prevent cooperation with law enforcement - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

256. Young, Donnell (M.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(7) participated in, directed or TN No. 3:98-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) approved other acts of violence 00038 (NIXON)) - (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) - guilty plea at trial - 40 (D) intent (n)(8) additional punishment for years distribution to under 21 killing - (n)(11) victim impact - future danger - lack of remorse - killed victim with hope of obtaining controlled substances for further distribution - defendant on bond with other criminal charges pending - victim killed in effort to prevent cooperation with law - terminated victim’s pregnany - victim killed to prevent cooperation with law enforcement -

257. Hyles, Tyrese (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous conviction involving future dangerousness yes MO CR No. (B) intent firearm (c)(2) obstruction of justice 01-CR-73-ALL) - life (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) other criminal activity sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) participation in an uncharged murder victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

258. Cannon, Amasheo T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent previous firearm conviction future danger (engaged in yes (possession of (E.D. MO CR No. (B) intent (c)(2) continuing pattern of violence handgun, burglary, 01-CR-73-ALL) - life (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) - threatened others with resisting arrest, assaults, sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) violence - demonstrated low sale of a controlled rehabilitative potential - lack substance, parole of remorse) violations) obstruction of justice other criminal activity victim impact

259. Sampson, Gary Lee T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) other serious acts of violence yes (D. MA No. 01-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) (murder) - 10384-ALL) - awaiting (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) other carjacking - resentencing or retrial (D) intent other serious acts of violence (bank robberies) - contemporaneous convictions for more than one murder - obstruction of justice - victim impact - future dangerousness - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

260. Purkey, Wesley Ira T-Man, Rapist (1 (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) future danger (previously yes (W.D. MO No. 01-CR- victim) (B) intent previous conviction of a year killed an 80 year old woman 308-ALL) - death row (C) intent or more (c)(2) with hammer - has allegiance 2255 (D) intent two or more offenses to Aryan Brotherhood - lack of punishable by more than one remorse - poor institutional year imprisonment (c)(4) adjustment with numerous HCD (c)(6) disciplinary violations vulnerable victim (c)(11) including assaults/violence - previous life sentence (c)(11) sexual assault while incarcerated - previous conviction of aggravated escape) victim impact vicious previous killing substantial criminal history (felony convictions for murder, kidnapping, aggravated robbery, aggravated battery and shooting in 1980)

261. Safarini, Zayd Hassan Bomber (2 (A) intent destruction of totality of the evidence (D. DC No. 91-CR- victims) (B) intent aircraft/explosives (c)(1) victim impact 504-ALL) - dismissal (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) participation in Abu Nidal after notice by judge - (D) intent HCD (c)(6) Organization life substantial planning (c)(9) Murder and escape in Malta vulnerable victims (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16)

death after offense of seizing airplane (c)(7)(A) grave risk of death (c)(7)(B) hcd (c)(7)(B)(iv) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

262. Mikos, Ronald (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) obstructions of justice/witness yes IL No. 02-CR 137) - (B) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) tampering death row 2255 (C) intent victim impact (D) intent lack or remorse

263. LeCroy, William Stabber, Rapist (1 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future danger Emmett (N.D. GA No. victim) (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact 02-CR-38-ALL) - substantial planning (c)(9) death row 2255

264. Gonzalez, Fausto (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness yes CT No. 02-CR-7-ALL) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) - life sentence by jury (C) intent (D) intent

265. Perez, Wilfredo (D. Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) leadership role in racketeering yes CT No. 02-CR-7-ALL) substantial planning (c)(9) enterprise - - life sentence by jury

266. Zapata, Jairo (E.D. NY T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) additional uncharged murders yes No. 01-CR-516) - substantial planning (n)(8) guilty plea - 30 years

267. Rice, Darrell David Stabber, Rapist (2 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact (W.D. VA No. 02-CR- victims) (B) intent multiple killings (c)(16) future dangerousness 26-ALL) - innocent (C) intent hate crime (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

268. Williams, Michael T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) victim impact - yes (S.D. NY No. 00-CR- (B) intent pecuniary value (n)(7) contemporaneous convictions- 1008) - life sentence (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) firearms violations - by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness - (n)(8) prior convictions

269. Williams, Xavier (S.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) victim impact yes NY No. 00-CR-1008) - (B) intent pecuniary value (n)(7) contemporaneous convictions authorization (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) firearms violations withdrawn - life (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness (n)(8)

270. Williams, Elijah T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) victim impact - yes Bobby (S.D. NY No. (B) intent pecuniary value (n)(7) contemporaneous convictions- 00-CR-1008) - life (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) firearms violations - sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness - (n)(8) conviction for two state or federal felony drug offenses - conviction for a serious federal drug offense

271. Jones, Milton “Butch” Kingpin (3 (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) other acts of violence yes (E.D. MI No. 01-CR- victims) substantial planning (n)(8) victim impact 80571) - guilty plea - CCE conviction (n)(10) future danger 30 years HCD (n)(12) killed to eliminate rival drug competition No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

272. Mitchell, Eugene (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) participated in, directed, yes MI No. 01-CR-80571) (B) intent substantial planning (n)(8) approved or solicited other acts - authorization of violence - withdrawn - 25 years victim impact - future danger (lack of remorse, low potential for rehabilitation, armed robbery and gun prior convictions) - victim killed in effort to eliminate rival drug competition and in retaliation for drug robberies - committed the offense by deception -

273. Canty, Raymond (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) (C) intent contract killing (n)(6) participated in, directed, yes MI No. 01-CR-80571) substantial planning (n)(8) approved or solicited other acts - authorization of violence - withdrawn - 20 years victim impact - victim killed to eliminate rival drug competition and in retaliation of victim’s robberies of defendant - committed the offense by deception -

274. Ostrander, Robert T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact (W.D. MI No. 01-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse 00218) - life sentence (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness by jury (D) intent No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

275. Ostrander, Michael T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) victim impact (W.D. MI No. 01-CR- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse 00218) - life sentence (C) intent sub planning (c)(9) by jury (D) intent

276. Lien, David (N.D. CA Bomber (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact No. 01-CR-20071- (B) intent grave risk (c)(5) ALL) - authorization (C) intent HCD (c)(6) withdrawn (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9)

277. Taylor, Michael T-Man (5 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes Lafayette (D. MD No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice 01-CR-410-ALL) - life (C) intent participation in other murders sentence by jury (D) intent (seven), a kidnapping, a shooting and an attempted murder

278. Moses, Keon (D. MD T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of violent victim impact yes No. 01-CR-410-ALL) - (B) intent felony (c)(2) participation in other murders life sentence by jury (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) and acts of violence (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) (attempted murder of multiple killings (c)(16) Brockington charged as discharging a firearm, murder of James, Pearson, Hargroves and Watson) obstruction of justice No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

279. Brown, Meier Jason T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) personal characteristics and yes (S.D. GA No. 02-M- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact - 53-ALL - death row (C) intent manner of offense reduced 2255 (D) intent likelihood of detection of defendant’s involvement in underlying offense - victim employee of US postal service - killed during duties - other criminal acts - rehabilitation has failed (i.e., future danger)

280. Fields, Sherman T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact - yes Lamont (W.D. TX No. (B) intent prior violent gun felony (c)(2) participation in additional 01-CR-164-ALL) - (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) uncharged murders, attempted death row 2255 (D) intent murders and other serious acts of violence - future danger -

281. Honken, Dustin (N.D. T-Man (5 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (n)(8) future danger (engaged in yes IA No. 00 CR 3034 M) (B) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) continuing pattern of violent - death row 2255 (C) intent HCD (n)(12) conduct - threatened others with violence - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential - a high custody classification - lack of remorse) - victim impact - obstruction of justice - multiple killings or attempted killings - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

282. Skiba, Lawrence Contractor (1 (A) intent contract killing (c)(7) contemporaneous findings of (W.D. PA No. 01-CR- victim) (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) guilt 291-ALL) - guilty plea (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future danger - 20 years (D) intent

283. Gonzales-Lauzan, Luis Contractor (1 (A) intent contract killing (c)(7) obstructing justice by (S.D. FL No. 02-CR- victim) (B) intent) substantial planning (c)(9) preventing a witness from 20572-ALL) - life cooperating with law sentence by jury enforcement - lack of remorse and continuing danger

284. Hatten, Charles (S.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness WV No. 8:02-00230- (B) intent victim impact 02) - dismissal after obstruction of justice notice by judge - 33 years

285. Nelson, Brian (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) participation in other serious yes LA No. 02-CR-304- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) acts of violence - ALL) - dismissal after (C) intent multiple killings (c)(16) contemporaneous convictions- notice by judge - life (D) intent future danger (continued pattern of violent criminal conduct, threats of violence towards others, demonstrated low rehabilitative potential and demonstrated lack of remorse)- victim impact - obstruction of justice No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

286. Breeden, Shawn Stabber (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) committed the offense by yes Arnette (W.D. VA No. (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) deception - 03-CR-13-ALL) - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) participation in other criminal sentence by jury (D) intent conduct on 8-8 and 8-9, 2002 (conspiracy to commit robbery - possession of prohibited weapons - robbery of unknown individual - assault and robbery of Tammy T. Brown and Steven D. Oakes - obstruction of justice) - other criminal conduct (narcotics trafficking - possession of prohibited weapons - malicious wounding - May 25, 1997) - assaults and threats against law enforcement personnel (malicious wounding of Officer Douglas Brooks - 8/3/02 - assault on correctional officer Harold Terry - 7/4/03 - threats against other correctional officers 2002- 2003) - future dangerousness - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

287. Cassell, Kevin (W.D. Driver (1 victim) (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) participation in other criminal yes VA No. 03-CR-13- (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) conduct on 8/8 and 8/9/02 ALL) - guilty plea - 15 prior drug felony (c)(12) (conspiracy to commit years robbery, possession of prohibited weapons, robbery of unknown individual, assault and robbery of Brown and Oakes, obstruction of justice) other criminal conduct (narcotics trafficking, possession of prohibited weapons, unlawful wounding, failure to appear in court, assault and resisting arrest) future danger victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

288. Carpenter, Michael T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) participation in other criminal yes (W.D. VA No. 03-CR- (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) conduct (conspiracy to commit 13-ALL) - life (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) robbery, possession of sentence by jury (D) intent prohibited weapons, robbery of unknown individual, assault and robbery of Tammy T. Brown and Steven D. Oakes, obstruction of justice) - Other criminal conduct (narcotics trafficking, possession of prohibited weapons, receipt of stolen goods, receipt of stolen goods, escape from institution, petit larceny) - Future Dangerousness - Victim Impact

289. Bourgeois, Alfred Child Beater (1 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future danger none noted (S.D. TX No. 02-CR- victim) (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 216-ALL) - death row (C) intent vulnerable victim (c)(11) 2255 (D) intent

290. Gilmore, Wesley Kingpin (3 (C) intent vulnerable victim (n)(9) victim impact yes (W.D. VA No. 00-CR- victims) (D) intent convicted of serious federal obstruction of justice 104-ALL) - acquittal drug offense (n)(10) multiple killings No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

291. Taylor, Styles (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent previous conviction of a year past criminal conduct - yes IN No. 2:01 CR 073 (D) intent or more (c)(2) juvenile adjudications for JM) - life sentence by HCD (c)(6) burglary and robbery with a jury pecuniary gain (c)(8) gun - substantial planning (c)(9) history of conduct violations vulnerable victim (c)(11) while incarcerated - on parole at time of offense - parole violator - four positive drug tests - possession of firearm after felony - future dangerousness (threatened to kill an individual if they reported info - engaged in continuing patter of violence, likely to continue - previous parole violations and incarcerations - low rehabilitation - lack of remorse) - victim impact (victim’s wife murdered in same gun store) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

