Imself Steplieiiville Problem Is Stiidy Subject Hy N.'J
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Full Local Coverage • Q.WNSHIB Complete News, Pictures A Newspaper DWoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To tlie Community In^prest And Impartially Each Week VOL. XIII—NO. 16 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Town Walts Crowded Out of School, Tots Find Refuge in Stelton Church State View On .Sewers imself Steplieiiville Problem is Stiidy Subject hy N.'J. Agents; Solution Seen .it RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A spe- cial meeting' of the town Board of He Bows Out Health has been scheduled for Larson Likely Munior Claims early next week to hear recom- mendations on sewage problems by 9 the N. J. Health Department which ToRun;M Evoy in a large measure will determine whether construction work should Gets Petition Fusion Foes be halted at the new Stephenville Ranch community. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Peti- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — In a Plagued with repeated protests tions have been filed by seven of di'amatic, eleventh-hour decision, over so-called mounting sewage the 10 candidates who have indi- Commissioner Walter C. Chris- problems -here, followed by de- cated they will enter the munici- tensen announced early today lie mands for immediate stoppage of pal commission race here May 8. further home-building, the health will, not be a candidate for re- body announced it.would lose no Five of the seven already on file election in the municipal election time in getting1 down'to the bottom make up the organization-backed May 8. His colorful political ca- of these complaints. However, fusion ticket which includes three reer has extended over 20 year:. Commissioner Russell B. Walker; incumbent commissioners, and the Mr. Christensen's long-awaited chairman of the health board, ad- other two are independent candi- vised that first the town must hear announcement came only hour:; results of a sewage survey and dates. before tonight's deadline for filing percolation tests presently being John Dudics of Clara Barton petitions by candidates who will conducted by State agents before section was the first to file his enter the race. In a simple, but petition with Township Clerk carefully worded statement, t.ho any drastic action is decided on. WALTEX C. CHKIsi'liNSiiN The sewage nuisance is said to Oscar Kaus. Mr. Dudics will run commissioner, who for many years stem from what construction engi- Child Vaccination as an Independent. Russell B. has directed the town's revenue neers describe as inability of the Milleman of Stelton also has filed . .and He Bows In and finance office, declared: ground with it's clay and shale as an independent. A "I personally, will not be an composition to adequately absorb Schedule Announce The petitions of the five organi- active participant in the forth- sewage effluent. As a result, it is zation candidates were filed late coming commission election. I said, sceptic tanks, used predomi- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—An imr last night. The ticket will toe com- have served'the people of Rail inn nantly for disposal in Stephen^ munization program for town prised of Mayor Julius C. Engel Township to the -best of my abil- ville, do not satisfactorily perform children will begin April 25 and and Martin J. O'Hara, Demo- ity for a long time, and I feel that the sewage job. continue with two additional crats; Commissioner James C. while my health is still reasonably Some residents want the town- monthly clinics during the follow- Forgione, Commissioner Russell good I should retire frcm. a dive ship to stop building and even pre- ing two months, G. Stanley Van B. Walker and Brace Eggert, Re- association with Raritan Town- vent new tenants from moving in Sickle, Township Health Officer, publicans. ship's growing municipal busi- until a satisfactory j. solution is announced. The latest of the group to begin ness." - . reached. That is! why Commission- Injections for protection against circulating a candidate's petition As for reports of a rising "draft er James Forgione urged that the diphtheria and other childhood is a 38-year-old former Army cap- Christensen" movement that un- health board call a special meet- diseases will be given at two cen- tain, Thomas J. McEvoy of 36 folded last weekend, the commis- 'ing some time next week immedi- ters, the municipal building and Safran Avenue, in the Clara Bar- sioner indicated, he had issued ately following a complete report the Baby Keep-Well Center at ton section. emphatic orders to still the drive on the area by the State agency. Potter's Station at 9 and 19:45 Only a few days prior to Mr. before it got fully under way. Said But as some residents angrily A. M. The second and third rounds McEvoy's entry into the picture, Commissioner Christensen: "I had expressed theiii feelings over fur- of, the immunization