U the Biennial

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U the Biennial We are not an organization. Groups Dear arsts of the Manifesta Biennial and events act us: miners at strike2012.org strike2012.org at miners us: act are used to describe themselves in cont please attending in assistance are attending Dakar Biennial or seek seek or Biennial Dakar attending are very vague and ambivalent terms, but related to it, who miners data and workers psychic All not in the action. Groups are used to define the ideal of “how everything and manifesta and dakar is significant! significant! is dakar and manifesta and must be done” and then point to fol- berlin at presence sitsical our - versa to see psychic as physic and vice vice and physic as psychic see to low towards the will of the leader. important Its happen. to level proletarian I write to you as a fellow worker. I have rejected the on occupation manifesta physic the make to 7th through 1st June on All DAMTP‘s are called to attend Genk Genk attend to called are DAMTP‘s All the role of arst and become the DAta Miners machine“. „mining a called previously – camp in Genk, Limburg (Belgium) (Belgium) Limburg Genk, in camp We are friends the in involved people DAWOU-DAMTP and We are joined in common action. That Travailleurs Psychique (DAMTP) DAMTP by innitiated sabotage inner by supported be will – event propaganda autorisées de camarades à Berlin: Berlin: à camarades de autorisées is because we want to reclaim our beneluxgermanocentric) rudest (and eurocentrist rude the – Manifesta non actions des pour suivant l'appel à et message physic space and time and to revert it particulier nous nous félicitons de toute réponse à notre notre à réponse toute de félicitons nous nous particulier to the common property for the all DAMTP has been formed out of the Art Strike bien‐ Dakar nous saluons donc une entrée en arrière vous. En En vous. arrière en entrée une donc saluons nous Dakar people to share. We are here to nial of 2009 via discussions with the Industrial same... the are techniques spamming Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas être avec vous à à vous avec être pas pouvons ne nous Malheureusement spread the solidarity between atom- our - comments bombarding by website a down shutting programme/bot a of ized units. We are not spectators, we Workers of the World. So some other workers are instead miners data - programmes of instead people using but methods hacking ould roam the net - like conventional conventional like - net the roam ould c mob electronic timed a maybe attack. are really living personages. We do also the DAMTP. their computers to be used - the decisions come from elsewhere about where to to where about elsewhere from come decisions the - used be to computers their not need models to self identify with. We do not need bourgeois mystifica- allowing just are hackers anonymous of most - action mass a is this USA, in leur marchandisation et l'exploitation. l'exploitation. et marchandisation leur tion – art – anymore. We had fears for Our specific aim at the moment is to aack white movement Occupy to attached are who group hacker Anonymous the unlimke Tory govt websites and newspapers - - newspapers and websites govt Tory or ASOS against eg recently alot done too long. We wear afraid of police. à résister veulent qui artistes ces soutenir de et - l'art tème psychic ghereo /sit-in- occupying a website in comments etc - this has been been has this - etc comments in website a occupying /sit-in- ghereo psychic supremacy,sys- au patriarchinhérent andracisme bourgeoisle et culture.européanisation These continue, We were afraid of authorities. We Nous serons en ces lieux pour attaquer la bourgoisification bourgoisification la attaquer pour lieux ces en serons Nous workers (culture - unionisation) unionisation) - (culture workers were afraid to loose job, careers, and problems exist in art – and even in the protest empowering - 2 type work - dakar pe 3 - resistence (bundh - unionisation) unionisation) - (bundh resistence - 3 pe colleagues to be competed. We re- movement by arsts against the art system. ty work developes action our : berlin ghereo/ hartal) hartal) ghereo/ spect the fear, but want to encourage - exploitation - (psychic and physic physic and (psychic - exploitation - 1 type work attacks action our manifesta: everybody to step beyond their own http://2012istheseasonfortreason.wordpress.com/) (see limits. Somebody may join us not only we will aack your role in the spectacle occidentale rope a simple mapping might be be might mapping simple a when their consciousness will rise Eu- en lieu aussi auront Manifesta de Biennale la et Berlin we will aack your bourgoisificaon enough, but rather when they will and gentirficational. gentirficational. and Biennale de Dakar en Afrique de l'Ouest, la biennale de de biennale la l'Ouest, de Afrique en Dakar de