292. Thomas, Keoin (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent previous conviction of more past criminal conduct - yes IN No. 2:01 CR 073 (D) intent than one year (c)(2) domestic battery and robbery - JM) - authorization HCD (c)(6) history of conduct violations withdrawn at trial - life pecuniary gain (c)(8) while incarcerated - substantial planning (c)(9) on parole at time of offense - vulnerable victim (c)(11) violating conditions of state parole - future dangerousness (threatened to kill an individual if they reported info - engaged in continuing pattern of violence, previous parole violations and incarcerations - perjury and obstruct justice) - victim impact

293. Roman, Catalan (D. Accomplice (1 (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact PR No. 3:02 CR-117- victim) (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future danger ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) attempt to kill more than one (c)(16)

294. Villegas, Hernaldo (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact PR No. 3:02 CR-117- (B) intent HCD (c)(6) future danger ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) lack of remorse jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) attempt to kill more than one (c)(16) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

295. Mallay, Ronald (E.D. Contractor (2 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness NY No. 02-CR-779 (S- victims) (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) 1)) - life sentence by (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

296. James, Richard (E.D. Contractor (2 (A) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness NY No. 02-CR-779 (S- victims) (B) intent contract killing (c)(7) 1)) - life sentence by (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

297. Ward, Israel (W.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness (, yes MO No. 3:02 CR 050) (C) intent multiple killing (c)(16) lack of remorse, assault) - - guilty plea - 10 years previous conviction of state felony offense, term more than one year (inciting a riot - 3 years - assault and battery with intent to kill - 4 years) - victim impact - victims killed to advance narcotics distribution which involved juveniles - obstruction of justice (prevention of communication to law) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

298. Smith, Thomas (W.D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness yes MO No. 3:02 CR 050) (C) intent previous conviction of more (participation in burglary and - life sentence by jury than one year (c)(10) armed assault - long term multiple killings (c)(16) involvement with street gangs - rape at gunpoint - assault of pregnant woman - lack of remorse for murders) - previous conviction of a State felony offense with term of imprisonment of more than a year - victim impact - victims killed in order to protect, enforce and advance defendant’s narcotics distribution - obstruction of justice (victim killed to prevent communication to law enforcement officer, threatened cooperating witness with death, harassed and threatened witnesses, assaulted cooperating witness and threatened her)

299. Corley, Odell (N.D. IN T-Man (2 victims) No Notice Filed yes No. 02-CR-116-ALL) - death row 2255 No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

300. Fulks, Chadrick (D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) participation in additional yes SC No. 02-CR-992- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) uncharged murders (escape ALL) - death row 2255 (C) intent from detention facility, (D) intent carjacking and kidnapping resulting in death, burglary and other criminal conduct - attempted murder, kidnapping and carjacking, attempted murder of police officer) future danger (previous escape, admitted to numerous acts of violence, failed to adapt behavior - low rehab potential, lack of remorse, use of illegal drugs) - victim impact (obstruction, premeditated plan to dispose of body, committed sexual assault) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

301. Basham, Branden (D. T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent kidnapping (c)(1) participation in additional yes SC No. 02-CR-992- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) uncharged murders (escape ALL) - death row 2255 (C) intent from detention facility, (D) intent carjacking and kidnapping resulting in death, burglary and other criminal conduct - attempted murder, kidnapping and carjacking, attempted murder of police officer) future danger (previous escape, admitted to numerous acts of violence, failed to adapt behavior - low rehab potential, lack of remorse, use of illegal drugs) - victim impact (obstruction, lied about where the body was, premeditated plan to dispose of body, committed sexual assault on murdered victim)

302. Green, Darryl (D. MA T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) other serious acts of violence yes No. 02-CR-10301- (B) intent (attempted murder of Anthony ALL) - authorization (C) intent Vaughn - attempted murder of withdrawn (D) intent Richard Green) lack of remorse victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

303. Morris, Branden (D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) other acts of serious violence yes MA No. 02-CR- (B) intent (murder of Shelby Caddell) 10301-ALL) - (C) intent victim impact authorization (D) intent withdrawn

304. Gomez-Olmeda, David T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent prev. conviction involving future danger yes (D. PR No. 03-CR-73- (B) intent firearm (c)(2) victim impact ALL) - dismissal after (C) intent HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice notice by judge - life (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9)

305. Foster, Aaron T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes Demarco (D. MD No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) participation in other murders 02-CR-410-ALL) - (C) intent and acts of violence authorization (D) intent (kidnapping, obstruction of withdrawn - life justice, carjacking, using and brandishing a firearm and murder of Watson on 11/26/99)

306. Bolden, Robert (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness yes (1993 - possession MO No. 4:02 CR 0557 (B) intent conviction for two felony two obstruction of justice with intent to deliver, CEF (AGF)) - death (C) intent prior drug offenses (c)(10) other criminal activity resisting arrest; 1995 - row 2255 (D) intent victim impact delivery of cocaine less than 50 grams; 1997 - assault with a dangerous weapon; 1999 - fraudulent overpayment of unemployment, reckless driving on suspended license) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

307. Rudolph, Eric Robert Bomber (1 victim) (A) intent death during commission of future dangerousness (lack of (N.D. AL No. 00-CR- (B) intent another crime (c)(1) remorse) 422-ALL) - guilty plea (C) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact at trial - life (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) multiple attempted killings (c)(16)

308. Ayala-Lopez, Carlos T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) future dangerousness not listed in notice (D. PR No. 03-CR-55- (B) intent law enforcement victim victim impact ALL) - life sentence by (D) intent (c)(14)(D) jury

309. Cisneros, Luis (D. AZ T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of violent obstruction of justice - yes No. 03-CR-730-ALL) - (C) intent felony involving firearm future dangerousness (making guilty plea - life (D) intent (c)(2) of specific threats of violence, contract killing (c)(7) long-term pattern of violent substantial planning (c)(9) criminal conduct, continuous multiple killings (c)(16) efforts to obstruct justice and threaten or kill witnesses - leadership role in planning and encourage others to undertake criminal activities - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential, demonstrated lack of remorse for his criminal activities which has resulted in significant damage to multiple communities, families and victims) - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

310. Cisneros, Felipe (D. T-Man (2 victims) (C) intent contract killing (c)(7) obstruction of justice - yes AZ No. 03-CR-730- (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness (making ALL) - guilty plea - 15 multiple killings (c)(16) of specific threats of violence, years long-term pattern of violent criminal conduct, continuous efforts to obstruct justice and threaten or kill witnesses - leadership role in planning and encourage others to undertake criminal activities - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential, demonstrated lack of remorse for his criminal activities which has resulted in significant damage to multiple communities, families and victims) - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

311. Eppinger, Paul (D. AZ T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of violent participation in additional yes No. 03-CR-730-ALL) - (C) intent felony involving firearms uncharged murders, attempted guilty plea - life (D) intent (c)(2) murder or other acts of serious pecuniary gain (c)(8) violence - substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice - multiple killings (c)(16) future danger (making of specific threats of violence, long-term pattern of violent criminal conduct, continuous efforts to obstruct justice and threaten or kill witnesses - leadership role in planning and encourage others to undertake criminal activities - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential, demonstrated lack of remorse for his criminal activities which has resulted in significant damage to multiple communities, families and victims) - victim impact - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

312. Rivera, Angel (D. AZ T-Man (2 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of violent participation in five additional yes No. 03-CR-730-ALL) - (C) intent felony involving firearms uncharged murders, attempted guilty plea - life (D) intent (c)(2) murder or other acts of serious pecuniary gain (c)(8) violence - substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice - multiple killings (c)(16) future danger (making of specific threats of violence, long-term pattern of violent criminal conduct, continuous efforts to obstruct justice and threaten or kill witnesses - leadership role in planning and encourage others to undertake criminal activities - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential, demonstrated lack of remorse for his criminal activities which has resulted in significant damage to multiple communities, families and victims, membership and leadership in New Mexican Mafia) - victim impact - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

313. Agofsky, Shannon Beater (1 victim) (A) intent commission of offense while future danger (specific acts of yes (Nov 1992 armed Wayne (E.D. TX No. (B) intent serving life term (c)(1) threat and violence - lack of robbery, killing, use of 1:03-CR-173) - death (C) intent previous conviction - term of remorse) - firearm with sentence of row 2255 (D) intent more than 1 year (c)(2) prior criminal convictions life) previous conviction of federal (interstate transportation of offense resulting in death for stolen property, 1992 armed which life was sentence (c)(3) bank robbery, bank robbery HCD (c)(6) resulting in death, use of firearm) - significant history of disciplinary violations while incarcerated No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

314. Le, Cuong (E.D. VA T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous yes No. 03-CR-48-ALL) - intent (B) multiple killings (c)(16) convictions (continuing guilty plea - life intent (C) pattern of violent conduct and intent (D) has threatened others with violence - charged in a total of 20 counts in the indictment and 16 are non-capital - all involve violence or firearms charges) gang affiliation - history of violence (3/14/94 carrying a concealed weapon - sword with 16 inch blade - 5/15/95 threatened rival gang members and associate shot and wounded rival gang member - 1/26/97 with others intentionally killed another and wounded a second person - 7/13/97 shot at an individual outside a business) - 5/17/98 forced a car to stop and assaulted one of the occupants for allegedly providing info to law enforcement - 10/20/99 assaulted and threatened several individuals including Fairfax County police officer - early No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

Cuong Le, continued: Early April 2001 recruited others to assault and kill a rival gang member - 4/7/01 along with other members fought with numerous individuals at a business - late April 2001 planned to kill another with .38 caliber handgun, going to location victim was at) - evidence from guilt phase - lack of remorse

315. Williams, Tyrone Smuggler (17 No Notice Filed yes (S.D. TX No. 03-CR- victims) 221-ALL) - life sentence by jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

316. Fields, Edward Leon T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing no (E.D. OK No. 6:03- multiple killing (c)(16) pattern of threatened and CR-0007) - death row impending violence - offenses 2255 were part of an escalating and accelerating “thrill-seeking” pattern of behavior - part of an on-going pattern of threatening and demeaning behavior toward women - lack of remorse) - victim impact inflicted mental anguish female victim before actually killing her

317. Duong, Anh the (N.D. Kingpin (8 intent (A) violent felony prior (c)(2) victim impact yes CA No. 5:01CR20154) victims) intent (B) prior capital offense (c)(3) other criminal acts of violence - life sentence by jury intent (C) grave risk of death (c)(5) (involving firearms, seriously intent (D) injured and killed others) leadership role (organizer, planner and sole common participant)

318. Caraballo, Gilberto Kingpin (2 (A) intent grave risk (n)(5) murder during course of drug yes (drug trafficking, (E.D. NY No. 01-CR- victims) (C) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(12) offense violence, possession of 1367-ALL) - life (D) intent pecuniary gain (n)(7) future danger (low deadly weapon) sentence by jury contract killing (c)(7) (n)(6) rehabilitative potential) substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse (n)(8) contemporaneous convictions victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

319. Aguilar, Martin (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) (n)(12) future danger (low yes (drug trafficking, NY No. 01-CR-1367- (B) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) (n)(7) rehabilitative potential due to possession of weapons) ALL) - life sentence by (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) long history of drug jury (D) intent (n)(8) trafficking, possession of deadly weapons, threats of violence in and out of correctional settings, threats and/or acts of violence which promoted his association with organizations that engaged in violence, obstruction of justice) lack of remorse victim impact evidence

Count 3 nature of offense [and others listed above]

320. Simmons, Brent (W.D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) history of domestic abuse, yes VA No. 5:04-CR- intent (B) multiple killings (c)(16) harassment and stalking 00014-SGW-ALL) - intent (C) drug distribution life sentence by jury intent (D) larceny obstruction of justice future dangerousness victim impact

321. Hargrove, Demetrius T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent previous conviction involving victim impact yes (D. KS No. 2:03-CR- (B) intent firearm (c)(2) obstruction of justice 20192-ALL) - life (C) intent HCD (c)(6) future dangerousness sentence by jury (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