series will be the township was; shaken some- learned that a petition in my be- ther postponement of the town- given May 23 and June 20. what with rumors that Arthur W. half had been taken out and was ship's decision to halt building, it Children between the ages of Larson, also of Clara Barton, had being circulated in what was to developed that other residents in six months and five years will be taken out a petition. Mr. Larson become a- "draft ChristeiiEen" the community had organized the administered the injections. The for many years has been active in campaign. Immediately, I called Stephenville ' Civic • Association, innoculations must be taken three township public service, having upon the instigators of the plan which fe-els that the problem can times in order for children to be served as a member of the Board to express my deep gratitude, but be corrected by the builder, Frank eligible for the certificates that of Education and town, .Health above all, to convey my unwilling- P. Tufaro, president of the "Terra are^" issued. ,,. , Officer. He has been active in ness to become a candidate again." Nova, Construction. Cfanpany. county Republican circles. The petition Mr. Christenssn " William Askensted,. association-TAB.EWEU0 PARTY - ;:•. SSELL B. MHXEMAN- referred to may have been the. one chairman, told the -health board,- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A fare- The' "tenth petition' will' toe taken out by Arthur W. Larson of that a great many Stephenville .well party was given for Fireman filed by Commissioner William P. Clata Barton section, one-time residents first want to' see what Frari| Galya of Gold Street by Clarke, an independent. member of the township Board the builder can do a'bout the sew- Rarita^ Engine Company 2 in Immediately after word leaked of Education and known widely age menace,' and emphasized, the the Clara Barton section. Mr. out that Mr. Larson had been in throughout Middlesex County in belief that if given a chanee/ Mr. Galya is being- inducted into the touch with Township Clerk Oscar- Republican circles. * , . Tufaro can produce a satisfactory U. S. Army. About 50 members Kalis regarding obtaining the pe- Milkman, 's Aim solution. ,. attended, including Fire Commis- tion, the BEACON called the for- sioner Michael-Kerestan. Commissioner Walker, } there- mer at his home for a statement. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Town- upon, declared he had made many Wife Insists on Taking Mr. Larson denied emphatically ship legislation "to help the middle- Menlo ParkS inspections pf the area and was Improvised School he had a petition but added, "I £lass home owner will be stressed fully aware of the sitaution. In Nixon, Washington Park Safety Car Wheel—A Mistake have been approached by many in the campaign platform of Rus- addition, he has held long.-confer- of my friends urging that I be- sell B. Milleman.of Stelton, inde- ences with the builder and was RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Presents Problems come a candidate for election this pendent, candidate for town com- promised in turn that steps would Needs Described to Commission What happens when a back- May. As for what my decision will missioner, he announced today. RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Work be taken to correct any deficien- seat driver actually takes the be, I am yet not certain. I may is nearing completion on construc- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Over- Mr. Milleman, who predicted the cies. RARITAN TOWNSHIP —Addi- wheej -was demonstrated here take out a petition, but I. am not school board referendum for a tion of an ambulance garage by Said Commissioner Walker: "We tional safety measures for both ers were reminded that a spur of over the weekend in' an auto crowded school conditions such at all sure Whether I will file it." $325,000 bond issue will attract members of Menlo Park First Aid are not interested in any factional the Pennsylvania -Railroad just accident, which police said, sent as the improvised kindergarten Since then, however, it is under- close to 6,000 voters in the munici- Squad on Route 27 next to the Nixon Park and Washington Park a woman driver to Perth Am- differences you residents might were asked of the town commis- outside the fenced area of the new class shown above during an aft- stood he Will be a candidate. pal election May 8, said that firehouse. boy Hospital with critical in- The building, a 24 by 28-foot have over these problems. We are sion Tuesday night by home- ernoon session in the auditorium The sudden, new turn -of events among other things, he will urge mainly interested in the immedi- Westinghouse plant is unprotected juries. extensive sidewalk improvements. cinder block structure with an ex- owners fearful of injury to play- and extends along the rear .bound- of Stelton Baptist Church here is in the political picture adds an ate correction of any violations!.