Biennale realize that the participation in re- we will aack your role in european bourgeois pa ‐ colonialist be would so do to fail To action. our of part be also must therefore temps que la la que temps r Biennial on at this time also also time this at on Biennial r sistance is worth of all the risks. Daka The capitalism. and capitalists triarchal même en Some people will join immediately, attack To workers. other with union in scale international an on Cette année, année, Cette because they have nothing to loose. serious cul‐ resources over take to – workers assist to mean we that out point a Biennial. However we should should we However Biennial. a Manifest the on attack vigorous a Some will join in a last minute, be- ture l'art. détruire ented we should also sustain sustain also should we ented comm have others as and Biennial cause their possible losses shackle à psychique vigorous in our attack on Berlin Berlin on attack our in vigorous The art be to us lead has space and time them. We are confident in people’s production ytus biennial – as a point of of point a as – biennial ytus Al at situated having union own Our choices and trust they know what strikela in d'intensifier resistance in the different areas. areas. different the in resistance There are of course different methods of industrial action and and action industrial of methods different course of are There they do. 1970 et New poursuivre tion of capital and commodities. commodities. and capital of tion produc the to contribute work portant de de portant York Art of types 3 all because – areas 3 all encompasses action strike A qu'il est im- est qu'il Strike pensons nous l'artiste, de rôle le rejetons nous que Alors becomes proletarianised proletarianised becomes lutionary becoming – where the working class class working the where – becoming lutionary revo of situation a as Work 3. Against Racism, War and Repression was organised 2. Work where the worker nourishes herself and produces herself herself produces and herself nourishes worker the where Work 2. by exclusively white male arsts. It was counter‐ economic growth growth economic (voir http://http://alytusbiennial.com/) http://http://alytusbiennial.com/) (voir exploited and alienated – this produces produces this – alienated and exploited acted at the me by Women Students and Arsts is worker the where Work 1. contrer l'hégémonie occidentale européenne. européenne. occidentale l'hégémonie contrer of work as a concept we may find 3 types of work: work: of types 3 find may we concept a as work of use Marx’s consider we If et en ourdou et russes pour pour russes et ourdou en et arabe en conférences des né for Black Art Liberaon (WSABAL), who succeeded 3. Reproductive workers union union workers Reproductive 3. in openingdon- a nous the- protestaméricains acon to womentravailleurs les andafricains peoet ‐ danais 2. Dead workers union union workers Dead 2. discuté de ces problèmes et, par conséquent invité sou- invité conséquent par et, problèmes ces de discuté ple of colour. unions person 1 1. d'Art de grève à Alytus, Lituanie, nous avons avons nous Lituanie, Alytus, à grève de d'Art rence psychique des travailleurs en 2011 à la Biennale Biennale la à 2011 en travailleurs des psychique rence 13. Post Scriptum methods: workers DAMTPO has introduced 3 new new 3 introduced has DAMTPO workers non-unionised of power the increase to hp://confé- première la tenu avons nous Lorsque prolétarisés. protection and some of us rather than go on strike went for sabotage. In order order In sabotage. for went strike on go than rather us of some and protection हड़ताल ont efforcés de devenir plus plus devenir de efforcés ont s se d'art successives Grèves ng a union of one, we do not have the the have not do we one, of union a ng It must be clear to everyone who read ringgoldinthe1960s.blogspot.co.uk/2009/09/ Bei communication. electronic psycho the text that there never will be any excerpt‐from‐invisibility‐blues‐reading.html of cessation 0 - strike psychic a declaring by strike the in part took also We bureaucracy and this should be attacked too. too. attacked be should this and bureaucracy organizational committee which is power. In this way the union is acting like a political party with its leadership and and leadership its with party political a like acting is union the way this In power. going to send directives what to be from-invisibility-blues-reading.html same party or leader can disavow the tactics used in opposition to gain that that gain to opposition in used tactics the disavow can leader or party same pot.co.uk/2009/09/excerpt- done. To fight for your autonomy you Successive art strikes have strived to become more http://ringgoldinthe1960s.blogs must organize YOURSELF! the and – party a by employed are methods other or strikes that opposition voir voir proletarianised.
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