322. Irby, James Allen, III T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent grave risk (c)(5) victim impact (D. MD No. 8:03-CR- (B) intent HCD (c)(6) callous disregard for the 00490-ALL) - lesser (C) intent severity of the offense included conviction - (D) intent obstruction of justice 38 years participation in additional serious acts of violence (robbery which resulted in conviction)

323. Mikhel, Iouri (C.D. T-Man (5 victims) (A) intent commission during another future danger (continuing CA No. 02-220 (A)-N) (B) intent crime - hostage taking (c)(1) pattern of violence, escape risk - death row 2255 (C) intent pecuniary value (c)(7) and institutional misconduct, (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse) multiple killings (c)(16) uncharged murders, attempted murders and other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions witness elimination emotional suffering of victims victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

324. Kadamovas, Jurijus T-Man (4 victims) (A) intent death during commission of future danger (continuing (C.D. CA No. 02-220 (B) intent another crime (c)(1) pattern of violence, escape risk (A)-N) - death row (C) intent pecuniary value (c)(7) and institutional misconduct, appeal (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse) multiple killings (c)(16) uncharged murders, attempted murders and other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions witness elimination emotional suffering of the victims victim impact evidence

325. Krylov, Petro (C.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent death during commission of future danger (continuing CA No. 02-220 (A)-N) (B) intent another crime (c)(1) pattern of violence, escape risk - life sentence by jury (C) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) and institutional misconduct, (D) intent substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse) multiple killings (c)(16) uncharged murders, attempted murders and other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions witness elimination emotional suffering of the victims victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

326. Jordan, Peter Robert Arsonist (1 intent (A) pecuniary gain (n)(7) pattern of criminal activity yes (E.D. VA No. 04-CR- victim) intent (B) substantial planning (n)(8) (vehicle theft - pled guilty to 58-ALL) - life intent (C) HCD (n)(12) bank robbery by force and sentence by jury intent (D) with a dangerous weapon - simple assault - larceny - narcotics possession - paroled then engaged in further criminal activity - disorderly conduct) participated with conspirators to murder Alvin Hall, so he could not witness against them victim impact

327. Gordon, Arthur Arsonist (1 intent (A) pecuniary gain (n)(7) pattern of criminal activity yes Lorenzo (E.D. VA No. victim) intent (B) substantial planning (n)(8) (adjudicated guilty as a 04-CR-58-ALL) - life intent (C) HCD (n)(12) juvenile - 1) 2/18/93 of sentence by jury intent (D) operating a motor vehicle not licensed and reckless driving, 2) 1/13/94 failure to yield right of way - 3) 1/20/95 possession of cocaine and firearms, 4) 4/26/95 disregarding a stop sign and improper registration - driving on suspended license) 9/14/01 - also participated with conspirators to murder Alvin Hall, so he could not witness against them victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

328. Rivera, Denis (E.D. Kingpin (1 victim) (C) intent committed murder while pattern of juvenile criminal yes VA No. 04-CR-283- (D) intent under sentence for another activity since the age of 12 ALL) - acquittal murder (c)(3) (11-16-95 assault of student - substantial planning (c)(9) 2-17-98 shoplifting - 6-3-99 vandalized a fence and intimidation of witness to event - 9-2-99 physical altercation with rival gang - 3- 29-00 while suspended boarded a bus and brandished a knife at another student) - repeatedly engaged in misconduct resulting in suspension - pattern of criminal activity as adult (6-4-02 brandished pistol at two brothers, 13 and 14 - father intervened - pulled trigger pointed at father’s head, gun malfunctioned and on 1-8-03 convicted of attempted malicious wounding, use of firearm and brandishing a firearm - 6-9-02 as member of MS-13 secured pistol and shot into crowd of rival gang members, wounding three men - found guilty 2-6- 03 of Malicious Wounding, use of firearm in commission of felony, participation in act of violence with No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

cont’d violence for street gang, illegally wearing a mask - 6-10-02 - shot an individual and on 7-22-03 found guilty of offense of maiming - 9-6-02 pled guilty to receiving stolen goods over $200 and hit and run stemming fro a 3-18-02 incident - 1-8-03 pled guilty to three counts of forgery, stemming from providing false name and date of birth to law enforcement) - member of a criminal gang - MS 13 and agreed to engage in acts of violence, including murder, malicious woundings and aggravated assaults and was leader of Big Gangsters Locos Salvatruch clique of MS-13 - future danger (5-1-03 to 6- 15-03, while in custody conspired to escape - recorded at jail - 1-8-04 pled guilty to conspiracy to escape and two counts of recruiting a juvenile - while in custody charged with murder wrote letters identifying witnesses and directing members of MS-13 to No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

con’t MS 13 to take steps against witnesses - while in custody for murder charge indicated a desire to harm cooperating witnesses - while in custody ordered murder of Brenda Pas, while in custody after his conviction for murder, continued to conduct and influence MS-13 gang business - while in custody has shown poor institutional adjustment and committed numerous disciplinary violations) - killed another in a vicious manner and bragged about murder and showed no remorse - ordered the murder of Brenda Paz, knowing she was pregnant - lack of remorse regarding death of Brenda Paz - expressing delight - retaliation against witness for her assistance in investigation and prosecution of defendant - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

329. Garcia-Orellana, Oscar T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) illegally in US and engaged Alexander (E.D. VA (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) in a pattern criminal activity No. 04-CR-283-ALL) - (C) intent (5-22-02 guilty of acquittal (D) intent unauthorized use of vehicle - 12-30-03 sold cocaine to CI and 5-25-04 pled guilty to distribution of controlled drug - 1-6-04 sold cocaine to CI - 1- 14-04 sold cocaine to CI - 1- 30-04 sold cocaine to CI and 5-25-04 pled guilty to distribution of controlled drug) member of criminal street gang MS-13 and engaged in acts of violence, including murder and aggravated assaults and was a senior member - future danger (while in custody stated desire to harm individual he believed cooperated - while in custody threatened to order murder of someone outside facility - while in custody continued to conduct and influence MS-13 gang business in and out of institution - while in custody along with two other MS 13 members, assaulted another inmate No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

330. Grande, Oscar Antonio T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) engaged in pattern of (E.D. VA No. 04-CR- (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) juvenile criminal activity (4- 283-ALL) - life (C) intent 14-99 assaulted a student - 4- sentence by jury (D) intent 17-99 solicited co-defendant to stab a 15 year old in retaliation for the victim preventing further assaulting of another student and was armed with a knife on this attack) - while a student repeatedly engaged in misconduct that resulted in multiple suspensions and expulsion - pattern of criminal activity as an adult (4-25-02 pled guilty to assault and battery - 6-18-03 with other MS-13 members knocked individual to ground, struck him in head with rock and kicked and stomped him - pled guilty on 5-19-04 to Malicious Wounding and Street Gang participation - 12-19-03 pled guilty to obstructing justice - repeatedly carried a concealed weapon - a knife - repeatedly hit Brenda Paz and threatened to kill her - repeatedly abused females with whom he associated, including hitting, No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

kicking and threatening them with knives) - member of MS-13 and agreed to engage in acts of violence, including murder and aggravated assault, being a senior member - future danger (while detained and facing pending charges, threatened to kill and individual whom he believe cooperated with government - shown poor institutional adjustment in that he has committed numerous disciplinary violations - continued to conduct and influence MS-13 gang business inside and out of correctional institution - while detained, along with other MS- 13 members, caused a disturbance in facility) - murdered Brenda Paz knowing she was pregnant - lack of remorse - murdered Brenda Pa to retaliate against her for assisting in the investigation and prosecution of co- defendant - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

attempted to obstruct justice by threatening to kill anyone who revealed details - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

331. Cisneros, Ismael T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent HCD (c)(6) repeatedly entered US Juarez (E.D. VA No. (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) illegally - 04-CR-283-ALL) - life (C) intent while in US illegal, engaged sentence by jury (D) intent in pattern of criminal activity (8-3-99 convicted of carrying a concealed weapon - 4-17-99 stabbed a 15 year old victim four times in the back and once in the wrist in retaliation for victim preventing co-defendant from further assaulting a fellow student - on 8/10/99 pled guilty, resulting in his deportation - 8-28-01 along with four others stole merchandise valued at more than $200 from dept store - 7- 2-03 sold a 12-gauge pistol- grip shotgun loaded with four rounds to CI - 7-25-03 sold a .45 caliber pistol, ammunition and cocaine to CI and stated he could acquire hand grenades - 10-15-03 sold a .45 caliber pistol and cocaine to undercover agent with ATF - 10-29-03 sold a .380 caliber pistol and cocaine to a CI - 11- 4-03 sold a .38 caliber revolver, which was loaded, and cocaine to an undercover No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

agent and stated his willingness to commit a home invasion/armed robbery and stated that occupants may need to be murdered - 11-18-03 in search of home recovered cocaine, tools of the drug trade and ammunition - 11/03 made statements to CI that he wanted to shoot a police officer due to the amount of friends currently incarcerated) - member of MS-13 and agreed to engage in acts of violence including murder and aggravated assaults and was a senior member - illegal alien participated in murder of Brenda Paz after illegally re-entering US in 2001 - future danger (while in custody continued to conduct and influence MS-13 gang business - while in custody, made telephone calls to members of MS-13 identifying witnesses against him) - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

murdered Brenda Paz, knowing she was pregnant - murdered Brenda Paz as retaliation for her cooperation against co- defendant - obstruction of justice after murder of Paz by threatening to kill anyone who gave details - victim impact

332. Mayhew, John Richard T-Man (1 victim) intent(A) death during commission of future danger (low yes (S.D. OH No. 02 intent(B) another crime (c)(1) rehabilitative potential - 03-165) - life sentence previous use of firearm violence against others - by jury conviction (c)(2) threats of violence against grave risk (c)(5) others) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact multiple killings (c)(16)

333. Benjamin, Terrance T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) future danger not listed in notice (E.D. LA No. 03-CR- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 274-ALL) - guilty plea intent (C) at trial - life intent (D) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

334. Rodriguez, Alfonso T-Man, Rapist (1 intent (A) during the commission of participation in additional yes (D. ND No. 04-CR-55- victim) intent (B) kidnapping (c)(1) uncharged serious acts of ALL) - death row 2255 intent (C) two or more federal or state violence - intent (D) offenses punishable by more future danger - than one year (c)(4) victim impact - HCD (c)(6) failure to avail himself of substantial planning (c)(9) treatment for sexual predator proclivities

335. Massino, Joseph (E.D. Mafia Boss (1 No Notice Filed yes NY No. 1:03-CR- victim) 0092-NGG-ALL) - guilty plea - life

336. Karake, Francois (D. T-Man, Rapist (2 intent (A) terrorist acts of murder non-capital offense charged in yes DC No. 02-CR-256- victims) intent (B) abroad (c)(1) indictment - ALL) - dismissal after intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact - those killed - notice by judge intent (D) HCD (c)(6) victim impact - those who substantial planning (c)(9) survived - multiple killings (c)(16) participation in the activities of the Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (extremist organization which used violence to promote its goals, including targeting citizens whose countries supported Rwanda) - future dangerousness (continued threat against citizens which support Rwandan government) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

337. Nyaminani, Gregoire T-Man, Rapist (2 intent (A) terrorist acts of murder non-capital offense charged in yes (D. DC No. 02-CR- victims) intent (B) abroad (c)(1) indictment - 256-ALL) - dismissal intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact - those killed - after notice by judge intent (D) HCD (c)(6) victim impact - those who substantial planning (c)(9) survived - multiple killings (c)(16) participation in the activities of the Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (extremist organization which used violence to promote its goals, including targeting citizens whose countries supported Rwanda) - future dangerousness (continued threat against citizens which support Rwandan government) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

338. Bimenyimana, T-Man, Rapist (2 intent (C) terrorist acts of murder non-capital offense charged in yes Leonidas (D. DC No. victims) intent (D) abroad (c)(1) indictment - 02-CR-256-ALL) - grave risk (c)(5) victim impact - those killed - dismissal after notice HCD (c)(6) victim impact - those who by judge substantial planning (c)(9) survived - multiple killings (c)(16) participation in the activities of the Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (extremist organization which used violence to promote its goals, including targeting citizens whose countries supported Rwanda) - future dangerousness (continued threat against citizens which support Rwandan government)

339. Gardner, Shawn Earl Kingpin (3 Do not have notice [DE 75] (D. MD No. 1:04-Cr- victims) 00029-ALL) - authorization withdrawn - life

340. Harris, Shelton Lee (D. T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact MD No. 1:04-Cr- intent (B) multiple killings (c)(16) additional charged and 00029-ALL) - intent (C) uncharged acts of violence authorization intent (D) lack of remorse withdrawn - life obstruction of justice No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

341. Mitchell, Willie (D. T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact MD CR No. MJG-04- intent (B) additional charged and 029) - authorization intent (C) uncharged acts of violence withdrawn - life intent (D)

342. Lighty, Kenneth Jamal T-Man (1 victim) Do not have notice [DE 48] (D. MD No. 8:03 CR 000457-ALL) - death row 2255

343. Smith, Joseph (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) prev. conviction involving substantial criminal record yes LA No. 04-M-5-ALL) intent (B) firearm (c)(2) future danger (continuing - dismissal after notice intent (C) grave risk of death (c)(5) pattern of violent behavior and by judge - life intent (D) pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitative potential) multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact taking of hostage during commission of capital offense

344. Johnson, John (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) prev. conviction involving substantial criminal record yes LA No. 04-M-5-ALL) intent (B) firearm (c)(2) future danger (continuing - death, then life intent (C) grave risk of death (c)(5) pattern of violent behavior and intent (D) pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitative potential) multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact taking of hostage during commission of capital offense No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

345. Barrett, Kenneth T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) (n)(5) future danger (advised others not listed in notice Eugene (E.D. OK No. intent (B) substatial planning (c)(9) he intended to kill law 04-100-M-S) - death intent (C) (n)(8) enforcement officers - property row 2255 intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) signs stating he would shoot - carrying a firearm if vehicle on his property - wanted to find out who CI was, pointed gun at Deputy - run a checkpoint) - victim impact

346. Bodkins, Lanny T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction involving victim impact yes (1999 - assault of Benjamin (W.D. VA intent (B) firearm (c)(2) obstruction of justice police officer and No. 4:04 CR-700) - intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (exhibited possession of drugs, authorization intent (D) substantial planning(c)(9) continuing pattern of violence robbery using firearms) withdrawn at trial - life - 2/1999 assault police officer and possession of cocaine, 8/1999 robbery w/firearms, 1/2001 felony possession of narcotics - low rehabilitative potential due to criminal record and recidivism - significant trafficker or narcotics and never expressed any remorse)

347. Plunkett, Anthoine Contractor (1 intent (C) contract killing(c)(7) victim impact (W.D. VA No. 4:04 victim) intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice CR-700) - future danger (significant authorization trafficker of narcotics, no withdrawn at trial - life remorse) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

348. Wilk, Kenneth Paul T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of justice yes (S.D. FL CR No. 04- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions 60216-CR- intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) future dangerousness (pattern Cohn\Snow) - life intent (D) of criminal conduct - incidents sentence by jury of threats to law enforcement - demonstrated low rehabilitative potential - lack of remorse) - victim impact

349. Becton, Charod (S.D. Torture, Stabber intent (A) grave risk (n)(5) participation in additional yes (other murders and NY No. 1:02-CR- (3 victims) intent (B) pecuniary gain (n)(7) serious acts of violence (leader assaults, racketeering, 00451-MBM-ALL) - intent (C) substantial planning (n)(8) of “Murder Unit”) - conspiracy to distribute, guilty plea intent (D) HCD (n)(12) contemporaneous convictions firearms; 1996 - sexual (murder, racketeering, assault) conspiracy to distribute, firearms) - prior convictions (sexual assault - nine months) - multiple killings (intentionally killed and assisted others in killing) - obstruction of justice (attempted fire and explosion to destroy evidence) - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

350. Henderson, Darryl Torture, Stabber intent (A) grave risk (n)(5) contemporaneous convictions yes (S.D. NY No. 1:02- (3 victims) intent (B) pecuniary gain (n)(7) (racketeering, conspiracy, CR- intent (C) substantial planning (n)(8) firearms) 00451-MBM-ALL) - intent (D) previous conviction of serious prior convictions (rape in the acquittal federal drug offense (n)(10) first degree, 1998 distribution HCD (n)(12) and possession with intent to distribute one kilogram and more or heroin) multiple killings obstruction of justice (attempted to create a fire and explosion to destroy evidence) victim impact evidence

351. Pepin, Humberto (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) 2 + drug convictions (n)(4) future danger (continuing yes NY No. 04-CR-0156) - intent (B) pecuniary gain (n)(7) pattern of violence, life sentence by jury intent (C) substantial planning (n)(8) institutional misconduct, lack drug offense (n)(10) of remorse) contemporaneous convictions obstruction of justice victim impact

352. Schwyhart, Jason L. (3 victims) intent (C) previous violent felony future danger (continuing yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (D) conviction involving firearm pattern of violence, escape risk 00938-GH) - (c)(2) and institutional misconduct, authorization grave risk (c)(5) lack of remorse) withdrawn - dismissal substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions of indictment multiple killings (c)(16) racial animosity as motive No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

353. Hinestroza, Edwin Kingpin (1 victim) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) future danger (lack of remorse, (W.D. MO 98-Crr- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) physical threats of force, fled 00311-01) - life intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) from justice, trafficking) sentence by jury intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact

354. Chance, David Alan (2 victims) intent (C) previous conviction with life future danger (continuing yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (D) or death sentence (c)(3) pattern of violence, 00938-GH) - substantial planning (c)(9) institutional misconduct) authorization contemporaneous convictions withdrawn at trial - dismissal of indictment

355. Stinson, John William (6 victims) intent (C) previous conviction of violent future danger (continuing yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (D) felony involving firearm pattern of violence, 00938-GH) - (c)(2) institutional misconduct) - authorization previous conviction for which contemporaneous convictions withdrawn at trial - life death or life authorized (c)(3) substantial planning (c)(9)

356. Terflinger, Richard (5 victims) intent (C) previous conviction of violent future danger (continuing yes Lloyd (C.D. CA No. intent (D) felony involving firearm pattern of violence, escape risk 02-CR-00938-GH) - (c)(2) and institutional misconduct) - authorization previous conviction for which contemporaneous convictions withdrawn - dismissal death or life authorized (c)(3) of indictment previous conviction of other serious offenses (c)(4) substantial planning (c)(9)

357. Cooper, Andre (E.D. T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact PA CR No. 01-512-4) intent (B) obstruction of justice - life sentence by jury intent (C) future danger intent (D) contemporaneous convictions No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

358. Williams, Vincent Kingpin (3 intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact (E.D. PA CR No. 01- victims) intent (B) obstruction of justice 512-4) - authorization intent (C) future danger withdrawn at trial - life intent (D) contemporaneous convictions

359. Williams, Jamain T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact (E.D. PA CR No. 01- intent (B) obstruction of justice 512-4) - life sentence intent (C) future danger by jury intent (D) contemporaneous convictions

360. Griffin, Robert Lee (6 victims) Do not have notice [DE 2131] yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- 00938-GH) - authorization withdrawn at trial - life

361. Bingham, Tyler David (5 victims) intent (C) previous violent felony future danger (continuing yes (previous firearm (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (D) conviction involving firearm pattern of violence, escape risk conviction w/sentence 00938-GH) - life (c)(2) and institutional misconduct) over a year, 1968 - first sentence by jury grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous convictions degree robbery, assault substantial planning (c)(9) racial animosity as motive with a deadly weapon, multiple killings (c)(16) 1976 - armed bank robbery, 1978 - escape charge, 1985 - armed bank robbery and firearm, 1988 - assault) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

362. Mills, Barry Byron (11 victims) intent (C) death during commission of future danger (continuing yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (D) another crime (c)(1) pattern of violence, escape risk 00938-GH) - life previous violent felony and institutional misconduct, sentence by jury conviction involving firearm lack of remorse) (c)(2) contemporaneous convictions previous conviction with life racial animosity as motive or death sentence (c)(3) grave risk (c)(5) substantial planning (c)(9) multiple killings (c)(16)

363. Cheever, Scott T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes (D. KS CR No. 05- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) future dangerousness (lack of 10050-01-MLB) - intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) remorse for murder of Sheriff - authorization intent (D) past criminal conduct - withdrawn at trial - severity of instant crimes - dismissed custody in DOC of Kansas at time offenses committed - parole absconder - threats to others - stated desire to escape from prison - lack of desire/failure to comply with rules and regs - stated desire to commit a bank robbery - manufacture and use of illegal drugs) murder of a law enforcement officer attempted murder of multiple law enforcement officers No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

364. Wilson, Ronell (E.D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice - NY CR No. 1:04-CR- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) status of the victims (two law 01016-NGG-ALL) - intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) enforcement officers) - death (x2) appeal intent (D) contemporaneous convictions future dangerousness (continuing pattern of violence, lack of remorse, low rehabilitative potential and membership in criminal street gang) - victim impact (characteristics of the victim - impact on victims’ families - impact of victims’ colleagues and employer)

365. Lawrence, Daryl M T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous findings of yes (S.D. OH CR No. 2- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) guilt (charged in this ind. with 05-11) - death row intent (C) three additional counts of 2255 intent (D) armed bank robbery, within a year of this offense) victim impact

366. McElhiney, Michael (4 victims) Do not have notice [DE 2439] yes (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- 00938-GH) - authorization withdrawn - dismissed No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

367. Gooch, Larry (D. DC T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) multiple killings (c)(16) contemporaneous convictions No. 04-CR-128) - life intent (B) future danger (continuing sentence by jury intent (C) pattern, low rehabilitative intent (D) potential, membership in a criminal street gang) - victim impact

368. Clay, Vertis T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact (E.D. AR CR No. intent (B) contract killing (c)(7) future danger (pattern of 4:04-CR-00035 intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) violence and threatened WRW) - life sentence intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) violence - threat to kill by jury potential witness

369. Street, John P. (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) pecuniary value (n)(7) (c)(8) future dangerousness (lack of yes MO CR No. 04-00298- intent (B) substantial planning (n)(8) remorse, used physical force 01-CR-W-GAF) - life intent (C) (c)(9) and threats of violence to sentence by jury intent (D) HCD (n)(12) and (c)(6) collect drug debts and enforce discipline) victim impact

370. Montgomery, Lisa Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) kidnapping (c)(1) victim impact no (W.D. MO CR No. 05- intent (B) grave risk (c)(5) 06002-01-Cr-SJ-GAF) intent (C) HCD (c)(6) - death row 2255 intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

371. Natson, Michael T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact no Antonio (M.D. GA CR intent (B) vulnerable victim (c)(11) future danger (lack of remorse, No. 4:05-CR-21 intent (C) terminated pregnancy of (CDL)) - life sentence intent (D) victim) by jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

372. Jackson, David (E.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) previous use of firearm future danger yes (1977 - firearm TX CR No. 1:05 51 intent (B) conviction (c)(2) significant history of conviction/ (02)) - death, then life intent (C) violent felony prior (c)(2) disciplinary violations while aggravated robbery; 2004 intent (D) incarcerated armed bank robbery and brandishing a weapon)

373. Caro, Carlos David Strangler (1 intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact yes (W.D. VA CR No. victim) intent (B) previous conviction of two future danger (continuing 1:06 CR 0001) - death intent (C) felony offenses (c)(10) pattern of violence and row 2255 intent (D) conviction for serious drug recidivist conduct - occupied offense (5 + yrs)(c)(12) leadership position of violent gang - low rehabilitative potential - illegal conduct outside and violent conduct inside - lack of remorse - taunted guards regarding killing)

374. Barnes, Khalid (S.D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact yes (on probation for NY No. 7:04-Cr- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) court supervision interstate travel in aid of 00186-SCR-ALL) - intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) prior convictions racketeering) life sentence by jury intent (D) contemporaneous convictions future danger

375. McGriff, Kenneth Kingpin (2 intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes (E.D. NY No. 04-CR- victims) pecuniary value (c)(7) future danger 966 (ERK)) - life substantial planning (c)(9) all other evidence sentence by jury conviction of serious drug offense (c)(12) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

376. Littrell, Gary Joe (C.D. (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction involving future danger (continuing yes CA No. 02-CR-00938- intent (B) firearm (c)(2) pattern of violence - GH) - dismissal after intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) institutional misconduct - low notice by judge intent (D) rehabilitative potential)

377. Hager, Thomas (E.D. Kingpin (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction of death engaged in pattern of criminal yes (1992 murder of rival VA No. 1:05-CR- intent (B) of another person, sentence of activity (as juvenile possession drug dealer - 1993 00264-TSE) - death intent (C) life (n)(2) with intent to distribute seriously wounded two - row 2255 intent (D) two other sentences of more cocaine, repeatedly bought and 1995 burglary murder - than one year (n)(3) sold cocaine while possessing 1996 directed murder - grave risk (n)(5) firearms and used threats of 1997 murder) substantial planning (n)(8) violence, repeatedly threatened distribution to a minor (n)(11) to rob and did rob at gunpoint HCD (n)(12) other drug dealers, exchange of gunfire with other dealers, shot and severely wounded two rival drug dealers, breaking and entering and murder, instructed another to commit murder, shot and killed an individual (times three), while incarcerated possession of dangerous weapon (times two), while incarcerated in fight) - little or no gainful employment in his adult life - displayed no remorse for Barbara White - future danger - victim impact. No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

378. Taylor, Rejon (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of participation in additional yes TN 1:04-CR-160) - intent (B) another crime (c)(1) uncharged murders, death row appeal intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) attempted murders or other intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) serious acts of violence (attempted escape while awaiting trial in instant case - attempted escape and recruitment of other inmates to help - attempted escape and bodily injury to at least one correctional officer - attempted escape with acquired weapons) future danger (failed to adapt behavior, lack of remorse, escape risk)

379. Baskerville, William T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction involving obstruction of justice yes (1987 - first degree (D. NJ No. 03-836 intent (B) firearm (c)(2) future dangerousness robbery; 1992 possession (JAP)) - life sentence intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact evidence of a controlled dangerous by jury intent (D) previous conviction of two substance; 1996 - felony drug offenses (c)(10) possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute within 1000 feet of a school)

380. Ledesma, Jose (C.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) previous conviction involving murder committed to obstruct yes CA No. 05 CR 578) - intent (D) firearm (c)(2) justice guilty plea at trial - life previous conviction of life future dangerousness imprisonment (c)(3) (continuing pattern of previous conviction for violence, attempted murder in violent felony (c)(4) prison) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

381. Covarrubius, Javier T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) murder committed to obstruct (C.D. CA No. 05 CR intent (D) justice 578) - guilty plea at future dangerousness trial - life victim impact

382. Robledo, Raul (C.D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) murder committed to obstruct CA No. 05 CR 578) - intent (B) previous conviction of two justice guilty plea - life intent (C) felony drug offenses (c)(10) victim impact intent (D) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

383. Diaz, Edgar (N.D. CA T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes CR No. 05-00167 intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) participation in additional (WHA)) - guilty plea - intent (C) (Taylor and 40 years intent (D) Morgan) participation in additional serious acts of violence (11/19/02 - fired six shots - 4/4/04 robbery - 5/20/04 - attempted shooting - 9/13/04 - firing at rival gang - 9/24/04 - set up for drive-by - 9/29/04 - attempted shooting - 10/1/04 - attempted shooting rival gang - 10/30/04 - attempted murder) contemporaneous criminal conduct (enterprise crimes, violent crimes, drug offenses, firearms offense, witness tampering) - obstruction of justice (attempted murder of witness) leadership role in a criminal enterprise future danger (continuing pattern of violence, lack of remorse, low rehabilitative potential, membership in a criminal enterprise) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

384. Hall, Eric (D. MD No. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact yes JFM-04-0323) - intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) participation in other murders authorization intent (C) and acts of violence withdrawn - 30 years intent (D) history of prior convictions lack of remorse

385. Eye, Gary (W.D. MO T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (lack of remorse) No. 4:05-CR-00344- intent (B) victim impact ODS) - life sentence intent (C) racially motivated by jury intent (D) obstruction of justice

386. Sandstrom, Steven T-Man (1 victim) (C) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (lack of remorse) (W.D. MO No. 4:05- (D) intent victim impact CR-00344-ODS) - life racially motivated sentence by jury obstruction of justice

387. Lopez, Wilver (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice NY 2:04-CR-00939- intent (B) victim impact LDW) - authorization intent (C) all evidence admitted withdrawn - 420 intent (D) months

388. Gladding, Noah (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of victim impact NY No. 05-CR- intent (B) another crime (c)(1) contemporaneous criminal 6166CJA) - intent (D) HCD (c)(6) conduct authorization substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing withdrawn - 10 years pattern of violence, low rehabilitative potential) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

389. Hans, Eric Preston (D. Arsonist (6 intent (A) death during commission of participation in additional SC CR No. 6:05 CR victims) intent (B) another crime (c)(1) uncharged murders, attempted 01227-HMH) - life intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) murders or other serious acts sentence by jury intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) of violence - vulnerable victim (c)(11) future dangerousness multiple killings (c)(16) (continuing pattern of violence, failed to adapt behavior, lack of remorse) - victim impact

390. Rico, Jose Rios (D. AZ T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) procurement of offense by participation in additional No. 05-0272-PHX- intent (B) payment (n)(6) serious acts of violence - JAT) - guilty plea - life intent (C) pecuniary gain (n)(7) contemporaneous convictions intent (D) substantial planning (n)(8) obstruction of justice - (c)(9) victim impact evidence - future dangerousness

391. Lecco, George (S.D. Kingpin (1 victim) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice (prevent yes WV No. 2:05-CR- intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(7) victim from giving additional 00107) - death, then intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) information) life by jury intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact previous convictions (c)(12)

392. Friend, Valerie (S.D. T-Woman (1 intent (A) HCD (c)(6) obstruction of justice (prevent no WV No. 2:05-CR- victim) intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim from giving additional 00107) - death, then intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) information) life (GP) intent (D) victim impact

393. Moonda, Donna Contractor (1 (C) intent pecuniary value (c)(7) victim impact no (N.D. OH No. 1:06- victim) (D) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) CR-00395-DDD) - life substantial planning (c)(9) sentence by jury No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

394. Williams, Naeem (D. Child Beater (1 intent (B) HCD (c)(6) intentionally waited before no HI No. 1:06-CR- victim) intent (C) vulnerable victim (c)(11) seeking medical assistance - 00079-DAE) - life intent (D) impede investigation by sentence by jury washing blood off walls and instructing wife to give false statement victim impact

395. Ball, Antwuan (D DC T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions yes (other acts charged in No. 05-100-01 intent (B) for acts of violence charged in indictment, including (RWR)) - dismissal intent (C) superseding indictment murder, robbery, narcotics after notice by judge - intent (D) (conspiracy to murder, assault trafficking, gang 18.75 years with intent to murder, murder, leadership, etc.) armed robbery) unadjudicated murder not charged in superseding indictment - contemporaneous convictions for narcotics trafficking - contemporaneous convictions for firearms offenses - obstruction of justice - leadership role - abuse of trust - future danger (continuing pattern of violence, low rehab potential, leadership in criminal street gang) - victim impact - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

396. Wilson, David (D DC T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous convictions No. 05-100-01 intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) for acts of violence charged in (RWR)) - dismissal intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) superseding indictment after notice by judge - intent (D) (conspiracy to murder, assaults 15.67 years with intent to murder, murder) unadjudicated murder not charged in superseding indictment - contemporaneous convictions for narcotics trafficking - contemporaneous convictions for firearms offense - obstruction of justice leadership role - future danger (continuing pattern of violence, low rehab potential, leadership role in criminal street gang) - victim impact

397. Duncan, Joseph Torturer, Beater, intent (A) death during commission of victim impact yes Edward (D. ID No. 07- Rapist (1 victim) intent (B) another crime (c)(1) future danger CR-023-N-EJL) - intent (C) previous conviction involving death row appeal intent (D) firearm (c)(2) previous conviction with life imprisonment or death (c)(3) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) prior conviction of sexual assault or child molestation (c)(15) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

398. Fort, Emile (N.D. CA T-Man (3 victims intent (B) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact No. 05-00167 (WHA)) intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) participation in additional - guilty plea at trial - intent (D) vulnerable victim (c)(11) homicides 41.3 years multiple killings (c)(16) contemporaneous criminal conduct future danger

399. Duncan, Norman (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) previous conviction of violent directed two co-defendants to yes MI 05-80025) - intent (D) felony - firearm (c)(2) use deadly force - authorization grave risk (c)(5) additional violent behavior withdrawn - 37 years pecuniary value (c)(8) (bank robbery 2003, armored car robbery 2004, other armored car robberies and home invasion robberies) - future dangerousness - lack of remorse - victim impact

400. O’Reilly, Timothy T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) shot victim from behind while yes Dennis (E.D. MI 05- intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(8) already wounded and on 80025) - life sentence intent (C) ground - by jury intent (D) additional violent behavior (bank robbery 2003, other armored car robberies and home invasion robberies) - future dangerousness - lack of remorse - victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

401. Watson, Kevin (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) shot victim from behind - yes MI 05-80025) - intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(8) additional violent behavior authorization intent (C) (bank robbery 2004) - withdrawn - 180 intent (D) future dangerousness - months lack of remorse - victim impact

402. Cyrus, Dennis T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact (N.D. CA No. 05- intent (B) HCD (c)(6) participation in other serious 00324-MMC) - life intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) crimes of violence sentence by jury intent (D) contemporaneous criminal conduct future dangerousness (continuing pattern of violence, lack of remorse, low rehabilitative potential, membership in a criminal enterprise) obstruction of justice

403. Peterson, Aquil T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) HCD (c)(6) victim impact (N.D. CA No. 05- intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous criminal 00324-MMC) - conduct authorization withdrawn - 22 years

404. Bridgewater, Wayne (3 victims) intent (A) previous conviction of violent future danger (continuing yes (two counts of armed (C.D. CA No. 02-CR- intent (B) felony involving firearm pattern of violence, bank robbery - WD WA) 00938-GH) - life intent (C) (c)(2) institutional misconduct) sentence by jury intent (D) grave risk (c)(5) racial animosity as a motive substantial planning (c)(9) for murders multiple killings (c)(16) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

405. Houston, Henry (3 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) future danger (continuing yes Michael (C.D. CA No. intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, 02-CR-00938-GH) - intent (C) conviction for serious federal institutional misconduct) life sentence by jury intent (D) drug offense (c)(12) racial animosity as a motive multiple killings (c)(16) for murders

406. Galan, Thomas T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact Anthony (N.D. OH intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(8) No. 3:06-CR 730) - intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) life sentence by jury intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16)

407. Price, Gerard (E.D. T-Man (1 victim) (A) intent pecuniary gain (c)(8) nature of the offense NY No. 05-492) - (B) intent substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing authorization (C) intent conviction for serious federal pattern of violence, lack of withdrawn - life (D) intent drug offense (c)(12) remorse, low rehabilitative multiple killings (c)(16) potential, membership in criminal street gang) obstruction of justice victim impact

408. McTier, James (E.D. T-Man (3 victims) (A) intent previous conviction of violent future danger (continuing yes NY No. 05-401) - life (C) intent felony involving firearm pattern of violence, sentence by jury (D) intent (c)(2) institutional misconduct, low grave risk (c)(5) rehabilitative potential) substantial planning (c)(9) contemporaneous convictions lack of remorse victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

409. Henderson, Thomas T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) previous conviction of violent continuing pattern of violent yes (S.D. OH No. 2:06- intent (B) felony (c)(2) conduct (intentional killing of CR-00039) - life conviction for serious federal Edward Boyd, intentional sentence by jury drug offense (c)(12) killing of Ronald Beauford, substantial planning (c)(9) intentional killing of Robert Catchings) - previous felony convictions future danger victim impact

410. Mosher, Ellis Joseph T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) prev. conviction involving future danger (specific threats (E.D. TX No. 1:06- intent (B) firearm (c)(2) of violence, continuing pattern CR-101) - life sentence intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) of violence, institutional by jury intent (D) conduct, lack of remorse) victim impact

411. Petzold, Michael Alan Kingpin (1 victim) No Notice Filed (D. ND CR No. 3:05- CR-00101-RRE) - guilty plea - 30 years

412. Hanner, Claron Levi T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (W.D. PA No. 05-385) intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) targeting innocent victim - guilty plea - 25 years intent (C) obstruction of intent (D) justice/intimidation of witness victim impact

413. Solomon, Jelani (W.D. Kingpin (1 victim) intent (C) pecuniary value (c)(7) future danger PA No. 05-385) - life intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) targeting innocent victim sentence by jury obstruction of justice/intimidation of witness victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

414. Talik, Eugene J. (ND Strangler, Rapist intent (C) pecuniary value (c)(8) future danger WV No. 5:06CR51) - (1 victim) substantial planning (c)(9) cremated the victim guilty plea at trial - life committed sexual act against victim victim impact

415. Lopez-Matias, Rodney Stabber, Drowner intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact (D. PR No. 06-368 (1 victim) intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (JAF)) - authorization intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) withdrawn - life intent (D)

416. Riera-Crespo, Eduardo Stabber, Drowner intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact (D. PR No. 06-368 (1 victim) intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (JAF)) - authorization intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) withdrawn - life intent (D)

417. Alers-Santiago, Stabber, Drowner intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact Raymond (D. PR No. (1 victim) intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger 06-368 (JAF)) - intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) authorization intent (D) withdrawn - 25 years No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

418. Basciano, Vincent Mafia Boss (1 intent (C) previous felony conviction future danger (membership in yes (participation in other (E.D. NY No. 05-CR- victim) intent (D) (c)(2) an organized criminal uncharged murders, 0060 (S-3) (NGG)) - substantial planning (c)(9) enterprise - continuing pattern attempted murders, life sentence by jury of violence - low rehabilitative and potential - lack of remorse - authorizations and other specific threats of violence serious crimes of while in prison) - violence) murder to increase standing within an organized criminal enterprise - obstruction of justice - contemporaneous convictions participation in additional uncharged homicides, attempted homicides or other serious crimes of violence - victim impact evidence

419. Amador, Jorge (D MD T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact not listed in notice No. DKC-05-0393) - intent (B) previous conviction involving guilty plea - 360 intent (C) firearm (c)(2) months intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16)

420. Moreira, Juan Carlos T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction of other victim impact - yes (D MD No. DKC-05- intent (B) serious offenses (c)(4) callous disregard for the 0393) - guilty plea - intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) severity of the offense - life intent (D) obstruction of justice - participation in additional serious acts of violence (assault, murder, shooting x 2) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

421. Argueta, Antonio (D T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact yes (assault) MD No. DKC-05- intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) callous disregard 0393) - life sentence participation in additional by jury serious acts of violence

422. Johnson, Herman T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction (c)(2) obstruction of justice Norman (E.D. MI No. intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact 05-CR-80337) - pecuniary value (c)(8) no remorse authorization substantial planning (c)(9) withdrawn - life No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

423. Brown, Jarvis (S.D. IN T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) grave risk of death (c)(5) future danger (armed robbery, yes No. EV 06-014-CR- intent (B) HCD (c)(6) robbery, battery, resisting law 02-Y/H)) - guilty plea - intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) enforcement, carrying a life intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) firearm in public, resisting a multiple killings (c)(16) police officer and possession of controlled substance, domestic battery, juvenile of criminal recklessness, assaulted another inmate, threatened another inmate, lacks remorse for murders) previously convicted of felony offenses (possession of cocaine, possession of cocaine, convicted of carrying a firearm in public, resisting police officer and possession of controlled substance) victim impact murder to advance and protect narcotics distribution - hinder, delay, prevent communication to law enforcement (murder of Ricky Green, shooting and attempt to kill, robbery, shooting three individuals, shooting and attempt to kill, murdered Jahi Bell, murdered Vanessa Hankins, shooting and attempt to kill) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

424. Jordan, Gabriel (S.D. T-Man (4 victims) intent (C) grave risk of death (c)(5) future danger (armed robbery yes IN No. EV 06-014- intent (D) pecuniary gain (c)(8) 10/05, robbery and shooting CR-02-Y/H) - guilty substantial planning (c)(9) 12/05, lacks remorse) plea - 28 years multiple murders (c)(16) victim impact murder to advance/protect narcotics distribution (murder of Ricky Green and attempted murder, shooting and attempt to kill in 12/22/05 robbery three individuals, murder of Jahi Bell, murder of Vanessa Hankins, shooting and attempt to kill in 12/25/05 robbery)

425. Burgos-Montes, T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) participation in serious acts of yes Edison (D. PR No. 06- intent (B) violence (domestic violence 009 (JAG)) - life intent (C) May 1995, aggravated assault sentence by jury intent (D) November 1999, aggravated assault October 2002, domestic violence April 2004) - contemporaneous convictions - obstruction of justice - vulnerable victim - victim impact

426. Green, Steven D (W.D. T-Man, Rapist (4 intent (A) HCD (c)(6) witness elimination no KY No. 5:06 CR victims) intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 00019-R) - life intent (C) vulnerable victims (c)(11) sentence by jury intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

427. Lujan, Larry (D NM Stabber, Rapist (1 intent (A) during commission of another obstruction of justice 05-924 RB) - life victim) intent (B) crime - kidnapping (c)(1) future dangerousness sentence by jury intent (C) HCD (c)(6) continuing pattern of violence intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitative potential vulnerable victim (c)(11) lack of remorse victim impact

428. Casey, Lashaun (D. PR T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction (c)(2) status of the victim No. 3:05-CR-0277- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) (undercover agent) JAG) - life sentence by intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing jury intent (D) pattern of violence, low rehabilitative potential, lack of remorse) victim impact

429. Baker, Antoine Contractor (1 intent (C) previous conviction (c)(2) obstruction of justice - yes (first degree murder in Demetris (E.D. AR victim) intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing state court) No. 4:06 CR 00041 pattern of violence, low GTE) - guilty plea at rehabilitative potential, trial - life specific threats of violence)

430. Hardy, Damion (E.D. T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) previous conviction (c)(2) contemporaneous convictions yes NY No. 04-706 (S2) intent (B) grave risk (c)(5) future danger (continuing (DGT)) - authorization intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, lack of withdrawn - intent (D) remorse, institutional incompetent misconduct, low rehabilitative potential) death and injury to others victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

431. Moore, Eric (aka T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) previous conviction of violent contemporaneous convictions yes Aaron Granton) (E.D. intent (B) felony involving firearm future danger (continuing NY No. 04 CR 706 (S- intent (C) (c)(2) pattern of violence, lack of 5) (DGT)) - intent (D) grave risk (c)(5) remorse, institutional authorization pecuniary gain (c)(8) misconduct, low rehabilitative withdrawn substantial planning (c)(9) potential) death and injury to others victim impact

432. Bacote, Michael ( E.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (C) previous conviction (c)(2) obstruction of justice yes (previous conviction TX No. 1:07-CR-142) intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger (continuing of armed robbery) - authorization pattern of violence, withdraw - 336 months institutional misconduct)

433. Ebron, Joseph (E.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction (c)(3) obstruction of justice yes (previous conviction TX No. 1:07-CR-142) intent (B) HCD (c)(6) future danger (continuing of murder in 1999) - death row 2255 intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, intent (D) institutional misconduct)

434. Julian, Jermaine T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous convictions Michael (M.D. FL No. intent (B) multiple killings or attempted 8:07-CR-9-T-27TGW) intent (C) killing (c)(16) - life sentence by jury intent (D) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

435. Burton, Harry (D. MD Kingpin (3 intent (A) previous violent felony victim impact yes (handgun; felony No. 1:07-CR-00149- victims) intent (B) conviction (c)(2) contemporaneous convictions narcotics) WDQ) - authorization intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) lack of remorse withdrawn - 720 intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) continuing pattern of violence months multiple killings (c)(16) low rehabilitative potential previous conviction of other serious offenses commission of offense while under parole/probation

436. Dinkins, James (D. T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) previous conviction (c)(4) victim impact yes MD No. 1:06-CR- intent (B) grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of justice 00309-JFM) - life intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) pattern of previous convictions sentence by jury intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) of other serious offenses previous violent felony lack of remorse conviction (c)(2) contemporaneous convictions

437. Gilbert, Melvin (D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction of violent victim impact yes MD No. 1:06-CR- intent (B) felony involving a firearm obstruction of justice 00309-JFM) - life intent (C) (c)(2) pattern of prior convictions for sentence by jury intent (D) grave risk (c)(5) serious and violent offenses procurement of offense by contemporaneous convictions payment (c)(7) lack of remorse substantial planning (c)(9)

438. Smith, Danny Damon T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) substantial planning (c)(9) obstruction of justice (E.D. VA No. intent (B) previous conviction of two membership in a criminal 3:07CR433) - intent (C) felony drug offenses street gang authorization intent (D) (c)(10) bond status at time of offense withdrawn - 20 years pattern of prior convictions for serious offenses custodial misconduct No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

439. Sanchez, Ricardo (S.D. T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (continuing FL 06-80171-CR- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, lack of HURLEY/VITUNAC intent (C) vulnerable victims (c)(11) remorse) - (s)(s)) - death row intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) uncharged murders, attempted 2255 murders and other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions witness elimination victim impact

440. Troya, Daniel (S.D. FL T-Man (4 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (continuing 06-80171-CR- intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, escape risk HURLEY/VITUNAC intent (C) vulnerable victims (c)(11) and institutional misconduct, (s)(s)) - death row intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) lack of remorse) - 2255 uncharged murders, attempted murders and other serious acts of violence contemporaneous convictions witness elimination victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

441. Davis, Earl (D. MD T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact - yes No. 8:07-CR-00199- intent (D) pecuniary gain (c)(8) commission of other murders RWT ) - dismissal substantial planning (c)(9) (murder of Adrian after notice by judge Brockenberry - murder of Grossett Harris - murder of Levi Hill - murder of John Edwards) - continuing pattern of criminal activity (possession of controlled substances - distribution - conspiracy to rob - possession of firearms - robbery - aggravated assault - residential break-in and attempted armed robbery - drive-by shooting - attempted murder - purchase of 300 grams of heroin) - post-offense obstruction of justice (planned escape - threatened witnesses) -

442. Williams, Michael T-Man (1 victim) intent (B) prior firearm conviction future danger (continuing yes Dennis (C.D. CA No. intent (C) (c)(2) pattern of violence, 05-CR-920) - intent (D) pecuniary gain (c)(8) institutional misconduct, lack authorization substantial planning (c)(9) of remorse) - withdrawn - life multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

443. Johnson, Antoine T-Man (1 victim) intent (B) grave risk (c)(5) future danger (continuing Lamont (C.D. CA No. intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) pattern of violence, 05-CR-920) - intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) institutional misconduct, lack authorization multiple killings (c)(16) of remorse) - withdrawn - life victim impact

444. Tisdale, Jason T-Man (3 victims) intent (A) prior conviction of two or obstruction of justice - yes (D. KS No. 07-10142) intent (B) more serious offenses (c)(4) commission of offense for - guilty plea - 30 years intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) benefit of a criminal gang - intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) uncharged murders, attempted multiple killings (c)(16) murders and other acts of violence - contemporaneous convictions future danger (continuing pattern of violence, escape risk, low rehabilitative potential, lack of remorse) - victim impact

445. Merriweather, William T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) contemporaneous convictions; (N.D. AL No. 2:07- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) future danger (continuing CR-243-RDP-JEO) - intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) pattern of violence, escape pending trial intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) risk) - victim impact (characteristics of victim, impact on family, impact on colleagues) - No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

446. Runyon, David T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact Anthony (E.D. VA No. intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) utilized education, training and 4:08CR16) - death row intent (C) experience as law enforcement 2255 intent (D) and National Guard and Army to kill victim - acts of physical abuse against spouse and girlfriend - lack of remorse

447. Taylor, Donald Scott T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) previous violent felony future danger yes (botched WalMart (D. NM No. 07-1244) - intent (B) conviction - firearm (c)(2) continuing pattern of violence robbery - stabbed a guard) guilty plea - life intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) low rehabilitative potential intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) lack of remorse victim impact

448. Shields, Sonny (W.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of victim impact TN No. 2:04-CR- intent (C) another crime - kidnapping obstruction of justice 20254-BBD-tmp-4) - (c)(1) guilty plea - life HCD (c)(6) pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9)

449. Shields, Shannon T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of victim impact (W.D. TN No. 2:04- intent (C) another crime - kidnapping obstruction of justice CR-20254-BBD-tmp- (c)(1) future danger 4) - dismissal after HCD (c)(6) notice by judge pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

450. Byers, Patrick Albert, T-Man (1 victim) intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice yes (prior homicide) Jr. (D. MD No. 08- intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact 056) - life sentence by prior homicide jury lack of remorse

451. Umana, Alejandro T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) gang motivated killing - yes (additional uncharged Enrique Ramirez intent (B) multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact - murders and other acts of (W.D. NC No. 3:08 intent (C) callous disregard for the violence (7/7/05 killed CR 134-RJC) - death intent (D) severity of the offense - Jose Herrera and Gustavo row (x2) 2255 participation in additional Porras, 9/28/05 killed uncharged murders and other Andy Abarca) acts of violence (7/7/05 killed Jose Herrera and Gustavo Porras, 9/28/05 killed Andy Abarca) future danger (continuing pattern of violence, low rehabilitative potential, lack of remorse, gang membership)

452. Richardson, Brian Stabber, Strangler intent (A) previous conviction with future danger yes (N.D. GA No. (1 victim) intent (B) sentence more than 1 year participation in additional 1:08CR139) - life intent (C) (c)(2) uncharged murders or other sentence by jury intent (D) two or more convictions with serious acts of violence sentence more than 1 year caused death of another inmate (c)(4) by convincing him to commit HCD (c)(6) suicide substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

453. Aquart, Azibo (D. CT Beater (3 victims) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) other specific acts of violence yes (two felony drug 3:06CR160 (PCD)) - intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(7) (threats of violence towards offenses) death row appeal intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) others, the branding of intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) firearms and the physical two felony drug offenses beating of others) - (c)(10) victim impact (characteristics multiple killings (c)(16) of victim, impact of offenses vulnerable victim (c)(11) on family of victim)

454. Aquart, Azikiwe (D. Beater (3 victims) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact (characteristics not listed in notice CT 3:06CR160 (PCD)) intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(7) of victim, impact of offenses - guilty plea - life intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) on family of victim) intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) two felony drug offenses (c)(10) multiple killings (c)(16) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

455. Atwater. Demario T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of witness elimination yes (two prior felony James (M.D. NC No. intent (B) another crime - kidnapping post-homicide obstruction of convictions and 1:08-CR-00384-JAB) - intent (C) (c)(1) justice committed crime while guilty plea - life intent (D) HCD (c)(6) multiple shootings culminating under parole) pecuniary gain (c)(8) in the vulnerable victim’s substantial planning (c)(9) killing by a close-range shotgun blast prior criminal history involvement of a minor to commit the offenses victim impact evidence No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

456. Garcia, Edgar (E.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) two or more convictions with future danger (continuing yes (see statutory TX No. 1:09-CR-15) - intent (B) more than a year (c)(4) pattern of violence, aggravators) death row 2255 intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) institutional misconduct, lack intent (D) HCD (c)(6) of remorse, low likelihood of substantial planning (c)(9) rehabilitation, membership in a previous conviction of two gang) felony drug offenses victim impact (c)(10) vulnerable victim previous conviction for serious federal drug offenses (c)(12)

457. Snarr, Mark (E.D. TX Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) two or more convictions with future danger (continuing yes (see statutory No. 1:09-CR-15) - intent (B) more than a year (c)(4) pattern of violence, aggravators) death row 2255 intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) institutional misconduct, lack intent (D) HCD (c)(6) of remorse, low likelihood of substantial planning (c)(9) rehabilitation, membership in multiple killings in one racist gangs) episode (c)(16) victim impact vulnerable victim

458. Sablan, Joseph (E.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (B) serving life term (c)(1) none listed yes (see statutory CA No. 08 CR 00259) previous convictions resulting aggravators) - guilty plea - life in death, life sentence (c)(3) HCD (c)(6) victim engaged in course of duties (c)(14)(D) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

459. Guerrero, James Leon Stabber (1 victim) intent (D) serving life term (c)(1) none listed yes (see statutory (E.D. CA No. 08 CR term of imprisonment more aggravators) 00259) - guilty plea - than one year (c)(2) life two or more convictions with more than a year (c)(4) HCD (c)(6) victim engaged in course of duties (c)(14)(D)

460. Wade, Joshua (D. AK T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) HCD (c)(6) previously committed another yes No. 3:07-CR-00111- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) killing - RRB-JDR All ) - guilty intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) violent sexual offender plea - life intent (D) future dangerousness - low rehabilitative potential - lack of remorse - post-offense obstruction of justice - victim impact evidence -

461. Phillips, Maurice (E.D. Kingpin (2 intent (C) procurement of offense by participation in additional yes PA No. 2:07-CR- victims) payment (c)(7) uncharged murders, attempted 00549-JCJ) - life substantial planning (c)(9) murders or other serious acts sentence by jury of violence - obstruction of justice - future dangerousness - contemporaneous conviction for another killing - contemporaneous conviction for a serious federal drug offense victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

462. Williams, Ritz (M.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction for future danger yes (see statutory PA No. 4:08-CR-70- intent (B) violent felonies including low rehabilitative potential aggravators) 002) - guilty plea - life intent (C) firearms (c)(2) intent (D) previous convictions of offense for which a sentence of life was authorized (c)(3) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9)

463. Cooya, Shawn (M.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction for future danger yes (see statutory PA No. 4:08-CR-70- intent (B) violent felonies including low rehabilitative potential aggravators) 002) - guilty plea - life intent (C) firearms (c)(2) lack of remorse intent (D) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

464. Jacques, Michael S. Strangler & Rapist intent (A) death during commission of sexual abuse and manipulation yes (D. VT No. 2:08-CR- (1 victim) intent (B) another crime (c)(1) of J1 117) - guilty plea - life intent (C) HCD (c)(6) manipulation and deception of intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) Vermont Criminal Justice vulnerable victim (c)(11) system use of juvenile to commit kidnapping and murder murder to eliminate witness exploitation of family relationship orchestrating J1's sexual assault by another adult male rape and sexual abuse of J2 rape of 13 or 14 year old J3 rape of 13 year old J4 rape of A1 kidnapping and rape of 18 year old A2 production, distribution and possession of child pornography lack of remorse low rehabilitation potential pre-arrest obstruction of justice post-arrest obstruction of justice victim impact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

465. Lewis, Antun (N.D. Arsonist (9 intent (C) commission of other offense - victim impact yes OH No. 1:08-CR- victims) intent (D) (c)(1) future danger 00404-SO) - dismissal previous 2 convictions with after notice by judge - imprisonment of more than life one year (c)(4) grave risk of death to one or more (c)(5) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victims (eight) - (c)(11) multiple killings in one episode (c)(16)

466. Watland, Gary (D. CO Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction of state future danger (low potential yes No. 1:11-CR-0038- intent (B) offense punishable for more for rehabilitation demonstrated JLK) - guilty plea - life intent (C) than one year involving by repeated violent criminal intent (D) firearm (c)(2) acts while in custody; previous conviction resulting willingness to take human life in death, resulting in life and lack of remore) imprisonment (c)(3) previous convicted of 2 or state offenses, involving seriously bodily injury or death (c)(4) substantial planning (c)(9) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

467. Lopez, Enrique (N.D. T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact (victim yes TX No. 3:09-CR-320- intent (B) pecuniary gain (c)(8) characteristics, impact on M) - guilty plea - life intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) family) intent (D) multiple (attempted) killings participation in other acts of (c)(16) violence (other armed bank robberies - 4) future danger lack of remorse

468. Cacace, Joel (E.D. NY Mafia Boss (2 intent (C) previous conviction of violent future danger (membership in yes No. 1:08-CR-00240- victims) intent (D) felony involving firearm Organized criminal enterprise; NG) - authorization (c)(2) continuing pattern of violence, withdrawn - acquittal substantial planning (c)(9) low rehabilitative potential) murder of law enforcement officer participation in additional uncharged homicide and other serious crimes of violence lack of remorse victim impact (characteristics of victim, impact on victim’s family, impact of offense on employer and co-workers)

469. Merritt, Robert (E.D. T-Man (6 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes PA No. 2:07-CR- intent (B) HCD (c)(6) future danger 00550-RBS) - intent (C) pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice Acquittal intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) two felony drug convictions (c)(10) vulnerable victim (c)(11) multiple killings (c)(16) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

470. Northington, Steven T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) previous conviction with life victim impact yes (E.D. PA No. 2:07- intent (B) or death sentence (c)(3) future danger CR-00550-RBS) - life intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) obstruction of justice sentence by jury intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) conviction for serious federal drug offense (c)(12)

471. Savage, Kaboni (E.D. Kingpin (11 intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes PA No. 2:07-CR- victims) intent (B) HCD (c)(6) future danger 00550-RBS) - death intent (C) procurement of offense by contemporaneous conviction row appeal intent (D) payment (c)(7) for another killing pecuniary gain (c)(8) obstruction of justice substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) conviction for serious federal drug offenses (c)(12) multiple killings (c)(16)

472. Santiago, Richard (D. (1 victim) intent (A) previous firearm conviction future danger (low yes (see statutory CO No. 1:10-CR- intent (B) (c)(2) rehabilitative potential; other aggravators) 00164-LTB) - pending intent (C) previous sentence of life acts of violence; lack of trial intent (D) (death of victim) (c)(3) remorse; claimed gang previous convictions (2 or membership) more) involving violence (c)(4) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

473. Andrews, Patrick Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) murder by prisoner serving future danger yes (see statutory (N.D. WV No. 1:08- intent (B) life term (c)(1) victim impact aggravators) MJ-00010-JSK) - intent (C) previous conviction with use guilty plea - life intent (D) of firearm (c)(2) previous conviction for murder resulting in life (c)(3) previous conviction of two or more offenses - imprisonment more than 1 year (c)(4)

474. Coonce, Wesley Paul Strangler (1 intent (A) murder by prisoner serving future danger yes (see statutory (W.D. MO No. 10- victim) intent (B) life term (c)(1) grave indifference to life aggravators) 03029-01/02-CR-S- intent (C) previous conviction of two or lack of remorse GAF) - death row intent (D) more offenses - imprisonment obstruct justice appeal more than 1 year (c)(4) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11)

475. Hall, Charles Michael Strangler (1 intent (A) murder by prisoner serving future danger yes (see statutory (W.D. MO No. 10- victim) intent (B) life term (c)(1) grave indifference to life aggravators) 03029-01/02-CR-S- intent (C) HCD (c)(6) lack of remorse GAF) - death row intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) obstruct justice appeal vulnerable victim (c)(11) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

476. Stone, Samuel Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of pattern of violent criminal yes (see statutory (E.D. CA No. 1:12- intent (B) another crime (prisoner conduct aggravators) CR-00072-AWI-DLB) intent (C) serving life term) (c)(1) lack of remorse - guilty plea - life intent (D) Previous conviction of future danger offense for which a sentence victim impact of death or life imprisonment was authorized (c)(3) Previous convictions of other serious offenses (c)(4) HCD (c)(6) substantial planning (c)(9)

477. Taylor-Keller, Lorie Contractor (3 intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact (W.D. VA No. 5:10 victims) intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) mutilation of victims’ bodies CR 00015) - guilty intent (C) vulnerable victim (c)(11) by fire plea - life intent (D) multiple killings (c)(16) obstruction of justice manipulation and use of minor children No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

478. McCluskey, John T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) previous conviction of victim impact; yes (1992 armed robbery, Charles (D. NM No. intent (C) imprisonment of more than a contemporaneous serious criminal and aggravated 1:10-CR-02734) - life intent (D) year, firearm (c)(2) criminal acts; assault; 2009 attempted sentence by jury previous conviction of two or obstruction of justice; second degree murder and more, term of more than one armed fugitive from justice; aggravated assault; July year, serious injury (c)(4) future danger (continuing 30, 2010, escape from HCD (c)(6) pattern of violence, low Arizona State Prison; July multiple killings (c)(16) rehabilitative potential, lack of 31, 2010 robbery and remorse, callous disregard for kidnapping of 2; August human life, gang membership, 2010 purchase of illegal escape risk, drugs; August 11, 2010 armed robbery; 2011 assaults of law enforcement; possession of contraband while incarcerated; contacting a witness 2012)

479 Millner, John (E.D. Stabber, Strangler intent (A) murder by federal prisoner continuing pattern of violence yes KY No. 7:09-MJ-25- (1 victim) intent (B) serving life (c)(1) future danger EBA) - guilty plea - intent (C) previous convictions victim impact life intent (D) involving firearm (c)(2) previous murder conviction with life (c)(3) 2 or more previous convictions with bodily injury (c)(4) HCD (c)(6) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

480 Torrez, Jorge Avila T-Man, Stabber, intent (A) previous violent felony pattern of criminal activity yes (2010 gun robbery, (E.D. VA No. 1:11- Rapist (1 victim) intent (B) conviction involving a (involving sexual acts with rape and kidnapping; CR-00115-LO) - death intent (C) firearm (c)(2) minors, murder of minors, 2005 murder of girls age 8 row appeal intent (D) previous conviction of other other sexual acts against adult and 9; 2005 ties up serious offenses (c)(4) females, robbery, threatening female; 2009 ties up of jail staff) female; possession of a lack of remorse shank in jail; planning to future danger kill witnesses, guard, victim impact guard’s children)

481 Salad, Ahmed Muse T-Man (4 victims) intent (C) death during kidnapping, victim impact yes (previous acts of (E.D. VA No. 2:11- intent (D) hostage taking, maritime use of minor in crime piracy) CR-00034-RBS-DEM) navigation (c)(1) directed violence towards US - life sentence by jury grave risk (c)(5) Armed Forced multiple killings (c)(16) at least one prior act of piracy made threats of violence over protracted period of time against victims callous disregard by killing in especially wanton and gratuitous manner lack of remorse No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

482 Abrar, Shani Nurani T-Man (4 victims) intent (C) death during kidnapping, victim impact yes (previous acts of Shiekh (E.D. VA No. intent (D) hostage taking, maritime use of minor in crime piracy) 2:11-CR-00034-RBS- navigation (c)(1) directed violence towards US DEM) - life sentence grave risk (c)(5) Armed Forced by jury multiple killings (c)(16) at least one prior act of piracy made threats of violence over protracted period of time against victims callous disregard by killing in especially wanton and gratuitous manner

483 Beyle, Abukar Osman T-Man (4 victims) intent (C) death during kidnapping, victim impact yes (previous acts of (E.D. VA No. 2:11- intent (D) hostage taking, maritime use of minor in crime piracy) CR-00034-RBS-DEM) navigation (c)(1) directed violence towards US - life sentence by jury grave risk (c)(5) Armed Forced multiple killings (c)(16) at least one prior act of piracy made threats of violence over protracted period of time against victims callous disregard by killing in especially wanton and gratuitous manner

484 Williams, Connell C. Child Beater (1 intent (B) HCD (c)(6) pattern of violent criminal yes (stalking women, (W.D. OK No. 5:11- victim) vulnerable victim (c)(11) conduct prior physical abuse of CR-00298-F) - guilty lack of remorse children) plea at trial - life victim imjpact No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

485 Pleau, Jason W. (D. RI T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) victim impact yes (burglary, robbery, No. 1:10-CR-00184-S- intent (B) pecuniary value (c)(8) participation in other serious felony assault, armed DLM) - guilty plea - intent (C) acts of violence (burglary, robbery) life intent (D) robbery, felony assault, attempted robbery, armed robbery) future dangerousness (continuing pattern of violence and low rehabilitative potential and lack of remorse)

486 Candelario-Santana, T-Man (9 victims) intent (A) previous conviction, violent pattern of violent criminal yes (felony firearm, Alexis (D. PR No. intent (B) felony involving firearm conduct previous convictions, 6 3:09-CR-00427-JAF- intent (C) (c)(2) CCE years in prison for 12 CVR) - life sentence intent (D) previous conviction of other lack of remorse murder convictions) by jury serious offenses (c)(4) future dangerousness grave risk (c)(5) (continuing pattern of pecuniary gain (c)(8) violence, low rehabilitative substantial planning (c)(9) potential) multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact

487 Sanders, Thomas T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) death during commission of victim impact none noted Steven (W.D. LA No. intent (B) another crime (kidnapping) future danger 1:10-CR-00351-DDD- intent (C) (c)(1) JDK) - death row intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) appeal vulnerable victim (c)(11) No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

488 Jones, Ulysses (W.D. Stabber (1 victim) intent (A) murder by prisoner serving a victim impact yes (serving life term for MO No. 10-03090-01- intent (B) life term (c)(1) murder; other previous CR-S-DGK) - pending intent (C) previous conviction with convictions) trial intent (D) imprisonment for more than one year with firearm (c)(2) previous conviction resulting from death of another with life sentence (c)(3) 2 previous convictions of more than a year with serious bodily injury (c)(4) grave risk (c)(5) substantial planning (c)(9) vulnerable victim (c)(11) attempt to kill multiples (c)(16)

489 Duran-Gomez, Wilmar Beater (2 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) future danger (continuing yes (two felony Rene (S.D. TX No. H- intent (B) HCD (c)(6) pattern of violence, lack of convictions - obstruction 10-459) - pending trial intent (C) substantial planning (c)(9) remorse, low likelihood of of justice and aggravated intent (D) vulnerable victims (c)(11) rehabilitation) assault with a deadly multiple killings (c)(16) victim impact weapon) vulnerable victim No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

490 Jimenez-Bencevi, T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of obstruction of justice yes Xavier (D. PR No. intent (B) another crime (c)(1) pattern of violent criminal 3:12-CR-00221-JAF) - intent (C) previous conviction of violent conduct life sentence by jury intent (D) felony involving a firearm lack of remorse (c)(2) future danger previous conviction of other victim impact serious offenses (c)(4) pecuniary gain (c)(8) substantial planning (c)(9)

491 Montgomery, Chastain T-Man (2 victims) intent (A) pecuniary gain (c)(8) victim impact; yes (series of violent (W.D. TN No. CR 11- intent (B) multiple killings (c)(16) status of the victims; criminal acts) 20044) - guilty plea - intent (C) murder during the course of a life intent (D) robbery; continued violent criminal acts committed after the October 18, 2010 Henning Post Office murder; use of 18 year old son as accomplice in planning and committing a series of violent crimes resulting in the son’s death; lack of remorse; future danger; No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

492 Briseno, Juan (N.D. IN T-Man (5 victims) intent (A) grave risk (c)(5) future danger (low rehab yes (prior murder and No. 2:11CR077) - life intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) potential; lack of remorse; attempted murder) sentence by jury intent (C) multiple victims (c)(16) gang rule requiring shoot on intent (D) sight) contemporaneous convictions for other criminal activity, including murder and attempted murder gang - Imperial Gangsters victim impact

493 Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Bomber (3 intent (A) during commission of another betrayal of the United States; no (D. MA No. 1:13-CR- victims) intent (B) crime [weapon of mass encouragement of others to 10200-GAO) - death intent (C) destruction] (c)(1) commit acts of violence and row appeal intent (D) grave risk (c)(5) terrorism; HCD (c)(6) victim impact; substantial planning (c)(9) selection of site for acts of vulnerable victim (c)(11) terrorism; multiple victims (c)(16) lack of remorse; status of victim; participation in additional uncharged crimes of violence

494 Ham, James Wayne T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) during the commission of future danger (continuing yes (S.D. TX No. 4:13- another crime (c)(1) pattern of violence, other CR-00363) - pending grave risk (c)(5) crimes against women, trial HCD (c)(6) firearms, arson) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact vulnerable victim No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

495 Con-Ui, Jessie (M.D. Beater (1 victim) intent (A) previous conviction for participation in additional yes PA No. 3:CR-13-123) intent (B) violent felony - firearm (c)(2) uncharged serious acts of - pending trial intent (C) previous conviction of violence intent (D) offense with sentence of future danger (low death or life (c)(3) rehabilitation and lack of HCD (c)(6) remorse) substantial planning (c)(9) victim impact conviction for serious federal drug offense (c)(12) federal public servant (c)(14)

496 Ciancia, Paul Anthony T-Man (1 victim) intent (A) death during commission of victim impact; (C.D. CA No. 2:13- intent (B) another crime (c)(1) Victim status (federal CR-00902-PSG) - intent (C) grave risk (c)(5) employee); pending trial intent (D) substantial planning (c)(9) intent to terrorize federal multiple killings or attempts employee from their duty; (c)(16) terrorized numerous airline passengers No. DEFENDANT & ALLEGED MENTAL STATUTORY NON-STATUTORY PRIOR/OTHER STATUS ROLE IN STATE AGGRAVATING AGGRAVATING CRIMINAL ACTS CRIME OR THRESH. FACTORS FACTORS KILLING §848(n)(1) §848 (n) (2-12) §3592(c)(1- §848(h)(1)(B) §3591(a)(2) 15) §3593(a)(c)

497 Roland, Farad (D. NJ Leader of Bloods, intent (A) previous conviction of violent obstruction of justice; yes No. 2:12-CR-00298- Ordered killing, T- intent (B) felony involving a firearm future danger (member in ES) - pending trial Man (6 victims) intent (C) (c)(2) OCE, continuing pattern of intent (D) grave risk (c)(5) violence, low rehabilitative substantial planning (c)(9) potential, lack of remorse, multiple killings (c)(16) specific acts and statements of violence while in prison); contemporaneous convictions for other killings and acts of violence; participation in additional uncharged homicides, attempted homicides or other crimes of serious violence; enlisted a minor to carry out capital offense; victim impact

498 Watts, James Stabber (2 intent (A) HCD (c)(6) victim impact yes Nathaniel (S.D. IL No. victims) intent (B) substantial planning (c)(9) future danger 4:14-CR-40063-JPG) - intent (C) multiple killings (c)(16) pending trial intent (D)